The headline of that article should read - " Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control, tests positive for Stupidity"

There, fixed it for you.

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Wait......... weren’t we told for 2 years that “original antigenic sin” and “immune imprinting” were lies spread by a guy that had nothing to do with mRNA technology regardless of what early patents say? Weren’t we promised that the smart people got vaxxed as only far right conspiracy theorists, who were also racist, homophobic bigots, could be stupid enough to believe the believe this “pseudo-science” that the “vaccine” doesn’t really work?🤔

I guess all will be well in 🤡world so long as the party of vaccine mandates, toddler masking, forced isolation and climate change hysterics wins - which they totally should on their super honest message of ensuring we maintain the right to make decisions for our own bodies!!! 🙄😂

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These people are wicked, not stupid (in this case, I would prefer stupid).

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The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they often go together. The biggest psyop these sociopaths have pulled off is to convince us they're so very smart and we are powerless against their agenda. The opposite is the truth, they are deeply stupid and we are powerful

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Amen to that. The sociopaths' advice was so bad that you would have to conclude that they got their licenses to practice medicine as prizes in Crackerjack boxes. Also notice how these "experts" have remained radio-silent on the topic of natural immunity. You would think they would study it, because it literally has protected billions from Covid. But no, they continue to ignore it because there is little money to be made from natural immunity, and it would be embarrassing to admit that natural immunity is many times more effective than these piss-poor vaccines they have foisted on us.

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Subheadline: "No Test Required, Actually"

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She’s not stupid at all. She knows exactly what she’s doing. If she’s was truly stupid, I wouldn’t want her to be at the gallows...maybe.

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And for corruption.

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turns out the real way to fight covid was in us all along

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"You've always had the power, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself."

One of my favorite quotes of all time.

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As with all the other endemic coronaviruses.

Who knew?

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Why do I read this and think of Cord in "Circle of Iron"?

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Ruby Slippers for me.

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Unfortunately the authors did not include an unvaccinated group who had B4, B5. That could have highlighted what appears to be an OAS response. If we keep banging away at our immune systems with these ineffective vaccines we will push more variants and keep the pandemic rolling. Its time to hit the pause button.

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Indeed. Since roughly a third of Americans never got vaxxed, and even more never got boosters, we have an excellent control in this country for testing the relative effects of the presence of the vaccine vs its absence. Yet strangely few of these studies choose to take advantage of the control.

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They NEVER include unvaccinated people in any of their studies. We all know why.

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I would have been interested in that as well! I had omicron 2.1 or whatever was going around in late April. Child had omicron 5 in late July. Both unV, recovered easily. Honestly, my kid had a fever for like 24 hours. I would love to get our antibody levels tested.

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yes, I thought the same thing. As someone who regrettably got 2 jabs early and later was infected with Omicron, this paper gives me some hope.

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So far, wood knocking, I've missed out I think. But I now sanitize mouth/nose as routine. Maybe it works. Good that it's cheap and easy to do. Keeping my XClear close. I advised a friend who gets ill every few weeks to try it. He has to work at schools.

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Have you seen this massive study from the UK published 9 days ago? It uses endpoints more meaningful than antibody titres (hospitalization and death).

Severe COVID-19 outcomes after full vaccination of primary schedule and initial boosters: pooled analysis of national prospective cohort studies of 30 million individuals in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales:


"Individuals with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection (infected ≥9 months before the booster dose vs no previous infection) were found to be at reduced risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes (0·38 [0·29–0·49]."

Given that they studied those who received boosters in Dec '21 - Feb '22, this seems to be a subtle way of identifying people who were (mostly) infected before their *initial* dose.

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I got lost.

"People who had three shots and then were infected with Omicron had markedly higher antibody levels than people who received either booster"

3 shots, 3 shots+booster, 5 shots, 7 boosters...

I swear I was joking 1 year ago when talking about 10 shots = free toaster! But some people are all in for it!

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I have an acquaintance who is, let’s say “thrifty “. If he or his wife had to pay for his 4th shot, it would’ve been a non-starter.

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I think you get a grocery coupon for shot 5 😂😂😂

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First was a donut

Second a prostitute (I think Austria)

Third: facial paralysis

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Yeah it gets confusing. I think “either booster” means either the 4th shot of original formula or a shot of the new omicron formula, but without getting infected. At least that’s my best guess.

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To be fair. It was tested on more than “just a handful of mice.” It was 8 mice.

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when i dip in to my mouse bucket, 8 is usually the amount i grab in my hand unless they are really bitey that day

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One of the things nobody seems to mention is that ALL EIGHT mice got Omicron when exposed. So even if you believe the mouse test is useful, it showed that the bivalent shot doesn't stop Omicron infection! I really can't make this stuff up.

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If only there were masks for mice....

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Etsy here I come...mouse masks (you know some idiot will buy it!).

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Lol. That's how stupid all of this has been.

So funny you mention that. Literally an hour ago I asked my wife what Etsy was.

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Given that R. Walensky has covid 1 month after getting this new booster, couldn't they have found a few more mice to test it on???

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They should have tested it on a few horses asses...........OH WAIT!

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Maybe she is one of the mices!

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A big hand could hold eight mice! I get your point. Just eight mices!!

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The CDC and NIH no longer work for the American people they both work for the pharmaceutical companies. Thanks to Fauci and Collins. Again they don't have one RCT randomized controlled trials on anything to Provide Safety and effectiveness!?

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Don't hold your breath on Rand Paul receiving anything from these crooks.

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Oh, I'm not. They have been thwarting questions for too long. But there's a process and Paul is really good at documenting their lack of transparency. Crossing fingers there's a red wave -- I think things are too volatile right now to know for certain that the GOP is 1) going to win big and 2) going to do the right thing if they do. (Sometimes, I think Republicans in Washington like to be the minority party so they can pound their chests and pretend like they care about values and doing right, but they don't actually want to do anything when they get in power.) However, this is a big issue.

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do the right thing is the most in jeopardy

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This has been true ever since Fauci became the de facto "health" czar years ago.

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I know it was the early 80's and now he is in over his head.

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⏭ Karen teeth gnashing when they figure it out as I calmly sip my coffee.

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WHY does it seem this has simply morphed into I told you so" or some sort of ego gratification fulfillment as the years pass now, meanwhile the real issue is those responsible for all the crimes against humanity have not remotely been held accountable for what they did and continue to do? We should be pushing hard for those prosecutions to begin and actually be enforced for the greatest intentional corruption on humanity in our lifetimes. Just sayin...

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Yikes. We're going to have an entire immuno-compromised country. The saving grace is that I understand (from you, I think) that only about 10% of our population has decided to take this "booster." (What exactly does it "boost," given this new info?)

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it was scientifically engineered & tested in a laboratory setting to boost profits

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I know those test results! Unprecedented.


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Ah! You got it!

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In spite of this information and the drop off in demand, there will still be people who will get their fifth jab this fall. As long as there are customers, the business model will keep on. People have sustained psychological damage as a result of the endless fear mongering and propaganda. Some will never recover from it either. What has been done to the population is so sick and evil.

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Those people who have psychological damage from the endless panic porn will never believe that the shots don't work. They trusted the "science", which is always right in their brainwashed minds.

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Found this interesting as well: The military’s school system, which continued to focus on in-person learning while navigating the worldwide Covid pandemic, now leads the nation in reading and math scores for 4th and 8th graders.


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Wait a minute! Didn't Biden say something about the unvaxxed being the spreaders and how thoughtless that was? Now, due to the the leaky vaxxes and boosters, the virus has new variants that evade both kinds of vaxxes and natural immunity. And the vaxxed and boosted are the biggest spreaders. Shouldn't Biden call out the vaxxed and boosted for their thoughtlessness?

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Will someone please create a simple immunity explanation or chart? Natural immunity after the first variant. Immunity after the first variant then shot.... And so on down the line with the variants and shots and the resulting immunity or lack there of?

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Complexity and confusion are necessary, since it is all bullshit and smoke and mirrors. We can continue to have charts, and graphs, and studies and meta-analyses until the cows come home, or we can just use our ability to look around and see that those of us who avoided the shots are doing fine, thank you very much, and those who didn't are, well, largely doing less well on a sliding scale from getting "covid" to dead (the latter the case with at least two of my family members), for a disease that ranges from mild cold to seasonal flu in symptoms for the vast majority of people. I'm tired of wasting my time and energy citing studies and statistics to people so spellbound by the TV that they can't see what's happening around them in real life.

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CDC juices the numbers and then tells you that you can't understand raw data.

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Whatever the CDC may say, do the opposite.

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And they want to make this part of our children's vaccine requirements!!! Wonderful!!!

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And ...why are all these kids in ICU's with RSV etc? Curious about their Vax status.

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I'm just so surprised the System didn't bury Walensky's positive test.

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well without the booster, her covid would have surely killed her and when the paramedics restarted her heart, she would have died again, and when they tried a third time - she would have died all three times and run out of quarters

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