Just watch no one be held accountable for ANY of it. It will be washed down and swept away by the very swamp that was complicit in ALL of it. Lot's of talk and rant and rave, but where is the ACCOUNTABILITY? Sure you will say "they will investigate" Yeah, let's see where our monies will be wasted again investigating leading to nothing of…
Just watch no one be held accountable for ANY of it. It will be washed down and swept away by the very swamp that was complicit in ALL of it. Lot's of talk and rant and rave, but where is the ACCOUNTABILITY? Sure you will say "they will investigate" Yeah, let's see where our monies will be wasted again investigating leading to nothing of substance. Just sayin... The absolute #1 crisis in America is and has been ZERO accountability at almost every level of society now, but especially in the Pharma-Tech-Swamp-Media cartel.
MSM coverage of The Twitter Files - 0% ABC, CBS, NBC. Thus, most Americans know nothing about this. The Biden admin controls almost all media (mainstream and social) and the Senate and Presidency, thus crickets. I expect the incoming Republican House to be consumed by infighting, so NOTHING will change.
Just watch no one be held accountable for ANY of it. It will be washed down and swept away by the very swamp that was complicit in ALL of it. Lot's of talk and rant and rave, but where is the ACCOUNTABILITY? Sure you will say "they will investigate" Yeah, let's see where our monies will be wasted again investigating leading to nothing of substance. Just sayin... The absolute #1 crisis in America is and has been ZERO accountability at almost every level of society now, but especially in the Pharma-Tech-Swamp-Media cartel.
MSM coverage of The Twitter Files - 0% ABC, CBS, NBC. Thus, most Americans know nothing about this. The Biden admin controls almost all media (mainstream and social) and the Senate and Presidency, thus crickets. I expect the incoming Republican House to be consumed by infighting, so NOTHING will change.
Anyone still 0% unaware is not reachable and doomed to the land of the galactically moronic