Joe Rogan, Alex Berenson, Dr. Malone, Bret Weinstein, etc. KEEP IT UP guys and stay strong!

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Don't forget Dr. Pierre Kory & the others at the FLCCC & Dr. Peter McCullough. Many voices of reason in a sea of idiots.

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How is Geert Vanden Bossche being forgotten here 😵

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Not by me. He was the 1st to raise the red flag.

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In one way yes, but Dr. Kary Mullis was technically truly the first since he invented the RT-PCR technique/process (his own words) and NEVER called it a test.

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He said you could find "anything in anything" in a zen kind of way if you ran enough cycles.

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Yes, I remember this as well.

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The first person/group I recall speaking out about the potential danger of ADE and publicly saying they do not recommend these vaccines is Dr. Simone Gold and America's Frontline Doctors. I believe they came out with a paper back in December/January. I know this is another group that Alex seems to have a strange vitriol towards. The fact is history will see Dr. Gold and her colleagues as heroes. They sacrificed their careers and reputations to save patients by advocating for early treatment and fighting medical tyranny. Along with Dr. Peter McCullough, they were among the first.

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Alex retains many of his inherent liberal bias as a result of his background. Hard to shed these things. In the main I agree with him, remember he struggled (and still does according to this interview) with the possibility that ivermectin was efficacious . So, I cheer what I like and discount what I don't. And I knew of him as a very good writer of the John Wells series long before this. The Power Couple his most recent novel was great.

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See also Luc Montagnier.

btw; ... terrific interview Alex ... please keep fighting

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yes HE WAS!

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True. And so smeared :(

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Or Dr. Tess Lawrie

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His interview with Dr. Philip McMillan (UK) on youtube opened my eyes.

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That is a must watch one.

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Geert predicted Israel in March.

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Is there a paper discussing hospitalizations of the vaccinated in Israel. I’m having a Twitter war with doofus vaccine pimp @TheWouston. He’s from Seattle. ‘Nuff said.

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The Vaxx is a state-sponsored religion.

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So far his message has been right. Hate putting people on pedestals, but he seems genuine.

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Love them all

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Dr. Simone Gold had a video early on warning of vaccine dangers and other Covid nonsense.

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See also JJ Couey at Gigaohm Biological for great content on the "Virus"

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He is great, he is killing it! He is in twitch gigaohmbiological is called. Best. Biology. Stream. Right. Now.

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...and Dr. Simone Gold.

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Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Rand Paul.

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Also Dr. Ryan Cole. I love him, he makes so much sense.

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For me it's a sea of Devil controlled zombies.

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Also, Caroline Glick, Sharyl Attkisson, Matt Taibbi, Emerald Robinson, Glenn Greenwald. All REAL journalists.

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Dr. Tess Lawrie s well.

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Vladimir Zelenko. His protocol and videos got me thru early Covid when I didn’t know where to turn. My husband and I are still on it and have not gotten sick yet! Knock on wood! And we have been all over, all the time! No fear and no staying in the basement like FUBrandon!

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Alex needs to interview Zelenko, that would be the best!

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He won't. Joe can only risk so much truth.

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Artemisinin (wormwood) is the leaked CCP official cure to both Sars Cov-2 & the vaxx spikes. 99% effective, & only for short-term use.

Studies: Zhou, Y., Gilmore, K., Ramirez, S. et al. In vitro efficacy of artemisinin-based treatments against SARS-CoV-2. Sci Rep 11, 14571 (2021).

Uckun, F., Saund, S., Windlass, H, et al. Repurposing Anti-Malaria Phytomedicine Artemisinin as a ((ov1d-19 Drug. Front. Pharmacol., 19 March 2021.

Krishna, S, et al. "Artemisinins: their growing importance in medicine." Trends in pharmacological sciences vol. 29,10 (2008): 520-7.

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I’ve just gone out to my herb garden to check: I have wormwood growing well! Going to research how to take it … thanks so much for tip

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Awesome! Just to clarify artemisinin is a compound - like IVM it won the 2015 Nobel prize. Whether it’s wormwood or artemisinin, it’s only intended for short-term use. Thujones in wormwood (higher in the alcoholic preparations) are toxic & there are contraindications. This digestive supplement has both wormwood & artemisinin if anyone is interested: https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/shop/supplements/yeast-and-parasites/intestinal-defense/?utm_source=ac&utm_medium=HMGlutenology&utm_content=ivermectin&utm_campaign=HMGlutenologyWarmup

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Thank you so much

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If you have ivermectin should you still use the wormwood? Can they be used together or not necessary?

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I ordered the tea months ago. Used that with my family when we had covid with all the other things!

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Me and my husband too! Weddings, lots of flying all over, parties, restaurants. So far so good. Meanwhile a dozen of my vexed friends have gotten C. Let's Go Brandon!

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Are you taking HCL Prophylactically? or does he have another prevention protocol?

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I take Quercetin everyday instead. He recommends that too. I do have HCQ but I’m saving it for when, or if, I get it. I also have IVM in my stash!

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Haha. I take Zinc, Quercetin, Vit D3 & Vit C every day and IVM 2x / week. Have HCL ready to go as well!

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Walking into WalMart yesterday, they had an entire endcap of Quercetin, Zinc, Vit D3, Vit C, Niacin, Melatonin .

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Hi, can I ask where you got the IVM? Having a terrible time getting a doctor to Rx it.

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Consider some doxycycline, too, as an antibiotic is part of the Zelenko protocol. Also, look at this study, which uses a system virtually identical to what has crushed the vid in India.


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My doc won’t prescribe it if I’m not sick. I asked her to advance it too me but she said...we don’t do that. I definitely need a new doc! I’m in Communist Michigan so docs here are following the party line. I guess I have to telemedicine outside the state. I do have brohexmine which is used in other countries as a replacement.

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Or Azithromycin. It is in a Z-pak. When I had Covid, I took this p,us ivermectin. Recovered in 4 days.

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did your doctor prescribe the IVM for you ? My doc won't prescribe t for me

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You can get it easily from https://myfreedoctor.com - they will give you prescriptions. Dr. Ben Marble has a team of doctors helping out folks. You can also obtain a medical exemption from them for jobs trying to push the jabs.

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I did - not without a fight and a lot of back and forth though. The local prescription is very expensive so I found another source - River Pharmaceutical out of Canada. Ordered IVM, Azithromycin, Doxycycline, and fluvoximine all without a prescription. Filled from India and takes about a month but just received them all today with no problem through US Mail. Have to pay via bank ACH but worth it.


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I used buyivermectin24.com and got it from India. It took 3 weeks but it is legit.

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Go through the Medici app. I got prescriptions of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and inhaler. CVS filled, no problem.

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Unfortunately, some docs on there are charging a lot so you have to ask first about price.

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Don't forget Tucker Carlson. It was through him that I heard about Alex, Dr. Weinstein, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kory and Dr. Noorchashm. He has really used his platform to give a voice to the censored.

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I second that. I first saw Alex on one of his segments.

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Plus -- Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate, Ben Norton, Matt Taibbi, Jimmy Dore, Richard Medhurst, several

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No Agenda Show!

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Don't forget JC on a bike, this is the best biology course on the subject right now https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1166770916?t=01h05m43s

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And blood specialist Paul Ryan

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Hell yeah! Joe Rogan is turning out to be a critical voice in defending our freedom. He has a huge platform and is known for his honesty. He is fearless and thank god he hasn’t folded under the pressure from the Twitter mob

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....and that Spotify hasn't reneged on their agreement and eliminated his channel

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No doubt. He must have a bulletproof contract. He repeatedly said he will have control over all his content. I was a little concerned when Demi Lovato was guest…

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....and ....btw ......Let's go Brandon!

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I’ve been waiting for that to happen. I hope he has his archive saved and he can take it with him if he has to leave unexpectedly because of the bs woke crowd.

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Yeah not so much in love with his liberalism even though I do agree with some of it he does kind of ride the fence but absolutely he’s an important voice

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I think he's way more freedom loving than he realizes.

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Posting episode to Twitter now

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Let's go Brandon!

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But F Joe Biden!

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Oct 12, 2021
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I’m old!

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Maybe some NBC viewers may not know that! Lol

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I've been taking the horse dewormer for 6 months now. I have now won the Queens Plate and the Preakness! It works!

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Funniest comment I've read all day. Thanks, I needed that.

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That’s a classic!

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Thanks I needed that!

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Hey Alex .... here you go buddy ...

Ivermectin treatment for Covid is now supported by 113 studies, 73 of which have been peer reviewed. This includes 63 controlled trials with a total of 26,398 patients, and 31 Randomized Controlled Trials. Here is a direct link to 51 of them




































https://rupress.org/jgp/article/123/3/281/33850/Mechanism-of-Ivermectin-Facilitation-of-Human -P2X4

















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And the Covid Vaccines only needed one tiny itsy bitsy study each for EUA...Give Me A Break !!

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Thanks-- I shuddered when Alex said no trials for Ivermectin. Perhaps what he meant is no US trials-- cause of course ONLY US trials count right? 🙄

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Me too. I only took issue with this statement and the one about statins being safe.

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I hope Alex looks at your message as this is good.

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The first one seems to have been retracted.

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Excellent. Thanks for the consolidation.

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I don’t normally comment but I have to take issue with your comments on Rogans podcast regarding Ivermectin. I suggest you check out the FLCCC.net and look at the 62 studies and over two dozen RCT’s showing scientific benefit as well as a half a dozen meta analysis studies.

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I dos think Alex is not quite weened off the Kool-Aid, But he's Trying.

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Listening as I pack up my house. Finally put it on the market to get out of California. I know, off topic but I'm just so happy.

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Hope to follow in your footsteps soon Sasha! Happy for you!

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Thank you, hope you get to soon!

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Good for you! Take care.

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Thank you!

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Where to?

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Back to my husbands home state of Texas. We were just here for his job.

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Good choice. My residence of record is one of the western suburbs of Philadelphia but I have been in Houston, the town where I grew up, since November of '19 for family reasons. It is very interesting to contrast the fear level and lifestyle of my friends in Pennsylvania with my day to day existence in Houston.

Here in Texas life is pretty much back to normal; on the other hand, it sounds like my friends in Philadelphia are still hunkered down like Londoners during the blitz. I am sure California is even worse. You will be happier in Texas.

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Oh yes, night and day between there and California. We own a home in college station and I took my boys there for a month to give them a bit of a normal life. It was heart breaking to come back, like going back to prison after being on probation. We're a very active family, my kids had a lot of clubs and functions to always go to and barely anything has returned to normal here. It's pathetic. It's a state for the very rich and the retired. Not middle class families.

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At the 40 minute mark they hit the nail on the head.....if you beleive in the vaccine you will never admit you were wrong. They want everyone to do as the did. Its become a religion for them

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"Covidianity" ? The religion of Scientism.

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Branch Covidians

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Brandon Covidians?

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I call them vaccine pimps.

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heh.... i presume branch because there are other branches?

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Takeoff of that crazy cult...the Branch Davidians.

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Ok thank you...

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In Germany we call these people Coronas Witnesses (like Jehovas Witnesses)

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Literally … was just looking a couple hours ago and was bummed it was not there yet. Thank you Alex!!! (I like this sub stack thing.)

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Going to listen to it tonite on the back porch with alot of bourbon....

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I'm with you in spirit!

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Maybe a cigar too!

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Oh the sounds fantastic! But it's Sober October for me so...

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I always do Dry January but didn’t know about Sober October. Oh well, too late now lol.

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I'll listen with some Scotch flowing.

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Great interview but I was shocked by what you said about ivermectin not being proven. Have you seen all of this? Would love a response! https://ivmmeta.com/

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Bret Weinstein had a great podcast where he went over how the FDA does massive trials to make it look like things don't work, it was really eye opening.

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