"The Pandemic's Most Vindicated Man".

You have your autobiography title!

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Right on vaccines, masks and lockdowns. Wrong on Ivermectin. 3 outa 4 ain’t bad…

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Suggest you do more research on Ivermectin and its clinical efficacy as it relates to COVID. The FDA outlawed its use against COVID, the only research done was by foreign governments, and under the table by US Doctors who found that it worked better than most other drugs for COVID.

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Surely this is mis- or dis- or mal-information! Anything that doesn't advance the narrative must instead advance directly to the memory hole!

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Indeed. So many of us will never see justice or vindication for an elderly mom who died alone without family contact in her final 9 months. Or for an elderly dad, dead of turbo cancer within months of the 2nd jab. Or for ‘lost’ former friends and family who have disowned us.

Hence, we take our victories where we can find them, continue to stand in the breach, and are proud and happy to support your effort.

For me at least, this will remain the case, even though I sometimes disagree with you. Because what PDJT said years ago still rings true.

And you, Mr Berenson, continue to stand in their way.

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Alex -

This is much bigger than the censorship. What it's really about is their world view is under assault.

It would be "Sudden Authority Death Syndrome"(SADS) for them to engage.

To contemplate that is frightening to them.

That's how you know you're winning.

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Nigel Farage in the uk lead our exit from the EU (another corrupt government body) has been told by his UK bank they’re going to close his account. They’re accelerating their agenda so rapidly now, it’s getting frightening

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Pandemic is over, start your story on what Biden sold to the Chinese

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Everything, including ultimately #1 superpower status when the world turns its back on the dollar.

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Biden taking money to sell out the US is another story MSM will not report on. 0 minutes on their broadcasts between June 8 and June 12 vs 291 minutes of coverage of Trump's indictment.

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Journalismers are frequently born wealthy, have no discernable skills of value (i.e., can't turn a wrench and are bad at math), try to strike it on their own, ultimately to realize that if they display an independent thought their editors will quickly save them from it.

There is no objective reality, kids - unless you are religious or autistic.

Best you can do is distrust the government and their water carriers, learn how to fire a 9mm (not difficult), and visit a church without rainbow banners.

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I am still banned from posting or accessing Twitter for asking how any"journalist" could have 'known" in March of 2020 the mRNA vaccines were coming soon and would be successful. I called one such reporter out my name and my account was frozen - and STILL IS.

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I just love Rav's sincerity and pursuit of truth.

I do wonder if his pitches to "alternative media" included Quillette -- which fancies itself a beacon of "free speech." I know from email exchanges that its editor HATES Alex Berenson's reporting which she wrongly considers "garbage." That woman deserves the title," The Pandemic's Wrongest Editor." By contrast, Rav is absolutely right: Berenson v. Twitter is an important story as a HUGE 1st Amendment victory. And Twitter files has done even more to vindicate the reporting of our dear Alex.

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I'm not surprised, all the major media outlets piled on when Alex was banned. They said he was a vaccine conspiracy theorist and a purveyor of disinformation. Besides Trump being banned, this was a big victory for them. They will never admit they were wrong. Never. Their egos are too big and their vindictiveness knows no bounds.

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I wonder how many people have figured out that the real bioweapon wasn’t the virus. It’s the vaccine. I just finished reading Jessica Rose’s latest substack on twins who’ve had similar reactions to the vaccines. I had to stop reading 80% in because it’s horrific and is a lot to take. People are suffering with no end in sight. The push to censor anyone who tries to sound the alarm bells makes sense. Mainstream media can’t have anyone waking up to the truth. Their weapons (v a c c i n e s) would be rendered powerless. We are at w a r and most people don’t even know it 💔

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I obviously agree with what you wrote. But I do question myself sometimes about whether "major media outlets" even exist anymore. Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message". The time when Americans gathered around the television and listened to the news for an hour is pretty much dead. Instead we have news aggregators, I believe Google News is the top news source by daily audience views. But the point is the aggregators like Google/CNN/Breitbart are full of millions of stories about nothing so even if there is a story of substance it is lost as a needle in a haystack. Most of us look at the "news" a few times a day, in the morning instead of the evening, so I wonder if there is even a medium that can actually reach the American audience at the moment.

It isn't just your story. In the last two weeks we have had probably the #1 story in American history with whistleblowers coming out about secret government programs to recover Alien ships. In the 1990s the whole world would have been focused on that story. Today it barely makes a splash and despite a Congressional Committee investigating, credible videos from military pilots of UFOS, and whistleblowers from the military itself there is barely a hint of the story in the news. Weird times man.

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Alex come on. In this New Age never admit you are wrong, ignore those who disagree with your positions and forget the truth and take the money. Fortunately, however, it appears to me that the circle of media idiots is getting smaller and the circle of the informed is growing each day. The tide turneth and truth will wash ashore on the waves of history.

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The media started blacking out stories that didn't fit their Socialist narrative in beginning 2008. It has only gotten worse since then. somehow the DNC has wrested total control of the media narrative. They speak with many voices to the same script. I suspect that Soros' media empire, along with the DNC is involved in setting the agenda.

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The color scheme over there unfortunately hurts my eyes something awful...thanks for keeping it simple here.

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This freelance journalist learned the same thing I did three years ago: Some stories are simply off limits to the mainstream press.

I learned this lesson by trying to find anyone who would publish a blockbuster Covid story. Answer: No one in the mainstream press would ... I still think the lessons from my “back story” are more newsworthy and chilling than my big “scoop” ... that no Establishment “news” organization would publish (And they still won't touch this topic. For that matter, I don't think Alex will).


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Rav is doing some great work. Y'all need to listen to the podcast "Illusion of Consensus."

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