Unfortunately, Omicron gave the vaccines a marketing claim that they don't deserve; that they "reduce severity." But no, the vax didn't do that, Omicron did. However that won't stop the vaccinators from making that claim. Otherwise they've got nothing.

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Didn't they also start actually admitting the distinction between *with* and *from* covid...could have helped green things up in that chart as well? Just throwing it out there

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I recall CDC tacitly admitting that the Covid deaths it reported were about 94% "with" not "from."

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Yeah. Slight difference but it’s astounding that they didn’t collect the data to know OR they did know and as they still are, lied to justify the vax mandates and other crazy rhetoric.

I didn’t exactly have deep faith in the federal government before COVID.

Now I have none.

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They artificially raised the reported number of COVID deaths by giving financial incentives to hospitals and families of victims to attribute deaths from other causes to COVID.

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Where is the evidence or study that supported the idea of lower severity?

Real evidence or just the hope and appearance?

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There was never any evidence supporting that claim. But CDC and the White House and all the covid accomplices kept repeating that after the shots had obviously failed to stop infection or transmission. In order to justify the vax mandates and the other totalitarian tactics. They had to say something, even if it was BS. And the truly brainwashed still believe that stuff.

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I was just talking about the shots with someone recently. She insisted that even though the shots don't prevent covid they prevent being hospitalized with a really bad case. She's just had booster #3 for a total of 5 shots. I showed her a CDC chart that Alex had posted that shows vaxed people end up in the hospital more than unvaxed. Later she texted me a fact check from Politico with the same chart claiming that it wasn't true.

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See eugyppius' excellent Sept. 14 piece in his Substack where he takes down 'fact-checkerism' https://www.eugyppius.com/p/on-fact-checkerism-and-the-mythology?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Thanks. I will.

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Your friend:🙈🙉

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Yes. Some people are so indoctrinated by covid fear that they believe everything.

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"You can't fix stupid!" John Wayne

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...as Sgt. Stryker, IIRC.

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Unfortunately stupid is common these days.

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You mean, like the flu shots???

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The only research I’ve ever seen cited for this “lessens severity” claim is a study showing hospitalizations for COVID vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. But deeper in the study you see the sampling occurred during a date range *before* most people even had access to the vaccines, so of course most people in the hospital for COVID would have been unvaxxed, as most people in the country during that time were unvaxxed.

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I think hope and appearance is a gift. It’s more like deceive and manipulate.

They are still running the vax ads with the same PROVEN lies.

If I hadn’t seen them and didn’t know better, I wouldn’t believe they’d have the gall to keep scamming the public about it.

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Yes, even Taylor Swift's boyfriend, Travis Kelsey (a/k/a "Mr. Pfizer") is hawking the jabs this season while playing for the KC Chiefs. And since he started doing so, he has sucked on the football field. Hard to say whether to blame the jab or the girlfriend.

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I liked her when she was more a country-western girl but then went all pop star and became another leftist screech.

She is a talented young woman but wow, she is a fallen star to me now.

I hope she wakes from “wokeness”.

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End of covid? NO! Absolutely NOT!

Here's how I know it ain't so:

Sitting in the dentist's waiting room today, I eavesdropped on a conversation between a patient & the receptionist. The receptionist disclosed that two members of her family just called with apologies that they would not attend the family Thanksgiving feast because....

wait for it...


See? It's still Out There! Lurking on infected counters and doorknobs!

Break out the hand sanitizer! And for heaven's sake WEAR A MASK!

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Something they could never possibly prove either! People still buying that line of crap.

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brilliant though really you can bet on a virus becoming less virulent as it mutates, particularly coronavirus which mutates quickly (too quickly for vaccine to be a reasonable strategy, particularly one targeting a single protein that is one of the quickest to mutate).

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Unfortunately, a significant segment of society still treats covid hysteria as an exercise in therapeutic self-expression.

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That's the irony, right?

If we had investigative journalists (outside of a few mavericks) and the scientific method was observed THESE people would've been the pariah....not us.

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Good thing is we’re not seeing as much mask wearing as we did before:


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Depends on where you're located. This summer in Montana, virtually no Montanans wore masks. In New York City, about 5 to 10% of people wore masks . . . outdoors. Seems like stupidity is unusually contagious in large cities.

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So is leftist thinking. Unsurprising that most big cities, even in the midst of red states, are steeped in the leftist hysteria.

Not sure of the exact cause of this phenomenon but imma guess it’s because ppl in cities are too far removed from actual ground. The unpaved, dirt kind of ground from which stuff grows.

Leftists think conservatives are uncaring about the earth but nothing could be further from the truth.

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I think there's something to that. Most big-city occupations involve dealing with abstractions rather than real things, e.g. computer programmers, stock traders, bankers, etc. Outside of big-cites, more people have occupations dealing with real things, driving trucks, raising cattle, building homes, etc. Real concrete things that cannot be divorced from the laws of nature. People who deal mostly in abstractions start to confuse their abstractions with reality. People who deal with real things can't ignore reality.

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There are lots of ppl still masking in my area. Some health care facilities have re-implemented mandatory masking. I don’t get it. If anything, a group of health care ppl especially should know better so what does this really say about health care providers?

It’s why I’ve lost respect for that sector of society too.

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Sounds like you had dinner with my brother and sister-in-law last weekend.

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Its amazing how intelligent friends are absolutely captured by Covid mania.

It is in fact about to split a church body who is in struggle over how to administer the communion service. Me: We served the elements to the church body by hand for 250 years, and the death toll was zero. I was not appreciated.

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Which makes all the more fascinating the idea that Eugyppius posted not long after Omicron first showed up that it looked every bit as much engineered as the original Covid did. One wonders if anybody will ever step forward and take credit for that bit of engineering.

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His article: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/omicron-is-not-normal

Headline and subhead: "Omicron is Not Normal

Everything suggests this variant was leaked from a laboratory engaged in gain-of-function research."

First paragraph:

Omicron is not normal. No immediate progenitors are known; its closest relatives are viruses last seen in early- to mid-2020. The orthodox explanation for this awkward fact, is that it has spent the last 18 months lurking “in a geography with poor genomic surveillance … or … in a chronically infected individual.” The simpler explanation is that it leaked from a laboratory.

The whole thing is very much worth reading; he cites others so this idea isn't exactly his original thought in isolation.

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On Victor Davis Hanson’s Aug 5, 2022 podcast (at 18 minutes), Dr. Stephen Quay conclusively settles the “engineered” question. Three items:

1. There are 200 letters in the SARs receptor binding domain and each one of the letters can be filled by 1 of 20 amino acids.

Dr Jessie Bloom at U of Washington tested the 4,000 potential permutations or variants and found that only 17 variants improved receptor binding (thereby increasing infectivity and pathogenicity). Thus it was 99.5% optimized for human uptake.

36,000 blood samples saved in blood banks revealed that there were zero cases of infected blood circulating at the time of lab breakout. 95.5 % optimized from jump without circulating in the community.

2. SARs has a furin site (FCS)- never seen in the SARs class of viruses. The SARs-class broke off from viruses with FCSes some 1,000 years ago. 14/14 times labs have put FCSes into SARs viruses it has increased human infectivity and pathogenicity.

3. The codon for the protein in the SARs FCS is written in CGG CGG - which he explains never happens for esoteric reasons.

So, in Dr. Quay’s words, “A protein that has never occurred is written in a language that has never been spoken”.

I’m not a trained -ologist, by any means, but one of the Baker Street Irregulars. His detailed clarity settles the issue for me. QED

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BS in biology in the 70's. When I first read the furin cleavage site was abnormal, knew it was engineered.

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Exactly. I got my biology degree in 92'.

I could not believe the willful blindness.

Like the fact that the number one rule of a pandemic is to NOT vaccinate into it.

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The willful blindness or the active participation. Everyone in virology who saw the codon for the protein CGG CGG in the furin cleavage site knew immediately that it is the commonly used codon for gain of function.

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and when I heard of furin cleavage site, the joke writing part of the brain nearly went off the rails.

Actually, it was I who went off the rails when I tried one in Sunday School. Talk about cancel culture.

I first heard of this from DR Chris Martensen's podcast who early on did the WFT question... deep dive later realized how we are being lied to constantly

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Wondering if you are aware that “evangelical leader” Ed Steltzer (not sure of the spelling) played an active role in coordinating Covid vaccination efforts in churches. Apparently a lot of people I would have respected in the past got “played” by I-love-Jesus-wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing Francis Collins. Nothing exasperates me more than social climbing evangelical bothers who don’t realize that “our best impulses” (like love your neighbor) will get weaponized against us.

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There was also a piece by The Ethical Skeptic around that time showing that Omicron had to be several years older than the previously circulating strains Wuhan/Alpha/Delta. Every mutation takes a certain amount of time to emerge, and the number of mutations in Omicron would indicate that it was at least 2 to 3 years older than the original Wuhan strain. Another "lab leak?" Who knows?

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I would like to see how Sweden fared. I must admit I haven’t researched but may after this post. I do remember seeing much about natural immunity killing the virus off even though Fauci the fraud keep trying to talk away the Best Immunity ever known to man.. WTF

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By not vaccinating, they didn’t destroy either their psyches with fear porn or their quality of life.

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Victor Davis-Hanson is one of my favorite present day intellectuals.

I also have great respect for Dennis Prager. The five minute videos from PragerU are really informative.

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I believed right from the release of omicron that it was manufactured. There are so many mutations that caused me to suspicious and that it didn't descend from the variant that was current at the time, but from a prior variant, is really irregular.

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It only only adhered to rodent lung tissue and not human lung tissue.

And I assume since rodents are the most likely lab subjects….

If it was engineered, it was a brilliant idea.

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You just explained it in terms anyone can understand, Thanks

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Given the subsequent course of events, the perpetrator deserves a Nobel Prize.

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My read of the charts is a bit different. Concentrating on the Excess Deaths From Covid chart only, I see the vaccine as having no happy valley but failing in Q1 2021. The same chart indicates a resurgence in excess deaths "attributed" to Covid in Q3 2023. (Why did the first chart crop Q3 2023?). I use "attributed" carefully since the medical industry has been financially incentivized to label all deaths Covid. Where are the deaths from the rapid resurgence of aggressive cancer called turbo cancer (Dr. Harvery Risch and Dr. Russell Blaylock)? Where are the deaths from from myocarditis that has a significant death sentence within five years due to the "disease" causing the death of heart tissue (CDC)? Where are the mysterious and unexplained deaths that we see so often (Many newspapers and media channels)?

No wonder the FDA tried to hide the Pfizer "clinical date" for 75 years but a federal judge wouldn't allow it. In the forced release of the data, Pfizer's clinical group had 1223 deaths AND 11,361 cases "not recovered at time of report". There were 1500 types of adverse reactions many of which were permanently disabling. There were 158,000 different cases of "distinct individual injuries". If that isn't bad enough, VAERS data indicated that the Covid vax was 49 times more deadly than a flu shot. (Dr. Colleen Huber)

In my opinion, the vaxxes not only failed because the virus outsmarted the pharmaceutical geniuses and mutated before the vax was distributed and administered but we have also only seen the vax "tip of the iceberg" that will cause unprecedented excess and early deaths. A totally sad situation when lives and health are sacrificed for monetary gain and political power.

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The last cell is not Q3 2023 but the three-year total

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Damn good point

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Thanks. Just calling it the way I see it.

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I am now very interested to see the chart for 2020. My hypothesis: the deaths in 2021 are not from Delta, they are Covid vaccine deaths. The huge uptick in deaths in the young adults suggests this -- they were at little risk from Covid but at great risk of blood clots and heart attacks from Covid shots.

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Vaccine deaths within a few days of vaccination were classified as COVID deaths AND as deaths among 'unvaccinated' because the recipients were considered 'unvaccinated' for up to 14 days ostensibly to allow the injections to take effect.

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Charts, graphs, numbers and data. The FACT remains. Those who were suppose to make $$$ did, and those who orchestrated the entire plandemic from event 201 or earlier to present day, have gotten away with it SCOT FREE. Not ONE of these criminals responsible for the great CON and CRIIME against humanity have remotely been held to account. Not ONE on the entire planet. Sure let's just move on... Just sayin

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I hate to break it to everyone but there will be no accountability.

Accountability will not be sought because, let's face it, 95% of the population is "complicit" because of their compliance.

If those who know what happened was wrong don't have the balls to tell their children they did them wrong, then how can you expect for them to want accountability for those who are criminally complicit?

And who's going to tell these people they should consider reflecting?

Their most stable state is exactly what it was during covid:

Pretend nobody is pretending.

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If so Ryan...no one should EVER be surprised at what is to come. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. Really not rocket science. Its all just "allowed" to continue

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I know brother. It boils my blood.

I think people are overly optimistic that this couldn't happen again.

My hope is that enough people have told their children that they should've done more on their behalf to resist what they allowed to happen to their children.

I just don't see that.

And who amongst them would give up their "privilege" to go to Costco?

As silly as it sounds; Costco is the leading data point to me, for whether this could happen again.

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True the apathy in general is and was absurd or lack of waking up to what was done to humanity. To that point, you are on to it for sure. Have a sister who always tells me until a person threshold of "pain or suffering" is great enough they will simply be happy getting go to Disneyland or Costco in your example.

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Disneyfication of America.

This was a long time coming.

The next go around might not be.

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Costco is still in on the scam. I ordered a new fridge from Costco online a week or so ago. It was delivered today. Yesterday I received a long and wordy phone message from Costco asking me to please call if anyone in the household has had covid recently or might have possibly been exposed to someone with covid recently.... to reschedule the delivery. It went on and on and on. At least a 2-3 min reminder about keeping everyone safe. BTW...neither of the delivery guys wore mask. They are contracted of course.

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The stupidity of it all.

Have you stayed at hotel lately?

They're all dirty...but they have plastic sleeves, etc.etc on the remotes!

It's just insulting to the intelligence

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Excellent points. We will never hear anyone on MSM attack this subject… they were lemmings all and the DESPICABLE way pundits like MIKA AND JOE ( honestly have you ever heard any two humans on a major network say such cruel, evil falsehoods ever on tv????) ATTACKED those who dare question or refuse this experimental shot? People whisper to me now in hospital, medical offices ( my obgyn nurse told me she was furious her boss made her get the jab and said NO to any more) etc that I was brave and strong to not accept this jab.. I said I was told not to take it and I said I never take any new pills or shots like the HPV shot bc I saw what THALIDOMIDE etc did… how do these lemmings sleep at night?

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"As you can see, Covid deaths were relatively low in the spring of 2021 - the happy vaccine valley, the brief period when the mRNAs worked as advertised."

A catchy name doesn't make it true. I have never seen you present evidence for this claim. Mid-March to Mid-June is low viral activity throughout most of Europe and USA. This repeated, evidence-lacking assertion about the happy vaccine valley throws doubt on the reliability of all of your reporting and is what led me to cancel my subscription. Stick to the evidence, Alex, and ditch the catchphrases before you find yourself hemorrhaging readers.

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Good point. Just because there was a brief period of time after the vaccines were widely administered does NOT mean the vaccines caused the reduction in cases/deaths. As the saying goes... correlation does not equal causation.

I am likewise not sure the Pfizer trial touting 95% effectiveness was accurate for the same reason, in addition to many others. When you conduct a trial while a massive number of people were locked down and highly reducing their interactions, how can you claim the apparent effectiveness was due solely to the vaccine?

The 1st Thanksgiving and Christmas after lockdowns, people chose to NOT follow lockdowns as strongly; that could have produced the bump in cases/deaths in early 2021. Though I personally believe those administered the vaccine were much more likely to die of COVID if they got it even then. Not having *accurate* individual records from official authorities or even from one hospital system where unvaccinated = zero COVID shots, we will never know the truth.

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Hawkeye, agrees on your first point about correlation vs causation. However, the rest of what you're saying basically implies lockdowns work. There's no evidence that they do. U.S. Google cell phone mobility data showed it quite clearly, in addition to the smattering of countries/regions that never locked down and had the same infection curves as neighboring regions that did.

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Yeah, that’s why I said in addition to many other reasons, the trial results sucked. And we’re obviously wrong!

For the rather short duration of the trials, people were really locking down at that time. Around me at least. I do believe it might have had an effect - especially on the types of people so scared of the pandemic they sign up to take a brand new gene therapy vaccine - they are probably the type to really lock down.

Stats across countries cannot be compared - there were drastically different definitions of even a COVID death, a COVID positive test (cycle number difference), etc.

I had mixed feelings on posting for that reason - as I know on the whole, and over time, lockdowns do not work.

But for a non randomly selected subgroup of likely terrified people, early in a pandemic, willing to get novel injection for research, there might have been an effect of lockdown on Pfizer results.

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Trying to steel-man your point here: some people still refused to leave their homes in late 2020/early 2021, these people had really high uptake of mRNAs (higher than the nationwide avg of about 80%) and participated in the trials, and since those people truly weren't leaving their houses, naturally they didn't catch covid.

It begs the question: how many people truly had ZERO contact with other people? The trial subjects, by definition, were leaving their homes to participate in it. Moreover, the mRNA trials, to make the results look better, were focused on healthier, younger/middle-aged people, people who were never at risk from covid. I'm having a hard time imagining a cohort of people big enough to have the effect you're suggesting. Don't get me wrong--I'm sure the govt/pharma would try to do anything to make the results look better, but I think most of it was straight up fraud, massaging data, etc, not actually finding people who were still truly limting contact to zero and would therefore not get covid after vaccination, seems a stretch even for these liars.

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I would say that my husband and I came pretty damn close to that actually—one main reason being that (because my husband had certain risk factors) we both wore that only masks that did work—we are talkin the type of filtered respirator masks you can use in mold remediation. And we took other precautions as well, mainly being outdoors in the presence of others. In the end, the only real cases of Covid that went through our family of five were thanks to Omicron. I kept telling my spouse, look EVERYONE’S going to get this variant so just accept it. And sure enough…

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The delta variant hit many countries in the northern hemisphere in July and August, which are months that usually have low viral activity, so it seems plausible that the jabs were mostly effective for a while, then failed. Some countries in Europe had their so called happy vaccine valley during summer, possibly because they vaccinated later than U.S., U.K. and Israel. I’m not sure if the happy vaccine valley is accurate, but the data seems to show it.

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Erik, ok, following your line of argument there: Europe started vaxxing in Feb-April, right? OK, then Delta hits some regions in June-August, a low viral activity season. So delta spreads in a low viral season and with benefit of 2nd dose having been applied 2-3 months ago? How does that make sense?

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I don’t understand your point. You said the virus was spreading less during April to June because of the season and not because of the vaccines. I said it was spreading in July and August which are also out of season. The delta wave hit earliest in the countries that jabbed earliest.

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Does calling them a sideshow let them off the hook? How much of that darkest part of the chart reflects Covid deaths in close proximity to a shot? I feel like we’ll never know.

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Alex, can you share the charts for excess deaths due to "non-COVID" causes? And has anyone else heard of deaths from Kreutzfeld-Jakob disease (aka) Mad Cow and other rare diseases in heavily vaxed individuals?

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Many - no most of those that died did so from lack of early treatment options & deadly hospital protocols that monetized death & suffering. Manslaughter at best, but murderous intent by some.

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Just sayin....real world experience...covid is baaack...and the highly vaxxed are having a bad time of it. (Not hospitalized...but very sick). The non vaxxed (or two dosed) seem to hardly suffer

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Natural immunity rocks!

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I still want to know if the mRNA's created the Delta variant which seemed to cause the most harm. No one has ever said anything about this and it would interesting to investigate.

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I think Dr Peter McCullough’s hypothesis is that the Chinese vaccines created delta. The Chinese vaccine trials were conducted in Maharashtra state in India where the delta variant was first detected.

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What do you say to people like my relatives who insisted that the variants were caused by the unvaxxed? I know this is false, but data would be helpful.

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I haven't seen anything clear. It seems the vaxxed are catching more times and carrying a higher virus load longer, which should lead to more variants.

Don't think you'll see any researchers in the US do anything that would prove the unvaxxed aren't the source of new variants.

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Remind them the variants came from countries where vaccine trials were conducted (U.K. South Africa, Brazil, and India). Also ask them if the unvaccinated bred the variants, why didn’t Sweden have the first variant (since they refused to lockdown)?

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Seriously??! Variant from people who don’t have a shot in them? Tell them to get books on the flu and how measles, varicella worked and continued to evolve.. and Scarlett fever. What morons.

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I have always been suspicious that omicron was created in a lab with the express purpose of being more easily transmissible but less deadly.

Just the basis that it adhered to mice lung tissue and not human lung tissue shows that somebody probably tweaked Covid in mice subjects then purposely released it in a test community in Africa.

As if they were correcting for their prior error of leaking the original Alpha by creating a newer, less deadly variant to get ahead of mother nature itself and “end” the Pandemic.

It would make a great Novel for you Alex. The idea that there really is a sophisticated group who could do such a thing.

Wuhan leak happens, then evil Dr. Fauci leads a team of behind-the-scenes lab scientists 2 years to create Omicron by replacing key virus elements with benign mice features like inability to adhere to ace receptors in the human lungs to end the Pandemic.

Fauci pays off Pfizer and Big Pharma by agreeing to their smokescreen of a vaccine campaign where all the key players profit to buy their silence about both the original leak and further-engineered Omicron antidote and to distract the world from how far bioengineering of viruses has come.

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Agreed, except alpha was the variant that originated in the U.K. The original Wuhan variant has no Greek letter.

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Did you not get the Memo? During the Summer of Love, Pseudo-Science became the NEW NORMAL.

The Scientific Method is no longer relevant! Yay.

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I recognized this in near real time. Find my emails to you and James Lyons-Weiler , "Omicron is a great vaccine."

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