Instead of supporting lawyers, why not support independent journalists who were smart enough never to use twit-ter in the first place?


Edit: I get the point of the lawsuit and its importance. As an independent journalist myself, I was just being whimsical.

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I get that you were being whimsical, so this isn't really a criticism or rebuttal.

We can support both. Because sometimes independent journalists *need* to lawyer-up. I currently pay $37/month for 7 separate indy journos. And I'll support, to the extent I can afford, their fights against tyranny and totalitarianism and their fights for liberty and the free expression of competing viewpoints.

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That’s great Andrew!

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This lawsuit is needed. It's a way to hold Twitter to account.

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That would be Substack.

Lots of terrific independent journalists there, especially Bari Weiss and Matt Taibbi.

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They're 2 of the 7 I pay for! (Alex, el gato malo, eugyppius, Glenn, and Sim Commander are the other 5)

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I'm too cheap. I subscribe to Alex. I read the others, plus Dr. Malone. Besides, when I can't comment, it saves the rest of the Substack World from being subjected to my comments.

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It is an interesting dynamic. When I discovered Substack I was so amazed. And then I thought "These people could all go away if they cannot eat -- so I will subscribe not necessarily to comment, but to hope to give them the ability to share with the world longer".

I still feel that way. It is worth the (endless number of...lol) $5 contributions. Each is a cup of expensive coffee missed. I can live with that. For a change the cause seems well worth the relatively minor expense. Just one man's view.

I fear every day that someone makes Substack conform or go away. If I can help prevent that, it is a good thing, I think.

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I suspect I'd be a *lot* more productive at work if I didn't subscribe and thus couldn't comment!

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

I'm retired. I have all the time in the world. Plus I have no life.

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You my friend have a Beautiful life.

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I get tired of my own voice.

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Watch your back. Read about that couple that had a negative newsletter about e Bay. The company executives conspired to “intimidate, threaten to kill, torture, terrorize, stalk and silence them” in order to “stifle their reporting on eBay”.

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It's a good time to hit Twitter while they are down. They are struggling financially as are many tech companies. They are freeze hiring and have fired some top-level executives.

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You’re missing the point!

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Uncle Joey keeps facilitating divisiveness just who's side is Uncle Joey Biden on!?!🤔

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I trusted only you throughout 2020 & 2021. Everything you said was common sense and you backed it up with facts. We know that Twitter banned you because they didn't like what you were saying, with no time wasted, I followed you to Substack. I can't wait to see you beat them in court and I also can't wait for the new owner to take over. It is satisfying to watch the corrupt government, and their propaganda arm the media, melt down nearly every day

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Seriously? Alex is a Big Pharma propagandist when it comes to the only thing that would have saved many lives - early treatment. SMH

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Don’t use GFM again- seriously.

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You could’ve easily cleared 500K if you had used GSG

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Cash out the gofundme promptly. They have a track record of theft. Your account is unlikely to survive when they discover the purpose.

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I am motivated almost purely by hate. I hate the pharma goons and their media and government allies who have destroyed so many lives and are ruining the country. I am for anyone who is against them.

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Be wary of the Two minutes of hate.

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Two minutes is not nearly enough!

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Yeah I get that (it was a reference to the book 1984 :)

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This may sound cliche, but from my vantage, you are fighting the good fight that the rest of can't. I live in the area and your description of arrogance and softness is a good one. I grew up here and it is mind blowing.

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

Did your lawyer say you can make any comments on Twitter's behavior or posture in case negotiations? Be careful and get his advice! Could you imagine getting sanctioned or the case tossed because of that? Also, this must be tough on your marriage. Take your wife on a weekly date night.

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Agree. Your wife must be a saint--and I hope you tell her that, Alex. And take time to play with your kids, too.

What I can't get over is your posts on holidays and weekends.

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I think he's doing a great job multi tasking....

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I'm sure his public posts about "Little Birdy, Inc" are sent to his counsel before printing.

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I appreciate your work Alex! Really miss you on Twitter because of how easy it was to follow. Just signed up as a founding member to help the war chest grow. And I do hope if the sale to Elon Musk goes through, you will be able to settle amicably. I believe he is trying to do the right thing.

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How long until GoFundMe pulls the plug? Bets?

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The page has a note from Alex indicating that GFM put it on hold prior to this morning at 11am. It looks like it's still allowing donations, so maybe this is just a hold on disbursement of funds (IIRC, the same thing happened to the Canadian truckers protest initially).

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I'm shocked, simply shocked. Did not see the note, thanks! Maybe: "give send go" is better?

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Good luck winning this case.

You'll get an ultra Lib Judge, who thinks you should be on Death Row.

Trump had over 80M followers and his case was thrown out.

The Fix is In.

That, unfortunately, is Team Reality.


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One large difference impacting your pessimistic prognostication: Elon Musk. Who knows where he’ll place his priorities and what kind of things he’ll do to right past wrongs? I can guess. He knows Alex was right all along. 🙄

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if i were elon, i would fire all the twitter legal counsel at the steps of the courthouse right before they walked in and reveal that he hired bob odenkirk to play his "better call saul" character in the courthouse representing twitter

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OMG...that is the most brilliant comment I've read in a while 🤣

Thank you for the chuckle !👍

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A LOT has to happen before Elon can actually "buy" Twitter. This whole Elon/Twitter thing just smells like a great big publicity stunt for Elon. I have my doubts the deal will ever go through.

But I'm a Pessimist by nature...🤣

I hope you are right ! 👍

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You are not wrong to think that…he’s already under water with Twitter stock tanking & valuation was low. Throw it into bankruptcy & buy it back on the cheap? Let’s see how the shareholders vote.

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Yup...that sounds just about right... 👍🏻

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I only wish I could donate more right now.. but I hope to in the near future. This fight is crucial!

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Sending $25.00 off to Attorney Lawrence today on behalf of of my wife and I.

We only wish we could send more to the one man who single handedly got us through this nightmare.

No possible way to thank you enough Alex.

Good luck to you sir….

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I would not be at all surprised if GoFundMe takes away your money and gives it to BLM to sow more division. You should get the money out of there ASAP before it is all gone. I hate the idea that you would use those crooks. They stand completely against what you are fighting for.

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You have been a beacon of light in some very dark times. The least we can do is light a match to return the favor and keep the light on.

Also, as a librarian: THANK YOU for citing your sources. This is rare in journalism but it shouldn't be.

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Knowing you're a Pumpkins fan, makes me admire you even that much more 🌛

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Check to your lawyer! I’m in !

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