But the mRNA shots seem to have turned my menstrual cycle upside down. Not that I wouldn’t get jabbed again. I would, of course I would. Science!
The question Katy Stoll should be asking herself - among many others - is why. Why on earth would I take this novel biotechnology again? Why did I agree to take it in the first place?
Stoll is a 37-year-old woman who is not morbidly obese. Thus she is at roughly zero risk of death or even serious complications from Covid. Her worst-case would realistically be a day or two in the hospital, and even that is unlikely.
What have we - and by we I mean the mRNA vaccine fanatics - done?
And what will it take for the people we’ve done it to to get angry and demand answers?
Fighting for people who are too deep in their own cognitive dissonance to fight for themselves is exhausting. I mean, I’m not going to stop, they deserve the truth even if they are afraid to ask for it, but it is exhausting.
This isn't intended as coming across anti-moron in any way, but I'm wondering if allowing yourself to be experimented on by big pharma with an unproven gene therapy that seems to have horrific side effects (including death and permanent injury) and doesn't really do much to protect you from Corona-cold is wise. Will pray for your senses to return.
The lies they have to tell themselves in order to be comfortable with the decision. My favorite is: "But the vaccines prevent severe illness and death"
That seems to be the ultimate fallback position for those who have been harmed by the vaccines and/or keep getting the virus. It's like the joke about the guy spraying elephant repellent around his yard. The neighbor tells him that there are no elephants around here. See, the guy says - it works!
My friend was essentially pushed into the Pfizer vax by his wife. Among the first to get it they had no problems (?so much so I think they may have been in the placebo group ) but last month they got the first booster and since then my friend had been in constant arthritic pain and his wife is complaining because he is always 'grumpy'. I wonder how many relationships are in trouble b/c it was not really a mutual decision
When my husband went behind my back to get his J&J shot (despite all my warnings, with scientific evidence, not to), it almost destroyed our marriage. I told him the level of betrayal I felt was akin to him cheating on me. Fortunately, with even more data, I convinced him to not get boosted. But that betrayal will always be there.
It is sad that you think it was/is a betrayal. The betrayal would be if he forced YOU to get vaxxed. People need to be free to do what they need to do for THEMSELVES. "Be together. . . but let there be spaces in your togetherness. . . . for the pillars of the temple stand apart and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow." from 'The Prophet' by Khalil Gibran
He went behind her back and got an experimental injection. If the injection injured him, that would significantly affect her life. It is 100% a betrayal. He didn’t need her approval to get the shot, but she had the right to know what he was going to do BEFORE he did it.
Yes, thank you for recognizing that. It's like that 'Minor Consent' bill passed by the mayor of DC, allowing children as young as 11 to go behind their parents' back and get the shot (AND the healthcare providers and insurance companies were required to fudge the child's medical records to hide it from the parents)! Absolutely unconscionable!! Thank goodness the court recently issued an injunction against it (thanks to RFK Jr and Children's Health Defense)!
Actually, we're both right. ICAN funded the lawsuit, while CHD litigated it. Which isn't surprising, since both organizations often work together (and are equally awesome). Here's more on it.
Let me be more clear. The betrayal was not getting the shot. I had asked him prior to his decision, to give me a heads up if/when he was considering getting it, so we could further discuss it. The betrayal was going behind my back.
I would feel afraid to have sex with a boosted person. I stand away from the ppl I know are boosted like they have a virus, b/c of the potential shedding. I know a couple, mid 60''s no kids, he...the engineer got all the shots and she's been pissed and fearful for him ever since.
Let's just say for about 6 months afterward, abstinence was introduced into our relationship for the first time in our 25 years together, until I felt relatively safe again. I was fearful for me. I was fearful for him. I was fearful for us. What's even sadder is knowing how many other couples must've gone through a similar experience. For this (and many other reasons!) I hate those who perpetrated this whole scamdemic with a fury like nothing I've ever felt before.
Yes! Thank you. I am in a similar situation. I also feel betrayed. I have felt like I have been going crazy for almost a year. Maybe I am being unfair, but I just can’t understand why he got an experimental treatment without telling me and signing away any and all liability for any possible side effect or death. I did feel worse than if he had cheated on me. He still doesn’t get it. We don’t have to agree on everything, but this is a big deal. I am also very worried about future side effects. Something is very wrong here. I am trying very hard to move past it. Thinking about it makes me physically ill. But, it can’t be undone. So, I will continue to pray for him and all the other people who are jabbed. And for me to forgive it. I am not glad that this happened to you, but thank you for sharing. I feel a little less alone.
Likewise, thank you for sharing your story, as well. {{hugs}} In the months that followed, I tried to make sense of my hub's actions, and came up with 2 things: a) he was brainwashed by the 24/7 mainstream media narrative (because he STILL for some ungodly reason trusts those lying liars), and b) every one of our friends and family had gotten the jab, and he could no longer resist the peer pressure (thereby leaving me out in the cold as the lone resister - talk about feeling alone!). Up until then, I'd always considered him a person of great strength (in both character and conviction), so imagine my disappointment when learning of this weakness in him. A feeling that unfortunately also extended to friends & family. It's been a sad, yet eye-opening past couple years.
Your love is supposed to care to be healthy for you.
I explained that to my husband I wasn't happy about him wanting to get jabbed but he acceded to my request that, if he must, he should get the J&J. (some of his friends were sooo into the highly fashionable Pfizer)
He tried to hide when he made the appt but I told him not to sneak or it would feel very wrong.
Betrayal is also forcing someone to get a shot. That is worse.
Yes. One of my (many!) arguments in pleading with him not to get the jab was whether he cared about the effect on me and his children if he suffered a serious side effect (in either the near or long term). But his belief that it wasn't even a possibility allowed him to easily dismiss my argument. So, along with feeling betrayed, I'm also resentful for the (indefinite?) anxiety/worry I'll endure over his future health. I pray for your husband, too. <3
We are both still unvaxxed because I threatened to leave. It has been an really unpleasant 12 months. I've been the only one pushing against getting vaccinated in our direct circle and it is so hard. I sincerely hope that now having both had omicron (mild), all this nonsense about the vaccine "preventing severe disease" will stop.
I am quite sure I had OMICRON last month but my PCR test was negative I fear that OMICRON is NOT a natural mutation but another gain of function engineered product 😬
I had it too(I Think) I tested positive with 3 different brands of rapid tests over about 10 days, and the tested negative. I did have a headache, and minor symptoms. I took the FLLCC protocol and was fine. Roughly 3 weeks Later, I went for an antibody test, came back negative?? Gonna run one again here soon and hope it's positive. Weird stuff. Could this be the Bill Gates style contagious vaccine? I keep wondering. Thoughts? on why I was negative? First positive was 2/25, antibody test administered on 3/16
I was negative on both rapid AND PCR tests but spoke to many people who contracted OMICRON both vaxxed and unvaxxed and they all said the most troublesome symptom was muscle pain. Some could not even stand upright. That was the only symptom I had. No fever, cold symptoms, nothing else. If that crimes against humanity lawsuit doesn't start soon I am going to start my OWN!!! Have never tested positive through entire covid debacle
Where I live, you need a positive rapid test to even be allowed to do the PCR test. The PCR test is considered the ultimate proof and you then get your recovered certificate. My partner tested positive on the rapid and PCR. I had milder symptoms, went for rapid tests 4 days in a row and was negative each time. I took FLCCC recommended vitmains, and their recommended povidone iodine washes/nasal spray. But I did skip the iodine for 1.5 days, trying to test positive. No such luck. My partner refused the iodine washes, but took all the vitamin supplements.
My symptoms were very slight headache, slight muscle pains, runny nose and slight sore throat. Went to bed very early. My partner additionally had a cough.
If I had to rate this on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the flu I had 2017/2018 where I was in bed for over a week and it took months to feel normal), this was a 1.5.
Exactly. Their intent was to do exactly that with these divisive mandates. Split up families, relationships, communities, groups. The more depressed, isolated, fearful, and apathetic a society becomes, the less they will fight for their lives, humanity, and joy to be restored. The less they’ll fight the NWO. Just one more win for depopulation. It’s by design.
The one couple my hubby and I meet out for dinner have both been fully vaxxed (no boosters that I know of). She was guilted into getting jabbed for him (he still wears masks out); they've been married 51 years. Both have had visits to the hospital; she for a clot in her brain, him via ambulance after passing out at a public event. Hospital said he was dehydrated and kept him until the next day. Uh-huh. I'm pretty sure they've had a fight or two over this.
So many stories like this— fights and injuries and death. My brother got the Pfizer injections (2) and after 2nd one developed boils all over his legs. Never had them in his life. Next step was admittance to ER due to breathing difficulty. He needed 3 blood transfusions, got diagnosed with thrombocytopenia and had a catheter in his urethra due to extremely swollen gonads. But don’t worry! Docs and nurses said it’s because he has allergies! Morons. Aunt had a blood clot to her heart after injections. It’s disgusting.
Lucky for me, my hubby and I knew all about the medical tyranny that pharma and global groups (WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, WHO, etc.) have wanted to unleash for decades so we knew exactly what this was from day 1. It’s still surreal to be living through a planned poisoning and culling of the population.
That's the thing If you gamble on getting the virus you might or might NOT get it. But the vaxxine; it's a sure thing you are putting that stuff in your body! I am not anti vax ( well maybe I WILL be in the future ) I have had travel vaccines and such. Both my adult kids are triple vaxxed so I am worried about them.My daughter has developed 'spontaneous bleeding' and I am afraid she will have a brain hemorrhage but I can't press the issue because I don't want her any more scared than she is.
Egos, fear, disbelief. I think a lot of it is analogous to Penn State’s Joe Paterno allowing his decades old friend/employee to use the football program as a platform for his sexual abuse of children. For Joe, I think the reality was unfathomable and when he was finally forced to look at reality, he died of grief. I hope many of these people don’t face a similar fate. I fear they do.
Nobody likes to admit that they are wrong so just as unvaxxed individuals tend to use data that supports their decision, vaccinated individuals will do the same; even maintaining their stance despite data that says otherwise. Bottom line is that individuals under age 60 who are not obese or diabetic should never have taken a vaccine for something that had less than a 0.02% chance of killing them.
There is absolutely no reason for anyone to take these dangerous experimental poisonous gene therapies that have proven to have negative efficacy. The only reason why people think it's okay for old and sickly people to take it is because vaccine injuries can easily be hidden in that group. Their comorbidities make the adverse events look as if it's a natural result of their medical condition or age.
Had early treatment protocols been allowed like access to Ivermectin & not killing people w ventilators. There was never a need for an experimental injection.
Mai-that’s a great observation that I haven’t thought of, as well as those who have immune deficiency. A great place to hide those deaths…the Evils have thought of everything! Even the vet recommended my sister NOT give her elderly and arthritic dog his yearly vaccines because they could do more harm than good.
My own father who is in his late 70s was very healthy and appears young for his age. People used to think he was 20 to 30 years younger. I begged him not to get the booster because a few months after his 2nd jab we had to take him to the ER for heart palpitations and shortness of breath. I insisted they give him a d-dimer test and that was high. They excused it as nothing to worry about because of previous ankle surgery. He has a cough that has lingered for several months now and no explanation from anyone. He has other symptoms that can't be explained. But, because of his age, everything is excused as fine. Because it's normal for people his age to have heart issues, he won't believe me when I tell him of the dangers of this jab. He had doubts after his hospitalization but when all the doctors (including some of his friends) said its normal and nothing to worry about he eagerly went to get a 3rd jab. I know his health is not as good as before, but he refuses to see what is so obvious to the rest of us. What's worse is my father is a physician and surgeon so he won't listen to me because I did not go to medical school. I checked his vaccine batches on HowBadIsMyBatch.info and his first 2 batches are considered one of the dangerous ones. This is all so infuriating and all I can do at this point is pray that God protects him despite his foolishness.
Mai, how frustrating for you, and sad! I just cannot believe how people can be so blinded to the facts, especially when these “adverse reactions” happen to them personally. And I know the doctors must be seeing this on a regular basis—how can they ignore and lie?!
It's not even clear it's safe for diabetics - there's some evidence that the jabs cause diabetes to worsen.
In my case, my research led me to be uncertain of the safety and efficacy and conclude that on balance I was better off taking my chances with early treatment. I would not say that I am certain of this even now, because the data is so obscured, and we do not know the future, but it seems on balance very likely to be the correct choice. And for my pains I have been subject to discrimination and emotional and psychological manipulation and attack.
As I understand the pro-vax side of the "argument", they are quite certain of their choice, based solely on press releases from Pfizer and emotional government propaganda, and often in direct contradiction to what they may actually observe and experience. This is not a rational decision. But then, many of these people seem to inhabit an untethered, post rational world, from which they may never return.
Read about Steve Kirsch's experience with the jab. He is an insulin dependent diabetic and after he got the jab it resulted in Hyperglycemia. He had to double or triple his insulin doses. A paper came out a few months ago in an Endocrinology medical journal where they studied this and it showed that the jab will make your blood sugars rise astronomically. So, no, it's not safe for diabetics. Keep in mind that diabetics were never part of the clinical trial. Only healthy people participated in the clinical trial so how can Pfizer or Moderna know what their product will do to diabetics?
Yes, that was what I was thinking of, thanks for citing the references! It remarkable how they cleverly avoided testing these things on pretty much all of the people for whom they were most "called for"... diabetics, autoimmune, immune compromised, old and sick people
I personally know ELEVEN SENIORS who DIED within a week of receiving the first or second shot, nevermind the people suffering from all kinds of auto immune conditions.
And not only...they did not test this on young people, old people, people with cancer, people with pre-existing conditions, pregnant people, etc etc. etc. Yet the forced it on all the groups that were NEVER in the trials.
I’m just gonna point out the possibility that at 37 she’d rather not have any more kids. But not rebutting the thrust of the post. I’ve tried to convince my close friends that there is a real possibility this vax is doing real damage to humans as a whole, setting us up for more disease. Most just don’t want to hear it.
A number of women are bleeding for weeks. If that keeps up expect hysterectomies to drastically increase. Then expect osteoporosis etc. These women will age quickly.
Yeah, that occurred to me, although it's a funny way to say it if that's actually the case. I have tried to share my views with others but generally without success. Certainly if someone came to me with questions or concerns I would be compassionate and help them understand. But it seems they have to get to that point on their own, somehow. Maybe she is "ready" and hopefully there is someone in her life who can help her along. Probably not via Twitter though..
It’s like the Aussie woman who volunteered for their home grown vax MADE WITH A LIVE HIV virus who now tests positive for HIV. She’s good with it and isn’t worried at all. Every single person in the study now tests positive. They’ve been told they’re all False positives. And they all believe it.
The good thing about being a permanent false positive is it's impossible to be a true positive. Problem solved. Though as AJ Nock points out, HIV testing is a bit dubious. For example, one of the methods of testing is an antibody test, which basically tells you that you were exposed, but not that you are currently infected. Never mind that, it's still used to prove infection.
It's also unclear the precise relationship to AIDS. What is clear is the relationship to money. If you are researching HIV vaccines or AIDS drugs, there's money in it.
There is mounting evidence the immune system in a vaxed person is cratering. CD8 cells, which fight viruses and cancers, are drastically reduced. AIDS is not HIV. AIDS is the condition that results. It means the immune system is wrecked. Typically CD4 cells go way down in HIV infected people. Vax AIDS May very well be another version of AIDS not related to HIV. In Australia though they might have infected 30,000 people with HIV AIDS. The mRNA vaccines seem to affect CD8 cells more than CD4s. But, who knows over time what will emerge.
Agree.. hopefully this experiment with these shots will be stopped, although there's little sign of that happening. And I worry that people with wrecked immune systems keep getting COVID and getting more shots in the hope that this time it will really work.
The HIV test is likely a bit of a scam. But taking a test showing one’s CD4 count is below 350 is not a scam, and CD8s are extremely low could also not be a scam. AIDS is a syndrome. HIV is a virus associated with the syndrome. It is possible many things can cause a syndrome in which your CD4s and CD8s are plummeting. HIV might be one. The jab might be another.
I think it's even worse than that. A "thought process" I learned during my working years was that if someone makes a mistake with "X", you should wonder what's happening with "Y" and "Z" and maybe the rest of the letters of the alphabet.
The tendency to think that one found problem is the only problem is itself an enormous problem.
It’s like when someone tells you something that’ll isn’t true. It might be a mistake. It might be you misheard him, or he misheard you and was answering a different question, or it might be he’s a liar or incompetent. You should be very wary around this person. If he tells you another thing that isn’t true, with both of his untruths benefiting him, then almost for certain he’s a liar. About everything. Similar to what you said. If X is wrong, then Y is wrong, then likely A-Z is wrong.
She could have died if she didn’t get jab! I’m a guy (does that even matter anymore?) so I can’t imagine having your body in chaos like that. I want to feel sorry for her, but it’s hard.
If she goes into early menopause she is looking at osteoporosis. Bone problems. She will age very quickly. Her skin will lose elasticity. Her Thinking will become cloudy. Whether she wants more children or not is one issue. She will face a host of others.
"When deciding what is true, people are often biased to believe in the validity of information30, and ‘go with their gut’ and intuitions instead of deliberating31,32. For example, in March 2020, 31% of Americans agreed that COVID-19 was purposefully created and spread33, despite the absence of any credible evidence for its intentional development."
I seem to recall at the time thinking it came from a lab, because it first appeared a few blocks away from the only BL4 lab in China, was already optimally adapted for humans, and was 1000 miles from the nearest cave of infected bats. Plus they weren't even selling bats at the market that week! But I guess I got duped by good old misinformation!
To be fair, at that time I assumed it leaked accidentally (e.g. selling used bats out the back door), although I'm no longer certain of that either.
"despite the absence of any credible evidence for its intentional development."
Evidence? Like the atypical furin cleavage site, unknown in any natural cv, later shown to be a perfect match for a patented sequence owned by (checks notes) Moderna?
Nature is often a solid journal, but they ran that presumptuous Proximal Origin paper in March 2020, despite a complete lack of evidence for their thesis.
The article itself uses disbelief in the efficacy of vaccines despite a ‘scientific consensus’ and a non belief in ‘climate change’ as examples of misinformation. Hahahahahaha.
The article also goes on to state government regulations and imposed penalties should be enforced against those who promote distrust of government, journalism, and science. How about accepting all three can be promoting falsehoods and it is incumbent on all of us to learn to think critically regardless of where the info comes from.
I read a good book called ‘How we know what isn’t so’. By Thomas Gilovich. He goes over ways we can trick ourselves and reinforce our own preconceptions. It’s a good book. But some examples he gives were actually examples of his own negative biases. He dissed alternative medicine. Why? Because it hadn’t been researched. So, nothing true exists except that which has been researched? Something is 100% true but no one has researched it and published it in JAMA so therefore it is not YET true? But it will be once a properly credentialed person reviews it? He couldn’t see his own biases despite being able to write a credible book about the very topic.
Yes, I question myself on this as well. Surely I am blind to some of my biases, and maybe aware of some others. Perhaps nobody is able to be free of biases. It happens a lot in the covid / vax area of concerns where you have two people who each think the other is deluded, and one of them has the explicit support of the goliath of mainstream opinion and censorship, while the other has to rely on alternative sources of information or analysis. Each can make an argument that the other is deluded. My approach to this is to try to establish evidence for a position that takes multiple independent paths. The more such independent signifiers, the more likely the conclusion is accurate.
This is a good take I found recently that makes this point:
There is a difference between taking a position and believing something and having a bias. I have to make decisions as to what I believe in many areas. I can and will defend these positions. But, give me one fact which I have not already heard that is significant and I am happy to change my opinion. Instantly. As long as one is willing to consider something new without putting up a wall then I don’t think one’s ‘bias’ is bad.
Maybe they should retitle the paper to be something about studying the effect of the appeal to authority type of cognitive bias and how much of the population is particularly subject to it.
She has to console herself. For her, it looks like feelings of regret would probably make her feel worse. Eventually, she'll feel worse regardless as the situation progresses and denial is no longer possible. What are those stages of grief again? Denial, acceptance...
I stopped going to a loved Methodist church because that’s what I saw happened. I don’t want people like that praying with or for me. On their Facebook page, clearly addicted to virus
Pray for COVID hangnail , Covid pneumonia, etc etc . They aren’t seeing the correlation between the fast growing cancers ( not due to neglect in lockdown, too fast growing!) and heart problems and the vaccines , especially since the boosters.
I'm so blessed that our church & pastor were against the jab. We've had 2 people die that were unvaxed, but the blame belongs to the hospital & Fauci's protocol.
Glad that church didn’t fall for the constant fear porn . The hospital had a criminal protocol knowing it would not work but very expensive medicine and that extra $$$ for Covid diagnosis.
Of course I don't know her thoughts, but I suspect she probably would be much more hesitant to take them again, but doesn't want to lose social cred by sounding like a Trump supporter, god forbid. Or some antivaxxer that doesn't obey the science :)
And that's the real issue. Those who don't follow science are the ones lining up to take an experimental gene therapy offered up by serial felons, in cahoots with low IQ politicians who could not run a lemonade stand. Those who think critically are not "anti-vaxxers", but "anti-idiocracy". We proudly declare: "we are not idiots and we will not become idiots".
The Federal Government foreclosed on a legal brothel for tax liens on the outskirts of Las Vegas. The Feds assumed control and In no time at all the brothel closed due to bankruptcy. Let that sink in.
“The Federal Government could not make a profit turning tricks and selling booze to Las Vegas tourists”
Don't the vexxers know that Trump is the vexxinator in chief? They throw around the insult "Trumpist" like they throw around racist, sexist, phobophobe, istyist, deplorable, bitter clingers, etc. They have no logical retort or counter so they resort to illogical, inane, asinine, non-sequitor insults.
I am reminded of this exchange from when my children watched Disney Movies:“
Lumiere: No, you didn’t. I told you!
Cogsworth: You most certainly did not, you pompous, paraffin-headed peabrain!
Lumiere: En garde, you you overgrown pocket watch!”
She's an exceptionally stupid, woke person. This is how she commented on "Period havers? Is that what you've reduced women to?" tweet:
"Nope. That is how we have expanded our language to include all people who menstruate. You don't seem like someone who should be chiming in on this conversation."
Pontificating inclusive degenerate denying someone's right to question the dogma. They are all fucking insane. Alas, they grow in numbers.
Reality is going to smack quite a few idiots in the face in the coming years. The endless supply of free money that allowed us to build layer upon layer of stupidity is about to washed away like grains of sand at the beach.
i mostly feel sorry for these people. propaganda is an amazingly power force. in another life if i hadn't taken some college chemistry, if i hadn't read certain books, i would be taking these vaccines. and in this life i regret blindly adhering to the CDC vax schedule for my daughter for her early life.
Yeh I regret giving my daughter the last two recommended when she was 15. This was just before 2020. Had the Coronasterics hit before 2020 I would have likely not given those two shots. As for the childhood shots, the 'safe and effective' marketing and branding had been settled after 70 years of repeated propaganda and sales pitches. It had become a 'settled science' through advertising. People just took it for what it was and trusted their doctors. It was also still a choice which goes to show how powerful not mandating something can be. It was the 'thing' to do and just part of an overall health strategy. Now it's seen as a means to a medical end and can't understand for the life of me how anyone still hasn't figured out a) this is a dangerous development especially considering the ethical standards we've ignored and b) these are NON-STERILIZING experimental procedures hence making mandates irrational.
Hopefully, this episode will actually begin an honest debate about vaccines and their place in medicine and our lives.
We can regret our past decisions, but not too much because before the current situation their propaganda against independent thinking was more subtle and we just didn't KNOW. We need to keep moving forward and deal with the problems that come along with the information that will be out there when the time comes. I hope your daughter will be fine.
My kid, fully jabbed, just learning what "cognitive dissonance" means in first college classes ... thinks I'm the one with the issue. Now I need to teach "mass formation" ... When I brought up the menstruation issues related to the jab, she said that was the easiest thing to point to because EVERYthing messes up periods. It's no big deal, she says. Happens all the time.
Is there a name for that type of rhetorical argument? I see it a lot as a way to dismiss side effects of all types of medications.
The side effect is not actually the problem - the real issue is whatever is causing the side effect. It could be minor, or it could be a sign of major disruption.
It's a very effective way that pharmaceutical companies mask the problems they cause.
The ONLY end game these days is to STOP any sign the body is giving that something is not normal. Doctors definitely USED to tell patients that pain is something that should not always be looked at as "bad" and covered up. Now, that's the main objective.
Yes, of course ! Daily I hear the endless ads on TV for Rx drugs. Many of these are not even to "treat" serious life threatening conditions. At the conclusion of the ad is a mind boggling list of counter indications and possible side effects, many deadly, and it's as if they are not even openly divulging these. It's truly unbelievable that a person, suffering from allergies no matter how disabling, would even consider trying a drug that could cause a rare brain tumor, or that takes a serious toll on the liver or kidneys, it's as if people can't think, weight risks against the seriousness of the condition. Of course any of us with a life threatening condition would probably choose to take the risk, but for indigestion, seasonal allergy, etc. ? Something has gone very wrong in our country and in the minds of people.
Sadly, that may be true ! And even then, many many people would deny it was at all related to this novel, unproved, "injection" (not actually a vaccination, not sure why so many use that term, but... ?)
The term is used because “vaccines” are accepted in society. Introducing a *new* type would cause far more hesitation, despite your statement being true; not a vaccine. Granted, none are necessary and all are toxic.
I feel like she just needs someone to tell her "hey, you're allowed to be angry about this. You were lied to, emotionally manipulated and the systems you trusted betrayed you. This only gets better if we stop giving cover to the bad actors who allowed this to happen and made this happen. They didn't do it to save humanity from covid - they did it for money and power."
If you remember the original info and the rush - it's all about timing. We were told that these vaccines were a miracle and 98% effective. If 60% of us got vaxed - COVID would go away. In Canada, we screwed up and the vax came late. We had AZ, and I signed up - 2wks before my turn it was pulled due to issues. That sent alarm bells, then the Israeli Data started coming in on Pfizer, then J&J was NOT recommended, then Moderna was pulled for men under 30. Then Delta hit and we needed a couple of boosters. All this from April to October. An unreported train wreck.
We were told 100% effective, from many parties, one being the CEO of Pfizer. It has negative efficacy based on available data. But generally speaking, they are toxic no matter how you cut the data. And they don’t belong in our bodies, period.
Now, seriously, why would the CEO of Pfizer not be the LAST one we would go to to ask about effectiveness ? Kind of like asking the beer company if beer is good for you... or the coffee company is coffee is beneficial. It could be, of course, not arguing the benefits of either coffee or beer, the POINT is, if we wanted the UNBIASED truth of either, why wold we ask the CEO's of Folgers or Miller brewing ? Makes no sense at all ! If I am considering the purchase of a Ford vehicle, would I ask the CEO of Ford about the safety and durability, etc. of a Ford ? ? ?
Wasn't the point, just an analogy for the real point, WHERE should a person look for truth when seeking information. If you were considering a new cell phone, what do you think Samsung would tell you ? Apple would tell you ? That was my point, that asking Pfizer if you should take their products, seems like the "not brainer" as they say, but guess not !
You correctly point out how fast this all went sideways, I am assuming you are unjabbed. I was close to getting it at work but saw so many coworkers out sick for days that I changed my mind. So glad I never gave in. I took an early retirement because I couldn’t wear the mask 8 hours a day anymore.
Well our president at the time started it all, cutting the "deals" to go "hell bent" to an injection, "warp speed" he said, a sort of "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" mentality no matter what the end results (permanent damage to an entire society ?). Then our next one (president) buys into the same thing, both feet, full speed ahead. I honestly fear that no sane people willing to take the risk of running for an office are even left. It seems only those with low-self esteem, ego problems, a serious "greed" problem with no motivation to get into a job/position that requires rigid hours and work responsibilities (must turn out a minimum of so many ___ per shift, or must make ___ calls per day, or wait on so many tables per day, etc.), and or, who just has an abnormal desire to have power over other human beings. Isn't that something like a slave master and a slave ? I say it, YOU do it ! This has to change. instead of a few powerful families, "ordinary" people MUST begin to think of themselves as perfectly capable of filling these leadership positions, we can't go on like this indefinitely !
Further - the families of those dying continue the cover up. I don't understand this at all. Many many people will believe there is no risk if we don't publicize what's happening. They've literally created a group that advises them to sue coroners who insist on reporting it. What we are living through is truly unreal. God bless those who care and retain critical thinking skills.
It's like a ARMY of robots, no ability to "think", never questioning if the sudden onset of some serious conditions could be linked to recent injections. It seems the natural human drive to deny one has made a mistake (being sold an advertising line concerning this latest injection.. yes, I did buy that line... ONCE and regret that even), I admire the members of my extended family who resisted the "drink the cool aid, don't wait, step up now, bring you children, drink drink" line. I have NO problem telling people honestly I wish I'd never taken even the one shot !
The astonishing fact is truly how stupid they sound! It is Lent and Easter is approaching and I am trying to be a better Christian but can someone please ask these fools if they are seriously this stupid?!
The nonsense that spews out the mouths of fools is beyond belief. She needs to take a few more boosters and the issue will be sorted out. I am sure in her mind that would be the solution.
I saw this tweet and replies earlier this morning. I gave up on all of these people about 6 months ago for 1 simple reason. They aided and abetted the attempted exclusion of the unvaxxed from society. There are people still fired and having to change careers because of the psychos and their enablers, like this woman. Look at the replies to her tweet, and you will see who they blame for the lack of information on mRNA injection induced menses problems - they blame 'anti-vaxxers', not censorship. Bless her heart.
The pro-vax doctors will likely refuse to help her. They'd probably dismiss her or, worse, mock her. There are doctors who truly care about her problem and would gladly try to help her, but she's likely spent two years calling them all sorts of names, like conspiracy theorists and kooks and, more recently, anti-vaxxers. She would almost certainly refuse to get their help.
Exactly. And all of these good doctors have been relentlessly harassed on social media and had complaints against them to the medical board by trolls for the past year or more.
Exactly right. I despise these self-righteous people. If someone is going to suffer, let it be those who so self-righteously reached for the poison and mocked those with enough common sense to avoid these toxic jabs. Zero pity for them.
My two female bosses have been trying to stick a needle in me for four months and have given me until May or I will be fired unless I fake a religious exemption.
God is the Potter; you are the clay. Unbiblical to allow the genetic material God gave you to be messed with. Not to mention that we are marching directly toward the Mark of the Beast. You do not have to claim Jesus Christ as your savior (although you should) to recognize what the Bible sets forth. Demand a Biblically-based religious exemption. "The Bible teaches" is not a lie.
Someone that would have been in an asylum recieving the help they actually need just a couple decades ago. Or, at the very least, prevented from spewing their bullshit all over the rest of us because they can't stop themselves.
Too many people are writing their symptoms/side effects off as 'rare', they're just one of the unlucky ones, and are unwilling/afraid to/don't even think to report and discuss them with others. I have no doubt in my mind that the under-reporting factor is HUGE.
Two hockey players, out of about 25, on the same team came down with myocarditis. Supposedly one in 100,000. What are the odds, eh? Two on one team get the same extremely rare side effect.
Football match in Germany a while back, two dropped during the same game.
Same happened during a cricket match in India.
Losing count now, I'll mention two neighbours and Ma.
Julie, flat above, her colleague, 49 mother of two, heart attack within 20 mins. Dead.
Tina, two doors up, son went blind. As is total darkness, permanently blind.
Mother here, thrombosis in foot, couldn't walk for two weeks. Foot swelled up like Ron Jeremy's schlong. Fed a tonne of asprin daily, it disappeared. Doctor didn't want to know, no Yellow Card (UK VAERS) report made.
So that's three people I know of within a radius of about 30 metres.
There's more heart attacks, deaths, strokes, thrombosis, Bell's Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis which had been in remission for years now crippled, another now riddled with tumours...
Ma had this thrombosis appear the day after the second injection. AstraZeneca.
Then, her friend had exactly the same. Same injection. Same timeframe. Same outcome.
Next up! A revision of the adjective, "rare." I suggest rare becomes, "more common than the forces of evil tell the public."
Just like they did with the noun, "vaccine." As well as, "herd immunity" which no longer includes natural immunity, only immunity from the new definition of the noun, vaccine, which isn't a vaccine.
It'll be the same thing. The BBC was forced to report the coroner's inquest finding that the BBC presenter, Liz Shaw, died from a blood clot in her brain as a direct result of the AstraZeneca injection.
Pfizer had a 9 page list of side effects doctors were supposed to be looking for, in order to better understand the safety of the shots. Instead of informing doctors, Pfizer and the FDA tried to keep that information hidden for 75 years, and told the world the shots were safe. It's amazing there are still people that trust big pharma or the public health authorities.
Lots of them. Most of South America (Brazil, Columbia) for example. Some of the EU countries (Germany, Austria) have dropped their mandates. All of the East and South east Asian countries, aside from Japan, have vaccine mandates in place.
I'll have to call Mrs for an update. Against my explicit instructions, eldest daughter got two of these injections "because college", to which I exploded. I know Mrs and the two younger ones said no thank you and it hasn't been an issue.
New Zealand still mandating healthcare and border workers. And all businesses can now decide if they want to mandate all by themselves. Government passing the buck to moronic virtue signaling business owners. Drove past one today with full length sign draped down one entire wall of the building...stand with Ukraine! There is no hope...
An old friend's a GP in New Zealand. I tried to get him to see what was going on, he just got angry and won't speak to me now. But before that, he did wonder why the children were being injected.
That demonic Von Der Leyen creature, whose husband just happens to be a director of a biotech firm supplying this shit, wanted to force it on to the whole of the EU. Seems to have gone quiet on that front.
I guess that when we see birth rates that are about half the normal rate, some people might finally wake up. But others will still try to write it off as Covid believers too afraid to have sex.
Bottom line: some people will NEVER be convinced the jab was a bad idea.
Or a stealth assault by a foreign actor using Useful Covidiots and modern day Judas Iscariots like the utterly corrupt and senile old perv residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. When he’s not in Delaware…..
I saw those about a week ago. Its shows a dramatic decline, say from 33-36K in 2019 down to 19K early last year. We are in deep trouble if these birth club number correlate to societal wide birth rates.
Not worried about her fertility,? Hmm me thinks she might should be... My triple jabbed sister in law just came down with a blood clot in her ovary by ya know, coincidence disorder
Yes, she *should* be. My young married, unvaxxed daughter has been watching all the vaxxed young married women around her, and after a friend's miscarriage a couple weeks ago, she this me, "Mom, of all the friends I know who have gotten the vaxx and gotten pregnant, now *every* single one of them has had at least one miscarriage."
I asked. She said 3, in her circle. All 2x or 3x vaxxed. One is pregnant again, and approaching 3rd trimester. Then she remembered another lady who was 3x jabbed who successfully delivered a couple months ago. So "every single one" is amended to ~75%. So far...
My one young daughter couldn't wait to get her shots and post it on her Insta story (she even tried to help my other daughter procure a shot without my knowledge). I truly do worry about her fertility.
Thanks. We are going through IVF because if a reproductive issue in my end - really feel like a victim from being poisoned by vaccines in my childhood now that I’ve learned so much on the topic. And this mRNA method is extremely stomach churning.
people tend to think "its the woman's age" while male fertility issues tend to be overlooked and I suspect are increasingly common for environmental reasons
So many abnormal things going on with people's health right and now, and YES, just the tip of the iceberg! How many issues have bit had over symptoms yet and have not been bad enough to go to a doctor about?
Yup. And some occurring many months after vax so they are unable to make any connection at all. My husband was vaxed over a year ago (twice, no booster) and he has been getting subconjunctival hemorrhages in his eye regularly since then. And they are getting more frequent. He is seeing a doctor today about it finally. He mentioned it during an eye exam awhile back and his doctor said it was not related to the shot.
My married daughter took the vax last year and called me one day saying she had not had a period for some months. I did not know she had taken the death jab and was greatly concerned, asked her if she was pregnant and advised her to see an ob/gyn. A few months later, to my shock (and horror which I hid from her), I found out she and her husband had taken the jab. I wish I had discussed it her prior, but she lives in another state, and I am thankful she even communicates with me.
So it was NOT just a matter of weeks without her menstruation, but MONTHS> there is something very nefarious about these shots.
My also married daughter (24 years old) got the shot without talking to me about it (we found out because she was still on our insurance at the time and we got the EOB statement). I really wish I had known she was going to do it so I could have at least said something...anything. But I accept that in all likelihood she would have rejected what I said as "anti-science" and it would have driven an even bigger Covid wedge between us. I can only pray for her and her husband that they suffer no long-term damage.
Same. She is into every pharmaceutical imaginable, constantly takes "anti-depressants" and "anti-anxiety" drugs, and is very aggressive and manipulative in pushing these shots. There's something about that category of women and their pills and vaccines.
I thank God that my 37 year old daughter had a healthy baby boy in 2020 before the vax was available. She's had 3 shots since then. She would not have listened to me if I told her not to get vaxxed. She lives in NH. According to her we live in the unintelligent and backwards SC.
Those who say we are unintelligent are just really sad. It shows me that they are just accepting the narrative without any critical thinking or research of their own. ---Exactly what the powers that be require and desire.
These effects have been noticed for an entire year. Feminist Naomi Wolf had her Twitter account deleted right around the time that she was discussing it. I have discussed the potential effects of the jab on fertility in my long-form article, here:
" There has been hardly anything written on this!" Seriously! This poor misguided woman seems intelligent enough to do her own research. There's plenty on the menstruation topic, in fact it was one of the first vaccine symptoms I had heard about. Even women who no longer had a period are now having them again. Apparently there are more under-rock dwellers than I originally had thought!
I'm 4 years post-menopausal and had a period a week ago. The FIRST thing my doctor asked was "you didn't get the shot, did you?" "(she knows I'm against it.)
Not to be too personal, so don’t feel you need to answer this, but is your lover vaccinated? I’m asking as I’m hearing of unvaxed women suffering various symptoms as if they have been vaxed. Their lovers have been vaxed though.
Yes, I second unvaxxed women are suffering similar, and it need not come from a luvvah, even! I work w/heavy public interaction in Commiefornia (aka lotsa jabbed and still-masking) and have had disruptions; am convinced it is either jab shedding or Omicron, which I got around the new year.
If you read the Project Veritas documents that talk about the EcoHealth experiments involving "aerosolized vaccines" and consider that Omicron is not so much a descendant of Alpha but more like a sibling, well, just sayin'.
And yeah, this is not only scary but infuriating. My health has always been primo.
I can confirm that as an unvaxxed post menopausal woman. Had spotting after my vaxxed partners first dose.. Then had 6 days of heavy bleeding (along with leg bruises and multiple cold sores) after his 2nd dose. I hadn't bled in 5 yrs before this. Scary.
It sounds to me like, "I'm really scared this thing has screwed me up, but I am way more scared that people will turn on me if I say so." "What will happen to my world if I question authority? If I choose to know that I've been lied to, than my world and everything I believe in will start to crumble... will you love me? do you love me? I am lost" the words of the drowning
A way to pull the pin on the mRNA-injection hand grenade is to demand that any candidate running for office must have eliminating the Big Pharma's protection against lawsuits as part of their platform. Start with Pfizer first. The justification: Given the recent forced publication of Pfizer's data showing major health damage and injury during experimental trials, citizens receiving that injection were denied informed consent.
I incredulously read this yesterday. The replies were as bad, with many stating they’d also dutifully revaxx again given the choice. These people are truly broken.
I agree most are broken but many are waking up but continue to sing the praises of the MRNA injections to eliminate the perceived risk of being deplatformed. That's just as terrifying to these folks, if not more, than the destruction of their health.
But "I do not worry about my fertility" is much worse. Why don't you worry? You are unable to think beyond "safe and effective". You are stupid and shouting it out.
So I read that as she doesn't care because she didn't necessarily want any (more?) kids. But there are MANY out there who DO want more kids, or young girls who want a family someday who might have had that taken away from them because of this. 😡
Years ago, I was reading something about the Kamikaze and wondered what would make a person go to his death like that. The mindset of this lady who would gratefully take the vaccine again strikes me as the kind of subject who could give insight into the mindset of the Kamikaze. Psychologists have tons of fodder for their analyses.
I could see why someone would want to die for their country. I cannot see why someone would put something like this into their bodies when there's no long term side effects studies done and people can't sue big pharma. Especially people under 40 who aren't at risk.
Who the heck cares about being an anti-vaxxer? There is no proof that any vaccine or mRNA injection works as intended...none. The public has been hoodwinked for the last 60 years.
Before the pandemic and watching all of this madness unfold, I wouldn't have questioned any of the childhood vaccinations. Now, I wonder if it is all a sham. Why would the FDA start selling us out in 2020 but never before...
tbh I think the same especially after watching the recent interview (quite long between Dr Malone and Candace Owens) It opened my mind to the possibility that none of these vaccines are really necessary.
Listen to the podcast The Vaccine Conversation by Immunity Education Group, especially episodes 2, 4, and 9, and then realize they were recorded in 2018. Sounds like today's news. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
It’s like you have to put this sentence in front of a post or you get cancelled. I think they and everyone knows it. If you say you have a side effect publicly one must say it’s a great shot and bla, but….
The Pharma industry as well as obgyns have minimized women’s side effects from hormonal birth control for decades. Now they completely ignore the effects of the mRNA on menstruating ‘people’, as they say. They say it’s temporary and harmless without any shred of evidence that it is. Women are truly marginalized in all sorts of ways by this industry yet people cheer it on as super pro woman. 🤮
To reiterate what Alex said: women of child-bearing age of normal weight with no co-morbidities are/were very low risk to begin with, why on God's green earth would they submit to experimental injections? Then have to insist they are not "anti-vax", are "grateful" for the injections and would do it all over again even with new onset of dramatic menstrual changes and/or miscarriages? It is indeed mystifying. Seems obvious that it's much easier to go along with the group, do what everyone else is doing, follow the rules, obey authority, be a member of the club, be accepted by the peer group and definitely not be "different". Otherwise, I'm scratching my head but I'm an outsider and an outlier.
I had a friend tell me he has co-morbidities which is why he was vaxed. I said ‘wow I’m really sorry to hear that. How long have you got?’ He said ‘well 20 years at least, I hope!’ He’s 75. I said ‘you have some health issues. That’s not a co-morbidity. Co-morbidity means you’re dying from something else.’ This co-morbidity excuse irritates me.
A blue check journalist on my Twitter feed from Canada just died...she had a tumor in her lung that suddenly enlarged that they thought they could treat and then in February they found that she had cancer in every part of her body including her bones. She spent her last days on Twitter blaming the unvaxxed for taking her spot at the hospital and also the Freedom Convoy for making it too hard to get doctor's appointments (or something). She went out of this world blaming others~~I just find it all so sad.
There is a streak of schadenfreude -- even cruelty -- running through this forum recently. This woman (and millions like her) legitimately thought she was doing the right thing. She listened to and obeyed the US government. Most of us here instinctively did that for most of our lives. Calling this woman a moron, or insinuating she deserves it, makes you no better than the people trying to divide society over this (the likes of Biden, Trudeau et al).
Have a little compassion. Be angry at the perpetrators, not the scared and confused victims.
But not all of them. We have also some mental problems derived from all this shit. We are suffering because they try to inject us against our will. I think about it every single day. That is not normal.
And many vaxxed people don't give a fuck about our status. I met with friends some days ago and finally said I am not vaxxed. I expected some reaction since all of them are and here in Spain it is very rare to find unvaxxed people. I was even nervous. They didn't give a fuck. I was the only one worried about it 30 seconds later.
We all have the God given ability to think for ourselves. We are not "lemmings". We all must take responsibility for our own decisions and quit blaming other people for the consequences of our decisions.
but "Travel" (including Robert Malone) but "having to earn a living" but "staying in college" but "having an actual co-morbidity" -- I think that Steve is right to put a reminder in here
They helped stifle the voices that would have enabled the honest discourse that would have allowed informed decisions. This started before the shots did. If you were paying attention in March 2020 it was quickly obvious who was the most affected by the virus.
I see your point. But the amount of vitriol I’ve gone through over this makes me feel less compassionate. Towards some. Some were well meaning and genuinely concerned for my stance. Others hated me for it.
The compassion ends when you say you’d do it again. I have compassion for Harvey Weinstein’s victims, except those that went back expecting a different result.
The issue, in my opinion, is not that she got the shots. It’s the willingness to do it all over again as well as the fear of being labeled an anti-vaxer for sharing a side effect that is moronic.
Yes, but I would say there is much broken-heartedness in these threads as well -- many are worried for spouses and, more often than not, college-age and older offspring who have multiple shots and their whole lives ahead of them to deal with the consequences.
Still I do think Alex's readers skew older and are just skeptical by nature, and maybe with a tendency to "not suffer fools gladly," but, we Christians on this thread, do need to be compassionate, because we are commanded to be by the One we follow. I'll be the first to admit that I have written my share of less-than-generous comments.
(I also think we need to be respectful of our host, whether we agree with a particular post or not.)
I am one year post vaccination, oh how I remember the euphoria of being a 71 year old being given the gift of lift from the vaccine,no fears of a horrid Covid case. Flash forward toJuly 2021 and learning that only after 4 months the efficacy was dropping, oh the betrayal. So come January 2022 there is a full court press for boosters . The State of NJ is calling my cell phone telling me to boost.
I call make appointment and then had to cancel because i contracted Omicron. I am done . Don’t bother talking to me anymore
You can't fix mental illness and that's what today's liberalism is. There is no critical thinking. By the time the jabs were introduced, it was quite obvious your risk of death was damn near zero if you were under 40 with no serious pre existing conditions. People my age still ran and got it tho, putting that stupid ass photo frame on fbook. I've had stage four kidney failure since covid hit, everyone told me to live my life in fear and get the jab because I'd die if I got covid. I got covid Jan 1 and all I did was take Tylenol for two days. The flu a few years ago affected me so much more. Don't believe the hype. I have missed out on a ton of nursing jobs because of my covid jab status, and there is a strong possibility I will be denied a kidney transplant because of it too. Am I willing to die for what I believe in? You bet your sweet ass.
A friend of mine, triple jabbed and said--to me, cause I’m safe--she mostly just did it to travel. Well upon a recent trip from Canada to US by air she STILL had to pay for testing Both Ways! Times two, for her double vaxxed 8 year old as well! Almost $1000 USD! She told me quietly a few months ago that she’d been having menstrual problems ever since. *something’s wrong and you are maybe the only person I can tell* was all over her face. I want these people to get as angry at being duped as I’ve been at being discriminated against, and then I want us all to rise up together so the many many perpetrators get what’s coming to them and this never happens again.
We’re Australians living in NY. Was due to return to Australia for our older 2 kids to attend college in dec last year. We were skeptical before for a number of reasons (my husband studied immunology and vet science. He saw lots of things wrong with the response and the shot). Then cousins in Israel had issues 3 month post shot. Menstrual changes in a 20 year old and a 10 day accelerated heart rate in the 17 year old son. Breathlessness a few months later that resolved with aspirin. Dad also weird chest sensations. He and son super fit. No booster for them. Our 18 year old son was now convinced. Will not take it. Our 20 year old daughter desperately wants to return to study on campus. She’d probably get the shot if she really had to. She’s very torn though. Now we have random family members privately texting out kids telling them to go to school, they’re missing out etc. (which of course they are). These people know no one whose had a single issue (thank goodness). Try as we might we cannot get them to see that anything is amiss. That forcing anyone, this age in particular, makes no sense. Oh well they say. That’s how it is. They ‘ accept’ our position but cannot agree with it. It’s a devastating situation for everyone. We’ve not see parents, cousins, grandparents for 2.5 years with no end in sight. We have 2 younger kids. Feels like we’re living on 2 different planets. It’s amazing how people can be living 2 such different experiences. It really is a plague. Sorry this is so long. I’m struggling... :(
My 20 yo son got it last year to go on campus,and go out with friends, and go to concerts and travel. I was sad and angry that he did it, but relieved that he told us he as doing it beforehand. Even more releived that he says he's not doing it again, no booster, no more.
Not so easy in Australia ..it’s more regulated/automated. They had to scan a QR code every time they entered a restaurant/ shop etc and many, many did during lockdown. For contract tracing purposes but the issue is more to Alex’s point which is we seem to be in a war but not everyone realises it or has experienced it.
That’s interesting...Depends on your appetite for risk and how this all proceeds. My son says g’day mate! Kudos to you but hoping it’ll settle down. (we think u should delete your comment. Not that we’re paranoid or anything lol! )
Come on! I don’t apologize one bit to say I sincerely hope no one in this camp reproduces anyway.
Anyone with shot-related damage who still advocates for taking it- they are the problem. They continue to make things worse for those who believe in medical choice and informed consent.
I’m not necessarily throwing rocks when they walk by, but I’m not wasting my breath on them, either. It hurts to have lost some family and friends on this, but I’m not going to sign up for damaging my own immune system or my family’s health when there’s so much evidence to stay away from these injections.
I got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine while 28 weeks pregnant. At 31 weeks pregnant, I had a bleeding episode that sent me to the ER and put me on bedrest. After at least three ultrasounds, they could not identify a cause, and the baby was fine. Almost a week later, I had a second episode and was admitted to the hospital for 8 days. I remained on bedrest until I delivered a perfectly healthy baby at 35 weeks. My doctors were never able to identify a cause for the bleeding. In the back of my mind, I kept wondering if the vaccine was a factor. Anecdotally, I know MANY women who had preterm or late-preterm deliveries. I'm just putting this out into the universe because I have a very bad feeling. Please do not make fun of me for being vaccinated/getting vaccinated while pregnant; I am/was trying to do the right thing.
We didn't know....don't feel bad. I was completely on board to get vaccinated and my sister in law that works at a gynecologist told me not to do it. They were seeing all these women with crazy unexplained bleeding issues. She saw women past menopause having periods again. She said, this shit is very bad. In so glad I didn't but try not to beat yourself up about it. We trusted our medical professionals and that's over. I'm questioning everything now.
The chatter in Israel right now is that people seem to get sick with covid within 2 weeks after a jab. It's a running joke that the virus seems to be attached to the vaccination or booster shot. And when people come back to the doctor in the days after their shot, the doctor knows that there might be a link but they just aren't coupling the two on their chart (the negative side effect with the jab). Additionally, there is non-anecdotal data that suggests that the two week period after a jab puts you at even higher risk for covid and/or for negative side effects. Oh, and if you get sick (or die) in the 2 weeks after the jab, you're still considered "unvaccinated." So the additional risk of getting sick with corona two weeks post jab gets added to the unvaccinated tally and makes unvaccinated people look more at-risk than they really are. And let's not forget: THE VAXX DOESN'T WORK!!!
It may or may not be too late for the fertility of women and men for many of our current generation. Rumor has it that this side effect was planned well in advance.
On a personal note, my niece spent years becoming an RN only for Covid to come along. When her hospital demanded she get vaccinated she decided to leave and become a youth pastor so she could have a family in the future. Along came her beau a few months ago and now they are a happy family. He also refused the vax for similar reasons.
Further, it is pretty obvious that Big Pharma has taken over the CDC and FDA. A newly-elected Patriot Congress will need to act swiftly in Jan 2023 to ban corruption in the pharmaceutical industry.
Specifically, Big Pharma CEO’s need to be outlawed from being FDA and CDC executives.
This concept works well with controlling Interlocking Directorates in the commercial/industrial sector.
Collusion/Conspiracy is an ugly practice whether it is done in politics or business.
It should be explicitly banned in medicine for the good of humanity.
If America bans this practice then other nations will too.
You left out the part about the guillotines. I'm most interested in making sure that the people who did this pay a price sufficient to scare the next monsters back into their holes.
"Two pregnancy loses" .... they were developing human beings. The vaccine more than likely killed your children. Be much more outraged. But the Pfizer execs got killer (pun intended) bonuses!
Many have lost so much: time, memories, education, mental health, jobs, homes, happiness, births surrounded by family, graduations, weddings, last moments, funerals, physical health and even their lives.
Now, some families have lost their unborn children. An incalculable loss.
Reparations are in order. All the vexxinated should pay the rest of us for our loss of quality of life, pain suffering, emotional distress, being ostracized, etc. etc.
Not everyone that was vaccinated supported "othering" of the unvaccinated. This "othering" started with democratic governments. I was stunned by how quickly it took hold and how many people embraced it. It was unscientific, despicable and inhumane public policy. The point was to divide us so that we wouldn't blame government failure. It ripped society and relationships apart. I don't know that I'll ever fully recover from it.
The "othering" is a very common and successful technique used for ages by tyrannical leftist governments. The nazis othered the gypsies, jews, etc. The bolsheviks othered the kulaks. Former friends and neighbors were suddenly untouchable and, actually, unhuman as declared by the central government. Leftists in America, a movement wholly joined and supported by the democrat party, academia, media, entertainment, etc. do the same thing. Lemming people like to be on what they consider the "winning" side and do not apply rational thought nor principles to their thoughts or actions. Hence the "soccer mom" phenomenon to describe it. Many biological males are political soccer moms also.
I got the shot for work and already was nervous about affects on my cycle - the day after I got my first shot I bled straight for 2 weeks and had to take handfuls of Advil directed by my doctor to make it settle down. Now I haven’t gone more than 4 days without spotting or bleeding for the last 8 months and praying my fertility will be okay in the future
On the positive side your body might be working had to shed the toxic spike proteins it was injected with. If so, you will cleanse yourself eventually. DONT GET A BOOSTER!
Dr. Scott Atlas reported in his book "A Plague on Our House" that Tony Fauci said that people needed to be more afraid, even in summer/fall 2020. His goal was to terrify us. What that did was create C-PTSD in millions of us. That irrational fear keeps us in its grip, so we do whatever we have been brainwashed into thinking will protect us. #Narcissism & #Gaslighting
What Fauci et al. did was create a Cult of Personality - The Church of Covid, and anointed themselves as the high priests to which we must pledge loyalty.
The masks are the amulets and the vaccine is the magic potion / sacrament.
I'm unvaccinated and untested. I had doubts about the vax before the coercion even started. My doubts were based on the obvious exaggeration of seriousness of the virus by the media. How could anyone not see through the panic porn? How could anyone not be offended by the ostracism of the unvaxxed? Well, that seems to have abated, yet most of my friends and relatives are still in denial about the virus, the responses, and especially the vax. If the long-term side-effects turn out to be as serious as I fear, I will take more pity than satisfaction in having been proven right.
Agreed. I just don't trust the media. The fear porn they sell about school shootings, ar15s, massive blizzards coming when in reality it only is a dusting. They want people in fear!!!
This isn't intended as coming across anti-moron in any way, but I'm wondering if allowing yourself to be experimented on by big pharma with an unproven gene therapy that seems to have horrific side effects (including death and permanent injury) and doesn't really do much to protect you from Corona-cold is wise. Will pray for your senses to return.
The saddest part is that she says she would inject herself all over again.
How can someone be so certain that a drug that fucked up her cycle that badly would have no impact on fertility?? Mass Formation
The lies they have to tell themselves in order to be comfortable with the decision. My favorite is: "But the vaccines prevent severe illness and death"
That seems to be the ultimate fallback position for those who have been harmed by the vaccines and/or keep getting the virus. It's like the joke about the guy spraying elephant repellent around his yard. The neighbor tells him that there are no elephants around here. See, the guy says - it works!
And if you do die after the jab, it's a "mild death."
ya, could have been a much worse death-
I think the "science" tells us that you would have been 95% more dead without the vax.
My friend was essentially pushed into the Pfizer vax by his wife. Among the first to get it they had no problems (?so much so I think they may have been in the placebo group ) but last month they got the first booster and since then my friend had been in constant arthritic pain and his wife is complaining because he is always 'grumpy'. I wonder how many relationships are in trouble b/c it was not really a mutual decision
When my husband went behind my back to get his J&J shot (despite all my warnings, with scientific evidence, not to), it almost destroyed our marriage. I told him the level of betrayal I felt was akin to him cheating on me. Fortunately, with even more data, I convinced him to not get boosted. But that betrayal will always be there.
It is sad that you think it was/is a betrayal. The betrayal would be if he forced YOU to get vaxxed. People need to be free to do what they need to do for THEMSELVES. "Be together. . . but let there be spaces in your togetherness. . . . for the pillars of the temple stand apart and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow." from 'The Prophet' by Khalil Gibran
He went behind her back and got an experimental injection. If the injection injured him, that would significantly affect her life. It is 100% a betrayal. He didn’t need her approval to get the shot, but she had the right to know what he was going to do BEFORE he did it.
Yes, thank you for recognizing that. It's like that 'Minor Consent' bill passed by the mayor of DC, allowing children as young as 11 to go behind their parents' back and get the shot (AND the healthcare providers and insurance companies were required to fudge the child's medical records to hide it from the parents)! Absolutely unconscionable!! Thank goodness the court recently issued an injunction against it (thanks to RFK Jr and Children's Health Defense)!
Isn't DC not a state? And to make insurance companies LIE?! These people are INSANE!!
Exactly right. Insanity is the best way to describe it.
Actually, it was ICAN who won the injunction: https://www.icandecide.org/ican_press/ican-lawsuit-wins-preliminary-injunction-in-challenge-to-d-c-s-minor-consent-law/
Actually, we're both right. ICAN funded the lawsuit, while CHD litigated it. Which isn't surprising, since both organizations often work together (and are equally awesome). Here's more on it.
That's so evil!
well said.
Let me be more clear. The betrayal was not getting the shot. I had asked him prior to his decision, to give me a heads up if/when he was considering getting it, so we could further discuss it. The betrayal was going behind my back.
I would feel afraid to have sex with a boosted person. I stand away from the ppl I know are boosted like they have a virus, b/c of the potential shedding. I know a couple, mid 60''s no kids, he...the engineer got all the shots and she's been pissed and fearful for him ever since.
Let's just say for about 6 months afterward, abstinence was introduced into our relationship for the first time in our 25 years together, until I felt relatively safe again. I was fearful for me. I was fearful for him. I was fearful for us. What's even sadder is knowing how many other couples must've gone through a similar experience. For this (and many other reasons!) I hate those who perpetrated this whole scamdemic with a fury like nothing I've ever felt before.
Yes! Thank you. I am in a similar situation. I also feel betrayed. I have felt like I have been going crazy for almost a year. Maybe I am being unfair, but I just can’t understand why he got an experimental treatment without telling me and signing away any and all liability for any possible side effect or death. I did feel worse than if he had cheated on me. He still doesn’t get it. We don’t have to agree on everything, but this is a big deal. I am also very worried about future side effects. Something is very wrong here. I am trying very hard to move past it. Thinking about it makes me physically ill. But, it can’t be undone. So, I will continue to pray for him and all the other people who are jabbed. And for me to forgive it. I am not glad that this happened to you, but thank you for sharing. I feel a little less alone.
Likewise, thank you for sharing your story, as well. {{hugs}} In the months that followed, I tried to make sense of my hub's actions, and came up with 2 things: a) he was brainwashed by the 24/7 mainstream media narrative (because he STILL for some ungodly reason trusts those lying liars), and b) every one of our friends and family had gotten the jab, and he could no longer resist the peer pressure (thereby leaving me out in the cold as the lone resister - talk about feeling alone!). Up until then, I'd always considered him a person of great strength (in both character and conviction), so imagine my disappointment when learning of this weakness in him. A feeling that unfortunately also extended to friends & family. It's been a sad, yet eye-opening past couple years.
would it have been a betrayal if he shot up heroin or had risky elective surgery without being open about it?
I can see how you feel betrayed.
Your love is supposed to care to be healthy for you.
I explained that to my husband I wasn't happy about him wanting to get jabbed but he acceded to my request that, if he must, he should get the J&J. (some of his friends were sooo into the highly fashionable Pfizer)
He tried to hide when he made the appt but I told him not to sneak or it would feel very wrong.
Betrayal is also forcing someone to get a shot. That is worse.
We'll take care of them.
Yes. One of my (many!) arguments in pleading with him not to get the jab was whether he cared about the effect on me and his children if he suffered a serious side effect (in either the near or long term). But his belief that it wasn't even a possibility allowed him to easily dismiss my argument. So, along with feeling betrayed, I'm also resentful for the (indefinite?) anxiety/worry I'll endure over his future health. I pray for your husband, too. <3
It really chaps my ass when my well-reasoned opinions appear to not have been given proper consideration.
Really really gets my Irish up.
I pray for yours.
Mine gets Quercetin, C and NAC every day to help flush out spikes.
We are both still unvaxxed because I threatened to leave. It has been an really unpleasant 12 months. I've been the only one pushing against getting vaccinated in our direct circle and it is so hard. I sincerely hope that now having both had omicron (mild), all this nonsense about the vaccine "preventing severe disease" will stop.
I am quite sure I had OMICRON last month but my PCR test was negative I fear that OMICRON is NOT a natural mutation but another gain of function engineered product 😬
I had it too(I Think) I tested positive with 3 different brands of rapid tests over about 10 days, and the tested negative. I did have a headache, and minor symptoms. I took the FLLCC protocol and was fine. Roughly 3 weeks Later, I went for an antibody test, came back negative?? Gonna run one again here soon and hope it's positive. Weird stuff. Could this be the Bill Gates style contagious vaccine? I keep wondering. Thoughts? on why I was negative? First positive was 2/25, antibody test administered on 3/16
I was negative on both rapid AND PCR tests but spoke to many people who contracted OMICRON both vaxxed and unvaxxed and they all said the most troublesome symptom was muscle pain. Some could not even stand upright. That was the only symptom I had. No fever, cold symptoms, nothing else. If that crimes against humanity lawsuit doesn't start soon I am going to start my OWN!!! Have never tested positive through entire covid debacle
Where I live, you need a positive rapid test to even be allowed to do the PCR test. The PCR test is considered the ultimate proof and you then get your recovered certificate. My partner tested positive on the rapid and PCR. I had milder symptoms, went for rapid tests 4 days in a row and was negative each time. I took FLCCC recommended vitmains, and their recommended povidone iodine washes/nasal spray. But I did skip the iodine for 1.5 days, trying to test positive. No such luck. My partner refused the iodine washes, but took all the vitamin supplements.
My symptoms were very slight headache, slight muscle pains, runny nose and slight sore throat. Went to bed very early. My partner additionally had a cough.
If I had to rate this on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the flu I had 2017/2018 where I was in bed for over a week and it took months to feel normal), this was a 1.5.
Exactly. Their intent was to do exactly that with these divisive mandates. Split up families, relationships, communities, groups. The more depressed, isolated, fearful, and apathetic a society becomes, the less they will fight for their lives, humanity, and joy to be restored. The less they’ll fight the NWO. Just one more win for depopulation. It’s by design.
The one couple my hubby and I meet out for dinner have both been fully vaxxed (no boosters that I know of). She was guilted into getting jabbed for him (he still wears masks out); they've been married 51 years. Both have had visits to the hospital; she for a clot in her brain, him via ambulance after passing out at a public event. Hospital said he was dehydrated and kept him until the next day. Uh-huh. I'm pretty sure they've had a fight or two over this.
So many stories like this— fights and injuries and death. My brother got the Pfizer injections (2) and after 2nd one developed boils all over his legs. Never had them in his life. Next step was admittance to ER due to breathing difficulty. He needed 3 blood transfusions, got diagnosed with thrombocytopenia and had a catheter in his urethra due to extremely swollen gonads. But don’t worry! Docs and nurses said it’s because he has allergies! Morons. Aunt had a blood clot to her heart after injections. It’s disgusting.
Lucky for me, my hubby and I knew all about the medical tyranny that pharma and global groups (WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, WHO, etc.) have wanted to unleash for decades so we knew exactly what this was from day 1. It’s still surreal to be living through a planned poisoning and culling of the population.
I hope she's not going to turn out to be one of those people who leaves a sick spouse
If they change "prevent" to "cause", they may finally be onto something.
The one's I hear caught covid twice are vaxxed.
Oh, and also CAUSE it. But, but, but, “the benefits far outweigh the risks!” Alrighty then, good luck taking that gamble.
148 people have to get vaccinated to prevent a single covid infection with end point set at "symptons",(not hospitalisation).
That's the thing If you gamble on getting the virus you might or might NOT get it. But the vaxxine; it's a sure thing you are putting that stuff in your body! I am not anti vax ( well maybe I WILL be in the future ) I have had travel vaccines and such. Both my adult kids are triple vaxxed so I am worried about them.My daughter has developed 'spontaneous bleeding' and I am afraid she will have a brain hemorrhage but I can't press the issue because I don't want her any more scared than she is.
I pray for your children. If she were my daughter, I'd rather risk scaring her (into getting checked out by her doctor), than risk the alternative.
She has been seen by her doctor. Doctors are threatened with losing their licenses if they suggest vaccine injury. But he IS running blood tests etc
Good to hear. I pray she'll be okay.
Brena-and the vaccines can cause it too! I tell people that I’m not playing Russian Roulette with my health! Your choice…
It’s a coping mechanism.
My thoughts exactly.. People holding onto their beliefs because their egos won’t allow them to admit they were duped.
Egos, fear, disbelief. I think a lot of it is analogous to Penn State’s Joe Paterno allowing his decades old friend/employee to use the football program as a platform for his sexual abuse of children. For Joe, I think the reality was unfathomable and when he was finally forced to look at reality, he died of grief. I hope many of these people don’t face a similar fate. I fear they do.
Nobody likes to admit that they are wrong so just as unvaxxed individuals tend to use data that supports their decision, vaccinated individuals will do the same; even maintaining their stance despite data that says otherwise. Bottom line is that individuals under age 60 who are not obese or diabetic should never have taken a vaccine for something that had less than a 0.02% chance of killing them.
There is a difference. We the unvaxxed are using data. The vaxed are using propaganda.
Yes and at this point nobody should need data. There is real life proof of the truth all around them, or within them.
I swear that my inlaws don't believe we actually had Covid because we didn't die.
I need to get your comment tattooed on my chest
There is absolutely no reason for anyone to take these dangerous experimental poisonous gene therapies that have proven to have negative efficacy. The only reason why people think it's okay for old and sickly people to take it is because vaccine injuries can easily be hidden in that group. Their comorbidities make the adverse events look as if it's a natural result of their medical condition or age.
Had early treatment protocols been allowed like access to Ivermectin & not killing people w ventilators. There was never a need for an experimental injection.
Mai-that’s a great observation that I haven’t thought of, as well as those who have immune deficiency. A great place to hide those deaths…the Evils have thought of everything! Even the vet recommended my sister NOT give her elderly and arthritic dog his yearly vaccines because they could do more harm than good.
My own father who is in his late 70s was very healthy and appears young for his age. People used to think he was 20 to 30 years younger. I begged him not to get the booster because a few months after his 2nd jab we had to take him to the ER for heart palpitations and shortness of breath. I insisted they give him a d-dimer test and that was high. They excused it as nothing to worry about because of previous ankle surgery. He has a cough that has lingered for several months now and no explanation from anyone. He has other symptoms that can't be explained. But, because of his age, everything is excused as fine. Because it's normal for people his age to have heart issues, he won't believe me when I tell him of the dangers of this jab. He had doubts after his hospitalization but when all the doctors (including some of his friends) said its normal and nothing to worry about he eagerly went to get a 3rd jab. I know his health is not as good as before, but he refuses to see what is so obvious to the rest of us. What's worse is my father is a physician and surgeon so he won't listen to me because I did not go to medical school. I checked his vaccine batches on HowBadIsMyBatch.info and his first 2 batches are considered one of the dangerous ones. This is all so infuriating and all I can do at this point is pray that God protects him despite his foolishness.
Mai, how frustrating for you, and sad! I just cannot believe how people can be so blinded to the facts, especially when these “adverse reactions” happen to them personally. And I know the doctors must be seeing this on a regular basis—how can they ignore and lie?!
It's not even clear it's safe for diabetics - there's some evidence that the jabs cause diabetes to worsen.
In my case, my research led me to be uncertain of the safety and efficacy and conclude that on balance I was better off taking my chances with early treatment. I would not say that I am certain of this even now, because the data is so obscured, and we do not know the future, but it seems on balance very likely to be the correct choice. And for my pains I have been subject to discrimination and emotional and psychological manipulation and attack.
As I understand the pro-vax side of the "argument", they are quite certain of their choice, based solely on press releases from Pfizer and emotional government propaganda, and often in direct contradiction to what they may actually observe and experience. This is not a rational decision. But then, many of these people seem to inhabit an untethered, post rational world, from which they may never return.
Read about Steve Kirsch's experience with the jab. He is an insulin dependent diabetic and after he got the jab it resulted in Hyperglycemia. He had to double or triple his insulin doses. A paper came out a few months ago in an Endocrinology medical journal where they studied this and it showed that the jab will make your blood sugars rise astronomically. So, no, it's not safe for diabetics. Keep in mind that diabetics were never part of the clinical trial. Only healthy people participated in the clinical trial so how can Pfizer or Moderna know what their product will do to diabetics?
Yes, that was what I was thinking of, thanks for citing the references! It remarkable how they cleverly avoided testing these things on pretty much all of the people for whom they were most "called for"... diabetics, autoimmune, immune compromised, old and sick people
Just evil. The more I learn about these shots, the more disgusted and infuriated I become. It just keeps getting worse.
I personally know ELEVEN SENIORS who DIED within a week of receiving the first or second shot, nevermind the people suffering from all kinds of auto immune conditions.
And not only...they did not test this on young people, old people, people with cancer, people with pre-existing conditions, pregnant people, etc etc. etc. Yet the forced it on all the groups that were NEVER in the trials.
I’m just gonna point out the possibility that at 37 she’d rather not have any more kids. But not rebutting the thrust of the post. I’ve tried to convince my close friends that there is a real possibility this vax is doing real damage to humans as a whole, setting us up for more disease. Most just don’t want to hear it.
A number of women are bleeding for weeks. If that keeps up expect hysterectomies to drastically increase. Then expect osteoporosis etc. These women will age quickly.
Yeah, that occurred to me, although it's a funny way to say it if that's actually the case. I have tried to share my views with others but generally without success. Certainly if someone came to me with questions or concerns I would be compassionate and help them understand. But it seems they have to get to that point on their own, somehow. Maybe she is "ready" and hopefully there is someone in her life who can help her along. Probably not via Twitter though..
I like your name 'fork in socket'
It’s like the Aussie woman who volunteered for their home grown vax MADE WITH A LIVE HIV virus who now tests positive for HIV. She’s good with it and isn’t worried at all. Every single person in the study now tests positive. They’ve been told they’re all False positives. And they all believe it.
The good thing about being a permanent false positive is it's impossible to be a true positive. Problem solved. Though as AJ Nock points out, HIV testing is a bit dubious. For example, one of the methods of testing is an antibody test, which basically tells you that you were exposed, but not that you are currently infected. Never mind that, it's still used to prove infection.
It's also unclear the precise relationship to AIDS. What is clear is the relationship to money. If you are researching HIV vaccines or AIDS drugs, there's money in it.
There is mounting evidence the immune system in a vaxed person is cratering. CD8 cells, which fight viruses and cancers, are drastically reduced. AIDS is not HIV. AIDS is the condition that results. It means the immune system is wrecked. Typically CD4 cells go way down in HIV infected people. Vax AIDS May very well be another version of AIDS not related to HIV. In Australia though they might have infected 30,000 people with HIV AIDS. The mRNA vaccines seem to affect CD8 cells more than CD4s. But, who knows over time what will emerge.
Agree.. hopefully this experiment with these shots will be stopped, although there's little sign of that happening. And I worry that people with wrecked immune systems keep getting COVID and getting more shots in the hope that this time it will really work.
Fauci made sure of that
Could be, HIV tests aren't as meaningful as we were lead to believe (largely by the same sorts of crooks we're dealing with now).
They're bumping into their own, older, deceptions.
Just a layman's opinion though.
Not the same sort of crooks... the same crooks.
True. But practically getting a positive HIV test and saying ‘yeah I’m not worried at all’ is nearly insane.
The HIV test is likely a bit of a scam. But taking a test showing one’s CD4 count is below 350 is not a scam, and CD8s are extremely low could also not be a scam. AIDS is a syndrome. HIV is a virus associated with the syndrome. It is possible many things can cause a syndrome in which your CD4s and CD8s are plummeting. HIV might be one. The jab might be another.
yikes. and it's the unjabbed that they isolate? How about these HIV+ people?
My weirdo science fiction imagination thinks ‘huh, what if they have created by their vaccines an air borne AIDS’.
I don't believe there is any certainty involved in any thought that bounces between her ears. Reality is a fluid concept.
Alex asks, "why would this woman do this?"
The simple answer is, she's afraid her friends won't like her if she doesn't.
There's more to it than that. But that's at the root of it.
Never out-grew peer pressure ,lives as a sheep all her life. Well now she knows what its like to get fleeced.
I think it's even worse than that. A "thought process" I learned during my working years was that if someone makes a mistake with "X", you should wonder what's happening with "Y" and "Z" and maybe the rest of the letters of the alphabet.
The tendency to think that one found problem is the only problem is itself an enormous problem.
It’s like when someone tells you something that’ll isn’t true. It might be a mistake. It might be you misheard him, or he misheard you and was answering a different question, or it might be he’s a liar or incompetent. You should be very wary around this person. If he tells you another thing that isn’t true, with both of his untruths benefiting him, then almost for certain he’s a liar. About everything. Similar to what you said. If X is wrong, then Y is wrong, then likely A-Z is wrong.
Mass FormTARDation
She is not certain, its what she wants to believe, hope springs eternal.
She could just be saying that to keep herself from being attacked.
She could have died if she didn’t get jab! I’m a guy (does that even matter anymore?) so I can’t imagine having your body in chaos like that. I want to feel sorry for her, but it’s hard.
Well, she probably won't die in childbirth, that's something at least
Michael...get with the program. You’re a guy (I know, I’m assuming your gender). You aren’t allowed to have any opinions re women.
She didn't say that, actually, She just said she wasn't worried about it.
For example, she simply may not be interested in having kids at this point in her life.
If she goes into early menopause she is looking at osteoporosis. Bone problems. She will age very quickly. Her skin will lose elasticity. Her Thinking will become cloudy. Whether she wants more children or not is one issue. She will face a host of others.
she strikes me as single, childless
Perhaps she has no interest in reproducing? She stated that she does not worry about her fertility, not that it had no impact on her fertility.
This may shed some light as to the stubbornness in admitting "I was wrong".....
A failure in cognitive thinking.....
Reading that paper I came across this:
"When deciding what is true, people are often biased to believe in the validity of information30, and ‘go with their gut’ and intuitions instead of deliberating31,32. For example, in March 2020, 31% of Americans agreed that COVID-19 was purposefully created and spread33, despite the absence of any credible evidence for its intentional development."
I seem to recall at the time thinking it came from a lab, because it first appeared a few blocks away from the only BL4 lab in China, was already optimally adapted for humans, and was 1000 miles from the nearest cave of infected bats. Plus they weren't even selling bats at the market that week! But I guess I got duped by good old misinformation!
To be fair, at that time I assumed it leaked accidentally (e.g. selling used bats out the back door), although I'm no longer certain of that either.
"despite the absence of any credible evidence for its intentional development."
Evidence? Like the atypical furin cleavage site, unknown in any natural cv, later shown to be a perfect match for a patented sequence owned by (checks notes) Moderna?
Nature is often a solid journal, but they ran that presumptuous Proximal Origin paper in March 2020, despite a complete lack of evidence for their thesis.
The article itself uses disbelief in the efficacy of vaccines despite a ‘scientific consensus’ and a non belief in ‘climate change’ as examples of misinformation. Hahahahahaha.
The article also goes on to state government regulations and imposed penalties should be enforced against those who promote distrust of government, journalism, and science. How about accepting all three can be promoting falsehoods and it is incumbent on all of us to learn to think critically regardless of where the info comes from.
I read a good book called ‘How we know what isn’t so’. By Thomas Gilovich. He goes over ways we can trick ourselves and reinforce our own preconceptions. It’s a good book. But some examples he gives were actually examples of his own negative biases. He dissed alternative medicine. Why? Because it hadn’t been researched. So, nothing true exists except that which has been researched? Something is 100% true but no one has researched it and published it in JAMA so therefore it is not YET true? But it will be once a properly credentialed person reviews it? He couldn’t see his own biases despite being able to write a credible book about the very topic.
Yes, I question myself on this as well. Surely I am blind to some of my biases, and maybe aware of some others. Perhaps nobody is able to be free of biases. It happens a lot in the covid / vax area of concerns where you have two people who each think the other is deluded, and one of them has the explicit support of the goliath of mainstream opinion and censorship, while the other has to rely on alternative sources of information or analysis. Each can make an argument that the other is deluded. My approach to this is to try to establish evidence for a position that takes multiple independent paths. The more such independent signifiers, the more likely the conclusion is accurate.
This is a good take I found recently that makes this point:
Also, El Gato's screed on how not to get fooled (although I know for a fact he sometimes gets fooled!)
There is a difference between taking a position and believing something and having a bias. I have to make decisions as to what I believe in many areas. I can and will defend these positions. But, give me one fact which I have not already heard that is significant and I am happy to change my opinion. Instantly. As long as one is willing to consider something new without putting up a wall then I don’t think one’s ‘bias’ is bad.
Maybe they should retitle the paper to be something about studying the effect of the appeal to authority type of cognitive bias and how much of the population is particularly subject to it.
Natural selection is exhausted from working overtime the past few years.
Thanks for the chuckle...it's what I've been thinking to myself for the better part of the past 6 months or so.
She has to console herself. For her, it looks like feelings of regret would probably make her feel worse. Eventually, she'll feel worse regardless as the situation progresses and denial is no longer possible. What are those stages of grief again? Denial, acceptance...
Don’t forget rage!
Perhaps because she has more fear of being canceled than of what harms she’s done to her body. Which is also very sad.
Ugh... The sad thing is you're so freaking correct
Clearly, she runs in left circles and doesn’t want to get kicked out of the club.
That's a cult member talking.
Please don't argue with Charles Darwin and interfere with the progress of his work.
The problem with stupid people is that they don't know they are stupid...
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain
You win best comment of the day!
She’s brainwashed and has been assimilated by the Jab Collective
This is a religion. The new universal religion. Faith in this vaccine. Faith in the future vaccines. Faith in the WHO, Faith in the CDC.
I just wish they just can come crystal clear with their faith.
Then I will be very respectful with their Freedom of Religion.
I stopped going to a loved Methodist church because that’s what I saw happened. I don’t want people like that praying with or for me. On their Facebook page, clearly addicted to virus
Pray for COVID hangnail , Covid pneumonia, etc etc . They aren’t seeing the correlation between the fast growing cancers ( not due to neglect in lockdown, too fast growing!) and heart problems and the vaccines , especially since the boosters.
I'm so blessed that our church & pastor were against the jab. We've had 2 people die that were unvaxed, but the blame belongs to the hospital & Fauci's protocol.
Glad that church didn’t fall for the constant fear porn . The hospital had a criminal protocol knowing it would not work but very expensive medicine and that extra $$$ for Covid diagnosis.
I’m still furious people had to suffer alone.
Me too, & it makes me sick. So many died alone! There's many people with innocent blood on their hands.
Well said!
She won't that statement is just protection from the mob
If you read the many responses they all do. They seem afraid of provoking the Twitter attack mob so they have to reassert their liberal bonafides.
It is the modern version of spouting the party line to avoid a struggle session, being shipped to a gulag or disapeared altogether.
Meh. Let her. Next.
I went from "DON'T DO IT! Look at the data!"
"Pffft... Get your booster."
Right? You can lead a horse to water...
Like a battered wife, I’m grateful to my husband even though he beats the shit out of me every day. I would get married to him again.
Too invested to change.
Of course I don't know her thoughts, but I suspect she probably would be much more hesitant to take them again, but doesn't want to lose social cred by sounding like a Trump supporter, god forbid. Or some antivaxxer that doesn't obey the science :)
And that's the real issue. Those who don't follow science are the ones lining up to take an experimental gene therapy offered up by serial felons, in cahoots with low IQ politicians who could not run a lemonade stand. Those who think critically are not "anti-vaxxers", but "anti-idiocracy". We proudly declare: "we are not idiots and we will not become idiots".
The Federal Government foreclosed on a legal brothel for tax liens on the outskirts of Las Vegas. The Feds assumed control and In no time at all the brothel closed due to bankruptcy. Let that sink in.
“The Federal Government could not make a profit turning tricks and selling booze to Las Vegas tourists”
Don't the vexxers know that Trump is the vexxinator in chief? They throw around the insult "Trumpist" like they throw around racist, sexist, phobophobe, istyist, deplorable, bitter clingers, etc. They have no logical retort or counter so they resort to illogical, inane, asinine, non-sequitor insults.
I am reminded of this exchange from when my children watched Disney Movies:“
Lumiere: No, you didn’t. I told you!
Cogsworth: You most certainly did not, you pompous, paraffin-headed peabrain!
Lumiere: En garde, you you overgrown pocket watch!”
And the working folk, represented by the maid says to Lumiere the candlestick, “ I’ve been burnt by you before”
Trump didn’t and wasn’t going to mandate the jab. Get the point?
“She blinded me with….. SCIENCE!”
I know, that's exactly what I thought too! It's beyond comprehension, the pure lack of logical and critical thinking.
She's an exceptionally stupid, woke person. This is how she commented on "Period havers? Is that what you've reduced women to?" tweet:
"Nope. That is how we have expanded our language to include all people who menstruate. You don't seem like someone who should be chiming in on this conversation."
Pontificating inclusive degenerate denying someone's right to question the dogma. They are all fucking insane. Alas, they grow in numbers.
Reality is going to smack quite a few idiots in the face in the coming years. The endless supply of free money that allowed us to build layer upon layer of stupidity is about to washed away like grains of sand at the beach.
"Make Orwell Fiction Again" - My new slogan if I decide to run in 2024.
This is my favorite comment thus far in the thread!!
Yep. That right there is why I don’t feel sorry for them.
Omg, I had no idea she was that stupid! Now whatever amount of sympathy I had for her has evaporated like dew in hot sunlight.
I suddenly feel zero sympathy for her.
i mostly feel sorry for these people. propaganda is an amazingly power force. in another life if i hadn't taken some college chemistry, if i hadn't read certain books, i would be taking these vaccines. and in this life i regret blindly adhering to the CDC vax schedule for my daughter for her early life.
Moral of the story: never take your freedom to be taken for granted. When you blindly follow bought & paid for "experts", your are doing just that.
Yeh I regret giving my daughter the last two recommended when she was 15. This was just before 2020. Had the Coronasterics hit before 2020 I would have likely not given those two shots. As for the childhood shots, the 'safe and effective' marketing and branding had been settled after 70 years of repeated propaganda and sales pitches. It had become a 'settled science' through advertising. People just took it for what it was and trusted their doctors. It was also still a choice which goes to show how powerful not mandating something can be. It was the 'thing' to do and just part of an overall health strategy. Now it's seen as a means to a medical end and can't understand for the life of me how anyone still hasn't figured out a) this is a dangerous development especially considering the ethical standards we've ignored and b) these are NON-STERILIZING experimental procedures hence making mandates irrational.
Hopefully, this episode will actually begin an honest debate about vaccines and their place in medicine and our lives.
Yes. The true colors of the “experts” has come out so clearly the past 2 years.
We can regret our past decisions, but not too much because before the current situation their propaganda against independent thinking was more subtle and we just didn't KNOW. We need to keep moving forward and deal with the problems that come along with the information that will be out there when the time comes. I hope your daughter will be fine.
My kid, fully jabbed, just learning what "cognitive dissonance" means in first college classes ... thinks I'm the one with the issue. Now I need to teach "mass formation" ... When I brought up the menstruation issues related to the jab, she said that was the easiest thing to point to because EVERYthing messes up periods. It's no big deal, she says. Happens all the time.
This cult. It's a strong one.
Is there a name for that type of rhetorical argument? I see it a lot as a way to dismiss side effects of all types of medications.
The side effect is not actually the problem - the real issue is whatever is causing the side effect. It could be minor, or it could be a sign of major disruption.
It's a very effective way that pharmaceutical companies mask the problems they cause.
The ONLY end game these days is to STOP any sign the body is giving that something is not normal. Doctors definitely USED to tell patients that pain is something that should not always be looked at as "bad" and covered up. Now, that's the main objective.
Yes, of course ! Daily I hear the endless ads on TV for Rx drugs. Many of these are not even to "treat" serious life threatening conditions. At the conclusion of the ad is a mind boggling list of counter indications and possible side effects, many deadly, and it's as if they are not even openly divulging these. It's truly unbelievable that a person, suffering from allergies no matter how disabling, would even consider trying a drug that could cause a rare brain tumor, or that takes a serious toll on the liver or kidneys, it's as if people can't think, weight risks against the seriousness of the condition. Of course any of us with a life threatening condition would probably choose to take the risk, but for indigestion, seasonal allergy, etc. ? Something has gone very wrong in our country and in the minds of people.
Blows my mind; fool me once shame on me - fool me twice, shame on me - fool me again, it’s fine.
Does she need to have her legs amputated for it to be enough? I do not understand this insanity.
Sadly, that may be true ! And even then, many many people would deny it was at all related to this novel, unproved, "injection" (not actually a vaccination, not sure why so many use that term, but... ?)
The term is used because “vaccines” are accepted in society. Introducing a *new* type would cause far more hesitation, despite your statement being true; not a vaccine. Granted, none are necessary and all are toxic.
I feel like she just needs someone to tell her "hey, you're allowed to be angry about this. You were lied to, emotionally manipulated and the systems you trusted betrayed you. This only gets better if we stop giving cover to the bad actors who allowed this to happen and made this happen. They didn't do it to save humanity from covid - they did it for money and power."
If you remember the original info and the rush - it's all about timing. We were told that these vaccines were a miracle and 98% effective. If 60% of us got vaxed - COVID would go away. In Canada, we screwed up and the vax came late. We had AZ, and I signed up - 2wks before my turn it was pulled due to issues. That sent alarm bells, then the Israeli Data started coming in on Pfizer, then J&J was NOT recommended, then Moderna was pulled for men under 30. Then Delta hit and we needed a couple of boosters. All this from April to October. An unreported train wreck.
We were told 100% effective, from many parties, one being the CEO of Pfizer. It has negative efficacy based on available data. But generally speaking, they are toxic no matter how you cut the data. And they don’t belong in our bodies, period.
Now, seriously, why would the CEO of Pfizer not be the LAST one we would go to to ask about effectiveness ? Kind of like asking the beer company if beer is good for you... or the coffee company is coffee is beneficial. It could be, of course, not arguing the benefits of either coffee or beer, the POINT is, if we wanted the UNBIASED truth of either, why wold we ask the CEO's of Folgers or Miller brewing ? Makes no sense at all ! If I am considering the purchase of a Ford vehicle, would I ask the CEO of Ford about the safety and durability, etc. of a Ford ? ? ?
Alcohol is toxic, so beer is not “good” for us. Pretty clear on that point.
Wasn't the point, just an analogy for the real point, WHERE should a person look for truth when seeking information. If you were considering a new cell phone, what do you think Samsung would tell you ? Apple would tell you ? That was my point, that asking Pfizer if you should take their products, seems like the "not brainer" as they say, but guess not !
You correctly point out how fast this all went sideways, I am assuming you are unjabbed. I was close to getting it at work but saw so many coworkers out sick for days that I changed my mind. So glad I never gave in. I took an early retirement because I couldn’t wear the mask 8 hours a day anymore.
Well our president at the time started it all, cutting the "deals" to go "hell bent" to an injection, "warp speed" he said, a sort of "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" mentality no matter what the end results (permanent damage to an entire society ?). Then our next one (president) buys into the same thing, both feet, full speed ahead. I honestly fear that no sane people willing to take the risk of running for an office are even left. It seems only those with low-self esteem, ego problems, a serious "greed" problem with no motivation to get into a job/position that requires rigid hours and work responsibilities (must turn out a minimum of so many ___ per shift, or must make ___ calls per day, or wait on so many tables per day, etc.), and or, who just has an abnormal desire to have power over other human beings. Isn't that something like a slave master and a slave ? I say it, YOU do it ! This has to change. instead of a few powerful families, "ordinary" people MUST begin to think of themselves as perfectly capable of filling these leadership positions, we can't go on like this indefinitely !
Further - the families of those dying continue the cover up. I don't understand this at all. Many many people will believe there is no risk if we don't publicize what's happening. They've literally created a group that advises them to sue coroners who insist on reporting it. What we are living through is truly unreal. God bless those who care and retain critical thinking skills.
It's like a ARMY of robots, no ability to "think", never questioning if the sudden onset of some serious conditions could be linked to recent injections. It seems the natural human drive to deny one has made a mistake (being sold an advertising line concerning this latest injection.. yes, I did buy that line... ONCE and regret that even), I admire the members of my extended family who resisted the "drink the cool aid, don't wait, step up now, bring you children, drink drink" line. I have NO problem telling people honestly I wish I'd never taken even the one shot !
A group to sue the coroners?? So they can get their insurance monies or what? Where is this group?
The astonishing fact is truly how stupid they sound! It is Lent and Easter is approaching and I am trying to be a better Christian but can someone please ask these fools if they are seriously this stupid?!
Ok, I said I was trying! lol
That's because you are like the rest of us, human ! Not the example Christ set for us, but, we can only try. It's a hard road.
The nonsense that spews out the mouths of fools is beyond belief. She needs to take a few more boosters and the issue will be sorted out. I am sure in her mind that would be the solution.
Joseph Carroll, I believe I speak for the entire comment section: I love you.
Joseph - great reply! Thanks.
Maybe they never had senses to start with? So, there’s that!
Please tweet this!
I saw this tweet and replies earlier this morning. I gave up on all of these people about 6 months ago for 1 simple reason. They aided and abetted the attempted exclusion of the unvaxxed from society. There are people still fired and having to change careers because of the psychos and their enablers, like this woman. Look at the replies to her tweet, and you will see who they blame for the lack of information on mRNA injection induced menses problems - they blame 'anti-vaxxers', not censorship. Bless her heart.
Blaming anti-vaxxers for lack of information??? Unbelievable.
The pro-vax doctors will likely refuse to help her. They'd probably dismiss her or, worse, mock her. There are doctors who truly care about her problem and would gladly try to help her, but she's likely spent two years calling them all sorts of names, like conspiracy theorists and kooks and, more recently, anti-vaxxers. She would almost certainly refuse to get their help.
Exactly. And all of these good doctors have been relentlessly harassed on social media and had complaints against them to the medical board by trolls for the past year or more.
Exactly right. I despise these self-righteous people. If someone is going to suffer, let it be those who so self-righteously reached for the poison and mocked those with enough common sense to avoid these toxic jabs. Zero pity for them.
I give up if she's blaming "anti-vaxxers" for lack of information. Truly. She cannot be helped.
It wasn't her blaming anti-vaxxers. It was a whole lot of her followers.
My two female bosses have been trying to stick a needle in me for four months and have given me until May or I will be fired unless I fake a religious exemption.
God is the Potter; you are the clay. Unbiblical to allow the genetic material God gave you to be messed with. Not to mention that we are marching directly toward the Mark of the Beast. You do not have to claim Jesus Christ as your savior (although you should) to recognize what the Bible sets forth. Demand a Biblically-based religious exemption. "The Bible teaches" is not a lie.
I’m a transgender woman, and I just noticed the booster shot has made my menstrual cycles irregular.
Since we can't define woman, can someone please define a transgender woman???
Someone that would have been in an asylum recieving the help they actually need just a couple decades ago. Or, at the very least, prevented from spewing their bullshit all over the rest of us because they can't stop themselves.
Im not a biologist.
A "woman" with a Y chromosome.
Y chromosome? I don't know. Third Base!
Second base
you joke but it's a thing https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/m8pee8/i_think_i_got_my_first_period/
Clarification! I don't mean it's an actual thing
So sad for you, you'll never be able to give birth.
(psst, Dana, I also read the Radical Substack. The writer's got an interesting angle of news and culture.)
I read him as well! Absolutely Brilliant!
(In my best Monty Python voice). “ How do you know you’re an transgender woman!”
“She turned me into a Newt Gingrich”
"I got better"
Irregular, like from never, to never and a day? Like that, you mean?
You win today's Internet. 🏆
This timeline sure brings out the one-liners.
My educated guess? Due to the vaccine, you do not menstruate. So unfair.
Too many people are writing their symptoms/side effects off as 'rare', they're just one of the unlucky ones, and are unwilling/afraid to/don't even think to report and discuss them with others. I have no doubt in my mind that the under-reporting factor is HUGE.
Dr. Jessica Rose estimates 31 fold underreporting for injuries and 41 fold for deaths.
Two hockey players, out of about 25, on the same team came down with myocarditis. Supposedly one in 100,000. What are the odds, eh? Two on one team get the same extremely rare side effect.
Football match in Germany a while back, two dropped during the same game.
Same happened during a cricket match in India.
Losing count now, I'll mention two neighbours and Ma.
Julie, flat above, her colleague, 49 mother of two, heart attack within 20 mins. Dead.
Tina, two doors up, son went blind. As is total darkness, permanently blind.
Mother here, thrombosis in foot, couldn't walk for two weeks. Foot swelled up like Ron Jeremy's schlong. Fed a tonne of asprin daily, it disappeared. Doctor didn't want to know, no Yellow Card (UK VAERS) report made.
So that's three people I know of within a radius of about 30 metres.
There's more heart attacks, deaths, strokes, thrombosis, Bell's Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis which had been in remission for years now crippled, another now riddled with tumours...
A colleague of mine couldn't walk for two days after vaxx - she was bed ridden. I assume it was thrombosis in the foot. Just insane.
Ma had this thrombosis appear the day after the second injection. AstraZeneca.
Then, her friend had exactly the same. Same injection. Same timeframe. Same outcome.
Next up! A revision of the adjective, "rare." I suggest rare becomes, "more common than the forces of evil tell the public."
Just like they did with the noun, "vaccine." As well as, "herd immunity" which no longer includes natural immunity, only immunity from the new definition of the noun, vaccine, which isn't a vaccine.
This contact of mine is in Scotland, so maybe it was AstraZeneca, too.
It'll be the same thing. The BBC was forced to report the coroner's inquest finding that the BBC presenter, Liz Shaw, died from a blood clot in her brain as a direct result of the AstraZeneca injection.
Well guess we can believe "our lying eyes" after all. We need SO many more coroner's reports!
Pfizer had a 9 page list of side effects doctors were supposed to be looking for, in order to better understand the safety of the shots. Instead of informing doctors, Pfizer and the FDA tried to keep that information hidden for 75 years, and told the world the shots were safe. It's amazing there are still people that trust big pharma or the public health authorities.
Which countries are still mandating this shit in any way, shape or form?
I can't keep up.
Lots of them. Most of South America (Brazil, Columbia) for example. Some of the EU countries (Germany, Austria) have dropped their mandates. All of the East and South east Asian countries, aside from Japan, have vaccine mandates in place.
I'll have to call Mrs for an update. Against my explicit instructions, eldest daughter got two of these injections "because college", to which I exploded. I know Mrs and the two younger ones said no thank you and it hasn't been an issue.
Eldest won't be having a third.
This is Thailand.
Thanks for the update!
New Zealand still mandating healthcare and border workers. And all businesses can now decide if they want to mandate all by themselves. Government passing the buck to moronic virtue signaling business owners. Drove past one today with full length sign draped down one entire wall of the building...stand with Ukraine! There is no hope...
An old friend's a GP in New Zealand. I tried to get him to see what was going on, he just got angry and won't speak to me now. But before that, he did wonder why the children were being injected.
Absolutely bizarre.
Canada. Australia. A number of others.
Germany and Austria?
That demonic Von Der Leyen creature, whose husband just happens to be a director of a biotech firm supplying this shit, wanted to force it on to the whole of the EU. Seems to have gone quiet on that front.
And 'minor'. Or 'mild'.
Mild myocarditis. You know mild as in a 60% chance of a heart attack, but likely not for five years. I mean, five years is a long time away.
Like whistling in the graveyard, no?
It’s starting to look like the vaccine is capable of nearly anything, other than safely protecting you from Covid.
Getting Omicron did what I thought would be impossible: made me stop drinking beer. The lockdowns helped me drink a six pack a day.
I guess that when we see birth rates that are about half the normal rate, some people might finally wake up. But others will still try to write it off as Covid believers too afraid to have sex.
Bottom line: some people will NEVER be convinced the jab was a bad idea.
They will say it is a good side effect of the jab, because, you know, superpopulation and global warming.
Bill Gates. Paging Bill Gates.
Or a stealth assault by a foreign actor using Useful Covidiots and modern day Judas Iscariots like the utterly corrupt and senile old perv residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. When he’s not in Delaware…..
Oops. I said it out loud.
Yep, it’ll be Putin’s fault.
They just blame the low rates on Long Covid. Built-in excuse for everything.
Search for the BabyCenter forum Birth Clubs. Go to the overview by year.
Check the numbers per month for November 2021 to March 2022 vs. same months in previous years.
Various confounds here... but big numbers.
I saw those about a week ago. Its shows a dramatic decline, say from 33-36K in 2019 down to 19K early last year. We are in deep trouble if these birth club number correlate to societal wide birth rates.
Not worried about her fertility,? Hmm me thinks she might should be... My triple jabbed sister in law just came down with a blood clot in her ovary by ya know, coincidence disorder
Yes, she *should* be. My young married, unvaxxed daughter has been watching all the vaxxed young married women around her, and after a friend's miscarriage a couple weeks ago, she this me, "Mom, of all the friends I know who have gotten the vaxx and gotten pregnant, now *every* single one of them has had at least one miscarriage."
Young ladies: Be very afraid!
How many is “every single one”? Curious how many doses they’ve each taken. Haunting for sure.
I asked. She said 3, in her circle. All 2x or 3x vaxxed. One is pregnant again, and approaching 3rd trimester. Then she remembered another lady who was 3x jabbed who successfully delivered a couple months ago. So "every single one" is amended to ~75%. So far...
If my memory is correct, Dr. Mike talked about syncytin-1 being central to the vax, which would have a negative effect on the placenta.
Oh, Kat, that is awful.
My one young daughter couldn't wait to get her shots and post it on her Insta story (she even tried to help my other daughter procure a shot without my knowledge). I truly do worry about her fertility.
Incredibly sad.
My wife has a fibroid/tumor in her uterus - it wasn’t there three weeks before her shot, and she knows because of ultrasounds. Insane.
So sad. I'm sorry for your wife & everyone else that is suffering these side effects.
Thanks. We are going through IVF because if a reproductive issue in my end - really feel like a victim from being poisoned by vaccines in my childhood now that I’ve learned so much on the topic. And this mRNA method is extremely stomach churning.
IVF is very morally and socially problematic.
It’s one of the most difficult things I’ve been dealing with in my entire life
people tend to think "its the woman's age" while male fertility issues tend to be overlooked and I suspect are increasingly common for environmental reasons
Here is the question: Do you know how many systems you have to affect to throw off a menstrual cycle? What you're seeing is the tip of the iceberg.
So many abnormal things going on with people's health right and now, and YES, just the tip of the iceberg! How many issues have bit had over symptoms yet and have not been bad enough to go to a doctor about?
Yup. And some occurring many months after vax so they are unable to make any connection at all. My husband was vaxed over a year ago (twice, no booster) and he has been getting subconjunctival hemorrhages in his eye regularly since then. And they are getting more frequent. He is seeing a doctor today about it finally. He mentioned it during an eye exam awhile back and his doctor said it was not related to the shot.
Um, and how would the "doctor" know that exactly? (I mean other than Pfizer and Fauci said so.)
My husband got one J&J and he's been having periodic vertigo.
My married daughter took the vax last year and called me one day saying she had not had a period for some months. I did not know she had taken the death jab and was greatly concerned, asked her if she was pregnant and advised her to see an ob/gyn. A few months later, to my shock (and horror which I hid from her), I found out she and her husband had taken the jab. I wish I had discussed it her prior, but she lives in another state, and I am thankful she even communicates with me.
So it was NOT just a matter of weeks without her menstruation, but MONTHS> there is something very nefarious about these shots.
My also married daughter (24 years old) got the shot without talking to me about it (we found out because she was still on our insurance at the time and we got the EOB statement). I really wish I had known she was going to do it so I could have at least said something...anything. But I accept that in all likelihood she would have rejected what I said as "anti-science" and it would have driven an even bigger Covid wedge between us. I can only pray for her and her husband that they suffer no long-term damage.
same for me...not that she would have listened to me. My daughter is 23.
Same. She is into every pharmaceutical imaginable, constantly takes "anti-depressants" and "anti-anxiety" drugs, and is very aggressive and manipulative in pushing these shots. There's something about that category of women and their pills and vaccines.
I talked to my daughter about it -- me who she always calls for recipes and natural remedies and crises -- and she got it anyway.
I thank God that my 37 year old daughter had a healthy baby boy in 2020 before the vax was available. She's had 3 shots since then. She would not have listened to me if I told her not to get vaxxed. She lives in NH. According to her we live in the unintelligent and backwards SC.
Those who say we are unintelligent are just really sad. It shows me that they are just accepting the narrative without any critical thinking or research of their own. ---Exactly what the powers that be require and desire.
They want group think.
These effects have been noticed for an entire year. Feminist Naomi Wolf had her Twitter account deleted right around the time that she was discussing it. I have discussed the potential effects of the jab on fertility in my long-form article, here:
Yeah, I remember she was sounding the warning bells every day. Then her account got "disappeared" in August around the same time as Alex. Sad!
" There has been hardly anything written on this!" Seriously! This poor misguided woman seems intelligent enough to do her own research. There's plenty on the menstruation topic, in fact it was one of the first vaccine symptoms I had heard about. Even women who no longer had a period are now having them again. Apparently there are more under-rock dwellers than I originally had thought!
Yep. If she weren’t so concerned about other people thinking she was “antivax” she might have found that helpful information.
She clearly fell for the propaganda that “doing your own research is stupid”.
“doing your own research" means get all the info that the propagandists are gladly to provide. Amazingly, she found nothing.
I'm 4 years post-menopausal and had a period a week ago. The FIRST thing my doctor asked was "you didn't get the shot, did you?" "(she knows I'm against it.)
Not to be too personal, so don’t feel you need to answer this, but is your lover vaccinated? I’m asking as I’m hearing of unvaxed women suffering various symptoms as if they have been vaxed. Their lovers have been vaxed though.
Yes, I second unvaxxed women are suffering similar, and it need not come from a luvvah, even! I work w/heavy public interaction in Commiefornia (aka lotsa jabbed and still-masking) and have had disruptions; am convinced it is either jab shedding or Omicron, which I got around the new year.
If you read the Project Veritas documents that talk about the EcoHealth experiments involving "aerosolized vaccines" and consider that Omicron is not so much a descendant of Alpha but more like a sibling, well, just sayin'.
And yeah, this is not only scary but infuriating. My health has always been primo.
I can confirm that as an unvaxxed post menopausal woman. Had spotting after my vaxxed partners first dose.. Then had 6 days of heavy bleeding (along with leg bruises and multiple cold sores) after his 2nd dose. I hadn't bled in 5 yrs before this. Scary.
Holy crap.
Wow! Still feeling grateful? WTF and btw, Pfizer and Moderna are also feeling grateful for the pass. Pretty shocking
Apparently, another vaccine side effect is Stockholm Syndrome
It sounds to me like, "I'm really scared this thing has screwed me up, but I am way more scared that people will turn on me if I say so." "What will happen to my world if I question authority? If I choose to know that I've been lied to, than my world and everything I believe in will start to crumble... will you love me? do you love me? I am lost" the words of the drowning
A way to pull the pin on the mRNA-injection hand grenade is to demand that any candidate running for office must have eliminating the Big Pharma's protection against lawsuits as part of their platform. Start with Pfizer first. The justification: Given the recent forced publication of Pfizer's data showing major health damage and injury during experimental trials, citizens receiving that injection were denied informed consent.
Exactly. If the shot is harmless, surely they can be responsible!
I incredulously read this yesterday. The replies were as bad, with many stating they’d also dutifully revaxx again given the choice. These people are truly broken.
I agree most are broken but many are waking up but continue to sing the praises of the MRNA injections to eliminate the perceived risk of being deplatformed. That's just as terrifying to these folks, if not more, than the destruction of their health.
It's similar to the Hollywood crowd who publicly boast about their abortions. I refuse to try to understand their insanity.
"I would do it again" is bad, very bad.
But "I do not worry about my fertility" is much worse. Why don't you worry? You are unable to think beyond "safe and effective". You are stupid and shouting it out.
it's a form of woke prayer where reality is inverted by repeated mantras
You nailed it.
So I read that as she doesn't care because she didn't necessarily want any (more?) kids. But there are MANY out there who DO want more kids, or young girls who want a family someday who might have had that taken away from them because of this. 😡
Years ago, I was reading something about the Kamikaze and wondered what would make a person go to his death like that. The mindset of this lady who would gratefully take the vaccine again strikes me as the kind of subject who could give insight into the mindset of the Kamikaze. Psychologists have tons of fodder for their analyses.
I could see why someone would want to die for their country. I cannot see why someone would put something like this into their bodies when there's no long term side effects studies done and people can't sue big pharma. Especially people under 40 who aren't at risk.
Our son's friend's wife just had her third miscarriage. She was fully vaxxed. Right now she is carrying the 4th pregnancy to term (due next month).
Prayers for her and the baby, Lucille!
Who the heck cares about being an anti-vaxxer? There is no proof that any vaccine or mRNA injection works as intended...none. The public has been hoodwinked for the last 60 years.
Before the pandemic and watching all of this madness unfold, I wouldn't have questioned any of the childhood vaccinations. Now, I wonder if it is all a sham. Why would the FDA start selling us out in 2020 but never before...
Exactly. This has pulled back the curtain and revealed so much corruption and venality in our "public" officials. They are corrupt and evil.
tbh I think the same especially after watching the recent interview (quite long between Dr Malone and Candace Owens) It opened my mind to the possibility that none of these vaccines are really necessary.
Listen to the podcast The Vaccine Conversation by Immunity Education Group, especially episodes 2, 4, and 9, and then realize they were recorded in 2018. Sounds like today's news. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
Mass Formation, the only explanation for Ms. Stoll's views.
That's a big part, but it misses the technological piece.
It’s like you have to put this sentence in front of a post or you get cancelled. I think they and everyone knows it. If you say you have a side effect publicly one must say it’s a great shot and bla, but….
The Pharma industry as well as obgyns have minimized women’s side effects from hormonal birth control for decades. Now they completely ignore the effects of the mRNA on menstruating ‘people’, as they say. They say it’s temporary and harmless without any shred of evidence that it is. Women are truly marginalized in all sorts of ways by this industry yet people cheer it on as super pro woman. 🤮
Making women infertile is a small goal within a bigger goal of depopulation
To reiterate what Alex said: women of child-bearing age of normal weight with no co-morbidities are/were very low risk to begin with, why on God's green earth would they submit to experimental injections? Then have to insist they are not "anti-vax", are "grateful" for the injections and would do it all over again even with new onset of dramatic menstrual changes and/or miscarriages? It is indeed mystifying. Seems obvious that it's much easier to go along with the group, do what everyone else is doing, follow the rules, obey authority, be a member of the club, be accepted by the peer group and definitely not be "different". Otherwise, I'm scratching my head but I'm an outsider and an outlier.
Worse, why would these same women submit their infant or toddler to the vax?
I had a friend tell me he has co-morbidities which is why he was vaxed. I said ‘wow I’m really sorry to hear that. How long have you got?’ He said ‘well 20 years at least, I hope!’ He’s 75. I said ‘you have some health issues. That’s not a co-morbidity. Co-morbidity means you’re dying from something else.’ This co-morbidity excuse irritates me.
I agree. Age itself is a co-morbidity and the term is thrown around to justify these possibly useless injections.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
A blue check journalist on my Twitter feed from Canada just died...she had a tumor in her lung that suddenly enlarged that they thought they could treat and then in February they found that she had cancer in every part of her body including her bones. She spent her last days on Twitter blaming the unvaxxed for taking her spot at the hospital and also the Freedom Convoy for making it too hard to get doctor's appointments (or something). She went out of this world blaming others~~I just find it all so sad.
I've seen this referred to more than once as "turbo cancer." So sad.
Here's that. https://twitter.com/MsAmyMacPherson/status/1489737222165250051
And my apologies...not a blue check!
Thank you~~I saw the thread this morning and couldn't remember her name.
I know at least 3 people in my direct circle who had this very same thing happen.
So, so sad. :-(
The fear of being socially ostracized for criticizing the vaccine is pathetic.
There is a streak of schadenfreude -- even cruelty -- running through this forum recently. This woman (and millions like her) legitimately thought she was doing the right thing. She listened to and obeyed the US government. Most of us here instinctively did that for most of our lives. Calling this woman a moron, or insinuating she deserves it, makes you no better than the people trying to divide society over this (the likes of Biden, Trudeau et al).
Have a little compassion. Be angry at the perpetrators, not the scared and confused victims.
Your point is well taken, but most of those people have spent an inordinate amount of time vilifying those of us who chose for ourselves.
But not all of them. We have also some mental problems derived from all this shit. We are suffering because they try to inject us against our will. I think about it every single day. That is not normal.
And many vaxxed people don't give a fuck about our status. I met with friends some days ago and finally said I am not vaxxed. I expected some reaction since all of them are and here in Spain it is very rare to find unvaxxed people. I was even nervous. They didn't give a fuck. I was the only one worried about it 30 seconds later.
We all have the God given ability to think for ourselves. We are not "lemmings". We all must take responsibility for our own decisions and quit blaming other people for the consequences of our decisions.
Not to be hateful, but if anyone trusted the gov't with this, they were definitely a moron. The warning signs were all there and flashing neon red.
but "Travel" (including Robert Malone) but "having to earn a living" but "staying in college" but "having an actual co-morbidity" -- I think that Steve is right to put a reminder in here
They helped stifle the voices that would have enabled the honest discourse that would have allowed informed decisions. This started before the shots did. If you were paying attention in March 2020 it was quickly obvious who was the most affected by the virus.
I see your point. But the amount of vitriol I’ve gone through over this makes me feel less compassionate. Towards some. Some were well meaning and genuinely concerned for my stance. Others hated me for it.
The compassion ends when you say you’d do it again. I have compassion for Harvey Weinstein’s victims, except those that went back expecting a different result.
The issue, in my opinion, is not that she got the shots. It’s the willingness to do it all over again as well as the fear of being labeled an anti-vaxer for sharing a side effect that is moronic.
Yes, but I would say there is much broken-heartedness in these threads as well -- many are worried for spouses and, more often than not, college-age and older offspring who have multiple shots and their whole lives ahead of them to deal with the consequences.
Still I do think Alex's readers skew older and are just skeptical by nature, and maybe with a tendency to "not suffer fools gladly," but, we Christians on this thread, do need to be compassionate, because we are commanded to be by the One we follow. I'll be the first to admit that I have written my share of less-than-generous comments.
(I also think we need to be respectful of our host, whether we agree with a particular post or not.)
I am one year post vaccination, oh how I remember the euphoria of being a 71 year old being given the gift of lift from the vaccine,no fears of a horrid Covid case. Flash forward toJuly 2021 and learning that only after 4 months the efficacy was dropping, oh the betrayal. So come January 2022 there is a full court press for boosters . The State of NJ is calling my cell phone telling me to boost.
I call make appointment and then had to cancel because i contracted Omicron. I am done . Don’t bother talking to me anymore
It’s a version of Stockholm syndrome I’m convinced..
These people are unhinged victims of psychological warfare.
It's like these people have lost all sense of reality. The vaxx is their religion and they worship it.
You can't fix mental illness and that's what today's liberalism is. There is no critical thinking. By the time the jabs were introduced, it was quite obvious your risk of death was damn near zero if you were under 40 with no serious pre existing conditions. People my age still ran and got it tho, putting that stupid ass photo frame on fbook. I've had stage four kidney failure since covid hit, everyone told me to live my life in fear and get the jab because I'd die if I got covid. I got covid Jan 1 and all I did was take Tylenol for two days. The flu a few years ago affected me so much more. Don't believe the hype. I have missed out on a ton of nursing jobs because of my covid jab status, and there is a strong possibility I will be denied a kidney transplant because of it too. Am I willing to die for what I believe in? You bet your sweet ass.
A friend of mine, triple jabbed and said--to me, cause I’m safe--she mostly just did it to travel. Well upon a recent trip from Canada to US by air she STILL had to pay for testing Both Ways! Times two, for her double vaxxed 8 year old as well! Almost $1000 USD! She told me quietly a few months ago that she’d been having menstrual problems ever since. *something’s wrong and you are maybe the only person I can tell* was all over her face. I want these people to get as angry at being duped as I’ve been at being discriminated against, and then I want us all to rise up together so the many many perpetrators get what’s coming to them and this never happens again.
"I am triple protected..." Um, no, you aren't.
I tried to get protected 3 times
We’re Australians living in NY. Was due to return to Australia for our older 2 kids to attend college in dec last year. We were skeptical before for a number of reasons (my husband studied immunology and vet science. He saw lots of things wrong with the response and the shot). Then cousins in Israel had issues 3 month post shot. Menstrual changes in a 20 year old and a 10 day accelerated heart rate in the 17 year old son. Breathlessness a few months later that resolved with aspirin. Dad also weird chest sensations. He and son super fit. No booster for them. Our 18 year old son was now convinced. Will not take it. Our 20 year old daughter desperately wants to return to study on campus. She’d probably get the shot if she really had to. She’s very torn though. Now we have random family members privately texting out kids telling them to go to school, they’re missing out etc. (which of course they are). These people know no one whose had a single issue (thank goodness). Try as we might we cannot get them to see that anything is amiss. That forcing anyone, this age in particular, makes no sense. Oh well they say. That’s how it is. They ‘ accept’ our position but cannot agree with it. It’s a devastating situation for everyone. We’ve not see parents, cousins, grandparents for 2.5 years with no end in sight. We have 2 younger kids. Feels like we’re living on 2 different planets. It’s amazing how people can be living 2 such different experiences. It really is a plague. Sorry this is so long. I’m struggling... :(
My 20 yo son got it last year to go on campus,and go out with friends, and go to concerts and travel. I was sad and angry that he did it, but relieved that he told us he as doing it beforehand. Even more releived that he says he's not doing it again, no booster, no more.
Not so easy in Australia ..it’s more regulated/automated. They had to scan a QR code every time they entered a restaurant/ shop etc and many, many did during lockdown. For contract tracing purposes but the issue is more to Alex’s point which is we seem to be in a war but not everyone realises it or has experienced it.
That’s interesting...Depends on your appetite for risk and how this all proceeds. My son says g’day mate! Kudos to you but hoping it’ll settle down. (we think u should delete your comment. Not that we’re paranoid or anything lol! )
You’re probably right. I don’t want to see your daughter guilted until something.
Come on! I don’t apologize one bit to say I sincerely hope no one in this camp reproduces anyway.
Anyone with shot-related damage who still advocates for taking it- they are the problem. They continue to make things worse for those who believe in medical choice and informed consent.
I’m not necessarily throwing rocks when they walk by, but I’m not wasting my breath on them, either. It hurts to have lost some family and friends on this, but I’m not going to sign up for damaging my own immune system or my family’s health when there’s so much evidence to stay away from these injections.
Dr. Malone discussed this on the Dark Horse podcast almost a year ago.
I got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine while 28 weeks pregnant. At 31 weeks pregnant, I had a bleeding episode that sent me to the ER and put me on bedrest. After at least three ultrasounds, they could not identify a cause, and the baby was fine. Almost a week later, I had a second episode and was admitted to the hospital for 8 days. I remained on bedrest until I delivered a perfectly healthy baby at 35 weeks. My doctors were never able to identify a cause for the bleeding. In the back of my mind, I kept wondering if the vaccine was a factor. Anecdotally, I know MANY women who had preterm or late-preterm deliveries. I'm just putting this out into the universe because I have a very bad feeling. Please do not make fun of me for being vaccinated/getting vaccinated while pregnant; I am/was trying to do the right thing.
We didn't know....don't feel bad. I was completely on board to get vaccinated and my sister in law that works at a gynecologist told me not to do it. They were seeing all these women with crazy unexplained bleeding issues. She saw women past menopause having periods again. She said, this shit is very bad. In so glad I didn't but try not to beat yourself up about it. We trusted our medical professionals and that's over. I'm questioning everything now.
Elissa, no judgment. You did not make informed consent. I am so very happy for you that your baby is healthy! Congratulations!
Maybe more would have been written about this if Naomi Wolf hadn't been silenced and kicked of Twitter for talking about this very thing.
The chatter in Israel right now is that people seem to get sick with covid within 2 weeks after a jab. It's a running joke that the virus seems to be attached to the vaccination or booster shot. And when people come back to the doctor in the days after their shot, the doctor knows that there might be a link but they just aren't coupling the two on their chart (the negative side effect with the jab). Additionally, there is non-anecdotal data that suggests that the two week period after a jab puts you at even higher risk for covid and/or for negative side effects. Oh, and if you get sick (or die) in the 2 weeks after the jab, you're still considered "unvaccinated." So the additional risk of getting sick with corona two weeks post jab gets added to the unvaccinated tally and makes unvaccinated people look more at-risk than they really are. And let's not forget: THE VAXX DOESN'T WORK!!!
For some, the only thing worse than being labeled anti-vax is dying from it.
It may or may not be too late for the fertility of women and men for many of our current generation. Rumor has it that this side effect was planned well in advance.
On a personal note, my niece spent years becoming an RN only for Covid to come along. When her hospital demanded she get vaccinated she decided to leave and become a youth pastor so she could have a family in the future. Along came her beau a few months ago and now they are a happy family. He also refused the vax for similar reasons.
Further, it is pretty obvious that Big Pharma has taken over the CDC and FDA. A newly-elected Patriot Congress will need to act swiftly in Jan 2023 to ban corruption in the pharmaceutical industry.
Specifically, Big Pharma CEO’s need to be outlawed from being FDA and CDC executives.
This concept works well with controlling Interlocking Directorates in the commercial/industrial sector.
Collusion/Conspiracy is an ugly practice whether it is done in politics or business.
It should be explicitly banned in medicine for the good of humanity.
If America bans this practice then other nations will too.
You left out the part about the guillotines. I'm most interested in making sure that the people who did this pay a price sufficient to scare the next monsters back into their holes.
Cultists gonna cult.
"Two pregnancy loses" .... they were developing human beings. The vaccine more than likely killed your children. Be much more outraged. But the Pfizer execs got killer (pun intended) bonuses!
Many have lost so much: time, memories, education, mental health, jobs, homes, happiness, births surrounded by family, graduations, weddings, last moments, funerals, physical health and even their lives.
Now, some families have lost their unborn children. An incalculable loss.
Reparations are in order. All the vexxinated should pay the rest of us for our loss of quality of life, pain suffering, emotional distress, being ostracized, etc. etc.
Not everyone that was vaccinated supported "othering" of the unvaccinated. This "othering" started with democratic governments. I was stunned by how quickly it took hold and how many people embraced it. It was unscientific, despicable and inhumane public policy. The point was to divide us so that we wouldn't blame government failure. It ripped society and relationships apart. I don't know that I'll ever fully recover from it.
The "othering" is a very common and successful technique used for ages by tyrannical leftist governments. The nazis othered the gypsies, jews, etc. The bolsheviks othered the kulaks. Former friends and neighbors were suddenly untouchable and, actually, unhuman as declared by the central government. Leftists in America, a movement wholly joined and supported by the democrat party, academia, media, entertainment, etc. do the same thing. Lemming people like to be on what they consider the "winning" side and do not apply rational thought nor principles to their thoughts or actions. Hence the "soccer mom" phenomenon to describe it. Many biological males are political soccer moms also.
I got the shot for work and already was nervous about affects on my cycle - the day after I got my first shot I bled straight for 2 weeks and had to take handfuls of Advil directed by my doctor to make it settle down. Now I haven’t gone more than 4 days without spotting or bleeding for the last 8 months and praying my fertility will be okay in the future
The plan is for probably a dozen shots per person. Just don't get anymore.
On the positive side your body might be working had to shed the toxic spike proteins it was injected with. If so, you will cleanse yourself eventually. DONT GET A BOOSTER!
Feel free to be antivax against a particular vax that has caused you harm - seems sensible!?
Darwin would be proud
"There has hardly been anything written on this."
Because all of what has, and all of what WOULD have, been written, has been suppressed, silenced, "fact-checked" (sic) away, deplatformed by Big Tech.
If it doesn't support the approved narrative, it's killed, no matter how much truth it contains.
Just ask Hunter's laptop.
Dr. Scott Atlas reported in his book "A Plague on Our House" that Tony Fauci said that people needed to be more afraid, even in summer/fall 2020. His goal was to terrify us. What that did was create C-PTSD in millions of us. That irrational fear keeps us in its grip, so we do whatever we have been brainwashed into thinking will protect us. #Narcissism & #Gaslighting
What Fauci et al. did was create a Cult of Personality - The Church of Covid, and anointed themselves as the high priests to which we must pledge loyalty.
The masks are the amulets and the vaccine is the magic potion / sacrament.
I'm unvaccinated and untested. I had doubts about the vax before the coercion even started. My doubts were based on the obvious exaggeration of seriousness of the virus by the media. How could anyone not see through the panic porn? How could anyone not be offended by the ostracism of the unvaxxed? Well, that seems to have abated, yet most of my friends and relatives are still in denial about the virus, the responses, and especially the vax. If the long-term side-effects turn out to be as serious as I fear, I will take more pity than satisfaction in having been proven right.
Agreed. I just don't trust the media. The fear porn they sell about school shootings, ar15s, massive blizzards coming when in reality it only is a dusting. They want people in fear!!!
Be grateful that you used the mind that God gave you. It might just have saved your life.
Amen to that.