This was very well stated. But you didn’t answer the question that you posed in your intro “Why don’t modern Democrats?”. So let me answer it. The truth is that anyone who would seek to deny another’s right to speak, believes that their own ideas will not stand up to scrutiny and honest debate. And further, they are tyrants and fascists. And there is your answer. Modern Democrats do not “allow for” the importance of free speech because they do not believe that their ideas can win in open, honest debate, and because they are tyrants and fascists.

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"When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles."

Frank Herbert

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Absolutely. But don't forget they oppose free speech because they have a lot of corruption and other illegal activity to cover up. Hard to cover up such things when someone can poke around and use free speech.

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely

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I don’t believe most of them are afraid of open, honest debate. I think they truly believe that their views are the end of all of history’s quest for political and societal bliss.So therefore it makes perfect sense no other viewpoints can be tolerated. And there is no way to rationally argue against them, because to them, you simply do not make sense. How could you?

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You don't see much public debate over issues like critical race theory, open borders, intersectionalism, or gender fluidity. The smart ones (who run things) know that it's political suicide to expose their ideology to questioning, because whenever it happens they get smoked. That's why they put so much effort into censorship as opposed to debate.

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I used to see it that way, and maybe it is so. But after listening to the many different mouthpieces from so many different sources, it is everywhere.

I guess I have seen them as the power and religion behind their inquisitors. And make no mistake, what is going on globally is a world wide inquisition. And all inquisitions and the inquisitors believe their ‘faith’ is the ultimate belief system ever conceived and will be so on going in perpetuity.

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The inquisition is a good historical analogy.

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Very well said - thank you!

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A good barometer for the health of any democracy is the percentage of people who are willing to say what they actually believe in public.

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You're not allowed to talk about that, Brad!

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Knowing what I know today, I'm willing to bet everything that I own that the government of the '40s didn't believe in the shit it was spouting, either -- it just knew that the PUBLIC would eat it up and do what the government wanted them to do. If the Nazi's had been rigid individualists, our government would have stressed the power of acting together and coordinated action.

It STILL cracks me up that the people who just spent four years playacting as #THERESISTANCE can't imagine a time in which the government comes after them. I keep telling them that I'll allow them to ban hate speech if they let me decide what it is, but no luck so far........

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Please also note that the ACLU has switched sides. A lifetime ago I was a card-carrying member -- no more!!

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A garbage organization ; it’s good that you recognized it .

What turned you ?

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I knew they were gone when they supported the state in the grossly political prosecution of George Zimmerman. But it was the changing tone of their publications that first prompted me to stop paying dues. They started emphasizing social justice over individual rights. Not coincidentally, this was around the time they began accepting large donations from huge, corporate-sponsored, charitable NGOs.

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They can't imagine the government coming after them because they believe their side will be in power forever...

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Almost like they aren't worried about elections anymore........

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Oh, they're VERY worried about elections. See how they intimidate anyone questioning their hallowed 2020 election.

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First they came for the communists....

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My understanding is that FDR sent the IRS after his political enemies for what they were saying!

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Oh yes, FDR hated critics. Just one of many examples from FDR Goes To War:

As early as July 1939, FDR asked [Treasury Secretary] Morgenthau to do a tax audit of the New York Times. “I would like you to investigate a couple of companies for me especially,” the president said. “Now take the New York Times, for example. Not that I have got anything against [its publisher] Arthur Sulzberger, but he’s just plain stupid.”

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FDR was right not to trust Sulzberger.

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You are right to question, sadly, if our government (the use of the possessive is important here) was ever on the level. For myself and close friends of similar awareness look at the past three years, causes us to widen the aperture and revisit the JFK assassination and conclude likely a conspiracy. The Iraq War, a sham. And so on. Which leads me to a core belief for conservatives, less government. That’s why the Founders were cynical about a central government and established three branches and balance of power. Best business model ever. So be wary of government, anyone interested in individual achievement, freedom of speech, speak confidently about smaller government. How many of us who support ourselves can point to a way in which the government makes our lives better? Worse now we see it coming for us. Parents at school boards worried about what their kids are being taught, enemies of the state!

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There is one aspect to free speech that most people miss. We hear a lot of conversation about the "marketplace of ideas", as though most people are open-minded and simply need to be exposed to contrary ideas that they might end up endorsing. Sorry, but that just doesn't happen very much.

The real value of free speech is that it makes it possible for all citizens to evaluate the risk of taking on certain views. When totalitarian governments restrict speech, they make it impossible for citizens to figure out how many of their fellow citizens share similar views. And that, in turn, makes it impossible for citizens to gauge the risk of resisting.

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And how convenient was it that The Crud "necessitated" banning any kind of public gatherings where we could discuss and/or protest? So we couldn't assemble (First Amendment) and we couldn't network and we couldn't resist.

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Except so many of us did quietly resist. And the more we find out about the mRNA jabs, the happier I am so many of us did.

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Unless it was BLM, burning police stations and looting. Then public assembly was okay

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As "American Everyman" [Scott Creighton https://scottcreighton.substack.com/] pointed out early in the pandemic, "This is the first respiratory virus in history which can be cured by cracking down on individual rights."

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The chilling effect you describe causes sincerity to plummet. People stop saying what they really think and instead say whatever is needed to thrive in the social environment.

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There was an incredibly well-done illustrated series that explained this very well, but I can't find it. If anybody has a link, please let me know! 99% sure I saw it on substack.

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Do not forget this one from 2022 (see below). The Democratic Party is now a totalitarian party. It is about as "Democratic" as the Stasi German Democratic Republic during the Cold War.

COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated - Rasmussen Reports®


Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters would oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine. However, 55% of Democratic voters would support such a proposal, compared to just 19% of Republicans and 25% of unaffiliated voters.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.

Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

While about two-thirds (66%) of likely voters would be against governments using digital devices to track unvaccinated people to ensure that they are quarantined or socially distancing from others, 47% of Democrats favor a government tracking program for those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.

President Biden’s strongest supporters are most likely to endorse the harshest punishments against those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine. Among voters who have a Very Favorable impression of Biden, 51% are in favor of government putting the unvaccinated in “designated facilities,” and 54% favor imposing fines or prison sentences on vaccine critics. By contrast, among voters who have a Very Unfavorable view of Biden, 95% are against “designated facilities” for the unvaccinated and 93% are against criminal punishment for vaccine critics.

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And it was already known the vaxx didn't stop transmission, so why were the Feds still lying and saying that it did?

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To BS people into getting more shots so they can make more money for their billionaire owners.

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They were on the reich side of history. Many democrats also supported taking children away from unvaccinated parents.

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They kill people, too.

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I'm 67. For most of my life I've never given a 2nd thought to expressing my opinion on any topic. That fundamental right was always a given. That's no longer true. I find myself gauging my audience before I speak. At the very least I've come to expect reprisal, not an argument, from the private sector. That was unthinkable 10 years ago.

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Same age here. I’ve always said whatever I wanted, but now I pushed mute on myself oh and banned on twitter

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Do not capitulate .

It’s a losing formula

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Big HR in businesses seem to have had a part in the “political correctness” movement that started in the early 1990’s. I started my career around 1990 and have noted that each decade the sensitivity levels in the workplace have become greater and people in many instances have to walk on eggshells with regard to what they say as compared to 30 years ago.

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You're probably right. But it's been insidious. But when a 75 year old white woman from a similar socioeconomic background attacked me for using the word black instead of African-American I was stunned. She called me a bigot. Eggshells, indeed!

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And I hope you retorted that you’ve had enough virtue signaling to last a lifetime, thank you very much. Who made her the word sheriff? Grrrrrrr

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Another proof that there is No shortage of morons

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given by GOD and only GOD

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The stakes are inherently high. Those of us who support your work are indebted to you, Alex, for taking on this important, essential mission. Don’t ever think you’re alone in this fight!

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This is a much-needed reminder. Who are these people trusting the government to decide what's True and what we can read? The ongoing government campaign of lies about the covid data you reported on and its significant implications has not lit a fire under enough people to fight back. Instead, inexplicably, they are content to be lied to and controlled as a matter of course. Not to mention, you are right--if I want to read lies and rubbish, that's my business.

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They prefer the comfort of strong answers given from sources of nominal authority rather than the uncertainty inherent to thinking for oneself.

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The real world is a scary and mysterious and wonderful place and so many Americans would rather live in a Disney world of certainty. So many of us are children who have never done the hard work of confronting whatever evil lurks in our own hearts as well. When you do that, you realize what a gift God gave us by granting us free will AND you are not surprised by the actions of others. We are complex creatures with very mixed motivations. So many just want simple answers and there generally aren't any....... we know way less than we think we do and I don't think many can handle that fact.

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Well said, thank you.

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It is a mindset I will never understand.

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Don't worry -- after some time in Room 101, you'll realize you've always loved Big Brother.

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Heh heh, I bet there's free Kool-Aid in there, right?

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Free healthcare and education, too!

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Sounds scary. I'm never going in there.

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It might also be that they don't think it affects them so they move on. Unless and until something affects them directly, they tend to ignore it.

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Like the indifference to thousands of cases of myocarditis in young people after the shots. Unless it's your kid that keels over, most don't make the connection. (Heard recently that high schools are purchasing large numbers of defibrillators, if they didn't already have them). No studies have been done in the US regarding the side effects. Alex made this glaring point today in a radio interview.

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I sometimes think that because they had the jabs, they think there’s no going back. So they don’t talk or want to read or hear anything more about it. Ignorance is less stressful.

If I were in that situation, I’d want to know as much as I could so I could hopefully find a solution. But it seems easier for most to just ignore it and hope it will go away.

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Yes. I heard senator Ron Johnson say this on Daniel Horowitz podcast. 80% of American adults took the jabs, so they don’t want to hear about the damage being done. They can’t be unvaccinated.

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This is happening everywhere.

Canada is a perfect example of what the USA needs to avoid. Just realize that the Canadian government and the Biden administration are working in lock step to destroy both countries Canada🇨🇦 and USA🇺🇸 together. They both have to go down together. Your myopic view helps people understand the parts but they also need to understand the sum of those parts. Trudeau fully intends on turning Canada into a Post Nation State and making it part of the Globalist's NewWorldOrder. Everything Trudeau's doing here, gun bans, attack on religion, putting Patriotic Canadians in jail with no bail, censorship, wide open borders to increase the Liberal vote and defeat the conservative voice, Biden's doing to Americans.

This is an agenda.

The war in Ukraine is another example. Putin doesn't want to play NewWorldOrder. He knows Biden's woke Globalist administration and woke Canadian government are funding this regime change. Putin is a Nationalist, defending the Russian people and the country of Russia. The Democrats and RINOS and leftist Canadians, leftist Europeans all want to be part of the NewWorldOrder.

They are at war with Nationalism, Patriotic Conservative Christians.

This is WW3.

We are all under attack, hits are coming from every direction.

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Yep. I wrote about this almost a year and a half ago, when the truckers were doing their thing:


Think back over the last, say, 20 years. Did you protest against the Iraq war? How about protesting at Occupy Wall Street? Were you a member of the Tea Party? A member of #TheResistance? Did you disagree with the government’s covid response? It’s nearly certain that everybody with a political pulse has crossed the government at one time or another. How comfortable are you with the idea that the person you’re protesting against can shut off your bank account?

Because now, it seems, those perfectly legal actions at least have the potential to come with harsh monetary consequences, as well as the ensuing chaos caused by financial ruin. And this is happening all without a single shred of oversight or due process. It’s just some asshole in an expensive suit giving a list of ‘subversives’ to another asshole in an expensive suit. The no-fly list but with the very real potential to ruin your life.

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Well as a Canadian I wouldn't have protested the Iraq war or occupy wall street. But I started paying attention to American politics, back when Trump came down that escalator, and every day since.

I started paying attention to Canadian politics when I got involved in sport shooting in 2007 and bought several firearms, and focused really intently on Trudeau when he was elected, or placed into the PMO in 2016. That day I cried, because I knew nothing would ever be the same after Trudeau.

I've since retired so I had the privilege of protesting the vaccine consequence free, sort of, and ot was a hill I was prepared to die on, and the covid lockdowns, mask mandates and I supported the truckers freedom protest, and I refused to wear a mask in any businesses I went in to. The grocery stores, Canadian Tire, Walmart, wouldn't force the mask mandates, so I wasn't accosted. My husband didn't want to take the chance, so he put his on. I'm the rebel in the family anyway.

Had I been working during covid, not retiring, I would have been forced to get the vaccine or lose my job.

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I fear you are correct. :(

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I'm glad other people see this too. We are all in big trouble. And they're not stopping their attack while we stand around talking about it, and focusing our attention on whatever distraction they play out for us. These people need to be 'arrested'. We are running out of time.

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Problem is, far too many commanding officers over those with the ability to "arrest" or "prosecute" are far too corrupted [not to mention Judges]. They are doing the bidding of the NWO goons. Just like what's happening in Washington today...a solid witness to the treasonous Biden crime family business is being interviewed BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. He will then be jailed--not that they didn't try to do it beforehand--and dealt with accordingly. The more he talks today, the harsher it will be for him. Just look at the J6 prisoners' treatment. Most did nothing but go to the Capitol to protest a fraudulent election--many never even entered it. But they are being tortured as political prisoners for the demonic cult running our country, unelected. America has joined Canada as a full-on banana republic.

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I'm surprised Devin Archer didn't 'commit suicide' last night! Canada has political prisoners too, the 4 Coutts boys, Tamara Leitch, etc., all the protesters that Trudeau rode horses over, best with batons, labeled them as racists white supremists. They froze thousands of bank accounts! Both governments are acting in sinc like someone else is in charge (because someone else is in charge).

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But I think the Biden friend played nice, so he’ll walk free with Hunter. It’s all so awful. When will the good guys win? This is like a very bad movie…only scarier.

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Except Devin Archer did give the House Republicans the information they wanted. And Devin Archer was ordered to return to jail today, so he's going back to jail. But I don't see Biden pardoning Devin Archer.

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Thanks for this, Alex. I’m pretty sure the stakes are staring us all in the face, every day. All the time. And the polls are just disgusting. It’s words from accomplished, serious reporters like you that give us hope.

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That's right Alex. The Trump administration respects and supports free speech.

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Alex was just on Clay and Buck saying some people should still get the mRNA boosters. Even though I adamantly disagree with him and cannot figure out why he will not come 100% of the way over to reality he is still entitled to this opinion.

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I don’t know how you got that from what I said…

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Didn't you say 65 plus year-olds with comorbidities should still get the booster? Maybe I misheard and I'm sorry if so. From what I am reading I cannot see any benefit for anyone.

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Amen! From what I’ve witnessed in person, more “mature” (this from a 69 year old 10 year stage 4 C survivor), people, living quite well with comorbidities, have died…heart attacks, re-ignited cancers, strokes, etc. after their boosters. NO ONE should take any (more) covid poison!

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I heard that too...hard to understand. Watch all 8 episodes of remedy.film and you will soon realize NONE of the church of vaccinology is NEW. What happened in the great plandemic of 2020 and since is just the tip of the iceberg in the bigger picture.

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Thanks Alex. With you all the way on this.

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Just a reminder so we can put some things in perspective: FDR imprisoned US citizens simply because they were of Japanese descent.

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Not only that put he threatened to pack the Supreme Court because they were srtiking down his draconian depression laws. The sad thing is that even though Congress did not bite the Court toed the line quite a bit after the threat.

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The Nazis lied as a matter of course, as a sport and a pastime.

“secret spreading of poisonous propaganda by those who seek to destroy unity and promote discord....”

Replace Nazis with US Government and this sounds eerily familiar to what we're going through now.

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The key to the operation in FDR's times and our own is rulers manipulating fear to create control. True, Americans weren't as prone to be terrified over every bogus threat in the 1930s and 1940s.

Here's an example from our times: Why weren't Americans afraid of a Boogie Man virus in the flu season of 2019-2020 when at least 105 school systems in at least 15 states had to close because of excess absences due to a widely-circulating respiratory virus?

The answer is: This spreading virus was simply ignored and considered a Nothing Burger. But skip forward a few months ....

Here's the evidence of the "record" number of schools that closed in the weeks and months just before official Covid ... which everyone ignored (and still does) ...


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Some investigations are "authorized" ... but some cannot ever be pursued ... Never investigate that which you don't want to "confirm." This narrative-control strategy works every time.

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What if, say, only 10 percent of all these people in all these school districts who had Covid-like symptoms beginning in November 2019 actually had Covid? How would that change the official narrative that virus spread began in Wuhan China in December or November 2019? How would it have been possible for millions (?) of people in America to be sick with the same symptoms at the same time or even before this? The answer is that it wouldn't be possible.

So that's why this hypothesis - the virus was spreading person-to-person all around the world weeks or months before the Wuhan outbreak - cannot be investigated. If this theory was "confirmed," the most-important/key narrative would be nuked. The conclusion would be that "spread" of this virus didn't start in Wuhan in November or December 2019. Any lockdowns designed to slow or stop the spread of this virus in mid-March would have been preposterous (the virus-spread horse fled the barn months earlier).

And if this virus WAS infecting millions of people, where were all the excess deaths in December 2019 or January 2020? A lot of people were getting sick - that's obvious - but (key point) these sick (and asymptomatic cases) weren't dying ... So for almost everyone, the virus wasn't a threat - i.e. there was no need for a "vaccine" to protect people from death. Plus, millions of Americans would have already had natural immunity.

Given all of these logical conclusions, it's much better to simply NOT investigate (and thus "confirm") that early spread was happening.

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Anecdotal, but my 66-yr-old neighbor caught "the flu" in late November of 2019 and was dead a few days later. Makes me wonder.

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I think real (early) Covid DID kill some people. My first story on an "early spread" candidate (confirmed by later antibody tests) was about Tim McCain of Sylacauga, Alabama. Tim was in the ICU for 28 days with a very severe case and nearly died several times. From his case, I deduce that some people weren't as fortunate as he was and did die. Still, the overwhelming percentage of early cases survived and didn't even need to be hospitalized. Tim was lucky he was hospitalized BEFORE the Covid protocols kicked in!

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If you want to read a "taboo" piece of journalism, you can read this article about Tim McCain's early case of Covid.

The next article shows how I quickly figured out this was a taboo subject. Nothing has changed in the 3-plus years since I wrote these two articles.



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