Unfortunately this is all very true. Abortion is at times a necessary evil, but it should never be celebrated as it is always horribly sad.

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Abortion is a satanic practice and rituals are often performed in the clinics.


The clinics also double as tissue factories delivering high volumes of butchered baby parts to colleges and government agencies like the FDA. In one experiment, the HHS was using human fetal cells to try to humanize mice, meanwhile these same cells can be found in many food products and cosmetics and are often a primary incubator for growing and culturing vaccines.

The founder of planned parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a racist eugenicist who hated black people, and the misanthropic Bill Gates likes to brag that his father was the "head of planned parenthood" while he was growing up.

Anyone who can look at any of this and think it is a sane and rational way to treat the most innocent and vulnerable among us is both spiritually bankrupt and morally dead.

Evidence: https://tritorch.com/abortionslope

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This is why the Constitution correctly leaves this up to the states. Nearly all states will end up with rules like Europe, and the extremists at both ends will be punished by now-enabled voters and now-accountable politicians.

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The vast preponderance of people fighting for Roe v. Wade don't even understand it. They've invested it with false powers, making it a golden calf. It doesn't even protect what they seek. Furthermore, they've not even read the Alito opinion which deals not with morality, but jurisprudence, of which Roe v. Wade is a horrible example. Even Ginsberg, herself, recognized this point and argued that it would eventually need to be remedied by the court. Sadly, it appears the most vocal on the matter are also the most ignorant.

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Alex, I agree with you. For decades, I have been helping women to recover from the effects of abortion (in the practice of my profession, and through volunteering within abortion recovery organizations). There are many, many women who have had their abortions believing, "You'll be fine, there is nothing to it..." and then finding out that they grieve the loss of their child, and they continue grieving, when they see their first "intended" child through the ultrasound, when they give birth to that first "intended" child, or when the miscarry later and think it is God's judgement, or when they struggle with infertility and realized they may nave aborted the only child they will ever conceive - or just, when they go home from the clinic after the abortion, realize, "I miss my baby," and then stay drunk for 3 weeks to cope with what just happened. There are a lot of women out there who continue to grieve year after year for the child they lost to abortion. Everyone said they would be fine, and they were not. So, yes, there are these hard core abortion advocates who say it's all good, and should be celebrated, and there are women, a lot of women, who miss their babies. Many of the women who miss their babies and grieve are the same women who work to pass woman-protective laws, like informed consent laws, and who help other women through pro-life pregnancy centers, to offer women resources so that they do not feel abortion is their only choice. A lot of the women who had abortions want to protect others from being pushed into an abortion they don't want, and they will not be distressed if Roe goes - some of the women who have had abortions they regret were outside the Supreme Court praying while Dobbs was being heard. And as another comment says - if Roe falls, it does go back to the states, so it doesn't mean a complete end to abortion in the US, but it will let the states decide. As it is, every time a state passes a law to protect women in regard to abortion (informed consent laws, for an example), the abortion industry sues to overturn the law, as if the abortion doctors represent the women - which they don't. The industry that profits from abortion has a financial conflict of interest.

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Crazy disconnect.

But it is brought to you by the same people who say the vax is safe and effective so at least they're consistent.

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My favourite part is the total lack of self-awareness in the mandatory vaccine "pro-choicers."

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I discussed this in a stack post yesterday. The Democratic Party has moved from Safe, Legal, and Rare to all abortions are equally good. They’ve ceded the rational pro-choice argument to the Republicans… and it is apparently because they believe that 2/3rd not wanting to overturn Roe is an agreement with no limitation abortion rights rather than the more likely case that most people barely know what Roe decision is.

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May 14, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

Devaluing life is essential to societal takeovers. So it is our "right" to decide which lives have value? We did not protect our most vulnerable senior citizens these past two years. And suicides are becoming almost commonplace. Sadly, my own family suffered such a tragedy this past year. Now feeding babies is less important than Bill Gates' latest investment opportunity. Our government is the ONLY reason Abbott remains closed. WHY???

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Astonishing, yet typical lack of self-awareness.

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All of this educates Americans, and the world, about the utter hatred of the Left towards life and freedom. That is the unexpected consequences.

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The impact the decision has on young girls & women is tragic. I have worked with women in their later years still trying to come to terms with it. The ones pushing for them to do it never have to suffer the consequences.

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This is exactly correct. The idea that abortion should be celebrated exposes the left today as monsters.

The official position of the pro-choicers used to be that abortion should be safe, legal and RARE. The Democrat party used to have that in their party platform - safe, legal and rare. A few years ago, they dropped the "rare" part. That is when I opened my eyes and reconsidered my position on abortion.

If you watch an abortion, a real late term abortion, you cannot possibly think that it is anything less than an act of evil. How anyone could possibly celebrate such a thing is beyond me.

I remember Lena Dunham talking about how sad she was that she never had an abortion as that was something she considered an important experience for a woman to have. What? Nope. I'm not on that side.

I am still not a hard-liner on abortion because there are some really difficult circumstances that arise and I don't believe that a 1 day old embryo is the same as a 8 1/2 month old fetus but if I am forced to choose between abortion legal and desirable right up until 9 months VS. all abortions illegal, I'll choose all abortions illegal.

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Celebrate life! 🙏🙏🙏

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I love how Americans are all so distracted & obsessed with this fairly arbitrary and irrelevant question of aborting humans before they attain meaningful sentience, but they are totally oblivious to the literal slavery their poor and middle class are subjected to as the federal reserve prints record amounts of currency for it’s cronies.

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Alex, your analysis is simple and spot on. There are just too many ghouls on that side of the debate.

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The left is impervious to irony. Heartbreaking to celebrate the demise of the most vulnerable

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Strip away those who are 100 per cent in any direction and almost everyone agrees that killing viable babies is horrendous. Third term abortions are murder. Period. I can see California at 20 weeks and Texas at 10. Planned Parenthood is an abortion factory with a legacy of eugenics to rid the world of "undesirables." The list includes Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, and probably Catholics. There is a strong thread weaving through all this on the far left who want to reduce the number of people on our planet. Personal responsibility is no longer taught yet the results of Sweden in the Covid policies compared to the US shows that relying on individual decisions in that country had better results than government dictates here. So yes I am pro choice - let citizens in each state decide. In several years the noise will settle down and instead of abortion being the hidden center of approving the supremes, that approval process will be focused on past judicial decisions and perhaps even the degree to which a judge follows the constitution.

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I’m disappointed that the pro life side does little to nothing to promote awareness of safe surrenders laws, which exist in all 50 states.

You are absolutely spot on, Alex.

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I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

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I think the saddest part is all of the dead babies, not the irony . . .

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May 14, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

I was an unwanted child and it was hell. I'm mystified why people think they're doing a good thing to insist a child is born into circumstances that won't be 100% supportive emotionally and financially. That said, both sides should unite to promote responsible contraception as there's close to zero reason today why an unwanted child should be created in the first place. It seems both sides just need someone to fight with when the cooperative option of promoting the hell out of contraception should be obvious.

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Don’t spend your money at that store …

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I believe Always Sunny touched on the topic best. Anyway, I'm still furious about the past two years of covid BS. They should legalize a 300 trimester abortion for that shit stain Fauci.

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Is abortion really the one and only option women have in 2022 if they don’t want to be pregnant ? Really? It would seem that way if you listen to the masses in the streets. Like there is absolutely no alternative. They must be ‘sentenced’ to a pregnancy.

Nah. I took birth control pills for almost four years in the 70’s. Bet a lot of people could still get prescriptions for them today. Or implants. If you are dead set against not being pregnant (and I certainly was for quite some time) then you do what you need to do to prevent it from happening. Aborting a viable baby at even late stages of pregnancy does not HAVE to be your option

Rape? Health of the mother? Something terribly wrong with the baby? Those serious situations exist. But the staggering number

of abortions performed today are hardly the result of those dire circumstances.

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To me the most frightening aspect of the entire debate is the young women being so stridently against motherhood saying "Abortion is Essential." Essential to what? I have known three women who had abortions and all three suffer from profound guilt and depression. This lack of humankindness and the nurturing spirit that goes with motherhood is unsettling for women with their love, nurturing, profound caring for their families is the essential glue that holds civilization together. Without women, us men would still be chasing wild animals and hitting each other over the heads with clubs. We need this nurturing spirit and the civilizing effect women have on our species. BUT these women that are crashing churches and screaming for the right to kill the unborn, up to the moment of birth (which is what late term abortion is), give me pause. Maybe we should have abortion so these screaming Cassandras of death don't have children. I shudder at how they would treat their children.

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Heartbreaking- where is the advancement of science in this argument? This is not the 50s, 60s, or 70s. Technology is so advanced that we can see into the womb, science has developed so that we can know if we’re pregnant almost instantly -as well as a huge number of birth control options as well as the “morning after” pill if lack of planning is the issue. There simply is no excuse any more to wait to make a decision. AND the idea of “up to and including birth”? For God’s sake, you have carried the child until it’s born- ADOPTION should be the only option.

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Yeah, Roe was a bad decision. No doubt. But let me say that nobody wants to have an abortion. nobody. There are many reasons it can be advisable, even necessary. Other than stupidity, laziness, just so you know that. There are cases where a woman discovers that she is carrying a fetus without a brain or a spinal cord. Cases where a woman is carrying a dead fetus. In some states the law does not allow a birth to be induced past three months, even if the fetus is dead . In some cases a child is raped by a family member. So let's replace Roe with sane laws that account for these extreme circumstances.

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Had they not pushed the abortions past the first trimester and celebrated full term and partial birth(which is infanticide) maybe today would be different. In many countries the legislature past abortion laws not unelected judges. That’s how it should be.

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Let’s get real people. It takes a man and a woman to get pregnant. I hear a lot of men saying they are against abortion. Men you have no right to a vote if you irresponsibly keep sticking your dicks in women’s vaginas! Keep your dicks in your pants or man up and take responsibility for your child. Until you know what it’s like to get pregnant, carry a baby and deliver it through your vagina or have it cut out by c-section, this is a women’s vote in my book!!

And as far as rape is concerned, the rapist should go to jail and have no paternity rights for putting a women in a position, where she will have no right to choose!!

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While I understand your point and am with you on most issues, I don’t believe most people “celebrate” abortion. It is a heart-wrenching decision for most women who consider it, and as a man, I must leave the decision on this issue to women. Women must decide on this, not men.

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I don't have a dog in the abortion fight, and thankfully was never in a position to be a participant in a decision to abort a child that I was partly responsible for making. That said, I cannot imagine anyone so heartless that doing that would be a cause for anything other than the deepest of sorrows. That it's treated in this country as casually as it is, indeed actually celebrated, by government leaders, members of the press, and the artistic community, is indicative of a rot that goes far deeper than the abortion fight. I'm afraid we're witnessing real time the inevitable decline of what could have been a wonderful country. I feel sorry for the world we're leaving behind for our (unaborted) children.

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One thing that bothers me is seeing young women cheer for abortion rights.

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It’s not political at all, the left is making it that way with their, as usual, fear mongering. Look, if you’re pro abortion just vote for the lunatic that agrees with you in your state. End of discussion from a political standpoint.

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Maybe last year i was reading up and it seems the real argument was missed, that being when does life begin? Science says conception but like Covid the so called scientists, doctors, not to mention clergy, will twist it to fit the narrative. Alito is right, it is unconstitutional to take life. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. We have double murder for pregnant homicides, but no accountability for in the womb, now outside the womb? Wow. Yet i too am pro choice. I choose to live and let live. Abortion is anti life and pro death. Reproductive blah blah... planned parentless could give a crap about you, just bring your freakin money, er, ID. Seems like i have heard that $ theme here before. Abortion proponents seem to be women saying you can't tell me how i am going to have my sex, consequences be damned because i don't have to pay for it. Oh maybe not now, but they will pay down the road emotionally and psychologically. It is only human. And what if they have no remorse? I have no doubt anti lifers love all people too. If you agree with them. BTW, my four siblings and i are adopted.

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It’s the left-wing demand for “liberation,” refusing to accept any responsibility for actions.

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Here's hoping! (And praying.)

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Why can’t we just be like the Europeans and agree that no abortions past 3 months when we start talking about an actual person?

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If a baby survives an abortion, it is subsequently left to die by the mothers and doctors in several states, even though it's no longer technically a fetus

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Anyone who kills a baby is a murderer.

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Any society, such as ours, in which a significant segment society elevates infanticide to a sacrament, is a society that can only be called degenerate.

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Can we retro-actively abort Joe Biden?

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Apt and the irony is inescapable. This need to make it a celebration is more than a little evil.

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I am pro-choice. However, the reason I am pro-choice is simply because I do not believe the government should have any say in the personal health decisions of any person. That being said, there are certain facts I cannot reconcile in my mind. First, it is not a clump of cells; it is a human being. Second, the women’s rights movement supporters, which I see myself as a member, need to recognize abortions kill girls/future women, too. Third, as I feel no one should have a say in another’s body, at it’s core abortion is a decision involving the body of another. It is definitely not an issue to be taken or talked about lightly or dismissively or grotesquely. It is a private and personal decision which should be discussed as the nuclear option and the tragedy it actually is.

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Bret and Heather Weinstein had a great tangential/peripheral discussion on how upside down the views are about casual sex right now, and how women are fighting to protect attitudes that do not serve them well.

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They also don't like to address the pesky issue about the link between sex trafficking and abortion and disproportionately affects black women because they are trafficked in higher numbers per the population. There are pimps that use it for birth control. There is research available easily found if you google. But no one ever talks about THAT. And that other pesky issue - money to be made off of stem cell research. Its always about the money.

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Alex you are right on. Whether legal or illegal, it is nothing to be celebrated or be proud of.

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Thanks for this compassionate and insightful post.

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Right on Alex! Regardless, abortion should NOT be celebrated!

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americans will always say that theirs is the best country in the world.

and they honestly mean it.

it is because they do not have a clue about the rest of the world.

they simply cannot grasp the fact that although abortion laws are far more liberal in western european countries, the number of abortions in those countries are but a fraction of the number of abortions in the usa.

making abortions illegal does not prevent abortions.

avoiding unwanted pregnancies does.

so maybe americans should come over and take a look at how things work over here.

but hey, why should they, having the best country in the world.....

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