How sad. It's shown me the true nature of the Canadian: an authoritarian, America-hating collectivist. I will not be crossing their border ever again. No wonder they love to vacation in Cuba.

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I’d love it if the America-haters would stay out of Florida in the winter too. After all it’s far too dangerous down here 🙄. But I welcome kind and common-sense Canadians.

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There are an estimated 7 million Canadians who refused to be vaccinated under intense pressure from the government, family, friends and the general public. I am one of them. There were millions more forced to get the jab or lose their job, or university spot. I do not judge those people. I was disgusted and horrified at how easily so many Canadians were fooled and how compliant and reverent they were to their government. Worse days are yet to come I'm afraid, I no longer recognize my country and would leave if I could. Many others feel the same. It's so sad.

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Baba Canuck - I have crazy respect for the Canadians who resisted the intense pressure from the Canadian government and the people around them.

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I credit the Canadian truckers with ending the pandemic. Their courage and sacrifice forced the Prime Minister and his government to totally embarrass themselves in front of the entire world. I'm pretty sure the protest and its aftermath led to a relaxing of vaccine mandates and restrictions by both the Biden administration and many state and provincial governments. It's a mistake to judge all Canadians as if they were Torontonians.

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I'll tell you what - something occurred to me watching the truckers' protest -

Americans are proud to tell the story (or used to be anyway) of how America entering WWII changed the course of the war and led to the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Years from now, I firmly believe that proud Canadians will tell the story about how a bunch of freedom loving truckers initiated a protest that led to the crumbling of the Great Covid Oppression. We're not done yet, but that protest was the flashpoint that changed the dynamic - without doubt.

I will say that I was absolutely stunned to see the Canadian government trample old women with horses, and violate so many civil liberties in the process, and I don't believe that the story is yet written on what's going to happen in the wake of that. Or I hope so anyway.

But those truckers - I can't say enough about them.

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I second that. The pressure in the US was nowhere near the pressure in Canada. So if you resisted the vaxx pressure, hats off to you.

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I feel the same way about the USA. So many people just submitted and did not push back at all despite losing personal freedoms and having their civil liberties trampled upon. I am afraid that worse days are yet to come here too because the government has learned just how compliant people are and just how far they can overreach without pushback. The Democrats have also used covid as a means for cheating on elections, which happens through mail-in ballots that are either fabricated, harvested, thrown away (if they're for a republican), or delivered at 2:30AM or pulled out from underneath tables as necessary. Remember, the entire state of Florida called it for Trump on election night but the city of Philadelphia was counting votes for 2 weeks after election day.

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Right on.

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Don't leave. Fight to get it back.

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Yes!!! Share this video from Jordan Peterson:


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The same happened here we just have 260 million more people.

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Find yourself an American & get married as fast as you can. That's your ticket out.

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Aug 4, 2022
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That's unfortunately true. It's everywhere, just some places worse than others. Oddly enough, it seems to be worse in Australia than anywhere else. Canada is pretty bad too. The US depends on the state.

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It stops with each individual we have to stop this.

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"But I welcome kind and common-sense Canadians."

All seven of them.

It's amazing how TDS in its various manifestations (in places like Australia and NZ it was just plain "conservatives", whatever that means) was the galvanizing force used by the collectivists to get buy-in to the program. It was pretty obvious as early as Spring 2020 when the mask became part of the rioters' regalia.

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I think I am one of the seven. It is hard living with all these morons.

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I grew up playing hockey in southeast Michigan and I spent a lot of time in Ontario. I still have a lot of love for Canada and Canadians. It's just tragic that so many Canadians have bought into Fidelito's program.

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me too.

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There are more than seven of us, though the media is so curated here that actually the majority don't understand the events of the last 6 years and many of those that do think they are alone.

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>>> But I welcome kind and common-sense Canadians.

A mythical creature.

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Hey….. some of use are holding out. Stay strong my fellow suffering canucks!🚛🇨🇦

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A good sub by B.J. Ditchter himself from the Freedom Convoy

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We exist, I promise, but at the moment, some of us are so glad not to be living there at the moment. If I do venture back to North America, it will be the US I am visiting, not the once great north. So sad.

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I’d like to think I’m one as well, but quasi-trapped here (divorced, kids). But most of my career I’ve worked for US companies and have many super close American friends who I love and adore. There are many of us, but we’re definitely outnumbered!

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Eileen, I thought about you immediately after reading the essays of Alex writings. I knew that you had stated before that you were a transplant of Canada. I’m so sorry that your home country is so distant for you but I ‘m glad that the U.S. isn’t.

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You are so kind Denise. :-)

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Right now, entry to the US requires a vaxx. I've heard it depends on the border guard. Some don't ask. Same thing for the return to Canada. Some Canadian border guards don't ask.

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Canada also has the ArrveCan app which everyone is expected to complete. More punitive Public

Health theatre that approximately 30-40% of Canadians are refusing to participate in.

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I’m not bothering, I know the private security will at my house day and night to make sure I quarantine as my Covid takes out grandmas by the truckload 🙄🙄

As an aside my 3x employee came in to work, so my immune system is now adapting to ba5 to complement by ba1 infection I got at the freedom convoy 🚛🚛🚛

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I’m an American who works with a lot of Canadians daily over Zoom, and I can certainly attest they’re all a compliant group for sure. They all ran out and got their shots last year, many of them out of work for days afterwards with various scary sounding side effects they all eventually recovered from. Now here we are, a year plus later and even boosted, are all getting covid. So to summarize, they all got jabbed, like it was some sort of right of passage, missed work, got boosted, missed work, and then still got covid and missed more work. That’s some vaccine! One guy’s wife was down with covid just yesterday and another coworker asked if the family was vaccinated. Yep, we’re all vaccinated! Good, good, was the reply. Clown world.

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Nope not at all.

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For the most part. As a south Floridian that gets invaded by French Canadians every winter I can attest that for the most part they are rude cheapskates. This isn’t a stereotype. The last few years I see people walking by the beach in masks and assume they’re most likely brainwashed Canadians.

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Thanks for welcoming common sense Canadians, I think I am one and have always loved Florida and really miss not being able to go.

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We too miss going to Florida for the past 2 years after going over 25 years. We leave December 16th and return by January 5 in time to prepare for Orthodox Christmas January 7th. We have also gone in March many times, once in July, way to hot. There are many of us who respect and love PDJT, can't believe the dementia patient installed FJB. Much love to our patriots to the south, hopefully we shall see you soon, perhaps December. God Bless.

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I am American and not all states are equal. NY and CA suck. MA, MD, IL are pretty bad too, particularly in the big cities. FL, TX, the Dakotas, AZ, Nevada, and GA are awesome. I'm willing to bet Montana and Wyoming are awesome too. Basically, if you are going to a Democrat stronghold, be prepared to undergo some covidiocy. If you are going to a conservative state, you probably won't even know covid is going on at all. And mark my words, the masks and the vaxx will be back this coming winter, probably right before the midterm elections.

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It’s sad that the vaccinated Canadians can come to Florida all day long, but not our like-minded Canadian friends. Hoping for change in 2024 and I don’t expect it before then unfortunately.

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Thank you, we loved Florida. God Bless.

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The True North strong and free … or whatever.

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For years, my husband and I have talked about a trip across Canada, once he retires. No longer! What Trudeau has done and others have acquiesced to is despicable and dangerous in a so-called democracy. We will never again set foot in the country.

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I had a similar idea with Australia! Same conclusion now.

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It's a long story, but I spent about 2-3 years watching the Australian Masterchef show in the internet. I absolutely fell in love with Australia and the people and actually considered relocating. I was completely horrified as to what there happened over covid. I don't think Canada had it as bad, at least not in Ontario and some of the western provinces. Quebec was off the charts crazy however.

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I agree don't bother. The evolution of socialism Hitler, Stalin and now dumb and dumber The Turd (Trudeau). A complete cull.

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Kudos to Alex, for giving Canada a taste of its own medicine. However, as a Canadian citizen, I think he is being far too kind. From where I sit, it may even be fair to to say that Canada has proven itself to be a nation of bootlicks and crypto fascists.

It appears that most people, including most Canadians, are blissfully ignorant of the unparalleled mobility restrictions that were categorically imposed on unvaccinated citizens as of mid-August 2021. So, for clarity's sake: for nearly a year, unvaccinated Canadian citizens weren't able to set foot on a plane, train, or Greyhound bus to go ANYWHERE for any reason whatsoever; including provision of care for critically ill members of immediate family. Thus, we were not able to use any means of public conveyance to travel outside of the country, nor to travel between provinces within our own country. We were not even permitted to travel between two cities WITHIN the same province where we reside. For instance, unvaccinated people who reside in the province of Ontario were not allowed to travel on public conveyance to go from one city in Ontario to any other city in Ontario; i.e. from Ottawa to Toronto, a distance of 281 miles/452 km. This is equivalent to unvaccinated residents of the state of Pennsylvania being forbidden to travel on public conveyance to go from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia.

Canada "suspended" its domestic travel ban on unvaccinated citizens on June 20, 2022. However, travel in and out of Canada continues to be greatly restricted due to the fact that the United States and Canada still forbid entry to unvaccinated citizens from one another's respective countries. The US doesn't allow entry to unvaccinated Canadians and Canada doesn't allow entry to unvaccinated Americans. Moreover, Canada and the United States both continue to forbid entry to unvaccinated foreign nationals from anywhere in the world. Interestingly, for the US, this means that its borders remain closed to unvaccinated citizens from the land-adjacent neighboring countries of Mexico and Canada. Food for thought...El Hombre Naranja was of the mistaken belief that it would take an interminable wall of bricks and mortar to accomplish what a digital ID and a QR code can do at warp-speed, to the entire population of the whole damn world. Lots more to unpack here.

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1,746,119 people have crossed the US southern border illegally since October 1, 2021.

Over 3.4 million have crossed since FJBrandon assumed the throne in January 2021.

Another ~500k got away.

Most are still here. And We the People are powerless to stop the flow.

So, if you are an unvaccinated citizen of Canada or Mexico and you present yourself at a border crossing with proper documentation, you cannot cross into the US.

But you can wade across the Rio Grande as long as you pay the cartels.

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Truth, and it’s the most disgusting hypocrisy I’ve seen from a sitting government in my lifetime.

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A sad state of affairs.

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Well written good information. Lets not forget Canada is also full of Woke Buffoons.

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Im Canadian and wholeheartedly agree. Bootlicks and self righteous morons.

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Canadians have NO idea what has happened and continues to happen. Where do you even start with someone who is so fixated on keeping their head in the sand to feel that sense of (Canadian and false) sense of moral superiority for doing as their government instructs.

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And the true nature of American Dhimmicrats: authoritarian, America-hating, collectivists.

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"Dhimmicrats." Hey Alan -- we Muslims are the only thing left that is going to save Western civilization from the Woke crap that has poisoned it (along with the jab, literally). You guys screwed it up so bad that Islam is just going to walk in and take it all. And you did it to yourselves. Thank you and assalamu alaikum!

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Name me one imam that protested the covid shots being forced on people. You're just as screwed as everyone else

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I’ve seen that data. You’re right about not taking the vaccines.

The similar unintentional experiment in the US has been done with the Amish - don’t believe in vaccines and hospitals.

Got early herd immunity and are fine now

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Especially Israel, Kamran. Or should I say after the 85% vaccination rates among Israelis, especially, Greater Gaza?

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Like I said, the West did it to themselves. Most Palestinians are unvaccinated. They are just going to sit back and watch as the Israelis die off, and go back to their grandparent's house in Jaffa when it is all over. The Crusaders managed to stick around for 90 years. Israel will be lucky to get to 80. Oh well.

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That's one of the great untold stories: Palestinians largely did not get vaccinated and they're doing just fine. Their Israeli neighbors are among the most vaccinated/boosted on earth and their covid results are among the worst in the world.

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Take it all? What does Islam plan to do with it? No disrespect intended; just curious.

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Why, it's going to do with it all the great things it's done with Nigeria, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan. And more!

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You wild donkey of a man. You might be right. At least you are right about one thing: no Moosilman is going to get rolled as easy as we did during the pandemic.

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They rolled over even faster. My Turkish friends and relatives couldn't get enough of the covid shots. Kamran Pasha is living in a dream world.

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We (wife and kids) used to visit Montreal and Ottawa for culinary weekend trips. Both a few hours drive from us here in the U.S. I often visited Nortel in Ottawa, and IBM in Quebec on business.

I never felt really welcome. I invariably encountered some form of condescension. I shrugged it off... (well, not completely, as you can tell.)

At this point, if Canada re-elects Justin Trudeau as prime minister, I will consider Canada an enemy state. Worse than Cuba, because Canadians will have chosen to be ruled by the tyrant. I will not just ignore them (as I do now), but work against them at every opportunity.

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A few years back, we visited the Calgary Stampede.. big deal. As the crowd was introduced by country, and it the United States turn, we were booed. So much for that welcome.

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That's pure envy. They wish they were American.

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Canada is passing a bunch of new gun control bills, which historically is what governments do right before they give you a bunch of new freedoms and leave you in peace forever

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Have spent serious vacation dollars in Canada. Until the government allows All Canadians to travel freely, not another dime.

Until all Canadians are

Free, none are free. Watching this unfold above the 44 makes understanding how the Holocaust happened.

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I couldn’t agree more, Aura. I always wondered how the German people could follow so blindly. Now I’ve seen human nature all across Western Civilization and it isn’t what I’d expected. Reality is a good, if sobering, teacher.

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It's the human desire to stay connected and bonded, even in the face of ideas and actions that are counter to logic. It started with the Germans and the Dutch, Belgian, French, Spanish.... they all followed suit. Everyone fell.

It was the underground who resisted that kept everyone and everything from being consumed alive. And the Russians on the Eastern front and then the US on the West.

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Canadians go to Cuba because it's cheap. They just ignore the communism and dejected, oppressed lives of the local people. I went 1x about 25 years ago and never went back.

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Indeed, many Canadians like to vacation in Cuba and the DR because it is cheap. No thank you we have never been, but Florida is our destination in the winter months. It has not been the last 2 years thanks to Castro's bastard son. Turdope, sparkle socks, his sunny ways, NOT!!!

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Canadians and the Country as a whole are bigger than the leadership. As a Canadian I hated and still hate some of the policies and COVID measures. I have learned to look past the corrupt and incompetent leaders at the top and refuse to have that keep me away from discovering the world around me. Citizens are much bigger than those at the top. Politicians come and go...

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Problem is I've seen my fellow Canadians support and applaud the same covid measures you and I may hate. That is the bigger problem.

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Times I've crossed the NYS border into Canada I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Like a giant trailer park. Americans are a fractious brawling mess and that's just one reason I love my country.

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Yup. That’s how this shitty country rolled. Most of my family were the same way. But remember: this country - outside of Alberta, and maybe Sask - looks to the gov to solve / pay for / fix EVERYTHING. It’s why our productivity is horrible, it’s why our healthcare (while “free”) is horrible, it’s why our media is horrible… we expect the gov to baby us, so none of what I experienced during C19 (and read above) surprises me.

Add to this toxic soup that maybe 3/4 of Canadians have an inferiority complex with the US - they all think they’re *better* than Americans and trash Americans at every juncture all while consuming US culture, enjoying US military protection and trading billions of dollars a day with the US.

This country was in rough shape pre-C19 and pre-Trudeau. Those two global catastrophes have only accelerated the demise of a once amazing country.

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"3/4 of Canadians have an inferiority complex with the US - they all think they’re *better* than Americans and trash Americans at every juncture all while consuming US culture, enjoying US military protection and trading billions of dollars a day with the US."

Sounds like every country in the world.....

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Worse here, really, because we actually have more in common with you than any other nation on Earth. Thus the 51st state comment you often hear.

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Unvaxxed Canadian here. This comment is bang on - the relationship between citizen and govt here really is like that of a child to it's parent. And the reflex to always obey and never question, combined with the moral sanctimony of always thinking we're better than the Americans is truly pathetic. Like a joke a brit told me years ago:

Q: How do you get 100 Canadians out of a swimming pool?

A: You say 'Hey you Canadians - get out of the pool'

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I love the joke very funny indeed and true. The country is full of weak kneed dolts.

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I really like that summary of liberals, which here in the US we refer to as Democrats: they want the government to solve / pay for / fix EVERYTHING. Most of my friends are conservatives and they look to themselves to solve, pay for, or fix most ANYTHING. The government is rarely the solution and is usually the problem.

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Well said indeed. I would move to Montana or Idaho in a heart beat . Why those two states? I live very close to both of them, and have spent lots of time in both states.

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The states that are politically most like Montana or Idaho (think red states) you will most likely like to move to as well. If you have liberal political beliefs, don't move.

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perfectly stated. Im cdn. you are 100% accurate in your description.

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Amazingly, this is what many young people want for the US too. Both of my younger siblings and their spouses have openly said they'd be happy to pay very high taxes if the government would take care of them. 🤦‍♀️

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American loving Ontario nurse here...fired for refusing to accept or promote clot shot after an honorable 25 year career. I was at nations capital Ottawa x2 with truckers. Part of a class action law suit ( shh!).to sue corrupt and incompetent government and employers. Planning to move to Alberta which is the most free thinking and conservative area of this dystopian country. Please know that many Canadians LOVE America.

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Thanks Shanna. My sister-in-law and I were absolutely glued to the trucker protest coverage on YouTube. You’re awesome!

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Thanks to Castro's son, people that donated to the Trucker's Convoy, myself included first through Go Fund Me, then to Give Send Go, had our names and location of our residence posted on Fakebook. I had no clue, my daughter called me with a link.

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OMG. Whatta nightmare.

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Viva Frei was awesome. So glad I found him.

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Safe travels to Alberta a beautiful province. My friend since childhood moved there 30 years ago, she just told me that her hubby and her are moving to Mexico. She already has a Mexican phone number, they have been vacationing there for the last 7 years, months at a time. Now the final move. I wish them the best. Many Canadians have also moved to Europe, the country of their ancestors. I know a few personally moved to Serbia and Croatia, a couple to Germany, and a few to Hungary.

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Germany would be a terrible choice. They had some of the worst restrictions in place in the whole world. Europe as a whole had some very unreasonable measures in place.

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AND many Americans love Canadians🌹

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I’m one of those Canadiens that was in a position to stand up. I was fired knowing life would be tougher but healthier. My career was burnt to the ground. Good people became full out fascist’s (as we all are prone to be under the worst conditions) very sad to see. The good fight we have all put forward shining light on this (unvaccinated or regrettably vaccinated) is finally exposing them. Canadian’s have real pride in not being American for some reason and it’s a shame. We blindly follow the narrative our “leaders” tell us. I want my Canada back. A kind, welcoming country that is free from fear. Stay strong everyone, we are close to stopping this.

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Though nowhere near as bad as Canada's covid response, I want my USA back.

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Me too!

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And hopefully you get it back soon. WEF has a stranglehold on our politicians and once people realize they aren’t actually looking out for you we will be ok. Take good care and enjoy the great people of your country.

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Good for you Bill.

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Thank you. Hope you have been ok too

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Ironically my spouse was hospitalized in late spring of 2021 with Covid. Thankfully made it but also in extremely good health otherwise. But thank you!!

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That would have been scary and I’m glad your spouse is better. 🙏

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My Canadian friend told me his theory as to why Canadians were/are so anti-Trump. He said their TV subscriptions only carry CNN and that you need to pay a premium for other channels like Fox.

With CNN coverage being almost 100% negative on Trump for 4 years can form negative impressions in a country that is only getting "fake news".

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One would think Alex only has access to CNN.

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Never mind that our state propaganda CBC hates Trump and conservatives in general. All media coverage is left of left and pro Turdope

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Exactly. Trudope pays the CBC and others to speak highly of only him and despise conservatives. I can not stand that evil pos. Cheers.

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Interesting, interesting…….I hadn’t thought about that.

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True, we have to pay $4.99 a month to view Fox or other stations. As of November 2020 I cut Fox from my TV. Every doctors office, dentists office etc carry CNN, I have told my previous dentist to change the channel while he was doing work on me. Surprised, he was but did so anyway.

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A correction, when I said $4.99 monthly for Fox, any other station would be an additional $4.99and so on. That adds up to the insane price of our cable over $200 a month. We cut that crap 2 years ago and now only have internet and yes I still have a landline with them. There are 3 cable companies, but here where I live in Hamilton Ontario according to their border rules I can only have Rogers. Talk about dictatorship, started and Trudope is finishing it!!! May he never return from Costa Rico.

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The CBC (woke government network) was consistently anti DJT. Only consolation is that is watched only by a few die hard anti Americans in any case.

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Early during the pandemic, I had numerous spirited back-and-forths with a Canadian friend. He was adamant that if everybody just followed directions, covid would be gone. I told him that's why he's a subject and not a citizen.

Wonder if he still believes his government today.

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"If everybody followed directions." HA! Just heard from a friend that her Dr. Daughter has covid and is miserably sick. Dr. Daughter and her family are vaxed and boosted X2, and masked to the hilt. Yet here they are.

I would've recommended ivermectin, but Dr. Daughter is so much smarter than me.

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Now that we know C19 won't kill her, we can laugh at these idiots without feeling like too much of a sinner. And besides, it's justified because THEY were all very happy to mock us, shun us, and force us against our will whenever they were able! GO TO HELL, JABBERS.

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Another zinger…….God, you’re funny.

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Why not ask him? It would be intriguing to learn his response.

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I can't resist that sort of thing! They're all "Oh shit, here comes Fred" It is very very very hard not to gloat now that the truth is finally bursting out, and I won't (unless they were vocal against the unvaccinated, then Katy bar the door). I've been asking all of them: "When have you EVER seen so much hysteria... and how on earth did you fall for it?" I still have friends who won't admit the obvious, but I'm seeing less confidence, more eye flicks, some shrugs, and the arrogant can't rally others like they could a year ago. I think the anger is coming soon.

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I would welcome the anger. Haven’t seen it yet.

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Pretty sure we're somewhere between denial and anger at this point. Have a long ways to go to acceptance.

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There's a video I just saw, Aussie I think, of a man beating the car of a doctor who gave his kid a very bad jab ("narrated" by the doc inside the car) It is beyond sad, as I think the man's boy died.

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I've been off Facebook since it turned into the Ministry of Truth.

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Yep, same here, and I don't miss it. All the screaming harpies on it yelling how covid was going to kill us all unless we all went out and got jabbed, how the unjabbed were LITERALLY killing people. Now no one talks about that anymore, it's all been memory holed, like it never even happened.

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Exactly! I am waiting to approach my family once again, as I did way back in January of 2021. When I read the emails they sent me pontificating about how happy they were to be getting jabbed with the wonder poison, and how effective they were going to be against the savage Covid, I simply cringe. I hope every day they are all going to be okay..how do you think it feels to be the lone ranger along with your two adult kids, amongst an extended family of 24! All the others jabbed and most likely boosted..my Mom has already accepted a fourth into her body of 85 years, and there is nothing I can do about it..she promised me NOT to get another. I wonder. Depressing doesn't start to cover it. Yeah, I wasted so much time on Facebook, and have learned so much in the last 30 months following these brave and wonderful Substack writers...they have saved my sanity! Over and over again. I will also never forget what the instigators of this scamdemic did. I made that promise to myself.

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Same. Almost a year ago. Don’t miss it at all!

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I agree, ask him.

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I bet he still believes it. Most of the people who bought into the brainwashing early are still on board. No amount of data or evidence or even their own experiences will sway them.

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My triple vaxxed MIL used that same line recently! She blames the non rule followers for the fact that now--triple vaxxed--she has a sore throat all the time. Oh, and she says we all just need to get used to wearing masks forever cause that’s our way of life now.

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Today at the supermarket I saw many more masks than I've seen in two months. I counted (because I do that!) 10 people wearing masks.

I thought we were done with this nonsense. Haven't people figured this out yet?

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I’m thinking about having some calling cards printed, cards that I will pass out to people wearing masks.

The cards will read: Thank you for protecting me from your germs.

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With few exceptions, the only people I see masked now here in Georgia are probably early 20s. Many being the lone masked person amongst their peers. I have to wonder what they are thinking (or if they do think).

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They're a compliant generation, brought up by helicopter parents who made playdates when they were little kids because just letting the kids go outside by themselves was too risky. Add all the obedience to authority they learned in government schools, and is it any surprise they're the ones still running around with their compliance face diapers on? I see the same thing around here.

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The definition of a moron

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The definition of a More-on !

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Oh wow!, SimCom……..what you just said was profound. Really profound. That had to have just rolled off of you because it was so natural. And, no, it wasn’t your cat editing.

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Of course he does. He will believe them to the grave.

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Truly heart breaking. My family came to Canada in 2008 and although I am staunchly against the 'left' and their idiotic policices it was never really an issue until Blackface got elected and he did the predictable "Chavez Dance". That my catch all for anyone who leads you on (remember Hugo Chavez was the darling of the progressive / regressive elite and once he had their fawning attention, he showed his true corrupt and dictatorial colours and the rest is history); then along came the rona and boom, Blackface and his minions peeled off their masks. My wife got jabbed, and her whole family (all 6 of them) plus her parents - all have had the rona several times since but don't seem to join the dots, or be willing to join the dots. My 2 kids are not jabbed because I put my foot down. So yes, even now Blackface, Arden etc still blame the Great Unwashed when they should be celebrating they have a very special control group. So, 3 years later my kids and I have not left the country, although I am considering flying somewhere and going through the despotic indigity of getting back into my own country - I have travelled to 70 countries including Africa and Latin America top to bottom and have never seen the likes of what is happening to Canadians entering Canada!!!!! Go Dutch Farmers!

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The pandemic has really opened up my understanding for how little the so called civilized human has evolved beyond animal behavior and why the proven failed ideologies of authoritarian collectivism keep being repeated only to fail again.

This is bad enough, but what really frosts me is that these same people, once they again collapse society, will cry for help from the rest of us to again fight for their freedom. And they will do so without any apology... without any admission of their responsibility for destroying what we had previously built.

We need some epiphanies for how we save ourselves and not them. Because they are forever the cause of everyone else's misery and suffering.

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“Hard times create strong men.

Strong men create good times.

Good times create weak men.

And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Are all those men non-binary?

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To think I used to have so much respect for Canada... Live and learn.

Anyway, I'm in Europe. I was scared I'd lose my job (and with it my visa), but in the end, I didn't. Right now, the hardest part is the fact that I've lost so much respect for so many people around me. And then there are the little (or not so little) slights. For instance, a general practitioner I was trying to register with just declined me because I was uninjected (and that after I was on their waiting list for 11 weeks). I'm not sure if I even want to look for another one: I'm too disgusted with the entire medical profession.

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You should be.

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That is a strange waiting list "11" weeks. what do they know will happen by 11 weeks? They know many may expire by then, so make room for the newbies. I would be very cautious if I heard that!! Best of luck and blessings.

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It was supposed to be 4-6 weeks. That's what they originally said. But it took 11 weeks before I was invited to register, *provided* I was injected. When I told them I wasn't, I was no longer welcome.

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I sure hope you will find some one much better. My doctor did not even ask me if I was jabbed or not. He knows better as I was very outspoken when he mentioned Remdesivir.

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The family divisions are what break my heart the most.

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I gave up on spending Christmas with my parents in 2021 when my crazed brother and his wife and family refused to join us at the gathering and breathe my pureblood air. They actually wanted to see my parents in shifts! By the way, I live 1,000 miles away and had to cancel my trip thanks to his fears.

This year I've already booked my travel, and will be spending ALL of Christmas Day with my parents. If Bro & Co opt out due to my presence, that's their stupid choice.

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Terrible. Makes me grateful for my extended family, with whom I often have extensive political differences. Yet we never did this.

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I've learned to focus on the family I choose--aka my friends. Here in Florida, no one has EVER cared if I was jabbed--not even in the early days of mRNA. No one even asked. Just kept inviting us to socialize at their homes, to drive with us to events, and so on. I'm never going back to New Jersey except to visit my beloved parents and the friends I have left up there. And select family with their heads on straight.

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Good for you! That’s a great attitude. I’m in Florida too, and have never been more thankful!

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Good for you……..really, good for you. One can only be magnanimous for so long before you just want to explode.

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That was the goal of the Left. They break everything and create nothing good.....

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That and church closings.

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Long before this (China virus) fiasco began, my very wise mother said: “Family relations are tenuous, at best.”

That’s why I haven’t seen or heard from my sister in 10-years; and she lives in the same town. I wonder how many boosters she’s gotten so far. She’ll keep getting them, as long as they are free.

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I am Canadian and an editor, and agree that there were few media outlets in the country skeptical of lockdowns, BUT … there were individual columnists, bloggers, tweeters etc who did speak out. I was on Facebook all the time in 2020 boosting Sweden and, yes, getting unfriended and shouted down. But the discussion was there for those ready to criticizeJustin’s massive overreach. Not that different from the big northern blue states, I’d say.

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I would mention one northern maverick, Dr Richard Schabas, former Chief medical officer of Ontario, who consistently rejected lockdowns and vaccine mandates. His media platforms shrunk, but I found him in Facebook, as did many others.

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Oh yeah, I did an interview with Dr Schabas in early 2021… https://davidwinch.website/a-doctor-dissents/

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Wow this is an excellent interview and he makes great points.

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thanks, Dr Schabas is a good guy and still posting every day on Facebook

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this is really good.

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Great point!

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I am so happy I live in America and not in Canada and Canadian response to COVID proved once more that, despite all shortcomings, America is still the best place to be. God Bless America!

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I take it you're not in NY or CA...

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Now, that was funny……….of course, I’m a native Californian, but that was still funny and accurate.

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You got it!

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What can I say... In the 1770s, Canada was a haven for those who did NOT want freedom from the British Empire.

There are freedom-loving people in Canada, God bless 'em, but sadly they are overwhelmed by aggressive submissives even more completely than we are in the USA.

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“Canadians value equality, respect, safety, peace, nature - and we love our hockey! “. Quote from the post. Note the glaring omission- do they value FREEDOM? Apparently not. Good luck with that equality/safety thing.

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TRUDOPE "Diversity is our strength". How is that working for you and your sunny ways.

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My heart does not glow and I don't give a FF about hockey. Actually, I believe that "footy" (soccer) may actually be more popular now. Not among mainstream media but among parrticipants.

Great story from the freelance Montrealer though. I've experienced some of the same things but, being retired, it has not had so much impact. I've even enjoyed having an excuse to avoid a few family events that I prefer to avoid. Such as the recent 80-guest wedding of a young couple where bride's dad had to put out $36 grand for booze. Ha ha. Should not have agreed to open bar. Venue claimed it was the highest bar bill they'd ever seen. Dad has to get a mortgage on the house he thought was paid off, to pay the wedding bill. He had thought he was retired but probably no longer. I enjoyed avoiding quality time with a bunch of heavy drinkers though.

But I think the big problem in Canada has been the federal government. Some provincial governments need to accept blame too but the Feds take the cake. Aside from probably being the most incompetent government in Canadian history, it's made up of a gang of thin-skinned, inexperienced ministers. The "leader" of the gang is the worst of all. JT. Justin Trudeau. And we thought his dad Pierre was bad. Worst thing he did was have this son. JT is the thinnest of the thin skinned. The worst of the gang. On top of being incompetent. Doesn't even have a nice haircut any more. Keeps smiling while turning the screws on those he does not like or that criticize him. Very likely behind some of the leaders of the Trucker Convoy from last winter being held in jail pretrial for what was likely a longer time that they would have been sentenced to if found guilty of their alleged crimes. Also making concerted efforts to squeeze the life out of the economy. Determined to save the world from climate change while flying everywhere, constantly. Including a two week trip to Costa Rica just now with family and security and government planes and yada yada yada. He's the worst of the worst. We need to get rid of him ASAP but he might be able to survive another three years. I guess he can't totally destroy the country in that time but he can do, and already has done, a lot of damage. The worst of the worst. And I've only scratched the surface. Could go on and on. God help us. I'll take Donald Trump any day over JT.

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36k bill for a wedding open bar is absolutely bonkers! 😬

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Bonkers yes, but not surprising for this family!

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Trudeau is really a poor excuse for a human being and certainly he is a sad excuse for a decent man.

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He's a Klaus Schwab WEF Young Global Leader, same as Jacinta Arden of New Zealand. They're cut from the same globalist cloth.

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I will take Putin over Castro's bastard son. I love and respect PDJT, to bad we don't have a clone here in Can a duh !!!

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Me too.

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Until last week, I had been unable to attend services at my synagogue where I have belonged for over 30 years and where I had been a regular speaker on both the Sabbath and the High Holy Days with respect to sacred text. The COVID insanity changed all that. The protocols employed by the synagogue during the past 3 years have made it incumbent upon congregants to be masked, vaccinated and boosted along with tests demonstrating that they had no infections. As someone who does not wear a mask anywhere and who refuses either to get vaccinated [let alone boosted] or tested for COVID, I could not meet the protocol. But over the past 4-6 months or so, a number of these restrictions were lifted with the last one concerning vaccinations. The latest word on that subject is that the synagogue now embraces a 'don't ask, don't tell' approach to whether a congregant is sufficiently vaccinated or not. I have made it clear that I am not vaccinated and will not get vaccinated and will not ever wear a mask and will not get tested for COVID. Moreover, I will continue to avoid coming to services notwithstanding the new, more 'liberal' policies insofar as I believe if I were ever to contract SARS-2, it would be as a result of all the vaxxed, boosted and masked fellow congregants who would likely spread the disease to me. So I will continue to pray daily at home and remain a quite healthy 72 year old. Although I have been a baseball catcher since I was 10, I no longer catch while the County I live in has insisted that catchers wear a cloth mask while behind the plate. I wear a catcher's mask as well as all the other equipment that those of us who put on the 'tools of ignorance' wear when we take the field but I will not wear a cloth diaper on my face and breathe in extra carbon dioxide and bacteria. When it comes to COVID, I am the lone dissenter in my family. So far I pay no price for that unlike the author of this heartbreaking communication but were that to change, everyone knows that I will not yield to the regnant insanity regardless of the consequences.

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Wow, Barry…….what a principled person you are. If you were standing in front of me, I would move up and stand beside you.

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Some people were born to stand in harm's way. For better or worse, that has been my personal experience at home, at school and at work. For example, during my 30 year legal career, I resigned from my law firm when I determined that the senior partner was committing tax fraud, I resigned again from the Chief Counsel's Office when I protested a reorganization change in the way the office planned to communicate with the public that represented a callous disregard for good order and I resigned my partnership in one of the 'Big 4' public accounting firms when I called out a derelict partner who was managing an office and sitting on the Board as someone who needed to be removed from his positions. Of course, some might interpret the foregoing as merely illustrative of a person who cannot hold a job.

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Ok, I laughed out loud………what you’re saying is, you’re a person that has always bitten off his nose to spite his face………or not………or suffers from righteous indignation…….doesn’t make any difference……..I’m sure you were right and honorable and, I’m still smiling.

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Most of us look for a role model in life. One of mine was Iyyov [Job] who said that all one can do in this life is cling to one's integrity while one lives. A bit on the grim side to be sure but a little pessimistic realism about what passes for existence goes a long way. I side with the Roman stoic, Seneca, who believed that people who expect things to work out in a good way invariably suffer from excess optimism. When one anticipates that most things will go wrong, when they don't, one can enjoy the surprising outcome. There is nothing wrong with being able to enter one's house justified.

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No matter how you slice it,………principled. Carry on……..

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Yo! Keep up the fight my brother

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God bless you .

I would love to hear you speak .

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Well, as a Canadian I appreciate the support against Justin's policies; but there are some pretty broad stereotypes about us Canadians being submissive, etc. We fought well above our weight class in both world wars, and dissidents and third parties abound here.

Anyway, all hurt feelings aside, some of us Canadians spoke out as loudly as Berenson fans and other Americans did for another anti-Covid model, and did that for two whole years.

My contribution.... http://davidwinch.website/sweden-at-zero/

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