As a natural doc who’s not for most vaccinations in general, the amount of side effects I have heard and seen with these experimental injections, is simply audacious. The evidence is in front of us everyday but hardly anyone reports the full story on it. If you want to get the jab go ahead but you should be given the full picture of what is going on. Thank you Alex Berenson for your truth and doing the damn job! I have you quoted in my PowerPoint lectures I give to many citizens in Communist Connecticut where not getting the jab is equivalent to wearing a Scarlett letter :((

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There are many of us wearing scarlet letters all over the country, red & blue states. And yellow stars

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The “spit/drool” test was developed at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, aka UIUC to international students. Yes, the U is making bank from this test.

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And owned by a Kaiser Pritzker company. While we the little people mask up and suffer, JB makes more bank. Vote him out!

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I subscribed

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Yup - loud and proud here too! Btw, great piece! Love your work!

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Some lady on Twitter claimed a Trump hat (no MAGA no other racist comments in the hat just “Trump supporter” on one guy and a yellow star on the other (inside a pickup in Ottawa) made them racists. I was offended about the yellow star comment. That’s about as far from racist as you can get. And if you haven’t seen it yet there are pics online with a SINGLE guy holding a nazi flag. The peaceful Canadians are trying to ID him and get him out, that he does NOT represent the rest.

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WHAT the heck happened to NATURAL IMMUNITY!?!?!!?!? I am not a fan of MOST western medicine, unless I'm dying? But it's pretty obvious that these jabs are not fully vetted.

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Natural immunity doesn't improve the profits of the quarter, nor does it help to enforce compliance from the taxpaying classes.

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Ahhh, so natural immunity doesn’t work😉

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at least not for the money making machine

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Yup. I am aware :)

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Natural Immunity is the new Domestic Terrorism.

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Not true. They know exactly what they are doing, and the purpose of the jabs.

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of course. THEY know. NOW I KNOW I am a research hound. So what I stated above IS true. They are not fully vetted and yes. They know that. :)

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How to put it? The psychopaths at the top know that the shots kill. That was the plan all along.

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The people that took the 'jab' then hid their heads in the sand, believing they did the right thing 'cause the government told then to....and they fell in line like perfect, little, sheep. Now they can't face the long-term consequences they've heard and seen that are and will occur. Like my sister said, "how can I get this stuff out of my body?" Now that's a hard one..hmmm

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There is a web site, I think from Dr Mercola, that provides a method to reduce the damage from heavy metals, but I doubt it is going to work for these jabs

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He does as does David “Avocado” Wolf. Not cheap, but worth trying but you can’t ever get it out but might be able to reduce possible ill effects. Only time will tell.

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Yes, but it's a long shot ^

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My understanding from reading Dr. Mercola's articles and watching interviews with other doctors who are fighting this is that the same therapies that work for stopping COVID from causing damage also work for stopping the toxic spike proteins from causing so much damage for the newly vaxxed too. The challenge is to get the newly vaxxed to start taking these therapies before the damage progresses too far and they start developing blood clots and organ damage.

That said, those who are experiencing injuries do seem to be getting some relief from taking black seed oil.

My second hand injuries from exposure to vaxxed shedding of toxic spike proteins has so far responded positively to being treated with pine needle tea, black seed, and anise.

But all of this is only in relation to the toxic spike proteins--and as far as I understand, no one has been honest with the public yet about the actual ingredients or chemical makeup of these COVID shots. If they really have a form of graphene in them--I don't know how you would fix that.

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Thank you for this good information. I am not familiar with the pine needle tea except a family member used this to recover from the respiratory effects of the virus.

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I’ve heard from a knowledgeable friend that some of the covid treatments can have an effect on the consequences of the shot. I think it was ivermectin; I’ll try to find out.

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Typical of their games; the FDA approved shot, is not the one they are giving the people. So no jab has been approved, as if that made any difference in the outcomes. YOUR fault for not getting the good one. ICAN sued the CDC and it exposed that little if any of the vaccines have been through safety trials. Pharma won't do the trials because they KNOW the results. You can find the documents at https://www.bitchute.com/video/s40ElKt1Jn15/

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There is no approved shot available in the US. Not much of it available anywhere apparently...

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I read they have not even made the 'approved' one, I think covirnati ? or something of the kind.

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Trials are geared to get the results Pharma wants for any drug. Fauci/Gates are the trial tool in third worlds. Who depopulation isn't noted or can be bribed away..

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It’s amazing how many people think they are getting the approved jab! I still wouldn’t take it. Even more sickening they are jabbing their kids. I was talking to a customer last night and she said 3 family members have died right after their jabs. She says neither of those peoples immediate family members will admit it’s due to the jab. She’s quite disturbed by it as the rest of us.

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Those three deaths following being vaxed were not reported to VAERS, right? This is exemplary of why the numbers from VAERS are so unimaginably low, relative to the real carnage happening because of these poison injections.

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I believe that the basic agenda is de-population and they've covered this up by creating fear among the populous. Some people will always be blind to the truth!

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Bad business model to de-populate. The real longer term $$$ is in treating the new sickly for decades and decades with the very same tech the injections are designed for. The looming rises in neurodegenerative, immunological, cancers etc will be an assured pipeline of $$$ for decades for big Pharma!

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The mRNA platform for "vaccine" purposes is already in process. Moderna are testing a HIV vax. Over on Eugyppius's Substack, there is a piece today about Austria's health minister (more or less) pushing the need for mandatory vaccinations for everything. See a pattern?

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No doubt there are plans made and implementing-executing said plan at the designated time. Funny how so many believed the 15 days to flatten the curve early narrative...

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Yes, they can’t rely on just millions of abortions? There are still too many of us serfs messing up their beautiful earth.....🤮

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i am finishing my masters degree, single mom, i am told ill be kicked out of my school if i dont get a booster by march 1st. I am in communist Mass

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Don’t get the booster.. wait it out! Patience and shuffle the cards! Cervantes! Nothing is worth ruining your health.. single moms rock and we are strong and patient! Resist!

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Perhaps tell them that you are happy to get the fully approved vaccination Comirnaty (which doesn't exist in the US yet)? Anything else is an experimental vaccine.

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it is beyond me that schools, army etc can force you to be a guinea pig. These are all experimental meds and because the 'emergency' there is no need to read the dangers, or sign papers, to get them. I wonder if all these people would get the jab if they knew the truth

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the school is saying i have to. have it by march 1st, I do not intend on getting it, i am trying to figure out how to handle this

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This madness will end only if people like you say no. It seems highly likely that boosters for college students will fall out of favor within the next month. Even if you feel like you have to cave, wait as long as possible!

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Here’s how: religious exemption. Belief: It’s wrong to lie. You cannot sign necessary vaccine consent form without violating your belief that you shouldn’t lie. Details here: http://howtosee2020.com

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If you have kids, don’t get it and make certain they don’t get it .

It’s Hard but really good advice .

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Try a medical exemption…anxiety. It worked for somebody I work with. Which doesn’t seem like a lie for most of us following Alex.

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File a 1st A religious lawsuit or join one.

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I don’t believe that will work if she already got 2 shots

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DUMB the poison is already in her body. UN JABBED, UNMASKED. I WILL NOT COMPLY, that said as a Health and hearing impaired retired 73 yr old disabled at 58. I can file health and Religion, I DON'T BELIEVE IN ABORTIONS, haven't since I was 14. Only 2 ligit reasons, 1 Tublar pregnancy, 2 dead in womb baby. Nor do I believe in Heb B shots unless the mom test positive for it, why give to a healthy day old baby a unnessary vaccine? I've had 3 vaccines in my life, 1 smallpox the 1960 version, 2 the Corerced Bird Flu which made me sick as a dog for 2 weeks, 3 a Tetnus shot. Got my immunity by exposure. MMR and Chickenpox. Not allowed the Shingles vaccine. Already had 2 small patches.

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My technique works no matter religion or vaccination history. She does not consent this time around so signing that consent form would violate her religious belief not to lie. Details here: http://howtosee2020.com

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Same for me last September for my first jab, refused it. Had to go in front of medical panel, I blew their thinking apart with my research ( hopefully scared them to) so they then said we are only following public health England now UKHSA advice. Walked. So glad I did. The whole health system UK needs tearing apart and rebuilding minus pharma led universities

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I thought the line "I was only following orders" was negated after WW2.

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Not going to fly with individual practitioners and malpractice cases…

There are already many…

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Where can we suit?

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Unfortunately it’s alive & well

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Sounds like the US

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Should have asked for all of their names and degrees and remind them that they seem to be practicing “medicine”, meaning, no one gave physicians wavers against Malpractice suits…

Burn the physicians and hospitals until their malpractice insurance is confiscatory…they won’t be so quick to practice “public health” over the Hippocratic medicine they are responsible in providing…

Ask every doctor on the medical panel if they are enforcing this on other physicians and therefore they are TREATING EVERY patient and liable for “bad” medicine…

Imagine just the myocarditis patients suing every physician on the panel…they only protected the deep pockets of the pharmaceutical companies

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I did, won’t give names but a Dr. Virology, a professor of epidemiology, a consultant in respiratory medicine at local hospital and other who was a clinical skills tutor (not sure why she was there). Funny story with the virologist, I was asked was I refusing the jab because it was new technology? My reply was no, I was refusing it because I didn’t see the point of it if it didn’t prevent transmission, and that natural immunity was more robust and durable. The virologist stated this was not proven. I replied, why do the vaccinated need boosters, and why wasn’t their own immune system not producing their own antibodies? She replied, antibodies wane. I replied yes they do, but are recalled upon re exposure. She replied that some are unable to do this. I replied, then they should be treated, but low risk individuals don’t require it. By this time I was getting the impression she didn’t have a clue, so I asked her this. “What’s your thoughts on ADE?” What’s that she replied. So I told her antibody dependent enhancement. Oh that she said, well I agree with it. What do you mean you agree with it I said. She said by getting a booster, you enhance your antibodies. I switched off, told them I’m not having it. Walked

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Wow, but not surprising. I would have then asked her to explain to poor ignorant little old me what ADE actually is and why she thinks it's so good so I would understand it better. That would have been funny as heck! After she was done incriminating her lack of knowledge about it, I would then proceed to explain it to HER. Maybe she failed her virology courses?

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Unbelievable isn’t it. I know when I’m about to blow, so retreat for legal reasons 😂

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The virologist unwittingly (or not?) opened the door to discussion. You would think a virologist would have had a sharper set of responses to your logic. Scary this is the knowledge base of a professor and consultant. Interesting that she was curious about the new technology angle, though.

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Hilarious but sad at the same time

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I like the video where the lady got the pharmacist to look at full package insert…

As he opened it, it appear blank accept for the cover…he acted shocked, but I thought pharmacists and doctors practiced medicine…meaning he SHOULD be knowing the package insert considerations…

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Ignorance is bliss!

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By chance do you have that conversation on tape ?

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In the USA no federal health agency recommends keeping the unvaccinated out of the office. Check FDA or CDC official websites and try to prove me wrong. It’s just the Biden administration and stupid city officials who come up with these discriminatory policies.

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Make them kick u out! Or better yet transfer somewhere not mandating. Think long term instead of short term! Nothing is worth putting your life at risk! What would your kids do without you? There have been so many deaths!! Please don’t give in to their tyranny! Stand strong!

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Agree. Don’t take it. Think of your children.

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i cANT just "drop out" ....

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This site, Solari.com, by Catherine Austin Fitts, provides you with forms to help in just your situation. The form for students is the third one down I believe. Please check and see if one works for you. You can download as PDFs. I believe they are free.


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Jan 30, 2022
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If your disabled or dead the degree no longer matters.

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True. Probably still worth moving/leaving. Hard to start over, but easier if you're alive, without myocarditis, etc.!

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Jan 30, 2022
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If you're netting 5K/ mo you must be a pretty high level employee and thus with considerable qualifications. It seems potentially easy? to just find another job in a company with no mandate? no?

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Can you get a leave? There are sometimes extenuating circumstances, personal ones, that require we leave grad school. Example, a parent becomes ill and needs us. You don't lose it all when things like that happen. I get it, I get it totally, but some things take precedence. There is no price tag to put on your health. There is also something priceless called bodily sovereignty. WE own our bodies. THEY do not. There is a price to pay for giving up bodily integrity. Will you ever feel truly free again? So in this case, it is better to try to keep what you have, take an extended leave, which should freeze your credits, status, etc. Once you make that decision, you'll feel free again, and you will retain what you've earned. In this case, there is an emergency that requires you pause, just not the one you tell them. These are extreme times. Make the right decision. God bless.

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i would if i could a masters degree requires an INSANE amount of interning- or, working for free basically. i am heading into my final year with 700 hours in front of me, leaving would really fuck things up. I have to get this degree. I do not have the financial freedom to stop right now. BUT, my sense is that if i really REALLY put up a fight, they will back down. School is not some transformational experience, its a fucking BUSINESS, and they want and need people to graduate! i have a feeling if i really get mad, they will back down

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I know. I've done it. I know too well about the clinical hours that find you spending 7 hours at a site and only 2 go toward your hours, or what happened to me, working like a dog to have a lighter last year only to have them load you up with hours in their clinic. It sounds like you have a plan ready. School is most definitely a business, and you will find no more woke and dictatorial crowd than in what used to be called education. They are typically ruthless. Find a way out of it that doesn't make them worry about setting "a precedent" and you might make it. But if push comes to shove, my advice to you is don't sell your health.

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Denmark just stopped ALL mandates. Hopefully more countries will follow soon, including the U.S. Hang in there as long as you can.

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That may be your sense-- only. If they back up on their high horse, you're toast.

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thank you , yeah i cant just leave not possible

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I can only imagine how difficult it is. I'm so sorry your having to deal with this lunacy. Are you able to get any exemption?

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yeah I am sure, i have heard that other students have pulled some shit, so im gonna reach out and see what i can do, I have a psychiatrist friend who is in a like an underground network of Dr's who are trying to help people. I should see him next week so i am going to ask him if he can help me. Whats worse? both my uncles got shingles (retroviral activity was listed as one of the potential side effects by Dr Malone) neither one of them wanted to believe it had to do with the vaccine. My boss? ended up in hospital with irregular heart beat and something akin to myocarditis, but not exactly (the name of the condition escapes me now) HE also refuses to believe it has anything to do with Vaccine. The crazy thing is that people are SO brainwashed..they are getting sick, and they simply refuse to connect the dots!!! Most doctors are refusing to even consider it. I am thankful that there are some medical professionals who are working against this machine, i hope i can get some help

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What are you studying? We are here for you in real life.

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Yes it is. I have left several jobs and on the verge of losing others over their idiotic mask requirements. I hope it will not come to this, but if my wife goes ahead and has our son gets the shot, I lose my family too. Will soon be unemployable and homeless in a foreign country. So be it.

You do NOT need that masters degree more than your kids need you.

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If you are forced out, and the credits expire (possible) you would have additional grounds to sue for damages. I would check for an attorney, if any can be found anymore that would take a case against Leviathan.

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The shots are death; this is literally a fight of your life, assess your strategy and give it all you got.

I fought and won an accommodation from a Fortune-100 media company all of you know. So anything is possible. You do not compromise with evil!

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thats good! I am not gonna get the shot, thanks man! Its so great to hear so many people being so supportive! I wish i had you all around in real life!

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I know it's a huge amount of trouble, but just refuse. Say you demand scientific evidence a booster is necessary given your age and health. MAKE them kick you out.

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take my advice. All the other suggestions to refuse on various "grounds" come with them about 90% chance of Failure. Show them what they want and get on with life. Ask a few folks to see their vaccine cards and note the details, photograph them, and make up your blank form.

Remember you have nothing to lose! If you get nailed on trying to show a fake form or rejected on religious grounds, result is the same-- you are screwed out of your Masters!

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hadn't considered that. So what is stopping people from simply adding the booster onto the original vaccine card? like does any institution actually cross reference these things?

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I would totally just add your booster. Especially since you have the card already. Unjust situation so use creativity to get around

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Are they allowed to inquire about someone’s health record! Legally I don’t think so

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This is such a messed up bureaucracy the chances must be low that you will be found out. Be sure you are not do your homework: https://www.verywellhealth.com/how-to-check-fake-covid-vaccination-card-5196659

By the way, most decent, respectable people would NOT consider doing something clearly disingenuous like faking something. However, when faced with a dishonest system one requires creative solutions.

Another solution would be a hybrid two level solution here.

1) go with the best defense you can using legal, upright principles of one of the suggestions here to confront them(religious, facts from VAERS and the recent DOD study). Upon failure go to step

2) The card.

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Terrible what they are putting you through. But in refusing you will be a role model for your children. And remember, it is NEVER one and done. The goal from the beginning has been regular booster shots.

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The more people that stand up against this the sooner it will end. Go Canadian truckers!! Honk honk! 🇨🇦

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That is the only way it will end. It is not going to end because elected officials and pharmaceutical companies finally realize that their injections don't work, as some ex-NYT columnist (who is doing some good work) seems to think.

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I ❤️ed you, but it won’t let me!

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Me too! On bunches of comments for the last few days now. Big hugs to mp and don't get bullied. They push you around now, they will push you around for the rest of your life. Think hard about your options.

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I am so sorry. It is criminal what is going on. My college kid was in Dystopian New York and had her exemption revoked 4 weeks into last semester. A paper-pusher interfered with her relationship with her doctor, and told her she would be dis-enrolled and kick off of in-campus if she refused to get the shot. She listened to her doctor, was kicked off campus and disenrolled. She is now beginning her junior year at a college in a Free State - no vax mandates, no masks, no weekly testing. Her only regret is that she didn't transfer sophomore year and instead suffered through a year of hell on her former college campus.

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Do u mind if I ask which college? It seems like the ones that don’t mandate the jab are all at least masking. I don’t want my daughter masking 4 more years😜😜😜

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I am too worried to say, I am not on social media, and i have a feeling NO ONE from my school would subscribe to Alex! but you see what happens to people who get found out. If for some reason any of this got to the school I would probably be pulled in to the deans office. MOST colleges today, unless otherwise stated, are extremely extremely liberal...from elite universities to state schools, and adopting progressive values: campus polices, to professors, to curriculum choices..this also means everything and everyone is beholden to the political narrative and by extension the COVID narrative. It's serious, like you get targeted for saying anything outside the narrative. It's NUTS. For those of you who are not in academia, it might seem like hyperbole, but it's a communist jungle out there..i am just trying to get my degree and get out. Just don't send her to school in MASS

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Your very right mp!!! I feel like I have to be so vague when describing our “stories”. I really admire those who speak out !!

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Don’t worry Mass is not in the running at all! I worry because she loves musical theatre & that world can be Uber liberal as well. I’m worried she’s already a bit brainwashed

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Are there ways to get tuition refunded, at least in part?

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No degree is worth your health. The entire system is going to fall.

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welllll when your already 30K down and a year to go, i cant drop out. BUT I am not gonna get it, i just have to figure out what to do

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I agree with Kay take a leave of absence until this all shakes out. In the meantime you never know what can happen.

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Take a leave of absence from school if need be. Wait it out. The school will be begging you to come back in a year.

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i cant, i need to graduate with this degree to get a higher paying job, i have no ability financially to wait it out. I wish i could! The program requires about 1000 hours of internships too, just stopping would really screw me up. I am gonna try religious exemption or getting note from Dr

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It occurs to me that these massive commitments of time energy and money is how the indoctrinating forces ensure compliance from cradle to grave.

This is why all the doctors have been going along. They went all in to become docs, they played the game to 'win', they can't afford to lose it all now.

If they have to send people home to die and not treat them, so be it. If they have to jab children with untested dangerous drugs, so be it.

Each nudge, each color between the lines decision potentiates the next.

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Won't work. They are not generally honoring exemptions, because they are tyrants. Doctors are too frightened to give them because they are now threatened. The only way I can see out is to take yourself out for a while and hope for better things or make another arrangement. Ultimately you have to ask yourself what your priorities are. Look, 30K is nothing on the student loan scale. If you have to move to another location to finish a degree, take out the loans to live there. If you're at the tail end it shouldn't take long. You might find a sympathetic person at the grad school in a free state who will want to help. Think outside the box!

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Good point... You might be their last surviving masters student!

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30K is nothing. Many owe lots more, including me.

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sorry i misspoke, yeah way more than that, that is for THIS program, its one of many degrees, possibly too many prob up around 100? i have not looked dude. im not gonna look until the last minute

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You've got to leave MA, unless there's a truly compelling reason for you to stay there, 'vote with your feet' ... do not compromise your personal bodily/moral convictions to the whims of an ill-informed/authoritarian state edict.

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I agree. Get the F out of there. First, give 'em what they want to see(the card) and get that sheep skin. Don't ever take the shot.

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Yeah Maska-taxa-chusetts sucks

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Sadly, the vax is NOT for you! It’s for the dumbass professors who are all scared to death to stand in a classroom full of students.

This is all fu*ked up….

Why do you have to risk your health for them?! They certainly wouldn’t…

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Academia is extremely EXTREMELY left leaning, and each school is trying to one up the other with COVID stuff, its nonsensical and I am furious.

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Don't be furious. Why agitate yourself? See how it is and act accordingly. Figure out the best way to keep what you've earned and try for better things by looking for a way out. If you take leave (as I said above) it may work. Yes, you have to figure out how to support yourself by maybe working more than you planned, but that gives you some time. Is there any way a program in another state might take you down the road? Consider a lawsuit, maybe you'll find an attorney who will fight it. Look at nearby states to see what their programs might offer. It's tougher with kids, I know, but it's not impossible. Better than compromising your one body and bodily sovereignty. God gave you that. They have no right to mandate anything.

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The babysitter I used just told me she’s too ill to open the door and get the 10bucks I still owe her because she feels like crap after getting a booster. Her mother told he it’s just her arm.

Denmark has abandoned all anti Covid measures now too. Who would experiment on their kids with all this doubt???

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Good compliant little soldiers, that's who.

Those who cannot bear to look under the rock and see the slime that exists in their thought leaders, as it might completely disrupt their constructed world.

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My daughter was told the same thing. The vaccines are made in part from aborted fetal tissue (yes, it can get worse). This flies in the face of all our beliefs. We filed and were granted an exemption based on religion because you need to abort babies to make this poison.

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Same here, and got an exemption ... share a personal story if able, it helps.

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Start asking how many grants/money your university is receiving from pharmaceutical companies. Recommend finding a good lawyer to take your case on commission. Pharmaceuticals are not liable but universities and corporations are liable to the best of my knowledge. Many companies are backing off their mandates because their legal departments see their exposure and are afraid of losing big sums of money!

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Or ask them where you can get the “approved” comirnity shot. Nowhere.

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I am so sorry. They don’t deserve your brilliance. Praying for Unity Consciousness🙏💗🇨🇦 Stay in your heart. Can you do school

Remotely to avoid booster?🤷‍♀️

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we were remote, now back in class, but the class is socially distanced, only every other weekend, and we all are vaccinated, its RIDIC! but the CDC now says "fully vaccinated" means boostered too, so the school is using that as its guiding principle with all this. ITS an EXTREMELY social justice-y school and the program is even more so....its very difficult to be even center left in academia today, i would be labeled immediately if i spoke up about any of this.

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Great. Even better for you applying for a period out. They don't have to know extensive details, sick relative who needs you, etc. Or maybe you just need some time out after all this Covid madness they've put on everybody. That's your business, they just need to know the basics and you need time off.

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I'm so very sorry. What an awful position for you.

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There is so much data that clearly says that the vacshit does not work to prevent infection and transmission. That does not make any sense!!!

Can you show the data to those motherfuckers?

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these motherfuckers are deeply entrenched in progessive left values and paradigms. social justice on steroids, and that goes hand in hand with Fauci worship. Its very hard to navigate this stuff, as i want to stay in school, i need to stay in schol.

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Then you've chosen.

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no, ill get out of it. i am not dropping out of school, nor am i getting this shot. it will just be a bit of a fight

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MP, have you tried a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine for a medical exemption? This works.

Call or text me if you want to 619-433-4215. This is not spam.

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yeah i have a friend who is a psychiatrist, he is in a network of Dr's that will give medical exemptions for this stuff, i am gonna meet up with him next week, he said if needed he could refer me to a local doctor who could help me! Thank you so much...if this does not work out, i bookmarked this page ill shoot you a text. Thank you so much for your support! its so great to know im not alone, and im not crazy (and i'm not brainwashed)

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Hey man. You better update us, regardless. We ALL want to know how this pans out! Good luck, whatever you do. I would put the med exemption as phase 1, then try 2, 3(the card) as fall backs!

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mp, I cannot imagine after reading this (see link below) you would not have enough info to convince even the most ardent, Leftist "vaxxer" on the university board to give an exemption. There is some great stuff in here, when added to religious or other exemption request, it would be pretty convincing:


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a gutsy post. You are no coward! Very nice of you to offer and stick your neck out. FEW have the balls you have, Gary.

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Things are now changing so fast in the covid world that one month is an eternity from now. My suggestion is to wait a couple of weeks and then lawyer up.

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Hold the Line!!!

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Is there a religious exemption opportunity? See my reply below. Applies to non religious no need to lie.

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Whose lying? If you are against aborting babies to make medicines, then you should get an honest exemption.

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Blessings to you for your courage in following the truth!

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You should get yourself familiar with how “safe” the other vaccines are. You’ll see the theme pretty clearly if you pay any attention at all. Do it for your patients, or your kids, or someone elea’s kids. www.openvaers.com

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They're really not safe. Eating the right fuel as medicine is MUCH safer. :)

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Being a natural doc unfortunately just gets you labeled a quack and therefore dismissed by many. I'm not one of those, but I'm related to some. The brainwashing by legacy media has been quite good. I've tried sharing info about the dangers of these shors and all I get is "they are safe and effective" or "I don't understand the motivation of the naysayers" and "it's expected that there will be some adverse events and deaths". Even Bari Weiss here on substack stated there is zero evidence the vaccine es are causing deaths or harm. No way to get past that.

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Thank you, Doc, for standing up!

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Our integrative practice had Alex’s work on the home page of their website from early days. They’ve not been able to keep up with the number of people applying to become patients of the practice; they expanded the office twice just last year. One of the staff told me that people are looking for actual medical CARE and it’s hard to find. Very sad for those who can’t get it. I know of a man with the virus in a local hospital (Pineville NC) right now who wants IVm but the hospital has forbidden his wife to enter and even stopped the antibiotic and steroid he was already taking.

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whoa. My home state of NC just part of the evil take down. May have to move out of state....THIS is the reason why I AM A FANATIC about what I put into my body; organic locally raised food, no chemicals, I'm outside (and HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS) working out, no mask so I CAN BREATHE, and doing a natural protocol of nutrients/minerals/vitamins. So far, not even a sniffle.

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I'm one of those in CT( not jabbed) Shows you how dumb the people of the state are!!. What part of experimental do people not get? Did you see the Epoch Times TV episode about Communist Connecticut? All the powers that be tied to them?

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I wear my Scarlett letter proud and loud!

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Nor can we ignore the Ethylene Oxide on the swabs. We've heard of the Mycardial Inflamations, Broken Heart, which is a actual heart dsease, Vacation Heart, Blood clots, Emblamers are reporting abnormal heart conditions too. Ran across 1 I hadn't heard of Mud Gut Heart. Intercrainal bleeding. I'm more in your camp, than pharma's, to bad Medicare/Tricare Life and my state of TN doesn't recognize your field. 80% of the immune system is in the Gut as you would know. I do better on my own research of various vits/mins, Earl Mendel got me started years ago. At least our Governor lets you make your own choice, except the 4 Blue counties who defy him. I'm the Pharma meds side effect queen vs 1-2 herbs. Blackcosh hates me as bad as Pharma's hormones did.

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Thank you Doctor for taking your Hippocratic Oath seriously. Americans are finding out in real time that these oaths that are taken prior to the induction of a profession to protect Americans, either their health, safety, or constitutional rights, seem to be swept to the side and substituted for ‘I was just following orders.’ Where have we heard that before?

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Thank you Alex for calling these "Pfizer shots."

We must not let them get away with controlling the language.


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all vaccines are poison

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Yes. We must stop using that word. It is incorrect.

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I wonder when the term “vaccine denier” will crop up in the media vs “anti-vaxx”

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The Left is so loopy, we might convince some to join ranks with us, if we hatch radical movements called, perhaps, "Antiva" (for anti-vaxx, of course); [um, let me think a moment...] Vaxxed Lives Matter (VLM) because we fear for the perils the two-and-through crowd now face; and [dramatic pause of best suggestion....] The Anti-Decimation League (ADL, but that is already taken) because we are opposed to mass culling of the populace.

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I happened to be in the ED, and one of the nurses said she had a heart attack after her 2nd vax and was in ICU when the cardiologist said oh yeah its happening a lot! - wait he knows it! Yet they push safe and effective

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Moderna and Pfizer are going bankrupt and s lot of people are going to jail.

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When normies realize they are doomed they will commit atrocities against all involved.

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I hear pitch forks & axes are flying off the shelves.

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I was thinking yesterday that's what it would take.

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I wish, but it seems that far too many people are neutered.

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Yes, and Kennedy Jr will rise and with Trump be president 🤣

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That would be an awesome ticket!

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Yeah, that people still think that Trump is actually a good "president" is perfect sign of another mass formation psychosis. He had 4 years and swamp is still there. Not a drop drained. What's more who did he platform and keep? Yes, Fauci. Trump is one of those guys that will say anything to get power, empty words...

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I heard that there’s this Governor in Florida who’s pretty damn amazing…

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Yep, DeSantis w/ Tim Scott could be formidable ticket.

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Well, anything but same old farts...

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He said great and he is right down to mimicking President Trump's gestures he studies daily. Can DeSantis mimics President Trump's financial footing and independence from special interests? Nope.

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I do recall that Trump stopped listening to Lord Fauci once he caught on to his games and it was Fauci who was against shutting down travelling from China to the US which Trump overruled. In a lot of ways Trump’s instincts were far better than Fauci’s.

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This is typical politician's trick. Look at what they do, not what they say. Fauci is still on the job. Trump kept him for 4 years. For the guy that loves yelling: You are FIRED, he sure forgot how to do it.

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Without Trump, none of the swamp would have been exposed. It is a vast swamp obviously!

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Amazing the division planted against our reasoning by (fake and dead) news media. Shamefully, I was in MSM for most of my adult life, figuring out much without reading the instruction manual long before human resources became a position for hire. Trump's methods are quite masculine and man-friendly in a world construct for destroying the great divide essential for survival between male and female responses in every aspect of life and the pursuit of happiness. Good people, same heart for a moral compass and revival of kindred Spirit. Yet, we can't fathom the true embedded and embezzling of fulltime association with law and order in D.C. King James calls their numbers in Ephesians 6:12 much to the dismay of those afraid to read it out loud at the family table.

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Oh c'mon, Everyone knew there is a swamp. From Golf War and WMD's at least. He exposed nothing, did nothing. Talked to get himself and his family into power. That people don't see all this, which is totally transparent, is a great example of mass formation psychosis.

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Respectfully disagree. Although I’d prefer DeSantis, & Trump certainly has his faults (his biggest being warp speed) he never would have allowed mandates. Trump was constantly putting out fake fires, & 1 human being can only do so much. Hindsight is 20/20

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President Trump exposed to the American people how bad the Swamp goes own the rabbit hole. He couldn't be bought or silenced. He refused reckless foreign wars, built the wall (which they promptly stopped) built America strong at home and abroad to such an extent, minority unemployment hit all time record lows. The Swamp tried to stop his campaign, inauguration and presidency the entire way with massive illegal spying, sham impeachments and Election Theft 2020.

So go on Mr. Lockwood blame the victim as Swamp monsterMengele Fauci lied the whole way and illicitly funded the ChiCom virus while doing so.

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I agree and totally suspect Fauci was out to get Trump from the day he started working for him. He didn’t want to quit, rather than work for someone he despised, because he enjoyed the prestige and control he had. He should have stepped aside right at the start. Trump was on to him early in the process and likely knew that, if he fired him, the MSM would go whackadoodle so he just stopped taking his advice.

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He should be investigative journalist for NYT then.

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Government will protect them

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Not fast enough. And they should have to get weekly jabs while isolated in cell-block F (for F*ck off).

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I did read that some cardiologists are not recommending the jabs

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Mass Formation Psychosis --- see example : "Safe and Effective" ----Often repeated without any critical thought or input.

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at my kids dentist office (its only for children) the first line of the 6 mo update questionnaire I had to fill out was "does your child have any cardiac or other heart issues?" I've NEVER seen that question on the update before. Ever. Dentists are noticing it too.

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Does she continue to advocate/take the jabs?

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We were all wrong about the adverse reactions to the mRNA vax. I was convinced the vaccine was safe by reading the CDC information and the public health official guidance. How wrong I was. I should have listened to the small and obscure reports of people in their 20s getting miocarditis and other similar cases in Europe. I was blinded the the "faith" that the vaccine will save us. I did not seek out the adverse information until it happened to me. It is like taking the red pill and to find the reality is much different than what was portrayed by the public health officials.

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We were all wrong? Most of us here were screaming from the roof tops "these jabs are not vaccines and they certainly NOT SAFE!"

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Unfortunately many did not hear or listen. We welcome you now, however. Those who have been red pilled, please share your stories. The personal stories are the most convincing

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Not all, but far too many trusted organizations and people instead of being rational, logical and using common sense. We all knew from the beginning that Covid was essentially dangerous for older and compromised humans.. the percentage that recover well has not changed from the first days.. why on earth would anyone in their right mind be interested in playing Russian roulette with an experimental drug that was manufactured far too quickly for an illness that most recover from! It still stumps me.. no tests for me since this started, no masks ever and no playing with drugs that could be harmful...it’s not rocket science! It’s called critical thinking and somewhere, so many people have misplaced it.. find it again and use it!

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Government and medical establishment misled and misrepresented on ideas of safe and effective, and even worse abused the good nature of people with you need to do it for the vulnerable. It was a horrible abuse of trust for people that were not skeptical enough.

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And most people don't do math. So they readily believed the distorted view of efficacy they were fed. They were told that the shots were 90% effective, without mentioning that was a relative risk number. The absolute risk was a number somewhere to the right of the decimal point.

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Exactly. The IFR of my age group (before Omi) was 0.3% before vaccination. After vaccination that drops to 0.05%.

That means my REAL risk reduction is 0.25% -- I go from 99.7% safe to 99.95% safe.

Only a bureaucrat would claim these two numbers are wildly different.

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The vast majority of my friends and colleagues are in a similar boat. They believed everything that the government and BigPharma told them about vaccine safety and efficacy. I was the lunatic for being skeptical.

Some are now expressing varying degrees of remorse with the benefit of knowledge. The majority of them, however, are on their third shot. I don’t talk about it because I feel like a pariah.

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You get to live, EJ! You passed the test.

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And that’s the tragedy of all of this.

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The world is ours! Let’s get to breeding!

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A good rule of thumb is to treat everything the government says with extreme skepticism and investigate. I’m actually not opposed to older and unhealthy people getting the vaxx. It’s probably a draw on which is more potentially dangerous. I am absolutely and completely opposed to healthy, younger people and ESPECIALLY children getting the vaxx for a virus which is not harmful to them especially when the vaxx could be more harmful.

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I am opposed to anyone any age feeling forced to get a ‘vaccine.’ And since it doesn’t work why should it be given to unhealthy people. It always terrifies me when people advocate other groups getting it but not themselves. My family has many elders in their 80s and 90s. None has gotten covid, none has gotten the vaccine.

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Everybody has to make their own decision.

I can tell you that it looks like after the jabs wane in efficacy, a process which spirals faster and faster with each application, the olds and unhealthy start dropping at a greater rate than the unjabbed in their cohort.

It kicks the can down the road, but it apparently exacts a toll on the natural immune system.

This is based on raw data from the UK. We do not get access to raw data in the US.

Note also that all jabbed are deemed "unvaccinated" for two weeks following each jab.

Our captured public health authorities keep playing with the numbers to make that short term window of "effective vaccination" look robust and strong. It is not.

Keep an eye on all cause mortality, though. That's the inconvenient metric that is going to be very hard to spin. They will try to spin it, sure.

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"Clearly, there has been an uptick in the deaths of the unvaccinated from a new form of Covid-19 that escapes our current testing regimens. We've been begging them to get vaccinated!" 😏

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Why victimize the elderly when the covid games killed more between 1998 and 2019 each year than 2020 or 2021. CDC data says 12 to 15 percent each year die from flu and pneumonia, turning out that 90 percent and more have 2.5 to 3.0 commodities accompanying their sudden departure. Yours is excellent. Thank u

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The Mass Formation campaign was focussed upon selling the vaxxes as the solution to anxiety that they had instilled in the population. That's why you felt as though you had "faith" in the 'vaccine' - sorry to say you were played.

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satan is ALWAYS behind rushing you and scaring you and telling you that you're gonna miss out or to think of every bad outcome etc. It's kindof like selling life insurance, ah...I remember the stories my agent was telling my naive 21 year old single self who had no reason to buy or be paying for life insurance! I was duped into buying a crap whole life policy gutted from the previous beneficial policies.

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But, even at the beginning of the scaredemic it was known that the actual death rate was tiny. Why did so many rush to mitigate such a tiny risk?

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Some of us questioned everything including death statistics. It was pretty clear early on that masks had become an anti-Trump symbol of the left. The majority believed the narrative, lived in total fear, and saw the vaccines as the path to liberation. I heard from a few people how they literally cried in ecstasy when they received their first shot. These are the people who still live in fear. They’ll take as many shots as offered, vaccinate their kids, and wear a trash bag over their head if Fauci and the CDC tell them it will protect them.

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Oh well, thanks for playing. No refunds.

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There are detox protocols.. Dr Aryiana Love, and Dr Henry Healy

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The question I keep coming back to is "Why?". Why is our government pushing these shots, with this (un)safety profile, on young adults and children? It doesn't even make sense from a hospital capacity argument, much less from a moral argument. It is unconscionable. Our government is intentionally harming a generation of Americans. Why?

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"Why!?" is the question I ask about the population swallowing the narrative hook, line, and sinker, and SO enthusiastically! Almost all my (liberal, highly educated) IT former colleagues are all RA RA for the shots and mandates, and seriously consider anybody against them as deplorables and view them with righteous indignation. They can't, or won't even look at the track record of the pharma companies they're defending to see exactly what side they're on now. These same people use to rail against the heartless mega corporations. Perhaps a leftover of Trump Derangement Syndrome?

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Same here. Everyone thinks I am nuts. It has to be a mass psychosis, Stockholm Syndrome, or a cult. I've tried to wake people up to no avail. My sons said something funny - "Mom, don't waste your time trying to red-pill normies." I think because they took the vax, they dig in deeper, which is pure cognitive dissonance.

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Agree. I had never invested a lot of time into questioning the CDC, FDA, etc. before Covid, but I can think critically and so many things weren't adding up. For me, it had nothing to do with who was or is President, but everything to do with caring about what is injected into my body and knowing that I will be the one to endure any consequences. Where did all of the critical thinkers go? You may be onto something with leftover TDS.

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For me it started with starting to pay attention to mothers discussing their vaccine injured children, how heartless and dismissive and unquestioning their PCPs were. How common and similar the stories were. How vociferously the FDA, CDC denied any safety issues ("so very rare, 1 in a million"). The vaccine immunity act (it is not an "injury act" at all) has always been an obvious, in-your-face sticking point with me. And the fact that there is no unified, national, mandatory, reviewed, controlled adverse reaction system, it just all adds up to corruption and greed at the expense of our health.

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It is totally TDS! That came to mind yesterday. A continuaion of Trump hate, the me too movement, the vagina hat Meryl Streep movement, geo floyd, the burn down the cities and defund police BS, it's all orchestrated godlessness lawlessness to infect the masses with externalizing their hate and keeping them FAR from their genuine creative loving hearts that could stand for something good and lasting. They're now trapped in anxiety, fear, confusion and worshipping unnecessary vaxx's, you walk away from God and you will live in insanity.

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They need the kids to have the digital passports as well as the adults, so they can be part of the system with the digital i.d. which becomes the digital wallet, which will connect everybody to the central bank digital currency.. That way they have control of everybody's money, and therefore control of everybody.

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Valid point. And frightening.

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Depopulate us, our replacements are streaming across the Southern Border, unvaxxed and ready to step into our shoes.

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To depopulate us "useless eaters" and then eventually establish their New World Order, which turns out to be conspiracy fact.


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If the jab goes on the list for childhood vaccine schedule, pharma can't be sued. They need to do that before the 'emergency use' is over.

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yes, to continue the coverup. 100% self preservation act of a corrupt govt and pharma system.

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That is the most obvious reason.

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Read RFK, Jrs. book about fraudxi.

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At each step of the way, financial interest motivate in a myriad of ways, for people to go along.

It really is that simple.

If you watch this video, and I highly suggest that you do...it is abundantly clear that Pharm interests have captured the CDC/FDA, and Dr. Pierre Kory calls it out for what it is: simple, rank, corruption.

Note that the Dept. of Defense is alleged to be doctoring vaccine injury incidence on their own soldiers. Stunning if true.


Now you could then follow the money up the chain to three hedge funds, Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street which have horizontally integrated most large industry all over the world, and then track their boards and then review the WEF Great Reset push, and clock how 190-nations are all pushing for fascism and digital ID surveillance.

But at the root level, of why does your doc push the drugs? Not too hard to sort out. Just requires the ability to suspend mythology and look at life very soberly.

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Follow the money is the most obvious. Yep, that video is on my to-do list to watch. I've seen a few clips here and there so far. A sober look at all of it paints a much less free world. Praying for those truckers.

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Buying up everything from Farms to Big Pharma. Likely the real beast mark with assigned value numbers for good measure.

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Big Pharma owns the world's medical system (globally). And this DJT set off a world explosion in national pride and freedom. Using DJT for operation warp speed can now be "discovered" and at the exact moment in time needed (2022 or 2024) the machinery of propaganda, listed on the Stock Exchange and viewable on cable TV, can charge Don John Trump as the big bad wolf who promoted cash for clunkers. The jabs might have one great remedy-cure not found in the lab and rat studies: breaking the curse of the "boob tube".

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Are you blaming DJT or are you saying he was used and they will then use it against him?

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The entire 4 years DJT was working to restore Liberty and The Republic, he was fighting the embedded system of seditionists and tyrannists. His 2020 POTUS SOTU speech mentioned the pending corona virus from China. And not a creature was stirred. Far greater than the capacity of disruption over a fear-mongering flu with the same SARS 2-H1N1 designs, is this total shakedown of alleged intelligent and educated, apparently allocated a degree and title solely on repeating what someone else tells them, or losing their scholarship, student loans, contract at the hospital and even their previously praised peer reviews and board-certified positions of grandeur. Gives me chills.

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Thank you for clarifying your post - I totally agree with you.

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It doesn't appear that Big Pharma owns the entire world's medical system. Other countries have access to early treatments that our government is trying to prevent us from accessing. But using DJT and opposition to him for their objectives wouldn't surprise me. And yes, I couldn't care less about anything on TV.

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I watch too many bombshell reports, sorry. BP controls major health groups, using their grant-of-purpose programs. The investment portfolio system enables absolute control over the licensing of everything patented in the medical device portfolio. There is a very strong tie between insurance groups, the new corporate-run medical world of hospitals and patient care outlets and the pharmakeia, along with the pharmakon distribution methodology. There is a major money trail tied to Big Pharma-largest lobby on the planet world wide working the drug culture. They almost gloat when running their media commercials with more contraindications than proposed cures.

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Everything is a "bombshell" isn't it? 6 months old, but it's a bombshell.

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It's almost like a neural linguistic sacred phrase, reserved for the 16:9 aspect ratio of the ATSC TV format forced on the spectrum and all the watchers by The Feds (and we all swallowed that pill as essential for living) proven in the 1930's to be a major distractor to the key plot in the movies of the era. Thanks

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I haven't studied in depths, but a lot of the information is publicly available. For example, on the WHO's own web site you can see who major contributors are. Too many to name, but Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a major funder. It's no exaggeration to say that a handful of billionaires, their foundations and other groups they fund and control, as well as big corporations they similarly own/control, have enormous influence over most of the media, world governments, and much else. For someone willing to do some simple research, the answer is found in your daily newspaper (or its more modern equivalents.) Not in the stories that appear there, rather in the most prominent advertisers. Also, who owns the paper?

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Because they are two years in after taking the wrong path and there is no going back now. Doing anything but continuing to push the same plan would be an admission of failure, that they got it wrong, and that can never, ever happen. They'll lose everything that is important to them if that happens.

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A highly likely scenario. Imagine the compensation that the US population would demand of our government if it came to full light.

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Lose everything??? And I should care why?

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Of course you shouldn't care. It would be great to see them lose everything. But they're never going to do anything that might bring that about.

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A lot of people don’t know but the first Covid relief bill that was passed when Trump was in office originally had the digital dollar through the federal reserve in the bill but they realized they were not ready for it so they removed that portion of the bill but you can find it if you see the original copy of that bill.

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That doesn't surprise me.

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Jan 30, 2022
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I know. I was wondering if there was another reason, besides that one. Whatever the reason, let's hope the truckers are successful at interrupting their plans.

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Jan 30, 2022
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Leaders want to place blame on the unvaccinated, because they want to deflect attention away from their inability to control a virus that no one can control. Leaders "othering" portions of their populations has been one of the most disturbing aspects of this pandemic. I never expected it from leaders of democratic countries and it scares me.

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yep, BLAME is always DEFLECTION, It's biblical.

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An epic shift in the Overton window is ahead. I’ve heard estimates of 95% vaxx among Democrats.

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Not the blacks! I heard only about 30% vax'd? B/c they've been very distrustful of medical harm from the past. I do not have proof of this, just hearing it floated around. The media posts WAY INFLATED numbers of vaxx'd as propaganda trying to convince more that they are odd man out.

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I'm so glad someone else saw jan 6th as another 'russia collusion' made up BS

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The jabs could be honestly marketed as “Heart Damage in a Can”.

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I would use heart damage in a vial.. it sounds more ominous!

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Or cancer in a can, or convulsions in a can…

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Clot shots.

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Death in a Vial. Get Two Jabs, Third one is Free.

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What boggles my mind is the fact Faucci is still not in jail!!!!!

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He is the poster boy of deep state power. Unelected and above the law, including the Nuremberg code.

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Stop it with the Nuremberg Code already. The Republican Congress and Dubya withdrew the United States from it. They feared US soldiers in Iraq being held liable for it. Question is, is Austria also immune from the Nuremberg Code?

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Maybe not enough room in the DC jails right now for Faucci because of all the citizens still being held for protesting at the Capitol.

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Just one more shock and awe that this government can do what it pleases provide MSM and the demoniacs calling themselves RINO or Democrat have the pass words.

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Just check the whereabouts of the other hundreds in DC still breathing and above the surface of the earth before checking the jail roster.

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I look forward to confirmation of the DMSS data Attorney Renz spoke of in the Ron Johnson hearing. Increases in several diagnoses in our service members in first ten months of 2021 vs. prior 5-year average: Myocarditis up 269%, cancer up 300%, pulmonary embolisms up 467%, miscarriages up 300%, Bell's palsy up 291%, neurological issues up 1000%. Renz provided a sworn declaration from a whistleblower/military doc stating "most increases due to covid-19 vaccines." I understand the DOD is investigating. Why not stop all vaccines in the interim??

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It is interesting/ironic that by mandating the gene therapy for the military, the government created a far more accurate database of reactions injuries and death than VAERS.

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This is an enormous story if true.

Note the radio silence in covering it. Pay attention to those "indie" journos who are taking a pass just like their corporate counterparts.

Remember that they didn't want to go there. Look at them with sober eyes.

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Exactly Karen Murphy.

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The original takedown by the atlantic ages like fine wine. So condescending and dismissing of what has slowly become the general understanding. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/04/pandemics-wrongest-man/618475/

But if you don't want to give them the clicks here are the bullet points of Berenson 'wrongness':

-He has blamed the vaccines for causing spikes in severe illness, by pointing to data that actually demonstrate their safety and effectiveness.

-He has blamed the vaccines for suppressing our immune systems, by misrepresenting normal immune-system behavior.

-He has suggested that countries such as Israel have suffered from their early vaccine rollout, even though deaths and hospitalizations among vaccinated groups in Israel have plummeted.

-He has implied that for most non-seniors, the side effects of the vaccines are worse than having COVID-19 itself—even though, according to the CDC, the pandemic has killed tens of thousands of people under 50 and the vaccines have not conclusively killed anybody.

From this vantage Berenson looks right and the guy writing this looks like a tool

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Thanks for the summary! Yes, no desire to give them clicks.

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Read on another substack recently where a cardiologist wrote that myocarditis is NEVER "mild," and always with severe future deterioration of heart function. Heart cells do not regenerate.

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"Mild" is ultimately a subjective term. Like "rare". What is not subjective, is the question of whether patients recover. They may make enough of a recovery to leave hospital, but if heart cells do not regenerate, they will never fully recover. They will be less fit and healthy than they might have been, for the rest of their lives. The other downplaying expression being used is "self-limiting". What does that even mean?

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Isn't it funny that myocarditis is "mild" and yet omicron-- the latest argument from my boosted friends goes-- might lead to "long covid," of which they are deathly afraid?

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Especially in adults.

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Why would anyone with a brain get a EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION for a survivable flu? Why? Because the "news" media, in concert with Fauci and the "scarf lady", AND local officials scared the crap out of people. Brainwashing 101. Well I can't wait for Nuremberg 2.0

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Mass Formation Psychosis --- see example : "Safe and Effective" was beaten into the Masses.

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I had the unfortunate experience of working with Pfizer doing a clinical trial on a certain little blue pill that back then only had a U-number for a name. Mind you, that was working With Pfizer, not For Pfizer. I was pretty naive when I first started in the position as a clinical research coordinator for a major university hospital. I learned over 4 years how research gets done, how patients are pawns, and the term expediting through the FDA. Pfizer was so afraid their little blue pills were going to be sold on the black market, we had to count the patients pills, and they had to account for those used (if you know what I mean). Black market?!?! I don’t think I, or my patients even knew where to find this black market, but Pfizer seemed quite comfortable with the term! Remember that term ‘expediting through the FDA’ (code for a rush job), well, that led to patients having episodes of severe hypotension, and some died as a result because no studies were done long enough to trial drug interactions for those patients who combined nitrates (anti angina meds) with phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE5I aka Viagra). https://www.cbsnews.com/news/viagra-nitrates-do-not-mix/

Pfizer didn’t care…this was a cash cow like they had never seen before. They knew it was a cash cow from the beginning and that’s why they rushed it through the FDA. The FDA approved it, not caring they lacked robust drug interaction research. Now we see Pfizer rushing out untested “vaccines” aka gene therapy, using the same playbook. They don’t care if some people are injured or die…this is another cash cow!

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It's clear to all that the regulatory body (FDA) has been compromised for a long time. Just a stepping stone to get on a pharma Board now. Could it be more blatant?

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Time for the “Great Fauci Downfall!” He has failed. Censored evidence is surfacing everywhere to prove he has done IMMENSE HARM! The real help for people is to boost immune systems with a blood level at least 50ng/ml. He ignored simple, safe, effective and low cost Vitamin D3, Zinc, etc. for 2+ years. Why? Possibly due to lack of patents and profits. What a weasel devil!!!!

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Fauci didn't ignore nutritional supplements, He admitted in 2020 to taking 6000iu of vitamin D a day...He kept the benefits to himself. Too much money was on the line to allow alternatives to the Vaxxes in development. Toxic drugs and Toxic Shots make MONEY.

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1 mention is ignoring what should have been promoted EVERY day. In 2009, Swine Flu researchers advised the CDC take action to have healthcare workers and patients diagnose and treat low Vitamin D. That advice was ignored by the CDC and Fauci!

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You’re exactly correct, doc. Read Scott Atlas’s book and your head will explode even more. Both Birx and Fauci were/are totally incompetent for the roles they were/are in. It’s disgusting and disheartening and has cost lives.

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evidence and proof mean nothing unless applied to actually holding people to REAL account. Its not a lack of evidence or proof we have in this country and world. Fauci 40 years in to his corruption ways proves this with being the highest paid "servant" of the people

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Alex, yes. You are and were correct. The outcome should focus on getting the people to see that the CDC and the large body of our elected representatives fess up. They’ve been lying to us or they’ve been manipulated into lying by Big Pharma and the billionaire investors. That is what the country needs to see.

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Where are the US truckers? Maybe they can help get the point across.

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Canadian truckers apparently have not lost all their testosterone yet. Maybe vaccines explain American truckers timidity.

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Hey🇨🇦 we’ve received lots of support from American Truckers🇺🇸& incredible support from American people in general. Donations to Convoy in in fact👍 … many other countries too. This was never about vaccines - it’s about the mandates!!!! A full stop to all of them for ALL Canadians. (just happens to include vaccines because you will no longer require Vax passport!) free to choose✌️✌️✌️🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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So True Ann Margaret. I happily got stuck in traffic by the bridge to Canada in Michigan… it’s about money and CONTROL.

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Gratitude🙏 & I totally agree of course! Caps on control totally😉 Sending my very best✌️🇨🇦 Thanks for being so awesome 👏

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US truckers timid? I think not.

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Well Dennis, You jerk, where is your testosterone? Are organizing a convoy?

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Damn right and I’m not even a trucker!! Will you help??

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Already have. Don't call out others when you don't know what is going on with them.

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I’ll take your word for it that you’re doing something. I stand to support any real effort to speak out and be heard about all the injustices related to Covid. Let me know how I can help.

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Shutdown DC next??

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you mean another coup attempt? If AOC can't get her Starbucks, they'll have to call for a drone strike.

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Agreed✌️🇨🇦 This notion that WE THE PEOPLE are stupid, ignorant, unaware….is pathetic to say the least. WE KNOW pretty much the full extent to which we have been lied to. The GIG is up. Pressure on the System forever long it takes until this global elite world economic order realizes all their money in the world cannot buy a: submission of the people b. Unity consciousness🇨🇦✨🚛 - this energy is here & is only going to expand & multiply. Welcome to the New Earth everyone. Slow & Steady. 🇨🇦Xoxox Our Canadian Truckers are changing the trajectory of history. They are leading with their hearts💗 No matter the outcome - we are never going back. That’s Unity consciousness. Any Yes, we love you US - & your Truckers… for everything you are & represent. Gratitude. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦💗💗💗💗💗💗

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You are my favorite actress 🙃

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Thanks you are my favourite actor✌️

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It doesn’t have the option to like your discussions from the email anymore. And I need to hunt for it in your message. Just saying- is this Substack trying to make things harder for you to track as their no. 1 Substack?

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It also seems to be getting buggier with the likes on forum comments

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I can’t like 1/5 of the comments. Weird

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There is a delay in when the like shows up which makes it hard to determine if the like was successful. Server problem on the substack side?? . . .

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What are you guys using to view and comment? I'm just using Edge on my laptop. It's seemed a little buggier since the edit function became available in the forum. But other than that nothing seems different. A lot of you have the emoticons which I don't have.

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I wondered that too?

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You’re not by chance Ann Margaret living close to DC?

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No😉 I am 🇨🇦 ✌️

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I am so concerned about my substacks. I’m addicted

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Same for me. And I almost never is allowed to comment before clicking a pop-up window to confirm my identity and then restart the members-only run.

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Revenge is the best spice. My alma mater solicited a donation from me a while back and I told 'em no dice. You guys prevented any students from attending classes without a getting Covid shots, i.e., you demanded thousands of students with nearly zero risk from Covid get an experimental and hazardous vaccine. You will not get another donation from me.

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Good job!!

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I recently read that they halted the swine flu vaccine back in 1976 due to just under 100 cases of paralysis. Yet look at what they are overlooking now. And the big question is "why".

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The “why” is money.

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Don't forget power and control.

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Back then, the media covered the situation more honestly. Now they are pharma props.

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It became legal to advertise prescription drugs. Now the media is owned by Big Harma

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Again you have to understand the reason, power, control, money, and the process, And yes money is a big reason, Same for selling off our Farm/ranch land in secret, businesses to foreign non friendly countries, dems use Hitler's proven methods, and Fauci, Gates, Soros other billionaires, propagate this world Depopulation crap, leaving a managable slave population who can't rise up in revolt,Patriotism has been bred out. That Tranny swimmer winner is walking around the girls locker room buck naked, TicTox is the only place the girls could up load pics. Maybe. Some of the new conservative sites might witha blurr out. They have pulled drugs for fewer deaths, but not cancer, kidney, liver, or heart issues or Metformin which is useless would be gone. They make money from treating the side effects.

When grocery stores like Kroger's have 1 FT health impaired Stocker works for ins needs, female middle age, shoppers are taking their anger over empty shelves out on her, instead of directing it at Biden fake supply chain msm reporting something is wrong. They leave me alone, I look like a helpless old lady. Far from it.

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There are no number of incidents, or even deaths, that seemingly will stop this rollout. Too much money is on the line and all the agencies have been captured.

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It’s not just money. The Fauci squad has to keep lying and pretending only they are “science”. It keeps them out of prison for the time being.

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Right - way too much money on the line - billions - and that much money at stake warps people’s minds such that they can’t (or won’t) think clearly.

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Covid Solution - I have been watching some old western movies and we can put this all behind us. It is damn time we form a posse. 😁

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In opposite world, wrong means right

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Words like misinformation and vaccine can only be understood with this clarification.

So, too, with headlines about the "first woman to win $1 million in Jeopardy."

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There were huge rallies up here in Canadistan on the 29th Freedom Convoy organized by Truckers. It would appear we are gaining some ground on this vax nonsense, we shall see. Our Prime Minister Justin the Turd went into hiding the coward of the county. Guess who is behind it all according to CBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation wait, Vladimir Putin, Russian actors have infiltrated the movement. The bull shitting has reached spiritual levels.

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It is sickening the number of Doctors and Nurses who are remaining silent as they watch hospital murder patients and people suffer as the result of the experimental injection.

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Don't assume doctors and nurses are more moral than the common Joe. I'm a nurse and most in my class have zero empathy for anyone else

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Docs are people, not the gods some people assume them to be. They're driven by fear and greed like everyone else. They're our employees, like plumbers and cab drivers, who also do what works for them, not their customers.

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So may have cowardly succumbed to the mafia like coercion hospital admin and big Pharma have applied. Its truly alarming how even the once trusted & scared doctor-patient relationship has been bought off through coercion tactics similar to how a CCP like regime would use

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Doctors are not sacred. They're employees, and like any employee needs to be supervised, and if they don't perform, fired. Most of this virus hysteria is driven by the idolatry bestowed on medics by much of the ignorant public.

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Beg to differ sir. They follow the company line and that line is controlled by those perps who coerce. Sure they are employees...doesn't make it right! I have several close nurse friends who work within a large hospital entity and both have 15 years plus experience. We talk all the time about what goes on in reality in those settings daily.

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And your nurse friends submit and continue performing as they're told. Just like everyone else. "Right" is an opinion. Reality is all that matters.

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Not these two...they walked and looking forward to being re-hired at some point once the health mandates are overturned. Regarding reality...that was my point

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Good for them. Most don't, was my point. That's the reality.

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But Gandhi won't come out and say stop the boosters in young men.

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Nobody wants to get disappeared by the Deep State.

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Not many have the scruples/cajones to stand against the tide.

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Or end up on a Fort Marcy Park Bench.

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The "unofficial" belief is that (uh, even I've forgotten his name...) Vince Foster was killed at another location and the body dumped at Fort Marcy. That would explain the carpet fibers on his clothing. Man blows his brains out with a .38 and gets no blood on his shirt. Ruled a suicide. Thank you, USG.

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attended furneral friday for 35 year old PTSD ret'd marine who died in his sleep 2 weeks after BOOSTER! He was so afraid of getting covid b/c he was brainwashed by 'great' military medical care and the camaraderie of his band of brothers in doing the same. Also, 35 year old from my church died 2 months ago from heart embolism (I do not know when his booster occured, but I know his employment was requiring it). We gotta talk about it.

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Towards the end of this hearing, some pretty shocking stuff comes out.

Note that the Dept. of Defense is alleged to be doctoring vaccine injury incidence on their own soldiers. Stunning if true.


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ty, I watched the 30 minute condensed version of highlights someone noted and linked on here last week.

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The VAERS site is such genius for the “wrong” folks. Submissions are tracked and if one points to it, Stockholm Syndrome sufferers and fascists call it an anti-vax site. WTF? As if there is a need to post vaccine issues fraudulently. Or worse yet, there is a large group of Americans menacingly rubbing their hands together before posting vaccination disinformation on a government site. Puh fing leeze.

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How large is Big Pharma's Defense Mechanism? Friend in Atlanta at 58 was advised by his physician to get the jabs. First one made him sick for several days. He wrestled with going for the second, deciding to proceed. Within hours he was en route to a new area hospital just down the street, where a Medical Prof was the first to see him. In the hours and days ahead as he was told his heart was a time-bomb (200 BPM) one specialist (the Prof alone) told him his heart damage was a jab by-product. He also "corporately" remains mostly silent waiting to know the end results.

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"How large is Big Pharma's Defense Mechanism?"

Huge. This goes back to the 1986 Vaccine Act. I am an #AutismDad for 20+ years. The #vaccineschedule has ALWAYS been an issue. They point to individual studies, never to the cumulative effects of adding all the additional vaccines since 1986. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/vaccine-secrets/video-chapters/the-entire-vaccine-schedule-has-never-been-safety-tested/ Now we have rushed EUA Vaccines that did NOT have challenge testing. The 95% efficacy was such BS.

My personal response is, take only Medications when they are really tested over years of study. Live a healthy lifestyle - eat real food, exercise... and let's start to celebrate REAL doctors, especially someone like Dr Matthew Cucolo (see below, I Duck Duck Go-ed him) who is a "natural doc".

I am the son of a Navy Doctor, who was an Infectious Disease specialist. I am NOT anti-vcxx, but I will not give up my critical thinking skills to Corporate Medicine who seem to be 85% on #BigPharma payroll.

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“The 95% efficacy was such BS.”

Exactly, Mike, and what it actually means isn’t what the general public thought it meant. According to Harvey Risch (Yale epidemiologist, PhD in mathematical modeling of infectious diseases and rational thinker), a vaccine has to have 99% efficacy in order to be sterilizing, to actually knock out a disease.

The 90-95% jabs are “leaky”, allowing for mutations to get out and spread. The optimal period for protection is usually between two weeks and four months. It goes up and then comes back down. It may help some people in the short term but the long term consequences are unknown (and don’t believe your lyin’ eyes on ones we’re already aware of.)

I just hope Birx and Fauci are picked up on the first karma bus that makes rounds.

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Bless you in God's Name Mike. So many are ignored, living with special needs family members daring to speak common sense and statistical moral values.

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Staying silent is adding to the continued harm being done - especially to the young people who do not have a voice or the wisdom (the young adults) to see what is happening.

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Heart stuff will be the least of the jabbed worries.

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Literally AIDS, acquired immune deficiency. Life is hard without T-cells. All by design.

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[Sarcasm:] Thank goodness that Fauci & Co. researched AIDS for the past (nearly) 40 years. Moderna just began human trials on an HIV (mRNA?) jab. It has been speculated by some researchers (or crackpots at least) that SARS-CoV-2 has (if I recall correctly) three HIV inserts and one that appeared in a pre-pandemic Moderna patent. It's worth noting that, until say late 2019, none of that would have been unusual since scientists played with the viruses and did things like that. I'm sure any tracks have long since been covered, but the earlier papers on editing and Gain-of-Function are available.

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I was in an AA meeting in western LA County, Ca that’s under “Dr” Barbara Ferrer ($365k salary/sociologist by training) trained (jk) eye. We’re compelled to wear masks or the church will be forced to cancel meetings so for the greater good I comply, though rarely do elsewhere. After one share a lady thanked everyone for wearing masks, sadly having bought the LA and Ca mass disinfo campaign. The good (jk) “doctor” Ferrer, county health director (commissar) is fake times 2, a degree is sociology does not a doctor make and she has no medical/immunology training. Yet she is THE source authority for all LA County compliance. She is a disgrace yet will likely slither out of her job with a 90% pension and, Lois Lerner like, and retire without consequences for the 10’s of thousand of psychological/educational suffers from contraindicated “health” measures, and that’s just the start of her damages. The crooked Dr Fauci, The duplicitous Biden admin, and the corrupt Gov Big Teeth admin have similarly conspired to turn the 1/2 population into docile sheep like this poor AA lady. It’s taken me almost 2 years to convince my otherwise conservative kids that this is mass hysteria. Yet when we have a compliant media, CCP indebted congress members, a corrupt DOJ, etc its difficult for average folk to get informational pushback that Alex, De Atlas, Tucker have been at the forefront of.

As Congressman Radcliffe said this morning, we’re nearing a million deaths and not one congressional hearing. We have monuments to the unfortunate Mr Floyd, billions in riot damages that saw little consequence-thx VP Harris for the legal fund for that one. We had to nothing burger impeachments, jailed Lawyer Avenatti for President, the Covington kid, Russia Hoax, Rittenhouse white supremacy rap-for self defense against 3 white guys, BLM- a beautiful phrase co-opted by self declared communists the leaders of which have stolen money and disappeared….ad nearly infinitum, and now the WuFlu con. The left gets this wrong habitually and yet the “woke” lap it up content to pull aging rockers tapes from Spotify to protest Rogan’s show for saying horse paste works-which it does bc my already quite ill wife used ivermectin to save a hospital trip 2 weeks ago. And now Alex reports that the vax is way over rated, even wider than we thought

I’s a whole lot of work but I think the turn has happened. The examples are difficult to ignore any longer. We now will have to press feet to fire for the lesser of evil parties , yeah you republicans, to wright the ship.

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It will work a lot better if everyone regardless of party makes their reps understand the definition of accountability.

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What surprises me is how can the pharmaceuticals be allowed to withhold clinical trial data? This is not acceptable. It is concerning that data is not being released in a timely manner. The data must be released in its entirety including any flaws or inconsistencies of any kind.


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NO KNOWN cause, jabbed, as he flies, public figure, not a stated fact, but given his position very likely.

North Dakota’s Longest-Serving Attorney General Dies “Unexpectedly” at 68 - Truth Press


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Unknown cause now means "vaccine" caused!

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College students are forced to take a booster they don’t need to strengthen their vaccines that didn’t work to stop them from getting a virus which they can transmit with or without 3 shots? 👌

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Beyond the jabs, let’s talk about the TESTS being mailed to people from the #BidenMaladministration - who in their right mind would willingly stick something up their nose that says “made in China” at this point? Seriously this was a bio-weapon and I will believe that until I die. Daughter’s MIL (who hears free and runs to it) asked her if they wanted some - daughter said No we’re not on the crazy train. Mind blowing how Many people are clamoring for these #ChineseTests. More evidence of #MassFormationPsychosis

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This is where we are stuck, in this pandemic and as a nation.

Thre top people, like Biden (and whomever controls Biden) and Newsom, Inslee, Fauci, I think they really want a dictatorship, with themselves in charge. It is the mid-level bureaucrats and hospital management and doctor department heads and young reporters who keep advocating for the shot, it is these people who have now seen that the shot is causing health problems and not stopping the pandemic, but actually making it worse. These guys have to interact with the public, and they have now become part of the conspiracy to kill and subjugate mankind; these people don't have a security detail, don't have WEF friends, how do think they get away with assisting genocide? "I was just doing my job!" They have no exit strategy, because there is none.

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Couldn't be more disgusted with the hospital administrators still pumping out the kool-aid - the most egregious being the administration at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston refusing a heart transplant for a father - with history of afib - for refusing the mRNA injection.

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And I can’t help but wonder, the donated heart likely came from a healthy, unvaccinated person, who’s heart was unaffected by an experimental jab. How ironic could it get?

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Shame a John Q moment didn’t happen there…

Don’t care who finds this despicable to say, when hospitals see serious consequences for abandoning the public, some will become accountable again.

Seeing your own down and out, hmm, makes you think??!!

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Woah. I never saw that article from India and I am horrified. That many people died in the same timeframe and the shot wasn't pulled off the market? This is truly a work of evil.

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That article has a date of December 2019 ????? "

"23 elderly people died in Norway, shortly after receiving the Pfizer’s mRNA-based coronavirus vaccine. Notably, the country launched a mass vaccination campaign at the end of December 2019"

The article is from January 2021, the 2019 date has to be a misprint because the scamdemic had barely started and their were no Pfizer vaccines.

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The date in the India article should be December 2020 and not Dec 2019???

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Yeah great journalism!

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Couldn't believe my eyes, but yesterday, on my Google news feed (can't help it; it comes embedded in my Android cell phone), there was a story by the Israeli health minister saying that it seems as though the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in boys and young men is higher than they originally thought. So, if Google is actually permitting this story to run on its news feed, you know the situation must be a lot worse than what's being presented in the news story.

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People are open to Alex et al's information, I was just at a child's swim practice I began talking to several fathers , they asked why I wouldn't send my child to public school. Told them I didn't buy into this nonsense and hadn't, they questioned me more gave them Alex's name, book and substack account as well as RFK Jr and Scott Atlas info, both immediately ordered the books. Many are through with this but don't know where to get factual information.

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I'm a new lpn and I worked with a guy in Arizona around my age and he uprooted his family from California because of this. He never got his kids vaccinated for anything. I talked to him daily and he really opened my eyes that were already a bit open already. The dude wasn't crazy, he spoke with logic and reason.

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I think in most places yes. If I did that here in San Francisco they’d probably try to send me to the psych ward.

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I have a dream that someday, all the race-baiting, greedy and tyrannical vax and mask mandators will swing from trees.

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A beautiful sentiment.

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Jail working hard work for the rest of their lives. Unlike those clowns we shouldn’t subscribe to killing humans. Not even horrible ones. But by laundering laundry, doing all sorts of hard work they can atone for what they did to society.

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If it comes to that, it means society has failed. Civilized people use injections. Much more appropriate.

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Civilized people are given a choice by other civilized people to decide for themselves.

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Some choose better than others.

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Sure they do, but if I make a bad choice, I only impact my own health. What we're talking about is forcing a choice on millions who really didn't need to make it in the first place.

I take injections every 10 days. Happy to have the opportunity. But they are my choice. I wasn't pressured into it by my employer or the government

or anyone else.

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And that is why we follow and love you!

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In New Zealand this young vaccine injured guy purchased rope and had planned to kill himself due to the pressure in his head, tinnnitus and heart issues etc induced by one shot of Pfizer juice - so sad and the way he has been badly dealt with by NZ health system is shocking https://odysee.com/@FreeNZ:d/antony-mo:b

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Keep 'em running. Catch them. And put them on trial.

Meanwhile, in Austria:

BREAKING: Austrian Constitutional Court 'Asked' Health Minister Mückstein to Hand Over Crucial Data

Media is reporting on a series of questions to Mückstein, who will have to provide answers by 18 Feb. 2022


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What surprises me is how can the pharmaceuticals be allowed to withhold clinical trial data? This is not acceptable. It is concerning that data is not being released in a timely manner. The data must be released in its entirety including any flaws or inconsistencies of any kind.


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So apparently Dr. Monica Gandhi already gave her 12 and 14-year-old boys the first two shots before she became alarmed.

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She was slow to do it and spread them out. Seems like she knows it’s a bad idea but succumbed to peer pressure / better to sacrifice the kids and pray then lose her face she thought I guess?

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Gandhi ought to lose her license.

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I little longer for the payoff, but I'm confident you'll have your Truman holding the "Dewey Defeats Truman" newspaper moment

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You can't un-vax yourself.

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Your hands are going to start cramping as you write about the number of “wrongest” men (and women, of course) pile-up.

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The CDC/NIH/HHS has been too focused on their piles of cash... and not focused ENOUGH on doing their JOBS.

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Dr. Gandhi is not giving her sons the boosters?

"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

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I watched all 5 hours of Sen. Ron Johnsons hearing today on OANN. Everything they discussed has been reported her by Alex. What was new was the DOD data. Hope someone follows up on that.

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sure are a whole lot of famous people dying of natural causes.

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