Joe Rogan, Alex Berenson, Dr. Malone, Bret Weinstein, etc. KEEP IT UP guys and stay strong!

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Don't forget Dr. Pierre Kory & the others at the FLCCC & Dr. Peter McCullough. Many voices of reason in a sea of idiots.

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How is Geert Vanden Bossche being forgotten here 😵

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Not by me. He was the 1st to raise the red flag.

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In one way yes, but Dr. Kary Mullis was technically truly the first since he invented the RT-PCR technique/process (his own words) and NEVER called it a test.

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He said you could find "anything in anything" in a zen kind of way if you ran enough cycles.

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Yes, I remember this as well.

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The first person/group I recall speaking out about the potential danger of ADE and publicly saying they do not recommend these vaccines is Dr. Simone Gold and America's Frontline Doctors. I believe they came out with a paper back in December/January. I know this is another group that Alex seems to have a strange vitriol towards. The fact is history will see Dr. Gold and her colleagues as heroes. They sacrificed their careers and reputations to save patients by advocating for early treatment and fighting medical tyranny. Along with Dr. Peter McCullough, they were among the first.

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Alex retains many of his inherent liberal bias as a result of his background. Hard to shed these things. In the main I agree with him, remember he struggled (and still does according to this interview) with the possibility that ivermectin was efficacious . So, I cheer what I like and discount what I don't. And I knew of him as a very good writer of the John Wells series long before this. The Power Couple his most recent novel was great.

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See also Luc Montagnier.

btw; ... terrific interview Alex ... please keep fighting

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yes HE WAS!

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True. And so smeared :(

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Or Dr. Tess Lawrie

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His interview with Dr. Philip McMillan (UK) on youtube opened my eyes.

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That is a must watch one.

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Geert predicted Israel in March.

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Is there a paper discussing hospitalizations of the vaccinated in Israel. I’m having a Twitter war with doofus vaccine pimp @TheWouston. He’s from Seattle. ‘Nuff said.

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The Vaxx is a state-sponsored religion.

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So far his message has been right. Hate putting people on pedestals, but he seems genuine.

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Love them all

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Dr. Simone Gold had a video early on warning of vaccine dangers and other Covid nonsense.

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See also JJ Couey at Gigaohm Biological for great content on the "Virus"

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He is great, he is killing it! He is in twitch gigaohmbiological is called. Best. Biology. Stream. Right. Now.

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...and Dr. Simone Gold.

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Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Rand Paul.

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Also Dr. Ryan Cole. I love him, he makes so much sense.

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For me it's a sea of Devil controlled zombies.

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Also, Caroline Glick, Sharyl Attkisson, Matt Taibbi, Emerald Robinson, Glenn Greenwald. All REAL journalists.

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Dr. Tess Lawrie s well.

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Vladimir Zelenko. His protocol and videos got me thru early Covid when I didn’t know where to turn. My husband and I are still on it and have not gotten sick yet! Knock on wood! And we have been all over, all the time! No fear and no staying in the basement like FUBrandon!

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Alex needs to interview Zelenko, that would be the best!

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He won't. Joe can only risk so much truth.

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Artemisinin (wormwood) is the leaked CCP official cure to both Sars Cov-2 & the vaxx spikes. 99% effective, & only for short-term use.

Studies: Zhou, Y., Gilmore, K., Ramirez, S. et al. In vitro efficacy of artemisinin-based treatments against SARS-CoV-2. Sci Rep 11, 14571 (2021).

Uckun, F., Saund, S., Windlass, H, et al. Repurposing Anti-Malaria Phytomedicine Artemisinin as a ((ov1d-19 Drug. Front. Pharmacol., 19 March 2021.

Krishna, S, et al. "Artemisinins: their growing importance in medicine." Trends in pharmacological sciences vol. 29,10 (2008): 520-7.

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I’ve just gone out to my herb garden to check: I have wormwood growing well! Going to research how to take it … thanks so much for tip

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Awesome! Just to clarify artemisinin is a compound - like IVM it won the 2015 Nobel prize. Whether it’s wormwood or artemisinin, it’s only intended for short-term use. Thujones in wormwood (higher in the alcoholic preparations) are toxic & there are contraindications. This digestive supplement has both wormwood & artemisinin if anyone is interested: https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/shop/supplements/yeast-and-parasites/intestinal-defense/?utm_source=ac&utm_medium=HMGlutenology&utm_content=ivermectin&utm_campaign=HMGlutenologyWarmup

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Thank you so much

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If you have ivermectin should you still use the wormwood? Can they be used together or not necessary?

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I ordered the tea months ago. Used that with my family when we had covid with all the other things!

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Me and my husband too! Weddings, lots of flying all over, parties, restaurants. So far so good. Meanwhile a dozen of my vexed friends have gotten C. Let's Go Brandon!

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Are you taking HCL Prophylactically? or does he have another prevention protocol?

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I take Quercetin everyday instead. He recommends that too. I do have HCQ but I’m saving it for when, or if, I get it. I also have IVM in my stash!

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Haha. I take Zinc, Quercetin, Vit D3 & Vit C every day and IVM 2x / week. Have HCL ready to go as well!

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Walking into WalMart yesterday, they had an entire endcap of Quercetin, Zinc, Vit D3, Vit C, Niacin, Melatonin .

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Hi, can I ask where you got the IVM? Having a terrible time getting a doctor to Rx it.

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Consider some doxycycline, too, as an antibiotic is part of the Zelenko protocol. Also, look at this study, which uses a system virtually identical to what has crushed the vid in India.


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My doc won’t prescribe it if I’m not sick. I asked her to advance it too me but she said...we don’t do that. I definitely need a new doc! I’m in Communist Michigan so docs here are following the party line. I guess I have to telemedicine outside the state. I do have brohexmine which is used in other countries as a replacement.

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Or Azithromycin. It is in a Z-pak. When I had Covid, I took this p,us ivermectin. Recovered in 4 days.

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did your doctor prescribe the IVM for you ? My doc won't prescribe t for me

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You can get it easily from https://myfreedoctor.com - they will give you prescriptions. Dr. Ben Marble has a team of doctors helping out folks. You can also obtain a medical exemption from them for jobs trying to push the jabs.

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I did - not without a fight and a lot of back and forth though. The local prescription is very expensive so I found another source - River Pharmaceutical out of Canada. Ordered IVM, Azithromycin, Doxycycline, and fluvoximine all without a prescription. Filled from India and takes about a month but just received them all today with no problem through US Mail. Have to pay via bank ACH but worth it.


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I used buyivermectin24.com and got it from India. It took 3 weeks but it is legit.

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Go through the Medici app. I got prescriptions of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and inhaler. CVS filled, no problem.

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Unfortunately, some docs on there are charging a lot so you have to ask first about price.

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Don't forget Tucker Carlson. It was through him that I heard about Alex, Dr. Weinstein, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kory and Dr. Noorchashm. He has really used his platform to give a voice to the censored.

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I second that. I first saw Alex on one of his segments.

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Plus -- Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate, Ben Norton, Matt Taibbi, Jimmy Dore, Richard Medhurst, several

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No Agenda Show!

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Don't forget JC on a bike, this is the best biology course on the subject right now https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1166770916?t=01h05m43s

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And blood specialist Paul Ryan

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Hell yeah! Joe Rogan is turning out to be a critical voice in defending our freedom. He has a huge platform and is known for his honesty. He is fearless and thank god he hasn’t folded under the pressure from the Twitter mob

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....and that Spotify hasn't reneged on their agreement and eliminated his channel

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No doubt. He must have a bulletproof contract. He repeatedly said he will have control over all his content. I was a little concerned when Demi Lovato was guest…

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....and ....btw ......Let's go Brandon!

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I’ve been waiting for that to happen. I hope he has his archive saved and he can take it with him if he has to leave unexpectedly because of the bs woke crowd.

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Yeah not so much in love with his liberalism even though I do agree with some of it he does kind of ride the fence but absolutely he’s an important voice

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I think he's way more freedom loving than he realizes.

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Posting episode to Twitter now

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Let's go Brandon!

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But F Joe Biden!

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I’m old!

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Maybe some NBC viewers may not know that! Lol

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I've been taking the horse dewormer for 6 months now. I have now won the Queens Plate and the Preakness! It works!

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Funniest comment I've read all day. Thanks, I needed that.

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That’s a classic!

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Thanks I needed that!

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Hey Alex .... here you go buddy ...

Ivermectin treatment for Covid is now supported by 113 studies, 73 of which have been peer reviewed. This includes 63 controlled trials with a total of 26,398 patients, and 31 Randomized Controlled Trials. Here is a direct link to 51 of them




































https://rupress.org/jgp/article/123/3/281/33850/Mechanism-of-Ivermectin-Facilitation-of-Human -P2X4

















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And the Covid Vaccines only needed one tiny itsy bitsy study each for EUA...Give Me A Break !!

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Thanks-- I shuddered when Alex said no trials for Ivermectin. Perhaps what he meant is no US trials-- cause of course ONLY US trials count right? 🙄

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Me too. I only took issue with this statement and the one about statins being safe.

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I hope Alex looks at your message as this is good.

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The first one seems to have been retracted.

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Excellent. Thanks for the consolidation.

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I don’t normally comment but I have to take issue with your comments on Rogans podcast regarding Ivermectin. I suggest you check out the FLCCC.net and look at the 62 studies and over two dozen RCT’s showing scientific benefit as well as a half a dozen meta analysis studies.

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I dos think Alex is not quite weened off the Kool-Aid, But he's Trying.

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Listening as I pack up my house. Finally put it on the market to get out of California. I know, off topic but I'm just so happy.

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Hope to follow in your footsteps soon Sasha! Happy for you!

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Thank you, hope you get to soon!

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Good for you! Take care.

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Thank you!

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Where to?

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Back to my husbands home state of Texas. We were just here for his job.

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Good choice. My residence of record is one of the western suburbs of Philadelphia but I have been in Houston, the town where I grew up, since November of '19 for family reasons. It is very interesting to contrast the fear level and lifestyle of my friends in Pennsylvania with my day to day existence in Houston.

Here in Texas life is pretty much back to normal; on the other hand, it sounds like my friends in Philadelphia are still hunkered down like Londoners during the blitz. I am sure California is even worse. You will be happier in Texas.

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Oh yes, night and day between there and California. We own a home in college station and I took my boys there for a month to give them a bit of a normal life. It was heart breaking to come back, like going back to prison after being on probation. We're a very active family, my kids had a lot of clubs and functions to always go to and barely anything has returned to normal here. It's pathetic. It's a state for the very rich and the retired. Not middle class families.

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At the 40 minute mark they hit the nail on the head.....if you beleive in the vaccine you will never admit you were wrong. They want everyone to do as the did. Its become a religion for them

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"Covidianity" ? The religion of Scientism.

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Branch Covidians

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Brandon Covidians?

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I call them vaccine pimps.

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heh.... i presume branch because there are other branches?

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Takeoff of that crazy cult...the Branch Davidians.

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Ok thank you...

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In Germany we call these people Coronas Witnesses (like Jehovas Witnesses)

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Literally … was just looking a couple hours ago and was bummed it was not there yet. Thank you Alex!!! (I like this sub stack thing.)

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Going to listen to it tonite on the back porch with alot of bourbon....

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I'm with you in spirit!

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Maybe a cigar too!

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Oh the sounds fantastic! But it's Sober October for me so...

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I always do Dry January but didn’t know about Sober October. Oh well, too late now lol.

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I'll listen with some Scotch flowing.

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Great interview but I was shocked by what you said about ivermectin not being proven. Have you seen all of this? Would love a response! https://ivmmeta.com/

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Bret Weinstein had a great podcast where he went over how the FDA does massive trials to make it look like things don't work, it was really eye opening.

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Do you have the link? Would love to see it.

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Looking for it. They don't label their podcasts very well

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It hasn't been proven. "Proven" means FDA approval for COVID, which it is not. That doesn't mean it doesn't work.

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Umm. No. That’s not true. Physicians in the U.S. have the discretion to prescribe any FDA approved medication off-label. It’s done all the time. Ivermectin was approved by the FDA in the 70s. Before COVID I wrote for it to treat Rosacea ( off-label). I’ve treated COVID patients with both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. They turned around and got better without any COVID after effects.

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Your patients are very fortunate to have you. How do we find a Doctor Who will prescribe ivermectin for either prevention or early intervention with Covid? It looks like they're all afraid of either their medical organizations or people going after their licenses.

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FLCCC.com has a list of treating physicians on their website. If there are none on the list in your state they should be able to do a telemedicine visit. FLCCC.com and AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com also will prescribe after a telemedicine visit (That’s responsible. It would be malpractice to prescribe without visiting with the patient.) They can call into a local pharmacy so that your insurance can be billed. Don’t use CVS. That won’t fill. Let me know if you have problems. Get what you need now before you get sick. They are trying to prevent physicians from prescribing ivermectin for COVID. There are treatment protocols on the FLCCC.com website.

Disclaimer required 😕. I am not your physician and I am not providing medical advice. Best.

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Are they still preventing this even tho it’s #2 on NIH Covid treatment list?

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Thank you so much! I am going to follow up on all of this. I definitely want to have everything on hand in the event that I have Covid symptoms. I've already purchased all of the recommended over-the-counter items.

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CRC, I want to thank you again. I purchased all the OTC vitamins and supplements recommended by FLCCC. I brought the FLCCC protocols with me to my follow-up visit with my dermatologist yesterday and asked her whether she knew of any docs who would prescribe Ivermectin, HCQ, and Z pack so that I could have those meds on hand in the event I get COVID. She immediately said that she would write the prescriptions for me. I was delighted. She is in solo practice so I think she has more flexibility and she was completely knowledgeable as to what is going on with physicians not doing prevention and early treatment of COVID. She did warn me that I would likely have trouble filling the prescriptions at the pharmacies. The "only" problem with the pharmacy was that my insurance won't cover COVID meds so I had to pay out of pocket. Pricey and infuriating (in terms of the insurance company) but certainly worth it to be prepared. I very much appreciate your encouragement and assistance. And, I'm truly blessed to have my dermatologist who is willing to stand up for patient care.

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Elizabeth I’m so glad you were able to get your meds. I use GoodRx when my insurance medication coverage isn’t great. Umm you don’t live in KS do you?

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Exactly, and they will never approve anything that is not Big Pharma.

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ARRRGH, Alex, Please talk to Paul Marik and Pierre Kory about Ivermectin!! IMO, we are wasting time arguing over the effing vaccines when we should be prescribing Ivermectin to everyone!

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This is maddening. The information is clear. I suspect the hesitancy is due to the push back created by the false reporting and Alex not wanting to bite off any more controversy at this time. Problem with that is he hasn't really taken the time to understand IVM. I base this on his conversation with Rogan where they were talking about invitro testing with IVM. That is very old and is used only as a starting point to see if something can work. It is not refined at all in terms of dosage. His misunderstanding of that process exemplifies his lack of knowledge.

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Alex, you incorrectly spread disinformation here about the in vitro study. This is RIGHT FROM THE ORIGINAL STUDY!!

"the antiviral activities of ivermectin have been derived from laboratory experiments that largely involve high, generally non physiologic, multiplicities of infection, and cell mono layer cultures, often of cell lines such as Vero cells that are not clinically relevant. The EC50 values should not be interpreted beyond the fact that they reveal robust, dose dependent antiviral activity in the cell model system used, and it would be naive to strive for μM concentrations of ivermectin in the clinic based on them.” [4]."

Here is another quote from Dr. Kory Et Al: "It should be noted that the concentrations required for effect in cell culture models bear little resemblance to human physiology given the absence of an active immune system working synergistically with a therapeutic agent such as ivermectin. Further, prolonged durations of exposure to a drug likely would require a fraction of the dosing in short term cell model exposure. Further, multiple co-existing or alternate mechanisms of action likely explain the clinical effects observed, such as the competitive binding of ivermectin with the host receptor-binding region of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, as proposed in six molecular modeling studies ."

Please do better on saying such stuff when you havent even read the damn study!

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Excellent. That point about cell culture ivermectin levels that Alex made on Rogan needed to be rebutted.

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Sorry Alex, you are dead-wrong about Ivermectin, that there is no proof that it is working. There are multiple studies worldwide as to its efficacy. Not only that, there was a study among healthcare workers in South America showing that it is very effective as a prophylactic. I am really surprised at such a prouncement. You stated, “There is no evidence…” Really? Now you are spouting the same junk science that you oppose.

I can tell you—being in the health field—that before the TGA in Australia foolishly banned GPs from prescribing Ivermectin, that Covid patients were getting excellent results based on science.

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Agreed, same experience here in Canada. Also other protocols and (sharp breath intake) homeopathy-- yup Alex homeopathy.

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Alex, I really enjoyed your speech at Hillsdale last night. I do think, however, you shouldn't discuss ivermectin unless you've done more research into it. You talked about "junk science" surrounding ivermectin on Joe Rogan's show. I'd like you to say that to Pierre Korey's face.

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Agreed, or for that fact dismiss other protocols (as Joe called them " therapeutics".) A medical reporter does not make a medical professional. Sorry Alex you are great in many ways but as a medical professional I have been trained to stick to my knitting and if I decide to learn a new stitch I need to REALLY study it .

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Re: the miscarriage discussion on the show. It must be pointed out that the vax registration trials specifically excluded pregnant women.

Dr. McCullough's words: "The vaccine registrational trials specifically excluded pregnant women, women of child-bearing potential, COVID-recovered patients, patients who had prior COVID antibodies; strictly excluded them. By regulatory science, if all the registrational trials excluded a group of patients, we would never use that product in the group once it gets on the market. NEVER! Never. We NEVER violate that. Why? Because we don't know if it's going to work, and we don't know if it's going to be safe. We NEVER DO THAT."

"There's another level. Pregnant women are a special group in research with medicinal products. It's very important for Americans to know this. In pregnant women, for vaccination, we ONLY vaccinate with safe, inactive products: the flu, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. THAT'S IT. We would NEVER inject a biologically active substance in a pregnant woman's body. That could be dangerous. NEVER. And with the vaccines, as soon as they came out, the CDC, the FDA, the media, everybody said, 'Vaccinate them. Vaccinate them.'"

Dr. Peter McCullough, 5/19/2021, John Leake Interview, https://vimeo.com/553518199

And yet...here we are, talking about pregnant women taking the vax and having miscarriages. That discussion should be entirely moot! Not to mention the fact the other groups should also be prevented from getting the vax. Travesty.

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Both my daughter and daughter-in-law are currently pregnant and have never considered getting vaccinated despite the stupid CDC ads popping up on FB recommending it. Their OB has never once mentioned the vaccine, either pro or con. I also have a niece who got covid during her 8th month and was quite obese (even before the pregnancy) who recovered and had a healthy baby.

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I think I had covid before I'd ever even heard of it. Got sick 1/6/20, ended up in hospital 5 weeks later with still unexplained multiple large blood clots in both lungs. But there was no covid test available at the time and Fauci was assuring us, in his inimitable way, that this pandemic wasn't coming to the US. I'm over 65 & have numerous risk factors. I've had 3 shots of Pfizer and I'm angry at vax & mask mandates and the unrelenting fear mongering from Biden administration and the press. Want to know what a super spreader event is? Distributing at least 500k of unvetted, unvaxed, undocumented people around the country.

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there are protocols you can follow to try to help clean yourself up. yes the ultimate risk, in my humble opinion, from the bioweapon virus is the spike protein and if you took the injections you literally filled yourself to the brim with them. i am sorry you were lied to. there are things you can do to help. you took THREE SHOTS? go to your dr and have some tests run. have them check your CRP. do Ddimer. look at WBC count. platelets. its actually more risky to have the shot if you had covid than if you did not.

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Disappointed there was no discussion about the medium to longer term effects on overall health after the vaccines. Unfortunately the sole focus was the "antibody" levels re: COVID. Where is the discussion about the effects of the never used before mRNA delivery system?, where is the discussion about the chronic impact of spike protein creation (which NEVER stops) off site (ie away from deltoid) etc. Why only the concern with if the "vaccine" immunity lasts 6 mis or 9 months? What about the chronic illnesses that are coming up (Cognitive decline, neurological impact-- ) in recent studies ?

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sorry to spam respond but i wanted to answer to your last sentence: yes exactly. cancers. lupus returning, lyme disease returning, various in remission diseases returning. its insane. neurodegerative is massive. they are coming fast and furious. how will the med system handle this? today i saw in Ontario in Toronto a young 14 yr old boy went to dr bc has heart inflammation. dr saying myocarditis but says we see about 4 of these a day now but you have to go to a specialist to have it confirmed and that appointment is out about EIGHT MONTHS. what in the actual F.

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absolutely and add to that the so called six months is a study Pfizer did themselves however new studies are out that conclude possibly 2 months. TWO MONTHS> go to dr kulvinder kaur twitter (canadian ER dr) and see the studies she has. i can link here too. maybe it wasnt her. i have to go check where i saw it. oh yes now i remember...it was yeadon on telegram. he posted it. its completely NONSENSE.

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Thanks for info. Going to a different Dr (hematologist) in Nov. What is CRP? I'll ask for the other tests too. I really appreciate your info!

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CRP is c reactive protein. it is a measure of inflammation in the body. the Ddimer tests for recent clots. i am sorry you have other health issues and someone told you to do this. they are entirely non liable and thus assume no risk and do not care about facts. there are now about 261 KNOWN medications that are contraindicated with the shots. but no drs 1. know this and 2. would check or 3. care. this is the opposite of they Hippocratic oath they took that says first do no harm. i am sure no one told you that outside of being over age 80 and have major health complications the number one indicator of how you would fare with covid was.... vit D status. i bet no dr told you this. i had 2 family members now die of clots out of the blue. and both of their drs said it had nothing to do with the shots. so did my neighbors BILs dr. he died of pathogenic priming and they said it was from a random virus. so random in fact they could not name it. so random in fact no one else in his community or family got it. so random in fact he was out biking a 50km bike ride the day before and ended up intibated the next day with failing organs. this is next level CRAZY. how does a healthy 42 yr old who has ZERO comorbidities just have a random unknown virus literally shut down his organs and kill him? there is only one answer and to this day his family refuses to acknowledge it. and these people will genetically experiment on his children. this is something my mind cannot understand. i cannot understand how people are unlearnable. huge admiration for someone like you, who can, even after taking something, learn the risks and start to understand they may have been lied to. that is a hard place to be. but understand you are NOT alone.

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Thanks! But my Dr is the one who told me to booster shot.

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Get a new doctor. I know doctors not taking the shots, myself included. Doctors are no different to others. They are either fearful of losing their careers (which is understandable), or they are living in la-la land, totally oblivious to the potential harm of these injections.

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I’m a physician and nothing will compel me to be vaccinated with this crap.

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True, my infectious disease doc and my PA for integrative medicine will not get the vaccine.

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yes i know many amazing drs who are aware. also being careful but aware. and others here in canada, actual heros, being threatened by the CSPO. sadly. for saving human lives.

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i am sure he did. many do. most do.

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You are so right! All my docs push it. I fight back! Or lie. I also read that insurance companies are refusing to pay for ddimmer and even vit d panels. Gross negligence all around. Borders on evil.

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you can still request bloodwork!!!

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You’re lucky that you didn’t get additional clots from the shots. I personally would take a break from future ones. And work on cleaning that shit from your body. Check out Dmitry Kats protocols with Niacin and aspirin and melatonin.

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this is the scientific discussion about suramin.

"SURAMIN, THE FRUIT OF EARLY MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY: Suramin is a derivative of the oils in White Pine needles."Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved in DNA and RNA synthesis and modification: DNA polymerases (103, 104), RNA polymerases (103, 105, 106), reverse transcriptase (18, 103), telomerase (67), and enzymes involved in winding/ unwinding of DNA (107, 108) are inhibited by suramin, as well as histone- and chromatin - modifying enzymes like chromobox proteins (109), methyltransferases (110), and sirtuin histone deacetylases (111).

"The whole herbal source (white pine needles) is superior to the single compound drug (Suramin) – because the needles possess a full complement of phytonutrients providing numerous additional benefits that the drug is incapable of."

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The humble 🌼Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) rises to stardom again in 2021 as a mrna spike protein interrupter. BOOM. ~Just like White Pine Needle ~


Dandelion Leaf is Found to Have Profound Beneficial Effects of:

-Inhibition of spike-cell surface binding

-Effects of different mutations on cell-spike binding

-Potent inhibition of spike-ACE2 binding, confirmed by inhibition of ACE2-cell surface binding in two different human cell lines.

source: https://bit.ly/3xanF53

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- https://go.nature.com/2QsxvPM - "Suramin blocks viral replication in Vero E6 cells, although the reasons underlying this effect are likely various. Our results provide a structural mechanism for a nonnucleotide inhibitor of the SARS-CoV-2 RdRp."

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Thanks for all the info Erika. Just wondering what you may know about breakthrough infections after vaccination... Are these like natural infections which confer natural immunity despite the vax? Lots of infections post vaccine happening around where I live and I am wondering what kind of immunity these people may have?....

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I hadn't seen anything by by Trozzi - thanks for sharing. Again, he speaks good old-fashioned common sense, something which seems to have disappeared in these strange times...

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so i am not an expert at all but i do read a lot every day. i have followed the data story and statistical analysis since day one. what i believe, and again this is just my opinion...is that as Geert Vander Boeasch said over a year ago would happen....the vaccine (not a vaccine) will drive mutations and cases and deaths. we are seeing this across the globe now. yes that is the case everywhere....as you are seeing, post vaccine cases and deaths. dr mark trozzi has a new interview out regarding all of this. let me post it here for you. he is the Sunnybrook Er Dr in toronto ontario. also if you go to Ontario Dr on twitter you can see the video made showing vaccinations and cases skyrocketing in every country subsequently.

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Thanks Erika. I do a lot of reading from different sources too. I have read quite a lot of GVB (including his 'Final Post') and have to admit that I find his view been that we are all doomed a bit too depressing for my liking. I think he surmises that the vaxed will drive mutations which not only evade vaccines, but will also undermine natural immunity in the end... It may be based on pure science, but I wonder if it is based on pure Nature?

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Wondering where you lived or if you traveled frequently during 1/2020? It only makes sense that the virus was already here at the beginning of 2020. There were no restrictions on travel to/from China before the end of February. I have an acquaintance whose 30 y.o. son died at the end of January 2020 from the flu/pneumonia. He lived in CA. He wasn’t overweight, but doctors were questioning whether he was diabetic. Unknown at the time, but diabetes placed him at high risk. I believe it was most likely Covid and not flu.

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I live in San Antonio and had not traveled at the time. But at the end of Dec I ran several errands in a part of town near Randolph AFB. That's where I think I might have caught it. I'm not diabetic. I know of a youngish family in NJ who probably all had it in Dec 2019. They were all sick for about 2 weeks but tested negative for flu. They live next door to a man who traveled regularly to Wuhan.

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Alex Berenson: 1) spoke informatively onnRogan w/o notes for 3.5 hrs 2) wrote Pandemia w/800 footnotes 3) wrote 4 informative booklets 4) wrote a data laden tweeter feed 5) offers data laden ahead of the curve substack

He’s the major voice of reason & I’m forever grateful. #AlexiBrandonson🕵️‍♂️

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Can't wait to see the internet implode from this interview

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Great interview, one frustrating moment for me was Joe's 'I am left wing because I am pro-choice moment'. I am Christian social conservative but would much rather be in a 'wing' with Joe than in some 'right wing' with the corporate political class who pretend to think like me to get my vote. We need a new wing comprised of people willing to have good faith conversations on the issues that matter and genuinely more concerned with human flourishing than with consolidating political power. People desirous of living in peace with, and even being friends with, those with whom they disagree.

If anything good comes out of this moment I hope it is some new coalition of people who are willing to stop giving power to the cynical people who use the left/right divide to their own advantage.

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agree! was disappointed he referred to a human lifes worth to its size. would love to have a civil debate on that. i was banned from twitter for a pro life comment. never got 5 warnings.

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Wow! Banned for a pro life comment? I’ve never been on Twatter thank god. But that is astounding and sickening.

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Would rather abort these unwanted babies than have more thugs running around the streets

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Alex should stop worrying about getting kicked off Twitter, this comment seems to indicate his Substack is becoming Twitter.

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Sorry snowflake. Don’t want anymore thugs out there.

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Check out "The Hill Rising" and "Breaking Points" on youtube for an unbiased and non-beholden to corporate interests news feed that I think will help to keep you informed. Breaking Points is run by Saager Enjeti and Krystal Ball who you hear Joe mention often including in this Alex Berenson Podcast. As far as a 3rd way party goes I'm hoping Matthew McConaughey and Andrew Yang to do just that. Don't laugh re McConaughey, he has a truly profound understanding of what ails the western world right now.

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Rogan may be the most influential interviewer at this moment. His format and his interviewing style allows his guest to get their point across and his questions are reflective and never condescending. Hats off to the man.

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I love Rogan, but Tucker Carlson takes the cake. I suggest you watch his interviews at Fox Nation. That's where I heard about Alex, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kory, Dr. Noorchasm etc. Both are doing great work.

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I agree that Tucker Carlson is excellent at what he does and my views align more with his rather than not. What I find excellent about Joe Rogan, is his podcast format where conversations last 3 plus hours, allows the guests lto elaborate to a much greater degree than possible on a cable show where interviews end up being a summary of talking points. It’s not a knock on Tucker Carlson, only a critique of traditional shows like his that are limited to the airtime they can squeeze in an hour minus commercial breaks. None of those shows have the luxury of time like Joe Rogan’s podcast. It’s a new format and one that he has become a master of in its effectiveness.

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No. I agree. Tucker has a new show called "Tucker Carlson Today" where he interviews one person for an hour with no commercials. That's where he interviewed all those people I mentioned. It's in the app Fox Nation though. You gotta pay 7 bucks a month unless you are a veteran.

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Got it. I wasn’t aware of that show which is why I hadn’t seen it. $7 a month sounds like a good deal for one hour uninterrupted with Tucker Carlson. Thanks for the tip.

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i remember hearing rogan and dr rohnda patrick and i was like WHAT IS SHE SAYING? she kept saying it was a safe vaccine. i was most confused. i literally was perplexed. i am just a mother of 4. even i knew basic facts she had zero clue about. as someone who used to love to listen to her work on heat and cold shock therapies (as a Finn we love our saunas) i was just dumb founded. and i have to say disgusted.

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Patrick is a bloviating talking head.

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It's taking a while for the facts about the vaxx to be heard and understood by reasonable people - Alex B is helping get the truth out!

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yes. too many middle ground, there are grey areas types. in my mind zero grey areas. none. its toxic. its poison. here in ontario canada we have about 22000 hsptl beds and up to 33 000 if you include our physio beds available and mental health. the other day in our province we had a total of 222 beds used up that were covid RELATED. that is ONE PERCENT OF TOTAL BEDS. how are we even having a conversation about that which is not a crisis EXCEPT for the one we are creating by vaccines (gene therapy injections not vaccines). why did the UK have a jump in all cause mortality. our province did too. i believe it was 10% here and closer to 24% in UK and we started jabbing later. its an obvious data story at this point. except our north korea style media here in canada doesnt report any of it. its like "get the kids jabbed bc they will end up dead" and then not ONE child has died of it here in 20 months. ok one did 2 wks ago apparently , also very questionable situation. but you get the point. its pure nonsense theater in canada but its about to get real. real health crisis is now looming as people are loaded with poison.

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Exactly Erika! I am in Toronto and a medical professional and can attest to your numbers. The other VERY misleading stat they love to trot out is WOW ICU is overwhelmed. First most hospitals here have 5-8 beds in ICU at any one time. A big festival or rowdy sporting event (or a full moon) can fill them up pretty quickly.

The health crisis to come in the next 5 years as the gene therapy weakens both immune and particularly vascular systems will be breathtaking. That is what is going to cull the herd-- though Joe and Alex think that is conspiratorial 🙄 and make Pharma a long standing rent.

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its rather hard to view it as a conspiracy when you see that they wont allow any life saving therapeutics and its entirely zero secret what the shots do. i mean, how could you think much else? its absolutely clear they do not want lives saved. its absolutely clear they will not under any circumstances allow D, ivermecton, zinc....any of it used. if you do, CSPO is after you. you will get shut down. cancelled. its mind blowing. i have watched people like dr richard schabas from the beginning. i have paid close attention to the D story and i know a lot of medical professoinals especially in ontario and canada started realizing how off things were when they would not even allow D to be discussed. i mean, you have to be brain dead to not look at the seasonality and cyclicality of these resp viruses. its not that they go away in the summer, its that we become more immune to them bc of our D status (for the most part). but i know Dr. phillips is in trouble for even discussing it. i know Dr. Kulvinder and Dr. Ash Kaur are vocal about it. i know Dr Mike Hart brings it up all the time. and then our public health had the audacity to pretend covid is racist when the truth is that the darker your skin is, the more melanin you have thus the higher your requirements for optimal D status are. in fact, they would be the ones at fault for denying this truth. for burying it. for not allowing lives to be saved. that would have been a cheap and basic step one. but none of this is actually about health. and you and i know it. bc if you pay close attention you see that. it isnt just about greed. there are so many other things attached to this very evil agenda. i lost a cousin during covid due to an OD. i lost our best employees father to a suicide bc he was undergoing chemo and not allowed to have his wife with him. i lost an aunt and an uncle a month ago due to blood clots. this is insane. with 4 kids of my own, with our own businesses, we fight hard but its a very bleak outlook in ontario bc we seem to have a very illogical and unthinking populace sadly. they literally think its fun to say things like...go take a horse pill. i remember early on when one my drs in the US was threatened by the FDA bc they were putting on their emails how they were treating patients. they had a blog going. they were nebulizing hydrogen peroxide (dr bronstein and dr Ng, Detroit). they were literally threatened bc while detroit was being overwhelmed and ppl were dying at the height of it, these drs. saved hundreds and they literally were threatened for doing so!!!!!!!!!

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I'm familiar with what you mention, a bunch of it, since i'm on twitter following the same folks (philips, kulvinder etc). Thanks for taking the time to type that out.. some of it i didn't know yet, so thanks.

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Glad to to know you are also in the Socialist stronghold of Toronto, thanks for your information/testimony.

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North Korea style media!?! I would say US MSM is THE WORST!

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yes in canada we have CBC news. its literally like your CNN garbage but actually directly funded by the taxpayers to be weaponized against us. its the most insane garbage and non scientific emotional nonsense you ever heard. like CNN. lol

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National stations like NPR and PBS suck too. In fact, even tv shows here take a woke stance. I can’t stand it. I seriously only watch Tucker and Gutfeld on Fox.

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oh yes even netflix is all woke.

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Sharing on all my social media. I say “Joe Rogan and Alex B” since your name is censored on Twitter

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Great interview. The illinois firefighters have their own website up for info regarding their lawsuit. Thanks for supporting us. Illinoisfirefightersagainstmandates.com

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If Rogan can have Alex Jones on, he's passed the Muster for everyone else.😊

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Alex, I started to watch a video of you speaking at Hillsdale College, and it was removed by YouTube while watching. Are you aware?

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Thanks. They must have reset the link!

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In my home state! They are my favorite donation recipient. I’d love to watch that. I wonder where else it is?

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I don't know if Hillsdale is on the other options, but look on Rumble.com and on Odysee.com for their content.

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Alex - please listen and list any topics/issues you notice the Spotify censors decided they had to cut out of the episode - if applicable.

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So excited to listen to this

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There have been 64 ivermectin trials to date. They overwhelmingly suggest ivermectin is highly effective at treating covid. Is this guy just not aware of this fact?

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Listening now, well done Alex - please keep fighting the good fight. We're all behind you, thanks so much for your courage and honesty.

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Well, considering that Rogan helped kick off this whole shitstorm by giving Michael Osterholm a platform to spew his fear mongering nonsense, it's only right that he has Alex on to help shut this bullshit down.

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That was one of the first Joe Rogan videos/podcast I watched. Guy scared the shit out of me. Over time I realized he was way out over his skis and obviously had some agenda. He made Fauci look optimistic.

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Wonder how much he is getting from an "NGO" ie Pharma.

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The Osterholm interview was way early on, if I remember correctly. At the beginning, it was entirely rational to expect the worst and respond accordingly. But intelligent people update their views as more data comes in. Unfortunately, there aren't enough such people around these days, especially when it comes to the people making COVID policy. They've developed vested interests in an early 2020 view of COVID dangers, and they are unable and unwilling to conform their views to the evidence.

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At this point, I don't know what I'd do without you, Rogan, Peterson and Harris. Dream team.

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Harris is nuts these days

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When Harris compared having Brett Weinstein on to having 9/11 "truthers," I lost respect and unsubscribed. That was so stupid and intellectually dishonest that I had to drop him. Idiotic and cowardly. He also get pretty sanctimonious at times and I'm tired of that act.

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I stopped following Harris early during COVID. Really lost all my (immense) respect for him.

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Yeah he really spun out. For such an advocate of rationalism, he sure can't seem to think clearly about it.

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Yes, I've also lost faith in Mr. Harris, after having been a big fan for a number of years. He is too afraid of drifting too far from the mainstream line, having failed to realize how far the mainstream line has drifted into madness.

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I have lost a considerable amount of respect for Berenson. (Can’t say that about Rogan without really knowing him.) They talk about the heartbeat Bill in Texas and it is appalling. They are clearly NOT pro-life, which is pretty astounding considering one of them has a podcast entitled Unreported Truths. Maybe Berenson needs to look into all the unreported truths in the abortion industry. He talks about the child as “only being the size of a grain of rice”. Who gives a crap what the size is? HE was that size at one time too. Arrogant!!! I am steaming mad. Can’t we find anyone in the room that will be chivalrous, PROTECTIVE, warm, loving, and accountable? How do you miss this word --- HEARTBEAT!

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Dude stay on topic, this podcast wasn't about abortion.

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No kidding. So why mention abortion in the podcast? You should listen.

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Hard to get angry at the lab in Wuhan when it was our people at the NIH and NAIAD who paid for and directed the gain of function work.

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Sure Alex is all over it, but Robert Malone tweeted a link to this today... When the totals are finally in, this is every country. https://medicaltrend.org/2021/10/10/taiwan-death-from-covid-19-vaccination-exceeds-death-from-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0vYeqXFCsY6kJ0e-3CeaH9thqlSLgTc4AQY93jvNRNZpZZSHz2_XZzz0o

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Alex thanks for all you do. Within 5 hours of becoming a member of your substack, my youtube account was shut down, which BTW had nothing by privately listed dog training videos that hadn't been updated since 2020- wtaf? And I *thought* I saw this headline in my inbox today, and then it mysteriously disappeared. Censorship is alive and real.

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Get on Rumble!

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That's psycho. I'm sorry.

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I've noticed that my Yahoo email (yes, I still have it 25 years later) will freeze after I've opened two or three notifications from this site. It's like they are throttling my account. So scary.

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ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!! I have been like a kid at Christmas since last Monday.

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If anyone wants the link to the UK stats here ya go. I've been bashed for these on FB and message boards for weeks. Glad to see I was right! https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-surveillance-reports

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You're a Pitbull whose teeth are latched onto the information and facts. It's no surprise to see Dr. Sanjay want to counter your points, which was a huge fail. The preparedness you arrive with is impossible to dispute. When the "Dr." couldn't counter the facts presented, he simply slouched and said "I just don't want to get this disease Joe". Conclusion.....his own personal "fear" is why we should force shots on healthy children. This is a must see interview. I can't say thank you enough Alex.

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The show was great.. though I will say I have to strongly disagree with you on something though.

- The Texas abortion law is fantastic! It's protecting a life, period, end of story. At six weeks you can listen to its heartbeat, and it can feel pain.. its alive! Someone has to stand up for these babies.

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All doctors willing to stand up for the Hippocratic Oath. All lawyers working toward lawsuits of Crimes against Humanity. And now all willing to stand up against vaccine mandates.

Thank you to all who are willing to speak up!

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%70 of all covid deaths in the UK are fully vaccinated people.

The medias response?

F The Facts, Get Vaxxed!

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We all know why.

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Joe is a real one

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Why are you saying Ivermectin does not work is not true! Me and my wife, were cured with Ivermectin and Doxycycline! Please stop spreading misinformation. I suggest you find the Interview with Dr. Tess Laurie! Very disappointed in you!

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Really surprised Alex was invited back. It seemed like joe thought Alex’s arguments were too extreme/bizarre from the last conversation. Looking forward to listening and seeing what % will be on vaccines/mandates and what % on social media censorship and what joe thinks about both.

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That was the one from like June or July of 2020, correct. That was like the first Rogan podcast I ever listened to, and am now a follower.

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The story appears to be true: A Delta Airlines pilot died, in flight, after receiving the vaccine.

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It's seeming more and more to me like the unhealthy are killed by Covid and the healthy are killed by the vax.

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Definitely Seems Planned That way....The NWO thought this out for sure !

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A friend of mine in the industry said they are trying to suppress the story.

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Delta Airlines pilot died, in flight, after receiving 2nd jab...

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This is the first in air which is a blessing the copilot could get the plane down … it’s going to get worse if we don’t stand up and fight for our pilots and crew to be healthy. I’ve already posted about the several pilots who have died and airlines and the media are not reporting it at all ! Now , they have too , think of the lawsuits?

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I saw you at Hillsdale College on YouTube last night, too!

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Alex, your conversation with Joe Rogan was more informative and convincing regarding Covid-19 data than Sanjay Gupta's.

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