The excuse for every government's COVID intervention was "It's better than nothing." But it wasn't.

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Indeed and for "THE GREATER GOOD". Throw in some "morality" traps and changing language and you get this:

Greater good always precedes the greatest evils.

Textbook; tried and true throughout written history.

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Which brought us Greater Good, version 2020: "Do it for Grandma." (As they worked to kill her off with Remdesivir, while holding her captive with no visitors allowed. Purely for profit, but I digress.)

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So of course we must mind rape the kids and invert morality by expecting them to sacrifice for those short for this world. And adults fell for it, masked their kids for two years and surrounded them with a spirit of fear and threats of shame/guilt.

Sounds healthy.

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Sounds evil and mentally challenged imho. Cheers from Canada, where the unjabbed still are not welcome to visit our neighbors to the south. Where the picture of health world #1 tennis champion is not allowed to play in the US Open!! Strange, I seem to recall, but did not watch last year where the sponsor was, wait for it, yes of course, big pharma. Not sure if it was Pfizer or Moderna. Have a blessed day.

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Or you put deseased people in a nursing home where Grandma is staying and it kills her and all her friends. Thank you Cumo worlds greatest governor.

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My favorite was, you have to wear a mask to protect others, not yourself.

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Because of the greatest CON of entire scamdemic. The MYTH of the asymptomatic spreader. That is how they LOCKED in the "mass psychosis" of those without critical thought

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Wear a mask. But I'm not sick. It protects you from others. Are others wearing masks? Yes. Are they sick? I don't know, probably. But they're wearing masks. Yes. So why should I wear one? WEAR A MASK!! Abbott and Costello, call your office.

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That was pivotal. And once they figured out you could replace distance with masks it was GAME OVER.

That horse wasn't going back in the stable.

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The most effective tools for authoritarians to gain control are inducing fear and guilt in people. They had fear covered with all the COVID hysteria. The “your mask protects others” narrative added the coup de grace, guilt. “You don’t care if you kill Grandma!”

These people are truly despicable. They didn’t quite meet their objective this time, but they learned a lot for when they launch their next effort.

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Too many gullible people allowed the fear porn to soak in and didn't do enough skeptical thinking.

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If you were an authoritarian trying to validate your "proof of concept" you would be very pleased.

And as you said they killed two birds by learning what was most effective and what "proof of concepts" they're likely to validate again.

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I remember years ago my gynecologist asked if I got my flu shot yet. I replied, no I never get a flu shot, I hardly ever get sick. She then went on to give me a lecture about how the flu might not be bad for me but I could go to the grocery store and infect an older person or baby.

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The stares from the brainwashed, the public shaming, it was magical for those in charge.

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That's why we got mask mandates even though the best pre-COVID evidence said masks were ineffective.

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At least the masks weren't as deadly as the mRNA therapy shots.

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I beg to differ. Some human beings have been wearing those muzzles for three years! Look at the damage it has done to children! It’s sickening to see these innocents still wearing these evil contraptions. Not to mention the chemicals and plastic in them. Their speech, vocabulary, and understanding is damaged.

I understand what you’re saying though.

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The masks are filthy, stinky, awful disease ridden trash, and forcing them on people did incalculable psychological harm. We can agree on that.

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In many ways, the masks were what enabled the spikeshots. Fauci changed his mind over a weekend, going from "masks are useless" to "wear six". Under deposition, he could not remember why he changed his mind, but he was "sure it was for a good reason". The lying is amazing.

But that was the test. Would people buy the mask BS? If they did, anything else (logically proceeding to the mRNA spikeshots) would be easy. It is why I have been railing about the masks since day one. They were the (dead) canary in the coal mine. The fact that everyone said "at least it's doing something" instead of "this is nonsense" was the necessary antecedent to everything else.

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I’m with YOU! I agree 100%! Fear is powerful, isn’t it? I trust in God. I knew it was bs three years ago!

“Two weeks to slow the spread”…😂🤣😂😂🤣…WTF????

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I feel ashamed for buying the mask nonsense in 2020. I figured the masks might be why Asian countries had less covid. It became increasingly obvious by lay 2020 that the masks weren’t stopping the spread. Now we have a dozen randomized controlled trials in the Cochrane review that show zero efficacy of masks. I didn’t take the warp speed vaccines because it just seemed too rushed.

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And by the by…I wouldn’t get ANY vaccines or flu shots…EVER!

I’m 59…no vaccines or flu shots. But I did lose my job/career for not doing the testing/jab…for not complying with THE STATE.

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I forgive you. ✝️ 💜 Now, let’s get some shit done.

Like fighting TYRANNY!!!!🤬

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^late 2020

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And to CONTROL your Space and Time in society if you dare resist.

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You are exactly right, before the now defunct Governor of Nevada locked down the entire state, created mass division, put thousands of businesses out, he echoed these words; "I have to do something". Of course we all know he (and all the other useful idiot politicians) just made things much worse and paved the way for the poison vaccines.

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Mar 8, 2023
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The cynical response is that potential therapeutic strategies aren’t as potentially profitable as vaccines.

So that’s probably the answer

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One thing's for sure ... you've never seen a greater bunch of idiots in positions of authority.

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Or wealthier ones!

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Eh... they're VERY good at money laundering...

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Or more likely - they were useful idiots. Seems the intended effects of the covid “pandemic” were all realized - Big pharma got lots of dollars. Big gov got lots of deaths and lots of control. Big tech got lots of info

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I would say a greater corrupted idiots

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If you haven't figured it out even with Alex's help, the Govt lied to us to take power and exert control over our lives. We are at a crossroads in the country's history and future. I have little confidence in American voters anymore. They lack critical thinking skills and just vote the party line, don't think so/ @ words John Fetterman. He never should have been elected to the Senate period. That is an example of why we didn't have a cogent response to Covid

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New Democrat ticket for 2024:

FEINSTEIN - FETTERMAN This is a sure winner.

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🤡 city!! 🤣

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I never thought Fetterman would win. One cognitively impaired man beat a talented heart surgeon. Two cognitively impaired candidates, unbeatable!

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I hear you! Truly unbelievable!

And now he's inpatient for clinical depression...like anyone with half a brain could have predicted that or some type of hospitalization for him.

In between what that party has done with shoving Biden out there and now Fetterman really tells you a lot about how these people don't give a shit about anything other than their power grabbing agenda.

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Mar 8, 2023Edited
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Agree 💯%

If we peeled the layers back it would be disgusting the corruption and deceit these shameless assholes are intertwined in

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His stroke was probably caused by the jabs.

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I have thought that also.

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Most astonishing is I think is that the "average American" has no idea that the Chinese didn't go the mRNA, boosters-for-life route.

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The average American believes China is just a factory, not a country.

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NO ONE EVER NEEDED A VACCINE...especially an untested one. The utter stupidity of vaccination to cure a common cold/flu is utter stupidity. Not ignorance, STUPIDITY.

The “vaccine” IS the virus. There never was a pandemic. Ever!

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check out el gato's latest substack about iatrogenic murder

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I used to read the town newspapers police blotter to giggle about the ‘cat stuck in tree’ or ‘neighbor mowing lawn on Sunday afternoon’ reports. I stopped reading it during the pandemic because not much was humorous anywhere. I just picked it up today to see what is going on in my sleepy small town. The occasional auto accident and CO detector reports were overwhelmed by ‘EMS, caller transported to hospital’ reports . There were probably 100 of such reports. I can’t help but ponder the cause…

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Good analysis. However, the long term goal of the horrific synthetic mRNA experiment is moving forward as we speak. mRNA is going to replace the classic Influenza shots first. The Government and Collectivist goal is to get mRNA into every vaccine and pseudo-vaccine (DTAP, MMR, Polio, etc.) at some point unless We The People reject it along with these twisted Government Soothsayers.

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Along with all the veterinary vaccines as well, even for our domestic livestock. 🙁

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The truly ironic deal is that people would've given pause to giving their pets a drug from an experimental platform....but would line up for it like it was mana from heaven for themselves.

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The "ignoring reality" is reaching psychotic levels. Then again, isn't what this has all been about?

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If it wasn't for Fauci and his loathsome group of sycophants, including CNN, we would all be better off.

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Sometimes the best thing to do in life is to do nothing and just go about your day.

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I assume this is a comment on the Chinese "going about their day."

At the same time, reading this post by AB, I thought, "Gee," (after those initial dire predictions) "it seems that I forgot to worry about China's covid crisis."

Guess I had better things to do like being a wife and mother. Apparently, I didn't miss much by "going about my day!"

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Actually the comment is about people as individuals just going about their day as they should, and to stop believing all the propaganda spewed their way by media and govt and those who want to nudge/steer/control them.

Peaceful disobedience by ignoring those who wish us no good for their own power and benefit.

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I really don’t see the point in a vaccine for Covid. The cost-benefit is just not there. The more deadly a virus is, the more the infected stay home and the less it spreads. Thus, Covid being very infectious is actually not that dangerous to the healthy. And even a vaccine doesn’t work that well in the elderly and immune-compromised anyway. So the younger crowds don’t need a vaccine and the older crowd don’t benefit from it. And there is that pesky little fact that intramuscular injections don’t stimulate mucosal immunity. What it comes down to is that therapeutics, not vaccines, were the right approach for governments that cared about their citizens. Instead our benevolent overlords bequeathed us with the destruction of society as we knew it, a power grab to steal liberties and obscene money laundering that indebted the future of our children.

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So what if it’s infectious? Get it and get over it: natural immunity!

I cannot remember a time in my 59 years that people were/are so frightened of a cold. I find it fucking pathetic.

Damn. I worked 40 years. People came to work sick all the time. In fact, it was noble to “man up” and work while you had a cold!

People have become complete pansies and sissies.

And take your damn muzzle OFF! Smile...it’s good for the environment!😀

And people think a country can survive THIS nonsense????

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Agree. What most concerns me is that fearful people are subjecting our sane minority to tyranny.

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I use my favorite word all the time: N-O…NO! It’s so simple, and it’s not even a “big” word. NO! No, I will not put a mask on. No, you cannot take my temperature. NO!

(Rod Serling voice) Imagine a world where people said NO to strangers who demand you give up your liberty, illegally…in the Twilight Zone…

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I've always been a big fan of the word, "No."

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Yep. After all the insanity, China just said let ‘er rip. Let people who get sick, get sick. Let people who die, die. Doesn’t sound friendly but it’s better science than The Science in the west.

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So the Chinese, who knew the origin and the genetic sequence of Covid-19, didn't use mRNA vaccines. That should have been a tipoff to other countries.

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A lot of other countries weren't making decisions in the best interest of their citizens. They seem to have been under the control of the WHO and big pharma.

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Yep, they gave Big Pharma a blank check.

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Yep. Who's next in line for the blank check from us the tax-payers? Zelensky and the military industrial complex?

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Zelensky has received everything he's asked for, so I would say he already has the blank check

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It will come full circle and the press will claim that in China:

"No MISTAKES were made and Lockdowns Work"

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Does any sane person with their God given brain cells even listen to what the media, press whores have to say? Cheers from a sunny but very cold day in Canada, good thing there is no snow for a day or two. All the best my neighbors.

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They go to the Tele-A-Vision for their "truth" and to feel like they know what is going to happen in the future.

Thinking is hard business. If it wasn't, everyone would do it.

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Thats exclusively our immune systems for the W. Not any of the shots.,

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The question is: Was China's wisdom in avoiding mRNA enough to make up for their disastrous lockdowns under the "zero Covid" policy?

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Great question. We will probably never know the number of folks who committed suicide or died for lack life-saving treatment, or fatally starved -- not to mention the number of permanent psychological injuries (covid PTSD).

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