No we won’t stop complaining. Biden did not get 81 million votes. He couldn’t even get 81 people at a rally.

Also, the republicans are weak. They have done nothing to challenge the covid mandates. Sad!!!

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It's not 3am yet...

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China hasn't voted yet.

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A win in Virginia is not going to change the fact that the 2020 Presidential election was rigged/stolen. Trump was a threat to the Deep State, and they and the Democrats engineered the steal. Anyone that doesn't see that the Deep State is in control of Biden and our country, is fooling themselves.

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I still disagree, Alex. Trump won 2020. I don't call it whining.

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I live in California. The very first thing Gavin Newsom did after achieving enough "votes" to defeat recall and threaten our kids with soon-to-be-legally-approved biological agents, was sign into law permanent mail-in balloting "for safety." In the wake of ballot harvesting measures a few years ago, this guarantees permanent Democrat ownership of CA. In the end there was a count of 1 million more votes for recall than we had in the signature drive, and the most devastated economy in the Union, the most impacted school systems, and the most mishandled COVID response outside of New York yielded a vote count of 2-to-1 against recall and for the smuggest and most hypocritical governor we have seen here. Sure, it is a liberal place, but this election did not even begin to pass a sniff test. I have seen tape of the late-night Georgia tactics, I have seen what AZ found. I will continue to whine. Even if it serves no purpose than to notify our opponents that we know they hate democracy.

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The election was stolen last year and we all know it.

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How are the water pipes holding so far? 🤔

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I didn't realize that serious, legitimate concerns about election integrity was considered a "whining" issue.

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Show me any other election where 12 million votes to 816 showed up in five states from 2am-5am the next day - and I'll listen to your argument that 2020 wasn't rigged, stolen, and a complete farce.

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Anyone who knows how to cheat well enough, understands that it’s necessary to lose sometimes to make the wins seem legitimate. About 30% should do the trick according to animal behavior studies.

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Alex, I agree with you 99% of the time... however, you are WRONG on this one about the cheating! McAuliffe was ahead in the polls heavily until a few weeks ago when he made that disastrous comment about parents & education. The Dems didn’t feel any reason to put a “cheating plan” in action as Youngkin wasn’t a threat back then. If this had happened months earlier, Stacy Abrams and all the dirty Dems would’ve been called in to “fix it!” It was perfect timing for Youngkin and bad timing on the Dems!!! LET’S GO BRANDON!!!! 2022 baby!!!!🇺🇸💪🏻❤️🤍💙🙏🏻

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“Whining about stolen elections” 🤔. Alex, read the comments. We do not trust the process anymore.

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Here's a news flash, Alex: The elections in America ARE a joke and have been since 2003. The Uniparty controls the machines and the elections. If a Republican won in VA tonight, it's because he's a card-carrying member of the Uniparty. Trump won in a landslide in 2020 and had the election stolen right out from under him because he was not a member of the Uniparty. Just because you personally aren't interested in researching this topic doesn't make it less true.

Also, vaccines cause autism. All the lying, cheating and bullying -- by government and Big Pharma -- that we're seeing around the Covid vaccines has been happening for years with the childhood immunization program. You can read about that here:

"Fauci's Glaring Cohort Problem and Why He Needs Your Kid Vaxxed"


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Sorry to keep whining, Alex. Is it as annoying as your continued whining about how Twitter won't take you back, or is it merely as annoying as the amount of money people like me send you to encourage independent journalism?

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Who'd guess people like freedoms & civil liberties, go figure!

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Could do without the “whining” remark, Alex.

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Love Alex ... until he shows his liberal back story.

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This DOES NOT negate what happened in 2020. Jeesh, Alex, open your eyes. Pretty flippant, facile comment.

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The win in VA would make a Braves win tonight even sweeter. Come on Braves.

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So appreciate you, Alex... but the Presidential election was absolutely stolen no matter what happens in Virginia.

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I appreciate your reporting, Alex, but you're missing a key element that resulted in a fair election tonight. In 2020, only 20% of Republican poll watchers and poll challenger positions were filled. This cycle..... 80% filled. The power of the people!! I know a poll watcher who was outnumbered 10 to 1 in Detroit... She was harassed and intimidated and many of them were locked out. Next time around, we'll be ready!

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Trump is still stupidly promoting the poison shots - so the crowd here are not blind followers. Unless political opinions have made you blind to reason on this issue - Trump was winning by a lot, and then suddenly middle of the night all counting stops and then huge ballot dumps almost all going to Biden, in the swing states they needed, and only with just enough votes to win it. Meanwhile cheating with just enough to win ended up translating to 81 million votes for Biden. FFS - how do you honestly believe that? It's as believable as safe and effective.

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Calling an election early in the age of mail in ballots and zero punishment for election fraud is naive at best.

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They are waiting in FairFax County to see how many votes they need to add on to win. If that happens…the Country better come out in MASS…we know they only way Mcauliffe can win is to cheat…and that is what they do. I am praying this is a clean election. Not holding my breath.

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If Youngkin wins, we in VA who voted for him MUST hold his feet to the fire. We cannot excuse inaction or incorrect policies because "his hands were tied" or some crap. Remember, the Deep State will be all over him.

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Newsflash Alex. McAuliffe got on stage a little while ago and did NOT concede. Instead he said they need to keep counting. And whaddya know? The Youngkin lead is magically down to less than 150,000. Will they stop counting while bags of ballots get delivered overnight?

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I'm sorry to see you so uninformed about what happened in 2020, Mr. Berenson. It's important for all of us to understand the fact that US elections are rigged by easily hacked machines and corrupt politicians. At least look at the evidence before you decide. Here's a talk Dr Frank gave in Denver in April I attended. I've been canvassing my county since. I have found people who voted in 2020 but had their vote removed. I've found people voting from addresses that don't exist. CO is being sued by Judicial Watch for having bloated voter rolls. More voters registered in many counties than the voting age population. Dr Frank explains why those bloated voter rolls are necessary. https://youtu.be/yd07p6DJID4

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Get ready to hear about Virginia COVID deaths every day

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If you think that objecting to a deep state coup against the leader of the free world is “whining”,

you are not thinking clearly.

A day will come when you will wish more than anything that you could go back in time and change how you responded to the allegations.

You will tell yourself that maybe you could have prevented the carnage that came if you had simply taken the allegations seriously and *investigated*.

You know. Like *journalists* used to do. Once upon a time.

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I'm confused. Does Alex think the election was fair and untampered with?

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Trump Won!!! Just saying.

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The Democrats are so woefully out of touch with the working class, they don’t even realize they are out of touch. That’s going be an insurmountable problem for them in the midterms.

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You will lose me with “whining about stolen elections.” Do you not get these people by now?

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I hope you are right. I'd love to stop "whining" about being raped. I still love you tho. 😏

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Hey, this is really, really cool, and I hope just the beginning of taking back America. I'm 73yrs old

and NEVER got concerned about politics until this year. When I have seen how much the current administration has tried to transform American in just 10 months, it has awakened me.

My approach is that for every official up for re-election in 2022 and 2024, regardless of their party affiliation, I will be campaigning to get rid of any incumbent. It is time for new blood and energy. I will support this with my time, effort and money. Slackers beware!

God Bless America, and keep it safe!!

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No Alex! they cant get away with stealing 2020! AZ is still fighting. Lets go Brandon to 2024!

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I want to believe this, but still having PTSD from last November. 😳

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Alex, you made a major misstep in calling republicans whiners about the election fraud that took place. I wish that you would investigate the election fraud like you do the government tyranny happening around the world. Why you would believe that the dc swamp is capable of mass lies when it comes to covid and the vaccines but NOT THE ELECTION, oh no not that they could never do that, is a mystery to me. Maybe you just haven’t been getting enough fresh air…

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It's not whining to say the fact is they stopped counting the American people's votes as soon as it was evident that Trump won. You were watching TV that night, weren't you, Alex? Didn't you see it as it happened?

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If the powers that be lie so freely about COVID and vaccines, why wouldn't they lie about elections and election integrity?

Mail in ballots are in invitation to fraud, and it is terribly naive to believe they aren't used to steal elections.

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I still have PTSD from November too but I'm fine with Alex's comment about whining. He's just insulting both sides equally to show he's not too hardcore Republican, even though much of writings of late have been championed by us. It would have been better if he said "can temporarily stop whining" though

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The frigging democrats stole the presidential election.so were not WHINNING, were trying to reclaim which was rightfully ours to begin with.

You're a good man working for a good cause. Don't ruin your good name by compromising the truth. Either you're all in, or you're lukewarm and deserved to be spit out.

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Democrats have been stealing elections for decades, it's just routine practice. They do it in the big cities they control, and they did it in Kansas City when the Pendergast machine ran that town.

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Wait for the rescans in Fairfax County.

The day ain’t over yet.

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I'm a conservative, not necessarily a Republican. I would vote for Sinema over a RINO. Trump all day and all night. Let's go Brandon!

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I'll whine about whatever I want.

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I hate that you even have this idea that somehow, because Rs won VA, the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Do some research, you'll find what many others have found, but it'll mean more if you do it yourself. The 2020 election was stolen, period.

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Check out the 12/7/04 State Department report on election corruption in the Ukraine: “Ukraine’s Election Next Steps” https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/39542.htm

All six of the most egregious, widely observed and reported examples of election-day fraud that the State Department complained about in the Ukraine also occurred in our last presidential election. Don’t take my word for it, look at what the US State Department said back then.

The way you steal elections is by flooding the system with absentee ballots.

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Don't count on the R win. The heavy Dem Fairfax already has "ballot problems" and are now delaying the count. Likely until they figure out how many votes are still needed for McAuliffe. I'm surprised that someone who does such in depth reporting as you is oblivious of all the forensic evidence of 2020 voter fraud.

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