I decided to copy and paste my comment from yesterday. Yes. Fauci bad. Does anyone seriously believe he was the power behind what happened? Once Trump declared the emergency in March 2020, the NSC was in control of the "covid response". Do you really think the insanity of the past four and half years can be explained by incompetence, greed, avarice, and CYA? It was global. I don't know if we'll ever know the full details, but we cannot defeat an enemy we refuse to name. Fauci was a bit player. Yes, the human cockroach had too much power and influence, but he was not the mastermind or the man behind the curtain. Wake up.


Alex, I encourage to read the work of Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, and Debbie Lerman. Yes, Fauci is a bad man. Yes, he and his cronies were trying to cover their tracks...so they wouldn't be blamed...so the gravy train continued...so they could continue their frankenvirus "research".

But they were not in control.

Once Trump signed the emergency declaration in March 2020, the NSC (the military and IC spooks and advisors to POTUS) was in control. If the response didn't make sense and conflicted with recommendations on the NIH, NIAID, and WHO webpages...it's because they didn't make sense. The response had nothing to do with concern for public health or safety. It was about control and corralling the people of the world into a pen to take the magic mRNA injections.

Remember Schwab and Gates telling the idiots on the MSM that no one is safe until everyone has been injected? Seriously, why does their opinion matter at all?

Did you hear Tedros Ghebreyesus say the other day that they (the WHO, etc.) must crack down on the "anti-vaxxers" after they ditched all their rules and norms and updated their IHR?

This was a global operation.

It was run by our military in the US.

They aren't stopping.

Frankly, I think Rand Paul's committee meeting was a dog and pony show...a distraction.

No one. Not one of our alleged elected leaders asked who or what was running the show.

We cannot defeat an enemy we will not name.

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So needed to be said...again! So many are myopic in perspective for sure! All which occurred and continues to occur was deliberate and intentional and just "allowed" to play out. If you are still the type of person who falls for the perpetual verbal scolding the likes of Paul gives Fauci in these congressional hearings....you are not seeing the larger context. Notice how NONE of these hearings remotely lead to any sort of accountability. It's all simply allowed to continue by those who control the bought an paid for swamp. Zero accountability anywhere to be seen and it's mid 2024. The redundancy is deafening...

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I agree that the main objective of covid was to get everyone in the world to take the experimental shot. When people in the US balked, Biden mandated they take the shot. No exemptions were granted. Take the shot or lose your job. Religious appeals were denied. People still refused so then Biden and his media began the villainization of those who said no. Other countries like Canada and Australia went crazy with their controls. We need to know who and why.

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someone really wanted a large MRNA trial pool including babies, pregnant females, children, teens, etc. And that person or persons has a lot of money. There is something desirable about the use of MRNA technology to someone and I do not think it is simply because its a cheaper way to make vaccines or that it was meant to prevent illness due to Covid 19.

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mRNA injections are not vaccines.

The mRNA injections never stopped infection or transmission, so they were treatments at best.

Who, What, Why?

Yes. Fauci is a human cockroach.

He has and had too much influence.

But he was not in control.

We need to know who was.

We need to know why our so-called elected reps will not ask the tough questions.

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I'd vote for Rand Paul in a heartbeat. Thanks Alex

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Yes--I would love to see him run for the executive branch. Or be in charge of the NIAH.

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Why are classified documents that have been hidden away for decades still unavailable to Congress?

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Just like the Kennedy Assassination docs. Proof the Deep State is running the country!

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The 3 letter agencies don't want to be exposed for their corruptness.

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Some of these? FDA..Federal Deception Commission (Mandate the vaccine. Early treatment with hydroxychloroquine or IVM doesn't work. Infants need the vaccine to protect them from Covid). CDC...Central Denier Commission (No Myocardititis with Vaccine. VAERS not reliable. Natural Immunity doesn't work ). NIH...National Institute of Hoaxes (Covid came from nature not Gain of Function research at the Wuhan lab that the NIH didn't fund. Masks really work so wear three of them). I am sure there are more.

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WHO - Weaponized Health Orders

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I especially like, Central Denier Commission and National Institute of Hoaxes.

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I love this comment. Too bad I only can give it one like. I wish I could give it 1000 likes.

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You know why Louise...it's the swamp. It's what our servants do is be vague and non transparent and we get to pay them to do so.

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I completely agree with most of what Rand Paul said, except the last part. If he thinks China having business in the U.S. is going to stop from having a war with them, then he never read the Chinese book The Art of War, which President Zhi follows. There is no win-win with that philosophy. It's win-lose, and you lie to your enemy whenever possible to gain the upper hand, which is what the CCP has been doing since Day 1 ever since they were allowed into the World Trade Organization. They only abide by agreements when it serves them and makes others believe they are playing by the rules. There are no rules with the CCP! The only thing they understand is greater strength, which is what Trump.portrayed when he was President.

And that's what they will understand when he is President again. That will.prevent war. Teddy Roosevelt's "Walk softly and carry a big stick" motto works.

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Instead of Biden's talk loudly and carry a twig.

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Loudly and Angrily before trying to sit in a chair that isn't there.

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He was having a tough time at the D-Day ceremony. His cognitive decline was onstage for the world to view.

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Embarrassing to say the least.

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Yes, agreed! There are no rules with the CCP. Read Unrestricted War or The Hundred Year Marathon.

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Both books by experts on the CCP.

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Really interesting posts! Funny how the left paints him as a wacko, extremist, who pretends to be a Dr. In reality he is an ophthalmologist- medical Dr, not an optometrist- and his comments are very measured.

Funny how the left insists on calling Jill biden dr Jill. 🤔 🤔🙄

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The Church commission, JFK assassination, 9/11, covid, and ~90% of material designated as "classified" need to be released (and not heavily redacted) because they are not a threat to our national security - only a threat to the criminals hiding the information. This is our country and they work for us... it is time they re-learn that.

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How is it possible that these agencies answer to no one? Why can't Senators on the intelligence committee get access to such info?

I like Paul, but it seems to that these Senators have allowed this to happen over time. If Church had access to these agencies 50 years ago, then our representatives should also be able to get access. Maybe they are not really trying so hard because they are afraid they will be destroyed.

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That is the crux of it all...it's just "allowed" to continue unabated with not ONE person held remotely accountable. Look what was "allowed" to be done to humanity and especially the children, and yet not ONE. Most of these individuals complicit have been given generous pay raises or promoted for what they have done, and the elf fraud Fauci is being paid a generous "we the people" funded pension. Talk about insult to injury. It's ALL just ALLOWED by our servants (taxpayer funded" in the swamp!

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My take from Senator Paul...the Federal Government is totally out of control similar to situation in New York. I refer to these governments as Big Chiquita and Little Chiquita because both have become Banana Republics.

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I wish you had discussed what consequences he would support against Fauci if he convicted of crimes against humanity in a Nuremberg type trial.

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What I find stunning is that Berenson/Paul seem to be completely unaware, or unwilling to publicly acknowledge, that 9/11 was an inside job. Why is it that so many Americans still cannot face up to that fact? If you are going to work at solving problems you have to know how big the problems really are, and how deeply they are rooted. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth sponsored a scientific paper on the collapse of Building 7 working with the University of Alaska and multiple PhD level structural engineers. It was peer reviewed by a group of different Phd level engineers. Their conclusion was that NIST's explanation for the collapse of Building 7 cannot possibly be correct, and that the collapse was actually a controlled demolition. And guess what, if Building 7 was a controlled demolition, it stands to reason that the twin towers were also brought down through controlled demolition. There is a mountain of scientific evidence that indicates this is the case. The USA needs to own this reality and start hunting down the real perps. They won't have to look very far.

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I don't know if Rand Paul is right about everything, but he's certainly asking the right questions. We need more transparency and oversight of government agencies, even the ones that we think are secretly fighting our enemies. These agencies are powerful and power corrupts.

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Rand Paul has some very good ideas but it seems he is all talk and very little meaningless actions. Not that he is any different from most politicians. He tickles our ears.

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🤔 as an unvaxed I was labeled a killer, a spreader and one who threatened the well being of others. In fact, some said I should be left to die if I became sick while the vaxed were cared for. I couldn’t even attend my grandson’s basketball game without it or go inside a restaurant.

This is a tiny foreshadowing of the “mark” that MUST be on the right hand or forehead to buy or sell. Be prepared.

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Ok Rand, can’t say I have heard the word protectionism used before. Is it an actual word? And when did it become bad to protect your family, home and way of life?

Anyway, let me know when the people that criminally let loose this whole Covid plandemic, gets arrested and charged and actually get to court. I won’t hold my breath.

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We need the Senate to be filled with people like Rand Paul.

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