The adults that are voting YES to legalizing weed are basing it off memories of the weak stuff from the 80's and 90's. The latest lab-honed weed is something totally different than that, and actually dangerous. If states are going to legalize this stuff, they need to regulate the strength, too. Kids are being sacrificed so Deadheads can regain (relive) their youth.

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It’s dangerous to make any consumable substance such an integral part of one’s personality

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I've never met a user of marijuana for whom it isn't an integral part of his personality.

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I don’t drink alcohol, don’t take any pharmaceutical drugs or other drugs, but I do have 4 mg of THC Delta 8 chocolate every night before bed and sleep more soundly and continuously than I ever have. I take it strictly for sleep.

Herbal compounds, amino acids, sleep inducing teas, melatonin, magnesium, massages, aromatherapy, hot baths, were not able to do this for me. 

I’ve been trying different things for almost 20 years. None hold a candle to the THC chocolate.

It definitely does not define my life nor is it an integral part of my personality.

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For the kids it most definitely is a big part of their lives. I employed hundreds of high school and college kids that often came as non user, but because their peers used, they chose to use as well. Their personalities had significant changes. Ambition left them. 1 kid came from high school. He was a user. Sweet boy. Totally unmotivated. Hair down to his waist. We had a suicide of an employee he liked and that was his wake up call. He cut his hair, cleaned up, went back to college, stopped weed, and became the best he could be. He eventually got a great job and confided in me weed allowed him to just escape and join the others bound to nowhere. Heartbreaking to watch kids lose motivation due to weed. BTW, this was several years ago, and none of done a damn thing with their lives. I do blame weed, broken families and lack of curiosity and wanting to learn for the intrinsic value.

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My eldest of 4 adult daughters is 32 and has never tried marijuana. Her sisters all have, but she’s not interested. The one that smoked the most went to Georgetown Law, is an attorney in NYC and works for one of the largest law firms in the country. She’s very productive. For her it’s a way to calm her down, calm down her ADD. She does it to sleep. Honestly I believe the cocktail of medications they had her on for ADD, which I was not in agreement with (her father was), are much more detrimental to health.

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Oh yes. I had a doctor give me that crap for years. I immediately abused it and, when I took it, became a different human being. Adderall is poison.

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This is the second time you've tried your best to defend weed. It is like you take any comment and their personal lived experiences as an attack on you personally or family. I think you might be exactly what Zade was referring to 22 hours again when he made his comment you replied to: "I've never met a user of marijuana for whom it isn't an integral part of his personality."

Perhaps her law school success is more related to her ADD medication than her weed usage. Just a thought, as many college students use ADD medication to enhance focus to maintain greater periods of deep work/focus on academic material. In fact, college and university students using ADD medication for academic achievement, is much higher associated with success, than high levels of strong-strains of marijuana consumption.

Being pro-marijuana and a daily-user, you likely suffer from a confirmation bias. Alcoholics often downplay the effects alcohol is having on their lives. As if they had to admit it, they'd have to stop.

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Weed definitely doesn't help the spiritual entropy or degradation caused by the death of religion and culture and the vain attempt to fill the void with entertainment and sham curiosities of one kind or another.

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Agreed, but I think alcohol is worse.

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There are less dangerous ways of helping you get a good nights sleep!

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Like? I tried it all. I am a holistic practitioner. I will not take toxic pharma drugs. I never have. All pharma is dangerous.

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But THC is a drug. Not controlled by big pharma yet. It reminds me of how kratom gets touted as an alternative to opiates, even though it binds to essentially the same receptors in the brain, causes tolerance with continued use and can be very hard to get off of. Just not owned yet by big pharma, but every bit as bad as anything they peddle.

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Your're sounding more and more with each post like my new best friend. Keep going don't stop now. Loving it!

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you are correct, and even if not Judi is just another lip flapper

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Probably not but especially not if it a pharmaceutical

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It’s not dangerous. It’s not a gateway drug for me.

Did you know that sleep is one of the pillars of health?

Lack of sleep can contribute to diabetes, obesity, cancer, hormonal imbalance, cognitive decline and even depression?

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Your right, I'm not doing that!

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Really? Please enlighten me

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and less ignorant and judgemental ways of posting, too

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It’s OK. I trust my judgment and I know my body better than anybody else does.

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does it work? I head it does not, do you feel "high" I am a horrible sleeper, and of course here in NJ our "wonderful" gov Murphy , just legalized weed, he is using all the proceeds for social justice programs and making it more "equitable" for black and brown folks to open more weed dispensaries! instead of lowering our dam taxes we are the highest in the country beside California, what a joke.

If you feel normal before and not high of your ass, let me know, let me know, otherwise I will stick to my 5mg. of melatonin, and Face Values sleep aid, one shot and I am good to go! PS do you get the munchies?

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Does it work? Re-read my post please. I take it right before sleep. I do not get the munchies, nor do I wake up with a hangover, like melatonin can give you.

PS. I started last year after suffering with sleeplessness since childhood from probably several traumatic brain injuries. I am 63.

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I'm 63 too and I've had severe insomnia on and since 2009. I pegged it to perimenopause and actual menopause.

I fight my way through it, it's kind of cyclical. I'm gradually getting better these last couple of years.

I just have a complete aversion to all drugs so I'd never try it. But sleep IS critical to health.

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If the government suddenly declared it a hazard because of alleged documented illnesses and deaths, and took it off the market, I bet you suddenly we’d find out it is an integral part of your personality…

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It’s part of my sleeping deeply persona, who wakes up refreshed and ready to seize the day by 6am.

The government is a hazard! #wakeupworld

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Love your take, just like mine!

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Not addictive, don't even suggest such nonsence.

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Oddly the chocolate has caffeine right ? Any issies with weird dreams?

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I eat a half of a 2” square piece of chocolate, so minimal caffeine I would say. I’m very sensitive to caffeine, but it definitely doesn’t keep me awake. No dreams any weirder than dreams I already had. I think melatonin gives me weird dreams and I only take 2 mg at the most.

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I'm not trying to get you off the THC---I'm open to the idea that, like any drug, THC could be of overall benefit to some people in certain doses. I am concerned about any use of weed in teenagers and young adults, but at the same time I'm not interested in criminalizing its use.

It seems like a majority of adults have a problem getting good, deep sleep. I've found in recent years that taking Magnesium L-Threonate in the evening seems to help me sleep well, plus it's a supplement that is generally recommended for overall health.

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As the Irish say, "Fair play to you."

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Good for you young lady, keep it up.

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It gets a pass as such an "integral part" of his personality in a way that booze does not. I don't think it's any less destructive, at the end of the day, really; do you?

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It's like putting the user on a raft and pushing him out to sea. Gradually he drifts over the horizon and he's lost. I think it's utterly lethal.

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I gave up all intoxicants, except perhaps a yearly drink, a while ago. I had to learn the hard way. The emptiness of modern life pushes us in the direction of mind-altering hedonism. Time to stop the nonsense.

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I put away my share of alcohol in my twenties but haven't drunk alcohol since being pregnant with first child nearly 30 years ago. I don't miss it. Played with pot several times in college but it gave me muscle spasms and I hated the feeling of being stupid so that went away early on. Don't like intoxicants because they actually disrupt your functioning brain.

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Good for you. My life is not empty or void of meaning. I don’t take it to fill a void, but to sleep and be functional in the morning.

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Sounds like you were pretty high when you wrote this. Weak Buy minded people definitely should not intoxicate themselves with any substance.

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We're not on here to hurl insults at each other. So stop doing it. Nobody on these substacks is "weak-minded."

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The science is relatively clear. I’m not going to argue that the problem with cartel marijuana couldn’t be even worse than alcohol, but as for right now, the actual scientific research for which we have data (and is the weed the average consumer has access to in regulated states) is unequivocally less dangerous than alcohol. God put it on earth, and isn’t a product of a lab. The good weed is babied into becoming the best it can, but shouldn’t have any chemicals in it by the time it reach consumers (and which chemicals are allowed are heavily regulated), whereas alcohol is a lab-type of extraction. IMHO, best weed = best wine ≠ liquor

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Or grow your own. It’s WEED‼️ You’ll know exactly what’s in it.

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stink weed

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Doesn’t change the fact of dependency and escaping real world issues and life in general.

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Society is about to prove your thesis wrong.

The reality is that civilization was built with adults enjoying alcohol as part of everyday life and still being productive the next day.

Whatever your personal beliefs about weed, anyone who has been around people who smoke weed, edibles, etc. become less and less productive and for whatever reason it is clearly much more difficult to compartmentalize its effects.

Very few people want to smoke weed with their family at dinner. Many adults drink alcohol at dinner with their family and enjoy it.

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Fair point, but I think you should look into America’s drug policy history. You will find that capitalists have been long invested in making stimulants and pain relievers always accessible and available to the public,because it was good for them. I believe in people’s ability to regulate themselves when they need to. I would ask, what is it about our society which makes people choose stagnation? If you think it’s the drug, not the person or the incentives in the society, then we see it differently. As someone who’s been part of the recovery community I can tell you that if people care, and have hope, nothing will hold them back. Weed is not worse than alcohol, period. The choice of what to consume over dinner, is YOUR experience, it’s valid, but not representative of society at large. I think you know that. So, let’s not take personal experiences and project them onto everyone, that’s how we eventually all get shackled. Politicians will always be glad to oblige in adding another restriction, but the likelihood of reversing it is 0.000001%.

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Excuse me but I’ve worked with a person who drank the day before and a person that smoked the day before. I’m going to tell you something I’d rather work with someone who smoke the day before. Because the person who drank the day before is always bragging about the dumbest stuff they did and how much stupid they were and how much they drink, they stink like shit and are basically useless till about 3 o’clock. Oh yeah it’s time to go home‼️

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Maybe. I doubt there is such a thing as "the science" though.

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What do you mean? Of course there is.

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You THINK it’s heavily regulated and the agency in charge might TELL you they are, the reality is the are not. At least in Wa. state. There are approved pesticides & every year, more & more are canceled or added without much discussion on why. Then, products are not regularly tested for safety, unless the company does it to assure customers. It’s more of an honor system. There needs to be standardized tests and regulations nationally. Also, there’s not nearly enough employees to check & recheck company compliance procedures. Check it out for yourself. The end product is filled with pesticides that aren’t safe to consume. Nobody calls anyone out about this because it would hurt the industry. They give warnings over & over to the companies that continually get caught with noncompliance. It’s all good if they are “ working toward compliance,” meanwhile people are consuming the poisons. 🙈

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Clearly a pot head. Anyway, what you wrote is factual incorrect. Weed old versions and newer have literally thousands of unknow toxic chemicals (far worse than cigs), plus of course the psycho active component; it remains in your brain for over 30 days - alcohol is gone with hours - no trace in brain. "isn't a product of a lab", lol, neither is arsenic.

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I don’t smoke weed, but I won’t drag this conversation to the low level you have by trying to insult me. Before you say you didn’t, was Pot Head a compliment ? Is calling someone a Drunk or an alcoholic not an attempt to assert superiority? I don’t play these games… I’m against domination in all its forms… so, you’re right. I apologize for hurting your feelings, thanks for taking the time to reply

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Not true! Alcohol kills brain and liver cells. Our society glorifies drinking, which I find extremely distasteful!

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Yes, and that’s your view. I don’t have to agree…

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Oh, God put it on earth, did he? He also in theory put every other plant that's toxic and lethal on earth. Better go smoke those too! Just because something is found in nature, does not automatically make it good or bad. Each product should be evaluated on its own individual merits. There's been clear links to modern day Marijuana and poor mental health outcomes for many users. Try reading Alex's book for a sample of evidence.

However, I suspect you won't as your personality is probably defined by your love of weed and your need to ensure your next weed hit is available, or thinking about how low you are on weed or thinking about purchasing more weed because you don't want to run out, etc....runs rampant and takes priority. Most regular users I've known have these thoughts on cycle like any addict.

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Why are you so triggered, and is there any need to attack a random person’s character. It’s a very bad look. Even on u‼️

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"The Good Lord" [and, BTW, I'm not entirely sure exactly how "good" he/she/it is, or they are! - also put lead, cyanide, mercury, and arsenic on the planet. That doesn't mean I'm going to willingly ingest those compounds or chemical elements.

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I agree, but weed isn’t poisonous to us, in its wholesome form. It’s been used on the opposite manner in nearly all ancestral communities. That is to say, it’s been used as medicine

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Have you read Alex's book? Do you disagree with its premise?

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I haven’t. I saw his interviews with Joe Rogan

I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have commented

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I guess you didn't read a single thing before you wrote this? Yes, it's more destructive in the current strength than the booze I drank in college. It's replaced booze as the destroyer of aspiration and ability because it's so potent.

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I drink so not throwing stones here. But the truth is, it blocks you from your heart and you sure aren't going to deal with any early life traumas when you can just bypass proccessing those and getting free for good. Numbing is not enriching your prefrontal cortex which is where God is...where you can be in your right mind. Alcohol supposedly increases anxiety and worry, I'm sure THC does too if it's know to cause paranoia. Not condemning anyone or anything...we all have issues, it's just time to talk truthfully about it without defensiveness and excuses.

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more potent = smoke less.

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Alcohol addiction is the worst even worse than heroin. I've worked over 40yrs in healthcare at acute care hospitals. Seen lots of things, unpleasant at times, but those poor alcoholics were in terrible shape. But not one cannabis addict or death in all those years. So if folks want to protect others from themselves, I'd start with the drinkers not the tokers.

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I bet, but some of that may have to do with the fact that alcoholism is a slower or more protracted disease than heroin addiction. How long do most heroin addicts last, truthfully?

I'm not advocating any of this stuff, by the way. I stopped it all a while ago.

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I do. Booze is less destructive than heroine. Heroine is less destructive than meth, etc. I've known many people for whom booze was an inherent part of their personalities. And they were lovely.

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They did a science show 40 years ago on TV called Name Your Poison and it compared Alcohol, tobacco, Weed and Heroine. The safest was weed, second was heroine, third was alcohol and last tobacco. They tested it as to the health effects on the body. The two drugs that were legal Alcohol and Tobacco were the worst for your health and I doubt anything has changed.

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Yeah but that’s anecdotal not data

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Actually, anecdotal data is at least reality of some sort. So-called hard data is is open to manipulation, error, misinterpretation, misrepresentation and requires some sort of authorization. Every individual life is an anecdote and responsible to itself.

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I used to be such a person. To each his own on that score. But--from personal experience--it (mixing drinking and drugging with functionality) is a tricky tightrope to constantly try to walk.

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It's a matter of risk-tolerance.

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especially if they started around 13-15! my neighbor hides from her kids by her pool every moving to get her weed fix going. Her parents had a bowl of pot available to her in 7th-8th grade, right on the coffee table, how nice...to let Maryjane be your childs after school baby sitter.

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That’s just awful! My daughters did not drink alcohol or do drugs in my home.

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You're right we haven't met, but if we do sometime meet in future you'll probably change your mind.

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It is now socially acceptable among the knowing sorts to puff away on a vape--presumably getting thoroughly stoned--in a way it would never be to casually take sips from a flask of whiskey or what have you without the same sorts of ladies giving the sipper vile looks and whispering among each other.

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Exactly. The whole point of cannabis consumption is to get high (intoxicated). One might have a glass of wine or beer and not achieve any "buzz," but the whole point of cannabis is to to get a buzz. Especially with today's extra potent THC infused products.

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That's ridiculous. The whole point of alcohol consumption is also to get a buzz. You're making a false distinction based on social norms.

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Maybe that is you and your friends point of alcohol consumption, but I have friends and family that have one glass of wine per day, no one is getting a buzz on that. Many people go to restaurants and have wine or beer with dinner and are not getting a buzz or drunk. It would seem your the one attempting to make a false distinction.

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no, having a glass of wine is not about getting "buzzed," at least for many of us - and never has been!

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Sure, so why don't you have grape juice instead?

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I do not drink to get drunk and I know of few people who do.

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The classic excuse is you have a drink to relax. But that's exactly what the cannabis user is achieving. Every mammal has an endocannabinoid system that has receptors specifically for THC and other cannabinoids. It's literally our nature. It's an essential part of the process of short term memory transferal to long term. Over consumption of THC is far less physically affecting than over consumption of alcohol.

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That may be true for you.

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Bowlship! The primary point of the consumption of alcohol is that it is a social drink. If you want to continue to have adult friends then it is best to offer them a glass of wine rather than a glass of Kool Aid.

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And the reason it's a social drink is because its drugging effects loosen inhibitions and get conversations flowing.

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What? No one enjoys the taste of alcohol (idc what people say, they’ve worked to acquire the taste… ask a child if they enjoy it). The reason for drinking is similar, let’s be honest. Don’t confuse anecdotes or one person self BSing, with the actual reason.

It’s like me saying, people use THC to combat epilepsy… some do, but most need to chill after struggling to survive a whole day. This is an evolutionary need

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ABD, when I was a child my dad would ask me to get him a beer out of the fridge, I would open it and sip the foamy suds off the top, I have always liked the taste of beer.

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Ok. Fair enough. But, I’ll just offer that even if we set aside the emotional reasons of such a situation, the majority of people’s face get contorted with the taste of alcohol, if it’s stronger than what they are used to. If you sipped on 180 proof, your face would show. It’s different than 100% maple syrup, which we respond with 😋. Or even hash, high purity hash gets a 😋 face from those who like weed. Which I’m not one, by the way

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And people enjoy the taste of pot? The smell of pot. As Uncle Joe would say, "C'mon man." Whether or not there is medicinal purpose to cannabis or alcohol, is beside the point. No one seeks a relaxant from pot, they seek the buzz, it's the buzz that let's you feel relaxed. The comparison holds true, with today's recreational cannabis no user is simply relaxing, they are becoming impaired on purpose.

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I agree! That was my point! Let’s stay honest, both are about a buzz. Sorry, that might have been my language barriers

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Spoken like a true alcoholic in denial. All of it is detrimental to your immune system.

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I don't drink alcohol and it has nothing to do with whether or not I can handle it. I stopped drinking alcohol because of the calories/sugar and needed to lose weight. I also restrict the use of refined sugar, etc. I am fully aware of how the overindulgence of anything can impair the body. Nevertheless, the only recreational use for pot is to get high, to which I could say to you, "spoken like a true pot head in denial..."

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How does worrying about my immune system make me a pothead. Common sense no more laws needed in this country we have enough. This website is nothing but wishy-washy FN couch potatoes.

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Disagree that I don’t get buzzed off a beer. That’s why I drink beer, bro. It dials down the anxiety and depression while I’m buzzed. If I didn’t get intoxicated I wouldn’t spend money and put up with the hormonal imbalances associated with alcohol consumption. I’d just drink seltzer water.

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Would you equate that buzz with the high from a hit or two off of today's legal cannabis or edible cannabis? Most people don't get a buzz off of one beer, but I suppose it's a bonus for you that you do.

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For those using recreationally, sure. For medicinal cannabis users, the purpose is for health and healing, whereby they select their strains, types and formulations based on their specific symptoms and desired outcomes. It's an important distinction.

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It still turns people into zombies.

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Blanket statements like that are not helpful to the debate. While it may be true for some, it is not for others. I, for one, have been taking it medicinally for 4+ years for its health benefits, and I am just as productive and clear-headed as I was prior (and would argue even healthier). Ultimately, I think it comes down to responsible use versus abuse, which can be said about all "vices," including alcohol, food, sex, gambling, etc. Doesn't mean we should outlaw them.

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I understand that, and that was where we were at in CA. Nevertheless, doesn't the usage for "health and healing" still cause, in many cases, a person to get a high? I am not implying that is what is desired, simply that is a common effect. It seemed to work well for everyone when it was just primarily "medicinal" use, even if some were rigging the system to just get high. But, now with legalized recreational use the problems created are bigger than any solution other than the need for people to get rich from people's need to "escape."

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Whether or not someone gets 'high' from medical cannabis depends on several things, like the chosen strain, the ratio of THC to all the other non-psychoactive cannabinoids (CBD, THCa, THCV, CBDa, CBN, CBG, CBC, etc) terpenes and flavinoids, the amount they consume, and their own body chemistry. Some want the 'high' because it eases their chronic pain. Others don't because it interferes with their productivity. It truly is a science requiring legit/serious medicinal users to not only do their homework, but a bit of trial & error to achieve their desired effect.

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Most drinking sessions are about getting wasted or on the way.

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Saw a vid of Joepedo sneaking a puff on his vape. Now I know he was getting a hit. 😂

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That's a wonderfully succinct way to put it, TexBat!

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No doubt! Too many want this stuff, so we'd better negotiate a compromise that limits the danger to our kids as much as possible. The "blackout" culture is a major problem in high schools and college campuses. (Add it to the list, right?)

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Yes we should make as many laws as we can to keep humans in line. Maybe Even digitally track them so we can keep them in line and lock them up if they get out of line. Potheads are ruining the world. For more information on this contact Bill Gates and WEF.

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The danger is the magic dust the sprinkle on it which ends up being car fentanyl

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Psychotherapist? Pot smokers are usually very fine people and most don't need your concern for their safety. Surely, we don't need government agents trying to protect us from ourselves or help from them. Government agents kill a lot of Americans on a daily basis. So we the people don't want or need their kind of protection.

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I disagree. It's being legalized because having it illegal was unproductive. Much like alcohol prohibition, it simply wasn't working. Here's a very "out there" idea. Teach your kids the truth about drugs. Be honest with them. I can name a handful of household products that kids huff and get f'd up from. Should we ban everything that CAN be dangerous?

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I work in a school district in CA and I can tell you that weed usage has skyrocketed in the schools with the legalization of marijuana. Kids have been told it is benign and "healthy." Therefore it must be good and ok. Students are stoned in school, but if they were drunk they would be sent home. Worse, the use of other illegal drugs has also risen as has crime. Illegal marijuana is still everywhere, giant illegal grows are all over LA county. Cartels are moving in on legal marijuana dispensaries, offering protection or even laundering illegal pot sales with legal pot sales. The legalization has not been a panacea rather, it is Pandora's box.

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China... the opium years, a generation lost... READ UP ON IT. Soviet union, the vodka addiction years, government officials included... a generation (or two) lost, READ UP ON IT... where do you think all this will get up folks ?

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Seriously, opium is not pot.

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At the newest strength levels, it's getting there. You do know what we're discussing, right??

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My 23 yo son got addicted to marijuana at his high school. He admits to having full blown DT’s when he tries to decrease his usage.

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Very sorry for your circumstances.

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The laws for drugs as well as alcohol are exactly the same. Stop virtue signaling, put together a program in schools were stoned kids (it is illegal under 21 most places or something like that) and send them home as well. Why do people act like there is no solution to anything, and try to complicate everything.

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You mean like, "Just Say No?" How well did that work. I don't virtue signal, I tell students straight to their face that pot is a "stupid" drug, if you were stupid to begin with it will make you even stupider, but it won't make you smarter. Neither will alcohol. The laws are not exactly the same anymore than the contents or the usage are. The laws may be similar, but they aren't the same. Data from every state where legalization has occurred shows increased usage of cannabis among adults and teenagers with teenagers being a more exponential gain. I don't know what all the answers are but I do know that legalizing marijuana didn't solve any problems, but it sure has exacerbated many.

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No ‼️ Like get your stoned ass home, and stay there for a week. And here’s your homework and if it’s not done you’re going home for another week, and then if that’s not done you can’t come back. Go hide under a bridge and go get stoned. Nothing moves a parent more than a school-age kid that’s forced to stay home and forces them to stay home as well. More virtue signalling 🙄 penalize everybody so that we can have better control. Go away‼️

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Suspension doesn't work. Your assumption seems to be, that parents of students that get stoned all the time, care. Most don't, whether rich or poor. The rich parents are too busy with trying to stay rich and the poor parents are often too busy with trying to keep their head above water, and some are drug users and alcoholics themselves. The majority of students that are sent home wander the streets or sit at home playing video games or on social media.

The better solution is to have "locked down" on-campus suspension. A place where each student is in a cubicle separate from each other, where they have their assignments and must get them done on time or face being there longer. There is no interaction with the other students, there is no going to lunch with the students outside, there is no fun, just help to get one's work done. That however, is now looked as cruel.

That all being said, there are still far fewer benefits to society with the legalization of recreational cannabis than there are sizable problems. It was sold as a panacea and it is anything but.

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Absolutely need honest teaching about all drugs and the effects!

Quite frankly kids need honest education about a lot of stuff that's thrown at them... Like risky lifestyle habits (like those associated with LGBTQ choices), changing genders (no it's not just a fad!), vaping, etc.... So much that the public school pushes or turns a blind eye to.

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YES YES YES... HONEST EDUCATION, the kind that parents have spent the last two decades campaigning against, "ranting" at the school board THEY elected, about home work, and tests, and "unfair" letter grades of A-F, about the "stigma" of grouping students so that they are able to move through materials at the pace that does the most for them, about the long school hours and number of days that interfere with the family's vacations, and on and on. Now, with the limited number of actual instructional hours, will the tide once again "turn", and taxpayers will once again demand these hours be used to teach the traditional subjects of math, reading, history, chemistry, biology, economics, etc. ? Or will "social studies" continue to dominate the curriculum ? Will those who can afford it, begin to turn to private and "religious" schools to find

"hard" (meaning difficult, demanding) studies ? What about those who can't afford it ? Will they be forever limited to an education that does not even provide them the basic tools of living: budgeting, employment, literacy, ability to analyze and compare anything that comes up in life, various mortgage rates to choosing a product in a store ?

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Yep.... totally agree. And that is why I pulled my daughter and started homeschooling her, mid High School. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to have flexibility in my work to do so and it is the best decision I've made. My other daughter graduated but she did have to suffer this past year, which was her senior year, through a ridiculous social justice curriculum. She refused to do the idiotic worksheets. My husband had a total meltdown with the principal on the phone. The local homeschooling advocates group has seen a doubling in their Facebook following to now over 1 million. The sad thing is is that these institutions will continue to get hard-earned taxpayer dollars while people need to seek alternatives to appropriately educate their children. The public schools need to be defunded or if people choose to take a different path of education they should receive tax dollars that would have otherwise been allocated to the public school. Hit them in the wallet and that'll open some eyes!

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What parents demanded the abolition of letter grades or stigma of grouping parents, those are constructs that came straight from the education establishment. Many parents are for long school hours at is saves them on day care. The problems you cite are created by the post-secondary education schools and teachers unions. They are most certainly not from parents campaigning school boards.

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I agree, Rob S. Universities, like uber liberal Oberlin college, have no letter grades. Not separating kids into groups according to their abilities is the liberal's way of not hurting anyone's feelings. I also have not heard parents at school board meetings complain that school interferes with their vacations. Who can afford to go on vacation these days? Ann Marie must not be watching the same school board meetings.

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The worst problem with pot is how much of a demotivator it could be. If you’re hungry you’ll grab a chip before you’ll fix yourself a meal that’s the problem, and it’s contributing to obesity. 😇

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Personal RESPONSIBILITY (for one's self, not the "new woke" definition of "responsibility") seems to be a thing of the past. From personal responsibility for legal and for formerly illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, to respect for OTHER peoples property (including the merchandise in stores), screen "addiction", cell phone "addiction", the list of LACK of personal responsibility is endless ! But the "root" causes ? Well, traditional religions are dying. Group worship was discouraged, and even forbidden, with the Covid "pandemic" and has continued to wane. But, we have always had atheists and agnostics, so what else has changed ? At the same time a belief in anything past "self" has grown, we have demanded, and supported, a radical change in the curriculum of public schools; from emphasis on classical educations to a heavy emphasis on cultural education, so this too has resulted in an unawareness of personal responsibility. Add to this a world where the entire population, children and adults, are, for the most part, unaware of other human beings around them; plugged into ear pieces, head phones, working from home rather than in person with their colleagues, "attending" classes while completely isolated from others, etc. etc. . What is difficult to understand is HOW we were so totally taken by surprise that the ultimate result of all of these changes in values would not be negative. I sometimes wonder if those in charge, rather at the local, state, or federal level, will EVER truly study human nature and realize that efforts to "ban" anything, rather an item or a behavior, or efforts to control such as the current crack down on just one brand of vaping products, while other brands and all types of tobacco products are sold... we just keep grasping at the "wind"... and yet there is no true answer other than personal responsibility for personal choices. Those who choose smoking, pay a price, those who choose to not attend high school pay a price, those who choose a life of crime, pay a price (in many states), and so it goes. Perhaps (??) just one key element, would be to actually "teach" the principle of free choice and HOW it can effect each person (student). What "if" teachers at every level gave assignments, and discussed openly, various life choices and possible repercussions ? Are students even taught approximate percentages in relation to choices ? If a grade school student takes the lunch, or lunch money, or the softball or bike of another student, it does not mean the student is headed for incarceration... but, what ARE the percentages ? We decry the teaching of "morality" in public schools, but we pay a very high price for wiping out EVERY trace of morality, values, respect, and personal accountability on the weak "grounds" that those concepts constitute "religion" and must be kept separate. A very high price our society is paying for sure ! When you don't actually believe that life is a sacred thing, a spiritual thing (regardless of the presence or absence of organized religion), then LIFE is cheap, expendable, meaningless, and sets the foundation for slavery, absence of human rights, the "management" of human beings as simply herds of animals. We are so busy fighting among ourselves, clinging to "party" politics, and refusing to study or learn from, history, we are unaware of the cumulative effects !

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Argumentum ad absurdum. Though too much water drunk too fast can injure you, no we're not going to ban water. No one needs marijuana. Pretending people can manage a substance that is toxic is not going to help.

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They lie about the effects to make gazillions. Always follow the money.

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I agree, which is why I think trying to moderate what's sold legally is "safer" than the 100% THC stuff that is just devastating to anybody's brain and lifestyle.

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I am a medical marijuana patient 100% THC marijuana plants do not exist you have been lied to

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Um, the article is about how they are getting closer and closer to 100% THC products. Nobody said plants, per se. Don't get distracted with the small words, focus on the conversation at hand.

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all you need is a little knowledge from the web and you can just follow a road drainage ditch to find a relatively potent high unrelated to the cannabis plant. after becoming resistant to round up the officials had determined the best tactic is not to even talk about it, or give out warnings as doing such draws attention to it.

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The notion of it being a harmless drug is hooey.

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as the nyt article notes; "But despite these dangers, the potency of the products currently on the market is largely unregulated." - there will be abusers and I have known many of friends who turned into zombies over the decades from mild product to stronger product. still, every so often I will take a tablespoon of my own pot butter consisting of a strong indica strain so to get a good sleep or to reverse schedule if I have a calf being born in the foreseeable few days. the problems noted in the article are going to continue with or without legalisation.

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Agreed. I am sure you are right. The impetus and massive push for legalization has been accompanied by lies and misrepresentations that have put many young people in danger and have wreaked havoc in many families and communities. I submit that we were better off when it was illegal and thus unendorsed by folks like John Boehner and others who made a buttload of money lying per the script.

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as I noted else where, there is a middle some where between what we have right now and just letting people grow their own plants for personal use. just as tobacco companies cant target kids, pot businesses should follow ie, just the product as is, nothing to make it more easily consumable ie gummies and vaping oils. let the consumer make their own from the raw source if they want, laziness will act as a good enough speed bump against what the nyt article notes.

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Even the crap we had in the 70s was frankly lethal. It turned people into idiots.

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And that does not even touch all the different mediums. Smoking the weed might be the least harmful. There are all flavors of dab pens and vapes; liquid THC: tinctures, oils, concentrates and topicals; and all kinds of edibles like cookies, brownies, gummies, candies. Can you guess who they are marketing to? Can you predict that big tobacco and big food marketeers are right there with their 'surround marketing' (addict the user to the product at the youngest age is their motto - see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq_TK31nN1E&t=65s for a tobacco marketing 101).

Dab pens are VERY popular because they're quick and easy to conceal. And they contain butane hash oil, which is pretty much what it sounds like. So next time an old hippie says how it's no big deal to smoke weed, ask how much hash they consumed! Not to mention butane. Look it up and see how healthy that is. And then consider that a large number of HS kids use them. In several states, 18 yo can get a medical card for cheap/tax free products. Then guess who becomes the 'dealer' for the younger siblings and their friends?

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This is so true and folks need to understand this stuff is light years removed from the sticks-and-seeds low grade Mexican reefer some of us dabbled with in our misspent youth.

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So what you’re saying is keep it in the black market where It has been since the 30s. It’s never been hard to get or grow. Prohibition on alcohol worked great. I’m pretty sure social media is doing way more damage to kids and our freedoms then a little bit of weed. Dumbasses

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I gather you use a lot of pot.

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Rag weed is easy to grow, and good modern seeds will yield pretty strong pot. What we're talking about is lab modified and extracted compounds that are nearing 100% THC. Prohibition did indeed cut down on consumption, but what if everybody today was only drinking 190 proof Everclear grain alcohol. Would that be good?

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I made those observations when the legalization movement got under way and was told I was full of it. Confirmation bias is strong with this one: they want weed legal, and that's all there is to it!

As an aside, are there states that have put the question to a referendum? Or is it mainly backdoor non-prosecution and de-criminalization legislation, combined with "medical" regulations that merely "licenses" dispensaries, etc.?

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Alcohol is one of the top causes of psychosis and cirrhosis

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Does it permanently change your brain or is the “ psychosis” the effect from drinking? I get the liver thing, that’s a no- brainer. Alcohol & pot are different. Pot changes some young brains permanently. It also can trigger schizophrenia in certain people. Huge study in Britain confirmed that as well.

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They don’t regulate strength even if it’s the same plant strain. I asked a guy about it here locally, at a dispensary, I was told he was the

“smartest guy there.” He said if you buy weed to smoke that has low THC, the next week or month, that same kind might have a high THC, and you know his explanation?

“ Because it’s a plant!” - Plants all grow at different rates & will contain different THC every time. That’s what he said. Very good chance he was high. None of this is standardized or regulated the same way nationally. And it’s way understaffed for the increased business it does.

It’s had safety issues, after they promised us that there would be none. ( armed guards at the door - none!) Now, they want to use the tax on it to go toward security. ( & not go toward teen pot awareness programs) won’t matter much, we’ve never seen even 1 pamphlet enter the schools regarding the dangers of higher THC. Where is all the tax income going?

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similar to the clot shots! Kill the kiddo's, who cares, we just want to have power, control and enrich ourselves through satan devices. 3 years ago several mid 70's couples made a trip to Colorado to make purchases...cookies and novelties, they came thanksgiving morning about 11 and before lunch they were so f'd up and tripping and nauseous they looked like zombies and had to leave! I've seen plenty of casual users have no idea how messed up it is making them. Another serious user vapes her THC all day every day...not a healthy lifestyle. However, I need to stop my bottle a day chardonnay too, just sayin.

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What is your problem with letting people control their own bodies. Legalization shouldn’t even be voting on so busybodies can decide what others choose to put in their bodies. There are lots of kids dying from the opioid epidemic yet you and Alex are concerned about some kids smoking weed. Given the current world we live in, my kids smoking weed are the least of my worries. Maybe its would be more important to pay attention to the globalist try to starve us to death and/or forcing poison into people.

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Let me guess…you don’t smoke. So I guess you don’t know what your talking about. I have a neighbour who grows, and his product is considered top of the top shelf. What these articles are taking about are designer drugs. That get contaminated or purposely sprinkled with a magic dust of their choosing. Better hope it’s not carfentanyl, or this is where you check out.

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Actually, as a grower I can tell you that the likelihood is that these are pesticides and fertilizers most likely. There’s no reason to add more expensive drugs to a drug which is already in high demand. More likely that they are a result of rushing through the process and a product made by one of the cartels many guerrilla grows

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you mean your neighbor is not growing organic ? come on you have to tell him to change

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Well… Nothing surprises me anymore.

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Smoking does not make you a curious observer of the facts, nor an above-average grasper of conclusions. Apparently, it also does not make you a reader of the article we are all trying to discuss.

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No. The adults who are voting to legalize it, support individual’s right to decide. One can insist on more honest reporting and regulations such as testing of product, if and only if, it’s legal… not that complicated

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The products are regulated and tested. The THC levels are lab confirmed and appear right on the packaging. As for the individual’s right to decide, a wise man once said this:

“ The effect of liberty to individuals is that they may do what they please; we ought to see what it will please them to do, before we risk congratulations which may be soon turned into complaints.”

- Edmund Burke

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I don’t believe in the right to do as I please, I believe every right comes with a responsibility. But, one thing for sure, I disagree with any A-Hole from the elite technocratically fine tuning our lives. This experiment has failed! Period end of story!

It failed so bad that it has led to me purchasing a firearm

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I couldn’t agree more with you that technocratic fine tuning is a miserable and complete failure. I think history will see the current period as the failure and end point of the age of social engineering known as progressivism.

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I agree, although if we’re going to conflate terms we’re just going to fail. Let’s not all try to appear academic and throw out terms which are designed to divide us, and mean absolutely nothing in today’s political environment. If you are going to reject taxing the rich and raising the minimum wage because some will intentionally call it Progressivism… then I’m out.

Let’s discuss politics instead of act like two herds. Because that still leaves us to be cattle. You should look at the history of that term.


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I would argue that the disastrous covid vaccines are almost the perfect expression of historical progressivism: A top-down, one-size-fits-all technocratic approach to managing society that minimizes individual rights and freedoms and treats ordinary human beings as farm stock or factory widgets to be manipulated by a credentialed class of scientific experts. Obviously I don’t approve of it but I think I’m pretty close to the historical meaning of the term.

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Actually, it is so difficult to research illegal drugs, that we can't know all benefits and risks they carry without legalization. Since it happened, the amount of new research is simply huge.

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So legalized Fentanyl is 100% good with you? I'm right with you on the legalization of safe weed, but it MUST be regulated for strength and potency if so. I also respect the right of each state to vote on it.

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50 years+ of prohibition had successfully eliminated any risk of anyone using any illegal drug. what ? what do you mean it didn't eliminate drugs ? What ? you mean people continued trafficking and using increasingly over time despite of being illegal ? how is that possible ? I mean we know that addictive drugs by definition means users will continue using despite harsh negative consequence, but come on there must be a punishment hard enough to repel them, isn't there ? Not that anyone will use these laws to discriminately punish colored people. We live a perfect society after all, where drugs has no place, and no reason to use them. At least the ones that we are absolutely certain they create violence, because the others like alcohol are not real drugs, we are absolutely sure they create no extra violence at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No, it's the 60s and 70s stuff us boomers remember, and figured "It's about time" when the legalization movement commenced. Boy was I wrong. Read Alex's book.

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His book is irrelevant when it comes to self ownership. If I own my body then I have the right to put anything into it I want even if it’s harmful. You don’t have a claim over my body. It’s one thing to give awareness for things that are harmful but it is another to restrict one from using a substance. I also find it to be interesting how Alex is talking about marijuana when there is an opioid epidemic currently.

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Your libertarian take is valid. I suggested the read so that all who elect to utilize marijuana can better understand the side effects of the substance. Many (most) people look at marijuana as harmless (dad or granddads marijuana), ignoring the scientific information available today. Most people know the dangers of opioids. Thus Alex's interest - to improve awareness.

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Awareness is fine I just don't want the government to regulate cannabis. Cannabis/hemp should never have been outlawed. I hate when government attempts to protect me from myself that is the job of parents. Although I wasn't a fan of Ronald Reagan I love his famous quote: "The nine most terrifing words in the English language are: I'm here from the Government, and I'm here to help."

Politically speaking I consider myself an open minded, liberal thinking libetarian. I've never voted for a Republican. I hate our two party system which we choose between two bad choices every election. I don't agree with what passes as liberalism today. Both parties are just zoombies that are controlled by the hiden hands of the bankers, ect.

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“Most” do not look at it as harmless or it would be legal everywhere. Alex also doesnt want to have an honest conversation about those is can benefit instead of putting them on big pharma drugs.

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Keep it in the black market where belongs. Keep the crime going.

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Grow your own. Keep it safe

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Imagine what would happen to the quality and safety of alcohol if it were made illegal. And then imagine what would happen to the accountability of the manufacturer/supplier of alcohol if it were made illegal.

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That comment makes no sense. You realize last year in 2021 multiple brands of sunscreen had to be recalled because there was benzene in them, which causes cancer. Show me to legally according to who? The FDA‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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I second, the Vax was not only legal, but mandatory, and despite that I didn't feel very safe going for it.

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Alcohol is a drug, it is unhealthy but because it is legal and seen everyday everywhere we have been conditioned to see it as a “ normal” substance.

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Legalization of drugs fits with the society we are moving towards. Drugged people are easy to control, The Metaverse is where they can live as they miss the wonderful real world that surrounds us.

Welcome to the Brave New World!

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No Soma for me, thanks.

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I like your username!

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YES ! and there is no way out UNLESS people take control of their local public schools, AND, begin to really dig in and study those they plan to elect to EVERY office, even those that seem as unimportant as park board, or university trustee ! How many people do you even think CARE who is a university trustee in their state ? Just about NO ONE expect... those who have a plan as to why "certain" people should be on that board, and those would certainly NOT include a plumber, a mechanic, a truck driver, or retail clerk, no way, "those people" are not "acceptable" candidates, so, we leave it up to our superior class to decide those things.... hummm, brave new world is right !

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Or The Matrix

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Or just people take drugs to survive late capitalism trauma without freaking out and becoming violent

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Its fine. Lock 'em out of school, mask 'em up and drug them. How do you create an obedient class of cultists again?

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THAT is EXACTLY the way you create an entire population of mindless slaves, the worker bees, wake UP parents, wake up people ! Read John Dewey, look into HOW we "train" teachers for our public schools. Read John Locke (English philosopher, physician), read Marx, Tolstoy, Plato, etc. for heaven's sake, if you didn't get an education, at least start NOW to find our how your children's teachers are trained, find out the basic morals, values, and philosophy of those you plan to ELECT. Shut off the TV and educate yourself, it's not too late..... quite yet !

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Don’t get too excited, Alex. Probably the Pharma genuses + MSM mouth breathers have teamed up to find yet another causality for the problematic jabs. “Bongs and Bloodclots”—NYT exclusive, coming soon.

P.S. I’m being facetious and agree with everything you’ve said about the harms of pot. About 30 years ago, I had a violent paranoid break on it, which led me to never use it again. Anecdotally, I believe it’s especially harmful for teens/ people with developing bodies and brains, since I’m not the only person that I’ve spoken to who has had a similar reaction at a similar age.

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Our son did some weed with friends in high school. We discussed it at length with him (dangers of being expelled from the school he loved; dangers of criminal record; dangers of retarding his mental and physical development). AFAIK he had a true moment of understanding that regular use would be harmful when we asked him about other kids he knew who smoked habitually---he processed that and realized that every boy (all boys school) who used regularly had changed, and not for the better.

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In high school, if my parents forbade something I immediately had to have it- especially because the whys were never discussed. It was always “because I said so” or “you’re not old enough.” I took a different approach with my kids. I regularly watched that show Intervention from when my kids were very young. I never commented on it unless they asked, which they did. “What happened to that cute little girl? Why is she like that now?”

“Drugs. That’s what happens.” As they got older and it came up I’d tell them I’m not naive enough to think I can stop them if they’re hell bent on trying it, but I hope they won’t. That once it starts, people forget how to have fun without it. So far so good...

My oldest didn’t have a sip of alcohol until he was 23. Neither have my 18 and 16 year olds, and none have touched a drug. 🙏

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Interesting point about the show "Intervention." We also watched a fair number of episodes of that show together as a family and maybe watching what happened to those broken people and decimated families made an important impression on our kids.

Our son (in his twenties) probably still dabbles a bit with weed but that's a decision he has to make....at least we can tell by how he lives his life and the quality of his friends that he isn't into it heavily. Our daughter on the other hand made a decision while she was in college that she wasn't going to date anyone who hadn't given up weed completely---period, end of story. She told us that limited her dating pool to a huge degree, and that guys couldn't believe it when she told them that policy was non-negotiable. She's married now to a wonderful man who thinks she hung the moon.

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Great parenting, Need more of that in the world

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great that just the cons is enough, nothing about the pros, I guess he'll learn later why people really take drugs

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That's an interesting reply, HumbleBird. I'm don't think I really understand your meaning though.

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Just look at the work of Gabor Mate (eg "The wisdom of trauma"). I quote "Freedom, sense of aliveness, completion, self esteem, these are wonderful things aren't they ? when we talk about addiction being a bad choice I say no it isn't. It is actually a solution to a problem. And if we understand that the addiction in not the primary problem but merely a response to trauma, then it becomes obvious that in order to heal addiction you have to heal the trauma".

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So funny! Same thing happened to me when I was 15 and I never ever ever touched it again!

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It’s called greening out and I’ve had it happen as a youth as well. Unfortunately the weed of today is so much stronger that it only takes one small hit to have that effect. Scary af. Feel like you’re going to die but being of sound mind in a psychotic state I just sat there thinking that I’d really gone and fu€ked myself now hadn’t I? Here’s to hoping it’s over soon (it was). No one else knew. I can’t imagine some of these kids not completely losing their shit and ending up in the ER freaking out the whole time. Gotta be some stats on this phenomenon.

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I know three mommies chaperoning a class trip a year or two ago to Colorado who decided to go get some edibles. Two ended up in ER, one was admitted overnight.

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Yep. A green out on someone knowing f-all about that which was consumed. You won’t die but your mind is a powerful thing to lose control of. Those who aren’t of stronger self control will undoubtedly “lose their shit”. 😂

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I was once told it was probably laced with PCP and therefore I should've enjoyed it!


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Ugh. I was just talking about your book to a friend who's a psych nurse and then remembered that one of her sons is a total pothead. Awkward.

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It might be awk but she knows. She knows.

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More people need to engage in "awkward" conversation.

Keeping silent is doing us no good.

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You can't say that loud enough, or often enough. The entire motive of all of this "woke" (what an awkward word to begin with), is to inculcate fear into the masses, create reluctance to speak outside one's own home, create a few of loosing one's livelihood for expressing the "wrong" opinion, honestly, HOW can anyone NOT see this is the exact formula China and all other repressive societies have used ??? Is there something in the water everywhere that no one is willing to speak up and say the obvious... the Emperor IS ABSOLUTELY NAKED. stop this insane babbling about his exceptionally beautiful clothing (be "he" democrat or republican !)

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depends on the type of conversation you plan to have, the one up there could cause quite a damage. So sure nobody should stay silent, just avoid adding more to the pain of the pothead mum.

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Don't fool yourself into thinking a psych nurse has clean hands. You can't honestly look at that industry and conclude they're "doing the Lord's work."

[Goldman Sachs owns the market on that.]

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Once had a friend who was a nurse. She said the biggest partiers were doctors and nurses. When my dad was in the hospital dying from cancer he wanted a beer. He was an alcoholic and stopped drinking before being diagnosed with stage 4 and told he had 6 months (not even close). My brothers (alcoholics) talked to a nurse & she got a beer from a doctor's fridge in his office. My father vomited for hours after a fee drinks. He suffered for it. I guarantee you my brothers felt no guilt for adding to his discomfort. I understand doctors are under insane stress but I wish that beer had not existed. I can never forget seeing and hearing my dad's nonstop violent retching and that was near 40 years ago.

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I love you! That is something I might have done, as if I have an instinct for trotting out information that people aren't going to like. Well maybe you'll have helped her somehow!

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No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. -Plato

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Plato was not wrong on that

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And there is something somewhere said about prophets being hated in their hometowns … sorta like Alex

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if you plan to help, an info people don't like will probably not help, in this case because it is too late.

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Some of the things I've hated most to hear helped me the most.

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Me too, some only. Most of the things that helped me I did not hate to hear them. Anyway the book and the comment are wonderful illustration of easy it is to fall in logical fallacies. We would need a logician down here. Let me try to reverse the questions.

- Among the things that helped most how much % you liked to hear vs you hated ?

- Among things you liked to hear how much % you found helpful ?

- Among things you hated to hear how much % you found helpful ?

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For her

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In my community they are closing family mini-golf courses and putting cannabis dispensaries in. It's a transformation of dumbing down society. Couple that with the decline of public school education and ridiculous indoctrination, sexualizing children, pushing victimization, flooding our countries with illegals, doing nothing to stop other drugs crossing the border, etc., and it equals a train wreck for the USA.

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Like all we need are more mental midgets!

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Exactly! Truly sad times!

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Easy weed access, transgender grooming, and dangerous mRNA for babies. Their goal couldn't be more clear.

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Can you spell genocide?

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Yes indeed.

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Jesus, gain of function weed. Who'da thunk it?

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Seriously 😅

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It's part of the agenda to make the population dependent, psychotic and completely useless. THC is habit forming, will destroy your mind and turn you into an unemployable or useful citizen who will do anything to get high. Proven and documented long ago but no one cares.

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Exactely like they did with alcohol

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Someone smarter than me should look at the correlation between weed smoking and compliance. Canadians have been smoking weed for years, and it has been legal for around 7 years. I know some folks who can't hold a thought in their head for more than a few seconds - and they are jabbed to the eyeballs. It's no surprise that this country has an uptake of around 90% fully jabbed.

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Excellent point. A docile population is much easier to control.

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or a controlled population is much easier to become docile, or even better, a high economic inequality (if correlation stands) make people docile, easier to control and in desperate need of drugs. That's the point of all criticism of this book, "correlation is not causation"

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ANYTHING taken to its extreme has negative effects: Food, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, vaccines, WEED...

Even water drunk to excess can kill you.

Once weed became a PRODUCT, the game became:

How to squeeze more out of less.

Cater to consumers' worst impulses.

Same as it ever was.

Best reason of many for home grow.

Teenagers are inherently risk taking.

Thus, not all will survive those years.

Can't save them all, as the opportunities for excess are every-where. We can't manage all risks for all people at all times.

It's time to get back to PERSONAL responsibility.

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Jun 23, 2022
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"There's no reason." But there are those who can only consume orally. One man's trash, another's treasure.

"_____ responsibly."

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Big tobacco is already counting its money, planning to cash in on the legalization of loco weed.

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Don't worry, big pharma is working on drugs to deal with the new "weed-chosis" and all the related ills. New Beatles song..."All You Need Is Drugs" as the modern stone age medical system pushes all-for-drugs-and-drugs-for-all.

The calculations to drool by: 5 billion humans (after gates and fauci offs off a few more) X $ 1,000 average drug cost/human/year = $5 trillion/year windfall for big pharma.

And no windfall taxes like they want for the energy industry because Congress loves big pharma drugs!

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I can attest to the fact as I have two young family members that are pot heads. One has psychosis and the other has major life issues. This isn't their parents "weed".

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how do you deal with it ? is it too late for them and we can only prevent new ones ? What do you think can help them? I am asking here, because everybody here is afraid of weed, but nobody feel concerned about the potheads themselves that pay most of the cost with money and their life

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All I could do is pray for them.

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Good for them, but I am sure you can do more. Many addicts, aware of their issues, struggle with shame and are afraid to ask for help, even to loved ones, for fear of misjudgement, disapproval and criticism. Nothing give more courage to an addict than to have a conversation without judgement about drugs with loved ones. But this often prevents them from finding opportunities to heal from addiction and traumas such as 12 steps support groups or therapy.

I found much help myself in the empathic work of Dr. Andrew Tatarsky and his "center for optimal living" in New York. But ultimately, addictions cannot be healed without healing the traumas underneath, and for that the work of Dr. Bessel Van der kolk is really precious. Of course that involve therapy, but you would be surprised : Art, Drumming, Theatre, Martial Arts, Yoga, EMDR (follow target with eyes). I am sure it will compell them. Classic talk therapy is bit outdated now, but still works.

So please, give them the few solutions I am proposing you, after checking the content. I think they might find some help and support there, and nothing can make my day more than helping relieve others suffering.

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They don't even recognize they have a problem. The current culture/society tells them it's ok in so many ways. You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.

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Are you sure you had a conversation without judgement or pressure about their addiction, where they felt only love and empathy, and no threat or criticism or pressure from your worries ? Marshall Rosenberg non-violent communication can give you hints on how to hold such conversation.

Because if you didn't, they will NEVER tell you they need help, even when desperate, and that could turn really tragic. I do not know a single 5years+ addict that do not feel profoundly ambivalent about his drug use, they may romanticize it, but there is always a moment they feel trapped, they are fed up with it but can't do otherwise, so they may ignore the issue rather than feel impotent.

Yes, we live in a culture of short term fix, where people who has problems just want to solve it fast with a drug, whether a psychiatric pill, booze, or a street drug, which give only a temporary relief and don't solve any long term issue.

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In response the FDA bans the nicotine delivery system JUUL, which was instrumental in my quitting cigarettes years ago.

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They want you drugged but only with drugs that will make you less productive and more dependent. Needle programs, smoker kits with crack pipes legalized weed and the encouragement of it's use. A controlled a docile population.

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And they are banning nicotine in cigarettes, right? But all those glorious chemicals are still in them. If that doesn't tell everyone what their end game is...

I quit by using the lozenges. After a few days of those I detested the taste of nicotine and succeeded in quitting after three weeks of unscrambling my brain and quitting cold turkey. That experience taught me that there was alot of bad sh!t in those things.

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JUUL made many people sick, you are lucky to not have got something

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"Experts" are wrong about literally everything. Democrat politicians went from, "let's lessen the penalties for marijuana use" to "weed is a medicinal herb" really fast. Society will suffer the consequences of their foolishness.

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It was framed as "medicinal herb" to add a sprinkle of "respectability" to gather sufficient votes. Effective PR.

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It IS a medicinal herb. That's a pretty well established fact. Have you ever looked as to why it was illegalized in 1937? Had nothing to do with it being dangerous, but had everything to do with it being a direct competitor with patentable pharma drugs. Also, hemp was a direct competitor with the already established lumber/paper industry. Please educate yourself out of the reefer madness propaganda. Of course there are dangers , but you can say that about virtually any substance that is taken for medicinal purposes.

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Thanks for the history lesson.

Let's look at a few strain names...

Cat Piss

Poddy Mouth

Alaskan Thunderfuck

Blue Balls

Brown Bomber

Strawberry Cough

Purple Urkle

Charlie Sheen

Barack O Bubba

Yep, that's medical terminology.

I'm *fully* aware of the medicinal effects.

But the industry is staffed with rubber stamp weed docs, low-info "budtenders" who spend most of their breath describing flavor profiles and don't even don the equivalent of a Clinique lab coat for appearance's sake, largely supplied [and slowly taken over] by a cadre of scale-at-all-costs hedgies and insiders, and flooded with buyers whose cannabis understanding peaks at "sativa vs indica".

Yes, maybe 20% use it as a medical herb.

Alex is right in that regard- it's mostly being misused / abused.

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And how much psychiatric drugs do you think is misused / abused ? you would be surprised

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Booze is bad and a large segment of the American population doesn't handle it well, particularly teenagers. But at least it's regulated and one can rely on the percentage of alcohol content, etc. But pot?! States have legalized it with little to no regulation as to the potency and I absolutely believe that it is the cause of the widespread psychosis (and related violence) of young adults in this country.

You were a visionary regarding Covid, ditto for THC.

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"States have legalized it with little to no regulation as to the potency" - This is false in terms of what's sold at dispensaries. They require everything be labeled with a list of ingredients and potency, and that it's been tested for toxic chemicals like pesticides, so the consumer knows exactly what they're ingesting. In this way, legalizing and regulating this industry makes it much safer than getting it from a street dealer.

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Lab-testing varies widely from state to state and has been fraught with pitfalls. The medical effects haven't been adequately studied, there are no safety standards. We know what 100 proof grain alcohol does to a body or that long-term over-consumption of any alcohol leads to liver and heart failure. Vaccines were approved by regulators--how'd that work out?

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"The medical effects haven't been adequately studied, there are no safety standards." - Absolutely false. Not only have the health benefits of cannabis been studied for decades, it's been used around the world for centuries. Just because you haven't made the effort to do the research, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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Maybe you should read Alex's book for another opinion (he always sources the actual facts) as you appear to be misinformed. As we learned from the pandemic, science is always evolving. Also, you might want to check out: https://www.leafly.com/news/health/leaflys-state-by-state-guide-to-cannabis-testing-regulations. It may be useful to you if you are a consumer of said products, especially if you live in Vermont or Washington State.

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it will take longer than that. you are being WAAAAAAAAAY too optimistic!

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Where I go for pain management they're now asking me if I want a "card". A what? "Oh, a medical marijuana card". Yeah, no.

How it works is, you go in, you have a few consults with the pain psychologist, you tell the anesthesiologist you're seeing that pot works for you to mitigate pain, you get your card ... and then, you're free to go for an indefinite period with no follow up. We don't do that for anything else prescribed for pain. I know some "card" holders who used to be able to have a conversation. Not any more.

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I don't know what state you live in, but the 2 states I've obtained my medical cannabis cards from do not operate that way at all. Each year you have to see your physician who must renew your certificate so the state will renew your card. Every 12 months. Anesthesiologist??? Why would they be involved in the process?

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The state of Maryland. Pain practices have anesthesiologists. I have to go once a month. You go... Once a YEAR? What other controlled substance used for pain management has so little oversight? Unbelievable.

What kind of quack do you get your card from? Any bozo that wants to pocket some easy money? It's a money making racket for the low life MDs that hand them out. How much do you pay for your card?

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Where I live nothing is legal and Pain Management keeps wanting to shove needles into my spine and paralyze me from the neck down while telling me my neck is the most challenging one they have ever worked on...no sedation just total encouragement to swear like crazy. Seriously. Nerve ablation, which I refused. I know of someone who had a dead leg from a failed one and my husband's friend had the last 5 or so out of ten that did nothing. And I wonder why I feel like I am in the middle of a mass medical experiment.

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In MO, they have a machine like an ATM machine at the “medical” dispensary and you answer some questions on the machine and it spits out your card. At least that’s what a young lady I work with explained to me.

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My friends who have smoked weed recently tell me it's crazy different from what they smoked as teenagers. I'm not sure if that's going to be part of what they tell THEIR children.

With that said, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if we see the word "psychosis" disappear from the Times article within the next 24 hours.

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The war on drugs is old news. They've been trying to demonize marijuana for decades. There's negative side effects associated with abusing almost any substance, you know kinda like that other legal drug that everyone drinks daily.

Marijuana has huge medicinal benefits which shouldn't be over shadowed by the few who choose to abuse it.

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Moron, these alleged few who abuse it are the pot lobby that shriek at us that we should completely cater to addiction behavior.

Yes, there are medicinal benefits, as do opiates, are you going to be shrieking out the next couple weeks we should legalize that shit too!!

Addicts: denial, projection, deflection, minimization, and pathological rationalization.

They don’t have a problem, we are the problem, there are other issues to worry about besides pot, pot doesn’t really do that much so who cares, and finally, everyone does it and people are stupid and life sucks so just shut up and deal with it!

Does that explain it well for you all?…

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Sounds like you need another drink.

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Sounds like you need to light up while immersed in lighter fluid…

We all have our inner Richard Pryor essence…

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Just a little advice, if you ever plan on engaging in a conversation resembling anything close to intelligence:

Try not to start off by calling someone a moron, people are a lot less lielky to engage. Bye

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Get the Dust off ya Johnson buddy, maybe using it more diminishes being stoned all the time…

Ya moron.

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yes - 2025, Jan 20th is when we will start seeing some honest reporting. The minute this turd is out of the WH

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Makes no difference who's in the Oval. Mainstream media will never report honestly as long as they're beholden to their corporate overlords. Independent media is the only place to go for truthful reporting because they're accountable to no one, and can therefore be free to speak truth to power (and the public).

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Well, that's for sure.

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I believe that he will be a goner before that. I bet he will be used as a fall guy by his administrators.

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Whutchootalkin'about, wullis? Do you mean they'll turn honest once Joe is gone...go back like they were during say, 2016-2020? I want some of what yer smokin' so I can visit LaLa land with ya. We can only hope to see glimpses of honesty when, as Alex speculated, some of these pushers suffer first hand tragedy in their lives. Then they might begin to understand the errors of their thinking.

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Alex, I know you've discussed this in the past with Rogan, but it's time to revisit it with him. It might break the internet.

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The highest thc levels in some strains is 23-24 percent. Most strains are in the teens. THC may have ligit applications and uses for mood disorders, lack of appetite and more. decriminalization is an important step in allowing the medical community to ligit study this substance. There will always be harms associated. Who would want to live in a world with NO access to any narcotic pain killer? sometimes narcotics are livesaving. Anything can be abused. Alcohol causes huge problems. If our society was more free, there would be more prosperity, less stress. There would be less reliance on substances to ease our psychological and physical pain.

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Vapes and dabs are MUCH, much higher.

Flower is the weakest form, in terms of concentration.

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Alex. No matter what kind of device you use: PC, Mac, Android, iPhone... all of them can take screenshots ;)

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PC = Windows+Shift+S :)

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Was going for the effect of a grainy phone pick? Could be his history with NYT. NYT not worth the pixels.

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Correlation does not imply causation. While agree that excessive usage, especially of edibles, can cause psychosis, it’s not entirely certain to me whether it’s from the plant itself, some unnatural adulteration, or another correlated factor. And as far as chronic vomiting goes, I have first hand experience that suggests it’s from potassium bromate/bromide in delivery pizza. I cut that out, on a gluten free diet, kept smoking, and the chronic vomiting that my doctor claimed was from chronic pancreatitis miraculously went away. Since then, I have added wheat back into my diet, minus all additives only the FDA is negligent enough to approve (potassium bromate, azodicarbonamide, benzoyl peroxide, butylated hydroxytoluene, folic acid—which is not equivalent to dietary folate) and malted barley (which is processed with potassium bromate in the US), and no issues. Also, it’s interesting to note that potassium bromide, the byproduct of heating potassium bromate in an oven, was once an OTC sedative until the 1970s, when it was banned because it caused psychosis and all sorts of neurological issues. But that’s okay to keep in the food, apparently only in the US and a couple other countries.

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I am sad to hear all the negativity on God's pain med. I have been using medical marijuana for my pain for a few years now. Using MJ allowed me to remove the more powerful oxycodone from my life, so just for that I am thankful. I was also disheartened that they legalized it here in my blue state because it has made it more difficult to find my normal prescription. I am not a pothead as many would think. I did smoke a little when I was younger but now I use it to control pain. There are now a variety of edibles to eliminate the odor when necessary. Never heard of MJ reaching such a high potency level. Mine is usually 60-70%. I think I'd like to try that newfangled stuff.

EDIT: 60-70% on a vape pen, the weed is usually 20-30%. There are higher percentages, but I cannot afford it.

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My state opened dispensary sales short while ago. Earlier this week a young 33 , pretty woman under influence crashed and killed 2, injured 4. I thought we have not seen the final on this.

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Alex riling up the potheads again

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Not at all I think it’s hilarious they make his argument for him

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Alex I love you in a way and I pray for you every day but can I please get you this https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-monitor-wipes-80-pack-white/8041012.p?skuId=8041012&ref=NS&loc=101 please

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First of all, I do not necessarily believe that people should be using cannabinoids for recreation, any more than they should not use excess alcohol, excess sugar, or other drugs. However, cannabis and the hemp version have been an extremely important part of both medical and societal usages for centuries. At the point where cannabis (and hemp) became illegal, because of planned misconceptions and lies, the petroleum based pharmaceutical companies wanted a monopoly. To do this, they had to get rid of cannabis, which was in MOST of the current medications prior to this. When cannabis became illegal, the illegal market made the cannabis with a higher THC content. This was indeed expected. If left alone, these changes would not have had the economic reason for occurring. Everyone, PLEASE look up the positive benefits of these substances PRIOR to making judgments. Yes, there may be some problems that need to be solved with these changes. People need to be educated on both the benefits and the drawbacks. However, the benefits to many people with chronic diseases outweigh their living miserable lives. Not ALL of the cannabis have high THC. There are many strains. I have never seen, much less utilized these substances. However, I realize now, after educating myself at PubMed, the Sacred Plant, and other sites, that several of my loved ones needlessly died of cachexia secondary to cancer. It is a CRIME that the petrochemical pharmaceutical companies have a monopoly on prescribed medications, which DO cause hundreds of thousands of deaths yearly.

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Thank you for bringing logic, reason and FACTS to this mostly "reefer madness" thread. Good god, these people really need to break free of the propaganda they've been fed for the last few decades and do some research.

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Only solution is education of those you raise and love. Ignorance, like accepting the Covid-shot may get you and your loved ones killed. We now live in a 21'st century jungle, and the dangers are everywhere. Teach your children and grandchildren the dangers of the wild.

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Another consequence of the "pandemic."

Yep! Lock everyone inside, and figure that weed is OK b/c no one is driving--and gee whiz, it's legal after all.

Lots of people (insufficiently) upset about fentanyl smuggled across the wide-open border.

Your government at work.

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I have known several people over my 7 decades on this planet who were excessive pot heads, alcoholics or both. Let me be clear anyone who needs any chemical substance for anything other than a medical reason is abusing their body. I have seen people have seizures and withdrawals from cannabis as well as alcohol. Does this sound like something harmless? Wake up.! They are using drugs in the same way he USSR used alcohol to control the masses. They don't care if it kills you. After all that is their end game, to kill us off in any way they can. Druggies and alcoholics save them the trouble of forcing an injection on them to cut down "the surplus population". This is all about self-serving gred and thesooner people wake up the better.

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I feel the same way.

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.....teens are getting sick and pulling triggers.

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Wasn't the idiot responsible for the Uvalde tragedy angry because he wasn't allowed marijuana?

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my understanding is that he was a user and his grandmother told him not to use it.

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Wild idea: don't tax it.

Perhaps we could use a bit more antagonism between government and industry.

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That’s why it needs to be legal and regulated.

Buy questionable shit and smoke your brains out = psychosis. Ever lived with an alcoholic- talk about fun! Any drug in excess creates brain issues. Look into those SSRI’s

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Wait. What? Regulated by whom? A government alphabet agency? Surely you jest!

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Since it's not legal at the federal level, agencies like the FDA are not involved. The states that have legalized it have set up their own regulatory apparatus. For example, in my state it's called the Cannabis Control Commission.

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Given how many of the states have responded to riots and covid mania, I have no faith in them either. Except maybe De Santis. In Texas, a Bushite is running against a communist whack job for governor. Yeah, I trust these guys. 😳

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Preferably a state agency would be implemented. But government does everything ass backwards

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SSRIs are what’s causing the mass shootings, not marijuana.

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This is no different that someone who drinks alcohol regularly or other class C drug. My dad had multiple surgeries with in a short period of time to repair a damaged hand. After 2 to 3 surgeries, they had to change the anesthetic as it was causing memory issues. So, its time to ask, what were they thinking?

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It's interesting because Altria recently had its Juul tobacco vaping product banned by the FDA. Yet, weed is legal in many states and was not banned. Frankly, I think that weed (and vaping) is stupid, but I also believe you should be free to do what you want with your life including but not limited to weed, vaping, skydiving, drag racing, cave diving, or any number of risky behaviors. It seems that government bureaucrats pick winners and losers and they're not very good at doing that in a way that makes sense. At the end of the day I want government out of my life and I don't want them making decisions about my guns, my healthcare, and any alcohol or drugs that I consume.

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While we continue to outsource the raising of our children to other people, things will get worse. No parent is perfect and unfortunately, there are some that shouldn't be parents but parents as a group have a far greater interest in properly raising children over government instititutions and Quango's. We put them into the state's hands from a year old...what did we expect.

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What does Alex think about CBD, does anyone know? For medicinal purposes? Is it only the THC that poses a risk? I give my dog pure CBD but find it doesn’t agree with me - it actually makes me feel anxious, strangely enough.

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The next wave of mass shootings will be committed by transgender girls who are transitioning to boys. These poor mutilated souls will be all hopped up on SSRIs and testosterone. And once they realize that they’ve been lied to, mutilated and exploited they will take up arms and seek revenge against those that made them into freaks

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That is another topic that needs to be addressed with the youth. God help us.

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Not to worry, most of us will be dead by then. Since they don't need taxpayers because they can just print money, the government is killing us off. The swamp and the deep state could manage so much better without having to provide services and pay entitlements. We are such a burden and an annoyance to the DC crowd.

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Alex Berenson you are years ahead of the curve now they must try to live in objective reality. And admit they the Elite media was wrong again. They have no audience to make their case.

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Modern leftists want you dumb stoned or dead

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And the public complies.

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It is still illegal on the federal level. That is good and hopeful. Doctors take a risk with federal DEA registration if they prescribe or dispense the stuff. Just this week I ran into a 20 something with a rough psychologic history who didn't know that MJ can cause all those problems. I recommended Alex's book, Tell your children the truth... https://youtu.be/Qs1HIwW3y6c?t=157

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First of all, thank you very much for the opportunity to comment. I just want to put up as a flagrant disclaimer, marijuana is a gray drug, and the shit bags who come in here telling us how it’s so great and there’s no problems and we’re all evil for challenging its efficacy for these losers who just want to sit at home and be stoned motherfuckers all day, I hope they all die!

For the recreational users, do it, be responsible, and people like me don’t care. Just be honest and attentive to what happens when you smoke pot, be careful when you interact with society, like driving, God forbid working a job, or having responsible duties like taking care of children or other factors where people depend on you.

At the end of the day, seeing these losers come into treatment facilities and complain how their lives are shit but they’re smoking pot every day and can’t put two and two together, that pot is not helping them at the very least, I can’t fix stupid!

And pot makes people stupid. Pot makes people apathetic. Pot makes people lazy. Pot makes people dangerous because they don’t pay attention to nuts and bolts stuff that human beings need to do.

So, the shit bags below who are going to challenge us, fuck off!!! Because you’re not going to change your behaviors because you’re addicts, and addiction programs won’t address you because they don’t see cannabis as a substance of importance.

So, go somewhere else or prepare to be marginalized into utter irrelevance!

And if you don’t like my comment, fuck you! Go back to your bongs and joints, your stupid video games, and whatever else you do that provides nothing of substance and value to humanity!

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>And if you don’t like my comment, fuck you! Go back to your bongs and joints, your stupid video games, and whatever else you do that provides nothing of substance and value to humanity!

Just a stunning lack of self-awareness, ending with this after writing paragraphs filled with profanity and vitriol. Yeah, "DividedUpWorld", you're really providing 'substance and value' to humanity with your furious comments, just like every other Twitter and Reddit humanitarian out there.

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Better to just ignore the trolls.

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Hit too close to home for ya?

You stoners, denial is pathetic.

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Do you honestly think people enjoy being addicted? Most addicts are self-medicating. Part of my studies was learning about brain chemistry, nutritional deficiencies and genetic SNPs that contribute to addictive behaviors. You are the most distasteful commentator in this thread. You sound like you have some kind of anger management issue.

I highly recommend reading The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. And addresses why people are addicted and how to help them.

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Another coward/ addict/ enabler of addiction. Sheesh, you people who can’t handle legitimate outrage over issues or warped belief systems out to destroy society, get back on your knees behind locked doors and stay the hell away from people who want to be independent autonomous and free.

Cretins of the Left will shoot you in the face, cowards of the fake Right will stab you in the back.

People willingly wearing masks today are fucked in the head, and likely will separate yours from your body if given the chance.

Roe-pocalypse, I like it…

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I feel like marijuana is a scapegoat for a lot of people , you’ve got some kid Who is a useless lazy sack of shit . Mother puts the blame for that on pot , he was fine before ! LOL no he wasn’t !! I come from a place where smoking pot is very common , it has been all of my relatively long lifetime , turning 60 soon . I’ve seen super sharp successful motivated people who smoked and the other end of the spectrum … I don’t get emotional about this stuff , I can listen to Someone else’s point of view , but I think the whole reefer madness thing is way in the past realityville . Pot IMO doesn’t make the person. … If you’re a lazy unmotivated person , that’s on you , if you are that quintessential perfect person get up early in the morning go for a jog or work out , then you go to your job kick ass and then you go home and do your thing with your kids or whatever that’s also on you ..

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Life is about choices. If you make a bad choice and you have consequences, you can’t say, “well I smoke pot so I don’t need to be held accountable because it’s the drug…”

I still have yet to see the muzzle print on peoples’ foreheads to be forced to do drugs and then fuck up their lives and expect us to give them a free pass.

Hey, you made the choice to do it, and accept the consequences, and if you don’t then be ready to be forced to accept consequences for refusing to accept those initial consequences…

Potheads, they are truly fucked in the head.

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That’s a terrible generalization . Some are some aren’t …

If I was to edit your closing statement to something I could agree with it will go like this …

“People , some are truly fucked in the head .”

I completely agree with your statement about consequences , there should be more in this life… Anyhow have a nice day 🤠👍🏻

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You too.

Let’s have a moment of candor here, people do not use marijuana to have a heightening of clarity and to be more in tune with reality! They do it to escape it, they do it to be altered in their sensorium. Just like 95% of people use alcohol to get a buzz.

Yeah, let’s smoke pot and work at NASA, let’s be surgeons and operate on patients, let’s be manning 911 calls so people can get help…

We all know inherently these are toxins, so we take the inherent risk to use them and hopefully not have serious negative consequences.

That’s why I hate addicts Who reject any effort to be in recovery, they’re so disingenuous if not flagrantly dishonest.

But, that’s the agenda, if it’s not denial, it’s deflecting and minimizing, that’s why most of you suck, and if that’s an overgeneralization, fine…

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Lol just for the record I don’t smoke pot. I used to and I loved it when I did . Quit 23 years ago plus or minus don’t like getting high at all now , like to drink beer tequila but I’m a take it or leave it kind of guy doesn’t have much impact on my life . I’m racing off to my Friday morning hockey LOL. I will read your message and try to come up with a worthy response commensurate with the amount of effort you’ve clearly put into yours

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Where there is 💨 there is 🔥

Light em up!!!

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This administration and many states are fine with legalizing this drug.... yet are going after nicotine like it’s the real problem.

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I don’t think things are getting bad for parents- parents are getting bad at parenting. If your kids are dope heads or alcoholics It’s your fault,the parents Treating them like a pet cat to run wild in the streets. That’s not parenting that’s more like abandonment. Parents you are the ones in control remember. Thinking the government can fix your problems that’s psychosis. Whether it’s in the stores or in the streets It’s currently illegal in all 50 states for children to purchase it.

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I think we all know that when the natives or indigenous peeps smoked weed before modern day tech there was not vomiting and psychosis happening. Just sayin. Sure there is the possibility, but something tells me it was never an issue and a part of natures gifts to those who are born and die on planet earth. Concentrate ANYthing and you have issues. It's not nice to mess with mother nature!

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Always listen to the government if you want to be led down the wrong path and harmed. B/C the govt and said agencies are narcissistic by nature...cards stacked fully in their favor and they do not give a damn about you...you are an object to be used, controlled and be taken advantage of financially. Same thing with legalizing gambling (as long as it's contolled by and enriching the state you know), who cares if you're spending your last dollar on a lotto with your cigs.

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They forgot to put SAD’s in their list also. Eeeeeeww this is almost as scary as Covid. If somebody is smoking weed around you don’t forget your mask. But don’t take ivermectin it won’t Work on psychosis , Like it does the spike of Covid. Alex is the king of trolls he always gets everybody going with this one.

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