It's poetic considering how it started with a tiny little prick.

I'm referring to Fauci, of course.

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Biggest little prick ever.

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I was thinking that’s what he meant when I saw the headline. Double entendres.

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Me too. I’ve always considered him to be a little p….. A narcissistic, small man complex type with way too much power. Glad to hear the little p…. Has plans to retire. Won’t matter though…hiding in retirement won’t save him from what’s coming for him.

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If I had a nickel for every time I was accused of having a Napoleon Complex when I dared to assert my short self I'd be a rich man today. Same thing happens to women except they are called bitches. Not all short guys are pricks with complexes, right Cargo?

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Apologies to men who are short, but still great men. Special apologies to men who are BALD. Honestly, a LOT of women find you hot and masculine!

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With the crown of thorns I wear, why should I worry about a little prick like you?--Dorothy Parker

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The anger about this scamdemic that worsens my hypertension is more dangerous than the Wuflu. If they ever put Fauci and his confederates on trial, maybe I can stop my Losartan.

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That was great! Literally laughed out loud 🤣😂🤣 great way to start off a morning - thanks!

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I read that whole article waiting for that joke. Better late than never!

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He needs to be sentenced to life in prickson.

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Thanks for the laugh!

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The Elf on the shelf has a little prick.

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More like a troll!!!

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The BA.2 subvariant is more commonly known as 'The Mid Term Variant".

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Exactly. The L.A Times is already drumming up the fear on it. My family has nine more months here, we're praying something happens and we get to leave sooner, before the 💩 show starts in California again.

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Then there's the joke about the guy in the bar with the ten inch man on his shoulder who would always run down his arm and drink his beer. Be careful what you wish for...

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Anyone with a keen sense of the obvious didn't need an explanation.

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I respect your work, Alex. I wouldn’t be a paid subscriber if I didn’t. But I wish you would stop saying that the mandates have ended. Bus drivers in Pittsburgh were fired just last week for refusing the shots. All local government new hires are required to be vaccinated. That’s a mandate. The mandates haven’t ended. I will believe that they have ended when I am either compensated for being fired for refusing the shots or I am given my job back with retro pay. Fired 4 years short of full pension which wouldn’t have been all that much money anyway. Partial pension is paying me about half of what I would be receiving had I stayed employed with Allegheny County for another 4 years. I’m 59 years old. Who is going to hire me now?

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Yeah, here in NYC city workers are still mandated, masks are everywhere, many businesses are still requiring the whole shebang, and children under five are required to wear masks. An ability or willingness to recognize facts and reality are completely absent. To the extent people in my building talk to me anymore, they show they are as hypnotized as ever.

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Yup. I am sitting at an optometrist's in Chicago as I write . The *unt at the front desk made me take my damn temperature and then asked me to wear a damn mask that she gave me. I put it on and pulled it down. These people are not simply hypnotized. This is a moral stance of a deeply twisted and invasive sort. To hell with them. They are complicit in what may turn out to be the vilest despotism ever established. It is certainly the most widespread.

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Same in Washington. Mandate ended two Saturdays ago, but not for medical offices. Dentist still requires temp check and masking, even though the entire procedure is done without one—whilst they aerosolize my spit throughout the room. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Meanwhile, General public still 85+% wearing masks everywhere, even alone in cars. The brainwashing is thorough here.

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Yes, here in MA the dentists still have you wear a mask while walking to and from the chair because that makes so much sense!!! Scary that they're all going along with this drama -- makes one question everything they do, like is it really a cavity and the dentist needs to drill half of the tooth away??? Just read an article about a Wisconsin dentist who drilled holes in his patients' teeth so he could put crowns on them. The charades need to stop as all "health" professionals are now making themselves look like snake oil salesmen!!!

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Exactly. I don't trust doctors at all at this point. So many are so deeply compromised. I am also suddenly much more open to the views of real "anti-vaxxers"--that is, those who have been opposing the standard vaccination regimens for children for years and whom I, along with all the other supposedly good people, labeled as nuts. I'm now fully open to the possibility that they were and are onto something.

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I first became suspicious of the childhood vaccine regime when I saw the recommendation (now requirement in CA) that newborns be injected with aluminum. No safety studies, just assumptions. Then wondered if there are any studies regarding the aggregate effect of the multitude of vaccines. No. Anything comparing health outcomes for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children? No.

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Am in the process of watching a docuseries called Covid Secrets. They cover all things covid as well as other vaxes. I am convinced that all vaxes are bad. The huge explosion of chronic disease in adults and children in the last 30-40 years is overwhelming. It always gets blamed on poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. That doesn't help but that does not explain all the skin issues, autism explosion, adhd, etc.....There is so much data and research that has been done and it is being exposed on the danger of vaxes across the board.

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My thoughts exactly!

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This is why I no

Longer trust people in health care. They clearly didn't learn much science in school.

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No, they learned "The Science." It's a newish product. Have you heard about it? Purchasing it will really improve your community standing. There will be a new line of fashionable, Science wear products out soon.

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My HMO (Kaiser Permanente) is still requiring mask use despite the fact that most other businesses and activities have given up on the practice. You would think a medical organization would be aware of the massive evidence against the efficacy of surgical and cloth masks but no dice.

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I want to say that to the medical office too. I may say that after my next appt. I need the appt. so I'll follow there stupid rule for now.

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That’s the way it is here in Pittsburgh. Many, many people wearing masks while driving alone in their cars. Despite all my bellyaching about my situation, I feel even worse for those people. I feel bad for them because they are morons.

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They are cult members, virtue signaling to their fellow Branch Covidians.

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Just visited the dentist last week. Thank you for the imagery! That is pretty much what they do.

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Exactly. It is all about power. Everyone likes to exert what little they have.

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It is an absolute cult. For folks who didn't already have some sort of religious belief, this moral superiority has completely filled that spot in their souls. It's absolutely sick.

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It is sick indeed. Even most mainstream religious believers have fallen in line, too, though. But this is deeper than their thin, paltry, bourgeois version of religion was. This gives them focus, meaning, power, zeal.

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Me and my mandolin got booted from the praise band for refusing to mask up. Back to choir.

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I am sorry.

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I'd really like to have a common sense church community for myself and my family. It's so difficult to find--there is just dronelike virtue signaling everywhere. In 2020 the cool thing in church was to hold conversations about BLM and talk about racial equity until the vaccines came out...then it was sales and marketing IN CHURCH on behalf of Big Pharma...then in 2022 it was various fundraising events for Ukraine. I honestly just want church to be church. I don't go there to get medical or political advice. Please just join in G-d's house for one freaking hour of the week and not give me a guilt trip about what you think I should be believing in outside of Christianity.

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Visit an LCMS Lutheran church . Wat you are describing sounds like non-denominational churches. Non denominational is a denomination

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Look into churches that hold Latin masses.

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Gawd, how do you psychologically manage all that? I live in the midwest, the only remnants of the pandemic are a few people here and there masking at the grocery store.

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Not easy, I admit. Trying to get out of here.

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🎼Start spreading the news…..I’m leaving today……I want— to—be—apart from it, New York, New York….

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Hang in there! 💪

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Originally from NYC and had moved across the river to the Mile Square City years earlier. Fortunate that I did. It's quite the hellhole there now. I have no interest in going at all since the pandemic. Wishing you good luck on your "Escape from New York."

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Florida is awesome. But even there, problems persist.

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No clue. It is taking a huge toll on my disposition.

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NYC private workers too. I got an email from HR saying as per nyc mandate, I am not allowed to go into the NYC office b/c I didn’t upload a vax card.

PS: per the city there is no testing option, and no natural immunity. I am covid recovered from 2 weeks with Delta.

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Kyrie Irving is making the NYC government look like fools....He scored 60 points last night and the entire area went NUTS...lots of hugging and high five-ing from his teammates...He is living proof of this scam.

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Wow. I had to try pretty hard to find this on ESPN's website. You'd think that someone notching a ~top-50-all-time scoring effort would be front-page news. Especially if he had been held out of play for months due to philosophical discrimination!

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Yeah, It was impressive. There was a lot of JOY and happiness. I'm a Jordan Fan and watched all the games...this had the same Vibe.....Don't want that to get out!!!!

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#FreeKyrie - I wrote those words on my old Nets hat. It's getting some looks. I like it.

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Exactly. When a famous (vaxxed!) BB player said the mayor is “flexing”, a lot of people hear and see it and agree. Soon there will be MLB outdoors! under the same scam

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It’s so stupid … none of the unvaxxed people I know have gotten sick and only the double vaxxed and boosted are.

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Wow! Word must be out about Adams’s change of heart. I’m in the park and most of the kids aren’t wearing masks or have them down on their chin (not all, alas). I find it amazing (and depressing) how New Yorkers obediently await their overlords’ permission to breath.

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It's the upper-middle-class, soy chai latte-sipping set, mainly, isn't it? They rule us. They set the tone for society. They are the goal toward which we are "educated" to aspire. They are, in fact, the only real people. We're not real people in their view. Hence their utter disregard for deplatforming or even "unpersoning" us. I see them at the park every day. They love announcing what recent New York Times article they've read. They're all suddenly great experts in Ukrainian politics and claim to know even more than Tolstoy or Dostoevsky or Turgenev about "the Russian soul."

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Exactly. I live in a very bougie neighborhood, all though my building isn’t really. Still, they’re among the most brainwashed. I think emulating the bougiecratocracy surrounding them.

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Here in the Bay Area kids wear masks and even N95 ok the playground despite no mandate. One parent wore two masks… I guess playgrounds are super scary! I also saw someone jogging with a n95. Uphill. Alone. It was 70. 🤦‍♂️

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my friend's son (12) was playing volleyball maskless and the other kids hold out their arms to keep him away. One kid freaked out because his mask broke and he started crying. The people who are doing this to children are evil.

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Dear God. I enrolled my son in wrestling. That world isn't keen on masks. It was refreshing.

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I'm very fearful of what all of these kids will be doing in 20 years. We have all ruined a generation and it will come back to bite us in the ass. We killed their chance at having a childhood and have pushed them to be obedient little automatons who don't even think about questioning authority. Where the eff are the punks anymore?

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They've become trans cat ladies of leisure who want ersatz dads to solve their problems while they eat Pot Noodle.

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As an electrician I have worn n95's for years in attics and around drywallers. Can't go more than 2 hours before needing a break for air. Can't imagine running around in one without passing out. crazy

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Dear Lord in Heaven.

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So sad. A few minutes after I posted, the class of little ones came. All muzzled up even the whole time they played. One of the teachers not muzzled, of course. It takes an effort not to give them a piece of my mind, but I know fro experience it falls on deaf ears.

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Adams is dropping the mask mandate for children ages 2 to 4.

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Really? When? I sure haven’t seen evidence. In the park across the street, a fancy private school brings the kids to play and they are *all* masked up. And that’s not just for the little ones. Admittedly, I live in one of the most brainwashed neighborhoods in NYC.

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I woke up this morning thinking about this and one word stuck in my mind: depravity. I want to find a world without depravity.

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You must not be a Lutheran. At least not a Confessional Lutheran. :)

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That's insane. I'm sure many of the more brainwashed mask-wearing parents will continue to force masks on their poor kids long after the mandates end: https://nypost.com/2022/03/22/masks-soon-optional-for-kids-ages-2-4-in-nyc-schools-eric-adams/.

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What really makes me "shake my head", is the parents that are maskless and they put the masks on their children...What Scienze is that????

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I follow on Instagram the elementary school where my kids used to go and even though the mask mandate was lifted early March, still about 50% of the kids voluntarily still wearing those damn masks. Literally makes me want to cry what they've done to these poor children.

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Oh! I just posted this link too. Just noticed you already had. :)

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April 4. Of course he can’t admit they can come off NOW (and never should have been mandated for any child): https://nypost.com/2022/03/22/masks-soon-optional-for-kids-ages-2-4-in-nyc-schools-eric-adams/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app

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Yeah, in April!

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Ontario same thing.

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This is from a job opening I would otherwise be qualified for:

"Please note that, at this time, to be in-person at a PwC office, client location or PwC-sponsored events, you must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.”

I’m also unable to attend most performing arts events or go on group tours.

The government is not requiring this, organizations and companies are. And I don’t see them going away because to do so would be to admit they were wrong in the first place.

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What I find so ironic that all of these organizations are also proudly advertising their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statements and actions. Failing to see the irony that they are participating in the ultimate act of exclusion of a class of people who dared to have a different view. A group that I acknowledge is not unified in thought. Some take their position for religious and/or medical reasons, some because of a deep dive into review of source material (including the CDC's and FDA's on documents), some just because they believe in being part of the control group (and some - all of the above and more). My last day fast approaches, and I have not yet secured employment. I am not really actively looking because of mandates. The truth is, I can't with good conscience go to another employer that has a mandate (assuming they gave me an exemption) unless their mandate is only required by law (i.e., NYC and a few other cities with mandates). Organizations that intentionally exclude without a legal requirement I cannot be a part of. So I am prepared for a long period of job loss. Best of luck to you all. You are not alone.

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You sound smart, awake and alert. Find a smaller company less than 100 employees if you can. I bet you would make a huge difference in any organization that embraced independent thinkers. My best of luck to you Internet friend.

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I am so sorry for you and all the others who are being coerced into a potentially fatal medical treatment. I am furious at being denied recreational activities, but that is nothing compared to employment.

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That’s right

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Yep, and that admission will be used against them in court for vax-damages

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Preach...the big global kabal is as determined as ever...my husband is still tested weekly by the large bank his company is a vendor for...because he is not vaxxed...no - these guys are not going to lay it aside...because they believe in what the WEF sells and they will not lay aside their goals for anything...as long as they can...they will - and this administration is not backing down....they are all in - 1 - to keep fear the top of the list..2 - to remind everyone that mandates are within their per view 3 - to crash the economy and 4 - to keep us headed toward a global goal...it's not pretty and this is a part of it...make no mistake...DAVOS is king...it ain't a conspiracy theory people. and mandates are STILL in place all over...you still can't get a job without the jab in most cases.

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Exactly. Being an unvaccinated, 59 year old, unvaccinated, white guy, I’m totally screwed. I worked and paid taxes for over 40 years. Stayed at a lowed paying job in local government precisely for the pension. Now I’m nothing more than a maggot.

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There is hope...I know of a lawsuit in NC won by an older White Guy against a large healthcare corporation...10 million...company is appealing...but tides could turn...it's getting too obvious...

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Thanks for the encouragement, Cathie. I have a lot of anger.

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You have a right to be angry, disappointed, depressed about all of this because you’ve suffered through what we knew could happen. To deprive people of a way to survive and produce income is depravity. I’m putting out flyers in OC, CA in small businesses to convince them not to shut down and require masks when this BS is tried again…which they will try. There’s a WEF agenda at hand and they’re desperate to make us all peasants with a social credit score. We will get there, Jeff, if we don’t back down, don’t mask up, don’t get vaccinated because they require us to. Mandates for this stuff should never exist and it’s up to us to fight. I pray for people like you who have suffered because of all this and I know there is a light at the end of this disgustingly dark and evil tunnel. 🇺🇸🙏🏻

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Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train.

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I second that!

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The good news is that by refusing the shots, I have not been genetically modified.

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You are correct and it's fair for you to be upset. As these cases wind through the courts, the victories will begin piling up. You need to stay informed on the developments in the legal community in your area. Often, they have an electronic filing system. You can also track related cases and then join in one as there will undoubtedly be more of these and a class action suit is inevitable for public workers in Pittsburgh, IMHO.

It will take time but I think you stand a good chance at winning.

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I get it!!

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They are the maggots. Not you.

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All of us are maggots - to "them", so you've got a lot of good company. It's like they're hunting us. First, the stock haircut and bank bailout in 2008. Boomers then turned to rental houses and small businesses for income but in 2020, got hit again with the rent forgiveness, but no mortgage forgiveness and shut down of small businesses. Now, a shot that kills the elderly and no jobs for the unvaccinated. And soon, because of scarcity beyond their control, rationing. And universal basic income, I mean ration cards.

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We were offered free tickets from friends to a musical at Fisher Theater in Detroit. Plans changed once it was noted we were required to show proof of Covid shots to get in. So you are correct, there are still many lower level, insidious mandates to be dealt with. RESIST.

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I was offered to take my kiddo along to a show at Chase. They graciously accept tests or vax cards. Not interested. It’s moronic as we know the vax doesn’t stop transmission yet a vaccinated person can go in spread it and the dirty unvaxxed must get tested.

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Absolutely. I'm a nurse and last time I checked we still have a standing mandate. I was lucky enough to be granted an exemption, however, two of my coworkers just got fired on the 16th for not complying, and three others caved and got the shots.

We have literally not had a single covid patient in 5 weeks now, and I'll add that my unit was a "COVID unit" for 2 years.

We now even have our jab-happy doctors asking when they think we won't have to wear masks anymore, yet there are still numerous absurd, nonsensical policies related to COVID where I work.

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My company still has the mandates and its web portal still asks for updated vax cards, exemption letters, etc. My kid’s college, too. Meanwhile, two double vaxxed and boosted family members are now very sick — one just diagnosed with rapidly spreading, advanced stage lymphoma and the other just diagnosed with thrombocytopenia.

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I'm at a company that still has a vaccine mandate. I was able to get an exemption, but I am still not allowed to enter the company building, nor meet in person with any employees. My exemption letter is also not in perpetuity. It is to be reviewed this May. Who knows what happens next for me.

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No one--other than Walmart--hires anyone older than 55. They never, ever admit age discrimination.

I speak from experience.

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Yes, I applied for an online tax assistant with Intuit, I'm a 58 year old accounting major lawyer (retired) who presently manages an AARP volunteer tax assistant program and wasn't hired.

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I applied for a job that was described as, "Excellent written and verbal skills required."

I have a master's degree in journalism & 35 years experience as an editor & writer. I was told, "We hired a person whose skills more closely meet our needs."

Oh? Really? Exactly what 'skills' do I lack?

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It’s your 35 years of experience that did you. That tells them you’re not young.

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I sanitized my resume--omitted anything with a date. But it's a reasonably a small town and I have an unusual name. It's very easy to check high school graduation dates. I'm pretty sure they did that to determine my age.

Plus there's an assumption that "everyone" retires at age 65, when that is no longer the case. So a new hire at age 60 is likely to remain for a decade.

In the end, none of this matters.

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And something else. As the office manager for 16 years on a staff of about 140, I can tell you that the older employees, generally, were better workers than the young. No offense to the younger people out there, but the older ones are more reliable. Again, No offense to the young. I was once young and unreliable too. But there are exceptions to that, of course.

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"Skills" in quotation marks is right. Conformism, herd mentality, trust in authority. Remaking our society by excluding people who lack those "skills" from our workforce. We don't have to believe in a conspiracy to believe those "skills" favor the incumbents in our society.

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Sorry, but I was hired at 56, left for better position at 58. Same company hired a 62 year old a year later. Both were Fortune 500 financial services companies. Much depends of course on your skills, industry and company.

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I’m not saying it’s impossible for an older person to get hired, just more difficult. I saw that a lot in our office. Workplace culture is a factor too. But Maybe you’re on to something. Maybe I need to focus on large companies that actually disregard age for real. I’m convinced of a few things though. Being white is a disadvantage. Being a guy is a disadvantage. Being old is disadvantage. Being unvaccinated is a killer. I will admit though that my perspective may be skewed from working for so many years for a leftist controlled local government.

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How about this. I worked for a government office filled with lawyers. Minimum requirements for a new hire is that he/she graduated from law school and passed the bar. Of course there were quotas for minority hiring. We were required to have a workforce that reflected the local population. So we had to hire black people whenever we could. But didn’t have a lot of black applicants. Every single time we had a black job candidate, that candidate got hired. Period. His or her lsat scores, law school grades, they didn’t matter. Better qualified white people lost out to lesser qualified black people lost every time that we had a black candidate. Every time! No exaggeration! We had no choice. We had to meet the quota. The only acceptable excuse for hiring a white person was when there were no black applicants. We had reporting requirements that forced us to explain why we didn’t hire a minority. The only valid explanation was that there were no minority applicants. Call me racist even though I’m not. I don’t care. It’s just the truth. It was my job to ensure that our reporting requirements were met. I may not know much, but I know these are the facts of hiring into governmental positions in Pittsburgh, Pa.

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I believe you-quotas like this are not only wrong but bad for business and for the people they purport to help. In the Fortune 500 companies I worked for, while there were no quotas, being a minority was a huge advantage. One of the reasons I dislike these DEI initiatives- they insult talented and qualified minority employees and applicants who don’t need quotas or condescension to succeed. Having unqualified people in roles they aren’t suited for doesn’t help anybody. Just look at the Kamala Harris debacle.

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That’s exactly right. A couple of black lawyers I know, who are very good lawyers, are offended by the quota system because some people assume that they aren’t very good and that they only got hired because of their race. And they’re right. People do assume that. And it’s understandable why they assume that.

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We were required to hire women too. But that was easier to do because there were more female applicants.

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So I know for a fact, that at least here and in that environment, the best thing to be is a black female. The worst thing to be is a white guy. Unless of course you’re a black guy who wears a skirt. That’s the best of all. And I’m not joking.

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I hear your anger 100%! After Biden mandate I was so angry wouldn’t speak to family members who voted for him. But important to focus on what you have to offer and in some instances, being a boomer not end of the world. Employers see experience, work ethic, stability. After being a “chief” in the office, are you ok with being “staff” again? Having a younger boss? Being flexible? These are often the issues that make employers hesitant to hire older workers. Again, very sorry you’re going thru this! It’s outrageous and should be illegal!

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Sounds like you won the employment lotto.

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Had niche technical skills in the legal compliance area of securities, non-management. Companies figured at most people stick around for 7-8 years in same position, so figured they’d get a decent run from me and my 62 yo colleague. Just wanted the work to get done correctly and on time. Also, some employers see boomers as good hires-work ethic, etc. When I transitioned careers at 40, I intentionally chose this job as promising considerable job security. Luckily, it worked out.

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try Triple A. They love hiring seniors.

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Try being older than 55 and on your country's blacklist. Real fun.

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Sad but true! My husband's company backed off their mandate but a nurse I know was told she had to get a buster. A senate committee voted to extend mask mandates for the Head Start program, those are kids two to five. They did it despite growing evidence of delayed development and emotional harm, it's barbaric. The creeps had the nerve to blame the fact that that age group isn't eligible for vaccination. The fanatics are down but not defeated.

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No, haven't you heard? Masking is no longer associated with developmental delays. CDC/AAP lowered the milestones per age, so now those kids all fit the new guidelines! Fixed!

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Don't move to Kanada!!!

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All the people have beady eyes and floppy heads!

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You've seen our Prime Minister in action then?

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It a mess right now, but he did only say it's ending, not that it has ended. My brother works for a large international shipping company based in DC with thousands of employees. They have no vax mandate, no masking, no testing and all branches were ordered to take down any signage related to covid. On the other hand the hospital I work at in Pittsburgh is still testing all unvaccinated employees weekly, like that makes any sense at all. The vaccine mandate is still here but they pretty much granted exemptions to everyone who applied. The university my daughter attends dropped the masks and no longer tests unvaccinated students (they had no vax mandate).

But the vax mandates? Ridiculous now. It's like they are mandating you to get the 2019 flu shot you missed...

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EXACTLY. Not only are mandates not "dead", implying only a resurrection can bring them back, but passports, mandates, if they are no longer in force, have merely been suspended (with the infrastructure intact). Couple that with Pfizer's optimism about a new vaccine which will cover all variants and the imminent WHO pandemic treaty, and I figure we are in mortal danger.

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My thoughts as well. They are still putting the infrastructure in place for digital IDs & social credit scores. If this 'vaccine' had truly been safe and effective, people would have walked into tyranny without a glance back. We are most definitely not out of the woods in the push for 'Building Back Better' and the new world order.

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The thing that has me most worried is WHO's upcoming pandemic treaty. The idea supranational agreements can override local laws is horrible.

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Yes that is an absolute nightmare.

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Two-tiered economy and eventually open conflict. These people aren't omnipotent.

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Yes, just some well publicized temporary suspensions while the local, national and international vax passport infrastructures remain in place for the next all-too-soon occasion. And WHO treaty makes it automatic next time.

Let’s see what happens with the airplane and interstate and public transport mask mandates next month.

Note that most South American countries are not allowing entry for unvaccinated travelers and Italy is also disallowing unvaccinated tourists over 50. Some countries seem to have an implicit reciprocity deal, which puts Americans at a disadvantage because the Brandon administration still prohibits entry to unvaccinated travelers from abroad (unless they’re illegals).

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I read an article in the Tribune Review this morning that Westmoreland Transit is hiring. They don't have a vaccine mandate. I don't know what part of Allegheny County you live in, s0 I guess a long commute with high gas prices would take a chunk out of your earnings. Good luck.

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Very sorry to hear this. I faced the same mandate from employer but luckily could retire. Would have been a nightmare if I’d been younger. Please try to stay positive about job prospects. One positive aspect of “diversity” initiatives is that many companies include age and will seek out older workers. Hope this isn’t too Pollyanna. Hang in there.

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Yeah well I worked as an office manager for local government, and it has been my experience that old people don’t get hired. Of course upper management would never use age as an excuse for not hiring old people. They always seemed to come up with “other reasons” to hire younger job candidates.

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People will.....eventually being unvaxed will be a plus...you will see!!

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I can see that. Health care costs are huge for companies and some, like my employer, self insure.

When they realize the rise in cost caused by vaccine injuries, being unvaxxed will become a huge positive factor when trying to get a job.

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Unfortunately, I think the current medical establishment will collapse under the weight of all of the coming vax injuries.....just in time to move to universal healthcare. Voila! Problem solved for employers.

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The idiot mayor in NYC still mandating masks for 3 year olds in school...

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Despicable fool. These people are awful.

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It's not a pandemic. It's political.

And it has been so from the beginning.

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Same with the military. Any pretense of the vaccines being "safe and effective" went out the window long ago, but the Navy is still working hard to kick people out who have refused this "lawful order to take an FDA-approved" vaccine. They have now added language to include EUA under that "lawful order" characterization. Seems self-contradictory (and unlawful) to me. In the meantime, there are a lot of good people being hurt by these unscientific and politically-driven policies.

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I will state this again, the Federal Worker and Contractor Mandate is not dead. The Biden Administration is still moving forward with the suit to keep this mandate, at some point I will loose my company over this. My son attends Northwestern University, and they are still mandating Boosters for students (not staff). He received a temporary waiver, but will likely be kicked out of school next quarter. I do not believe for a second they will back down. Mandates are still alive and well and living in the US.

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Sorry about this. Forcing these jabs into college students is criminal.

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The whole thing is a criminal enterprise that really looks a lot like crimes against humanity!

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He got the J&J and a 6 weeks later got Covid. Then they wanted him to get booster. He has decided that even with a full-ride scholarship he will drop out if it comes to getting a booster

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True. My grandchildren are in college and required to be jabbed. Granddaughter fully on board, alas, but my grandson fighting it and suffering the social and emotional consequences. I’m hoping it will actually happen, but with the media fear mongering daily about new variants and scary diseases, I’m not at all optimistic. Never mind the damage already done and the deaths to come.

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I have to write this in all caps because secretly screaming into the void is the only option left it seems:



It was announced this morning that Trudeau is now working in coalition with the NDP party meaning a minority govt is now a majority govt with no viable opposition and they have nothing to stop them until 2025. And he bought a LOT of shots and they will want to see return on their investment somehow I’m sure, as they will be losing money hand over fist in the years to come.

Not an understatement: I hate this country.

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If you are able to drive to the US, you can fly to Puerto Vallarta. There are thousands of fellow Canadians down there having the time of their lives. They do not want to go back.

Of course, knowing how to speak Spanish helps.

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Canadians speaking Spanish must be hilarious. How do you I'm sure aboot that en Espanol?

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I am so sad to hear that. The constant war in Ukraine coverage by my only news source blots out all other subjects. I wish you could make a run at the Northern border but it is unlike the Southern one. In Georgia, a red state, we are back to normal. We do have an important Governors race that could change everything. The importance of state leadership has been dramatically spotlighted in the last two years. I wonder if Canada had Province rights. Is that even a thing? I love Canada and I pray that you’re freedoms are returned post-Trudeau. I hope that IS a thing!

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Our provinces do have some power (mask mandates and vaccine passports for example - which have been dropped everywhere) but the borders are federally controlled and we can't leave (legally) until daddy Trudeau says so.

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Are you sure aboot that? :))))

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Yeah, Prime Minister Zoolander really turned a beautiful country into Canuckistan. Glad we did our Canadian Rockies and Calgary Stampede visit a few years ago.

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"Prime Minister Zoolander" made my day.

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I so appreciate the truckers in Canada, it has had an effect here. I was born in Canada and visited 4 times a year minimum. Now I have not been sin e February 2020. I think I may never be able to go again. Goodbye to half the family, so sad.

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I totally relate to your last two sentences.

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Canadian-American here, just wrecked by what's happened. Going to Western Canada on holiday was pretty much yearly before covid. I've missed my aunt's and uncle's joint memorial service in Ontario during this (non-covid, btw). And I will not go back as long as that petty dictator is in power.

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Don't forget the two week mandatory quarantine if you were so stupid to return to Canada unvaxxed after having been able to leave.

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Vaccine mandates aren’t dead for the military, CA school kids, or if Biden and deep blue Dems have anything to say about it

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They're quiet for midterms because they're such a loser, but they'll come raging back, no doubt about it.

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I've just been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and will always wonder if the 2 Pfizer shots triggered it. My primary care doc keeps reminding me to get a booster. No effing way.

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I’d bet $$$ you’re right. I’ve had polymyalgia rheumatica and inflammatory arthritis for 4 yrs now, which I think were brought on by my vaxx-happy doc in 2017 when he stuck me with shingles, flu and pneumonia jabs. When my new doc began pushing covid vaxx last year I told him to get bent.

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RA is autoimmune and inflammation driven, so it's not out of the realm of possibility. Sorry to hear.

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My stepdaughter was diagnosed with lupus shortly after the first vax. I can’t see any other reason for her diagnosis.

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probably the same with an immediate family member

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We will not forget. There have to be consequences to these mandates.

As Senator Ron Johnson mentioned many months ago. "If the vaccines work, you don't need to mandate them." (i.e. - people will voluntarily get them)

And, "If the vaccines don't work, you can't mandate them."

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Exactly... and how do they mandate a vaxx that's still under emergency use criteria? It's criminal!

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I'd love a tee-shirt saying that, as I don't do bumper stickers

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The justification for vaccination is dead. The totalitarian impulse that drives the mandates is very much alive. Our Public Health cabal aims to ride that pony as far as it can. As Rahm Emmanuel almost said, "Never let a crisis go to waste; exploit the hell out of it and milk it for graft."

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Alex, please call out the American Museum of Natural History... they suck. They are hoarding away our natural treasures and will not allow young inquisitive children to see them in person unless of course, they are first injected with this madness.

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What do you expect from the people who knuckled under to remove the statue of Theodore Roosevelt?

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Yeah. It's a slightly different disease, but the same people have it. In the meantime, there's a building in the East Village that still has a statue of Lenin on the roof.

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I stopped having sympathy for the AMNH when I learned the President paid herself $2M a year. Sigh, but yes, my son literally learned to climb stairs in that building. What complete assholes running that place

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really - is this true? oh my goodness...if true - as a tax payer that infuriates me...is that true?

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Same for the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Opera. The opera requires a booster. Remember the opera isn't over until the fat lady collapses.

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bahaha...till the fat lady collapses...bahaha....right...from her shot...bahahah...that's awesome...bahahah...rofl

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It's an opera, after all. Somebody's gotta die.

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indeed...still chuckling...

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The Academy of Sciences in SFO requires it too. They lost me forever as client.

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Mar 22, 2022
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Everyone in the NYC performing arts community has become the worst kind of brainwashed butt-wipe over covid. Drooling, babbling idiots.

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Mar 22, 2022
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One thing I think might be relevant: Most arts organizations are not-for-profit, they solicit charitable contributions. A Big Pharma company with $37 billion to throw around can buy compliance from nearly any non-profit org. I can't prove that they do, but they certainly could.

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Some of the ballet studios never re-opened. Ballet class online just doesn’t cut it

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Their loss. Other ballet companies have great programs and she wont have to suffer through nyc in the dirty violent summer

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Same with other museums

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Look out for the wave of vaccinated people who come after us ‘Pure Bloods’ for blood transfusions. And you thought a gallon of gas was high.

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My blood group is 0+, so is my husband's. AND my son's. All three of us unvaccinated. How much will our collective blood be worth in thee years' time I wonder?

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0+ and pure blood here too. Bring on the money lol

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I actually have the Red Cross calling me to donate now . . . something is going on.

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"Vaccine passports are dead.

Vaccine mandates are deader.

Actual vaccinations are deadest of all."

I respectfully disagree...

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Will the jabbed keep getting Covid over and over Groundhog Day style?

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Probably. The virus mutated around these mass vaccination campaigns. Even Fauci accidentally told the truth about this in the fall of 2020.

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yet we still require vaccination to enter this country from a foreign one - did you know that? not on the southern border of course...heheh..but legally...which I think is a travesty...

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I believe you just need a negative test.

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not for non citizens...so I have a friend who is a Russian...who would love to use her visa to come here...but can't...she is not vaxxed...if you are a non citizen..you cannot enter without a vax...truth.

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That explains it. Horrible

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Since like November I believe she said...and it had to be a "western vaxx"

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... yet my local sports radio shows were flooded yesterday with ads from Pfizer telling us to visit our local pharmacies to get the jab. Not your physician, your pharmacy

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As I have noted before in a thread, the local sports radio show in my city is similarly "underwritten."

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We get out vaxxes by the Bananas....Yes the Bananas and we have a sign with a Banana that has a bandaid on it.....Cray-Cray!!!! (Meaning= Get your Vax at the Pharmacy in the Grocery Store).

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"The question now becomes how much longer the governments, academics, companies, and journalists who pressed these shots on more than 1 billion people can keep denying the truth." They aren't denying the truth. They are WILLFULLY pushing a planned narrative to control us. I'm not sure when, if ever, that will stop.

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I agree. They've ignored it this long. Why? Because the majority are oblivious to the facts. Social media will suspend you for presenting the facts. The major media are all paid off by big pharma so they're not going to dig into the vax data. The Left call us right-wing anti-vaxxers so they're predisposed to believe big pharma. Look at all the sports!!! Billion dollar operations, multi-million salaries, and they're clueless on vaccine harm for their young players. Yet most demand they get vaxxed. Look what just happened to Rafael Nadal. During his last match he was having all kinds of difficulty breathing along with feeling pins in his chest.

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And this is how they got so many people to comply with it all. And not just comply but get angry and cause people to fell embarrassed, guilty and stupid.


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