“Doctors pour drugs of which they know little,

into bodies of which they know less,

for diseases of which they know nothing.”

- Voltaire

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but ohhh are they compensated well in not knowing

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They know the jabs failed so they are trying to prove their intentions were still justified.

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It isn’t merely the public health establishment, but the entire “expert class” - economists with their “transitory inflation” to nearly weekly experts having “unexpectedly high/low” inflation/employment etc. Hopefully Alex will realize that.

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The experts are always baffled these days.

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They want to hold onto their power just like the rest of DC. And they will do it by any means.

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It is no longer possible to trust any medical doctor about any subject at any time. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Far far too many of our parents, and post WW2 generation fell into that deep indoctrination western medicine led by Pharma implemented. Looking back to those times you will see so many branding TV shows like Marcus Welby MD etc. It continues to this day, only even more savvy, and on steroids type indoctrination Pharma uses thru the MSM it OWNS. People want to trust, but they often trust way too freely and that is on them or US. Fortunately, many who were asleep have been RED pilled and awakened and once aware one can never be made unaware

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they are my go-to for golf tips

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@$- yup

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COVID aside, a great example is the flu shot. What is the annual flu mortality rate compared with the rate prior to flu shot availability? About the same. So billions for flu shots for the same outcome… Why?

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@Dave- people don't believe me when I tell them the flu shot is designed for a particular season 3-5 years out. They're just guessing at which strains will be prevalent. The shots are only about 40% effective, if that.

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Ongoing REVENUE source primarily. Locked IN

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There's something off about this: my primary care physician begs me during the fall and winter months to get a flu vaccine, which I always refuse. When I asked him last month why he continually pesters me about this, when he knows what I'm going to say, he claims the insurance companies are "after him" to increase the number of flu shots his practice prescribes. I understand why pharma companies would be getting financially rewarded by an increase in flu shots, but health insurance providers should not be getting such rewards, in theory. In fact, I would think that insurance companies would be gate-keeping flu shots as unnecessary for most people - kind of like how they behave with respect to mamograms for women and PSA tests for men.

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Government programs are especially credentialled and rewarded financially for fuller participation in "prevention" so any doctor who takes medicare and medicaid patients need to have these percentages up in order to get a higher premium for their patients. This was a DIRECT result of obamacare and one of the many reasons it SHOULD have been overturned. My doctor was particularly miffed that I not only didn't want her vaccines, but also turned down the pap smear, the mammogram, the colon cancer scope and the poison for my higher than average cholesterol. She asked me why I was even there and I said because I want you to refill my prescription. It was for treatment of chronic pain and, in that moment, I decided that I would just wean myself off all of that as well (without her participation other than that last refill). I hated taking it and have been doing a lot of reading about DMSO and decided to go that route and to hell with ALL of allopathic medicine.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

There is other back door funding happening too with government sponsoring various aspects. I think if one was to AUDIT deeply, and in a fully transparent way "we the people" would be shocked at what monies go where

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Before Covid, I used to take the annual flu shot offered free at the office. I would encourage my wife to get it and have the kids do the same. I never got the flu, but they would at least every other year. So, I was proud of myself and argue that she should do it. In any case, we’re very healthy in general and survived just fine. I no longer get flu shots, just done with it, but still have not gotten the flu. Just Covid Omicron 6 months after the “vaccine”.

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Alex, it isn’t merely the public health establishment, but the entire “expert class” - economists with their “transitory inflation” to nearly weekly experts having “unexpectedly high/low” inflation/employment etc. The entire authoritarian expert class in DC has been discredited and they want to hold onto their power.

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We are 5-years in, without a hint of the source for zoonotic transmission. They have run out of time (long ago). It is a lab leak. Done.

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@DSB- and I don't think it was an accidental lab leak. I think they wereon to something and experimented with their own people.

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Won't disagree, but I believe the passage of time is proof it came from a lab.

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Yes, it DID. And when it was ready, they used their own people to start the experiment. IMHO.

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The root rot of the problem is the malcontents in academia.

The solution is to stop hiring and promoting the students they infect.

My hiring managers assess for woke in candidates, and they are not hired.

Eventually the industry of education will be motivated to eliminate the toxic mind virus of Theory and woke from all curriculum and fire their radical malcontent faculty and administrators to attract students to repair their declining enrolment.

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Thats very optimistic Frank.

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Long before the educational institutions adapt, I expect that students themselves will grasp that wokeness is bad for one's long-term job prospects, and will adapt by themselves.

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How do they make the assessment? Many want -- need! -- to know👍

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Because the people subscribing to the woke ideological rot believe that they are of superior status in their beliefs, they are very quick and open to admit it.

Here is a short list of questions:

1. What would you change about your previous job/employers?

2. What businesses and organizations do you currently admire?

3. What values of your previous/current employer most align with yours?

4. We are committed to professional diversity, what does that mean to you?

5. How would you describe your dream job?

6. What qualities do you admire and/or prefer in your manager?

7. What qualities do you admire and/or prefer in your coworkers?

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Great list! I'm saving this for future reference. Of course, these questions only work if you actually sit back, be quiet, and let the candidate talk during the interview!

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One essential point that is rarely commented on is the main reason we are more unhealthy as a society and have declining longevity relates to lifestyle choices, diet, obesity, exercise, substance abuse, suicide, violence etc. The government constantly blames physicians and the medical establishment. It is absolutely true that any competent physician should work with their patients but these are social problems and if we want a healthier society this is where we should be putting our money.

Dr. J Burk Gossom

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All true. But the root of all these problems is that there's been no accountability of the government.

The rest is sequela imo, Dr. Gossom

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True and the government and establishment refuses to categorize these things as choices. It should be appalling to all of us to see the number of overweight children and not be screaming to any adult in charge (i.e. parents) that they are subjecting their kids to a future of poor health outcomes and dysfunction. Instead anyone who points this out is mean spirited, biased, etc.

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Hmmm. So, you're proposing a lot of social pressure to be applied by individuals on other individuals. I saw a lot of that during the height of the Covid pandemic, and I wasn't impressed with its effectiveness.

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to the contrary, though i am sure I could have expressed it better. This "social pressure" was not pressure, it was the norm because it was based on the wisdom that these choices would lead to bad outcomes. People were not encouraged to see themselves as helpless victim. there is a difference between encouraging people to acknowledge that they have agency in their life (and those they care for,) and having themselves believe they are helpless victims.

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I would advocate the sort of educational effort and social pressure that has made a tremendous impact on smoking. I recall the presidential fitness program when I was in school as part of PE and in another school system Jack LaLane at a general assembly. Education and emphasizing good health that secondarily creates social pressure without need for any government coercion. I am with you that covid totally bollixed.

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Smoking's a good example, I think. In this case, the original Surgeon General's report played a significant role. After all, the risks of smoking were known by the 1930s, but it wasn't until the 1960s that a real push against smoking took hold.

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I grew up in the 60s/70s and I don’t remember much obesity around me then. It seemed we were all thin. I suspect this changed when women got back into the workforce and families relied on quicker, processed foods for 3 meals a day. 🤷‍♀️

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Yes totally agree part of the problem. Then add in social emphasis on accepting your body even if morbidly obese, being fat isn't your fault, combined with elimination of PE in school with lack of focus on fitness, de-emphasizing personal responsibility and a multitude of other social factors. Rather than addressing these social factors, the government put the failing on the medical system which was doomed to fail. Not to defend the multitude of problems in our healthcare system but my point is the best solution to social problems are social solutions rather than building a hugely expensive medical system to try to get people to change behavior one person at a time.

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I would add that everything is just so easy now. Want dinner? DoorDash. Working at home? Do it from bed. Don’t know the answer to something? Just look it up on your phone.

I’m a massage therapist in a chiropractic office, and I would estimate that a full 50% of the people I work on have back and neck pain from being weak. People go to work and sit in a chair all day, then come home and recline and watch TV all evening. We are a physically weak society, at least a good percentage of it. We sit supported all day long, we don’t even use our posture muscles and then wonder why things hurt. And, of course, they want to come in and have me or the chiro fix them without actually making any changes.

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They will never admit their faults nor the truth. In all reality, they can’t. At least not now.

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"How do we get out of this cycle? I don’t know."

Alex, we get out of it by getting government out of health care.

Liberals think they're kinder and more egalitarian than conservatives because they advocate all kinds of "free" things via government, like health care.

What they don't realize is that the reason to oppose such things is the kind of corruption we are witnessing today. It's the inevitable result -- the Road to Serfdom, as Hayek put it.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

I remember the days of independent medical practices, of individual or small groups of physicians. Capitalism has failed to provide health care but has succeeded in enriching pHarma, LBO firms and corporations who are focused on bottom line rather than patients.

If you can afford it, find a private practice physician.

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I was lucky enough to find one. He never pushed the shot, but eventually caved to his wife who wanted them to take the so they could resume their social life. That dropped him down a notch in my book, but he’s okay as long as he doesn’t pester me to do it.

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I found one (retired) , and married her!

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I'm very sad that the Cleveland Clinic is part of the Cabal now. They saved my life 25 years ago and I've always held them in great regard. Until now.

The institutions that built this country (and kept it healthy and safe) are rotting from within just as our government is. I pity our children and grandchildren who will never experience the halcyon days of my youth.

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Increasingly, the public doesn't believe these clowns anymore, at least insofar as Covid boosters are involved. Covid was never smallpox or polio, no matter how much Fauci tried to persuade us we were all in great jeopardy. They destroyed their own credibility by peddling one ridiculous theory after another. My all-time favorite is an article that appeared in the New York Times contending that Covid was more dangerous than climbing an 8,000 meter peak. Well, about 25 percent of the people who try to climb Annapurna (one of those peaks) die, so how does that compare to Covid where at least 99.7 percent of the population survived?

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We can vote with our feet. Many people are - getting their health care from other practitioners (from naturopaths to acupuncturists) and only seeing doctors as a last resort, for example to get a prescription. Find out everything you can about your own health. Focus on a good diet. Make sure you get the needed vitamins. Ignore the doctors who love to tell you taking vitamins just gives you “expensive pee”. Ignore the pharma shills who propagandize about the so-called risks and harms of natural supplements - talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Once people achieve actual health from other sources, they’ll never go back to “doctored” medicine.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 15

Great point...there are also many more independent medical facilities opening around the country that offer monthly member rates which at a cost saving and wise option. Have a sister who uses one in Wisconsin called advocatedpc.com Not for everyone, but a great thing I believe. There are those other options too that are set up more like a coop with some being Christian based. Alternative providers like Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists are all worthy options to stay well and not just to get well too

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I am disgusted by all the drug ads. I don't watch TV (haven't for a long time) but now the ads are hitting the radio where I live. I get tired of hearing about drugs for ailments I've never heard of, which makes me think they are selling the problem more than the cure. After all, if you have the problem, there is a wonder drug for it! Amazing how that works.

Post-Covid, I now refuse shots for everything. Trust in medicine has flown out the window.

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Medical professionals are in a "No Win" situation. If they acknowledge that they gave bad advice that may have injured or even killed people, they open the malpractice lawsuit floodgates, and possibly even some accusations of criminal behavior. Thus, they have to continue to do what they have always done and adamantly deny even the possibility of harm.

That is exactly the case with vaccines. If doctors even hint that the CDC vaccine "schedule" (that they have been mindlessly following for decades) can cause harm, their careers are over. So they have to just keep doing what they have been doing.

It would be very interesting to see what medical professionals would say and do if they were given complete legal immunity for past harms they may have done. How many would change course now if not held legally liable for past acts?

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