For many of us, this is one of the toughest things we have had to live through. It is painful to watch people who are smart enough to know better constantly turn a blind eye to the truth of what is happening. My entire profession of dentists in the US appears to be captured! We were lectured by our largest organization (the ADA) to not spread misinformation about masks or vaccines yet we are supposed to respect the critical design of scientific discovery???!! We were also told by the ADA that it is ethical to deny treatment to an unvaccinated person. I do not recognize this world we live in!
I continue to post on our state dental forum, in an effort to enlighten other providers....I feel like I am trying to move mountains :(
I’m so sorry. The same is happening with Nurse licensing Boards. Part of our job entails educating patients & being their advocates. I’ve been written up so many times for warning my patients about Remdesivir, I could wallpaper the entire ICU ‘Rona unit with them. My State Board is threatening loss of licensure for spreading “misinformation “ . The real science is on our side. I’ve requested the peer reviewed double blind studies proving Remdesivir is safe and effective. Crickets. Keep fighting!
Thank you. I heard Remdsivir was called, "Death is Near." Can you share the stats on its death rate with Ebola patients without actually talking about covid? And its link to kidney failure?
"However, remdesivir, a nucleotide analogue prodrug originally developed for the treatment of Ebola virus, was found to inhibit the replication of a wide range of human and animal coronaviruses in vitro and in preclinical studies."
Everyone should buy the hard copy print version. Digital media can be censored. We all know the state is in favor of censorship. Plus we all need to support to few voices left in journalism who are actually trying to find out the truth about these vaccines and the monsters who wish to force us them on us or lock us up. Buy the full price hard copy. I bought two hard copies of Pandemia. And two hard copies of Robert Kennedys “Tony Fauci is a Monster.”
That's why I bought 2 copies of Pandemic from Amazon....I wanted them to know there are people out here who are seeking the truth. I also purchased RFK, Jr's book and I highly reccommend Scott Atlas's A Plague Upon Our House .... he exposes the groupthink and corruption of Trump's WH taskforce "trifecta" of Fausti, Birx and Redfield.
I listened to a doctor who is familiar with the adverse affects of Remdisivir. He said that, during the early stages of the ordeal, that when he heard from fellow doctors that patients in hospital were experiencing kidney failure, he knew immediately that Remdisivir was the cause. Apparently that's one of the common side effects of the drug, but doctors using it were unaware (we hope).
Real America's Voice News is having a special on that tomorrow night (12/7) featuring two whistle-blower doctors in Michigan, and they specifically discuss Remdisivir.
Heh. My dentist suffered neurological problems post-vax that left her worried she would be unable to continue her practice. Fortunately they did go away. But she will not be getting any boosters and could be fairly accurately described now as anti-vax.
who will ever bust that shield Pharma has of being untouchable for any and all injection adverse events? Seems like they are made of Teflon. Zero accountability. Real accountability that is...
Not an expert here, but pretty sure the EUA is blanket protection for all products, services and even layers of supply chain. "Vaccines" have the extra, separate protection. If and when any of their products go off EUA, e.g. get full approval, I assume that opens much of the chain to liability claims, but not the vaccine (maker) itself. Now if I were an attorney, I would be working day and night to find a way to prove in a court of law that the mRNA jabs are NOT vaccines...
Seem obvious they are not a vaccine to many. At best they lessen symptoms. Sure there is a spike in antibodies to the spike protein, but that is simply a immune response and the old definition of a vaccine was to provide immunity and not reduction of symptoms technically. Notice the definition was changed fairly recently to know reflect what these injections actually do. How could a lawyer not argue that manipulation?
Thanks ! You must be the needle in the haystack. Don't give up. We are almost there. The fortress is crumbling. A drop of water can make the bucket run over. One rock can cause an avalanche. And it is about to happen. Soon the hole dirty story is going to collapse and you will be the one that told them so. Thank you for that.
So propaganda works in other words. There is no point in trying to "convince" others. The important thing is to realize that you indeed haven't gone insane, stay open-minded yourself and other than that go about your day. Avoid Karens at all cost.
Good advice but this ADA lecture just came out to us. They are doubling down and NO ONE in dentistry seems to be taking notice. In what world do we deny treatment to a patient??!!
I was in dentistry during the AIDS epidemic and it was unethical to deny treatment or to treat them differently than another patient. We are trained to treat all patients as if they are diseased, hence our strict sterilization protocols. This is why I am so disappointed in our profession...we're changing ethical practices just to keep up with the narrative.
I am a RN and also am experiencing crushing disappointment with my profession and the medical field in general for so many errors, so many times when we could have steered the public health response away from the panic, away from causing so much harm.
The issue that grieves me most is that the very people who were tasked with promoting and protecting informed consent killed it and then supported the punishment of patients who did not give consent.
I can’t let it go either, retired from pharmacy, it was bad in the past few years for many reasons, addiction, reimbursements etc, but this is so disturbing. Sad. Glad we’re out.
Same here. I'm retired now and I can't believe this. There is no way we could have denied treatment to an AIDS patient. I don't even think we could inquire about their HIV status.
^This is exactly right. Some of the genesis for HIPPA was because employers were asking about it, sometimes as a way to find out if someone were potentially gay. Sick then and sick now.
There may even be a bit of irony in there: If the SARS-CoV-2 did come from a lab, which is quite possible, then any number of speculations become more likely. One of many is that the virus has inserts from the HIV virus. This is easily within the realm of possibility, perhaps even probability. Among the many (published) research tricks was making the virus more infectious in humans, so why not? I've skimmed some of the published SARS and GoF research and I believe HIV/AIDS virus experimentation is mentioned.
Or how about people whose teeth are wrecked because they choose to do drugs or eat sugar, or just don’t take care of their teeth? They’d never be denied treatment.
I mean we've always denied treatment to people who can't afford it, it is the American way :) . Just pretend the vaccinated people you don't like are unvaccinated behind their back to your colleagues or make up rumors that they told you they faked their vaccine card and you don't feel safe, you can deny people you don't like treatment to as well.
That's not precisely true, in the US it was possible to negotiate with a doctor for care. Not every doctor, but there were plenty who treated poor people and took a loss for it. Now with the federal government sticking its fingers in everything, there are places that refuse Medicare. That's a fail. The US government forced care at its prices and deprived doctors of discretionary charity.
Tell that to my overwhelmed RN spouse, who treats drug-seeking homeless people every single shift. Many of whom are in the hospital with vague symptoms and receive in-patient care for WEEKS. (It's super popular with the homeless population this time of year: free shelter, free food, and free opioids.
Trained medical professionals have to weigh the conflict between their medical knowledge and their well compensated livelihood. Initially it was an easy call because few of them had any training in epidemiology, beyond the basics, if at all, and relied on authorities to guide them. After two years of obvious failures, everyone with any medical training at all understands the failures of not only the vax, but of the authorities. So, now the tie breaker will be the integrity of individual practitioners. Many, if not most, are honest enough to speak up for ending the insanity. The tyranny will quickly collapse.
I have health professionals look me in the eye and tell me the jab is necessary. I know they are lying. As a former health professional, they know I know they are lying. Yet they continue to insult my intelligence with feeding me a line of bs.
Unfortunately most health people don't know much about vaccines, either. They only learn how many to give. They don't know what is in it and except for a few, don't bother to read books on the topic. They all think vaccines work.
That is so true. Many doctors forgot about it. Vaccines can harm. The least a doctor could do is tell that. When I came to the US I was given 7 shots without a word. No one asked, no one even told me which ones it were! I was appalled. If I had known I might not have come LOL
Nothing is without risk. "Do no harm" is a great precept but in the real world the best we can hope for is "Minimize the risk of harm." As I already pontificated in a post above 🙂, yes each of those 7 vaccines had a risk, probably measured at one in several million each. It is also quite possible you would not have been allowed to remain in the USA unless you got those vaccines.
If you drive a car, you probably had training to do so, you are sober and wear a seat belt and don't drive like a maniac. All these improve your chances, but nothing can guarantee you won't be injured or killed on the road. But still, most of us take that chance many times a day without even worrying about it.
Still, they could have told me these shots were mandatory, and which ones it were. I had almost all child sicknesses and natural immunity which is preferable. Several other immigrants told me they did not get them or only part of them. Luckily so far all I got is some mild allergies, that are probably not from that. Reading DR Suzanne Humphries book though, made me think of it again. There should be choice, like there is choice to travel or not to travel. I think the government should not interfere, and certainly not connect with pharmaceutical companies, to do that. I know the American government holds the patents to several vaccines. Your health should be your own responsibility (and it should be thaught in schools) and that of your doctor of choice. As to the do no harm rule, indeed, the best a doctor can do is.. do his best. NOT do what big pharma commands.
Most doctors are total idiots. They can memorize things from a textbook that’s it. Most of them become callous and insensitive somewhere along the way. I work with a surgeon who proudly boasted in the Operating Room that he was able to get his two teenage sons vaccinated with Moderna months before any other kids under 18 had EUA access to the shots. I asked him “why would you do that!? Moderna has been outlawed in 7 countries for everyone under 30 due to risk of myocarditis. Only Phizer is given to kids in the US under EUA and even Phizer has a 1:5000 risk of myocarditis and has less than 2 months of safety data in kids. If you gave your kids 100ug of Moderna then you overdosed them by at least a factor of 3 compared to the kid dose for Phizer”. He turned to me and said “I had no idea you were an antivaxer! I don’t want you in my operating room any more. “
There are still smart, kind doctors out there with excellent bedside manner. But the average doctor is completely average which makes their advice completely untrustworthy.
That’s why you still read about doctors cutting off the wrong leg of a patient. Or doctors leaving sponges inside a patients body during surgery. Really.
These are the same doctors that tell your Remdesivir, decadron and intubation are the only approved treatments they can offer you for covid.
The dentist is not alone. There are MANY doctors who will not accept patients who are unvaccinated. Unbelievable, since it is well known by know that vaccines are non sterilizing. The vaccinated can catch covid, spread covid and carry more covid germs in their nasopharynx then the unvaccinated. UK data literally shows a pandemic of the VACCINATED. Using vaccination as a prerequisite for anything is completely unfounded.
You MUST be your OWN Heath care advocate! You can not trust the average doctor, the hospital administrators, the CDC and the FDA. Get your own medicine from a trustworthy doctor as an outpatient BEFORE you get sick. Have a Emergency covid medicine kit ready in your medicine cabinet. Stay out of the hospital by taking prophylaxis and early treatment. Use the FLCCC, McCullough, or the Tyson/Fareerd protocols.
Print out some medical journals that are relevant and leave them taped to your surgeons locker.
Back in my mid-20s I rented a room in a high school friend's house. His dad was a very intelligent (MS EE from MIT) but very eccentric. Mr. "Jones" was into alternative health (vitamins, etc.) Relevant to your post, one of his stories was that he'd tried to be the advocate for his mother when she was in the hospital. He was concerned that she didn't get the best forms of care. And this was back in the early 1980s. Mr. Jones used to say the "people go into the hospital to die." At the time, I thought it was hyperbole. But forty years on, I'm not so sure.😐
ThAnk you for sharing all of that!! I'm SO done with people calling the "UNvaxinated" anti-vaxers, simply for having common sense, a BRAIN, and using it to make probably the smartest decision ever made - staying awaY from these dangerously toxic jabs. My response to the Dr. Falsely SCIENCE HIMSELF (luvv that from another here) misinformation induced blind and mentality impaired now is - "You know it's noT a vaccine, don't you?" - and to "LOOK IT UP...and while you're at it, look anY of his claims up (just not on Google), and do a lil bit of research for yourself." It's all SOOO unnerving!!
Again, Thx for your share!! Wise, helpful info... : )
Only by some in the medical profession. I would prefer to say my colleagues see it as elastic-- works when the regulators/associations say it does and doesn't work when we are told it doesn't 🙄. Here in Toronto, our associations are very very political-- hence the shut the f#$$ up about vaccines.
Yes, I know my doctors are camouflaging the truth, simply because I have known them for so long and can read facial expressions and body language. I actually think it is painful for them. Then there are those that are vax zealots.
We're always saddened to learn doctors are human, too. We hope for wisdom, if not omniscience, but millions of their patients die every year, sometimes because of their limitations, but often because of their errors. Medical errors are not well documented for all the usual reasons, but it's considered by many to be 3rd or 4th highest cause of death in the US.
Patients have responsibilities, too. Among those is supervising our doctors who are our employees just like auto mechanics and cab drivers. We get better results if we know what they're doing.
I see a couple specialists. Last week, my pulmonist. There was a new, tiny spot in my lung, but apparently nothing to worry about. I asked Dr. X if he'd seen an increase in business this year. I was digging for possible vax commentary. His answer was rather offhand, like "it varies". He is neither pro nor anti vaxx with me at least, he only asks if I've taken the vaxx.
I look forward to my next visit to my cardiologist. I hope to have a more sophisticated question to trip him up. 😈
Several nurses I know who have worked 20 years+ for a fairly large healthcare organization tell me the majority of those they work with MD's, Nurses etc choose to bite their lip to keep their job, not be ostracized or be targeted as spreading in reality TRUTH of these 2020 and beyond whu-flu measures put in place. Think about how much power and control the CDC, FDA and Big Pharma has over the heads of these people. Talk about mafia like coercion to silence these individuals
But the hospital systems aren't taking people for a car ride from which they never return...they're firing them. People have been injured, disabled, and died because of the willful ignorance and cowardice of these doctors and nurses. I have no sympathy.
I had an appt with my surgeon (he has operated on me before) and his longtime PA. I like them both very much. He is a top surgeon at large hospital in a major city. My record clearly indicates that I am not vaccinated. I would have to test negative before any surgery, but that's it. I really wanted to inquire about the hospital vaccine mandate, but I didn't wish to put them in an untenable situation.
Did nurses get addicted to this "frontline heroes" thing and then when they got all this attention they kept going with it. The way some of these nurses would describe the scene at their hospitals they made it sound like they were medics on the front line administering morphine and taking off their dog tags when it reality they are nowhere near the ER or the Covid unit, they are just paper pushers but you would have no idea the way they describe it.
There are several hospitals near where I live so there are nurses everywhere and they keep this rona narrative going by stories of "perfectly healthy, maybe a little overweight, who one day is fine and the next day she is dead" story that my wife loves to share. There is always more to the story but I just let it be.
Someday soon you are going to see a press conference similar to this one below.
My dentist isn't crazy...but my ophthalmologist is completely broken. My daughter has a history of childhood asthma and is currently flaring. She's been working with children and has been sick three times in the last six months after years of no issues. She's a young adult, so I have influence...maybe...but I can't force her to do anything. Finally, after a week of coughing despite the action plan, I convinced her to call her asthma doctor on Friday. The triage nurse told her that she'd have to get a PCR test (despite two negative antigens tests) before they would schedule an emergency appointment. I'm livid. Effing lunatics.
I can tell you with certainty, many are pushovers,pussies and wimps, and a few are stupid, 35 years dealing with healthcare, I apologize to the good ones.
Do these doctors realize that when something bad happens to their patients that is directly related to these injections who the grieving spouse is going to confront? Not some CEO of Big Pharma or Dr. Fauci, it is going to be the doctor or nurse who pushed it on them.
Eventually this pandemic is going to get exposed and like every big crisis there will be a collective excuse that gets everyone off the hook (What's good for Wall Street is good for Main Street). It will be guilt by association, a mass hysteria moment of history "We all got caught up in it" that nobody gets the blame.
Tell those excuses to a mom/dad that loses a kid or he has some massive heart condition that ruins his life. If a doctor/nurse pushed that on my kid and the end result was death, God forbid what I might do to this person.
These decisions are going to have dire consequences and already are ripping families apart and pitting us against each other (part of the Grand Plan of leftists)
Doctors and nurses are the ones that should be the calming factor when people come in and there head is full of illnesses they think they have after scouring the internet to find out what is wrong with them. Now the doctors are the ones scaring the crap out of people by fear porn. I'm better off just staying at home and do what I always do and use common sense.
If this virus is so bad, then why aren't there hundreds of people found dead in their homes instead of the hospital?
Thanks for the response and keep speaking out and challenging the narrative. I've pissed a lot of people off by just speaking facts and asking questions but it has been worth it because as time passes people are starting to see that I was right all along.
I should add that she is unvaxxed. I didn't have to say a thing. She wanted no parts of it, even though most of her friends got the jabs by choice. She's required to test weekly by her employer.
I'm so glad to have the dentist I have. He and I and his hygienists have been tearing the whole fraudulent-vaccine putsch to shreds since he was allowed to reopen June 2020. How is it dentists haven't required covid tests when they go mining one of the filthiest parts of our bodies? For me to get a spinal RF nerve ablation I have to get a covid test. Are dentists somehow supposed to be more immune than someone sticking a red hot needle in my back? I'm so glad I know this guy.
No surprise to me that the dental profession is captured. These are the people who put mercury in our mouths for over 150 years and claimed it was perfectly safe, even while they required the unused paste to be treated as highly toxic hazardous waste and disposed of accordingly.
So it sounds like the ADA would be ok with a dentist not treating someone with an infected tooth that could go to their brain. That would be nuts. We need new institutions. All of these institutions are captured by idiocy and when it comes to denying treatment, cruelty. Before treatment of any kind, I am inclined to ask my doctor/dentist their opinion on the vaccines first. Thank you for standing up.
I agree. I work with educators who should be able to read all the data and make different decisions. But, they don't. They follow like cattle going through the chute to their slaughter. Willingly and without fear trusting what happens at the end of that chute is good for them. I think it boils down to having a serious relationship with Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit in me is what makes me able
to see clearly the evil in all of this. Too many people don't have that and are blinded to truth. Even when it's right in front of them. That's the only explanation that makes sense to me.
I just signed up with a new dentist in Virginia Beach on Friday, they’re outside my insurance coverage (Puerto Rico) so I’m going to have to pay out-of-pocket for all my visits including the first visit, a comprehensive one, that runs nearly $500. But that’s better than being injected with an experimental drug about which there is literally zero long-term safety and efficacy data.
For many of us, this is one of the toughest things we have had to live through. It is painful to watch people who are smart enough to know better constantly turn a blind eye to the truth of what is happening. My entire profession of dentists in the US appears to be captured! We were lectured by our largest organization (the ADA) to not spread misinformation about masks or vaccines yet we are supposed to respect the critical design of scientific discovery???!! We were also told by the ADA that it is ethical to deny treatment to an unvaccinated person. I do not recognize this world we live in!
I continue to post on our state dental forum, in an effort to enlighten other providers....I feel like I am trying to move mountains :(
I’m so sorry. The same is happening with Nurse licensing Boards. Part of our job entails educating patients & being their advocates. I’ve been written up so many times for warning my patients about Remdesivir, I could wallpaper the entire ICU ‘Rona unit with them. My State Board is threatening loss of licensure for spreading “misinformation “ . The real science is on our side. I’ve requested the peer reviewed double blind studies proving Remdesivir is safe and effective. Crickets. Keep fighting!
Remdesivir is, along with the vaccine, highly "recommended" by Science HIMSELF
Dr. Anthony Fauci.
SCIENCE HIMSELF 🤣🤣🤣. Great one!
Needs to be eliminated.
Bless you for this post! Made me literally laugh out loud, and I really needed to. Just the best. Thank You!
Lol yeah made me laugh out loud, too! 😂
I call him Dr. Falsey
Stealing that—fits him much better.
Lol Have at it!
Thank you. I heard Remdsivir was called, "Death is Near." Can you share the stats on its death rate with Ebola patients without actually talking about covid? And its link to kidney failure?
"However, remdesivir, a nucleotide analogue prodrug originally developed for the treatment of Ebola virus, was found to inhibit the replication of a wide range of human and animal coronaviruses in vitro and in preclinical studies."
Read "the real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy Junior. He has a whole charter about Remdesevir.
A must read! He’s our century’s Hitler.
Dr Mengele
Everybody should get the digital version of the book (2.99).
It is very helpful for understanding the present reality.
Everyone should buy the hard copy print version. Digital media can be censored. We all know the state is in favor of censorship. Plus we all need to support to few voices left in journalism who are actually trying to find out the truth about these vaccines and the monsters who wish to force us them on us or lock us up. Buy the full price hard copy. I bought two hard copies of Pandemia. And two hard copies of Robert Kennedys “Tony Fauci is a Monster.”
That's why I bought 2 copies of Pandemic from Amazon....I wanted them to know there are people out here who are seeking the truth. I also purchased RFK, Jr's book and I highly reccommend Scott Atlas's A Plague Upon Our House .... he exposes the groupthink and corruption of Trump's WH taskforce "trifecta" of Fausti, Birx and Redfield.
Infuriating to read, but excellent book!
Us too, pass them around. Can't bring to our senior community library as I'm sure it will disappear!
I've just read the intro and first chapter and have already highlighted numerous points. It's dense and full of great information.
I listened to a doctor who is familiar with the adverse affects of Remdisivir. He said that, during the early stages of the ordeal, that when he heard from fellow doctors that patients in hospital were experiencing kidney failure, he knew immediately that Remdisivir was the cause. Apparently that's one of the common side effects of the drug, but doctors using it were unaware (we hope).
I doubt they were. Most MDs are crazy Jab Cultists.
Real America's Voice News is having a special on that tomorrow night (12/7) featuring two whistle-blower doctors in Michigan, and they specifically discuss Remdisivir.
First I've heard of Real America's Voice; thank you for the reference.
The Vaxx is a state-sponsored religion.
Wow. We appreciate your persistence and support your fight! (I'm sure at least some colleagues are just keeping their head down and saying nothing)
Heh. My dentist suffered neurological problems post-vax that left her worried she would be unable to continue her practice. Fortunately they did go away. But she will not be getting any boosters and could be fairly accurately described now as anti-vax.
That makes me sad for her. I am glad she is better!
Got a skeptical dentist here in the Bay Area.
Whoa, where?!
Can anyone confirm the adverse injection event Celine Dion is suffering from or is that just mis-info?
They will *never* say that's what caused it. It could have been the flu shot too. She may have gotten both on the same day.
who will ever bust that shield Pharma has of being untouchable for any and all injection adverse events? Seems like they are made of Teflon. Zero accountability. Real accountability that is...
Not an expert here, but pretty sure the EUA is blanket protection for all products, services and even layers of supply chain. "Vaccines" have the extra, separate protection. If and when any of their products go off EUA, e.g. get full approval, I assume that opens much of the chain to liability claims, but not the vaccine (maker) itself. Now if I were an attorney, I would be working day and night to find a way to prove in a court of law that the mRNA jabs are NOT vaccines...
Seem obvious they are not a vaccine to many. At best they lessen symptoms. Sure there is a spike in antibodies to the spike protein, but that is simply a immune response and the old definition of a vaccine was to provide immunity and not reduction of symptoms technically. Notice the definition was changed fairly recently to know reflect what these injections actually do. How could a lawyer not argue that manipulation?
oh that would be interesting...
Silver lining.
Thanks ! You must be the needle in the haystack. Don't give up. We are almost there. The fortress is crumbling. A drop of water can make the bucket run over. One rock can cause an avalanche. And it is about to happen. Soon the hole dirty story is going to collapse and you will be the one that told them so. Thank you for that.
In Germany, the saying is "the drop of water makes a hole in the stone."
Keeping up the fight for truth!!
Beautiful comment-- so true 🥰
So propaganda works in other words. There is no point in trying to "convince" others. The important thing is to realize that you indeed haven't gone insane, stay open-minded yourself and other than that go about your day. Avoid Karens at all cost.
Good advice but this ADA lecture just came out to us. They are doubling down and NO ONE in dentistry seems to be taking notice. In what world do we deny treatment to a patient??!!
If you asked them if you were supposed to treat people with Aids, what do you think they would say?
I was in dentistry during the AIDS epidemic and it was unethical to deny treatment or to treat them differently than another patient. We are trained to treat all patients as if they are diseased, hence our strict sterilization protocols. This is why I am so disappointed in our profession...we're changing ethical practices just to keep up with the narrative.
Thank you Jessica for your insight.
I am a RN and also am experiencing crushing disappointment with my profession and the medical field in general for so many errors, so many times when we could have steered the public health response away from the panic, away from causing so much harm.
The issue that grieves me most is that the very people who were tasked with promoting and protecting informed consent killed it and then supported the punishment of patients who did not give consent.
This is unforgivable. I can’t let this go.
I totally understand! I love what I do but it is getting more and more difficult to be in a field of sheep.
I can’t let it go either, retired from pharmacy, it was bad in the past few years for many reasons, addiction, reimbursements etc, but this is so disturbing. Sad. Glad we’re out.
Same here. I'm retired now and I can't believe this. There is no way we could have denied treatment to an AIDS patient. I don't even think we could inquire about their HIV status.
^This is exactly right. Some of the genesis for HIPPA was because employers were asking about it, sometimes as a way to find out if someone were potentially gay. Sick then and sick now.
How things have changed!
There may even be a bit of irony in there: If the SARS-CoV-2 did come from a lab, which is quite possible, then any number of speculations become more likely. One of many is that the virus has inserts from the HIV virus. This is easily within the realm of possibility, perhaps even probability. Among the many (published) research tricks was making the virus more infectious in humans, so why not? I've skimmed some of the published SARS and GoF research and I believe HIV/AIDS virus experimentation is mentioned.
Or how about people whose teeth are wrecked because they choose to do drugs or eat sugar, or just don’t take care of their teeth? They’d never be denied treatment.
I would take this to a human rights (or similar type) lawyer and sue the ADA's ar**s for discrimination and gross negligence.
What is it with the ADA. Look how wrong and for how long they were with amalgam mouth fillings!
I mean we've always denied treatment to people who can't afford it, it is the American way :) . Just pretend the vaccinated people you don't like are unvaccinated behind their back to your colleagues or make up rumors that they told you they faked their vaccine card and you don't feel safe, you can deny people you don't like treatment to as well.
That's not precisely true, in the US it was possible to negotiate with a doctor for care. Not every doctor, but there were plenty who treated poor people and took a loss for it. Now with the federal government sticking its fingers in everything, there are places that refuse Medicare. That's a fail. The US government forced care at its prices and deprived doctors of discretionary charity.
Tell that to my overwhelmed RN spouse, who treats drug-seeking homeless people every single shift. Many of whom are in the hospital with vague symptoms and receive in-patient care for WEEKS. (It's super popular with the homeless population this time of year: free shelter, free food, and free opioids.
PS: guess how many of my wife's homeless patients are vaxxed?
I met a lovely Karen at a protest in front of parliament here in Melbourne. I hate this Karen thing. There are male equivalents of them too.
Yes, there are!
Thank you. I need reassurance. My family thinks I'm nuts.
You are not nuts! Stay strong, stay informed and pray that their eyes will be opened!
Don't give up. A wonderful quote from eugyppius: 'You should never do their work for them by despairing of an end'.
Trained medical professionals have to weigh the conflict between their medical knowledge and their well compensated livelihood. Initially it was an easy call because few of them had any training in epidemiology, beyond the basics, if at all, and relied on authorities to guide them. After two years of obvious failures, everyone with any medical training at all understands the failures of not only the vax, but of the authorities. So, now the tie breaker will be the integrity of individual practitioners. Many, if not most, are honest enough to speak up for ending the insanity. The tyranny will quickly collapse.
I have health professionals look me in the eye and tell me the jab is necessary. I know they are lying. As a former health professional, they know I know they are lying. Yet they continue to insult my intelligence with feeding me a line of bs.
They're desperate.
Unfortunately most health people don't know much about vaccines, either. They only learn how many to give. They don't know what is in it and except for a few, don't bother to read books on the topic. They all think vaccines work.
True....but it is our job to understand and offer informed consent. The Hippocratic Oath has been thrown out...
That is so true. Many doctors forgot about it. Vaccines can harm. The least a doctor could do is tell that. When I came to the US I was given 7 shots without a word. No one asked, no one even told me which ones it were! I was appalled. If I had known I might not have come LOL
Nothing is without risk. "Do no harm" is a great precept but in the real world the best we can hope for is "Minimize the risk of harm." As I already pontificated in a post above 🙂, yes each of those 7 vaccines had a risk, probably measured at one in several million each. It is also quite possible you would not have been allowed to remain in the USA unless you got those vaccines.
If you drive a car, you probably had training to do so, you are sober and wear a seat belt and don't drive like a maniac. All these improve your chances, but nothing can guarantee you won't be injured or killed on the road. But still, most of us take that chance many times a day without even worrying about it.
True. That is why I drive as little as possible.
Still, they could have told me these shots were mandatory, and which ones it were. I had almost all child sicknesses and natural immunity which is preferable. Several other immigrants told me they did not get them or only part of them. Luckily so far all I got is some mild allergies, that are probably not from that. Reading DR Suzanne Humphries book though, made me think of it again. There should be choice, like there is choice to travel or not to travel. I think the government should not interfere, and certainly not connect with pharmaceutical companies, to do that. I know the American government holds the patents to several vaccines. Your health should be your own responsibility (and it should be thaught in schools) and that of your doctor of choice. As to the do no harm rule, indeed, the best a doctor can do is.. do his best. NOT do what big pharma commands.
Beyond evil. I want to get out of nursing. Worked with a surgeon the other day who wants all unjabbed locked in our homes, like Germany.
Most doctors are total idiots. They can memorize things from a textbook that’s it. Most of them become callous and insensitive somewhere along the way. I work with a surgeon who proudly boasted in the Operating Room that he was able to get his two teenage sons vaccinated with Moderna months before any other kids under 18 had EUA access to the shots. I asked him “why would you do that!? Moderna has been outlawed in 7 countries for everyone under 30 due to risk of myocarditis. Only Phizer is given to kids in the US under EUA and even Phizer has a 1:5000 risk of myocarditis and has less than 2 months of safety data in kids. If you gave your kids 100ug of Moderna then you overdosed them by at least a factor of 3 compared to the kid dose for Phizer”. He turned to me and said “I had no idea you were an antivaxer! I don’t want you in my operating room any more. “
There are still smart, kind doctors out there with excellent bedside manner. But the average doctor is completely average which makes their advice completely untrustworthy.
That’s why you still read about doctors cutting off the wrong leg of a patient. Or doctors leaving sponges inside a patients body during surgery. Really.
These are the same doctors that tell your Remdesivir, decadron and intubation are the only approved treatments they can offer you for covid.
The dentist is not alone. There are MANY doctors who will not accept patients who are unvaccinated. Unbelievable, since it is well known by know that vaccines are non sterilizing. The vaccinated can catch covid, spread covid and carry more covid germs in their nasopharynx then the unvaccinated. UK data literally shows a pandemic of the VACCINATED. Using vaccination as a prerequisite for anything is completely unfounded.
You MUST be your OWN Heath care advocate! You can not trust the average doctor, the hospital administrators, the CDC and the FDA. Get your own medicine from a trustworthy doctor as an outpatient BEFORE you get sick. Have a Emergency covid medicine kit ready in your medicine cabinet. Stay out of the hospital by taking prophylaxis and early treatment. Use the FLCCC, McCullough, or the Tyson/Fareerd protocols.
Print out some medical journals that are relevant and leave them taped to your surgeons locker.
Back in my mid-20s I rented a room in a high school friend's house. His dad was a very intelligent (MS EE from MIT) but very eccentric. Mr. "Jones" was into alternative health (vitamins, etc.) Relevant to your post, one of his stories was that he'd tried to be the advocate for his mother when she was in the hospital. He was concerned that she didn't get the best forms of care. And this was back in the early 1980s. Mr. Jones used to say the "people go into the hospital to die." At the time, I thought it was hyperbole. But forty years on, I'm not so sure.😐
ThAnk you for sharing all of that!! I'm SO done with people calling the "UNvaxinated" anti-vaxers, simply for having common sense, a BRAIN, and using it to make probably the smartest decision ever made - staying awaY from these dangerously toxic jabs. My response to the Dr. Falsely SCIENCE HIMSELF (luvv that from another here) misinformation induced blind and mentality impaired now is - "You know it's noT a vaccine, don't you?" - and to "LOOK IT UP...and while you're at it, look anY of his claims up (just not on Google), and do a lil bit of research for yourself." It's all SOOO unnerving!!
Again, Thx for your share!! Wise, helpful info... : )
Only by some in the medical profession. I would prefer to say my colleagues see it as elastic-- works when the regulators/associations say it does and doesn't work when we are told it doesn't 🙄. Here in Toronto, our associations are very very political-- hence the shut the f#$$ up about vaccines.
That’s for sure!
So true-- I can remember one lecture
I hope you're correct...our profession seems to be doubling down its efforts to keep everyone masked and force vaxx'd.
That reveals their desperation. Like cornered animals, they'll become viscious, but they know they're cornered.
"Vicious." If they become viscous, they are probably a jellyfish. 🧐
Yes, I know my doctors are camouflaging the truth, simply because I have known them for so long and can read facial expressions and body language. I actually think it is painful for them. Then there are those that are vax zealots.
We're always saddened to learn doctors are human, too. We hope for wisdom, if not omniscience, but millions of their patients die every year, sometimes because of their limitations, but often because of their errors. Medical errors are not well documented for all the usual reasons, but it's considered by many to be 3rd or 4th highest cause of death in the US.
Patients have responsibilities, too. Among those is supervising our doctors who are our employees just like auto mechanics and cab drivers. We get better results if we know what they're doing.
3rd highest.
I see a couple specialists. Last week, my pulmonist. There was a new, tiny spot in my lung, but apparently nothing to worry about. I asked Dr. X if he'd seen an increase in business this year. I was digging for possible vax commentary. His answer was rather offhand, like "it varies". He is neither pro nor anti vaxx with me at least, he only asks if I've taken the vaxx.
I look forward to my next visit to my cardiologist. I hope to have a more sophisticated question to trip him up. 😈
Several nurses I know who have worked 20 years+ for a fairly large healthcare organization tell me the majority of those they work with MD's, Nurses etc choose to bite their lip to keep their job, not be ostracized or be targeted as spreading in reality TRUTH of these 2020 and beyond whu-flu measures put in place. Think about how much power and control the CDC, FDA and Big Pharma has over the heads of these people. Talk about mafia like coercion to silence these individuals
But the hospital systems aren't taking people for a car ride from which they never return...they're firing them. People have been injured, disabled, and died because of the willful ignorance and cowardice of these doctors and nurses. I have no sympathy.
We are what we do.
I had an appt with my surgeon (he has operated on me before) and his longtime PA. I like them both very much. He is a top surgeon at large hospital in a major city. My record clearly indicates that I am not vaccinated. I would have to test negative before any surgery, but that's it. I really wanted to inquire about the hospital vaccine mandate, but I didn't wish to put them in an untenable situation.
Did nurses get addicted to this "frontline heroes" thing and then when they got all this attention they kept going with it. The way some of these nurses would describe the scene at their hospitals they made it sound like they were medics on the front line administering morphine and taking off their dog tags when it reality they are nowhere near the ER or the Covid unit, they are just paper pushers but you would have no idea the way they describe it.
There are several hospitals near where I live so there are nurses everywhere and they keep this rona narrative going by stories of "perfectly healthy, maybe a little overweight, who one day is fine and the next day she is dead" story that my wife loves to share. There is always more to the story but I just let it be.
Someday soon you are going to see a press conference similar to this one below.
My dentist isn't crazy...but my ophthalmologist is completely broken. My daughter has a history of childhood asthma and is currently flaring. She's been working with children and has been sick three times in the last six months after years of no issues. She's a young adult, so I have influence...maybe...but I can't force her to do anything. Finally, after a week of coughing despite the action plan, I convinced her to call her asthma doctor on Friday. The triage nurse told her that she'd have to get a PCR test (despite two negative antigens tests) before they would schedule an emergency appointment. I'm livid. Effing lunatics.
It's crazy! We operate on open mouths all day long and we have never asked a patient to test.
Did these doctors never think they would confront disease? Who goes into medicine thinking that? I’m livid too, just hearing this!
I can tell you with certainty, many are pushovers,pussies and wimps, and a few are stupid, 35 years dealing with healthcare, I apologize to the good ones.
Do these doctors realize that when something bad happens to their patients that is directly related to these injections who the grieving spouse is going to confront? Not some CEO of Big Pharma or Dr. Fauci, it is going to be the doctor or nurse who pushed it on them.
Eventually this pandemic is going to get exposed and like every big crisis there will be a collective excuse that gets everyone off the hook (What's good for Wall Street is good for Main Street). It will be guilt by association, a mass hysteria moment of history "We all got caught up in it" that nobody gets the blame.
Tell those excuses to a mom/dad that loses a kid or he has some massive heart condition that ruins his life. If a doctor/nurse pushed that on my kid and the end result was death, God forbid what I might do to this person.
These decisions are going to have dire consequences and already are ripping families apart and pitting us against each other (part of the Grand Plan of leftists)
Doctors and nurses are the ones that should be the calming factor when people come in and there head is full of illnesses they think they have after scouring the internet to find out what is wrong with them. Now the doctors are the ones scaring the crap out of people by fear porn. I'm better off just staying at home and do what I always do and use common sense.
If this virus is so bad, then why aren't there hundreds of people found dead in their homes instead of the hospital?
Thanks for the response and keep speaking out and challenging the narrative. I've pissed a lot of people off by just speaking facts and asking questions but it has been worth it because as time passes people are starting to see that I was right all along.
I should add that she is unvaxxed. I didn't have to say a thing. She wanted no parts of it, even though most of her friends got the jabs by choice. She's required to test weekly by her employer.
I'm so glad to have the dentist I have. He and I and his hygienists have been tearing the whole fraudulent-vaccine putsch to shreds since he was allowed to reopen June 2020. How is it dentists haven't required covid tests when they go mining one of the filthiest parts of our bodies? For me to get a spinal RF nerve ablation I have to get a covid test. Are dentists somehow supposed to be more immune than someone sticking a red hot needle in my back? I'm so glad I know this guy.
You're lucky and I hope I can find some more like minded dentists to approach the ADA with an open letter several of us have written.
No surprise to me that the dental profession is captured. These are the people who put mercury in our mouths for over 150 years and claimed it was perfectly safe, even while they required the unused paste to be treated as highly toxic hazardous waste and disposed of accordingly.
I can't even imagine what would happen if I brought this up on our forum....
Oh do it :)
So it sounds like the ADA would be ok with a dentist not treating someone with an infected tooth that could go to their brain. That would be nuts. We need new institutions. All of these institutions are captured by idiocy and when it comes to denying treatment, cruelty. Before treatment of any kind, I am inclined to ask my doctor/dentist their opinion on the vaccines first. Thank you for standing up.
I agree. I work with educators who should be able to read all the data and make different decisions. But, they don't. They follow like cattle going through the chute to their slaughter. Willingly and without fear trusting what happens at the end of that chute is good for them. I think it boils down to having a serious relationship with Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit in me is what makes me able
to see clearly the evil in all of this. Too many people don't have that and are blinded to truth. Even when it's right in front of them. That's the only explanation that makes sense to me.
Amen! So well said!
I just signed up with a new dentist in Virginia Beach on Friday, they’re outside my insurance coverage (Puerto Rico) so I’m going to have to pay out-of-pocket for all my visits including the first visit, a comprehensive one, that runs nearly $500. But that’s better than being injected with an experimental drug about which there is literally zero long-term safety and efficacy data.
That's not fair. There's at least a year's worth of safety and efficacy data, but most of it sounds rather unfavorable, to say the least.
I stand corrected! ;-)
You can't forget that Alex Berenson, came our far before The American Heart ❤ association against these vaccines trials.