Your work is a beacon of hope and truth. We cannot thank you enough. With you! Onward.

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This is Proof that Truth will WIN OUT (even if it takes a few years).

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Pulitzer level work Alex....you’ve kept us all informed and sane the last 20 months .....forever grateful for your courage, long hours and Continued dedication....

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Alex is a modern day Moses leading us across the Sea of Ignorance.

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Sea of Ignorance and political corruption & pharmaceutical greed.

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Yes indeed, I short-changed him.

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March on Alex... the Truth will prevail!

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I sure hope so. Seems like the fear machine is gearing up for winter.

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Pulitzer? Not any more. It's been degraded by that third-rate hack who concocted

"The 1619 Project."

She's as phony as Fauci.

Alex deserves better than a Pulitzer.

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Heck, we can certainly create our own Pulitzer since the original one has been sullied. Suggestions anyone?

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The Trophy of Truth.

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This is Proof that Truth will WIN OUT (even if it takes a few years).

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Sad thing is, millions will die before the TRUTH is known, if that ev er really comes to pass.

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I could not have said it better myself.....

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Some day I’ll get to say that I followed Alex Berenson before following Alex Berenson was cool. 😎😉

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Oh. it's cool.

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My only regret is not following him earlier...I was late to the game. I didn't start following until after his demise from Twitter. It's my favorite email of the day.

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Mary, you are here now and that is important. I never followed Alex on Twitter but am here now too.

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Mary, it's never too late to learn the truth. Welcome!

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I only heard of him because people were complaining he got banned from Twitter.

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This is Proof that Truth will WIN OUT (even if it takes a few years).

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Thank you Alex. For too many things to mention. While others sold their soul to the devil you stood fast even though the cost is high.

One day, you will be remembered for being on the right side of history.

Today, you keep thousands of us sane.

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Alex is right.

But how he'll be remembered depends on who gets to write the history.


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Thank you for this... just in time for extended family gathering for Thanksgiving!n And maybe it's not bulletproof, but if I get the virus, I'm turning to ivermectin. I've definitely got more faith in it than the vaccines.

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I am 67 years old with a comorbidity and contracted Covid about three weeks ago. Thanks to immediate treatment with ivermectin and Nitazoxanide I had cold-like symptoms for two days then I was completely cured. These medicines work and have almost zero risk. It is unconscionable that they are being suppressed in this country.

Oh and I just happened to catch Covid from a fully vaccinated person.

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My 66 year old brother with comorbidities contracted Covid 2-3 weeks ago and died yesterday. He was fully vaccinated Moderna and that obviously didn't save his life. He probably waited to long to deal with his symptoms and did not get any early treatment medicines. Once he went to the ER, no one saw him alive again. It's a horrible way to go...alone. The hospitals followed their playbooks and now he's gone.

Of course the knee-jerk idiots point out that maybe if he had gotten his booster shot.......

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Oh my, I am so sorry to hear this. It’s too bad he couldn’t have gotten the same cheap easy treatment I got.

As for the vaccine, the person I caught Covid from was fully vaccinated and she still has symptoms three weeks later including a nasty cough. I on the other hand am unvaccinated, took proper treatment, and was barely sick for two days. So just my own personal experience would say stay away from the vaccines and concentrate on prevention and early treatment if you want to stay out of the hospital and not die.

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Yes, stay way from the vaccines. But please, do not stay away from vaccinated people. No more division.

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Yes for the most part. However they do shed spike protein for a few weeks after vaccination. I would not be intimate with a just-vaxed person for example.

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Maybe, but I had the following situation. My father in law got the third dose and my wife brought our baby to visit him the day after. I had the temptation to tell her to wait, but I realized that I would have been playing their division game. I do not know if that spike-shed thing is real, but still, I am not going to play that game.

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There are times I don’t have a choice. Some are choosing to stay away from us

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I do keep a couple of air filters in my 93 year old dad’s condominium for when the vaccinated caregivers come around, and it’s just the smartest thing to do in the winter anyway, when windows can’t be opened for long

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Yes, it must be them, not us.

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where do you find ivermectin and Nitazoxanide?

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Not sure about the nitazoxanide, but here is a list of doctors who will prescribe ivermectin. I was a bit disappointed that Alex seemed to dismiss the early treatment route (which can also be cheap). There are MANY studies and experiences backing these up by doctors on the frontlines. Happy to hear that many in this comment section know that.😎


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Alex is clueless on the early treatment options. He seems to have his mind made up that nothing works.

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also, I love Alex, but there are others out there working hard too. Two I keep up with are Ryan on the Last American Vagabond and Del on the Highwire. I'm sure there are others I haven't run across. Only so much time in the day.

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I got both here: alldaychemist d0t c0m. You don't need a prescription. Allow at least 3-4 weeks for shipping.

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I use alldaychemist for a couple of prescription meds and ivermectin: $60 for 30 12 mg pills. Shipping is $15. Based in India. Ivermectin is how the poor populations have survived this bug. See Afghani refugees coming into the US. They are not given the jab$$$. They get ivermectin.

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If your doctor is competent and his job is not on the line, they can write prescriptions for ivermectin, I would try to get the HCQ also. Some of us should also be given a steroid to tamp down the inflammatory response. It is important to get your sources and doctors BEFORE you need them. Frontline Doctors... can't remember the acronym at this moment, they can help you find an online doctor and pharmacy sources.

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I ordered online from Canada pharmacy-usa.com/canada about $8 per 12 mg pill in 10pk

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Hi, could you please recheck that link? It didn’t work for me.

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I know your heart is broken for your brother. I'm am so very sorry. Its very hard to deal with grief and anger at the same time. Be reassured, those who have orchestrated this scourge will receive their due, either in this life or the next.

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I'm so sad this happened and my heart goes out to you.

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Agonizingly, this has been, and likely still is being repeated. MILLIONS of people have NEEDLESSLY died, and will continue to.

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I can't believe someone would say that to you. It's just to reassure themselves.

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People want to believe that the vaccines and boosters work. I'm sure they do to some degree, but blind faith is ridiculous when there is data a research.

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There is real life data now showing the highly vaccinated areas with higher Covid

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So sorry for your loss, Tim.

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I’m so sorry to hear that. 😣prayers for you and your family.

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I’m so sorry for your loss.

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💕 you rock

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Good story...glad you had the wisdom to treat early and wisely! Very happy to know you are OK now!

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Thank you so much. I just want people to know that proper multi-drug therapy really works and will keep you out of the hospital if started early.

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I believe in the early treatments too, but I wish we could have some research on them! It's hard to be sure when we know it's possible that you would have had the same outcome with no treatment. Until there are some real, valid tests done we aren't going to know for sure. I won't hold my breath.

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Nov 29, 2021
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My GF was pretty symptomatic with a cough, some sneezing, and fatigue. We spent a 3-day weekend together just as she was getting sick. I'm sure I got a huge dose of the virus. She was vaxxed in March.

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Be sure to look into the Zelenko protocol. The fundamentals are zinc plus a zinc ionophore which can be Hydx, Ivm, or otc Quercetin. Vitamin C and D also. Plenty of detail online still.

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should simple zinc and vitamin d supplements be pushed half as much as the clot shots, we wouldn’t even need reporting on covid.

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Yes, and sunshine+good diet+exercise. But, if you think about it, lockdowns are exactly the opposite.

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that would be nice, but I'm becoming convinced that this is not about covid, but about creating a global id/passport system.

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But that doesn’t make pharma $$$

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I have read different protocols (I'm not a doctor). My conclusion is that, if you have no significant risk (less than 50 and no comorbidity) you can deal with covid without drugs. Just, as you say, vitamines + quercetine + perhaps mouthwashes/nasal spray. If you have comorbidities you will need IVM or HCQ.

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LB - not like we have a lot of options. Once we say no thanks to vax we regular peopld are left with vitamin/ antioxidants, aspirin, antihistamines and ivermectin. Best of luck.

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So much better than what the hospital protocol is, like blowing up your lungs

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Nov 24, 2021
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The killing fields

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and there is candida aura in a lot of hospitals. THAT will kill you

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I, too, have great faith in Ivermectin. My 76 year old husband (with hx of congestive heart failure and unvaxxed) just out of the hospital with Covid pneumonia. He coughed on me for three days prior to his hospital stay as we struggled with him at home. Finally, as his O2 level dropped, I had to admit him. I was (and am) on Ivermectin preventatively and didn’t develop symptom one. Why? Can’t help but think the Ivermectin played a huge role here.

Oh! And he “made it through the tunnel” although working with the hospital from afar (of course, not allowed in) was the worst of it all.

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I do hope your husband recovers completely, Gail. Keep on taking Vitamin I.

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I'm glad I'm a paying subscriber, and I look forward to every post. It wouldn't make you a conspiracy theorist to say that hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and yes, even vitamin D are effective at preventing and/or treating Covid. You don't have to take RFK Jr's word for it. The good doctors at flccc.net as well as Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying have said the same. I'm a PhD biologist, and I've spent a lot of time looking at the evidence. The trials may not be perfect, but there are so many lines of evidence on those three and many more treatments. If you're avoiding them because you don't want to feel the wrath of Big Pharma and their minions, well, it might be too late for that. Anyway, if you just want to stick to reporting on the vaccines, we'll continue gratefully reading your work.

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Backing up what you say in this paragraph about vitamin D, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, my book The Defeat Of COVID cites over 500 peer-reviewed medical studies as supporting evidence.

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Many thanks for your book. I bought it and read it and I use it every day to educate. 🙏

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Sounds like a great one to hand out to people! Where could we order that?Thank you for your work!

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I read that too and so glad I did. Excellent information

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Yes, what Luke Thompson says! Also, can see America's Frontline Doctors, studies, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Ryan Cole, TrialSiteNews.com, articles at Brownstone Institute, and many others.

I wish I'd had something before a 21 day knockdown drag out ccp-fauci-gates virus infection I caught from a hospital after a lumbar fusion in June 2020. It was another 3 weeks before my asthma calmed down with budesonide. Thank You, God, I did not get the pneumonia. I found out about the HCQ Zinc etc. protocol, right after the viral infection, then the IVM ones.

I have chronic West Nile, and learned IVM treats WNV infections from Dr.Cole - they use it in Africa and other places. WNV is endemic in the US, my state was the hotspot in 2006. I'm working on booking an appt with Dr Cole (if he ever gets time, right?) So glad he's fighting for rationality in medicine. Our corporatocracy governor, captured by hospital "nonprofit" CEOs, put Dr. Cole on the H&W board a few months ago. The governor went into hiding and left H&W in charge. So, Dr. Cole on that board is great, because the public health districts are under H&W, and they are pushing jabbing children, thanks to all the $$$ coming in from CDC, and the districts loving the power trip, Thank You, God! Dr. Cole's lab is 45 miles away. I've had the WNV living in my brain for 15 years. Might be able to kick it out with a protocol similar to the post covid treatment FLCCC/AFLDS do. I've discovered the brain is a reservoir for the ccp fauci virus, too, through a relapse type experience and science articles.

I'm impressed that IVM has helped some jab injured patients who were paralyzed - there's a video with 2 nurses who were injured, now they can walk again. Can you imagine?

(Sorry, I digress, don't get out enough.)

BTW, notice all the new cancer drugs coming out? Big Pharma is going to squeeze the rest of whatever remaining money there is out of Americans who are suffering Acquired Immune Dysfunction Syndromes from the shots, coming down with cancers - again, see Dr. Cole's findings..

And we see Merck with a souped up IVM mechanism therapeutic, gee.

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You had covid after a spine fusion!? You've been through a lot. I had l4-l5 fused 2014 and I cannot imagine being saddled with Fauci's virus while healing from the surgery. God bless you.

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Don’t knock RFK Jr. His work is extensively researched.

It amazes me that the New York Times, The Washington Post and even some WSJ columnists are not called conspiracy quacks with the absolute lies and provenly wrong stances and predictions they have taken. Don’t get me started on famous economists.

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Well said

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I appreciate that you are just presenting the data and doing the hard work that most of us don’t know how to do. What you present in your articles really just makes sense and is what Is intuitive to most normal people. There is no magic shot for this virus and we should focus on therapeutics and protection of the vulnerable, not experiment on our youth or sacrifice our liberties to our corrupt government.

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I just tell people that I learned the info I get here from watching CNN. It's just easier that way.

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good idea!

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I can't imagine not having found Alex. As for trying to convince friends and relatives... it's a hopeless cause.

My son's (very liberal) private high school just sent an email yesterday saying the students will be participating in a Covid surveillance program; the county will come to the the school once a week to test them. Is this even legal? And why in the world bother doing this now? I thought the vaccines were doing such a bang up job, after all :) They tried to get parents to sign up for this voluntarily last spring, but no one went along.

My other son's Catholic high school just tried to do this, but the parents flew into a range and were downright vile to the school about not doing it. Guess what? Canceled it. That's what it takes these days. After watching a summer of burning, looting and rioting ... I think some are waking up to the fact that sitting back and being polite just gets you walked over.

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My 55 yo son sent a text 5 days ago that said, "Thanksgiving will be here with [fiancee] and her family. You're welcome to come." (Five days prior to that text I received an email bullying me to get vaxed and he included his response to Alex's article about heart problems like this: "I chose not to respond to your email because I didn't want to start an argument or a back and forth thing......."). I didn't respond to his "Thanksgiving text" because I was shocked as last year (no vaxes) he was concerned with how he could accommodate me so I'd feel comfortable at his home with his fiancee and my 3 grandsons. Less than 24 hours later I got an email from him saying the exact thing his text did to which he added, "Let me know." I emailed back, "I got your text. I have already made my Thanksgiving plans." This is the relationship my "vaxed" son is choosing to have with me.

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Isn’t it crazy how Thanksgiving 2021 is more dangerous than Thanksgiving 2020 :)

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I'm so sorry you're dealing with that. It's not right. Hopefully he'll come to his senses soon. It's painful to have a family relationship deteriorate like that. It happened to me for reasons unrelated to Covid, so I can sympathize.

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I'm sorry you're going through it as well. Thank you for your kindness.

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I am SO sorry, ignorance as a cult, is the Marxist way. Actually thinking and assessing is the kiss of death for the leftist ideology. Have that in our family as well.

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I would bet he's saying you're making the choice. We have similar things happening in our family. Also my neighbor is having a Christmas party for vaxxed only. I told her I would not be coming.

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Of course. Now with this SoAf variant being announced as immune to the "vax" they all took, we'll see what happens.

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My new line to the Vax Crazies...I've had 24 months to catch this thing...and it hasn't happened! (It came out in December 2019).

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I will not be contributing to the alumni fund of my prestigious college because I am banned from campus. (No lepers, please.)

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How very interesting, my husband and I made the same decision this year. We just passed a major class anniversary milestone and were planning to make a substantial contribution. After learning of the theme of this year's fund raising campaign (all things race-based) and the vaccine mandate, we cancelled those plans. We considered writing an explanatory letter to the campaign committee and ultimately decided it was a waste of time and paper.

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We get to vote with our dollars every day.

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MORE need to do the same. The universities are OWNED by the Marxists. Time to wit6hdrawn your students and for alines to stop all support.

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People are now realizing they have to leave their comfort zone & take action as much as they want to be left alone.

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Damn straight.

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Keep them coming. I stopped trying to 'convince' people months ago. Now. I just better inform myself and watch the narrative (and world...) unravel. Knowledge is power and the truth ALWAYS comes out. Thanks for your diligence. I read absolutely every article and have subscribed because I feel it's the LEAST I can do to keep freedom of speech alive in journalism. Happy Thanksgiving.

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I noticed by NOT trying to convince them they start asking themselves questions. They ask these questions to me. I do not respond unless they get onto the truth. Usually they do not yet get there, but I can feel the water at their heels. Soon they will be in muck knee deep. Then waist deep... then they will figure it out. I just hope they figure it out before they drown!

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You know, I used to be shy about saying I'm not vaxxed and why I'm not, and about using horse paste two get over covid. Now I don't hold back. Everyone needs to hear some of us don't want the side effects, don't want the fetal cells/child sacrifice to "benefit" us, think the healthcare system in the US is evil for suppressing use of ivermectin. The hell with it. I enjoy watching the faces of people looking nonplussed. Because if they're that naive and lazy, I don't much want them around me.

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Funny, I kind of had the opposite journey. At first, I told everyone who would listen about my reasons not to get vaccinated. I was even honest with my boss. Maybe it didn't change their minds, but I felt good about myself ... and then something really weird happened. A few months pass, and some of the people I talked to completely forgot what I said and indicated they thought I was vaccinated!

I got invited to a vaccinated only party by one of them. WHAT?

Another one went on a drunken tirade against "the unvaccinated". HUH?

Yet another one insisted that I get my booster! OK DUDE WHATEVER.

In all three instances, I used my position as "vaccinated" to try and talk sense into them. Don't we just want to move on? Policing other people's decisions is a losing proposition. Etc.

But the truth is, I'm actually kind of scared of these people now. Brainwashed, hypnotized, under a spell ... whatever is happening is WEIRD. I'm not sure what to do now. I thought it I was honest it might make a difference. But now I'm feeling like I need to be more subversive.

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Good friend of mine lives in a suburb NE of Portland, OR, works for the state. I helped her get an exemption despite kommie kate's "jab mandates." The state did such a terror campaign that a lot of employees caved, and now regret not attempting to get exemptions - or as kommie kate called them, "exceptions." I think out of 40,000+ state employees, only 2200 or so put in for exemptions/exceptions. Many of those used our "template" to write their requests. My friend has been telecommuting for almost 21 months now, and is able to continue to telecommute. If she absolutely must come into the office, she has to wear a mask.

My friend has described most of her co-workers over the past 2 years as increasingly indoctrinated with CRT/SEL, ultra liberal leftness, the kind that can happen only with a decent income and not having the consequences in your front yard yet. That "equity" idea, as defined by the various shades of frank racism? The "equity" narratives have been part of repeated employee training sessions, some are voluntary for those longer employed. But she says, people continue going to them. No one understands what equity actually means or used to mean, reserved mostly for use in certain civil litigation contexts; it's all about imagined outcomes and also tossed about and applied in unexpected ways in interactions. "Equity" is now facilitated by the old EEOC hiring attempts but on steroids. I'm old enough to have lived through the recession/depression of the 1980s when tokenism would get a female liberal arts major placed in supervisory positions in say, the US Forest Service - despite the fact there were qualified females. It was done on purpose and ofShe barely can hold her tongue. All but a couple co-workers have been jabbed, they are getting their kids and grandkids jabbed. However, my friend has kept me abreast of fallout, she says most of her coworkers are sick, some barely functioning from the jabs. There have been strokes, hospitalizations... Except for the few that did not get jabbed. Two have been so ill, after exhausting leaves have quit. Kaiser is the healthcare provider there. My friend talked to her doctor, who told her there really are not any exceptions/exemptions from jabs. She could be only if she had an anaphylactic reaction to one of the jabs, but then she would be told to take a different one. She said her doctor was nice about it, and while having a sympathetic demeanor, while my friend laid out and explained the papers, her own immune issues, her objections ... the doctor insisted there were no side effects beyond a sore injection site and the jabs are "safe." Wow.

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Become a ninja. Check out the book Citizen Ninja by Mary Baker. You just act stealthly. Also check out www.citizensforfreespeech.org

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Excellent strategy but how do you not get frustrated? Patience is a virtue which I'm working on.

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When you commit - and fully commit - to the understanding that NOTHING you say (no facts, no data, no critical questioning,) will sway the narrative believer, then you come to a place of peace. You watch and say nothing. I end a lot of the conversations with, 'I'm not sure. Let's just see.' And then you change the conversation. You don't need to convince anyone anymore. Articles - like those coming from the American Heart Association and the BMJ - are already starting to highlight that there may be more to the jabs than originally thought. Stay cool and eat lots of turkey. Enjoy the holidays.

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Yes you are right. We were at a store today & I tried to explain the spikes on the virus & how vax targets one portion of the virus. Yup, I could have been speaking ancient Bablyonian to the salesguy. He was deadset that ALL must be vaxxed for this "plague" (his word) to go away. Happy Turkey Day to you! Don't overeat : )

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Don’t misunderstand me here….I pray every single day that you can continue your work Alex…..then next I pray that more journalists, doctors, researchers, and scientists read your work and take action as you have. Thanks Alex… you’re a true American hero

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I am amazed at how asking questions and pointing out research brings so much hostility… thank you for continuing to provide information that is dependable and truthful. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Yeah. Was recently call “Paranoid”. That didnt felt good but realize the person who said that, a medical professional, dentist, had little true info about waht is really going on, and forced more or less to take the vax in order to continue on practicd. I feel he judged me ever so harshly. Still, I don’t like being referred to that way as if I a crazy, and his knowledge superior. That was weeks after my input had led him to NOT GETTING THE BOOSTER. This is an example of the nonsense thinking and how irrational ppl are with all this. Oh, and he is pro-vaccine. I even wondered if he feels like he is BETRAYING the medical profession by being against (so-called) covid vaccines. The apparent CONTRADICTIONS to rational thinking is mind-boggling.

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I'm sad to say yes I depend on you and a few others to maintain my sanity. I've been struggling through the last 20 months virtually alone and every day it's a challenge to overcome the overwhelming psychological manipulation. Thank you for your efforts... thank you!

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Your work is tremendously useful!! Thank you!! I would say that even on occasions when I disagree (I guess I am more of a "conspiracy theorist" based on my experience of life.)

None the less, I am rubbing my eyes every days over how far America has gone as far as censoring about everything. I mean censorship has always existed over a few topics but now it's a cartoon of cartoons. In other words, please keep going.

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(Psssst - Conspiracy Realist) I can say that, as a former County Prosecutor, who charged conspiracy crimes...

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Did the 'fourth estate' ever really exist? Or is it just some quaint idea... We desperately need an independent and objective media to shine a light in dark corners, and we're increasingly relying on alternative media to provide this exposure, against increasing censorship.

The mainstream corporate media is absolutely dire now. It's biased and censors alternative opinions, it's gravely damaging our liberal democracies, which are crumbling under medical tyranny imposed under false pretences.

Consider in Australia for example. The Murdoch media / News Corp Australia is a major influencer here, and publishes non-stop promotion of the covid situation, and the 'vaccine' rollout. But what most people don't know is that News Corp Australia is a corporate partner with the Murdoch Children's Research Institute which is involved in vaccine research, including covid-19 vaccine research with the Doherty Institute, what a massive conflict of interest!

It was modelling out of the Doherty Institute that put Australia into lockdown last year, after our international border was closed by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, before even the WHO had called the pandemic, the more aptly and ironically titled 'PHEIC'.

The modelling produced by the Doherty Institute was influenced by the modelling of Neil Ferguson et al from Imperial College London, which argued for 'suppression' of the virus (aka lockdown) 'until a vaccine becomes available'. It's always been about 'the vaccine' and the Gates' 'vaccinate the world agenda' - Ferguson is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In Australia we were locked in until 'the vaccine' was ready... Think about that, a whole nation was captured, and is now being made to submit to the defective covid-19 'leaky vaccines' to access freedom, including now children from five years of age, they're talking about mandating it for kids. It's diabolical...

They knew from the beginning that covid-19 wasn't a serious threat to most people, but now everyone is being targeted, and hooked onto these shots for life and denied natural immunity. There's been non-stop fear-mongering and misinformation from 'the authorities' and the mainstream media to try and terrify the public into submission. People who refuse the dodgy covid injections are being cancelled - shut out of their jobs, social lives, even being threatened with denial of medical treatment! The evildoers want to homogenise society into obedient compliant drones, and destroy the diversity that is part of our humanity.

This is a most dastardly plan, to steal people's natural immune response, and try and make them dependent upon the vaccine industry for life...along with vaccine passports and social control.

How could this happen?!?!

I'm gobsmacked there's no discussion about what this will mean for children, the prospect of children potentially being jabbed every six months against a disease that wasn't a threat to them, and not a threat for most people outside elderly years, and not necessarily a death threat for most of the elderly either!

Gates and the pharmaceutical industry and their cronies such as Fauci and others have devised this situation, to exploit and control the global population, this is the biggest crime of all time.

And the mainstream media is complicit in covering it up...

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The same people who worked together surreptitiously to undermine Trump because, love him or hate him, he was in their way.

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Fight with everything that is in you against this tyranny.

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As times passes and your credibility increases with each passing day your immense legacy will be firmly established never to be obliterated like the legacies of those who oppose you. I believe it was Dr. Carson who said, "You know your over the target when the incoming fire is most intense". Keep up your leadership and march on!

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