Just got a recorded voicemail from the SF Public School superintendent urging us parents to sign our 5 - 11 year olds for the jab. He said they’ll miss less school (they don’t have to quarantine after close contacts with infected if they’re vaxxed, and can enjoy holiday travel with less anxiety! It was not even presented as something to do for their health!!! They’re appealing to parents to do this for the convenience of uninterrupted school days and to book their Christmas flights! But they’ve underestimated those of us who read the data and who understand the risk benefit / analysis for this cohort. You can give my kids quarantine days until the cows come home! There’s no way in hell they’re getting this jab.

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What kind of retarded, monster parents subject their 5 year old to an experimental vaccine with serious side effects to prevent a disease that has a 0 mortality rent for 5 year olds?

Only democrats. They need to be exterminated.

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Here’s the crazy thing though; they’re not all monsters (the politicians maybe!) but a number of these parents are my friends — and they are just completely and totally blind to a reality that they don’t want to see. I’m a registered Democrat! But I’m changing my party affiliation after this mess. And I’m not sure how many friends I’ll have left as I continue to stand up for my children in this bonkers town. I am grateful for all you here and the strength/ support! Thank you 🙏

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Welcome to all former Dems. We don't bite, i promise. In fact, I consider myself very much of a liberal in the old fashioned sense of the word. Today's Dems have embraced a philosophy that is unrecognizable as liberalism.

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Welcome. I am a conservative. I have no problems with liberals. I love diversity of thought. Keeps things interesting. What we do have in common is liberty, protecting our nation and fiscal responsibility. As long as we have that in common everything else is just icing on the cake. Thank you for waking up and seeing that the leftists are nothing like true liberals.

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Amen. And from your name here, I see that we also have the belief in God in common, and that has been something that I’ve come to realize is more uniting than any political affiliation.

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I think the Holy Soirit kept us on the right track from the beginning. All of the God fearing not Covid fearing people I know recognized the propaganda from the start.

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My wife changed parties after a DNC meeting in your home town and they agreed to go after people that are atheist because their party identifies best with them.

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You are out of your mind. Democrats, all Democrats are Evil, not liberal.

Their leaders are corrupt or incompetent or corrupt or both. The hottest places in hell are reserved for people like you. Blind by choice.

There were no moderate Nazis and there are no moderate democrats

Stop virtual signaling with your pretend tolerance of these scumbag democrats.

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You know what? I actually understand why you think that. But let’s be kind to one another in this space…it’s pretty amazing we’ve all found our way here from varied backgrounds, political affiliations, faiths…I need this as my safe space!!!

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The Dems in power want it all...and they are willing to destroy to get it. Something is totally off with them.

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Living the Bay Area myself. They are blind. If you try to argue a fact with them, they just say throw up their mind block. "that's not true, No, No, No" Exact words from my Rabbi when I said without white people voting for Obama, he wouldn't be president" We were arguing about white people not all being racists.

Apparently he doesn't understand the percentage of population breakdown.

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All dems are evil you say?? Bullshit. LOTS of good registered dems are not very liberal in the ways that count. They go to work. They don't cheat on wives. They are good parents. They don't steal. They hold good jobs and contribute to society. Are they a bit too trusting to the point of being a bit gullible, yes. But that is no crime.

People are confused into thinking that liberal=dem and conservative=gop. It's not always the case!

At it's heart, liberalism is the tendency to consume before you produce, or to consume without producing if you can get away with it. Conservatism is the tendency to produce before consuming, and in fact often times to a bit of an unhealthy / workaholic degree. By this definition, most centrist dems are actually conservatives.

You know liberalism when you see debt. Debt is the act of consuming before you produce. The vast majority of ppl who identify as conservative have some house debt. So there is no black and white line here.

What we need to avoid is authoritarianism. That is where someone else thinks they know what's good for you better than you do. Even worse, they don't care what's good for you, but they want to control you to try to get a better outcome for themselves. I think honest, good, clear thinking people can agree on this.

BTW trump was no great conservative! You cannot go around calling yourself the king of debt and then think you are conservative simply because you hold up a Bible on camera. Trump added to the national debt at the same exponential rate as every flaming liberal president did before him.

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Dam right. Crats don't care what kind of holy hell they visit upon the world, children, babies horribly maimed or killed by the vax, a shortage of fire fighters (who are so vital every time Crats want more money) it's all for the Marxist cult.

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I consider myself a libertarian, but vote red for lack of a closer alternative. The key to me in this ridiculous time is that once the majority realizes our government is a uniparty and these labels just serve to divide us, we’ll be able to make changes. I’d say 95% of voters agree on things. Other than gun rights and abortion- which are the issues that some people will never be happy-don’t we all want mostly the same things? A better future for our kids? Once we stop letting them divide us and look at the bigger picture together, I think it will become pretty apparent that it’s not red vs blue- it is globalists (who think of themselves as the elites) vs. the rest of us. And I don’t think anyone is okay with a tiny minority of unelected bureaucrats calling the shots (no pun intended) for the billions of decent, hardworking people. But as long as we’re divided, they will get their way. And life as we’ve known it will be over.

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The definition of a better future for our kids is miles apart. Better future to a Democrat is soaked in social justice, climate alarmism, CRT, etc , etc. No way we are the same.

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See, I don’t think that’s truly the case. I think most people, if answering honestly, are against these things. It’s the vocal minority amplifying this, and people afraid to state their true feelings. Just my opinion- but I’ve noticed when you really sit down and talk to “liberals”, they aren’t on board with these things. Maybe that’s wishful thinking, but seems to be the case from friends that I’ve spoken to.

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Perhaps it looks that way on the surface, however, the perception that Democrats desire a future of social "justice", climate concern, CRT, etc. may be more the "public" face of of what Democrats want, not the reality of what each individual man or woman, those good union people the president speaks of constantly, actually wants for THEIR children. Talk to them ! Ask the man who works at the local plant in your area, or the woman teamster member driving a delivery truck.... I HAVE talk to them, they do NOT want CRT, or "social justice", they don't want pedophiles and career criminals plaguing their lives and the lives of their children. I think it is a mistake to just assume that individual human beings (who happen to be registered as democrats, believe and support all the ideas espoused by the national party leaders and the media. I agree with PKR who thinks "everyday" people are not desirous of many (if not most) of the "goals" you see and hear on every TV network and newspaper.

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I've been saying the same thing for years. As long as the globalist Rothschilds keep us fighting they just pick our pockets. They win no matter who is in power. We need to recognize who is really in control.

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And how do we defeat them? Any ideas?

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Well said PKR!!!

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I had to scroll up to see if I wrote what you just posted. 😂 Amen to all you said

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I would encourage former Dems (and Rs/Cons) to consider the problems that led us into this mess.

* For the Dems/Liberals - Centralization of power into unaccountable distant authority. The only thing saving us from complete Australiafication in the US is a history and structure of localized authority

* For the Rs/Cons - Refusing to seek and use power for *good,* instead using passive laissez-faire arguments to avoid confrontations with legitimate evil got us here. It is no longer morally possible to turn a blind eye to the massive harms that can come with monopolistic & oligarchical control of resources. We cannot permit global finance, global pharma, global media & global military industrial complex to prey upon innocent people. These must all be stopped.

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I agree.. except I believe the only thing keeping us from being Australia or Canada us our more liberal gun rights. That’s it.

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I would prefer to call it our more conservative gun rights ; )

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Govt using contracts to force businesses to obey govt agenda having lured out the bait only to threaten losing govt contract that has manifested into companies necessary evil. Say threatening to pull mail contracts or military contracts. Business too naive to realize govt would use contracts to extract evil agenda from business. Institute crt or else.

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Former dem since 1975 and this ain’t the party I signed up for, I had to work hard for everything I achieved no hand outs no free college tuition.

I’ll do anything I can to remove this scurge from out country.

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I am hoping with everything going on, with this administration (communist/socialist), America wakes up! Just

hope it’s not too late!

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What I found out I've always been a conservative at heart.

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Left the party 5 years ago and never looked back.

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Thanks! Glad to be here!

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Dems embraced that philosophy 30+ years ago.

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Well you can have me as a long distance friend, as I am in Iowa....same as you, I was a Dem supporter but no more! Most of my Dem friends have completely lost their minds over this too and gone jab-happy.

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I'm another leftie who has become disgusted in the extreme by the Democratic party.

My family - die-hard covidian cult true believers all - have "canceled" me because I became extremely sick after getting the 2nd dose of the Pfizer covid injection. (Talk about blaming the victim!)

Over six months later I'm still sick and I have serious, lasting injuries, especially neurological ones. I must have had several strokes or microstrokes during the weeks following the 2nd shot. I suffer significant memory loss and other neurological symptoms (difficulty concentrating / brain fog, tinnitus, etc.) I also had raging, whole-body inflammation for months. (I had all sorts of other extreme and excruciatingly painful symptoms as well which I won't go into here.) Microclots due to the spike protein and the massive sustained inflammation could either or both in combination have caused the brain damage I experience on a daily basis now.

Do not get any of the covid injections, and do NOT let your kids be coerced into getting them, either. They are evil, satanic, diabolical.

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Oh I am so sorry for what you’ve gone through. Particularly painful to have one’s family cancel them for truth telling! Thank you for sharing with us here.

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Family? Those whom seek you out to follow their ignorance? Those whom eat as if heart attacks are normal but criticize you for not following the detrimental mama’s diet? Family is Father Jesus and Mother Mary whom love us unconditionally.

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So sorry to hear what you're going through! I pray your body can eventually recover from this.

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Sorry for your troubles. I have a degree in the life sciences and manufacture a medical device. I'm no expert, but know enough to steer clear of this experiment. Thanks for helping get the word out and here's to your immune system rallying. Its definitely possible it will re-stabilize after a time.

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Thats heartbreaking, so sorry for the pain you are enduring. The least your family could do is support you.

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My family can't acknowledge my vax-induced sickness and injuries because to do so would threaten their reality. They are in a mass cult, as are most Americans, and as such, they actively reject any information which contradicts the over-arching, ever-present government narrative. The official propaganda is their catechism, which they know by heart, and in their minds is infallible and unquestionable, despite its ever-changing, nonsensical, contradictory precepts.

They're incapable of exercising their innate capacity to think critically. They perceive any one who challenges their worldview to be dangerous, a subversive, a threat. They're like hard-core fundamentalists who have fully incorporated into themselves all the religious dogma they've been indoctrinated with, and can not tolerate anyone who does not share their beliefs.

Another apt analogy is that they’ve shown their true colors as fascists: brutal, intolerant in the extreme, vicious, cruel, willing to ignore every moral or ethical precept they might once have espoused or theoretically believed in. The fact that they are Jews, and that their own relatives were victims of fascism only a couple of generations ago evidently does nothing to inoculate them against falling prey to the same sick energy that the Nazis and other fascists embodied.

They’re all "highly educated," i.e. they all have both undergraduate and higher degrees from prestigious universities in the social sciences, or law, or the hard sciences (microbiology / computer science / electrical engineering.) However, their “braininess” does not prevent them from being just as easily hypnotised, hood-winked, and incapable of critical thinking as any other human being on this planet. In fact, it leads them to believe that they are intellectually superior to the rest of humanity, to those with less education (as they understand education), and especially to those who have deeply held religious beliefs or acknowledge the reality of higher spiritual realms. Their hearts and minds are locked tight against any possibility of having any experiences which might possibly challenge their materialistic belief system.

These are the kinds of people who are in positions of power throughout our contemporary secular society. It’s no coincidence to me that they’re all staunch atheists. They see their lack of religious belief and feeling as a sign of their superiority. Their inability to acknowledge any higher reality, no matter how one chooses to describe that - God, Spirit, Divinity, Transcendent Reality, Mystery - goes hand in hand with their fanaticism and fascism.

One of my mother’s favorite quotes was “Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.” (Hamlet, Shakespeare.) I strongly disagreed with her when I was a kid, when she said that, though I couldn’t articulate my objections very effectively at the time. Atheism, materialism, ethical and moral relativism - the unholy triad of modern secularism - is the foundation of their reality. Not only is that reality sterile, brittle, and cold, it is dangerous. One can justify anything - torturing helpless beagle puppies, for example, for no reason, with impunity - if one lives within that world view. From there it’s but a small step to killing those human beings with whom you disagree - about anything, including mask mandates, lockdowns, vax mandates, anything at all. This is what we are up against.

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I am incredibly sad to hear of all that has happened to your health post-vax. I pray that when drs and scientists can no longer pretend the vaccines are “safe and effective” that they will belatedly discover a way to counteract the damage done.

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I doubt it. Cardiac damage? Brain damage? These kinds of injuries can't be fixed or healed. Nor can dramatically accelerated aging, another common, noticeable symptom caused by these satanic injections.

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Having gone ahead with getting the vaccine and suffering the injuries you have what message from those of us urging caution would you have liked one of your friends, family, coworkers or strangers to have said to you to get your attention? How can we get through to those who are ignoring our message even now?

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Thank you, Nate, for your question. The simple answer to your question is I would have wanted someone to say to me in no uncertain terms: "Listen to your heart! Listen to your body! Don't listen to your fanatical sister who is pressuring you to get vaxed, and who ridicules your concerns about the Operation Warp Speed vaccines! You know she's an idiot (or worse than an idiot) in all the ways that matter to you. Stand up for yourself! Honor yourself, your life, your spirit, and your long-suffering, precious body."

I actually was very hesitant to get vaxed. I'm fairly certain that if I hadn't been dealing with multiple painful, overwhelming experiences during the years prior to the vax roll-out, I would have been able to honor my inner reservations and would not have succumbed to the intense pressure to get vaxed.

As for what we can do to get through to the hard-core Covid Cult true believers - I have no idea. I've given up entirely on trying to educate anyone in my family. They feel like bitter enemies to me. I've given up on the idea of ever interacting with them again. I don't expect to see any of them in person again for the rest of my life, regardless of how long or short that ends up being.

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SO glad you asked that, as I too would love to know Truthbird's thoughts and suggestions!! I've been desperately (and OMG so frustratingly) trying to get through to my family all year - all afternoon with my Father today, good grief!! It's like talking to a brick wall. You want to just give up and say hECK with you all then...Good Luck!! But it's your family, loved ones! So disheartening.

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I'm so sorry to hear of your woes. Are you familiar with the FLCCC long haulers protocol? It reportedly works well after vaccination as well:


Good luck to you!

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I am so sorry for what you have suffered. Thank you so much for speaking out. People need to hear your experience so they can finally wake up to the nightmare that the rest of us see with open eyes.

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I am so sorry for what has happened to you! I wish someone would have talked you out of getting the jabs! I tried to talk my mom out of getting them but unfortunately she wouldn’t listen to me. After getting the jabs she had a stroke (even though she has been on blood thinners for 30 years!) a brain tumor and a large aneurysm on her aorta! Her health has been deteriorating since the jabs! She was very Independent and very active before the jabs now she is slow and her speech is slow her brain fog is bad and her health is poor. My brother who is 56 was just diagnosed with peripheral vascular disease he also received the jabs. I am so worried for my family as they all thought they were doing the right thing by getting the jabs. Please keep talking to people about your experiences and maybe someone may be saved from what you are experiencing. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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I'm so terribly sorry for your vax injuries, and furious about the evil mandates. My teenagers are feeling the pressure daily as all their school and social events are starting to require the jabs or PCR tests. I worry about the future of USATF track & field events (my 17 y.o. is a sprinter), as well as the travel restrictions to EU countries where my 19 y.o. dreams of visiting. UGH... Have you looked into the FLCCC or Dr. Bryan Ardis for treatment protocols to alleviate the vax injuries? I highly recommend both sites.

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Just opt for the tests and you can insist on doing the cotton swab yourself to avoid injury. Also use a nasal spray and blow your nose a few times before the test to assure a negative test. I like Xlear brand spray

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Thank you all for sharing! This is family!

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Contact @drakchaurasia on twitter. He can help cure you

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My friend had to get a mri after the jj vaccine. Her blood platelets were dropping and they thought she might have clots. Her family act as if nothing has happened. Her insurance said that if she said it was from the vaccine they wouldn’t pay for the mri….

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Well, that says a lot, doesn't it? "Her insurance said that if was from the vaccine they wouldn't pay for the MRI." Since when does an insurance company get to decide whether or not the will pay for the diagnostic test before the result of the test is released?

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Sorry. You need to purge that lucifarian A out, along with the prematurely aging Dolly the sheep cells. Maybe charcoal will help but praying for you, you may want to thank God for coming to the realization of your errorneous thinking, and ask for and seek his amswers instead of mad scientists.

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You sound very much like what I call a centrist dem. Well spoken, clear thinking and a ton of other great qualities, someone I could be friends with. But sadly, just as gullible as the day is long and waaaay too trusting of big government and other authoritarian institutions.

I'm not insulting you and I am sorry to hear about the reduction in your quality of life from the jabs, but it's people like you who believe they are mentally superior to others as long as nothing is going wrong. And in many ways you are. Except for that damned gullibility thing. I wonder how many times you have heard people talking about chemtrails, ufos, bigfoot the deep state and other topics and then labeled these people as conspiracy theorists even though you have done little to no research and they have actually done thousands of hours worth.

This is just a guess on my part and I could be way off base but it is so common with centrist dems that its a cliche. You were born that way just as conservatives were born with a different slant.

I was born as a centrist conservative, not a card carrying GOP. Most are RINOs in my opinion. I'm not as fast on my feet as the fast talking liberal leaners which means I have to study more. The result is that when I say something it's not because I'm guessing. I don't "wing it". I would guess that you do wing it and are actually a bit proud of your capability to do so.

How far off am I on this? Just curious! And please don't take offense at the gullible thing. I mean you no disrespect. Its just that real conservatives say what they think without sugar coating and the fact that you took not one jab but two doesn't put you very deep in the wise camp.

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Is it too trusting in govt institutions? Sounds like it was Truthbird's family that pressured him into these shots. (Even Eric Clapton took the second jab after his horrible first shot reaction!!) I have a lot of empathy for Truthbird in this situation because I've been able to deal with pretty much every single friend and colleague thinking I'm insane, but I have the respect and support of my husband and parents and sibling (a mixed status group of vaxxed / unvaxxed, but all respectful of one another's personal medical choices -- I didn't realize what a radical family I have in this regard!) I can withstand being exiled by everyone else, but I don't know if I'd have had that strength if it'd been my close family putting the pressure on. Anyway, this is just to say let's give Truthbird our love! He's been betrayed by the government and his own family!

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Thanks, Deep Thinker. I have to say, though, that you are in fact way off base in quite a few of your guesses about me. I used to consider myself an extreme far-left liberal. E.g. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 (the election in which Obama ran against McCain) because I saw Obama as just another party hack, a slimy, dishonest, arrogant, way-too-centrist, power-hungry, narcissistic politician.

I do not trust big government in the least. I hate authoritarianism in any form: fascism, totalitarianism. I don't say "communism" because I do not believe the Soviet Union was communist at all. The original leaders of the revolution may have truly desired a communist state system, but they certainly didn't succeed in implementing it.

I don't think anyone is born with any particular political affiliation or outlook. We're all influenced by our family or caretakers, though. I realize I absorbed a lot of ideas from my parents, but that doesn't mean I share them now, nor that I've shared them for decades, for that matter. Also, I've always been the black sheep of my family. In fact, it was such hell for me to live with them - particularly my mother - when I was a teenager that I seriously wanted to run away. I actually think it would have been better for me if I'd done so.

I feel I ought to answer your post point by point, but that would take me a long time, and I need to get away from the computer now. I might try to do so later, or tomorrow. Thanks for your post.

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There are some great protocols out there for detoxing from the vaxx. https://youtu.be/H7inaTiDKaU

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Grateful to have you a kindred spirit Samantha!

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Same. People like you on here are keeping me sane.

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I was also a Democrat until very recently. Here in Oregon, Reps have been the only ones standing up for medical freedom since the Dems tried to remove religious exemption back in 2019. I'll be voting for all Reps ever since, although I'm registered as independent.

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Ah yes, the religious exemption. The Dems preach diversity and tolerance and respect for other cultures and religions but despise and disrespect the religious exemption for jabs. They have been attacking our governor for confirming this will stand. Yet more hypocrisy...

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This could not be any more true. The “inclusivity” community’s treatment of the religious is a hypocrisy that is so real out here.

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Here me out. I don't think a religious exemption is the way out. We simply must demand the Liberty Exemption. Our Liberty or choice. Simple as that.

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Totally agree. The notion that we need a permission slip from a religious cleric in order to avoid a medical procedure is A TRAP. It's an admission that they have the right to cancel us unless we have special reason not to be cancelled. In truth, it's all a con game. They have to get us to voluntarily agree to go along because the minute they try to use physical force instead of words, sophistry and psyops, that is when the AR15s come out and people start dying. At lease here in the US where we have not caved to those who would disarm us. At the end of the day, intelligent people understand that the history of the world is "might makes right". Anyone who is disarmed will eventually be called by one of two names: "refugee" or "victim of government tyranny".

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I agree. No one should be forced.

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*I have been voting

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Parents have been brainwashed. Every single article or reference about vaccines, any doubts or questions on social media, are labelled, "See why the CDC says that vaccines are safe and effective for most people." They see that multiple times a day for the last year. It's complete propaganda brainwashing. Kids don't need this vaccine, period. Their trial was 2200 kids!!!! Because no one dropped dead, it's "safe?" Because no one got COVID (in either group!) it's "effective?"

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At this point, we can't even trust their clinical trials:

"Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight"



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Alex did an analysis of the original Pfizer trial that basically showed that the trial didn't show what they claimed it showed. Same number of people died in the vcxx arm as the control arm.

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"Poor practices" is elitist code for "Pure Corruption"

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How long did the trial last? Six weeks?

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8 weeks. The vaccinators now say the vax keeps you out of the hospital. That's not what Pfizers 12/11/20 press release says. It says it received the first EUA for a vaccine to PREVENT COVID

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As you are well aware, you ain't gonna learn feces about the long-term effects of anything in 8 weeks.

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Why would anyone listen to the series of utter lies coming from their pie holes? I cannot believe how many people are so gullible.

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I’m like you. These parents are my friends and they firmly believe they are doing the best thing for their family. They believe the CDC. That’s it. I’m wondering what the heck happened to my party… where their logic went.

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They actually didn't change at all.

Their supposed concern for the "less fortunate" was always just an excuse for more power in their hands. The moment having more power meant actively persecuting the less fortunate then their true colors were revealed.

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Yes, true. Their hand is shown because the power grab is frantic as they have gotten more greedy. Also, though, there were actual liberals in the Democratic Party once upon a time. Watch those Republicans though, many are just as corrupt and greedy. We probably need a conservative/liberal party (sounds crazy) but basically a party that promotes government leaving folks alone.

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So true. If republicans had the same opportunity to power grab the way the dems are they would be acting the very same way.

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And the foundations of which are common sense, logic and truth. Vaxing children of any age goes against all three of those.

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It’s a really dizzying experience right? Like their ability to ask critical questions has just been totally stunted— And on the coasts (lived in NYC before this) these are the same parents who only give their kids organic good, who limit sugar intake, and make sure they have the BPA free lunchboxes. So what gives?!

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My brother and wife live in a totally Dem, lefty area of N. California. They always refused to give their two kids any vaccines growing up, ate only organic food, etc etc. Yet they ALL stampeded to the clinic to get this particular vaccine. It's hard to figure out. I don't discuss any of this with them, or my decision to NOT ever get the vax. A discussion would be useless, their opinions are non negotiable, I know exactly what they would say so I don't go there. My brother had prostate cancer 15 years ago. If his cancer recurs, I'll know why although I doubt if he will.

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Insane. Mass hysteria

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Wow — that’s a powerful story.

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Stampeded is exactly the right word. Humans are a herding species.

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May I ask you a question, Searching for Balance? You mention the denial of religious exemptions affecting your decision to vote rep, but how did you go from from such a left wing family to where you are now? What was it that changed you? I know these transformations are difficult and I'm always impressed with people's bravery in these cases.

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I grew up believing in classically liberal values - I think I still hold them. But I’ve just witnessed too much hypocrisy, and a lack of compassion for such large swaths of the country by people who associate with the left. Too much demonization of those who don’t agree with the “virtuous” and it just seems so deeply insincere, and intolerant and unkind. It’s the past few years that it’s been building and this covid crisis I guess it just hit fever pitch. Thanks for asking.

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When I was a kid, Democrats were all about disrespecting authority, peacenik, for the little guy. It's been bizarre for me to watch them become the party of the billionaires, despising blue-collar workers, and warmongering (blame Russia!).

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Maybe they were targeted by the billionaire class.

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We have no friends left. Everyone in the family caved except me, my wife, youngest son and his wife. This is 1933 Nazi Germany. The start of the Third Reich. At the forefront were the doctors, and the epidemiology of defining a sub segment of the population as ‘dirty’ and the source of all Germany’s problems. I’ll wear my star proudly, thank you very much.

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I was not invited to a family wedding and family reunion this summer! They have all drank the kool-aid and think of me as scum because I didn’t get the jab! I have already had Covid and my immunity is better than than theirs but they have blinders on! So sad!

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I am so sorry you had to go through that feeling of neglect and abandonment. I admire you standing up in your convictions because it is hard for me and I haven’t even had the type of ostracizing that you had

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There is a big difference this time. We "Jews" are armed to the teeth with AR15s, bullet proof vests, night vision, silencers, etc. and have drawn a line in the sand, which is vax using physical force including imprisonment, that will not be crossed without bloodshed. Don't think for a second that anyone is going to lay hands on people like me and threaten my life or my freedom without me going Rambo.

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This is how politicians create monsters of your neighbors - by convincing them that doing something that is wrong, is right. Once pushed over that edge, it's not long before your neighbor will be capable of shooting someone in the back of the head, so the victim can fall over into the very convenient mass grave that's been dug to accept the body. But it will all be for the greater good. The shooters will be convinced of it.

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You’ve taken this to a dark place, but my knowledge of history and my own family’s ancestry tells me that you’re right. I have wondered all my life how certain atrocities took place, and I don’t wonder anymore. It’s a sobering wake up.

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I know. But I also know we can't take this blithely. There are serious consequences to the taking the road we're on. People frequently object, "But those things can't happen. These are modern times!" But terrible things ALWAYS happen in "modern times," it's impossible for them to happen at any other time.

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People need to study history very carefully. It's beyond naive to think such atrocities and genocides could not happen now. Modern times are different, but people are not. The lust for power and what people will do to achieve and retain it has not changed in a thousand or more years.

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Nov 4, 2021
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I was wondering if he could have been being sarcastic. But it's unlikely as he would surely see how it could be used against him. It just seems that basically he was always a hater.

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Newsflash. I am not stuck on this planet with them. They are stuck here with me.

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I'm not an American, so the party affiliation issue means nothing to me. But, on the losing friends, having one's eyes open to the reality, I say with whole hearted support; WELCOME ABOARD!! Glad to have you and don't worry about losing some friends, you'll make many new ones. The groundswell of people who see what's going on is growing, you're NOT alone!!!!

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HEAR HEAR. Those who would disown you over this are of low moral fiber and are best dusted off your sandals like dirt.

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You're right - and it's great to have the reminder as often as possible. Because of course the powers driving this bus do certainly want us feeling strapped in tight and helplessly isolated in our own, separate seats!

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I hear you! Same in Blue NY. I am still readjusting to my new normal - that the red dogs on Staten Island feel more trustworthy than my local bleeding hearts who think equity=more vax doses in school for our "underprivileged" kids

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I'll be your friend.

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Some may think this is funny or a joke but I see it actually happening.

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No joke. I have made more friends in the last year than I have in the last 20.

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Yes, some friends will disown you. I live near SF, and have commuted to the Valley on/off for 15+ years. Seeing SF decay (culture, safety, critical thinking, etc...) is a tragedy that I've witnessed first hand.

One MD friend has already disowned me. He invited my fiancé and I out for drinks and discovered to his horror that we're not vaccinated. The conversation got awkward and uncomfortable. It's bizarre. No matter how intelligent you think your friends are do not underestimate the religious zealotry of the vaccine believers. They are already fully committed.

I have friends and family moving out of state now to places like Florida, Texas, and Nevada. The migration out of CA is real. Sadly, the ppl moving out of this state will likely further embolden the rot that is happening in CA.

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I could have written this. Fortunately, I left CA (Sacramento area) before COVID (in summer 2019) for AZ (wish we'd picked Florida, but my husband and I are multi-generational Californians so we're not really east coast people.) Many of our friends left before us (mostly for Texas and Nevada) and several left after us (Texas, Florida, Tennessee). COVID was the tipping point for many, but CA has been falling apart for years. I'm originally from the SF Bay Area and the difference between when I grew up in the 70s and 80s to the last Giants game I went to in 2019 was stark. Even a conference I went to in 2008 I avoiding homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk. But COVID reaction was stunning.

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I hope none of your lefty friends get Red Pilled by the death or injury of a child. But I do believe that many kids will suffer across this once great nation.

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I feel that death or permanent disability of their child will be the ONLY way these people will wake up from the trance. Just like it has happened to the thousands of vax-injured families since 1986. Yeah...the ones that have been ignored by the CDC/FDA mafia, and called 'anti-vaxxers'. The cult of vaccines must never be questioned. These doctors and bureaucrats are criminals and deserve to end up in jail.

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I agree that the only way to get the Covid Cult believers to wake up out of their trance is for many of them and their loved ones to become extremely sickened, injured, and to die horrible deaths due to the covid "vaccines." If that's what needs to happen, then that's what needs to happen. I'm aware this sounds cruel. But reality can be cruel, or at least harsh and devastating.

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This was me 5 years ago. I saw it coming, and I have friends that saw it coming many years before I did. I lost about 90% of my friends back then, but the 10% are oddly immigrants, except for my former boss who is a Bernie bro, voted for Hillary and Biden, yet he kept in touch regardless.

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Not odd that the immigrants understand these things better than born Americans. They have already lived through it. Came to they US to escape it.

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Stay strong, you’re doing the right thing

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I escaped SF a few years ago, before COVID started. I am so worried for you all the there, especially the kids. I don't ask my SF friends how it's going because they all think I'm nuts--you know how it is. Will you really need a vax card just to take your kids to Philz??? It's terrifying.

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Where did you escaped to? Yeah, everyone thinks I’m crazy when I voice the concerns. They are literally posting pics of their kids holding up their vax cards / talking about how excited their kids are to get the shot on swapping high-five emojis on Facebook. Some of the comments on this thread felt a little harsh to me about Dems but I can sort of understand how that behavior seems demonic. I say this with a heavy heart. I love some of these people. But don’t be posting pics of your kids getting this shot as a virtue signal. It’s just not right.

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Oh Searching, I ended up back in the Boston area....bluest of blue zone. It's horrible and full of SF types, but with a more dour, puritanical spin. [Feels great that Free State NH is just 40 miles north, though.] That said, even a couple towns out from here is more normal. But it's an "out of the fire and into the frying pan situation." Hope you find a community...mine is saving me. There are likeminded people everywhere.

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This is reassuring Oppositional Defiance! And at least you can enjoy that beautiful New England foliage? The first snow is pretty too. Sigh. Stay strong!

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They're waiting for you to provide the dissonance. They want out.

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You better tell those “blind” parents that they better open their eyes an educate themselves on this vaccine “approved” for children. I believe we are going to see disastrous effects from injecting this into our children.

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So, here’s what happens when I try to get educate my peers (and I would love if anyone has had success stories and wants to share)

They listen with a sort of pity in their eyes - they think I’ve fallen down some sort of conspiracy rabbit hole. I don’t think most of these relationships will be salvageable. A couple of them respect me and my decision and I can see maybe a seed has been planted? I can’t even send them to this site — Remember Alex was dissed by The Atlantic!! But I’ve done my homework and send articles to them of liberal doctors who are in favor or vaccines for the elderly and immune compromised but against child vax and against all mandates. They don’t respond. Maybe some of it is marinating— I pray that even one of them will reconsider giving this to their 1st grader.

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I've only been able to change one mind about the shots; and even he didn't quite believe me until he asked another friend for advice later in the day. He was only three days away from his appointment for his first shot, but thankfully didn't go through with it!

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"They need to be exterminated"

No, no they do not need to be exterminated. They need to be convinced, and saying things like that means they never will be.

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They need to be subjected to *exactly* what they ask for.

They want forced injections? Well let's give it to them.

They want to stop electricity from fossil fuels? Well let's cancel their access to the grid.

They want lots of refugees? Well they can all share 20 unvetted immigrants in their homes - rent free.

If we do this then all left wing beliefs disappear.

Convincing them with arguments is pointless - they don't care about logic they care about virtue signaling. They can do this because they don't pay the costs of their lunacy themselves. We can change all that so easily.

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When I was a rebellious teen I remember my daddy telling, " some people have to learn the hard way, don't be one if them !".

So it goes with these Leftists...

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I’d love to see 25 illegals in nNancy. Pelosi house raiding her ice cream stash she’d have a meltdown lol

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I don't want to force anyone to do anything. I won't stand for anyone forcing their decisions upon me.

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The time for talking is over.

I consider people like you who insist on pacifism to be in league with the enemy.

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I love your passion, Flashback, seriously, but maybe reel it in a tiny bit? I have a few "pacifist" friends who are starting to see it. Their hearts were too good from having loving parents, and my childhood didn't leave me with a ton of that goodness, so I saw through most of this bullshit early on, so I've been gently coaxing along my pacifist friends. Having said that, I'd rather have people like you in the foxhole with me if push comes to shove. Rock on Flashback!

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That was the subject of a thread 🧵 🪡 I participated on. Those of us who grew up ABUSED (physically, emotionally, psychologically), have plenty of experience with GASLIGHTING, so we saw the gaslighting that’s taking place nationwide quite a while ago.

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Interesting. I can not claim to have gone through what you have in childhood and was quite naive when I joined the navy. I guess it was that experience (navy) that allowed me to develop a BS meter and catch this early on. But that military experience has NOT had that result on everybody who served.

Sorry, just self exploration. I have long been wondering why, regardless of where I go or what I do, I am the only one who thinks they way I do, present company excluded. Where did my ideas come from I continue to wonder. I can understand having to grow up early, such as you and others here have had to would most likely bring about your outlook on life. But how, where, why with me. No need to respond, just thinking out loud.

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You can fight the enemy without exterminating them--jeesh.

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That's not their view.

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They are exterminating themselves

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Very true

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Christians say "love your enemy" - a high calling, but there is tough love. I used to practice Aikido (had to move away from my Sensei, then never got around to getting a new teacher). Our code was to "strengthen our opponent ". Which, depending on their resistance, could mean giving one of their limbs a good stretch... or breaking it. Also, we were to stand firm and unmovable on what we thought was good and right...long story short, pure pacifism is not the way, but projecting power and speaking truth with sympathy is the way.

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When they realize that they are exterminating themselves... that ought to convince at least some of them, right?

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I doubt it. For years I've seen congress vote for things that will harm their own families for generations. I SMH.

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Agreed, they should be convinced with facts and logic, but in many cases these folks are operating on emotions and not logic. But my own experience with numerous family members and several friends is that they have very closed minds to ideas beyond their own currently held beliefs. They don't question much, and it's healthy to be a questioner in life.

I always wonder what creates two distinct groups of people: Those who want to hear different sides of a matter and consider a variety of ideas before adopting one of them, and those who have ideas that are set in cement and who have a curious lack of general skepticism about things they read or hear. When I drop some info on one friend for him to consider, if it challenges his currently held opinion or ideas about it, his knee-jerk response is "I don't believe that," and never something like "Wow, I hadn't heard that before, I want to research it a bit and find out more."

Obviously we have some people here who ARE among those who question and seek more information. I'm not sure how to convince those who never do this, however.

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"they should be convinced with facts and logic" nope. They emote. They don't use reason. They have to suffer. Good and hard.

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Something for tracking the disaster in Public Non-Health.

US Excess Deaths....click on Filter....select only 0-24 yo group.....2021 excess is skyrocketing! Double from 2020! Can't use the excuse of lack of medical care catching up as the nay-sayers use for the excess deaths in 65 Plus.....0 to 24 yo should be a overall healthy population.


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Yikes. +27% increase for 25-44 over 2020.

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Lots of suicide in there I'd say. As another substacker said to me get angry not depressed. Tell these kids the truth so that they can get angry with you.

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Notice that 2021 numbers are not necessarily greater than 2020 for all the states. Some states have a lower excess death rate this year than last. For instance, NYS had a much higher excess death rate last year. Whereas Georgia's excess death rate is higher this year than last. It looks to me as if poorer states are seeing a surge this year because of postponed medical care. I'm not ready to give the toxic shots credit for any improvement though. I think the picture is complex.

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As designed. Hard to blame it on the clot shot in most cases.

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The vaccine pushers wouldn't say shit if they had a mouthful. We're going to have to draw our own conclusions

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I am so confused. These statistics are disturbing but maybe there's another explanation? I have no doubt that the vaxx injuries are through the roof but... Here's a possible set of other possible explanations: https://news.rice.edu/news/2021/dashboard-displays-troubling-trend-unexplained-deaths

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The vaccines are intended for depopulation, and they are the main thing that changed between 2020 and 2021. It's sheer gaslighting to pretend it must be something else.

The original plan, circa 2015, was to reduce US population to 100 million people by 2025. Similar reductions were forecast for other rich countries:


Since this forecast was made, Trump's presidency intervened, and this may have "warped" the plans.

It's not clear at this point if they're still trying to meet this goal by 2025, or if it's been moved to 2030.

If by 2030, they need to start killing about 30 million people per year, so excess deaths need to skyrocket to about 900 - 1,000% over 2019 average.

By the time this really starts to happen, they plan to take down the internet entirely and invoke martial law. The military is then supposed to ensure that everyone is getting injected.

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I don't doubt the possibility of that kind of evil, nor the possibility that this is what's behind the mRNA shots. That archive.is link seems to be broken but I think it's probably to the infamous Deagle report graph (which has since been scrubbed).

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The Archive link works for me. But yes, that's what it is. Screenshot of first page:


That's just one of the telling signs. Here's Jacques Attali, advisor to long-time French president Mitterand, in a 1981 interview with Michel Solomon:

"The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population... Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good... We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn't matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it. The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having panned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone."


Here's Maurice Strong, co-founder and former Chairman of the World Economic Forum, in a 1990 interview:

"What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion is "no". The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?

2010 Glenn Beck segment on this:


That's just to scratch the surface.

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Odd that Netherlands population is stable in those calculations but that Britain's, France's, Germany's, Austria's, Italy's all suffer substantially.

I know my Samos history. The men of Samos were not struck down by economy, disease or migration. They were forced out by invaders. We actually have the same story, or a very close version, in New Zealand.


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I believe the Deagel numbers are less calculations, than simply the plans laid bare.

I also wonder about the Netherlands. What makes it special?

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Best not to try and start a war, Athenians.

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This is an ALL-Cause Mortality....Vax deaths, Suicides, ODs, domestic violence, Covid, etc. Deaths are not labeled correctly anymore, but you cannot fake total numbers. Dead is Dead. The numbers are rising faster than would be expected based on population. Since they are going to vax the 5-11 and eventually 6m to 4, I would expect to see steepening of the curve in this age group. It's Something to watch for in the coming months.

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It definitely isn't looking good.

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I hate the vaccines but I do think a lot of the excess mortality is from so many of us being fat. It's so much more common than it was when I was a kid. Look around. I don't know how old you are but I remember when every third woman wasn't upwards of 300 pounds. Plenty of fat guys and now I see a lot of obese, not plump, OBESE toddlers. Obesity > diabetes and heart disease. The vaccines are just the kill shots.

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While I agree with you about our country being fat and generally unhealthy, this is also happening globally... even in places where they are healthier overall.

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No worries, you can fake total numbers too, for example by just not recording the bodies. We are not at that point quite yet, but there are plans for when we do get there.

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I've certainly been preparing for this scenario. Nothing I can do to stop it but I can be ready for a real showdown if it comes to it. If the depopx theory is correct, then we'll likely see fortress states resisting and fighting. I plan to be part of the last stand against it all if it turns out that we're not all completely out of our minds!

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I suspect that obesity, which to my eyes is horribly rampant in the US, is taking its toll. I was born in the 50s and trust me, Americans have turned into a grotesque, bloated hoard compared to the norm up throught the mid 80s. This has to have consequences! Also I've never seen the degree to which people are now taking prescription drugs, brand new, aggressively marketed. Check out askapatient.com and take a look at the side effects some poor slobs report for, say, Eliquis, or bupropion, or even Zoloft. These people are conned into thinking their doctors have their best interest at heart when they prescribe these drugs. The newest drugs have the worst side effects. The so called vaccines are going to make this worse but we were already fat and overdrugged.

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As easy as it is to blame Americans for being lazy and fat, it's not that simple. The number one cause of obesity? GLYPHOSATE.

Antibiotics destroy your gut bacteria forever and that is the main driver of obesity in this country.

I'd blame Monsanto, Bill Gates and the Central Bankers for attacking our gut bacteria.

We'll never solve the issue, and everyone will become a victim, if you don't recognize the true cause of the issue.

Blaming the victims of the US Government, Monsanto, Blackrock, Vanguard and Bill Gates allows the perpetrators to continue their war to destroy us.

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I'm sorry I don't buy that. That idea probably has SOME merit for some cases, but it fails to explain why others who are exposed to the stuff aren't fat. It also puts 100% percent of the control and responsibility inn the hands of a large nebulous demon. Maybe there's a grain of truth in there but we still have control over what we put in our bodies. I do the shopping in my family and see what's in most shopping carts at say Walmart. Lots of bad stuff.

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Yep just found out that Vanguard and Blackrock are long on #GME, the favourite stocks of the Apes. I wonder what's going on there......

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I just read that fully 80% of Americans are "overweight", but I don't remember the % of those considered obese (it was shockingly high). My sister in law is probably 100+ lbs overweight with all sorts of discomforts and problems. She has a hard time walking at this point. Her doctor's input: "You need to lose some weight." End of doctor's input, no further suggestions or help.

She got the Moderna shots in early summer, and hasn't mentioned any problems related to that, although I have to wonder if some of her current ailments COULD be related. However, even she is now reluctant to get the booster. She's 68.

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Oh spared me the BS. Are you going to exterminate Robert Kennedy Jr too? The politics it’s what is making this harder.

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ADE this winter....

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Or whatever else they put in the vaccines.

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Yeah, run out and get that flu shot for a FLU that's disappeared. Right.

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People can't be dying of anything other than Covid. If they were, it would reduce the number of people dying of Covid to virutally zero. Therefore, until they decide otherwise, people will only be dying of Covid. C'mon, Tim. You gotta get with the program. ;)

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My family and close friends are mostly conservative voting I’d say most of them vote Republican except for maybe two or three of my family and friends who got the shot so it’s not so straight down party lines like everybody thinks. I think it is mostly a result of data and analysis being hidden by the media I hate to call the main stream but I would say the easy accessible media including social media band any type of discussions that didn’t include approved narratives and so here we are.

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I think that that shows just how poor our education in the US has become. I remember learning very basic stuff about vaccines, how they work, they dangers associated with them, pandemics, how they are now “were”) dealt with and more in elementary school. Thus, when the media started reporting things that went against this education, I knew what they were reporting was at best suspect. So I started searching and found I was right to be suspicious.

Specifically, Dr. Birx stating that they were happy that for the first time they were able to include those who died WITH Covid in the count of those who died OF Covid. That should have triggered everyone to be suspicious of the numbers reported, period. Then she said that other countries were not doing this. No one should have accepted the numbers of US covid deaths.

Another point is testing. I recall from school and reading about various epidemics and pandemics since that a single test is not enough to determine that a patient has the disease of concern and that we have never gone around and tested everyone we can lay our hands one to see if they carry the virus. The first step has always been the patient going to a doctor complaining of symptoms of the disease. The reporting that those who were not sick were getting tested and just a single positive results got them included in cases was enough to get me to start digging. How is it then so few others have? As I typed this last I realize that this is not a problem of deteriorating education system as they few classmates I am in touch with are just as pro lockdown, mask, vaccine as the 30 somethings who are fully vaxxed and double masked and demanding I give my kids the shot. So too are many in my parent’s generation.

I guess the bottom line is that too few verify what is reported in the news. They have some how gone through life not knowing that the reaction to any news story should be, “Hmm, I wonder how much of that is true.”, and on topics of importance to them, dig deeper.

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You are absolutely right

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Hang on there. I have about a dozen friends who know to refuse the vaxxes and sure as hell wouldn't subject their kids to it. They are white women, liberal, Dems, PhD, Masters degrees, healers and therapists and health researchers. I'm an independent, but fit the rest of those criteria. Many Dems are against this crap - they are no more all 'evil' than all GOP are racist, sadistic, violent, seditious ammosexuals.

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Division is the name of the game.

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Just read that this vaccine approved for 5 - 11 year olds, which is not as strong, but has an added ingredient for that age group. That ingredient is known for stabilizing heart attacks. Also, the FDA just approved the “first oral blood thinning medication for children.” I find it astounding that it seems in doing both these things (added ingredient and approving a blood thinner) they are preparing for huge health problems in children receiving this vaccine. You would have to be a complete moron to allow your children to take this experimental vaccine that was barely tested on adults, much less children.

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And I think that people whose little minds can only see things in terms of black-and-white should be exterminated. 99.9% of reality exists in the grey area, which means that you see a mere 0.1% of the truth; yet, you think you know it all.

Newsflash: A lot of republicans are buying into this crap, too.

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They were re elected in New Jersey after killing 8,000 in nursing homes, because Republicans prefer to campaign on high taxes.

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I find Republican "leadership" to be mostly spineless do-nothings. Do you know the chair woman is a ROMNEY???? Nepotism. Spineless. Useless. Why and how is this tolerated?

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Sadly, most probably have no idea. Their sources of “information” will not report any thing negative about the vaccine. They won’t see it on social media as anyone who posts it get taken down. They don’t know.

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We know, so they can know, if they chose to.They don't . So there are no excuses.

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Don't be a dick. They need to be *educated*. As frustrating as it is, most of these parents are making this choice because they think it's the right thing. They are scared, and the massive propaganda narrative is being shoved in their face. Division only compounds this. Parents love their kids! They just don't know the *actual* truth. Let's be compassionate, honest, and consistent!

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And truthful. Tell them what they're straining to hear.

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Premature inflationmmatory aging. Luciferian A in the vax expedites the process. Cells that are weak are targeted. Inflammation stresses the cells and the death is now called pre morbidity death and aging. Covid death is so out of fashion. Devils excuse is the co morbidity weakness did them in. if Dolly the sheep could talk. You would know Dolly injected with fetal cells, probably aborted, got similar stem cells as vax.

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Ask all the little kids getting vaxxed in SF today. It has started.

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Heartbroken 💔

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Outraged! Sickened!

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You don't seem to know what is going on. Cancer with the Jabbed, Hospital ER's jammed from Australia and especially US. The jabbed DimWITS are starting to die but the rest don't know what their murderers set them up for. We tried to warn them but they believed the deep state. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/thousands-report-developing-abnormal-tumors-following-covid-shots/--- Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Emergency Warning: Vaccine Created Spike Protein is Deadly in the Human Body----- ER's Are Swamped With Seriously Ill Patients, Although Many Don’t Have COVID-19 -------You can look at the DUCKDUCKGO stories if you want but the vaxxes are going to kill millions and millions of people. And the Fraudci scammers will lie and say it was not the vaxx that killed all the people.

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Those that want their children to suffer the parents mistake.

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Agreed, when the efficacy is based on 19 kids (pg 62), natural immunity is better than the v (pg 60), and there is no improvement w the 2nd dose (pg 62) but there is an increased risk of Myocraditis w the 2nd dose (pg 67 and 69), 1 person in Israel died from myocarditis (pg 67), the vast majority did not get Cvd in either grp (vaccinated or placebo) [pg62], and the study included significantly less humans than the adult trials (P f iz er) among those given the va22ine {kids 5 to <12 account for 12.5% (n=3,109) and adults account for 87.5% (n=21,702) - va22ine groups only}, how in the world can you trust anyone encouraging kids to partake? https://www.fda.gov/media/153409/download

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Thanks for the link.

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Tell them eff off. 18 year old water polo player just died in her sleep in Santa Barbara County, attends the local community college that requires the vaxx or testing every 72 hours. Doctors just don't understand what killed her. Yeah, sure.

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Just googled "Water Polo Player Died" ... damn there are a lot of WP players dying from various stuff. Who knew...?

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Another "rare" occurence.../sarc

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Nov 4, 2021
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If you never trusted another doctor you'd probably live a longer and healthier life.My experience is most of them are dimwits but think they're geniuses.

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A specialized surgeon can be phenomenal in his specialty, but most GPs we typically deal with are just that: General Practitioners. My experience has been that given a particular set of health issues I've encountered within my family over the years, it was ME who did intensive research and came up with potential solutions, which I then presented to the doctor(s). In one case I was told "Well, you know far more about this than I do." At least he was honest. Sadly, he wasn't motivated to find out more to help his patient. I have always placed minimal trust in doctors (sadly), and know that I have to be my own advocate. I virtually never go to the doctor unless it's for some kind of simple emergency.

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I know I've sounded like I think all doctors are worthless. I should give credit to the four or five specialists who were absolute lifesavers: ophthalmic plastic surgeon at Johns Hopkins, orthopedic surgeon at UMD, electrophysiologist at UMD, pain specialist also at UMD. Ok I've been forgetting them. Maybe it's hard being a gp. You're going to see anything walk through the door and expectations are that you as doctor have all the answers. Maybe that goes to their heads. But I think much the way you do about general practitioners. I take responsibility for my own health. Their word is not final.

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North of 75% of CDC employees are still working remotely. How can they be making critical decisions at home and not in a Lab. These Vaccines trials are are not Licensed to be a Vaccine. How can anyone Mandate an unlicensed Vaccine trials.

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How indeed? We hanged Nazi doctors for this same type of thing. I do not understand how people don't realize: if you're killed or maimed by these shots, you have no one to blame but yourself because you knew they're experimental use only.

And no one behind these mandates cares a whit if you die from one, or if it kills your 5 year old.

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Garland, needs to come out publicly and announce the names of the special prosecutors who are handling the case against Fauci and Collins. Seeing they are the ones who have created this mess. There are not only deaths caused by these 2 but our economy for years to come.

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I hope I live to see these murderers hanged.

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HRC and Fauci, my get to spend the rest of his life with HRC in Prison.

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Hung the doctors but not the billionaires who put them up to it. Hence round 2.

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Using their fridges for Cold storage, no wonder the vaxxes are spoiled.

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My thought on the cold storage for the jabs it keeps the living organisms from becoming active until it hits the warm blood of a human? Just my opinion.

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That would be good. Destroy the mRNA monkey shit before injecting

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Cheering you on Mama!

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Stay strong. You know it's short term pain for long term gain

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I really hope it's that. Grin and bear it. I keep telling myself no way this madness can keep up. There's something off in all this and I don't want to play. Here in Canada, we have the added feature of this obscene and unethical passports. So I have to think positive.

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Ben Carson say’s no way should you jab your kids.

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Ben Carson, is 100% right as always.

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I suppose I should be grateful that the only message I got from my daughter's principal today was a complaint that she was "messing with her mask in science class". This is the type of nonsense they find time to call me about. No doubt the school district will bombard us with yet more emails about getting the little ones jabbed.

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I don't know what to say, except why is your child still in that school run by petty tyrants? It's on you. (I say with love.)

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Because apart from their stupid obsession with masks its a pretty good school, she is doing exceptionally well, loves her friends and I cannot do the home schooling. Its not just about the education but all the other activities like orchestra, Mock Trial and sports. I also think its up to parents (like me) to keep pushing them on this issue and throw our support behind the Governor.

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I am a fellow sf person who is horrified by these unconstitutional jab mandates for children who are at no risk from cv. There have been exactly zero deaths for kids under 20 in SF but they are saying this is for safety. Ron Johnson had people testify this week that shows there are extremely dangerous outcomes for children and adults for these experimental jabs. Inducing spike proteins in people is often devastating and we don’t know long term safety. I feel there need to be some actions taken to stop this.

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I tried talking to my oldest niece asked her to pray hard before considering covid shots for the kids….but she responded and said that she and her husband had prayed about it and talked to medical professionals that they trust and then said the kids want the covid shots. She said they had all of their other shots and they want this one. Then she told me they are getting their shots Wednesday from their pediatrician and that pretty much closed the discussion. My 10-year-old great nephew and seven-year-old great niece will get a jab with an experimental drug to protect them from a virus that would in all probability give them cold-like symptoms and all I can do is pray they have no bad reaction short or long term. I didn’t understand why she and her husband got the Covid shot because they had Covid last year and had mild symptoms and their kids showed no symptoms. Just about all of my family and close friends around me got the Covid shot and some got boosters and they look at me like I’m some denier. Even when people we know still get sick with Covid after having the shot they say “thank goodness they are vaccinated” I guess presumably meaning the symptoms will be lighter because they had the shot…And they say this to me to try to encourage me to get the shot… even though everybody ran out and got the shot being told they wouldn’t get sick with Covid. I feel like I’m on an island alone other than my boyfriend and a few other people that we know but we are definitely in the minority thinking that the Covid shot is not worth the risk and that we would be better off taking a chance with therapeutics if we were to get Covid

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My brothers and sister and mother got the shots. My mom has been on blood thinners for 30 years. Within one month my mom had a stroke! Even while being on blood thinners! She developed a large aneurysm on her aorta and now has a brain tumor 😔 mind you she was a very energetic woman and very independent before the shots! I begged her to not get the shots but all of her friends were getting them so she got in line! I sent her tons of data on why she shouldn’t get it but she didn’t listen to me.😑 I am the only one in my immediate family who didn’t get the jabs and I feel that I will be all alone when they all die from complications. I too feel like I am living on an island! I talked my children out of getting it and they listened ❤️ My husband too ❤️ One of my closest friends doesn’t call me anymore or text and I am sure it’s because I haven’t been jabbed. She lives in fear of the Covid and thinks that the shot is going to save her from getting it. I am sad for her to go along with this experimental jab. God has His hand in this and we need to remain strong! In the end He wins and His Chosen ones we need to trust in Him.

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I don't know if you're a praying girl but I pray every day that people will be able to beat both vaccines and virus. I don't want to be the last one standing in my family. The thought of people taking these shots in good faith and getting hurt/killed is unbearable.

I'm really sorry about your poor mother. She's in my prayers.

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Yes I do pray and God is my refuge and strength. I feel like the world is getting smaller and smaller and God is getting larger and larger ❤️ The number of those that are getting through the narrow gate is getting smaller and smaller in my world and I trust in Him to get us through this. 🙏🏻

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You are right. Trusting in God is what we/I need to focus on

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My husband, eldest son and I are holdouts, unvaxxed. Husband and I just got covid in September, followed Zelenko protocol with ivermectin etc., Plus he got monoclonal antibody infusion. I'm all better, he's pretty much over it.

I literally got scolded by a younger brother when he heard we were sick: "you can't be serious you're not vaccinated!!". Well thanks for the caring words.

Now here's the really good news. Prior to infection/treatment I was having a horrible time with hot flashes and inability to digest many plant based foods. After infection (and use of ivermectin and zpak?) no more digestive troubles. And weirdest of all: no more hot flashes.

How does Fauci's brainchild kill hot flashes? Is it lodged in my hypothalamus?

Only Fauci knows.

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The Ivermectin was your life saving drug. It probably killed off the parasites living in your gut flora. Unfortunately millions of us have it. I have been on a regime of taking warm goats milk and green papaya to help get rid of the parasites. Parasites feed on milk products and the green papaya is supposed to kill them. My skin seems to be clearing up I have psoriasis. In India they have been giving their population Ivermectin and Covid disappeared! Why on earth aren’t they talking about that here! The main stream media is all in with these jabs and it’s so upsetting!!!

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Also possible that zpak helped kill gut infection. I had a malamute with terrible digestive problems that it took a year for me to find a vet who could diagnose it. He gave him a strong antibiotic and the infection cleared up for good. I know it can work that way just didn't think it would happen to me

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So if you don’t mind me asking why not just take the green papaya without the goats milk? Is there a mix or balance you need like in order for the parasites to ingest the papaya asked to have a milk mixed in with it?

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I read that I should drink the goat’s milk and let that sit for a bit maybe 20 minutes? The parasites come out and start feeding on the milk in the gut and then when you take the green papaya it’s suppose to kill them.

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“Has” not “asked”. Stupid audio dictation. Oh and also I agree with you about the Ivermectin and I don’t think the word ever got out about how India successfully treated with ivermectin because they didn’t want word to get out about that.

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You are being a great parent. This entire thing is about control and they are determined to take away every right we have.

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Well I know if I turned out to be like Hunter Biden, my mother would of thrown me out of the house for good.

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Better keep close watch. They'll be giving the jabs without parents consent before long. Just wait. OR, better yet, take your children out of government run schools!

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This also happens in Australia. Kids 12 and over can give their own 'consent' to be jabbed at school without any consultation with parents

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Yes, it's amazing how all the reasons are nothing to do with health, at all. My own GP, even while assessing me for chest pain and breathing difficulties that I've been experiencing since the first shot, couldn't understand why I wasn't going to get the second vaccination. "Because that's what you need when you travel or enrol at universities", "So you're prepared to lose your job over this?". Nothing about health. Nothing at all. Not to mention trying to brush off my symptoms as a post-nasal drip. And saying that I shouldn't be counting on my natural immunity because "it's now proven to wane". Absolute rubbish. I was completely recovered and feeling strong as an ox before being subjected to that experimental concoction. I am spitting mad.

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Best of luck to you ❤️

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Thank you so much, Mommagoose. ❤️

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And to think we have trusted these people for years with our health. I'm listening to Del Bigtree's interviewing vaccine victims and these doctors are telling all these people they "suffer from anxiety," they can stand on their own, they are wetting themselves, all from anxiety? What did they actually learn in medical school?

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You're absolutely right. They sure didn't learn the concept of "first, do no harm". It's now been replaced with "first, cover your a*se" and "first, toe the line". Even if a huge chunk of the response is anxiety (and I won't deny it - that's what tends to happen when something is forced onto you against your will - you know, like rape and torture and battery), then what are they saying? That harm to the mind is nothing? The whole practice of psychology is just tossed out the window, like that? That people cannot suffer from psychological abuse? These sociopaths masquerading as doctors and scientists and policy makers will have their comeuppance one day - if not through an implosion of conscience, then I pray through some sort of Nuremberg trial or suitably poetic justice exacted upon them. I sincerely hope that they don't sleep well at night.

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There are definitely post vaccine protocols that can help your symptoms. Check FLCCC website for their protocols.

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Thanks, EO. I will definitely do so.

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Get on Telegram and join East Bay Freedom Lovers. It's a great community of like minded folk who are protesting every week against Gruesome's tyrannical mandates. Find your people and fight this horror!

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Where ya gonna go? Where ya gonna hide? https://youtu.be/H7YntoZAOpE

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😂 thank you — I needed a laugh!

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My husband did the music for that. Love it.

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Hey Matt!! I was so delighted to see this! I posted this link recently, hinting it was apropos. My husband did that score for Abel Ferrara.

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Scroll down to the bottom of this link. Its got lotts of supporting evidence for not vaxing the kids. Print it out and send it to the school. Good Luck!


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Thank you for providing this I’m going to try to find a way to work it in conversation with my niece. She is wanting to get young kids 10 and 7 vaccinated and it scares me so bad.

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I wish you the best of luck! Heres some more links. Truth for Health Foundation is Dr Peter Mcculloughs site- One of the 1000s of doctors that signed the Rome declaration, and is part of the global summit signatories, along with many other well respected doctors. Most of the content has been blocked by MSM, hence they are setting up their own websites etc....



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I am a nurse for 25 years. I just had this conversation with my co worker yesterday. "Why is our hospital so full?" Very few covid cases, not flu season yet and we are busting at the seams. I have never worked so hard, never see it like this with no end in sight! I'm in a blue state so most are still covid panicked! There is something going on and I haven't put my finger on it. Maybe multiple causes but reading others posts I am thinking alot caused by vaccine. My state is 90% vaccinated. Elderly are coming in confused, falling breaking bones. I did have MD tell me last year she was seeing alot of elderly with sudden onset confusion right after being vaccinated.

I think we need more time to see if there are an increase in a particular ailment in only vaccinated people. I know even if we do vaccine tyrants will deny it but we must continue to keep ourselves educated!

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I'm also an RN, and I worked for years at a Fortune 50, global Pharmaceutical company. My specific job was reporting adverse events to the FDA. I can say without hesitation that any drug (vaccine) launch that carried this many apparent adverse events with it would have been a candidate for removal.

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Thanks Bill. Wasn't there a vaccine that they tried to push for the Swine Flu but it was denied due to negative outcome? Was there a turnover at the FDA since then? I know we recently had 2 resign after the booster push.

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Yes, the swine flu campaign was discontinued after 94 cases of serious illness and 4 deaths. You can read about that, and see the original 1976 NY Times article about it, here:


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In the 70s we smoked, drank, had promiscuous sex and didn’t wear seatbelts, but we didn’t screw around with vaccine AEs.

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Back then, those were real vaccines. This one is an experimental drug. Nothing more.

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Ah, the good old days!

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Vaccines, even the ones that were more rigorously tested, have always been catastrophic for health. There have always been vaccine injuries, though very few people, including very few doctors, had any awareness of this until fairly recently. Even today, very few Americans have an understanding how dangerous all vaccines are.

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Full write up https://www.nap.edu/catalog/12660/the-swine-flu-affair-decision-making-on-a-slippery-disease. Great post event analysis of what went wrong.

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That's basically what Dr. Peter McCullough has been saying from nearly the beginning -- that if this was any other vaccine, it would have been pulled.

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Went though the swine Flu debacle, was in the service and was ordered to take, luckily I survived.

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I took swine flu jab. Ended up in hospital

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I have a friend who got GBS from that shot

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That's about as compelling statement as I've read about this gene altering therapeutic. Then again the shots have nothing to do with a flu and more about "show us your papers"

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So what's changed? I'm wondering what tyranny made this wave of death and injury acceptable.

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"Nothing to see here, move along" is the mantra from the "Vaccine tyrants" (kudos to Christine). Marvelous Marvin Hagler, the famous boxer, died right after vaccination. Hank Aaron died 13 days after vaccination—we just saw him honored after The Braves won the world series. The medical cartel said tat his death was from "natural causes". Right (/sarc)...I am not surprised that the black community is resisting vaccine mandates. They have always looked with their eyes no matter what the "Gummint" told them was true. No victim yet has been bigger than Hank!

I am a research biochemist in infectious disease, BTW.

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According to health system rules, the marvelous Mr. Hagler and the hammering Mr. Aaron were UNVACCINATED deaths... because it takes 14 days or more for full vaccination immunity to take effect. That's the word game the authorities are playing. That's the loophole they're crawling through.

Remember THAT the next time the authorities scold you that most of the deaths have been among the 'unvaccinated'. Marvelous Marv, Hammering Hank, we miss you!

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BINGO! There was a chart -- I can not honestly remember where I saw it -- that showed that most vaccine-related deaths were in the first 72 hours (usually the second shot.) But they get lumped in with the unvaccinated ... even if they didn't die "of" COVID. And now we just have thousands of people who are going to have life-long health problems. My mom is 76. She waffled on the vaccine, but I pointed out she had been exposed three times that we know of (more than an hour with someone indoors who tested positive with symptoms shortly thereafter) and had a mild "cold" after her first known exposure in early 2020. I told her it's up to her, but I didn't think she needed it. So she didn't get it. And now none of her relatives will let her visit them unless she wears a mask and stays more than 6 feet away. I told her it's none of their business whether she's vaccinated.

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Perhaps we should baffle them with their own word salad. Next time someone recommends you take the jab, smile and say you'd love to comply, but according to the official definitions, even if you got vaccinated, you would not be considered to have been vaccinated. So why bother? 🤪

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John, you realize the suspicion is that Marvin and Hank died directly as a result of receiving the vaccine, right?

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You bet I do. There's chicanery behind every statistic that the health authorities put out. The covid 'vaccines' aren't even vaccines, in the traditional sense. (we're losing before we begin!)

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Yes. Yes he does.

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"Nothing to see here, move along, folks"

It is somewhat humorous to me (albeit dark humor) that people are voluntarily lining up to take the mRNA jab. Yet, I wager that most of them are reluctant to buy any food which does not say "non-GMO" on the label. Yet they are ready to GMO themselves! How ironic. Yes, the jab is genetic engineering (GMO) of our cells to produce a protein, similar to what we do to crops to have more nutrition. What a disconnect! I guess it is a product of 100 years of our educational system.

John Dewey, the major architect of our system, In 1938 wanted an educational system which "focuses on curriculum and cultural heritage for its content." Critics described the system as consisting of a rigid regimentation, ignoring the capacities and interests of the learners. This encouraged an attitude of docility, receptivity, and obedience among learners.

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Nietzsche, the philosopher who is many things to many people, said much the same thing, probably 50 or 60 years earlier. I don't have the exact quote, but it would have been about the German education system creating a domesticated, tamed citizen, optimized to do the bidding of the establishment. He was no fan of equality or the liberal democracy of his time. Then, as in Dewey's day, or now, public education seems to always encourage a pliant student. Even in the best of times, critical thinking, daring to question orthodoxy and even basic scientific knowledge have never been highly in demand. As a society drifts into collectivism and decadence, those skills become even less wanted. We are already in a time where once-respectable medical organizations use terms like "pregnant people" or claim that sex is an elective choice, an item to be filled in on the birth certificate. Why, then, should we be surprised by any of the absurd claims coming from official organs about the pandemic or the "vaccines," or any other issue?

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Great points. The Left likes to use Black and Latino Americans as tools or weapons to reach their end goal. They don't see them as actual humans. They used Hank Aaron and treated him like a pawn to convince fellow Blacks to get the shot. Can't have IDs to vote because it is racist but Vax ID cards are not racist. Got it!

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DMX also was also recent victim of the Clot shot And Colin Powell was another victim along with 1 million others

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My dad is 94. Other than BP issues and arthritis he was just fine. He booked a cruise for 2022. He got jabbed in early January so he could “get back to normal.” His back, leg and hip began to hurt within two weeks. The he started having urinary issues. 2nd jab late February. By mid March he was in ER with urinary blockage. Then the blood started flowing. By May he had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Huge tumor on his bladder. He refused to undergo biopsy. We put him in hospice on 7 September. The oncologist explanation “sometimes these things just happen.” I will never know, but I will always suspect. They are killing people. And they know it. All going according to the plan.

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My heart goes out to you. My Dad hasn’t been the same since the jabs.

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Thanks. He has no idea it could have been the jab. The sad thing is my radical nut case brother encouraged him to get it. I told him to wait. The good thing is he had a great life and can now go join his bride of 70 years in heaven. Other than the fact that he is suffering some (although hospice doing incredible work) I’m actually happy for him. He misses my mom terribly. Thanks for your kind words. Sorry about your dad too. The people who did this will pay someday. I pray I live long enough to see that happen.

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Eric, I’m so sorry for your pain. Be with your Dad as much as you can. Some amazing things happen in this time. And when the time is right, I wish you the strength to make it your duty to see the people that are doing this pay for their sins.

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Can you report it to VAERS?

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Mine also reports his blood sugar is uncontrollable post-vaccine and he’s got neuropathy issues. But his doctor draws no connections… I finally convinced him the vaccine is the culprit and not to get a booster.

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I know a man who got the JJ shot and had managed his diabetes competently all his adult life, but now has to call 911 because his blood sugar will CRASH and he can't control it. This happens now almost weekly. These are Maryland country people and never thought to report to VAERS because they didn't know it existed.

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So sorry to hear this. My own father was in bad shape for a couple months after her second Pfizer shot. He seems better now. I'm praying he will not do the booster.

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I am so sorry for your loss, Eric. In the 90 and over population, people may want to just chalk these events up to old age. It will be much harder to do that with children and healthy young adults.

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These type incidents don't get reported, nor when the poorly trained put the needle in the shoulder joint instead of the muscle.


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That's the diabolic part of this programme. "They're old, they had a good life [makes me want to punch someone when I hear that one], it was time, no 'quality of life' [another emetic bit of BS], blah blah. But blame the vaccines? uh-uh.

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The VA called my Dad (91 year old) to come in for his Moderna booster before it was even in the news that boosters would be approved for those over 65 and at high risk. He got the booster. No big side effects, headache and very tired for a few days. He received his flu shot two weeks after the booster. Within a day he was hit with sciatica. NEVER ever has ever had sciatica issues. Even in old age he has the flexibility and gait of a much younger man. He's on week 3 of strong inflammatories and if there's not much improvement he'll start physical therapy next. He's walking with a cane now and has good and bad days. Dad has regrets that he got the booster and the flu shot so close together and thinks they were the cause of his sciatica. My Mom (90) has decided to wait on the booster because her 2nd shot gave her terrible shooting spinal pain for two days. I don't think they are doing as well since they got the vax. They don't seem as sharp. They are in their 90's...so, it's just old age, right?...*sigh* What a world.

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Did they report this to VAERS? My (Navy vet) sister has had terrible trouble with her platelets from the JJ vax; the VA docs didn't care. Just giggled and threw their hands up and shrugged. I told her how to report this; she did.

I am so sorry to read your story. Praying for them and you.

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I am thankful that Dad's doctor DID order an ultrasound to check for blood clots in his legs without me or Dad insisting on it. So, that tells me they are aware of a potential vax injury and wanted to rule out the worst possibility. No report to VAERS as far as I know. First thing I did when this happened was do a search there, Moderna and sciatica. Plenty of reports showing a link. Dad's bloodwork is also very good. At his next check up it'll be interesting if any of his numbers have drastically changed.

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I have a 90 year old friend who got strong-armed into the Moderna shots. Against her judgment. She's much sharper than most people but wanted to give a lecture series as she'd done many times before and the tyrants running the program insisted; she caved. That was three months ago. So far she doesn't complain of any trouble. But I have been watching her carefully. She takes no other drugs, none. Maybe she's immortal.

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Could be she got a placebo? I think this is a carefully thought out plan to not have people dropping over at the same time? Just my thoughts.

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I think it's just a very individual thing, probably dependent on how much of the garbage gets into bloodstream, personal health, morbidities. It seems it works the way covid itself does. Kills some, hardly fazes others

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So sorry to hear this. The drug companies have done exactly ZERO studies of how ANY vaccines interact with each other. ZERO. They tell parents it's fine to have six vaccines in one sitting. The truth is that they have not studied even TWO vaccines in combination.

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I’m very sorry to hear this.

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Yes I’m sure it was the jabs! 😡 my mother was healthy up until she got the jab. She was on blood thinners for 30 years but suffered a stroke after the jabs plus she developed a brain tumor and a large aneurysm on her aorta! It’s an evil world we live in! A certain depopulation agenda! Pray for your loved ones pray for us hold outs we are in for a fight against good and evil! I’n the end God wins but we must remain strong, healthy and resilient!

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I am so sorry to hear what has happened to your mom. This is truly heartbreaking. I will pray for her recovery. If God is going to win this one, He better act soon!

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Going through some strange urinary tract stuff with my father in law, 92. Your post is sad, and I am so sorry for your family. My fil was vaxxed (Moderna) last April, then shit hit the fan in July, but not easily connected to vaccines, at least not yet. Prostate found to be size of grapefruit, bladder incapable of emptying completely. Severe complications from catheter the a-hole urologist insisted on. He was remarkably healthy but on all the usual pointless drugs: beta blockers, prostate stuff, etc. No one mentioned oversize prostate til July though. It makes me wonder. It can all be blamed on "old age" but I hated to see him vaxxed because I feared it would really kill him. Long story but thanks for sharing yours and I'll pray for your family.

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From what I have read the jabs cause inflammation and maybe that would account for the prostrate problem? Just a guess! We are up a against an evil cabal!

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I'm sorry about your dad. I remember putting my grandpa in hospice and it broke my grandma's heart (this was years ago.) She and I went to visit him every day until the end. Hugs.

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Man. Sorry to hear that. God bless your father who was willing to still get out there. These are crimes against humanity. It's ludicrously immoral to apply a one size fits all assault like this. (deleted to edit).

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Very sorry to hear this, Christine. It also sounds like your state, with 90 percent vaxxed, is well on its way to eliminating the control group, so that no one can ever find out how the vaxxed are doing relative to the unvaxxed. That is the primary goal of Fauci and the vaccine makers at this point. They know they have the Mother of All Lemons in these vaccines. They are trying to hurry up and vaccinate everybody so that there is no control group for comparison. This is not the first time they have played this game. You can read about it here:


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Excellent piece.

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I am not a nurse, but isn't it obvious that the untested, mandatory for everyone whether it's needed or not shot is what is causing all this misery? The politicians and partisans that stole the US election don't care about anyone's health anymore than they care about anyone's civil rights. This is a plandemic, plain and simple. This is the desired outcome (except that there are a lot of people who realize what's happening and refuse to be victimized by the shame game)

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People need to wake up and realize the vaccine has nothing to do with health. There is a truly evil purpose and this can’t be blamed on oversight, graft or plain stupidity. You are being led to the ovens. What are you going to do about it?

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Thanks for sharing. It is so important that we share the real information out there. Videos like this crush my soul: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/aussie-nurse-speaks-out-hospitals-are-hiding-vaccine-injuries/

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I'm a nurse in New Mexico and am seeing much more of the same thing you just mentioned

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Christine - also I think in the elderly there's more risk of the spike protein bypassing the blood brain barrier. Ugh.

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Right! I am 74, and apparently had a totally asymptomatic stroke sometime between 2011-2015. It showed up on an mri of the brain in 2015, done for propytosis, but was not reported. Had CT of head 2019 after head injury, same "lesion" still there-same size. All this to say, I did not take the jab for very strong religious reasons, but the more I learn, I would never take it. I don't want those spike proteins going though my blood brain barrier to my already damaged brain!

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This might help to explain why the vaccinated are showing up in hospitals with unusual presentations.

From Nature

"Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines"

"Here, we report, besides generation of neutralizing antibodies, consistent alterations in hemoglobin A1c, serum sodium and potassium levels, coagulation profiles, and renal functions in healthy volunteers after vaccination with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine."


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Just from the abstract, our powers that be would dismiss it because "It's not peer reviewed." Or, perhaps more relevantly "the vaccines used in the USA are not inactivated virus vaccines," which would be true. They are incapable of facing up to reality; they're going to keep lying until the bitter end, much like the Black Knight does in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

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I’m in California. My brothers mother-in-law ended up in a psych ward for a week after her 1st shot. The ER doctor told my brother that hers wasn’t the first case he’d seen. Needless to say she didn’t get a 2nd shot.

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Wouldn't surprise me of it's the vaccine. I'm reading a bunch of stories from several countries with people keeling over with heart attacks and suffering from blood clots. How many anecdotes is needed to see a pattern and then proof? I think we can make some educated guesses here. Nothing good ever comes from making rash decisions during a panic. It's an axiom of human nature and we rushed these experimental injections during a moral panic.

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ANYONE WITH OUT HEALTH CARE ARE LABLED COVID TO DEFRAUD THE TAXPAYER and they DON'T HAVE TO BE US CITIZENS. My DIL sets up medical labs across the USA, worked cancer research for Vanderbilt, everyone in Nashville knows this is happening. THEY WERE TOLD TO LABEL ALL AS COVID. Just plain flu doesn't pay what COVID PAYS. CHEATS, FRAUDS, LIARS.

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My mother was forgetful before the jab but now she’s in noticeable cognitive decline. 😞

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Mine too. 3 months after being vaccinated she doesn't even remember how to answer her phone or read a clock anymore. She was always kindof spacey but this has gone downhill very quickly. I have no idea what to do :(

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So sorry 😞

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So sorry 😔

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Christine - what state? Vermont?

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Let us know the general types of ailments- vascular? Neurological?

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Strikes me as a controlled environment any reasonable scientist would salivate at.

Almost no actual Covid, but overwhelmingly vaccinated especially the vulnerable populations. Now we can study the longer-term effects of the vaccine itself on the population, without confouding with the actual disease itself.

Scientists are flocking to investigate, right? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?

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Matthew Crawford over at Rounding The Earth (on substack) calls these injuries "Type 2 COVID-19". The vaccines are very explicit that they only may prevent COVID from the virus. But the jabs cause "Type 2 COVID" when they turn your body into a spike protein factory.

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I tell my patients its like the "vaccine" has created viral cell towers. Each person becomes a cell tower for viruses-- previously dealt with by our amazing innate immune systems. The result is NOT good.

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are you seeing this. Im concerned for family who got the shot

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NPR did a whole on vaxxing kids and without parents permission in Philly. They definitely think us unvaxxed r believing in conspiracy theories. they actually said kids will suffer myocarditis worse if get covid not from the shot. it was painful to listen to and we pay for this

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My SIL who is a Pediatrician said the exact same thing to my mother who is also a Pediatrician but with several decades of experience above her. My SIL said it was justification to jab her 6 year old because getting myocarditis from the vaccine is only "transient" (i.e. mild) whereas it is permanent if you get it from Covid. I can't even begin to comprehend the fallacy of such statement. First, it's not true. Dr. Peter McCullough said recently that it is actually the reverse. Myocarditis caused by natural infection is usually what is mild (i.e. acute or transient as my SIL called it). He said it only happens if you are sick enough from Covid to go to the ICU and what he's seen is that their troponin levels go up and eventually resolve. In vaccine-induced Myocarditis, he said the troponin levels are 10 to 100x higher and result in cardiac arrest, heart attack, stroke, etc. He said that vaccine induced myocarditis in children is very serious and is not mild because it results in 90% hospitalization. No healthy child has been hospitalized from Covid much less taken to the ICU so why in her warped mind she thinks it is better to risk vaccine induced myocarditis versus Covid myocarditis is ridiculous. When they use these arguments, they never even take into consideration that your chance of even catching Covid is very low whereas with an injection you are automatically assuming a risk that can never be undone.

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Per Dr. Harvey Risch most doctors don't read the studies. They get cliff notes from their boss at the hospital. And it shows.

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My partner's daughter who is a nurse just said the same thing about myocarditis in kids is caused by covid and not the Vaccine.Aaaagggghhhhh.

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She’s wrong. Send her Dr. Peter McCullough clips and links to the studies.

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The vaccine isn't going to prevent kids from getting covid over the long term so it can only compound the risk.

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I thought myocarditis was irreversible.

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What an idiot

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Perhaps ask her if she knows... As per the FDA: Pg 67 "One fatality occurred" (from myocarditis in Israel) https://www.fda.gov/media/153409/download. "Some cases required...intensive care" https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download

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It's viral vs bacterial myocarditis that has implications on severity.

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NPR is underwritten by pharmaceutical firms.

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If they're not talking about how good the jabs are, they're race baiting or gay baiting.

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NPR is dead to me! I used listen every day and donate. Their “reporting” during this episode is nothing but propaganda.

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Agree, agree, agree!

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I know how you feel and what can we expect from NPR? Wicked satanists running the MSM today.

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"... kids will suffer myocarditis worse if get covid not from the shot."

The risk of children getting severe COVID is magnitudes lower than the risk of getting heart damage from the jab! People can't even reason any more!

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Dr. Peter McCullough says the opposite is the case. Covid myocarditis significantly less a problem compared to vaxed...I’ll try to post vid...

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Yep, exactly.

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Alas...I’m am a techno dope...😖

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Even if they did the studies show the Covid-induced myocarditis is far less severe and does not lead to hospitalization or long term damage, unlike the v-induced one.

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Julie, can you post the link to this? I couldn't find it by searching...

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Your whole family? Wow....

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Thank you for that analogy...I'll be using that, I'm sure...many thanks!

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You should check out Dr. Robert Malone on Twitter = @RWMaloneMD and see where Crawford is getting his info from. Malone is considered the inventor of the mRNA tech but he doesn't like being referred to as such but rather one who was a major contributor but has been speaking out for almost a year or more now about this.

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I love Doc Malone! He is a real caring and ethical doctor.

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In one of the few interviews I saw of him, he used a phrase like "my name is on a few patents." Such modesty wins him credibility points, at least by me.

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I am interested to see it become as common to talk about vaccine injury treatments as it is now to talk about Long Covid treatments. I see FLCCC is starting to address that: What is the long term strategy for addressing ongoing damage and staving off disability and mortality? It is not the same as recovery from the disease.

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Blood-thinners for small children.


That is Big Pharma's long-term strategy. They will make billions more off the very problems they are creating, even if all their present leadership hangs.

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O.M.G. my brain is about to explode today from ALL the info flowing from this site. Children on blood thinners?! Whay is WRONG with the people that are just fine with this crap?!

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Small glimmer of light . Today is the start of Diwali- may the festival of lights bring you peace and triumph over darkness. I am not Hindu but have many friends that are😊

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Without meaning to be flippant, the best strategy is to avoid the problem in the first place. Do not take that jab. "But I need it or I'll lose my job." Etc. This is a dilemma for many people, I don't deny. But if you take one (or more) shots, you are literally gambling your life and health for at best temporary protection. This also applies to your jobs/school/etc. future: There will be boosters in your future, rest assured! And they won't be any safer. Any risk/damage is likely cumulative. Remember the old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? Well, keep in mind that some bad things cannot be cured at all. Focus on that prevention.

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There are a lot of us out here who had a shot before we knew better, had a shot because we caved under coercion from employers or family, went against our better judgment because others depended on us, or whatever. Don't hang us out to dry now! All you say is true, and don't we know it in hindsight!...but life is not so simple.

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I have always been curious about this so called pandemic and the rush to fear mongering that has been the like of something we have never seen before… we are a species that has adapted to many things much worse. What with all the talk of “reducing the population” and that sort of thing I can’t help but wonder at the strange response. and “rush” to a very poorly tested medicine certainly not following the accepted guidelines of the FDA by any means. I realize the money involved however… the agenda long term is that “people need to die” to reduce the population. Not by any means is 1% enough considering 7.8 billion people on the planet. So… joilla.. a vaccine … you need to get it into the populace quickly. When fear stops working because so many had it and it were ok… then next a mandate… take jobs..take freedom.. but get it into the populace quickly before the results- long term or short- can be seen and someone stops it. When Drs and nurses choose to quit their jobs before allowing this.. it seems very strange and suspect. When highly acclaimed virologists are actively censored.. that also is strange. No autopsies on deaths even now after the vaccine are done that is very suspect. It has been discussed that auto immune disorders may appear from this vaccine which could take 1-2 years to appear. But- if you can mandate enough people now before the results start appearing and someone stops it- you will have achieved the goal. It doesn’t seem like rocket science to me. Money has always been easy for these people to come by… that’s not a new thing… more of a distraction. If people were to discover they were trying to “eliminate them-by any means possible… that would cause a much bigger outrage than I think even DAVOS could handle. Just a thought….

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Putting COVID-infected people into nursing homes seems like a pretty nefarious decision now. Easy way to eliminate the elderly, who consume more medical care as a group and who also lean more to the conservative side. But that's not possible, is it???

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Funny you should mention that… my mother- 94- is in assisted living - now granted she is an amazing individual. Everyone there had covid - she was asymptomatic and none were hospitalized. The nurses were calling that she was putting herself at risk helping the more symptomatic residents. (This was early in the beginning) But she went on helping because it made her happy and she was fine -after all- they all had it so it was a moot point. No one knew where the patient zero had come from but all turned out well. But you see my mother came from a time that believed in health not so much vaccines. She’s never had any. Neither have I. It was a choice. My grandmother helped with patients who had Spanish flu and did not succumb to that. Nor any of her relatives. Perhaps it is just good genes or perhaps it’s just good living. I don’t know. But my whole family is this way. It’s a lifestyle. But to answer your question- if you are already weak or have comorbidities then yes… that would be an excellent way to solve the problem of draining the healthcare system - I can’t deny that. For if you consider that an entity would vaccinate babies and young children with the idea that they would not live to maturity… then this tactic could hardly be more heartless than that.

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While this may not be a profound revelation, it flashed on me today just how unprecedented are the mRNA "vaccines" in themselves. Consider: Perhaps the major safety issue is the mRNA "gene therapy" technology itself: this is scarcely ever even tested in humans, now quickly has been deployed into billions of doses. The target is a coronavirus, a group against which no successful vaccine for human use has ever been developed; this particular virus is probably the first human-engineered virus to ever widely infect humans; the "vaxxes" were developed in record time, which of necessity required abbreviating, if not completely skipping, all traditional steps in the development of a new vaccine. All the products were understandably granted "emergency use" authorization, yet as details leak out, it sounds as though what trials were conducted show many flaws both in the quality of testing and of results; the control group(s) were cancelled for questionable reasons; FDA/CDC has by stages approved uses often based on dubious reviews and/or political pressures. Finally, the jabs have been mandated in many cases, apparently without any clear legal authority to do so. Add in the non-stop lying, the refusal to acknowledge illnesses, deaths, or the obvious flaws of the jabs, the redoubled effort to vaccinate everybody at all costs, and yes it really is unprecedented. What the hell is going on?

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It is only logical that any individual on this planet should and must question any and all decisions from any and all persons in a position to try to operate outside of the law and the constitution of any government concerning matters of this magnitude. It can be argued that not only freedom is at stake here-but our lives. Who among us has given themselves the right to decide who will live…and who will die? Where are these mandates directed? And by whom? You must question… for if YOU do not… who will?

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My thoughts exactly. Nothing quite adds up.

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Maybe because they are all walking upside down, down under! The vaxxes don't work upside down? I'm grasping at something the fascist can latch on to for reason !

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Bueller's at a fancy restaurant ordering the most expensive plate.

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"How much for the children?" Oh sorry wrong Chicago movie

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Great observation

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Nov 4, 2021
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Love my fellow Italians when they tell such things.

Yes it's about depopulation and Europeans have always been far more awake than us in the Far West, i know as one who is a first generation Italian in Canada and when i went to Europe last, i was surprised how awake they were so many.

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I think it’s because they know first hand the damage from this ideology

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You hit bull's eyes dead centre. My parents grew up in the rubble of what Mussolini did, the poverty he left behind, they got me to learn how bad it was for them - no food to eat and if you found 3 week old bread with mold on it you would eat it because you were quite hungry. And yes for me as a historian, you are so right, their rich history of over the centuries of being under evil kings and rulers etc spending so much time under oppression throughout the centuries, and having to fight back for their freedoms repeated times, indeed they know first hand. This is why it makes me so righteously indignant being here in Canada how so many do not realise at all they have had it so good, there are no wars like in present day Near East caused by imperialist powers, no famine, no bombs raining down in Canada like in the Near East war conflicts having destroyed the infrastructure, no damage to the water system so we can shower and filter that water to drink etc, and so on - not a 3rd world position. Yes it is getting worse here but we still have had it so blessed by God/Jesus and because of this sheltered freedom for so long and because of being infiltrated by Socialist ideology for the last few decades especially, so many have NO IDEA the immense sacrifice and emotion and blood that was spilled to ensure our freedom.

We need to learn from their examples or else we shall descend into the "Great Humbling" and it is already in motion.

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You are so right! I used to hate that my parents were about 15 years older than my peers (but it always made me aware that I might not have them as long as my friends would have their parents, so I never really took them for granted but the fear made me not like that they were older), but now I’m glad because it made me wiser and I’m often told I’m an old soul. My Mom is Canadian so between the Irish stories, Italian friends in both Canada and here plus My Dad’s family being Jewish, the stories stuck. They all often told me how happy they’d be to eat a discarded core of an apple, molded bread like you mentioned. My Mom and two siblings mostly grew up in an orphanage because of the Depression as her family couldn’t care for so many kids, so I also heard the horror stories that took place in those! We have been blessed we haven’t had to face this in our lifetime especially in Canada and the US and yet the sense of dread has always been in the back of my mind. Maybe that’s why from the time I was a kid I’ve teared up to both National Anthems as I can’t explain it (note: growing up, I spent my time probably equally between Ontario and Michigan), but always proud to be part of both and yet afraid of that it might not always be this good. I pray things come around. Slowly people seem to be waking up but not fast enough.

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Not enough!! I can tell you being an Italian.

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Just so i'm sure i understand correctly, what exactly are you stating "Not enough!!" to?

Are you Italian-American first generation or Italian-Canadian first generation etc?

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Not enough are awake. I immigrated here (Italy) many years ago. Sadly a lot of folks cannot see any connection to history, especially younger people. The propaganda has worked a good number on a large swath of society, some regions (like Piemonte, which was always a bit more authoritarian) worse than others… Most are just sheep using their little QR codes and following whatever directives are given.

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Ok thanks, not enough are awake. Grazie.

"I immigrated here (Italy) many years ago."

Where is here? USA or Canada?

My parents are from Foggia (two small towns in that provincia of Alberona and Roseto Valfortorre)

"Sadly a lot of folks cannot see any connection to history, especially younger people."

Very true, many of the youth are like this due to how the elite have purposely caused this to happen to eventually full control over the minds of such to usher in the NWO/Global Socialism-Technocracy. If you are in America, this is especially true, see "The Deliberate 'Dumbing' Down of America" by Charlotte Iserbyt, an elderly woman right now who authored that book years ago and has done videos on it and has a website for it to explain how the Socialists/Communists took control of the American education system decades ago.

"... The propaganda has worked a good number on a large swath of society, some regions (like Piemonte, which was always a bit more authoritarian) worse than others…"

I learned from my parents and on my own, the north of Italy was always far more Socialist than us in the south. Well what gives me hope is that there are many Italians waking up and burning their green passes.

"..Most are just sheep using their little QR codes and following whatever directives are given."...

Well i know there is a bunch doing this, but not all, for it still stands to reason that many in Italy still have it in them to resist such growing evil.

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I try to avoid anything needing the green pass so as not to participate but occasionally it is unavoidable. My husband and BIL use someone else’s QR code for things they have to do… we closed the business now for a winter break and thus avoid participating in the scheme regarding workers but I have no doubt that DPCM will remain in vigor for quite awhile. Draghi is a demonic figure and most politicians, health professionals are cowards. It’s a big problem.

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I’m in the UK and most people are taking the jab so they can travel. Unvaxed are a small minority it seems.

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Keep in mind that the propagandists use tools that will make it seem like they have an advantage. For example, consider confirmation bias where people who travel by air tend to see people who mask and, also, people who travel because they test-test-test, and more recenty people see people who can travel because they show a vax passport or somesuch. These travellers see a lot of people masked, tested, and vaxed. Same goes for other venues. Kinda imparts the notion that there is far more of them than us. In fact, that is the basis symbolic power of the masking or face covering. We seem to be shrinking, as per the propaganda, and that discourages and demoralizes so that fewer and fewer 'show up' and more and more 'give in'.

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I feel like the little boy in the Poseidon Adventure

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I wish i could understand properly your reference.

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Well thought and stated Barry, thank you for that insight.

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In the next-to-worst case scenario their share as percentage of total population may further shrink due to "authoritarian" reasons. In the worst-case scenario, their share relative to the whole might increase dramatically requiring no action of their own. (Flip those two, if you wish.) 😟

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He's not the only doctor stating this. Blood clots in the lungs are supposedly too micro for MRIs or cat scans to pick up and Ddimer elevated. We may be headed for a disaster. I sure wouldn't want to be in a leader that pushed the vaccine. Parents will destroy them! Literally

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That thought occurred to me this afternoon. In the USA, all these products are "Emergency Use Authorization" which means absolutely no legal redress for anyone injured by them. That only leaves illegal redress as a remedy. 😠 I think the train to disaster has only left the station.

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Intersting way of putting it.

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It is my hope that if things get that bad (ie; we cannot convince the masses with reason and evidence) and people later learn they or their family members are marked for chronic illness, disability or death, they will have little to lose and have every reason to take, shall we say, courageous measures…

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Well stated Snooki.. i hope also that they will take these courageous measures, for the future grows increasingly dark (which Jesus foretold would happen.)

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Well stated Bob. Interesting what you bring up.

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Where can I watch the comment?

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Nov 4, 2021
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So is that why the comment above me is deleted, that was you?

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Nov 4, 2021
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Can you repeat what you stated? I could probably find what you are looking for i think

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I think I saw that and I believe him

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What is astounding is how despite suffering multiple side effects, the vaccine injured are still defiant that it wasn't caused by the vaccine. It's like dealing with battered wives who keep going back for more abuse. I have family members that have suffered side effects and what I fear will become more severe long term complications but still excitedly lined up for the the booster. How do you breakthrough this level of psychosis? I am so sick of being condescended to and looked at as a nut or brainwashed and a part of me wants to be able to say I told you so, but I can't possibly wish that because if I am right (which I have absolutely no doubt that I am), my loved ones (as brainwashed as they are) will suffer.

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I feel the same way about my brainwashed family & friends. It helps me a lot to have friends who are of my same mindset and places like this substack. Sometimes all you can do is watch from the sidelines, pray and be ready to 'catch'.

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I know multiple people that experienced random injuries since getting the shots - mostly heart related damage. Only one of them blamed the shot 100% - diagnosed pericarditis, doctor wouldn't admit it was the shot. And he wasn't even sure about ruling out getting a booster. The propaganda has made people insane.

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Starting to think shots themselves are inducing some sort of psychosis. Seriously.

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No. People getting the shots already have psychosis

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In theory, mRNA can code for any protein. At this point, are we 100% sure that that spike protein is all the shots code for? If I was a psychopathic executive, I'd want to include some mRNA for oxytocin and endorphins. Two or three months after the first dose, my lovesick customers would be jonesing for another.

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I agree any proteins and 100% would be suspicious. But I'm fairly sure the virus was not designed to make anyone feel good.

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That is not out of the question. Neurological illness is claimed a common side effect, along with cardiac and autoimmune. Some of the vaxx ingredients (or the S-spike?) is claimed to pass the blood brain barrier.

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We know very little about the ingredients or what they cause. Keep seeking truth. I love you.

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My sister has been diagnosed with IGA vaculitus from the Moderna vaccine. Rash all over body, now has kidney problems, outcome unknown.

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Make sure to add the experience to VAERS dB.

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Oh no that is awful. Is there anything she can take to treat her symptoms?

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They had her on 60mg of predizone to reduce kidney inflammation daily. This has caused diabetes. She is weaning off it but idea if she can stop taking, what damage was done to kidneys nor what will happen when she stops it. Still a mystery.

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Maybe she can consult a doctor that follows the FLCCC protocols? Some doctors are using these protocols to help the vaccine injured https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/

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Thank you for the link. I will share with her. Both her dermatologist and the kidney doctors admitted it is vaccine related and have to report her medical history to Mass General (she is in Maine - governor makes deBlaiso look good.). They are taking it one step at a time for now.

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I just read an article stating the jabs cause diabetes. Awful about your sister!

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One of my very best friends, age 42, got the first jab after being hounded by family and had a mysterious sudden bout of back pain (never happened before, and no possible causative incident) that had her out of commission for a week or so, and she refused to get the 2nd shot. She has always been exceptionally health-conscious, fit, and lovely. Several months later, after being hounded by family more--this time also for being so "paranoid" as to think she'd had a vaccine reaction, she took the 2nd dose. 2 weeks later she found a lump and was diagnosed with breast cancer...2 more weeks, found cancer in the other breast. She is going for a double mastectomy soon.

Never before did I realize just how valuable a trait "disagreeableness" is.

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"Never before did I realize just how valuable a trait "disagreeableness" is."

We must learn to steel ourselves to disregard the negative opinions of others. We must be willing to be unliked.

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I'm finally of the age where I don't give a crap what others think about me. It's liberating.

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It's super hard, especially for females. Hormonally, for the most part, we aren't really set up to tolerate being unliked. I get nauseous. Self-compassion is an indispensable tool for me--helps me to tolerate these difficult emotions.

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Thankfully my in-laws and I are. Yes, being disagreeable is useful.

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You said it. I have had to keep my libertarianism in the closet my whole adult life. Now it might help save my family.

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The stories are coming fast and are truly heartbreaking. In all of this I guard myself against bias - seeing what I am predisposed to observe and confirm. Yet, the stories are very real most of the time, I find, because of the sources are so close to the events. Yet I do worry that there is a heightened 'background noise' produced by the lockdowns and the obstacles to normal healthcare for common maladies; the delays in diagnosis and treatments. Yet some of these stories include early diagnosis and rapid advancement of maladies. This is why we need a robust system for tracking adverse injuries during prolonged and segmented trials with controls. Our data has become so muddled that we may never be able to sort it out well enough to have high confidence in findings. This, too, I am now almost certain, is part of the rush to vax that has continued on and on.

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That is awful, so sorry to hear this

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My F-I-L was recently told that his squamous cell carcinoma has returned. They were vaxxed early this year. To be fair, he has been fighting this for the past couple of years or so and they may not be related. It's been very hard to watch someone that was formerly so vibrant decline so rapidly.

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Nov 4, 2021
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Exacerbating previous health problems, yes. But it's also accelerating aging. I see this in every one I know who has been vaxed - that is everyone, alas. We all look ten to twenty years older now than we did a few months ago. We've all had adverse events, though I'm the only one who realizes the vax caused my health catastrophe. They deny that their new health problems or crises had anything to do with the vax.

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We've noticed the same thing. People who've been vaxxed are aging rapidly. It's so sad to see...

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In what way do they look older?

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In all sorts of ways. For example, we are all moving more slowly than previously; most of us have gained a noticeable amount of weight; some look as though their posture has deteriorated quite dramatically; one looks haggard and ill, has lost a lot of weight, and is limping very noticeably when she walks her dog; all have a lot more gray hair than previously (though some may have given up dyeing their gray hair or perhaps are simply not spending as much time and energy on dyeing it as they previously did); many more elderly people are now walking with either canes or hiking poles (the kind that more athletic people use for mountain hikes, but these are elderly people using them to simply help them shuffle slowly around the block); many other elderly folks are now using walkers in order to take a walk outside: I've never seen so many elderly people who all seem to need some sort of assistance in order to simply take a walk! One of my elderly neighbors died recently - I don't know if her death was related to one of the covid shots, but I assume it was, because at this point I take every death I learn about to be vax-related until proven otherwise.

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Cancer and autoimmunity for sure.

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Stockholm Syndrome

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unfortunately, when they are sick enough and do not get better, it will begin to dawn on them, in the meantime, just let it be. you can lead a horse to water......

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In the meantime I keep hearing that awful radio ad with the apocryphal tale that "many people in the ICU dying of COVID are saying they regret not taking the vaccine and are pleading with others to get it".

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I avoid radio and TV (except unintentional contact.) I see that same message in web site news feeds. It's hard not to notice that ALL the "human interest" stories are about how it's the unvaxxed who are jamming up the ER's, or regretting, with their last gasps between puffs on the Oxygen, that they should have gotten the shot.

I'm reminded of an ancient fable, the type that could even have been true, but probably was a didactic tale There had been a shipwreck that claimed many lives. The local ruler commissioned a mural as an offering to the deity: an image showing the survivors giving hearty thanks at their good fortune. A visiting skeptic asked, "Where are the victims? Why are they also not giving thanks?"

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They will be able to blame this on variants and republican governors for years to come and the idiots and some smart folks that are just too busy to pay attention will fall for it every time.

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A lot of people don't know that the complete saying: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can lead a man to reason, but you can't make him think." At least that is what the internet told me.

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Nov 4, 2021
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I sent my sister one long text as a last attempt while I was crying this morning. I begged her to please at least look at the Children's health defense website just one time before she has the kids jabbed. I am sure they already have an appointment. No reply. Heartbreaking.

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My sister, who took the jab because her granddaughter insisted on it to attend her wedding, is the same. Will not read or listen to anything about the dangers of the shot. I also sent her information on supplements to counteract the deadly effects of the drug, but again, will not listen. Thank God the un-jabbed part of the family is receptive and not taking the shot no matter what. I have spread the word to family and friends, but fear many are not listening or doing the research to learn the truth. Not looking forward to the coming funerals for those who should not have died, or perhaps I should say murdered, too early in their lives.

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Sounds familiar to me. Mamma mia. I have tried to break through to one sister. She refuses to engage. I hope I planted a seed of doubt.

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My vaxxed sister keeps asking both my daughter and I if we got the vaccine yet. We say no, we will not get it. She says she is praying for us both. I can't reason with her at all at this point.

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Understandably, people familiar with conventional vaxes, and who have had ok experiences with THOSE, will let that guide them as much as the 'do what others do' policy a lot of us live by on other matters. We are all influenced by these pyschological nudges that manipulate those around us. Some can resist but think how long it takes for us to overcome our reluctance to interfere, or to come to terms, especially with those we love the most. The guilt can become overwhelming. But kindly speaking the truth is necessary. A DUTY. And we do the best we can, which is not perfect but it is something. Persistence can have the opposite effect, but it can also be powerful with persistence in love and openness to disagreement. Blessings, john galt.

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I absolutely feel your paid. I am in the same predicament with my brother and his two very young kids. I've tried everything, but nothing works. They are under some mass psychosis.

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Yes. It is unbelievable. She and her husband are both teachers and they won't even attempt to be open minded. She told our Mom that I am not in the medical profession so I don't know. Both children are just over 5.

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here's an interview that Dan Astin-Gregory did with Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, about the psychology of the pandemic:


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I sent a similar text to the mother of my children knowing I wouldn't get a reply. And I didn't.

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You should be able to stop it, no? Parental rights! I’m so sad with you

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What are the chances a California court would rule for the non-custodial parent against the vaccine?


On my reading, zero. But I am hardly the only one in this predicament, so I expect we'll soon find out.

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Tammy - I make it clear to each prison in my circle that I am unvaxxed and suspicious of things we are told.

If they want to know more, sometimes I get a phone call - months later. So I just plant the seed. Mostly people need to know there IS dissent.

After that it's on them if they don't seek the truth.

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Tammy Lol person although prison is not an inappropriate Freudian slip......

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I just assumed you were Australian :)

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You asked a good question. How do you breakthrough this level of psychosis? Sometimes the gentle approach is the superior approach. Here is a small example that has moved some very easily triggered and fearful people but which caused the doubts to be seeded based on something very repeatable and so easier to believe. Because of its powerful symbolism, I have used masking as a sort of chance to do a Judo throw, figuratively. So, Buddy comes by to answer my concerns about masking in the workplace. Good guy, really. He sat down and we talked a bit and I said maybe I have got this wrong, but what is the baseline risk of C19? Buddy says, well, you could die. I asked about the infection fatality rate and said I heard it was very low and that the survival rate was 99.9 percent for working age people. He almost jumped out of his seat and BARKED. But I was very quiet and said, no, maybe I got that wrong, could you look into it please? Buddy nodded and sat back again. I asked about the screening that is done at the entrance. We are not a hospital so our risk is much lower; we do not bring in sick people we screen them out, right? He said yeap, we screen for infection and for symptoms. I said, you are wearing a mask. Buddy said, hmm, because could be infectious without symmptoms. I said, people wear a mask because they think they might be infectious? He nodded. Then he added, the masks stop the droplets to protect the other guy. I said, thanks, you wear it to protect me, that's cool. He relaxed a little and I said, so droplets? Do me a favor, ok, take off your safety glasses and hold them against the front of your mask for a bit. He did, then, I asked about the droplets. Ordinary breathing is not the hazard, right, its the droplets. He nodded and said something. I asked him to repeat a bit louder and he said, droplets are controled by the mask. I asked him to look at his glasses because they were fogged. He did and was surprised. Droplets. I nodded and showed the same with my mask which was an N95, supposedly better than his blue 'procedure' mask. More droplets. He actually smiled, with his eyes and voice, and said, Damn it. Then I suggested he read the mask box container which said these are not medical masks. Well, we chatted about other stuff, hockey game and the weather, before he stood up to leave on pretty good terms. Since then he often can be seen NOT wearing the face covering. Can't say it turned him all the way around, but others in his 'orbit' are just as likely to not wear as to wear, now. Be gentle. Be kind. Be humble. PATIENCE.

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That's fantastic that you were able to breakthrough some of that. Unfortunately, being gentle, kind and patient is no longer an option, when they are about to inject innocent children. I've done the gentle talk for adults because in the end it's their choice, but even that hasn't worked. But, they are about to make the biggest mistake of their lives that could permanently hurt their children. Isn't the time for being polite and gentle over?

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Yes, I think there needs to be multiple people taking different approaches and supporting each others efforts. They guy you get through to be rubbing his nose in the details and shock of a Notice of Liability might be the guy who someone has previously seeded with great kindness and a seed grew to start the crack that was ready for your NOL, for example. Ripples are needed but also waves, for sure.

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Hhe. mixing metaphors galore. WHEN IT COMES TO assaulting children, or threatening to assault children, harsh measures are needed, yes.

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Some people are unpersuadable. Some people in the middle can be persuaded though and I would focus on persuading those.

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I tend to the thin that way, too, however I am also aware of the sales pitch where the more a persons resists the more he wants to learn and overcome his own objections. Readlly depends on accurately reading the person and the signals. Very tricky. But, the salesman approach also looks for leads he can turn into prospects and move to close them -- focussing efforts as he works through the crowd, as it were.

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Always Be Closing! It's like Glengarry Glen Ross except first prize is getting to have a normal country again.

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Way back at the beginning of this, a good friend of mine who email (or used to) all the time started talking about this. I was skeptical about masks, lockdowns, school closures, etc. He wasn't. He said, "Experts will learn and speak out" if I was right ... fast forward I sent him articles about how doctors were being silenced, losing their jobs, etc. And he flips back with "This is so dangerous we have to do everything we can and misinformation will kill people." We're the same age (Gen-X), both parents, have the same career, live on opposite coasts -- the only difference is he leans left and I lean right. Now we barely talk, after I told him that young healthy people shouldn't get the vaccine because there were no long-term safety trials and healthy people weren't at risk. He thinks I'm crazy. (Literally -- we have had great philosophical conversations in the past about guns, abortion, taxes, etc -- controversial issues! -- and were still good friends. But I am skeptical about the vaccine and he practically ends our friendship.) I'd talk to him -- but he doesn't want to talk to me.

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You are a much better person than I am. I do not discuss the vaccines, Covid tyranny, etc. with even my closest, life long friends who I know believe the MSM and government unconditionally. Same reason I don't discuss politics with them, I know they just won't agree and it's not worth the fight. The only people I have tried to convince are my immediate family because I am terrified for their safety. I rarely talk politics with the leftists in my immediate family because they just shut you down immediately. They have an even more vitriolic reaction if you dare criticize the vaccines or Saint Fauci. They can't handle any discussion or debate contrary to their views. They don't try to debate you with facts, they lash out and call you a racist (mind you I'm Asian). It is all so hopeless, but the only reason I even try is for my nieces and nephews.

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Not better, trust me. I've been too quiet for too long, and only talk one-on-one with people. I remain silent for fear of my career ... I've had to bite my tongue many, many times. But I've become bolder lately because I hate self-censorship. My daughter is likely transferring colleges because U of Arizona has said they're keeping mask mandate (she can't wear one and shouldn't be stuck in her dorm for classes.) This has made me spitting mad -- what these colleges are doing to young healthy kids -- PAYING them to get vaccinated, FORCING them to get tested if they want to be there. (My daughter has not been tested nor gotten the vaccine.) What we're doing to them -- I'm sick about it. So I've been more outspoken lately. Not enough, though. Self-censorship is real and that's how the Left takes away free speech.

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My son is stuck in the same situation in CA. Where is your daughter able to transfer to that she won't be stuck with masks and testing?

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My daughter has a near-full scholarship to U of A, a public university that basically said the governor's executive order banning mask mandates didn't apply to them. She has a medical exemption -- but they don't care. It's Zoom classes for her! She's transferring to Grand Canyon University and they have no mask mandate and -- big surprise -- the kids and staff are not dropping dead. She's very sad because she loves U of A and has to leave her best friend, but her health and sanity is more important.

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I'm so glad she has that option. Our son also has a near-full ride scholarship to a private school. He is able to attend in person, but masked classes. However, the discrimination against the un-jabbed pure bloods is incredible. Just so very wrong...

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This is our predicament. If the govt oppression were not advancing daily I’d say I only wish to be wrong about the danger of the vaccines, but we fear—and Reiner Fuellmich also states—it looks like more people are going to have to die before a critical mass wakes up. 😣

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Off topic but MRNA stock is down bigly today. Officially it's because they missed their earnings. Unofficially it's because they are a one trick pony and the the trick is killing and maiming people with a useless injection.

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Vioxx anyone?

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and Chantixx as well another Pfizer fiasco, cures smoking...a few years later..people dropping from Cancer..these bastards are criminals...

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My rule of thumb is if the people in the drug commercials are laughing or smiling it's going to kill me.

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I am just about ready to cancel my cable. The commercials are so disturbing now and are longer than the program segments. The drug ads are the worst. I guess they want everyone in the world to have a disease. This is not a very coherent comment because I am so upset at what is going on and the continued blindness of our fellow citizens.

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Jeannette it is coherent, i feel you. I got rid of my TV over 12 years ago.. i can't even express how much better it has been to use the internet as my source of info. Then you have the whole thing about how TV is specifically designed to put you in a trance state so they can program you, hence why TV shows are called PROGRAMS.

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the commercial are beyond! and now there is a REALLY sick one aimed at young kids. sort of like Guardisil being pushed to teens a few years ago on MTV. it is beyond evil.

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I gave up broadcast TV over a decade ago and cable some years before that. I listened to the news on the radio a couple of times a day just to know what was going on in the world. I don't miss any of it, especially the ads.

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Get an antenna. You will miss cable for a bit but then you won't. https://www.youtube.com/c/AntennaMan

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I do not watch any MSM TV/ off all MS social media as well

All part of “normalization “ of that which is not normal.


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Same here. About 6 weeks ago I also even got rid of my cell phone. It's so nice to reconnect with my internal compasses--not having this thing on me all the time that I consult about weather, directions, what to think....

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Get a way to record programs/news/etc. I NEVER watch live programming - fast forward through the ads and the problem goes away.

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Thanks, Bruce. I only watch reruns of such shows as Homestead Rescue and the original McGyver series. I stopped watching the televised news many years ago and if I accidentally stumble across a news program, I realize how repulsive they are.

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Jeannette, I feel the same. It's awful. We're moving, and I will not have cable in our new home.

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Perfectly coherent comment.

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I'm old enough to remember when cigarette ads on radio and TV were allowed, but ironically, such things as attorney and Rx drugs were not!

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Was that before the 1970s?

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Thanks! That made me laugh.

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LOL! It's hilarious, but so sad at the same time.

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And those are the ones who actually believe they are there to help you.

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They are top tier antichrists... so full of evil like the vipers they are and will NOT escape the Lord's judgment.

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Listen when Merck made Vioxx they were bad but when Merck makes MMR they are beautiful angels that would never ever lie

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Well stated. Here in Toronto Canada, on this very leftist 12pm-1pm show on talk radio 640, there's a slimy maggot snake radio host named "Alan Carter", and he is a super leftist spineless jellyfish paranoid antichrist, he had on some local University of Toronto head of Pharmacy on, extolling the oh supposedly virtues of this new MERCK drug, BUT OF COURSE THEY DO NOT TELL YOU IT'S ALMOST IDENTICAL TO IVERMECTIN which of course, it has to be changed just a little bit to PATENT IT and to make BILLIONS. These Big-Pharma CEO's and execs ARE UTTER MURDEROUS ABOMINABLE SNAKES! They WILL NOT ESCAPE the wrath of God!

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I don't believe it's almost identical to Ivermectin. Its safety profile is as bad as the jabs. Ivermectin has a stellar safety record.

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It's like Ivermectin that gives you cancer...hey who wouldn't pay a premium for that

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Am i reading you correctly that you're stating Ivermectin give you cancer?

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I like your passion

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"I like your passion" ... mine?

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How long was Vioxx on the market before they pulled it? Of course Vioxx was never mandated by a communist regime either.

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5 long years.

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Cargo & Jack - holy crap I didn't know they got away with it for 5 years!!!

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I would also point out, Mercola was on to it from the very beginning. For which he was of course vilified.

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AND Pfizer docs/data not to be released until 2025

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I took Bextra for 5 years (3 Cox-2 inhibitors all of which needed a baby aspirin to accompany... only Celebrix survives today)

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Well i would think it is communist to do such a thing.

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Yup. These shots will make Vioxx look like a freaking popcorn by comparison.

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Cargo - we can pray that the truth comes out!!

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Already am and more than ever in these times to the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ because man it's getting dark.

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I once knew a woman (late 20s) that had a chronic pain issue. She relied on Vioxx, even obtained it from overseas for a while after it was pulled in USA. She made a very interesting comment: She was aware of the risks of heart damage, but here was the government yanking the only (non-opioid) pain relief that worked for her. Why couldn't she voluntarily accept the risk?

As far as I know, the law doesn't work that way, but why not? Why can't a patient have the right to use a drug, perhaps waiving the right to sue if anything goes wrong? That's assuming a voluntary risk. Notably, that is the exact opposite of what much of the world is experiencing with the mRNA jabs: mandated to take a product of dubious value, with potentially dire long term consequences, and without a shred of legal recourse.

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Bextra as well... Pfizer paid a $10Bn fine in a single wire transfer...

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Whitney Webb did a great series of articles on Moderna. Sorry I don't have links but should be easy enough to search. Basically, a near bankrupt co. before the 'miracle cure'.

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Vanda, i know of this, Moderna had not brought a successful product to market in the 10 years they became operational. Then this scam-demic was their ticket to billions. Other Big-Pharma companies of similar work have been around for at least 50 years and they are all antichrist bio-weapons facilities for depopulation while making a "killing."

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If I had made my first billion on my $mrna shitputs (way too early and I underestimated the vaxtardation) I was going to name my yacht “Suck My Wakefield”

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I bought puts that expired last July- I totally underestimated the length of time this level of stupidity and criminality would go on. I would short every last pharm co right now- the fallout from this will last decades. Who in their right mind would take any vaccine after this?!

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SAME and yes exactly. I really underestimated how long this house if cards would take to come tumbling down. I was an “antivaxxer” before COVID my kids are completely unvaccinated. Perfectly healthy.

I hope cargoshorts makes a killing

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Good for you!! My kids got all of them except for Gardisil. One has severe allergies/asthma and one has an autoimmune bleeding disorder. Over my dead body will they get this thing. I wish more than anything I’d stood my ground when they were little. Sigh...

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You and @TexBat should watch both documentaries by Del BigTree called "VAXXED" part 1 and 2.

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I’ve seen them both. My favorite is the vaxxed vs unvaxxed kids in the same families of Vaxxed 2. I had the same experience with my eldest, she never gets sick beyond a day or two of sniffles so I just took her to the doctor once because she wanted the experience

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And when it all comes out the same people who call us anti vaxxers and conspiracy theorists will blame…Trump!

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And they should. Who started we will fix this with "Warp Speed"?

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As you know, he didn't brew this cocktail up. For that, you can thank Fauci, Birx, and the *expert* comrades, who we now know already knew that such a plandemic was in the works, with the *cure* baked into that. And prior to the *cure* being made available, the world--or at least the USA---was going to be locked down tight until *the great reset* was irrevocably underway. *They* were going to kill us off, one way or another, and I believe Trump understood that existential threat, and used their own *cure* to circumvent the more massive loss of life that would occur during a years-long lockdown. I liken that decision to Truman's decision to use nukes to end WW2 before many, many more millions were lost.

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Realistically, Trump would not have had a prayer of being re-elected if he had not given the public what it wanted, which back then of course was a shiny new gee-whiz vaccine against the evil virus that was ravaging the planet. How much an actual hand he had in directing its development we can debate. It's possible that it would have been developed even if he'd opposed rapid deployment. Love him or hate him for his other qualities, Trump has a Manhattan-sized ego and was no doubt manipulated with mastery by his "handlers." I suspect any politician would have supported a Warp Speed type project, , because it "seemed like a good idea at the time."

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No he didn't brew it up he caved to his pack of elete friends. He is a fraud and lier. He probably made billions. Do you remember when covid first appeared he had a news conference and stated that everyone

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To be fair tho, the vaccine woulda still been approved. Just a few months later. Trump was trying to beat them at their own game

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Pfizer's estimated profit from the mRNA for 2022 is $65 billion. No word on Moderna or Astra Zeneca.

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Back in winter I bought one each PFE and MRNA way out of the money puts. They are definitely long shots -- but I think good until Jan. 2023. I've learned a bit since then about the options market. For duffers like me the best advice is probably "Don't play the options market!" 😡 but the second best advice is buy deep in the money calls (or puts, I guess) with a high delta, reasonable liquidity, bid/ask not too wide, and of course, premium not silly. Lately, I've loaded up on calls on silver and gold ETF that have (in my opinion) absurdly low extrinsic premium, even 15 months out. I mean, a premium (relative to underlying price) of only a few percent? For what is a highly volatile security? What gives? The best answer I've found is that the market maker, in effect, has borrowed $2000 from me albeit as a call loan, but at low interest rate. 🤡

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Down 19% and I didn't get around to buying any puts. Dang. But there is a still a ways to go.

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It still has quite a ways to fall before my put option would pay off.

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Well there are those who live who will need lifelong Big Pharma meds, so...

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Interesting, thanks for that.

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This is a phenomenon happening globally. It’s happening in my Colorado county and I’ve heard of it happening in many parts around the US. Covid accounts for a very small portion of the crisis. Staffing shortages that were present pre-“pandemic” are now extremely exacerbated due to burnout and mandates. Couple that with drug and alcohol abuse/overdose, skyrocketing mental health issues, and higher rates of cancers and other acute problems like heart attacks and strokes (no doubt directly correlated to jabs), and hospitals are drowning under the weight. It’s really scary, and it’s really sad. The medical industry as a whole is sooo dysfunctional, but I have many truly caring and compassionate friends in the industry (mostly nurses) who are doing their best but at the end of their rope. Many of them report coming home sobbing daily. All of this is avoidable and infuriating. I believe it’s all part of the plan to break people down. The cruelty is the point.

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A friend of mine had to give her husband CPR for 15 minutes last week to keep him alive during a cardiac event while she waited for an ambulance. Response times are 5x slower than normal bc of staffing shortages. Many people will die in circumstances like this due to the myopic focus on “stopping covid deaths” and all the collateral damage that comes with that. If it happens to anyone I know, write to me in prison, bc heads will roll.

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A fireman friend here in my rural Maryland city of 37000 souls tells me some days the FD responds to 50+ calls, >40/24 hrs not unusual. Drugs, idiocy, cardiac arrest, in addition to arson, smoke alarms and car accidents. PTSD has caused suicides of some of the first responders. Seeing kids burnt to a crisp because of drug addled shit bag parents, 600 lb women on welfare who soil themselves and want a ride to the ER because they don't feel good, the insanity takes its toll.

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I'm a recovered addict, as is my daughter. The pharmaceutical companies captured the medical system a long time ago. They pump out their drugs to cause illness, then pump out more drugs to "cure" those illnesses. That includes pain. We trusted our physicians to "do no harm". But, they harmed us. If you haven't watched "Dopesick" on Hulu, it's worth a look. They demonized people as shit bag addicts, which is how they were able to continue their evil as long as they did. Have compassion.

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I know only too well what you mean. I'll look at that show. I took Lyrica for 13 years at great expense to manage nerve pain. It stopped working at some point, and I don't know how much money I wasted. No doc ever suggested testing a Lyrica taper. I figured out on my own that it quit working and how to dump it. I've learned from that to trust my own judgment more than doctors' and they usually hate it

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I do hope you're finding ways to manage the pain. Pain can be life draining.

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The thing that has made the biggest single improvement in my pain has been hiring a physical trainer/strength coach and working with him three to four hours a week. He is a young guy on fire for this. He helped me knock out rotator cuff injury pain in both shoulders, strengthen my core and other muscles and I've cut way down on pain meds. My plan is to be totally off them by next spring. I've been through the degrading feeling of being assessed continuously to see if I'm "just an addict". I'll tell you what's addicting: the relief from pain that the opioids might give you for an hour. That's all. But as you point out, the hype all went one way: if you need the pain meds you must be an addictive type and it can't be the meds.

I still have pain but now I know better than to expect much help from pain doctors or from pills. Strengthening my body was really what I needed from the beginning.

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Is “Dopesick” based on the book of the same name, by Beth Macy? It sure sounds like Purdue Pharma’s playbook - create the disease (there’s an untreated pain crisis, our sales reps said so!), lie about risks of their treatment (no, there’s no addiction risk!), sell the pills (jillions of $$), vilify detractors (only drug abusers have problems with abusing) and ignore warnings from heartbroken families and many in law enforcement (up thru and including state attorneys general) who pushed for holding pharmaceutical companies responsible.

Anyway, if so, I would like to share a couple other book titles for anyone interested on this same subject: “American Overdose, The Opioid Tragedy in Three Acts”, by Chris McGreal; and “Empire of Pain, The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty” (spoiler alert, they’ve been at this a LONG time), by Patrick Radden Keefe.

Also, Peter Gotzsche, formerly of The Cochrane Collaboration, has written books about typical pharma shenanigans including, but hardly limited to, how they manipulate and lie about trial results; basically all information they release is suspect and has been for a very long time. It’s why when I heard their shots were ~“95% effective” it was a red flag in and of itself.

Again, they’ve been at this for decades with regards to medications, including all vaccines, medical and screening procedures, medical devices etc. Unfortunately we’re witnessing it all on a global scale today.

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Oh, and your summary is spot on!

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Yes, that's the book the show is based on. Thank you for the other book recommendations. I'll definitely look for those.

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My sister is a firefighter. They're also now burdened by responding to vax side effects. One of her calls in the last few shifts was a guy killed by it.

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That's very interesting. I'll ask my friend what he sees that maybe matches some of the reported side effects... Including death. Never thought to make that connection!

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Thank you for sharing that, quite insightful. Much of this is by design of the elite = depopulation.

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Vigilante justice may be, and probably is, the only justice we citizens can obtain, as our justice systems seem to be entirely broken. Laws for thee, but not for me, according to the pols and their useful idiot supporters.

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Society is definitely at that point

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I'm Canadian and I suspect this is happening here too. I say suspect because in some areas, despite high vaccine rates across the country, they still blame it all on the 'pandemic of the unvaxxed'. Where I live, vaccine mandates have been rolled back for healthcare workers because we've been severely underfunded in healthcare for at least the last 20 years, the last 18 months has made it worse and losing staff who won't get the shot would mean mass chaos. And we have elections on the horizon.

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At least they paused the mandates for healthcare. “The powers that be” where I live don’t seem bothered by the loss of life caused by their asinine policies. The whole goal is to blame the unvaccinated, no matter how many die in the process.

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My sister and one daughter live in the Springs and are appalled at how Colorado has fallen.

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We’ve been fighting against it like crazy and the petty tyrants do.not.care. The saddest part is how many people support the insanity. Not much you can do when the majority is actually begging for the tyranny, except to get the hell out, which is what we plan to do asap.

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We won’t live somewhere where we are one emergency away from our kids’ lives being at risk bc of the insane policies of a few unelected bureaucrats. If the Democrats want to burn everything to the ground for their politics, we are out. It’s honestly starting to feel like living in Gotham. The cruelty is the point and for damn sure, the chaos is the point.

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On top of the family in CO, the other daughter is in Chicago and my 94-year-old, conservative mom is in MN! Meanwhile, I'm miles away in North Carolina! A former neighbor just moved to Oregon of all places to be near one of their children. I'll not be moving near mine unless I'm on my last legs. While NC is turning purple, my rural area is fairly conservative and I'm trying to convince family to move nearer to me.

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we know it is all from the side effects of the jab. Heart issues, blood issues, cancers, stroke. Two of my own dear aunts took the jab at the beginning of the year (age: 70s & 80s) and now, they both have cancer and were both diagnosed in August. One had been in remission for 20 years. The other had never had cancer. sad.

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Three people I know (an 80 year old aunt, a 70 year old mother of a friend, and a 45 year old friend) all were in remission for different cancers some for over 10 years and the others for 5 and 2 years, have all been struck with an aggressive return of that cancer at Stage 3 or 4 after being jabbed.

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My dad's lung cancer was in remission for 5 years...4 months after injection it is now in both lungs stage 4.

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Me also, sorry to read that... this i will add to my prayers. I pray the Lord gies him a miracle. My faher died of lung cancer in 1987 and what is what fueled me since then to be a truth seeker about that and so much more.

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I'm so sorry Michelle.

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I am so sorry to hear that.

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I have a friend who overcame breast cancer a few years ago and it has come back in her body at a serious late level. When her oncologist asked if she'd been jabbed, she lied and said yes so he would treat her. His reply, "Good. Otherwise you'd be dead now." She's a fighter but she ain't gettin a jab.

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What a hard evidence that the oncologist is another Nuremberg qualifier. Thank you for sharing this by the way and happy to see she ain't getting stabbed.

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Forgot most important part. In between her recurrence and start of treatment SHE TESTED POSITIVE for wuflu. (my wife reminded me) That's why the oncologist said "good, otherwise you would be dead"

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Remember, after you get the shot, you have to wait 3 months to get your mammogram!

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My father-in-law had open heart surgery right before the start of the lockdowns. After the jab he started feeling run down. Months later after a progressive downhill trend in his energy he ends up with a pacemaker. I am wondering if the vaccine is related to this second issue, but nobody would question it because of the prior heart issues. I am terrified for him to get the booster.

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Yes it is, look up Dr. Flemming + COVID + heart + oxygen immediately and view and read his material.

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Cancer is on the rise , it affects interleukin-6 … those virologists and immunologist … scientists knew … even Fauci knew.

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Oh man.. this is so mind-numbing. Dr. Judy Mikovits is making clear as a microbiologist that these killshots are cancer catalysts.

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I have a cousin, 65, who had an aggressive recurrence of breast cancer not long after receiving the second jab.

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So sorry to hear that

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Best friend (49) got cancer 8 weeks post jab. Already in lymph nodes.

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Man this is so sad PKR.. we are going to see a tsunami of various cancers (See Dr. Judy Mikovits) and we anti-Franken shots will be blamed i'm sure.

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I'm so sorry

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Mass genocide by slow kill. So grievous. The docs who were in-the-know told us, but were cancelled.

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Very sad. These stories are truly heartbreaking. It's becoming hard to keep the faith.

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My uncle had a stroke and was then diagnosed with stomach cancer after the jab. Had never had cancer before, in his early 60’s, and onset was sudden after the stroke.

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So sorry to read this, man sincerely my heart goes out to you and them on this.. sigh.. pride is what brings on learning the hard way.

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Alex, can't wait to see your comments on OSHA Mandate 2021-23643. It's a monster. It is almost 500 pages long, mostly a lot of foot notes and mentions of studies as to the need for this rule. But the really scary part, and they are coming for us, is that there are tables inside the document that show how much an employer can expect to pay for the record keeping. They have even broke down the est. cost of record keeping for employers. They are trying to send a clear message, it's going to cost you twice as much to keep track of your "vaccine hesitant" employee's weekly testing, so you should go ahead and just mandate the vaccine it's cheaper. What's fantastic (extreme sarcasm) is the additional costs employers are going to accrue in even just record keeping of vaccinated employee status, cause that's what employers need most, more costs for doing business. Pages 268 thru 273 just on recorded keeping. Employers should fight this period. Ridiculous for them to absorb these costs! https://www.federalregister.gov/public-inspection/2021-23643/covid-19-vaccination-and-testing-emergency-temporary-standard. OSHA23643@needstobeDOA#LGB

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Ben Shapiro and Harmeet Dhillon just filed a lawsuit against OSHA. This is not over.

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Our Deep State in action. Where is the opposition from politicians?

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Thanks, Thomas. Looks like Marshall is doing his part. May his tribe increase!!

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They are too busy counting their money

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If you work for a big company you may as well get used to the idea you soon won't be. This is designed to push people into "action" so they can be branded as terrorists and in the US at least, repeal the Second Amendment. If 2/3rds of the country approve of the mandate, they are already brainwashed to the point they would repeal the 2nd Amendment especially after any kind of "attempt to restore sanity" if you get my meaning.

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Fortunately Constitutional Amendments can't be repealed by a vote of the people. Congress must first pass a law repealing the amendment and then 2/3 of the state legislators must ratify it. Maybe this is what you meant but you seemed to connect the repeal with the mental state of the citizens.

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Yeah, I'm not confident that the state legislators aren't all either just as brainwashed or worse, in on it.

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“At the end of the day, every employer, and every employment situation, dictates what is best,” said McGregor, a former Republican state lawmaker and owner of axle and brake component manufacturer Pentaflex, where he estimates that about half the 115 or so employees are vaccinated. "Having either a ban on mandates or an imposition of mandates goes against that.”

Time to dump Pentaflex.

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I know I'm just talking to myself at this point, but big companies are acting like churches, pushing doctrine to employees, excommunicating the ones who disagree with their dogma, and in the case of my company, participating in the political process, which shouldn't be allowed.

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Yes, there are many aspects of a cult/religion going on -- the mass movement, the inversion and denial of reality, in-group, out-group, and probably many more.

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Constitution? We have a Constitution?

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failed attempt that is

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I read that the cost of testing the unvaxxed will be borne by the employee. If true, it's appalling, especially in light of the millions pouring over the border with no jab requirement and worse, the proposal to give half a million to "inconvenienced", law-breaking, illegal aliens.

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Let's not say "testing" anymore. The PRC "test" isn't fit for purpose of testing anything.

Instead, let's call it what it really is: nose rape.

Dissident employees must pay to be nose raped weekly. Not "tested". Nose raped.

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This is true, and unacceptable, but the cost of recording falls on employer. The OSHA rule shows tables that keeping track of testing will be almost double the cost of recording your vaccinated employees. F’ing colossal bitch slap to businesses and hard working Americans! #FJB

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And it will never go away!

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One last comment I used to have respect for the Wall Street Journal, today there is an article entitled "Pregnant Women Who Doubt Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Worry Doctors". This makes me sick to think it is being pushed on pregnant women. I used to work with a thalidomide survivor. When did we start injecting pregnant women? I see they are also doing the DTAP on pregnant women. What the ..? Can someone please tell me when this became a thing? I wasn't even allowed to eat Sushi or drink coffee.

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I recently had a baby. I know many women who got the vaccine while pregnant. Insane.

One of the many reasons I insisted on a home birth.

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Congratulations! Babies are the best!

I believe - but could be wrong - that pregnant women (as opposed to pregnant *people*) were excluded from the vax trials (as were Covid-recovered, but I digress).

I guess they'll just have to vax pregnant women to find out if it's safe to do so!

Real Science!

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They've been doing it here in Ontario for many months. Friend's daughter gladly took the shot early in her pregnancy with encouragement from her ob/gyn, it is unbelievable. She's due soon and I hope they'll be okay.

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My student's sister just had stillborn baby with incomplete brain development. Very weird I think. Docs have no answer.

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It may be related, but I saw a study come out my home city of Auckland, NZ recently indicating that there were mistakes made in the data analysis of the vaccine's effect on pregnant women. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/breaking-researchers-peer-reviewed-study-call-immediate-withdrawal-mrna-covid-vaccines-use-pregnancy-breastfeeding-childbearing-age-children/

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Oh how sad.

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Congratulations! And you made a wise decision.

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It was a beautiful peaceful experience, I highly recommend it!

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That was probably a good decision. I know someone who just had a baby and died. She caught covid at the hospital while there to give birth, and she never left. They treated her with remdesivir and a ventilator, which killed her kidneys, heart, and lungs.

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Remdesivir and a ventilator - the liability-free profitable toe tag protocol.

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Their comment section is full of people calling out the shots for pregnant people as reckless and dangerous. WSJ is garbage these days, but their readership is still pretty good. Haha

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WSJ editorial board is mostly reasonable their “journalists” are pretty much the same as NYT, WAPO, etc. A friend was interviewed by one of their reporters a few years back for an article about the schools in Palo Alto, where he was a principal. The reporter completely lied and twisted the facts to meet her agenda. Trust no one in the msm.

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Agreed the editorial board is the sane part that remains. News staff seems to all be younger and completely ruined by the university system. The increasing number of articles on DEI is trash - and they know the readership hates it since they don't open those pieces to comments. It reminds me of the twitter trolls that say something ridiculous and immediately lock comments, but WSJ is pretending legitimacy.

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Agree with Jaunie. The WSJ's non-editorial side (wokesters who call themselves "journalists) has been just like MSM for at least 3 years, but got much worse under Trump. This "news" side even wrote an internal memo complaining about the more-balanced/usually more conservative editorial side. We decided we could no longer support the biased black-of-the-week woke anti-Trump (reporter Rebecca practically froths at the mouth with her anti-conservative bias), so cut off our subscription to WSJ completely. Even when WSJ begs us to start up again for only $4/month, we refuse. FWSJ

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I'm in just for the $4 deal and I'm not happy about it. With Substack I pay 50% more per month, and actually like to support the journalists/authors. Legacy media is killing itself.

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It's been mostly dead for decades. Witness the number of once-prominent newspapers or magazines that had to be rescued by uber-rich (and usually uber-Liberal) patrons. The Atlantic, the Washington Post, and I'm sure, many more.

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The “ news” side of WSJ has been compromised for a long time . Another arm of our government!

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With Thalidomide the Pharmaceutical Industry did not immunity, which Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra Zeneca do have, along with the medical personnel administering the drug, which presumably would include the drug stores who are injecting.

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You raise a great point. I was hoping that a moral conscience might be enough to do the right thing. I don't understand how a consent waiver can be legal if you are mandated to take a vaccine. It is coercion. Forgive me for trying to be logical...

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Too much money involved, as early on I learned that hospitals/doctors were receiving around $39,000 for each Covid related death, and only around $1200 for other deaths. The doctors, in general, are owned by the drug companies, who send around hot representatives who buy lunch for the office workers and give free drug samples for the doctor. The doctor was also supported through medical school by grants like computers, notebooks, and seminars by the drug companies. The hospitals have bought up a large percentage of the doctors offices, so they now work for the hospitals. The extreme amounts of money involved in this endeavor makes logical sense. Ordinarily, mandating a drug in a corporate setting would be illegal, but our legal system is in shambles and some courts will allow it, and some will bar it. It is literally a roll of the dice at this point.

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If under the EUA, that means there are (supposedly) no alternative approved therapies or products. Viola! Instant monopoly for your (expensive) product, no conflict of interest for the doctor or administrator (It's not being "mandated", there simply are no other approved treatments, and as a bonus, absolute shield from any liability.

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It's _not_ legal. Coerced medical procedures are a crime against humanity under international law and natural law. There can be no "waiver" of liability for this sort of heinous crime.

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Good point. I suppose they'd argue that employment is "consensual." As is, apparently, the need to shop in stores, attend public events, and so on. Another ethical question is how to obtain "informed consent" from minors. There actually is language in the FDA regulations recommending obtaining the fully informed consent of the patient, but I don't think it's a requirement. And you're forgiven for trying to be logical; for sure, the authorities aren't doing it much these days.

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It's coercion all right. But at this point, all you're out is your livelihood. I guess they reason that you can refuse and go on welfare or to another job if you can find one. But what will happen when/if they tie the vaccines to social security, medicaid, medicare? Then I think it really becomes obvious as a violation of Nuremberg Code. I think it's pretty close to it right now.

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That may be true, but unfortunately the Nuremberg Code has no legal force, as I understand it.

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I can see a budding industry evolving: Doctors/nurses who are willing, for a fee, to quietly use a vax batch to vax an orange, then provide you with the appropriate vax certificate you can show to those who require it. Yes, this will come.

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Or just squirt the monkey shit into the sink. On second thought, that might cause fish kills downstream.

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No doubt it is already occurring. It may become a business. But it's illegal, probably a felony and worst of all, probably will cost much more than the standard dose and have to be repeated each six months or so. ☹

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Naomi Wolf is "Busting Open the CDC Pregnancy 'VSafe' Study" concerning the vaxx and pregnancy here: https://youtu.be/FP6bqY_55-s

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A good moment to recommend Barbara Tuchman's book "The March of Folly," which describes the descent of governing classes into "self-hypnosis" and "woodenheadedness," with historical examples. Humanity has been in this moment many many times.

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No joke, I just finished that book this week. The audiobook reader, a British woman, is fabulous.

Also, folly is a theme through all of her histories. If you want some additional consolation read "A Distant Mirror" or "The Guns of August". Now there was some proper elite folly, wiping out a third of the planet in the former case.

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"woodenheadness" describes most of the world's leaders and governments. Love that word.

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Kinda discribes my husband....lol

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Should be read daily, we have short memories.

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Thank you for recommending this book. I like Barbara Tuchman and have quite a few of her books, but not this one. I ordered it from abebooks.com and it is less than $5.00 including shipping.

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Chris - thank you for this recommendation. Ordering now

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This is becoming like watching an accident unfold. Horrific but you cannot look away. I'm torn between full blown despair and sadness and an urge to fight back. But who do we fight? Where exactly can I strike a blow? People like Alex are helping by Proxy but at some point, Americans will need to stand tall. I hear drum beats ... Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.

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yup, we are getting ready to fight. by votes, by demonstration, by resistance, by voice, by combat if needs must.

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or just being the last ones standing.

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Except, there's now credible reason to believe, this is no accident.

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Perhaps at the first level,- Rockefeller, Gates, Swab etc. but at the enabler/delivered level its extortion, blackmail bribery. Just how it always is. Think Nazi Germany.

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Try to find activist groups opposing the mandates. I think as individuals we'll count for nothing in the face of media lies.

I pray a lot too.

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It’s almost like the vaccine is the problem. /s 🤔

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You mean the GMO-injection / gene altering synthetic mRNA injection.. not a vaccine by any stretch of the great lie.

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Again, Bill Gates is getting his wish.

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Eugenists goin' kill

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Really the word is dysgenics since they hijacked eugenics.. but you are right about murder.

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Yes indeed.. and like Zade stated, he will get payback someday.. and Bill won't escape God's judgment.

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Yes he is…sadly.

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He'll get payback someday

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Yes, well, won't we all? ;-)

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I hope I don't deserve what he gets

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Agreed if we are being specific 😊

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I live in Perth and I am hearing that there has been a surge in young people with myocarditis in one of the major hospitals here. Also, people with other post-injection ailments. Of course, nothing in the media. Doctors across Australia are seeing all kind of adverse events. Mark McGowan is not the brightest kid on the block. Neither are his counterparts in the other states. Wish we had a Ron Desantis.

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Unfortunately, DeSantis, good as he is (and he's good), still promotes the "vaccines". Senator Ron Johnson is the only major politician I'm aware of who is sounding the alarm on the vaccines' dangers.

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If a politician comes out against the "vaccines", it is political suicide. The best we can hope for is a politician saying if you want it take it, but if you want early treatment, we make it available. Right now in most places in the West, early treatment is suppressed and the whole push is mass injections regardless of a person's state of health.

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Agreed to a certain extent but at some point, that won't be enough. Courage to commit political suicide will be required, as it was of the Founders. I'll note, too that most GOP pols are not even doing what you suggest. They are still using the "safe and effective" line.

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The question is this: All these high profile vax pushers and politicians....did any of them REALLY get the vax? Or did they just pretend to?

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There is zero chance they don't know the breakdown of the diagnoses of the "overrun". They explicitly said it's not Covid. Not saying *what* it is implies that it's something embarrassing to the narrative.

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Exactly! Hospitals are run by an army of bean counters, they can instantly run reports on just about anything & everything from the mountains of charting that constitutes bedside 'care'.

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Ugh, so true. I don't think I've had a doctor look me straight in the eyes for years. Always looking at the digital tablet.

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Nov 4, 2021
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But do the Triple and Quad jabbed count for nothing?


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The answer could literally run these fascists over and they still won't get it !!

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Oh make no mistake, they GET IT....they just can't admit it, after all, they convinced (willingly or by forced) millions upon millions of people to take this vaccine....the drug companies are immune from liability per contracts, but government officials, agencies, doctors, scientists are not....the truth will bury all of them and they KNOW it, so they double down and scramble for a place to throw blame.

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No law, no act of the legislature, no executive order, can grant waiver of liability for committing crimes against humanity.

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Gracchus (what a history name), i understand what you are saying but they are committing these crimes against humanity and they have indeed a waiver for it if you look into competently.

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Very well understood and stated! I know this as well but you put it real well.

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They are in these positions for a reason and it's not to get it.

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Just Take Orders!

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Hi Alex,

I work in Australia within quite senior levels of the health system and hospitals (mostly government). Although i'm not based in Western Australia, I can speak to a few contributing factors with a reasonable degree of authority:

1) We do have an ageing population and poor public health system (always "overrun"), but..

2) Vax mandates came into effect in many states recently. I know if one ICU ward at a major hospital losing 10+ staff. I'll say that again - "one ward." In addition, many doctors, and some cardiologists are a resigning. Staff are working double shifts

3) Related to the above, we are seeing many adverse reactions. Serious ones like mycarditis/pericarditis and so on. Interestingly, many doctors are refusing to report adverse events.

States in Australia are not prepared for when borders fully reopen in the coming weeks. Hospitals will be in dire straits due to the combination of delta making its way through the community and staff shortages.

I suspect more lockdowns and further demonisation of the unvaxxed.

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"Interestingly, many doctors are refusing to report adverse events."

"Interestingly" should read "disgustingly" or "unethically".

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Duh...how long do we think it'll be before they figure it out? Even professional athletes are dying from the vaccine.

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They know.

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I fear you're right, but oh how I hope you're wrong. It sure smells like genocide.

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Richard - a commenter here just said Vioxx was on the market for 5 whole years before it was pulled for safety signals (heart attacks/stroke). Very sad if we have 4 years of this to go.

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It took 5 years for them to figure out that Thalidomide was causing birth defects!! Hard to believe, but apparently it only caused issues when given between 20 and 37 days post conception.


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If you do deeper digging, you will find out they actually knew before 5 years... but of course, they tried to keep it quiet but it was too much to keep quiet and it came out.

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Many know what is going on, here is a comment by another on this page of which i am aware of also;



1 hr ago

Oh make no mistake, they GET IT....they just can't admit it, after all, they convinced (willingly or by forced) millions upon millions of people to take this vaccine....the drug companies are immune from liability per contracts, but government officials, agencies, doctors, scientists are not....the truth will bury all of them and they KNOW it, so they double down and scramble for a place to throw blame.


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I think it's obvious at this point that the focus is not on defeating the virus but on getting as many shots into arms as possible. At first that may seem like the same thing, but anybody following Alex and others the last year knows that it's not the same at all.

As for why the focus is getting the shots out as fast as possible to as many people as possible, well take your pick of the "conspiracy theories". I personally refuse to go full "depopulation" and instead try to side with the "money & inability to admit the government was wrong" theory.

But every time Biden says "mandates work" it confirms my suspicion about the goal, because mandates only work to increase shots in arms, not to actually lessen the virus. Insane. And suspicious as hell.

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The reason for a shot in every arm is to eliminate the control group. If there are no more unvaccinated, there is no proof of their crimes. When they push mix and match boosters, there is no way to prove which manufacturer caused your vaccine injury: Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J. I didn't believe depopulation theories in the beginning of the year, but what other explanation is there? Sure, greed plays a role in it, but killing your customer base doesn't make sense. It seems cheaper to make a vaccine that just works.

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Georgia Guidestones, go look that up! Dr Gate$ spilled it, to anyone w/ an ounce of critical thinking, with his Ted Talk. It was friggin' OBVIOUS as to what he was all about. And still has apologist fanboys giving him a pass. #Clown$

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Like the MacBeths governments around the world be like: "I am in blood / Stepped in so far that should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o'er"

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Yes, I agree. The conspiracy theory is basically as old as time -- greed and pride.

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The real conspiracy theory is thinking that pharmaceutical companies (and the whole healthcare indu$trial complex) who make billions off of us being ill and/or addicted want us well.

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Chop off your hands to end gun violence! "Hospitals are seeing an unexplainable rise in accidental amputations and no one can pinpoint the cause...."

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"Okay, just a little pin prick. There's be no more AAAAAAAAARGGHH! But you may feel a little sick..."

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Gen X was raised to distrust all this crap. I can't believe all those sci fi movies and books are coming true. Raise a glass to all my favs and to my high school English teacher who had us read the greatest hits. Brave New World, 1984, Animal Farm, Aldous Huxley, Issac Asimov. Even Star Trek predicted the woke youth trying to take us out. Bonk Bonk on the head... Cheers to the Sci Fi writers both print and movies of the past - CHEERS

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How about Clock Work Orange by Kubrick. A very good predictor of the coming dystopia affecting, or infecting our country. Had forgotten about the movie until the ongoing wokeness and other completely insane aberrations became the norm and suddenly his predictions made sense.

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Yes, and for all his transgressions Alex is "punished" by being enthusiastically ridden by the buxom redhead at the end of the film. In keeping with the rest of the film's message, traditional morality is turned on its head: the wicked are rewarded.

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Good one. and NETWORK not to ever be forgotten. Pure genius

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Yea NETWORK quite a warning/reveal. Remember this scene?;

"YOU HAVE MEDDLED WITH THE PRIMAL FORCES OF NATURE MR. BEALE AND I WON'T HAVE IT! IS THAT CLEAR?! Do you think you've merely stopped a business deal? That is not the case. The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back! It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity! It is ecological balance! You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multi-variate, multi-national dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and sub-atomic and galactic structure of things today! And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and You Will Atone!Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale? You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state - Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable by-laws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale; it has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that perfect world in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality - one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock - all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused. And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale, to preach this evangel."

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Stunned - exactly! Don't these people remember our basic early education? The scientists are always the bad guys!! In the movies they usually end up getting destroyed by their evil creations at least.

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Good point. But in movies like LEGEND, they need a "good" scientist to find a cure for what the bad scientist did.

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As Gen X member, and who use to be into sci-fi, not all parts of those of sci-fi movies and books will come true, since the illuminists were basically giving us the basic symbolic agenda of what they are going to do to us which you laid out. I'm not a stranger to ABNW, Nineteen Eighty-Four (the original way Orwell wanted it, he never put 1984, Animal Farm, Isaac Asimov etc. Asimov was a sodomite (fact) and he was pro NWO just like Gene Roddenberry who produced Star Trek, he was a 33rd degree Freemason - Captain James T Kirk backwards is "KTJ" and according to Freemason law of inversion/reversal (really this is a doctrine of satan, the law of reverse, basically to do and be the total opposite of what God is, God is foundation and fountainhead of order, satan is the foundation and fountainhead of disorder), if you do some time-consuming research on deeper levels of 33rd Degree Freemason occultism as it relates to Star Trek, you will find KTJ means "Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem" which is Gene Roddenberry's coded reversed reference to his secret society membership etc. The elite purposely allow such shows like Star Trek etc to subtly seed us with acceptance such a future system and in Gene Roddenberry's eyes, Star Trek was actually his symbolic representation of Technocratic Socialism. So i wouldn't be cheering on such writers and movies of the past which were there to "program" us to accept their ideas an an eventual reality. If anything, you could argue Orwell and Huxley were warning us, but the other guys you mentioned, no, i've been an 20+ year NWO researcher and all these sci-fi movies etc were by design to get us to accept such a not fully possible future.

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He who has not learned from the myriad science fiction dystopias of the past is doomed to repeat it. 👽

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Nov 4, 2021
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"thermonuclear" and "meltdown" do not logically combine. Both are disasters, but are not even caused by the same subatomic processes.

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Cutter-Wow. I need to listen to that album again.

Another brick in the wall

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Me too. Great album and movie- Pink Floyd, The Wall.

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Millions breathing in their own stinky air is taking a toll. Combined with anxiety, lack of routine care, the vax, and enduring Fauci’s voice for 18 months. I’m waiting on the vax for the vax.

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Well said 😆

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Biden comes back from COP26 and the first thing he does is push the OSHA Mandate. We know the Globalists were there, sounds like they got their marching orders and it's JAB JAB JAB.

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My company already put out their COP26 crap in email. I swear they are behind this. Big corps are running the governments and politicians.

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Yes, they have been for a very very long time. Its just now its obvious because they don't care who sees. It is their last push.

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distraction from Afghanistan and the Economy

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Dr. Paul Cottrell on Rumble tells us EXACTLY why that is... The innate immune systems of the vaccinated can no longer protect people from formerly innocuous disease...

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Exactly-- the "vaccine" damages your immune system's ability to respond to formally innocuous disease and then you get very sick and perhaps die. It is truly the lemming scenario.

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Carol - I've read it's disturbing innate immune response, but in other places I've read it's disturbing T cell behavior. Do you have an opinion on the specifics at this point?

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Could be either-- not sure why it matters, the effect is the same.

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So it's basically doing what HIV does?

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CJ - HIV specifically infects helper T cells. I've seen some data that T cell response is disturbed after covid vaccination.

We do not know yet but I'm extremely interested in this topic.

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CJ - cytotoxic T cells I mean (so different than HIV)

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Not sure about that. Not something I am very familiar about.

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I am a scientist and I study mechanisms. I thought you were a medical practitioner and were also interested in mechanisms.

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I am a medical practitioner, but I deal with symptoms more than mechanisms.

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Glad you and Carol Jones know about this. The klllshots reduce immune defense systems... and THEY TELL US IT HELPS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM... THIS is SATAN'S LAW OF INVERSION/REVERSAL! They tell us it is "good" but it is bad, a prophecy right out of Isaieh chapter 5.

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Climate change.

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White Supremacy.

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No it's Net Neutrality.

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Clearly January 6th is to blame.

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Comorbidities = All of the above

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Nov 4, 2021
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It's sex not gender.

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The trillion dollar green is the new red middle class destroying transition to Socialism and/or Communism in the technocratic age.

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Geert Vandenbosch. He predicted this.

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Can't possibly the a consequence of the vaccines. I mean that would be INCONCEIVABLE!

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"I do not think you know what that word means."

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Like I commented on a previous post...these people are evil, not blind. They cannot admit that the vaccine is causing unforeseen side effects...it is "experimental" after all, but unlike 99% of past "experiments", the powers that be are avoiding the data from their experiment because it's not the data/results they "wanted to see"...and now they're double down rather than admit this "experiment" is showing failing results. They convinced literally 10's of millions of people across the globe to be subjects in an experiment...they'd rather die than admit they were wrong. Fauci is pictured on their poster....

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I agree 100% they are not stupid, they know exactly what they are doing. But, I blame the stupid sheep who have enabled such evil. The more than 50% of the globe that has gone along with this tyranny are the ones to blame. I hate them more than the truly evil because they are the reason we are about to lose everything. This would never have been possible if not for their willful ignorance.

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I grew up in a talented but dysfunctional in many ways family. As the eldest of seven I learned to question anything coming from my parents and then by transference, authority. It's easy for me to follow my intuition and rebel. But not everyone is that hypersensitive to the odor of lies and deceit. I've had to accept that people I love think all is well, just get the needle and no more worries. It doesn't make them evil. They're doing the best they can. And I know they think I'm difficult.

But I put Fausti and Collins in a different category. I hope to see them and the present CDC brass brought to justice.

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Congress passed out immunity for this drug like candy. With our broken, corrupt, justice system, do not bank on that happening. They will skate, just like Hunter Biden and the Biden mafia clan, and the crooked FBI and CIA cretins. Deep state is too entrenched for justice to happen.

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Lovely way to put it🥰 staying in your light 💡

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Hold on that is not fair. People respond to threats and coercions differently. This has been seen all through history. Reading history we should realize that to protect ourselves from the people you are upset with means BECOMING SELF RELIANT and NOT depending upon govt, the way it was, ease etc. in ANY area of your life. That is the reality. We can all help each other and do some more work to find local businesses, services, a tribe we can support.

Take your anger and turn it to a constructive use. Be kind, ask questions and be independent. 💗

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I used to think like you which is why I never tried to convince others of my beliefs or politics. I believe in live and let live. But, we have let them live in a bubble, never being questioned or debated, letting them think that we are the crazy ones and because we have been polite for so long, we are in the mess we are in. We are too forgiving. We sit in airports and hotel lobbies while they play the propaganda filled CNN and MSNBC on the TV and we say nothing. We let them think that all that propaganda is true because we just want to live our lives. We keep quiet in meetings when they spew the leftist propaganda and train us on CRT and unconscious bias. If we don't start telling them like it is, there will be nothing left to fight for.

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Your choice 💗 Use your energy wisely. I find people don't always respond well to someone telling them the way it is. Stating your view is one thing, trying to change minds different.

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It's beginning to happen at US facilities. I have seen major declines in the quality of health care in the last 18 mos. with my elderly grandparents. It's truly scary.

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I noticed this too a few months ago when I took a family member to a major hospital in our area for heart complications (which I believe to be due to the jab). The hospitals and the staff are not what they were before Covid. I spent a lot of time in that same hospital because I had a great uncle who spent 6 weeks there and eventually died from complications of pneumonia and his co-morbidities. This happened back in January 2020 right before Covid struck. I don't believe it was Covid since none of us got sick. But, the staff was wonderful back then and so attentive and on top of everything. This is the exact opposite of what happened a few months ago. Nurses would disappear for hours. We rarely saw an actual physician, they didn't even bother to consult with the patient before discharging them. They messed up test orders and I had to demand that they run certain tests (like the D-Dimer) and MRI, CT scans, etc. This is a premier hospital in our area and it was nothing like it was just 2 years ago. I look at some of these doctors and I could tell they knew what was happening (and why I demanded a D-dimer), but they didn't care. Honestly, they seemed dead inside to me.

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Exactly. I could not have said this any better. I have experienced the SAME. Messed up orders, inattentive staff, and busy doctors in a small Midwest community that used to bring their A-game. It has just been a sharp decline in overall quality.

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Possibly the result of spike proteins destroying immunity, leaving them open to every virus and bacteria with the inability to fight it off. A form of AID. This will not have a happy ending.

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Perfect short description. The next three years in particular will be what we see now but multiple it by 10 (if we are lucky).

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You are on the right track with the factual information coming out about this.

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Alex, how about a chart which shows excess mortality trailing mass vaccinations in every country? You've reported the same in UK, Scotland & Ireland. Should be fairly simple to put together. The answer is obvious. I'm sure a formula can be created to the effect of x number of excess deaths per 1MM vaccinations. Update it monthly. It will become the gold standard for understanding what is truly going on.

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But... in Ireland, it is unvaccinated Covid cases!!!???

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My son in New Zealand says he heard that the ERs in Australia are overrun because during COVID, people neglected their chronic illnesses. Now, their conditions are much worse and they’re flooding the ERs with various problems. Some are suicidal from those countries strict lockdowns. Even though he doesn’t say, I think we have reactions to the vax. I got the jabs and had horrible reactions after each jab. I refuse to get a dang booster. They can all go to hell! I got the second jab in April and haven’t felt right since.

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I am sure it has nothing to do with spike proteins doing unintended things.

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Who says the things are unintended?

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I’m pretty sure that was sarcasm….

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Wait until the flu season starts and jabbed people start getting sick due to a screwed up immune response .

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So the vaccines are working then.

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Sorry "vaccines".

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Expermental mRNA Gene Therapies

But we know what you meant

Kill shot gonna kill shot

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working perfectly as planned. Mass extinction, Phase I being executed perfectly! Phase II... engage Boosters!

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I had a thought. When Joe Biden leans forward and acts like Papa Joe and whispers, you know he is lying. He did this yesterday. He whispered, "We have to get the kids vaccinated so we can keep the schools open". They are open now and have been open in Europe for over a year with no consequences. What he is really saying, "The teachers union.(not the teachers) demands that kids get vaxed". There is no difference between the teachers union and the DemocRAT Party.

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C.S. Lewis, “Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

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If you are not following and watching The Highwire you should be. Del BigTree interviews a trial recipient who as injured after the first shot. They didn't follow up and removed her from the trial.


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They also removed trial participants if they died.

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The mandates are not helping alleviate the problem! It’s going to get so much worse if the unvaccinated medical staff are let go!

We have no leader! This is unconstitutional. We need to continue the fight to push back! JB is forgetting this is the “LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!!”

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4/10 people at work are out "sick" at the moment with general malaise/fatigue. One of them took a booster shot last night and "doesn't feel good". Young, healthy, 30 year old, taking a booster! I didn't even know that was a

I'm genuinely frightened about what the next few months are going to be like.

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Might want to ask them to stay 6 feet away

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Breathe, send love and understand society has been here before. 🥰 We can overcome

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The death jabs are working extremely well indeed…

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investment advice: funeral homes.

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I wouldn't morally be able to do it, even if you are being sarcastic in a morbid sense.

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dont blame the player, blame the game

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What a inane, vapid, Dunning-Kruger response. I used to be heavily into rap music, i'm in the 40s and was involved in the lifestyle, and even when i was in it, i still knew deep down the "don't hate the playa, hate the game'" (you using 'blame' still applies) it was a convenient self-deception / falsehood because it's basically akin to stating don't blame the people who have free choice and use that free choice to do wrong, blame the Devil that tempts them. Smh.. oh right, the Devil made me do it smh.. don't blame the player, blame the game? What a way to shirk responsibility eh? don't take responsibility/blame for your own sinful decisions, blame the game itself so you can abscond from responsibility of your actions, that's being a shirker and scoundrel.

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bit extreme mate. perhaps i should say dont waste your time chasing individuals, fix the system.

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Probably not that unknown thing unrelated to any kind of injection a lot of young top athletes are suffering from.

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Silence your crimethink!

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Vax side effects

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My oldest son's fiancee is a supervising RN nurse in the heart section of a local hospital. She refused the vaccine and worked hard but got a religious waiver. She tells us that local cardiologists offices are overloaded and adding staff. She also calls the "vaccine" the depop (depopulation) shot. Hmmnn!

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Good for her!

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"Delayed reaction to Covid." Good grief. These ppl just make shit up out of thin air!

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They can't admit it so they'll never back down.

How many people will die because they have to save face?

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I just listened to the Senate testimony for HHS group. The clown show denying gain of function, natural immunity. Won't release the numbers of CDC employees who have taken the vax. Plus Fauci just a pompous lying a - hole. Anyone read RFK Jr's book yet?

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Not out here until mid month

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Unpossible. Vacine mak me helth.

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How many time I tell you, go back to de Island, mon! 😎

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And if you observe the perspective of Australians through social media, the vast majority are 100% in support of their government's harsh response to covid - everything from lockdowns to vaccine mandates. Although the mood there is starting to change ever so slightly. Goes to show the power of the pro-vax propaganda.

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And just a reminder about 'informed consent' before the covid injections...

The regulator of health care practitioners in Australia, AHPRA, has grudgingly confirmed to me:

"Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person's voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved."[1]

And how many people have truly given 'informed consent' to these defective 'leaky vaccines'...?

None I'd suggest...

I'm pursuing this with AHPRA, see my email dated 15 October 2021: 'Informed consent', 'voluntary healthcare decisions' and coercive vaccination... https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/e28098informed-consent-voluntary-healthcare-decisions-and-coercive-vaccination.pdf


1. Response from AHPRA, 20 September 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/response-from-ahpra-re-informed-consent.pdf

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