My top Thanksgiving dinner openers: 5. It's time you people admitted you were wrong. 4. Anybody up for black-friday looting? 3. We bless this unspiked protein... 2. Math and reading is another cause teachers might consider 1. pass the ivermectin

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While sitting there in your "I'm a pure blood" T-shirt!

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😄 🤣 😂

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Who's letting themselves be suckered into using "pureblood" by those eager to manufacture more bad feeling towards the non-vaccinated?

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For real, Jen. it's clear that term originated from someone who wants to make unvaccinated folks look foolish.

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I'm un-injected and consider myself a pure blood, I don't feel foolish in the slightest bit!

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New to these circles; what do you mean pure blood?

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Those of us that have refused to take the CCP injections will soon be highly desirable for our uninfected blood and unaltered DNA.

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Pure blood means persons who have not been injected with the experimental mRNA/DNA gene therapy platforms.

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You're not foolish because of your choice. But by using the term "pureblood" you're playing into the hands of those who want to make things harder for the non-vaccinated by encouraging use of a term used by nasty "supremacists" in just about the most popular series of books ever written.

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"I know I don't have Covid. I still have good taste."

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Caroline - I want to come to your house for Thanksgiving! 🤣

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Mom's hosting but by all means swing by. It's a mixed-vax crowd.

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Ohhhhh...I love this 👆🏻

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6. Pocahontas is wrong about inflation.

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Faux-cahontas or Lie-a-watha

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Yeah, I could never understand why Trump couldn't grasp that, and why no one in his circle could point it out to him. Maybe it was just Trump being Trump, kinda like covfefe.

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"Praise the Lord and pass the Ivermectin"

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Nice read. Well written and great artwork to boot. I've found over the past 20 months that I've removed not only my mask but also my muzzle. This, the result of realizing -- to my great dismay-- that people I previously considered to be intelligent, polite and cordial are actually ignorant, rude and egotistical. I consider my new-found ability to rebuke them and mock their fobias as a sort of free help service. I do hope they snap out of it.

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Wow, maybe your best yet. So spot on but I fear we are few which is scary and maddening. What to do???

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I read this earlier. OUTSTANDING sir!

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Just remember that if you go out looting, you must be in blxck-face first, otherwise you will be arrested by the popo

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Thanks for all the great ideas!!!!!

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let me know if you've got any others...i'm not opposed to making a few more digs once the drinks get flowing

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I like referring to him as President Potted Plant and FICUS, not POTUS, (Fraud-in-Chief of the US).

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PINO -president in name only

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I really like "FICUS."

I'm going to start using that one!

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Love it!

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Definition of Insanity !!

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LOL, conversation starters for sure

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I think it is time to defund the WHO!

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Trumps instincts were always dead on with the WHO

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Brogan12, you are correct using the word DEAD about WHO. They are enacting their population reduction policies. They should be renamed the World Death Organization.

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Or the Gates Death Organization

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Notice its mostly the Democratic countries under attack. Take down the big ones first.

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But Hey, lets vaccinate the kids anyway....Story From Israel......


Definition of insanity !!

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Trump pushed vaccines when Fauci and WHO were pushing masks. You could say Trump was ahead of them on that one.

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Trump was also very pissed off that they were not using any of the therapeutics that the ER doctors were already having success with... he was pushing the therapeutics to save lives before a vaccine would be available...

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He was and just think how many lives would have been saved IF they had heeded those words for early use effective, safe and cheap options. The fact T got behind OWS was in my opinion a mistake, but I am pretty certain he was all about options and the freedom to choose the options. T would never have tried or suggested the mandating of these experimental injections...no way.

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I read it could have been a strategic move on Trumps part. Let them rush out vaccines, then the public will see them fail and fall on their face.

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Five dimensional chess? Let a billion people poison themselves to expose corruption?

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Ah, so he he IS a liar and con artist. Thanks for the confirmation (actually, I already knew).

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Biden said he wouldn’t either but here we are…

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Who knows right. Maybe T would have, but thinking he would not have stepped on the constitution like Biden has and would have the deferred to the States if it came right down to it. Just like he never made the decision to lock states down...only those (mostly blue) chose too and he respected the states rights even though he did not agree with that choice

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That was the mass media persona (while he paid for and pushed Operation Warp Speed). With Trump, you have to be careful which side of his mouth you're listening to. It's a bit of an art.

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I respectfully disagree. Did you see how fast the Fauci team mocked him and had his therapeutics banned? I think he was grateful as a patient that the, as he called it,miracle drugs made him... a heavy set older man, well in 24 hours

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The crazy thing is Fauci in the journal on virology 2007 I think said how wonderful HCQ worked. Between the Atlas and JFK book soon to be released combined with Martins 217 page dossier on Fauci there will be some pressure placed on the little man very soon I think

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A heavy set older man with more energy than most 20 year olds

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Scooter I'll roll with the suggestion.

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Cannot argue on that Scooter. I still struggle with T championing OWS, and do not believe he did it because he was naïve. Think his ego got the best of him on that one. As for being ahead of Fauci and the WHO I believe 2020 was planned well before 2020 and Fauci knew ahead of T on that. Obviously, just an opinion, but thinking many feel the same

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I was so damn angry when he pulled out of the who. My how things can change in a year. He was spot-on

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What was the net benefit to US? Made way for Operation Warp Speed?

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Trump knew how the money flowed.

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I've been saying that for a year and a half

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Agree, but that would require defunding Bill Gates. Not against that, either. RICO.

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Defund Politicians!

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President Trump did that! Kept that in mind independents when you vote in 2022.

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When I vote in 2022 I won't have blue on my mind!

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Nov 25, 2021
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Bill and WHO are kissing cousins

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Bill Gates controls the WHO via GAVI. BG even hand-picked the current head of the WHO.

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I've been eating so much crow these past few months from telling my whacky conspiracy theorist friends that mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports would NEVER be a thing in this world when they predicted it in April of 2020.

What a world we live in. Feels like we took a weird twist into a science fiction dystopian plot.

On the bright side: the more they try to shove this shit into our bodies and minds, the more they are accelerating their inevitable fall from these positions of illusory power.

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As a lifelong whacky conspiracy theorist (although I prefer the term original thinker), even I'm surprised that the masses - bright, courageous, data-driven individuals! - are still going along with all this....

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That was fascinating...and gives hope. Thank you 🙏🏻

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Excellent. Will share. Timely.

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Thank you! This explains sooo much!!!

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Thank you for having the strength to admit it and join the resistance. We need you <3

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I'm glad you made it out of the fog. Welcome to The Resistance. Please help save others!

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I think it's time to discus mandatory vaccine trials....the ones with juries and possible jail time

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……… and executions!

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My 42 yo double vaxxed cousin is on her 8th day of recovering from a breakthrough case that was much worse than my unvaxxed case at age 57.

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And you are immune. She is not.

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How many cases of Covid do the vaxxed have to suffer through before they see the light?

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Sounds like makings of a bad joke.

How many covid positive vaxxed people does it take to screw in a light bulb?

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They are now telling themselves it was ALWAYS to make the bug more tolerable, but we have the tape.....

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She is now 😜 I made sure to tell her.

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But your cousin would have been worse if not vaccinated..... and of course your cousin was infected by an unvaccinated person...... please everyone get vaccinated, we can end this with more vaccine! (although I haven't the slightest idea how)

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The vaccines don't work. Oh but please go get the vaccine ! Go get a third and fourth. Just to fit in the herd. Never mind about herd immunity. Long as you comply with the rest.

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The definition of herd immunity is now all of the folks that just act like sheep, do what the MSM, WHO, FDA, Fauxci say to do, and see immune from the truth, or critical thinking. That is our new herd immunity.

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Meant to say ‘stay immune from the truth’.

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If only she’d had the booster! 😂

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Fortunately the WHO has been mostly irrelevant recently. Governments ditched most of their recommendations about boosters shots, masks for children, school closures etc. They don't seem to care about them anymore. The WHO should stay irrelevant (because they are).

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With the money it eats up, luckily mostly from Bill Gates who does not need it, lots of projects could be done that would really help make away with poverty in the world, like clean water supplies, getting people back on track with small farming etc.

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Sadly, that will never happen, since actually helping people is very much contrary to Bill Gates’ agenda.

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We are getting lucky in the US. Europe and Oz are going full totalitarian.

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Jacqueline - our constitution, though battered, is making an important difference in states like Florida, and more recently Missouri

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If we can keep it this way!

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I'm in Canada. The same is happening here but we don't have massive booster shots distributions yet. Poor kids with covid vaccine obsessed parents ...

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Definition of Insanity !!

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I just read an article Russia is doing the same but with deluded doses. If the full dose does not work how will the deluded do? I n the meanwhile the French speaking press in Belgium states Most infections in the heaviest vaccinated communities. Not a question they noticed.

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And I say it’s time for all Marxist, globalist, Luciferian parasites to move swiftly into the dustbin of history.

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World Holocaust Organization

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My side of the debate "F*ck that."

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I’m with you!!!

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And they called it a conspiracy theory…

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So true! Even now though the mass psychosis is set deeply into most sheep's minds they will believe anything at this point. To face the reality of finding out they have been duped is simply too hard to confront for so many now.

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Healthy debate is quite a loaded phrase. Picture a boot stomping on the face of humanity...

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What would an unhealthy debate look like? One with Tedros and Gates?

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Alex I think its time you take a deep dive into Geert Vanden Bossche. 6 months ago I listened to him & thought maybe he'd be right, maybe wrong.

Now he's the guy that predicted exactly what has happened and it ain't because he's a psychic. Not enough people are hearing his message

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Are you referring to ADE? Is that his prediction?

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No. ADE may be a concern but Geert's predicted that mass vaccination during a pandemic puts so much pressure on the virus that it allows the variants to dominate. It eventually leads to something called immune escape where we will have essentially trained the virus to escape our immune system regardless of vaccination stats. Its very complex but since he's been proven right I think as a human race we need to listen! If you are interested look him up on LinkedIn or check out an interview with him on "the highwire". Scary times ahead

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Are they still going to have vaccine mandates after the vaccines don't work at all anymore?

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Yes. They already do!

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So he is saying it can be worrisome for vaxed and UNVAXED? I have some trouble following him due to his accent.

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He's gotten a lot better over the past 6 months, crash course in English while he tries to save the world!

Yes both vaxxed & unvaxxed will be effected because as the virus continues to be pressured with the very leaky vaccines more and more variants are going to keep popping up and waving through the population. There's no guarantee it will continue to be a mild version like we started with

His most recent interview on the highwire really explains it well.

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I thought viruses tend to be less lethal with each mutation. I guess he is saying its possible since we’ve never vaccinated on such a massive scale during a Pandemic so that it cant be predicted and, in fact, could be much worse?

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Viruses do usually get less deadly as they mutate but not always. I think the main concern I get from Geert is that we are training the virus to escape us & once we do that it won't be mild for anyone anymore....

It won't be that the virus has changed so much but more that we will have zero immune defense against it. Not many humans would survive if that was to happen

I have a few years of post secondary science-based education yet I find some of the things Geert says hard to fully understand or explain. After seeing his predictions come true I want to understand it more than ever! I hope Alex reads his comments and has some interest 🤞🤗

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Viruses DO tend to become less lethal if left alone. Using mass unsteriling ‘vaccines’ during a pandemic is interfering with that.

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Hey WHO, tell me the true vaccination status of all of these soccer players collapsing on the field, then we’ll talk.

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Yeah, let’s see the other 999,000 pages of data from Phiszur and then we can “debate.”

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Did you see 17 year old Pedro Acosta, Moto champion in Spain, collapse during a press conference this weekend?

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Since when has there been a healthy debate since this whole clownshow started.

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Alex, thanks for ruining my holiday! Oregon Health Sciences University put out a report saying that 25% of people with covid are jabbed. And, there shouldn't be a winter surge due to how many here have already have it. Which kinda sorta sounds like herd immunity to me. but, what do I know?

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I think that 25% figure is vastly underreported. More like 75%?

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Atlandea - my reading predicts oregon & Washington have less natural immunity than most states. Not good for winter if that's true.

And their high vax rates, in my estimation, increase transmission.

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The crease in transition has been proven by Israel etc.

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In Seattle's county, in the last 30 days the fully jabbed are:

39% of cases

22% of hospitalizations

38% of deaths

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Really. Please post the link. I live in Oregon

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Worldwide vaccine failure

From Singapore to the Netherlands to Iceland to Vermont. And coming soon to the entire northern half of the United States.

Alex Berenson

Nov 12

This is not how it was supposed to go.

Deaths hitting new highs in Singapore

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Oregonlive.com has the story and pdf link. Hope this helps.

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Interesting. Shows vaxed are significantly less hospitalized? That opposes what is happening in areas all over the world where its heavily vaxed?

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I have heard a couple explanations for this but the one that seems most plausible is if the hospital cannot CONFIRM your vaccination status -- ie look it up -- they count you as unvaccinated. This is a large percentage of the population. Hospitalizations have ALWAYS been suspiciously lower than cases and deaths, which almost mirror one another.

We also don't see such a huge disparity in nearby Snohomish:


Like I said, suspicious.

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New book by Kennedy Jr, "The Real Anthony Fauci" is pretty excellent. Extensive evidence of the covid fraud being perpetrated on the world. He explains it pretty well. I ordered a copy Monday, didn't want to wait a week so went back and got the kindle version Tuesday. I noticed then the paper version was already sold out. So I'm guessing word is getting out, and lots of people will learn the truth. The more people learn about the corruption, the sooner WHO, CDC, media, medics, and especially fauch will be ignored or prosecuted. We need to get critical mass of people who understand the fraud to make the oppression stop.

It might be Amazon is suppressing it with covert censorship, but they still sell Alex's books, so maybe it's just high demand. The paper book publisher is small, might have underestimated the popularity, or just don't have printing capacity to meet demand.

My main problem with the book is every chapter makes me madder than than the previous one. I'm shopping for pitchforks. Get a copy. Tell your friends. Get a pitchfork.

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