
Only in america can people be so clueless not to recognize that the rest of the countries only suffered 1/5th as many of the so-called deaths!

That is the foundation all the lies are built on.

If the repubtards had a brain or cared they would've started right there and then deconstruct every lie that tentacled out of the original lie.

THEY DON'T CARE. It's up to us.

Edit: excellent interview AB and Paul is a hero.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

The media was really good at reinforcing the number of deaths from covid. Remember CNN's covid death meter? On the day of Fauci's testimony, someone posted the remarks he made about masks and social distancing on a local chat. A retired nurse replied that there were millions of people dying from covid in Italy and there were refrigerated trucks lining the streets of NYC with the overflow of dead bodies. Four years later and she's still traumatized.

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agreed. Remember when Sotomayor claimed over 100k children died from c19?

That's the true power of censorship.

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Or the true power of ignorance, because all of us knew that wasn’t factual.

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All part of the Covid Hysteria! Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn't want you to know something, it won't be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up.

George Carlin

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Definitely. That's why we're here on Substack. Independent journalists are the only ones who don't repeat talking points.

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Unable to like, so I comment: LIKE. You appear to be on to them! The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

Edward Bernays

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Pfizer and Moderna accounted for 60-70% of many TV outlet’s revenue. The media was never going to legitimately put them. Let’s. It be naive.

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The refrigerated trucks came about because the funeral directors wouldn't take the dead bodies because they couldn't bury the bodies.

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The truth makes sense however those who were scared to death by MSM will not believe it even 3 years later.

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They won't "believe" it but most don't want to "own" it anymore

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Some just can't resist telling people how awful it was for them.

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You're right

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Agree wholeheartedly. Even better than like.

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In May of 2020 I was reviewing mortalities and saw the multi system effects of this virus. Pulmonary, Cardiac, Renal, often mediated by Hematologic aberrations, i.e. thrombosis. It just looked weird to me.

I’d been caring for critically ill respiratory virus patients for 35 years and had never seen an agent have such a multi system effect on so many patients. I termed it “diabolical”. Once the cytokine storm hit you knew it was over for a lot of these people.

I asked my associates if they’d ever seen anything like this and all said they hadn’t.

Of course I noted the “coincidence” of the proximity of the Wuhan Institute and asked questions - to myself, of course - the few people I’d shared my thoughts with, those who knew me well, thought I was crazy. And also warned me to keep quiet. The winter of 2020-21 was a nightmare as I saw what this virus did writ large.

By the time the 2021 Nicholas Wade article was published I became convinced this was not natural. I had no evidence of course but it just felt that way, which is not enough.

Then I heard Dr. Steven Quay on VDH’s podcast and immediately read his book which sealed it for me. I also read Pandemia and, with what I already knew about Fauci’s response to HIV it all made more sense to me.

Finally, Matt and Michael FOIA’d the Emails and wrote about them on Racket and Public which seals the deal.

Fauci parsing the definition of GOF to Congress was the kind of stuff I would been slaughtered for on daily rounds during training - how times have changed

But at the very, very beginning I had a fully unsubstantiated sense that something wasn’t right.

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Thank you for this. When my husband had Covid, he said that every day there was a new weird symptom he had never experienced before with any viral illness. He said it was easy to believe it had been cooked up in a lab.

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I SAID THIS TOO.. that it was the perfect storm to take down the world.. you don’t know you have it until it’s too late to stop the spread… name one other virus like that???

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And it was forbidden to even suggest that the virus leaked from the WVI until left-wing funnyman John Stewart joked about it.

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So did I and my doctor. She said her BS meter was off scale.

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deletedJun 8
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My son-in-law lost his father after receiving Remdesivir. His kidneys completely shut down in 24 hours. I'm sure his death was recorded as from Covid. I do not believe the one million death number. Had repurposed drugs been allowed (particularly in prophylaxis) and ventilation/Remdesivir not routinely used, many could have lived. It is hard for me not to be bitter about this. I am a former ICU nurse. I know the scene.

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There was a reason the medical staff called it RUN DEATH IS NEAR...

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The claim of unnecessary intubation and ventilation. Does not flush. No one then or now was put on a ventilator unless they were circling the drain. Low oxygen level, high CO2, and unsustainable respiratory rate are needed. Once on a vent, daily attempts are made to get them off. What are you going to do? Wait for the cardiac arrest?

Will there be someone ready and capable of intubating the patients when they arrest?

This myth is unfounded and we should stop repeating it.

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Sorry, I disagree because I knew 3 people who were put on ventilators when they had a C02 in the 80s. They died. There were other methods of resolving low C02, but they involved actual labor. Turning the patient at frequent intervals, for example. My husband was put on a ventilator in 2013 as a result of some surgery. I looked into ventilator deaths at that point. Even before covid if you were put on a ventilator you had a 67% chance of not surviving. My husband did, but he was strong. Sadly, he died in 2017. Ventilators added insult to slight injury. As an 82 year old who did not get the shots and, lawdy, lawdy, actually survived a 6-day bout of the Omicron variety, I really am not that much of an anomaly. The old folks who died were often in nursing homes, where, much as ventilator death, the bad conditions led to more deaths "from" covid.

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I thought this was always an issue which is why I am hesitant to listen to just one group or person.. it seems to me that post ventilator there is damage from the machine ? Either way the way everyone reacted and placed blame on people like us who didn’t get the shot was despicable. Anyone over 80 was a sitting duck and yet we read stories of people over 100 years of age SURVIVING.. funny how they usually were not obese, diabetic etc..

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I am always incensed when people say the vulnerable old folks, that's me, should be the first to get the shots. I call euthanasia. The other 80+ year olds I know who are also not in nursing homes and did not get the shots are all doing well.

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There is no question that mechanical ventilation can and will damage normal lung but it still in has its place in the management of critical illness if utilized properly.

As to your assertion that frequent turning can control hypercapnia you might be thinking of the practice of proning patients, which may open small airways at the lung bases and improve the mismatch between blood going through the lung and alveoli available to oxygenate that blood. Some have tried to do studies to see if this was effective in preventing intubation in COVID but those weren’t of very good quality probably because they were observational.

If the arterial CO2 is 80 and the work of breathing is significantly elevated that patient has greater than a 67% of not surviving - they will code.

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I often have a CO2 reading of less than 90 on my at-home oximter. I'm 82. When I leave the oximeter on for a minute or so my readings go up to 96 to 98. If I'm in a doctor's office and my hands are cold (I have atrial fibrillation as a result of adriamycin administered as a chemotherapy) we sometimes have to leave the oximeter on for a couple minutes before things normalize. I hate to think of the panicky techs or whatever during the height of the covidmania giving a reading to an overwhelmed doctor, and -- you can finish the rest of my rambling here.

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Your oximeter measures O2 saturation not CO2 and a dip below 90 might not be unusual. My point was we learned to tolerate O2 saturation less than 90 before intubation but there is a certain physiological threshold where non invasive measures don’t work and intubation is needed. Someone with a CO2 of 80 would likely need intubation

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

OK. The people I know who were intubated had O2 readings of "in the 80s". That meant not 80 but 86 or around there. What instrument would you use for a CO2 reading? Something different from an oximeter that measures O2 saturation? When I had surgery the thing they attached to my finger was like an oximeter. Just curious. Always interested in more information.

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You're right. O2 not CO2.

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I'm sorry. I got myself confused. Yes, O2 not CO2. I apologize.

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Yeah, I never understood “they killed people with ventilators” unless you realize that very early on there was “advice” to intubate early as an Infection Control measure, which is insane.

One thing I saw was that fear of intubation that resulted from the early Italian work that described two different lung phenotypes - “high compliance v low compliance” - directly led to being more comfortable staying with non-invasive oxygenation longer with higher WOB and lower SPO2 thresholds. We had some people with ARDS who survived with facial pressure areas from the NIPPV masks. That lingers to this day in other forms of respiratory insufficiency. The old “Never hesitate to intubate” was moderated.

I wonder what ever happened to that Italian work?

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Good points all. Where does this unnecessary intubation theory originate?

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It is not a myth and should continue to be repeated. If you want, have a look at my comment below.

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On the one hand there is lots of press about China being America's biggest geo-poltical threat. On the other hand we are funding advanced biological research in China. This insanity leads to only one conclusion, Washington DC is probably a bigger threat to America than China.

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Yes, why doesn’t anybody ask about the nature of the collaboration?

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Unable to like on substack, forced to comment: LIKE. If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within. James Madison And then there's this: [The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions.

Henry A. Kissinger

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Or it might be to be able to blame The Chinamen and build on the Plausible Deniability Narrative. And who would suspect a "False Flag"? Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.

George Carlin

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It was known that there was a virus coming from Asia back in September 2019. A friend of mine works in hospitals in B C Canada to eradicate viruses and bacterias before they can cause problems in the hospital. So he is alerted of any worldwide health problems before most others. He was told in Sept. 2019 to watch out for two things. One was a virus from Asia and the other was an eboka outbreak in Africa which health officials eradicated before ever reaching outside of Africa. However the Asian virus was most likely Covid 19. Chinese doctors knew about the Covid spread earlier than January 2020, and some of them disappeared.

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Alex, maybe you could ask

1. the extent to which Fauci is legally protected by his affiliation with the military/3 letter agencies?

2 And many of us suspect that in some ways Fauci was the front man. Scott Atlas said that Deborah Birx played the more important inter- agency coordinating role, and directed the states to take actions contrary to Trump’s White House. To what extent has Rand Paul uncovered who in the NSA etc was giving either her or Fauci directions?

(The bureaucratic alliance between CDC, NIH, big Pharma, medical schools/ universities, and the military/CIA bio weapons obsession goes back 75 years).

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Rand Paul is absolutely wrong, and Alex is right, about escaping culpability. He's escaped everything. Fauci is the Mengele of our times, a mass murderer, destroyer of economies and destroyer of children's lives and education. How, in any version of reality, has Fauci been found culpable, or held responsible for his crimes?

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That is the CRUX of the issue with the GOP and swamp in general. What they call "accountability" is just continuous verbal scolding's and political theatre at best, and they make the TAXPAYER fund all of it. Just to watch them do nothing more than unleash some political verbal scolding. It's a fricken disgrace what OUR servants don't do with these overt criminals within OUR government agencies. ZERO accountability remains the greatest existential crisis we face on most all levels of society now, but especially within the TAXPAYER funded swamp. Just endless deafening redundancy on the elf fraud and all those culpable for the planning and executing of the single greatest crime against humanity in history. What is the most surreal aspect are those people who ask why in all continues or see's the bird flu as some sort of a surprise. A rapist will rape until IT is not ALLOWED too...it's never been rocket science. It's all just ALLOWED to continue...

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…looks up Pharma donations to Congressional campaigns…plus a lot of these Republicans simply are not the brightest bulbs in the room. Peter McCullough would be a far better inquisitor not to mention RFK Jr

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Agree that Fauci has and will escape any level or culpability or blame. Heck, 29% of people got the most recent boosters. That is an incredible number of people ignoring data that the shots don't stop infection/transmission, but they believe the lies Fauci sold them.

Also, Covid has become very tribal. Because the personal choice/anti-mandate folks are on the right and criticize Fauci, the shot lovers and others who don't pay attention will defend Fauci at all costs because he is on their team. Fauci will die wealthy and respected. He deserves neither.

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Only the death part.

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Fauci knew from the start that the covid virus leaked from the Wuhan lab,funded by him for GOF research

To cover this fact he coerced, enticed, bribed ( combination of all three) The scientists he funds to write and publish the

Origins “ paper to misdirect the public.He smeared anyone who spoke the truth as a “ conspiracy nut”

They took the bribe

It is that ugly and that simple

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Did you ask Sen. Paul about early spread in America? Does he think that happened and, if it did, how would that change the official narrative of the entire pandemic?

I've never heard Fauci asked one question about WHEN he thinks this virus was infecting people in America or outside of China. It never occurred to him that the millions of Americans who experienced Covid symptoms between Nov 2019 and the middle of February 2019 might have had Covid?

The fact this possibility seemingly never occurred to public health experts is preposterous in my view. Some of them must know this virus was spreading (widely) by late 2019 ... and, for some reason, they are covering this up from the public. Key (unasked) question: Why was it so important to conceal the copious evidence of early spread?

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I'll answer my own question: The reason it was so important to conceal the evidence of early spread from the public is that if the public knew how many people had already been infected by this virus (and hadn't died from it), they would know this was NOT a "deadly" virus. The entire Fear Campaign would have been null and void. No need for lockdowns - no need for new mRNA vaccines - because millions of people had already been infected and survived.

Also, there was no way in hell to "slow or stop" spread. The virus horse had already escaped the barn and galloped across the planet ... by probably September 2019 if not earlier.

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As you know the whu flu was made for the injection agenda and not the other way around. Amazing how quickly it was "ready" to use. This was no coincidence or amazing feat. The injections were ready for the most part

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When Jay Bhattacharya published his serological Prevalence study in Spring 2020, they came after him - they didn’t want that information out because it would have told the story that the cow was out of the barn so lockdowns were unnecessary AND the mortality rate was far lower.

There is no doubt the original out-of-the-lab virus was a bastard but mostly with those of advanced age and co-morbidities.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Bill Rice, Jr.

Totally agree. Maybe even earlier than 2019. In 2017 my husband, who was on cancer "treatments" and I took a train trip. The woman in the next sleeper car hacked all night. Within about 4 days, I had a chest type cold/infection that lasted 2 weeks. I was bed-bound for a couple days. My husband got a type of pneumonia, was hospitalized, sent home, put on hospice, and died within 4 weeks. Was it an enhanced flu? Who knows? In spite of not getting the shots and my advanced age, I didn't get the first rounds of covid. I finally succumbed to the Omicron variety in 2022. It was unpleasant, like a 6 day cold. Not as debilitating as the earlier bout.

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Just look at the Influenza Like Illness numbers in America between November 2019 and February 2020. They were elevated across the country.

Was this just a coincidence?

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Grandpa Ouchie really sold this planet out! His manipulative mastermind convinced millions to “follow him” like the Pied Piper and the result was pain, suffering, death, and greed. History has shown us what happens when charismatic manipulators take the stage and whether there tools are bullets or needles, we continue to miss the truth and suffer the consequences! As a wise man once said, “it is easier to fool people than to convince them that they were fooled! SMH

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Alex, I encourage to read the work of Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, and Debbie Lerman. Yes, Fauci is a bad man. Yes, he and his cronies were trying to cover their tracks...so they wouldn't be blamed...so the gravy train continued...so they could continue their frankenvirus "research".

But they were not in control.

Once Trump signed the emergency declaration in March 2020, the NSC (the military and IC spooks and advisors to POTUS) was in control. If the response didn't make sense and conflicted with recommendations on the NIH, NIAID, and WHO webpages...it's because they didn't make sense. The response had nothing to do with concern for public health or safety. It was about control and corralling the people of the world into a pen to take the magic mRNA injections.

Remember Schwab and Gates telling the idiots on the MSM that no one is safe until everyone has been injected? Seriously, why does their opinion matter at all?

Did you hear Tedros Ghebreyesus say the other day that they (the WHO, etc.) must crack down on the "anti-vaxxers" after they ditched all their rules and norms and updated their IHR?

This was a global operation.

It was run by our military in the US.

They aren't stopping.

Frankly, I think Rand Paul's committee meeting was a dog and pony show...a distraction.

No one. Not one of our alleged elected leaders asked who or what was running the show.

We cannot defeat an enemy we will not name.

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Paul’s comments are studied and reasonable. There are 3 things that undermine Fauci’s portrayal as a hero. 1)His demand for complete control over not only the lab leak story but the way the country responded with masks,lockdowns,vaccine mandates, and refusal to look at alternative meds.2) The push of the entire reaction toward vaccines which resulted in incredible profits for Pharma and the royalties that went to government scientists. 3)The abject failure of his almost 40 years of meetings and cocktail parties to get the country and world truly ready for this pandemic. And his failure to let other voices into the discussion that may have helped us do better.

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That was my reaction to lockdowns, masks, contact tracing. How many billions have we invested in how many agencies over how many years, and this is the best they came up with??? NPI’s that might work in African villages against Ebola, but had no prayer of success against a respiratory virus circulating in urban areas??

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please ask him what punishment would he be willing to impose upon Fauci. We need to understand what justice looks like to Sen Paul as it relates to the crime against Humanity Fauci committed.

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WE the people are currently FUNDING the elf frauds pension. Talk about insult to injury and just how wrong justice is in America now.

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Alex - will audio or video of the interview be posted anywhere?

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What Fauci has done is genocide, pure and simple. Science is not immune from criminal manipulation. Fauci should be indicted for Genocide, and also for his deceit. Fauci is not a good human being. If the world does not seek retribution, God certainly will.

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And of course Fauci won't pay.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Right..."we the people" are actually paying the lil elf fraud a generous pension as I write this for what he was complicit in doing to HUMANITY. That is the justice he will see in America. It's ALL just allowed...

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