Some days I get extremely distraught that these idiots are still driving the bus. We're deep into some serious shit and I'm not exactly sure what the proper course of action is.

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Neither am I, but fittingly the book “The Grey Lady Winked” arrived today and I am looking forward to reading it tonight. Based on the reviews it looks like the NYT has been changing the world for the worse via lies and idiotic narratives since at least 1913. Maybe we should just start bribing teenagers to actually read books, and start with ones like this. They’d save themselves the years it takes many adults to figure out media is often now, and has been, little more than a propaganda machine for the owners.

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"The Grey Lady Winked" is an excellent book that helped me explain to family and friends why the NYT is for nitwits. The most misinformed people I know read the NYT and consider it divine revelation. They are generally clueless about Covid's origin and lethality, mRNA vaccine risks, Biden family influence peddling, BLM, Antifa, racism, crime statistics, and even the year the United States was founded! The NYT is an Orwellian nightmare that is ghost written by the national security state to pave the road to dystopia.

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Couldn’t agree more on the NYT - particularly the ones obsessed with credentialism and who are convinced, no matter how many times they are wrong, their buddies with the most bull 💩 awards that spout big words regurgitating the perceived narrative of the moment are “really smart.” 😂

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A few months ago, I and my wife were in the company of four age peers, each in their 70s. One was a university president emeritus, another a psychiatrist, another a psychological counselor, and the fourth a retired former senior executive at CNN. At some point in the conversation I asked them what their sources of news were. They all answered with the usual suspects, beginning with the New York Times. I then asked them if they knew what Substack was. They looked at me with puzzled faces.

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LOL the first sentence, "The Grey Lady Winked" is an excellent book that helped me explain to family and friends why the NYT is for nitwits." I have been getting fed NYT items by a former supervisor for years.. He also sent the recent NYT item about the Covid origins AFTER it had come out in the NY Post earlier in the week preceding the NYT item.

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The NYT hid the Holocaust when it started.

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It sits on my nightstand. Enjoy!

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It’s interesting, but the writing style is a bit annoying. Definitely shows NYT hasn’t ever really been about truth, well, at least not since the early 1920’s

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Pray as if your life depended on it, because it actually does.

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Stop reading the NYT.

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Tribunals and institutional purges.

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"We're deep into some serious shit" is an understatement, Simulation Commander.

What's alarmed you and me is our knowledge that EVERY big organization in the world is now captured and corrupt and exists to conceal important truths and protect all the people who are benefitting from this FUBAR system.

So we realize that there are probably no "adults in the room" who are going to show up and correct this situation. That's some heavy and scary "truth" there.

Which is not to say the world still doesn't have plenty of sane and brave adults - You are one of them, as is just about everyone posting at this newsletter and other popular Substack newsletters. We just know that this little haven of adults in the room isn't enough to take down all the corrupt and ignorant children that are in leadership positions everywhere else.

I guess all we can do is keep moving the needle and, follow Churchill's advice: Never, never, never give up.

But we have a whole lot of purging/swamp-draining that will have to occur at some point if sanity is going to rally for the upset victory.

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Yes. If this were a history book that I was reading, now is the time when I would start to get VERY VERY nervous. The ruling class starts ignoring the normal lawmaking rules and starts to instead rule by decree? Bad. Talking about packing the court or "getting a new congress"? EXTREMELY BAD!

We're literally a couple executive orders away the president ruling like a king -- and having no legal recourse (because OF COURSE the authoritarians always say what they're doing is legal.)

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I think Shellenberger's report included that Everyone's Favorite Sociopath Anthony Fauci knew at the end of January 2020 about the sick Chinese scientists--and was tapping on his keyboard at 3 a.m. to respond to this unfortunate situation.

For a fleeting second I wondered if Fauci's early morning activity was the result of a guilty conscience about his complicity in unleashing this contagion on the human race.

Then I gave myself a slap upside the head and remembered that he's a SOCIOPATH and turned his focus to embark on his new obsession: Covering his ass.

As for the NYTimes and all other journalismers, They are incapable of original thought.

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The #1 existential crisis hands down is ZERO accountability. Nothing changes until IT does...why would it. A rapist will rape until IT is actually not allowed to do so ever again. It's not rocket science, and yet round and round and round we go. The 3.5 year + journey of utter redundancy is surreal. There is no more NEW information or proof needed...we KNOW, and yet all the same players are "allowed" to remain in all the same positions and STILL there people asking why all this happened, is happening and why nothing changes. Not ONE person has remotely been held accountable for the greatest CON and CRIME against humanity in the history of time. Not ONE!

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No one wants to admit that we have been “taken over” and we are all just pretending that we are still free. It’s only a matter of time that the pain associated with the lack of freedom catches up with the reality and we’ll all be wondering how it all happened and what to do about it.

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I do rather share this sentiment but with older teen to young adult kids I just have to “act better than I feel” about the world. This Stack is one of the few places where I can unburden my thoughts. Even my “awake” friends don’t want to constantly dwell on “things they can’t change or effect” and that goes double for my spouse. And at one level I totally understand, day to day life has enough worries and irritations. I think that is why the readership here probably is weighted toward retired to almost retired boomers, would be my guess.

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Perhaps because few can afford the time, fewer yet the perspective that comes with living. My typical observation - children have no concept of what might happen, adults have seen things happen.

Well past sell date at 83, but still concerned for my grands. Yelling into the void is cathartic but a few might hear.

My late wife would comment "why do you bother?". Fair point.

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Could very well be Rick! Has been ramping up for decades, but on steroids since the table setting of the great 2020 plandemic was set, and the puppet was placed into the WH. That part you mention about "only a matter of time" is telling for sure. My sister has always referred to it where that moment of time where enough sheep finally have their WTF moment. So many still cannot confront IT

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Your statement rings true. Consequences are what prompt behavior changes.

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How that simple concept of "consequences" has been so totally lost in todays world is astonishing. Such a simple fix too

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We all know our government is corrupt.

It gets away with it b/c the media is also corrupt:

Between June 8th and June 12th, the days following the bombshell breaking of the Biden story as well as the announcement of Donald Trump’s second indictment, ABC, CBS, and NBC spent 291 minutes on Trump, and not a single second on the Biden corruption saga.


For Republicans to not call out the media is like allowing your chess opponent's bishops to maraud all over the board without attempting to threaten them or block their paths. Or if you like a sports analogy better, it's like the head football coach announcing in advance he's not going to cover his opponent's best receiver.

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Your piece is actually too generous towards the New York Times. First, Barnes put the link to the Wall Street Journal article in paragraph 11 of his piece; second, he repeatedly linked the notion of a lab leak with Trump’s name; three, Barnes demoted, the three Wuhan patients zero by calling them “workers,” rather than researchers or scientists; four, he makes no mention that Ben Hu was himself paid by the United States for his work. The only reason that I can think of for these distortions and omissions is that the Times fears that since the lab leak hypothesis is in some sense linked to the Republican party, giving it credibility would provide Republicans an issue for the ‘24 election. How sad! The story of the origin of a pandemic that has killed 7 to 10 million people has been derailed in the service of partisan political strategy.

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And things like this are repeated over and over with them. At this point they are truly just propaganda and should forever be treated as such.

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That is the motive for the most lightweight among the players… serious players have far darker reasons, imho.

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Don’t ever forget the Pulitzer won (and later quietly withdrawn) based on the NYT’s Moscow Bureau’s “reporting” about Stalin in the early 1930’s. Completely regurgitated the Stalin lying narratives. Not much appears to have changed in 90 years.

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Let's not forget the even more recent Pulitzers the NYT and WaPo won for "reporting" the Russia Collusion Hoax as fact. The prizes have neither been withdrawn or returned by the propagandists who received them.

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THE Cleta Mitchell? If so, another feather in Alex’s cap!

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History does seem to repeat itself often doesn't it

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Does anyone besides liberal elites pay any attention to the Times anymore? They don’t even have a subscription base large enough to support them financially. If they did get these huge donations of money from their super rich benefactors they wouldn’t exist anymore.

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Limousine liberals. Champagne socialists. Cannabis communists. That’s NYT’s audience.

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NYT has a small audience, but that audience matters. They are in positions of power and have an unshakable belief in their infallibility. The NYT is divine revelation to these authoritarian, Orwellian sociopaths. Very few people actually read Mein Kampf, but it still almost destroyed Western civilization.

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I stopped reading it after 60 years because of the fabricated story about the bar owner from Brooklyn who went on a trip/ cruise to Spain. The Times made up facts.

Case closed.

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If future historians come close to telling the true, human story of Covid, it will be in large part because of the heroic work of an anonymous writer known as “Transcriber B” on Substack. My Q & A with this unsung hero explains why she’s doing what she’s doing and identifies some of the most heart-wrenching transcripts she’s preserved for posterity.


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The MSM is state media that has been privatized. Operation Mockingbird. Propaganda.

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Same old stuff. No accountability, no price to pay for criminal activity, no punishment if you play for Team Brandon. And I can’t see how it is going to change. Evil and corruption permeate the the whole of government and are baked into the system.

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About six years ago I was in Manhattan, where I grew up, and I ran into an old friend from my junior high, and he pointed to a mid-town skyscraper and told me his office was up on one of the top floors. I was pretty impressed and thought back to the other kids in Mr. Shiek's 8th grade band class, and how hard it would've been to predict who ended up where. I was and continue to be a moron, but I didn't like fishing on Fire Island cuz I couldn't handle watching the fish we pulled out of the bay water gasping for air on the floor of our rowboats, whereas back in the day this kid not only didn't mind it, he'd bend down into the fish's face and mock its gasping. I eat fish but I don't often mock their deaths, and when he and others started talking about shoving a firecracker a fish's mouth, I drew the line and made sure it didn't happen. Again, I've got many flaws, but not that one. Then he told me about his mother-in-law who was in memory care and died during Covid. He laughed when he told me about Cuomo forcing retirement facilities to take in the old and sick even if they weren't able to handle Covid protocols, and said "Covid got her outta here faster, so now there's a better chance social security will still be up and running when I retire". This douche woulda been a great recruit for Fauci and co. to help them hide their Wuhan gain-of-function research and everything that came after, including all subsequent "mitigation" that brought nothing but misery and death, because I doubt he would've cared too much about the human toll they continue to rack up.

So then last this guy starts telling me what business he has in that midtown skyscraper, and it was interesting cuz it kinda felt a little bit like the same ball park: selling "viewer clicks" to some of the top shelf newspapers' on-line versions, driving fake eyeballs to fake stories to earn extra millions in ad revenue.

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Friends? Run away.

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If you ever wondered what it was like living in the Soviet union and reading government propaganda in Pravda, well...now you know.

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Alex, you outdid yourself. “Vomiting up the pablum they feed him at readers” is brilliantly descriptive and right on the mark.

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Berenson's analysis gets to the heart of the NYT's decline (and pride goeth before a fall). Their circulation numbers are being crushed by the likes of Joe Rogan and Tucker and, indeed, by Berenson and other 'stacks that are growing exponentially. They don't call the shots on the parasite media (TV mostly); it's now beyond their control.

By the way--when will the NYT give back its Pulitzer (a prize not worth getting) for Russiagate?

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OR, and I am going to keep beating this drum, the reporting or lack thereof, as well as the the non-release of documents, is because of who/which agencies would be implicated, namely the CIA, DoD and their handmaidens like EcoHealth Alliance and UNC.

The NYT is never, ever going to report on the lab leak because it makes the house of cards collapse. The pandemic was basically a war game, evidence has forced me to conclude.

Shellenberger’s “scooping the story” ain’t a factor.

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The Hegelian dialectics of PSYOPS..

The Corona PSYOP: A “Bombshell” Video by Project Veritas Preparing the “Herd” for the Next Plandemic. The goal is to keep the “herd” in FEAR, by continuously reinforcing the contagion narrative


Reminder. Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China. Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test


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It won't work twice.

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