My nephew passed out in school yesterday. My mask and jab crazy sister had him in the hospital last night and now they say maybe was a seizure. Mask related, jab related? Who knows and she won't listen!!!

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Your poor nephew. It's child abuse but she's so brainwashed she can't see thw Forest through the trees

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Praying for a return to sanity for your sister, and health for your nephew as a result. The medical "community" could also use a little divine intervention.

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I am also praying for her nephew. They refuse to see what is right in front of everyone's face: the mask!

BTW, love your moniker. I teach Brave New World next in my AP Class. Dystopian times!

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When the truth comes out in the future, what will these children think of their parents for doing this harm to them? You might say to your sister: “You know, someday he’ll hate you for this.”

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I'm so sorry! Geert Vanden Bossche just posted on his twitter - how to detox spike. I think we all will want this so share around.


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Send her a couple of links to websites that give good info like RFK's Children's Health Defense.

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I'd bet she has. Minds are like parachute's, they only work when they're open.

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And if the rip cord is pulled in time.

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The red pill. People need to be red-pilled. But exactly when and how is tricky. Reality is red-pilling a lot of people. Delusion is hard to maintain under the sustained assault of reality.

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Be patient. We have reality on our side.

Be fair, too. Reality is always complex and no one understands it really well.

Hence “science” is the process of always looking for the next proof of the theory. Newton, brilliant Newton was fundamentally wrong.

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I have sent her a ton of links over the last 2 years, including that one. They don't want to hear anything I have to say. "I am not a doctor ". I begged her not to jab the kids, 5 and 8. They would hear nothing. Now my brother in law just laughs when I send something. I am furious and so worried for them.

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Understand and in a similar boat here with some family. There is an awakening happening, don't give up on them. Just wait and be supportive. I wouldn't send anything or say anything more, just love them and pray for them.

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Thank you and yes I pray for them in the middle of the night all the time. Definitely keeps me awake...

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I'm in the same boat, too. I'm ready to give hugs and not i-told-you-so if they ever come around. It's insane what this is doing to family members. It is such a cult mindset or cognitive dissonance.

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Now that one family member has finally gotten covid (after the booster mind you), NOW - after almost 2 years - she's ready to see us again. We're apparently no longer the threat we were.

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It is. Definitely unbelievable. Hang in there

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This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for you. My nieces & nephews are all older - all happily got the shot - one has long-term issues, and one SIL has issues after her booster. But still "it was worth it"

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That is the part I don't get. They really thought they were gonna die. I heard that most Democrats thought like 50% of the population was potentially gonna die. If you thought you were gonna die, and took the vax and were just maimed I guess you'd be grateful still.

If you exposed that lie, the rest would unravel, and maybe they wouldn't be grateful, since they really weren't at any giant risk in the first place. People don't like being lied to or manipulated, so that is where I would hit them.

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100% agreed. Like my family member is now on steroids and anti-inflammatories for chronic hives. And dr still said not to worry about getting a booster because they'd already had the bad reaction so they wouldn't have it again - like - wtf? Thank goodness they didn't end up getting a booster. But yes It's so much easier to think "it could have been worse" than "this didn't need to happen."

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Can lead a horse to water buttttt....

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If they don't get IT by now they never will

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I’m so sorry. Similar situation with my family. Terrible all around.

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Yes, we are all floating around in the same boat...trying to make sense of the nonsensical, and why on earth our loved ones are so blind!

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As always, you can't fix stupid.

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I'm sorry but you will never get you're sister back, These people are to far gone

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Some very helpful info here on how to talk to people who won't listen. Facts and logic won't do anything unless you approach it in the right way https://reachingpeople.net He explains why people have closed minds to this and anything else and how to talk with them so they actually listen.

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This is a great resource. I'm dealing with a friend now who is infuriating me so much in her insane parroting of the MSM talking points, sending me articles with bolded text. I've been struggling with how to respond and this is really helpful! Thank you.

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Thank you

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……would you believe global warming? Climate change? LOL.

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That sounds like the jab but could be both😳

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is the poor kid jabbed?

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They won't say. But his younger sister is, she announced it. And I have a VERY strong suspicion that they put them both in the clinical trials. Since August they have both already had to see a Cardiologist and Pulmonologist. She has told me to mind my own business, they are her kids. Her and husband are both teachers.

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Wow. If it were me, I'd take a couple big steps back from all that. They sound like they're not just pro-jab, but jab fanatics. It's awful what's happening to their kids, but short of sneaking them out of their house in the middle of the night to an undisclosed location, there's nothing you can do. If it were me, I'd create some distance from them for my own sanity.

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I can't imagine living in California at this point in history. To any sane people left there, I am sorry it's a lost cause. But when you move, don't vote for the same shit that you left behind.

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Honestly, it depends on where you live in California. Today is a beautiful day and I’ll be going to the Santa Monica beach to do the traveling rings and hang out with the people there. Very few people wearing masks outdoors. The ones who do look ridiculous.

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See to me you are part of the problem. You clearly don't have kids. You just are ignoring the rules while the 2 years old are being force to mask up at your local daycare. You probably just walk by as some homeless guy just injects herion on your street. All normal to you. Beach day is more important! Doesn't matter that community is rotting from within. It's all about me and my lifestyle. Stay the hell in California please.

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What does this mean, she is part of the problem? We have no idea if she's contacted local authorities to voice complaints or contributes to social change in some other way. And even if she hasn't, just because large swaths of CA force mandates, doesn't mean she shouldn't live her life.

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Ya her and the supposed millions of Republicans in CA. They have no power, and they don’t do anything about it. Just keep living the California dream

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What, exactly, is she supposed to do?

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Some of us are stuck due to custody agreements. We can’t leave. We have to fiercely protect our kids. My middle school kid told me there was an announcement at school to tell kids 12 abs older can go behind their parents’ back to get the Covid shot. I guess a 90%+ vax rate isn’t good enough for those monsters so they try to sway gullible youngsters. My kiddo luckily wants none of this.

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I hear this all the time. I feel so bad for people in custody situations whose ex-partner wants to shoot the kid up. And I feel lucky my wife and I see eye to eye.

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Luckily the ex agrees on the Covid mania being nutso but his fancy job is here so he won’t move.

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What city is telling kids that?! Besides LA, I know they have been telling kids that there.

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San Mateo county middle schools all do this.

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Has the bill passed?

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My wife's intel is that this bill is the "sacrificial lamb" that they will offer up as a "compromise" so that they can still quietly slip the Covid vax onto the schedule. Richard Pan at his most devious.

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That man is the devil incarnate. A weasel who will lead people right off a cliff (though would never go off himself).

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It hasn’t passed yet. I signed a petition against jt.

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That is true . I know someone in that sort of custody situation.

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This is a total fairy-tale Ryan. There are more republicans in California than any other state....we're just outnumbered here two-to-one. And don't worry, the tyranny we've experience the last 15-20 years makes us the strongest members of the New Right. And we're the vast majority leaving the state.

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This is also not a nuanced view. There are a lot of great jobs in a place like San Francisco and there's a lot to be said for living in a place where there are LOTS of great jobs. Honestly people every place has its pros and cons, and not everything comes down to politics or even freedom.

Fortunately they're all offering a remote option now and a lot of us who don't like how this state is governed are going to GTFO.

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And if they can't vote for GOP candidates then please just don't vote at all.

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Ryan. Please stop lecturing those of us born and raised here Assuming we are liberal or leftist. Quite the contrary, we are here fighting the same shit as the truckers. We can’t all jump up and move. When I am able to move, if possible I want neighbors who welcome me —which wouldn’t be you apparently.

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Thank you, Marsha — we are all trying to do what we can here.

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Come to Georgia! But not Atlanta! Lol! 😂

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I really can’t comprehend how school masking is still happening. I recognize that this is easy for me to say as a) my daughter is only 4 and b) I now work for myself- but if her school/district required masking we would homeschool. It’s that simple to me. We have to collapse this bureaucratic beast.


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The sad reality is that homeschool isn't always easy or possible. I homeschooled my kids for the first two years of this. But with a divorce and move, I need to work now, and tbh my kids are SO happy to be back in school even with masks (which I fucking HATE, and so do they, but they wear gauze masks that look opaque but are about as breathable as you can get). I'm hopeful that the mandates will be dropped in another few weeks.

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Unfortunately once you are in high school, home schooling is often not an option. if you leave to homeschool until mask mandates are lifted, then you cannot go back and graduate from that high school because they will not count what you did while homeschooling as credit towards graduation. Often homeschooling at the secondary level will be fully online at upper grade levels, which is purely student led via a computer program - which has been shown now to be a catastrophic failure for many students.

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Why do people look at homeschooling so starry eyed? There are many kids who have been robbed of a decent education due to home schooling. I know some, an entire family of 6 kids barely educated. Similarly, if a parent thinks public school doesn't align with say, Christian values, how does it help their child to shelter them? While they should certainly retain their right to homeschool if they want, they should remember to truly practice Christian values such as love, patience, compassion, and steadfastness of faith one must be confronted with opposing ideas. So far the idea of homeschooling to end the bureaurocracy of public schools hasn't worked, but standing up and letting voices be heard at school board meetings and such has produced results.

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Hi, I live in LA County right on the coast and I agree with you 100%. I walk outdoors daily and see people walking outside wearing masks every damn day. Including people driving alone in their cars, windows rolled up, wearing a mask. Sometimes when driving, I see a car drifting in the lane , and I automatically think to myself: "Must be wearing a mask" and there it is, the driver is masked with the windows up. A lack of oxygen is happening there. Recently, I went to Pasadena, a suburb of LA, to the Old Town area to meet friends for lunch and 85% of people were wearing masks walking around outside. Same with Long Beach a week ago, probably 95% wearing masks walking outside. There is a LOT of mask-wearing outdoors in Los Angeles County. I see kids wearing masks playing outdoors, I see kids wearing masks but the parents are not, and I feel sorry for those kids. What I hate the most is the toddlers in day-care forced to wear masks. It is straight up child abuse. I hate seeing photo-ops of adults reading to little masked-up kids and the adult isn't. In the UK, it is the opposite. The adult is masked and the kids are not. Look at photos of Duchess Kate, she wearing a mask, and the kids are not masked. Only in the US, are we treating kids like they are dangerous disease vectors. It disgusts me and makes me angry. I hate seeing kids being taken advantage of. Don't get me started on vaccinating them and now they're after the 6 months old infants. It's too much.

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I agree that is seems to be a lost cause but it is a beautiful place and I would rather have people learn from this and stay to fight. It is so hard to be in the minority and be a nonconformist out here. I'm in San Jose in the thick of the covidian mind control. I think anyone who gets out of here alive would not want to destroy any of the amazing places in our country.

I hope the SoCal families sue the shit out of that school. I would gladly send them some funds with that GiveSendGo.

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Born and raised in Kansas (30 years) and moved to California for another 30 years. I can tell you, I am so, so sick of this state. I loved it when I first moved here in 1987, but the progs have destroyed it. You can be sure when I move back to the middle of the country (and I will), I won't be voting for anything but limited government (which I have the entire time I've lived here, to no avail.)

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A giant amen to that last sentence. We live in California on a ranch that is beautiful, but the writings on the wall.

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Our private school will not let the masks go. We are voting with our dollars and leaving in large part because of this.

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Money talks......

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We cannot establish this causation in that case: wearing a mask and reduced covid infections

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Yes - correlation not equaling causation only works when THEY say it does.

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1000%. So sick of this one-way street nonsense.

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They also co-opt epidemiologist speak re: sudden death and the gene therapy shot. The shot (which always precedes the sudden death) is never causally related, but COVID always is. The entire medical establishment has beclowned itself.

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It's so crazy how they knew for a fact that every positive test leading to death was a covid death, but when it comes to vax or mask injuries they are all "You can't prove it!"

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The fact these parent's don't all demand this end NOW and send every last kid to school without a mask forbidding them to put one on is way more outrageous than the rest of this. School boards and school unions in California are full commie.

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I know correlation isn't causation, but there sure is a mounting heap of correlation piling up. And it's starting to stink.

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People had better make CERTAIN this is never allowed in years to come cold and flu seasons. State legislatures in EVERY state have to make sure of this. If you don't you know damn well these commiecRATS will bring masking back to your children thru use of these "un-elected" public health officials. If you don't believe so you need therapy. Make sure your children are not ABUSED again!

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Most Republicans are just as useless as the masks. At this point the courts have basically said that in an emergency the Constitution does not exist. If the court actually had guts (which they don't) they would have stuck down every one of the mandates but sadly they did not have the courage.

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Amen Mal! Far far too many weak GOP absolutely

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This is what worries me. The main reason being given to still keep masks in schools where I am is to protect the immuncompromised. Well flu and colds can affect people with underlying conditions too so is this going to happen every winter? Thousands of children masked in Iowa's schools to protect 11 children (11 families brought the law suit to keep masks, with the help of the ACLU)? Online learning is an option! The whole suit is a joke. Even most teachers have had enough.

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Only control and power matter to a commiecRAT. Of course it will continue unless it's made sure it does not. The states GOP and national have to grow some cahoonas and make sure this pure criminal and fraudulent abuse of humanity does not continue or reappear as conveniently needed!

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We have a Republican governor and she has been fighting the schools from day one; fighting to keep the schools open, fighting to allow kids learning in person, fighting against mandates and fighting against masks. There is no mask mandate in the state and hasn't been for over a year but sadly this handful of parents got the ACLU involved and its involved the courts who cannot seem to make a proper decisive decision. Are they scared of the ACLU?! If so, why? Some schools have had enough and done away with the masks; they are now being threatened by the ACLU.

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And they filed where they KNEW they would have a judge that would rule in their favor and grant the injunction against the legislature passed/Governor signed LAW so they could force masks on kids. Masks that have zero scientific evidence they help, and actually LONG KNOWN to be of no use in preventing respiratory infections. As told on the WHO website and the CDC websites before this all started.

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Are you in Iowa (your name suggests you are, lol)? I did wonder why the ACLU picked Iowa to do this as I don't think they are involved in any other states are they?

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Yes, feeling like a lone realist in the greater Iowa City area....

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where is this?

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The current rollback of masking is a strategic retreat so the commies can trot it out again next flu season. I

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Right! There is no way they don't try again and claim they magically work again

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After the November Elections.

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We had an all day “field day” last spring in 90’+ heat. Multiple kids got sick and at least one ambulance came. The school board voted the night before to mask the kids. But of course, the masks were not to blame. They didn’t move their stance at all until forced by court order TRO last week to stop masking the students. In corrupt Illinois.

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Your last sentence says it all. My heart goes out to you living in that state.

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Hear, hear! Fellow prisoner (IL) here. Reminds me of my cray cray neighbor insisting on her kids wearing masks in our trampoline all summer no matter how hot. Surprisingly, none of them passed out. Unsurprisingly, her kids are still wearing masks to school despite the school mandate being lifted due to the court decision.

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If parents don't fight for their kids, the "authorities" will keep jabbing and suffocating them.

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The kids are the hill to die on !

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There is no correlation or causation between wearing mask and covid cases/spread. Masks are useless in stopping community spread. Of course, in a few years everyone will be claiming they never supported masking. I have been antimasking and antilock down from the first day.

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People do not critically think anymore.

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Masking useless-ness was known well before 2020.I know you know

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I know that you know that he knows. :-)

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When masks started to be a thing, I researched them and their known limitations. It was clear in March-April 2020 that they couldn't stop viral particles. People are absolutely gullible.

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That's how I knew the whole thing was a lie. Actual safety equipment manufactures would not warrant products that met CDC guidelines against Covid or any other virus. If those expensive filtered respirators wouldn't work, how would a bandanna do anything? Yet they said to mask up and still do.

If you can't trust them on a simple thing like a mask, how can you trust them on something as complex as a vaccine?

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Right! Any mind who used a smidgen of critical thought knew this. The "asymptomatic spreader" delusion and fraudulent PCR testing was so very obvious as well wasn't it.

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My elementary age kids are in one of three districts in north Alabama that require masks. Everywhere else is optional. They must be following the science since 1 mile west of me is safe enough to not mask. The superintendent and board got sued over it last week. Luckily the teachers are lax in enforcement, and my kids masks are more porous than a screen door.

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We use the "fake masks". And when we move to the new school there will be no masks.

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Same. Just tough to keep up with the fakemask website since they keep getting shutdown by the NWO.

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Amazon sells some too.... search for highly breathable masks. Though I try to not use Amazon after their role in shutting down free speech.... I had no choice when I recently had to fly and was not going to get breathable masks off their website but could get them in 2 days with Amazon.

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? NWO?

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They'll just cancel outdoor activities. Because that is what worthless school administrators (but I repeat myself) do.

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There was a video circulating showing teens walking out of school as a protest on wearing masks. These kids & parents in California & elsewhere need to stand up in HUGE numbers to not wear masks. What is wrong with these "parents" for not saying NO MORE? How about a mask burning protest?

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alot of the parents want the mask, youd be surprised. I live in the bluest county in florida-Broward, they finally lifted the mask mandate in october or november after Desantis got the law passed making it illegal. My sister is a elementary school teacher, she still has like 12 kids still wearing mask per there parents orders.

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Most of our parents want them. That is why we have to leave and find a different community that is not crazy.

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I guess once their kids get some respiratory ailments, they will wonder how did that happen. 🧐

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I’m in a blue suburb of Pittsburgh and many parents here want the masks. I expect lawsuits if they try to go mask optional this school year. (In neighboring district 6 families of special needs kids sued to keep masks mandatory and won.)

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Do these parents not read the research, do they not know how harmful not only physically but psychologically masks are to kids? They believe that they are protecting them from what? A virus ? Acne? It is child abuse.

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The parents in my community don’t. Blind obedience to whatever the CDC says.

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Sad. I have a cousin who lived in Pittsburgh, haven't asked her what she thinks about enslaving the kids. In a way, I don't want to know.

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its more like blind ignorance from reality. The data is easily attained showing mask are 100% useless. Its mental illness at this point.

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Parents won't speak up, and they will tolerate harm to their children before they will endure the ignominy of being called names such as racists or transphobes. In this affluent society, parents can't make the slightest sacrifice for their children. It's not just masks; it's sexualizing children as young as kindergarten, teaching racism CRT by whatever name, dumbing down the academics in the cause of communitarianism. So many parents have said, "I have to get to work. Get your mask on. I'm sorry it makes you sick and dizzy."

And, "I don't care what they're teaching. Do it, get your grades for college."

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I think it was Illinois. Thats what leadership looks like.

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I know no one wants to hear this. But here I go. Parents, at some point, if they continue to put masks on their kids, have some responsibility as to the child abuse issue. Hard to hear. But true. Having had decades in child abuse cases, why should this be any different, as time goes on and the empirical evidence is there to support UN-MASKING KIDS. I know I am from an older generation. But, in my decades as a mandatory reporter, I have successfully terminated parental rights when a child’s life was in danger. This child’s life was in danger. Continuing to mask should be considered within the rubrics of child abuse, parents be held to account, schools held to account, state’s held to account, districts, whatever. Sometimes it takes extreme measures to prove that a child is being abused. Who does that child belong to? Parents? Or, the STATE? Children are our most cherished possessions, if you will. I am so pissed to hear this example, I can barely breathe.

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You have NO reason to apologize up front. Its 100% abuse

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"I was just following the herd" is not as far as I know a defense against abuse or neglect charges.

I remember one historical example was parents who let their kids go to Michael Jackson's house. The fact that MJ always got acquitted in court was not sufficient defense against child endangerment charges. The parents should still have understood that there was likely danger.

And now all our kids are living in Michael Jackson's house. Okay maybe that metaphor doesn't totally work.

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As a retired police officer, I absolutely agree, and thought this all along. Have removed children and placed them into protective custody for less than this, something which directly can be life threatening to them.

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I believe it is abuse, but the system is so corrupted that I don’t think reporting would do anything.

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