I never get the whole "it made sense at the beginning" schtick.

Shouldn't we have gone the other way?

Why is it that SARS and ebola and avian flu etc all just disappeared into the ether?

Clearly the narrative made no sense. We should have asked ourselves whether any epidemic was indeed a real phenomenon (as in contagious disease) or whether they were simply a function of panic and dangerous medical treatments given to some people which were then blamed on a virus.

Of course, I already knew the answer but I never got why more people refused to question it.

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Where I was (in U.K.) I was knocked over & called a conspiracy theorist even for asking why we’d dropped our finely honed pandemic preparedness plans & adopted this pile of pants in lieu of a proper response.

I had simply quoted our own plans which assumed a 10X more severe health threat as well as WHO guidelines.

Neither included masking, contact tracing, border closures. Quarantining the healthy (aka lockdowns), mass testing & more.

The only thing which was in the old plans worldwide was quarantining the sick & even that was voluntary. Oh, and hand washing because that’s helped in the past.

But that was it. Nothing else needed. By anyone, ever.

So when I asked why we’re doing things for which there was no evidence whatsoever & more frightening yet, why we were ALL DOING THE SAME THINGS, all around the world, scared the crap out of me.

We had “3 weeks to flatten the curve” turn into 12 weeks. I knew we were in terminal trouble the day we deviated from Sweden. And in the late summer when I noticed the media stopped talking about deaths & substituted “cases”, that’s when I went after PCR testing. That’s never been done in ways that makes the results trustworthy.

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Initially, we didn't know much, but learned prognosticators predicted millions dead just in US. problems came when time passed, and we learned more, they continued treating this routine virus as if it was still a dire threat. It developed into a political tactic to swing the election (it worked -- looking forward to Alex's chapter on that), but continued as a means to distract the ignorant and possibly retain power for the most incompetent government ever assembled in America. Maybe we'll recover. Probably not for a while.

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Those "learned prognosticators" had been wrong about literally everything their whole lives.

Why do we even have public health bureaucrats anyway?

Healthcare spending started exploding post 1950 and is now four times what it was as a per cent of GDP in that year. Real spending today is around 7 fold. So let's have a look at what our glorious health "experts" have given us with that money.

In 1950, childhood disability rates were one tenth of what they are today and adult disability rates were one fifth (US census data).

Life expectancy trends were improving faster in the period *before* 1950 than in the period after - despite two world wars.

All in all, we spend astronomically more money and get astronomically less outcomes than before health "experts" had any real influence.

With the possible exception of imprisoning every left wing journalists, I doubt any politician could propose a more helpful policy than imprisoning every health bureaucrat

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The medical industry is sometimes useful. The trick is knowing when they get it right, and when they're guessing. Or corrupt. The real problem is politicians who don't know the difference, or don't care.

Journalists are also sometimes useful, or not. Prisons are expensive. Better to ignore the flacks, let them find other ways to make a living. I don't want to pay for their support. World is full of assholes. Plenty of opportunities for them. The real problem is some of their readers don't know the difference, or don't care.

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When I say "imprison" that's just a euphemism.

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Agree with all you said. Not to change subject, I think EDUCATION has been 'screwed' up much worse than health issues by government.

I think (very deliberately, IMO) the damage to our government, and our way of life, even the EXISTENCE of the US is deeply affected by the FAILURE of our educational system for MOST Americans.

And the MONEY spent/wasted truly is staggering


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I was watching people similar to some on these posts showing it would top out at 1500....then it was gone in August of 2020. We are going on 700k dead. Most.of the projections were lower. If we never had the vaccine and with how bad Delta is, those highest predictions don't look at far off. Rewriting history with nearly 700k dead and 2k more a day is crazy. Here is a prediction. The highest cause.of death for unvaccinated people in the US over the next 6 months will be coronavirus. Hope I'm wrong but De!take looking that bad.

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We'll never know what the mortality would have been without the vax. Since it's proving marginally effective, maybe not much different. It's looking like all cause mortality year over year are about normal, so it's not clear the virus killed many WITH the vax who wouldn't have died anyway, around 3 million every year. The worst problem is the statistics are KNOWN to be inaccurate. We'll have to wait a while for more sophisticated analysis to get a clearer picture of what actually happened.

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You are right. Excess deaths tell the story of whether covid has REALLY killed all these people. These people, in large amounts, were going to die anyway. What COULD have saved MANY people would be EARLY TREATMENT. It's generally accepted (not by Fauci and others, though) about 85% of the hospitalizations (and related deaths) would have been avoided with a number of drugs in EARLY TREATMENT.

And the change of emphasis by Big Media (and Fauci) from deaths to cases, was a deliberate (successful) effort to continue the fear and to RAISE fear if possible.

The standard of 35 cycles (or greater) used in PCR testing ENSURED 70-90% false positives.

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We are nearing 700k deaths....narrative should be hosptializations and deaths, not cases. There is compelling positive data for the vaccine. We should continue developing treatments as well. Never saw as either or and never understood why people would. UK study in December should be interesting.

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Absolutely the case count is a fraud. Most are minor cases. Most hospitalizations too. And most deaths are preventable with competent early care, which is forbidden in most cases, allowed when "hospitalized" in a few treatments. Prescribing a few generic pills is not profitable. Hospitalization to prescribe patent neds is the money maker. Very corrupt system.

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We have to be careful of the unreliable data feeding all those statistics. The triage mode early in the panic corrupted a lot of the diagnoses, and the ensuing politics and perverse financial incentives corrupted it further. Flu and pneumonia, for example, have apparently disappeared. Highly unlikely.

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504k more people died in US in 2020 than any year in US history. There were waves of total deaths that exceeded waves of total deaths. The vaccines are order of magnitude effective against outcome. Here is a challenge. Pick a state you.trust....I can show you this weekend their total.deaths in 2020 vs previous 5 years and vaccine effectiveness by normalizing and breaking into age range. That's how compelling the data is..you pick at random...I have done data analysis for 30 years and rarely have so good of a signal to noise ratio that I can take this approach. What state? Will get back to you Saturday . Or all US of you want...just see some hugely disgusting of federal data but trusting some.red states and this approach has been marginally effective

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Maybe. No 2020 stats have been audited yet. I'll wait for more reliable analysis, but meanwhile we can take comfort in knowing any differences from normal was small. Likely to be even smaller fot 2021.

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Total death is done at a state level. I just said pick any state. There were 504k more.deaths ever in US than any year in history. I can show you in any state from state data. I have charted in many states and countries. You are trying not to see if you don't see.this. It has been a while since someone made.this argument ....it is to easy to refute. Pick a couple state and they all will show it.March Is Alex saying this?

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No. Look at the data. 2+2=4. 504k more total deaths in 2020 than any year in US history. No opinions. Let us compare data. Thanks

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You need to read a little more on the subject, IMO. The day before Biden announced we were rejoining the WHO, Tedros announced they were changing the standards of the PCR testing and reducing the # of cycles. Coincidence? No 'coincidences' in politics.

70-90% of testing previous to this change, were FALSE POSITIVES.

Delta is NOT worse. It may be more contagious, but outcomes are generally better. Delta was CREATED by reliance on LEAKY VACCINES, and the COMPLETE REFUSAL to treat patients, until they came to the hospital ALMOST DEAD.

This isn't even CONTROVERSIAL, evolutionary pressure has LONG been known to do similar things.

I bet THIS was deliberate too, to create a PERMANENT market for covid. TRILLIONS have and will continue to be spent.

People will continue to be injured (and die) from the untested 'vaccines', which is becoming clear, NO LONGER WORK (if they ever did). The people that NEED the 'vaccine' are old, and have an average of 2.6 COMORBIDITIES. People in reasonable health, NOT diabetic, NOT hypertensive, NOT w/ multiple comorbidities DO NOT BENEFIT from the 'vaccines'.

All knowledge isn't 'in' yet, but that is what the UK and Israel is telling us.

BTW, 'projections' were MUCH higher. See Ferguson and the Imperial College in UK for some horrifying projections.

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504k more total.deaths in 2020 than any year in US history. Do you agree that is accurate data?

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No I don't, and you know why? Because after people noticed that excess deaths were NOT higher than any other year, guess who immediately comes out and try to say there is? MSM, and now some people believe it.

Their lies are so clumsy and automatic, but they have tons of people believing it.

My fixation with Fauci begins with him knowing (we know via his published emails) that hydroxychloroquinine WORKS. That's fucking evil in my book.

He also CLEARLY lied when he said he didn't fund biological warfare (he denied funding 'gain of function') when it's obvious he did.

Fauci owns HALF the patents on covid. He's the highest paid federal worker, how does he get patents when the government did all the research?

Fauci is a Machiavellian SNAKE, who wanted to make as much money as possible for him and his friends that he LIED about treatment. He is responsible for MILLIONS of deaths.

And that's not counting his responsibility for funding 'gain of function' and transferring the technology to our greatest enemy (who is currently threatening Australia with nuclear oblivion)

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We are on a substack. We should talk data. There were 504k more.deaths in 2020 than any year in US history. That happened in multiple countries where covid hit hard. You saw misinformation that really hasn't been out there much for 6 months plus since its.so easy to show as BS. For the country or pick a few states and I'll show the total death raw data of it back 5 years. Anyone? Lets start on that and nail it down....then whichever one of us is wrong can assess what other items they are being fed. Total death is a state tracked data. Pick some states you trust for 2020 total death data. If you trust no single state with total death data from 2020 and before, that would be a bit paranoid. By having you pick, I can't cherrypick.....lets do this!

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Maybe. Sometimes we give bad people too much credit. Criminals are never particularly smart, else they wouldn't need to be criminals. Seems more likely the early estimates were just mistakes, those mistakes magnified opportunistically by a bevy of troublemakers, latched onto by multitudes of stupid people, always eager to feel that rush of fear that is the only real emotion in their sad, solitary lives. In a perfect storm of fear and stupidity, we do these things to ourselves.

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Could be. But why haven't the mistakes been corrected? Why didn't the media publicize that the IFR was so much lower than originally stated for example?

The media runs on fear. They're always going to push that narrative. That I get.

But I wonder if there is more to it than that. Just wondering. I don't have answers or even solid guesses to what's going on. I just know that there is something very wrong going on.

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There is certainly more going on than has been made public. We'll find out eventually. Media caters to their base, which these days is mostly democrats.

Those who want more honest media are finding other sources than traditional news outlets, most of which have been provably corrupted. If they stop getting subscribers, they will fail, or find new subscribers and try to cater to their needs. Eventually they'll figure just reporting honest news attracts the biggest audience. Until then, corrupt propaganda pays.

Mistakes are corrected as fast as subscribers demand. Apparently they're not in a hurry. We do these things to ourselves. Tell everybody you meet they're being manipulated. Eventually they'll figure it out, and fix the mistakes.

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We are at 6.06 billion vaccine shots given worldwide. You are being manipulated to be anti vaccine by people using Nirvana fallacy and Simpson's paradox.

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The plandemic was very deliberately used to make BIG money for the people manipulating it.

Not only was the media ONLY trying to spread fear, the media deliberately used the pandemic to BRING down Trump. Now we have this IDIOT, Biden, who is trying to BRING DOWN the US in a short period. Biden was paid by China, and whether he is STILL being paid needs to be investigated. His son, among MANY other frauds, collected 1.5 BILLION from the Chinese for his 'hedge fund'! Wonder how that is doing, maybe not all that well (I have no idea, but return on investment I'm sure is WAY down on Hunter's list of what to use the hedge fund for)

It's just too bad right now we DO NOT have a FBI, we have a political entity who only supports ONE PARTY, only INVESTIGATES ONE PARTY, and doesn't follow laws, and frequently FRAMES PEOPLE.

We have a organization trying to become the next NKVD or KGB.

We have the audit report coming out today, I expect it will show that Biden DIDNT win Arizona. The media is STILL LYING to you regarding almost EVERYTHING about the plandemic.

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I agree that has caused the vaccine hesitancy. We also need to teach more statistics in schools even a high school class would allow people to.see the order of magnitude benefit of the vaccine in reducing severe outcome.

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NOT for everybody! Kids have a 50X greater chance of DEATH from the VACCINE, than they have from dying from covid.

And the VAERS was very infrequently used (deliberately).

And the total (deliberate) BLINDNESS in refusing to TREAT-we have MANY DRUGS that treat covid. MILLIONS died UNNECESSARILY.

Millions died a painful, lingering death because politicians (and doctors who we SHOULD have been able to TRUST) TOTALLY emphasized vaccines ('leaky' ones that CREATED the covid variants) and let EVERYBODY DIE for POLITICAL ADVANTAGE.


It's MURDER! Of people they didn't even KNOW (or care about)

Emails PROVE Fauci KNEW that hydroxychloroquinine WORKED, but he LIED to EVERYBODY.

People all over the globe (many countries RESPECT the CDC and NHID) died so Fauci (and 'friends') could make more money.

Fauci needs DEEP investigation, we need to know ALL of his connections, laws should be enforced, and this guy needs to be made an EXAMPLE of what a government should NEVER do again.

Fauci needs to be brought DOWN, for his LIE that no lifesaving drugs were able to be used.

Talk about a REVERSE Hippocratic oath!

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What I do not understand about VAERs was if there were zero negative.effects how the numbers by random chance wouldn't be higher.

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I GET that. "Never ascribe to evil that which could be ascribed to human stupidity"

However, Fauci ISN'T stupid. Francis ISN'T stupid. Machiavellian, but not stupid. VERY Machiavellian.

Fauci owns HALF of the patents on the virus/vaccine. HALF! How does the highest paid Federal worker in the US ALSO get patent rights, when the GOVERNMENT paid for all the research?

This ENTIRE 'plandemic' needs to go under the microscope, and the laws that were broken-they need to be enforced THIS TIME NOT 'next time'.

In an advanced society, in a FREE society, everybody needs to follow the same laws, and enforcement needs to be CONSISTENT for BOTH sides, not just the party in power.

Good work if you can get it!

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Criminals are always stupid. That's why they're criminals. Some criminals are good at their job and appear smart in that context, but thinking they can get away with it is stupid. I predict prosecution, but inevitable public shaming is equal punishment for narcissists. To quote Billy Ray Valentine, the best punishment for rich people is to make them poor people.

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6.1 billion covid vaccine shots given worldwide. Why the Fauci fixation? Trump says vaccine is saving the country and frankly the world. Trump is right about the world but misinformation like Alex's has slowed down the US. I don't like government overreach so not for criminal prosecution. I do expect more people to speak out when they see Alex post incorrect information

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World is at 6.1 billion shots. Not understanding fixation with Fauci. The only thing odd with vaccines in US were how far we are behind with 389 million shots.

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Look at the number of people who don’t question the official 9/11 story. When you point out that the towers pancaked in their footprints or that Building 7 wasn’t het by a plane they look at you like you have two heads.

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Then compare what pounds and pounds of explosives parked in a truck in the 90's did to the building. Steel doesn't melt at those temps confirmed by NISA and Silverstein said, "Pull it, let's pull it" in regards to WTC7

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Steel doesn't have to melt, in order to lose much/most of it's strength and fail in highly stressed conditions. No one every considered the possibility of a airplane with HOW many tons of fuel, being used to target the WTC.

I understand they spray insulation on the I beams now.

I am sure that much was 'covered up' though, maybe we will never know the extent of the suppression of information regarding 9/11.

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Or ... the fact that there was nothing but a smoking hole in that field in Pennsylvania. Where did the plane go? They saw that footage and didn't think twice about it. Oh it "vaporized on impact" ... man. So crazy.

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Agree 100%. I remember that and thinking the Pentagon "wreckage" issue was very, very odd. Never did much research until recently - and now? Now I cannot believe I didn't question how a WHOLE entire plane would cut thru steel like butter and dissolve into a steel/concrete building designed to have such action during construction.

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I haven't really looked at the data here. Just curious ...are the vaccine deniers the 911 deniers....is.that what people on this site believe?

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I'm here to connect with open-minded, critical thinking people. Why are you here?

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To share data. Not on 911...haven't researched it. I can show that.the vaccine is.reducing severe outcome an order of magnitude in any country or.state you name...I'll send the raw data normalized for population and broken into age range. I'm assuming sharing data on a sub stack is.OK? Israel is it 719 severe cases of which near 70% have never had a vaccine shot. Given the % of population vaccinated and the fact the 85% of.the unvaccinated are under 50, that is an amazing stat. One that is amazing that I just saw.is the 40% of.the cases in Israel are now 11 and under....not many are serious but its.driving their positivity to 5%. I need to see.that stat.longer since could be they are just testing a ton of kids right now. Pick a country or a state and this weekend and I will send you raw data analysis...have yet to do this and not have vaccine show an order.of.magnitude benefit on outcome

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As of a month ago, depending on which source you're looking at,

50-60% of hospitalized cases in Israel were among people who were fully vaccinated. It flipped 20-30% the other way in the span of 30days? If the chief problem is supposed to be among the unvaccinated, why is their gov't pushing 3rd and 4th shots for those already fully vaccinated? Cases don't mean much in the grand context, since the vaccine does not stop infection or transmission. Severe cases hold more impact.

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When you go into a population of 50+ that is 95% vaccinated and we drop from 20 times to 10 times as effective, that's a big huge deal. Israel saw that and got 30% of population with 3rd show and got.them back to 20 to 1. For oldest started July 1st and hugely can see the change in severe hosptializations.

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Two types of people in world, those that over generalize, and those that don't. Maybe that's an over generalization?

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Just trying to get a read on the new crowd or remaining crowd now that Alex makes people pay to post sometime. People like bikerchick..and there were others though can't remember theirnames used to do decent analysis and did a good job showing how the 99.9% numbers were not normalized and were creating Nirvana fallacy. If we are with 911 deniers that is probably a different crowd. Good way the skew your comment section is to shift the population of comments to people who would be willing to pay...

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I remember hearing a report out of Great Britain stating that the elderly would have to quarantine for about 6 months. I thought that was crazy. I now think that would have been the perfect plan. Suddenly, everything changes…. Long term lock downs, forced vaccination, elite’s ability to live normal life while the rest suffers.

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That was always the more accurate approach..if the goal is the health and safety of the populace. I think it's clear by now to any unbiased observer, that this is and almost certainly, was never the case.

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More people did question the narratives. Even while many questions lacked answers, many were reluctant to the politicians willingness of impregnations with the monster. As the embryo continued its hideous growth, hate-orange-man was a big nourishment; visions of Control by fear, Mandates began to form. Followed by the vision of profit by false remedies and the betrayal of RINO politicians who sold their cojones to the highest paying lobbyist to hail the miracle cure. The monster grew and grew; now untamed. Looking at the events in Australia if fear for our Republic (watching 2022 so far away for WE THE PEOPLE voting the trash out.)

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Trump said recently the vaccine was saving the country and frankly the world. The GOP position is essentially that vaccines are safe and effective and you are an idiot not to take one but they protest your right to be an idiot..as they should ...we don't like government overreach. Trump warned you about deranged anti covid vaccine pseudoscience.

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So right. For one thing ... one huge thing ... "we" have known for many _decades_ that sufficiency quantity&frequency of vitamin C will obliterate any virus -- it has been proven over and over ... but few people know this. Same business as we are now seeing with eye-ver-meck-tinnn -- it's too good and effective and cheap, therefore must bash it instead of encourage its healing use. For further insights about vit C and virus, read the Orthomolecular News Service. And read papers by Cathcart.

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I think we did question the narrative. However bureaucracy and fear mongering here in Canada perpetrated confusion, division and now, this insane 'jab', not to mention the required "passport" to conduct most business.

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You will get.cases but much fewer deaths because Canada did a really nice job getting vaccinations up. Remember to normalize.to population and break into.age ranges, you are high enough there that it.is needed to see now much benefit you are getting

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Our largest state, California, has a bigger population than Canada. 39 million to Canada's 38 million. There should be no reason for Canada to not do a good job vaccinating.

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There should be no reason for US not to 70% of Canada population fully vaccinated vs 55% for US. 94% of 70 and older fully vaccinated in Canada. Less troll farms in China and Russia trying to drive vaccine hesitancy in Canada than US.

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I also saw the sham from Day 1. The data from Italy and the guy scissoring his legs on the street made it obvious.


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YES! I did not believe it from the beginning. It seemed so obviously overblown ... like the three you mentioned, SARS, ebola and avian flu.

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Near 700k dead not enough? Its like 230 911s of death. 14x the casualties from US in Vietnam. We are going up 2k deaths a day and winter is coming so hopefully it never gets to a point you think it isn't overblown...

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I love your stuff. I'm a paid Substack subscriber but don't think I'll buy the book. I think I know most of the content.

More importantly, I keep many of the books I read on bookshelves in the living space of my house. The last 18 months has been such a NIGHTMARE that, if it ever ends, I don't to walk by that shelf and see any reminder of it.

I hope you understand. And thanks for Substacking. And tweeting. Kept me from stepping in front of a train to know there were others who saw the scam. I saw it from Day 1.


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Well perhaps we who've followed Alex for eons may know what's in the book, theoretically but I will share with others! And hardcovers are more durable for that purpose. 😀

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I'm afraid the real nightmare it yet to come.

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Please be more specific.

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Amazon only? For real? C’mon man! I hate giving them money.

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I bought two at Barnes and Noble. I refuse to click on amazon...

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I only order from Amazon if I absolutely have no other choice. If it’s for sale at b&n ill go cancel my preorder with the BORG and order from n&n instead. Thank you for mentioning that!

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Yeah, I won't.

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I just assumed that it was the ONLY place that I could get Alex's book from. I wonder if he makes better royalties from Amazon than BN? Whatever. I've cancelled my preorder on Amazon and have placed the order with BN. Thank you guys for pointing that out.

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Ordered the hard copy in advance - knowledge is power. Keep it up Alex

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Where ?

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As a retired public health nurse, I can't even begin to tell you the whole COVID mitigation from the lock downs, to quarantine, social distancing, to masks, then the mask/vaccine mandates went totally against the grain of medical science I learned. I knew from the beginning it was pure politics. Its all about power and control. I disliked Fauci from the beginning when he said the lockdowns to slow the spread is "only a minor inconvenience". Our local paper is filled with hateful letters to the editor on how the unvaccinated are the existential threat to society. When did people become so lazy that they swallow all the media, political, corporate garbage? A few of us kept up the research, like reading Alex Berenson's booklets on COVID. Thank God we have people like Alex who are curious and report the facts. We need more diverse dialogue and a lot less censorship. This divisiveness is worse than the virus itself.

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Janis, I am in lockstep with your comment here. Alex appeared in our house with his book on the dangers of marijuana use...sorry can't recall name. 🙄 we shared with our kids who are raising teens. His methods always seem to include "reputable" sources along with layman's language. Then the booklet advent which I've shared with our employees and neighbors alike.

In our locale presently a grassroots group of rather militant minds is forming accommodating anyone and everyone who has rejected j.a.b. Sounds like a mini "Jim Jones" type off grid existence promised when the "j.a.b.e.d all die off"....... sadly many are following and spending $$$ they don't have on some utopia......under the "radar" with, as Janis says, a divisiveness worse than the elusive virus itself.

Alex, thank you for "substacking". Twitter is boring without you!!

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I'm done with Amazon. Do you have alternate purchasing avenues? Just recieved all four of your books and promised myself never again will I use Amazon (unless our republic collapses, I will then max out 14k and default). Anyone know?

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I wil add, great date to release, my birthday. Now, hook up us Amazon reluctant consumers. Thanx

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Oh! How can we possibly get a signed copy?

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Become a founding member of this substack and receive a free signed copy

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Become a founding member of this substack and receive a free signed copy

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What? (just kidding.)

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Can't wait to read it! The early teaser had me LOLing about Cuomo, but I'm sure to be crying by the end of that chapter as you cover his most heinous crime against the elderly and vulnerable. Truly despicable. I can't even call him a human being...Narcissist is about the best I can muster. ughh! But, still can't wait to read it, Alex! Thank you!

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You had me " At the beginning, the very beginning"

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Apocalypse Not 😂👏 Ordered mine months ago. Can’t wait!

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BRING IT ON ALEX!!! You're like a King David in our day fighting a medically tyrannical Goliath!!! You're brilliantly insightful and delightful to read...we need you.

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This is better than the Twitter feed. And that is saying A LOT !!!

Thank you Alex 🙏🏼 You almost saved us

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"...almost saved"

He's not done yet.

Whatever you do, do not give up hope.

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It is late in the game, and the tide of mandates may be difficult to navigate going forward. Comm Air travel would be devastating. I anticipate full airing of the errors eventually....but like Afghanistan we may not see that for 20 years

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Ordered indeed. The boy knows how to write! Besides that he's on the money.

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I never bought into the whole thing from the beginning. I saw it for what it was. Get Trump out and then put the boot on the neck of the people. I remember telling a guy I knew that I ran into at the grocery store when the whole madness started that it was a media hyped hysteria. The sad thing is that hardly anyone questioned what was happening. Thankfully I had a couple of friends that were like minded so we were able to keep our sanity as the entire world went mad. Now it’s morphed into vaccine hysteria. It’s like living in a Twilight Zone episode on steroids.

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Trump said.the vaccine is saving the country and frankly the world. The world is at 6 billion shots so he is right there. The country was running warp.speed until.April until someone tripped it up.with misinformation

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I had the same experience. Right from the beginning it all seemed so obviously overblown, if not completely fake. I thought everyone I knew would see it too. But they didn't and that SHOCKED me. Luckily a few of my friends have come around.

But how could EVERYONE not see that its' all a sham at this point?

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From the millions dead...approaching 700k in the US.....and the hospitals.filing with covid patients...last surge.got to 17,400 recently in Florida. What world.are.you on that you'd have this level of worldwide data and call it a sham. Pick any state and I can show you both state total death data as well as vaccine efficiency data.

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Florida is 56% "fully" vaxxed. US average is 55.5%.

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Florida has done great work the last 8 weeks with getting vaccinations up. Also , Florida is almost 4 years older than average US age and age is a huge factor in severe outcome

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Out of 680,000 U.S. deaths, 511,000 were in age groups 65 and older. The elderly and unhealthy have been at highest risk all along.

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At one point, we were at 83% 65+. Its down to 75% and dropping. Higher age ranges have higher vax %'s which drop average age down. Its hard to know if vax is only reason or if Delta targets lower. We will know in a few months

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I pre-ordered! Thank you for all you do. You're directly responsible for my sanity.

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This will be SO good!!

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Honestly, this would make for a great conversation piece/holiday gift for your vaxxed family members who don't get it. As if it won't be awkward enough, when you're together with your family over the holidays, this should really get things rolling.

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How fast America has become Venezuela and Soviet like with CNN Fauci and Collins at the Wheel for the past 2 years .

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Unfortunately, it has been years in the making. We just didn't see it. Too busy living very good lives, not holding our civil servants accountable, not teaching our next generations the responsibility that freedom is not free.

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Yes , we all have learned a lot in the Past few years. This woke agenda and these Public schools are teaching CRT. Biden, is getting worse by the day. If he Makes it to the Holiday season I will be very surprised. Nothing is free in Life it never was and never will be. The walls are closing in on HRC , you can hide from the truth for so long. Fauci and Collins did everything they could to divert attention from HRC , and that has failed as well we all can see with the investigation.

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Great response, truth.

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Appetite whetted.

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Thank you for your courage and for standing up for truth. Pre-ordered your book ASAP before Warren tries to burn it.

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I can’t wait but have not given a dime to Amazon since they de-platformed Parlor and I’m making no exceptions. Can it be purchased elsewhere?

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I believe others have mentioned Barnes and Noble.

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Good one! I bought the 4 pamphlets in paperback on B and N. If I can preorder there I will cancel my hard copy of Pandemia on Amazon

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Hard copy ordered. I'm expecting a lot of censorship in the months to come and sharing information is easier this way.

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Ordered. When will the movie come out?

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I ordered it last month. Looks great... I can hardly wait to get it in my hands!

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I ordered the minute I saw your note ! By golly, I hope they realize there are folks who are not liking their communistic ploys !!! KEEP FIGHTING good and faithful servant ! You have a follower in me ….. and THANKS !!!!!

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Hi Alex, looks good and I will pre-order. As much as I don’t want Amazon to ban your books, is it available for pre-order from a more right leaning bookstore? I think we are at the point where having a parallel economy is going to be necessary plus it may bring much needed jobs for us outcasts! Let us know. Thanks in advance!

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#1 on Amazon!!!! Awesome!

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I trust you'll devote space to therapeutics suppression.

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I hope you're also doing an audio version.

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Thanks for truth and trust. Just ordered mine now! Keep writing...always look forward to your emails.

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Looks good - pre ordering tomorrow!

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You should just put it online charge us let us pay you cut out the middleman

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I pre-ordered a while back. Looking forward to it.

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Ordered the pre-order and other two books. Thanks Alex.

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As the gov’t kept and keeps spending all of our and our children’s money…

Alex I know this will be a great success!

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Looking forward to Chapter 17…🤣

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Pre-ordered this today. Thanks for all you do Alex in helping make sense of these insane 18 months.

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Alex has made.some of his other posts only allow.comments to paying subscribers. Alex uses something called Simpson's paradox when showing data. Israel today has 65% of their severe cases from the 17% of people that are.eligible and unvaccinated. 85% in most severe cases. Israel tests a.ton. there positivity rate is at 5% which is much higher than it was months ago but there last testing had 40% of cases in kids under 11 (very few severe). Now Alex has a post showing you thast nursing home issues are mostly in vaccinated. If you go into a population that is 95+% vaccinated of course....vaccine gives order of magnitude protection but people saying you can not get it, are.just as.went as Alex. As the world hits 6.06 billion shots and US stumbles to 388 million, be careful....Trump is right to warn you about deranged antivax.pseudoscience

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Can anyone direct me to an authoritative source on the general argument that hospitals received extra funding or reimbursement or whatever to classify cases as the covid? Thanks!

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Alex, I'm so proud of you and others for your truthful reporting of facts!

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Ordering today!

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Just pre-ordered. Good “tease”- it made me act!

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And my husband just pre-ordered it for his parents!

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Just ordered it! Keep up the good work!

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If only this was a work of fiction I could enjoy it. Looking back should have bought my "I will not comply" t-shirt sooner.

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Pre-ordered a month ago.

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Chomping at the bit!

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Ordered our copy this morning!

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