Witch trial of DJT will be the end of trust in the justice system just as Covid destroyed the faith in the medical profession

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Covid opened our eyes to the atrocities of the medical system. We shouldn’t throw it all out, but we should examine it closely: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/reimagining-medicine

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Nah, it needs to thrown out in its entirety and rebuilt. The medical profession has long since stopped it adherence to the Hippocratic Oath and replaced it with various Critical Race Theory statements. It is thoroughly infected with DEI and LGBTQWTFO ideologies or Wokism in general. They’ll kill you if you are unvaxxed or not properly wearing a mask, as has been demonstrated these past four years. Throw it all out and start over.

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It could be easier to restore faith in the Justice system than in the Medical system.

Disbar Merchan and Bragg. And free almost everyone from the Jan 6 punishments, and investigate those judges and prosecutors. Mind you, some Jan 6 people deserve jail time (AFAIK, 1,3, maybe 6 months). But very few. Some deserve misdemeanors maybe. But they were WAY over-charged and over-sentenced. It was a protest, not an insurrection at all.

Yes, more needs to be done to restore confidence in the Justice system, but it will be (could be) easier.

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"...was a protest, not an insurrection at all."

I'm recalling many, many 'protests' the last four years that were anything BUT as peaceful as Jan 6 that sure looked like insurrections (to my eye if not local DA's or those elected officials charged with preserving order) few if any of which the participants ever faced legal consequences.

Oh, one exception! Name of Kyle Rittenhouse comes to mind.


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It's pretty amazing everyone looking at this case knows it's BS, that the prosecution failed miserably, that Trump's lawyers destroyed the key witness, etc.

And yet, there's still the possibility that not one, not two, but all twelve jurors in this case could still convict Trump. That's how broken things are.

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Yes...and isn't it astounding that rational people would consider this a real possibility. But I'm waiting to see if there might be just ONE rational and reasonable juror who understands the basic idea of "reasonable" doubt.

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It won't be a failure of understanding. It will be a failure of courage.

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A New York jury found Trump liable for an assault against E. Jean Carroll on the preposterous claim that Donald Trump at some time in the 1990s walked into Bergdorf Goodman and had sex with her in a women’s changing room and no one knew about it. It’s impossible. By the 1990s, Trump was one of the most famous and wealthy New Yorkers. He’s also a big guy, both in stature and personality. If he goes into a store like Bergdorf, the store’s manager would roll out the red carpet for him and customers and tourists would notice. Yet, a jury, despite no evidence to support her impossible story, found Trump liable. That’s the state of Trump Derangement Syndrome in NY.

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Even more egregious and criminal is the amount of money they awarded Carroll. She was all over the lefty media gloating about her "take". Totally disgusting woman.

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May 18·edited May 18

I agree with you. NY changed the statute of limitations on rape claims with the Adult Survivors Act so E Jean Carroll's lawsuit was able to go to court. A NY politician, Kevin Parker, is being charged with rape under this law. He was one of the most vocal supporters of this law when it applied to Trump. Surprise, now that it applies to him, he says it's unconstitutional.

Extra: here is a video of E Jean Carroll that shows she's crazy and not a credible witness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5s9ByP9OBA

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It will be pretty telling when before the judge releases the jury - he adds one additional instruction for the jury to consider that their names and addresses and employers would only be released if they don't return a guilty verdict.

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If you had brought this to Hollywood as a movie script you would have been laughed out of the room. Our society is a farce thanks to the Democrats. Who will sink to any level to hold onto power.

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Personally, I think prosecutorial misconduct charges in judicial misconduct charges are in play under a theory of Misprision of justice,

As a prosecutor, one cannot advance a witness, knowing that the witness is going to lie and has a history of lying and has been coached in lying. Knowing all of that there is a serious need to look at the ethical boundaries of the legal profession acid pertains to the prosecutor, and the judge in allowing this, this thing is not gonna go away so easily this is gonna carry on it’s going to have further implications for prosecutorial misconduct throughout the country prosecutors have long had and have used power unchecked that will no longer go on

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If Cohen was coached in lying, he should have gotten a better coach.

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Reports indicate a NY Congressman was involved , NY Congress people are brick pile dumb

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The congressman was Dan Goldman I believe. Pls correct me if I am wrong.

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Agree, but who is going to that? Definitely not the US or NY AGs.

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I’m not a lawyer just an old man watching the nonsense. Yes thing I don’t understand is this. The DA brought 34 indictments claiming felonies for writing payment for legal fees in the memo line on 34 checks. Nowhere to my knowledge has anyone testified about this. What does Storm’s sex life or Cohens lies have to do with what was written on the memo line of the checks?

How does a juror jump from all the BS that has gone to bringing a verdict about the indictment says?

What am I missing here?

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It's never actually been about finding guilt...the process is the punishment and the sheep who have TDS will never change their opinion on Trump anyway, so it only panders to them in the end. Fortunately, as the process or witch hunt progressed its only empowered Trump.

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As much as I dislike this trial, I still the odds of Trump being convicted are very high. It’ll be reversed on appeal but the damage will have been done- which is exactly the point.

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The damage is being done to the in-justice system, not to Mr. Trump. It's only helping him to win a second term (over the worst president in US history).

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I think Woodrow Wilson is still ranked as the worst President, but Biden is still rising to challenge Wilson.

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I’m not sure that will be true if he is convicted.

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If convicted, Trump can still be on the ballot. In 1920 the Socialist Eugene V. Debs was on the ballot even though he was in federal prison, convicted of sedition by the Wilson regime. He got about 1 million votes. After taking office, President Harding pardoned Debs and invited him to the White House to have a conversation.

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True, but I meant that a conviction could sway some undecided voters and thus the election.

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I think the same.

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The goal is to muddy Trump's name as much as possible with the undecided voters. Sad to say, my sister is one of those types. She hates Trump for the various sexual accusations yet she isn't similarly disgusted with Biden's very nasty transgression with Tara Reade.

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May 17·edited May 17

This utter mockery and degradation of the justice system would be laughable if it weren't so deadly serious in the sense that it erodes our entire system. It's not just about the ridiculousness of the non-charges and lack of an actual crime. It's also that the REST of our entire legal system has not stood up en masse to protest these prosecutors AND that shameful judge over the political theater that has been going on. By saying little to nothing, by not taking these rogue political assassins to task from the very beginning, they have been enabling this farce. The result is a huge number of Americans now have a near total lack of respect for the entire legal profession and I have to wonder if this damage can be repaired. As for that Manhattan Democrat jury, you would think those 12 people would be ashamed to render a guilty vote in such a shameful case. But again...they could be operating under the idea of (in this case) "Democrat politics uber alles" and ignore the obvious illegality of the case that should never have been brought. The whole thing is beyond disgusting. Shame on America's legal profession.

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I dare say the blowback they deserve is for people who otherwise wouldn't dream of voting for Trump to vote for him in November.

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I've tried over a hundred cases to verdict in 45 years of practice and while a jury surprised me once in a while, I believe the jury system works and Trump will be found not guilty. My record for acquittal was 5 minutes, this one could be that quick.

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May 17·edited May 18

I have no experience whatsoever with juries. I respect your opinion, and hope you will be proven right. But I can't help but wonder. Even if your cases were relatively high profile, was the entire world watching any of them? Did any of the verdicts require the extraordinary level of courage that I believe an acquittal here would demand of just one juror?

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Hope you are right but this is the most corrupt state in the U. S. Think Schumer, Adams, Bragg, Engoron, Merchan and his daughter, AOC, Hochul, James, and Jeffries.

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I agree and cannot hit "like". NY's politicians, not all, but far too many, are disgusting. Especially the ones named here.

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Doesn't take many politicians and political hacks to poison the pot. I know there are a few good ones. But overall the state is corrupt.

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I agree. It certainly has been feeling that way and for years now.

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All 12 voting to acquit in five minutes?

I’m hoping for a hung jury but that said, I’ll take that bet.

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Please oh please let the verdict come out on June 3rd - the 100th anniversary of Kafka’s death ;)

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And the start date for Hunter Biden’s gun felony trial.

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Great point! Josef K., Part II.

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The best thing the judge in this case could’ve done was to throw the case out before it saw the light of day. But his Trump Derangement Syndrome is so bad that he just couldn’t see the end of his own nose. I’m glad he (and Bragg for that matter) is being exposed for his foolishness and the whole world can see it.

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While they are being exposed they have cost former President Trump and taxpayers an awful lot of money he and we won't be getting reimbursed.

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I have had to conclude that Trump must be the most law abiding person alive given the lengths they have had to go to 'get him'.

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What is the basis for your statement that Trump clearly had sex with Stormy? Is it any more than clearly Berenson published disinformation on COVID-19 because so many people say he did?

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After reading her testimony, I changed my mind, and was convinced that she made the whole thing up.

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It is legally irrelevant to the charges whether Stormy and Trump had sex. The prosecutor brought her in to inflame the jury by making Trump out to be an adulterer. He may or may not be but either way it makes no difference as to whether he is guilty of the bookkeeping charge. Nobody disputes she was paid in return for signing an NDA, which she broke.

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I read that as Alex saying Trump clearly pushed his lawyers to dispute that Trump boned that tramp.

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If anyone can name a trustworthy institution I’d gladly debate them. Think about it. Higher education? Science/Medicine? Law? CIA? NSA? FBI? Media? The United States government as a whole?

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he get's convicted he'll go up 5 points in the polls

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Many media outlets (not this one) have been ignoring the corrupt foundation of this bogus case and acting like it is a legitimate case. It is not a legitimate case. One, Bragg should be disbarred for filing this bogus case. Two, after Bragg filed it, "judge" Juan Merchan should have dismissed it. Merchan did not dismiss it, he has allowed impermissible testimony, and he refused to let a campaign finance expert testify because he is a corrupt, biased, and rotten man. When discussing details of the case, it's disturbing to see soooooo many media outlets lose sight of this corrupt foundation. Jurors are reading and listening to the news and need to be reminded of the corrupt foundation of this bogus case.

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