I’m not Catholic, I appreciate aspects of Catholicism.
I love St Francis.
Attended midnight Mass at St Peters with Pope Benedict XVI .
Was really beautiful.
My fondest memory was waiting out front with Nuns and Priests from around the world, than the giant doors opened, and it was a mad dash for a good seat. Frocks and Habits blowing backwards 😃😃
I loved John Paul, I’ve heard he went against traditional mass somewhat? But JP had such a loving demeanor.
Doing away with the Latin Mass is such a divisive move.
I’m Jewish, all synagogues worldwide unite in Hebrew.
I see removing a uniting language of Latin, would be like removing Hebrew.
I left my synagogue. They worship the Golden Calf of humanism, not
G-D. The invasion of the anti G-D Globalist Agenda of CRT, SJW, On and on.
Cloaking this Agenda in PC terms, doesn’t hide the fact from me, it’s hateful, racist, bigoted, divisive.
Ratz , Benedict XVI, was not Catholic. Never Pope.
This great apostasy is brutal, for people who want to be Catholic but aren't because they recognize, have recognized, heretics as Pope.
But some non Catholics actually traveled thru it all... one former Protestant is only person I know who I think is in heaven.
If you spent time looking at this, you probably will become Catholic, if you add in asking Blessed Virgin Mary for help. This entire messis 1. Great snubbing of Our Lady of Fatima by lukewarm Catholics 2. Leasup to Triumph of Immaculate Heart of Mary
Ratz is biggest fraud of them all. Wearing nice vestments and writing heretical things in rambling incomprehensible nonsense doesn't make one Catholic.
But don’t get too comfortable.
The next Gates manufactured Lockdown will be Climate Crisis and cyber attacks
The NWO is giving people a rest and they will be coming back with a vengeance.
Spot on. Cyber attacks blamed on Putin. Climate Crisis, Blamed on Putin, Lockdowns for nukes. Blamed on Putin
Illuminati gotta have a crisis.
Are you sedevacantist or something?
You sound extremely smart
I had to look up sedevacanist 😬
I’m not Catholic, I appreciate aspects of Catholicism.
I love St Francis.
Attended midnight Mass at St Peters with Pope Benedict XVI .
Was really beautiful.
My fondest memory was waiting out front with Nuns and Priests from around the world, than the giant doors opened, and it was a mad dash for a good seat. Frocks and Habits blowing backwards 😃😃
I loved John Paul, I’ve heard he went against traditional mass somewhat? But JP had such a loving demeanor.
Doing away with the Latin Mass is such a divisive move.
I’m Jewish, all synagogues worldwide unite in Hebrew.
I see removing a uniting language of Latin, would be like removing Hebrew.
I left my synagogue. They worship the Golden Calf of humanism, not
G-D. The invasion of the anti G-D Globalist Agenda of CRT, SJW, On and on.
Cloaking this Agenda in PC terms, doesn’t hide the fact from me, it’s hateful, racist, bigoted, divisive.
Ratz , Benedict XVI, was not Catholic. Never Pope.
This great apostasy is brutal, for people who want to be Catholic but aren't because they recognize, have recognized, heretics as Pope.
But some non Catholics actually traveled thru it all... one former Protestant is only person I know who I think is in heaven.
If you spent time looking at this, you probably will become Catholic, if you add in asking Blessed Virgin Mary for help. This entire messis 1. Great snubbing of Our Lady of Fatima by lukewarm Catholics 2. Leasup to Triumph of Immaculate Heart of Mary
Ratz is biggest fraud of them all. Wearing nice vestments and writing heretical things in rambling incomprehensible nonsense doesn't make one Catholic.
He sure could be mistaken if:
He kept his mouth, pen shut.
Wasn't praying with non Catholics etc.
I wondered about him.
It was too bizarre how he was removed and Bergoglio installed
All nonsense.
You, me, my dog could "resign" just as well from papacy.
A non Catholic can't become Pope.
Ratz was never Pope.
Ergo, he couldn't resign from papacy.
What you have is 6 heads of A NEW religion.
Maccabeanuprising on YouTube shows parallels btwn what happened to Jews and Catholic Church.
Vatican II thru John Paul II is fascinating
There are good arguments that JP II was antichrist ... good arguments he isn't.
Btw, I love and trust Catholic Church and papacy.
Vigan9, sspx, fssp... I don't think so
A true Vicar of Christ would burn Bishops that covered up a rape of a child, and offending priest also...
We will find these were never Catholic priests and bishops....
Goodbye Good Men... tells more
I don't like Putin. He could not allow NATO on his borderm
and 5G.