The vaccine data looked very, very good too... Can't say I trust a single thing coming from Pfizer at this point.

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Will NEVER trust Big Pharma again. Period. Full Stop. Every govt agency must be burned to the ground (figuratively) and relationships between Big Pharma severed-

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They crap on early treatments that have decades of safety data to line their filthy pockets.

We weren't born yesterday.


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Seriously. Dump all over ivermectin, then trot out some tweaked generic modified just enough to charge a fortune for it. Pfizer can stick it.

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Not sure exactly what would be in it.

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Exactly. Find a good functional medicine doctor, that's what I did for my family.

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Difficult. States also need to rein in state licensing boards. They've been used to harass doctors who have bucked the narrative or even prescribed HCQ or IVM.

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would love to know what % of these healthcare providers KNOW what they are saying is wrong, but are in reality cowards fearing repercussions and who suffers with this mindset..."we the people"

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Pharmaceuticals aren't the only solution to early treatment, thank God.

Look into quercetin, NAC, melatonin, ECGC, and black seed oil taken with C, D, and Zinc.

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Quercetin is a zinc ionophore, meaning it helps transport zinc across cell membranes. Once inside the cell, zinc is an anti-viral. Quercetin is good, but doesn't get to where it needs to in sufficient quantities for an acute infection. BTW, it's found in apple skins as in "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Taken in combo with others you mention, it does reduce risk if you're unable to get an Rx or have it filled.

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I (going on 60) did very well back in January when I had Covid. My d-levels are 60 and I had been taking Quercetin, zinc, elderberry etc according to researched recommendations by Chris Masterjohn PhD. Also used glutathione. Mainly had headache for a week, a mild fever only for a day, and now high antibody levels. I think the big guns may be necessary only for risk groups.

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Years ago a coworker of mine said that she visited a doctor who mixed up a topical concoction for a condition she had and it worked wonders. Of course, the government made him stop ding that, and she had to resort to pharmaceuticals that weren’t as effective.

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Sahnnon, my experience is similar. I had a good funcional medicine/Family Practice MD who would try natural solutions and write prescription as a last resort. His practice was next door to a compounding pharamcy. These days, he has changed to a primarily Rx prescribing MD and the compounding pharmacy is all onboard for the Mrna "Vaccines".

Pressure is being brought to bear across the board on anyone involved in medical care to toe the line of the current "Healthcare" scam.

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But then the hard part is finding a pharmacy to fill the script. I had to go online to get ivermectin....both for the doctor and the pharmacy.

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Find small privately run ones.

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Do apothecaries compound these treatments? May be a good option.

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Simplicity works. Nature always trumps man's ego

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Need the health insurance to cover the dr so not always so easy to look for a new dr.

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They charge by the hour and are very affordable, plus they work on fixing the root cause of issues. We spent a fortune even with insurance on my son's chronic asthma and the misdiagnosis of my husband. Both were fixed by a FMD.

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Might have to pay out of pocket. In this situation, to my mind, it would be worth it. What is more valuable than one's health?

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I don’t always feel this way but. IG pharma has negatively impacted and/or destroyed more lives than the street corner dealers ever will -I’m not defending dealing in any way and it has destroyed impaired many lives but at least they don’t advertise on every network in the country with the full backing of our government and most of society -

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My DIL is a pharmacist and she says it should be illegal for drug manufacturers to advertise. Drug ads are outlawed in every country in the world except for the USA and New Zealand (I think I got that correct).

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I’ve always said that as well. Besides, the disclaimers are 2\3 of the commercial.

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Meant to say “… didn’t always feel this way”

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Agreed. It isn't surprising that Alex also believes the HIV fable. That was Fauci's first assault on humanity. The COVID fable is working out better for him, but HIV is still fooling tons of TV addicted idiots.

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Sick that we *need* Pfizer's patented WunderDrug (along with its side effects, which for protease inhibitors includes cardiovascular disease) to overcome a disease that is 99% survivable for most.

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I think it's 100% survivable. Imaginary diseases usually are.

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My mom knew Fauci years ago when she worked at CDC. (She was a medical and scientific illustrator.) She called him "an arrogant little s.o.b" (among other expletives) and said that he would "cause trouble some day."

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Your mom was right, indeed. In a sane society, Fauci would be in prison.

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it took years to bring down hitler, think about it...

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and fauci isn't the lone actor here, there are so many we are up against. it's not a pretty future.

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True, and there are many more bad actors to bring down now; Gates at the head of the pack.

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I worked for the “founder” of mmr vax after forced retirement (corporate policy back then was age-related) but he was critical to said corp. That’s when I was assigned to support him; in a dedicated office space which spanned entire top floor of mfg plant. He was researching HIV vaccines with Fauci, then a young maverick itchy to make a name for himself. Even back then he was regarded as aggressive egomaniac.

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Agreed. Alex is either duped or complicit in the Bullshit. Either one lessens his impact on critical thinkers.

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Covid-19 has made many people skeptics of big pharma but many of them are not yet ready to accept that some of these people have been committing these crimes since decades ago.

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I think he's trying hard to be "fair and balanced".

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It doesn't matter what Alex believes....it matters what the sheeple believe

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You don't get it... Bye.

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Yep, just look up Peter Duesberg.

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There’s a brilliant Joe Rogan podcast with Duesberg made in 2012. Absolutely amazing. My red pill moment. And Duesberg’s book is so informative. Reads like a preprint for the covid crisis.

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He really paid a price for standing up to Fauci and Collins and that bozo Gallo.

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AZT killed gays, not some hard to locate virus. Can't believe people still fall for that

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Yes, that's my take as well. The hyping of a never isolated, and probably imaginary virus was Fauci's schtick then, just like the imaginary plague virus of today.

AZT in the first round, a non-vaccine genetic weapon today; two sides to the same counterfeit coin, IMO.

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Thank you. And Fauci was neck deep in the AZT Killing Spree.

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Shouldn't there be 100 people responding that HIv is not a fable. It has killed over 700k people in US through the years. Still 13k per year. This approaches flat earth...its (nearly) round. HIV is real.COVID is real. Why don't we have more people responding like I am?

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If you want support for your delusional beliefs, Mike, then substack isn't for you. Facebook is calling you.

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Do people on this site believe HIV is not real? Ed, are you saying my delusional belief is HIV is real? Alex Berenson, if you see comments like this on your site, do you feel any ownership to refute? Anyone? Critical thinkers.believe HIV wasn't real? It is not a comment that bothers me. I don't believe in censorship in most cases. Its.the assumption that when people put out absurdities others would work to.correct.

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Yes, I said that your belief in HIV and COVID19 are delusional. Get over it, Mike. Some people don't buy into this nonsense of imaginary viruses and plagues that exist only by declaration. Is this the first time that you encountered people who don't share your delusions?

I suppose you believe in unicorns and the Easter Bunny as well.. Is Santa Claus going to bring you something this Christmas?

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Maybe because Alex has critical thinkers as readers. Not Suckers who buy into the maim stream propaganda show. HIV is NOT Real. SARS-CoV-2 is Not Real. HIV has not killed 700k People. Covid has Not killed 700K people. And using Flat Earth to shame people who are not deluded as you seem to be, is a losing proposition.

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Or did I mis-interpret your comment?

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No. I did compare people who don't believe HIV is real with Flat Earthers. That was intentional.....should I go with comparing with people who didn't believe we landed on the moon? What was be a less insulting way to say that you are in denial of reality?

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Amen to that. NO politician should be sponsored by Big Anything.

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It's also part of my position paper that I will work toward prohibiting private entities from directing contributions to a specific government agency. If they want to voluntarily donate to the Treasury with no strings as to where that money goes, that's OK, but not to a specific agency like the FDA. Also, no government agency or employee should be allowed to own, in whole or in part, any patent or for that matter copyright.

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We should have learned our lesson with the opioid crisis, (watch "Dopesick" on Hulu, it's revelational on how Pharma behaves!) or, with he Autism Epidemic, or, with Thalidomide, or, Mercury, or, or, or......

How about DDT? Glysophate??

Chemical Companies, Pharma Companies, Track Trace and Control Companies....

Big Tech Censorship..

Go back to Gates, Schwab, Fouci, Biden, Merkel, the CCP, and even Jeffery Epstein and Deutsche Bank. It all ties together in the end. We are cattle. They believe they are our masters.

If we don't stand up, we will be culled, the remaining few branded, chipped, under total permanent control, and only allowed to live while we fulfill our masters' wishes, from ages 15-65. Then terminated.

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Yes. As a 3rd party candidate my platform will now be expanded from legalizing Cannabis to making anything safer than acetaminophen (Tylenol) available OTC. That would include both hydroxychloroquine a Ivermectin. Plus I will advocate for disbanding most of HHH (CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID etc). Return those powers to the states, where the Constitution left them. (It's quite a stretch to say the retail sale of drugs has anything to do with interstate commerce.) If the 50 states have power, people can more easily "vote with their feet" as blacks did during the "Great Migration" and as may individuals are doing today by leaving California.

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Yes ! I think it was a big mistake to 'unite' Europe. As long as it was just Benelux, all was well, because these 3 countries are just the size of a decent country. But then it went bezerk. And I think the US is just the same. There is way too much difference between the states and countries, to try and make a united anything. There is no way to compare Alabama to Connecticut, just as there is no way to compare France and Poland. The only good is, that you can freely travel from one state to another if you are tired of one.

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You are not a source but this message is being pushed from troll farms in China and Russia. I've been in 49 states (will afford Hawaii one day though Biden's inflation might make.that day further out than I want) and I 100% want a United States. Please stop passing on themes from bots and trolls. We are having a rough stretch but this is a great country and we will have a better future united

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Yes, I agree with you, Bobbi. I wouldn't be surprised if these new "miracle" drugs aren't just a mix or copy of the current cheap efficacious interventions, re-packaged. These big drug conglomerates are evil, and have insinuated themselves into every level of government and power. We are being held hostage to their greed and lack of accountability.

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Spot on! I pray more and more people wake up! This has been population control for a very long time, it seems.

Personally, while I have been concerned about overpopulation since the 1970's, and as a women knew I would not have more than 2 children, (and in the end only have 1,) the inhumanity of injecting highly toxic chemicals into newborn babies and small children, creating neurological, endocrine, gastrointestinal, immune system, and reproductive harms, is revolting at best, and diabolical at worst. We need to wake up!!

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I feel the same & I worked there until a decade ago.

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This, and that goes for the government regulatory artifice, "Public Health" (those are *sneer* quotes), and most doctors. F*** all of them with a cactus.

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You 100% read my mind. This is exactly what I thought when I read this headline. I remember Faucci sitting up there all giddy and telling us that the Pfizer shots were 94% effective. Why do they keep landing on 94%? I'm with you, friend. I'll NEVER, EVER trust ANYTHING they tell me. Hell - I won't even get a flu vaccine anymore. Not until this madness ends (not likely that it ever will).

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If anyone ever needs a reminder about the fine people at Pfizer.


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"Pfizer also has agreed to enter into an expansive corporate integrity agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. That agreement provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect conduct similar to that which gave rise to this matter." I wonder if there was a sunset clause on that provision.

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Just a calculated, systematic plant of the right people in the right places. That and the fact that FDA gets 60% of their revenue from "fees" assessed to pharma companies. Just the cost of business these days. Couple billion dollars, couple million lives.

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excellent comment. #TruthBeTold

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One more example of the marriage of big gov and big biz

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No it just added more gov beauracrats to the Pfizer payroll

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Thank you for the link.

Great reminder, yes.

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Serial felons and mass murderers. Nothing to see here.

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We travel a lot internationally and I am so relieved my kids are fully vaccinated against the diseases they are actually at risk for. We haven’t gotten them a flu shot the last 2 years. I’m not getting them vaccinated for anything anytime soon. I was already opposed to the one my daughter is supposed to get in a couple years. I don’t trust them (and our pediatrician opposes vaccinating kids/ young people for Covid). I just don’t trust what they’ll actually give them.

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Yeah I mean it makes almost no sense from a medical standpoint to vaccinate children for influenza, even less so for SARS-CoV-2. My daughter received all the normal vaccinations, however, we also insisted they spread them out. It is ridiculous to me they give infants five or six vaccines at a time nowadays. Are pediatrician give us a hard time about it, we weren't even declining the vaccines, we just wanted to spread them a few weeks apart so we didn't overload her body. Because of her attitude, we found a new pediatrician for our next appointment 👍🏼

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I couldn't agree with you more. My daughter has many autoimmune diseases including type 1 diabetes, vitiligo, hashimotos, POTS and more. She is also waiting on tests for RA and sjogren's disease. She's now 27 and a nurse. Was told she'll probably never be able to have children. She was always so sick after the vacinnes. The doctors told me that was normal. What I wouldn't give to go back in time with the knowledge I have today.

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Your experience and mine, with my daughter are identical. The 1990's were horrible for children. The vaccines contained mountains of toxins including but not limited to, Aluminum, Mercury, human primitive DNA, various animal DNA and retroviruses, etc.

Those kids got hammered. The results are plain to see. Look up the "Contol Group Litigation's" comparison of the vaxxed and unvaxxed. Mind blowing!

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And now they want to combine flu and covid vaxes. Murderous negligence v

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That's something that baffles me. I can't think of a single nurse I work with that agrees that's a good idea...even the COVID shot pushers.

I'd also tell you that what's missing from the picture is all those that got it, but don't want a booster and/or now understand the risks after seeing them/experiencing them.

4 of my coworkers were out with covid a couple weeks ago, all of them vaccinated. They feel it's pointless to get a booster now. So I ask them, will you stand with us then? Because if this shit flies you're next

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Had a medical appointment two years ago, for a simple procedure that took less than ten minutes. Before getting to that procedure, I was cooling my heels in the waiting area for over an hour. Few patients coming or going, I wondered what was up.

"What gives?" I asked.

"Flu shots for the staff yesterday afternoon", the receptionist told me. "Today, most of the staff couldn't make it in."

Not even once have I ever submitted to a flu shot. The next time I get the flu will be my first.

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So they are now unvaccinated vaccinated ones !

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It is over 10 to.1 reduction in severe outcome but only 5 to 1 with delta for infection. Remember to normalize and break into age ranges. The data.is compelling that the vaccines are effective and I look at the raw.data in 12 different countries.and 20 states...oddly.often overlapping with some.of the data Alex looks at though we seem.to often come to different conclusions.

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It is hilarious, in Belgium you have to have 3 weeks between the two, but Americans are stronger, they can have both at once.

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Most of Europe has one or two mandated vaccines. All the rest is free choice. I think only USA has such a load of vaccinations at such a short time. I remember the polio, I think I was 6. I still had cow pox set but don't remember, I was 4 and spent 2 days hospitalized.

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Polio began to disappear as the use of DDT declined. Today, the polio vaccine is the biggest source of polio, including guillain barre syndrome.

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Flu vaccines are garbage. They know they are garbage. People outside of healthcare probably don't realize that most facilities mandate flu vaccines, they have for years. As all of the covid crazies like to say "the data is clear" that flu vaccine simply don't work. Do you know why they mandate flu vaccines? Money. CMS (medicare medicaid) give huge reimbursements for that that hit 90, 95, 98, and 100% rates of flu vaccines. It's not about health, it's about cash.


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Worst flu I ever had was after I got the only flu shot I’ve ever had. Never again.

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my dad almost died from his. he ended up with such a devestated immune system from it he got MRSA, CDIFF and systemic candida. his buddy was his doc in hsptl and his buddy said ...eric, go home. this is worse here for you. there is nothing else we can do. went to center for holistic medicine and saw Dr. Richard Ng (has been in news often for succesful covid protocols). they saved my dads life.

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I read that so many times, over and over. My dad told me never to buy the first year of a new model of car. When I realized that flu vaccines were new every year, I said 'hell no'. That philosophy has stood up well, I haven't had a clot shot and don't plan on it.

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My dad and brother both said the same about new models/new transmission.in cars. They worked in a car assembly plant. My sister didn't listen and paid the price with the used car they bought. I listened and passed it on to my kid.

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Worked for Public Health in Ireland. Every year a big push to get the flu vaccine. Every year I refused, thankfully it wasn't mandated though there was talk about doing that.

In 2016, I got the flu, admittedly I was very sick but I took leave, stayed home and took lots of vitamin C and fluids. After about 5 days I began to feel better. Many of my colleagues had had the flu vaccine and they too got a similar flu! One ended up in hospital, the flu vaccine didn't make any difference. There was a 25 year gap between that flu and my previous one.

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The only time i had the flu was around 1993. I was down for three days and figure it's worth every 25 years not to get something that doesn't really work injected in me. Sounds like now, don't it?

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Same. I've only had flu three times in my adult life that I'm aware of, two of those years were when my hospital required we get the vaccine. The second year was the last time I got it and never will again

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Every time I got flu vaccine I got ill with flu. Since I stopped, I never had flu again. Go figure

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Same here.

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Not surprising. In the spring of 2020, I read about a study of flu vaccination an infection with non-SARS-Cov-2 corona viruses, which found that those vaccinated for flu were more likely to be infected with corona viruses. Despite that, health officials were recommending that people get the flu vaccine in the fall of 2020, and lied by saying it would reduce the chances of getting Covid-19.

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Right. And now it's standard protocol to give flu vaccines to all inpatients, yet no flu swabs being done. They recommend and insist it's prudent to take flu and COVID vax simultaneously. Unreal.

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I swear I had covid in the summer of 2017 when I 1st heard what the symptoms of it were. They wanted to put me in the hospital, said I was taking the risk of dying if I didn't. Was never sick like that muchless lost of taste for a month, super short of breath, etc. It hit instantly and had been going around. I picked it up from sick urgent care patients while I waited to see my dr for qrtrly visit. It hit me instantly a few hours later (and I will never forget how H1N1 had me down for a month, cannot remember anything that month). I was recovering from the third major surgery in over 3 years and was so sick of hospitals so I refused and said I would take my chances. They said I could run out of oxygen. Didn't care. Could not sleep for weeks due to no oxygen in lungs but what once they finally picked the right antibiotics to put me on I started getting better. Had some pretty scary moments though. I have asthma so a very slow process.

The anesthesiologist I had for a surgery that previous Jan was from China. Could not understand one word she said but I do know she blew off my warning of how sick I become from anesthesia. She had spent her time taking care of me before the surgery trying to book flights back to China while the pregnant nurse coughed away above me. I always wondered...

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Hadn't seen this before. Immensely informative, sources documented. Thanks for posting!

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Most welcome. Thank me by share, share, sharing.

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What I've heard about CMS has turned me against Medicare4All, though I still favor single payer administered at the state level like in Canada.

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That's how they kill you. Oregon Health Plan patient with heart attack was just turned down at two hospitals in the Rouge Valley. She died. Was 52 years old and has 6 kids. Mixing medicine and government is a terrible idea. Look at what just happened in England.

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I have been saying for years that our government medicine protocol is over vaccinating. I had my wake up call over 15 years ago when my dog suddenly was diagnosed with immune mediated anemia right after an extra unnecessary vaccination. Veterinary medicine is in on the scam too!

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You're right! The dogs have been targeted for pharma $$$ for too long. I was also unaware of this until my dog was almost paralyzed by his "annual" vaccines. Taking a walk down the pet food aisle shows the impact of this in terms of the manufacturers claiming to stop skin allergies, joint problems, etc. etc....... Super expensive dog food -- I wonder why..... When did pharma stake out our family pets in such a devastating way$$$$$??? Apparently, it was years ago and under the radar. Scary how much $$ the vets can take from families and how much suffering they cause for the dogs.

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Next thing you know all dogs and cats will need covid shots

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They are absolutely working in that direction.

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I studied Natural Medicine, got the wake up call, stopped the insane and criminal yearly vaccines, and suddenly my German Shepards went from living to 12 years of age, with 2 years of hardship or hell, before death, to living 14 or 15 years, and only dealing with old age, before death.

Vaccines are poison. As is commercial dog food.

You can survive a little, but not a lot!

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I LOVE seeing this!!!! Most people don't understand how crazy it is that we load our pets up with vaccines every damned year of their too-short lives. Bravo! And ditto on the dog food as well. I spend more money on my dogs' raw organic diet that my husband and I do on our own food.

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I never picked up on this. I fed my dogs decent stuff, but wow. Not sure i wanna think back on it. Could they be causes of dogs being "susceptible" to whatever?

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Yep. Very early on my wife was actually the reason I started becoming more skeptical about these. mRNA vaccines are used very commonly in the animal world, and they kind of have a bad reputation where the people in the industry think they are a joke because they don't do anything and they only last a couple months.

Basically, they are used on cheap livestock, chickens, cows, and other animals that the cost benefit of keeping them alive until they can slaughter them is more than the risk of the vaccines

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I had already thought of going vegetarian. Thank you for posting this, because now I WILL..

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Oh my, I had forgotten how I almost lost a cat due to a distemper vaccine. She immediately became very ill. She spent an entire week at the vet because she almost died three times. Her main vet said she reacted as another cat did and was wondering if it was the same vaxx lot #. Well, when the owner/vet of the clinic learned of this there was an immediate lock down and denial of that information. My kitties I have now are due for feline leukemia and distemper. I have not decided yet as all my cats in the past never got another distemper shot and I don't think they were getting the feline leukemia either. They sure as hell are not getting any covid vaxx now! They are all from the same litter and all have inflammatory bowel syndrome and have been on a med for it for over a year, now working on lowering the dose to get to a maint dose. No, no prednisone. Learned in the past the hard way about that stuff, too. Thank you for the heads up. I live my new vet clinic I am at and will ask about it. They are fantastic, caring honest vets there. Wish I could find a dr like them.

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I told my old veterinarian once that if I needed a doc I would come to her. Unfortunately she retired recently. I think a good vet is much better than most docs.

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My son had a crazy reaction to his 9 month vaccines. Over a year of 105 degree fevers every few weeks. It was hell. I still worked full time and he was constantly out of school. Countless blood tests.

Luckily we have a pediatrician who actually cares. He suspects his little immune system overreacted to the vaccines and went out of wack (though constant diagnostics were necessary to ensure that’s what was going on). Each time his immune system overreacted it then became suppressed and vulnerable.

Fortunately we worked with his daycare to get a “religious exemption” on file so we could use a spread out alternative schedule for the necessary early vaccines. Once he got through that the pediatrician said “no more unless you feel strongly. Let’s give his immune system a long time to fully develop. Unless you really want it, he doesn’t need the flu shot. He doesn’t need any of these other shots. He doesn’t even need Tdap for a long time. We’ll do what we’ve always done - watch him and treat symptoms as they pop up so nothing spirals. Let’s let his body do what it’s designed to do.”

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Hold on to that Doc. They are seldom and far between

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In the 90s my kids' pediatrician told me they should never get the flu shot and neither should I. The flu shot back then was meant for 65+ and even then I'm not sure how effective that is. Looks like all of that "sponsored by Pharma" took over everything regardless of the poor outcomes. Glad you found a decent Dr.!!

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The problem is not your son's immune system. The problem is the overload of toxins in the vaccines! You cannot inject nano-aluminum, ethyl mercury, primitive human DNA contaminants, retroviruses, etc., etc., ect., into a child or a baby's body and not cause harm.

Each child reacts in their own way. My daughter's was much like your son's. But, the others who do not have a violent immediate response are also being harmed.

With the suspension of "well baby" visits and injections during Covid Times, SIDs almost vanished, and many 2-year-olds are hitting 5-year-development milestones.


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Laye 90's my child at the time cried nonstop for a week. Pediatrician immediately said his brain was swelling and no more of that vaccine (cannot remember the name). School never questioned that exemption. Then his adult dr game him a booster of that one. Argh! I had always warned him. Sure enough, bad reaction. Now his little one, same reaction and he cannot get it either. I fought like hell for my kid, make sure you all continue to do the same. Good for you!!

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very much so. I used to go to an older veteranarian, who employed a young one. I just had my first dog, full of fleas, 3 months old, and asked if she could help with that. She gave the dog something oral and 3 shots, and told me to come back in 2 weeks. Then I had the older vet and she told me all shots under 6 months are useless because the dog is still relying on immunity from the mother and has no own system yet. After that I refused all but the rabies shot. And in Belgium that is a life long coverage. Here you need to take the one year, then every 3 years. Vets here don't know about the lifelong one.

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Your vet can do a titer for rabies instead of a vax. Thats what we did for my Lulu. Luckily my vet agreed to no more shots. My dog lived till 14 with her compromised immune system.

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Thanks for the tip. They do a blood test anyway for heartworm, so I will have them test for rabies antibodies rather than just get her another vaxx. She is 6 and my child !

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Most definitely, my wife is a vet tech and she would certainly agree.

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Part of the “test group.”

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I have family overseas that I want to visit very much. I'd have to quarantine for 2 weeks if I don't have proof of shots. Not willing to risk fake documents though I have no problem with that morally at this point, especially with my natural immunity. Do you just comply with government-mandated quarantines when you travel overseas since none of your family have the shot? How do you get around that at international borders? 2 weeks in a government-approved quarantine hotel?

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Sounds eerily like Australia. My job takes me to Australia a few times a month and I get to experience the wonderful quarantine hotels. November 1st all fully vaccinated people no longer need to quarantine, but us unclean must still remain locked in our rooms. Even though my natural immunity is far superior. Had covid last November, recovered at home. Had my blood tested Sep. 1 and still had an antibody level of 173. My son, the only one in the family who hadn't had it, got sick in mid September and tested positive. Since then I have taken 8 tests, all negative. Had my blood tested again on Oct. 28, new antibody level 1685. Seems like my immune system is doing it's job.

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I haven't gotten an antibody test though I'm very comfortable with the amount of data out there showing that there is an overwhelming likelihood that I have them. I guess if I want to go visit my family in Thailand, I'll have to quarantine for two weeks. I'm pretty sure that's what they require for us unclean monsters. Best wishes to you!

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We don't need to dress up for Halloween anymore

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Your son gave you a booster, which is what most SARS-CoV-2 exposures di.

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We are going on an international trip in a few weeks. None of us are vaccinated. The country we are visiting requires a test for entry fir anyone over 12 regardless of vaccination status. To return we must test within 24 hours of departure and again when we return. To reduce our chances of being trapped somewhere we are driving to the airport where our flight is direct. We may get trapped in quarantine upon return, but should at least be in our own home if we do.

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Good luck. I have family overseas and will not visit till this circus has left town.

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I'd try the povidone/iodine nasal and throat disinfection for a couple of days before the test. It may be a good idea even to do it every day while on the trip.

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We’ve been doing that for testing

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You might want to look at this, started by Dr. Delores Cahill and others: https://www.freedomtravelalliance.com/

Here's James Corbett interviewing Dr. Cahill: https://greatreject.org/the-freedom-airway-freedom-travel-alliance/

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I don’t know how it all works, but someone I’m acquaintances with had to do that and it was all at their own expense. They were coming back to the US from Australia en route to Hawaii where they spent 2 weeks in quarantine (this was during early time of Covid), so that was an additional expense they hadn’t counted on. Lucky for them, they could afford it.

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Please watch the film Vaxxed. PLease do not ever give them Gardasil. It is made for Far Eastern whores who refused it because it had so many side effects, I read. Now they are poisoning children in America with it.

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It’s literally our will that she is not to get guardasil. They have also always attended private Christian schools. We are grateful that for other reasons we put both of our kids in a position to have a genuine religious exemptions while also ensuring they are protected from things like measles and polio. When it’s time for a Tdap booster we will get it at our independent integrated health practice so the records never get released.

Academically challenging private Christian schools like the one my kids attend is already overflowing with long wait list in every grade. That and new options for more creative educational models are the only upside to Covid for kids. But for the millions who are masked and soon to be vaxxed it is heartbreaking. It truly is the sins of the parents being carried by the kids. 💔

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Read "Dissolving Illusions" by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD. Vaccines make no sense whatsoever, not historically or scientifically or logically. Vaccinations are an ill-conceived attempt to boost our immune system, but they cripple our immune system instead. Our immune systems must be allowed to function free from interference from a toxic vaccine. A healthy immune system depends on being challenged by diseases. That's what makes it strong.

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My thoughts exactly, Lynn. "Vaccine science" is almost as valuable as phrenology, though phrenology was more grounded in fact.

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Thanks for the tip ! I agree already. And then there is also the immunity from the mom that cares for the baby in their first months. Totally overlooked by the needlehappy doctors.

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They will be administering the kill shots at elementary schools. Where they can get away with it, without parental consent.

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This is a NIGHTMARE!!! We MUST rise up and put a STOP to this utter nonsense!!!

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With GOOD reason, as you do the research.

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Im with you. No flu vaccine anymore and steering clear of doctors altogether. I’m sure most of them working for HMOs, like Kaiser, for example, follow the corporate line rather than be honest with their patients. I don’t trust them at all.

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Yes no yearly pointless medicare visit. I will not submit my vaccine status to anyone, especially big medicine where all your info is on line whether it is accurate or not.

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The Flu vaccine may have propagated the Covid virus....one to one correlation in several places around the world.

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Synthetic disease/synthetic “virus” made at the same time…

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Elaborate please

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One example, In Northern Italy almost everyone was vaccinated with the new quadvalent FLU vaccine weeks before the one of the worst covid outbreaks.

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Flu vaccines greatly weaken the immune system. Per CDC, their own data shows after flu vac there is a 65% higher rate of other respiratory infections, including coronaviruses. Go figure.

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In the US, a record number of FLU vaccines were administered prior to last winter, and COVID sky rocketed. NIH has studies about Pathogenic Priming...which the FLU vaccines is link to cause.

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Yes and they are pushing even harder. I'm a nurse, work at a hospital. It's just an automatic now, every single patient admitted as part of their admission order set there's a flu vaccine. Obviously, I inform them and let them choose, I canceled the orders all the time if they decline.

But knowing that, we literally don't test for flu, EVER! I mean seriously, not one time in the last 2 years. We can't even get doctors to write an order for a flu swab now.

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Look, ANY vaccine is loaded with a witches brew of preservatives, adjuvants, emulsifiers, aluminum, mercury... You inject any vaccine into someone's bloodstream and you've poisoned them and forced their bodies to go into a serious effort of detoxification. You're weakened and more susceptible to illness. Those flu like symptoms you feel after ANY vaccination doesn't mean your immune system has been boosted. It means it's been assaulted.

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Small studies of the brains of deceased victims of autism showed very high aluminum levels. Aluminum is a potent pro-inflammatory metal and autism is characterized by inflammation in the brain and gut. Where did all that aluminum come from? If you guessed vaccines, give yourself a cigar. Aluminum is added to vaccines precisely to enhance their inflammatory potential.

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You might want to try a detox protocol. Most are herbal or homeopathic and wihtout any harm done

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I got sick from my last (and final) flu shot in Fall of 2019. Didn’t have Covid but I’ve been sick ever since and have never fully recovered.

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I'm 94% sure they rigged the studies.

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I had flu 3 times. Not pretty, but survived. Everything that does not kill you makes you stronger. Never had a flu shot and never will. Unless they strap me to a stool and force me of course. Like maybe some elderly homes do

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I agree completely, Chris.

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This was 89% not 93%...haven't read.the study and not expert but I'm thinking it might be lower than 89%. My p won't be under 0.05 at 89%...though it will certsinly.to show it effective

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We don't have to take it, we just have to calm all the pathologically scared sheep down a bit.

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Fair point, but although I vehemently disagree with the pathologically scared sheep, I still don't want any harm to come to them from taking poorly developed in researched medications.

I feel the same way with vaccines, it's their choice. I asked that they respect mine in return. But I also feel compelled to inform people, because they are making major health decisions based on incorrect information.

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I can already see the commercials in 20 years “did you or a loved one take an experimental vaccine for Covid-19. Have you experienced years of heart conditions, brain fog, reduced oxygen, infertility, inflammation, or chronic conditions related to your immune system? You might be entitled to financial compensation. Call our offices at 1-800-Brandon”

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That would be a best-case scenario. At this point, I think we'll be lucky if it's not more a matter of having an International Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Covid-19 mRNA shots and visiting your area's memorial wall with the names of the dead inscribed on them.

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Thanks for that....lmao...but more than likely will come to pass.

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Get that bottle of Chloroform out

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Exactly. These pills could mean the end of vaccine mandates. Let's celebrate them! I won't take them.

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In a sane world, this would end the vaccine mandates and immediately HALT the vaccination of our Kids !

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In a sane world, this would end the vaccine mandates and immediately HALT the vaccination of our Kids !

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Saw a prophecy video that showed all these programs that were sponsored by Pfffizer. Revelation stuff yet again.

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They lied about efficacy before. Why would they not do it now?



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Want to read the full study before I make any final call on it. I have a sense we probably have a difference of opinion on the vaccine....while I saw.their 32k study for vwccine I did wait until I had more.population data and have.billions showing vaccine is effective . This study was under 1500 people, does look promising ....I am comparing it to placebo group..not sure if that was your point

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The point speaks for itself. They lied about efficacy in a way that they KNEW would deceive people.

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I'm really just saying that I need to deep.dive the study. Its promising. I hope we get.100 good treatments. I'm not stating they lied There is some logic that would allow.them to subset.the 3 day from the 5 day and both were.very.good. For a trial it is reasonable size. I'm spoiled with billions of data points in some.cases so will.want.to look at breakout.if this is done on how it worked.in millions. Have a nice.night

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The same people who poisoned me as a child (Pfizer made 'coughing syrup' as my mam believed, but it was in fact antibiotics that undermined my immune system) trying to poison me again. After all the law suits they have been in, and still are, one would think governments keep far away from this company.

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Vaccine makers are virtually immune to lawsuits - it's U.S. FEDERAL law. EUA vaccine makers even moreso - that's why we won't see Comirnaty in the U.S., even though its approval is the excuse for mandates.

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The lawsuits benefit them greatly. The more suits they can file, the more fees they can assess for "violations"

At this point it's kind of hard to believe they don't allow the conduct to continue on purpose. If they were being honest, after repeated violations they should effectively blacklist them and tell them we will not bring a single one of your drugs to market again.

That's the disconnect a lot of people have. I'm actually a proponent of regulation... If we are actually regulating. The problem is the US government has run rampant, and they no longer regulate for the benefit of the people, they regulate for more money and power

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The vaccine data is very good. Berenson even pointed out the 93% against severe outcome though he somehow used narrative too!s to present that as negative. I see it as 11.2 to 1 reduction in severe outcome

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Initially, yep.

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Agreed it drops.over time. Right now in US, I'm saying its 11.2 to one. Israel has boosted up beyond that. They are at 0.68% positive with 172 severe covid cases of which near 80% are unvaccinated. They started very heavy on booster in July ...when they move, they move fast. Really interesting to see where they will be in February in non immunocompromised. Not liking the focus on the younger in US...am biased. While under 3% of 65+are unvaccinated in US, I live in Michigan where it is near 9% and for some reason Berensons tweets of the Norway nursing home deaths article stuck with an 80 year old.couple who think they will die of they get vaccinated....and I'm pretty sure Alex supported vaccine for older.but hope.he will post it so clear cut that people that made up their minds in Jan will see the person who convinced them even believes.....long shot he ever.bothers to answer and long shot they listen if he does, but they really are.a nice couple and Delta really killing off that unvaccinated age.range

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Delta is hammering all. Efficacy is more like 50% in full vaxxed, even under 120 days.

I've had 11 fully vaccinated patients in my last 5 shifts. 4 unvaccinated. 2 of the 11 had Pfizer booster 3 weeks prior to infection.

The data from boosting is actually really quite bad. You get that quick 90% protection again, but looking like it wanes even faster. It's not too different from flu vaccines, they just don't work well. The fact remains, we cannot vaccinate ourselves out of the pandemic, it's a failing strategy.


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Take a look at the Israel site dashboard. For boosters they did millions months ago. I haven't broke out the booster data in US....only been a few months that it's been easy to do VE data. Its only 15 states but take a look at VE there. US is 97%+ have had a vaccine in 65+ so guessing none of your vaxxed was young (guessing most your unvaxxed older too)

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We have vaccinated so many people, so fast, it is IMPOSSIBLE to accurately track safety data. It is extremely time consuming, and working first hand in healthcare with this for 20 months, I can tell you that no one is keeping track of anything.

It's much, much worse than they tell you it is. There simply aren't enough people tracking all the little details, and it doesn't serve the narrative.

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I guess you're kind of making my primary point. If 97%+ are vaxxed, yet still getting covid, getting very sick, and dying, how can we arrive at the conclusion they are working?

Ages were 43-91. The 2 boosted were 88 and 73. If it can't stop them from being infected and falling very ill (both had "severe" cases) what is the point? We also have extremely limited safety data. When the say "even given a billion doses, see!," That simply doesn't cut it. Safety data can't be reasonably assessed in 12 months, it's absurd.

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But a lot of people will trust this and hopefully help end this nonsense.

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Maybe. Also keep in mind they will probably just make this another EUA drug. If that's the case, it won't qualify as an "existing treatment" and therefore the eua for the covid vaccines will remain in place.

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I am using essential oils and herbs now. Enough.

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If they are deemed essential they will be outlawed. Ya gotta hava pill ya know😉

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I heard that the new Phizermectin pill can possibly mutate mammalian cells. I think it can be found in the drug autograph.

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Anyone following Big Pharma over the decades knows their ways

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Isn't this just ivermectin repackaged with a patent so they can make $$$ rather than a generic like ivermectin

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Molnupiravir is not ivermectin, nor is it in any way related to ivermectin. Molnupiravir is however a powerful mutagen. You're told to just trust Big Pharma that molnupiravir will only mutate the virus in your body, and not your own cells. That's a pretty big level of trust.

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Rat poison squared

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Molnupiravir also happens to be horse medicine. (It's used for horse encephalitis.)

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I didn't realize that! So it's at least been tested in animals then. Still seems quite dangerous though

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Quite pricey too. Funny how the FDA and pharmaceuticals and their ilk are fine with people taking expensive "horse medicine" but not cheap "horse medicine." I'd not go with the new stuff myself when they've got reams and reams of information on how safe Ivermectin is.

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That means it's even worse than that awful horse de-wormer ivermectin.

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FYI this isn't molnupiravir, it's something else

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Yes, I think molnupiravir is Merck's entry in the treatment sweepstakes. It's not Ivermectin either - but it's the reason that Merck condemned Ivermectin, even though they were IVM's original manufacturer and sold 100s of millions, if not billions of doses.

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A bridge to far

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That's a nice article and points out the serious hazards with this drug. I'm told it is used in horses (for real), which is surprising although maybe makes sense if encephalitis has a high fatality rate. It's too bad US media doesn't do this type of reporting.

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From what I can gather, Pfizer's new drug is solely a protease inhibitor.

Ivermectin has protease inhibitor activity, plus other mechanisms of action. See Table 2 in this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8203399/

That is why ivermectin is going to be better at fighting this disease.

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This is what they did. THE PEOPLE'S MEDICINE VS MERCK'S BILLION $ PILL: How they killed ivermectin for something "new"


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Not quite. The beauty of ivermectin is it comes from nature, with slight modifications. Have you see the molecule comparison with the vaccine? Stunning.

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It is just like them to steal, rename and hike up the cost of a medication that is already known and data-proven.

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Would seriously like to understand the similarities (if any) and differences.

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Excellent Statement...my first thought exactly!

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No; so much easier to make, it ought to have a tenth the price of ivermectin.

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My wife is a retired nurse who worked for years in an HIV clinic. Her immediate reaction was to say "Ritinovir? People taking that will wish they were dead." The severe nausea, etc affected almost 100% of her patients, "Creates a terrible metallic taste in mouth , severe diarrhea ... Who would want to take that based just on possible exposure to Covid?

These are just the expected side effects:

Commonly reported side effects of ritonavir include: asthenia, diarrhea, hypertriglyceridemia, increased gamma-glutamyl transferase, nausea, vomiting, and unpleasant taste. Other side effects include: abdominal pain, dyspepsia, fever, hyperlipidemia, increased serum alanine aminotransferase, peripheral paresthesia, dysgeusia, and oral paresthesia.

The press is always so breathlessly excited about magic pills.

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I’m all for therapeutics and I’m definitely not a Pfizer denier. My preference is Novavax from a vaccine perspective. I’ve been vaxed with one-shot J&J because of my companies vaccine mandate.

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Hopefully never. So far the company hasn’t mandated a booster.

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Give it a week

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Hey guys, remember that last drug we gave you, the one that destroyed your immune system, actually did kill your grandma, and didn't work?

Water under the bridge.

This one is sooooo much better that it comes with a monthly subscription plan, for the rest of your life. Bon Appétit!!

F these murders.

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Didn’t they say the shot was 95% effective?

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Yes 👍 for about 5 minutes then you need a Booster shot and another one.

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Relative effectiveness, big difference btw absolute

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Alex, this time you LOST me at "Pfizer says." Sorry, this is the same company that tells us their Covid vaccine is perfectly safe and effective. Clearly, it is neither.

The truth is that Pfizer has a long criminal history of fraud and deceit. Nothing it's done in the past 18 months should have surprised any of us. At this point, I would not put anything in my body that comes from this company. It's well past time for all of us to move on from Pfizer.

You can read more about their deceit around the Covid vaccine trials here:


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Ivermectin. HCQ. Zinc. D. C. Quercetin. Exercise. Fresh food. Clean, bottled water. Moderation. We have everything we need.

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I prefer my well water.

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Same here.

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Now do Ivermectin research Alex. There's quite a lot of it.

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In what hemisphere would you put something in your body that was created and sent into people within 6 or so months??? Especially after it was shown that the therapeutic hydroxychloroquine worked. Then, using ivermectin worked. Then realizing certain supplements do worlds of good. Then finally. Regeneron. I have never remarked that there is no virus. Yes there is. And it isn’t leaving. It simply changes. But how you can treat it has changed. There are many options. Why is our government trying to keep ivermectin away from us? Why is the government trying to restrict regeneron from red states? Why are those who get the shots asked to continue getting them every 6 months ? Why aren’t more people asking these questions???

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Maximize pharma profits while killing a portion of us off? Plus if many are maimed and have long term chronic conditions….are we too sickly to fight back….have to be more concerned with our immediate health than the world around us…..and if not us, our family members…..keep us docile.

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Never has so much been made out of so little. I’m so deathly sick and tired of this entire scam.

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For real. Whatever upper respiratory virus is going around, call it covid if you will, is not very dangerous by every metric we have to measure this sort of thing. Maybe a little more deadly than a regular seasonal flu?

I'm sick of having this argument at this point. Everyone should be able to look around them, see that all the dire predictions turned out to be false, and move on. Like, remember when they said that 1.5 million Americans would die by August 2020 if we did everything right? And if we didn't 2.6 million would die. That didn't happen, but we're still acting like it might. What is wrong with people? It's like how they always forget that Al Gore said there'd be no snow in North America by 2010, and a bunch of other crap in that stupid movie of his.

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25 years ago, I met a doctor who commented on the antibiotic craze that was then enveloping younger emergency room doctors. At the time, patients who had colds or the flu were coming to the emergency room begging for antibiotics as a quick fix for their ailment. Younger doctors who simply wanted to "move the meat" would accede and write a prescription, thereby depriving the body of building the necessary antibodies to combat that cold or flu at some future date. It also conditioned the body to depend on continually stronger antibiotics to combat germs in the future. Anyway, this physician, who I've kept in touch with and is now in his 80's, told me to wait as long as I possibly could before putting antibiotics, or ANY medicine, into my body. The longer you can wait, the longer you will likely live. Eventually, the body will break down and require synthetic assistance, but until then....

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just wait for it - "must be used in conjunction with the vaccine"

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Of course they did not fan fear with HIV -- the left wanted to protect homosexuals, not rev up fear about them. In the current situation, demonizing unvaxxed is a proxy for demonizing Trump supporters or white supremacists or domestic terrorists. Totally different cultural situation. Nothing to do with science. What they tried to do, for a while, with HIV, was convince us that anyone and everyone will get it, but that wore off.

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The left's assumption that anyone not wanting the current jab is a dirty Trumper will be their downfall.

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Yes. David Horowitz reported on the San Francisco public health dept.'s refusal to close the bath houses during pride week. They pretended they didn't know AIDS was sexually transmitted. They were so terrified of the gay lobby that they let gay men come to SF from all over the country to be infected and then go home and spread AIDS. It's one of the reasons Horowitz became a conservative.

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How many members of Congress got the heads-up and started selling their Pfizer, Moderna stocks...

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All of them

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It was likely Senator Ron Johnson’s adverse reaction & death panel that helped cause the crash in Moderna & BioNTech’s stock collapse.

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For those interested Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Ryan cole will be doing a lecture on Natural immunity and covid on Saturday 10am at the Florida Covid Summit. I will follow with the website so you can watch the livestream. God bless these doctors. Globalcovidsummit.org/page/florida

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On a side note, when was the last time Gavin Newsom appeared in public? It's been over a week right? Why isn't he out there touting the arrival of child vaccines? Inquiring minds want to know. All five of us in CA who fit that description.

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get him some pfizermectin ASAP!

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Yeah, really! Where is Gov. Gruesome?

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THIS. Seriously.

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This must be the Pfizermectin I have been hearing about.

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The problem here is that the pharmaceutical companies have completely ruined what little trust they had left after the opioid crisis. I know I certainly don’t trust them, and I can’t be the only one.

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Yes, and they started the abuse decades ago, with their cultivation of over-vaccinating children and adults, causing diseases and death, and having zero liability.

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As I was saying…..the game being played on us with the WUFLU will not work if we understand the truth and the con game that Big Pharma, the Media and some very evil players are playing for power and money. “It’s how they count stupid”

How long do you think the people would tolerate masks and lock downs, mRNA injections; let alone injecting our children with a diluted poison, if the near 400,000 deaths reported were closer to 40,000 in fact. No worse than a season flu.

“Italian newspaper Il Tempo reports that the Institute has revised downward the number of people who have died from COVID rather than with COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000.

“Yes, you read that right. Turns out 97.1% of deaths hitherto attributed to Covid were not due directly to Covid,” writes Toby Young.

Of the of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone. “All the other Italians who lost their lives had from between one and five pre-existing diseases.

Of those aged over 67 who died, 7% had more than three co-morbidities, and 18% at least two,” writes Young. “According to the Institute, 65.8% of Italians who died after being infected with Covid were ill with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), 23.5% had dementia, 29.3% had diabetes, and 24.8% atrial fibrillation. Add to that, 17.4% had lung problems, 16.3% had had cancer in the last five years and 15.7% suffered from previous heart failures.”

The Institute’s new definition of a COVID death means that COVID has killed fewer people in Italy than (whisper it) the average bout of seasonal flu. If a similar change were made by other national governments, the official COVID death toll would be cut by a margin of greater than 90 per cent.“

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Something that should be realized….this could never have happened if our hospitals and Doctors were not either indifferent or complicit.

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Will there be any long term testing? No. No thank you.

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They love cutting short the trials "because it's so effective!" Yeah, cut it short, to avoid all the medium to long-term adverse effects.

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I still can't get over them saying we won't know of the effects of the vax in children until we start giving it to them!!! WTF??? Trial of only 1,000 and they are rolling it out to all 5-11 yo?? Who have zero chance of dying from COVID? I am thankful I don't have little ones anymore or I would be wrought with anxiety and panic (wait... I already am... my company too is forcing the jab).

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Wait it out. Or just refuse. We will win. We have to win.

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So at what point does the vaccine get removed from the EUA when we have approved "treatments?"

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Oh it's been approved by the FDA... didn't you hear? 🤪

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We've had anti viral drugs months after this started. FLCCC.net, American Frontline doctors, earlycovidcare.com formed by Dr. Harvey Risch after he was banned and censored for speaking out. I think they took offense when he out and out called the CDC and FDA frauds. I've had Ivermectin on hand. The drug saved my grand daughter's life after she was refused monoclonal antibody treatment at her local hospital. And yet this is about public health. I am beyond hope when it comes to trusting these organizations that claim this is about the sanctity of life.

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Can't believe you're being optimistic about this, Alex.

Even if the trial data is real and accurate (which I doubt), this is something that won't prevent the vax mandates lunacy. It will be like "Sir, if you get infected after your 4th or 5th boosters, please take these pills".

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Yes label will say prescribe to vaxxed only 🤣

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Since everyone is eventually going to get COVID, it makes sense to focus on developing medicines to treat the rare cases of serious illness, rather than tyrannically mandating a leaky virus that requires an equally leaky and ineffective booster every 6 months for the rest of your life. Our current policy is both dangerous and epically stupid.

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Totally agree, but logic evades this administration... will this drug even matter? Seems like they are so insanely wedded to the jab, I'm not sure this will change anything.

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It's not going to matter at all. The whole point of the jab mandates is to destroy the economy, usher in communism, and get the world to voluntarily depopulate. It's never been about people's well being. Why would they force people to lose their jobs over a forced shot that isn't necessary and is actually more hurtful than helpful? People who are well informed and think for themselves will use ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine along with the other supplements that are known to fight off and prevent Covid. People who are exclusively getting their information from the fascist mainstream news media will buy into whatever the current government sponsored narrative happens to be at the time.

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Agree 100% except we already have those medicines and they are cheap, proven safe and effective

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Will everyone get it though?

First there's the virus, Sars Cov 2. Everyone can reasonably be expected to be exposed to the virus.

Then there's COVID 19, the sickness / disease that's supposedly caused by the virus. Not everyone exposed to the virus gets COVID 19. See the Diamond Princess. Floating petri dish. Yet only about 40% of people actually got sick. (not sure about the number, might be 60%).

So not everyone gets the disease, although we can expect everyone to get exposed to the virus.

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Yes, everybody will get exposed (likely multiple times), but as you mention -- some people have some sort of cross-immunity, and we have known this for a long, long time.

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Fauci did some panic mongering in the early days of HIV, saying that everyone could get AIDS through proximity. "AIDS doesn't discriminate" was the panic porn motto of the time. Everybody knew whether they were at risk and most were not.

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I know your skeptical of Ivermectin but data from India and Africa certainly suggests an anti-viral has an impact (in conjunction with lower co-morbidities). So is it remotely shocking that Pfizer and others have developed anti-virals that 1) suddenly have excellent results and 2) are vastly more expensive per pill than what’s out there now.

This is a money grab as well as a CYA for the failed vaxxes. They collected billions from the vaxxes and they’ll collect billions from this. I don’t trust any of them, quite frankly and will wait on the data but my guess - that anti-virals have had an impact for many all along - will prove out and just be amazingly more expensive.

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I read this either here or Mercola: who made Ivermectin? Merck. Who's pushing it? Not them. The big bucks are in whatever they come up with next, so they won't bother with studies. They still want what's best for mankind tho.

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The claims on the vaccine were in the same area. Which basically comes down to trials showing that your chances of getting COVID are now 1/1000 instead of 2/1000 or some such. Which is firmly within a standard margin of error. None of these things work against a virus that does not exist. I'd suggest getting gods that don't exist onto it. Then maybe they'll cancel each other out.

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Give me Ivermectin or give me death! We don't need no stinking new, expensive pills when we already have Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. And they need to quit with their evil depopulation plan already!

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Folks, send kudos out to the governor of Alaska. Dunleavy, I believe is his name. He is standing up, like governor De Desantis has against these mandates. Send them both emails of thanks for standing up. Or call their offices. We need to support those who are brave and standing up.

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Why not use off patent drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin? Hmmmm….

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Why are you casting aspersions on Pfizermectin. It's the best!

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Also hearing about Ivermercktin! What a hose job.

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Did you misspell horse? 😄

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Well, lets see. $ for one. Secondly, they just don't care.

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I will trust nothing from Pfizer or big pharma. We have early treatment options but no one is allowed to use them. That says it all. Also, if this wasn't about control they would mandate antibody testing.

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Yes on antibody testing, no on mandates!

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We can only pray that the mass vaccination campaign will suffer defeat legally, societally, and medically.

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Billy G is already talking up a smallpox epidemic. Fun times ahead.

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I'm at the point now where I don't give 2 sh*ts about any future drugs. This has nothing to do with science anymore. It's a totalitarian powergrab by a rogue political party that needs to go the way of the Federalists.

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We ALREADY have “the pill””… HCQ & IVM w multiple adjuncts. This is Big Pharma tweaking off patent, readily-available, INEXPENSIVE drugs to make $$$. The FDA needs to be remade from top to bottom and Fauci needs to be FIRED and prosecuted.

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If we're being honest, there was plenty of skepticism about whether HIV causes AIDS or was a harmless passenger virus. All the 'AIDS' cases in Africa without HIV, and even here in the US. Until AIDS, no virus could ever be pegged as the cause of a sickness where it wasn't present. But alas, Fauci needed a virus to demonize for his friends in big pharma, and to create the panic that brought him notoriety as our savior. Luckily at the time we had no rabid woke leftists intent on destroying a presidency and 'fundamentally changing' our racist society, so Fauci had to bide his time for when he'd be truly useful. Kinda like Hitler did in the 20s.

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In this time period (20 years) Hitler went from being a painter, which failed to becoming the leader of Germany

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Before I went down the HIV rabbit hole, I had no idea the HIV test tested for ANTIBODIES, not the virus itself. Because the virus is not present in the body in any amount that can be tested. Huh? How does it cause disease then? Sometimes 20 years after infection? It makes no sense.

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Is it because it's a retrovirus?

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Yup. Peter Duesberg will be vindicated, just like Drs Atlas, Bhattacharya, and the others, only much later.

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On an absolute basis, the vaccine data looked like shit. Only uneducated people thought it was good because they don't understand statistics. The vaccine showed no significant effects on severe disease or death and a tiny fraction of 1% less risk of mild or moderate symptoms. This was the fraudulent basis for the EUA.


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BULLETIN: New Pfizer Drug Proves 100% Effective at Generating Positive Press from News Media.

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"Pfizer says..." Got anything else Alex..?

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Pfizer, Fauci and Wollinsky know the vaccines do not work against Delta. I am reading posts in a FB Covid Vaccine group where fully vaccinated people who got the booster are now testing positive for Covid. It's almost as if the more jabs you get = getting Covid.

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Today's Unreported Truths is brought to you by Pfizer

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I'm beginning to wonder about Alex. Too many irons in the fire? Too little sleep? Still a little too much wanting to sit at the cool kids table?

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nah, i was just messing around. call me crazy, but will all the good stuff we've been hearing about ivermectin, i think pfizermectin was inevitable, and will probably work.

the tricky thing is that the ONLY reason to get vaxxed now, is to reduce hospitalization & death, and that's the ONLY thing this pill does, too.

so, there's no graceful path to back off the world's vaccine mandate push without telling everyone that this is a much safer path & probably should have been pursued from the beginning.

quite the pickle.

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Two things that have occurred in the last two years send me right over the edge:

The unbridled terror about covid that the government has created.

The voters elected a president who clearly is cognitively impaired.

Perhaps the organizations that are challenging the vaccine mandate will include in their arguments that the mandate is imposed by a man who clearly is in no position to make any decisions.

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> Our public health authorities DISCOURAGED rather than encouraged panic.

What a crock.

With AIDS, Fauci et al tried to convince us that heterosexual people were at similar risk to those who frequented "bath houses" and people who shared IV needles. They outright lied about who was at risk.

With Coof they try to bury the fact that if you're not obese or have several other commodities, your risk is minuscule.

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Yep! I was a teenager in the 80s. They went after EVERYONE. They basically implied that a couple of 16 year old virgins making out might give them aids.

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I'm old enough to remember that.

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Why do we need another potentially dangerous drug for Covid, which is 95-99% survivable?

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It’s not nearly as effective as ivermectin which means more deaths if we steer every to the Pfizer pill instead.

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Alex, if you are encouraged by a protease inhibitor working against this virus I suggest that you look into the reported mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV2.

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Smells a lot like Ivermectin....sure.......the whole thing stinks to high heaven. I'm sure it will be a bit more expensive too....like 500X. That said, If the narrative actually holds up it would be hard to call this pandemic an "emergency" much longer and one would hope that this would undermine the Brandates. The mere existence of a viable therapeutic should strengthen the legal cases currently in flight.

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It’s not ivermectin because it’s not nearly as effective as ivermectin.

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Here's a good review of the MOA of the new drug: https://moderndiscontent.substack.com/p/pfizer-releases-an-interim-report

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Alex isn't this just repurposed Ivermectin so Merck can sell it for a huge profits? A cursory look at the mode of action shows it to be nearly identical. This is the a very common strategy/scam played by Big Pharma. Not surprised at all it works. Ivermectin data is quite compelling.

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Make it for 5 cents and sell it for 700$

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If the 89% improvement in hospitalizations and death are even only half true, there is absolutely NO NEED for a vaccine, much less a tyrannical government using the mostly ineffective Covid-19 vaccines as a means of controlling its citizens. While I did succumb to the panic and received the Moderna vaccine, both shots, I will certainly NOT entertain any thought of receiving a booster(s). After my second shot, my CVD and associated symptoms, which had been stable for 13 years, progressed rapidly from February until in May I had a quadruple bypass. I believe the shot had some involvement with that rapid disease progression. Research into the damage the spike protein in the vaccine does to the vascular system further confirms my concerns and my decision that there will be no booster injected into my body.

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Even without the new Pfizer med, I will rely on the Mask/Math protocol should I develop symptoms. Again, NO MORE SHOTS FOR ME!

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Not in 1 million years would I trust Pfizer with my life much less a silly virus like Covid that is completely survivable by most of the population. We already have a drug that’s been demonstrated to be highly effective is much less costly and is off patent and it’s taboo to speak of it. It’s called Ivermectin or you know horse paste!

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I have certain rules I live by.

My first rule...

I don't believe anything Pfizer tells me... NOTHING!

Thnx GC

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Of course this is “not-ivermectin”

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