Worse : Their report makes clear that it is 1 in 5,000 doses not patients:

"The reporting rate was 1.7 reports per 1,000 vaccine doses for all vaccines combined, and 0.2 reports per 1,000 vaccine doses for serious reactions."

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Yeah I’d say the quintuple vax’d should be worried.

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You are correct, they state "0.2 reports per 1,000 vaccine doses" or 1 in 5,000 doses (not people or patients).

Translation: Correction: Severe reaction reporting rate is according to


0.2 reports per 1,000 vaccine doses.

Korrektur: Die Melderate für schwerwiegende Reaktionen beträgt laut


0,2 Meldungen pro 1.000 Impfdosen.

Source: https://twitter.com/BMG_Bund/status/1549797012064854019?s=20&t=-c3mz5Ci4yPr_RYXeBi0TA

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"laut" in this context means "made known by", or "according to". Not "loud".

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I will correct it. Thank you.

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Alex's analysis takes this into account, I believe. 223 million Americans have been "fully vaccinated" so if "only" 1 in 5000 had serious side effects, that is just 44,600 people. Alex estimates it closer to 300,000.

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Fwiw I know some fifteen people injured in different ways by the shots but only one reported it to vaers.

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He added in Western Europe....... what would that be, around 625 million vaccinated? I think you’re right.

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So it's a lot more than several hundred thousand people injured in this country, even officially.

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Uh oh. Somebody's about to be kicked off Twitter!

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The German government?

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If they can ban an American president, the German government is small potatoes.

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Twitter should ban the German government.

If it saves just one life...

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Why would anyone get them? Over their relatively short course of use they haven’t even protected against death for 18 months. I went to the funeral of a good friend’s husband last week - another SADS death, and the 5th father in my extended circle (by far the closet to home). I am tired of the bs that these should be available for some people when these “vaccines” don’t save lives, still have unknowable long term consequences, and have hurt a lot of good people. The qualifications need to stop. They need to be stopped and focus on actual treatment (Ivermectin seemed to work for my family, though it’s impossible to “know,” and at worst it didn’t hurt us).

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Seattle theater crowd (my former work life) is proudly posting V pics of their children (babies too) w/Spider Man & Disney bandaids. The echo chamber of ignorance & pride is stunning.

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That’s heartbreaking....... and shortsighted. As parents we tell our kids all the time “everyone else was doing it” is no excuse.

Yet that’s the ONLY one these self-centered and cruel parents will have in a couple decades to justify this to their kids. Their kids will be adults and they will know it was KNOWN by their parents at the time their parents had them jabbed that the jabs didn’t work, kids weren’t at risk anyway, the jabs had a terrible short term side effect profile, an unknowable long term side effect profile, and actually well under half of minors in US were actually jabbed. It’s worse for the babies - only 2% of those under five have parents THAT stupid.

In a couple decades these parents will reap the just rage of their children when “everyone was doing it” as justification is met with all the hostility and animosity due for such an immoral and weak minded justification.

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After Tuskegee you can probably guess why our black brothers and sister are not convinced. You are looking at the current Tuskegee experiment. I hope we don’t have to wait decades for an answer and those responsible are brought to justice. Just remember Fauci tested aids drugs on orphans in New York

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One of my 'favorite' parts of the whole covid mess was the 'experts' explaining how it's understandable why black people are hesitant about the jab, because Tuskegee. But evidently, nobody else was suppose to learn and be hesitant for the same reason. :/

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I wish I could say that Tuskegee was the basis for the rejection from the Black community, but in truth it’s young males not forced by universities rejecting it, disproportionately Black males. I watch Ron Johnson’s hearings on Rumble. Not only were they informative, but one doctor explained there is a higher adverse reaction rate in Black men, especially young Black men, who carry the sickle cell gene. I think it’s actually because there was a higher rate of injury from day one, and people saw it happen and got freaked out. There is a part of me that thinks the extreme measures US institutions have gone to n order to cover up vaccine injuries is at least in part a result of those same institutions pushing especially hard for Black communities to be vaccinated “first.” Having a higher rate of injury kind of blows up that whole “social justice” bs to push these clot shots on Black people first. It might be a repeat of Tuskegee, but I don’t think the knowledge of those “experiments” plays a large role in the decision making of the average 22 year old.

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It’s a combo I have 4 of my buddies that clearly stated no because of Tuskegee. They have many friends that were forced by work that had issues. They said what ever someone tries to coerce you to do it’s bad

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Can’t argue on the coercion point. It probably is some combination, nuanced reasoning (which is good), though for me the coercion thing is usually pretty straight forward.

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Ooooh, that was excellent.

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Unless their children never make it to adulthood….

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Seattle and the performing arts. Yikes. What a conflagration of willful ignorance that must be. Those folks have completely walled themselves off from honest information. They literally have no idea what is going on.

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That’s it right there; they simply don’t get any information outside of the mainstream narrative, and posting those pics is just virtue signaling to “the tribe” that they’re true believers. It’s quite literally a cult. I’d love to hear more about your experience, when/ how you got out etc.

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Tbh it was Alex Berenson’s data analysis of Italy in April 2020. I was on day 67 of solo lockdown, literally going mad and unable to get a necessary biopsy. My brother sent me Alex’s Tweeter feed, and it was undeniable. I moved to Idaho one week later. Everything was completely normal here. It was like leaving a movie set. Surreal. I’m beyond grateful to Alex.

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Thanks for sharing. I’m in Scottsdale, AZ. Things settled down here relatively quickly. I had colleagues fly in from places like Seattle, Chicago and Boston and they were all amazed at not only the general absence of masks but more so the absence of judgment. Guy from Seattle said “wow, everyone just minds their own business here”

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Yeah, I got judged this week at church. Not fun. I told my husband the next time someone asks me if I’m vaccinated, I’m gonna ask if they had a bowel movement that morning. “Why, that’s none of your business!” Exactly.

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Judged at the place supposedly free of judgement. That’s ridiculous, but you handled it well. Reminds me of when a reporter asked the AZ Attorney General if he was vaccinated and the AG shot back asking the reporter if he had ever had an STD. 😂

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Connie, I feel bad that you were judged but I promise you this is true (although I'm tall and not very good looking, which helps in my case) I have a crushing disdain for healthy looking 30-65 year old people still wearing masks and spend most of my time in California, Idaho, and Montana, and I have trouble hiding my total lack of respect for them, and rarely do I mock them in case they have special circumstances. Having said that please believe me (it's anecdotal but lots of anecdotal, and anywhere from rarified to white trash (like me) circles: I lock eyes with them because I'm praying they say something to me, cuz it's been a long two years of watching their abject cowardice in action. To a one, and I mean all 300-400 or so, they all snap their eyes away, or turn quickly, or change direction, or at the VERY least say nothing and look away. This is in the last few months only, cuz it's all the more ludicrous as time has passed, and I do not have a look of physical aggression on my face, just pure undiluted disdain, and they know why. My heart is actually beating fast as I type this cuz I really want them to know that THEY are being judged now as scared little sheep. I've heard tales of soldiers rubbing coffee grounds in their eyes so the stinging keeps them awake in foxholes, and these mask wearers have only benefited from people like that, and if somebody like you judges THEM for obeying like little sheep or being scared of their shadows, you might be one more reason they take a first tentative step in the right direction, and all you have to do is feel exactly like you do, cuz these last few months they know. I've seen it, and I swear on my life: I had an acquaintance take it off about 15 minutes after he saw me in a parking lot staring in disbelief. He didn't know I saw him do it, which somehow made it better.

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Same here in SC.

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Lucky to have a brother who’s awake !…half of mine are “woke”…even with the pop-ups of shingles and a 47yo healthy coach having a stroke…sigh

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Flyover really is a different world, isn't it? I am so grateful I moved here from SoCal six years ago.

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Theatre was a place of truth, weird, wild, whatever, where truth mattered. No longer and it's so so sad. Where did the gentle people go?

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They left cities.

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They should be charged with reckless endangerment of a minor.

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Doctors encourage parents to get children vaccinated against COVID-19 - https://www.kshb.com/news/coronavirus/doctors-encourage-parents-to-get-children-vaccinated-against-covid-19

Doctors suggest rewarding kids for getting the jab, such as doughnuts. Poor kids.

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Nooo! These people are sacrificing the health of their children to be part of the woke crowd.

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Community theater just follows what professional theater does, right down to the Ms. Lapone-type diatribes. I’ve seen the same bandaids in my FB feed.

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It's shocking. Check out the elite private schools in big blue cities. Ugh.

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The Seattle area is *very* well represented here. I too hail from the land of the blind disciples of whatever this is.

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I think the medical world should concentrate on healing, not on making sick. Vaccines are no good, they bring heavy metals, poisonous chemicals, animal and fetal tissues in the bodies of healthy humans that don't belong there. The saying, do no harm, is already violated there.

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Worse, they're pushing their ineffective, dangerous gene therapy on infants.

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Because it's their "civic duty" to take an untested, experiment jab against a "not so dangerous" virus to protect people who they don't know or care about. Geez! Get with the program, will you?

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It’s their civic duty. I’ve always ‘loved’ that claim. There was never a civic duty. If the vaccines worked. If one was vaccinated, then why care if the person beside is vaccinated or not? And since they don’t work, who needs to be vaccinated in the 1st place? Under either circumstance, there was never a need for mandates nor should getting vaccinated have ever been pushed as a civic duty. So sad.

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That seems an extraordinary amount of death and especially “lost life years” for what I guess to be a 40-ish to 50-ish set of people.

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It’s terrifying. The ages since last October were 40,41,46,52 and 53. All 5 were active and healthy.

My husband’s fraternity was mostly athletes. He played soccer. His fraternity brother was the first we knew who died last October. His frat brother ran track in college and remained active. He was 41. His family thought it was a bizarre mid day single car accident with lots of fire on a Sunday afternoon, but insurance made them do an autopsy, and they found out after the funeral and news stories that he was dead before impact from a catastrophic brain bleed. He left behind and infant and two school aged children as well as two soon to be step children.

The 40 year old also ran track in college and competed in distance bike races until his death. He was the father of one of my second grade son’s classmates.

The 46 year old “died suddenly” in his sleep. He was the neighbor of a close friend of ours. He was the most distant acquaintance death for people under 60 in our social circle to date.

The 52 year old died of a catastrophic heart attack while mountain biking. He played soccer in college and had recently moved back after living, and surfing daily, for 4 years in Costa Rico with his wife and kids.

The 53 year old was the husband of a very close friend. They were scared into taking the vaccine relatively early, but my friend had been terrified for the last year her husband was vaccine injured. They started dating in high school, broke up a couple times in college, got back together and have never been apart. For the last 6 months he’d had excruciating pain in his knee and back, with little logical explanation. He died just over a week ago of a sudden catastrophic pulmonary embolism (blood clots - he likely had giant clots they missed in his knee that broke free). He was very active until the pain got unbearable.

There is no way to “prove” the vaccine caused any of these deaths. However, while we have a lot of friends, our last name isn’t Clinton and it’s still statistically impossible to just happen to know that many healthy middle aged men to drop dead in less than a year.

I’ve had all the heartache I can take. I just want it to stop. The stupid jabs don’t work. Aside from possibly brief protection from a single variant, which likely increased risk for future variants, they are not saving lives. People are dying and no amount of “belief” in anything, certainly not a big pharmacy subscription plan, is going to change the heartbreaking reality of what’s actually happening.

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UGH. I don’t think I have ever heard a more enraging vaxx comment than the one by CDC’s Rachel W about “oh gee, we were too optimistic…wanting to believe blah, blah blah” How is it possible that such people seem to be removed from “the heartbreaking reality” your comment described?

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Because they are listening to a dude who is completely incompetent but keeps getting promoted simply because he “believes” he is a woman.

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Let us recap, those who fail to be jabbed should be denied medical attention, and at the same time be quarantined and locked in their homes. Those who preach avoidance should be bought up on charges of murder, those in the military who refuse to be jabbed, be immediately discharged, and Officers who refuse, be courts-marshaled and possibly be incarcerated. The ones who took the jab be honored as "Heros of the State" and be buried with honors at their demise. This could only be in a bad Russian novel/movie. and could not be possible in a "Democracy."

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But in the USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Australia, folks are supposed to line up for Omicron shots in the Fall? I don't think any of the Western health agencies are going to suddenly think any differently. They've known about these injuries from month one.

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So spread the word and hope for no line ups.!!

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From the take-up numbers we are seeing for toddler jabs, I don't think there will be too many long lines outside the moron megalopolises.

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The fall “line-ups” will be an interesting indicator of the mindset of the citizens

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I predict that in Toronto, they’ll be mandated (again), but that even without a mandate, there will be huge lineups for boosters. Especially for the new and improved omicron specific shots that, parenthetically, will once again be aimed at a no longer existing form of the spike antigen! I base this on the fact that we’re still seeing too many people wearing masks… OUTSIDE!

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I think the toddler jab low numbers are both parents and pediatricians expressing caution. The toddler vaccine study was restarted and such a horrible ly designed experiment, there’s no confidence in it

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But you forgot our secret weapon: hope!

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True! I remember feeling hope was about lost when the mandates were most strict and they ended so quickly

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I'm posting on twitter now. Happy to be kicked off that evil site if that's what happens.

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Some of us refuse to use Twatter...and always have. I hate the format in any case. But I was disturbed to find this on Twatter hours ago (someone sent it to me wondering why, as an AB Substacker, I did not already know) and glad it eventually showed up here. This is important stuff but I just cannot be monitoring all things all the time.

Your biggest fans are on Substack -- the more closely you can post things here vs Twatter (or post here first!) the happier we will be.

But, in the final analysis, the more exposure the better -- so glad you are able to get more out in more ways.

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Substack should lead. Some of us are paying.

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some of us are paying & don't care either way!

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I won’t use Twitter, either

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Yes. I quit about a year ago after having my account disabled after speaking heterodox thoughts. I have clicked on Twitter links accidentally since then but refuse to use it otherwise. Sorry - not gonna support my own society's downfall.

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Keep chipping away at the covid enthusiasts. We’ll need to wear them out. Did Germany give blanket legal exemption to the vaccine manufacturers?

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Yes the standard Pfizer contract includes that plus more. https://www.archyde.com/pfizer-contracts-and-their-surprising-clauses/. A very one-sided contract that protect only Pfizer, from everything. The burden is placed upon the purchasing nation.

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Speaking of Hope, I HOPE fraud can be proven to invalidate these evil contracts. I wonder how high this legal fight would have to go…?

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There are no attorneys willing to take on a Global Elitist Movement. But maybe there is a hero somewhere.

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i see it otherwise. a "hungry" lawyer is not an adversary to have. ask the tobacco and asbestos industries . lawyers are still dining out on those. go get 'em boys! and girls! pass the popcorn.

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I hope a hungry lawyer wants to do this. Most others have compromised, comes down to $$$. Can't see a profit from going against the Global Cheval.

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And very few judges who will go against the narrative.

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Right, the only one with enduring immunity is Pfizer.

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*shocking that*

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Yes, everywhere that got vaccines did.

The FDA “approval” here was simply to allow vaccine mandates. Not a single vial of the approved vaccine has been shipped anywhere. Those successful in combating the mandates simply asked HR to provide them with the FDA approved shot knowing they couldn’t and the only way it would ever happen is if these became required shots for babies (thus becoming liability free in the “approved” form).

Let the lawsuits fly.

Anyone forced to take it who has evidence their employer claimed it was FDA approved needs to find a good lawyer because they probably have cash coming their way.

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Alex you great at exploring and exposing the Great Covid Caper but what about the reasons why there was unprecedented coercion on the part of global governments to get people injected with an experimental drug based on dubious scientific rationale? What about the freedoms limited in unprecedented ways and the unscientific approach to limiting the spread of the virus (virtually impossible anyway and definitely ineffective) that destroyed small businesses, wrecked our economy and devastated the mental and emotional well being of millions? Why did this happen and for what reasons was this whole Covid nightmare foisted upon humanity?

I'm not talking tin-foil hat stuff but a legitimate consideration of the potential causes and motivations of the vast number of parties involved who can't agree about what to do about any of the more significant threats to humanity but managed to have a mostly uniform response to a big nothing burger virus?

That my friend is the question of the moment!

You and others have proven without a doubt that the supposed Covid vaccines suck and that masks and lockdowns are unscientific nonsense. Great. Now how about dropping that bone and focusing your incredible research and investigative journalistic talent toward understanding who did it and why? I bet they left a trail of crumbs for you to follow.

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I think Alex is still at the stage of thinking that if he just proves the science of how the shots harm people then governments around the world will believe it and end them. He still thinks that governments are working to help their populations instead of trying to kill them. One day, Alex might swallow that black pill but right now he hasn't even taken the red pill. Alex is still fully blue pilled.

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Exactly. Alex will never admit that the nuts he votes for are the ones creating the policies that he so harshly criticizes. He will never get there.

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This black/white perspective is not supportive of freedom of thought and opinion. I appreciate those who challenge my perspective - I have to think and research to make a decision that may possibly be singular, but mine.

Any pill you swallow should be your decision. The right to research, think, philosophize until you come to your opinion (which is subject to change!) is on an individual level. We should not demand our favorite dish from a chef who has changed. He already put his neck out to verbalize his opinions.

These are weird times. Do not rely on one voice. I think that point has been made? It's up to you to use your critical thinking, don't put the burden on a dude who has an an opinion that does not always match yours. Think for yourself.

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Follow the money.

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Others are on that trail. As the Dutch farmers posit - look to the WEF. threadsirish on Substack (since being booted from Twitter for astounding connect-the-dots info) has very interesting, current, well-documented data on the Who, Why, and we know the How.

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Thank you, my question was a prompt for Alex.

I have followed the crumbs and the trail is rather obvious but so shockingly overt and so exceptionally nefarious that most psyches cannot accept what is happening.

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I think Alex stays in his lane, avoids the tinfoil hatters. That is his prerogative. The comments will always give you rabbit holes to follow. "...so shockingly overt and so exceptionally nefarious..." is not Alex' lane. Mitch Barrie above is right. But when you exist within a system, it's all about navigating. Crumbs will be removed before the great masses awaken. Alex et al are maybe the tip of the iceberg. Most won't (will refuse to) see the iceberg. You are absolutely correct about most psyches unable to process what is really going on. But hey - Target has a sale - let's go!

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Well, the Alex Berenson readers of the world may be quite ready for him to “move on” because many of them — like yourself have — but just reading these threads even WE are still talking about how people “can’t see or accept the evidence” about EVEN the dangers of mRNA shots (much less the machinations of the WEF.

Someone has to continue to hammer way at this dangerous public health corruption ironically “using official sources” as often as possible. That’s because those are the sources from which that the pro-vaxx have taken their cues. The job isn’t done, not nearly.

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i think it is hard for "us" to imagine how myopic some people are. if u only watch cnn etc, read Time, only talk to others who do the same, how would u know u've been had. and ur doc's push the agenda and 'leaders', etc. they havent rejected other opinions--they've never encountered them.

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For 70+ years the Western World has been in a Sargasso Sea calm. The BRICS+ have not. We Western/EU/Australian/NZ/SA are not ready for war, death for a cause, freezing/baking/starving for a cause. Yet China, Russia, SAmer, Africa, Caribbeans, India, Middle E have been outside this Bubble, starving and dying and learning who to align with. The West World failed the balance of nations. This could all have been avoided, but greed is king.

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Whenever I get dark thoughts about this being planned I wonder WHY would the U.S. mandate it to our military? I tend to agree with Chomsky, that we overestimate the ability of our government with conspiracy theories, it's just incompetence. An "Ooops" bioweapon lab leak that led to "never let a crisis go to waste." $$$$ Pharma has been wanting this for decades, they TRIED with the flu shot. The other option was this was all planned, thus the lockstep, media PSY-OP, etc.

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I agree...I started paying attention after several years of hearing the CDCs post flu season varying assessments on the flu shot’s efficacy.. “ the flu shot covered 40% of the strains “ etc etc...and I thought “ not very effective “... then read “ fewer Americans are getting their flu shots”.... hmmmm...cue the fear mongering “ Scientists at the CDC predict a severe flu season”... how? So regarding COVID, we are owed the truth to its origin. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. I don’t care how sinister, how nefarious or if it was total incompetence by a couple of mad scientists, the world has been lied to. And by “ mad” ( Tony F) I mean power hungry and deranged. We have witnessed sheer madness.

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This may sound nuts, but in the summer of 2019, I was researching the flu shot. As an ad person, I was astounded and fascinated by how much it was pushed (from a marketing perspective) even by Human Resources. I found out they cheated the numbers each year, including elderly deaths from pneumonia. Early scare-mongering tactics. Then I read an article that said "2020 will be all about vaccines." I know I sound like a nutter, but I distinctly remember that, because I told my co-worker, who was into investing, to invest in big Pharma–that they were going to figure out a way to make every last human a customer. Cut to today, yikes!

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I'd like to see the receipts for everything, please. As for "never let a crisis go to waste." it's July, a particularly hot July, but folks survived. Waiting for that EO to cut carbon in the middle of a summer heatwave.

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I live in Chicago and fear they are going to shut off the energy (no air/no heat). Time to start stocking up on wood. I can see myself this winter, locked down, hovering near my fireplace and cooking up a squirrel. I once heard a story of an obese human trapped in a airstream trailer without air, and they cooked like a chicken. Oh-no!

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You have a fireplace? You are already ahead of the curve! You can cook a squirrel? My most daring has been rabbit (wild pheasant, venison, chicken all good). But wild hogs are the next great dinner. Tough hide. What knives do you use for game? I have a chainsaw!

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burn down city hall. no loss and very good fuel.

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yep. part of the authoritarian personality (Adorno et al) is to be a toadie to one's superior and shit on subordinates. please the boss at all costs. and govt including military is a toad farm.

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They have lied about everything since 2020. Why even admit that? Why now? Is something else happening that they are creating some narrative for?

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The narrative is shifting. The word is getting out and someone has to take the fall, and it sure as hell won't be the people responsible.

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The Injected citizens have so much cognitive dissonance, they won't believe anything until it's to late.

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I'm amazed that any government would have the balls to admit this - kudos to Germany.

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admitting means jack squat without accountability for the intentional act. Just when will actual prosecutions begin for perhaps the greatest criminal medical experiment ever perpetrated on mankind and is STILL allowed to this day? Its truly surreal not ONE person or entity has remotely been held to account in the 2.7 years post whu-flu lab release in CHINA. Not ONE!

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Still better than what other governments have done (yes, my bar for government is super low - after witnessing everything the past 2+ years I expect nothing positive from them.)

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Don't hold your breath.

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Right...I've been calling for it seemingly forever now.

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Maybe post WW2 their govt is quite sensitive to actions which could be seen as genocidal?

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Yet the military is still mandating it! When will the evil that has been perpetrated on our country be eradicated? I pray it is soon. They want us to forget what they have done to us through inflation, food shortages, exploding energy costs, and on and on. I can't even believe the public has let it go on this long. A reckoning will happen one way or another.

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Yet just a few mins ago on July 20, 2022 a PSA (we the people funded) came across the radio on a talk show I listen too saying the injections are the best way to protect yourself and the non injected are far more likely to be infected or test positive for the whu-flu. 2.7 years post whu-flu lab release in CHINA this is still what these criminals are allowed to get away with sprewing. Just when will accountability actually begin? These PSA's play how many times a day on how many cities and states across the USA?

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When you consider the budget allocated to "promote" Covid scareness, https://www.cdc.gov/budget/fact-sheets/covid-19/index.html it is bought and paid for until probably 2030. But it's ok, we now have nuclear war PSA's for NYC. Diverted funds to keep the masses in fear? We need to move on, apparently" https://youtu.be/N-5d7V4Sbqk

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The fleecing never ends. "we the people" pay for our demise even though we know it's coming. What a gig

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…oh, do you listen to live sports AM radio like me?? “Brought to by Pfizer” and (as they say on NPR) “with additional support from” the US Dept of Health and Human Services…

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