Just got a recorded voicemail from the SF Public School superintendent urging us parents to sign our 5 - 11 year olds for the jab. He said they’ll miss less school (they don’t have to quarantine after close contacts with infected if they’re vaxxed, and can enjoy holiday travel with less anxiety! It was not even presented as something to do for their health!!! They’re appealing to parents to do this for the convenience of uninterrupted school days and to book their Christmas flights! But they’ve underestimated those of us who read the data and who understand the risk benefit / analysis for this cohort. You can give my kids quarantine days until the cows come home! There’s no way in hell they’re getting this jab.

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What kind of retarded, monster parents subject their 5 year old to an experimental vaccine with serious side effects to prevent a disease that has a 0 mortality rent for 5 year olds?

Only democrats. They need to be exterminated.

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Here’s the crazy thing though; they’re not all monsters (the politicians maybe!) but a number of these parents are my friends — and they are just completely and totally blind to a reality that they don’t want to see. I’m a registered Democrat! But I’m changing my party affiliation after this mess. And I’m not sure how many friends I’ll have left as I continue to stand up for my children in this bonkers town. I am grateful for all you here and the strength/ support! Thank you 🙏

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Welcome to all former Dems. We don't bite, i promise. In fact, I consider myself very much of a liberal in the old fashioned sense of the word. Today's Dems have embraced a philosophy that is unrecognizable as liberalism.

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Welcome. I am a conservative. I have no problems with liberals. I love diversity of thought. Keeps things interesting. What we do have in common is liberty, protecting our nation and fiscal responsibility. As long as we have that in common everything else is just icing on the cake. Thank you for waking up and seeing that the leftists are nothing like true liberals.

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Amen. And from your name here, I see that we also have the belief in God in common, and that has been something that I’ve come to realize is more uniting than any political affiliation.

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I think the Holy Soirit kept us on the right track from the beginning. All of the God fearing not Covid fearing people I know recognized the propaganda from the start.

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My wife changed parties after a DNC meeting in your home town and they agreed to go after people that are atheist because their party identifies best with them.

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You are out of your mind. Democrats, all Democrats are Evil, not liberal.

Their leaders are corrupt or incompetent or corrupt or both. The hottest places in hell are reserved for people like you. Blind by choice.

There were no moderate Nazis and there are no moderate democrats

Stop virtual signaling with your pretend tolerance of these scumbag democrats.

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You know what? I actually understand why you think that. But let’s be kind to one another in this space…it’s pretty amazing we’ve all found our way here from varied backgrounds, political affiliations, faiths…I need this as my safe space!!!

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The Dems in power want it all...and they are willing to destroy to get it. Something is totally off with them.

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Living the Bay Area myself. They are blind. If you try to argue a fact with them, they just say throw up their mind block. "that's not true, No, No, No" Exact words from my Rabbi when I said without white people voting for Obama, he wouldn't be president" We were arguing about white people not all being racists.

Apparently he doesn't understand the percentage of population breakdown.

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All dems are evil you say?? Bullshit. LOTS of good registered dems are not very liberal in the ways that count. They go to work. They don't cheat on wives. They are good parents. They don't steal. They hold good jobs and contribute to society. Are they a bit too trusting to the point of being a bit gullible, yes. But that is no crime.

People are confused into thinking that liberal=dem and conservative=gop. It's not always the case!

At it's heart, liberalism is the tendency to consume before you produce, or to consume without producing if you can get away with it. Conservatism is the tendency to produce before consuming, and in fact often times to a bit of an unhealthy / workaholic degree. By this definition, most centrist dems are actually conservatives.

You know liberalism when you see debt. Debt is the act of consuming before you produce. The vast majority of ppl who identify as conservative have some house debt. So there is no black and white line here.

What we need to avoid is authoritarianism. That is where someone else thinks they know what's good for you better than you do. Even worse, they don't care what's good for you, but they want to control you to try to get a better outcome for themselves. I think honest, good, clear thinking people can agree on this.

BTW trump was no great conservative! You cannot go around calling yourself the king of debt and then think you are conservative simply because you hold up a Bible on camera. Trump added to the national debt at the same exponential rate as every flaming liberal president did before him.

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Dam right. Crats don't care what kind of holy hell they visit upon the world, children, babies horribly maimed or killed by the vax, a shortage of fire fighters (who are so vital every time Crats want more money) it's all for the Marxist cult.

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I consider myself a libertarian, but vote red for lack of a closer alternative. The key to me in this ridiculous time is that once the majority realizes our government is a uniparty and these labels just serve to divide us, we’ll be able to make changes. I’d say 95% of voters agree on things. Other than gun rights and abortion- which are the issues that some people will never be happy-don’t we all want mostly the same things? A better future for our kids? Once we stop letting them divide us and look at the bigger picture together, I think it will become pretty apparent that it’s not red vs blue- it is globalists (who think of themselves as the elites) vs. the rest of us. And I don’t think anyone is okay with a tiny minority of unelected bureaucrats calling the shots (no pun intended) for the billions of decent, hardworking people. But as long as we’re divided, they will get their way. And life as we’ve known it will be over.

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The definition of a better future for our kids is miles apart. Better future to a Democrat is soaked in social justice, climate alarmism, CRT, etc , etc. No way we are the same.

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See, I don’t think that’s truly the case. I think most people, if answering honestly, are against these things. It’s the vocal minority amplifying this, and people afraid to state their true feelings. Just my opinion- but I’ve noticed when you really sit down and talk to “liberals”, they aren’t on board with these things. Maybe that’s wishful thinking, but seems to be the case from friends that I’ve spoken to.

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Perhaps it looks that way on the surface, however, the perception that Democrats desire a future of social "justice", climate concern, CRT, etc. may be more the "public" face of of what Democrats want, not the reality of what each individual man or woman, those good union people the president speaks of constantly, actually wants for THEIR children. Talk to them ! Ask the man who works at the local plant in your area, or the woman teamster member driving a delivery truck.... I HAVE talk to them, they do NOT want CRT, or "social justice", they don't want pedophiles and career criminals plaguing their lives and the lives of their children. I think it is a mistake to just assume that individual human beings (who happen to be registered as democrats, believe and support all the ideas espoused by the national party leaders and the media. I agree with PKR who thinks "everyday" people are not desirous of many (if not most) of the "goals" you see and hear on every TV network and newspaper.

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I've been saying the same thing for years. As long as the globalist Rothschilds keep us fighting they just pick our pockets. They win no matter who is in power. We need to recognize who is really in control.

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And how do we defeat them? Any ideas?

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Well said PKR!!!

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I had to scroll up to see if I wrote what you just posted. 😂 Amen to all you said

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I would encourage former Dems (and Rs/Cons) to consider the problems that led us into this mess.

* For the Dems/Liberals - Centralization of power into unaccountable distant authority. The only thing saving us from complete Australiafication in the US is a history and structure of localized authority

* For the Rs/Cons - Refusing to seek and use power for *good,* instead using passive laissez-faire arguments to avoid confrontations with legitimate evil got us here. It is no longer morally possible to turn a blind eye to the massive harms that can come with monopolistic & oligarchical control of resources. We cannot permit global finance, global pharma, global media & global military industrial complex to prey upon innocent people. These must all be stopped.

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I agree.. except I believe the only thing keeping us from being Australia or Canada us our more liberal gun rights. That’s it.

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I would prefer to call it our more conservative gun rights ; )

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Govt using contracts to force businesses to obey govt agenda having lured out the bait only to threaten losing govt contract that has manifested into companies necessary evil. Say threatening to pull mail contracts or military contracts. Business too naive to realize govt would use contracts to extract evil agenda from business. Institute crt or else.

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Former dem since 1975 and this ain’t the party I signed up for, I had to work hard for everything I achieved no hand outs no free college tuition.

I’ll do anything I can to remove this scurge from out country.

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I am hoping with everything going on, with this administration (communist/socialist), America wakes up! Just

hope it’s not too late!

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What I found out I've always been a conservative at heart.

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Left the party 5 years ago and never looked back.

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Thanks! Glad to be here!

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Dems embraced that philosophy 30+ years ago.

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Well you can have me as a long distance friend, as I am in Iowa....same as you, I was a Dem supporter but no more! Most of my Dem friends have completely lost their minds over this too and gone jab-happy.

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I'm another leftie who has become disgusted in the extreme by the Democratic party.

My family - die-hard covidian cult true believers all - have "canceled" me because I became extremely sick after getting the 2nd dose of the Pfizer covid injection. (Talk about blaming the victim!)

Over six months later I'm still sick and I have serious, lasting injuries, especially neurological ones. I must have had several strokes or microstrokes during the weeks following the 2nd shot. I suffer significant memory loss and other neurological symptoms (difficulty concentrating / brain fog, tinnitus, etc.) I also had raging, whole-body inflammation for months. (I had all sorts of other extreme and excruciatingly painful symptoms as well which I won't go into here.) Microclots due to the spike protein and the massive sustained inflammation could either or both in combination have caused the brain damage I experience on a daily basis now.

Do not get any of the covid injections, and do NOT let your kids be coerced into getting them, either. They are evil, satanic, diabolical.

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Oh I am so sorry for what you’ve gone through. Particularly painful to have one’s family cancel them for truth telling! Thank you for sharing with us here.

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Family? Those whom seek you out to follow their ignorance? Those whom eat as if heart attacks are normal but criticize you for not following the detrimental mama’s diet? Family is Father Jesus and Mother Mary whom love us unconditionally.

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So sorry to hear what you're going through! I pray your body can eventually recover from this.

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Sorry for your troubles. I have a degree in the life sciences and manufacture a medical device. I'm no expert, but know enough to steer clear of this experiment. Thanks for helping get the word out and here's to your immune system rallying. Its definitely possible it will re-stabilize after a time.

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Thats heartbreaking, so sorry for the pain you are enduring. The least your family could do is support you.

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My family can't acknowledge my vax-induced sickness and injuries because to do so would threaten their reality. They are in a mass cult, as are most Americans, and as such, they actively reject any information which contradicts the over-arching, ever-present government narrative. The official propaganda is their catechism, which they know by heart, and in their minds is infallible and unquestionable, despite its ever-changing, nonsensical, contradictory precepts.

They're incapable of exercising their innate capacity to think critically. They perceive any one who challenges their worldview to be dangerous, a subversive, a threat. They're like hard-core fundamentalists who have fully incorporated into themselves all the religious dogma they've been indoctrinated with, and can not tolerate anyone who does not share their beliefs.

Another apt analogy is that they’ve shown their true colors as fascists: brutal, intolerant in the extreme, vicious, cruel, willing to ignore every moral or ethical precept they might once have espoused or theoretically believed in. The fact that they are Jews, and that their own relatives were victims of fascism only a couple of generations ago evidently does nothing to inoculate them against falling prey to the same sick energy that the Nazis and other fascists embodied.

They’re all "highly educated," i.e. they all have both undergraduate and higher degrees from prestigious universities in the social sciences, or law, or the hard sciences (microbiology / computer science / electrical engineering.) However, their “braininess” does not prevent them from being just as easily hypnotised, hood-winked, and incapable of critical thinking as any other human being on this planet. In fact, it leads them to believe that they are intellectually superior to the rest of humanity, to those with less education (as they understand education), and especially to those who have deeply held religious beliefs or acknowledge the reality of higher spiritual realms. Their hearts and minds are locked tight against any possibility of having any experiences which might possibly challenge their materialistic belief system.

These are the kinds of people who are in positions of power throughout our contemporary secular society. It’s no coincidence to me that they’re all staunch atheists. They see their lack of religious belief and feeling as a sign of their superiority. Their inability to acknowledge any higher reality, no matter how one chooses to describe that - God, Spirit, Divinity, Transcendent Reality, Mystery - goes hand in hand with their fanaticism and fascism.

One of my mother’s favorite quotes was “Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.” (Hamlet, Shakespeare.) I strongly disagreed with her when I was a kid, when she said that, though I couldn’t articulate my objections very effectively at the time. Atheism, materialism, ethical and moral relativism - the unholy triad of modern secularism - is the foundation of their reality. Not only is that reality sterile, brittle, and cold, it is dangerous. One can justify anything - torturing helpless beagle puppies, for example, for no reason, with impunity - if one lives within that world view. From there it’s but a small step to killing those human beings with whom you disagree - about anything, including mask mandates, lockdowns, vax mandates, anything at all. This is what we are up against.

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I am incredibly sad to hear of all that has happened to your health post-vax. I pray that when drs and scientists can no longer pretend the vaccines are “safe and effective” that they will belatedly discover a way to counteract the damage done.

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I doubt it. Cardiac damage? Brain damage? These kinds of injuries can't be fixed or healed. Nor can dramatically accelerated aging, another common, noticeable symptom caused by these satanic injections.

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Having gone ahead with getting the vaccine and suffering the injuries you have what message from those of us urging caution would you have liked one of your friends, family, coworkers or strangers to have said to you to get your attention? How can we get through to those who are ignoring our message even now?

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Thank you, Nate, for your question. The simple answer to your question is I would have wanted someone to say to me in no uncertain terms: "Listen to your heart! Listen to your body! Don't listen to your fanatical sister who is pressuring you to get vaxed, and who ridicules your concerns about the Operation Warp Speed vaccines! You know she's an idiot (or worse than an idiot) in all the ways that matter to you. Stand up for yourself! Honor yourself, your life, your spirit, and your long-suffering, precious body."

I actually was very hesitant to get vaxed. I'm fairly certain that if I hadn't been dealing with multiple painful, overwhelming experiences during the years prior to the vax roll-out, I would have been able to honor my inner reservations and would not have succumbed to the intense pressure to get vaxed.

As for what we can do to get through to the hard-core Covid Cult true believers - I have no idea. I've given up entirely on trying to educate anyone in my family. They feel like bitter enemies to me. I've given up on the idea of ever interacting with them again. I don't expect to see any of them in person again for the rest of my life, regardless of how long or short that ends up being.

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SO glad you asked that, as I too would love to know Truthbird's thoughts and suggestions!! I've been desperately (and OMG so frustratingly) trying to get through to my family all year - all afternoon with my Father today, good grief!! It's like talking to a brick wall. You want to just give up and say hECK with you all then...Good Luck!! But it's your family, loved ones! So disheartening.

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I'm so sorry to hear of your woes. Are you familiar with the FLCCC long haulers protocol? It reportedly works well after vaccination as well:


Good luck to you!

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I am so sorry for what you have suffered. Thank you so much for speaking out. People need to hear your experience so they can finally wake up to the nightmare that the rest of us see with open eyes.

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I am so sorry for what has happened to you! I wish someone would have talked you out of getting the jabs! I tried to talk my mom out of getting them but unfortunately she wouldn’t listen to me. After getting the jabs she had a stroke (even though she has been on blood thinners for 30 years!) a brain tumor and a large aneurysm on her aorta! Her health has been deteriorating since the jabs! She was very Independent and very active before the jabs now she is slow and her speech is slow her brain fog is bad and her health is poor. My brother who is 56 was just diagnosed with peripheral vascular disease he also received the jabs. I am so worried for my family as they all thought they were doing the right thing by getting the jabs. Please keep talking to people about your experiences and maybe someone may be saved from what you are experiencing. Thank you for sharing ❤️

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I'm so terribly sorry for your vax injuries, and furious about the evil mandates. My teenagers are feeling the pressure daily as all their school and social events are starting to require the jabs or PCR tests. I worry about the future of USATF track & field events (my 17 y.o. is a sprinter), as well as the travel restrictions to EU countries where my 19 y.o. dreams of visiting. UGH... Have you looked into the FLCCC or Dr. Bryan Ardis for treatment protocols to alleviate the vax injuries? I highly recommend both sites.

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Just opt for the tests and you can insist on doing the cotton swab yourself to avoid injury. Also use a nasal spray and blow your nose a few times before the test to assure a negative test. I like Xlear brand spray

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Thank you all for sharing! This is family!

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Contact @drakchaurasia on twitter. He can help cure you

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My friend had to get a mri after the jj vaccine. Her blood platelets were dropping and they thought she might have clots. Her family act as if nothing has happened. Her insurance said that if she said it was from the vaccine they wouldn’t pay for the mri….

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Well, that says a lot, doesn't it? "Her insurance said that if was from the vaccine they wouldn't pay for the MRI." Since when does an insurance company get to decide whether or not the will pay for the diagnostic test before the result of the test is released?

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Sorry. You need to purge that lucifarian A out, along with the prematurely aging Dolly the sheep cells. Maybe charcoal will help but praying for you, you may want to thank God for coming to the realization of your errorneous thinking, and ask for and seek his amswers instead of mad scientists.

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You sound very much like what I call a centrist dem. Well spoken, clear thinking and a ton of other great qualities, someone I could be friends with. But sadly, just as gullible as the day is long and waaaay too trusting of big government and other authoritarian institutions.

I'm not insulting you and I am sorry to hear about the reduction in your quality of life from the jabs, but it's people like you who believe they are mentally superior to others as long as nothing is going wrong. And in many ways you are. Except for that damned gullibility thing. I wonder how many times you have heard people talking about chemtrails, ufos, bigfoot the deep state and other topics and then labeled these people as conspiracy theorists even though you have done little to no research and they have actually done thousands of hours worth.

This is just a guess on my part and I could be way off base but it is so common with centrist dems that its a cliche. You were born that way just as conservatives were born with a different slant.

I was born as a centrist conservative, not a card carrying GOP. Most are RINOs in my opinion. I'm not as fast on my feet as the fast talking liberal leaners which means I have to study more. The result is that when I say something it's not because I'm guessing. I don't "wing it". I would guess that you do wing it and are actually a bit proud of your capability to do so.

How far off am I on this? Just curious! And please don't take offense at the gullible thing. I mean you no disrespect. Its just that real conservatives say what they think without sugar coating and the fact that you took not one jab but two doesn't put you very deep in the wise camp.

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Is it too trusting in govt institutions? Sounds like it was Truthbird's family that pressured him into these shots. (Even Eric Clapton took the second jab after his horrible first shot reaction!!) I have a lot of empathy for Truthbird in this situation because I've been able to deal with pretty much every single friend and colleague thinking I'm insane, but I have the respect and support of my husband and parents and sibling (a mixed status group of vaxxed / unvaxxed, but all respectful of one another's personal medical choices -- I didn't realize what a radical family I have in this regard!) I can withstand being exiled by everyone else, but I don't know if I'd have had that strength if it'd been my close family putting the pressure on. Anyway, this is just to say let's give Truthbird our love! He's been betrayed by the government and his own family!

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Thanks, Deep Thinker. I have to say, though, that you are in fact way off base in quite a few of your guesses about me. I used to consider myself an extreme far-left liberal. E.g. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008 (the election in which Obama ran against McCain) because I saw Obama as just another party hack, a slimy, dishonest, arrogant, way-too-centrist, power-hungry, narcissistic politician.

I do not trust big government in the least. I hate authoritarianism in any form: fascism, totalitarianism. I don't say "communism" because I do not believe the Soviet Union was communist at all. The original leaders of the revolution may have truly desired a communist state system, but they certainly didn't succeed in implementing it.

I don't think anyone is born with any particular political affiliation or outlook. We're all influenced by our family or caretakers, though. I realize I absorbed a lot of ideas from my parents, but that doesn't mean I share them now, nor that I've shared them for decades, for that matter. Also, I've always been the black sheep of my family. In fact, it was such hell for me to live with them - particularly my mother - when I was a teenager that I seriously wanted to run away. I actually think it would have been better for me if I'd done so.

I feel I ought to answer your post point by point, but that would take me a long time, and I need to get away from the computer now. I might try to do so later, or tomorrow. Thanks for your post.

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There are some great protocols out there for detoxing from the vaxx. https://youtu.be/H7inaTiDKaU

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Grateful to have you a kindred spirit Samantha!

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Same. People like you on here are keeping me sane.

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I was also a Democrat until very recently. Here in Oregon, Reps have been the only ones standing up for medical freedom since the Dems tried to remove religious exemption back in 2019. I'll be voting for all Reps ever since, although I'm registered as independent.

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Ah yes, the religious exemption. The Dems preach diversity and tolerance and respect for other cultures and religions but despise and disrespect the religious exemption for jabs. They have been attacking our governor for confirming this will stand. Yet more hypocrisy...

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This could not be any more true. The “inclusivity” community’s treatment of the religious is a hypocrisy that is so real out here.

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Here me out. I don't think a religious exemption is the way out. We simply must demand the Liberty Exemption. Our Liberty or choice. Simple as that.

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Totally agree. The notion that we need a permission slip from a religious cleric in order to avoid a medical procedure is A TRAP. It's an admission that they have the right to cancel us unless we have special reason not to be cancelled. In truth, it's all a con game. They have to get us to voluntarily agree to go along because the minute they try to use physical force instead of words, sophistry and psyops, that is when the AR15s come out and people start dying. At lease here in the US where we have not caved to those who would disarm us. At the end of the day, intelligent people understand that the history of the world is "might makes right". Anyone who is disarmed will eventually be called by one of two names: "refugee" or "victim of government tyranny".

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I agree. No one should be forced.

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*I have been voting

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Parents have been brainwashed. Every single article or reference about vaccines, any doubts or questions on social media, are labelled, "See why the CDC says that vaccines are safe and effective for most people." They see that multiple times a day for the last year. It's complete propaganda brainwashing. Kids don't need this vaccine, period. Their trial was 2200 kids!!!! Because no one dropped dead, it's "safe?" Because no one got COVID (in either group!) it's "effective?"

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At this point, we can't even trust their clinical trials:

"Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight"



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Alex did an analysis of the original Pfizer trial that basically showed that the trial didn't show what they claimed it showed. Same number of people died in the vcxx arm as the control arm.

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"Poor practices" is elitist code for "Pure Corruption"

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How long did the trial last? Six weeks?

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8 weeks. The vaccinators now say the vax keeps you out of the hospital. That's not what Pfizers 12/11/20 press release says. It says it received the first EUA for a vaccine to PREVENT COVID

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As you are well aware, you ain't gonna learn feces about the long-term effects of anything in 8 weeks.

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Why would anyone listen to the series of utter lies coming from their pie holes? I cannot believe how many people are so gullible.

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I’m like you. These parents are my friends and they firmly believe they are doing the best thing for their family. They believe the CDC. That’s it. I’m wondering what the heck happened to my party… where their logic went.

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They actually didn't change at all.

Their supposed concern for the "less fortunate" was always just an excuse for more power in their hands. The moment having more power meant actively persecuting the less fortunate then their true colors were revealed.

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Yes, true. Their hand is shown because the power grab is frantic as they have gotten more greedy. Also, though, there were actual liberals in the Democratic Party once upon a time. Watch those Republicans though, many are just as corrupt and greedy. We probably need a conservative/liberal party (sounds crazy) but basically a party that promotes government leaving folks alone.

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So true. If republicans had the same opportunity to power grab the way the dems are they would be acting the very same way.

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And the foundations of which are common sense, logic and truth. Vaxing children of any age goes against all three of those.

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It’s a really dizzying experience right? Like their ability to ask critical questions has just been totally stunted— And on the coasts (lived in NYC before this) these are the same parents who only give their kids organic good, who limit sugar intake, and make sure they have the BPA free lunchboxes. So what gives?!

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My brother and wife live in a totally Dem, lefty area of N. California. They always refused to give their two kids any vaccines growing up, ate only organic food, etc etc. Yet they ALL stampeded to the clinic to get this particular vaccine. It's hard to figure out. I don't discuss any of this with them, or my decision to NOT ever get the vax. A discussion would be useless, their opinions are non negotiable, I know exactly what they would say so I don't go there. My brother had prostate cancer 15 years ago. If his cancer recurs, I'll know why although I doubt if he will.

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Insane. Mass hysteria

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Wow — that’s a powerful story.

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Stampeded is exactly the right word. Humans are a herding species.

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May I ask you a question, Searching for Balance? You mention the denial of religious exemptions affecting your decision to vote rep, but how did you go from from such a left wing family to where you are now? What was it that changed you? I know these transformations are difficult and I'm always impressed with people's bravery in these cases.

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I grew up believing in classically liberal values - I think I still hold them. But I’ve just witnessed too much hypocrisy, and a lack of compassion for such large swaths of the country by people who associate with the left. Too much demonization of those who don’t agree with the “virtuous” and it just seems so deeply insincere, and intolerant and unkind. It’s the past few years that it’s been building and this covid crisis I guess it just hit fever pitch. Thanks for asking.

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When I was a kid, Democrats were all about disrespecting authority, peacenik, for the little guy. It's been bizarre for me to watch them become the party of the billionaires, despising blue-collar workers, and warmongering (blame Russia!).

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Maybe they were targeted by the billionaire class.

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We have no friends left. Everyone in the family caved except me, my wife, youngest son and his wife. This is 1933 Nazi Germany. The start of the Third Reich. At the forefront were the doctors, and the epidemiology of defining a sub segment of the population as ‘dirty’ and the source of all Germany’s problems. I’ll wear my star proudly, thank you very much.

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I was not invited to a family wedding and family reunion this summer! They have all drank the kool-aid and think of me as scum because I didn’t get the jab! I have already had Covid and my immunity is better than than theirs but they have blinders on! So sad!

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I am so sorry you had to go through that feeling of neglect and abandonment. I admire you standing up in your convictions because it is hard for me and I haven’t even had the type of ostracizing that you had

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There is a big difference this time. We "Jews" are armed to the teeth with AR15s, bullet proof vests, night vision, silencers, etc. and have drawn a line in the sand, which is vax using physical force including imprisonment, that will not be crossed without bloodshed. Don't think for a second that anyone is going to lay hands on people like me and threaten my life or my freedom without me going Rambo.

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This is how politicians create monsters of your neighbors - by convincing them that doing something that is wrong, is right. Once pushed over that edge, it's not long before your neighbor will be capable of shooting someone in the back of the head, so the victim can fall over into the very convenient mass grave that's been dug to accept the body. But it will all be for the greater good. The shooters will be convinced of it.

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You’ve taken this to a dark place, but my knowledge of history and my own family’s ancestry tells me that you’re right. I have wondered all my life how certain atrocities took place, and I don’t wonder anymore. It’s a sobering wake up.

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I know. But I also know we can't take this blithely. There are serious consequences to the taking the road we're on. People frequently object, "But those things can't happen. These are modern times!" But terrible things ALWAYS happen in "modern times," it's impossible for them to happen at any other time.

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People need to study history very carefully. It's beyond naive to think such atrocities and genocides could not happen now. Modern times are different, but people are not. The lust for power and what people will do to achieve and retain it has not changed in a thousand or more years.

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Nov 4, 2021
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I was wondering if he could have been being sarcastic. But it's unlikely as he would surely see how it could be used against him. It just seems that basically he was always a hater.

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Newsflash. I am not stuck on this planet with them. They are stuck here with me.

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I'm not an American, so the party affiliation issue means nothing to me. But, on the losing friends, having one's eyes open to the reality, I say with whole hearted support; WELCOME ABOARD!! Glad to have you and don't worry about losing some friends, you'll make many new ones. The groundswell of people who see what's going on is growing, you're NOT alone!!!!

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HEAR HEAR. Those who would disown you over this are of low moral fiber and are best dusted off your sandals like dirt.

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You're right - and it's great to have the reminder as often as possible. Because of course the powers driving this bus do certainly want us feeling strapped in tight and helplessly isolated in our own, separate seats!

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I hear you! Same in Blue NY. I am still readjusting to my new normal - that the red dogs on Staten Island feel more trustworthy than my local bleeding hearts who think equity=more vax doses in school for our "underprivileged" kids

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I'll be your friend.

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Some may think this is funny or a joke but I see it actually happening.

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No joke. I have made more friends in the last year than I have in the last 20.

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Yes, some friends will disown you. I live near SF, and have commuted to the Valley on/off for 15+ years. Seeing SF decay (culture, safety, critical thinking, etc...) is a tragedy that I've witnessed first hand.

One MD friend has already disowned me. He invited my fiancé and I out for drinks and discovered to his horror that we're not vaccinated. The conversation got awkward and uncomfortable. It's bizarre. No matter how intelligent you think your friends are do not underestimate the religious zealotry of the vaccine believers. They are already fully committed.

I have friends and family moving out of state now to places like Florida, Texas, and Nevada. The migration out of CA is real. Sadly, the ppl moving out of this state will likely further embolden the rot that is happening in CA.

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I could have written this. Fortunately, I left CA (Sacramento area) before COVID (in summer 2019) for AZ (wish we'd picked Florida, but my husband and I are multi-generational Californians so we're not really east coast people.) Many of our friends left before us (mostly for Texas and Nevada) and several left after us (Texas, Florida, Tennessee). COVID was the tipping point for many, but CA has been falling apart for years. I'm originally from the SF Bay Area and the difference between when I grew up in the 70s and 80s to the last Giants game I went to in 2019 was stark. Even a conference I went to in 2008 I avoiding homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk. But COVID reaction was stunning.

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I hope none of your lefty friends get Red Pilled by the death or injury of a child. But I do believe that many kids will suffer across this once great nation.

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I feel that death or permanent disability of their child will be the ONLY way these people will wake up from the trance. Just like it has happened to the thousands of vax-injured families since 1986. Yeah...the ones that have been ignored by the CDC/FDA mafia, and called 'anti-vaxxers'. The cult of vaccines must never be questioned. These doctors and bureaucrats are criminals and deserve to end up in jail.

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I agree that the only way to get the Covid Cult believers to wake up out of their trance is for many of them and their loved ones to become extremely sickened, injured, and to die horrible deaths due to the covid "vaccines." If that's what needs to happen, then that's what needs to happen. I'm aware this sounds cruel. But reality can be cruel, or at least harsh and devastating.

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This was me 5 years ago. I saw it coming, and I have friends that saw it coming many years before I did. I lost about 90% of my friends back then, but the 10% are oddly immigrants, except for my former boss who is a Bernie bro, voted for Hillary and Biden, yet he kept in touch regardless.

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Not odd that the immigrants understand these things better than born Americans. They have already lived through it. Came to they US to escape it.

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Stay strong, you’re doing the right thing

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I escaped SF a few years ago, before COVID started. I am so worried for you all the there, especially the kids. I don't ask my SF friends how it's going because they all think I'm nuts--you know how it is. Will you really need a vax card just to take your kids to Philz??? It's terrifying.

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Where did you escaped to? Yeah, everyone thinks I’m crazy when I voice the concerns. They are literally posting pics of their kids holding up their vax cards / talking about how excited their kids are to get the shot on swapping high-five emojis on Facebook. Some of the comments on this thread felt a little harsh to me about Dems but I can sort of understand how that behavior seems demonic. I say this with a heavy heart. I love some of these people. But don’t be posting pics of your kids getting this shot as a virtue signal. It’s just not right.

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Oh Searching, I ended up back in the Boston area....bluest of blue zone. It's horrible and full of SF types, but with a more dour, puritanical spin. [Feels great that Free State NH is just 40 miles north, though.] That said, even a couple towns out from here is more normal. But it's an "out of the fire and into the frying pan situation." Hope you find a community...mine is saving me. There are likeminded people everywhere.

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This is reassuring Oppositional Defiance! And at least you can enjoy that beautiful New England foliage? The first snow is pretty too. Sigh. Stay strong!

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They're waiting for you to provide the dissonance. They want out.

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You better tell those “blind” parents that they better open their eyes an educate themselves on this vaccine “approved” for children. I believe we are going to see disastrous effects from injecting this into our children.

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