Peak Berenson: humor & sad reality in a 1-2 punch. Organic N95 & unfortunate husband Brian actual LOL moments in a quiet cafe. I wish I could read it out loud.

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lolol. he's definitely getting funnier. probably because he's not hanging out with the "scolds" anymore.

the least AB could do is start reimbursing us for wasted beverages....or provide free Heimlich maneuver training.

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Mental illness. All of them....the Post employees included. Diagnosis complete.

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People like that used to be called hypochondriacs. Now unfortunately, they are taken seriously.

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I suspect that before the masks, these people led lives of quiet desperation in their thought cages.

The masks are low energy pathway to make others feel the same by attempting to take away another's autonomy and liberty.

The mandates promulgated this bizarre neurosis and allowed these miserable people to have a sense of control they've probably felt alluded them before.

And let's not fool ourselves, loooooong covid is perfect ruse for a public with short memories.

Mental illness is rEaL....

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Well, their Uncle Sugar is footing the bill and he has deep pockets, so why not? Capitalsim cannot be detached from a moral culture without dire consequences.

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We need Lionel Barrymore from It's a Wonderful Life making the decisions about permanent disability and the attendant permanent payments.

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They are suffering from the sickness of Menticide aka brainwashing: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

Thank goodness we don’t have that disease

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Yes. At this point my best guess is consanguineous coitus.

I gotta believe a new haplotype has evolved. I mean just look at the cRAzY EyEs when they get their panties in a wad.

Heck it may have even hijacked an entire chromosome. Maybe we call it the "banjo haploid"?

Combine inbreeding with TDS and it'll be the explanation for homosapiens speciation a thousand years from now.

It's as if we've been separated by mountains or sea, like old world monkeys.

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Maybe “long COVID” has more to do with the jabs than the virus itself.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 15

Looooong covid is a shortcut to new legislation that subsidizes life/health insurance companies, on our dime, to disguise vaxx death/injuries. Just watch.

Then they'll start building monuments of giant syringes to honor those who so selflessly sacrificed their lives or health to save us all from a verwy, verwy scarwy whyruss.

Heck They'll probably make a federal holiday to remember the fallen.

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Bingo, also!!

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Bingo! Wish I could like this more than once.

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Perhaps that could be the case yet I recently read an article that said covid was being looked at in relation to increased cases of cancer. On substack comments, including comments from some readers who are in the medical field. the arrow had been pointing toward the covid shots as possibly being linked to increased incidence of cancer. Caused me to wonder if someone/some group is intentionally trying to point a finger in a different direction. Then I answered my own question--of course they would because it could not be the shots.

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Ever see the movie 'Anecdotals'?

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Thank God there is a 10th Covid shot these people can take in the fall. Hopefully the Post does a companion article about the merits of the newest shot.

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oh yeah my niece, big Jab booster (could her work as a consultant for Pfizer have influenced her? Nah) had Covid last week for at least 3rd time and has gotten jab at least 4 times

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You can be sure Howard Stern is camping out overnight to be at the head of line for that 10th injection.

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What a wuss Stern turned out to be.

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did you notice how the vaccine cards had 10 lines? i knew it was all bullshit when my cousin showed me his.

these people are on to their 2nd and probably framed their dog eared first one....unthinking utter incompetence...the lot of them.

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I sure hope so. We need further thinning of the herd.

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with a sore throat and stuffy nose. She’s certain she had Covid, because no one ever had those symptoms before Covid. LMAO

I love these people who walk around in bright sunshine outdoors nobody around wearing a mask

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And can’t put 2 and 2 together to realize, “hmm, what if it’s the mask getting me sick,” smh lol


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And yet people (such as my best pal Alan T.) with legitimate and severe vaccine injuries, onset immediate upon injection and lasting until now and beyond, including weeks long full body rash, swollen hands, feet and legs (so bad he can't put shoes on for days at a time)...these people are considered crazy by the same establishment that coddles these long covid nuts. The world is upside down.

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Yeah I get frustrated when people say the illnesses are “fake”. People are genuinely suffering, it’s just that (almost always) “long Covid” isn’t the true cause.

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The fruitcakes and nut-jobs have always been amongst us. Covid has just brought them out of hiding.

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No. It just showed us who they are.

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The mask is like the bell you put on a cat to let you know they're around.

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Nicely put! But in my case, the muffled “wars yer *ask?”, clues me in.

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OMG. Bwahaha! I made a big mistake. I read this while eating my lunch and blew it all over my iPad. I’m still laughing my ass off. Alex, you have a way with words, you’re worth every penny.

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lolol. your comment made me laugh. thanks for that...the small pleasures in life

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The entire COVID circus revealed a complete & massive failure of personal responsibility in the U.S., and it was all financed by $7 trillion in money printing by the Fed. We’ve all been made incompetent by wokeness & “free” money.

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"Angela Meriquez Vázquez. Long Covid has left her “allergic to changes in temperature and air pressure" - OK so she has both "Long Covid" and she's allergic to ........Climate Change! She should run for the House seat in her district - would be a shoo-in! The "long" part of long covid refers to how long it can be used to help people be on the dole.

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This article reminds me of another one from the WaPo from about 2009, discussing the financial crisis and people who were being foreclosed on. One woman’s story stuck out for a lot of readers based on the comments. She’d bought a home but then quit her job to start up a pet-sitting business!! She seems to have been surprised that it wouldn’t support her. The other people profiled were a little more sympathetic, but not by much.

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End the Fed. They’re funding this entire mess with $ trillions in fake money. Inflation is rampant & the malingerers are stealing from all of us.

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yup. all the other problems this country faces are sequala to that

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I've long been puzzling over precisely WHY restaurants and retail stores are STILL struggling to find help. I mean, nearly all the people who used to work there did not die of COVID and are still eating, right? How is that possible? Here we've stumbled onto an explanation.

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here's your answer:


we have the laziest and most entitled two generations in mankind; GenZ and millennials

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Long covid turned me into a newt.

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Always normalizing post injection campaigns. Watch ALL 8 episodes at remedy.film and you will come to realize nothing is NEW in the church of vaccinology. Side effects just re-directed into continued profitable ways for the government-pharma-medical-media cabal. So many SHEEP continue to fall for it decade after decade...just sayin

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It’s long vaccine , i have an autoimmune illness , linked to the vaccine . I was living in CT 2020 . Now i live in NC

Most of my new friends here never vaccinated , i wish I didn’t get vaccinated .

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The thing is Chris...it's NOT a V. EUA Gene therapy medication IS what what IT is. Probably the single greatest CON of the entire con.

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This would be a hilarious comedy sketch if it weren't a "real" article!

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Make Monty Python fictional comedy again.

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