Lying Liars keep lying and lazy readers believe them.

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My son is an ER nurse and knows firsthand of the Wuhan shell game. Many of us, nay, most of us in society are caring people. Wanting to believe the best about others. But we've been deceived, again. Anyone coming through the ER and dying from a motorcycle crash to drug OD to COPD was tagged "Death due to complications from Covid 19". And guess who gets the bonus payout for those deaths. If you guessed A) The ER nurses, WRONG or B) the CEO of Heritage Valley BINGO you win. So, like everything else that has been corporatized (Is that a word?) the board room guys get the Benjamins. But as all those caring liars on TV tell you, "We're all in this together".

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At this point I see the NYT as reputable as the national enquirer. I go to the Babylon Bee for actual news

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I once subscribed to the New York Times Crossword Puzzle, but they kept sending it to me wrapped in garbage.

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I LMFAO at how Alex has zero trust in MSM when it comes to c19 but trusts everything they say about Russia/Ukraine and the "most secure election in history" .

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The May 24th 2020 NYT "US Deaths near 100,000, an incalculable loss" was the final step for me to transition from mere skeptic to cynic.

Scanned the list, say Jordan Driver Haynes, 27, thought "that's odd, a 27 year old dying?" Googled him. Murdered.

Started back at the top.

Patricia Dowd, 57. Died of a heart attack, they went back and ran PCR to find out at some point she had Covid. Sorry for her family's loss, but this seems like a unique approach to assessing mortality.

Ok, is that standard practice? When people die of heart attacks in the past is it common to run a battery of tests to see if they had the flu or any other respiratory virus in the past few weeks months? No, this was the first time in history we embarked on this level of scrutiny.

Next on the list, Marion Krueger, 85. A nursing home patient, she had a fall in December, and progressively declined through recovery, which is very common at that age after a fall. After passing in February it was confirmed she tested positive for Covid. Sad, but again, this is typical of the roughly 5,000 of 8,000 daily deaths in the US.

What was interesting to me was she caught Covid weeks before in a nursing home in Washington.

The disease which can infect 300 people instantly at a wedding, had already been lurking in nursing homes in the pacific northwest January of 2020.

If this disease is as deadly and as transmissible as purported, I reasoned we should have seen a gradual increase in all-cause mortality throughout December, January, February, and March of 2020 as it spread across the country. So I started tracking all-cause mortality weekly from the CDC.

Turns out, all-cause mortality was flat, no different than any previous year. First 12 weeks of 2020 there were 712,000 deaths. The year before the same period there 699,000 deaths. The year before that 729,000 deaths.

It was only after the lockdowns began when we disrupted society and headlines like "Where did the all the heart attacks go" started popping up did we see an immediate spike in deaths.[1]

I'm sure it is completely unrelated, but in NYC the 6 week period immediately following lockdown heart attacks were 6,000, compared to 2,000 for the identical period every year prior.

[1] https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/05/06/850454989/eerie-emptiness-of-ers-worries-doctors-where-are-the-heart-attacks-and-strokes

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The upshot is that ALL of us need to understand Basic Statistical Methods of Data Analyses. Oopsey! That is only for AP Students. Sorry.

BULLSHIT! Take another look at Fauci and Birx inteviews on Day 1. Watch and Listen to EVERY WORD. They are making shit up. MAKING IT UP!

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My friend C Ellington was listed as the first person in LA to die from Covid in May of 2021. But she didn’t die from Covid. She had surgery in February and got post surgical pneumonia (likely from being a heavy smoker) and spent 3 months in a rehab facility dying from that not Covid. She would’ve been horrified to know about being a false statistic.

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To summarize where we seem to be at, we on Team Reality have heard and know the truth and are set free. "The emperor has no clothes!" Unfortunately too many people are trapped in the Big Lie. Up here in Communist Canada, the evil psychopaths and their loyal band of useless idiots in politics and public health are still playing the Big Lie game. They have bought into the plan that if you tell a big enough lie, often enough, people will start to believe it. As cases and hospitalizations skyrocket, they are still recommending that we mask up, watch your distance and get a booster. The real fun up here should start soon when we fail to comply and Chairman Trudeau imposes martial law and locks us down tighter than Shanghai. I sense the battle is just beginning, I recommend we put on the armour of God and prepare for battle. I think this is about to turn ugly, but remember that whatever happens the truth is our best weapon. Keep up the good fight and stay strong and free!

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There are people who believe the NYT religiously and think of themselves as well informed and quite above the deplorables.

What do these people think when they see these obviously manipulations by the Times? Don't they feel embarrassed?

I've believed analysts and politicians in the past who were later proven to have been either grossly wrong or outright liars. I shook the dust off my sandals and never believed them again.

Is the Left incapable of such simple self reflection? It's like they want to be duped and live in some fantasy world where they are the comic book heroes. This is not an endorsement of Palin, but I still can't believe how many people think she said she was qualified to be President because she could see Russia from her house (that was Tina Fey).

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All the PCR false positives have been routinely inflated by the fictional false positives in "media" coverage...they're still using the narrative to bring back mandates and lockdowns. After all, NYT and traditional media have an(other) election to thwart.

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You need to look at stew Peters documentary on the water.

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It is a very sad thing if anyone believes the Times any more. Same with JAMA, MMWR, Lancet. The Bible is holding up quite well, however.

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I am going to be frank.

I am so sick of the bullshit and the continued narrative.

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Hopefully, the NYT will be called out big time on social media!

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The governments answer is the covid "vaccine" and masks, nothing else. They do not tell people to lose weight, because that would hurt the libs feelings. People have gained weight in the last two years, not lost it for the most part. I was at Wal mart yesterday in my town and I said to myself looking at so many obese people you guys are absolutely fucked when they release the deadlier strain of covid. I'm not locking my ass up in my house forever, or wearing eight masks on my face and a condom when I masturbate to save these people. I don't give a fuck anymore

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