Heartbreaking beyond belief. Our military is becoming a catastrophe in the making. There are Marines sitting in barracks for months waiting to be released due to denying the Covid vaccination. They have no idea when they are being released and they are losing their mind. We are witnessing the purposeful destruction of our country. FJB and the horse he rode in on 47 years ago.

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Exactly…all a part of the planned destruction of the greatest country on earth. Why 😢

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Because we have selfish, sick, immature, evil psychopaths that are not being held accountable for anything they do. Put the fear of God in them by dropping off all social media today - don’t let them know what you are doing, thinking, saying, or believing. Get outside, enjoy the world in front of us, stand up for what you believe in and leave the rat race behind.

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Speaking of immature, I was listening to a talk with former U.S. diplomats and CIA agents who served under Reagan and Bush during the Cold War. They were talking about how incendiary and foolish modern leaders are toward Russia. One of them brought up how Obama once said, 'no wants what Russia is selling' which is an attack on the Russian people. What can possible be gained to say such things he wondered? U.S./Soviet relations always took care to understand things from the Soviet perspective showing a maturity of American diplomacy. There was no need to dehumanize and demonize where potential nuclear war was at stake.

It's not just America of course. All nations of the West have become increasingly belligerent thanks to a new political culture filled with, we'll, irresponsible dumbasses.

Susan Eisenhower, for her part, argues that 'backchannel' diplomacy with Russia should be rebooted. I thought to myself did we seriously stop talking to the Russians? i guess that would explain why the West acts all confused about Putin. There are no lines of communications anymore.


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Can’t leave out the Senator who said Putin should be assassinated. How do you negotiate with someone who have just called to be killed?

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And Lindsey Graham. Outrageous. Despicable. Idiotic.

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Yes, the very one. Couldn’t remember his name. thanks.

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Let's not forget Biden called Putin a killer. Maybe true, but those kinds of comments end all chances of diplomacy.

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I did forget that. True, that will kill diplomacy. Those people truly are amateurs.

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Better Midler sides with Linda. Have you seen the new Spending bill? https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/09/politics/government-omnibus-spending-bill-2022/index.html Besides a ton of money for earmarks, paiy raises, there was also GUN CONTROL and Linda's name is on the list. https://www.gunowners.org/na03112022/ Barrasso (R-WY)

Blunt (R-MO)

Capito (R-WV)

Collins (R-ME)

Cornyn (R-TX)

Ernst (R-IA)

Graham (R-SC)

Grassley (R-IA)

Hyde-Smith (R-MS)

McConnell (R-KY)

Moran (R-KS)

Murkowski (R-AK)

Portman (R-OH)

Shelby (R-AL)

Thune (R-SD)

Tuberville (R-AL)

Wicker (R-MS)

Young (R-IN)

24 hrs to read a nearly 3K bill.

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Nope. No longer care. I live in Japan and have for over 20 years. Despite not having any representation in the US legislature, I am expected to help support not only the corrupt government here, but also the one in my homeland. I know all about bills of more than 1000 pages submitted late Friday night for an early Monday morning vote. I also know of bills being submitted for vote but have had the text changed so that senators vote for some other than what they think they are. Voting records have no meaning when such tricks are played.

I also know that trying to warn people of any of this causes the same we receive from the Covidians. We had plenty of opportunities to stop each and every part of the disaster we now face but chose not to. We made our bed, we must lie in it.

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A lot of these schmucks are running for re-election this year. They all need to be primaried. Of course, the Turtle controls that RNC pocket book soooo....

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1 thing missing NO COVID MONEY.

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Senator Graham is certainly no diplomat nor statesman. Even an 18-year-old would not be so irresponsible as to say such a thing..

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True. Scary that we have such people deciding things on our behalf. Wonder how much he has to gain in military contracts.

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Something YOU can do to Defund the Left • Eagle Forum

by Anne Schlafly Cori


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THE GREAT RESET IMPRENTIS https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/what-is-the-great-reset/

Get Ready for the Great Reset


Deleted Web Page Reveals Obama Helped Ukraine Create BioLabs That Contained “Dangerous Pathogens”


Stop Trying to Start World War III

John and Andy Schlafly


Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is Tied to Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab and Other Global Elites - Truth Press


FORBES by Adam Andrzejewski


Nazi's supporting Ukraine Nazi's with American Patriots tax dollars.


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I used Linkedin for years, on the Pain forums, Posted 1 Covid article and got banned. Went against our policy, Every mention of truth on covid was deleted.

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I will joyfully subscribe, if it helps, but I will not be shaken down to pay to say as the only way to participate...

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I used the free as I do here, I can still read Subscribed articles here, just not participate. Most of my Eagle Forum info comes from my State Chapter, as I get state bills to look at. It's free unless you chose to donate, that being key "CHOICE". Nor do I want Cookies to delete or track. Which is why I switched to DDG for a search engine. I get answers to my questions, and related images.

I do our grocery shopping, as I have speciality diet issues. So I'm a label reader, when it can be read with out a Microscope. Kroger's like all grocery stores has gotten very expensive, as has driving, small towns have 1 main store. I've been basically tied to the house over an unexplained Jan1 Chronic diahrrea attack, my GI tract is a MESS that got another Autoimmune added to it "Lymphocytic Colitis". OA, drugs, and others caused part if it, but Autoimmunes don't help. Heritage Farms has two types available, I saw 2 words That NO one needs to see on poultry Salt and Carrageenan, that is not a familiar word. It is in most every food you eat, it is a 'natural' preservative. BUT TOXIC. If you must eat Organic, or have Autoimmunes, there are 100 known ones, I have 5. Technically it doesn't belong in any food, you treat it as you would a GMO or other nasty chems. This is what little government tells you. Carrageenan is one of those ingredients that seems to be troublesome in 'inflammatory bowel disease'. Here's a recent review.


There's almost no published research on carrageenan and autoimmune disorders. 'But there is a lot of published research on carrageenan and inflammation.'


Now a DDG search tells a very different pictorial story. Babies are now on Nexium, not a nice drug for bones. The area raising the most fuss is Organic Food users. It is Organic, but TOXIC. 1 page was enough to tell me it was a problem. IT'S BIGGER THAN YOU THINK https://duckduckgo.com/?q=carrageenan+in+food&va=b&t=hr&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foodbusinessnews.net%2Fext%2Fresources%2FFBN-Features%2F4%2FBabyFormulaCarrageenan2_Embedded.jpg

All the tummy troubles babies have might be linked to it. To read a food label you'd need to carry a Microsope as most are in 2 font print. Even bifocals can't read. This just happened to be normal print.

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Reset to 1977. Unless you believe Brother Beck

And the rest of the prognophets.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Somehow Xi Jin Ping can run a literal genocide operation, but it's the Russians who are the "most evil." Honestly, we don't have to like them. We don't have to pretend that they aren't up to malevolent things (as are we). But we have plenty of "allies" who are arguably worse: Saudi Arabia, Iraq (once upon a time), Kuwait, and now we're making overtures to friggin' Venezuela????

A little perspective wouldn't hurt DC. Alas, that's the last thing they're going to show.

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So, Kim, how does it feel to be among so many, incessantly propagandized and lied to by actors and activists playing journalists on TV, radio, et al...?

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What are you? A Putin stooge , a Russian apologist, an American traitor? ( this is what you get if you say this to a Democrat )? It’s hopeless with these fools in power. They stole the election and these are the fruits of that theft.

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It's the Great Reset, NWO that has been JoeBama's life's work.

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I go to the park and the trails with the dogs daily. Off grid for 2 hours. I intersect with the young crowd, lost on a marked trail, not knowing how to tell North from South, or interpret nature's signals. Good luck to them when the grid goes down. They and their pre-filled backpacks are so vulnerable. The God of SmartPhone. Good luck and hope they might learn about shortwave radio.

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The schools are disgraceful. I'm a former English teacher (now an anachronism) and I had to resign, since there was no possibility of persuading school officials to return to academics. That said, the parents are so busy with their careers or jobs that they don't know and sometimes don't care what the kids are being taught. So the parents could have maps and a globe in the house. "You don't need that Mom.

You just put it in the GPS" They don't know--Go north from Michigan to Florida for spring break. LOL) Parents could ask to see the thank you letter to Grandma and then be shocked at the illiteracy. Okay, that's sweet for a five-year old, but not for an eighth grader! So parents need to DO something about the language arts teaching. They have a responsibility to educate at home and then educate the educators. Parents are the first teachers. American education won't change until parents charge into the schools and demand academic instruction in the basics.

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I have an 8th grader who can barely write. Instead of teaching them how to write they teach these kids Critical Race Theory in Language Arts!!!! My daughter had to read a book called Alphonso Jones and write about how cops are bad. I was so furious I called the board of Education, but they did nothing. None of the parents I have spoken to even know what is being taught in school. It's frightening. They are training our kids to be Marxist. Our future is doomed. I live in CT btw.

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I see in the Twitterverse that CRT is not being taught. Of course, CRT is not being taught directly. They teach instead that if you are one color you are one thing and other colors are other things. And that cops are bad. No CRT here, no siree.

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I find 8th graders who can only print. No cursive skills at all. Some who have trouble understanding analog dials.

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So true! Without their smart phones they are lost in so many ways.

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They are lost WITH their cells phones. Just not lost and alone, which they will be when the grid goes down.

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I get that most are not, but are some maybe reading this on their cell phones? Maybe Andrei Martyanov? Maybe they are reading press releases from the Russian MoD? With machine translation?

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So true...

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We should all learn to live off the grid for at least a couple of hours a day. The average person checks their phone something like 150 times a day. It's actually sick!!

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If there's no power, there's no shortwave either. I wonder if they know how to make a fire ...

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Too dangerous for our snowflakes..

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There are battery and wind up radios. Then you just need to be connected to an antenna or on an elevation. I could start a fire if it was sunny, but on a cloudy day not so sure about success.

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So true, about not knowing directions: they also don't quickly understand that Left and Right will be in different directions depending on which way you're facing, while North, South, East and West are fixed points. But then, they also think women can be men, and men can have babies, so...

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1000% on point. Amen to everything you said.

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100% (of anything)--let's not embellish--we get a full crap load of it whenever we tune in from the actors and activists hired to play journalists on TV, radio, et al...

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

It's Truly Tragic what's happening to our younger generations......Stolen Elections have consequences. Must Vote for anyone other than D or an R ....100% turnover is what is needed!

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You have to look into everyone’s past. Look at family connections, education, internships etc, before you vote. Many candidates in the midterms have been groomed for years.

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No research required...just vote them out and see where "politics" lands.

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I sometimes favor that "Don't Re-elect Anyone," bumper sticker approach, but then I'm reminded of our civic responsibility to acquaint ourselves with each candidate. A few of them are serious conservatives, putting in long hours getting up to speed on each issue. I think it's wrong to oust someone just on general principles.

I was admonished once by a friend when I said I wasn't planning to vote on a local ballot issue regarding open space, because I wasn't familiar enough with the issue. She said it was my civic responsibility to read the proposed ballot initiative and she was right, and I did.

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Employers check credit reports. If you buy a used car and finance it, the dealer pulls a credit report. If you're investing a criminal, you look at their financial transactions. It's not too much to ask if they want to be taken serious. Full disclosure first.

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How do Stolen elections and vote harder coexist? There is no voting out of this.

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I agree. If most democrats and Republicans believe Russia stole the election in 2016, imagine how easy it would be to do it from here. I don't understand why people running for public office don't have to provide the same things you need to buy a house. Tax returns, credit reports and bank statements. No millionaires, billionaires, trustfunders, late paying, overextended politicains. Bland and consistent are unlikely to be bought or tossed under the bus.

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The House elections are every 2 years...if everyone voted for someone other than a Dem or RePub.....the two parties would be out of power,period! 100% turnover ! Think of the political shock waves !!!!

Our vote can still change the dynamics...we just don't use it correctly!

Everyone complains about "congress" , but my local guy is OK.

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It's easier to put new people in position at the local and county party level; then take down the state legislators first, and fix the corruption in the voting systems where they're supposed to originate, in the states. Then you go after the swamp critters in DC and vote them out. Nobody said it's not going to be a long, hard slog. But if we want to keep the Republic....

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That's fine...vote locally, but remove the national characters in DC.

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...then we must rebel, revolt, remove and restore via the 10th amendment--it is definitively now--never's shadow is already upon us--"a long, hard slog" is a luxury of time we no longer have. It is time to act--together, indivisible--to sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men (and will lay waste to our Republic...)

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Wow--scary! You come across like a dangerous variant of some kind--for the love of God, I pray you're not contagious...!

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How many younger "generations" are there...?

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That's witty, but I have a response. Kids now consider themselves Old School at summer camp when they are the senior campers. They are shocked at the language, music, change in culture. So funny at first, then pathetic, to hear the college-age counselors who speak of a generation gap they are experiencing.

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exactly....ZERO accountability. Been screaming it seemingly forever now and not ONE perp yet held to account over the past 24 + months...not ONE!

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It goes back much farther than two years--in fact, decades--and more to the point, the "perps" as you've described them, are, more often than not, rewarded for their crimes, failures and treasonous acts...

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Right...the dye is caste. Has always been inevitable!

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Inevitable, no. All that was needed was to not leave democracy to fly on auto pilot.

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“Months”? Years or decades is more accurate.

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Great summation and solution! They’re afraid to live and want us even more afraid than they are. The perfect answer is to be even less afraid than we were before and go live life even more fully.

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I am a retired Marine, two decades out, I never use social media, am constantly abused with intent to get me on it, and we must all eschew it, if we would keep our Country, and over-ride our out of control central, fascist government. I spent two decades on active duty, have no idea why we went where we did, who we invaded, only that none of it is on record. I will kill anyone who tries to give me a jab, I got "the jab" going to the Gulf, in 89, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 91, walked out of treatment in June, because my doctor was straight up lying to me, about medical treatment, the jab, and the efficacy of my "monoclonal antibodies", 157 monthly infusions, never an answer to the question, "when do I stop before I die?". No one has gone 157 months on record that I can find, 24 is the "median". They are evil psychopaths, murder is their intent. John McClain, GySgt, USMC, ret. Vanceboro, NC

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What a nightmare you’ve been through. I don’t trust any of them any more either. What have we become? We all need to make the choice right now of whether or not we stand for American values.

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My nephew was all set to join the AirForce and then the covid vaccine mandate hit and fortunately he did his research and refused to get it so got a job instead....we all feel like he dodged a bullet. We were all excited for him initially as it seemed like a great path under the Trump administration but a different story under Biden. Have been reading about all the fiascos with their anthrax vaccines and the chemical exposures and how badly servicemen have been treated. So sad and would think they'd do better now but doesn't seem to be happening. I am so grateful to those that have served and admire you so much.

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Thank you for the sacrifices you have made. I'm sorry to read your story. There were known sacrifices in the service of your country, but the unknown ones administered by your own military were unconscionable...and the lying just continues. 157 monthly injections? So glad you walked out. Best to you.

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Midwayusa.com buy ammo buy guns.

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To sin by silence when we should (together) protest makes cowards out of men...

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deletedMar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022
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We humans have a fallen nature, meaning that we are concupiscent and can fall prey to temptation and sin. We can also strive to be perfect, but without God’s grace we will not make one step toward that goal. Buying guns and ammo doesn’t make one “one of them”. That said, talking to people, building community, helping others do make life meaningful.

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deletedMar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022
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I’ve heard that the corruption started many years ago and I’m sure there’s more to it than what you’ve explained. It’s just horrible.

I also believe we need to forgive in this life. My faith tells me that. I did not forgive before. My mother was an atheist and while she had no interest in hearing about my beliefs she had to admit that she fared better with me than with my siblings who were atheists. Many people use their faith to excuse their (selfish) actions and justify them, but that’s not how it’s meant to be. True faith makes every action better, including things related to affairs of state and health.

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I believe the insurance company actuaries are taking a hard look at the excess deaths among millennials in the past two years even as we type. There will be a comeuppance, dare I say, due to the fraud perpetrated by Big Pharma and their collaborators at the CDC.

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They mean to destroy America and everything she represents. In order to rebuild it with an eye toward utopia.

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I don’t even think they want some utopia. They just want power

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Don't forget money!

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Utopia for them. For everyone else, not so much. That's pretty typical of aristocracies, whether communist or feudal. There's not much difference between them. Of course, studying nature it becomes clear that unequal distribution of every resource is the norm.

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It’s not just the US. That’s too small an agenda. They want the whole world and all its resources, including those human beings they choose to survive and serve them.

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I live in Japan and can verify that it is not just the US. Went in to Tokyo yesterday and so many more shops than the last time closed. Same each time I go in. Spirts high as I am out of the house, then slowing they sink. Usually I am the only unmasked person in a sea of masks, though there was another man unmasked on the train yesterday and I saw a young couple unmasked at a train station. First time in 2 years I have seen an unmasked passenger in the train (I am unmasked but can not see myself.) and it was the first time I have seen an unmasked woman’s face outside of home in two years. Then the ever increasing number of closed stores. The second to last place I remember from my first time to Japan in 1992 has also succumbed to the economic shut down. 11 years ago I made my first stop at a small convince store near my home. I remember it well because it was after my 12 mile walk home after the earthquake and I stopped to buy beer and find out what was going on. They closed December last year.

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Laying the groundwork for Klaus Schwab to take over the world of course.

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Executing to perfection. They know no one is holding them to account

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Tyranny. Our time to fight. We got this. Russia is not our enemy. Our enemy is within

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To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men--and will lay waste 'to the flag and to the republic for which it stands...'

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Because this is what communists do: Destroy the country, blame it on capitalism and freedom, install their "Utopia," steal all the wealth for themselves, and, with boots planted firmly on their subject's necks, laugh at the new nation of poor and desperate slaves. For evil people, it's a good gig. Tyrants have been doing this for a long time.

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Maurice Strong was a committed globalist, Canadian entrepreneur, environmentalist, and proponent of United Nations. In a 1992 interview, Strong said, "What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"

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Great idea. Much like socialism always results in everybody, except a few, are uniformly poor. The rich nations allow the poorer nations to improve their standard of living. Oddly, once nations become wealthy they stop making babies while the poor continue. As those poor get richer they have fewer babies. Prosperity is population control.

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And yet, they steal an election, after using FBI and intel agencies with Russia! Hoax to destroy a POTUS, fabricate the J6 insurrection, and tell us tomSIT DOWN AND SHUT THE F UP about election fraud and the OPEN BORDERS mandate Trump had, give us the middle finger by finding $14/billion for Ukraine after , nothing for border wall — And the TRUCKERS STRIKE commences about the Covid theatre ? We should have been engaging in mass protests since J7. We get the government we deserve. We are tolerating the corruption and perfidy.

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ALL SO TRUE! And they’re still, through this all, telling us (and thinking we believe, even more stupid) Pres Trump had “illegal” ties with Ukraine & Russia. Where’s Hunter??? And they weren’t at war during the Trump presidency. It’s beyond tragic for all.

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Can you write fuck on this platform or will it be censored--let's see...

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you know why

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

The Ukrainian president is a young, fit 44 year old man walking around the streets with honor and with a gun protecting his country. How in the world did the USA get an old senile elderly man? Oh yeah, it’s all thanks to the baby boomers who outnumber us. There’s so many of them, that they can keep each other voted into office. They refuse to step aside and allow the physically & mentally fit lead our country.

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Watch it! This Baby Boomer voted for Trump. Twice.

And by the way, Biden is too old to be a Baby Boomer (born near the end of 1942).

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You've got it all horribly wrong, Ruth...

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In what way? Please expand.

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The Ukie prez is a scumbag who doesn't give a damn about Ukraine. The pics of him in uniform were from a year ago. Just a tool...

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I think Pompeo might be a boomer. He's looking a little rough. We Boomers are dying off and not the biggest demographic anymore. So we are almost done screwing things up. It's up to the young 'uns. Rob '53

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Which is why if R does take Congress,it would be a much better plan to use Trump's endorsement to put DeSantis/Haley in the WH, and elect Trump Speaker.

Strategically for getting things done, and also for avoiding an uphill battle against Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I think the election was dirty, but millions of Socially Programmed voters actually did vote for Biden.

Trump would he quite ancient by 2028. Diabetes, stroke, cancer , heart attack, anything could happen and an actuary would say likely will happen.

DeSantis is not only a veteran, he is a seal do there can be no Draft Dodger drama, he runs a successful state and most anyone who would vote for Trump would vote for Mr. DeSantis, and more than a few would vote for DeSantis who would not vote for Trump.

I really think we could recover lost ground and then some with DeSantis/Haley.

Especially if Congress does it's duty and rejects any Black female Biden puts forward.

It's insane to let him get away with institutional racism

in our government and call it racial justice.

Merit is the only racial justice.

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I agree with all of this!!! DeSantis will be ready!

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Agree with your take on DeSantis. Trump would be a great Speaker of the House. Not convinced Haley would be best VP choice. Cotton, Pompeo, Tim Scott and small handfull of others should be looked at, as well, IMO.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Political parties aside, a true leader is both willing and able with the mental & physical capacity to stand up for his country and fight to protect her.

It is so humbling to see the Ukrainian president. It makes me wonder how did the USA stray so far from what is right & noble?

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You watch too much TV.

He's a corrupt Totalitarian.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Hi John. I actually don’t watch a lot of tv. Mom of young kiddos here, the only thing running on my tv is kid shows. But, perhaps you’re right. I truly don’t know Zelensky from anyone. So I respect you’re insight. But I also respect a man that fights for his country. My heart goes out to those women having babies in dire conditions, as I just had a baby myself, the pain of childbirth still fresh in my memory. I truly respect a man that fights for the most vulnerable. That is a true leader.

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Like Mike Pompeo!

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MR WWZ is a gay dancer taught by Schwaub who had a commercial mowing down the opposition with an AK47 that won him the presidency after a show he starred in about saving the country. Just like trudeau, jacinda, macron, they all have a different story, same puppet master. Go read kunstler.com or zerohedge comments, comments!

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So is Putin, I'm told. Whether Z is his own man or beholden to others remains to be seen. All those who attend the school aren't necessarily captured by the experience, I'm told.

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Not the boomers. Nearly all of them went for the other guy. The suburban moms couldn't handle Trump's speech; they were offended by him. Bet they learned a lesson. The Biden voters were mostly younger couch potatoes who, when given a ballot, after saying what's this, bubbled in their vote for Biden, as instructed. They would have never made an effort to go to the polling center - they really didn't care just knew from TV - Orange Man Bad. Others were walking past a table where they were told who to bubble in. Some say the phantom voters were active - registrations that had never voted in the past came alive when a ballot arrived.

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I’m not really referring to past elections. What I’m referring to is age demographics - the baby boomers are the largest generation by far, and the people voted into these administrative roles to lead our country are in the baby boomers demographic or above.

But yet, those with the best acumen to lead our country (both physically, mentally, and with integrity that has been tested) are not voted into leadership positions by the largest voting demographic. I think Crenshaw, Gabbard. Or DeSantis / Haley.

The president has to be both mentally & physically capable to be Commander in Chief, with the integrity that has been tested on the ground. Sadly we have gotten far away from that.

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Understand now. But only in recent times have we elected such a number of seniors. Until Trump arrived, the oldest recent Presidents were Reagan and GW Bush. We seem to generally prefer mid-50's. But, perhaps more important, the Congress and highest level of the permanent state are all seniors with their best days behind them. They can claim greater wisdom (I do that at 82) but are not well equipped to be innovative (I admit to that).

I'm not sure how we ever again can return to finding the JFK's or TR's given our current system of primaries and an excess of low information voters. We have allowed the election process too much time to retain public interest despite the press eager to make it a near constant horse race. We already postulate 2024 except when real events are happening as if the public had any interest. Primaries are for the party edges not the general public, so the candidates must appease that side. Moderates like Gabbard have no chance but charlatans like Harris did get shoved out.

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thank you so much for your perspective, HardeeHo. I truly enjoyed reading. Your view on the “primaries are for the party edges” makes total sense. Glad to read your perspective. God bless.

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Zelensky and Putin are both Totalitarian Great Reset NWO actors.

There is nothing noble about either one.

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Perhaps you are right, John, I give you the benefit of the doubt. But I do respect a man that stands up and fights. A true man and a true leader takes up arms and protects the most vulnerable.

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Avarice and money gets my vote. Our “elected” officials get millions of our diverted tax dollars filtered through Ukraine or direct payments/consulting fees deals from China, etc.

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It's a little more involved than that, Mary M, but only a little more...

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decadence human nature does not change

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The incompetence and determined dedication to pseudo-scientific measures is now on mind blowing levels. What the f is going on?

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u know what is going on....The Great Reset-compliments of all the assholes on this planet

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The man is poison as are his cohorts.

We need a revolution in this country and reject the insanity that’s prevailing as truth

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yup, lets go brandon!

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Amen to the FJB!

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Don't forget the maternity flight suits.

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Or the changing tables install in tanks. Sick

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Does anybody have any information on how the mRNA shots would interact with drugs like cocaine and fentanyl? What the combined effects would there be on cardiac function, etc?

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great question....

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Nine "sudden deaths" of young soldiers at Ft Benning. NINE.

Those Marines are better off in the brig.

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No, Fauci would be better off in the brig...for his own safety.

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I find it very, very difficult to concern myself with Mr. Fauci's safety.

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I totally agree.

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Google Johnny Vedmore, tons of research!

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Thanks to JB!!..& the swamp!!

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After speaking to my child, who has been in college less than one year, I have come to the conclusion that I should inform all parents that they should do whatever they can to dissuade their children from attending ANY US college or university right now. The brainwashing is beyond shocking and currently seems complete.

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I have stopped sending donations to my alma mater. wrote and told them they are woke and an embarrassment.

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My husband & I did the same!

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good for you cindy!

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Our daughter has called out her professors with our assistance at times via written communications only. These professors stand up a little and then give up when the heat gets turned up and they are proven to be brainwashed themselves.

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Same in some situations. Our child left home slightly left of center. Now? Almost as far left as you can imagine. Ready to sign up for any totalitarian demand. Why? To save the planet. The fear is absolute. (I also believe that the jabs and higher blood pressure / cardiac issues are fueling fear.)

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send her/him to china for a visit and lets see how long those left leaning dreams last.

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I think a lot depends on the fields they go into. Both my boys and most of their friends went to college and did not change much. They both were in the engineering technologies as were the friends they met and they all stayed center or right of center

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But they still all have to take almost TWO YEARS of ridiculous gen ed classes.

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Choose better alternatives where possible. I took Economic History of the United States rather than Political Science to meet the American Institutions requirement. And test out of as much as possible.

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We handled this by doing the GenEd during High School via Liberty online, and then ours went to an engineering/tech academy with a lot of aviation students & ROTC. It worked out great.

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My daughter’s tech institute has one mandatory class that would fall under liberal arts, the rest are in her major. I now appreciate that the coursework lacks a classical education which as we know now is leftist brainwashing, CRT and woke new classics.

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I guess as with anything - it depends, I was hoping that engineering and business majors would be less left leaning but found out not to be the case on social issues, so they say but social issues are influencing other issues as well. In my personal experience it’s more of a student body aka peer pressure makes it hard to resist. And young engineers that I see as woke as they come

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Perhaps you should tell your child to go work in a home for handicapped children or handicapped adults. Then they may be more grateful for what they have.

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It’s too late for our daughter. She is 25. Graduated from a state university in Michigan in 2019. She’s ruined. Her sophomore year she started changing. She now calls us racist and the drama and anger that seethes from her (now “they”) is disheartening. She no longer speaks to us. I was a SAHM and we sacrificed a lot so I could stay home with the kids. We took them to church regularly. She told me to take my God and keep it this past Christmas. We always ate dinner together every night during their childhood. Nearly every night was a home cooked meals - mostly just the four of us because family lived far away. They did scouts, theatre, music lessons, sports and CCD. I thought we did everything right by her. She’s thrown in back in our face. Despite being smart enough to enter college and we have the money to send him, our son will not be attending college. He has been working at a fast food restaurant for two years. He has saved up enough money himself to put a downpayment on a house in 6 months. We will give him his college money towards his house. I just can’t believe we loved our daughter so much and she thinks we are bad people now.

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I really feel for you. I've heard so many stories like this from people I know.

I read a young women who had gone to Smith college saying that recovering from the indoctrination is like trying to recover from an abusive relationship that warps the way you see everything in the world. Being trained to see everything from the most toxic angle possible and then trying to get that ugly stuff back out of your head is difficult, but this young woman saw and was trying.

It is amazing how negativity can suddenly seem more powerful than light and goodness to a young person, how suddenly everything shifts in their thinking and they can't see all the love and good intentions poured upon them all their lives. College age is a unique time when kids are open to new ideas and impressionable and they are getting the worst possible teaching.

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You explained that very well. I have been quite taken by the toxic and negative young people I have met in person and seen online. I'm not sure, but it might be more prevalent in young women? Anecdotally, that seems true.

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I think young women tend to be slightly more vulnerable because of their empathy, so presenting everyone as victims of oppression kicks that empathy into high gear. Think misdirected mama bear instincts. Yikes.

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For many years now it has been reported that there are more women than men going to college in the US. If that is true, then it would make sense that more of these toxic negative young are also women.

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I feel so very bad hearing your story and the worst thing is it’s a common result of brainwashing universities. We did the same things you did raising our girls and somehow the both graduated from college without bring brainwashed but they really didn’t learn anything and would have been much better off using the money to start a business or buy a house. I would never recommend sending any child to a public institution since the indoctrination seems to begin in grade school. I’m not religious but I pray your daughter finds truth and learns to appreciate your sacrifice and love.

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It does begin in grade school. The early years were Christian schools. Son would come home telling us which Governor to vote for because the teacher told the kids to tell their parents (always pro teachers). Got my Irish going.

Started public schools late elementary. Same thing! By then my son would tell me what they said and then he would laugh saying, "I know, Mom. They have no right to tell you or anyone else who to vote for." My Irish didn't go up and we would have a good laugh. I was happy because my discussions with my son had made a difference, for the betterment of him.

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This is HUGE, have conversations with your kids. You need to know what's going on in school. And ALWAYS teach your kids to question everything, skepticism is a good quality!

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Yep, talk together - not at each other.. Learned so much from my dad about parenting, including how to argue, love back each other up, etc. Parents first, friends second.

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The Catholic Schools in Ireland are now minority status. Once they told you who to vote for from the Pulpit, then came sex abuse scandals, then lay folk became majority of teachers. Meanwhile - me, my parents and grandparents were judged by their proselytizing as to how we led our lives. Cannot stress enough: power begets power. Now the Bureaucrats are cashing in. Following the Playbook, because the Flock follows the Leaders....

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Great story and I'm happy for you. When I was starting colledge in CA in 1977 I had several professors who lectured on why we should vote against Prop 13 a property tax initiative on the ballot. I objected and much of the class chimed in as well. I experienced many instances of this type of pressure on what to vote for and who to vote for during my time in colledge.

The attitude of all teachers and professors is that they are smarter than their students and eveyone else and resent not being paid like CEO's. The old saying those who can't teach, those who can't teach, teach P.E. has never been more true.

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I have a 37 year-old only child that I have been estranged from for 7 years. She has two children that I know of, and her first child was born on my birthday. It gets better and easier with the passage of time. Keeping your son out of college is a brilliant move. Good luck.

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I am so sorry. We’ve been through something similar though it wasn’t due to college. It has gotten better though not perfect. We prayed for years to get to where we are. I will pray for your family.

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Mine too. I feel your pain. My daughter became an indoctranated nurse. I know more about vaccines than she ever will. It's sad and hurts.

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I am so sorry. It does hurt. May God restore your daughter and all that needs healing.

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Thank you kindly. 😍🙏

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So sorry for you. My daughter doesn't want to go to college, my story sounds like yours we are Catholic in Catholic schools. I think I might not send her.

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Have her attend a technical school. Even if just for a few years so she will be older if she chooses to transfer to a 4 yr college. Less inclined to be "brainwashed." Also if she chooses a 4 yr college, tell her which gen ed classes you will and will not pay for.

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That is what she wants, my husband is for it too. She wants a trade. She is a high honor student and will do well in the trades. She lives learning, history, reading, I think she would enjoy 4 more years of school and get a lot out if it. I do agree university is just not a good value and it has been infiltrated! Thank you for your advice.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 20, 2022

So sorry to hear about your daughter.

I found this essay from a young girl who resisted the woke indoctrination very illuminating https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/last-year-i-was-a-bryn-mawr-girl

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Thank you. That was an excellent read.

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enjoyed reading this, thanks for posting!

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This is heart wrenching but I’m glad there was a happy ending for Jane.

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I heard Steubenville is good, but who knows. But I get the fights with the kids. It’s not just college, it’s that plus media and social media. It’s very difficult for professors too if they have more conservative views. Their jobs hang by a string.

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this wont last forever, nothing ever does. she will come out of the fog. real life will kick her in the ass and she will see the error of her ways. just give her space, let her be and one day it will resolve. my family's alma mater, Michigan State is all woke-I understand what you are seeing.

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Sending a heart but it's a broken heart for you. I completely get it. I cannot claim perfection in our home life. I can say we did the best we could at the time. We are well on our way to the same.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

I am so sorry, Kristen. Keep praying, and know that ALL things are possible with God. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Don't despair; you laid the foundation, and she may very well return to it when she is older and has more sense.

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My heart breaks for you Kristen.

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Skilled Trade Jobs ultimately create wealth better than most college degrees. College = Debt Slave anymore.

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Family friend is 35 years old. An electrician. Owns his own home (Lovely place, too). Also owns three rental properties that he's rehabbing.

Last year? He hired two apprentices to work for him.

No student loans needed.

On top of all that, he's a genuinely good guy.

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Went to college for 2 months in 1983....realized not for me...straight A"s all my years. Left a business for my sons in Cali 2 years ago, semi retired with nice acreage home in Texas. Machinist then Locksmith/ Safe technician most of my life.

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Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, naturopaths. Ask yourself what do you bring to the Table for the Betterment of Mankind.

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Don't forget the HVAC folks.

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Me, I teach English to med students in Japan. However, even before the panic it was becoming clear that education has become a myth. It does not matter that one is educated, only that one has the same education as everyone else. Any one possessing education in a different field must not use this education, nor even speak of it when everyone they work with make demands that go against that education. Masks, are just the latest and biggest example.

Wish I chose a trade instead.

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Sorry for the delay in replying to you TS. Since then another teacher also responded. It is clear that teaching is a vocation, Nobody gets into it to be a millionaire, but you genuinely care about educating. This is the tragedy. You have one of the most important jobs in the world! I understand Japan is a very "conforming" society. I understand your dilemma. You don't have to master a trade - you have the gift of educating (in the real sense). You must have gone through a lot of exams and re-certifications to achieve your position. And you obviously are fluent in at least 2 languages, and have a medical background to boot! I appreciate your insightfulness of the situation. Be proud of your achievements, and you can learn another skill on the side. It is always good to know local wild plants as food and medicine. Or sign language. Or how to build a transistor. However your brain is wired. Thank you TS for calling it a "panic". Exactly what it was!

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You give me and all of us who teach our native languages in Japan too much credit. I have a degree but am far from fluent in two languages. Ironically, my Japanese was by far better when I first returned to Japan to teach than it is now and it was never all that good to begin with. My first employer here forbade us from using Japanese as our clients paid lots of money for English. Thus began the long slide from fairly competent Japanese to all but nonexistent Japanese ability. These past 2 years in virtual isolation have pretty much destroyed what little ability I had with the language.

Additionally, beside first aid traing in Boy Scouts and the navy, I have had no formal education in medicine, nor do any of my coworkers and bosses. Our purpose is to aid in doctor patient communication in English, so knowledge of medicine is not a requirement. However, due to the content of many of my lessons over the years, I have naturally picked up some terms and ideas. But that is a far cry from being medically trained. My time as a member of the engineering department has served me well however in these classes.

These past two years have seen me go from finishing the three highest earning months in my life with the then new year of 2020 scheduled to be by far my most successful. Full of promise and opportunity. Since then, I have lost 20% of my income from my 2019 baseline each year all due to our panicked over retraction to Covid. With the lost positions and losses at the few remaining ones, I am losing as much income this year as the past two combined putting me below the poverty line. My career is destroyed. The is no hope of me recovering the income lost these past two years nor that being lost this year and very little hope of me ever being fully employed again. If not for my wife’s income, I would be homeless in a couple of months. As it is, I am utterly unable to contribute financially to my family.

If I had instead opted for a trade, then I would not have had the over $30,000 of college debt to pay off, which I did pay off, and I would be able to find gainful employment somewhere.

But thank you for your kind words and encouragement.

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022

So you are an engineer with medical knowledge. That is a specialized skillset but you paid a price. You can still be an income earner for your family on your terms. Be creative. Lots of corporate remote jobs these days. I am not a fan of corporate but I have pets, not kids. Quit my 20+ year corp career in December bc it was encroaching too much on my autonomy. Will put my house on the market in May. We all have our breaking points. I hope you can figure a way around your situation. The only one putting constraints on me is me. Be well and be free TS.

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Mostly I agree, but there are still some colleges worth attending. The only ones I know of that didn't go crazy are strict Christian colleges, so the beliefs might not match yours and there aren't that many of them, unfortunately.

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My daughter just graduated from Belmont Abbey College outside of Charlotte. They held the line against CoVid craziness when most others folded. Consequently, they’ve had booming enrollment. They have a very strong and good president who’s not afraid to fight for what’s right. BTW, my daughter came out a solid thinker and doer and NOT ruined by wokeness. About to send a second child there.

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You’re a great parent! I”ll look at Belmont Abbey…. I donate to a conservative university every year.

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Ave Maria college or Hillsdale University. I donate a scholarship to both. Conservative. Christian.

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Yes, I overlooked Hillsdale. I know a really bright kid who applied to Hillsdale and I was amazed when he didn't get in. So I think they are pretty exclusive at this point and probably have more applicants than ever because so many people are looking for a decent college.

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Yes, I know a few kids who didn’t get it. Grove City is its sister school.

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Hampden Sydney

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I have a 16 year old and my husband and I are encouraging her not to go to college. Gap year, work, and experience life outside of indoctrination camps.

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Great idea. For years I counseled people, young and old, seeking work or post high school training. Sent lots to medical training ( they are never out of work and so many different jobs), welding, machine shop training. It was great seeing them succeed. My son is an electrician. He had no interest in college.

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excellent plan of action....

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I think the only decent college left is Hillsdale.

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Ave Maria university in florida.

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I'll sound heartless but don't fund her college anymore. She will hate you for it but will hate you anyway (because of brainwashing) even if you continue to support her...

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Until they are 24, they are considered dependant financially when it comes to finanacial aid. I don't actually think it should be that way and that it's a bit of a racket for all the instituitions involved. But since it is that way,you don't have to go along with it and give financial information. Most students couldn't continue without their parents doing that. In the past, it would have seemed cruel. Now it may be the kindest thing we can do.

That being said, I hope we are able (after our daughter finishes her asscociate's by dual enrollment online as a high school student) to give her a year at a Christian college like Bob Jones. To some it is considered too fundamental. But I think it will be a welcoming safe place based on the many students I've now met who had a great experience and came out as really sweet, all around good kids.

But even going there, I wouldn't want my child going into nursing or pre-med because of what the hospitals are requiring mandate-wise.

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Yeah, decades ago my father refused to provide any financial information to the universities that I and my siblings wanted to attend. We thus had no financial aid at all. We got along fine, although this did affect my choice of which school to attend.

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This sub-thread right here. Substack community is the best. 💜

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

There are always filler classes they have to take. (Why? When they are paying to go to the university? The classes have nothing to do with their major. My son worked two jobs to save money for college and during the entirety of college (full time student) while living off campus. He was 100% paying his own way for EVERYTHING.)

He took a 60s music class. Oh, what a mistake. He came home at the end of that year brainwashed against his father who is a Vietnam vet, thanks to the crappy, biased professor. I spent the entire summer trying to hide this from his father while I worked on clearing the mess out of his brain with many discussions. Luckily, I was successful.

Parents, please talk with your kids to try and keep their minds open and avoid college, which is far worse than it was when my son attended his university. And he had to hide his conservative, Christian beliefs!!

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There was a recent "Dear Abby" on Marketwatch recently. A 60+ person asking about how to handle their retirement, mortgage balance AND THEIR STUDENT LOANS! This college fee scam is out of control. The one thing you can't wipe out when declaring bankruptcy, they told you that you would earn more but never mentioned you would be a corporate slave with a financial burden for decades. It is a total scam. Need a BA to be a receptionist in Manhattan these days. On top of the vax certificate. And as Babylon Bee most perfectly noted yesterday - proof of support to Ukraine. What dimension are we in?

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A BA to be a receptionist? Used to be you took all the classes you needed in high school for many of the areas of employment. The high school would even help find jobs for the students upon graduation. Now a BA is needed to be...of course colleges, politicians, etc. don't want this gravy train to ever end. They never want the caboose to make an appearance

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Funny that. The FIRST class strongly encouraged and taken was a 60s music class.

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The classes fill up quickly. Upperclassmen get first choice. Even then it was hard for him to get into the class he actually wanted. And then he had to make sure he could get into the classes he needed for his two majors. The college would try to make sure the professors were happy.

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Yes, I get it. I meant that my child had the same experience in a west coast school. Same class.

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That IS interesting. Our experience was over 10 years ago.

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Our experience was fall 2021.

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If you want to make college cheaper, do away with the BS gen ed classes. I challenge all of you to look up the course offerings and requirements. So many are worthless and they aren't teaching your kid anything they need to know to live happy and productive lives. I told my daughters, "don't you dare take a women's studies class, I will not pay the tuition."

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022

We did not pay any tuition. We did not pay one cent. I told him he was going to college, not me. You are not going to waste our hard-earned money on partying and skipping classes. He started working when he was 14 in the family business. Almost had college paid for then lost thousands of dollars when 2008 happened. He had to find even better paying jobs while in school. He succeeded and is fantastic with money and expenses. For my son, I felt if we had helped him he would not have learned all his life lessons during that time. So proud of him.

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I had a friend who raised her 10 kids very conservatively, home schooled them, taught them true US history, took them to church etc. They were all nice kids. One of boys after going to college for a year made the statement " well the Constitution is just stupid !"

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Boy is that ever sad. But for so many, trades are a better option and pay is better.

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Your challenge is to let them know what is happening. Frank,y, the imperative is to prepare them for the propaganda onslaught EARLY , before college, and often. Send them a steady stream of intelligent pithy rebuttals tot eh orthodoxy they are being subjected to. VICTOR DAVIS HANSON and TUCKER provide good counters. Tell them to understand that AD HOMINEM is the WEAKEST form of argument and cancel culture / censorship is UNAMERICAN. Show them Alex’s Aug tweet that git him EXPUNGED from twitter for starters.

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I'm glad I'm old. My heart can't take much more of this. I pray all the time.

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When I was growing up, my grandmother would routinely say, "I'm glad I'm on my way out. At 75, I find myself saying the same thing. I feel so sorry for my kids and grandkids and the family that will come after them. I also find myself in prayer more than I ever have in my life.

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Have them watch Soylent Green.

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Good idea

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My mom at 78 years old says the same as she continues to fight for freedom!

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Dixie - your comment made my heart hurt. I’m enraged at the time being stolen from people at both ends of the age spectrum. Both the older demographic AND my children are being robbed in different ways. Being smack dab in the middle has afforded me the sad luxury of having gone though childhood during more sane times, and yet be young enough to maintain the (possibly delusional) hope that we will be able to fight back to something resembling functionality. The phrase “it’s not fair” is grossly insufficient - you deserve better. Don’t despair please. I have been watching new leaves pop out of buds in my garden. Putting my hands in the dirt and getting back in touch with a life that is primarily tactile and “real.” Baking, making jam....all that stuff I’m told I’m supposed to hate as a modern woman. It has been far better than any checked out therapist I could waste money on. Please don’t stop looking for all the small beautiful moments. They are out there and they are the reason we are here :)

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When I had cancer eight times, it taught me that the only thing that matters is the present moment where time touches eternity. That is where I live now.

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Beautiful :)

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May God Bless You.

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And you as well.

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As a 46 yr old with a 22 yr old I feel everyone of your words. Take care.

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That's become my mantra; pray all day.

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Amen! I do as well! 🙏🏼😢

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I feel for my kids. The glory days of old are long past.

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Elections have consequences. In this case you have Brandon opening up the southern border for fentanyl and other horrors. Remember this next time you're trying to decide between a guy who sends mean tweets and one who hates America.

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And so does tolerating and going along with election fraud. Trump had a MANDATE to close the border. No money. This filthy Gov’t finds $14 billion for Corrupt Ukraine no problem .

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How many times did Trump warn what would happen IF the puppet was "placed" in the WH?

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love ya Trump-hope to see you in 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Stolen Elections have bigger consequences.

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All our institutions are garbage now, thanks to our psycopathic “elite.”

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Hillsdale is the exception.

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I have a son at Hampden-Sydney. They do a pretty good job.

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COVID restrictions that do absolutely NOTHING against the RO. NOTHING.

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Fact: cocaine has killed more members of the military under the age of 30 than COVID. In one day.

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CIA was bringing in Black Tar Heroin from Laos since Vietnam, many labeled KIA died of Heroin OD'S. Now we guard the Sandbox Poppy fields for the CIA Regime Change, not always for the better.

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another way of culling the herd....stupid is as stupid does

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Need ubiquitous (preferably inaccessible to children) dispensing machines for very cheap cigarettes, fentanyl, heroin, and meth. Clean, and doses accurately labeled (apparently in contradistinction to "vaccines"), of course. And make Narcan prescription. Libraries give it out for free!

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They didn’t die.

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I saw the story this morning--and just looked back up. You’re right. My mistake.

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No worries on that. It’s still awful. Honestly I’m shocked that West Point cadets would find themselves in this kind of trouble. I assumed as well. Grateful that these kids are still around. But if this doesn’t result in serious soul-searching at USMA we are in trouble.

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They are out of the Academy…unless the rules have changed there too. Not sure if they will be sent to the ranks as recruits or just booted out. Should be old fashioned drummed out, but we don’t do that any more.

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Story I read says only two of the six remain hospitalized, and those two are in critical condition. This is also a sad commentary about the crap coming over the southern border that our kids can easily obtain...

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I understand your thinking, I thought the same. When we read od’d, it used to mean that person died.

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Thanks Robert C. That won't make the "curated" headlines however. This is an intrinsic low, but it will get lower. I fear for the future. Deconstruction from within.

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Tighten up the Southern border rather than concern for a Eastern European quasi democracy

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Military brass is more worried about transgenders and weak psyches demanding their "pronouns" be "respected" rather than training men and women to be elite warriors protecting the best country on earth.. well, used to be the best. The US military is an abhorrent mess, and it starts with the Obama deep state intentional destruction of all things good about the US. The planned demolition continues.

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bunch of wimps and snowflakes with no balls-shall I open the front door now for putin and invite him in? at this rate, he will be here soon.

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I thought the door was already opened. Oops!

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oops, you are right, lol!

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Yep. I tried to close it but there were too many feet in the way. Sorry 'bout that. ;D

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Close our border, finish the wall, declare the Mexican cartels terrorist organizations

And stop this poison from killing our children...Congress, the hell with Ukraine...we need help at home you corrupt bastrds DO SOMETHING NOW

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According to a report on Tucker tonight, 285 people a day are dying from Fentanyl poisoning in the USA. This is a direct result of illegal drug trafficking over the southern border.

CLOSE THE BORDER!!! Joe Biden has more BLOOD on his hands .

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Is this a lawyer joke about "a good start"?

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Apparently drug testing has lapsed a bit at the service academies since my spring break days in the 80s. We wouldn’t dare smoke weed let alone do cocaine.

Profoundly tragic, but with what has gone on with societal upheaval that has only been amplified at the academies, I’m not surprised by this.

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They keep moving the goalposts. All of the Western World is in a tailspin. Up is down, left is right. My hat off to anyone who can contain themselves nowadays. "Amplified" Howard is a very insightful adjective.

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Agree, Sunshine. Good is bad and bad is good.

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Weed stays in your system a long time, cocaine (and speed and many other drugs) flush out in days. My guess is that they thought they had enough time to flush it before the next inspection.

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People do drugs to “escape” the things they feel shackle or hold them back. Getting away from Covid-prison to spring break in Florida? Hell yes, they’re going to stray! The fentanyl running through our country right now is 100% the fault of Brandon refusing to enforce the border laws he was entrusted to uphold—and took an oath to—but I digress.

To put into perspective, I live in a small town in Tennessee. Recently, our Highway Patrol pulled over a car from Texas. During a search, they found a hollowed-out car battery case with shrink-wrapped fentanyl packs inside. It was enough to kill 2.4 million people! It’s in SOOOOOO many drugs now—even some pot is laced with it.

How long’s it been since you heard of a meth lab being shut down? Right…awhile. It’s now made more potent and far cheaper in Mexico and smuggled across the open southern border as a cash-cow crop for the cartels.

Brandon’s TDS-knee-jerk undoing of all policies-Trump, has led to so much fentanyl crossing the border, it makes Ukrainian bio-weapons look like child’s play!

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Trump rocks....

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Ever feel the System is a Sham?

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022

Have you ever watched the TV series "To Catch A Smuggler"? It is amazing what they put drugs into to get them across the border. Hats off to our border patrol, etc. Especially now that their hands are handcuffed more and more.

Another way to depopulate? *scowl*

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These college kids were vacationing here in Fort lauderdale, about a mile from my house. Fentanyl is pouring through our borders, our open borders, thanks to biden. Biden's administration has these kids welfare and all the other kids who have died from fentanyl poisonings, on their hands. These are poisonings, not overdoses. I repeat, poisonings. You don't overdose giving CPR to your buddy. These are poisonings.

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I'm Canadian and worry about America. Without a strong America in control of itself, there's little hope for the West. It's essential America gets its shit together.

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Friend, with a strong Canada in control of itself, it wouldn’t be left to just America. There is plenty of house cleaning to go around.

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I agree. I'm stunned by how Canada has reacted to be honest. Everyone needs to do their part.

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We need to stop calling Fentanyl deaths OD’ing

It’s intentional poisoning and murder

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From the CCP.

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Only if surreptitiously administered. Otherwise "Russian roulette" suicide. (Kinda like voluntarily getting jabbed.) Cheap fentanyl machines in every 7-11, etc.!

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Dumb, druggies, but at least they’re woke and anti-racists

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And got their Covid Shots

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Horrible. A classmate of my son is a freshman football player at Westpoint, one of 3 that’s unvaccinated. They have made his life hell. He has to do everything except shower in a mask and the three are isolated away from everyone else. They have not been allowed to play or practice football since early in the season. He has applied for religious exemption and it’s been turned down. He is currently appealing but is expected to lose and will end up having to transfer.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Ironically he is the strongest one. I understand that rules are very important at WP, but also believe this is one big IQ test. I feel for him and his family.

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He isn’t caving and I am so proud of him for that!!

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Best thing that could happen to him is transferring given this climate.

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I have 3 kids, aged 20, 18, & 17. Sent this story to them. Scary time to be young and be parents of young adults. 🙏

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Many people won't like this answer, but when everyone winks at "partying" be it drinking to get drunk or smoking pot, college kids (and cadets) want to push the envelope and go further. If you have to get high to enjoy life, something is wrong.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

This is communists being communists. Read your history. They are not Democrats or Socialists. Those are the labels they hide behind. If we don't wake up and realize the enemy is among us, we will lose our country. What did these cadets learn at West Point that they believed this was ok? The cadets in my day would never have considered drugs. So sad...

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Agree. We swirled a few cheap beers back in Ft Lauderdale back in the 80s on AFA spring break but always looked down on the druggies. We all knew cadets that got the boot for drugs and we were determined never to be among them.

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I am wondering about the “football player” aspect…are the requirements for getting into the academy under-the-table lower if the cadet is a ball player??

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They are not.

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It wasn’t that long again when a graduate posed in his uniform with his uniform count unbuttoned to show a T-shirt with “Communism will win”. As I type this, though I saw the photo many times, I can not recall if it was his T shirt or if he wrote it in his cap. Saw far too many memes of both images.

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That is just sad. The communists have a complete lock on indoctrination...I mean education. Why do you think the communists are always pushing for free pre K? They want your kids as early as possible to get started. We are losing and will continue to until we either take back education or just pull our kids out and send them to christian schools that you are familiar with. And even then, monitor the curriculum closely.

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Well, he was busted down to the ranks, as a sergeant I believe, and eventually mustered out of the army, but what a waste. Should never have passed whatever screening process they have.

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It was both. I remember

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Both! That’s why I recall both. Thanks for setting that straight.

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“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” —C.S. Lewis

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This story is sad and disgusting but it confirms that this nation is fucked. These kids get brainwashed at schools because parents are too busy doing everything else except influencing their kids to love this country and become good citizens. I believe it all starts at home. Sometimes genetics are too strong but in many cases environment can help kids develop in healthy adults who love this country and, especially as West Point graduates, will be willing to die for it.

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The Woke Nazis have infiltrated our military. It has rotted from the inside.

Don't expect them to save you.

Buy guns and ammo.

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Heartbroken for all families and friends touched by this horror. Fentanyl is the Fourth Wave.

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I still dont understand why a dealer would put fentanyl in their cocaine? Its just as expensive so they arent cutting it with something cheaper. I dont get it.

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To purposefully destroy our country one life at a time.

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exactly this is premeditated murder not extreme behavior by college kids. if every college kid that took c was given f then 10-20% of US population would be dead.

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And from the inside out Juan

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A lot of it is off book ops by elements in our own government. Drugs are big business....Why do you think the "war on drugs" is never won? Too much money on both sides to be had. Corrupted beyond Repair.

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It’s always about money Twistertim

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The sheriff of the county a nearby Army post (with an air field) is in said all the illegal drugs in his county came from said post.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Ive been saying this since these stories started becoming rampant, with the typical fear-mongering tactics of MSM. As an ex-drug addict, I used to do fentanyl WITH oxycontin. Sure, its potent, but if youre used to doing drugs, it's not significantly different.

Fentanyl was also super expensive back then & it was extremely hard to find. I just don't believe dealers are deliberately trying to "murder" people - they may be low-lifes, but they're business people & want to make money. It defies all logic to cut your product with more expensive & harder to find drugs & to kill your customers.

BTW: Its also impossible to OD just from touching it, this has been debunked by chemists & other experts. But the MSM keeps pumping these stories out too. From experience, I can also attest that this doesn't happen. The "symptoms" are in their head - fear & severe anxiety cause people to pass out. Its the best example of a Nocebo effect I've ever seen... the mind is WAY more powerful than people realize. If it were OD, 1 dose of narcan would absolutely be effective - yet in every story, it doesn't work - sometimes up to 5 doses are administered! And the medical staff is "SHOCKED", but never considers its not ACTUALLY an OD. Thats fucking absurd. If the media is pushing these lies, I have to question all of it at this point.

Since they're in the academy, id be willing to bet they were forced to take the vaccine + the GO & other undisclosed ingredients + the 5G thats been ramped up. That seems far more likely than the official story - and certainly moreso than 2 of these kids OD'ing just from giving CPR. Not buying it. Sorry.

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Agreed, something isn't adding up.

Or could it be that the cocaine caused cardiac arrest in one kid and the rest had panic attacks?

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Fentanyl is in all the street drugs now. More depopulation.

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The cost per weight unit is actually higher for fentanyl, but only a tiny bit is needed to achieve the desired effect. Fentanyl is around 81 times more potent than morphine, for instance.

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I did some research….”For centuries people have been getting addicted to cocaine merely because the drug is habit-forming from a psychological and behavioral standpoint. But the drug does not form chemical dependencies—the one, saving grace which served to help users in their efforts to get off of the drug.

But now, taking what might be the world’s most addictive drug and adding a chemical dependency factor gives you a drug that combines the most terrible features of two of the planet’s most dangerous drugs. This is the severity of cocaine that’s been laced with fentanyl.”

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Jeremy home does each cosy per KG or Gram?

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As a mom to a college freshman, this breaks my heart. My husband graduated from West Point, and I completely agree. There’s a huge problem with our military right now. Even though these kids made their decision out of free will, we still need to sit back and realize how much we’ve failed them the last two years.

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Duty, Honor and Country isn’t what’s being drilled into them anymore.

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Thank Biden’s open border. Tons of this shit is coming in.

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Thank you for making the connection, Michael.

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A real leader would be nationally talking to the country about how he/she is going to immediately stop this poison from killing our children. Every single metric with which we measure the success of our wellbeing is being destroyed. From health policy, inflation, crime, border, international affairs, education, censorship, on and on.. When will people wake up? What will it take?

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Very simple explanation for this, I got it from my wife. When you tolerate something, you get more of it. That includes drug abuse.

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Your wife is a very astute lady. Tip o' the tam to herself.

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This make me so sad! I do feel like the “end of Covid” is like the end of prohibition! The excess will be prolific. The lock downs and restrictions for some were so oppressive that the backlash will be excessive as well. The collateral damage will likely never be fully understood. Our youth will pay the price. Heartbreaking

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We've already seen it with incidents like Astroworld in Texas. Kids went mental attending what was possibly their first mass outing in 18 months.

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Look up the effects of 5 G. There are plenty of videos( You Tube) from the kids actualy there describing what happened. Also related to vaccines combined. Could be combo of it all. Just my opinion.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

Not sure about that though. Back in the late 70s I got crushed in a crowd at a Stones concert & passed out. I am short and was a very petite teenager. The crowd raised me above their heads and passed me to security guards. I came to when they grabbed me out of the crowd. So this has been happening for a long time. Very scary incident. I live in Houston & have 2 young adults kids. They weren’t at Astroworld but the whole thing was really relatable since I’d had a similar experience. So glad my kids aren’t fans & weren’t there but I know kids who were. I don’t disagree with the idea that young people want to go a little crazy after lockdowns though. Also think it has contributed to increased suicides

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They all were on Army's football team. Didn't you know that football players on any campus are royalty and allowed to do whatever they want?

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Everything is crumbling in this country.. nothing makes sense anymore…. I am 68…. I just realize my grankids will live in a different place… different America… I’m very sad for what is happening here 😪😖

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Terrible tragedy? Yes. But not the most depressing news story today. I’m sorry if I don’t feel sorry for adults dying while doing stupid things. The most depressing news story I heard today is a 7 year old dying of cardiac arrest 13 days after getting the Pfizer shot. Innocent children dying because of the stupidity of their parents is depressing. Adults OD’ing on illegal substances? That’s what happens when you do drugs. Just say no.

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Do you have a link to that news story? I want to forward it to a kiddie-vaxx pusher. Thanks!

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

This is the VAERS report: https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?IDNUMBER=2152560

Unfortunately, there is a lot more tragedies to be found in VAERS

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Did I read this correctly??? His BMI was 62??? I’m not pro vaccine mandates but this kid sounds extremely obese and should have been vaccinated.

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No one - young, old, skinny, or obese should be injected with experimental gene therapy with negative efficacy and dangerous side effects

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Say no to the clot shot. And keep its dispensing machines out of reach of children.

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Sleepy Joe is the most blackmailable Pol in US history. This is all intentionally done.The destruction of all our institutions. Was a good couple hundred years.

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Here we go again. Fentanyl kills so therefore it is the problem. Nothing is said about the people doing the drug. Nobody is forcing this on the druggies. Recreational or not. This is just like blaming the gun for the violence.

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Personal responsibility is important. Still, it is horrible when the consequences for a choice to try something (however incredibly foolish it is) result in death the first time with no opportunity to learn from mistakes. I know a grandma whose teenage grandson tried drugs one time and one time only. That one time cost him his life.

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I agree that personal responsibility is key. At the same time I don’t know of any constitutional amendment to protect the right to keep and bear Fentanyl. That stuff is evil and destructive. We need to get the real epidemic under control. Both things can be true.

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Like many other drugs, uncontrolled use may be hazardous. Unfortunately, governments "one size fits all" policy can have unintended consequences. Fentanyl is useful when administered properly.

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A fair point I’m sure but some perspective is helpful for readers. Fentanyl is a scourge upon our land. Whatever limited medical uses there may be for a pain killer 50-100 times more powerful than morphine, in 2017 Fentanyl was responsible for 60% of opiod overdose deaths. That’s just five years ago. Police have to take care not to even touch the stuff with bare hands. Ask any DA’s office if Fentanyl is of any concern for public health. Ask any emergency room doc or nurse. Fentanyl is a scourge upon our land. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/fentanyl

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Unsupervised use of fentanyl may be a scourge upon our land. Painting with a wide brush is usually not productive.

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I see we vehemently agree. :-)

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Many don't know they are using fentanyl until it's to late. But I get your point

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Hey Alex, why does Zelensky the Jewish puppet president of Ukraine have the neonazi Azov battalion integrated into Ukrainian national guard?

And why do lie about it?

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If they can't handle those restrictions then they can't handle being military officers. And if they feel they need drugs to have a good time then they are woefully immature and we don't WANT them in our military.

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right on kittynana

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Getting into West Point requires connections to, and recommendations from a sitting legislator. You figure out what kind of people and kids have that kind of access and you'll find your cadets (honorably serving with soberness or party animals used to the spoilage and interference conducted on their behalf from often rich parents.)

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Respectfully disagree. I have friends who Served honorably, and their kids got into WP by virtue of their achievements (and ok Dad was a helicopter pilot in Nam), who became officers, who raise wonderful kids, and serve their country) and they are heartbroken over this too. And they took the clot shot in order to live in officers quarters and not be ostracized, but their kids will never get the jab, it's an ongoing thing in WVA right now. This is a hijack from the Inside. For all we know, they were ordered to snort. That's how deep it gets in WP.

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You're correct that achievements do play a part. I regret omitting that. But nobody gets in without a legislator's recommendation, hence my comment.

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And I concede there are those who get accepted by virtue of connections. Glad we are in agreement.

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I am a Notary (among other talents!). For my Notary License I had to have a legislator recommend me. Never met him/her. It was just a page across the Desk in in need of a Stamp and I had paid by personal check. Stamp. Approved. It's all a lot of paperwork. Bureaucracy begets Entropy. No harm no foul. This is the System. It is not a healthy system.

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WOW. for a notary license? That IS bureacracy! Must be embedded in state law from times LOOOONG ago!

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It's NJ, background check. Other states require you to pass a Test - with books and stuff! NJ is EASY.

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LOL. Books and stuff.

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When I attended the AFA in the 1970s there were several suicides. The press was told accidental deaths etc. I was present at one of the suicides at the rifle range. Evidently the military establishment has not learned anything.

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Interesting. I was there from 81-85. I recall maybe one suicide and a few accidents: auto, mountain climbing, etc.

Fast forward to 2020. Senior class held in single isolated rooms with online learning and delivered meals and staggered time alone at the gym (hard to imagine for most grads), junior classes sent home for online instruction (marching to lunch must have been interesting…) anyway, within a single semester there were THREE senior suicides! Death count from Covid…zero.

The Zoo thought they were being “safe” of course but instead ushered in a disaster. Maybe this fentanyl massacre is the wake-up call service academies before they become a failed experiment.

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It can not be accident that the detriments of solitary confinement, long known to cause all sorts of problems with the criminals kept under such circumstances, are ignored as it is being forced upon college students world wide.

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All part of the UN/WEF/NWO/Davos/EU elite to destroy the one last huge bastion of freedom in the entire world. If the US falls---the world follows. You will own nothing and you will be happy. That's what these demons have been waiting for. 0bama's divide and conquer strategy is firmly in place. This 'trojan horse' has been in total control of every US agency since 2008--including Trumps four years. They are so close to completing the destruction of the US they can feel it. You think they're going to allow the November elections to go off in any normal way? Dream on.

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A 37 year healthy father of 4 passed from my Church passed away in his sleep a couple nights ago. All I could think was, “Could it have been the vaccine?”

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Need you wonder? A women in my prayer group has a 50 year old male cousin who just had a stroke and I had the same thought … but at 30, no doubt about it.

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I know a 2 month old with heart failure. It cannot be repaired and she isn’t going to live. I wonder the same. It’s heart wrenching.

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Fentanyl. China's bioweapon against the young in the U. S. It is flooding across our southern border daily. Took out our best friends' son. Took it for a painful knee. Got tired. Laid down. Never came to. Died in his sleep.

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Such is the state of our military.

We will lose a major war.

I 🙏🏻 they’re all okay.

But, instead of shipping $13B to Ukraine, we could use it to build a freakin’ wall to keep some of those fentanyl OD’s from happening.

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The military is rotting. We need to dismantle it all.

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I'm not excusing their behavior, but the cocaine was not the problem. The fentanyl was.

Why are the cartels lacing drugs with fentanyl?

Why are the Chinese sending fentanyl to Mexico?

Why is our useless government doing nothing to stop the flow of drugs into the country?

It's almost like they want to kill people.

And, yes, folks, Nancy Reagan was right. Just say no.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022

OD is incorrect Alex, this is Fentanyl poisoning. This happens everyday to the homeless population here on the West Coast. They think it's meth or heroin but the drugs have been cut with cheaper Fentanyl at some point in the supply chain. This is how you get 100K drug "overdoses" in the US last year.

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But look at the bright side, they will call everyone by their preferred pronouns.

The death of these young people is tragic and a symptom of a very sick society.

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Duty, Honor & Country? More like diversity, equity and inclusion now. Total horseshit.

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