Can we be sure the vaccines contributed to the drop in deaths and it wasn't just seasonality of Covid kicking in? Maybe they worked for a bit, but I still think vaccinating for a respiratory virus is a pipedream.

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The tragedy is not only the use of these shots but the sociological effects they had on tbe mentally of people. I live in LA. Masks. Are worn like an accessory. People wear them below their nose, around their necks and into restaurants. The restaurant mask wearers are particularly bizarre. The mask is removed to eat and drink then promptly put back on to exit. It takes a great effort for me to not speak to them about the lack of efficacy regarding the masks .

I still see " social distancing dots" in elevators and in front of the Studio City Sephora.

The lucite barriers placed in my local Ralph's " trigger" me to a PTSD of the last few years. The mental illness surrounding the lies and social engineering are more distressing than the disease itself.

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On Sunday, I showed up for a group ride with 25. I watched a woman get out of a truck driven by her husband. She was wearing a mask but not her husband. She got her bike out, gear on, etc... all while wearing a mask. Then took the mask off when walking to join the group, kept it off during ride and regroups, etc... Covid broke some people.

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I was at a bike event in Georgia (Winter Brag) and noticed a couple, about 65 years old, both wearing masks at happy hour. They were the only ones out of about 50. They would remove them to eat and then replace them when finished.

I do not believe that it is kind to them to act is if that is normal. I don’t know if it is OCD or some other affliction, but they need to know their appearance is anti social.

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Sounds like she finds her husband odious ?

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Can I say "virtue signalling".

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I don't think it is virtue signalling anymore. I think the people wearing masks these days are genuinely afraid of getting sick.

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Could be true in some cases. In other cases they are sick...virusphobic (sorry...just had to use a new word)

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i agree. Our freedoms have been infringed upon, free speech has been taken away if you speak the wrong things. i know many people who are still getting boosters! i think too many people are not able to admit when they were wrong.

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A member of the Royal family..47 yes old..died suddenly last night'. Hmmm

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Interesting - who was it?

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Cousin of Willian..suicide

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Masks have really facilitated carjacking and other armed robbery variants, making witness identification considerably harder.

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What else could cause the "happy valley"? With orchestration of death classifications incentivized by Federal money whereby things like gunshot and car accident deaths were classified as Covid deaths if the patient had a positive Covid test ( whether a false positive or not created by cycling the test 40 times), I can see where there could be an opposite orchestration initiated by Pfizer and Moderna to create a "happy valley".

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ALWAYS has been, yet the sheep keep "following the science" and remain lost in the deep psychotic abyss.

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Let's see! Since the sheep "follow the science" and Fauci is the "science" and Rand Paul points out that Fauci is a fraud, then the sheep have been sucker punched and are too ashamed to admit it.

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The “Real Anthony Fauci” movie comes out tomorrow . It’s debuting in Fort Royal, Va. Hopefully the movie will snatch some of the sheep from the herd.

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But the sheep don’t believe Rand Paul or Alex, they only believe “Mr Science” and the other “experts” that support the mass delusion that they bought into.

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Experts! Oh what a subject to explore. Sheep prove one thing. A mind is a terrible thing to waste! Usually sheepies find an expert that will confirm their emotional mindset, then without using a single cell in their brain, will follow that expert right over the proverbial cliff.

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I think seasonality has to be the default assumption. Deaths decreased at about the same rate the previous year, prior to vaccines.

Of course we will never know for sure because there is no data since the $harma companies unblinded the trials. But if the vaccines truly prevented deaths I would expect to see a sharp, almost immediate drop as the most vulnerable were generally vaccinated first, and we’re not seeing that.

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I came here to say exactly this!

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This is what I was planning to comment. I've watched enough Clare Craig videos to bet that she'd say it was all seasonality.

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Alex, I think someone needs to delve deeper into the supposed drop in COVID deaths in 2021.

Call me a conspiracy theorist(cause everyone is nowadays, right?), but given what we have seen with everything else COVID, I don't trust those numbers. I just don't.

Statistics are easily manipulated....did the flu suddenly come back from it's near disappearance during the same time?

I'm a vet.....coronaviruses are the wimpy cousins of other more severe viruses....That's the station they have always held. I know, this one was likely engineered, but still. I think the deaths FROM COVID remain grossly exaggerated.....and a deep dive into the statistics of all of it would be useful.

How did Influenza just 'disappear' for the first time in recorded history of that disease? And then come back...with no explanation whatsoever.

Something is still totally illogical about the whole thing from a medical standpoint.

People are still afraid to go down the 'did ANYONE die of COVID' path because the backlash will be severe. People were TOLD their loved ones died of COVID.....and it's raw and emotional and horrible...but DID they die of COVID ever?

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I think it's also important to ask, "What is influenza?" I did a pretty deep dive into the statistics of what they call influenza and flu season at the beginning of Covid. Statistically it is just a whole bunch of symptoms wrapped up into many illnesses categorized as "influenza like illness" or ILI. It is completely subjective, outside of an influenza PCR test, which is also highly suspect. One doctor may report the symptoms of the illness as resulting from the influenza virus while another doesn't. Covid shared the same symptoms of ILI so it was easy to make up numbers. Remember, when the pandemic was declared there were only eleven cases in the United States (if what is being reported is correct). Those cases were confirmed based upon a PCR test that was created from an RNA sequence that was completely fabricated.

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I did the same as you, looking at the history of SARS1. They were DESPERATE to finally have a real pandemic and did everything they could to prove it. Total manipulation! Taught me all I needed to know.

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I second your statements.

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John Ioannidis did a study on a Coronavirus outbreak in British Columbia (Wiley online). He found that 8% of the nursing home residents died from an outbreak of one of the common cold Coronaviruses - OC43 maybe. I googled - how many people die from from Covid-19 over the age of 80? Google told me 7.9%. I told my wife as we were brushing our teeth, I call bullshit on Coronavirus. As a kid, I remember friends saying: "we can't go near my grandfather's room because if he catches a cold he could die." Old people die from colds and Coronaviruses. My wife told me not to tell anyone that or they'll shut our business down the next time there's a cold outbreak.

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Hey Lois, So you are a vet. All this covid malarkey has opened my eyes to what is going on with our pets too, with annual boosters for seemingly everything and regular negative comments on the effects. (I appreciate that these shots are probably your bread & butter.)

Consequently, I have totally lost faith in getting any shots for my dog. Where do I go for the truth? Any advice most welcome. Thank you.

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I feel very conflicted myself presently. First off, the ONE vaccine I would always do according to 'traditional' recommendations is Rabies. The others are very situational.

For example, Flu and Kennel Cough are indicated if you board your dog, take them to grooming a lot, etc. If he's a homebody, they are totally unnecessary, in my opinion. The others are stickier situations because the vaccines are bundled together in combination shots. We know that distemper vaccine is HIGHLY effective with a long lasting immunity. Once the initial series has been completed, they likely won't need it for years. Parvo is a strange bird. Almost all dogs, vaccinated or not, establish good immunity by the time they are 2 yrs old, either through vaccination or natural exposure(that virus is hardy in the environment--can last up to 2 yrs under the right environmental conditions). The main factor, other than actual immunity, in parvo infections is the condition of the animal--are there other parasites present? Are they adolescent(these pups have ups and downs in immunity), are they stressed? Leptospirosis is a bacteria, not a virus. I have seen several lepto cases in my career(grad in 1996), but certainly not a lot. It's everywhere as well, spread in the urine of deer, rodents and infected dogs. It can also infect people. We vaccinate for a maximum of 4 serovars...but there are over 100 serovars....so breaks occur even if vaccinated.

The bottom line is this, have a heart to heart with YOUR vet. Talk about what your dog does and where he goes. They should come up with an individualized plan that fits YOUR dog. Rabies is essential--hell, I'M vaccinated for Rabies---I would never mess with that monster.

Other things, like heartworm prevention(I'm in Georgia) can be ESSENTIAL, but once again, it should always be individualized for YOUR dog. There is no one best plan.

Medicine should always be between the doctor and specific patient.

More and more of these 'shot clinics' are popping up....saw one at Cracker Barrel?!?!?! These are not good ideas....any more than the urgent care drive thru for people I heard advertised on the radio....this stuff is not real medicine.

COVID has opened my eyes dramatically and made me much more deliberate about what I recommend and why. I think COVID, in many ways, will be a blessing of sorts.....if we pay attention, we can learn from this.

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Gosh Lois! I was expecting a link at best. Thank you SO much for taking the time to provide such a comprehensive answer and good advice.

I have read so much about the horrors of the childhood vaccine schedule and quite regularly there are passing comments made by distraught pet owners with their experiences too - especially cats and failed kidneys.

I'm in UK and vets are SO expensive. To make matters even worse, the govt charges 20% VAT tax on all animal treatments! I think of all the animals who suffer or are abandoned because their owners can't afford vet fees.

Anyway, Thank You again for your honesty and best wishes to you.

PS I'm pretty sure I'm not even vaccinated for Rabies. Not sure it's much of a problem here.Hopefully...

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You are quite welcome.

I think vets(because we are doctors...tho not 'real' ones) have an obligation to educate not only for profit, but in general whenever we get the chance.

What in the world is a VAT tax? Sounds onerous.

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Hey Lois, Me again. Just a quickie. The darndest thing. Something has just popped up on my Ytube feed:

I expect you might of heard of Doctor Andrew Jones, Veterinary Secrets? (Apparently he spills the beans on how the industry makes a ton of money from its customers from unnecessary treatments). He has a book too (of course) which I will investigate further. The industry hates him - just like human doctors & covid dissenters.

But what is most concerning is: Why now? Are we being observed? (I think we both know the answer...)

If anyone is watching - could I get a UK version please?

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Excuse me - Oh yes you are 'real' doctors! In the UK the veterinary students are far smarter than the medical ones - there's more competition for places.

VAT is Value Added Tax (a total misnoma), which is, I think, like your sales tax: 20% extra added to practically everything you buy.

What I'd like to know is what the hell do they do with it all!

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Here in Canada, the drop in influenza was attributed to shut downs and mask wearing.

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But then how did COVID spread?

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You have Trudeau in Canada, a tough stuff...

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Lots of conflicting data regarding the deaths early on. Many deaths attributed to Covid-19 were not. Many of the deaths early on were medical malpractice deaths. Remdisver and ventilators and denial of antibiotics and basic humanity like denial of nutrition and hydration coupled with denial of love ones to advocate and look out for their loved ones and then the massive increase in the use of drugs that are used in hospice care at the end of life which impairs the actual breathing administered to people with a weakened ability to breath. Alex this data is out there especially from the UK. So I doubt very much if they were ever effective for protection against Covid-19. The only thing they’re actually effective at is killing people.

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This is all we ever need. Its all in there.


In The Netherlands we faced the first hit in March 2020. In the summer it completely dropped away and the few measures that were in place were largely ignored. No jabs, minimal Covid panick.

There was an increase in the fall. Still no jabs, but they kept up the fear level. The jabs were introduced in 2021, and thats when excess deaths really went through the roof. And counting.

I cannot prove it, but as can be seen in some eastern european low vaxx countries: no excess deaths. So, without the jabs, the whole thing would have been over in 2021. Maybe a brief winter peak like usual flu years.

we dont know the exact reason of the excess deaths, since there is no serious investigation since the authorirties dont share the relevant data. And the deaths dont just occur in the elderly.

Its either a massive cock-up or a conspiracy. Or anything in between.

Thanks for all your efforts, Alex. I slightly disagree with your assessment about the 'vaccines'. I dont think they provided any benefit at all, which makes the adverse effects even worse..

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The vaccine happy valley could just have been the usual seasonal dip.

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We'll probably die waiting for "them" to admit they were wrong, and we'll definitely die waiting for apologies for ostracizing those of us who chose not to get it.

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we,ve crossed the Rubicon. The rise of anti mis/malinformation campaigns show the truth is in service to power. The most you will get is rightspeak that will say, "yes it was wrong but it was the right thing to do."

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Don't lose hope: Interest of Justice Team on Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joe Sansone https://interestofjustice.substack.com/

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The Covid-19 virus (regardless of origin) caused a panic among our elected (and unelected) leaders the reverberations from which will be felt for generations. Had this very same virus emerged 50 years ago, the world's population would perhaps have felt a comparatively robust pandemic that would have arrived and departed within 18 months, having left little more of a death toll than a muscular flu season if at all.

Instead, we endured the asinine mandates and lockdowns like a bunch of robotic beings in Logan's Run; lining up for the jabs, staying away from everything, canceling all that used to be important, abandoning our elderly relatives, robbing our children from education, and sending us all into a massive psychotic episode of fear and despair. It will take decades to recover, if at all.

Regardless of whether anyone apologizes for this evil, or whether any compensation might be forthcoming, the table is set for similar future efforts by these same elite "betters." It is up to us--the unwashed but enlightened--to fight like Gurkhas against any attempt at a similar ploy, because there is no one in government, no one in medicine, no one in "science," that will do it for us. We are the resistance.

"Fool me once, shame on me..."

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"Covid deaths did drop sharply in mid-2021, the handful of months when the antibody protection from the mRNAs was enough to control infection.

Then they went right back up.

(See the happy vaccine valley, April through August 2021? The shots worked, until they didn’t."

Just because they dropped during that time frame doesn't necessarily prove the shots were working. Cold and flu season has always been just that- a season. Usually in the colder months when this stuff spreads more easily as more people tend to partake in indoor activities. Unless I see definitive proof that this particular virus breaks from that usual pattern, you're not going to convince me the shots had anything to do with the happy valley.

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The long term impact of the mRNA shots on the production of lgg4 antibodies in immune system response to ongoing exposures to the sars-covid-2 virus and the implications of such impact still remain to be seen. That has the potential to be quite problematic.

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I was an early adopter of Sony minidiscs & the Microsoft Zune, and that's when I learned to let all the other idiots rush out to the new technologies & I will kick back and wait to see if they suck or not.

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Haha, I actually had a minidisc player and a Zune (and my name is Thomas).

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This is for you thomas/Tommy!!! (and my oldest is a tommy.)


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Hmmm, that nice doctor lady had told me that my split personalities were going to leave me alone if I took these pills.

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That "happy valley" after April 2021? That was when my brother collapsed and died, after his second Pfizer. During a long term, steep, decline in reported virus deaths. That happy valley marked the END of the decline in virus deaths.

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Thanks to kind people that have liked my comment. Please give a moment's thought to my receipt, today, and yesterday and for nearly 3 years, of court and IRS notifications by mail. Get a will. Much better, a Trust. I have both, thank goodness, but my brother did not. Do not do this to your relatives, get a will. Peace

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Maybe there’s a reason other than the jabs that Covid deaths fell sharply in mid-2021. Prior infections protecting people, the frailest already taken by the disease, mutation of the virus, something else?

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…and telling us it’s #Raining

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I'm not an expert on Covid or the vaccines, but here's my addition the anecdotal evidence. Starting in early 2021, right after the initial rollout of the vaccines at least 20 people in my age group passed away within 2 years. Now, I'm 77, so the argument can be made that dying is expected in this age bracket. But this was like someone had put all these people in a line and mowed them down with a bowling ball. So was it age? Certainly possible. But the people I am referring to had NO cormorbitities and were previously healthy for their ages. No obesity, no diabetes, no known heart issues. I started keeping a spread sheet. I am now up to 60 people I know or know of who passed away or have had serious health issues. I had the first two shots as did my husband. We still regret it.

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The data is so absolutely contaminated by the definition of a Covid death (those who died from comorbidities w/a PCR showing Covid positive, but not actually caused by Covid), the definition of vaccinated vs unvaccinated (only 1 shot, within 2 weeks of a shot, no EMR record of a clot shot, etc, etc) that playing this completely corrupted game of data analysis on Covid deaths is pointless. The real ball to watch is excess mortality overall. What's driving it, what is the mRNA status of those dying......

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Another issue is that by continuing to recommend vaccination for a rapidly mutating respiratory virus, The CDC, will cause the continuation of the emergence of new variants.

This thing could have been long over.

The strategy should have been 1). early aggressive treatments ( ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, budesonide, etc. ), which would have allowed support to the immune system to overcome the more virulent early variant, while letting the immune system engage the pathogen, and give a natural immunity.

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