I heard a doctor say that there is no such thing as mild myocarditis and that once the heart muscle is damaged, it cannot be repaired by the body; it has a 20% fatality after 2 years and a 50% fatality after 5 years. That seems awful serious.

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I believe I heard mild myocarditis compared to mild pregnancy.

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Except with pregnancy you get a child. With myocarditis you get dead.

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Especially in a young man with his whole life ahead of him. There is literally no worse thing to happen.

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a young man who would be at very low risk for Covid

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It’s happening a lot in young men, the amount of footballers including Kristen Eriksson.

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I have two wonderful young twenty something sons and both were coerced into getting the J&J shot. They are both alright so far, but if something happens to either one of them, there will be hell to pay. I would drive to D.C. and take The Fauch down with my bare hands. Do not poke the mama bear!

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same thing myself. I know so many that were forced to get the jab to keep a job against their will

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It wasn't even that harsh. My older son got it to travel and my youngest took it so he didn't have to test twice weekly at school.

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It can lead to cardiomyopathy, which is fatal unless you are lucky enough to receive a heart transplant.

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Yes, and I cannot believe how much down playing is taking place about this. Doctors, journalists, the CDC, etc., it just goes to show that public safety is not their priority. I will never blindly trust any doctor, hospital and especially the CDC ever again.

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except that they are not doing transplants on unvaccinated, which means un-boosted.

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I know. I have revoked my organ donation permission, made my feelings known to the appropraite organizations and encouraged others to do the same. I have campaigned for organ doantion vociferously through the years, this is unconscionable to me.

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Yes, my nurse sister says the same.

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Wouldn't 100 and 300 hospitalizations per million for any other “vaccine” have caused it to be paused?

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Yes, that's a better word.

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Anthony Fauci as people are dying in large numbers oh that's okay as you know we will lose a few. No matter if it was the mRNA shot murder or overdose.

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in the past, yes. just listen to mike wallace back in the 70’s

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Not to mention the huge number of deaths.

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Obamas kicked off Spotify.

CNN+ canceled. Disney's special status removed.

I call this a good start. 👍

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Why do we constantly have to look to the Nordic countries for data, nuance, and disinterested science?

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Because our scientists are sucky and corrupt.

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Because they are not WEF narrated, so actual clean data.

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And is it a reliable source? I only ask because their diets are different and obesity numbers are far less. To sum it up they don't eat as much crap as fatass Americans.

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Norway is hiding their ugly data now. Last reporting hospitalization, icu and death by vax status covered end of March because it got so bad. Don't worry.

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Same for uk

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We get data from the UK also.

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Life's pretty good here in the control group.

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I was just thinking that. Not a care in my world!

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Feeling healthy!!!

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True that.

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Conversation with my neurologist about a year ago - "Did you get the vaccine?" "Not yet." "Get it. Benefits outweigh the risks." "Which one should I get? Moderna or Pfizer?" "Pfizer" "Why" "Less side effects." "Which one did you get" "Moderna." "Why?" "They (UPMC) made us."

That was enough for me! And she hasn't brought it up since.

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I have a PEG allergy. PEG is a component in both. I asked my PC if it was safe considering and her answer was, the benefits outweigh the risks. I was like, “Anaphylaxis is less bad than possibly catching COVID?”

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So does my son, and he had covid and it was nothing but now he should risk an allergic reaction like not breathing so he can go to college. Makes complete sense. And no he's not getting it.

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The Benefits. For who exactly. Trust your own judgement. And question your PC on everything going forward. Glad you caught that.

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I am worried about the people that don’t ask these questions, like I had doubts but it wasn’t u til I heard that response that I was like, holy shit, nobody has a clue.

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I would listen to you. Stay smart and aware DudMuffin. Trust your gut.

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Look for a new PC. Yours has brain damage.

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Here's the pressure on parents, courtesy of CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), which naturally cites the ever-so-trustworthy CDC.


Essentially, this doctor adheres to the party line, ie, benefits outweigh risks.

I thank God that my children are in their 30s and that I have no grandchildren.

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A year ago the mantra was the best vaccine is the one available the soonest. I’ve had the discussion. They’re all equally good. Go get it now! 🤢

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I loved that line, then a month later they pulled Astra Zeneca.

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Hey, hey, mRNA! How many hearts did you wreck today?

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But what is the point of any COVID vaccine if you are healthy?

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Pharma profits. Nobody cares about vitamins and supplements these days, which our grandparents swore by those days. Ever had a pharmacist roll their eyes when you state you take vits and supps? How can the Medical/Pharma Industry make a buck out of that mindset?

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It all goes back to the original question of WHY are young people who are at little risk for serious covid being given these shots?

And never mind shots for little ones.

We've just begun to see the damage.

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Because the "brainwashed". Hurts to see kids played like pawns. Parents only want the best for their kids, but MSM has taken control of the truth. This is a multi-generational disaster.

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Money, power, control, division.....

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Reminds me of the BCG Matrix. Hated the "Dog" lower right matrix. My Compliance officer (an animal lover and this was an institutional investment bank) also disapproved and we had that tag removed from every marketing material in the USA. In hindsight, we were woke? We just loved animals. Don't step on my lizard!!!!!!!!

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Oh and.... money.

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No worries the cdc just announced twice as many kids under 11 without the vaccine were hospitalized with omicron. It’s a true child killer. Vax them now. /sarcasm end

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The dose makes the poison and the doser should go to prison.

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It's going to take the life insurance companies to step up and inquire why their corporate plans for working age Americans have 20%-50% increases in all cause mortality in 2021. Probably going to be the same case this year as well. Somebody is going to get left with holding these costs and won't be happy.

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The government has most if not all of the major corporations tied up to do their bidding. The insurance companies are an exception.

Now that the insurance companies are blowing the whistle, look for the government to find a way to exert more influence over them.

Subsidized insurance? Government taking over the insurance business? They've pretty much done it with healthcare.

Don't know how. But be assured some thinkers are working on it. They'll find a way.

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Unfortunately, it will be the taxpayer. I'm sure covid and build back better money is being quietly set aside to subsidize the industry.

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It's always the tax-payer. That is the system :-[

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Health insurance companies are paying for all this treatment of adverse events and repeated covid infections after being assured these poison shots would save them money. Why aren't they suing or screaming?

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They haven't caught on yet, not to mention they're prefer you get your experimental gene therapy injection as they are under the impression that this will save them costs!

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And the disability insurers.

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What are the odds we go "social" about the same time this happens. Kiss your 401k goodbye. We always pay for the sins of the elite.

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Very possible, the USD is teetering on the edge. We're probably going to see pentions tank first in many European countries. 2000 dot com bust, corporate fraud, 2010 subprime mortgage crises, financial system/fraud, 2020 covid, largest transfer of wealth in human history from the black suits of wall Street to the white suits of the medical/pharmaceutical industrial complex on a govt fraud level. The proverbial can keeps getting kicked down the road. Not only will taxpayers be impacted financially, they will also be impacted with health.

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Well I hope since this was the crap one I chose out of necessity at the time that my hair falling out in chunks is my worst outcome.

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My hairdresser says she's seeing that in her vaccinated clients 😕

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Falling hair (more than would be expected) is a symptom of rapid aging. That's one of the most salient of the effects of the vax-poisons. Everyone I know who's been vaxed looks ten or more years older now than they did a year ago. Their entire cohort of friends and acquaintances is experiencing the same thing, so they probably don't even realize it's happening. I see it. It's horrifying.

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You know, the "long Covid" crowd claim that they look like they've aged decades in the last year or two. I know they've taken the shots. 🤔 Sounds like they are blaming the wrong cause.

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But not only the crowd. The entire medical field / establishment is doing the exact same thing. That's even worse. It's criminal! I wish more people would point out this fact: doctors are promoting long covid as a cover for vaccine injuries.

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Maybe that's it. I have aged a lot IMO in the recent past. I went from people assuming I was in my early/mid fifties in 2020 to nobody batting an eye now when they find out I am 65.

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Ha. At this point one of the funnier aspects is the delay in approving the relatively benign, no side effect, Novavax while these numbskulls push more mRNA crap. If my employer is going to make me squeeze something pointless into my arm at this point in the pandemic, let it be something from nature like tree bark and moth dust.

US FDA approved mRNA in the blink of an eye and are pushing more mRNA now, while slow-walking a protein vax.

Who is paying whom?

Japan and Germanny approved is months ago. Are they not more adept at data review? Are Japanese and German cars not of higher quality?

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Novavax didn’t kick up to “Short Tony”.

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Been saying same for 2 years. Novavax is suppressed in the USA while available in other countries, despite early filing with FDA. Please note Novavax has now stacked flu vaccines in, to make it more attractive.

Who is paying whom indeed. At this stage (coronavirus can't be vaccinated against - just take vits C&D, and if you catch it Zinc) moneymakers are branching out. Can't even get a safe flea treatment for my dogs any more.

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UK also approved Valneva, which is far better even than Novavax. No novel ingredients.

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Is Novavax showing good safety? Theoretically it should, but I was wondering if any data is emerging.

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It is safer than mRna, but delivery is via moth genes. I would forgive them that, but they have since stacked the flu jab onto their original methodology. In the end.....how can we make a profit out of your health.

At this stage (how many variants now?), if you haven't died, and have not been jabbed too much, and take care of your health (weirdly unacknowledged), you don't need a jab. Novavax or any other. It's endemic. Now show me a vax for driving safely and I am all ears.

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I have previous immunity, but at this point I'd take the placebo-like Novavax just to escape the clownshow that is Canada.

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Can you wait it out? Does Canada recognize prior immunity? My sister is in the Ottawa Valley, can't visit her bc I don't have "papers". I think we just need to knuckle down and hold out for sanity. For your purposes, you might want to check the "approved"' vaccine lists. One hand does not necessarily hold the other, which makes the s**t show all the more obvious. If India (needs a lot of jabs) had implemented this level of subservience we would be going backwards. Oh wait...... hate that meme but it resonates.

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Canada recognizes only "the science". No choice except to wait, but I am luckier than most here, don't have to submit to the mandates.

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Hold the line my friend. The planet is realigning, vaccine status will be unimportant in the next 6-12 months. But we will look back on this argument as good old days.

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I'm holding the line with you, my friend.

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I beleive they now recopgnize prior immunity but it must be verified by a PCR test which is almost impossible to get.

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A lot of places have a local TravelDoc and a lot of international airports have a travel specific testing place. Canada now accepting Molecular and Antigen tests! https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/flying-canada-checklist/covid-19-testing-travellers-coming-into-canada. Nice to know Canada recognizes prior immunity. Those of us who can't catch the bug are out of luck! Never had it = Banned. Had the Jab, still can catch and spread = Welcome! Some "science" eh?

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Obviously it’s better to not take any of them, but I believe either FLCCC or AFD recommends ivermectin before & after any of the poisons if you’re going to do it. It lessens the side effects

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Word is Novavax was not able to be scaled up for consistent production, and it still injects spike protein into your body.

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Is Novavax a dead or attenuated virus?

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Novavax uses a technology called recombinant subunit protein vaccine. It’s also used in pertussis and hepatitis B vaccines. It gives you the spike protein which is cytotoxic, but at least it doesn’t force your cells to produce it.

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Neither. It has some spike protein in it and a novel adjuvant. Valneva is dead virus with aluminum adjuvant.

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How can any of you people commenting here even think about taking anything they are coming up with knowing all you know about the side effects and how much they lie??? about everything !

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Was visiting with my sister-in-law yesterday and she casually mentions she’s been having nerve issues. I asked a few questions, like what’s been going on, how often, etc. She has numbness in her arms and occasional burning in her hands. My radar went up, and knew the answer to my next question before she answered. How long has it been going on? Oh, about nine months. And unfortunately she doesn’t connect it to her initial round of shots. But I know. Now I’m trying to figure out how to steer her towards the reality she is vaccine damaged. I don’t know how we survive this as a human race.

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Crimes. Against. Humanity. Orchestrated by evil. But. No. We be. Will. Listen.

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Myocarditis is the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. The excess deaths, cancers, reactivated virus complications, autoimmune diseases, possible genetic mutations passed onto offspring, etc. We are looking at decades of discovering what the true cost of this experiment has been. My heart aches for all those who have and will suffer, and for their loved ones. Can anyone say they do not know of someone who has been injured by these injectable products?

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Agreed, Brena. Myo is the big one we are talking about right now, but it won't be the last. Some of the damage is going to be subclinical, and in ten years we will be facing ridiculously high "unexplained" rates of all cause mortality, cancer, autoimmune, fertility issues, etc. with public health officials throwing up their hands going, "We don't know why everyone is sick. Maybe eat less McDonalds?"

All I can do is pray for my Moderna jabbed niece (she's one year old, was in the trial on kids, and got Omicron anyway) to not have huge life-altering side effects. I hope the rest of my jabbed family is okay (including my dad who had a series of heart attacks after boosting), but my niece is the one I'm heartsick over.

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My mother got Shingles flares within days after each dose of Pfizer and 5 other flare ups since which has left her with nerve damage. My stepfather developed high blood pressure for months after J&J (no prior history or comorbidities). Thankfully, it has resolved. My stepsister had a 12 minute seizure a week after her Pfizer booster, has brain swelling and fainting spells. Neurologists are stumped. My niece, age 12, spiked a fever of 105 and experienced several skipped periods after dose 2 of Pfizer. I've got a coworker who suddenly has blood filled cysts near her ovaries, one of which ruptured and landed her in the ER.

Sure, they could all be coincidence...

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The big question is whether the heart can suffer permanent or long-term damage from vaccine induced myo/pericarditis without symptoms bad enough that the victim will be hospitalized.

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Sub clinical damage.

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Just enough damage that many people would write if off as frequent heartburn and lose years off of their life.

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But they'd not only lose years off their life, they'll have heart failure. For years. For decades. Even if it's "mild," heart failure is bad. Take my word for it.

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Let's have them play soccer after each booster

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Your kids and family first!

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Well, my family is unvaxxed & knows CPR, so we'd be happy to play!

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