After seeing what happened in the midterms yesterday, I'm more and more convinced that people are dumber than at any point in history. After seeing people get manipulated by the MSM, get coerced into taking a poorly-tested vaccine, and mask up and social distance based on some fear mongering, I have little faith in humanity.

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Science is real men can get pregnant

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No joke my friend teaches in a tech program through the high school and was reviewing the difference between a female pelvis and a male pelvis and demonstrating how only a female pelvis can birth a baby and explains that’s why men can’t have babies. She sends me this text:

“Today I taught my high school junior and seniors who are in my nursing assistant class the skeletal system.

I was explaining the difference between the male and female pelvis and I said only a woman can give birth to a baby.. as you can see the male pelvis is different and more narrow than a womans.. Men cannot deliver a baby!!

More than a few looked confused and seriously asked me "wait, so men can't have babies???”

Cheers to the dumbing down of society!

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Maybe I'm just an old-fashioned Gen Xer but what 'hole' do these kids think a baby will come out of? The way I see it, there are two options. The cockhole or the asshole.

The former is just too small and will shatter your balls and the latter is a sewage system.

They can't even think in smut terms anymore to process basic biology.

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To Johnny Dollar: You would make a GREAT teacher! Love the graphic question - "What hole will that baby come out of?" HELLO!!! THINK!

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Biology is trans-phobic and racist!

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All science and math and the universe itself is racist which makes it transphobic also.. Just ask Joy Reid.

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To put it into context, draw both holes on the black board,or white board. Draw them to scale. Then draw a bowling ball to scale. Then ask the question, " Which of you guys think you could push this through this".

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“Think, McFly, Think!”

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Love this. I am still laughing.

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The preceding question to how the baby gets out is how the sperm gets into this hypothetical man to mix with his egg - which does not exist. Can't these kids smut that one out either?

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Grown woman I know that is about 30, not married, inked everywhere, once gorgeous, wealthy, pushes that men now can have babies. That is because that person, previously a woman, now identifies as a man, is a man. She got extremely ugly on Facebook with me. She is a neighbor. I no longer go anywhere near her. She is insane and temper is downright dangerous. The unmarried of which there is an increasing number are very angry and trigger fast. Men are avoiding them.

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You're better off keeping this woman out of your life. The life you have in this world is the only one you're ever going to have and it's too short to have insane people who think that women can be men and if they are acting and identifying as a man, they are a man. She knows damn well that only women can have babies and even if that woman is pretending to be a man, she's still a woman. Over the past 2 years, particularly in light of covid, I have realized that I STRONGLY prefer the company of people with conservative judeo-christian family values, all of whom seem to be republicans. These people tend to be more emotionally stable, wealthier, more charitable, friendlier, unanimously anti-mask and anti-covid vax, and just... normal. These people are more likely to be married, have children, go to church, say grace before meals, and be industrious hard working people that do NOT take government handouts. My one and only one liberal democrat friend sees a therapist constantly, is unmarried (gay), doesn't pay taxes, does take government handouts, and of course thinks that Trump is a liar and a thief. Visiting him is like taking a trip to the Twilight Zone and after I see him, I need to decompress by immediately immersing myself in my aforementioned conservative friends.

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That logic doesn't work anymore. You can't even call a mother a "mom" anymore: she/he is a "birthing person." That's why Democrats won the senate. America has been dumbed down and it's like the movie Idiocracy coming true. We're really doomed. When I saw Fetterman win Pennsylvania despite him being a retard and the Democrat party being responsible for inflation, crime, and a border crisis, I knew the Republic is doomed.

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Maybe this will wake up republicans and get into the school systems and changing how the kids are taught. We need conservative teachers to give another voice. We let our public schools get run over with crazy clowns. It does seem this empire is crashing. I was out today and frankly nobody seems worried about spending. We keep hearing how unhappy voters are and yet they voted in the same idiots. Polling seems to be wrong a lot. Car load defaults at record high. Credit card use very high. Savings down. Our grocery stores frequently have empty shelves. Polling says voters trust republicans more than democrats with economy. Really? Seems not really.

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I hear you. Is it official that they won the Senate?

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How could anything be official? If you're paying attn to The Professor's Record on Telegram - there is so much cheating going on in so many ways in so many states.

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No man that's born of woman

Shall e'er have power upon thee

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I've been in the room for the birth of my four children. That doesn't make me a doctor, but what it did give me was an understanding into the complex and amazing nature of a womans body. It's not just the fact that the male and female pelvis is different. As a woman goes into labor the bones of the pelvis soften, becomeing almost elastic. And has any man ever considered that the human body is designed to attack any foreign bodies within it, but a baby spends 9 months inside the womb and is nourished, sometimes at the mother's expence. The first weeks of a mother's breast milk is designed specifically for her child with certain antigens promoting naturealimunity. They don't call it the " Miracle of Birth" for no reason.

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Yes it truly is a blessed miracle!

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That's priceless!

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Yep, that cowering and kneeling has certainly been critical allies to sociopathy.

Evil can't be sustained without a willing cooperative audience to submit and be sacrificed, after all, evil has to feed to be sustained?...

Listen to the first 15 minutes of Matt Walsh's Daily Wire Podcast today, if that doesn't make one who is attentive caring and concerned realize how entrenched evil has become and who are their willing accomplices, then, see how far that complicit ignorance and lack of concern takes folks here...

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To DividedUpWorld: I listened. I was shocked. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll be listening to him more.

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Glad it was worth your time and effort. Walsh echoes my exact sentiments, you have to fight for freedom, independence, autonomy, and choice. Everyone here thinks it’s a given, and that’s why they’re going to watch the country die, and then cheer for it, like the scene at the end of Revenge of the Sith when Padme says, “so this is how democracy dies, to the sound of applause“(paraphrased)

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Matt Walsh was on Joe Rogan.

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This just dawned on me:

Tell leftists and their minion morons to flee elsewhere to dehumanize, terrorize, and euthanize.

And you better, because, hey, winter is a great time to kill and hide their genocide…

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Why oh why don't mature, sane people step up and explain over (and over) to these ignorant children how a WOMAN who decides she wants to be a MAN and who dresses/acts/looks much like a man and who CALLS herself a man, can still have all the female parts inside which would allow this mixed up "person" to get pregnant and give birth. This is how it works, kiddies, it's basic biology. The magic fairy didn't turn this woman into a man, it's only in the outer costume (and possibly in her brain) that she's a man.

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Ummm... I’m speechless! Have these guys ever seen a naked woman? Ever watched porn? Ever had a girl friend. A sister? Looked in the mirror?

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Children's Books! See Deborah DeGraff "What's Inside Children's Books" to see drawings of alternative families, including "pregnant men." They've been indoctrinated from an early age to this confusion.

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Priceless. I don't know who said it originally, but the first job of intelligent people is to state the obvious! And here is an obvious question: for the sake of argument, assume there are people out there who have a troubling and genuine disconnect between their self-perception and their actual biology. Okay, fine - the mind and body are at odds. Why is it the FIRST (and usually only) impulse, then, is to start hacking up a perfectly good body?

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Looks like your friend will be looking for another job soon.

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Actually, she won't. She's going to stay and teach on team reality!

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Unless she gets fired.

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LOL! That is priceless. Gotta love shattering misconceptions! Ugh.

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Good grief.

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And in PA, dead people not only are elected, but expected to serve, who needs dementia or strokes, not disabling enough…

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Dead, brain dead, people in PA aren't that picky.

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I can and will get worse from these brain-dead uneducated voters!

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"It" can and will get worse ....

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Just elect them...it's not THAT important for them to go to DC.

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hmmm... maybe that is a solution. Elect all dead people and we will finally be free.

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After all, the Demoncraps have depended on the dead to vote for their Walking Dead candidates for several generations now?...

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That would definitely take care of over population 😂

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For sure. After one birth my husband would have opted for sterilization.

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😂 my husband mentioned this to me the other day he is glad the childbearing is my domain because he is a pain weenie compared to me

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and make monkey pox the real problem that they desire LOL!

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It’s even worse than we think. Check this out from the “esteemed” Cleveland Clinic. 😑

This is concerning the amount of iron people need in their diets. Completely woke. If they think we don’t trust medical now…good grief. Idiocy.

* 18 milligrams a day for those assigned female at birth.

* 27 milligrams a day for pregnant people.

* 9 milligrams a day for lactating people.

* 8 milligrams a day for those assigned male at birth.


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Wait....you mean the doctor assigned my gender? What did he do? Flip a coin? Silly me. I thought because I was born with female genitalia, there was no "assigning" necessary, it was a done deal.

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Hey wait! This might be proof of God! Who actually did the assigning? And it had to be assigned before birth. Yep - proof of God! God does the assigning! LOLOL! Is that a Catch 22? You can't be an atheist and believe in sex assignment at the same time? LOL!

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I have eleven nine and six year old grand children. I had hoped to live to see them grow up marry and produce at least one great grand child. I’m eighty. Now I’m not so sure it will ever happen.

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Since when was a gender “assignment” necessary at birth? All one has to do is open his or her eyes and the gender is clear as day. People love to complicate the simple. Simpletons.

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Gender assignment became necessary when wackos decided that gender was a "social construct" not a biological fact.

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Lol thank u for the laugh... I needed it 🤣

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The thing is, in a few years these idiots will be overseeing our healthcare.

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The existing criminal enterprise known as "healthcare" will have blown itself up by then. Parallel systems will be well underway by then.

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i would have thought you were right until the covid conferred exalted sainthood status on the "experts" and their overlords at the pharmaceutical company. i hope people are beginning to see the absurdity and will be enraged wen they realize they've been had. but i'm dubious

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Utterly terrifying.

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They will take orders from the WHO as the G20 group of nations has signed the international pandemic agreement.

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it isn't funny. i get what you are saying but it's very scary if this is what passes for "expert" medical advice

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Getting the covid vaccine booster at this stage of the game is Darwin

Award material

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Gosh, I was going to run out and get the bivalent booster - oh, despite having Covid in May - oh, but get it anyway we're told! Super psyched was I for the new, exciting bivalent shot but then learn I'd have to get the "primary series" first, for that strain that no longer exists. Oh, that makes perfect sense. Guess they want to assure you've got a primed and pumped up mRNA factory ready to go for the awesome new booster! /sarc

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they really just want to get rid of their excess supply

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They want to get rid...of you.

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It was never a "vaccine", and the subsequent gene juices "boost" nothing beyond big phama CEOs' bottom line.

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It's more Hoyle. Sir Fred Hoyle to be exact. An astronomer and recognised genius he thought Darwin a complete fraud as his theory of life has no credible beginning. Hoyle reasoned viruses are actually the driving force of our evolution and they exist seeding the universe in a process known as Panspermia. Hoyle has never been found wrong and NASA are now gathering evidence that indeed he is right. If he is covid is just part of an ongoing species update. And yes only the stupid destined for extinction would even try to stop covid doing it's good work. A booster to oblivion!!!!

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The Dust Detective from Scripps at La Jolla found viral particles hitching a ride on K-feldspar dust from western China.

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The level of stupidity around right now really is breath-taking; I almost wonder if the jabs don't kill you whether they affect your brain in some way. Or is it just the thickos that get continuously jabbed?

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Every time I say we hit a high in stupidity they just raise the ceiling

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People may not be as dumb as you think. Except for a few die-hards, the vaccinators are having trouble selling their poison to an increasingly suspicious public. I consider this a sign that the propaganda effort is failing.

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I was with some retirees (like myself) who all buy into the whole covid regime. The conversation was about who has or when they were taking the fourth and fifth jab. Even though they all admitted they had had covid at least once they just knew the jab would protect them this time! I really wanted to scream but there was no point. Can’t talk to a group of committed fanatics.

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I noticed this lack of thinking after their jabs...they couldn't think straight, were clueless with problem solving, had cloudy/confused looks on their faces all the time, etc. Thank goodness my clear thinking got us through, at least for a while. I wonder how they're faring now that I have been fired for not getting the jab?

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They can't drive either. Has anyone else noticed all of the awful drivers these days??

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if you read Mark Crispin Miller's blog, he calls it Vaxxidents. People seem to pass out in their cars, hitting others, banging into light poles, walls, houses etc. Hundreds every week.

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This happened just yesterday opposite my daughters old school. Medical incident led to a person losing control of car, taking out utility pole and flipping car upside down into someones front yard. Thankfully it didn't happen as the school was letting out.

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I have noticed this with a lot of my clients that I have known for years, and I know they have been jabbed. Many have really deteriorated mentally, seem confused and forgetful.

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Indeed. Maybe someone can get an NIAID grant to study "The effects of lipid nanoparticle transfection on cognitive capacity."

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Yes there is evidence the spikes affect brains just like the circulatory system. Lots of neurological symptoms (a.k.a. brain damage) observed. And, of course, masks reduce oxygen concentration, which also degrades brain function. Seems like a likely explanation for the mass psychosis we've seen. It's a runaway positive feedback loop which inevitably becomes unstable unless modified to control it. It's like a pathogen in an organism without effective immunity, where each new pathogen reproduces to create more, until the host is overwhelmed and dies. The vax for mass psychosis is stern intervention. If we're polite, we all will die.

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Last week I went to join a local knitting group and found out the group will only allow people who are fully vaccinated. I gave the organizer some great links about the jabs(via Alex, etc.). She then told me I need to speak to a doctor or a local public health official because she is "not going to debate" with me. I wished her well & told her to get informed!!!!! Most likely these people are beyond help but I tried.

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I have tried to explain to some of my relatives but they just tell me they aren't going to read anything I send to them because they trust the CDC. Period, end of story. If it doesn't come from the CDC they aren't going to listen. It's heartbreaking. My cousin in California who I adore (my mom's cousin and best friend) isn't quite as bad -- she knew my mom and I weren't vaccinated and let us visit and stay in her house because she is vaccinated and thus protected (per her). But I got lectured about how I needed to tell my mom (77) to get vaccinated because "more people died in Florida which opened too early and don't wear masks" and I explained that isn't true. But she didn't believe me nor would she read the articles I sent.

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Edward Dowd -the former Blackrock guy who has been sounding the alarm on excess deaths & fraud for months- says that it isn't an unusual phenomenon. Says he has seen it a number of times in the financial world: Wall Street guys who, in the face of obvious & overwhelming evidence of fraud, ride a stock all the way down. They'll trust in their belief system & the fraudulent folks at the company who say it's all a lie, everything is fine.

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it is a cult. Someone stated that last year here on Substack and it is true.

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I’m not vaccinated. Never have had any (well, is TB a vaccine shot?- had to get that to substitute teach in 2006ish). My Mom (b. 1927) lived with me from 3-2020. She never choose or had any vaccine. I got Covid Dec 2020; she did not, nor my husband. However, on Aug 20,2022, after breaking her hip from falling on her knee causing a big bruise there, she ended up needing to go to nursing home for ‘rehab’ Sep 2. They required the Covid shot for admission. That was Fri evening. Monday morning a nurse pointed out a great swelling in the whole knee area that had been bruised. It required a 10 minute surgery to drain the ‘hematoma.’ She didn’t come out of the anaesthesia and died 12 hrs later. We’ll never know if the shot caused the hematoma. Medical personnel never even mentioned the possibility. Just seemed more than coincidental to me.

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Dawn: My God, I am so sorry you had to go through that. You tried to do the right thing and you were thwarted by people in authority that chose to remain ignorant and you, your mom and your family had to pay the price. I’m sick for you.

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I am so sorry about your mom. Hugs.

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Allison, So sad that they have been made so scared.

I describe myself as vax-free - but with natural immunity. (Well everyone must of had something by now, whether they know it or not, so it's probably true.)

Hopefully gives people confidence that I am not a threat. But you just can't help some people - yet...

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Ah knitters. Did you watch Karlyn Boryshenko’s PragerU video? The cancel culture of SOME knitters, combined with her experiencing a HOST of NICE people at a Trump rally in 2016, shifted her politics and her career; probably her knitting friends too. I private messaged her, and was reassured that a lot of knitters would NOT succumb to the ‘woke’, cancel culture crowd. I think it’s like all cultural areas, the woke seem to prevail as they are amplified by main media. I’ll stop here, as I have researched, thought about, and written extensively on arts, creativity, culture and mores (inc, political issues). Do the right thing. And as my son often says: “Keep on knittin’ kitten”

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Avid knitter here, too. Unjabbed. Went to social security office yesterday and masks are obligatory still there. Luckily they had one because I did not. Looking around I saw 2 who had their own on, all the rest of us had the paper diaper around our chins and lips but left our nose free LOL

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During the terror of the French Revolution (Vive La France!) didn't knitters sit clicking away at the foot of the guillotine?

Plus ca change plus c'est la meme chose. (Nothing's changed!)

PS My wife is an avid knitter too.

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I hope you can start your own “inclusive” knitting group. 🤡

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very hard to do. Tried multiple times, to no avail. I gave first paid and then free lessons, and no one showed up. Someone told me I should charge 100 bucks an hour they would come running LOL

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I have the luxury of some spare time so intended to join a community emergency operations group, to assist in earthquakes and forest fires and blizzards and such. But they're sponsored by FEMA and must impose federal rules, however irrelevant or insane. If there's a forest fire, they don't want any unvaxed fire fighters. Better to let things burn. Our problem isn't community groups or knitting clubs, but the government villains who oppress them.

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I am with a voluntary assistance group that was asked to help at the border. Wanted me to take the genetic therapy shots. I refused and did not go.

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This is very concerning, can you link us to studies (or to write-ups about studies) that report brain damage from the spike protein? And particularly from the contents of the Covid shots?

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Such studies are forbidden and unlikely to happen for a while. Pfizer and their puppets don't want us to know. But competent researchers have written about it.

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My experience has been anecdotal...I wish there were researchers who actually pursue this theory.

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Question.....are you referring to the spikes from the "vaccine" only or also from getting a Covid infection (unvaccinated)?

I ask because I am just recovering now from covid (I'm unvaccinated) but wonder if I am now vulnerable to similar adverse effects from the infection itself.

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The brain protects itself pretty well with a function called blood-brain barrier. Keeps out most infections. Apparently the lipid nanoparticles in the vax bypass that barrier. Not sure if the virus payload does, but one of the virus symptoms has been taste and smell and other neurological symptoms. So, maybe. But like most things, it seems to be dose dependent, so the much higher spike dose from the vax is likely a big difference. Really important this be researched, but such investigations are currently forbidden by pharma and their puppets. That really needs to be fixed.

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Thank you!

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My daughter has a long time friend whose overall brain function seems impacted and she's worried about it. This woman has at least 3 jabs. It seems to be issues of concentration and memory. She's mid 50's. And then there's my sister-in-law.....who I've known for 53 years. She's now 69, and I keep asking myself "Has she always been this dim witted??" Seems so much worse the last year.

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That's what I was thinking! I'd like to see the number of 3x-jabbed vs. election outcome in a couple of key states: MI NY PA, for ex. (By county might be better.)

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i think the jabs kill the brain cells, not only like with Fetterman, by stroke, but they absorb the common sense I think. Or were these people without common sense to begin with that ran for the jabs?

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The brain works by electrical impulses between cells, which are protected by fragile sheaths. Alzheimers seems to be a result of these cells getting clogged with protein trash that fails to get cleaned out properly, blocking those signals. We might find the vax has a similar impact. Alzheimers is a progressive disease, worsening as the billions of cells get incrementally clogged. We might see increasing dementia cases in coming years. Nursing homes might be a good investment.

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I think it’s dumbing them down. & memory lapses.

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Well, watching any MSM or pop culture of any kind these days erodes brain cells.

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I do believe that the jabs do something to the brain and cognition.

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We might be producing a whole generation of idiots...

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They damage other organs; why should the brain be exempt from the damage?

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The brain is carefully protected by a "blood brain barrier" that filters out most things. A few things do make it through, including apparently the lipid nanoparticles.

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I would not be surprised to learn there is sub clinical damage all over the body from spike and lipid

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I have read that nearly everybody who has gotten the jab hs subclinical myocarditis. Causes tiny scars inside the heart muscle. When one of the scars eventually interrupts the heart's conduction system, it causes fatal arrythmias. We should expect to see a lot more "SADS" next year as more and more already damaged hearts give out.

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Never thought of it that way! Excellent point!

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They surely must have had some kind of frontal lobe dissolving agent in them -- to dolcify vaxcattle into being submissive, zombie guinea pigs.

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Dementia doesn't happen quickly, like a heart attack. It accumulates for years, becoming progressively worse. Bredesen describes dozens of factors that produce alzheimers. The vax is just one more log on the bonfire.

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I have heard and read that the flu shots that many many older people get every year contributes to cognitive disfunction. Aluminum in the shots seem to be the culprit...

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Aluminum is a strong factor in dementia. It's common in underarm deodorants, toothpastes, cooking utensils. Cheap and lightweight makes it ubiquitous.

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Yep. I eliminated all that stuff years ago. Hope it has made an impact!

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Hahahahahaha. Good one!

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No, people are just too lazy to think. They need their government support and to get that they are more than willing to take a few harmless shots.

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There is a study that showed RNA going to the brain but no conclusions that is affects cognition

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Isn't it more plausible that the mid-terms were decided by ballots, as opposed to voters? Do you really believe that despite polls showing that 73% of Americans were 'angry at the direction of the country' they went out and voted . . . Democrat?

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Late ballot drops were reported in MI where Whitmer won. It's hard to believe that Michiganders would vote for her after her unreasonable covid policies.

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Good question.

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Excellent point!

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US govt running 2 years behind. Had to be at Social Security, they still demand masks. No entrance without. Most of us put it on our chin and mouth but left our noses free. That is how we could recognize the awake ones. Only 2 woke. And of course the poor employees, who must wear it or get sacked I guess. At least I came upon a very friendly and knowledgeable person who got me set up for retirement. OOff. I only have to go once !

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I have a cloth one & tell the people they should stop using graphine filled ones

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I have one I made from a nylon stocking. Haven't needed it for awhile.

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Love it! I saw one out of cheese cloth recently. With a label saying Masks are useless.

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My mom had outpatient surgery. The nurse there said that they were required to have masks in the surgery center because of Medicaid/Medicare rules. The nurse said it's ridiculous, masks don't do anything, but they are a predominant senior surgery center and virtually all their patients are on Medicare and if one person reports them they would get in trouble.

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Sad but true. I am learning day-by-day that nearly every politician is compromised. If they arrive wholesome, they are promptly set-up and blackmailed. THIS is why they had to get rid of Trump and why they fear him so much. He’s not one of them and they had to keep him as far away from the White House as possible. He probably had a boat-load of incriminating evidence in his possession. Trump is flawed but he is our best bet to keep this country afloat a few extra years. And he’s a fricken fighter!

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I understand what you're saying, but you should consider DeSantis.

He is polished and seems genuine.

I live in Florida. My wife and I have been to a couple of his events and actually had conversations with him.

We are impressed...which is saying a lot because we generally dislike politicians.

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I think DeSantis is great. I got nervous about a comment Trump supposedly made about having dirt on DeSantis and knowing all the corruption, I am a tad bit concerned. In a perfect scenario we would have four years of trump attempting to drain the swamp followed by eight years of DeSantis. We may be too far gone already in that NO ONE can be trusted.

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I agree with your doubts of being too far gone but Trump gets very childish and petty…….although I learned quite a while ago to not listen to him but watch what he does and I thought he was a great President.

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But having said that, I still would prefer DeSantis.

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Imagine how the Dems must feel, having wasted all that time and energy attacking Trump, only to realize the real threat is Desantis

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Good point.

You know, since you bring up that point, maybe it's best for DeSantis to stay low and announce his bid as late as possible.

Let the Dems blow their wad on Trump and DeSantis can keep his powder dry.

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Oooooh, I like your brain.

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Memory......going down.

Wisdom....going up. Only way to combat the youngins'

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It doesn't matter. The media and political class will have no problem calling DeSantis "worse than Hitler ".

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All the people that suffer from TDS hate DeSantis too.

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I’m actually wishing that DeSantis run for President.

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Me too!

The only downside is he wouldn't be my governor anymore

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I love DeSantis. I also like Tim Scott.

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Oh man. Thar would be the perfect ticket!

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Another one that I like would be Tom Cotton but he has already said he wouldn’t run……..maybe a V. P.

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Josh Hawley wouldn't be bad?

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Trump said he’d “drain the swamp” and would “lock up Hillary”. NONE of those things happened. Why? Also, he was the one who came up with Operation Warp Speed and declared the national emergency. Why? He did not fire Fauci either. Why? Are we just going to exempt him? Not to mention he praises the clot shots til this day...

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I don’t have the answers to those questions except to guess that he was countered and lied to at every conceivable point. History may provide the answers but I’m willing to give him another go.

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This is all true, but I doubt that Trump would have tried to mandate the clot shots like Brandon does. As it was, he wanted to end the lockdowns in April of '20 and got hammered in the press for (supposedly) putting the economy ahead of lives.

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But he had no trouble going for the warp speed injection. And continues to defend it to this day. That's either sheer stupidity or blackmail. You pick?.

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It is intentional. Most are products of failing public schools that Democrats defend vigorously to reward those big donations from the teachers unions. Worse, they are dumb enough to fall for communism and the hate America garbage that these leftists spew to them everyday. As for the elections, I saw a breakdown yesterday. You want to know who is principally leading the charge to re-elect these totalitarian Democrats? Answer: young, single white females! They are essentially mirroring everything they were taught by their radical professors/teachers. Until Republicans nationwide start following DeSantis' example to get this garbage out of the schools, it is only going to get worse.

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Don't count out massive voter fraud still happening at this moment.

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Looking at the strange victories of the truly awful Hochul of NY, Whitmer of Michigan and Pritzker of Illinois, all of whom were Covid/mask/lockdown Nazis, I'm starting to conclude that while those states obviously had doubters like so many of us around here, I'm wondering if those are actually states which had a more fearful population than we realized and there were a majority totally approving of the severity of the response and therefore who wanted to re-elect these people. Abortion was also a strong factor, abetted by the fact that there are some states that have banned it entirely. And despite experiencing daily the economic mess in the country, I'd say there must be a large number of people who simply do not connect the economy with political decisions and policy. Low information voters, they are in abundance.

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Perhaps, but the abortion issue being a top priority was not borne out in the polls. And it still would not negate 75% of voters believing America was on the wrong track. No, something was amiss. I believe Democrats were once again beneficiaries of an unaccountable, un-auditable anyone can vote mail-in balloting system! It worked for them in 2020, and was documented being done on a large scale (i.e., 2000 Mules). Without in person voter ID at a polling place, it is impossible to determine if voters are legitimate.

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certainly cannot say it's not possible given the lack of accountability in the world we live in now.

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or concerned with the rampant crime. Abortion is an area the RIGHT has to take a big step back on and look at just how they craft a message going forward. It as an ISSUE was HUGE and far bigger than Republicans thought for sure in this recent election cycle.

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I don't see the abortion issue leaving stage center absent something seismic.

Abortion DOES take a human life. There are many of us who are deeply committed to protecting life from conception to natural death.

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I think that the key issues are the freedom loving patriotic Americans have fled the Democrat lockdown states - and helped huge swings in states like Florida, leaving behind the dregs and the democrats. And then add to that voter fraud is rampant in the Democrat states and cities. That didn't go away. And so the freedom, constitution loving states grew stronger, and the democrat dictatorial states stayed in control-but didn't have a massive approval rating.

America is likely heading to a new civil war.

And it will be a result once again of foreign interference and the traitors within who have refused since 1776 to live with the results of the War of Independence - which was a war against the global fascism of the British Empire. The first civil war was not really about slavery - it was about maintaining the British economic wealth extraction paradigm from slavery.

And this civil war will be about freedom, and the human rights granted under the Constitution - which indeed was what the first civil war was about in principle - and once again it is about resisting the global fascists of global capitalism.


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Well stated Ivan...so many battles ahead in the Infancy of it all. The good fight is never over. This is no longer a red vs blue thing and has not been for a very long time. FREEDOM vs Tyranny and or good vs evil. People simply need to decide which they support. It's really not rocket science is it.

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Thanks Brogan - you're right that there are so many battles ahead. And the globalists have been waging this war for a very long time. I'd long ago started my own historical list of laws, programs, and institution, and then I found this article by Katherine Watts, laying out the takeover of the American public health industry - it's a shocker. Worth a review.

And you're dead right - you need to decide, tyranny or freedom. It's not hard.


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Dumb is not confined to America! Went to the supermarket today in UK. Masks are back! I'd say at least 20% are sporting their little nose bags. Wonder what's spooked' em? Maybe the govt have a new fear porn campaign for the latest jab, or it could be msm coverage of the 15% rise in all cause mortality - and no one has absolutely any idea what's causing it...

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Stupidity of this magnitude would get you killed in any earlier period of history. Or at least result in starvation.

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I call it the "consequence-free" generation. They literally never have to suffer from their own stupid decisions. That's really on the parents and also the government for paying people to stay home and not work.

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Starvation is on the way. No fertilizer, supply chains, diesel, no food!

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Lots of dry beans and rice in my house. And ways to cook them sans electricity.

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Shorthand: sheeple. I'm sitting next to one with a diaper on his face right now on a plane.

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Agree 100%! The midterms are a sad acceptance by default of how our so-called leaders treat us and it's pathetic. You get what you pay for and that is a scary thing nowadays as we all live with the results of that stupidity.

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"poorly-tested vaccine" - biologically known as an mRNA transfection.

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Poorly tested my ass. They got horrific results, miscarriages, shedding, died suddeny's and LIED ABOUT IT, KILLING MILLIONS. That calls for the gallows, not an "oops" kumbayah moment.

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Dr. Ryan Cole - The Vaxed Can Quite Possibly

Produce Spike Protein Which Will Kill Them

For At Least A YEAR After A BioWeapon Injection

Spike Is Being Found In Most All Deaths Of Vaxed


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After a Slow 2020 "Pandemic"the Funeral Biz is now BOOMING!


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Cue George Carlin 1996;

“The public sucks, fuck hope!”

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giving this one little heart is not enough for me. I really love this quote. I am 100% in agreement.

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This is why our founders wanted a republic, not a democracy. They studied the attempts at it before and knew they collapsed due to vacillating and manipulated public opinion. They hoped this worked. It was a decent run.

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So true, and they intentionally don't teach this distinction anymore in history class!

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I constantly remind people that we're a REPUBLIC -- not a democracy.

Big difference.

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"Put another jab on the barbie!"

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That seems to work both ways: "Put another barb in the jab-ee."

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What Australia and the US did to Novak Djokovic ruined tennis history. Hope they let him play in January, but why would anyone visit their penal colony at this point? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/update-on-novak-djokovic

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I feel badly for Djokovic, but worse for all of the families separated for years by such tyranny. And of course in the US, we are denying entry to unvaccinated noncitizens into 2024. Congratulations to the Biden Administration for ruining Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's for families again this year. I will never understand such cruelty.

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Soon he will have no one to play against

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He has nothing left to prove on the court. But he does have a long, healthy life ahead of him, in which he can enjoy his legitimately earned wealth. Those players who cowed down to the covid nazis are looking at chronic illness and early death.

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From now on, maybe let’s only refer to this country as “The Western penal colony.”

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Aus-jail-ia is pretty good, too.

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The land with down-under IQs?

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I think Novak DJokovic may have the last laugh. All those people that got the jab may end up sick from the shot. Well, those that didn’t get a fake vaccine card that is.

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I have spent too much time wrestling with the uninformed and concerned about the health of those who took the jab. After seeing the sheep continue to get in line, the governments continue to push them and the outcome of the midterms I have decided that everybody has a right to die from their own stupidity. I am no longer going to tax my emotions or mind as there’s nothing I can do anyway

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Yes this was my conclusion yesterday also. I will worry for the few I can do something about and the rest of them can fend for themselves. A big part of the stress of the last 2 years should be gone now...

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Like Christ said, if they don’t want the Truth don’t waste your time. (Paraphrased of course).

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Ditto. Take another damn booster and enjoy your OAS.

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Exactly. Boost away into oblivion!

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Agreed feeling the same way. Going to move to a completely Red State and never look back.

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People can no longer think. I still see people every day wearing the stupid mask like it helps. We have been conditioned to love abortion, love untested vaccines and fear life. Imbeciles rule. The higher death rates are a feature not a bug.

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It's not stupidity in the traditional sense. There are plenty of intelligent individuals. See also Bonhoeffer. It is the mass formation/cognitive dissonance thing. Also, people are unwilling to admit when they have screwed things up and continue on the sunk cost logical fallacy.

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And Bonhoeffer was executed a week before the Allies freed Germany. Damn...

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I am baffled as to how the doctors are baffled

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Know a DO - good person really - baffled by the uptick in Parkinson’s they’re seeing ... no point in me even trying...

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I have three friends with Parkinson’s.

Not sure about two with respect to the jab but one I know for sure: A very bright man and a dedicated Covidian.

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Gives a literal meaning to the thought that where your treasure is, there is your (failing) heart as well.

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Most doctors only know what they are told to know.

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And that knowledge often comes via "pharma" education/ sponsoring, etc.

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Very disheartened by the new doctors coming up.

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My OBGYN has a flyer in her office saying how pregnant women can get the jab.

Verbatim: “There is a limited amount of safety data available on COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy at the time, but what experts know so far is reassuring.” WHAT????

And this is one sentence. The flyer is an entire page of lies! This was a day ago, so it’s recent!

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So criminal!

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More vaccines that don’t work will fix it

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don't forget that Australia might pay for the funeral ! So they do know what causes the deaths. Of course that is taxpayer money. I hope the Aussies realize that.

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If ANYONE manages to get a payout with the requirements for the 'compensation' scheme I'd be very surprised. Especially with the recent change in legislation regarding medical practitioners (essentially they can be deregistered for going against government messaging - although that's just formalising shit that was happening anyway)

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And just why do you think a vast majority of the US population didn't complain or question a death ruled as COvID? Still in place to this day; up to 9 Grand https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance

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What's especially telling is on the Medicare site where you make a claim 'Covid-19' is right underneath Thalidomide. Since all rona vax are free the only thing you could be claiming on the Medicare site is adverse events.

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Nov 10, 2022
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There's only one thing they'll be working harder on than getting the public to take more jabs:

Printing vax cards with more lines to prove they're "up to date".

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Vaxxed status per the doc's office...

1. Fully up-to-date

2. Missing recent booster.

3. Out-of-booster compliance

4. Primary-dose compliant

5. Incomplete primary vaccinations

6. WTF? How the f@3k did you survive?

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#6 lol. I didn't get it until I reread this post. thx for the laugh!

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I seriously wonder if Australia is 96% vaccinated. I think many governments have lied about the percent vaccinated to pressure people to get vaccinated. See Professor Norman Fenton discussing the UK data (https://youtu.be/ccWOMtmH65U).

Anyway, I had planned on vacationing in Australia, but visiting a police state isn't high on my list. Oh well.

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It's not. I know way too many unvaccinated people for that number to be correct. 80% sounds right. A lot of people (Not me, never) simply paid a nurse $50 to toss out the vaccine and fill in our paperwork so we had our rights of movement. They are counted as vaccinated.

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Good to know more Aussies withstood the pressure. You all had a much more challenging environment in Australia than here in the US. I do sympathize with people paying a nurse for papers, but like you I wouldn't even want the appearance of compliance. Rather stand my ground. If only everyone had refused to comply, then all of the mandates would have been moot.

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Wish I could have found a nurse to do that!

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I have a bubble of friends where the numbers are like 30-40% jabbed. However, outside of that bubble, I am the only one. I believe the government statistics on this one. (though my other, unjabbed friends, don't - but they don't work with as wide a variety of people as I do)

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Yep, that link I posted from Professor Fenton illustrates that a correct sample of people is important for assessing population-wide numbers. Of all my family and friends, I am the only one I know that is unjabbed. And none that I know of were subject to a mandate. Now, some definitely have regrets.

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Our economy has a large sector of "carers." NDIS (Disability Scheme) and aged care. All mandated. I know many who got the shots so that they could visit Mum in nursing home. So that was a form of mandate, too.

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I know. Really despicable and evil. My 2nd cousin had strict rules to visit her mom at the nursing home, but no vaccine mandate. Her mom was very lonely and isolated in the last years of her life. I don't support isolating the very sick and very old from their loved ones in the name of safety. No one is promised a tomorrow and what is the point of safety when someone is already near the end of life. The cruelty by so-called health care providers has been really horrifying. On the one hand, I have wished my parents were alive so that I could discuss this nightmare with them, but on the other hand, I'm glad they are in a better place and not living through it.

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Apparently, the term "down under" has taken on new meaning.

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The cult doesn't go away on its own. And based on recent elections here and how incuriously compliant Aussies have proven to be, it's never going away. Nobody will ever be held accountable.....except for the unvaxxed of course. Clown world is here to stay until socioeconomic fallout gets to such a painful place it finally forces an awakening.

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Australia DOES lie about vaccine status in Covid deaths. NSW vaccine reports misclassify vaccinated as unvaccinated to inflate death statistics (but not hosiptalizations) in unvaccinated


And yes those people are dumb - in addition to being dishonest

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No one has mentioned it yet but did anyone else feel “he only looks like your cousin who tells you every time he switches antidepressants”? Scathingly accurate lol.

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I have been on Facebook recently to try to sell some stuff in local groups. In the few minutes I’m on there I’m still seeing people I know talking about getting their booster, or where they can get one. Remarkable. The absolute lack of curiosity to find any data on this, just following along with the (taxpayer funded) Pfizer commercials that run endlessly in PA. I have also seen several people talk about taking Paxlovid and rebounding. But -IT wOuLd hAvE bEeN WoRsE!

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My husband was talking to a neighbor a few weeks ago and the neighbor said the new Omicron booster is available. My husband said, "I'm not getting it". The neighbor looked at him incredulous. "Why not?" My husband said it doesn't stop you from getting Omicron. The neighbor was dumbfounded. We chalked up his compliance to the fact that he worked for the government for over 40 years.

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Australia is gone.

If they had their choice they'd float the continent back towards China and reattach.

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If things continue in the current direction, we can only hope that the number of surviving and healthy Australians will be enough to stop any Chinese 'humanitarian aid' to enter the beaches of Oz.

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I think I'd prefer to rely on the crocodiles and feral water buffalo (there's a lot more of them)

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Are you in Australia Sarmange?

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No, in Sweden.

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˙ɐılɐɹʇsn∀ dn ǝʞɐM

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How did you do THAT? Impressive!

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Plenty of upside down text generators online for free.

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Same question here.

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classic. getting that software.

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unjabbed (along w/ wife) both got vid in oct. it was like the flu-so glad didn't get the jab would have been worse

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Maybe that's a good thing. These were the people who lectured us about the "science," tried to get us fired, and openly wished for us to die on social media and even in public places. Their irrational fears destroyed our economy and damaged school children. Some of them are now dropping like flies, yet they still want more shots and masking. Best thing is for them to remove themselves from the gene pool.

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Their gene pool removal may be happening without their consent, fwiw.

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I can live with that.

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I'd be willing to bet that at least half the deaths in Australia classified as COVID are actually due to other causes, including the vaccine.

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Well, the information did come out at one point that at least 50% of hospitalisations for 'covid' were incidental and the person had attended for other reasons.

And that deaths were reported as 'covid' deaths if the person had tested positive within the last 30 days

So I'll take your half and raise it to at least 80%

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I live in Queensland, Australia. Our climate here is much the same as Florida. Summer is hot and humid. As we head into our summer, the Queensland Government has moved us to “code orange” because of an impending surge in cases. Code orange is not a mandatory requirement but they strongly encourage masks, something I’ve refused to wear since day 1. And of course the vaccine push through the muppet chief health officer in Victoria, Brett Sutton continues despite him saying recently that, “two, three doses. It’s doesn’t matter as it’s not stopping infection.” I love my country. I’m a truth seeker and patriot. I ran at this years federal election. I speak out as much as I possibly can, and I lead with my actions. I’ve lost many “friends” that I now call “people I used to know.” But I live in alignment with my values and integrity. I feel that we have much more extremism to endure, both far right and far left. Yet I will never stop attempting to bridge the gap and find middle ground with the majority. It’s up to us, not the government as we know. Let’s not drop it. And a big YAHOOOPPO to your man De Santis for his landslide victory.

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Good on you mate, I was a Dr in Australia for 32 years and I didn't comply. I lost my job, got threatened by the police and finally arrested, but I am still in the fight. Its not about me, its about the country my children inherit.

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Your country is gone, dude Doc, and so is mine. We are entering a dark ages of individual liberty. I hope another George Washington et al come along in 300 - 400 years (sooner will be better of course) to liberate the western world once again. The present is lost.

I will still resist but until the drones (over-indoctrinated, minorities, single women) figure out they are drones no amount of logic and goodness can overcome their biases. It is time for Atlas to Shrug for awhile.

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We might be proud of our intellect, but we are ruled by our emotions. I told my kids to use their heads, listen to their heart, but trust their gut.

Easier advice to say than to follow. We gaslight ourselves into doing "the right thing" and deny our instincts in order to go along with the crowd.... that's emotional decision making.

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We are also ruled by; It's better to think tiger than not; lest you be eaten alive.

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.... but "tiger" requires a dose of adrenaline, which is lacking in those fools who think it would be fun to cross into cages at the zoo for photo ops of up close encounters. They normalize the risk because they never really experienced the risk, only the safe viewing of the animal.

We are also prone to normalize things in order not to have to act. "It's just the way it is. It's okay, we'll be fine," is easier than realizing you have to take action to protect yourself.

Fact is, most heuristics are also true in their opposite: Birds of a feather flock together v. Opposites attract.

Propagandists skilled in pscyh-ops know how to pull the levers.

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agree. well said.

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Is Australia doing the same thing about reporting deaths "with" covid as opposed to deaths "from" covid? In Idaho, USA where I live, my doctor told me the state health department mandated that all persons who die "with" covid are counted as covid deaths. Even car accident or shooting victims were counted as covid deaths. Somehow the Federal government was/is tying funding to the number of covid deaths and so the hospitals and doctors are incentivized to call all deaths "with" covid as covid deaths. Our 96 year old neighbors died withing 48 hours of each other from causes incident to age, but on the death certificate covid was listed as the cause of death. Their son told me that and when he questioned the doctor, he said, the feds will pay for your parents funeral if it was covid. The son told be his parents had covid almost two years before their death. Seems pretty dishonest to me, but the doctors did it without consulting the family.

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Feds gift up to 9k for a covid funeral. So far they've given out 2.6 billion. No conflict of interest there, right?

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Why wasn't George Floyds death counted as covid???

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Because what his was counted as paid more.

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Reminds me of 'The Grinch' divine comedy story of near-destruction of an entire species, brought about because they didn't make enough noise.

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I believe you're thinking of Horton Hears a Who. 😊

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This is what “kicking a dead horse” looks like.

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This is not related to the story and it's sad what ignorant Australia is become a total Totalitarian state. A CDC report found the rate of related deaths rose by 26% in the first year of the pandemic here in America.

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You had several states in 2020 that mandated putting COVID-infected people into nursing homes and other elder care settings and that killed off tens, more likely hundreds of thousands of our parents and grandparents. And I firmly believe it was intentional as the PA Secretary of Health pulled his mother out of one such setting before unleashing the infected onto the rest of the residents. By the way, he wears a a dress and is now a big shot in the Biden (President Potted Plant) Administration.

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He also said that his mother requested that she be moved out of her nursing home right before they started sending Covid patients back into those facilities, and not one member of our “free” press asked how we are supposed to believe a a 90 year old woman who had lived in the same place for years coincidentally asked to be moved right before the place got dangerous when the simplest explanation is that her mentally ill son protected her from what he was doing that killed strangers.

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Sure, she wanted to stay at a Holiday Inn Express to see what she would learn, LOL...

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Assistant Secretary of Health, "Rachel" Levine. She's a handsome woman and also the first "woman" Admiral. She/he believes if 5 year olds don't have access to hormone treatments to transition, it's a crime.

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Yes, Richard is quite the prize specimen of womanhood...

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Nov 10, 2022
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I was being sarcastic when I said "she" is a handsome woman.

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Nov 11, 2022
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The way I see it is that gender dysphoria is a mental illness. People who transition often find that they still have the same problems that they had as the opposite gender. They have remorse but often it's too late for them to transition back. I refuse to participate in their illness. I will not say that a male swimmer is a woman, I will not say that a man can get pregnant. I believe the original definition of a woman stands.

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Yep first "female Admiral". I still don't know where all the feminists went...

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That amazes me too. What happened to fighting for women's rights? They're actually supporting men taking away opportunities from women that were hard fought for.

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They should be doing the "Cersei Lannister Walk of Shame" for what they have allowed.

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At this point, I think the vax fanatics should get a booster at least once a month. Keep getting boosted!

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59, never had a vaxx, never had covid! My 60 yr neighbor just gof off a carnival cruise and HAS COVID! She blamed it on the cruise, she's had all 4 vaxxes...I told her not to get anymore and she just blankly stared at me. And yes, I'm telling ppl "never had a vax, never had covid".

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Much of the vaccinated population remains caught in group think. They are unwilling to accept facts that contradict their personal choice to get vaccinated and boosted. (I know a few people who just won't open their eyes). I suspect there is a lot of psychology behind this. As we all have experienced at some time, it is hard to accept that you screwed up, and you engage in denial. I think with most of the "leaders", it's political. They double down on stupid out of ego and pride; few politicians can do self-reflection and admit that they got it wrong. So, an entire country continues to injure itself despite having all of the information it needs to change course. Stunning!

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Governments are the dumbest entities on the planet. Keep getting boosters every 3 months and hope it all woks out. After all, they are safe and effective...the CDC/FDA says so.

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Gonna get another burrito.

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I was a senior doctor in Australia (with an epidemiology degree to boot) and lost my job and my registration for questioning the COVID narrative. I then got harrassed by the police for questioning my MP, and finally arrested and jailed at a protest. Nevertheless, every day my 'vaccine hesitancy' looks more and more like the correct decision. Meanwhile, just this week, I heard the following from 2 of my former collegues.

1) (Quad vaxxed heart surgeon) has been off work for a week with 'COVID'

2) (Coerced and not happy double vaxxed plastic surgeon) has just seen his 6th 'turbo cancer' (melanoma) for the year, when normally he would see one.

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I’m an Aussie.

Can confirm: the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Case in point from recent, personal experience. Two days ago a woman in a local community Facebook group I belong to put up a post explaining that the GP clinic at which she works is looking to employ a full-time registered nurse. All I did was politely ask her if the clinic would consider interviewing my highly experienced/skilled unvaccinated RN friend (with natural immunity). The poor woman lost her job at the end of last year due to mandates and is now mowing lawns to make ends meet. The administrator of the FB group kicked me out of the group!

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I’m from Bribie Queensland, and yep, they have indeed. I ran in the Federal election and will likely do the same in 2024 for the Queensland elections. Everything is hidden in plain sight but they’ve done a fine job in programming us with their propaganda for a long time. We’ll know in a few weeks if Victorians want more of the same with Andrew’s....Stay strong and power to you for holding your ground.

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I already follow you on FB! I’m also in Queensland. Once upon a time I was a rusted on LNP voter but, short of a comprehensive and heartfelt apology from them (won’t hold my breath), I will never be giving them or any other mainstream party my vote again. I don’t hold out much hope for Victoria or Victorians.

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I love your comment about being "rusted on." I feel that is how humanity has lived for the last 50 years. Seems the indoctrination through propaganda has done a mighty job, and we only need to look at the Andrews lovers in Victoria.....if they are real and not just bots. But the polls also seem to suggest he will romp in. It's not that we have left and right of politics. It's the extreme left and right, and the censorship and any debate if you have a differing view. What they are doing is creating reality in real time, which goes back to my comment about indoctrination through propaganda. Exciting times to be alive all the same.

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It's hard to know with Victoria

They're mad down there, but I also wouldn't be surprised if Andrews and cronies commit fraud to 'win' the election

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I lived in Victoria for 17 years, and left in May 2021. Perhaps “fled” is a better adjective. It opened my eyes to how controlled some Aussies are and want to be. Unlike the vax, it’s a choice and a lot of them love Stockholm Dan.

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all true...as someone living in melbourne, we had the longest lockdowns in the world and the biggest amount of covid deaths than any state in Australia....and people turn around and say the lockdowns worked! just sitting back and watching the shit show unfold as more people will get their 5th jab like its a new iPhone release

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The lawsuits are building. Over 1000 lawsuits filed over employer vaccine mandates. Injuries will be high on the list of damage done. It's just a matter of time now, the lawyers smell blood.

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But don’t forget Camp Lejune


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No matter how many of those emails I redirect to spam, they keep coming.

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I read a piece the other day that makes the argument that we are all living in a simulation. Whoever’s running that sim must be laughing their asses off right now.

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You promised some articles on this!

One of my favorite topics.

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We need to keep holding up that mirror and expose the contradictions. Without hope that humanity can become human again, what is the point of waking up in the morning.

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I’m done holding up that mirror, booster away morons

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It would appear that the collective IQ of the Australian population is increasing, one chump at a time. Ditto other countries. How many 'sudden-and-unexpecteds' will it take for the penny finally to drop?

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The average IQ in Australasia is 99 so we bloody need it!

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I don't believe anyone dies from covid....a virus that has a 99.8 percent survival rate....its all lies ...statistics can and are being manipulated to fit a narrative....but the truth ALWAYS FLOATS TO THE TOP.....so many good whistle blowers coming forward world wide and exposing the greatest fraud in human history.....20 million dead and 2 billion injured.....and rising .....these criminals are not finished yet.....

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You'll never be fully vaccinated.

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I'll never even be partially vaccinated.

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Now I'm quintuple unvaccinated!

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When will this madness end????

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When humanity is dead?

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People can’t die fast enough for sociopaths? Sorry, I can’t wait for more people to die in New York Michigan Wisconsin and California for reelecting the scumbags who have crushed their lives these last near three years. Stupidity should never be rewarded, it needs to be selected out by evolutionary ways…

Thank you for letting me comment, why I continue to do so is beyond any rational thought, I have to accept this is an addiction and I need hard-core withdrawal. Lose the phone?…

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Don’t forget Minnesota. They not only re-elected governor Tom Walz (aka WalzHole) who never met a lockdown or mandate he didn’t enforce; the also re-elected Keith Ellison, an attorney general who vigorously prosecuted small business owners who didn’t comply with Covid lockdown orders because I guess they foolishly enjoyed eating and paying their mortgages. Then he claimed to be tough on crime.. Meanwhile, does nothing about increased crime in the Twin Cities. There is no hope for voters this stupid.

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Well, there are so few people I can speak openly with in real life. I get it!

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😂😂 I am typically very guarded about jumping in to any conversations but I have also become addicted of late.

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The only way leftists can make the world a better place is by continuing to get their booster shots.

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Yep, they really are. Stupidity is a badge of honor these days.

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Natural selection in overdrive down under. Hopefully, at some point, people with actual spines will have had their fill of watching their wives, children, family & friends being mowed down by sociopaths and decide to rid their country of the idiocracy that has created this mess.

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Telk me it's sarcasm about not knowing the cause and being stupid, Alex. Come on! How can they possibly not know exactly what's going on?

Of course they know. And they're (correctly) counting on continuing to be able to fool the plebs to attain their goal.

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This is Fauci’s “science.”

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Darwin Award applicants

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Australia is an interesting Control group due to its tyrannical lockdowns and high vaccination rates. They had very few Covid cases before the mass vaccinations started. So they can't really blame Covid for the excess deaths (In any case the new very large Israeli retroactive study on almost 2 million subjects before vaccination started shows that there was no difference in the incdence of myocarditis and pericarditis between those who contracted Covid and those who did not) We also know from analysis of UK 2022 data that the excess deaths are NOT from cancer (which has a slightly negative excess death rate) but from organ involvement - primarity heart and brain. So lockdowns also can't be blamed for delays in daignosis and treatment of cancer.

The "ositive" thing is that because of all of the above and more, they are now having to invent excuses which have very little credibility : SADS, Climate Change, Christmas Tree allergy etc. Even uninformed people are starting to see through these fantasy "explanations" and the spotlight is turning rapidly onto the very real "correlation" between excess deaths and "vaccine" usage with an additional global "correlation" between highly vaccinated countries and the rate of excess deaths.

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I am mortified to say I'm, from Pennsylvania based on the election results. We got a career politician for governor who just loves power, maybe more than the current dictator. Then we get an enfeebled moron for Senator. Elections have become popularity contests with the winner being the most "likeable" candidate. People did not "like " Trump so they voted for our enfeebled moron in chief who was more likeable as ole Joe from Scranton. How's is that working out? Most voters do not look at the issues beyond the TV commercials and have no idea the consequences of their vote. Now we have a US Senator that can't understand spoken words and has trouble speaking. The quote which I believe is Thomas Jefferson "We don't always get the government that we want but we always get the government that we deserve". It really boils down to this, the average American voter is an idiot! This is not a statement that I am in any way proud to make.

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Dont beat yourself up, the 'average American voter' is a photocopier these days, its all corrupt.

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Seems like voters in some states are smarter, unfortunately, not my state...

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Pfizer... it's Australian for vaccine, mate.

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Why don’t they just lock down again? It worked so well for them the first time, or at least that is what they would be happy to tell you.

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