If my book The Defeat Of COVID had been heeded, none of those discussion of MABs or vaccines would be necessary. I put out the most comprehensive and earliest arguments, backed by 130 studies, for daily use of vitamin D as covid preventive and minimizer. +PCR results, morbidity and mortality were way down in vitamin D cohorts vs controls. Then, if sick after that, either ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine with zinc has been working great for my patients, knocking it out quickly, as well as in 100s of clinical studies all over the world.

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Yes. When I first became very ill with Covid, my son demanded I start taking zinc and vitamin D in double / triple doses. Because I was 11 days into it when I finally saw a doctor- (my regular Dr would not allow me into the office..!!) it was too late for mAB treatment.

A Z-pak and prednizone supplement and I turned around in 48 hours. There are early treatments that work well. Look at India. Also, your book is awesome. Thank you.

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It is unconscionable that the medical profession completely ignores therapeutics….

Absolutely unconscionable….

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I'll go one step further. It is criminal. Doctors need to be dragged into court over these absolute failures to treat and / or try.

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Exactly. What happened to the law put in place under Trump admin regarding the right to try? They are forcing Americans to buy ivermectin from India, etc, because pharmacies will not let us buy it.

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And they have apparently been seizing IVM that has been coming from overseas.

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I tried to buy it from India a while ago and my bank refused to honor my e-check. Several attempts and no go. They're already controlling our access to our money.

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It is criminal, my husband and I recently had covid (Pos PCR with symptoms)still have the loss of taste and smell 3 weeks later but its coming back. We followed the FLCCC guidelines. I couldn't get the ivermectin, CVS, Walgreens, stop and shop all refused to fill the Rx! I was able to get it thru and online pharmacy, but...we needed it sooner I did use the 1% solution that i had on hand for my sheep, figured the dose. That along with the other supplements is the reason why both of us @ almost 60 yrs old are recovered minus the taste!

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It gets better. Hospitals flat refuse to honor the Right to Try law, and commit murder by ventilator after failing to administer effective treatments.

Add in the FDA/USPS collaboration to block Ivermectin by mail, and the recent approval of "death by mail" RU486 pills, and it is clear the government only wants to deal in death.

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We buy in Mexico.

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Excellent question.

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At least stop the ClotShots...They are killing the youth !


Who knew being young is so bad for one's heart.

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Like, elections…

Maybe make a video game serving out justice and appropriate consequences…

That will sell big in 2022 America!!!…

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Cancelled or arrested that will be their choice.

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Yes, whatever respect I had for the medical profession has been destroyed. It was a series of things (ie. there aren't 2 sexes, won't have organ transplants unless vaxxed, changes to Hippocratic oath) so this was the final straw.

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Agreed. Also our DOJ is spending it's time looking into school board meetings and white rage instead of the complete failure of people like Fauci and his ilk to fulfill their mandate of "First, do no harm".

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I've been suspicious of and avoided the medical profession for years, but still had the idea that most practitioners were basically honest and reasonably competent (despite a number of experiences to the contrary) and that it was just a matter of natural human failings. I now have lost all trust and will not go to a doctor short of severely broken bones or other major trauma. As far as I'm concerned, I assume lack of ethics and criminality unless I have evidence to the contrary. I won't even go to the PCP I finally acquired a few years ago when I figured I should have one, and whom I like, because she is part of a network and I don't trust that she could give me proper care even if she wants to.

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Agree and understand but let me add this. My Nurse Practitioner has been a Godsend. When I asked her about the Covid shot after my recovery (I'm over 60) she said they recommend it but was not enthusiastic. I asked about natural immunity. She smiled and told me about a follow up study of MERS survivors of 16 years (50% mortality) that still showed over 60% of the group maintaining good antibody levels. That was all I needed to hear. I'm flying solo with no Covid shots for the duration. I've posted many reasons why I do not trust any part of the government but this was personal and she really helped with my decision. Don't give up. The good ones are out there. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.

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Remember when Dr. Peter McCullough said on Joe Rogan that the nurses have better awareness than the doctors?

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You are fortunate to have a nurse practitioner who spoke the truth abet reservedly. What has continued to baffle me is why doctors/medical professionals don't read articles to keep current or have some curiosity...too tired after working? not interested? You think when a patient says , "I read ...." what is your opinion, the dr could answer. cogently & not dismiss you.

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Insidiously, Doctors who want to, or do help, are dragged and threaten (many had actually lost their livelihood) by their boards. Many had been "cancelled", which in that profession could also be gravely consequential.

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I heard that the Front Line docs (FLCCC) are starting to establish their own clinics in various states. That will be the way to go in the future…opt out of your employer sponsored health plan and save your money to pay a doc that isn’t connected to big medicine! I’m fortunate to have found an MD/alternative doc who has given my family great care & advice when we got covid. Good docs are still out there, though rare & expensive.

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Actually, it's AFLDS (America's Front Line Doctors) that are starting their own clinics. This is Dr. Simone Gold's group. They are recruiting doctors, nurses, and volunteers to work the clinic.

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Thanks for the correction-I actually thought they were the same group

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It’s also unconscionable that we have no data about reinfection rates for people with natural immunity. I’ve personally never met one.

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Reinfection Rate…

Depending on what you read, it’s rare to less than 1%.

My guess is that it’s zero with the first episode actually having been the flu.

There are virtually ZERO people getting the flu. Strange? Not really as a COVID diagnosis pays more..

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100% Agree. The medical and science professions are morally remiss in not acknowledging and researching the values of natural immunity. Almost like they along with government are conspiring to kill us with their shots. Can't believe I say these things but what else can it be? We are expendable to facilitate the great economic re-set is my opinion. Pray. Plan. Prepare. RESIST.

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McCullough is adamant it is zero. CDC unable to produce proof of a single case. McCullough says he reviewed about 100 cases of reinfection after natural immunity, none were genuine (e.g., person may have had flu, mistaken for COVID).

Malone is uncertain this will hold true for Omicron, because it is so highly mutated, but it is also so mild it hardly matters.

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Purely anecdotal however my wife and I have been recovered for 9 months and live in a Covid hot spot with no reinfection. Been involved with lots of folks and lots of cases but we remain untouched. Natural immunity is the best in my amateur opinion. Resist.

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I would NOT doubt Dr. McCullough for a minute.

When asked to put up or shut up, the CDC could not produce any evidence of reinfection among anyone who had actually already had Covid and recovered….

Being super generous, the number is minuscule. Likely zero…

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And yet will go unpunished.

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It is top down coming from federal government and big pharma. They use the hospital administration s to do the dirty work by threatening not to let doctors use hospital facilities.

Then they use the medical agencies to threatening license.

Doctors are not organized on this but my guess is there has been some suppression in the past and this isn't new.

Usually movements like this have been in place and have been growing for awhile.

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So glad you recovered after receiving proper treatment...and kudos to your very smart son!

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Some people are actually AFRAID of Ivermectin and HCQ and other early treatments. They refuse them, even when they can get them. Thanks to all the criminal fearmongering.

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The sad thing is just as more people are aware it really is safe and probably works it’s gotten increasingly hard to get. I had no issues with a $100 online appt and $15 bucks after insurance earlier this year getting invermectin. Friends of mine are having major issues getting prescriptions now, much less getting them filled. Thr one good local place to get it is the in-house pharmacies at integrative medical practices. I love mine, but it’s $500 bucks for the first appointment minimum, and I have one of the few good insurance plans they still accept. The wait list for an appt is over 3 months now for new patients. A cheap and affordable therapy has been relegated to accessibility by the already well off for no good reason.

Let’s Go Brandon!!!!

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I’ve heard they are confiscating overseas deliveries from pharmacies into the U.S. as well.

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🙄"They're" trying. Customs and USPS are already awash in real contraband they can't contain, so it's a craps shoot.

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They are trying for sure

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So that's where my ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are! I wondered; thought maybe I'd just been ripped off.

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Yes it has become super expensive. Not cool. LGB!

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Of course .they just keep repeating the lies until it becomes accepted as truth.alot of people still think masks work and the shots are great.the sheeple give in thinking the wonderful government is here to help.its frickin amazing.

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I did hear this on a podcast with a doctor out of Los Angeles. He said if you knew the political party the person aligned with it was easier to prescribe them what worked!

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The covidians are really lucky that their leaders at least allowed them MABs as an option. Otherwise the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed death toll would look much worse.

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Why would our government prevent access to Ivermectin unless it is evil

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Exactly. Anyone remotely interested in our health would be willing to throw the kitchen sink at this issue. My understanding is Ivermectin is relatively benign when properly dosed. No real risk or side effects. Why not? We have seen hospitals defy a court order to allow administering of this drug to a dying patient with nothing to lose. Criminal and should be prosecuted.

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Read RFK Jr’s book and your mind will be blown on HCQ and Ivermectin.

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That book is AMAZING, very well sourced and also terrifying that Tony Fauci is in charge of people’s health and well being.

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His book is chock full of revelations. I was horrified when I learned how Fauxci backed the stockpile of 67 million doses of HCQ to take it off of the market. Really beyond evil. He and his cohorts are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths by denying these inexpensive, effective treatments, with studies to prove it!

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Peter Navarro has been talking about the HQC stockpile going unused for ages...

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We give ivr to refugees who don't read English on the off-chance that it might help with parasites. Clearly we're not worried about overdosing in that scenario, so there's no reason to be worried about it for 'regular' Americans.

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This is ass-backwards. What happened to Right-To-Try, which I recall Trump loosened restrictions on? And usually terminal patients have to fight to try possibly harmful garbage like these shots, not the trusted old meds we know are safe. WTH is going on here?! State legislatures/governors could untie some doctors' hands.

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That must be why they don't need the Covid shots ... ?

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Wouldn't it be funny if it was a two fold directive...

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Hell, incoming refugees are required to take IVM.

Incoming refugees who may be mal- or at least undernourished, and who may be afflicted with God knows what, compromising their bodies' defenses, and who may NOT even be infected with anything that IVM treats - THEY are mandated by our government to take IVM.

WE taxpaying American citizens are told its safety is unknown, so we can't get it.

If that's the case...then our government is committing a crime against humanity by requiring refugees to take IVM.

Of course it's not a crime against humanity against the refugees, because if IVM is safe for them, it's safe for us.

It's a crime against Americans by our OWN government.


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We should help a migrant file a lawsuit! It’s either safe, or it isn’t. Let’s find out through the courts.

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And where is the ACLU on this? They seem to support migrants suing the govt over having their kids taken from them as they enter the country illegally. This appears to be a case for the ACLU. Guinea pigs unite.

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Of but Twitter fact checked and says IVM to refugees is taken out of context. You see IVM is prescribed to refugees for parasitic worms not Covid. As such it safe and approved for worms not Covid. Twitter never heard of off-label use I guess.

Doctor I have Covid. "That's a shame, go home and call again if you can't breath." Can't I use IVM? "Do you have worms too?" No, then it not safe.

It's the same nonsense when they said Pfizer's vaccine is fully approved and licensed by the FDA. And as we all know Comirnaty will never be available so the vaccines remain under an EUA.

It's all in the fine print.

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And all the docs who carry government's water in this are complicit in that evil.

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T. Paine, I assume you are being facetious. Otherwise , your are very uneducated in this matter or extremely naïve. I suggest that you read the many comments here or if you are really open to the full story read one of the many books on the subject of big pharma, FDA, and CDC collusion to promote vaccines and downplay therapeutics. Robert Kennedy Jr.'s book would be a good starting point. Peter Breggin's book "COVID-19 and the Global Predators" is another. Good luck.

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He's saying govt is evil, not IVM. "It" wasn't super clear.

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Not sure what comment you are referring to. I've read RFKFR's book and have spent countless hours on this subject. Please clarify

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I assumed you thought Ivermectin was evil per your comment.

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I could see that conclusion and could have made my point more obvious. Thanks for the question

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no problem...

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Welll, the quote "I'm from the govt and I"m here to help you" comes to mind. Govt is evil,

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"I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero." - George Carlin

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It’s not a matter of if but who’s monopoly would you rather live under, the semi unorganized private Capitalists or the all mighty organized and all powerful Government and their inflexible bureaucrats ?

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I presume you mean the government is evil, not IVM.

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Thank you and of course thanks to Dr. Zelenko.

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Have you no mercy for Pfizer's bottom line?

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That is the exact reason my book is being ignored. Vitamin D is so low-cost, it rivals sunlight. Oh wait...

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An urgent care doctor told our elderly friend that there is no evidence that Vitamin D does any good. He is now refusing to take it, after we bought it for him! The malpractice going on in this country is unbelievable. Vulnerable people are trusting their doctors, still.

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That urgent care doc should back up his assertion with clinical studies, as I backed up mine, and please pass along to your friend that I would be happy to debate the 'anti-vitamin-D-er.'

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How can any doctor not KNOW this stuff? The studies are widely available. I like this source:


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Absolutely absurd. We've known for decades that vitamin D deficiencies lead to diseases like cancer, depression, bone loss, etc. Outside of the Covid discussion, that doctor should be encouraging your friend to get enough vitamin D anyway, and in a "pandemic" situation (if that's what we're really in), it would be even more important.

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My next door neighbor is a cardiologist who treats Covid patients. He told me the exact opposite - that the best thing anyone can do is make sure they are not Vitamin D deficient.

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If he is a cardiologist but cares enough to help Covid patients, then he is probably telling them to do the right things!

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Just had my checkup with my cardiologist. Did my vitals. Then Spent the time discussing exercise, eating healthy, meds and vitamins. Never a word about a vax. I love this guy!!!

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Doc Colleen, I just started vitamin D. Two a day. What is your recommended dose for a very healthy exercising 68 y/o??!! I’m a newbie.

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I walk outside daily. My hubs got Covid at work in Oct '20 and was wiped out for a week. I got it 10 days later, had a pretty bad runny nose for about three days, a headache for a day and loss of smell for three days. He doesn't walk outside daily.

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Dec 21, 2021
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Excellent. Will write to you now

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I recently read taxpayers are funding Big Pharma at $200M per day. All of it printed and borrowed as deficit spending of course. Build Back Better .. !! FJB

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Fake science: Telling people to take vitamin D without a double blind placebo controlled study proving it works. Real science: telling people to get a third booster without a double blind placebo controlled study proving it works. Do you now see the clear and obvious difference between real science and fake science?

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This is a real classic: https://www.bmj.com/content/327/7429/1459?ijkey=127c9d83544104f73f5ae03c0dab0bf1afcd3ad2&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha

Conclusions As with many interventions intended to prevent ill health, the effectiveness of parachutes has not been subjected to rigorous evaluation by using randomised controlled trials. Advocates of evidence based medicine have criticised the adoption of interventions evaluated by using only observational data. We think that everyone might benefit if the most radical protagonists of evidence based medicine organised and participated in a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, crossover trial of the parachute.

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Thank you, Dr. Huber!! It is doctors like you that are the true medical heroes. Not those dancing idiots on TikTok pushing Remdesevir and ventilators. History will vindicate you and America will come to realize that other than the 500 American doctors practicing early treatment, the rest of the medical establishment needs to be decimated and rebuilt from the bottom up.

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Hey, can you write me a prescription for IVM?! ;-)

My doc refuses, and won’t even engage in a discussion on the subject. And I don’t even want it prophylactically. Only for just in case. “No,” he explained.

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Fire your doctor.

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And go where?

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Go to Americans Frontline Doctors and find a doctor licensed in your state. Most offer virtual counseling followed by a script, with a compounding pharmacy following up and shipping you IvM and 4 other meds. About $550 all in between the MD and the meds.

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I don't want a phone conversation. I want a doctor I can see in person so I can take care of my general health. I have non Covid issues.

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I bought it online from India. It was expensive as hell, but at least I got some (it's in legit pharma packaging -- ivm is so cheap it is not worth counterfeiting it).

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I got mine from 7 Cells in Florida. 20 16mg tablets. Edit: about $12 each. Includes questionnaire and shipping.

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Try discount code Daniel for 20% off.

(Daniel Horowitz did a whole podcast on IVM mid December).

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My doctor gave me a year's worth script of prophylactic IVM & HCQ for me since I travel a lot, to use as needed, refill as needed. But, I did use 7 cells to get Nitazoxanide as a back up if I need to throw more than 1 thing at it

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Wish I had a doc like that. When I mentioned IVM to my doc's nurse, she went with the horse dewormer thing. But they are working for a big regional healthcare group. Probably a license thing.

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The blind stupidity of these doctors really is negligence. Moronic doctors have fed my 83 year old parents lies about ivermectin. They now have 2 children and spouses who have successfully taken IVM and still refuse to have some on hand themselves. They believe if they get really sick they can convince their dr then to get them this medicine. Stupid.

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India’s FDA is actually more strict and professional than the U.S. FDA. Higher standards.

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My corner drug pusher has higher standards than the whores at the FDA.

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totally just about spit my drink out charles :-)

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Sorry about your drink! But is this even a joke? If the corner pusher sells bad stuff, he loses customers, maybe even gets beat up.

Pfizer? Government officials are on their payroll, so the government buys buys buys. And no liability for Pfizer.

Richard Fleming looked at the vaxx under a microscope. His video is somewhere on Brighteon. He saw a bunch of crap floating in it that should never be injected into a body. Zero quality control.

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That's depressing

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When did you get it? I know the post office is trying to block the importation.

IVM is certainly good, but a reasonably healthy person would likely do just fine with Zelenko's Z-Stack.

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Don’t discount age as a factor. We are very healthy and we have struggled to kick covid

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Well IVM is good if you can get it. In addition to the Z-Stack (or its components) here are other things that are easy to get: Pepcid 20mg three times daily (study by Robert Malone!) Blocks H2 histamine receptor tamping down the immune response; this is key in the later stages. Fluvoxamine (Luvox), start 50mg twice daily, I'd go then to 100mg twice daily. Requires Rx but can get it easily for OCD and anxiety. Works all stages of Covid. Those are best evidence. Lesser evidence for NAC, I'd go with 600 twice daily because supersafe. Lactoferrin has amazing in vitro results, limited in vivo. I can't remember the dosing they used, but again, supersafe. It's a little exotic, probably not carried at your local CVS.

Oh yeah, at night take a good 20mg of Melatonin, even ok to take during the day but it will make you tired, I'd go 20mg three times daily.

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I'm still waiting for mine. Ordered from buyivermectinforhumans.us Was shipped out Dec. 3rd. Hope it shows up soon.

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Sorry. I just read their ad. I don't knowingly purchase anything from entities whose first language is not English. Once burned, twice warned.

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Same here, took about 4 weeks to get.

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Buy the horse version on Amazon. It is the same exact drug for humans. It is just packaged differently. You can watch videos on YouTube and measure it out for your body weight. For example, a horse that weighs 1250 lbs. would use an entire tube of Ivermectin. The tube is measured out in increments of 250 lbs. You would likely use a dosage of 250 lbs. or less. You would take the tube and squeeze out the dosage for 250 lbs. You can then eyeball that amount and divide it further if necessary with a butter knife.

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One caution regarding the formulations used for vet applications. Some of them have other medications added, such as Boticides for Bot Fly Larvae.

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But I don't want bot fly larva either!

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Label lists active ingredients. They have rules too.

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Definitely. Do research and apply critical thinking skills.

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That’s a dangerous path. There is a huge supply of human Ivermectin. It’s produced quickly and easily. It’s worth the extra effort to get the human version.

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It's the same exact drug. I hate doctors. LOL!

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No, it's not. Don't get sucked into the propaganda. Horses are huge investments, their owners don't want to poison their horses. It was no big deal, worked great.

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I’m sure it’s very safe got the horse but I’ve seen several people get very sick taking the horse version. It’s a better idea to use human if you can get it (even if it takes extra effort)

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That's the propaganda I'm talking about. Those stories were BS. IF anyone took the whole tube, they are idiots, but IVM is very forgiving. The docs are playing with the dose still themselves. Horse stuff is low, .2mg/kg. FLCCC recommends .6 now last I heard, up from .4. If you're already sick and it's all you can get, you have to decide if you prefer Remdesivir or Durvet. That was easy for me. You may choose differently.

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You have to dose it based on your body weight. A horse weighs 1250 pounds.

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I have ordered this just in case. It is a veterenary but that is okay I can give it to my dog for heartworm. It was cheaper than at the vet. It is on its way.

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Friend used to work at vet clinic and said they often took meds sold for dogs. Vet said it was same product. I took some of above product when I felt like I was coming down with cold.

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Thanks. I would do so too. I remember a friend who went to the wound clinic and was treated with 'medicated' honey'. Cost about 10 times as the one in the store but was exactly the same, according to the nurse, who is my friend's niece.

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Manuka Honey is specialized for wound/burn care, very effective. I took the horse paste when I couldn't shake covid, it worked. Horses are huge investments, their owners trust it, so do I. Dose by weight, easy, but didn't taste like apple. 🤨

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Dogs, humans and horses are all mammals. They all have the same exact body systems.

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Thank you, Scooter!

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Yes. Fire your doctor and find a new one. Yesterday.

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go to earlycovidcare.org they can hook you up with a dr.

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My doc refused too. Said "they" wouldn't like it. No doubt "they" would rather see me die.

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Doctors have been threatened not to write the prescriptions for IVM and HCQ.

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Find an integrative medical practice or online doc who knows which pharmacies are filling it.

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Dec 21, 2021
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"Jeffers Ivermectin Horse Dewormer, Single Dose" $23.99 per tube on Amazon.

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Is that the apple flavored version? Saw that at a store this week.

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It might not be. That's a different brand. I read that if you mix the paste with applesauce that it will go down easier. However, I think that if you take it on a empty stomach with a full glass of water that your body absorbs the drug better. I think you can take a dose once per week as a prophylactic or for five days straight if you become ill with the virus.

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It’s best absorbed if you take it with or after a meal (FLCCC). You can also chase it w a glass of milk.

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I think you need to take it with fat.

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Which, according to my old-fashioned math, works out to enough for 6-8 doses. Assuming one dose for 1250 lb animal.

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Wow that is far more expensive than it should be.

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Dec 21, 2021
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Then he ought to move to New Zealand, which is ruled by his equine Global Leaders for Tomorrow classmate.


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Dec 22, 2021
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But what about poor, poor Big Pharma profits? :-) Was just going to post pretty much the same thing you just did. In light of the 'vaccine' utter failure, why not try what people in the know will work? This insanity has to end. Thanks for your comment.

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As I just wrote above: the governments have no interest in treating people. We need to get over that hope. Please listen to Daniel Horowitz on his CR podcasts. He interviews so many interesting doctors and has good ideas on how to fight the federal government mandates, CDC, FDA, etc.


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Daniel recently did a show calling withholding IVM a genocide. He's right.

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Yes, agree totally. No one else is doing what he is doing.

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FIrst, thank you for the book. I shall look for it. Second, sadly, it is always about the money. There is a trend developing to see doctors, naturopaths, who believe in preventative measures (vitamins, nutrition) to stay as well as get healthy. Just hope this trend becomes larger & permanent. Thanks for all you do.

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Excellent point. I have started working with a Nurse Practitioner rather than a primary MD which has been a blessing. She talks about reduced dependency on pharmaceuticals and an increased reliance on exercise, weight loss, reducing alcohol intake and mindfulness. We have cut my blood pressure medication by 50% dosage and created a health awareness that moved from intuitive into practice.

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Boo! None of that is fun!

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I am recovering now. Ivermectin has worked for us but it takes a few days. I will say i found it hard to take all the vitamins with so many GI issues. Would have been much easier if I could have found a dr in my blue state to give me an iv drip. Also was wondering if a zpack would have helped?

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I think, given what you said, that would have been helpful at the time.

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Extra C, D, Zinc (not excess, just extra) and a little Quercetin, plus daily exercise. I mingle plenty, and have caught nothing more than a cold in two years.

If I ride out this wave as well, I'll feel as invincible as a teenager..... I'm 70.

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That's what I'm doing too. I'm 72 (but double vaxxed but no booster ever).

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Good for you and I hope you carry on with good health. This is a pandemic of the obese, diabetic, hypertensive and very sickly. Sad but true with most any illness. Just someone in authority please speak the truth. Oh wait, Ron DeSantis and Alex Berenson do so. Lets go Brandon..!!

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I have been taking a daily Vitamin D supplement of about 5000 IU for years. I am unvaccinated for Covid and I haven't gotten sick (or gotten tested) for the past 2 years. I have come into direct contact with several people who were infected with Covid.

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You are an NMD, not an MD. You have never experienced what a brainwashing cult medical school is. To paraphrase Kary Mullis, doctors are trained to follow the "wise old men" and rate their holiness by their fealty. Medicine is about subservience, not fighting disease.

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Facts don't matter to liberals. Been on the program you propose from the beginning and have had no Covid even though I often walk through Walmart and Home Depot and grocery stores without a face diaper.

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Facts starkly contradict the liberal worldview so they have to discount them.

Look at Glenn Greenwald. He started out on the left and in many ways he is still there. But he is scrupulous about the facts so he has become their enemy.

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I think one big reason why the "vaccine" is still being pushed is that both parties are on board. while many Republicans have denounced vax mandates, they still keep praising the "vaccine" itself, starting with Trump himself, who just proudly admitted having got the booster. Why? didn't he catch Covid? With natural immunity he didn't need any at all. I don't support Trump anymore. I am done with this clown. He is the one with his bullshit warp speed that got us into this mess, even though Pfizer used him and then laughed at him, by announcing the vaccine 3 days after election day. But he won't admit how he got used and how he led us into vaccine tyranny.

Even Desantis is still pitching the vaccines, though to his credit, he is staunchly anti-mandate. The only politician on the right side of history has been Rand Paul.

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Actually, I think that Rand Paul has said the vaccines are good, just not necessary for COVID-recovered. However, Ron Johnson has been tireless in talking about vaccine injuries. I heard Robert Malone say in an interview with Steve Kirsch that he has been to Washington to talk to legislators, and he's worried Sen. Johnson will retire because he's so tired of his practically solo fight. Dr. Malone recommended that everyone contact Sen. Johnson to thank him for his efforts to get the truth out.

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Yes absolutely. Kudos to Sen Johnson.

Steve Kirsch and Dr Malone are also must have substacks.

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I think you are right. I have seen Paul say that in a video. Sen Johnson though, made a report (Ithink it is still on Rumble) with people speaking out against the shots and with testimonies of a dozen injured (I remember the father in tears over the loss of his 17 year old son)

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I just called Sen. Johnson's office, (202) 224-5323, thanked him for his courageous stand on vaccine injuries etc and said I pray he does not retire.

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Thank you. Just did the same

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Ron and Dr. McCullough were the very few who were informing about safety issues which were obvious to those of us who follow the date of real science

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Dec 21, 2021
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Catherine Austin Fitts can pack more truth in 5 minutes than just about anybody. If I remember she was being recruited by the Dark Side but would not turn, too much integrity.

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At the start, nobody knew what the vaccines would do. In the peak of the pandemic panic, it made sense to give the vaccines to those who were most at risk of dying from Covid. The problems started as soon as they tried to give vaccines to people who didn't need them. Right then is when Rand Paul spoke out. People with natural immunity never need vaccines. It goes against the idea of a vaccine. A vaccine is supposed to cause your body to develop a NATURAL response to the virus without getting you as sick as the virus would. So how could a vaccine ever be better than your body's natural response to the real virus? It can't. It is impossible. Then they tried to get everyone to take the vaccines even if they weren't at risk for Covid i.e. the young and healthy. The problem is that they never bothered to make sure that the vaccine wasn't leaky. A vaccine that prevents infection is fine to give to the entire population because then the virus has no place to go. But a vaccine that doesn't prevent infection creates a preference for the virus to mutate into new forms. And that is just what we got. They should have stopped the vaccine roll out right there. But no, they pushed even harder. Now we might get bailed out of this mess by Omicron if it is really much less dangerous and much more contagious so that even though it appears to evade the vaccines, it might not matter if it isn't killing people. Hope hope pray pray.

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Nice summary. That looks like our best case scenario…stumbling into herd immunity by accident and talking credit for it. I can almost hear the victory speeches.

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Excellent post...well summarized!

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And how would it have been without Trump's warp speed? IMO we would be Australia and you would not even be able to comment here. I believe in looking at both sides, and with the plandemic and the vax, no one person is all to blame.

We know the vaccine manufacturers delayed announcing the vax until after the election to hurt Trump. We also know they cheated on the testing they were supposed to do. Now, I can't read these tests to know they were faked, and I'm sure Trump can't either. We relied on information well after the fact from experts to learn this. Even Malone got the vax twice, now says the risk exceeds that for Covid.

Trump was taken in by them and their lies, as we were in the beginning of the plandemic. And unless you worked for these companies, you'd be lying to say you weren't initially. Presidents live in a bubble, as they say, and the information is filtered. Despite that he got some info by himself as he announced HQC.

It is so very easy to turn 180 on a man after the fact. Trump did great things for this country, and it took his kind of personality to do it. But to me the biggest achievement is the laying bare of the deep state, as well as the extent of the corruption throughout our government and industry.

Who ELSE would have accomplished this? Look at who fights for the people in Congress? A mere handful. The rest are the uniparty, none of whom would have done excrement to help but would have pressed harder to gain more and more control and money, as they both now do under Xiden. Given the array of the deep staters, foreign influences such as Schwab, the massive election frauds, and attacks from BOTH parties, what Trump did accomplish is amazing. And that is also why they hate and keep attacking him.

Now, I do not believe his reelection would work well, though I would vote for him if he won the primary over any Democrat. IMO given the array of vicious, powerful forces, I suspect those that pols who do go against the vax too much put a target on their backs. To get anything done, they have to play the game, and all politicians lie to some degree. It's just some know better how to move within the system to get things done. This is not an excuse: it is the reality. It is also the reality that most politicians aren't well informed as they take most of their time find raising.

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He's still pushing vaxxing, got his booster! Even precious DeSantis keeps calling it safe and effective. It's neither, he knows it.

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True. I do not believe Trump's reelection would work. The politicians do not want a target, real or otherwise, on their backs. So, yes, they all lie to some degree. Judge a tree by it fruits: what they do.

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You've stated my own mind about this as well as anyone I've read here. I fear that if Trump is the Republican nominee in 2024 it will make the 2020 election look tame and orderly. I think the Left is running scared and will use every dirty trick they can muster; a less controversial candidate than Trump will make their job much more difficult. I don't think it would ever happen but that whole notion of Trump running for congress and becoming Speaker of the House is just delicious.

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Trump is stealing vaccine doses from poor black and brown bodies! BURN HIM!

Did I do it right?

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If you read Scot Atlas's new book, you'll realize that, not only was the Trump staff out of its league when trying to combat the press, everyone around Trump was simply wanting to get re-elected, so they were not willing to cross Birx and Fauci. That includes Pence and Mark Meadows. Atlas quotes Jared Kushner as saying that he was "agnostic" on the pandemic when Atlas was trying to explain why the Birx-Fauci-Redfield approach was killing the country. I now have a better understanding for who terribly the Trump Administration handled the pandemic. And, yes, it's bigger than Trump, but he could have put a stop to it. Now he's just out hawking his terrible vaccines. I think DeSantis is much more principled and accepts the fact that many people may have good reasons not to take the vaccine. He also seems to be able to handle the press better than Trump.

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Natalie. Trump "could have" yes. The one great thing about Atlas is he is true to the data and what he see's. A person who will always call a spade a spade and we are in desperate need for people like him as elected servants. Until the Swamp structure is torn down and re-populated with people like Atlas...what changes really. Seeing Trump still so jubilant about the experimental injections I believe will be his Achilles heel going forward with what we have seen with VAERS and the utter failure of the injections in preventing much really in the larger context.

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That fateful day in May 2020 I screamed at the TV when Trump wholeheartedly embraced OWS. Believe it's gonna come back to haunt him knowing what "we" knew would develop over time". The puppet president WILL NOW SPEAK to America in about 20 mins saying its the "non injected" who are going to die. Unfortunately, the indoctrinated sheep will buy in yet again. What a world what a world...

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Trump is not responsible for this mess, it is way bigger than him. A big part of it was used to get rid of him.

Blaming Trump means you don't understand the true threat behind the virus which is globalism.

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He pushed warp speed and testing, testing, testing and that is what got us in the mess. He never stopped to consider the tests may not be accurate and they aren't.

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Trump chose to stay with this MJ. He is still jubilantly promoting these experimental medicine injections which has zero long term data on humans. To say he has no ties to accountability here is simply not true. Sure globalism is real, but what does that have to do with Trumps free will?

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I do not blame him for this mess, though he made mistakes. We can certainly use all our current knowledge to say what should have been done, could have been done, but we have to view those times as being in a fog of war. People forget that the information going to a president is filtered. That Trump found other information on his own speaks to that. And we have a comparison for a person who thought his election was stolen: Gore. Gore melted down. Trump has to have been affected by the 4 years of lies, attacks, an election clearly stolen in the wee hours, the Jan 6 insurrection lies, subsequent law suits, and more. So I do not expect any human to take all that, even with a tough skin, and not focus on what he feels he did good and deny what didn't work.

My problem with Trump: he isn't apparently capable of finding a way now to take credit for working to end the plandemic and also avoid the disaster of the vax. Nor does he seem to be aware of it. It is why I do not believe a second run will work for him. I do not, however, blame him for not seeing the vax tests were fraudulent back then. Most doctors aren't trained or have the time to investigate if a drug test was set up fraudulently.

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Exactly. Even the mRNA vax was being prepared prior to the plandemic, as were the psyops, buy in of various politicians around the world, election fraud, and even the EUA law. IMO no politician could have overcome this. But now we hear people like Hillary saying democracy will be over in 2024, they are already preparing to claim Trump supporters stole elections in 2022. The left are sinking, as Xiden's polls are, and they are like vicious animals backed into a corner. It's going to get much worse. Sadly, we are dealing with a uniparty, so the future of our republic and voting is uncertain.

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Agree Mouzer...these commiecRATS will only become more desperate now knowing what these polls say. Just WHAT will happen between now and 22 elections to prevent it from happening. What do they have planned? I have my thoughts on it and they are not pretty. This sort of tyranny put upon us as Americans this past 21 months will not be given up easily.

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Curious Jack I tend to agree more with you than I don't about Trump regarding the injection issue and such a zealous championing of OWS which scared me to death the day he announced it fully knowing we had "zero" long term data on the effects of this new tech on humans, and his present day championing of it still WTF! That POINT (May 2020 OF OWS announcement) sticks with me to this day. We ALL know and knew early on there were great early intervention options which were suppressed and probably according to experts like McCullough, Risch, Oskoui etc 80% of these so called whu-flu deaths did NOT have to happen IF they had full easy access to said early cheap, safe and effective treatments like HCQ, Ivermectin etc. In defense of Trump he fully suggested these early options like HCQ be brought to the table and he meant it I believe. He is a champion of people having "options" in general and those that know him or voted for him know this. Was he out of his league and simply was beaten down by the deep state around him on the whu-flu handling... possibly and more than likely, but I also feel he "could have" replaced Fauci early on IF he wanted too with someone like Atlas or say McCollough. People who have zero political aspirations and are solid sane individuals who have not been corrupted. I agree with you on why would Trump would consider a 3rd injection after he already has robust natural immunity. His choice, but certainly not based on common knowledge science that is for certain. By the way, Trump would never have pushed any sort of mandates we know that. Choice and respect for constitutional rights is what separated him from the puppet. We all knew the puppet lied through his teeth saying he would never suggest mandates pre election 2020. Did Trump get us into this experimental injection trap with no long term data...how can one ever argue he is not a HUGE part of that mess and mess we are seeing developed now with the utter failure of these injections. Hell they even had to change the definition of vaccines to try and make it less obvious. This injection period of history will have ramifications on any future candidate for President. Trump is gonna have to confront this reality at some point. If his EGO does not allow him to do so it will show in his polling I think as we head towards 24. DeSantis has a lane doesn't he. Time will TELL...it always does.

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I refused to vote for Trump twice because of his stands on war for oil, torture and punishing the innocent families of "terrorists." The immorality of the last is one reason the Founders banned bills of attainder. Trump does not oppose imperialism; he just thinks he should run it from Washington, not someone in Davos or the City of London. I think he was a fool for not seeing Covid-19 was the start of a color revolution, though he handled the mostly peaceful protests about as well as could be expected.

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Exactly, if they are pitching the vaccines, something is wrong. People don't want to admit that these vaccines are not safe or effective. Where is the evidence when we have 622 fully vaxxed people in Oregon who have died of Covid to date.


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And Sen. Ron Johnson

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Right about all of the above. Trumps biggest failures by far.

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I don't know, I think this sh*tstorm is better than a global economic collapse. But what do I know?

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I'm still praying this is all just massive incompetence, hubris and greed. That would be a best case scenario.

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Yup. I find it darkly funny when people opine "it's all about pharma greed!". LOL! Let's hope that's all it is! Greed we can deal with. Nazi-like depopulation schemes to "fight climate change" -- not so much.

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I just read a piece by Michael Yon who is now starting to consider the possibility that the “great population reset” is driving these unscientific policy decisions. The fact pattern is certainly pointing in that direction.

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I read an even darker vision, where a group of wealthy are trying to inject everyone with a gene editing shot and then claim them inhuman, confiscate everything and make them possessionless slaves. Someone put a quote to it, "you will own nothing but you will be happy".

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That’s straight out of the WEF envisioning the future snippet - but it’s hard to find now, and despite being released by the actual WEF, fact check cites deem it false that it is a goal of the WEF.

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thank you. I watched the awful announcement. I hope I don't have to live to see this come true. I hope enough people realize that this is madness.

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I wouldn't believe that being attributed to WEF unless they control the media. Wait, do they control the media?

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“We’ve taken care of everything, the words you read, the songs you sing, the pictures that give pleasure to your eyes”. - The Temples of Syrinx - RUSH 2112

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I admire Michael Yon. He is no fool. And thus, I am concerned.

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Money and power. I am reading an older book (1988) from Dr Eustace Mullins, Death by injection, and a name that comes up is Rockefeller. I suppose it is the same people as the Rockefeller foundation. I only just started but it is yet another proof that all these capital letter organizations should be very well watched (CDC FDA and the likes) as well as the foundations - Rockefeller, Gates etc. I still hope the conspiracy theories are just that, but I have my doubts, with so many 'coincidences' and nobody doing anything while the bodycount mounts. More than 30 000 EU citizens and over 20 000 Americans lost their lives to the jabs. Europe is still quite ignorant about this.

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I think 20k US citizens lives lost is a vast underestimation.

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I know I’m hoping and this is just incompetence at a government level but we need to pay attention it seems country’s are in lock step and doubling down

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true true

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Greed, yes. Hubris, yes. Incompetence, no.

You need to read this book:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennnedy Jr.

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It is becoming abundantly clear that the government cares nothing about them actually working.

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I read that this morning already. Good piece.

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Dec 21, 2021
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Why I'm a libertarian in one sentence.

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Has anyone seen the interview a year ago with Lord. Dr. Fauci and zukerburg saying we need to be careful that there’s a chance the vaccines may cause you to be more susceptible to catching the virus…like in other vaccines they created for HIV etc.

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He absolutely said that a vax would take a long time and there is a good chance it would make things worse. Someone may be able to find that clip a lot quicker than I.

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It was on tiktok last week, but tiktok rips all those videos down as fast as people can post them. It's an ephemeral stream of truth (mixed with a lot of crazy garbage so caveat emptor)

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Thanks MonCam!

Alex’s readers and commenters are a savvy group.

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Three factors:

1 - the Authorities have committed 100% to the mRNA, and will NOT provide an alternative that will destroy the mRNA narrative that they built. Imagine the repercussions of a re-purposed therapeutic would have to the families that passed away?

2 - Inventory - countries have ordered BILLIONS of dollars of shots. What are you going to do with them? Interesting table to see how much money each country was going to spend in 2022 on vaccines that are now useless.

3 - Pfizer's 1st/2nd quarter. To date - all other vaccines have been shived in the shower: AZ for Blood Clots, J&J for Blood clots, Moderna for heart inflammation. Only Pfizer stands - yet their Stage 3 Trials seem to be SciFi...

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Indeed 2. That is why they are trying to push everyone. I recently saw a doc by Sharyl Atkisson, of how much money has been thrown in already. I also thought about the jabs only staying good for 6 months. That means most have now expired right? 3. it turns out Pfizer has lied from the start, omitting several deaths in their first trial. That was in the first 100 published pages. None of us will probably be alive when the final pages are opened.

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Sunk cost fallacy.

I hope that stuff expires, but they just keep replacing it. 🤬

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Vaxx is not just useless. It's HARMFUL! There's a serious societal cost to continuing to inject this poison. The continuing adverse effects need treatment. The mid- and long-term, second-order effects will need treatment. The enforcement and distribution regimes cost a fortune. Governments would be much better off burning that poison and calling it a day. Scapegoating pHarma would be a nice touch. String those murderers up to deflect blame, confiscate their ill-gotten booty.

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Shived in the shower, lol

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"1 - the Authorities have committed 100% to the mRNA, and will NOT provide an alternative"

I think that point is shaken by the announcement that Paxlovid has shown 90% efficacy, and will presumably be approved. If your assertion was correct, the authorities would have absolutely forbidden Pfizer from bringing such a product to market (just as they've jack-booted ivermectin).

I suppose it's conceivable that Paxlovid itself will be some horrible stealth agent (Merck's molnupiravir is a powerful mutagen).

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Back to point 3 - the only therapeutic that is standing is by Pfizer, whose vaccine stage 3 trial was worthless in the real world.

It will be interesting to see where retiring NIH head Collins will land.

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PFE Board

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The difference is Paxlovid is under patent and stands to generate Billions of dollars in revenue and millions in campaign donations and outright bribery. Ivermectin doesn’t generate anywhere near that kind of revenue

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The powers that be will have to re-tailor the narrative to treatment, or whatever it is that PAVLOVid does. How easy will it be to do that after having scared the public into taking the vaccine?

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Yeah what's up with the 2nd assault on JnJ???

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These vaccines are to actual health what CRT is to actual education: destruction.

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Let's just say a disease comes out that only kills people that are 200+ pounds overweight for their height. For everyone else, it's just a mild sickness. The government releases mandates for a vaccine that doesn't stop the transmission of it. You don't know the long term side effects of it. The reality is the majority of liberals would be ok with such madness. It is NOT my responsibility to make sure you don't get an illness I wouldn't know I had unless I was tested for it. If people are so scared of covid stay in your house forever, or wear an N95 with safety glasses when you go out. I am done with masks, even if they mandate them in my state again I will wear a mask when I enter Wal mart and then take it off. Let them call the police or ban me. This shit has gone on long enough already. Fucking drug, alcohol, and food addicts out here two years later who did nothing to curb their bad habits telling people they are killing them LOL

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Don't even wear a mask through the door at WalMart. No one should be complying with any of it, period.

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Maybe there's something inside the vaccines that do something to people that they want us all to have inside us. Something healthy and beneficial like nano razor blades.

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Dec 21, 2021
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The problem with the greed hypothesis is that if all else remains sane and rational, the greedy pharma stakeholders can and will get caught, Enron style. They'll spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Sorry but greed *alone* doesn't add up.

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Absolute control over every aspect of our lives.

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What confuses me is why would they want to cut their customer base in half? (half being optimistic)

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These are sociopaths out for power/control. There is no reasoning or logic that applies other than they issue statements/mandates to control with no beneficial purpose but to advance their claim on power and the purse of the public. That their reasoning seems illogical does not even occur to them because they believe they can shove anything down the public gullet. They believe themselves successful thus far with panicked public willing to accept anything thus far.

It is more and more obvious everyday that they are losing the control they so desperately desire. Their actions are ever more distant from the reality that is emerging. They are beginning to flail. They will not go away quietly. They will tamp down with more force if possible till a significant shift occurs with their media supporters. CNBC appears to be shifting. Some demanding forced mandates last week, this week have begun to question if there is any logic to this administration's actions.

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Their charade is now in our faces as a PR Sales and Marketing campaign:

Fauci: “Now if you haven’t had a booster we have decided you will have to be back with the unjabbed lepers. Them and their damn “natural immunity” horseshit!”

“The unvaccinated will have the worst winter of their lives! Without the vaccine they will suffer and DIE! Their whole family will DIE! All their friends will DIE!”

“Save yourselves from the “Omricon” death! Get yourselves jabbed immediately, before your fate is sealed! We need 100% compliance!”

“Damn that control group!”

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Your next to last paragraph sums it up. This is a dark agenda driven set of actions, propaganda and criminal coercions against the global population, particularly the first world western nations. Think I'm being overly dramatic? When massive incompetence, hubris and greed (thanks Ki) are considered best case scenario, we have a problem. I still believe the end game is economic re-set of the highest magnitude. A complete rollover of the US Dollar, Global Debt using an exchange ratio to default on US Treasuries and a cashless, digital currency. This will allow establishment of a social credit style takeover of our lives (China style) through UBI, MMT and big brother banking. Don't think you can work around most of this through barter, gold or silver. Confiscation is in the works when the masses resist through another false lockdown approaching martial law. At this point, suspension of civil rights will include gold and gun confiscation. All for our safety. And if the next variant is designed to cripple us, sadly many will beg the government for intervention, protection and give up full control in exchange for any glimpse of a return to normal. Which will not happen. The best chance we have is for those with natural immunity to remain unvaxxed and come together under a strong team of leaders and fight the lockdowns. We will need strength. As much as I want to get out of this mess, I have my doubts. Pray. Plan. Prepare. RESIST.

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We are in the midst of the biggest medical tyranny in the history of the world, by far.

It's now become a beast of its own. You have these neurotic boomers and entitled "w0rk from home" millennials that have somehow financially benefited from the Covid regime. They certainly have not suffered. Many of them belong to public sector unions, but some are in the private sector too. And they keep wanting to preserve their newly found lazy pajama lifestyle by lying to themselves and rest of us that Covid is dangerous. They are the virus causing the disease now. To end this dark chapter of humanity, we need monoclonal antibodies against these microbes.

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I may be a boomer (71) but I ain’t neurotic.

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And these idiots need to lose their jobs. 🤷‍♀️

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"a pathetic unwillingness to admit vaccine failure at all costs"

That's the optimistic scenario. If that's all it is, then eventually it will dissipate and we'll get back to normal. If on the other hand the more dystopian interpretations are correct (think, depopulation as the "final solution" to climate change), well then there are still plenty of AR-15s on sporting goods store shelves across the country.

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I think there is a frightening convergence. There is some force implementing mind control so the people actually believe that the vaccines work and the vaccines are the savior. Then there are the people who are masterminding it. They have to know at this point that the vaccines don't "work" but none of us know what their real goals are. Depopulation? Making the people so dumb that they become dependent drones that can be coerced into almost any kind of slavery? I don't know. Maybe it is all just a giant experiment and at the end, Mortimer will hand over one dollar when he loses the bet?

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It's clearly not vanity driving this. It looks like there's an incentive structure increasing urgency and alignment of purpose. And enforcing message discipline. That doesn't happen spontaneously. Fear doesn't monger itself, ya know!

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“Victory has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan.” JFK

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Where are the therapeutics? FFS, Ivermectin and HCQ are working around the world for MANY people- is there biology different than ours? Why not let people try these safe meds? I've taken both, they are VERY safe and billions of doses have been taken. Where is the Pfizer pill? At this point, it really looks like the White House doesn't care if people die. They are importing new voters over Southern border. Time for the #25Amendment, Biden is unable to function during this pandemic. His mind is gone.

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Oh, they care if people die. Check out what the World Economic Forum (WEF) says about population. And then check out some of the videos Anthony Fauci -- who oversaw the torture of orphans for medical experiments (detailed in RFK's brilliant, sickening masterpiece) -- made with Klaus Schwab, the head of the WEF.

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I am reading it and almost at that chapter! Reading now how Fauci discredited AIDS drugs that were helping dying patients. History repeating itself.

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Xiden was cheering death to the unvaxxed in his statent on WH web page. Disgusting.

Xiden is too evil to die himself.

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And the other day Biden actually quoted Stalin (no attribution) by yacking about voting: “It is not about who votes but about who COUNTS the votes”. He actually said this.

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Yep, he sure the hell did!

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where did he say it?

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Eerily similar to the Nazi regime propaganda saying fear the Jew and saying they were highly infectious. A lie then and a lie now!

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Referencing "Dark Winter, which refers to a Bioterror Simulation in 2001 that Biden was involved in.

Here is the official government report. "Dark Winter" appears 27 times and "Biden" 15 times.


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