The fact demand for flu shots is still strong despite their uselessness shows the public still has a long way to go toward enlightenment.

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Seriously. I never understood why anyone got it, and it pisses me off to no end that my daughter who is finishing up nursing school will now be forced to get one every year.

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she should fake it

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Agree. I've given her every "out" but she has been afraid .... but good news is she's really starting to get it more and more every day. I think she's building her strength.

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My daughter just got through the hiring process for her dream nursing job at a nearby hospital. She has never gotten any of the covid shots (although the hospital thinks she is vaccinated), but she was backed into a corner to get the job and had to get the regular flu shot, which made her sick for a couple of days. I hope nothing worse happens, but I suspect she'll have to get a flu shot every year.

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Indeed, they will face it every year. My daughter gets sick every time. She did feel backed into a corner during the pandemic and in order to do clinicals and stay in school she (against my will) got one JnJ shot. and yes, got sick, and also developed a case of uveitis, which thankfully cleared. but I tell her all the time that her reactions will likely get worse.

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If they’ll still wear masks you’ll never get them to stop taking the beloved flu shot. After all, it would have been worse. In 1966, just before being discharged from the army I was forced to take my last flu shot. One of many things I was forced to do that I swore never to do again.

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Alex go for the jugular in your lawsuit. Don’t let go until the blood stops and the beast is dead.

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Eight years ago as my husband was dying of ocular melanoma, the docs asked me to take a flu shot. Reluctantly, I did - my first ever. After he died, I refused to even entertain the thought of a jab. Now, after this covid shit-show, I refuse to be injected with anything . They’re all liars, thieves, cheats……. And I finally talked my liberal best friends out of any shot nonsense, success….

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My liberal ex-best friends are still shooting up so to speak.

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hopefully they OD soon

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Tsk, tsk. Hate to say it but that's kind of my sentiment too.

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It's hard for many of us to believe anyone would still get the shot. Most people I know have vaccine injury stories that are worse than covid stories. I still like to keep up with the laughable CDC covid recommendations, and cajole my democrat friends about how many shots they've taken. All those same people admonishing me for never getting the shot, are surprisingly falling short of the cdc recommendations. We must NEVER forget their Stasi-like tactics, and they must be held to account.

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As much as this is good news, it does make me worry a little that they will give up on the "vax" and start sneaking the mRNA in by the backdoor somehow. What's next? Always anticipate the evil is one step ahead.

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they are using it on livestock......

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Team Pureblood

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What about shedding, food or who knows vectors of becoming un-pure? Assuming is what many are doing now and we should all be concerned of other vectors outside of injection directly...

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Live on a mountain with views for miles. The sky has been marred by constant chemtrails for several weeks.

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Also live in the mountains...in So CA, lately have noticed a criss cross pattern of numerous chemtrails from horizon to horizon.

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If those come to pass, we shall all recede with the tide.

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team Organic!

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Question in latest AARP bulletin: "I'm up to five covid boosters. Should I really be signing up for another one?" Answer from AARP: "Yes. If you didn't get a covid jab this fall, you need to hustle and catch up." Then they add that it's not a booster, but "a new vaccine that targets the latest variants, so even if you got the previous booster, you're not fully protected from the current variants of the virus."

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AARP is full of s***!

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They should say new and improved, much better than the others. Hurry and get yours before we sell out. Six to nine months later, we will notify you of their short comings, they too were not effective and have a long line of adverse affects, but no worries we will have a new vaccine for that.

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Canceled AARP years ago. They obviously are bought and paid for by the left and Big Pharma.

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One more reason I never joined AARP

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Great. Now I'm even less excited about my not-that-far-off AARP eligibility!

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None of these drugs are used on a patient who has one foot on a banana 🍌 peel and the other one is in the grave. These mRNA shots were sold as preventative maintenance only an experiment nothing more. People have to be smart enough not to put something in your body without knowing what it does to you. When you were a baby your mum told you not to pick up your cigarettes on the ground and smoke them they are bad for you they are dirty. The same goes today as you get older we have an evil snake 🐍 oil salesman floating around as president of the United States 🇺🇸

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The perps are masters of predicting and manipulating human behavior. Scare the herd into stampede and any rational behavior evaporates.

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the herds been conditioned for decades. they responded as trained.

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Thank heavens people are waking up to the bullshit pedaled by Pfizer and the USG. I’m so sick of fraudsters raking in billions….go Paxton. I like his approach—state law claim only for deceptive trade practices regarding the vax.

Also, appreciate your snark, Alex.

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I still know a bunch of people who are not self-conscious in admitting they're getting another booster. That is one addiction I'd do my darned best to hide.

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They wear it like a badge of honor, it is actually a badge of stupidity. The Western world is chock full of buffoons.

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Relative in blue state bragged that they are on fifth booster. Praying that they are getting duds.

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These people have learned NOTHING over the last 3+ years. Nothing. I guess ignorance is bliss.

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I just returned from the vets office where I learned the Senior Vet whom we admired greatly passed away a year ago February from ....Covid. Fully "vaccinated" with a booster he died with Covid from lung complications (probably micro clots according to his son). His son, an accomplished veterinarian, outright said he was one that didn't survive the "vaccine". A sad and probably unnecessary death of a person many years my junior.

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What a sad story. But it sounds as if his son is an independent and critical thinker.

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Too few independent and critical thinkers in our society. Gotta appreciate the ones we find.

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So what is the POINT of the whole world knowing when there as been an absolute zero needle move on the criminals behind the criminality and fraud being held to account? Look at what was "allowed" to be done to humanity in the greater scope. It just BLOWS my mind that not ONE person since inception of the planning, executing of the great plandemic has remotely been held to account. All the same players are in all the same positions and they are simply going about as business as usual. Its just a disgrace we act as if we are so giddy that fewer people are taking the injections now if its some sort of satisfaction. Look what was done to humanity. WTF! Not ONE...

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when evil runs the govt, the law and law enforcment is evil. the evil fuckers need to be hunted down vigilante style.

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Really wish I'd shorted them 6-8 months ago.

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Pfizer is now working through rounds of layoffs. On a company-wide ZOOM call, Burl was razzed about his $33-million payday. He's not giving the money back.

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The package still seems the same 3 weeks for every year + week for every 10K that people got in 2021 and ‘22, only the interest rate increases have hit the pension lump sum for those who stayed, as well any portion of the 401k match that’s PFE stock has gotten hit

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Pfizer should give some of that ill-gotten loot back to the people, especially those who can't afford basic necessities like food, rent and gas.

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If they really thought it worked, why would they project continued sales of it. If the two shots really were all that was needed, as was first advertised, then once everyone got them, there would be no more revenue coming from this product.

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I’m a retired RE broker. We used to have sales meetings where someone company or other would be invited to make a sales pitch to us. Often a termite company. This one guy always had a great close: every time he treated a house, he told us, he always leaves a mating pair in the walls somewhere!” That’s Pfizer marketing. Never have a perfect cure.

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That is Pharma in a nutshell. They KNOW a SICK society is just a wayyy better business model, and always have. Its does not pay to have people not needing them

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One of the comics I have collected over the years is a single panel piece. The sole person seen is a labcoated man standing in front of a blackboard upon which he has apparently just written, “Every patient cured is a patient lost.”.

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