
Alex, I was scandalized when I read this on Glenn's substack to which I subscribe. It will take the few remaining sane left-leaning people like you and Greenwald to make this as big a deal as it should be. Wish Bari Weiss would take it on as well. And Bill Maher. This is so McCarthyite it is scary. Thanks for exposing this -- I know it is out of your sweet spot, but honest reporting seems to be your métier irrespective of the subject.

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Read this yesterday. There needs to be judicial review. And WHERE are Republicans fighting back?

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The entire Democratic, excuse me, Bolshevik Party, has gone mad.

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Ask yourself this, Alex:

What are they trying to deflect our attention from?

Still think that Trump really lost?

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It's why the left needs 1/6 to be a big deal -- it's the gateway to do all the illegal shit they've always wanted to do but couldn't. They're clearly letting people know what happens if you dare stand up to them.

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EVERYTHING about this terrible abuse of political power should fall to the feet and heads of Republican politicians that are doing basically nothing about it. We only have about five attacking it, and the rest are Romney *dks* that are just the same corrupt animal in a different shirt.

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“Fear is crucial for state authority. When the population is filled with it, they will acquiesce to virtually any power the government seeks to acquire in the name of keeping them safe.”

- Glenn Greenwald

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THIS is where hard investigative journalism moves the needle. It’s a damn shame that Alex and Glenn represent a small minority of journalists actually exposing the cultural/political malfeasance.

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Abuse of government power is always too easy. The government oversees everyone and yet nobody really oversees the government. Except the press used to. Now the press and government are really the same.

It seems that the press is the problem. The challenge is coming up with a viable solution.

Substack might be one example.

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They have not gone mad. They know exactly what they are doing. Just look at their timetable. They tell you exactly who they are and what they have planned. All the way up to the midterms. They cannot win without cheating. And they cannot cheat in the same manner as they have in the past. Hence, new methods must be introduced. The J6 committee, and the FBI induced Capitol Breach that was set up to provide for the formation of the committee, are all about one thing. Well two things. Making an example of certain people to make others think twice about getting involved. And stealing the next election. They always tell you who they are and what they have planned. And dare you to stop them. Nobody ever has. This time might be different. But that takes cold anger turning hot. Time will tell.

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I hope Liz Cheney goes quail hunting with her father

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its a McCarthy trial by the Blue Team

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Greenwald and you are both rock stars and deserve every dollar of subscription money you collect. THANK YOU BOTH!!

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"It's a threat to Democracy" they cry! Tell me what is a bigger threat to Democracy the 1/6 riot or the 1/6 committee?

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Contrast with Republican "leadership" which doesn't even have the stones to give Liz Cheney the boot.

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I dont care what anyone says they are American Marxist who think that God is not watching what they are doing. I wish they would spend as much time focusing on our economy and crime. Spend some time on China and the China Virus. These people who are bending the Rules to fit their own agenda need to be voted out of office. The American people need to take back our country. Why are we American people buying oil from Puttin is it so that he can go to war?

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Thanks for referring your readers to this extremely important article, Alex. Spotlighting others’ great reporting actually elevates my esteem for you and your work. Thanks again.

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This should not be about whether one is liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican or Libertarian or whatever. This is about the absolute and utter disregard for and trashing of our Constitution and what it allows. I wouldn't expect the radical left to do anything because they are the ones destroying our country, but all others need to unite to put an immediate end to this.

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Biden crime regime. What did you expect after he stole the election?

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I read this the other day and it is absolutely horrifying.

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The first time I read To Kill A Mockingbird as a child, I felt a sense of deep sadness. The characters went along with injustice and lies; that were so clearly part of a cultural norm that no one wanted to break out of. That same frustration and sadness has been real the past few years. As the year of the Tiger gets into swing, I am seeing lies exposed rapidly. I feel the way I did when Atticus Finch began to break down the entire lie!

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There really aren’t any proper words to describe how sick and twisted the radical cabal is that is trying so hard to destroy America. I really hope that people begin to realize who the man behind the curtain is. What I don’t understand is why Obama hates America so much. This is the Country that gave him everything.

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Had canceled my subscription but reinstated it on this post. The Ds are evil.

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True comparison … except that on the 1940s version of the Committee there was

roughly equal party representation,

public (not closed) hearings, and

a bipartisan group (albeit reticent) that questioned the tactics, evidentiary standards, and underlying value and purpose for the committee to exist.

Pelosi wouldn’t permit any such safeguards or dissent with her 21st century version of the committee.

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You're not doing something right if you're not on a watch list.

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I respect you and I know a lot of people like you who think Biden won the last election "fair and square." But I ask . . . would you really need to go to all these extremes if everything was on the up and up? I'm of the mind that in a two-party system where the elite have such a monopoly on information and money, no election is truly free and fair, but this one seemed to be even less so, and their hysteria in trying to quell dissent makes me even more suspicious.

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Comrade: all who oppose the regime are dissidents. We're all in this (gulag) together.

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Alex, the only remedy for this is a case that is fast tracked to the Supreme Court where the high court puts the legislative branch back in its place. What I fear is the Supremes don't have the cajones to confront the House 1/6 Committee head on. If the court did this and publicized the implications of rekindling the HUAAC, maybe it would derail The Shiff Show. These dopes (like Liz Cheney) on the 1/6 committee are going against decided law and must be stopped.

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To be fair, they started mad.

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The 1/6 commission is similar to China's Mao Zedong's cultural revolution. These U.S. Democrat Marxists are out to destroy any opposition using big government, big pharmaceutical and big tech as agents to destroy Democracy and take away your freedom. C19 with a 99.5% survival rate was weaponized to destroy the economy and to enslave your children behind masks---forever. All data and facts on C19 deaths and cases are all fictionalized. The vaccines, tests and lockdowns are all complete failures and their goal is to steal all U.S. elections going forward. They will actually allow any illegal person to vote as well. See NYC's new voting law allowing illegals to vote in city elections. It's going to take much more than a protest to stop these traitors.

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They have until November to start as many fires as possible, and they're going to.

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Better call Saul.

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If the election fraud claim is bogus (which I personally think it is), then why are they going to such extremes? Really, if you truly believed the election result to be fair, why would you even bother? To me, such deceptive and intrusive measures indicate a high sense of fear

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Ya, mostly Democrats doing this Alex, aren't you a Democrat??

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We’ve learned nothing. Simple as that.

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The difference being that the Un-American Activities Commission actually revealed communist spies in our government. The Jan. 6 commission is more akin to a star chamber.

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They're not mad. They're evil.

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I'm looking forward to them interviewing Mr. Epps?

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JP Morgan deliberately making itself an arm of the Star Chamber, prejudicing Budowich in every way!? O.M.G. It takes a lot of $$$ just to try to insert any kind of due process into the coordinated overreach; the courts are already in on it. The USSCt refusing Trump's Executive Privilege contrary to all its previous rulings - Obama's abuses allowed but legitimate privilege not because it's Trump. They are all part of the overthrow of America. They all know what Constitutional Law is, their past decisions (not all, obviously) demonstrate the know the rule of law and why. Our only choice going forward is to Take Our Country Back (TM) with no negotiation, no deals, quarter given. God, please shed Your Grace and Favour upon us~

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Again, first of all thank you for the opportunity to comment.

I don’t understand people, this is sociopathy at its most essence, these people really think there’s no accountability or consequences.

And the way the country has basically said, “thank you, we really enjoy being beaten and mauled, can you continue doing it?“

What I don’t get is people who have kids, I guess the concept of wanting your kids to do better than you as parents, is beyond dead and buried.

That’s certainly the case the way kids have been relentlessly abused and destroyed in schools the last two years.

But, we’re doomed, you folks just can’t read the writing on the wall…

And neither can the kids in schools these days.

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Excellent, if worrisome article.

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FIRST, the two RINOs must go comes November

SECOND, all that abused our civil rights MUST go to jail next year

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A Plague, multiple wars, terrible leadership, infighting & decisions that only benefited the rich & connected- downfall of Roma anyone?

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The Republican establishment supports this.

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The Demoncrat Party and RINOs made of the same cloth. Power, power, and more power.

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I get that McCarthy was in the Senate and this column references the (House) HUAC, but still, this book is a must-read (or -listen; it's available on Audible) for anyone who *thinks* they know the truth about McCarthy.


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As much a "Star Chamber" than just Joe McCarthy. Our country is eating itself alive. The maniacs on both sides need to be reigned in and censured.

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In this culture of fear nothing should be surprising

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Democrats hate the Constitution. They're not even trying to get rid of it anymore, they're just ignoring it and no one can stop them.

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Alex, thanks for posting this. I haven't finished reading the post but will. Wow. When covid started, McCarthy was a name that kept popping into my head.

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