The same professors and administrators who make careers of defending "microaggressions" have failed to condemn Hamas's deliberate slaughter of innocents, including Americans
Alex, this is why the principles must be well defined and the same principles for Israel apply to the US and any country that wishes to be and remain free.
In the US, the left has spent more than a century inverting and consequently neutering the Constitution. Every school child used to learn the US Constitution was a document of enumerated powers. Today it is treated as a document of enumerated LIBERTIES. The only thing protecting free speech and the right to bear arms to pick two things is the Bill of Rights. Before the New Deal/Commerce Clause etc cases (and perhaps well before) the concept that the government would be constitutionally allowed to regulate firearms or freedom of speech would've been abhorrent, and most importantly, it would've been a NON enumerated power. There would've been no need to rely on the BoR as a backstop. This is why originalism is such an important concept. Changing the meaning to suit the whim of the moment negates the power of the document.
This is why a free people need to be armed if they want to remain so. Israel seems to agree more with that now. This is why countries need to be strong, with strong, aware leaders, aka Peace Through Strength with clear boundaries for what is acceptable or not.
Why countries need a strong military with someone the world knows is not a compromised, demenita patient: not to use it, but to prevent the necessity to do so.
I guess it goes without saying that academia is not the answer to building a stronger America. No, what we need are parents and school councilors who will direct students into the skilled trades and the engineering fields that support those trades. The planners and builders. These will be the ones to bring us out of chaos, not the pointy headed idiots and lawyers.
Colleges should back student loans. They wouldn't be so quick to hand out $50,000 or $60,000 a year. Tuition has gone up exponentially because the government backs student loans. Universities get paid no matter what.
I do know Purdue is one that does. I now pull for them in whatever sports, etc. Community college is now the way to go forward. Maybe they’ll take over and sideline the elites?
My daughter took her required classes at a community college and then spent her last two years at a university taking her nursing classes. It cut down the expense of her BS in Nursing degree.
Upper education is becoming less and less relevant.
Collage degree requirements are being dropped for many jobs. The schools will be like CNN, no customers just funders. If the NGOs are OK with that, more power to them.
The only comfort I've gotten from reactions to these atrocities is--amazingly--ftom Harvard, or rather "Harvard-adjacent."
That is, the alums who've called for the NAMES of the lunatic students who signed petitions and statements in support of Hamas and Gaza and Palestine. Those names are requested to notify corporations that would otherwise hire these over-credentialed spoiled brats to place them on DO NOT HIRE lists.
I've taken delight in the news report that the student president of NYU--or perhaps of the law students--had a job offer rescinded.
We've had years of "cancel culture" and censorship, and whining overgrown adolescents claiming they're UNSAFE.
Unsafe? UNSAFE?
If they want to see "unsafe," they need only look at photos that the barbarians post online.
These so-called educated people sicken me. I wish we could "de-fund" their endowments.
Before the end of this year, Jordan Peterson will launch Peterson Academy, designed to stick a dagger in the American higher education system. It will offer top professors teaching and lead to a degree for only a few ($5,000?) dollars. If successful, it will be hard for students to justify paying tuition of $50,000 and up per year for a four-year indoctrination/education.
He's got the right idea and I think he will be successful. Jordan Peterson, Charlie Kirk, and Dennis Prager to name just a few champions for real education and advancement of our youth.
See what I'm saying. The communists have taken over higher education. The best investment I ever made was sending my kids to private Christian schools. They have their heads on straight.
I think it's Mike Rowe who talks about the value of people who shower when they come home from work, as opposed to those who shower BEFORE work.
Young guys I know who work as plumbers, electricians, HVAC techs, carpenters own their own homes and drive brand-new opposed to their "college-educated" high school classmates who are living in their parents' basements and driving a 15-year-old shit-box Toyota.
RioRosie, I drive a 16 yr old Toyota and wish I could keep driving it for years to come. However, I am on the retired side of things at this stage, not in parents' basement. Toyota digs aside, I like what you have to say about the young workers in the trades who are doing well for themselves.
I attended both undergrad and law school at the University of Illinois. I supported my alma mater until they gave Barack Hussein Obama an ethics award. I gagged. I could understand giving the President an honorary degree but an ethics award! What a joke. They're still woke, and they'll never see another dime from me. Even more unfortunately, Illinois, like Vanderbilt, is typical of American colleges generally with too few exceptions.
My university calls about once a year begging for donations. Last time they called I asked about their DEI programs and participation. After the guy rattled off a proud recitation of how they view DEI, my answer to him was this: "Listen carefully to me and write this down: I won't contribute a penny to this institution because these DEI scams. Not a single penny. Don't call me again until DEI is long gone."
"The deeply layered and nuanced complexity of what I discovered at the Aushwitz prison camp today reminds us that incidents like that are too common today, and that we must denounce violence, hate and prejudice in all forms…"
- Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier if he had been in Germany, 1945, probably
And don't forget about the students, who so often complain of "microaggressions":
Columbia student groups called the attack on Israel “an unprecedented historic moment for the Palestinians of Gaza, who tore through the wall that has been suffocating them.” Students for Justice in Palestine at Swarthmore College released a statement celebrating Hamas’s attack as a “heroic example for those struggling toward global liberation” and lauding the “martyrs” who “valiantly confronted the imperial apparatus that has constricted their livelihoods.” The head of the Student Bar Association at NYU Law sent out a note stating that “Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life.” George Washington University held a rally where attendees chanted, “From the river to the sea!”—an explicit call for genocide. A joint statement issued by dozens of Harvard student organizations declared “the Israeli regime” is “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”
The responses are absolutely stunning. Hamas is a brutal, barbaric terrorist group, whose charter calls for the annihilation of the Jewish people. They are not interested in any peaceful resolution. Religious ideology and fanaticism at its worst. This should be a no brainer and yet the remarks I’ve heard from people I’ve known for years and who I considered rational has me shaking my head in disbelief. Somehow this is Israel’s fault. Yes, there is a complicated history, but take some time to study it starting with 1948. I am definitely not pro-war but I’m 100% behind Israel on this one.
The student protestors need to be confronted with the unambiguous charter of Hamas promising the extermination of the Jewish state. These protestors need to own the entire methodology of Hamas including the beheading of babies, which even CNN has corroborated! They are immoral and ignorant, a lethal combination. The larger Muslim community needs to be asked these questions as well as does MBS.
Let's HOPE this is the great silver-lining in EXPOSING the progressive left for who they are. How many of those voters who vote the way they do are re-considering after what is so OVERTLY obvious now. In the aftermath of this extreme terrorist act by Hamas thru its funding by Iran and who is itself supported by... (take a look deeper into this and you will realize)!
The Government learned long ago to fund so much of academia so academia sold their souls to the perps in the swamp and special interests all so NOT to lose FUNDING! Saw it with the great plandemic too...its so obvious
Ben Sasse Pres of the from University of Florida had the conscience to speak out and call it what it is. EVIL. This week there was vigil for the victims at UF which was attended by 1000+ students. - UF has the highest number of Jewish students of any University in the US.
He also penned (or typed I guess) a letter to alums that said this in part.
"I will not tiptoe around this simple fact: What Hamas did is evil and there is no defense for terrorism. This shouldn’t be hard. Sadly, too many people in elite academia have been so weakened by their moral confusion.."
Here are some of his remarks from he vigil.
"In the face of unspeakable violence, we ought to start by telling the truth.
Here is the truth: The world has just witnessed the largest slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust. The videos are gut-wrenching. Stories make your stomach churn. Hundreds of innocent civilians are dead. Toddlers, teens, and grandparents have been taken hostage. Young women have suffered violence too terrible to speak. Families have been burned alive while hiding in their homes. Bodies have been mutilated as terrorists laugh and hand out candy in celebration of evil. Hamas’ terror attacks are heinous and deserve the condemnation of civilized people around the world."
There is a deep immorality that has overtaken the American education system and particularly at the university level. The leaders inside these systems are no longer capable of educating our youth for they lack principals and deny history in deference to their ideologies; which tend towards Fascism and Marxism. The rhyming of history? One does have to be concerned about what the progressives and the left more broadly are capable of given their support to the tactics of Hamas.
Is it really stunning though?
Sadly, you're probably right, this falls in the category of stunning but not surprising.
Alex, this is why the principles must be well defined and the same principles for Israel apply to the US and any country that wishes to be and remain free.
In the US, the left has spent more than a century inverting and consequently neutering the Constitution. Every school child used to learn the US Constitution was a document of enumerated powers. Today it is treated as a document of enumerated LIBERTIES. The only thing protecting free speech and the right to bear arms to pick two things is the Bill of Rights. Before the New Deal/Commerce Clause etc cases (and perhaps well before) the concept that the government would be constitutionally allowed to regulate firearms or freedom of speech would've been abhorrent, and most importantly, it would've been a NON enumerated power. There would've been no need to rely on the BoR as a backstop. This is why originalism is such an important concept. Changing the meaning to suit the whim of the moment negates the power of the document.
This is why a free people need to be armed if they want to remain so. Israel seems to agree more with that now. This is why countries need to be strong, with strong, aware leaders, aka Peace Through Strength with clear boundaries for what is acceptable or not.
Why countries need a strong military with someone the world knows is not a compromised, demenita patient: not to use it, but to prevent the necessity to do so.
English needs a word for "simultaneously totally predictable and totally astonishing". (I'll bet German does.)
Alex, I’d also add that you should read Day of Wrath to see what a porous border can lead to with just a few dozen terrorists coming over it.
You have come from the quiet room.
Stop all goverment backing of student loans.
The colleges would quickly get back to the 3 Rs.
Overstuffed overcompentsated, windbags.
These cretins are whining that they must repay student loans, claiming "hardship" and "burdensome" repayment plans.
They need a collective DOPE SLAP into The Real World.
The liberal art students want the welders to pay for their 4 years of f ing off.
Wow, isn’t that the full and complete truth!
I guess it goes without saying that academia is not the answer to building a stronger America. No, what we need are parents and school councilors who will direct students into the skilled trades and the engineering fields that support those trades. The planners and builders. These will be the ones to bring us out of chaos, not the pointy headed idiots and lawyers.
It's really a shame that academia has become ridiculous in so many fields of study.
I would say 70 30 would be a good balance.
70% skilled tradesmen
30 % higher education
Robots, kiosks, and AI will replace service workers.
Colleges should back student loans. They wouldn't be so quick to hand out $50,000 or $60,000 a year. Tuition has gone up exponentially because the government backs student loans. Universities get paid no matter what.
I do know Purdue is one that does. I now pull for them in whatever sports, etc. Community college is now the way to go forward. Maybe they’ll take over and sideline the elites?
My daughter took her required classes at a community college and then spent her last two years at a university taking her nursing classes. It cut down the expense of her BS in Nursing degree.
I started as a LPN from a community college and while working the entire time to pay for my BSN. Best decision I’ve ever made.m
Thank you for being a responsible human being. Rare.
And the "windbags" teach at both community college and then wonder over to the high priced university.
That was Trumps plan.
Kids these days don't even bother to get jobs. They take out "cost of attendance" loans.
That should be immediately stopped. Tuition only if that.
When it's the government's money, (taxpayer funds), the sky's the limit.
All of DC is hooked on OPM.
Other people's money
They sure are. Look how much we've given to Ukraine in 2 years.
I believe some Congresspeople and Senators could solve this if they had any backbone.
I'd like to think I could come up with these great descriptions, but you all keep beating me to it; "Overstuffed, overcompensated, windbags." Thanks!
They answer to the NGO masters. How do we stop that cash?
Upper education is becoming less and less relevant.
Collage degree requirements are being dropped for many jobs. The schools will be like CNN, no customers just funders. If the NGOs are OK with that, more power to them.
The only comfort I've gotten from reactions to these atrocities is--amazingly--ftom Harvard, or rather "Harvard-adjacent."
That is, the alums who've called for the NAMES of the lunatic students who signed petitions and statements in support of Hamas and Gaza and Palestine. Those names are requested to notify corporations that would otherwise hire these over-credentialed spoiled brats to place them on DO NOT HIRE lists.
I've taken delight in the news report that the student president of NYU--or perhaps of the law students--had a job offer rescinded.
We've had years of "cancel culture" and censorship, and whining overgrown adolescents claiming they're UNSAFE.
Unsafe? UNSAFE?
If they want to see "unsafe," they need only look at photos that the barbarians post online.
These so-called educated people sicken me. I wish we could "de-fund" their endowments.
I got a kick out of this as well!
Rather than being educated they are just indoctrinated.
The American higher education system should be shut down entirely.
Before the end of this year, Jordan Peterson will launch Peterson Academy, designed to stick a dagger in the American higher education system. It will offer top professors teaching and lead to a degree for only a few ($5,000?) dollars. If successful, it will be hard for students to justify paying tuition of $50,000 and up per year for a four-year indoctrination/education.
He's got the right idea and I think he will be successful. Jordan Peterson, Charlie Kirk, and Dennis Prager to name just a few champions for real education and advancement of our youth.
I just signed up to receive email info thanks to your post!
Me, too! Goodness wins!
Defunded, at least, by taxpayers.
At least our tax dollars should not fund this crap coming out of the institutes of higher learning.
You’d like the following historical pieces on the modern education system:
While their comments are shocking, they are not surprising. HIgher education is now higher indoctrination.
President Julio Frenk of the University of Miami sent a powerful and unequivocal email to the university community titled "Solidarity with Israel".
Go ‘Canes!
Make vo-tech great again! These people are cowards.
My son was just offered a 50 k signing bonus with Frontier Airlines, he has 6 months before graduating from a 16 month 16k aviation program.
See what I'm saying. The communists have taken over higher education. The best investment I ever made was sending my kids to private Christian schools. They have their heads on straight.
And he only paid for 2 months a grant has picked up the rest.
We are in need of workers that can work. This may be a reason why the money is there. Good on him (and you).
Amazing! Congratulations!
Every one in his class of 40 that applied received grants paying for the rest of the A&P cert. class. This happened 2 months into the 16 month course
I think it's Mike Rowe who talks about the value of people who shower when they come home from work, as opposed to those who shower BEFORE work.
Young guys I know who work as plumbers, electricians, HVAC techs, carpenters own their own homes and drive brand-new opposed to their "college-educated" high school classmates who are living in their parents' basements and driving a 15-year-old shit-box Toyota.
I could be generalizing here, but maybe a different set of moral ethics are involved as well.
Those "moral ethics" could be called "parents."
RioRosie, I drive a 16 yr old Toyota and wish I could keep driving it for years to come. However, I am on the retired side of things at this stage, not in parents' basement. Toyota digs aside, I like what you have to say about the young workers in the trades who are doing well for themselves.
Many, many vehicles, 16 years old and older, are fine machines and perform admirably. My car is 17 years old, although not a Toyota.
I hope you understood my point about an old modest vehicles versus a brand-spanking new one.
My 22 year old Toyota 4-runner has 240,000 miles on it, everything original and working perfectly, runs like a top. I'll never sell it!
What! You don't want an EV???
You are right, he’s an All Star.
I attended both undergrad and law school at the University of Illinois. I supported my alma mater until they gave Barack Hussein Obama an ethics award. I gagged. I could understand giving the President an honorary degree but an ethics award! What a joke. They're still woke, and they'll never see another dime from me. Even more unfortunately, Illinois, like Vanderbilt, is typical of American colleges generally with too few exceptions.
My university calls about once a year begging for donations. Last time they called I asked about their DEI programs and participation. After the guy rattled off a proud recitation of how they view DEI, my answer to him was this: "Listen carefully to me and write this down: I won't contribute a penny to this institution because these DEI scams. Not a single penny. Don't call me again until DEI is long gone."
The best way to make a point with these universities is buy refusing to give them money. Good job!
"The deeply layered and nuanced complexity of what I discovered at the Aushwitz prison camp today reminds us that incidents like that are too common today, and that we must denounce violence, hate and prejudice in all forms…"
- Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier if he had been in Germany, 1945, probably
And don't forget about the students, who so often complain of "microaggressions":
Columbia student groups called the attack on Israel “an unprecedented historic moment for the Palestinians of Gaza, who tore through the wall that has been suffocating them.” Students for Justice in Palestine at Swarthmore College released a statement celebrating Hamas’s attack as a “heroic example for those struggling toward global liberation” and lauding the “martyrs” who “valiantly confronted the imperial apparatus that has constricted their livelihoods.” The head of the Student Bar Association at NYU Law sent out a note stating that “Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life.” George Washington University held a rally where attendees chanted, “From the river to the sea!”—an explicit call for genocide. A joint statement issued by dozens of Harvard student organizations declared “the Israeli regime” is “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”
The responses are absolutely stunning. Hamas is a brutal, barbaric terrorist group, whose charter calls for the annihilation of the Jewish people. They are not interested in any peaceful resolution. Religious ideology and fanaticism at its worst. This should be a no brainer and yet the remarks I’ve heard from people I’ve known for years and who I considered rational has me shaking my head in disbelief. Somehow this is Israel’s fault. Yes, there is a complicated history, but take some time to study it starting with 1948. I am definitely not pro-war but I’m 100% behind Israel on this one.
The student protestors need to be confronted with the unambiguous charter of Hamas promising the extermination of the Jewish state. These protestors need to own the entire methodology of Hamas including the beheading of babies, which even CNN has corroborated! They are immoral and ignorant, a lethal combination. The larger Muslim community needs to be asked these questions as well as does MBS.
Let's HOPE this is the great silver-lining in EXPOSING the progressive left for who they are. How many of those voters who vote the way they do are re-considering after what is so OVERTLY obvious now. In the aftermath of this extreme terrorist act by Hamas thru its funding by Iran and who is itself supported by... (take a look deeper into this and you will realize)!
The liberal education system at my Alma Mater lost a lot of donation $ from me…..#Tulane
Needs to be said the rot is deep in academia
The Government learned long ago to fund so much of academia so academia sold their souls to the perps in the swamp and special interests all so NOT to lose FUNDING! Saw it with the great plandemic too...its so obvious
Ben Sasse Pres of the from University of Florida had the conscience to speak out and call it what it is. EVIL. This week there was vigil for the victims at UF which was attended by 1000+ students. - UF has the highest number of Jewish students of any University in the US.
He also penned (or typed I guess) a letter to alums that said this in part.
"I will not tiptoe around this simple fact: What Hamas did is evil and there is no defense for terrorism. This shouldn’t be hard. Sadly, too many people in elite academia have been so weakened by their moral confusion.."
Here are some of his remarks from he vigil.
"In the face of unspeakable violence, we ought to start by telling the truth.
Here is the truth: The world has just witnessed the largest slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust. The videos are gut-wrenching. Stories make your stomach churn. Hundreds of innocent civilians are dead. Toddlers, teens, and grandparents have been taken hostage. Young women have suffered violence too terrible to speak. Families have been burned alive while hiding in their homes. Bodies have been mutilated as terrorists laugh and hand out candy in celebration of evil. Hamas’ terror attacks are heinous and deserve the condemnation of civilized people around the world."
University of Florida will be on my daughter's list of possible colleges. At this rate it may be the only one...
There is a deep immorality that has overtaken the American education system and particularly at the university level. The leaders inside these systems are no longer capable of educating our youth for they lack principals and deny history in deference to their ideologies; which tend towards Fascism and Marxism. The rhyming of history? One does have to be concerned about what the progressives and the left more broadly are capable of given their support to the tactics of Hamas.
All I can say is GO GATORS!
Golden Eagles all the way.