No we won’t stop complaining. Biden did not get 81 million votes. He couldn’t even get 81 people at a rally.

Also, the republicans are weak. They have done nothing to challenge the covid mandates. Sad!!!

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Systemic fraud was perfectly evident the minute vote counting stopped in swing states Biden was losing, followed by in your face ballot box stuffing. That isn't a crime anyone should attempt to excuse. Berenson does a good job investigating the virus issues, which is enormously important, but he utterly fails when it comes to exposing blatant election fraud.

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The nights not over and I don’t trust them to not find buckets of uncounted votes, just enough to win, by morning.

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Self serving authoritarian ideologues got away with blatant systemic election fraud in an election the whole world was watching, and managed to gaslight a great many thereafter...including Berenson apparently. Why wouldn't they commit the same crime again?

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He’s also really funny. So there’s a strong chance that there are sarcastic undertones to the elections bit.

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If Berenson was trying to be funny he missed the mark by a mile and making a joke about criminal fraud which threatens to destroy our free society would be more than a bit of a stretch even for the best of comics. Note, I give him great credit for investigating virus issues honestly. That must be tough and personally costly in the increasingly deceitful media environment.

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Berenson is a liberal who dislikes Trump. He couldn't resist pushing the knife in. I like his reporting on the virus but I wouldn't take my voting franchise advise from him. He probably voted for Biden in 2020.

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To be honest, selective investigative integrity is not integrity.

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Precisely the deceitful behavior we are witnessing with the FDA, CDC and numerous other public institutions, which have now destroyed their credibility.

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Trump Republicans are not weak. They came out for this election. Biden and the democrats got a wake up call tonight.

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Problem is, Republicans never govern like they are the winners, except maybe DiSantis, Abbott, & Noem. Most of the time the Repubs just want to get along. That has to change!!

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Only DeSantis!

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He’s owned by some special interests but has definitely done some GREAT stuff.

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Yes, his special interests are families, Police, Military, and freedom

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Look carefully at his signed EO re future pandemics. Also examine his bowing down to other world powers. I agree that he is 1,000 times better than others.

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Her might be owned. Is there a governor who's not?

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Probably not - we the people can change that, and the time for standing up is now.

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The time for Republican winners "getting along" is OVER. Govern like you Won something !!!

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That sentiment goes against the Republican grain. The bastardized libertarianism most of them espouse prevents them from using power to further the interests of their supporters (unless it's Big Business) and harm the interests of their enemies. The Dems have no such qualms.

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Exactly. We need ‘leaders’, not owned politicians. Time for a congressional enema!

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The reason they don't is that in states like VA, most Republicans are moderates and closer to being Democrats than they are Republicans. There are lots of "Republicans" who act a lot like Democrats, but I can't think of a single Democrat who acts like a strong Republican. DeSantis and Noem are governing states with true Republicans who hold our elected officials accountable.

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Even Noem has started making me nervous. She sounds great on all the issues, then suddenly gets very hard to follow when she explains her hesitancy on challenging transgenders in sports, and a quick check reveals a close knit group of medical lobbyists in her corner. Nobody's perfect and few are as great as Reagan and Trump, but my god these politicians can make that money.

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Tulsi Gabbard would be my suggestion

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Gabbard’s name and photo appears on Claus Schwab’s World Economic Forum website as a leader. Many others there too that you’ll recognize. I’d say it’s a NO on anything or anyone associated with his organization and his great reset of building back better! 🤮

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Meh, Jordan Peterson is often attacked for the same reason.

However if you actually listen to his videos including his most current ones it's clear he has no love for the demons who run that organisation and their motives.

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Nah - look at her stance on 2a.

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She is army and did 2 tours in the Middle East ....

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Gone are the days of moderates like Joe Lieberman.

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I really liked him, but unfortunately, I just learned of his ties to the opioid epidemic. 🤨

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They all seem to have a skeleton or two (-hundred) in their closets; even the ones who seem like they genuinely care about us lil' folk.

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It's obvious since a long time ago that the problem is the party system; George Washington warned us about it. So long as the party system exists, politicians will put the interests of the party first. You're a junior lawmaker who wants to sit on a prestigious committee one day? You'd better kiss your party's leadership's ass. You're a senior lawmaker who aspires to Speaker of the House or Majority Leader in the Senate? You'd better kiss your party's leadership's ass.

Some additional reforms that need to be implemented immediately are the following:

1. Terms limits for all posts, not just the executive branch;

2. Set aside tax dollars to be used equally by all candidates when campaigning (no more of this bullshit of allowing politicians to be bought off by private "donors");

3. Restore the constitutional mandate of separation of powers (executive orders must go and bureaucracies must be brought under the direct control of the legislature and must operate exclusively on public funds - no more allowing Big Pharma and other industries to buy agencies and thereby dictate their policies);

4. Bring intelligence agencies under the direct control of Congress; and, last, but certainly not least,

5. Break the Federal Reserve up into 10,000 pieces, cast it to the wind, put Congress in charge of regulating the national economy, and pass a constitutional amendment that forever forbids the creation of a new central bank.

Anyone have any other ideas for reforms that need to take place to make this effing government a government for the People, by the People again?

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Absolutely love all your ideas. I would add to that:

1. term limits for everyone in Washington. No one can work *any* job in politics for greater than 12-16 years, period. Maybe 20 at the most. Hopefully, it could mitigate the agency back scratching - supposedly, that’s a much larger part of the swamp than most people think.

And get rid of lobbyists.

2. how about every candidate gets an allotted number of time slots per month on network television (since we seem to be stuck with it), no more no less.

Smaller slots before primaries, more time after. Goes along with public campaign budget to eliminate buy outs.

3. End public employee unions.

4. End golden ballon pension plan for members of Congress.

5. ABSOLUTE NO to any type of government digital currency.

6. Break up the National Teachers Union forever.

7. No conflicts of interest in any government employee of health agencies, CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.

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Nope. 12-16 years! Huh. One term, then go home

And get an f—ing job like everyone else. No lobbying after tour turn is up.

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How 'bout we make political service to the country mandatory? I think that, in a democracy, all citizens should should participate directly on some level in government for a certain number of years. Maybe a term as you suggest.

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Hey Truth! I really like #'s 1 and 2. Thanks for the input.

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You a funny guy! Maybe you would get 11 votes on any of these issues. (I think #7 is already policy). Get back to reality, please. Less Mary Jane thinking!

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One more - an end to gerrymandering of congressional districts.

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Hey RWM55. If there are no more parties, I think that would do away with the gerrymandering problem.

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Perhaps, but we're not talking about JP (and other local) elections - I don't know how that could work on a national election.

"One thing at a time" - an end to gerrymandering would go a long way to producing representatives who would be obligated to work for the good of the whole instead of a narrow constituency.

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Oh yeah - first step is to get rid of the “Federal” Reserve. 🙌👏👍

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The totally privately owned "Federal" Reserve.

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I forgot to talk about the electoral college. That's got to go as well. No intermediary between us and the outcome of presidential elections. It's our choice; not theirs.

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Are you kidding? No way - then the most populous areas would rule the US. Maybe you are a liberal from California or New York??? That would not be good, even if you were liberal.

This is not a democracy; it’s a constitutional republic.

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Pardon me if I come off as a little cross, but do you really not understand that the electoral college is also weighted according to each state's population? Popular elections are always going to favor the majority. Just keep in mind that the only election the entire country participates in is for the president. How do you suggest that we structure the presidential election so that the candidate who receives the most votes doesn't win? It's impossible.

Anyway, the reason I want to get rid of it is because, technically, the members of the electoral college can cast their votes as they please.

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Ah, yes - "Pure Democracy" - the surest path to mob rule and anarchy.

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I am glad there are a lot of educated people on this board. Jefferson and Adams and Monroe knew that the electoral college would prevent dictatorship of the majority (like France). Good going!

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I can’t agree on no electoral system. That’s the only thing saving us from mob rule, especially when election fraud is so rampant.

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I have been disabused of the idea.

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1. bad idea, entrenches the unelected bureaucracy even more

2. bad idea, what's needed are non-compete contracts for politicians, exactly like what pharma employees have. subsidizing campaigns encourages candidate cloning, which favors established parties and is fundamentally undemocratic. rangevoting.org

3. yeah

4. yeah

5. yeah

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The bureaucracy couldn’t be any more entrenched. We don’t need 5000 people in the Ukrainian Embassy. Congress critters do not need 70+ employees each. It’s just absurd. Serve your term and go home. The federal government shouldn’t do that much in the first place. And the department of education and every other department that’s not in the constitution

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Hey MBB! Yeah, it is absolutely ludicrous how many "aides" these lazy sacks of feces have on their staffs.

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Hey Britton! Thanks for your input. With regard to your assessment of #1, if bureaucracies are brought under the direct control of elected officials, as I propose in #3, how does #1 entrench the unelected bureaucracy even more? Cheers!

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Perhaps under full #3 it would not, but as of now it would mean more term limits for elected politicians (perpetual junior status) but no difference for bureaucrats, increasing the relative power of the latter. Also some figures of perpetual popular resistance (e.g. Ron Paul, Rand Paul) would be removed...

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Laws they pass must apply to them as well as us, no more carve outs for them, unions or their pets (donors). They get Obamacare and must comply with their vaccine mandates.

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The Republicans need to GROW A SPINE. And I say that as a Massachusetts voter who has NEVER voted for a Kennedy.

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Would you consider voting for Bobby, Jr. if he ran?

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(And don't get into a car or a plane with any of them. )

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LOL! But you've got to admit that he has been a much needed voice for the children.

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Not a fan of Kristi Noem AT ALL. She's all talk. She has zero offense and just plays defense. She's a small state governor and needs to stay there.

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Agree. The GOP is all talk and no action. Neither major party is standing up for we the people.

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You know what they say? “A Liberal never sleeps” Until Republicans adopt this attitude, they’re always going to be losing.

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I think Trump and Biden flip this upside down!

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Joe - "What I am doing here?" Immediately falls back asleep.

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Agree. We need to keep them on their toes.

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Noem isn't tough enough. She caved on boys participating in girls sports.

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Show me otherwise...this is all I found...Noem issued executive orders this year.


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She must have plucked up some nerve from DeSantis. Earlier she refused to stop boys (transgender) from competing in girls events because whatever the collegiate sports association is had threatened to pull their events from S Dakota.

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VA was won by a rational, moderate message. This doesn't need to be a zero-sum game, nor does such a strategy serve anyone well.

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By Republicans, I think Soy boy means RINOs.

More MAGA! Less RINOs!

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Love this! A new motto!

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Yes, they came out for this election, we needed it, and I am thankful....but the majority are shamefully weak, and mealy mouthed. Our only hope is that we do some growing!!

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Don’t believe you can say that about the majority of Trump supporters but there is a Republican establishment that has been slow to respond to changes in the party and maybe they learned a lesson tonight about retail politics.

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I’m sure I’ll be crucified for saying this, but consider what Trump did to advance Big Pharma with Warp Speed and the COVID agents.

Check VAERS and analyze data of adverse events (including death) and lot numbers, for example. Look at statements by everyone since this began, including Fauci.

Big government is not going to save us. We save ourselves and reset without big government and without big banks.

Don’t worship anyone as your savior. I voted for Trump, but he’s got a lot of issues with which I disagree. ✌️

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I hate both parties equally, the democommies are evil and the repukelicans are pansy arses with no guts to do what it right, just a bunch of cowards!

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Agreed, most Republicans are just in politics for what they can get out of it. They will sell Americans down the river to China if it means a couple more greenbacks in their pocket.

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They all are as are the billionaires that met abroad. They’re laughing at us of the proletariat (peons).

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The vanguard are most definitely laughing at us. And, you know what? We deserve to be laughed at because we don't ever hold them accountable for the atrocities they commit. However, I sense that we may be waking up. They've poked the bear too many times.

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I agree. I feel many might be paying attention.

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I heard someone say they read in a book a character say she would only vote for a member of the “common damn sense party”. Sorry I don’t know what author to cite. 😂

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Two wings of the same vulture.

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Tell it like it is sister!

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I'm not ready to say it's a Trump/Biden thing nor a Republican/Democrat thing. I suspect it's a FED UP thing. I think 18 months of nonstop bullshit (calling everything 'racist' and declaring pronouns and 'dog whistles' and 'trans women are women' and on and on) and relentless foolishness.

I think the average person is tired of censoring themselves lest they offend some 'wokester' who feels 'triggered.'

As my Italian grandmother would say, "BASTA!" (Enough!)

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The phrase “dog whistle” is literally a dog whistle for the Dems.

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More like 100 years of fed up.

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Sounds like citizens reigning in the overreaching BS Machine...fed up with pronouns, inflation and the rest of their self infatuation. Free America

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Do not underestimate the power of FED UP.

FED UP could be the unifying factor that this nation needs. Begin with rescinding the "X" gender on birth certificates and passports. Eliminate "LatinX."

Take back language. Language = communication. And communication = control.

We start by refusing coercion to use idiotic phrases and words.

I began this personal crusade about six months ago. I know I've offended people. I do not care. NO ONE CAN CONTROL MY VOCABULARY.

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And they were dumb enough to bring Brandon out of the basement/bathroom...bad move and camala from production of sinking 🚢...bone head move

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The world has changed so much in the past year, I think both Trump and Biden were nothing but liabilities in the VA governor race.

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Trump has a positive effect in the rural and working class vote overall. He and Republicans have lost the professional class. I think this is the new reality. Biden’s lack of leadership has hurt his party and democrat leadership has lost touch with the American people.

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The people aren’t weak. We’re damn strong and determined. It’s our Republican leaders that are weak and bought by special interests. And with no mail in ballots, just absentee ballots, hopefully, there will be no radical changes by Friday, which is the deadline when all absentee ballots must be counted.

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Could this be like the 1994 clock cleaning of the Dems orchestrated by Newt?

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Politics change daily. I don’t count the chicks til they hatch.

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Republicans came out for Trump. Remember the 75 million votes????

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He looked like an old dog Barkin at cars with his drive in rallies...remember? LETS GO BRANDON

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The failure of my republican governor to contest the mandate to vax in a state (MD) where almost everyone works for the federal government or contractors to the government, is infuriating. He's total blockhead.

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Blockhead is too nice of a description for the Maryland despot Governor whose name will not be spoken. MD is Swamp Lite..This state IS infuriating and we might get the heck out. If you’re on Twitter, take a look at what He Whose Name Will Not Be Spoken said about supporting Younkin and conservative values. SMH

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Thank you for not saying his name. He is a RINO.

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Mine is a Communist (CA).

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Yes! We need to stay on point.

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The Covid mandates are part of their agenda and narrative.

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Trump would not be forcing the military to get vaccines they don’t want.

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There's an excellent new book on the 2020 election: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections by Mollie Hemingway. Very comprehensive with over 80 pages of references.

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Yes, great book. Just because the state governor’s election wasn’t rigged,,,,does not mean the Federal election wasn’t. 4 Presidents: Oval Office conspiracies is good to watch too. So much higher Ephesians 6:10-18.

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Agreed we have only just started to wake/stand up, this will not stand.

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Particularly disappointed with Justice ACB.

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I agree. I won’t waste time on the past elections but I’m sure watching the future ones

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DeSantis signed an e.o. making the vax mandate illegal, then Abbot played me too

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They are all in it together.

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They are, for the most part, not just weak but compliant. Good cop/ bad cop… it’s all a psy-op.

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I have no idea what you are talking about. i live in Florida.

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It's not 3am yet...

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10000000%. Just wait.

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It's deja vu all over again. A year ago, went to bed confident that Trump had been re-elected. Got up in the morning and said, WTF???

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Waiting for the 2 a.m. ballots to arrive

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Better not happen.

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China hasn't voted yet.

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All of those ballots are in a container on a ship off the California coast. Ooops!

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OMG... Best comment yet.

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I'm not laughing. Could be very true.

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Oh my! Is their “system” broken?!? 🤣🤣🤣

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No Brandon's pooping his pants

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Every hour..depends stock is up.

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You gotta capitalise those proper nouns or we have to parse your joke 7 times to get it haha

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If the Dems actually lose...watch out ! The vicious vitriol will gush and the puppet masters behind Biden will double down...thinking they have nothing to lose.

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bring it on

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Don't poke parents and grandparents...they have spoken!

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So true...and we can thank Garland's plan to weaponize the DOJ against us, and the cruel vindictiveness of the NSBA for their abilities to create a Republican movement. On a roll, and no looking back!!

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Bring It.

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That's situation normal for Dems. They are always vicious, always hateful, can't see any difference now that their diapered vegetable is in the White House and Obama is calling the shots. They're just as stupid and unmanageable.

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Yes!!! SO well stated!!!

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Now that is a believable scenario.

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Mccaullif didn’t seem very concerned, kinda like pooping Joe.

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He knows how many bogus ballots are sitting in waiting in Fairfax for the 3 am dump.

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They are not calling in their votes in Fairfax. Yet. They have to see how many they need first.

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So totally disgusting, but quite likely true!! I sure hope not!!

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I wish they wouldn’t .gov schools are so broken they are not worth reforming. Pull kids out and homeschool. Let it burn

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Wow...This just woke me up !! Awesome !!

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You GO, Momabear!!! God Bless you!

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Or Zuck or Twitter

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A win in Virginia is not going to change the fact that the 2020 Presidential election was rigged/stolen. Trump was a threat to the Deep State, and they and the Democrats engineered the steal. Anyone that doesn't see that the Deep State is in control of Biden and our country, is fooling themselves.

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I still disagree, Alex. Trump won 2020. I don't call it whining.

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Never saw a complete, legitimate, nonpartisan forensic analysis... just swept the dirty (I mean uncreased, fingerprint devoid) ballots under the rug... obviously nothing to see here.

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I live in California. The very first thing Gavin Newsom did after achieving enough "votes" to defeat recall and threaten our kids with soon-to-be-legally-approved biological agents, was sign into law permanent mail-in balloting "for safety." In the wake of ballot harvesting measures a few years ago, this guarantees permanent Democrat ownership of CA. In the end there was a count of 1 million more votes for recall than we had in the signature drive, and the most devastated economy in the Union, the most impacted school systems, and the most mishandled COVID response outside of New York yielded a vote count of 2-to-1 against recall and for the smuggest and most hypocritical governor we have seen here. Sure, it is a liberal place, but this election did not even begin to pass a sniff test. I have seen tape of the late-night Georgia tactics, I have seen what AZ found. I will continue to whine. Even if it serves no purpose than to notify our opponents that we know they hate democracy.

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My favorite part of that election was the media framing Elder as a white supremacist. The regime media deserves nothing but hatred and contempt.

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“White supremacists” are coming the most diverse group in the country!

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Fellow Californian - don’t give up.

We also have the highest death count from the COVID agents as reported on VAERS. One of the bad lots pulled in Orange County showed up on this statistical analysis of the current VAERS data:


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I too live in OC

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Look up New California

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If he forces these shots on kids in California, it better not exclude his kids

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His kids will get jabbed at a photo op...with saline.

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The election was stolen last year and we all know it.

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Trump won, by alot.alex ny times bs, he cant totally cleanse himself

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How are the water pipes holding so far? 🤔

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MSRB, thanks for joining the choir harping about water pipes. Now i have to start my middle of the night bathroom trips early! :)

ps: I agree with your sentiment.

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I didn't realize that serious, legitimate concerns about election integrity was considered a "whining" issue.

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Show me any other election where 12 million votes to 816 showed up in five states from 2am-5am the next day - and I'll listen to your argument that 2020 wasn't rigged, stolen, and a complete farce.

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The greatest mystery of 2020 - who called the swing states late at night and told them all to stop counting at the same time? The election fraud is as much a slap in the face as Biden declaring at his town hall that people who take the shot aren't going to catch covid.

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Covid origin doesn't count as a mystery anymore. Fauci funded, Baric designed, China released.

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there were scores of precincts in those states that had over 100% turnout of voters - which anyone with a brain would immediately toss as impossible. But, that's the whole reason for liberal math and science. There was an engineer who was in a meeting with Obama people in 2009 who was demanding certain car designs that carry thousands of pounds and get 100 mpg among other things. People said, "hey - some of the stuff you want violates the laws of physics." The Obama PJ boy response was "Who passed these laws of physics? Because we're in charge now and we can change them with executive orders."

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For Barack Obama saying you can keep your doctors.

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Anyone who knows how to cheat well enough, understands that it’s necessary to lose sometimes to make the wins seem legitimate. About 30% should do the trick according to animal behavior studies.

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Yep and if the Democrat vote cheating machine allows Youngkin the win, then I’m concerned that they think he’s a “safe” rhino

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I pray that’s not true but I’ve sensed he’s a rino from the beginning.

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Sage words. Got me right in the feels.

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So the same logic applies to the vaccines? It is necessary for them to seem to work for a time, and to only have some side effects on some people until the boosters come along.....then the animal behavior studies kick in.

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Alex, I agree with you 99% of the time... however, you are WRONG on this one about the cheating! McAuliffe was ahead in the polls heavily until a few weeks ago when he made that disastrous comment about parents & education. The Dems didn’t feel any reason to put a “cheating plan” in action as Youngkin wasn’t a threat back then. If this had happened months earlier, Stacy Abrams and all the dirty Dems would’ve been called in to “fix it!” It was perfect timing for Youngkin and bad timing on the Dems!!! LET’S GO BRANDON!!!! 2022 baby!!!!🇺🇸💪🏻❤️🤍💙🙏🏻

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“Whining about stolen elections” 🤔. Alex, read the comments. We do not trust the process anymore.

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Here's a news flash, Alex: The elections in America ARE a joke and have been since 2003. The Uniparty controls the machines and the elections. If a Republican won in VA tonight, it's because he's a card-carrying member of the Uniparty. Trump won in a landslide in 2020 and had the election stolen right out from under him because he was not a member of the Uniparty. Just because you personally aren't interested in researching this topic doesn't make it less true.

Also, vaccines cause autism. All the lying, cheating and bullying -- by government and Big Pharma -- that we're seeing around the Covid vaccines has been happening for years with the childhood immunization program. You can read about that here:

"Fauci's Glaring Cohort Problem and Why He Needs Your Kid Vaxxed"


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Sorry to keep whining, Alex. Is it as annoying as your continued whining about how Twitter won't take you back, or is it merely as annoying as the amount of money people like me send you to encourage independent journalism?

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We are turning on Alex. This is likely my last night being subscribed.

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I'm maybe one more direct insult away.

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I would like to read blogs from bloggers who appreciate secure and fair elections and who are not Twitter and subscriber number obsessed.

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Gato malo, if you don't already. He cares about a healthy democracy AND biofascism.

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There are so many awesome substackers now

Seconding Gato Malo

Also Aaron Siri a lawyer who knows vaccine bullshit https://aaronsiri.substack.com/

Toby Rogers https://tobyrogers.substack.com/


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Yeah, I didn’t get that either. Why in the world would you care about Twitter???

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Guttermouth: independent journalism means alex should be free of cow-towing to any donors. I would hate for him to just say what he thinks his readers want to hear.

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Who'd guess people like freedoms & civil liberties, go figure!

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Could do without the “whining” remark, Alex.

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Love Alex ... until he shows his liberal back story.

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Yes, very punk of him. I'm about to blow this pop stand. I'm in no mood for anyone clearly against pursuing fair and untampered elections no matter how much work that means.

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Laurie, I hope you'll stick around. I am absolutely convinced that the 2020 elections were rigged and thrown, there's simply too much evidence to doubt that, but Alex's covid coverage is still quite good and I think his integrity is good, he's just not sufficiently skeptical about the elections.

If "they" are willing to FORCE their will upon us and our CHILDREN with respect to a failed vaccine with such dire results (not to mention the mandatory masks and lock-downs too), why would ANYONE trust them to be honest in the election process?

Perhaps, and hopefully, Alex will read the comments left on this stack and open his door to the same skepticism about the2020 election process that he had/has about the covid lies.

Laurie, we need your voice on this stack. Please stay.

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This DOES NOT negate what happened in 2020. Jeesh, Alex, open your eyes. Pretty flippant, facile comment.

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The win in VA would make a Braves win tonight even sweeter. Come on Braves.

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LOL!! I agree and I am a Toronto Blue Jays fan-- rivals in a WAY back World Series. Come on Braves!!!

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Wouldn’t it though!!!!

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I know. CNN has been ripping ATL over it.

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Yes. They're so transparent.

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At this point, CNN wishes they had the respect of The National Inquirer

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Oh my gosh, this didn't even dawn on me --- how marvelous!!!

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So appreciate you, Alex... but the Presidential election was absolutely stolen no matter what happens in Virginia.

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I appreciate your reporting, Alex, but you're missing a key element that resulted in a fair election tonight. In 2020, only 20% of Republican poll watchers and poll challenger positions were filled. This cycle..... 80% filled. The power of the people!! I know a poll watcher who was outnumbered 10 to 1 in Detroit... She was harassed and intimidated and many of them were locked out. Next time around, we'll be ready!

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Trump is still stupidly promoting the poison shots - so the crowd here are not blind followers. Unless political opinions have made you blind to reason on this issue - Trump was winning by a lot, and then suddenly middle of the night all counting stops and then huge ballot dumps almost all going to Biden, in the swing states they needed, and only with just enough votes to win it. Meanwhile cheating with just enough to win ended up translating to 81 million votes for Biden. FFS - how do you honestly believe that? It's as believable as safe and effective.

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Calling an election early in the age of mail in ballots and zero punishment for election fraud is naive at best.

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They are waiting in FairFax County to see how many votes they need to add on to win. If that happens…the Country better come out in MASS…we know they only way Mcauliffe can win is to cheat…and that is what they do. I am praying this is a clean election. Not holding my breath.

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If Youngkin wins, we in VA who voted for him MUST hold his feet to the fire. We cannot excuse inaction or incorrect policies because "his hands were tied" or some crap. Remember, the Deep State will be all over him.

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The time for Republican winners "getting along" is OVER. Govern like you Won something !!!

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Yo Youngkin: Promises made, promises kept, bucko. Get to work.

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Jim - he should free your state of mask & vax mandates and start discussing lawyer-approaches with DeSantis and Abbott!

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Newsflash Alex. McAuliffe got on stage a little while ago and did NOT concede. Instead he said they need to keep counting. And whaddya know? The Youngkin lead is magically down to less than 150,000. Will they stop counting while bags of ballots get delivered overnight?

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Dem absentee printers in fairfax and Richmond go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

A water main break in 3-2-1

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I'm sorry to see you so uninformed about what happened in 2020, Mr. Berenson. It's important for all of us to understand the fact that US elections are rigged by easily hacked machines and corrupt politicians. At least look at the evidence before you decide. Here's a talk Dr Frank gave in Denver in April I attended. I've been canvassing my county since. I have found people who voted in 2020 but had their vote removed. I've found people voting from addresses that don't exist. CO is being sued by Judicial Watch for having bloated voter rolls. More voters registered in many counties than the voting age population. Dr Frank explains why those bloated voter rolls are necessary. https://youtu.be/yd07p6DJID4

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💕💕💕Judical Watch ... great organization... my dad got me hooked ... they really work hard to expose and nail all the creeps💕💕💕

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Get ready to hear about Virginia COVID deaths every day

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And be ready for the "Virginia variant."

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If you think that objecting to a deep state coup against the leader of the free world is “whining”,

you are not thinking clearly.

A day will come when you will wish more than anything that you could go back in time and change how you responded to the allegations.

You will tell yourself that maybe you could have prevented the carnage that came if you had simply taken the allegations seriously and *investigated*.

You know. Like *journalists* used to do. Once upon a time.

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I'm confused. Does Alex think the election was fair and untampered with?

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There is a LOT of evidence they were stolen or, at least, severely tampered with. I wish Alex would do a deep dive into that like he has Covid.

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Is it not fruitful to demand, seek, and work to ensure fair untampered future elections by investigating the 2020 election fraud claims?

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Yes, he does. Sadly.

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Maybe he does. After all, he believes that there is an actual killer plague virus named COVID19.

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If it weren't for the comment section I would have already unsubscribed.

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Please stay - it's a rare place where rational people can still respond to differences of opinion and find some common ground in ideas and ideals. Don't let the snark of his headline bait drive you off! He just might grow past tweet speak yet.

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Yes, Laurie, please stay💕💕💕remember everyone makes ‘mistakes’💕💕💕at least we can still have individuality here... right?💕💕💕🐱

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Trump Won!!! Just saying.

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The Democrats are so woefully out of touch with the working class, they don’t even realize they are out of touch. That’s going be an insurmountable problem for them in the midterms.

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Unless they are rigged again

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Of course…

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You will lose me with “whining about stolen elections.” Do you not get these people by now?

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🧳 🧳 🎫

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I hope you are right. I'd love to stop "whining" about being raped. I still love you tho. 😏

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Hey, this is really, really cool, and I hope just the beginning of taking back America. I'm 73yrs old

and NEVER got concerned about politics until this year. When I have seen how much the current administration has tried to transform American in just 10 months, it has awakened me.

My approach is that for every official up for re-election in 2022 and 2024, regardless of their party affiliation, I will be campaigning to get rid of any incumbent. It is time for new blood and energy. I will support this with my time, effort and money. Slackers beware!

God Bless America, and keep it safe!!

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Amen, Bob. Amen!

Americans, Bless (Praise) God again!

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No Alex! they cant get away with stealing 2020! AZ is still fighting. Lets go Brandon to 2024!

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I want to believe this, but still having PTSD from last November. 😳

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Alex, you made a major misstep in calling republicans whiners about the election fraud that took place. I wish that you would investigate the election fraud like you do the government tyranny happening around the world. Why you would believe that the dc swamp is capable of mass lies when it comes to covid and the vaccines but NOT THE ELECTION, oh no not that they could never do that, is a mystery to me. Maybe you just haven’t been getting enough fresh air…

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It's not whining to say the fact is they stopped counting the American people's votes as soon as it was evident that Trump won. You were watching TV that night, weren't you, Alex? Didn't you see it as it happened?

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If the powers that be lie so freely about COVID and vaccines, why wouldn't they lie about elections and election integrity?

Mail in ballots are in invitation to fraud, and it is terribly naive to believe they aren't used to steal elections.

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Vic: furthermore, if "they" are willing to FORCE their will upon us and our CHILDREN with respect to a failed vaccine with such dire results (not to mention the mandatory masks and lock-downs too), why would ANYONE trust them to be honest in the election process?

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Amen. Those who feel justified in forcing "consent" have no qualms about stealing a political office.

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I still have PTSD from November too but I'm fine with Alex's comment about whining. He's just insulting both sides equally to show he's not too hardcore Republican, even though much of writings of late have been championed by us. It would have been better if he said "can temporarily stop whining" though

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Deen - lol about ptsd. I'm right there with you.

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Alex is Liberal but isn’t Leftist. Am I correct Alex?

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The frigging democrats stole the presidential election.so were not WHINNING, were trying to reclaim which was rightfully ours to begin with.

You're a good man working for a good cause. Don't ruin your good name by compromising the truth. Either you're all in, or you're lukewarm and deserved to be spit out.

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Richyrich77 - good reference to the Church in Laodicea! And *amen* too.

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Thanks Randy

You're obviously a Good man ,too!

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I appreciate that, but according to God's law, I'm most assuredly not. I often feel like Paul stuck in Romans 7! But, maybe it's a good sign to feel that way.

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Democrats have been stealing elections for decades, it's just routine practice. They do it in the big cities they control, and they did it in Kansas City when the Pendergast machine ran that town.

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Wait for the rescans in Fairfax County.

The day ain’t over yet.

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Virginians are waking up and the country is watching.

Even if McCauliffe "wins"- he has lost Virginia.

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I'm a conservative, not necessarily a Republican. I would vote for Sinema over a RINO. Trump all day and all night. Let's go Brandon!

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Will never forgive Trump for his part in these nasty clot shots.

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Or his pandering to other countries as if their citizens are more important than ours.

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You can say a lot of things about Trump, but saying he pandered to citizens of other countries over us isn't in the ball park. If it was true, it would've been yelled from the rooftops of NBC CBS CNN ABC MSNBC PBS Times and Post and even the Wall Street Journal and National Review, but they found room for better lies.

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I'll whine about whatever I want.

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💕it’s my party and i’ll whine if I want to... meow💕

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💕Alex, my love, ...🎶you would whine too if it happened to you🎶💕

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Kitten seeking answers: Are you sure you're not el gato malo or gatito bueno in disguise? Either way, I love your response! Meow indeed!

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I hate that you even have this idea that somehow, because Rs won VA, the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Do some research, you'll find what many others have found, but it'll mean more if you do it yourself. The 2020 election was stolen, period.

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If Alex were as good at getting to the truth of the election as he is Covid-19, he may have a clearer view. But Issac Newton believed in some pretty stupid stuff. But he was right about a couple of things.

Proof that smart is a matter of focus.

Keep your eye on the Covid-19 ball Alex.

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Check out the 12/7/04 State Department report on election corruption in the Ukraine: “Ukraine’s Election Next Steps” https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/39542.htm

All six of the most egregious, widely observed and reported examples of election-day fraud that the State Department complained about in the Ukraine also occurred in our last presidential election. Don’t take my word for it, look at what the US State Department said back then.

The way you steal elections is by flooding the system with absentee ballots.

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Don't count on the R win. The heavy Dem Fairfax already has "ballot problems" and are now delaying the count. Likely until they figure out how many votes are still needed for McAuliffe. I'm surprised that someone who does such in depth reporting as you is oblivious of all the forensic evidence of 2020 voter fraud.

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