The federal government pushing these vaccines, much less mandating these vaccines, is a crime against humanity.

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You said it SG. And what's worse, the powers that shouldn't be are going balls to the wall to program us to believe that healthy children and young adults having sudden-death heart attacks is and always has been normal. Here are some of the reprehensible things they are doing to achieve that perception:


In March of 2021 - just as the COVID vaccine roll-out was spreading far and wide - a study was submitted to the BMJ which claimed that exercise could increase the risk of heart attacks:


As anyone who has been paying attention for the past twelve months could tell you, the COVID vaccines cause massive heart attacks on a large scale. And so now, with studies like the one mentioned above, along with out-of-left-field warnings like this:



We are being pre-programmed to accept that kids and healthy active adults having sudden-death heart attacks is and always has been 100% normal. Another example: From now on, apparently, both the heating climate and cold weather will be causing a noteworthy increase in heart attacks in children and babies:



Full story with images inline here:


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Your reference at the end with the cold and hot now causing children and babies to have heart attacks is a smoking gun with lights flashing and a bullhorn blaring that this is a scam the scope of which reaches mars.

I've been in the medical industry for 31 years, and never have I seen nor have I heard about anyone under 30 having a heart attack or a stroke. It just doesn't happen. These crimes are so incredibly immense in their gravity that I cannot even wrap my head around them.

Your article is excellent by the way.

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I'm not a medical professional, but I've alive a long time, and I've never heard of anyone under 30 having a heart attack or stroke, either. They can sell a bunch of lies, but nobody's buying this bull.

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People under thirty have in the past (prior to the mRNA injectables) suffered fatal strokes and heart attacks.... BUT!! Those events were exceedingly rare (to the tune of one into the multiple tens of millions) and ALWAYS a result (discovered upon autopsy) of undiscovered underlying congenital cardiovascular defect of one sort or another. In other words, those were young people who had a ticking time bomb virtually from birth. What is happening now is something altogether different.

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personally know 2 healthy 35 year old men dropped dead from cardiac events, both boosted, one was 3 weeks after booster, will be at his military burial on friday.

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This is so sad. I wish there were a central place where everyone who had a story like this could share it, including names when possible. Because I have a story like this too. And because they are covering it all up and we need a record of what's true.

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Another part of this whole crime is that there is no database being kept of these events. No real record keeping at all.

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In 2017 I was diagnosed with pheochromocytoma. A tumor on the adrenal gland causing the adrenal to secrete mass amounts of adrenaline. Undetected can cause stroke and heart attack. Tumors are normally found after death, during autopsy.

I was one of the lucky ones.

And the NIH (they have a study for this disease/cancer) was instrumental in saving my life.

That was before……the Mad Science we are seeing now. Life is strange.

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I'm a hematologist. That's not exactly true, rates of stroke in young people (typically defined as <45 year old) are rare but they are more like about 1/10,000 and many are never well explained. They aren't THAT rare. Venous clots (DVT,PE) are actually fairly common in young people.

That said, I am not discounting/denying vaccines causing adverse events and I do think there is increased risk of cardiovascular problems and thrombosis from vaccines. It would be nice to have solid reliable data on the adverse events to really understand risks fully... but at this point good luck with that :(

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Your comment reminded me of something. Years ago I was researching a birth control pill recommended by my doctor. I went to a site with patients' reviews of drugs and was shocked to find many women saying this particular drug had caused them to have strokes and blood clots. Too many women reported horrific life-altering side effects for me to feel comfortable using the drug.

So I wonder if even when young people have experienced these rare events pre-Covid & shots, it was almost always caused by pharmaceutical companies' products just as with these shots. (Of courses, I'm excluding genetic causes that were known). In other words they have probably been covering up all they can for a long time.

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Exactly. My SIL's cousin died as a teen because he had Long QT, but it is a genetic heart problem and once they knew the cause of his death, she and her siblings and cousins were tested to see if they too carried the condition. She will also have her kids tested. So it's a totally different thing, but worth people knowing about.

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Similarly how I, being not too young with my generation not having that many mandatory vaccines, do not remember a single diabetic or autistic child in any of the two schools I attended (and one was very large), and my child has both just in his small class alone. Never paid attention to this fact until I started reading Dr Robert Kennedy's book about Fauci (where he talks about the explosion of diabetes, etc since the increase of mandatory vaccinations). "They" just hope we will get used to this fact (heart problems in young people) same way as we all got used to diabetic / autistic children.

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Kennedy also wrote of the increase in allergic reactions. Who of us heard of any children in our classes who had food allergies, including peanut allergies, which can be fatal?

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If only that were true! Sadly it's not, just engage a few random people on the street in conversation about it and you'll find that about 30% firmly believe the steaming pile of bs, another 30% don't seem to know or want to know and generally still prefer to stick to the opinion of the "professionals in the media and medical establishment", and the remaining 30% are thankfully, pretty sceptical. The "problem" in a way is that the death rates are still low enough that the majority of the population can dismiss them as being caused by one of the numerous "other factors", like shovelling snow or setting your clock forward (both expounded without a hint of irony by the media) including most prominently, the legendary unicorn of doom known as "long covid".

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They don't even want to know when they themselves have been injured by the shots.

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I live in a retirement community where all 450 residents, except me, have been vaccinated. It is easy for me to imagine that those who have gotten all the jabs would NOT WANT TO KNOW. I wouldn't, if I were in their shoes. I do not talk about side effects, but I am making a list of all the things people have experienced since being injected: heart attack, shingles, increased fatigue and worrisome memory loss, cancers, strange sensations and discomforts lasting for several days. Meanwhile, I am ostracized for not being jabbed.

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Not only do they not know, they don't even suspect it when it happens to them. I guess you don't see what you have been brainwashed to NOT see.

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Oh yes they are! Lots of people will believe most any propaganda, PARTICULARLY if they've already succumbed to propaganda-induced mass psychosis. Which seems to make up a large fraction of the Western public: perhaps 20% to 50%.

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the mass psychosis is arrogance/pride/jealousy. I'm smarter than you and you must do what I believe. It's also the cancel culture mentality. They have no root or integrity or Godly wisdom. Read the story of Cain and Abel with this in mind.

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The problem is that the vast majority of people just don't have the smarts or the time to delve into the science of how mRNA/DNA shots work or the possible side effects they can cause. They have no other choice but to believe what the "experts" tell then via MSM reports. They will fight tooth and nail to support their decision, as is common in any decision that people make.

I used to work in sales. You don't tell someone that whatever they are currently using is a failure or garbage. Instead, you tell them that you have a better solution that will bring them more benefits. No one want to be told that they made a bad decision.

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yes, ppl will flat out lie if they've been taken advantage of or lost a ton of money from getting sucked into a "can't lose" investment...shame sets in and you go into defensive mode...surely I couldn't have been that stupid. adam and eve in the garden ran and hid when they were hoodwinked. first lesson in the bible about ourselves. We deceive ourselves...that's why ppl get into shitty relationships when every friend family member said no! and that's why you should never tell someone they're makiing a terrible mistake!...they'll run head-long into the oncoming train that much faster. Ask questions and give your own testimony of stupidity. that's about all you can do. And pray for wisdom for them. This is going to be sad if more illness comes from these damn mandated vaxxx's

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Except the teens and young adults in universities and colleges who are being told to vax & boost or you can't come to our school....and they so DESPERATELY crave some "normalcy" that they'll get the injections!!!! I have twin 17 yo's and have been fighting non-stop with them this entire year as college is happening in the fall.

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Keep fighting the fight. There are some colleges that don't require the jab, and more may change their policy come fall. Take a gap year, work for a year, attend a trade school for a year; I bet you could think of other options. When you are 17 years old, your perspective is very stunted.

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So why isn't the MSM covering all the stories we see of things like this? Why isn't anyone doing a deep dive into the VAERS dB?

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US$100 billion in pharma money and the current ruling party oppose looking into this. Investigation of this topic is against the political interests of the ruling party and against the financial interests of a wealthy corporate sector. Any MSM reporter who touches this will be instantly censored and fired. For all we know some have tried. We'd not hear about it.

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Thank you for saying so, and I agree 100%. Even death is too good for the perpetrators of this unimaginable crime.

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They've set things up to provide themselves with plausible deniability. "How could anyone have known?" Probably a few very old people, like Dr. Fauci, will take the fall.

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Agree Bruce, parallel construction is the order of the day with this fraud. It is abounding, manifest, and legion.


They are utilizing that tactic to its maximum efficacy and fooling billions in the process.

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They need a slow death. Tie them up and inject them with their own concoctions which I am sure they have never taken. Watch them squirm as you stick it in their arms since they KNOW what the outcome can be.

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But in just the last 2 years I know personally 9 among friends and family injured or killed after vaccination. Varied race and sex. If there were any other medication that had results like that the drug companies would be sued. Oh, wait.. Pfizer...

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I wish there were a record of every person's story, their names and what happened all in one place so it would be irrefutable. Because many of the family of the people lost still say it wasn't the shots or it must be soooo rare. If they could see in one place the real names and stories, I wonder if it would be a huge wake up.

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there are sites like that already. it will get these perpetrators down soon one day and they will get what they deserve for peoples lives.

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There are sites such as realnotrare and cv19vaxxreactions, also I think Steve Kirsch was collecting reports but I'm not sure if he's still doing that.

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Including Bell's palsy, fatty tumors near injection site, stroke, cancers, destabilized glucose, platelets gone nuts, fatal heart attack, GBS and destabilized blood pressure.

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So sorry for your losses, but also curious as to how many ppl you personally know who've died from Covid?

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I worked in an emergency department in a college town for 3 years and saw numerous college and high school students with heart attacks and strokes. If you worked on a general medical floor, you probably wouldn't see any in 30 years. If you worked ED or cardiac/ICU, you'd know it happens.

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I worked as a paramedic at a fire department and ER RN in a cardiac hospital for a total of 42 years and the youngest heart attack I saw was a 35 year old and he had a genetic issue. No, this is not normal to see the heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, and strokes in the young. The jab is the common denominator.

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Hey everyone who's gone to high school and college -- did you ever know any of your fellow students to have heart attacks or strokes?

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When was that and how did the frequency compare with today?

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what were the causes? congenital defects? Drug abuse?

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I call bs on slithy toves here.

The rate at which athletes are having heart attacks is about five times what it was before these infernal shots.

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Infest some other site, Troll.

People here are too intelligent to be taken in by misdirection.

The past thirty years did not see anything like we see today, and inferring otherwise is Grade A BS.

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Infest some other site, Troll.

People here are too intelligent to be taken in by misdirection.

The past thirty years did not see anything like we see today, and inferring otherwise is Grade A BS.

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Did you see the CDC tweet trying to normalize blood clots?! https://twitter.com/CDCgov/status/1224027199012921344

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There are mechanisms in our bodies to prevent clotting…CDC thinks we are stupid.

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The Clot Shots override the natural processes...hence the "heads up" ....for your own good. The CDC is so caring....cough,cough.

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Twistertim, it’s so corrupt, it’s beyond words.

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has the CDC ever had ads or tweets like this every before during other sporting events prior superbowls ever?

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That tweet appeared to be from the 2020 Super Bowl (Feb).

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Guess they knew what was coming.

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You said it. The numbers must be rolling in...

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There's a major campaign to poo poo Aspirin all of a sudden too despite five decades data showing effective Clot prevention and Heart Attack prevention, and among preventing other inflammation related diseases . Aspirin is also part of the FLCCC protocol. They want these DEATHS to happen...There are no Coincidences anymore. I will continue my Aspirin-A-Day to Keep the Doctor Away!

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Aspirin and NSAIDS like ibuprofen have a lot of benefits but there are also downsides. There is increased risk of bleeding in the brain. If someone falls and hits their head esp an older person , they are more likley to have a hemorrhagic stroke. There is an increased risk of ulcers and bleeding the GI tract. NSAIDS and Aspirin can elevate blood pressure.

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I will take aspirin any day over warfarin, Eliquis, or any of the newer blood thinners which are all for more dangerous than Aspirin with respect to bleeding events in the GI and from Falls. These newer blood thinners prevent clotting almost totally,where Aspirin does not, and Aspirin provides a good risk/reward ratio. Aspirin is hated because it's cheap and effective.....BIG PHARMA makes NO money off of Aspirin.

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My husband’s cardiologist agreed with my husband to just take a low dose aspirin instead of Warfarin. I cannot take aspirin at all. I just start bruising everywhere.

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If you get covid and are sent home, I highly recommend taking a baby aspirin. It’s also posted on FLCCC website (I missed it.) You definitely don’t want a blood clot and stuck on blood thinners for 6 months, like myself. My sisters doctor who had covid while she had covid told her to take a baby aspirin. I believe my problems were I wasn’t active, had covid pneumonia with a fever of 103 and could hardly move. I spent 7 days in the hospital and while in there they gave me injections in my stomach for blood clots.

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When I got covid the doc recommended I take a baby aspirin during and for some weeks afterwards until I had no other symptoms.

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After all my research on what to do when catching covid, I missed the aspirin. I got a blood clot from covid and now on eloquis for the next 6 months.

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Have a look at Nattokinase

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I've heard Lubrikinase is even more effective. A cardiologist was recommending it for his patients who got covid. But probably cannot be used while on any other blood thinning meds.

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I hadn't seen that, thank you for the heads up Other, I will check it out.

Edit: That is crazy Not My Other, the nonsense is getting so thick. I've made a shareable image of the tweet:


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Hematology short class if needed … what a bunch of bullshit.

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But I am NOT your Other. :)

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Point taken, yes indeed you are not =j

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It is worth noting that it was from last super bowl, not this year. It's still suspect but ppl will call that out.

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There was also a tweet by the Indiana Department of Health on blood clots a couple of days ago.

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yes, and you know the CDC is saying 1 in 44 children have autism! MORE VAXX'S FOR THE CHILDREN, NOTHING IS WORKING LOL. They cannot for the life of them figure out why this is happening?? More NIH funding and studies for 50 years and suppression of facts and huge bonuses to everyone involved. A 5 year old could see the truth presented the simple facts.

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I admit that, until this year, I had doubts about the anti-vaxers and the autism links. I do not doubt now.

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You only have to meet a handful of formerly rabidly-pro-vax families whose kids were horribly damaged to turn that around. I have met 3 and met their kids.

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Same with me. I read loads of anti-vax stuff but I always had doubts even if I thought the arguments sound.

You know what stopped me from believing fully? I couldn't imagine peope in the elite would actually be so evil. No way. Not to children. Nobody would allow millions of kids to be hurt.

That was before 2020 and the masks and covid vax for toddlers. Now I see there are people out there who are evil. Some of them are stupid but there is evil there.

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1 in 2 by 2050 in some "projected" studies. Clearly caused by the massive increase in vaccine schedule requirements. 120 shots by 2030 for 0 -21yo.

The MONEY is too Good for Big Pharma to pass up.

Oh, by the way, there's like 250 additional Vaccines in the development pipeline!!

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Yep, yesterday the CDC, today Pfizer. Coincidence? I think not. https://twitter.com/pfizer/status/1493238623633870850

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The first twitter reply with the reaction .gif of Jim Carrey saying, "Oh COME ON!" from the movie "Liar Liar" is perfect.

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Another avenue for Obscene Profits @ Big Pharma,et al.

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Wow, they really went all out with that happy go lucky WARNING about friggin' DEADLY blood clots. Just when I think I've witnessed all of the insanity I can possibly see! Good gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Are these psychos even human or is Skynet dialing this in now?

Three cheers for "Stop The Clot!"




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So glad seeing people roast this evil organization on Twitter.

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Tweet appears to be too old to be relevant

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No. February 2020. That's well within the planning timeline of the Great Reset. Presumably the plan to kill most living humans was made well before 2020. mRNA injections seem like a brilliant mechanism for long-delayed death.

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They knew then.

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Predictive programming

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Follows on the 'thought programming' ideas posed by fortiori above.

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The responses are current and relevant

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It’s immoral at every level

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Yes, I have been following local mainstream news stories from all over the country in my social media feeds. Several months ago there were frequent stories about young people dying from random and sudden heart attacks and strokes. Now there are no more of those stories. But there are stories about young people who had sudden heart attacks and strokes BEFORE Covid and how they have made full recoveries. No doubt in my mind these are purposeful efforts to normalize these side effects.

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I’m not swallowing “these”peoples’ new normal anomalies … it’s a con of a con… the body does not work like this .

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Con of a con, I like that BB. =)

How about: it's a con wrapped in a con, enclosed in the crime of the century, sealed with fraud, while being boiled in a vat of lies and deceit, and served up with a cold dish of flimflam Three-Card Monte.

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Much better said , thank you Fortiori!

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Your clever idea, i just embellished it a little =)

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Watch out, it's also wrapped in a lipid.

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Enigma...we need enigma in here.

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Also, a bamboozle

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My guess is they are trying to get ahead of the court-ordered FDA document production of Pfizer's submission. First 10k pages on March 1. https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/056-ORDER-GRANTING-IN-PART-THE-MOTION-TO-MODIFY-THE-PRODUCTION-SCHEDULE-AND-ADDOPTS-THE-JOINT-STATUS-REPORT-MODIFIED-AGREED-PRODUCTION-SCHEDULE.pdf

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Yes Pfizer is putting heads up notifications about bad clinical trial data buried deep in their recent SEC filings as well. Perhaps they are anticipating class action lawsuits . . .

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Yep, I noticed that too. I believe Pfizer is free from liability unless fraud is proven. I wouldn't be surprised if the federal government falsely claims innocence and throws Pfizer and Moderna under the bus.

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Holy shit. Is there nothing now where climate change isn't the alleged cause? It has become the catch all for every govt agenda.

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Did you see the CNN guy taped on Project Veritas? He said, since they no longer had Trump/Russia and the Covid death counts to report on, they were going all-in on climate change. It's on video. And sure enough, the media went all-climate-all-the-time. Yet people still believe.

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Climate change is causing Summer every year...The Sheople Lap it Up.

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it's the chaos that satanic driven ppl use as you can clearly see in the current admin. They love to stir up chaos and hatred and division and lawlessness. Godly directed ppl bring order and calm and truth.

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And the term itself can't be disproven. If the winter last year was 0.5 degrees colder on average than this year in some part of the world, well that's climate change. Score.

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Wow -- thank you for putting all these links in one place!! Stunning.

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Oh my word!

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Psychopaths lie.

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Fauci = Mengele

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I have often stated Fauci is our Trofim Lysenko, the Soviet ag minister responsible for mass starvation and imprisonment of actual scientists.

However, I think that I too am selling the Fauc short.

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I think you are. Fauci is reaching for a kill count in the billions, with a B.

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Fauci is getting my hospital, doctor, ambulance, hospitalist, medication, prescribed and over the counter, emergency and walk-in clinic bills. This man and his office staff should be buried in paperwork. I couldn’t get antibodies in Jan even though I had delta. If everyone did this, even for over the counter medicines, he might be less harmful.

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Unless I'm mistaken, it sounds like you're one of the few who doesn't seroconvert. But the fact that you have recovered is proof that the immune system doesn't need antigen specific antibodies to deal with this virus.

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Marie, that's deeply insulting to Dr. Mengele. Fauci's murder count passed that of Dr. Mengele in the 1990s from Fauci's AIDS murders. Fauci is on track for a kill count in the BILLIONS. Mengele didn't even top 100,000 personally ordered kills.

P.s. I once listened to Eva Kor (look her up) describe her personal encounters with Dr. Mengele. Her words were chilling and horrifying. That said, Fauci is WAY worse. Not even comparable.

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thank you, Bruce~ i had no idea!

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We have to make sure we write the history.

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I think you may be selling Fauci short there Marie...

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could be!

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Methinks Mengele is a piker compared to Fauci. I fear I will be proven correct.

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I think he's somewhere between the fictional docs Bob Comeaux (the novel The Thanatos Syndrome) and Karl Seiband (the film Never Look Away).

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didnt you read the tweet??? These mild deaths are far outweighed by protecting kids from a disease with a 99.99999999% survival rate. The CDC says so, so it must be true.

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unbelievable isn't it? #shameless

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In the UK, the death rate for healthy children in first year of pandemic FROM Covid was 6 in 12 million children (1 in 2 million or 0.0001 percent).

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Don’t forget all the organizations like the AMA that are all too happy to throw their support behind this.

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Uk heart health agencies as well. The video will turn your blood cold:


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I remember seeing this and I stopped, caught my breath and couldn't believe what they are promoting 'as normal' and progress in science. This is horrific to see.

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How can they make these videos? Did they & their loved ones not take the vaxx…in which case they don’t care who dies? They have to know the truth. Pure evil.

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The bribe money is endless from Big Pharma.

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"Mildly" dead, I guess.

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From June 2021 Military.com DOD reporting on

"group of researchers from the Mayo Clinic reported June 16 that the condition in patients [myocarditis] following the mRNA vaccine did not resemble the inflammation seen in patients who have had a bad reaction to the smallpox vaccine.

"Potential mechanisms for myocarditis post-mRNA-based vaccination include a non-specific innate inflammatory response or a molecular mimicry mechanism between viral spike protein and an unknown cardiac protein," wrote Dr. Kathryn Larson."


Periodically checking for Mayo Clinic publication...nothing published.

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not just a crime, but flat ass evil! the ones that matter know darn well that a portion of those fake jabs are toxic! it's just that plain and simple.

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not just a crime....but flat ass EVIL! they know damn well a portion of those fake shots are toxic.

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These people are just evil!

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We have known a couple for many years. The wife since before 1981. Their oldest - 29 - dropped to the floor into a semiconscious stupor at work. This was two weeks after 2nd shot. He was only able to squeeze his mom's hand a few times and within two days had to be removed from life support.

Otherwise perfect health - very active and never drank or smoked. Death listed as cardiac failure. He was an organ donor yet they could only take the eyes. All of the usual other organs were deemed "unacceptable".

When the Jabstapo have tangled with me, I tell them that I wish they could see the face of that young man's mother at his funeral.

My wife and I will never unsee it.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔. I know 3 fathers, 8 young children between them, who dropped dead “suddenly” of “natural causes” this fall. Two brain bleeds and one heart attack. All healthy. One ran track in college and a second one played soccer in college.

These jabs are dangerous and the companies know they are - it’s why 7 months later Pfizer hasn’t sent a single approved dose anywhere in the US. Those will suddenly appear when little kids start getting the shots and legal immunity is permanent.

This is so devastating. We need to get everyone out of office in bed with big pharma, the media, and big tech.

A 29 year old healthy young man faced almost no risk from the virus. He’s dead because but pharma is corrupt and so are the political hack jobs masquerading as “public health.”

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Makes u wonder why they would push these jabs on folks who have naturally recovered ( by casting doubt on natural immunity). At best it's immunological ignorance, at worst it's called 'trying to eliminate the control group'.

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I'm all in on the "eliminate the control group" theory. It's exactly what they did with all the childhood vaxxes. Almost all kids get them, so there's no statistically sound comparison group.

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And I believe it’s not ignorance. Which leaves option 2

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It's money.

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It’s easier to mess up the statistics. They can blame the virus for the organ damage if someone had both. The attempt was to eliminate the control group. Omicron destroyed that. I’m not convinced that wasn’t a leak too based on reading about its genetic sequences. I’m not as convinced as the original virus, but I wouldn’t be shocked at all.

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This is one of the things I have continually found most disturbing: That despite having recovered from Covid and thus having natural immunity, there was still an insistence on forcing the person to get jabbed. It made no sense, it continues to make no sense. Unless it really is to eliminate people. For a long time I didn't want to go "there", but all roads sure seem to lead "there" now.

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The latter...

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I suspect you are correct. I don't generally like to assume the worst but the overall evidence we have accumulated and the blatant disregard for proven immunological science certainly points more to the latter.

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Anybody hear the "brain bleed" explaination for Bob Saget?? Apparently hit his head and didn't think much of it so he went to bed and had a brain hemorrage! BS. No mention of him being boosted within a couple of months of his premature death!

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Saget was boosted on December 13th.

In the podcast link below, Bob Saget on Dec 13 at timestamp 7:09 states “I just got my booster…”. check it out at: https://youtu.be/93-k_NFJmQA?t=41

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Another boosted comedienne sustains head injury:

Hollywood hard knocks: Comediennes Heather McDonald, Chelsea Handler latest to receive their "vaccine" reality checks - The COVID Blog


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What is this about not sending approved doses?

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Now both Pfizer and Moderna have gotten “full” FDA approval. Under the EUA no one can be forced to get the jab. In exchange, the manufacturers have FULL legal immunity for harm (including no discovery for fraud). Over 7 months ago the FDA approved Comirnaty (the Pfizer jab). This “approval” was needed to legally mandate the jabs - by anyone. However, any vaccine approved for adults only does NOT have legal immunity (ie not on the CDC early childhood vaccine schedule).

The biggest issue for the legal distinction is which vial you are injected with. If the vial has an EUA label, the manufacturer can’t be sued if someone is harmed by that product. If it has the FDA approved label you can sue.

Pfizer has refused to send out a single vial of the FDA approved jab. Many who have the best legal case against their employers simply asked for the approved shot (knowing Pfizer refuses to send it).

The Brandon administration used the approval to justify the mandates, but has allowed Pfizer, and now Moderna, to continue sending liability free EUA vials to ensure there can never be discovery.

One of two things will most likely now happen.

1 - They will jam the shots through for the toddlers, despite the fact the clinical trials showed zero possibility of benefit, and despite the fact they don’t work. At that point the manufacturers get lifetime immunity for all ages. No discovery ever. The numerous criminal charges snd billions and fines Pfizer has plead guilty to in the past couple of decades was the result of the discovery process - they knew their drugs would kill people.

2 - The FDA won’t approve the vaccine for kids and Pfizer and Moderna will quietly pull the shots from the market - most likely next spring or summer.

Either way, unless congress is overwhelmingly pro-people Republicans in the next few years, the injured will never have any recourse - EVEN if there is irrefutable evidence that the companies knew their shots could kill people. It will never see a jury or a courtroom.

Vote wisely - they get away with it this time, they will get away with it next time too.

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Thank you for sending. I've seen other commenters here and elsewhere mention this but you've given an easily understood answer.

One question - is it possible the pharmas are using up existing stock?

Are the pharmas still producing vials labeled as the EUA-approved clotshot that have manufacture dates after "full approval"?

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So that WAS the initial excuse for Pfizer. However, since approval, they have distributed tens of millions of doses of the vaccine in the US that were manufactured post FDA approval.

Pfizer received full approval August 23, 2021. The Pfizer vaccine only lasts 10 weeks once out of ultra-cold storage - which most pharmacies don't have. Including the time in ultra-cold storage, the Pfizer vaccine lasts an absolute maximum of 9 months.

If you look at Pfizer's most recent financials, you will see they have shipped tens of millions of newly manufactured doses around the US in Q4 2021.

The clinical trials for the kids were a joke. For all kiddie trials Pfizer switched a simply counting anti-body levels, not infections, two weeks after the second dose. There was no evidence in kids 5-11 that the "vaccine" actually prevented infection - only that 91% created vaccine induced antibodies - which isn't the same thing as preventing, or even reducing symptoms, from actual infection. For the little kiddie trials - required for addition to the early childhood schedule, the kids didn't even make those. And that's before one considers the jabs don't prevent or reduce symptoms any longer because the spike protein the mRNA vaccines hijack your own ribosomes to produce are to protect against a portion of a spike protein for a now extinct variant of SARS-CoV-2.

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comirnity vs EUA

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Close friends brother died in his sleep , autopsy said heart attack. No health issues Early 30s. Medical family. All got boosted within weeks of the death. Zero connection in their minds to the vax.

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WOW! Arrogant fools who cannot see simple connections. Seek the wisdom of God, it is always available.

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😔 so sad.

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That's heartbreaking. May all the people involved in the making of these products and the cover ups rot in hell.

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OMG, that's horrible. All I keep thinking is, what if you were a parent who took your child in for that vax, and then had to live with something like this. It's heartbreaking.

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One of my sisters vaxxed all her girls down to the age of thirteen. One developed severe POTS, the 16 year old. I'm terrified for all of them.

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There are many who have spoken out about just that…….. 💔

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Yet, still ZERO coverage on local news. These stories need to be "breaking news" every hour!!

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I’m so sorry … yet they keep pushing it

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They invested money in Pfizer and Moderna stock and they would do everything, including murder, to make it a good investment.

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yes, the 35 year old from my church was laying on the couch with his mom, he was having a heart embolysim, and stated that he did not feel well. Being Seventh Day Adventist who're very healthy lifestyles and people of strong faith, she didn't take him to the hospital and he died in her arms that evening. Not sure these day's he'd have been any better off at the hospital. The unfortunate truth these days. Of course he was recentlly boosted...his company mandate.

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He took the death jab. What a price to pay! Dang...

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OH MY😱😱😱

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Absolutely heartbreaking.

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Adverse events must be reported. We cannot remain silent. Too many people have died or are injured.

For those that have had an adverse reaction to covid shots (including getting covid after fully vaccinated):

Please ask them to file a Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) if one wasn't filed on their behalf. Do not have to be a Healthcare worker to file it: vaers.hhs.gov

If had severe reaction to shot, ask them to also share their story (if deceased, a family member or friend can share) with nomoresilence.world and/or with nomoresilence.world

Also contact state and federal representatives.

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So very sad.

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Welcome to the Revolution in


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The results would have been worse if not vaccinated though.

- Typical Branch Covidian

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Next statement from CDC director: only fully vaccinated go to heaven.

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St. Peter and his vaks pass. Needed for entry, of course

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Oh there's a meme for you. St Peter asking for a vax pass via QR code.

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If the pope is Catholic/Christian I’d recommend he re-read his bible. I guess if St. Peter needs a vaks pass break he can have the pope monitor the incoming flow of good, clean vaccinated entrants.

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I call them "Masked Covidians."

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If the government would have allowed therapeutics, so many people would have lived. And that’s a fact.

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Yes, but that’s not part of the plan....

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And yet countries with low vaccination rates are outperforming those with high…..

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its becoming clear there is definitely a link between these two things. Highly vaccinated countries are no doubt fairing much worse. There answer, more shots. Its truly psychotic.

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Beat me to it.

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hahahaha!!! wait... (falls to floor sobbing instead)

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'Ronatardvaxxation leads a k00l-Aid drinker to believe that virtue signaling all the way to one's own death is the noble, better, superior, 'greater good' death. A vaxx martyr to the injection end of the poison petard for the last but not least participation trophy. 🎖️

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This is a brilliant comment.

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Thank you! :)

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Attempting to explain the nuances of immunology and the issues of these transfections to such folks has been a test of my patience. Now I just give them the finger.

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I give the finger to the sign that flashes and advertises free CV testing. I am sure some people think I am a little nuts, but I am not the one driving around masked alone in my car...

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Me too!

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I do this as well! I also give the signs the evil eye and say a curse under my breath.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one

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How much worse then dead can you get?

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If you haven’t taken the jibber jab you may suffer a super-sized death...

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Hey! At least they didn't get Covid...??

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Would rather have Covid then be dead from the side effects of the vaccine that was supposed to prevent it. The recovery rate for Covid is around 99%.

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Even higher with early treatment, i.e. hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, fluvoxamine, methylprednisolone, or budesonide.

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I could not have been more sarcastic in my comment up there...

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How many government officials, public health “experts”, pharma company execs & board members, social media company execs & board members and big media execs & board members need to be arrested and tried for murder to assure this never happens again?

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all of them

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The list is likely very long.

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As many as can be found out and caught in a Red State.

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They need to be quadruple vaccinated.

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The list is very, very, very, VERY long.

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She needs be jailed for pushing this on children.

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The only way that happens outside court processes is if you push any and all GOP candidates to promise impeachments or other punishments of officials like her, or resolutions to reduce salary to zero. We must have 100 officials at CDC, NIH, etc. in some tangible way acted upon by Congress within three months of their being seated in early 2023.

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I concur. EVERYONE needs to light up local and state GOP reps on this. Email them reams of data. Be strategic and concise and normal but persuasive. Start now if you haven't already. Get a good ground game going long before summer hits.

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And if you still vote Dem--why oh why would you?--you demand it of your guys and gals also!

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There are many GOP's who have been doing nothing, and they were guilty of following along under Trump at the beginning of all of this. None of the politicians on both sides are worthy of remaining in office, and they should all be investigated to see who has been padding their pockets. A medical emergency, which this is not, should never be politicized. We have been subjected to political divisiveness for far too long, and this divisiveness is part of what brought us to this mess.

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Rand Paul and Ron Johnson should be re-elected.

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Thank God my 17yo son is not vaxxed - had COVID in 2020 and a few weeks ago. Sniffles for a few days. He wasn't even sick. Only tested him this time because my wife and I tested positive...

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Yep, I think the same about my teenage son. He doesn't care much either way, but I'm fierce in my advocacy to protect him from this. (& grateful to Alex for his whistle blowing.)

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My daughter is the same, although has stated it would be “easier” to get jabbed. It’s frustrating when they don’t see all that’s going on

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They're kids. They think they're invincible. That's where you come in.

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That’s right! My son just turned 16 and is so wise to what’s happening.

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I went to my son’s physical last week…. They asked , I said an emphatic no .

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Shame on them for asking. I will never fully trust a medical professional again.

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holy shit..great info..from Johns Hopkins too...very reputable, thanks very much spreading it out now

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That is unconscionable. Every time I think they can’t sink any lower…

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Same 19yo and 22yo healthy beautiful sons - will have to step over my cold dead body in order to vax them.

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Hubby had heart attack 2 weeks ago, and wants the ja since he is now "high risk"...but they will have to deal with momma bear before anyone jabs my 21yr old son!!!

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Actually the jab could make his heart disease situation much worse!

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Damn straight.

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For those of you with 16, 17, 18 year olds, better figure out what you're going to do about college. Just about ALL of them push the vax AND boosters.

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Mine is not going to college and is working full-time. He was due to start college in 2020 but COVID changed everything and then the jabs came. He will find a different route in life, but it won’t be in the colleges that turn kids into progressive idiots who must take jabs every 6 months to attend.

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My 21 year old son is learning a trade. I am thankful to everyone who fought the Biden 100 employees plus vax mandate, as that would have prevented him from taking his current job. No way is he getting the booster.

BTW, those of you who are alumni of private universities that are requiring the booster, stop giving and consider telling them why.

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Brilliant idea.

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If he wants to be a millionaire, I recommend a plumbing career. Every plumber I know is worth a bundle.

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We are encouraging him towards a trade school. Right now he is working at Chick Fila and has already banked enough for a healthy downpayment on a house since he’s still living at home with no real expenses. Got him a financial advisor through Dave Ramsey because I never had that much money at 20 years old.

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Good job, mom!

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Or an electrician. My electrician has a house In the Bahamas. Not my accountant, banker or attorney.

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My pediatrician gave me a bill one time, and it was so high I asked him if he thought he was a plumber.

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Wish I would have gone into plumbing instead of nursing😥

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I worked as a CNA for many years until just recently (thankfully, my facility accepted my religious exemption request for refusing the rona shot ) and was considering finishing my schooling to get my RN then BSN but not now! I took a job in a factory and a significant wage cut but am much less stressed and when mama’s happy, everyone’s happy!

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One of my brothers is a plumber…just took his master’s test today…he’s very smart with his loads of dough. I tell my 16 yo that there is no shame in the trades! People need clean water! My dad always said “the world needs ditch diggers, too!”

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And electricians. HVAC. Welders.

Mike Rowe talks about the people who take a shower when they come home from work.

We need 'em all! They are ESSENTIAL.

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Yes! Did you happen to see Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Rowe? Excellent! Had my son watch it, too!

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We don’t have enough respect for the trades in this country.

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Smart, Kristen. There are so many other ways to go. These colleges would collapse if more people did the same.

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Exactly! My son will get the money that was set aside for his college degree instead. Stupid colleges. They have cut off their noses to spite their face.

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Not so crazy about college anymore either. It's an expensive aging vat.

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They are headed that way now!

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My kids go to one of the top private schools in NC. Half the class once had Duke, UNC, and Wake as their backup safety schools. A huge number get into an impressive list of Ivy schools every year. Before the pandemic mist were opting for big southern schools like Auburn, Alabama, University of Miami (the one in Miami). Since Covid every last kid who could go anywhere they wanted, chose schools like Auburn and Alabama. They just applied to the others to check a box. 90% of the senior class for several years got accepted to every single school they applied to with 100% college acceptance.

It’s telling where the kids with all the options choose to go……… people would be wise to take notice. The physician friends we have that are still in physician owned groups also refuse to hire Ivy med school grads - they all say they over and Mis diagnose and over and mistreat because they are trained to follow flow charts, not practice medicine.

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Hahah yup. That’s my kid. We’re from Maryland and he’s headed to Auburn and free America in the fall!

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My son is at LSU - they have been quite reasonable about not getting the jab, some testing is required, nothing too burdensome, but they have just recently dropped all masking indoors as well.

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That's good to hear. Another university that still actually teaches kids useful things!!!

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I am originally from Mississippi and never would have dreamed of going to Ole Miss, MSU, Alabama or Auburn. I went to a southern top 20 school instead, my dream. For my kids, who could likely get into top 30 schools, I am encouraging them to make a decision on quality of education, freedom of choise/freedom of speech, etc. So, yes, it may be that they end up at a place I never would have gone. I believe they will be better served.

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I am a University of Maryland Alum. We did not even consider UMD for him for those same reasons....

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What you need is an Attorney General like we have here in Virginia who will not allow them to require the booster to attend state universities.

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My high school senior son just committed to Auburn over Penn State in part because of this…no way will he get the shot.

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Who Hoo!!!! Smart boy!

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We encouraged him to wait, and thankfully our doc did not push it when he had his yearly physical last summer. Since that time, two of his close friends ended up in ER and now routine cardiologist appointments (Myocarditis) following the jab. It was almost traumatizing---he is now terrified of the vaccine. He was leaning towards AU anyway...that set the decision in stone. So sad for these children.

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Believe me...been thinking about that already. Hoping the insanity has calmed down by the fall of 2023.

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I think all the public colleges in FL have NO mask or death jab mandates.

But college is a scam anyway.

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Good to know. However, nearly all colleges are woke, your student will come out with a different gender and ideologies than when they started.

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There are a couple out there that don't. Support those instead if you want to go to college.

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Good for you....my son goes to a Mass college that mandated vax...thank God he got exemption....otherwise I would not allowed him to attend....I have informed him of truth ..he thanks me all the time...

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How did you get exemption. People would love to do same.

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Feb 15, 2022
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Peggy Hall is WONDERFUL. Thehealthyamerican.org

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How does he survivor in that commie state with indoor vaxx mandates

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“Talk to your doctor if you have concerns”…..aka your doctor who we’ve threatened to take their medical license and career away if they say anything against our narrative to make you hesitant about the rushed experimental vaccine.

These pieces of sh…. bureaucrats need to be in jail.

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Also “the benefits vastly outweigh the risks..”. Walensky appears to be speaking to everbody, every person on the planet? Every person has the same risks to Covid and same risks to the vaccine? After 2 years they are still pretending like we can put blanket advice on everyone. Seems like clear misinformation.

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Medical boards should hang their heads in shame.... “hang” being not such a bad word in this context.

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Truth. "Talking to your doctor" about vaccines or experimental gene therapies is such a waste of time. Just cut out the middleman and instead read Walensky's tweets. It's what the doctor would tell you anyway, either out of fear or stupidity.

The only good that might come out of this Convid scamdemic and its crimes against humanity is that people stop trusting the medical profession, 98% of whom are useful idiots, Pharma shills, or sociopaths.

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Where are the parents in these situations? If this happened to my child I would be signed up for every social media platform possible spreading it every day. I would be standing outside TV and newspaper offices begging for an interview. I would stand on the streets of my city yelling about what happened to my children. Where are the heroes this world needs? Where is the good to come out of this evil?

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Challenge, these days anyway, is that those speaking out- either injured or having lost a loved one- is silenced. Removed from social media platforms and legacy media simply won't cover it. Maybe these parents are raising hell, we just may never know.

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Parents on the front line, for decades. Now known as primary members of the "misinformation dirty dozen", but always out there, paying attention to the States' legislatures and working to inform people about the long, frustrating history of the captured regulatory bodies of the CDC and FDA. Same with ICAN and CHD. Tirelessly out there, but heard by most only recently because covid brought the devastation of vax injury to many more families. My son was injured by mmr in 2019 at age 10. Not only did we not receive any useful medical advice or help from our regular doctor, we were dismissed by most everyone else for even mentioning our striking "before and after" effects by way of explaining that the only thing that had changed was the emergency mandated vaccination. In the long slog - emotional and physical and financial- to try to repair his health and get help for keeping up with his education, there was very little juice left for doing much more than strategic battles with the gaslighting politicians and medical admins. Even old friends and some of our family were dismissive and think of us now as crazies for declining the experimental injections. Which I share to say only that it leaves some of us with thin resources, most of which must focus on getting the kid as healthy as possible going forward

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They get silenced on social media. Support groups are even canceled

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Right? Same. Maybe they are devastated after injecting their children and unwittingly causing their deaths.

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Yes I would imagine they are absolutely incapacitated by guilt. And maybe some part of them knows if they report they will be viciously assaulted and in their present state of misery (I CANNOT IMAGINE how you function after losing a child, especially when you yourself indirectly caused it) - and they can't stand the thought.

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I get it. But you would think some solace could be had in trying to save the lives of some other children.

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I can tell you that grief groups are exploding. Literally there are SO many people in them it is unreal.

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This is just another bit of evidence! Similar to the embalmers!

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Feb 15, 2022
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🚛 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 🇨🇦

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I personally know of two deaths among my peers here in Ontario, Canada and a recently vaccinated 35 year old family member just suffered a stroke. But anecdotal information holds no sway over the dedicated health beurocrats determined to innoculate every Ontarian.

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I know of vaxed, double vaxed, boosted, got covid anyway, "they were healthy but died from covid." And STILL people around them think it really was covid. Don't even think of the vax. Unreal.

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Also in Ontario. I feel your pain.

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How does this article not make the world blow up? How is this not on the front page of every fucking newspaper?

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I almost wish I hadn't seen this because I'm getting serious RAGE thinking about how they're going to try to cancel this article. "Well, COVID can cause the same thing. Think how many people don't get this because they got the shots." WTF. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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I read the entire report. If I understood it correctly, the pathologists determined that this myocardial was different from the Covid caused myocardis.

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That's what Dr. Mcullough has been saying--and there are other studies too--the vax myocarditis is much more severe.

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If only we had real “news”. What we have are corporate owned and controlled organizations that spout what their owners tell them to, when and as often as necessary to sway public opinion. I wonder how many “journalists” can sleep well at night.

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The best journalists a billionaire can buy!

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Cue the Ukraine invasion in 3, 2, 1...

Mandates on all levels, Fed, State, local school districts, media, "doctors", is going to have the mandaters and enablers scrambling to save themselves and not get caught up in criminal and civil tidal wave coming their way. Why else do you think everyone is yelling "UKRAINE" in unison. These killers need to change the narrative, because all of THE SCIENCE that is coming out has most of them running scared.

Whatever you do, never forget who did what!!! They must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

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Yes, you said it. They will try to deflect, lie, distract. I keep wondering how Fauci got away with his lies in AIDS experiments.

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Horrifying! Stop killing children!

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🔥🔥🔥Grateful I trusted my instinct and waited … my super healthy sons (10 & 11) will NEVER get this vax. They just had Covid and it was 24-36 hrs of exhaustion and leg cramps, then done. Over. NO BIG DEAL.

Thank you ALEX for all of your brave and honest reporting. We need you. And 1,000 more like you.

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Good for you! It’s all abt that gut feeling. Helllooo natural immunity club!! So grateful to my body for doing what it does best aka protecting me better than anything synthetic and toxic.

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Good for you! It is the parents and grandparents insisting that kids be vaxxed so they can see granny that drive me the most crazy.

Even at 70 and mostly fit, the worst I’ve had in two years of Covid is one fairly bad cold followed by a week of fatigue. I’m not touching the stuff, and I started out merely a little skeptical.

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Alex and a few other sub stackers basically have a monopoly on real journalism.

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You can’t prove the vaccine caused those deaths!!! I bet they both had a Monster energy drink right before bed!!! Don’t you know tons of teenagers are dying from drinking energy drinks now. It’s a new fad that started about 11 months ago.

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We STILL count anybody with a positive test a covid death, but when healthy people die after the vaccine, it's just a huge mystery what happened!

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Feb 15, 2022
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It was sarcasm….classy though

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I actually appreciate most of the sarc, I deliver some of it myself. But....

Americans ARE rather unhealthy. While these two kids Alex is talking about suffered awful and obviously jab related deaths, not denying that, one was listed as obese. Comorbidities are ALSO possible and even probable when discussing jab deaths. I’ve read hundreds of VAERS reports. And while most were sooo close to the jab dates, there is often evidence of comorbidities.

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So what? If you get killed by a gun, comorbidities might play a role too but they would still arrest the shooter. Most Covid dead had 4-6 comorbidities (I'm not referring to incidental Covid).

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Oh yes Completely agree. I’m more pointing out the curiosity on my part as to why some (like most of the 40 youngsters at my Private HC office I work for (all but 2 of us jabbed) do NOT seem to show issues. Just being honest about what I personally am seeing.

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Everyone's body makes a different amount of spike and it can go to different places, some had aspirated needles, people have different amounts of fat around their heart (athletes are more susceptible as they have less fat in their body, apparently so the spike goes to the fat there), everyone is different. Some guys are told not to exercise for weeks after the vax but some don't get warned or they are told just two weeks when it should be much longer. No one knows why many things happen in different people--why do some get cancer, etc.--it's not always people who have cancer in their family.

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How did that get deleted so fast?!

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How does she look in the mirror?

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With people so far given to literal Evil, what is actually looking out of those empty holes doesn't care about mirrors.

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No problem when there is no reflection! SMH!

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I retired from practicing law in 2013. I stopped paying my bar dues in 2015. I have never wanted my license back for any reason. Reading stories like this makes me want it back. Walensky et al are as guilty of murder as if they had used a gun.

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Feb 15, 2022
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Class action RICO suit. Treble damages!

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Anyone else hearing a massive barrage of radio spots from Pfizer “ask your pharmacist about Comirnaty?” I think this just started today…clown world on stilts.

On a related note, former Blackrock fund mgr Edward Dowd (on Twtr & GETTR) seems to indicate wall street is wising up to vax failure. He expects a massive legal fight between life insurers, hit with massive excess mortality and record losses, and the companies that caused it all.

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I hope so! I’ve been asking what happens next with statistically impossible (beyond improbable) increase in deaths of prime working age people. Will insurers try to deny liability because the deceased should have known the vax was experimental, or will they sue the vax manufacturers, or will they seek a government bailout for the government caused excess mortality?

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They'll blame it on covid/long covid

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Nuremberg 2.0

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This makes me sick to my stomach. I have watched my nieces and nephews, all in their late teens and early twenties, trot off to be jabbed and boosted despite my concerns. But the loathsome medical establishment has them scared and confident that they are safe. Is Walensky going to be charged if this ever comes out? And what about Fauci? It is inconceivable to me that he still holds a position of power and respect. There was a case of a teenage boy in the Boston area who collapsed suddenly while playing basketball. It was written up in the Boston Globe. He had no history of heart issues. played several sports and was in perfect health. I'm not sure whether he survived but there was NO MENTION of the vaccine possibly being implicated in this event. NONE. ZIP. i suppose there's a chance that he wasn't vaxxed but I would be willing to bet he was. A friend of mine in her thirties has had roughly five friends die for no reason at all suddenly in the last year. her age, perfect health, all vaxxed I believe. When is someone in the government going to address this 40 percent increase in mortality in people between 18 and 60 over the last year?

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A college prof I know posted on fb about how many deaths there have been in students' families in the first few weeks of the semester - and how no, they're not covid related and how weird. Yeah...how weird...I wonder what it could be...

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🐘 in the room

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You should say "The donkey in the room," these days.

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I used to be a donkey. Now I understand why they call donkeys asses.

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i meant my comment above to be in reply to yours btw..

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I support the death penalty for all of them. We only need to be remined history has repeated itself.... First the Nazi's and now American Doctors have delivered far greater death. Charge them as Traitors and carry out capitol punishment.

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It's time to look into Operation Warp Speed. I believe Trump/Pence was aware of the end result. I voted for Trump and after his support of the vaccines I don't trust anyone in Gov. The Trump Administration provided over ONE Billion to the Gates Foundation. Gates supports world depopulation.

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I really doubt Trump/Pence would know enough to realize how bad this could get. Fauci on the other hand, definitely knew.

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They know how to read the VAERS report. Trump calls himself the father of the vaccines. Why the hell would anyone mandate the jab to our military and never renounce an unproven vaccine? Even if they didn't know they know for a fact Bill Gates supports World Depopulation. It' looks like they are all part of the same club. My lovely friend lost her only daughter to the dam vaccine. I saw her suffer, I saw blood running from her nose. I saw her animals lay beside Sheri and if we have presidents who don't know how bad it could get than they didn't deserve my vote to begin with. I reply with respect and I'm not attacking you at all but rather this topic enrages me and we've been lied to from the left and the right.

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I'm so sorry for your friend. I get the rage. Have witnessed 9 losses myself: 6 post-vax, 2 vax+cancer, 1 vax+stroke. And I have family and friends vaxed with symptoms. This is beyond a nightmare.

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That was my thought too but I still agree Trump should own some of the responsibility. This all started on his watch. And this coming from a moderate Trump supporter.

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Agree. Not saying there is not some responsibility. Just disagreeing with "aware" comment.

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Trump only thought he knew how bad the swamp is. If he ever gets near it again, expect him to go nuclear on the rogue agencies which are sucking the life (literally, now) out of America.

He trusted experienced people way too much, and paid the price. The worst of it is that he was somehow persuaded to keep Fauci.

What he could not have been expected to know was Fauci’s evil fascination with “vaccines” for everything, nor the history of failure with prior attempts at Coronavirus vaccines. Now, armed with hindsight and a huge amount to reading, many of us here are shocked that he could have been sucked into mRNA vaccines as the way out of an inflated pandemic, but in his position, he was getting inflated estimates and overblown “death with Covid” counts, and was offered a novel “engineered” solution to the problem.

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Trump didn't realize this was yet another way for the swamp to get rid of him.

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Yet Biden's science advisor, Eric Lander, had stock in Pfizer. He was recommending boosters.

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My son just turned 16 a couple of weeks ago. Last year, at his annual physical at University of Michigan General

Pediatrics Clinic in Ann Arbor, his pediatrician, whom I have always trusted as my now-adult daughter’s pediatrician and who has been my son’s pediatrician since birth, went behind my back, when’s he had him alone…common practice to talk to teenagers sans parent in the room…apparently they think kids will open up to someone they see once or twice a year as opposed to their own parent🙄 so anyway, the vaccines were not authorized for kids under 16 years at that point in time…she was attempting to coerce him into getting the vaccine when he turned 16!!! Thankfully, he DOES talk to me when we got into the car and told me what happened! He said she asked if he was going to take the vaccine when he turned 16, he said no she asked why, he said cuz they aren’t FDA approved, and she proceeded to tell him they were safe and to think about it! I asked what he said the…he said he was wise to what she was doing so he just agreed to think about it! Unbelievable! She can suck a bag of dicks! How is a 16 year old going to make medical decisions for himself!? I haven’t had him back for this year’s physical…found a pediatrician in a neighboring community whose thinking is more in line with mine😉

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We have warned our children about scenarios with doctors and at schools. They know our views. What I hate is that I have had to talk to my children about choosing their college based on vax policies. We do have a few more years so I am hopeful. And, of course, vax policy is just a symptom of other reasons why I wouldn't want them to go to a prestigious school.

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I've been scared to take any of my kids in to the doctor since all this began. I don't trust them

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The practice of medicine has been captured by the public health agencies and Big Pharma. Maybe 1 in 200 doctors have critical thinking abilities or the courage to use them.

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Thank god your son is growing to be as wise as you. I really hate that kind of stuff from doctors. Good move to find a new doc.

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Walensky is in her little own world, give us numbers! I am a welder by trade and I can figure this out... DUH.

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Walensky is owned by Randi Weingarten and the teacher's unions. The same people who tell you Critical Race Theory isn't taught........

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My bro is a chimney sweep. Y’all don’t sell yourselves short. He figured this out a long time ago and is a lib besides. Don’t throw all the libs together. My bro is awesome. He would have died (truly literally I think) before letting his little girl be jabbed). At least not with the mRNA/DNA experiments.

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I am unvaccinated, yet I am still alive!!! A medical miracle perhaps.

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Me too. Despite my own President wanting me dead for two Dark Winters in a row, I am alive, thriving, happy and making more money than ever. Saving more money too because I can’t go anywhere in Chicago. The harder they push the more I succeed.

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Maybe all we unvaxxed are actually dead?

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I didn't get the vaccine primarily because governments were pushing it so hard.

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I read a comment from a cardiologist that there’s no such thing as a mild case of myocarditis. It causes some degree of permanent damage in every case. How would Dr Rachel characterize dying in your sleep from it at 15 years old?

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This is not true. Many people have mild myocarditis after a bout with the common cold. The cardiologist you are quoting probably was referring to myocarditis that has symptoms that result in hospitalization. Most mild myocarditis is only detected on autopsy when the person dies of some non-disease cause and it’s discovered by accident in the postmortem exam.

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Which is completely irrelevant- myocarditis detected only upon autopsy is NOT what we’re talking about here. If it was diagnosed at all, then it’s clearly NOT “mild”. I’m glad you’re so informed but this information isn’t helpful to this discussion.

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I think you completely missed the point. The statement was made that there is no such thing as mild myocarditis. Fact is it’s very common. You’ve probably had it yourself at some point in your life.

This is not to say that the serious myocarditis being suffered by young males as a result of mRNA vaccines isn’t a serious issue. It is. But, it’s important to be factually accurate in statements made about any medical ailment.,

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I concede your point. Unfortunately we have been lied to about “mild” myocarditis by the CDC so many times that I get a little defensive - I have an unvaxxed teen son athlete who is facing a vax mandate to play football in college which makes it very real to me.

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Okay. I understand where you are coming from. The good news is that these vax mandates are not going to last much longer. The facts on the ground are becoming just too obvious for even the most woke to ignore. Even Democratic states are dropping them. mRNA vaccines never actually made any sense except for those in my old-fart age cohort. I had the two Moderna shots and the booster. I will not get any additional boosters. With the vast majority of cases now being Omicron, it doesn’t make sense for anyone to be vaccinated, except, perhaps, those with very seriously compromised immune systems. A neighbor down the street died of Covid-19 a few weeks ago. He was in his 60s and undergoing chemotherapy for non-Hogdkins Lymphoma. Before the pandemic he was part of a group that I was in that played basketball two or three times every week.

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… a week.

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WAKE UP sheep 🐑 🐑🐑🐑 🐑🐑🐑🐑

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The depopulation agenda is being exposed. Now what? How many will lose children and still believe? It won't stop with this. This is a "step operation" and the covid scam/vaccine scam is Step 1. We're at war.

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You know? There’s another Alex in media that was saying this would happen before anyone else did. Just saying! J o n e s

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I’ve had a couple of friends telling me this from the beginning, and I started out skeptical that the agenda was so extreme, mostly because the economy which allows these elites to live like kings depends on the people in it - no people = economic collapse.

And yet, as time goes by, more and more of the outlandish possibilities look to be true.

I even told one friend who learned of the dangers after getting the shot, that if she survived the first couple of months without ill effects that she would be fine. Now I learn that permanent immune system suppression is real, and mRNA is being found in the lymph nodes more than 60 days post vax (it’s supposed to be broken down by the cells after generating one copy of the spike protein).

Boy am I glad I didn’t get the shot, initially because I don’t get Flu shots, either, and subsequently because the news keeps getting worse.

Nuremberg II has to happen.

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My son's friend is now on a heart monitor post-vax, he's 15.

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The pharmaceutical companies have 100% immunity because of the emergency use authorization. I racked my brain to think of something more immoral, but came up empty.

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Fraud will pierce the immunity. And there was fraud.

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I wonder if their lawyers are telling them that.

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My own sister-in-law who is a Pediatrician spouted the ridiculous lie that vaccine induced myocarditis was rare, mild and transitory whereas myocarditis from Covid was severe and deadly as justification for injecting my beautiful 6 year old niece with the clot shot. How can one fight this level of delusion?

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Ask her what the risk is from the virus for your beautiful 6 year old niece. The correct answer is approximately none. Recommending a risky vax for an insignificant risk illness is incompetence at best, more likely malice.

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This is what we are facing. I know her parents love her and would do anything to protect her, but they are so brainwashed I don't know how to break through. This is what happens when people have watched MSM for decades uncritically. Half my family is this way and it doesn't matter their intellect or education. Honestly, it all comes down to their politics. The Dems in my family are under a Covidian spell. Those of us in the family that are Conservatives see everything that is happening and will not be fooled. I've tried to red pill them, but nothing works. And, I say this as someone who was red pilled back in 2008. I was a loyal Dem until my 30s.

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Her own daughter? She barely qualifies as a mother. In a sane age, Child Protective Services would remove the child to safety.

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Well if Trudeau is an indication, and he is, you can expect things to get a lot worse here in the US before it gets better.

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Devastating. What on earth do these families do now? Are they supposed to turn to their ‘honest’ government?

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"Talk to your doctor if you have concerns" so that he can gaslight you and urge you to get the jab despite no statistical benefit to you.

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Nuremberg 2.0

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Wollinsky knows that "talking to your doctdor" is circular logic as most docs/nurses will say -- well this is what the CDC recommends and says.

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Yep. There was a time early in 2021 when I was parroting that line too. Talk to your doctor, I'd say. Then I talked to my doctor. And I realized that he was trying to push these shots on me and not even listening to my concerns at all. Now I say to all the doctors, you better talk to your patients and HEAR their concerns. Otherwise you won't have many patients left.

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Yup the logical fallacies are endless. Circular logic, trust the experts, ad hominem attacks, ridicule, statistical deceits, errors of omission, strawman misrepresentation, etc.

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Right? This always makes me roll my eyes.

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This Michigan boy received the vaccine 3 days before he died in his sleep. Autopsy shows no cause of death but "no link to COVID-19 vaccine." I don't believe that for one minute. Thirteen-year-olds don't die in their sleep for no reason. https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/no-link-found-death-of-13-year-old-saginaw-county-boy-covid-19-vaccine/69-903b8d33-4183-458e-9548-458fe1c12c4b

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Yes, I noticed that story too. He died back in spring, and there tweets from his aunt saying his heart was enlarged, consistent with heart inflammation.

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I believe they always knew this. I was terminated in November from my medical support position for refusing the shot and the three times a week testing even with a religious exemption. Prior to my termination, we would take the HS medical forms for student-athletes to be completed by the pediatricians to give clearance for playing HS athletics. After July, I noticed that a new page was added to the state’s HS medical forms. It was a waiver about “sudden cardiac death.” These assholes KNEW that this was a possibility after forcing parents to get their kids injected so that their kids could continue to play HS sports and they wanted to be absolved from liability if the worst thing ever happened to a child while play their sport. The depths of the evil and the corruption is truly shocking.

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So my 14 yr old son has a 1 in 1 million chance of dying from the COVID virus or he can get injected & has a 1 in 2,000 chance of getting myocarditis...hmm... Risk/ Benefit ration calculating... I'll go with A. No shots!

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It's not just myocarditis, either. It's the immune system hacking that leaves him vulnerable to new pathogens and puts him on a booster treadmill with the adverse potential risks compounding each time.

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If your son is healthy (no severe pre-existing conditions), his chances of dying FROM Covid are probably closer to 1 in 2 million. That's the findings from a UK study on children's deaths among healthy children (0.0001 percent mortality risk).

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A 5 year old could logic better than Walensky. It’s unfathomable that she does not understand. Which means she is a murdering criminal. There’s no in between.

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But-but-but… she’s from Hah-vard!

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And Pharma and their media puppets will gaslight the sheep into believing this is from COVID. It’s maddeningly evil.

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As a parent of two young sons living in California, thank you for sharing this critical info.

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She didn't lie--the vaccination DID prevent these two boys from dying due to Covid-19. It just didn't prevent death from itself.

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The myocarditis got them before covid could. In their world this is probably an acceptable result.

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That means it's working

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I wonder if their parents are still lining up to get their 4th booster.

Spoiler alert: probably.

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insert weeping emoji here.

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Its like Vioxx, only a whole lot worse. And the CDC director appears to be the head of sales & marketing.

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They know what their doing. They know these shots are dangerous. They will continue to push them. More and more people will get sick and many will die. I will say it again they know what their doing

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Young, healthy 45 yo father of two dropped dead in front of his family. Autopsy results? Severe myocarditus with his entire heart consumed by scar tissue. His wife posted, saying they both were previously true cv jab believers... But no more. Unfortunately it was a fatal mistake. :( she's telling e everyone about it now.

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Link to story?

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He was only 34 (unless there's another one who was 45?), the obituary is at https://maccoubrey.com/service/6238/brandon-andrew-watt

Sounds like the world lost a good one. And yes, the funeral info included the line, "No capacity limits but proof of vaccination required by the church."

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I think this is the post that cnico was referencing above, but then again, these stories are going to become increasingly more common. This is horrific beyond words. These poor people.

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People have to learn that the phrase “Talk to your Doctor” is straight out of a pharmaceutical commercial. Walensky is merely a sales rep.

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We have some sick, twisted and horrible people running the Covid health response in America. I hope they will be held accountable at some point. I’m not sure how they sleep at night or look at themselves in the mirror.

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Are your screenshots backed up in multiple places and are they safe? You have damning proof of so much, please be sure it is redundant and safe. And you be safe too. I’ve always been wary of government but now I am getting downright scared of what they will do next.

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