But yesterday the Centers for Disease Control, America’s not-at-all-politicized public health agency, released a new study purporting to show that vaccination protects against Covid infection better than natural immunity. Of course, a wave of stories about the benefits of mRNA vaccination followed.
To do this, the CDC used some magic statistical analysis to turn inside raw data that actually showed almost four times as many fully vaccinated people being hospitalized with Covid as those with natural immunity - and FIFTEEN TIMES as many over the summer.
I kid you not.
Further, the study runs contrary to a much larger paper from Israeli researchers in August.
As my two-year-old likes to say, How dey do dat?
Well, the Israeli study drew on a meaningful dataset in a meaningful way to reach meaningful conclusions. It counted infections (and hospitalizations) in a large group of previously infected people against an equally large and balanced group of vaccinated people, then made moderate adjustments for clearly defined risk factors.
It found that vaccinated people were 13 times as likely to be infected - and 7 times as likely to be hospitalized - as unvaccinated people with natural immunity.
In contrast - how do I put this politely? - the CDC study is meaningless gibberish that would never have been published if the agency did not face huge political pressure to get people vaccinated.
Let’s take a look.
The study had a bizarre design.
The agency’s researchers looked at 200,000 people who had been hospitalized with “Covid-like” illnesses from January through August in nine states. Right away, this choice sets up the study in a problematic way; for most of that time, people who had received Covid vaccines believed (because the CDC and others told them) that they were at VERY low risk of getting Covid, and certainly symptomatic Covid. Thus they may have been less likely to go to the hospital at all, or be tested for Covid once they arrived.
But put that aside.
Then the researchers decided to compare two groups - people who had definitely had Covid at least 90 days before and received another Covid test around the time of their hospitalization and people who had been fully vaccinated at least 90 days (but no more than 180 days) before and received a Covid test around the time of their hospitalization.
This choice is also bizarre. Those of you who have been paying attention will know that this date range is designed to make the vaccines look as good as possible by testing in the happy vaccine valley, the short period when mRNA vaccines are at maximum effectiveness (in fact, they are probably starting to lose it by the sixth month).
But more importantly, this criteria excluded the VAST majority of the people hospitalized with Covid-like illnesses or tested for Covid.
Only about 1,000 people out of the 200,000 people hospitalized for Covid-like illnesses over the eight months had a previous documented Covid infection. (Given the fact that at least 20 percent of Americans, and probably more like 40 percent, had had Covid by the spring of 2021, this is a strikingly small percentage - and certainly doesn’t suggest long Covid is much of a threat.)
And only 89 of those 1,020 people with natural immunity tested positive. In contrast, 324 out of the 6,328 vaccinated people who met the study’s criteria tested positive.
But isn’t 324 more than 89?
It sure is. And the CDC didn’t have - or didn’t publish - figures on how many people were actually in the two groups - those with natural immunity and those infected. Instead it compared the PERCENTAGE OF POSITIVE TESTS in the two groups.
But why would the percentage of positive tests matter, when we don’t know how many people were actually at risk?
Great question.
But, amazingly, the statistical manipulation then got even worse.
The natural immunity group had an 8.7 percent positive test rate. The fully vaccinated group had a 5.1 percent positive test rate. So the natural immunity group was about 1.7 times as likely to test positive. (1.7 * 5.1 = about 8.7.)
With such a small number of people in the natural immunity group, that raw “rate ratio” may well have failed to reach statistical significance. (We don’t know, because the CDC didn’t provide an unadjusted odds ratio with 95% boundaries - something I have never seen before in any paper.)
Instead, the CDC provided only a risk ratio that it had adjusted with a variety of factors, including “facility characteristics [and] sociodemographic characteristics.”
And finally, the CDC’s researchers got a number that they could publish - hospitalized people who had previously been infected were five times as likely to have a positive Covid test as people who were fully vaccinated. Never mind that there were actually four times as many people in the second group.
By the way, buried at the bottom of report is some actual data. And it’s bad.
The CDC divided the hospitalizations into pre- and post-Delta - January through June and June through August.
Interestingly, the number of hospitalized people with natural immunity actually fell sharply over the summer, as Delta took off. About 14 people per month were hospitalized in the winter and spring, compared to six per month from June through August. (Remember, this is a large sample, with hospitals in nine states.)
But the number of VACCINATED people being hospitalized soared - from about three a month during the spring to more than 100 a month during the Delta period. These vaccinated people still were less than 180 days from their second dose, so they should have been at or near maximum immunity - suggesting that Delta, and not the time effect, played an important role in the loss of protection the vaccine offered.
As an MD I am so ashamed and disappointed with the corruption of the medical establishment. Not only the CDC and Public Health, but also mainstream medical groups have been permanently tainted with political bias
Nurses are just as bad. It seems there is a split evenly between those who will stand up for their rights and those who cower in fear. I am a nurse who is standing up for my rights.
we as patients are too. I have fired all my docs and found a functional doc with an open mind and much versed in nutrition, supplements and Holistic medicine.
How can we trust the medical profession when the AMA won’t acknowledge women and men. Birthing people? FFS. The profession won’t recover, just like no one reads magazines anymore, and the younger generation has never watched nightly news. To top it off, most docs are living under a mountain of debt and are indentured servants to their medical license to earn enough just to get to net zero.
The heads of all these professional organizations are now left-political activists or controlled squishes. They are all either pro-CCP or highly compromised by past indiscretions. "Thousand Talents" is a great example of how the ChiComs ease people into compromise and then advance them.
Ditto-- but heh-- we both know there was corruption and pay to play aspects in our profession since we got out of school. The difference I see now is that it is in your face baldly done and it is much more widespread.
They took over the tops of most of the sci-med organizations using political activists disguised as "the women and minorities we need right now". Political correctness was a great way to paralyze us, so they could shuffle in their ringers. When the head of the AMA went after hydroxychloroquine but cheered on toxic remdesivir, you know something is terribly wrong. These political activists are not technically competent.
It is amazing. You say Ivermec to any MD and they have instant apoplexy. They have turned bobbleheads for the firm......thank you for joining us and just saying This shall not pass.
you are more than welcome to join the experiment. I will keep him alive as long as i can, with some jabs of my own..All in the name of science and health.
He is still spewing to the masses last I saw and the highest paid servant of the people in the land waiting to be given an outstanding pension again funded by we the people on top of all the under the table income he has. Fauci has been spinning the web since the 80's
He kept Bactrim away from patients with HIV pneumonia for 2 years because of one bad episode he'd had with the antibiotic. So, hundreds died because of his stubborn arrogance.
Dr. Peter Duesberg was almost alone in the mid ‘80’s when he suggested that HIV was not the cause of AIDS and wrote a book detailing his arguements and the reaction of Fauci, and other medical officials and scientific journals. This is a man who was the youngest ever to be admitted to the National Academy of Science. He was the recipient of many NIH research grants, and at the apex of his career. For acting like a genuine scientist and questioning the official narrative the general scientific community and NIH cancelled him. Fauci Played an important part in this by making it difficult for him to reach the general public, getting his interviews on major networks cancelled or severely pared, and in his place Fauci would turn up to give his slippery spiel.
His book is INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS. A fascinating story and well written, with wry humor sprinkled throughout.
good doc, i have ivermec. i pray that nothing in those jabs causes you any distress in the months, years to come. you are an enlightened being and one who loves his patients. patients before money, fame etc. The foundation of anyone in medicine should be Love of the Patient. All else will take care of itself. Thank you for not drinking the kool aid.
So far no reaction at all from Moderna. I don't even get a localized reaction so I sometimes wonder if they're just shooting me up with saline. The homeopathic Rx for COVID HA!
Well in a way I hope you received saline or sterilized water. That will ensure no adverse events. But, if you did get the real thing, I will continue to pray all will be ok.
stature, no MD that allowed this mess will have stature in the American public's eyes ever again. And as far as money, I hope they choke on it. Sell your Mercedes, get frugal like all of us and start taking care of the American public that you swore an oath to.
I do have a question for you. Are big medical groups distributing the jab studies to its medical professionals? And if so, is information from all ideologies also provided It? It has been my thought that most doctors simply don't have the time to do intensive research on the topic themselves due to keeping up with seeing patients, etc.?
Just lost my job as RN (due to vax refusal) from a large medical group. Can’t say for sure about which vax studies docs are given but messaging to all staff has been, from the start, absolutely totalitarian in character and completely blocking any dissenting views through means overt and passive. On vax, again absolutist messaging from day 1; the vaccines ARE SAFE and effective and will get us out of the pandemic, etc. No engagement with individual concerns, literally to the point that people who experienced severe reactions to dose 1, including hospitalizations, are strictly advised to get the second dose anyway, with the single exception of anaphylactic shock as a contraindication. Message; no amount of suffering or bodily damage is an excuse not to get fully vaccinated. 🤷🏻♀️ Absolutely relieved to be out of the matrix at this point although staring down serious economic consequences.
When I watch the testimonials of the vaccine injured I learned:
1. The injuries are extremely bad and do not go away
2. Appear untreatable - medical community doesn’t know how to treat them and then shun them as an annoyance
3. The victims ( except for a few) wish they never took the jab
I’d rather work in Target and be broke with my health intact than have my 6 figure salary and be unable to breath or walk or have seizures and wonder if I am going to die that day. You can stand up and walk and talk and do anything because you are healthy. No job or money is worth your health. I may lose my job in Dec but I will relocate to Fl and scale back because I will be healthy enough to do so.
I am boycotting Target bc of it and boycotting Walmart bc they are teaching a form of CRT to new employees. I don't need anything from either of them that badly.....
Another hero here with us, thank you Tina so much. This whole thing is putrid and I am glad you left the stench. How can anyone morally and ethically perform their calling under those circumstances? You are a nurse, a vital skill set, you will be fine in the long run. Get frugal, and you will be ok. Many of us who lost jobs are in the same boat. I have to budget any and all I do now and have even sold valuables to keep the house running. It is a sacrifice I am glad to make to stand up, instead of lay down and be trampled. Wishing you every blessing possible.
Sorry to hear that you are also a casualty. I simply cannot believe, still, that this is all happening. And they called the previous president the divider in chief. I would take a mean tweet over this....any day.
Trump is and was tough. But I believe he loved this country more than any fanatic liberal is capable of. He wanted charity to begin at home, put Americans first and keep our borders sovereign as they are in other countries. He made America great again until Brandon got in and if he runs in 2024, he has my vote.
Nothing wrong with that! Garage sales, flea markets bring it on. What we are fighting for is much more important than what we wear or the car we drive. Any of the sacrifices are well worth it to leave tomorrow's children a world worth living in.
So sorry you are facing this, but so proud of you for taking a stand. I'm sure there are blessings awaiting you for standing up for what is right! I keep saying this is the year of being brave. Thanks again for sharing!
Do you have any idea whether a certain percentage of medical professionals like yourself are being given placebos? I ask b/c at this point they must know that the shots are killing and disabling a fair number of people. Do they think their hospitals can function if they start offing the staff? Or are they that sunk in the matrix? (btw- you are a hero for sticking to your guns!)
This is an interesting question and has occurred to me too. Decided it’s a rabbit hole I can’t possible get to the end of because there will never be any way to prove it, but have had the befuddling experience that most of the otherwise healthy middle aged docs and nurses I worked with got sick enough after the second dose that they had to take a day off; word was getting around the office “take your second dose on a Friday because you’ll need the weekend to recover”. Then there were a couple of people who reported to me “I felt totally fine after both doses. Nothing. Not even a sore arm really” I couldn’t help but wonder, given the mechanism of action of the vaccines, if they got diluent only by accident, or saline or something. But again, not claiming this as true, just odd.
The lesson is, trust no one in public health and no mds that have imbibed on the kool aid. we will have to figure this out for ourselves keeping up with docs like ealy, zelenko, mcccullough, brownstein and their colleagues.
Watching Clif High on Bitchute…one day he stated he knew of 5 countries where the people making the vaccines were switching out the real stuff with saline because they knew how bad it was. He wouldn’t say which countries they were but it makes sense why some people have absolutely no reaction. I bet there’s a database showing who got the real poison and who got a placebo. Remember, it’s a human experiment, and they knew the boosters were coming out so they could play “catch-up” later 🤬.
Exactly the same here and not just in my workplace too from conversations with friends and colleagues. Seemed to be generally accepted that you’d need a day to recover yet some never felt a thing
When they are done injecting the shots, what happens to the empty vials? Do they go back to Pfizer or are they dumped with medical waste? If they go back to Pfizer, then you know the answer.
I love your code name LOA, wish I could feel that way right now but I am in deep despise mode for those that brought this virus to our front doors and all over the world causing unforgivable mayhem and for the fanatics insisting on ruining our Republic.
I hear you. Although much of what we're experiencing in healthcare started in the 1980s - vax manufacturer protection, semi-secret database to blackball noncompliant docs in the hospital, Fauci's rise to power, etc. The birds are coming home to roost.
So now is a time for Creativity and action to roll the forces of darkness back. Anger is ok but only for awhile.
Thank you so much for your response and it confirms what I had thought. Conform or leave mentality.... it's just shocking and sad and public health is truly going to suffer as a result. Again, thank you for your reply and I am glad that you are now free from.the clutches of authoritarianism--at least at work!
Tina, same happened to me at my hospital. Same messages posted all over-nurses wearing bandaids in their arms, safe and effective, save the planet from Covid, protect the patient population, blah, blah, blah. Lies, lies, and more lies. Deny, deny til the day you die!
I am an unjabbed R.N. in Los Angeles and am about to go get the serum Covid T and B cell test at Lab Corp in Manhattan Beach. If it is positive and shows evidence of natural immunity, I will try to get a job in an IV clinic working in-house giving mono-clonal antibodies and Vitamin C drips to out-patients. Would even like going to homes with med kits full of Ivermectin, D3, Zinc and what ever the doctor orders plus administering IV’s with 50,000u Vitamin C.
I had the T-Detect test here in Seattle, which proved my T-cell activity. My husband, however, showed as Negative on that test, which is kind of nutty since I got the virus from him. I would love for him to take a B-cell test , (just in case proving natural immunity is ever a thing), but don't know how to go about doing that. Would you have any guidance for me and others in that regard?
I took the T detect test a month ago, hoping maybe I had gotten covid asymptomatically at some point since I worked in-office throughout the pandemic and am pretty sure the folks in the Pediatric hallway had the damn thing in November ‘19. Unfortunately negative, not that it would have helped in my job. I hope something works out for you in the profession, sincerely.
They required proof of vaccination. Kept getting email notifications with due by dates until finally passed the last date. I also live in a state with a statewide mandate for all healthcare workers so it wasn’t just company policy or the federal mandate. There was no getting out of it except with a religious exemption. Didn’t feel that for me white lying my way into a safe spot in the system was the answer. I judge no one for their personal choice on this though.
You’re right. Most practicing MDs have a narrow field of expertise. Most are woefully ignorant concerning epidemiology and statistics. Can’t say for sure but I think the groups are controlled by bureaucrats, either MDs who left practice long ago or non MD health care bureaucrats. I have some limited background in epi/statistics because I’m in Occupational Medicine. I seriously doubt that whoever made the decision in American Pediatric Association about 5-12 yos actually represents the true viewpoints of the majority of Pediatricians.
With all due respect, it does not take a medical degree for anyone with common sense to reason that a jab this rushed and under EUA with no long term studies on safety is something I want pumped into my body.
Thank you so much for your response. At my next dr appt, where I am certain that I will be urged to take the jab, figured ibwould ask the dr what studies they've read to support their opinion. Figure, that's only fair when making such an important, possibly life altering/ending decision. Thank you again!
probably both! The lack of stand up integrity-courage on this fraud being put upon humanity, by the vast majority of medical personnel is astonishing..
I was impressed to see Ice Cube, of all people, walk away from a $9 million payday rather than act in a movie that was requiring all actors to get the jab.
Ice Cube is actually quite an intelligent person. He was the senior yearbook editor at Taft High School in Woodland Hills, CA. He knows history. He knows the US gov't has conducted many experiments on black people that have devastated their communities. What most white people do not know is that the US gov't has conducted experiments on them as well. The mustard gas experiments they were conducting (on mostly white soldiers because, well, most American soldiers were white at that time) during WWII come immediately to mind.
Little wonder why Johns Hopkins was tapped to keep the "official" record of infection/death rate. The figures they throw out there are so obviously contrived. But, of course, the average person wouldn't dare question the accuracy of information disseminated by such an esteemed institution?
I certainly embrace your optimism, Carol. Assuming you're right (and I hope with all of my heart that you are), the question then becomes: what will it take to move these people to action?
Most won't move. Even if their child dies. Mass psychosis is what we saw in Germany in 1920s/30s. Remember those history films and documentaries when some Germans interviewed 30 yrs later about Nazi atrocities only begrudgingly acknowledged (some with "I didnt know" to not as bad as you paint it" kind of comments) what was going on?
History repeats itself.
Question is did it take the majority to change things?-- no it didn't-- it took infighting and greed for power within Nazi ranks (starting to see this), mental health deterioration (Hilter) and bad financial/economic state (we are going there clearly). Thats what gets some going-- then the enablers hide and then they are hunted down-- imprisioned or killed.
History repeats itself. Everything is a cycle. We all need to read and pay attention to our human history.😊
I never fully understood mass psychosis and group think until this 18 months. One question I have now is why are so many prone to this, and yet a great many others are not?
Some feel its a spiritual connection. Not necessarily religious but those who feel there is a connection amongst us and who feel their lives have purpose . There are so many definitions. Some feel that it is those who can stay in their light their integrity. That can be a good resistance to the mass propaganda which facilitates the psychosis. Signs of resistance? Critical thinking questioning and minimizing the import of authority. You can see confidence and self reliance. In my work i see many who have suffered all forms of trauma that can minimize the ability to resist. Dr. Gabor Mate is a wonderful resource on this topic.
You bring up a fascinating issue that few Americans ever even think about. Have you ever asked yourself why we "learn" or at least "are exposed to" so much emphasis on all the evil the Nazis did? No one denies they did various awful things, 1930s-1945. Yet did you know the Soviet Union, even well before WW II, had a self-inflicted death count far exceeding even the worst estimates of the Nazi murders (excluding combat deaths). Yet the Communists then, and later, generally had kinder treatment by Western intellectuals, in marked contrast to the vilification heaped upon Nazi and post-war Germany. This is merely one fascinating example of what -- and isn't -- taught in world history, and if investigated leads to many troubling questions about the veracity of many historical events and why some are emphasized and others memory-holed.
Hey Satan (two words I've never written before). You ever wonder why the Soviets and Nazis (and, heck, let's throw in the Catholic Church while we're at it), slaughtered so many millions of people? In the case of the Catholic Church, I think it's pretty obvious that the motive was to destroy knowledge of the pagan religions being practiced throughout Western Europe (the snakes St. Patty "removed" from Ireland were Druid priests as there were no snakes on the island at that time). But what about the Soviets and the Nazis? I, personally, am not convinced that it was all about eliminating any and everyone who might pose a threat to the regime. Have any thoughts on that?
Doctors are now afraid to think for themselves. For fear of their jobs. I wonder if they realized when signed up for those great HMO jobs that someday they would become meer tools in the corporate cog?
Exactly. Private practice has dwindled. Most docs are in big groups connected to the hospitals. Medicare requires a certain type of visit - asking irrelevant questions which take up time for actual listening and assessment. Medical practices spend ridiculous amounts of time on insurance claims and meeting government regs. Out patient care should be self pay. Hospitalization paid by insurance.
This is nothing new. The indoctrination instituted and perpetuated has been going on for decades within the medical industrial complex and we know who funds it
Breaking news! The CDC, in partnership with Phillip Morris has announced that people who smoke have lower risk of lung cancer than people who don’t. In a brilliant move, the CDC focused on 500 smokers who died from COPD a year ago. The control group was 500 non smoking asbestos miners from South America who were less than 90 days from retirement. The CDC recommends everyone Starr smoking 2 packs per day immediately.
The average age of death in the US and Canada is several years younger than the average age of death from Covid. Ipso Facto, COVID lengthens your life by an average of 4 years!
Who needs the Fountain of Youth? We got Covid, baby! Too bad for Mr. de Leon that Covid wasn't around during his time. It would have saved him a lot of trouble.
I know the complete list would be long, but it would be great to have a list of at least some of the bigger false claims made by the CDC et al, juxtaposed against what the actual science shows. They've promulgated a bunch of whoppers over the months.
Tucker could have a field day with something like that. But, it has to be pithy and stark.
Can they at least drop the price of cigarettes so that I don't have to take out a second and a third to buy a pack? If they did that, I'd smoke 10 packs a day; because, well, ten is better than two, right?
Can't answer on the covid side but oral surgeon said he never has problems doing sinus lifts on smokers. Apparently, the smokers have thicker sinus membranes so it never breaks.
My doctor basically said that smokers get mucus in their lungs that seems to protect their lungs against Covid some how. He knows they probably won’t research it but he has read some articles about it. My whole family had Covid except my husband and that was one of the possible reasons he cited.
I did read that as well about smokers. Unfortunately I can’t remember where, but they did give a great physiological reason for it. The one big smoker in our extended family took the vaxxx so we may never know.
If we combine condoms and comfors, we sort of get Comirnaty. So yes on all counts. Since that may be having a significant impact on pregnancy ass well.
One more thing I love about commenters on Substack: they give me the endorphin therapy I need to survive this mass psychosis we're living in, so thank you everyone! I tried to read this thread to my husband but was laughing so hard that he had to wait 30 seconds for me to stop and read it. It only took 3 attempts!
How in the world people continue to believe the CDC is beyond me. These "vaccines" do not last, they do not work! Therefore mandates are useless and harmful to the country. I don't understand how people aren't waking up to this fiasco! It is as if we are living in two separate realities.
Hold off taking vax because the vaxed will be taught a very hard lesson shorty. A disaster is brewing. I actually do feel bad because some are brainwashed beyond rejuvenation.
My in-laws are all in with the vax religion. It's like a point of pride that they are double and triple jabbed. No clue and they like keeping their head in the sand. Completely brainwashed. Very sad.
My 3 siblings are all brainwashed, as are their children, all vaxxed to the hilt. They simply can't understand why I refuse the vax. I'm sad to think of what their future may hold. I'm especially watching my two brothers, both of whom had prostate cancer 15 and 20 years ago. My 2 kids refuse the vax, as do 2 of my 3 grandchildren. The third one got the vax for work reasons, I'm sad to say.
No, we just need to out-torture statistics & out-soundbite them. Eg, this am I ignored the linked article #s & retweeted their tweet with "IOW, 6X as many vaxxed as unvaxxed were hospitalized for covid-like symptoms.
I’ve actually become fairly convinced over the last few weeks that this could end with parallel civilizations. One that is very large, very dystopian and filled with very obedient servants. The other will have those who are exiled from the former. This one filled with people who will be more self-sufficient, more strapped, and more free.
It hadn't really occurred to me until Tucker Carlson mentioned it that what you're saying may be the point. If all employees, soldiers, cops, etc. who refuse the jab are fired, then the only people left are, by definition, conformists who let their government dictate the most intimate parts of their lives.
Don’t forget the shortage of nurses, etc. I was one of the many RN’s who’s religious/medical exemptions were not approved at an Ascension hospital. I’ve been keeping up with the groups in Florida and IL via Facebook who are trying to get lawyers to help. Anyway, long story short, they mentioned how several units/floors had to combine or close down because of the nursing shortage in several of the hospitals. And the deadlines are coming up around 11/20, so more will be leaving. Stay healthy everyone, this is going to be a horrible year if anyone needs hospitalization!
After reading about Zuckerbucks new VR platform I thought to myself, this is the end game: stick the masses in 6x8’ cells along with some Gates grown weed and VR headsets. Release just enough folks to keep production going for the elites who get reality while almost everybody else is stuck in virtual world so they don’t infect their betters.
Indeed, but he can take his Meta and shove it, speaking of which he could use some METAmucil right about now since all he does is talk shit so he much be full of it.
They discovered that people can be made to do anything as long as they believe they are fighting against an evil force. Own the Trumpers until you're living under technocratic fascism, everybody. Then you can celebrate. Psychological warfare with the cooperation of social media companies, (once) trusted mainstream media, and corrupt politicians. It's becoming increasingly hard for those of us with our brains engaged to believe this has anything to do with public health.
~40 years ago, as USSR is who he names as the threat & Reagan our Prez . Not going as fast as he presumed & is being led by the globalist "capitalists" who he assumed will be killed.
He overestimated USSR strength & underestimated our resilience.
The moment he thought was imminent then is imminent now. But not only are we the people still armed, I've read gun sales have risen sharply over the last year. NRA has resumed courses & local trainer"s classes fill instantly, with waiting lists. I'm scheduled for January. Based on my personal experience, when I move everything shifts...bigtime.
In regards to guns, this was the case same time last year. It was hard to sign up for a class. I’m still not comfortable with the thought of a gun in my house and haven’t found a gun I like, but I know it could become necessary. Kind of freaks me out and I hope I never have to use it. So important to take as many lessons as possible. Safety and usage is harder than it looks!
We don't have to lay it on any particular ethnicity, but if you do a little bit of research on lice and other bodily pests, how common they were not that long ago, and what serious disease the parasites sometimes carried (hint: typhus), you might understand why such stereotypes used to be common.
Yup! I’m already preparing and trying to get rid of stuff I don’t need for just in case. It pains me I will still need to leave much behind but it’s where I see things going.
I’m like you Cheryl. We haven’t made any big plans yet, but I did start cleaning out crap just in case we have to move. Hopefully we’ll have enough gas in our tanks to drive far enough because soon they won’t be letting the non-jabbed on planes.
Quite true and if we wait too long we won’t even be able to get there with gas powered cars as they are trying to ban those too! I can’t afford electric and I’m needing a new car soon, but afraid of sinking my money into a car only to have it be useless! These electric cars are also gonna cause more problems than they will solve. I love traveling by train but it takes too darn long. Now if Amtrak was smart, they would make trains that go faster, lower their rates, and not do this passport thing but Old Joe is probably funding them too!
As an MD I am so ashamed and disappointed with the corruption of the medical establishment. Not only the CDC and Public Health, but also mainstream medical groups have been permanently tainted with political bias
My husband is a doctor and he said the exact same thing.
Same here. I’m ashamed of our profession.
Nurses are just as bad. It seems there is a split evenly between those who will stand up for their rights and those who cower in fear. I am a nurse who is standing up for my rights.
we as patients are too. I have fired all my docs and found a functional doc with an open mind and much versed in nutrition, supplements and Holistic medicine.
Great move!!!
How can we trust the medical profession when the AMA won’t acknowledge women and men. Birthing people? FFS. The profession won’t recover, just like no one reads magazines anymore, and the younger generation has never watched nightly news. To top it off, most docs are living under a mountain of debt and are indentured servants to their medical license to earn enough just to get to net zero.
The heads of all these professional organizations are now left-political activists or controlled squishes. They are all either pro-CCP or highly compromised by past indiscretions. "Thousand Talents" is a great example of how the ChiComs ease people into compromise and then advance them.
Ditto-- but heh-- we both know there was corruption and pay to play aspects in our profession since we got out of school. The difference I see now is that it is in your face baldly done and it is much more widespread.
Indeed but much worse now. Particularly, since they are actively trying to silence dissenting views.
They took over the tops of most of the sci-med organizations using political activists disguised as "the women and minorities we need right now". Political correctness was a great way to paralyze us, so they could shuffle in their ringers. When the head of the AMA went after hydroxychloroquine but cheered on toxic remdesivir, you know something is terribly wrong. These political activists are not technically competent.
Great point!!
Maybe in the US not an issue here in Canada
Like the American Academy of Pediatrics --totally in for the Kill shots for Children.
Is pediatric cardiology a specialty? Probably gonna be soon.
It is amazing. You say Ivermec to any MD and they have instant apoplexy. They have turned bobbleheads for the firm......thank you for joining us and just saying This shall not pass.
It’s ironic that In the AIDS crisis Fauci fought for years for a vaccine solution and poo pooed therapeutic treatment. Sound familiar?
Fauci should be in a cage with a million hungry sand flies.
Agreed...but first, snip his vocal cords...
Rob, should we not involve a lower body part? I would.
you are more than welcome to join the experiment. I will keep him alive as long as i can, with some jabs of my own..All in the name of science and health.
yes, and as benevolent as we are, we won't even except any grant money for this experiment.
He is still spewing to the masses last I saw and the highest paid servant of the people in the land waiting to be given an outstanding pension again funded by we the people on top of all the under the table income he has. Fauci has been spinning the web since the 80's
He kept Bactrim away from patients with HIV pneumonia for 2 years because of one bad episode he'd had with the antibiotic. So, hundreds died because of his stubborn arrogance.
But, he has no problem with Remdeathisnear's sorry history. I wonder why that is? /s
SES status was a real sabotage of our system. Soviet bureaucracy transplanted to Washington, DC, gave us our own Lysenko.
Yes, remember DRACOS? In vitro studies were showing it to be an effective anti-viral for HIV and a number of coronaviruses...
Fauci poo-pooed it saying there were enough good HIV treatments. Eventually it lost funding.
And now Fauci says HIV may not actually cause AIDS unless you get "super HIV" https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211028120345.htm
can someone tape up that pricks mouth?
Dr. Peter Duesberg was almost alone in the mid ‘80’s when he suggested that HIV was not the cause of AIDS and wrote a book detailing his arguements and the reaction of Fauci, and other medical officials and scientific journals. This is a man who was the youngest ever to be admitted to the National Academy of Science. He was the recipient of many NIH research grants, and at the apex of his career. For acting like a genuine scientist and questioning the official narrative the general scientific community and NIH cancelled him. Fauci Played an important part in this by making it difficult for him to reach the general public, getting his interviews on major networks cancelled or severely pared, and in his place Fauci would turn up to give his slippery spiel.
His book is INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS. A fascinating story and well written, with wry humor sprinkled throughout.
indeed. but i have no doubt, absolutely no doubt that night is coming fast for him.
I have HCQ in my medicine cabinet just in case. Got my booster of Modena 2days ago. I’m 70.
good doc, i have ivermec. i pray that nothing in those jabs causes you any distress in the months, years to come. you are an enlightened being and one who loves his patients. patients before money, fame etc. The foundation of anyone in medicine should be Love of the Patient. All else will take care of itself. Thank you for not drinking the kool aid.
So far no reaction at all from Moderna. I don't even get a localized reaction so I sometimes wonder if they're just shooting me up with saline. The homeopathic Rx for COVID HA!
Run a d-dimer out of curiosity. FYI, I'm not a doc
Well in a way I hope you received saline or sterilized water. That will ensure no adverse events. But, if you did get the real thing, I will continue to pray all will be ok.
Probably a good percentage are saline…can’t kill us all at once!
dang you ARE a nerd. I had to look up apoplexy. I knew what bobblehead means though. :))
thanks IR, I come in handy on occasion!
The JAMA is a complete whore.
Ditto that!
And, most likely, monetary bias, or fear of losing their jobs or stature.
stature, no MD that allowed this mess will have stature in the American public's eyes ever again. And as far as money, I hope they choke on it. Sell your Mercedes, get frugal like all of us and start taking care of the American public that you swore an oath to.
Hear hear!!!🥰
My doctor is like you. He is a jewel.
I do have a question for you. Are big medical groups distributing the jab studies to its medical professionals? And if so, is information from all ideologies also provided It? It has been my thought that most doctors simply don't have the time to do intensive research on the topic themselves due to keeping up with seeing patients, etc.?
Just lost my job as RN (due to vax refusal) from a large medical group. Can’t say for sure about which vax studies docs are given but messaging to all staff has been, from the start, absolutely totalitarian in character and completely blocking any dissenting views through means overt and passive. On vax, again absolutist messaging from day 1; the vaccines ARE SAFE and effective and will get us out of the pandemic, etc. No engagement with individual concerns, literally to the point that people who experienced severe reactions to dose 1, including hospitalizations, are strictly advised to get the second dose anyway, with the single exception of anaphylactic shock as a contraindication. Message; no amount of suffering or bodily damage is an excuse not to get fully vaccinated. 🤷🏻♀️ Absolutely relieved to be out of the matrix at this point although staring down serious economic consequences.
When I watch the testimonials of the vaccine injured I learned:
1. The injuries are extremely bad and do not go away
2. Appear untreatable - medical community doesn’t know how to treat them and then shun them as an annoyance
3. The victims ( except for a few) wish they never took the jab
I’d rather work in Target and be broke with my health intact than have my 6 figure salary and be unable to breath or walk or have seizures and wonder if I am going to die that day. You can stand up and walk and talk and do anything because you are healthy. No job or money is worth your health. I may lose my job in Dec but I will relocate to Fl and scale back because I will be healthy enough to do so.
So true SB, words of grounding and sensibility.
I have a friend who works at Target in Austin Tx. They require the jab.
I am boycotting Target bc of it and boycotting Walmart bc they are teaching a form of CRT to new employees. I don't need anything from either of them that badly.....
In Texas? I thought Gov Abbot said no jab mandate?
Well I suppose you could say that HE's not requiring it but Target is. That's all I know.
Another hero here with us, thank you Tina so much. This whole thing is putrid and I am glad you left the stench. How can anyone morally and ethically perform their calling under those circumstances? You are a nurse, a vital skill set, you will be fine in the long run. Get frugal, and you will be ok. Many of us who lost jobs are in the same boat. I have to budget any and all I do now and have even sold valuables to keep the house running. It is a sacrifice I am glad to make to stand up, instead of lay down and be trampled. Wishing you every blessing possible.
Sorry to hear that you are also a casualty. I simply cannot believe, still, that this is all happening. And they called the previous president the divider in chief. I would take a mean tweet over this....any day.
Trump did not suffer fools and we do not either. They other side couldn't handle the truth with his tweets. Bunch of snowflakes.
I miss the constant media meltdowns in response to Trump's tweets :D
Trump is and was tough. But I believe he loved this country more than any fanatic liberal is capable of. He wanted charity to begin at home, put Americans first and keep our borders sovereign as they are in other countries. He made America great again until Brandon got in and if he runs in 2024, he has my vote.
I’m buying my clothes from Goodwill now! Not sorry I walked either…rather have my health!
Nothing wrong with that! Garage sales, flea markets bring it on. What we are fighting for is much more important than what we wear or the car we drive. Any of the sacrifices are well worth it to leave tomorrow's children a world worth living in.
So sorry you are facing this, but so proud of you for taking a stand. I'm sure there are blessings awaiting you for standing up for what is right! I keep saying this is the year of being brave. Thanks again for sharing!
Wish you the best and I know your bravery will be one day be rewarded. Thank you for standing up for freedom and your sacrifice.
Do you have any idea whether a certain percentage of medical professionals like yourself are being given placebos? I ask b/c at this point they must know that the shots are killing and disabling a fair number of people. Do they think their hospitals can function if they start offing the staff? Or are they that sunk in the matrix? (btw- you are a hero for sticking to your guns!)
This is an interesting question and has occurred to me too. Decided it’s a rabbit hole I can’t possible get to the end of because there will never be any way to prove it, but have had the befuddling experience that most of the otherwise healthy middle aged docs and nurses I worked with got sick enough after the second dose that they had to take a day off; word was getting around the office “take your second dose on a Friday because you’ll need the weekend to recover”. Then there were a couple of people who reported to me “I felt totally fine after both doses. Nothing. Not even a sore arm really” I couldn’t help but wonder, given the mechanism of action of the vaccines, if they got diluent only by accident, or saline or something. But again, not claiming this as true, just odd.
I wouldn't put it past big pharma to pad out a lot of vaccines with saline if a batch of the real thing came up short.
The lesson is, trust no one in public health and no mds that have imbibed on the kool aid. we will have to figure this out for ourselves keeping up with docs like ealy, zelenko, mcccullough, brownstein and their colleagues.
Watching Clif High on Bitchute…one day he stated he knew of 5 countries where the people making the vaccines were switching out the real stuff with saline because they knew how bad it was. He wouldn’t say which countries they were but it makes sense why some people have absolutely no reaction. I bet there’s a database showing who got the real poison and who got a placebo. Remember, it’s a human experiment, and they knew the boosters were coming out so they could play “catch-up” later 🤬.
Exactly the same here and not just in my workplace too from conversations with friends and colleagues. Seemed to be generally accepted that you’d need a day to recover yet some never felt a thing
When they are done injecting the shots, what happens to the empty vials? Do they go back to Pfizer or are they dumped with medical waste? If they go back to Pfizer, then you know the answer.
A doctor friend I know ran 103F fever after second Moderna jab.
I love your code name LOA, wish I could feel that way right now but I am in deep despise mode for those that brought this virus to our front doors and all over the world causing unforgivable mayhem and for the fanatics insisting on ruining our Republic.
I hear you. Although much of what we're experiencing in healthcare started in the 1980s - vax manufacturer protection, semi-secret database to blackball noncompliant docs in the hospital, Fauci's rise to power, etc. The birds are coming home to roost.
So now is a time for Creativity and action to roll the forces of darkness back. Anger is ok but only for awhile.
Star Trek's "Day of the Dove" comes to mind.
Thank you so much for your response and it confirms what I had thought. Conform or leave mentality.... it's just shocking and sad and public health is truly going to suffer as a result. Again, thank you for your reply and I am glad that you are now free from.the clutches of authoritarianism--at least at work!
Tina, same happened to me at my hospital. Same messages posted all over-nurses wearing bandaids in their arms, safe and effective, save the planet from Covid, protect the patient population, blah, blah, blah. Lies, lies, and more lies. Deny, deny til the day you die!
Thank you, Tina. Your sacrifice is everyone's gain.
I had a fantastic private nurse after a surgery years ago. I hope that’s a viable option for you.
I am an unjabbed R.N. in Los Angeles and am about to go get the serum Covid T and B cell test at Lab Corp in Manhattan Beach. If it is positive and shows evidence of natural immunity, I will try to get a job in an IV clinic working in-house giving mono-clonal antibodies and Vitamin C drips to out-patients. Would even like going to homes with med kits full of Ivermectin, D3, Zinc and what ever the doctor orders plus administering IV’s with 50,000u Vitamin C.
I want to collect a check as a healer.
But won’t get jabbed to do it!
my prayer is with you to do so! Do so I mean w/o being injected
I had the T-Detect test here in Seattle, which proved my T-cell activity. My husband, however, showed as Negative on that test, which is kind of nutty since I got the virus from him. I would love for him to take a B-cell test , (just in case proving natural immunity is ever a thing), but don't know how to go about doing that. Would you have any guidance for me and others in that regard?
I live near a Lab Corp...can you just go in and request the T&B cell test on your own? Expensive?
Go to T-detect.com, and the website will guide you through the whole process. No outside medical approval is necessary.
I took the T detect test a month ago, hoping maybe I had gotten covid asymptomatically at some point since I worked in-office throughout the pandemic and am pretty sure the folks in the Pediatric hallway had the damn thing in November ‘19. Unfortunately negative, not that it would have helped in my job. I hope something works out for you in the profession, sincerely.
That is a fantastic idea!!! Do it!!! If I lived near you I would be a client and would recommend you!
All we need are intelligent FLCCC docs willing to make the move!
Serious question: how do they know you did/didn’t get the injection? Are hospital employees required to get it from that hospital? TIA
They required proof of vaccination. Kept getting email notifications with due by dates until finally passed the last date. I also live in a state with a statewide mandate for all healthcare workers so it wasn’t just company policy or the federal mandate. There was no getting out of it except with a religious exemption. Didn’t feel that for me white lying my way into a safe spot in the system was the answer. I judge no one for their personal choice on this though.
You’re right. Most practicing MDs have a narrow field of expertise. Most are woefully ignorant concerning epidemiology and statistics. Can’t say for sure but I think the groups are controlled by bureaucrats, either MDs who left practice long ago or non MD health care bureaucrats. I have some limited background in epi/statistics because I’m in Occupational Medicine. I seriously doubt that whoever made the decision in American Pediatric Association about 5-12 yos actually represents the true viewpoints of the majority of Pediatricians.
With all due respect, it does not take a medical degree for anyone with common sense to reason that a jab this rushed and under EUA with no long term studies on safety is something I want pumped into my body.
Thank you so much for your response. At my next dr appt, where I am certain that I will be urged to take the jab, figured ibwould ask the dr what studies they've read to support their opinion. Figure, that's only fair when making such an important, possibly life altering/ending decision. Thank you again!
Dana, I asked 3 of my docs the same ? before I fired them. I was told bc the CDC says so......
That's awful, yet, not surprising in the least. Best of luck finding a dr that aligns with your values! I am interviewing one next month!
found one, she is a functional MD and fabulous-open mind and everything and loves ivermec!!!!
They slept thru immunology/ virology classes in medical school😵💫, or maybe they have amnesia when they see dollar signs🤑
probably both! The lack of stand up integrity-courage on this fraud being put upon humanity, by the vast majority of medical personnel is astonishing..
they drank the kool aid, it is maddening, supposedly some of our best and brightest.......
Better question - how many VAERS reports have you submitted during your career? If the answer is zero, that doctor cares nothing about vaccine safety.
hands clapping, hands clapping, hands clapping!!!! bravo!
It takes a brave and principled individual to risk losing their livelihood and reputation. There are not many people like that in the world anymore.
I was impressed to see Ice Cube, of all people, walk away from a $9 million payday rather than act in a movie that was requiring all actors to get the jab.
Ice Cube is actually quite an intelligent person. He was the senior yearbook editor at Taft High School in Woodland Hills, CA. He knows history. He knows the US gov't has conducted many experiments on black people that have devastated their communities. What most white people do not know is that the US gov't has conducted experiments on them as well. The mustard gas experiments they were conducting (on mostly white soldiers because, well, most American soldiers were white at that time) during WWII come immediately to mind.
Don’t forget Henrietta Lacks (cervical cancer experiments) God rest her soul. Johns Hopkins… shameful
Little wonder why Johns Hopkins was tapped to keep the "official" record of infection/death rate. The figures they throw out there are so obviously contrived. But, of course, the average person wouldn't dare question the accuracy of information disseminated by such an esteemed institution?
They are essentially a puppet for Michael Bloomberg because of his 3.5 billion $$$ of donations. Yes, billions!!
Thanks for that info-- great guy-- great actor 😊
There are more than you think who will stand in their light and integrity. It only takes a small light to get through a dark place 🥰
I certainly embrace your optimism, Carol. Assuming you're right (and I hope with all of my heart that you are), the question then becomes: what will it take to move these people to action?
Most won't move. Even if their child dies. Mass psychosis is what we saw in Germany in 1920s/30s. Remember those history films and documentaries when some Germans interviewed 30 yrs later about Nazi atrocities only begrudgingly acknowledged (some with "I didnt know" to not as bad as you paint it" kind of comments) what was going on?
History repeats itself.
Question is did it take the majority to change things?-- no it didn't-- it took infighting and greed for power within Nazi ranks (starting to see this), mental health deterioration (Hilter) and bad financial/economic state (we are going there clearly). Thats what gets some going-- then the enablers hide and then they are hunted down-- imprisioned or killed.
History repeats itself. Everything is a cycle. We all need to read and pay attention to our human history.😊
I never fully understood mass psychosis and group think until this 18 months. One question I have now is why are so many prone to this, and yet a great many others are not?
Some feel its a spiritual connection. Not necessarily religious but those who feel there is a connection amongst us and who feel their lives have purpose . There are so many definitions. Some feel that it is those who can stay in their light their integrity. That can be a good resistance to the mass propaganda which facilitates the psychosis. Signs of resistance? Critical thinking questioning and minimizing the import of authority. You can see confidence and self reliance. In my work i see many who have suffered all forms of trauma that can minimize the ability to resist. Dr. Gabor Mate is a wonderful resource on this topic.
Time to break the cycle.
Right on !💗 as my 70s self says to my 20's self 😊
You bring up a fascinating issue that few Americans ever even think about. Have you ever asked yourself why we "learn" or at least "are exposed to" so much emphasis on all the evil the Nazis did? No one denies they did various awful things, 1930s-1945. Yet did you know the Soviet Union, even well before WW II, had a self-inflicted death count far exceeding even the worst estimates of the Nazi murders (excluding combat deaths). Yet the Communists then, and later, generally had kinder treatment by Western intellectuals, in marked contrast to the vilification heaped upon Nazi and post-war Germany. This is merely one fascinating example of what -- and isn't -- taught in world history, and if investigated leads to many troubling questions about the veracity of many historical events and why some are emphasized and others memory-holed.
Hey Satan (two words I've never written before). You ever wonder why the Soviets and Nazis (and, heck, let's throw in the Catholic Church while we're at it), slaughtered so many millions of people? In the case of the Catholic Church, I think it's pretty obvious that the motive was to destroy knowledge of the pagan religions being practiced throughout Western Europe (the snakes St. Patty "removed" from Ireland were Druid priests as there were no snakes on the island at that time). But what about the Soviets and the Nazis? I, personally, am not convinced that it was all about eliminating any and everyone who might pose a threat to the regime. Have any thoughts on that?
Doctors are now afraid to think for themselves. For fear of their jobs. I wonder if they realized when signed up for those great HMO jobs that someday they would become meer tools in the corporate cog?
Exactly. Private practice has dwindled. Most docs are in big groups connected to the hospitals. Medicare requires a certain type of visit - asking irrelevant questions which take up time for actual listening and assessment. Medical practices spend ridiculous amounts of time on insurance claims and meeting government regs. Out patient care should be self pay. Hospitalization paid by insurance.
I stayed in private practice my whole career, the malpractice insurance and overhead costs got out of control… I closed my doors.
This is nothing new. The indoctrination instituted and perpetuated has been going on for decades within the medical industrial complex and we know who funds it
Billy Boy!!!
Facebook rebrand: Meta
CDC rebrand: CNN
Center for Deceptions and Control
Yes. https://hiddenmarkov.substack.com/p/centers-for-disinformation-control
Totally! 👍
zuckerberg sucks.
love this, how obvious, yes, he does suck......
Why not? Scott Gotlieb is a board member...
More like, misbranding..., which is a federal crime by definition.
That would make Moderna jealous.
Breaking news! The CDC, in partnership with Phillip Morris has announced that people who smoke have lower risk of lung cancer than people who don’t. In a brilliant move, the CDC focused on 500 smokers who died from COPD a year ago. The control group was 500 non smoking asbestos miners from South America who were less than 90 days from retirement. The CDC recommends everyone Starr smoking 2 packs per day immediately.
The average age of death in the US and Canada is several years younger than the average age of death from Covid. Ipso Facto, COVID lengthens your life by an average of 4 years!
Ah COVID, the elixir of life.
Who needs the Fountain of Youth? We got Covid, baby! Too bad for Mr. de Leon that Covid wasn't around during his time. It would have saved him a lot of trouble.
CDC also says Covid vaccine lowers all cause mortality too...go figure.
I know the complete list would be long, but it would be great to have a list of at least some of the bigger false claims made by the CDC et al, juxtaposed against what the actual science shows. They've promulgated a bunch of whoppers over the months.
Tucker could have a field day with something like that. But, it has to be pithy and stark.
but it would have been worse if not for the shot (said by many crazy people before)
Can they at least drop the price of cigarettes so that I don't have to take out a second and a third to buy a pack? If they did that, I'd smoke 10 packs a day; because, well, ten is better than two, right?
You're killing me!!! Lmfao!!!!!!!!
In fact smokers fare better with covid. Truth.
I heard that too but can't make rhyme or reason as to why. is nicotine somehow protective?
Can't answer on the covid side but oral surgeon said he never has problems doing sinus lifts on smokers. Apparently, the smokers have thicker sinus membranes so it never breaks.
interesting, ty.
Niacin. Crazy but true.
Just heard about that as well!
My doctor basically said that smokers get mucus in their lungs that seems to protect their lungs against Covid some how. He knows they probably won’t research it but he has read some articles about it. My whole family had Covid except my husband and that was one of the possible reasons he cited.
that seems very credible. we all know how thick the mucous can be and it would protect the lining of the lungs. tysm for sending this.
I did read that as well about smokers. Unfortunately I can’t remember where, but they did give a great physiological reason for it. The one big smoker in our extended family took the vaxxx so we may never know.
Brilliant!!! 1000 likes for you.
The CDC is also recommending Twinkies and donuts to help lose weight.
Can you substitute double chocolate chocolate chip cookies for Twinks? Asking for a friend…
That's if you don't lose the weight they promise. And you can also add a pint of Cherry Garcia.
the same pricks designed "auto correct". thinks it knows what we want to say.
CDC update: Especially effective when humans are conformed to quarantine
Next up: Masks are effective when combined with 6 feet of social distancing
While holding your breath
Omg! So true 😂😂😂
And jumping up and down on one leg, except on Thursday if it rains in a leap year.
If we combine condoms and comfors, we sort of get Comirnaty. So yes on all counts. Since that may be having a significant impact on pregnancy ass well.
Yup, anyone taking Comirnaty is going to deliver the same amount of babies as a celibate, pill taking condom-user.
Talk about a SPIKE protein !
Actually, I've heard that the micro clotting is causing the trouser snake to play dead :)
One more thing I love about commenters on Substack: they give me the endorphin therapy I need to survive this mass psychosis we're living in, so thank you everyone! I tried to read this thread to my husband but was laughing so hard that he had to wait 30 seconds for me to stop and read it. It only took 3 attempts!
Don’t give them any ideas!!
“You vill conform!”
Resistance is futile
How in the world people continue to believe the CDC is beyond me. These "vaccines" do not last, they do not work! Therefore mandates are useless and harmful to the country. I don't understand how people aren't waking up to this fiasco! It is as if we are living in two separate realities.
All they need is a heavily massaged data and a soundbite. Then the soundbite is accepted as true by the vast majority. We're doomed.
Hold off taking vax because the vaxed will be taught a very hard lesson shorty. A disaster is brewing. I actually do feel bad because some are brainwashed beyond rejuvenation.
My in-laws are all in with the vax religion. It's like a point of pride that they are double and triple jabbed. No clue and they like keeping their head in the sand. Completely brainwashed. Very sad.
My 3 siblings are all brainwashed, as are their children, all vaxxed to the hilt. They simply can't understand why I refuse the vax. I'm sad to think of what their future may hold. I'm especially watching my two brothers, both of whom had prostate cancer 15 and 20 years ago. My 2 kids refuse the vax, as do 2 of my 3 grandchildren. The third one got the vax for work reasons, I'm sad to say.
I'm so sorry
perhaps an enema would help. At least 1 orifice would be working.
No, we just need to out-torture statistics & out-soundbite them. Eg, this am I ignored the linked article #s & retweeted their tweet with "IOW, 6X as many vaxxed as unvaxxed were hospitalized for covid-like symptoms.
Think I'll pass on the vax!"
I’ve actually become fairly convinced over the last few weeks that this could end with parallel civilizations. One that is very large, very dystopian and filled with very obedient servants. The other will have those who are exiled from the former. This one filled with people who will be more self-sufficient, more strapped, and more free.
It hadn't really occurred to me until Tucker Carlson mentioned it that what you're saying may be the point. If all employees, soldiers, cops, etc. who refuse the jab are fired, then the only people left are, by definition, conformists who let their government dictate the most intimate parts of their lives.
Also this winter there will be more newbie nurses in the ERs and ICUs which will increase deaths due to mistakes.
Don’t forget the shortage of nurses, etc. I was one of the many RN’s who’s religious/medical exemptions were not approved at an Ascension hospital. I’ve been keeping up with the groups in Florida and IL via Facebook who are trying to get lawyers to help. Anyway, long story short, they mentioned how several units/floors had to combine or close down because of the nursing shortage in several of the hospitals. And the deadlines are coming up around 11/20, so more will be leaving. Stay healthy everyone, this is going to be a horrible year if anyone needs hospitalization!
Gab founder Andrew Torba is doing his best to set up infrastructure!
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the "saints"... the sinners are much more fun...
lets start farming!
My house is about to go up for sale. Targeting Amish areas for my move.
exactly, Run Forrest Run! LOL!
Er, please tell me more about the death option... 😀
After reading about Zuckerbucks new VR platform I thought to myself, this is the end game: stick the masses in 6x8’ cells along with some Gates grown weed and VR headsets. Release just enough folks to keep production going for the elites who get reality while almost everybody else is stuck in virtual world so they don’t infect their betters.
Indeed, but he can take his Meta and shove it, speaking of which he could use some METAmucil right about now since all he does is talk shit so he much be full of it.
yeah, I think they just kill us instead. Easier
Agree 100
Bring it. Live free or die
Just like in the Matrix, The Leftovers, The Hand Maid's Tale, even the Walking Dead, this was all predicted.
They discovered that people can be made to do anything as long as they believe they are fighting against an evil force. Own the Trumpers until you're living under technocratic fascism, everybody. Then you can celebrate. Psychological warfare with the cooperation of social media companies, (once) trusted mainstream media, and corrupt politicians. It's becoming increasingly hard for those of us with our brains engaged to believe this has anything to do with public health.
Very true. Listen to this interview from long time ago
~40 years ago, as USSR is who he names as the threat & Reagan our Prez . Not going as fast as he presumed & is being led by the globalist "capitalists" who he assumed will be killed.
He overestimated USSR strength & underestimated our resilience.
The moment he thought was imminent then is imminent now. But not only are we the people still armed, I've read gun sales have risen sharply over the last year. NRA has resumed courses & local trainer"s classes fill instantly, with waiting lists. I'm scheduled for January. Based on my personal experience, when I move everything shifts...bigtime.
In regards to guns, this was the case same time last year. It was hard to sign up for a class. I’m still not comfortable with the thought of a gun in my house and haven’t found a gun I like, but I know it could become necessary. Kind of freaks me out and I hope I never have to use it. So important to take as many lessons as possible. Safety and usage is harder than it looks!
Whoaaaaa! Great share- thank you
You’re Welcome
We don't have to lay it on any particular ethnicity, but if you do a little bit of research on lice and other bodily pests, how common they were not that long ago, and what serious disease the parasites sometimes carried (hint: typhus), you might understand why such stereotypes used to be common.
Oi Vey!
We are living in two different realities! As Bongino states, we need a National Divorce. How? I don’t know how it’s possible, but I’m ready for one!
Yup! I’m already preparing and trying to get rid of stuff I don’t need for just in case. It pains me I will still need to leave much behind but it’s where I see things going.
I’m like you Cheryl. We haven’t made any big plans yet, but I did start cleaning out crap just in case we have to move. Hopefully we’ll have enough gas in our tanks to drive far enough because soon they won’t be letting the non-jabbed on planes.
Quite true and if we wait too long we won’t even be able to get there with gas powered cars as they are trying to ban those too! I can’t afford electric and I’m needing a new car soon, but afraid of sinking my money into a car only to have it be useless! These electric cars are also gonna cause more problems than they will solve. I love traveling by train but it takes too darn long. Now if Amtrak was smart, they would make trains that go faster, lower their rates, and not do this passport thing but Old Joe is probably funding them too!