I heard a doctor say that there is no such thing as mild myocarditis and that once the heart muscle is damaged, it cannot be repaired by the body; it has a 20% fatality after 2 years and a 50% fatality after 5 years. That seems awful serious.

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Wouldn't 100 and 300 hospitalizations per million for any other “vaccine” have caused it to be paused?

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Why do we constantly have to look to the Nordic countries for data, nuance, and disinterested science?

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Life's pretty good here in the control group.

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Conversation with my neurologist about a year ago - "Did you get the vaccine?" "Not yet." "Get it. Benefits outweigh the risks." "Which one should I get? Moderna or Pfizer?" "Pfizer" "Why" "Less side effects." "Which one did you get" "Moderna." "Why?" "They (UPMC) made us."

That was enough for me! And she hasn't brought it up since.

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Hey, hey, mRNA! How many hearts did you wreck today?

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But what is the point of any COVID vaccine if you are healthy?

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

It all goes back to the original question of WHY are young people who are at little risk for serious covid being given these shots?

And never mind shots for little ones.

We've just begun to see the damage.

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The dose makes the poison and the doser should go to prison.

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It's going to take the life insurance companies to step up and inquire why their corporate plans for working age Americans have 20%-50% increases in all cause mortality in 2021. Probably going to be the same case this year as well. Somebody is going to get left with holding these costs and won't be happy.

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Well I hope since this was the crap one I chose out of necessity at the time that my hair falling out in chunks is my worst outcome.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

Ha. At this point one of the funnier aspects is the delay in approving the relatively benign, no side effect, Novavax while these numbskulls push more mRNA crap. If my employer is going to make me squeeze something pointless into my arm at this point in the pandemic, let it be something from nature like tree bark and moth dust.

US FDA approved mRNA in the blink of an eye and are pushing more mRNA now, while slow-walking a protein vax.

Who is paying whom?

Japan and Germanny approved is months ago. Are they not more adept at data review? Are Japanese and German cars not of higher quality?

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Was visiting with my sister-in-law yesterday and she casually mentions she’s been having nerve issues. I asked a few questions, like what’s been going on, how often, etc. She has numbness in her arms and occasional burning in her hands. My radar went up, and knew the answer to my next question before she answered. How long has it been going on? Oh, about nine months. And unfortunately she doesn’t connect it to her initial round of shots. But I know. Now I’m trying to figure out how to steer her towards the reality she is vaccine damaged. I don’t know how we survive this as a human race.

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Crimes. Against. Humanity. Orchestrated by evil. But. No. We be. Will. Listen.

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Myocarditis is the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. The excess deaths, cancers, reactivated virus complications, autoimmune diseases, possible genetic mutations passed onto offspring, etc. We are looking at decades of discovering what the true cost of this experiment has been. My heart aches for all those who have and will suffer, and for their loved ones. Can anyone say they do not know of someone who has been injured by these injectable products?

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The big question is whether the heart can suffer permanent or long-term damage from vaccine induced myo/pericarditis without symptoms bad enough that the victim will be hospitalized.

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