Provably. Indisputably. The risk estimates released by Centers for Disease Control are politicized garbage, based on hospital and state data that intentionally underestimate the number of vaccinated Americans who have been hospitalized or died.
The raw numbers from other countries far are more trustworthy - and consistent. They show that six months after injection, the basic two-dose mRNA vaccine regimen does not protect against Omicron and may even increase its risk. This failure is not confined merely to infection but to severe outcomes like hospitalization.
Boosters increase protection, but the increase is temporary. Worse, a fourth dose appears to provide less additional protection than a third and to fade more quickly.
At best - absolute best - the shots appear to have bought a few months in 2021 of a false dawn, at a cost that is still rising.
(The truth is priceless. Or $6 a month if you want to pay for it. Or $300 a year if you want a free signed first edition of PANDEMIA too. But I digress.)
The reality of mRNA jab failure is deeply unpleasant for governments and health bureaucrats.
They have spent the last 18 months touting and sometimes mandating these shots, with the active assistance of legacy and social media outlets. In the last couple of months, as the failure has become increasingly apparent, they have taken steps to cushion the blow:
Pushing boosters, which temporarily hide the problem - at a long-term cost that remains unclear;
Clamping down on data about hospitalizations and deaths among vaccinated people they once readily provided;
Most of all, hoping that the antiviral drug Paxlovid, immunity from prior infection, and Omicron’s relative mildness would keep death counts low even as infections and hospitalizations rocket higher.
That third bet looked to be working for most of spring 2022.
But once again the virus is not cooperating.
The new Omicron subvariants elude vaccine protection almost immediately and are at least as virulent as earlier Omicron variants. Infections are headed higher. Despite the fact that many tests are taken at home and not reported, reported positives have nearly doubled since mid-June. They are higher than at any point in the epidemic except for the winter Omicron peak.
Deaths remain low - in part because many governments have tightened their rules on reporting Covid deaths - but they are almost certain to rise notably. One of the epidemic’s core truths is that deaths lag. When reported case counts rise, deaths follow eventually.
Just as striking, all-cause mortality - that is, deaths from Covid AND other causes - remain extremely high in the highly vaccinated countries. In Europe, which has good and timely data on deaths, reported excess mortality is now far above average for the third year in a row.
This trend runs contrary to the expectations two years ago of demographers and infectious disease experts. They predicted publicly that deaths would quickly return to normal as Covid rolled out - since the coronavirus generally targeted a small number of people who were nearly at the end of their lives.
Instead, the wave has not rolled out, and non-Covid excess deaths are running high.
Worse, among young Europeans, reported excess mortality is trending higher this year than in 2020 or 2021. In fact, before the widespread rollout of the jabs in mid-2021, Europe had NO excess mortality among people under 45. Now it does.
Squint hard enough, and you can find explanations other than the mRNA vaccines for this crisis - delayed health care or a return to risky behavior.
But none of them make as much sense as the obvious one. And none of them square with what governments and the media promised on that Monday morning in November 2020 when Pfizer and BioNTech reported their first results from their pivotal clinical trial of BNT162b2.
The vaccines have failed. They were a noble(ish) experiment, but they’ve failed us.
Now we are failing them, by insisting they can do what they cannot, and increasing the risks they pose to all of us. The push for boosters, especially, needs to end today.
Wherever Covid goes next - and at this point we don’t yet know - the mRNA shots will play no role in ending it. They are part of the problem, not the solution.
WE NEED TO END ALL MANDATES! Many colleges still demanding this poison and worse yet, if you need a transplant and don't take the gene therapy injections, you will be removed from the transplant lists, which is a death sentence for anyone waiting for a heart, liver, whatever! My friend's son was so damaged at age 26 from his shots that he has had to go on total disability and move out of his NYC apartment back home with his parents. He couldn't walk or use his arms for months after his 2nd pfizer shot and only has use of his limbs back with tremendous hard work in therapy! I know about 7 college age and 2 high school age teens/young adults who developed myocarditis/periocarditis or RA after their shots. This is terrible and needs to end! How will it end? We are damaging people, even killing them by mandating this poison injection!
Yes! College is supposed to be where students go to learn critical thinking. But there is no critical thinking there, as the young people who are among the least threatened by the virus and who are among the most likely to suffer serious vaccine side effect,s are mandated to take the vaccine and all of its boosters--when most of the rest of society has given up on the mandates. Why send your kid to college if the college can't even get the vaccine cost/benefit analysis right?
Whatever happened to youthful rebellion? Question authority? Kids particularly on the left seem so pliant when it comes to government diktats. That was the rebellious group when I was in school.
I was on a plane in May, after the judge ended the airline mask requirement. The "older" passengers were unmasked. The teens & 20-somethings were masked.
To your last point, I wonder what would happen if you quiz them, one on one: "Stop. Think. Look me in the eye and tell me if you honestly believe 'men' can get pregnant. Cite ONE EXAMPLE of a man--that is, a human with XY chromosomes--who's ever become pregnant."
this is why they wont let the masking end in alot of blue school districts. They need to brainwash them young to think its normal, and its working. Control is the end game.
That seems to be the case everywhere I go - college age adults and extreme leftists at every age are the o my ones still drinking the "masks save lives" kool-aid.
It's so disappointing. A lot of it has to do with lazy parents that are too concerned about what other people think, then about what is right or wrong.
It disturbs me deeply, because they don't know how to think. I think part of the problem is they don't know how things are made; voila, they just show up at the door.
They lack imagination and creativity; so they're stuck in a silo and are unaware of that which lies outside.
Mainly, I think it was, death by a thousand cuts; but the first few allowed the rest.
"That's the way it ends. The thin edge of the wedge."
Nice quote by Bukowski! I think of it as a knife edge, separating thinkers from followers. Been interesting to see who falls on the following side of the blade. They tend to be rule followers, not bad people, just incapable of seeing the authorities have abandoned common sense. They can't perceive it. My eldest son is 28, a college grad. He saw through the bullshit instantly. His girl didn't. I'm a rule breaker generally if I think the rule is stupid. But I have so many good friends who aren't like that. It's a temperament thing.
Maybe it's related to the desperate need to fit in; a compulsion prompted & exacerbated by social media and lack of belief in anything greater than oneself.
This is such the obvious solution but the problem is, so many WANTED the shots. So many thought their lives were in immediate danger, that the shots were all that stood between them and death. I too, often lament--if we ALL would just not comply...but ALL of us who would, actually, not comply, seem to be in the minority.
1st thing I said, when I heard the university I workED (I quit over this) at was going to mandate the quackcines: 'Wow, for an institution that constantly promotes is "respect for diversity" and "commitment to inclusion" etc., it sure is weird that they want this monocultural health approach.'
I am virtually unemployable as a professor now, in CA, because I won't mask or test as part of "accommodations" (gotta love how they equate having an religious exemption as a "disability").
I took a 50% paycut to work somewhere outdoors, and I am now the most anti-college (former) educator there is.
There was never ANY question, for me, of how I would respond to a madate, but I have years of life experience on these kids, factoring into my decision.
I hope it ends like this: all the kids with any doubts just say fuck it, and go straight to work, or if they must attend college, choose one that is not fascist. I hope the K-12 schools fail from lack of enrollment as parents pull kids out in light of vax/mask/test mandates. I hope home-schooling or Team Reality staffed charter schools take off.
I got red-pilled working at that school, well before the whole scamdemic. The kids come in intellectually debilitated from K-12, and they can easily learn nothing for 4 years if they are so inclined. Plagiarism is rampant and of no consequence. Work can be a far far better education, more fun, more useful, and you get paid instead of taking out massive debt. I am bitter about the whole mass-formation-hypnotized response to covid and the containment insanity, but I accept that it was time for me to move on, and trust that there is a reason for the life change and that I can be more useful elsewhere. But yes, it's insane that these colleges are STILL requiring it, that state and local govt's are still requiring it, that health orgs are still requiring it. A total laugh, considering they all think they are such critical thinkers, such experts.
El Gato had a piece about people waking up to the INeffectiveness, to the UNsafety, but I swear, most of my former colleagues just are lalalalalala when it comes to admitting they might have been misled, let alone wrong.
I couldn't agree more. Unless you're going to be a doctor or lawyer or perhaps an engineer, for the vast majority of students, college is a supreme waste of money and time. So many useless degrees and so many useless courses for such a high price tag and for 4 long years. I've told my kids that skipping college is in fact an option and going directly to the work force is something to strongly consider. Academia has disappointed me in their non-scientific, fascist, monkey-see/monkey-do approach to pushing vaccines and PCR testing onto a population of young people with virtually no risk of serious complications from covid. I doubt you will be vindicated by the evidence that vaccines don't work and are perhaps more destructive than helpful. I doubt you will be vindicated by the evidence that shows college-age students have little to no risk of death or hospitalization from covid, a fact we've known since March/April of 2020. I doubt you will be vindicated by the evidence that shows the PCR is fraught with false positives. I doubt you will be vindicated by the evidence that shows the masks do NOT work. But, you have lived your best life, you have stood up for what you believe, and for that, you are a rock star!
Colleges don't promote diversity. All they are doing is preventing regular people saying anything 'bad' about certain other people. Almost every major college has been captured.
I appreciate your honesty and determination not to allow this current regime to kill you with their poison. I also choose not to vax or mask and trust me I can take the dirty looks and snide remarks because at the end of the day they will die for their stupidity and fear just as was intended.
Yes, that's been the last couple of years for sure where government bureaucrats have done the unthinkable. Never let a crisis go to waste: the mantra of the democrats
Nearly all colleges are mandating except when states have forbidden it, I think. The only way I can make sense of it is to remember that academia was also at the forefront of the 1920s-30s hygiene and public health movement that included eugenics and the forcible sterilization of tens of thousands of American women (and they were pushing for infanticide of babies seen as unlikely to thrive). All for the "greater good" and future health of society, in their minds. Some of these ideas contributed to what eventually became the Holocaust, after which universities all quietly changed their Departments of Eugenics to Departments of Statistics or some such. So, whether it's naive or evil, this is par for the course for academia I suppose. They're not exactly defenders of human rights.
Yes and this is a good example of why it's not just incompetence. This takes forethought.
Violence can be a confession of terrible incompetence. It may have started as incompetence but it has turned into a slow-roll mind rape to cover up the incompetence.
IMO malice and incompetence can be inextricably linked. They don't have to be mutually exclusive in order for harm to be rendered.
"I think one deciding point is, in Germany, the notion that the health of the public is more important than the health of the individual." Yes, so for the Greater Good even the murder of children is permissible.
And in this very moment, do not stop mocking doctors for their cowardess. ask the vax cultists if they are going to collect them all and tell them to put a mask on so you dont have to look at their stupid faces.
Ask them about that science that told us the injection would stop the covid in its track, stop transmission and infection and lead to herd immunity. Ask them what happened to that science?
Nothing is noble(ish) when you have to censor scientists, physicians and early treatment drugs.
Nothing is noble (ish) when you know before celebrating euas & billions that adverse reactions and deaths were unprecedented.
Nothing is noble(ish) when you request internal documents be sealed for 75 years.
Big lies are never noble(ish).
Suggest you read the Friday mansion section of the 7/22 WSJ to read about the multi million dollar real estate buying spree by Moderna & Pfizer executives.
Nothing is noble(ish) when people lost their jobs for not complying to be injected with an experimental drug.
I live near Los Alamos National Lab. In fact, my (now deceased) husband and I retired from there. There are more Ph.D.s in Los Alamos than you can shake a stick at. I mostly would like to hit them with a stick. They are complete, dedicated Covidians. No scientist I know from there questions anything that Fauci and the CDC said early on. Now they don't bother to read or watch anything current even from their infallible news sources. When I have the temerity to suggest the vaccines don't work, they very patiently and condescendingly ask what my sources of information are. When I tell them, they sneer and say my sources - even if it's the NY Times or WSJ - are mistaken. Arrggghh! They have so much ego invested in the rightness of their choices and the "wrongness" of everyone who doesn't have a Ph.D. that they will never admit to having been duped. This is horrible of me to say, but I'm waiting for more of them to get sicker and hospitalized. I wonder what my Ph.D. husband would have made of all this. Needless to say, I don't have a Ph.D. and, therefore, can be dismissed easily by them.
Two friends…this week. Unexpected deaths. That’s added to the friends, at least 3, who died after C returned (they’d been in remission), and add those whose C has removed & they're back on active treatment. Then there are the tinnitus friends, the heart ablation friends, the eye problem friends….it’s overwhelming.
Yep. My personal count among friends and friends of close friends is up to 15: Heart Attacks, Blot Clots, Complete Hearing Loss, Guillaume Barre/Paralysis, Strokes, Death. Not a single one reported to Vaers btw. And all happened w/in weeks of injection juice in other wise healthy ( no co morbidity individuals )
My husband just told me that the other night while playing poker with a good friend , that this otherwise smart, attorney refused to accept that the vaccines did not prevent infection or transmission . He shook his head when presented with facts and said “ no. I don’t know about that.” Terrifying
The people in my acquaintance are devout Covidians and would never order an autopsy for a family member. A few funeral directors have been coming out about what they find when they embalm. Most people are cremated these days, so that's not a large source of information.
Just today talked to a construction guy who said the jabbed early teen daughter of one of his friends suddenly, on a trip, passed out and has been in the hospital on life support from they know not what. She is not overweight and did not have previous problems. She, luckily, is doing better.
I know. But regular obituaries don't say that unless they're written for a celebrity. Death certificates do, but they aren't easy to come by. The other give away is "apparent," as in apparent heart attack. That's what my brother-in-law's death certificate said. Also two other of my acquaintances had "apparent" strokes when none of them had had diseases that would support those causes of death.
This Sunday in the (expensive) Obits: Kent b. 1952 “passed away unexpectedly” and Paige b. 1954 a breast cancer survivor who “passed away peacefully in her sleep”— I note the cost because I have a “tip of the iceberg” sense.
And there’s the vague celeb obit: Shonka Dukureh, 44, (breakout performance in the new Elvis bio-pic) “two young children found her unresponsive in her bed” (how awful is that!) “no foul play was evident” unless you think the vaxx is ‘murder most foul’ and a likely cause).
The people who I suspect died from the shot had obits that didn't mention cause of death. When someone dies "unexpectedly" of an "apparent" disease, if I know the person, I try to ask if they've had the shots. That's a good way to lose the few "friends" I have left. ha
I have a PhD in physics. PhD stands for "piled higher and deeper".
Anyone with a doctorate who's honest with himself knows it's just a union card. If you're so impressed with a doctorate that you won't listen to anyone without one, you're a real ass.
Anyway where I worked, the technicians were the royalty.
Yep. Don't know about the techs being royalty, though. My deceased husband had a Ph.D. in electronic engineering. I was his tech for his thesis. I do know it can be a hard road to earn a Ph.D. so I admire that effort. In the old days, people at the Lab were not so overbearing about it. In fact, no one used the honorific, Doctor. It just seems the ones who are around now don't have much of a life after retirement, so they go back to the Lab and work for free while using the computers, paper, and whatever else. They need to cling on to something. Certainty and ego, I guess.
I worked for NASA and the technicians we had were top notch. You didn't want to piss one of them off because you depended so heavily on them. NASA didn't much care that I got my PhD (I did it while working there): maybe it's changed but when I was there it was a meritocracy and paid little attention to degrees.
The more grounded someone is in doing actual stuff, working with hardware, the less of a conceited jackass he typically is.
NASA in Houston? Did you know Tom McGetchen? I worked in his Division when he was at LASL, now LANL. They took the "Science" out and replaced it with "National" in 1981 after Reagan. That's when it started to deteriorate. I hesitate to use that word in a public forum. I was there in 1975 and he went to LPI as director in 1977, I think. What a guy! Probably shouldn't put this kind of unrelated stuff here. Oh, well.
With these types, maybe quote foreign sources & data and say with just a smidge of dismay in your tone, …oh I didn’t realize you weren’t keeping up with the cutting edge data
You don't need a Ph.D. to call someone's bullshit. They are trying to win an argument from the position of authority, which they do not have. Day one of the pandemic, they said to wear a mask and stand 6 feet apart without any scientific proof that this would have any value to society. Mask use has proven to be useless when you compare countries that use masks vs countries that did not mandate mask use. A country's vaccine use is positively correlated to the number of covid deaths (i.e. more vaccination, more covid deaths + more deaths from ALL causes). You don't need a Ph.D. to see the truth, which is the CDC is a political organization, mainstream media is fake news (including FOX), and Big Tech social media is run by a bunch of left-wing radicals.
Patiently and condescendingly ask them what their sources of information are that the masks and vaccines work. See what they say.
I agree with all you say. I did ask what their sources of information are. They say they believe in "the science." They believe in Fauci and the CDC. They won't read anything that's current. When Fauci, Gates, CDC are QUOTED going back on their initial mandates in the main stream news media, they evidently ignore it. I'm accused of believing Majorie Taylor Greene and other Qanon sources.One of them, who is not an MD or virologist, told me he had written a paper on the efficacy of vaccines a few years ago. I was impressed NOT. He has no medical background. People in Santa Fe don't flash their Ph.D.s. I don't know if they have them, but they are liberal, completely dedicated Covidians. No wonder New Mexico is so locked down, masked, and has such a large number of covid cases. Love being surrounded by and condescended to by such terminal imbeciles. Terminal - hmmm...
This is a terrific article. I don't like to be so negative, but if I would post it on Facebook, I would lose the rest of my "friends" who do consider themselves elite. I have a few friends on the same page as I, but they live an hour away. I also have a few friends who "tolerate" my views when I try to talk about them. But they and the elites want nothing to do with anything that might disturb their firmly entrenched Covidian beliefs. I'm 80. I drive and get around, but it isn't easy to make friends here if you don't have grandchildren, go to church, or support by participation in the corrupt political activities. Can't wrap my head around moving after 50 years. Wah, wah, wah, wah. Woe is me. I really am mostly content. Too much information.
The PhD is just the excuse. The narrative is the important thing. I have a Veterinary medicine degree, a master in advanced biotechnology and a PhD in immunology and I’ve been working as a scientific analyst for the last 7 years reading almost 4000 scientific articles per year. And still, I am just a conspiranoid, propandist or a plain anti-vaxx. Nothing to consider from me when trying to discuss the uselfulness of all government mandates. In Spanish we say: the most blind of all is the one who does not want to see. It is so very true.
A LANL mathematician I know, got the shot, ended up with pericarditis-in the hospital and recovering for months. When I suggested to him it may have been as a result of the shot, he told me it wasn't because that only affected young men.
IF he had tested positive for covid and then died of pericarditis, covid killed him. If he had the covid vaxx shot and then died of pericarditis, pericarditis killed him. The shot is never to blame. Covid is always to blame. Remember, no one died WITH covid-19, they die FROM covid-19.
A lot of people I think got played with this. The only thing we can do is hold our ground and for the friends and family that have doubts or have already taken it, we do what we can.
Did Tucker start the ball rolling with his recent monologue on the impacts of the inoculations? He is one person who just maybe could proclaim the failures loud and clear. Rex Murphy or Jordan Peterson in Canada could do the same - they have the audience, and Rex is the only true journalist left in the MSM in Canada. If only they would speak up.
Maybe he did. Tucker has the audience--assuming he's not preaching to the choir. If nothing else he's started the conversation. I was delighted, too, when he started harping on Biden's dementia.
I saw Jordan Peterson's interview with Rex Murphy and it was excellent.
Yeah, I also watched the Fauch on Bret Baier's show on Fox just last night (7-22-22) and he said the fabulous vaccines juices do a truly wonderful job of protecting against sever illness and hospitalizations. Said it just jumps off the chart at you when you study the data.
Now who are you going to believe, a former journalist like Alex, or the greatest manipulator of bureaucratic machinery that's ever lived?
He is truly a master of his craft. Sadly, his craft isn't medicine.
You could hear him trying to soften up Bret’s questioning. I was shocked that he actually asked some tougher questions. Fauxi is getting nervous. you could tell.
The VAST majority of FOX personalities/pundits/hosts are "all-in" on Covid. They all still recite the required mantras about the magic shots and how happy they are to have been forced to take them by their employer (I do wonder if Tucker got out it somehow, though). I mean, some of the things Geraldo said about the unvaxxed were straight up evil. Please. Yuck.
And job postings still say applicants need to be fully "boosted" as the corporations want to "keep the community safe"!!! The emperor has no clothes, but many have blood clots in their eyes so they blindly believe whatever they're told.
Except Indiana has just 45 miles of beaches--which, in fact gives it the smallest coastline among the 30 states that have one. And you can really only use them from May through September (at best).
Meanwhile, Florida has 8,436 miles of beaches that can be enjoyed all year.
Thanks for your concern, but I've spent the past two years in Florida and haven't experienced ANY "nasty critters." And while I'm no storm denier, I happened to choose an area without a history of being hard hit. Meanwhile, in NJ where I'm from, it floods ALL. THE. TIME. They have constant wind and water events there. All good right here in Florida.
My bet is Inslee is working on his climate emergency proclamation, to be announced soon, so as to keep us all under control. Ugh. Can we just recall him now?
Now that Biden and Fauci have both been infected, it's indisuptable that all covid interventions were useless at best, potentially catastrophic at worse. Virus gonna virus. All government interventions and restrictions should be abandoned immediately.
And those that pushed mandates should be put on trial. Knowingly imposing harmful medical treatments while claiming the shots are "safe and effective" that led to maiming and death is murder.
Oh but you forget that the inoculations "prevent severe illness, hospitalizations and death". Why do you think Fauci, Biden, Trudeau, and other "names" all broadcast "I've tested positive"? It's so that they can use that to show that the inoculations work, and that you should really get that 4th shot, to "keep you and your loved ones safe". (PS - sarcasm is intended in case you didn't get that.)
I posted my story many times but the gist of it is that I'm 80, have had no shots, got infected when I went on a trip to the state of Washington. I had what was essentially a cold. I went on our scheduled private wilderness walks. It would have been nice to feel better but I was able to do it. My vaxed, boosted friend who went along ended up spending 3 days in bed.
Not just failed. Damaged so many and so much to come that we don’t realize yet. Excess mortality in young people, infertility, cancers, etc. I wouldn’t call it a noble experiment, just an experiment with horrid complications and side effects. I’m sickened that 3 of my 5 kids got the jabs. They were adults and made their own terrible decision. My daughter in law was pushed by her OB to get the jab while pregnant, a simply unthinkable recommendation. If you think Thalidomide was bad, just wait and see, it will pale in comparison to what we will see down the road.
Ditto. My other two sons are autistic so my oldest is the last in our male line and has been dosed and boosted at least once. I don't know if he has gotten more boosters because I cannot discuss this with him without provoking opposition. He has just married and his wife is also dosed and boosted so I fear that their plans for procreation will be thwarted. I lost my other two sons to vaccines and now may lose a third.
So very sorry - we also have a vax injured son. It’s heartbreaking and I feel for you. I live with the guilt of what might’ve been. It’s so crazy that your one uninjured son didn’t see the light. I’m so sorry.
Same here. 3 out of 5 for me too. One obediently, one enthusiastically and one reluctantly. I worry about all three of them every day. The reluctant one has been sick with Covid three times and this last sickness has left him listless and with a lingering cough. The OBs pushing this are the worst of all providers because they are risking two lives with their recommendation.
Yep. I convinced my husband and one adult daughter not to poison themselves but was unable to stop my doc son and other college age daughter from submitting. I am afraid for them daily.
My son and his wife wouldn't take the shot but my adult daughter did. Her pharmacist roommate knew more that I did. She didn't take any boosters but I too am afraid every day..
Three of my four kids got two shots and a booster for college and honestly did not seem to care if it was mandated. I tried to fight it and they thought I was insane. Two have very bad eczema and the other is suffering from severe anxiety and depression. I believe the eczema is a direct result of the shots and the lockdown/zoom classes put one of them over the edge. Our children have really taken the brunt of this tragedy.
"Pandemic statistics on this page are no longer being updated."
Reuter's has a website that tracks COVID and COVID shot rates in nations around the world. A few days ago it posted that statement above. It became too obvious that nations with a very low COVID shot rate were doing way better than nations with high COVD shot rates. I've not aware of any nation in the world with a low COVID shot rate that is now suffering very much from COVID. Are there any?
“The totalitarian mass leaders based the propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.” - Hannah Arendt, “The Origins of Totalitarianism”, (p. 382).
Wow. That was literally Fauci's defense when he did a 180 on masks. It was basically "Sure, I lied to you when I said masks don't work and you shouldn't wear them, but I did it to preserve masks for health care workers." Covidians thought "Oh, how smart!" and put on their masks.
Yup and it’s the same thing when they act like they knew all along the vaccines wouldn’t actually prevent infection but they would “prevent hospitalization and death” which we know to be a complete lie. Yet, they continue the habitual regurgitate of the party line “I’ve tested positive for Covid but thankfully, because I’m fully vaccinated and double boosted I’m only experiencing mild symptoms.” And they have gone a step further, because that has also clearly been demonstrated to be a lie so now they include a little statement about “early use of PAXLOVID” to provide “additional protection against severe disease.”
Can’t wait to see what the next addition to the script will be when they can no longer deny the PAXLOVID rebound effects that are becoming increasingly harder to deny.
Watching Fauci right now on FOX of all places (1st time I think I've ever seen him on FOX) with Brett Baier saying everyone needs to be injected and should wear masks and says the injections have been an overwhelming SUCCESS. No one holds him accountable. Its surreal. 2.7 years post whu-flu lab release in CHINA and this fraud is still in a position of authority. He is STILL saying it looks like natural origin and NOT lab. WTF!
I watch NO TELEVISION (don’t own one). A critical thinker and one who longs for truth should not be anywhere near a television. There’s too much legitimate, great, alternative information out there.
I tend to be a sponge and take in various sources and filter This is my process of critical thought. TV is simply one source of so many as you say and is what it is...a part of the whole
I get it, but odd Fauci for the 1st time in 2.7 years is on prime time with Brett Baier. He came across as if he was trying to re-direct hard to past narrative or to silence what is being exposed more and more. Tucker did a great piece last night following upon many of the studies Alex has provided us here so perhaps something is brewing. Baier had the elf squirming a bit as Paul makes him squirm.
I'll watch the Baier episode. I've had a hard time watching Fox News since this started. It gets under my skin when I see Peter Doocey with his precious little mask on at the WH press briefings.
So over it. They're doing nothing but perpetuating this nonsense imo.
agree for the most part. Only a few peeps I watch now on Fox. Never ever on weekends for certain. The Risch interview with Tucker was good last night. Gotta luv Risch. Such strong character-integrity and principled person...
You have to wonder what's happening at FAUX (Tucker excluded) to prompt them to give that laboratory rat Fauci a platform. Twit Baier is as slow-pitch as they come.
Exactly...quite odd. I normally do not have Baier on, but happened too and was taken aback with seeing him interviewing the elf fraud. Something brewing?
Yeah, I push back all the time. I get the same lame-ass "The state requires it for medical offices blah, blah, blah."
They're just following orders.
Today, I held out the mask and said, "This thing has been hanging on my car's stick-shift for the last 8 months. I carry every time I'm forced to submit to this farce. How effective do you think it is?"
Blank stare in response.
My poor father is mortified when I get pissed off.
Part of me wants to request a new mask every time I'm told to wear one. I wonder how much money they'll be forced to spend before they stop listening to the state.
I know: some happily masked Kool-aid drinker will report them to the state, and they'll penalized for independent thought.
BTW, a friend in Missouri reports his doctors haven't required masks in months.
What's going on int the rest of America--beyond the People's Republic of Maskachusetts?
I think and react the way you do. I get very angry at the idea of all those plastic particulates in my lungs for nothing but street theatre. I've lost so much respect for health care.
It's sad. Tragic that we can't trust medicine. Every time I take my Dad to the doctor, I remind him, "Remember, Dad. We talked about this: NO BOOSTER."
At least he's stopped saying, "Well, if the doctor says I need it..."
Sorry to admit this, but I'm glad Biden got covid. I was able to say, "See, Dad? He's the president, he has a battalion of doctors around him, he had TWO boosters--and he got covid. They've been lying about this!"
Your father is so blessed to have you looking out for him. It must be very hard for him to grasp the extent of the deception and incompetence of the current medical system in the US. It's blowing my mind. Cannot believe the doctors roll over like this for a captive CDC.
"...just following orders". I think that was heard a lot in a certain German city about 75 years ago. It generally didn't cut it then and it won't in the future when their "time" comes about. Maybe the little fry can get some grace but anyone up the management chain a ways, I pity their souls...
When the government and corporate control over physicians ends. I don't know how benign the corporate (and these includes the large "not-for-profit" faux health care "corporations") systems would be on their own but when your greatest single revenue stream is also your regulator/defacto controller, its hard to be independent from the current political control.
I apologize for my very late response. But I do want you to know I have read it and am amazed at the sheer stupidity you had thrown in your face. My nurse is struggling with trying to gloss over what I say to her. I am about to give up.
I live in Miami, not quite the real FL! Still, I refuse to wear the filthy face diaper no matter what. I usually ignore a rude receptionist. If they insist I leave.
I heard of doubling down, but quintupling down? There is no way in hell all of this is just an organic mistake. None of this felt natural from 2 weeks to slow the spread. I think most honest people that have a pulse can tell something is wrong. I have no idea what the end game is, but I'm guessing it doesn't end well for us peons.
Birx also had hope! I mean she had immune compromised people in her household so of course she didn't rely on hope! She did what she could to protect those people!
Ok, Debbie! But you do remember when the govt was telling people "If you are jabbed go hug a relative! Go see granny! Go out to dinner! Don't wear a mask anymore as you don't carry the virus"
Might that advice have put people at risk? Not that I agree the masks or social distancing work of course but Birx thinks it all matters.
I had to let go of over 30 people because of this crap. That means nearly 100 peoples lives (spouses and children) were affected, because I had no choice.
Yes, the vaccines have failed. It's pretty obvious that it does not stop vaccinated people from getting "COVID-19". But what is worse is the side effects of these shots. It is not only in young people dying of sudden cardiac death, which is sad and shocking, but many more older people are having new onset seizures (which is weird to me), recurrent cancer which was in remission for many years, a-fib, leg edema and clots. Never mind cardiac arrest, they're old. But the MDs do not link it to being vaccinated and boosted. I know you mentioned that your mom has a-fib, which sometimes happens when you get older, but as an inpatient coder I think I'm seeing more of this then before. Since I pick up charts from the queue, I just see what I see. I can't really compare to the community. But it is obvious that MD's do not care to link any condition to the "vaccine" even if the diagnosis is a little unexpected.
It's like stuff happens when you get old, so just because you were pressured to get an EUA shot and now you are having these new issues, it has nothing to do with the shot. It's the opposite of how they treated older people with "COVID-19" positive test and other co-morbidities in 2020. Back then, even if you're 94 years old, bedridden with a BMI of 14, if you were COVID-19 positive, you died of COVID.
If the first shot didn't hurt you, the second, third, or fourth might do it. It's like Russian roulette (blame it on the Russians). I think the side effects are very understated (especially in older people).
Dr Geert Vanden Bosche has been right the whole time. Nothing can stop what’s coming next! Massive deaths and misery for those who continually take the jabs….it’s going to be heartbreaking 💔
No doubt from school year start through the election and holidays the FEAR PORN will be immense like we have never seen. Why wouldn't it be with all the same players in all the same positions. ZERO accountability...
I lost alot of respect for you last night watching your "debate" with Dr. Kory. You were there to state your low information unscientific belief regarding Ivermectin, flash your book and leave before the host even had an opportunity to pose some questions. Dr. Kory is a brilliant man. You should have been more open to listening to him. Instead you came off closed minded and arrogant. Too bad, because I was previously a fan of yours.
I had it on too. The little elf fraud was squirming as Brett turned the screws a bit lol. What a joke when he chided Baier in saying "oh Brett you are better than that" when he didn't like a posed question. What an absolute fraud Fauci is
Good friend of mines wife just tested positive. Three days in and so far little more than a headache and cough. He told me it’s a good thing she’s unvaccinated or the symptoms would have been so much worse.
'There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!'
because being "progressive" is no longer what the democrat party is about. Its about power and control. People that call themselves "progressives" are actually just democrats. They are for the party, no matter what. The party is all that matters. The controllers of the party must be obeyed, thats all that matters. Its obedience. It's the same for Republicans, only people that call themselves "conservative" are much less likely to blindly obey the republican leaders, which is why democrats are much better at infiltrating and brainwashing government systems. its why the democrats can even stiil exist under there present platform. In 1980 and 1984 reagan won by huge landslides because back then the democrat party didnt control there surrogates like they do now. I suspect that was a lesson they learned and addressed so it would never happen again.
Exactly. And that is the only way now to stop this. Enough people have to withdraw their labor in key areas, that the machine grinds to a halt and then self-destructs.
it's simply amazing that we've delegated the determination of the good machines vs the bad machines to the government & celebrities in the absence of religion
Here's another quote. I think it's the way forward:
"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do" - William Blake
We are going to have to defend ourselves. The average Joe is hypnotized. Or they just want to move on, with casual indifference, hoping this just goes away.
That's what concerns me.
They'll do it all over again.
The second time around is what we should fear the most.
Typo "raw numbers from other countries far are more trustworthy"
Are far more.
I hope the people in charge around the world actually get their head out their arse and think things through before telling people to get more.
I saw a Tweet from a guy high up in Scotlands NHS or the govt. He was telling people to come and get their Spring booster a couple months back and he ended the Tweet with another sales pitch
"And that Spring dose will protect you for the summer when it will be time to get another booster for going into the Winter"
I know someone who claims to have had 5 doses already! Are we just going to keep doing this year after year until there is nobody left?
A 1 in 1k-5k risk of Myocarditis may not sound bad to some people (It really is!) But how many boosters before that number is 1 in 20 or 1 in 5? If we are giving out a dose every 9 months I'm sure we will get there quickly.
Just got a high school school email letting me know one of our son’s lacrosse coaches “died suddenly” last night. He was only 51, and a fit Naval Academy grad. Somebody better pay for what they’ve done to us.
I wouldn't ascribe noble intent to the vaccine rollout. Trump wanted to win re-election and the pharmaceutical companies wanted to make money. I believe the pharmaceutical companies knew the vaccines had short-term efficacy, if any, depending on ongoing investigations of the design and reliability of the clinical trials. And even a Moderna VP said, paraphrasing, that mRNA isn't designed for repeated dosing because of adverse events. And health officials interfered with access to early treatments; who knows how many people died because of that.
Denied first moments, last moments, weddings, graduations, work, school, social life, time, and memories before the vaccines rollout, fired and denied school after the vaccines rollout. Nothing, absolutely nothing, about our government's response to the pandemic has been noble or noble(ish). NOTHING.
100%. It was all about self preservation for Trump and $$$$$. The public helped by showing themselves to be mostly brain dead drones that bought in 100% this was a death sentence for anyone it touched. Anyone willing to question the response was quickly silenced, deplatformed, fired. Now we will reap what we've sown. You can blame the health authorities, Trump, there are 100's of others, but the bottom line was if people refused it all from the beginning it would never have suceeded. Nobody was forced these shots by gunpoint, nobody glued a mask around your face. It was all choices people made, the easy choice was compliance, the hard, uncomfortable choice was disobedience. I'm glad i disobeyed from the beginning. Walked around maskless everywhere i went, if they gave me a hard time i ignored them, if they didnt let me in a place i left. Never took the jabs despite work mandating it, and still has mandate in place. Fuck these people is and was my opinion.
Yep, and I should have added the administrative state. It likely would have gone against Trump, except for the money to be returned to it from the pharmaceutical companies once the vaccine is added to the child immunization schedule (so incredibly despicable).
But you are right. Most of all, compliant populations are to blame. I was and still am stunned by the complete submission to fear and compliance of so many Americans. I refused to comply, when it inconvenienced me, when it meant that I missed out on concerts and vacations, and when it cost me money. It didn’t cost me a job as it did so many others, but I would have paid that price also.
My point to everyone was always, if you want to wear a mask or get a vaccine, fine, but only do it because you want to, not because you are being ordered to. And whether your choice is being driven by scientific evidence or the lack thereof, religious beliefs, medical susceptibility, or bodily autonomy, you don’t have to share your status or your justification with anyone. Don’t comply and retain your independence.
The TIME article, devoid of any scientific basis, lays bare the truth:
1) COVID vaccines are not vaccines,
2) the MSM lies incessantly for the Pharma-Military industrial complex and Deep State,
3) the only reason to insist now that shots will be continuously necessary is that they were always designed for a malign purpose tied to the links between Fauci, NIH, US Intel agencies and the CCP - all of which want to use “medicine” for social and political control.
Hands up if you still think you have went this long without Covid.
I don't think I've had it yet. A runny nose in late 2019 and another in 2021 with a sore throat a few weeks back that had my voice sounding sexy as f*ck lol (and hacking up large chunks of phlegm* which I blame on my vaping habit I'm trying to stop)
But no other symptoms and never feeling sick or anything.
*I just looked it up and there are people saying this is evidence of clearing a bacteria or virus. Could be Covid or it could be hundreds of other things.
So, if that is me actually getting Covid then it is shocking that we shut the world down for this. I felt strange for a few days unlike any illness I had had before... almost a synthetic chemical feel to the whole thing which I assumed was vape overdose
Five bucks that if you had tested back then you would have tested positive. What used to be a cold in 2019 is the basis for endless mRNA shots in 2022. I know several people with similar objectively innocuous symptoms who are now proud victims due to PCR tests.
The final nail in the coffin for vaccines occurred the moment President Biden tested positive and exhibited symptoms. And then within minutes the clips of him EXACTLY one year ago touting the vaccines and saying you cannot get Covid 19 if you are vaccinated/boosted etc.
Well, Time magazine states that '...because that's how the vaccines work'. Funny, but when anyone tried to say that last year, 'CONSIPRACY THEORY!!!" was yelled loud. Safe and effective. Promise...not.
Except that’s not how they were supposed to work when first rolled out. What I thought was curious however on the cards was space for four shots. It was Dose 1 and Dose 2, then another two lines that said Other. I guess putting Booster 1 and Booster 2 would have been too obvious.
Alex, well written as usual, with one significant correction. The vaccines were NOT a noble endeavor. They were foolish and reckless from the very start. The widespread use of untested mRNA technology (despite data showing clear concerns for cancer, autoimmune disorders, and poor efficacy from prior clinical research) was far too risky to employ on a wide scale. The lack of a robust, accurate, and MEANINGFUL monitoring system was beyond negligent Public health officials ignoring the worrisome early data was criminal, and some may say, evil. The IDEA of a vaccine may have been noble, but what transpired was anything but.
We have been dealing with c19 for almost 2.5 years now. If all the fatties had just picked up some weights and put down the donuts we'd be in much better shape (in more ways than one). Doubt we really need to revisit our REAL pandemics....Obesity and Vitamin D deficiency. If you haven't put effort into getting healthy by now, what on earth are you waiting for?
I know there are "I got in shape because of covid" stories out there, and I applaud each and every one of you. If you lost weight, keep it off. If you started walking / running / biking / swimming / lifting etc..keep it up.
They will never admit the shots have failed. It’s a feature, not a bug. As people continue to get sicker and sicker, it’ll only continue to fuel the narrative of never ending boosting and more masking. We’ll never get off this merry-go-round.
So .... we somehow end up with fraud, coercion & borderline genocide being called a “noble experiment?” Sounds like someone trying to get back with the “in” crowd. People have lost their lives, their health, their livelihoods and their sanity by a bought & paid for corrupt public health cabal. There’s nothing noble about it.
8 months today since my precious younger sister died so unnecessarily after vaccine. She felt sick immediately and became more sick, unable to hold down food, over the next three days. Diabetes and colitis went rampant. The last time I saw her she told me of a 70 yo man from our old tennis club and his brother who both died three days after the vaccine from cardiac arrest. I bumped into a couple at a cafe and her brother had died from a stroke after vaccine while her husband works with 6 other men and 2 had strokes after the vaccine with one also having a heart attack. And last weekend my cousin mentioned her heart had not been the same since the vaccine, with random palpitations in the night, and she will not be getting a booster. She has noticed many elderly clients ringing her physio clinic and postponing their appointments because they are sick after the flu jab. Some are wondering what is going on since they havent been sick from the flu jab before and some have been sick for five days from the flu jab. So what is going on? NZ is crazy, about 95% double vaxed. Now there is talk of Netherlands style pushing back on farming in the name of "climate change". Adern doesnt need to push back on farming, her government is destroying our economy and health system without going after our farmers. Its like the leftist governments hate the country. Five million population in NZ and latest survey shows up to 1 million are looking at clearing out.
Alex needs to keep repeating all these facts at every turn as ultimately it will save lives. Most of us on this Substack will never get a mRNA shots or the few that did will stay away from them going forward. But everyone needs to understand and tell anyone that will listen to STAY AWAY FROM BOOSTERS! More mRNA shots will drive QUICKER MUTATING and unpredictable SARS-2 mutations than if the virus was left alone to behave naturally. This is a dangerous game that is hitting the pseudo-vaccine lovers currently but it can ultimately affect all of us.
Have I mentioned this before?...that's rhetorical...
Find like minded people; band together, person to person, at the community level and RESIST. There's enough people on these stacks to get that done if we do that at the community level. You have to start there first.
Courage is exponentially levered in numbers! Go out of your way to seek those people out and organize your resistance. That price must be paid or you can expect more.
Also seek out influencers of like mind that have large spheres of influence. They exist in every community. Often they are the least likely to be paralyzed by trepidation.. It's on us.
"They were a noble(ish) experiment..."? There is absolutely nothing, nothing noble in this shit show of death and destruction from start to finish. Nothing.
I am confused . In your discussion with Steve Kirsch he said 1/2 a million died from the jabs and you said that’s not in the excess mortality . So I assume this substack is a correction ?
I have a feeling (just anecdotal, no data) that it's worse for the vaxxed. Fewer people took the 3rd shot and not many people took it in time to prevent lower efficacy. The 4th shot has an even lower uptake and would have been required at about month 2 after 3rd shot. I don't think anyone did this.
Take adequate vitamin D3 & vitamin K2 and get a blood test to ensure your levels are 50 ng/ml per this study:
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Lorenz Borsche, Bernd Glauner and Julian von Mendel
Brett Weinstein has a dark horse podcast with 2 other scientists that does a great overview of the importance of vitamin D. It's about 2 hours long and aside from some nice anecdotes, gives about the same info as the article I cited. It's worth watching.
No data other than personal experience - approx 45 people that I know have had it in the last 2 months - all at least 2 x inoculated, some have had 3rd. One Toronto hospital that has had a mandate since last September had over 800 staff sick days in May and around 770 in June.
I have taken 10,000 to 15,000 I.u.D3 for years now. Have my D3 level tested once a year. I like to keep it at around 75. When my husband was seeing his neurologists several years ago (M.S.), she said that we should get on D3. I told her that we had been on it for years way before it became a thing to take. She asked what our totals were and I told her 75 and she said perfect.
I have to imagine it's worse if you're vaxxed, but I am unvaxxed and believe I've had it twice. First in January this year-- I wasn't that sick but I lost all sense of smell for a few days and that was scary. You don't know when it's coming back, and it's terrible not to be able to smell coffee! I didn't test though. Then at the end of May I caught covid and was very sick for 2 weeks. Not in any danger, but just incredibly miserable, taking a ton of ibuprofen for days (I couldn't sleep without it due to shivering from high fever). Someone who caught it from my family tested positive for covid. I am puzzled why it would be worse the second time. Maybe it wasn't covid in January, and maybe the new strain is a doozy.
You can be sure that “yourself” will not garner many votes. Our whole society now is built on the idea of blaming others. No matter the issue, “yourself” is never the problem.
Seeing Tucker start to question the injections has been gratifying. What took him so long? Looking forward to him having vaxx injured on as well. Also, check out the Died Suddenly/unexpectedly facebook page before it gets removed!
WE NEED TO END ALL MANDATES! Many colleges still demanding this poison and worse yet, if you need a transplant and don't take the gene therapy injections, you will be removed from the transplant lists, which is a death sentence for anyone waiting for a heart, liver, whatever! My friend's son was so damaged at age 26 from his shots that he has had to go on total disability and move out of his NYC apartment back home with his parents. He couldn't walk or use his arms for months after his 2nd pfizer shot and only has use of his limbs back with tremendous hard work in therapy! I know about 7 college age and 2 high school age teens/young adults who developed myocarditis/periocarditis or RA after their shots. This is terrible and needs to end! How will it end? We are damaging people, even killing them by mandating this poison injection!
Yes! College is supposed to be where students go to learn critical thinking. But there is no critical thinking there, as the young people who are among the least threatened by the virus and who are among the most likely to suffer serious vaccine side effect,s are mandated to take the vaccine and all of its boosters--when most of the rest of society has given up on the mandates. Why send your kid to college if the college can't even get the vaccine cost/benefit analysis right?
When I was in college, we would've torn out the walls, and made the university pay for it all!
I hope these kids don't have to protect us in a war.
I'm 51 and I'd rather do the fighting!...serious.
I'm pretty sure the zenith of America's pride was the day before the idea of participation trophies.
Whatever happened to youthful rebellion? Question authority? Kids particularly on the left seem so pliant when it comes to government diktats. That was the rebellious group when I was in school.
I do not understand it.
I was on a plane in May, after the judge ended the airline mask requirement. The "older" passengers were unmasked. The teens & 20-somethings were masked.
I do not understand it.
That age group and a bit older can be fanatical on masks, jabs, and menstrual products in boys bathrooms.
To your last point, I wonder what would happen if you quiz them, one on one: "Stop. Think. Look me in the eye and tell me if you honestly believe 'men' can get pregnant. Cite ONE EXAMPLE of a man--that is, a human with XY chromosomes--who's ever become pregnant."
And wait for the response.
this is why they wont let the masking end in alot of blue school districts. They need to brainwash them young to think its normal, and its working. Control is the end game.
That seems to be the case everywhere I go - college age adults and extreme leftists at every age are the o my ones still drinking the "masks save lives" kool-aid.
It's so disappointing. A lot of it has to do with lazy parents that are too concerned about what other people think, then about what is right or wrong.
It disturbs me deeply, because they don't know how to think. I think part of the problem is they don't know how things are made; voila, they just show up at the door.
They lack imagination and creativity; so they're stuck in a silo and are unaware of that which lies outside.
Mainly, I think it was, death by a thousand cuts; but the first few allowed the rest.
"That's the way it ends. The thin edge of the wedge."
- Charles Bukowski
Nice quote by Bukowski! I think of it as a knife edge, separating thinkers from followers. Been interesting to see who falls on the following side of the blade. They tend to be rule followers, not bad people, just incapable of seeing the authorities have abandoned common sense. They can't perceive it. My eldest son is 28, a college grad. He saw through the bullshit instantly. His girl didn't. I'm a rule breaker generally if I think the rule is stupid. But I have so many good friends who aren't like that. It's a temperament thing.
It’s not too late! Young people can surprise you.
Maybe it's related to the desperate need to fit in; a compulsion prompted & exacerbated by social media and lack of belief in anything greater than oneself.
That would be the 1980s.
I graduated college in 93'. People would've got HURT if this was going down at Mizzou.
Love how you work music into your replies!
But, yes, that was a play on Joe Walsh.
Wow do I love Joe Walsh. The only Eagles I can handle is the JW period.
Sorry T2, I misunderstood your post.
My bad.
Tearing out walls is nothing to brag about.
If a college or any company demands the shot everyone involved should stop work immediately and demand this stop now!
Remember there is power in numbers.
This is such the obvious solution but the problem is, so many WANTED the shots. So many thought their lives were in immediate danger, that the shots were all that stood between them and death. I too, often lament--if we ALL would just not comply...but ALL of us who would, actually, not comply, seem to be in the minority.
1st thing I said, when I heard the university I workED (I quit over this) at was going to mandate the quackcines: 'Wow, for an institution that constantly promotes is "respect for diversity" and "commitment to inclusion" etc., it sure is weird that they want this monocultural health approach.'
I am virtually unemployable as a professor now, in CA, because I won't mask or test as part of "accommodations" (gotta love how they equate having an religious exemption as a "disability").
I took a 50% paycut to work somewhere outdoors, and I am now the most anti-college (former) educator there is.
There was never ANY question, for me, of how I would respond to a madate, but I have years of life experience on these kids, factoring into my decision.
I hope it ends like this: all the kids with any doubts just say fuck it, and go straight to work, or if they must attend college, choose one that is not fascist. I hope the K-12 schools fail from lack of enrollment as parents pull kids out in light of vax/mask/test mandates. I hope home-schooling or Team Reality staffed charter schools take off.
I got red-pilled working at that school, well before the whole scamdemic. The kids come in intellectually debilitated from K-12, and they can easily learn nothing for 4 years if they are so inclined. Plagiarism is rampant and of no consequence. Work can be a far far better education, more fun, more useful, and you get paid instead of taking out massive debt. I am bitter about the whole mass-formation-hypnotized response to covid and the containment insanity, but I accept that it was time for me to move on, and trust that there is a reason for the life change and that I can be more useful elsewhere. But yes, it's insane that these colleges are STILL requiring it, that state and local govt's are still requiring it, that health orgs are still requiring it. A total laugh, considering they all think they are such critical thinkers, such experts.
El Gato had a piece about people waking up to the INeffectiveness, to the UNsafety, but I swear, most of my former colleagues just are lalalalalala when it comes to admitting they might have been misled, let alone wrong.
I couldn't agree more. Unless you're going to be a doctor or lawyer or perhaps an engineer, for the vast majority of students, college is a supreme waste of money and time. So many useless degrees and so many useless courses for such a high price tag and for 4 long years. I've told my kids that skipping college is in fact an option and going directly to the work force is something to strongly consider. Academia has disappointed me in their non-scientific, fascist, monkey-see/monkey-do approach to pushing vaccines and PCR testing onto a population of young people with virtually no risk of serious complications from covid. I doubt you will be vindicated by the evidence that vaccines don't work and are perhaps more destructive than helpful. I doubt you will be vindicated by the evidence that shows college-age students have little to no risk of death or hospitalization from covid, a fact we've known since March/April of 2020. I doubt you will be vindicated by the evidence that shows the PCR is fraught with false positives. I doubt you will be vindicated by the evidence that shows the masks do NOT work. But, you have lived your best life, you have stood up for what you believe, and for that, you are a rock star!
Colleges don't promote diversity. All they are doing is preventing regular people saying anything 'bad' about certain other people. Almost every major college has been captured.
I appreciate your honesty and determination not to allow this current regime to kill you with their poison. I also choose not to vax or mask and trust me I can take the dirty looks and snide remarks because at the end of the day they will die for their stupidity and fear just as was intended.
Well said
Michele, you are speaking my language. Are you anywhere near San Diego? I’d love to meet you!
Glad to hear it! But I'm in nocal, and no-travelling for me right now!
Keep fighting the good fight!
Thanks for the subscription, too--1st posts this weekend!
I agree. I’m sure we’ll soon be like Germany and outlaw homeschooling tho.
Oy vey, I hope not but living in CA I have had so many "they wouldn't do that, would they? Oh, wait, guess they just did that..." moments.
Yes, that's been the last couple of years for sure where government bureaucrats have done the unthinkable. Never let a crisis go to waste: the mantra of the democrats
Nearly all colleges are mandating except when states have forbidden it, I think. The only way I can make sense of it is to remember that academia was also at the forefront of the 1920s-30s hygiene and public health movement that included eugenics and the forcible sterilization of tens of thousands of American women (and they were pushing for infanticide of babies seen as unlikely to thrive). All for the "greater good" and future health of society, in their minds. Some of these ideas contributed to what eventually became the Holocaust, after which universities all quietly changed their Departments of Eugenics to Departments of Statistics or some such. So, whether it's naive or evil, this is par for the course for academia I suppose. They're not exactly defenders of human rights.
Yes and this is a good example of why it's not just incompetence. This takes forethought.
Violence can be a confession of terrible incompetence. It may have started as incompetence but it has turned into a slow-roll mind rape to cover up the incompetence.
IMO malice and incompetence can be inextricably linked. They don't have to be mutually exclusive in order for harm to be rendered.
I would argue this doesn't violate Occam's razor.
You nailed it!
Powerful words, freelearner
"I think one deciding point is, in Germany, the notion that the health of the public is more important than the health of the individual." Yes, so for the Greater Good even the murder of children is permissible.
Get in this Stack and talk to people.
We need more folks like you!
And in this very moment, do not stop mocking doctors for their cowardess. ask the vax cultists if they are going to collect them all and tell them to put a mask on so you dont have to look at their stupid faces.
Ask them about that science that told us the injection would stop the covid in its track, stop transmission and infection and lead to herd immunity. Ask them what happened to that science?
And adults too if we let them!
Nothing is noble(ish) when you have to censor scientists, physicians and early treatment drugs.
Nothing is noble (ish) when you know before celebrating euas & billions that adverse reactions and deaths were unprecedented.
Nothing is noble(ish) when you request internal documents be sealed for 75 years.
Big lies are never noble(ish).
Suggest you read the Friday mansion section of the 7/22 WSJ to read about the multi million dollar real estate buying spree by Moderna & Pfizer executives.
Nothing is noble(ish) when people lost their jobs for not complying to be injected with an experimental drug.
Yes, what exactly was noble about this experiment? Pfizer knew from their test data that the jabs were crap.
I get angrier with each passing day, every lie that is told, and denials are made. We’re DONE. No more.
Being done is up to each of us on these stacks'
I think it must be said out loud. You must hear from your own mouth to believe it, and to have conviction that your actions WILL make a DIFFERENCE!
Let everyone you know: That me and mine do not accept this nonsense in our lives.
1. The meaning is clear to those who hear it. If not they are lost and represent opportunity cost.
Alex did it! Certainly everyone here can!
This ends with us! Count on no else. They are not coming.
Remember what has been done to the children!
Get after it!
I live near Los Alamos National Lab. In fact, my (now deceased) husband and I retired from there. There are more Ph.D.s in Los Alamos than you can shake a stick at. I mostly would like to hit them with a stick. They are complete, dedicated Covidians. No scientist I know from there questions anything that Fauci and the CDC said early on. Now they don't bother to read or watch anything current even from their infallible news sources. When I have the temerity to suggest the vaccines don't work, they very patiently and condescendingly ask what my sources of information are. When I tell them, they sneer and say my sources - even if it's the NY Times or WSJ - are mistaken. Arrggghh! They have so much ego invested in the rightness of their choices and the "wrongness" of everyone who doesn't have a Ph.D. that they will never admit to having been duped. This is horrible of me to say, but I'm waiting for more of them to get sicker and hospitalized. I wonder what my Ph.D. husband would have made of all this. Needless to say, I don't have a Ph.D. and, therefore, can be dismissed easily by them.
Keep an eye on the obituaries and look for "died suddenly" or "died unexpectedly". Do a spread sheet.
Two friends…this week. Unexpected deaths. That’s added to the friends, at least 3, who died after C returned (they’d been in remission), and add those whose C has removed & they're back on active treatment. Then there are the tinnitus friends, the heart ablation friends, the eye problem friends….it’s overwhelming.
Yep. My personal count among friends and friends of close friends is up to 15: Heart Attacks, Blot Clots, Complete Hearing Loss, Guillaume Barre/Paralysis, Strokes, Death. Not a single one reported to Vaers btw. And all happened w/in weeks of injection juice in other wise healthy ( no co morbidity individuals )
I count fifteen casualties asking friends and family and only my sister reported her platelet problem after the JJ shot.
My elderly friend's daughter now has a blood clot in each eye and she still wants her unjabbed mom to get on board the clot shot train..........
My husband just told me that the other night while playing poker with a good friend , that this otherwise smart, attorney refused to accept that the vaccines did not prevent infection or transmission . He shook his head when presented with facts and said “ no. I don’t know about that.” Terrifying
Is there Any. Possible. Chance. of autopsies??
The people in my acquaintance are devout Covidians and would never order an autopsy for a family member. A few funeral directors have been coming out about what they find when they embalm. Most people are cremated these days, so that's not a large source of information.
Just today talked to a construction guy who said the jabbed early teen daughter of one of his friends suddenly, on a trip, passed out and has been in the hospital on life support from they know not what. She is not overweight and did not have previous problems. She, luckily, is doing better.
I know. But regular obituaries don't say that unless they're written for a celebrity. Death certificates do, but they aren't easy to come by. The other give away is "apparent," as in apparent heart attack. That's what my brother-in-law's death certificate said. Also two other of my acquaintances had "apparent" strokes when none of them had had diseases that would support those causes of death.
This Sunday in the (expensive) Obits: Kent b. 1952 “passed away unexpectedly” and Paige b. 1954 a breast cancer survivor who “passed away peacefully in her sleep”— I note the cost because I have a “tip of the iceberg” sense.
And there’s the vague celeb obit: Shonka Dukureh, 44, (breakout performance in the new Elvis bio-pic) “two young children found her unresponsive in her bed” (how awful is that!) “no foul play was evident” unless you think the vaxx is ‘murder most foul’ and a likely cause).
The people who I suspect died from the shot had obits that didn't mention cause of death. When someone dies "unexpectedly" of an "apparent" disease, if I know the person, I try to ask if they've had the shots. That's a good way to lose the few "friends" I have left. ha
Team Reality, it’s a tough gig.
This comment aged well
I have a PhD in physics. PhD stands for "piled higher and deeper".
Anyone with a doctorate who's honest with himself knows it's just a union card. If you're so impressed with a doctorate that you won't listen to anyone without one, you're a real ass.
Anyway where I worked, the technicians were the royalty.
Yep. Don't know about the techs being royalty, though. My deceased husband had a Ph.D. in electronic engineering. I was his tech for his thesis. I do know it can be a hard road to earn a Ph.D. so I admire that effort. In the old days, people at the Lab were not so overbearing about it. In fact, no one used the honorific, Doctor. It just seems the ones who are around now don't have much of a life after retirement, so they go back to the Lab and work for free while using the computers, paper, and whatever else. They need to cling on to something. Certainty and ego, I guess.
I worked for NASA and the technicians we had were top notch. You didn't want to piss one of them off because you depended so heavily on them. NASA didn't much care that I got my PhD (I did it while working there): maybe it's changed but when I was there it was a meritocracy and paid little attention to degrees.
The more grounded someone is in doing actual stuff, working with hardware, the less of a conceited jackass he typically is.
NASA in Houston? Did you know Tom McGetchen? I worked in his Division when he was at LASL, now LANL. They took the "Science" out and replaced it with "National" in 1981 after Reagan. That's when it started to deteriorate. I hesitate to use that word in a public forum. I was there in 1975 and he went to LPI as director in 1977, I think. What a guy! Probably shouldn't put this kind of unrelated stuff here. Oh, well.
With these types, maybe quote foreign sources & data and say with just a smidge of dismay in your tone, …oh I didn’t realize you weren’t keeping up with the cutting edge data
I might try that. But my sarcasm hasn't worked so far.
You don't need a Ph.D. to call someone's bullshit. They are trying to win an argument from the position of authority, which they do not have. Day one of the pandemic, they said to wear a mask and stand 6 feet apart without any scientific proof that this would have any value to society. Mask use has proven to be useless when you compare countries that use masks vs countries that did not mandate mask use. A country's vaccine use is positively correlated to the number of covid deaths (i.e. more vaccination, more covid deaths + more deaths from ALL causes). You don't need a Ph.D. to see the truth, which is the CDC is a political organization, mainstream media is fake news (including FOX), and Big Tech social media is run by a bunch of left-wing radicals.
Patiently and condescendingly ask them what their sources of information are that the masks and vaccines work. See what they say.
I agree with all you say. I did ask what their sources of information are. They say they believe in "the science." They believe in Fauci and the CDC. They won't read anything that's current. When Fauci, Gates, CDC are QUOTED going back on their initial mandates in the main stream news media, they evidently ignore it. I'm accused of believing Majorie Taylor Greene and other Qanon sources.One of them, who is not an MD or virologist, told me he had written a paper on the efficacy of vaccines a few years ago. I was impressed NOT. He has no medical background. People in Santa Fe don't flash their Ph.D.s. I don't know if they have them, but they are liberal, completely dedicated Covidians. No wonder New Mexico is so locked down, masked, and has such a large number of covid cases. Love being surrounded by and condescended to by such terminal imbeciles. Terminal - hmmm...
Here’s a forward-able (centrist-leaning) mask take down:
This is a terrific article. I don't like to be so negative, but if I would post it on Facebook, I would lose the rest of my "friends" who do consider themselves elite. I have a few friends on the same page as I, but they live an hour away. I also have a few friends who "tolerate" my views when I try to talk about them. But they and the elites want nothing to do with anything that might disturb their firmly entrenched Covidian beliefs. I'm 80. I drive and get around, but it isn't easy to make friends here if you don't have grandchildren, go to church, or support by participation in the corrupt political activities. Can't wrap my head around moving after 50 years. Wah, wah, wah, wah. Woe is me. I really am mostly content. Too much information.
The PhD is just the excuse. The narrative is the important thing. I have a Veterinary medicine degree, a master in advanced biotechnology and a PhD in immunology and I’ve been working as a scientific analyst for the last 7 years reading almost 4000 scientific articles per year. And still, I am just a conspiranoid, propandist or a plain anti-vaxx. Nothing to consider from me when trying to discuss the uselfulness of all government mandates. In Spanish we say: the most blind of all is the one who does not want to see. It is so very true.
Wow. That means these covidiots are truly impervious. I guess only prayer and a miracle can penetrate that!
A LANL mathematician I know, got the shot, ended up with pericarditis-in the hospital and recovering for months. When I suggested to him it may have been as a result of the shot, he told me it wasn't because that only affected young men.
IF he had tested positive for covid and then died of pericarditis, covid killed him. If he had the covid vaxx shot and then died of pericarditis, pericarditis killed him. The shot is never to blame. Covid is always to blame. Remember, no one died WITH covid-19, they die FROM covid-19.
Yes. Your credentials won't help if, as you say, one does not want to see.
A lot of people I think got played with this. The only thing we can do is hold our ground and for the friends and family that have doubts or have already taken it, we do what we can.
The vax has failed; masks don't work. OK.
And the vax does NOTHING to reduce serious illness or hospitalizations. OK.
So now what happens to the people who lost their jobs for refusing to vax?
Until someone in authority steps forward and LOUDLY proclaims all these failures, nothing changes.
And I just looked up to see that menace Fauci on TV telling me that Biden's prognosis is good b/c he's been DOUBLE BOOSTED. And masks are good.
Nothing changes.
Did Tucker start the ball rolling with his recent monologue on the impacts of the inoculations? He is one person who just maybe could proclaim the failures loud and clear. Rex Murphy or Jordan Peterson in Canada could do the same - they have the audience, and Rex is the only true journalist left in the MSM in Canada. If only they would speak up.
Maybe he did. Tucker has the audience--assuming he's not preaching to the choir. If nothing else he's started the conversation. I was delighted, too, when he started harping on Biden's dementia.
I saw Jordan Peterson's interview with Rex Murphy and it was excellent.
That was so great to see. At a minimum it may make wake up others.
Yeah, I also watched the Fauch on Bret Baier's show on Fox just last night (7-22-22) and he said the fabulous vaccines juices do a truly wonderful job of protecting against sever illness and hospitalizations. Said it just jumps off the chart at you when you study the data.
Now who are you going to believe, a former journalist like Alex, or the greatest manipulator of bureaucratic machinery that's ever lived?
He is truly a master of his craft. Sadly, his craft isn't medicine.
You could hear him trying to soften up Bret’s questioning. I was shocked that he actually asked some tougher questions. Fauxi is getting nervous. you could tell.
The VAST majority of FOX personalities/pundits/hosts are "all-in" on Covid. They all still recite the required mantras about the magic shots and how happy they are to have been forced to take them by their employer (I do wonder if Tucker got out it somehow, though). I mean, some of the things Geraldo said about the unvaxxed were straight up evil. Please. Yuck.
Ha ha. Good one
And job postings still say applicants need to be fully "boosted" as the corporations want to "keep the community safe"!!! The emperor has no clothes, but many have blood clots in their eyes so they blindly believe whatever they're told.
King Inslee doesn't care. Boosters now, boosters tomorrow, boosters forever!
You need to move to Florida!...:)
Not sure I could handle the bugs......but it WOULD be better than dealing with the parasite in the governor's mansion.
Lots of protein in those bugs!
No bugs inside your nice lanai! And in our part of Florida, the no see ums are done breeding by first week of July. Good to go after that!
The lanai is critical for sanity against the love bugs.
The bugs are awful.
Part of the reason people stay inside during the summer. you point out; I wonder why the Vid is hitting the south now?
Its a badge of honor to be called a Neanderthal...or troglodyte down here
You will be eating bugs soon enough. Might as well make peace with them now.
Try Indiana. It's like Florida without the hurricanes and the nasty critters.
You could try Texas. Fewer bugs.
Just snakes.
Try Indiana. It's like Florida without the hurricanes and the nasty critters.
Except Indiana has just 45 miles of beaches--which, in fact gives it the smallest coastline among the 30 states that have one. And you can really only use them from May through September (at best).
Meanwhile, Florida has 8,436 miles of beaches that can be enjoyed all year.
I'll take Missing the Point for $500, Alex.
Thanks for your concern, but I've spent the past two years in Florida and haven't experienced ANY "nasty critters." And while I'm no storm denier, I happened to choose an area without a history of being hard hit. Meanwhile, in NJ where I'm from, it floods ALL. THE. TIME. They have constant wind and water events there. All good right here in Florida.
I think Mississippi has only 27 miles of coast. But I understand your point.
Per this source, Mississippi has 359 miles of coast:
But maybe "beach" vs. "coast" is a different animal, since we also have this: "Coastal Mississippi has 62 miles of scenic coastline with 26 miles of beaches."
It snows in Indiana.
He’s been very quietly lately, working on evil plans like the “camps.” Let’s hope Patty gets taken down & then maybe the chips will start falling!!!
My bet is Inslee is working on his climate emergency proclamation, to be announced soon, so as to keep us all under control. Ugh. Can we just recall him now?
You’re prob right.
Inslee following in the footsteps of George Wallace.
What a horrible thing to endure, six terms of a num-nutted governor.
It’s painful!!!
Now that Biden and Fauci have both been infected, it's indisuptable that all covid interventions were useless at best, potentially catastrophic at worse. Virus gonna virus. All government interventions and restrictions should be abandoned immediately.
And those that pushed mandates should be put on trial. Knowingly imposing harmful medical treatments while claiming the shots are "safe and effective" that led to maiming and death is murder.
Amen to that.
Oh but you forget that the inoculations "prevent severe illness, hospitalizations and death". Why do you think Fauci, Biden, Trudeau, and other "names" all broadcast "I've tested positive"? It's so that they can use that to show that the inoculations work, and that you should really get that 4th shot, to "keep you and your loved ones safe". (PS - sarcasm is intended in case you didn't get that.)
"I got stomped by a moose and run over by a snowplow, but it would have been worse if I hadn't been vaccinated."
I posted my story many times but the gist of it is that I'm 80, have had no shots, got infected when I went on a trip to the state of Washington. I had what was essentially a cold. I went on our scheduled private wilderness walks. It would have been nice to feel better but I was able to do it. My vaxed, boosted friend who went along ended up spending 3 days in bed.
“It would have been so much worse without the injections”
I hear they have a love child.
It's part Damien and part Rosemary's Baby!
The Bad Guys can't tell the truth now, they've lied too long, their fraud has led to deaths, which makes them complicit to murder.
Not just failed. Damaged so many and so much to come that we don’t realize yet. Excess mortality in young people, infertility, cancers, etc. I wouldn’t call it a noble experiment, just an experiment with horrid complications and side effects. I’m sickened that 3 of my 5 kids got the jabs. They were adults and made their own terrible decision. My daughter in law was pushed by her OB to get the jab while pregnant, a simply unthinkable recommendation. If you think Thalidomide was bad, just wait and see, it will pale in comparison to what we will see down the road.
I feel your pain. I could not stop my oldest. Now I hold my breath.
Ditto. My other two sons are autistic so my oldest is the last in our male line and has been dosed and boosted at least once. I don't know if he has gotten more boosters because I cannot discuss this with him without provoking opposition. He has just married and his wife is also dosed and boosted so I fear that their plans for procreation will be thwarted. I lost my other two sons to vaccines and now may lose a third.
So very sorry - we also have a vax injured son. It’s heartbreaking and I feel for you. I live with the guilt of what might’ve been. It’s so crazy that your one uninjured son didn’t see the light. I’m so sorry.
I’m so sorry. Incredibly unfair.
Same here. 3 out of 5 for me too. One obediently, one enthusiastically and one reluctantly. I worry about all three of them every day. The reluctant one has been sick with Covid three times and this last sickness has left him listless and with a lingering cough. The OBs pushing this are the worst of all providers because they are risking two lives with their recommendation.
I could not agree more. With exactly ZERO science to back up their insistent claims of safety. Its appalling at every level.
Yep. I convinced my husband and one adult daughter not to poison themselves but was unable to stop my doc son and other college age daughter from submitting. I am afraid for them daily.
My son and his wife wouldn't take the shot but my adult daughter did. Her pharmacist roommate knew more that I did. She didn't take any boosters but I too am afraid every day..
Three of my four kids got two shots and a booster for college and honestly did not seem to care if it was mandated. I tried to fight it and they thought I was insane. Two have very bad eczema and the other is suffering from severe anxiety and depression. I believe the eczema is a direct result of the shots and the lockdown/zoom classes put one of them over the edge. Our children have really taken the brunt of this tragedy.
"Pandemic statistics on this page are no longer being updated."
Reuter's has a website that tracks COVID and COVID shot rates in nations around the world. A few days ago it posted that statement above. It became too obvious that nations with a very low COVID shot rate were doing way better than nations with high COVD shot rates. I've not aware of any nation in the world with a low COVID shot rate that is now suffering very much from COVID. Are there any?
“The totalitarian mass leaders based the propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.” - Hannah Arendt, “The Origins of Totalitarianism”, (p. 382).
It is working.
Wow. That was literally Fauci's defense when he did a 180 on masks. It was basically "Sure, I lied to you when I said masks don't work and you shouldn't wear them, but I did it to preserve masks for health care workers." Covidians thought "Oh, how smart!" and put on their masks.
Yup and it’s the same thing when they act like they knew all along the vaccines wouldn’t actually prevent infection but they would “prevent hospitalization and death” which we know to be a complete lie. Yet, they continue the habitual regurgitate of the party line “I’ve tested positive for Covid but thankfully, because I’m fully vaccinated and double boosted I’m only experiencing mild symptoms.” And they have gone a step further, because that has also clearly been demonstrated to be a lie so now they include a little statement about “early use of PAXLOVID” to provide “additional protection against severe disease.”
Can’t wait to see what the next addition to the script will be when they can no longer deny the PAXLOVID rebound effects that are becoming increasingly harder to deny.
Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
So good. Thanks Arielle!
Watching Fauci right now on FOX of all places (1st time I think I've ever seen him on FOX) with Brett Baier saying everyone needs to be injected and should wear masks and says the injections have been an overwhelming SUCCESS. No one holds him accountable. Its surreal. 2.7 years post whu-flu lab release in CHINA and this fraud is still in a position of authority. He is STILL saying it looks like natural origin and NOT lab. WTF!
Even Gutfeld sold out the other day and said that vaccines were a net positive.
The only person left there with half a brain is Tucker.
I watch NO TELEVISION (don’t own one). A critical thinker and one who longs for truth should not be anywhere near a television. There’s too much legitimate, great, alternative information out there.
Long time, no chat, Renee!
Agree, other than Tucker. Just can't give him up. He questions everything....and usually admits when he's wrong. I admire that.
Other than that, I get my news from the Stacks' and a few other independent sources.
I totally agree with your assessment of Tucker, who is my fav, but I do have a soft spot for Laura too.
Cheers Ryan! 🍻💜
Cheers back!
Hope you've been well!
I tend to be a sponge and take in various sources and filter This is my process of critical thought. TV is simply one source of so many as you say and is what it is...a part of the whole
I got ya Brogan…The Art of War…know your enemy.
I get it, but odd Fauci for the 1st time in 2.7 years is on prime time with Brett Baier. He came across as if he was trying to re-direct hard to past narrative or to silence what is being exposed more and more. Tucker did a great piece last night following upon many of the studies Alex has provided us here so perhaps something is brewing. Baier had the elf squirming a bit as Paul makes him squirm.
I watched Tucker last night.
I'll watch the Baier episode. I've had a hard time watching Fox News since this started. It gets under my skin when I see Peter Doocey with his precious little mask on at the WH press briefings.
So over it. They're doing nothing but perpetuating this nonsense imo.
They're part of the Grift.
agree for the most part. Only a few peeps I watch now on Fox. Never ever on weekends for certain. The Risch interview with Tucker was good last night. Gotta luv Risch. Such strong character-integrity and principled person...
yep. One of a very few who has refused to cave to big P.
Somebody got to their ad revenue
Yup. It's disgusting.
30 shillings
Gutfeld pretty funny dude, but he is not very smart in the ways of science. Just think it's not his area lol
GG is a hypochondriac. I think he admits that. Very fearful.
So true Suzanne!
You have to wonder what's happening at FAUX (Tucker excluded) to prompt them to give that laboratory rat Fauci a platform. Twit Baier is as slow-pitch as they come.
Exactly...quite odd. I normally do not have Baier on, but happened too and was taken aback with seeing him interviewing the elf fraud. Something brewing?
Bad experiments are not noble, they are hazardous. Especially hazardous to truth.
Wear your damn Maaaaask....Haaaaarder!
Once AGAIN is spent 30 minutes WEARING A MASK while sitting in the waiting room while Dad was seeing the doctor. (He's fine--routine appointment.)
Do you have white hot anger when you have to do that?
You should; your liberties and bodily autonomy are being violated for the sake of those who live in FEAR.
Yeah, I push back all the time. I get the same lame-ass "The state requires it for medical offices blah, blah, blah."
They're just following orders.
Today, I held out the mask and said, "This thing has been hanging on my car's stick-shift for the last 8 months. I carry every time I'm forced to submit to this farce. How effective do you think it is?"
Blank stare in response.
My poor father is mortified when I get pissed off.
Tell em' it's been at the bottom of your cup holder for a year!....and then hand it to them asking for a new one!...:]
Part of me wants to request a new mask every time I'm told to wear one. I wonder how much money they'll be forced to spend before they stop listening to the state.
I know: some happily masked Kool-aid drinker will report them to the state, and they'll penalized for independent thought.
BTW, a friend in Missouri reports his doctors haven't required masks in months.
What's going on int the rest of America--beyond the People's Republic of Maskachusetts?
I think and react the way you do. I get very angry at the idea of all those plastic particulates in my lungs for nothing but street theatre. I've lost so much respect for health care.
It's sad. Tragic that we can't trust medicine. Every time I take my Dad to the doctor, I remind him, "Remember, Dad. We talked about this: NO BOOSTER."
At least he's stopped saying, "Well, if the doctor says I need it..."
Sorry to admit this, but I'm glad Biden got covid. I was able to say, "See, Dad? He's the president, he has a battalion of doctors around him, he had TWO boosters--and he got covid. They've been lying about this!"
Your father is so blessed to have you looking out for him. It must be very hard for him to grasp the extent of the deception and incompetence of the current medical system in the US. It's blowing my mind. Cannot believe the doctors roll over like this for a captive CDC.
"...just following orders". I think that was heard a lot in a certain German city about 75 years ago. It generally didn't cut it then and it won't in the future when their "time" comes about. Maybe the little fry can get some grace but anyone up the management chain a ways, I pity their souls...
Just saw my dr and when I pointed out it is beyond difficult to breathe in them with my asthma. Crickets.
I was also told in the beginning of the insanity it was good to wear them because of the patients who are getting treated for cancer.
When is this insanity going o stop?
When the government and corporate control over physicians ends. I don't know how benign the corporate (and these includes the large "not-for-profit" faux health care "corporations") systems would be on their own but when your greatest single revenue stream is also your regulator/defacto controller, its hard to be independent from the current political control.
I mentioned in mixed company one time that the damned face diapers give me hot flashes, and a pompous retired surgical nurse told me that wasn't true.
I apologize for my very late response. But I do want you to know I have read it and am amazed at the sheer stupidity you had thrown in your face. My nurse is struggling with trying to gloss over what I say to her. I am about to give up.
Go about 5 minutes into this video and take a still shot or a sequence of three and show it to anyone who thinks masks work.
Excellent presentation.
Just for laughs, I'd like to see Fauci's response.
I can picture your dads look on his face lol
Time to give these health bureaucrats hell.
I live in Miami, not quite the real FL! Still, I refuse to wear the filthy face diaper no matter what. I usually ignore a rude receptionist. If they insist I leave.
That is the most important thing you can do.
To wear a mask is to prolong this NONSENSE.
I'm already on Facebook restrictions for sharing your truth. I wish I could now.
Fakebook put me in the pokey for 30 days (again) immediately after I posted one of his articles a couple weeks ago.
This is one is just "lower in the news feed" whatever that means. But they have made me afraid to push it because I need my access for other reasons.
I heard of doubling down, but quintupling down? There is no way in hell all of this is just an organic mistake. None of this felt natural from 2 weeks to slow the spread. I think most honest people that have a pulse can tell something is wrong. I have no idea what the end game is, but I'm guessing it doesn't end well for us peons.
Walensky’s hope was worth its weight in mRNA
Birx also had hope! I mean she had immune compromised people in her household so of course she didn't rely on hope! She did what she could to protect those people!
Ok, Debbie! But you do remember when the govt was telling people "If you are jabbed go hug a relative! Go see granny! Go out to dinner! Don't wear a mask anymore as you don't carry the virus"
Might that advice have put people at risk? Not that I agree the masks or social distancing work of course but Birx thinks it all matters.
Dr. Brix has admitted all her lies; which cost many people their jobs and businesses. She shoild be in jail ( with a scarf )!
Doesn't that make you outraged?
I had to let go of over 30 people because of this crap. That means nearly 100 peoples lives (spouses and children) were affected, because I had no choice.
It kept me up for nights.
We owe it to the children to end this!
The whole thing is pure evil!
Children have been used as shields. It gives me the heaviest of hearts.
all that “belief” was a terrible thing to waste
Yes, the vaccines have failed. It's pretty obvious that it does not stop vaccinated people from getting "COVID-19". But what is worse is the side effects of these shots. It is not only in young people dying of sudden cardiac death, which is sad and shocking, but many more older people are having new onset seizures (which is weird to me), recurrent cancer which was in remission for many years, a-fib, leg edema and clots. Never mind cardiac arrest, they're old. But the MDs do not link it to being vaccinated and boosted. I know you mentioned that your mom has a-fib, which sometimes happens when you get older, but as an inpatient coder I think I'm seeing more of this then before. Since I pick up charts from the queue, I just see what I see. I can't really compare to the community. But it is obvious that MD's do not care to link any condition to the "vaccine" even if the diagnosis is a little unexpected.
It's like stuff happens when you get old, so just because you were pressured to get an EUA shot and now you are having these new issues, it has nothing to do with the shot. It's the opposite of how they treated older people with "COVID-19" positive test and other co-morbidities in 2020. Back then, even if you're 94 years old, bedridden with a BMI of 14, if you were COVID-19 positive, you died of COVID.
If the first shot didn't hurt you, the second, third, or fourth might do it. It's like Russian roulette (blame it on the Russians). I think the side effects are very understated (especially in older people).
Dr Geert Vanden Bosche has been right the whole time. Nothing can stop what’s coming next! Massive deaths and misery for those who continually take the jabs….it’s going to be heartbreaking 💔
No doubt from school year start through the election and holidays the FEAR PORN will be immense like we have never seen. Why wouldn't it be with all the same players in all the same positions. ZERO accountability...
I lost alot of respect for you last night watching your "debate" with Dr. Kory. You were there to state your low information unscientific belief regarding Ivermectin, flash your book and leave before the host even had an opportunity to pose some questions. Dr. Kory is a brilliant man. You should have been more open to listening to him. Instead you came off closed minded and arrogant. Too bad, because I was previously a fan of yours.
Oh I bought your first two books but now I think you are only in this for money and I won't be funding any of your work anymore.
Any link to that debate last night Sarah?
Thank you!
Fauci is on FOX NEWS right now, saying "Qualified virologists" are saying covid was a NATURAL OCCURRENCE and NOT lab-created.
See? Nothing changes! The lies continue.
I had it on too. The little elf fraud was squirming as Brett turned the screws a bit lol. What a joke when he chided Baier in saying "oh Brett you are better than that" when he didn't like a posed question. What an absolute fraud Fauci is
Fauci needs to crawl back under that rock where he's been hiding.
He's a menace.
He's planning to - with over $200k per year of a pension - what age is he now ? 82? Average life expectancy then.
paid by "we the people" some justice!
I'm told I'll receive a Social Security COLA in January. I guess I should say thank you.
we KEEP saying that don't we
See? Nothing changes.
right...ZERO accountability. why would it
The only thing that, right now, keeps me from screaming is November...November...November...November..
And even then I'm still not sure there will be any major changes.
ZERO accountability ANYwhere to be seen in 2.7 years
Good friend of mines wife just tested positive. Three days in and so far little more than a headache and cough. He told me it’s a good thing she’s unvaccinated or the symptoms would have been so much worse.
I saw what you did there!🤣
it's going to be kinda hard to explain to the grandkids how we lost all the liberals in the 20's because of their religious devotion to $cience
What happened to these types of liberals? :
'There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!'
–Mario Savio
because being "progressive" is no longer what the democrat party is about. Its about power and control. People that call themselves "progressives" are actually just democrats. They are for the party, no matter what. The party is all that matters. The controllers of the party must be obeyed, thats all that matters. Its obedience. It's the same for Republicans, only people that call themselves "conservative" are much less likely to blindly obey the republican leaders, which is why democrats are much better at infiltrating and brainwashing government systems. its why the democrats can even stiil exist under there present platform. In 1980 and 1984 reagan won by huge landslides because back then the democrat party didnt control there surrogates like they do now. I suspect that was a lesson they learned and addressed so it would never happen again.
Exactly. And that is the only way now to stop this. Enough people have to withdraw their labor in key areas, that the machine grinds to a halt and then self-destructs.
Yup. And then the Power centers have to be decentralized, as well as divesting EO's.
'Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of Tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.'
- William Pitt the Younger
I don't think it ends until more people are hurt. People tend to wake up when their bills get in bed with them.
There's one thing there won't be shortages of; Pain
that's such a great quote
it's simply amazing that we've delegated the determination of the good machines vs the bad machines to the government & celebrities in the absence of religion
I agree.
Here's another quote. I think it's the way forward:
"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do" - William Blake
We are going to have to defend ourselves. The average Joe is hypnotized. Or they just want to move on, with casual indifference, hoping this just goes away.
That's what concerns me.
They'll do it all over again.
The second time around is what we should fear the most.
Typo "raw numbers from other countries far are more trustworthy"
Are far more.
I hope the people in charge around the world actually get their head out their arse and think things through before telling people to get more.
I saw a Tweet from a guy high up in Scotlands NHS or the govt. He was telling people to come and get their Spring booster a couple months back and he ended the Tweet with another sales pitch
"And that Spring dose will protect you for the summer when it will be time to get another booster for going into the Winter"
I know someone who claims to have had 5 doses already! Are we just going to keep doing this year after year until there is nobody left?
A 1 in 1k-5k risk of Myocarditis may not sound bad to some people (It really is!) But how many boosters before that number is 1 in 20 or 1 in 5? If we are giving out a dose every 9 months I'm sure we will get there quickly.
Just got a high school school email letting me know one of our son’s lacrosse coaches “died suddenly” last night. He was only 51, and a fit Naval Academy grad. Somebody better pay for what they’ve done to us.
MANY somebodies better pay.
I wouldn't ascribe noble intent to the vaccine rollout. Trump wanted to win re-election and the pharmaceutical companies wanted to make money. I believe the pharmaceutical companies knew the vaccines had short-term efficacy, if any, depending on ongoing investigations of the design and reliability of the clinical trials. And even a Moderna VP said, paraphrasing, that mRNA isn't designed for repeated dosing because of adverse events. And health officials interfered with access to early treatments; who knows how many people died because of that.
Denied first moments, last moments, weddings, graduations, work, school, social life, time, and memories before the vaccines rollout, fired and denied school after the vaccines rollout. Nothing, absolutely nothing, about our government's response to the pandemic has been noble or noble(ish). NOTHING.
100%. It was all about self preservation for Trump and $$$$$. The public helped by showing themselves to be mostly brain dead drones that bought in 100% this was a death sentence for anyone it touched. Anyone willing to question the response was quickly silenced, deplatformed, fired. Now we will reap what we've sown. You can blame the health authorities, Trump, there are 100's of others, but the bottom line was if people refused it all from the beginning it would never have suceeded. Nobody was forced these shots by gunpoint, nobody glued a mask around your face. It was all choices people made, the easy choice was compliance, the hard, uncomfortable choice was disobedience. I'm glad i disobeyed from the beginning. Walked around maskless everywhere i went, if they gave me a hard time i ignored them, if they didnt let me in a place i left. Never took the jabs despite work mandating it, and still has mandate in place. Fuck these people is and was my opinion.
Yep, and I should have added the administrative state. It likely would have gone against Trump, except for the money to be returned to it from the pharmaceutical companies once the vaccine is added to the child immunization schedule (so incredibly despicable).
But you are right. Most of all, compliant populations are to blame. I was and still am stunned by the complete submission to fear and compliance of so many Americans. I refused to comply, when it inconvenienced me, when it meant that I missed out on concerts and vacations, and when it cost me money. It didn’t cost me a job as it did so many others, but I would have paid that price also.
My point to everyone was always, if you want to wear a mask or get a vaccine, fine, but only do it because you want to, not because you are being ordered to. And whether your choice is being driven by scientific evidence or the lack thereof, religious beliefs, medical susceptibility, or bodily autonomy, you don’t have to share your status or your justification with anyone. Don’t comply and retain your independence.
The TIME article, devoid of any scientific basis, lays bare the truth:
1) COVID vaccines are not vaccines,
2) the MSM lies incessantly for the Pharma-Military industrial complex and Deep State,
3) the only reason to insist now that shots will be continuously necessary is that they were always designed for a malign purpose tied to the links between Fauci, NIH, US Intel agencies and the CCP - all of which want to use “medicine” for social and political control.
I've got two college-aged kids (one just graduated) and NEITHER one is vaccinated. AND we ARE an anomaly.
Hands up if you still think you have went this long without Covid.
I don't think I've had it yet. A runny nose in late 2019 and another in 2021 with a sore throat a few weeks back that had my voice sounding sexy as f*ck lol (and hacking up large chunks of phlegm* which I blame on my vaping habit I'm trying to stop)
But no other symptoms and never feeling sick or anything.
*I just looked it up and there are people saying this is evidence of clearing a bacteria or virus. Could be Covid or it could be hundreds of other things.
So, if that is me actually getting Covid then it is shocking that we shut the world down for this. I felt strange for a few days unlike any illness I had had before... almost a synthetic chemical feel to the whole thing which I assumed was vape overdose
Five bucks that if you had tested back then you would have tested positive. What used to be a cold in 2019 is the basis for endless mRNA shots in 2022. I know several people with similar objectively innocuous symptoms who are now proud victims due to PCR tests.
The final nail in the coffin for vaccines occurred the moment President Biden tested positive and exhibited symptoms. And then within minutes the clips of him EXACTLY one year ago touting the vaccines and saying you cannot get Covid 19 if you are vaccinated/boosted etc.
Sometimes the internet is a wonderful thing.
Everyone google "Andrew Wakefield". I never met the man, and this "movement" was started 20 years ago by one man that dared to speak the truth.
We are a Military Family, and I can't imagine the psychological torture that #BigPharma put Dr. Wakefield and his family through.
Well, Time magazine states that '...because that's how the vaccines work'. Funny, but when anyone tried to say that last year, 'CONSIPRACY THEORY!!!" was yelled loud. Safe and effective. Promise...not.
Except that’s not how they were supposed to work when first rolled out. What I thought was curious however on the cards was space for four shots. It was Dose 1 and Dose 2, then another two lines that said Other. I guess putting Booster 1 and Booster 2 would have been too obvious.
Alex, well written as usual, with one significant correction. The vaccines were NOT a noble endeavor. They were foolish and reckless from the very start. The widespread use of untested mRNA technology (despite data showing clear concerns for cancer, autoimmune disorders, and poor efficacy from prior clinical research) was far too risky to employ on a wide scale. The lack of a robust, accurate, and MEANINGFUL monitoring system was beyond negligent Public health officials ignoring the worrisome early data was criminal, and some may say, evil. The IDEA of a vaccine may have been noble, but what transpired was anything but.
Deborah Birx - the affable Eva Braun of Covid- basically admitted on FNC today that the jabs offer nothing in the way of immunity.
She’s all in on Paxlovid…
Big $$$ right now for Pax promotion. The puppet in the WH some say was simply one big promotion and ad
We have been dealing with c19 for almost 2.5 years now. If all the fatties had just picked up some weights and put down the donuts we'd be in much better shape (in more ways than one). Doubt we really need to revisit our REAL pandemics....Obesity and Vitamin D deficiency. If you haven't put effort into getting healthy by now, what on earth are you waiting for?
I know there are "I got in shape because of covid" stories out there, and I applaud each and every one of you. If you lost weight, keep it off. If you started walking / running / biking / swimming / lifting etc..keep it up.
I love your monicker
An hour a day in the sun. Against the advice of your dermatologist. They can always freeze off the problem spots.
They will never admit the shots have failed. It’s a feature, not a bug. As people continue to get sicker and sicker, it’ll only continue to fuel the narrative of never ending boosting and more masking. We’ll never get off this merry-go-round.
So .... we somehow end up with fraud, coercion & borderline genocide being called a “noble experiment?” Sounds like someone trying to get back with the “in” crowd. People have lost their lives, their health, their livelihoods and their sanity by a bought & paid for corrupt public health cabal. There’s nothing noble about it.
8 months today since my precious younger sister died so unnecessarily after vaccine. She felt sick immediately and became more sick, unable to hold down food, over the next three days. Diabetes and colitis went rampant. The last time I saw her she told me of a 70 yo man from our old tennis club and his brother who both died three days after the vaccine from cardiac arrest. I bumped into a couple at a cafe and her brother had died from a stroke after vaccine while her husband works with 6 other men and 2 had strokes after the vaccine with one also having a heart attack. And last weekend my cousin mentioned her heart had not been the same since the vaccine, with random palpitations in the night, and she will not be getting a booster. She has noticed many elderly clients ringing her physio clinic and postponing their appointments because they are sick after the flu jab. Some are wondering what is going on since they havent been sick from the flu jab before and some have been sick for five days from the flu jab. So what is going on? NZ is crazy, about 95% double vaxed. Now there is talk of Netherlands style pushing back on farming in the name of "climate change". Adern doesnt need to push back on farming, her government is destroying our economy and health system without going after our farmers. Its like the leftist governments hate the country. Five million population in NZ and latest survey shows up to 1 million are looking at clearing out.
Since I am still firmly in the control group, I can only shake my head in wonder at the gullibility of so many people.
As always, early treatment, including ivermectin, seems to be the best course of action for unvaxxed.
Here’s the VAERS report for deaths in 5-17 year olds. The doctors’ notes are haunting.
So disturbing, imagine if media was all over these heartbreaking deaths.
Alex needs to keep repeating all these facts at every turn as ultimately it will save lives. Most of us on this Substack will never get a mRNA shots or the few that did will stay away from them going forward. But everyone needs to understand and tell anyone that will listen to STAY AWAY FROM BOOSTERS! More mRNA shots will drive QUICKER MUTATING and unpredictable SARS-2 mutations than if the virus was left alone to behave naturally. This is a dangerous game that is hitting the pseudo-vaccine lovers currently but it can ultimately affect all of us.
Have I mentioned this before?...that's rhetorical...
Find like minded people; band together, person to person, at the community level and RESIST. There's enough people on these stacks to get that done if we do that at the community level. You have to start there first.
Courage is exponentially levered in numbers! Go out of your way to seek those people out and organize your resistance. That price must be paid or you can expect more.
Also seek out influencers of like mind that have large spheres of influence. They exist in every community. Often they are the least likely to be paralyzed by trepidation.. It's on us.
It is the only way forward!
"They were a noble(ish) experiment..."? There is absolutely nothing, nothing noble in this shit show of death and destruction from start to finish. Nothing.
And the blame games begin:
The frustrating part is so many people are unaware.
The only explanation for Fauci being able to show his face and speak in public must be that he is a full blown sociopath.
I am confused . In your discussion with Steve Kirsch he said 1/2 a million died from the jabs and you said that’s not in the excess mortality . So I assume this substack is a correction ?
So what should we do? masking is useless and the vaccines less than useless. Just resign ourselves to endless waves and push through?
Effective, safe early treatments need to be promoted and made widely available. I don’t see that happening any time soon, however.
I have a feeling (just anecdotal, no data) that it's worse for the vaxxed. Fewer people took the 3rd shot and not many people took it in time to prevent lower efficacy. The 4th shot has an even lower uptake and would have been required at about month 2 after 3rd shot. I don't think anyone did this.
Take adequate vitamin D3 & vitamin K2 and get a blood test to ensure your levels are 50 ng/ml per this study:
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Lorenz Borsche, Bernd Glauner and Julian von Mendel
found here:
Brett Weinstein has a dark horse podcast with 2 other scientists that does a great overview of the importance of vitamin D. It's about 2 hours long and aside from some nice anecdotes, gives about the same info as the article I cited. It's worth watching.
No data other than personal experience - approx 45 people that I know have had it in the last 2 months - all at least 2 x inoculated, some have had 3rd. One Toronto hospital that has had a mandate since last September had over 800 staff sick days in May and around 770 in June.
The anecdotal data is the best we have--since there are so much funny business with the "official" data.
I have taken 10,000 to 15,000 I.u.D3 for years now. Have my D3 level tested once a year. I like to keep it at around 75. When my husband was seeing his neurologists several years ago (M.S.), she said that we should get on D3. I told her that we had been on it for years way before it became a thing to take. She asked what our totals were and I told her 75 and she said perfect.
What's the date of Bret's podcast? Is it new?
He did an interview about Vitamin D at least a year ago.
Dec. 27, 2021. Here's the link:
Thanks. That's the one I watched and become an evangelist for Vitamin D.
I have to imagine it's worse if you're vaxxed, but I am unvaxxed and believe I've had it twice. First in January this year-- I wasn't that sick but I lost all sense of smell for a few days and that was scary. You don't know when it's coming back, and it's terrible not to be able to smell coffee! I didn't test though. Then at the end of May I caught covid and was very sick for 2 weeks. Not in any danger, but just incredibly miserable, taking a ton of ibuprofen for days (I couldn't sleep without it due to shivering from high fever). Someone who caught it from my family tested positive for covid. I am puzzled why it would be worse the second time. Maybe it wasn't covid in January, and maybe the new strain is a doozy.
I have read that it’s the former. Maybe Canadian, Australian, or Israeli stats will support that.
Here’s another related link:
I know that’s not exactly what you asked…you asked about the endless waves. I’ll keep looking.
Yes it is! I think Alex had a fairly recent piece on this topic, actually. That may provide some good sources.
This is relevant too, and from mainstream health media:
Multiple-choice question for your vaxxed friends and family:
If you were to become convinced that the COVID vax does more harm than good, who would you blame the most:
a) the medical establishment
b) the politicians, health officials, or companies who coerced you to take it
c) Trump for warp-speeding it
d) the drug companies
e) yourself for falling for it
You can be sure that “yourself” will not garner many votes. Our whole society now is built on the idea of blaming others. No matter the issue, “yourself” is never the problem.
Seeing Tucker start to question the injections has been gratifying. What took him so long? Looking forward to him having vaxx injured on as well. Also, check out the Died Suddenly/unexpectedly facebook page before it gets removed!