Per Igor Chudov's substack the failure in the UK is monumental. People are not just getting sick, they are getting sick with COVID over and over again. As Alex speculated folks who were jabbed are not developing "super immunity" - it's more like "super sucky immunity". And it's a preview of what is coming to the US - particularly the blue states.

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Yeah stop getting tested people good Gawd. Case counts are the most ridiculous metric.

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Stop saying "tested" - instead say it like it is: "nose raped".

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The next booster. Nose jab indeed.

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The government and the lying media are sticking with the safe and effective narrative. But the families of those killed by the shots know better. Here’s a review of just a few examples of death by injection:


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I know so many people either killed or sickened by the shots. Only one reported to vaers. What does that tell you?

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Even the CDC (used to, at least) admit that VAERS was a miniscule fraction of vaccine reactions, since most are never reported. Most medical professionals will never suggest that shots could be the source of your problem, as they are taught to worship vaccines. It's hard enough to navigate VAERS as a medical professional, it's incredibly difficult for the layperson.

My dad had several heart attacks a couple weeks ago, with one of those being a Widowmaker while he was already in the hospital on nitro. He's dealt with chest pain unrelated to cardiac issues for years, so he's has regular cardiac checkups and stress tests- always healthy and clear. Zero chance my parents will ever admit the shot+shot+booster were the catalyst for his heart attacks. Never. I just pray they don't roll their sleeves up for shot #4, especially since they had Omicron!

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Powerful stuff there, Jeff.

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Thanks, Steve

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It’s definitely coming to all the places that locked down hard and ran for the jabs. These people have been living in cocoons for 2 years now. Wearing worthless masks, constantly using hand sanitizer and avoiding going out in public. There mental health is already gone, now there immune systems are going. I predict a late summer/ early fall of misery for the vaccinated.

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Anec-data I know, but I work in an office of 35 in Edinburgh. Age range 22-58. I am the only unjabbed. The rest are all triple jabbed. Most got number 3 because they thought christmas was going to be cancelled or they wanted to go on holiday. I'm the only one who has never had any covid symptoms. Everyone apart from me has " had" covid. About 1/4 of office believe they've had symptomatic covid twice, a handful 3 times. Only one colleague I know of got covid before their jab. There's now an ongoing joke about my robust health & taking bets about when I'll finally succumb.

On the plus side, some of them are considering not going for jab number 4, the Spring Booster, which is being offered to the elderly at the moment as it will be coming down the age range. It is also being pushed on the parents of 5-11 year olds now. 🙄

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You are likely one of those people who have been immune since this business started as revealed by the UK Challenge trials. Many of those vaccinated were likely immune anyway but now are damaged goods.

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ahh, the importance of having a Control Group.

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I hope you're wrong. But I'm afraid (actually convinced) you're right.

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Oh it’s here already.

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"super-immunity" super-immunity is conferred by a very specific sequence. First you get infected, then you wait *****at least**** six ***** months and then get vaccinated. The South African titration studies showed that people with super-immunity had a resistance index of 34,000. By comparison, the resistance index of two pfizer jabs was 1,000. Then, in the face of Omicron, the resistance calculated for the super-immune dropped to 1,034 while two pfizer jabs dropped to 15.

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Getting the shots after you've had covid is dangerous. I know people suffering neurological problems after doing just that. No thanks

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Dr Robert Malone got the jabs after previously being infected. He got POTS and hypertension.

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This makes no sense. Why get injected with a shot coded for the original variant after having been naturally infected?

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Makes no sense whatsoever.

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Do you have a link?

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Please include link!

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Can you post the link to Igor’s substack - or any other one which includes the per capita data for each age group?

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Igor has many interesting posts -- definitely worth subscribing. You may be searching for this one. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/uk-covid-becoming-chronic-like-aids?s=r

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Igor's substack is really good.

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This sounds like the CDC new rule the Corona knows 15 minutes and 6ft distance.

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Excellent post! I’ve Been tracking the UK numbers as they got worse and worse and harder and harder to explain. Clearly, the better approach is to censor the data.

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Move like government cover up. It wasn't the vaccine makers advertising and pushing the vaccine - it was the government. The government.

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Steve, what’s going on with table 14, which shows some efficacy for hospitalization and death? I believe the boosters have yet to lose their effectiveness or they’re just lying about the actual causes since their categories are 28 and 60 days from positive Covid test.

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Booster effectiveness against hospitalization for the 80+ crowd would have gone negative this week had they released the data. Remember that 80+ is the at-risk group, and also the group that got boosted first. Last week it was 4.5%, and it has been falling by at least 7% per week for a long time now.


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If the efficacy is so low, how do you explain the 80+ death numbers being a third higher for the unvaccinated in table 14? Is it because of data lag?

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Probably because of how "vaccinated" is counted. Shot out to 14 days after=unvaxxed.

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That has a huge impact but does the UK use the same 14 day delay? I saw an analysis showing you can make saline (0% efficacy) appear more and more effective as time passed using this gimmick since people are getting sick and counted incorrectly.

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I would explain it this way.

First, I mentioned hospitalization in my comment above, not death. Second, the booster's efficacy against death is also falling by the week, it just hasn't fallen as quickly as for hospitalization. Third, from the UKHSA reports before the current week (week 13 and earlier) we can infer the effectiveness of the "two dose only, not boosted" regime, and it is deeply negative for deaths for 80+.

Here are 14 weeks worth of graphs from the UKHSA report since I started putting in the "Current Rates per 100K" bar chart. Scroll down to that section and look at "Death per 100K" chart. The black bar ("unvaccinated") and the red bar ("boosted") are lifted directly from the UKHSA report. The middle line ("two doses only") is inferred by mathing other data. Just look at the relative level of black and red over time. The trend is apparent.

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-03

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-04

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-05

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-06

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-07

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-08

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-09

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-10

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-11

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-12

- https://noline.substack.com/p/ukhsa-week-2022-13

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That makes perfect sense. Thank you.

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From the data tables (13a and 13b)...

92.2% of the people who died age 80 and older within 28 days had at least one jab. 78.3% were triple-jabbed.

94.3% of the people age 80 and older who died within 60 days had at least one jab. 80.6% were triple-jabbed.were triple-jabbed.

Clearly, the jabs don't provide much protection against death. And we're not even counting the people who died from the jabs.


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Yes but they are dying at a lesser rate, per 100K, than the unvaxxed. See table 14. Abhijit Bakshi above says the trend is clearly going in the wrong direction, but I think the UK is pushing endless boosters to keep the numbers from falling off the cliff. And now they want to hide the numbers. It's obvious to me they don't work and make things worse, but the UK is determined to forge ahead by hiding and obfuscating the data.

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I've been following the PHE/UKHSA data since last May. Yes, the rate of hospitalization and death is lower in the triple-jabbed than the vaxx free; but the majority of people who are dying in every adult age cohort have had at least one jab. Most have had three jabs.

Why would antibodies that don't prevent infection (the rate of infection in the triple-jabbed age 60-69 cohort is nearly 5x that in the vaxx free) mitigate disease? IMO, it doesn't make sense.

I agree that they are discontinuing this data to hide the failure. Unfortunately, they will use the absence of data to push more jabs and fools will take them. I'm related to some of them.

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I had to laugh looking through the gallery on my phone and seeing a 400 lb person in the hospital with a breathing mask on with the text saying covid is no joke, wear your mask and take your vitamins. The more appropriate thing she could have said was maintain a healthy weight instead of being 200+ lbs overweight. It sounds harsh but it's the truth. The idea a mask is going to save your ass when you're that obese is insane. Can't speak the truth tho anymore

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Obesity is the main comorbidity with this virus. It was clear as day. If your a fat slob, riddled with heart problems and diabetes you could die. I still see these morbidly obese people with masks on riding scooters in the supermarket. A cart full of processed foods. Like some vaccine and a mask is gonna save you. How about you get up and walk a few blocks.

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Seriously. I am overweight, over 50 and have HBP, but managed to get over Covid just fine. Close friend is waaayyy overweight (has at least 100 pounds on me), is pre-diabetic, also has HBP, eats tons of crap (lives on Coke) and hasn't seen a vegetable in 10 years and according to his partner, it's MY fault he almost died.

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Get some walking and sunshine in, and you’ll lose the other risks fast.

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I'm trying not to look but the motor carts at Walmart are usually full of sticky buns, Hot Pockets, and soda.

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I couldn’t agree more with you my friend! you only left off, one thing. Cigarettes. I see sooooooooo many disgustingly fat scum, sucking on cigarettes!! Why am I mad? Because I’m very much into statistics and data.

And it’s people like me that do all we can to live right, and we wind up having to pay for higher insurance from health to vehicle, because of the percentage of people that refuse to look after, themselves. That refuse, to drive right.

I have not even had a parking ticket. And I’m 64, and I shouldn’t have to be paying what I’m paying for full coverage. Once again, never a speeding ticket nor a parking ticket in my entire, LIFE!!!!

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

Please reconsider your opinion on the Demon Cancer Sticks. Lung cancer increased in proportion to asbestos/air pollution. And radon, which was not recognized until the mid-Eighties. It was diagnosed as lung cancer/emphysema/pulmonary fibrosis then and still. So many air pollutants nowadays. More lung cancer, yet less smokers. Micro-plastics in the lower lung just now being acknowledged. Just beware of the demonization of one cause to cover for the fault of other causes. Like baby talc.

As to LIFE - when it's your time, it's your time. You can live as pure a life as is possible, and get run over by a truck.

I eat all organic, home cooked, daily exercise and lots of natural living, ok I had 2 parking tickets, but we can only control so much. Enjoy life. You only get one shot.

Statistically, smokers have a lower rate of Alzheimer's.

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Shocked they actually said to take vitamins. Thought that medieval superstition had been excommunicated. Speaking as someone who has pharmacists in the family and takes vits & mins daily! I am the heretic lol! True the truth is no longer acceptable or even debatable.

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Its not harsh, being that much over weight is outrageous.

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Covid is no joke alright but neither is being morbidly obese.

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Unfortunately the majority of people blindly believe what the authorities tell them, so this will probably have an overwhelmingly negative effect for "Team Reality".

Now there won't be any direct official data to cite in order to prove vaccines are ineffective against infection and transmission (or hospitalization and death). The fact that government is hiding the data will be explained away as a conspiracy theory.

Yes, people are that stupid. I am extremely pessimistic.

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Dude a lot of people don't believe our government is possible of doing bad things which I don't understand because the fucking history is at everyone's fingertips on the internet. It's not about health and safety, it's about taking the rights away of people. Same shit happened with 9/11. I'm in Pennsylvania, our doofus governor let buses run to and from NYC for two or three weeks after covid hit, but a hairstylist or restaurant couldn't be open. It's insane!! Or Rachel levine taking her mother out of a personal care home and then forcing nursing homes to take covid infected elderly resulting in over half the deaths in the state. Unless these liberal outlets spoon feed the libs these harsh realities they will never think of it themselves that it's wrong. It's honestly pathetic at this point, I'm off social media so I'm done pointing out the obvious and the liberals I see in real life I avoid them like the plague

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70% of democrats believe the legacy media in a recent poll. That’s all you need to know about these brain dead dimwits.

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It was never about covid, health, rights of the unhomed vets, mentally ill who should not be on the street, anyone who worked by the book and still got fired. No basic medical coverage, college tuition that will drag like a cannonball off your neck for decades, pressure to be a corporate farm animal, suck the living wage out of the lower/middle via taxes to fund the think tanks and hypocritical fundraisers of the elite. Sorry for the rant. Just found a friend in Noam Chomsky. "We’re approaching the most dangerous point in human history”. My kind of Thinker!

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“ Dude a lot of people don't believe our government is possible of doing bad things which I don't understand because the fucking history is at everyone's fingertips on the internet. ”

Dude? Dude? Is rude. Even when this idiomatic word was supposedly in vogue,

(i’m still not buying that it Ever was.) what would that mean said I do agree with you that it is at everybody’s fingertips because of the Internet. Be that as it may, I have something to say about that.

I will never forget when I was first introduced to the Internet. I was in Seattle Washington. Only because I had met a lady while the both of us was overseas. I was working and she was on vacation. I remember it all, quite well actually. Quite well.

To say that we hit it off when we met, is a tremendous, leviathan size, understatement. From the time of me walking up to ask her to dance and even before I got to her, her eyes followed me from the bar, all the way to her. was all a glow, red lips, open, smiling, I shall never forget!!

And even before I could finish saying, “Would you li”, that was it. She jumped up and said my God!! I didn’t think you would ever get over here and ask me!!! you look absolutely breathtaking in your Officers White Uniform!!

The first night we met in Luneburg Germany, we danced throughout the night like our lives depended on it. Somewheres between 0330 and 0500 We drifted back, arm in arm, to her, Hotel 🏨 Suite.

Which was quite all right with me. Because both of us was quickly falling in love. And a tremendous amount of, Lust. With a raging L. For the next 5 days and 4 nights, our lives was without a doubt, one tremendous exquisite,blur.

Between hours that came and went much too fast!!! And the marathon bouts of absolutely, unbelievable levels of lovemaking, we ate up the hours and the days the way the rental SL 500 ate up the road on the autobahn. But the time came of course that we had to take our leave from one another.

And, I had to get back to my ship that was docked back in the port of

Bremerhaven. And of course she went with me to see me off. And of course it seems as if we got back to my ship in less than 10 minutes!!

But in miles, not kilometers but in miles I remember it vividly. 124.2, to pull up to the gangway of my ship. Which I immediately got in touch with the bo’sun To assign either an AB or OS to watch our car. It had to be turned in when she got back you know. When she would leave to fly back to Seattle.

But anyway where was I. Ah. Yes. Going on board to meet the old man. My direct boss the captain. I, was 2nd in Command. 1st Mate = Chief Mate = executive Officer of the Ship. And I made it with a little bit of time to spare. A good 3 hours.

More than enough time to take her around and introduce her to my closest friends on board. And of course enough time for 1 last TRYST!! and on the way back to my ship The both of us swore undying love for the rest of our lives holding hands of Course.

Fingers, clinched ever so tight. Her crying off and on. And countless times of her asking, do you love me? and me saying yes! you know that! You know I do! and we had already planned our lives for the rest of our lives of course.

She couldn’t wait for me to meet her parents. And she told me when she arrived in Germany with her girlfriend and all of a sudden she set up straight and went by God we haven’t even talked in three days her and her girlfriend! Lol 😆 lol 😝 but time flies when your having Lord only knows, how many Tryst.

We like to have never let go of one another at the bottom of the gangway. And it wasn’t long before the old man was pulling on the horn. Yes. IT. IS. LOUD. Especially the FOG HORN. That made her jump all of her 5 ft 10 40 D Cup firm body straight up! and wrap those long legs around my inviting waste! 😊

But, where was I? Ah. Yes. The internet. We did stay in touch. Not as much as we wanted but back in those days, to talk on INMARSAT cost $11 bucks a minute!! The days before cell phones.

So when the time came for me to sign off my six months was up, and I had 3 good months ashore, and I can take those three months in any country I want. AMO RULES. American Maritime Officers Union.

I chose to go to Seattle of Course. She work for her family in their law firm. She was one of her uncles, private secretary and paralegal. Yes she pick me up at SEATAC airport.

That night was a blur. She had to get up go to work the next morning and told me while I have my breakfast why don’t I play around with that thing. That biiiig box looking thing.

I did notice it took several minutes for it to do what she called, “BOOT-UP.” And when it did there was a deep voice that made me lean back in my chair real quick. It said,


Needless to say, The two weeks I stayed there I became keenly familiar with it. And when I came to see all of its possibilities I thought to myself, my God!! this thing can wind up making all of my fellow Americans so smart.!!!

So much information right at their fingertips! And yeah I’m sad to say over the years, It proved me wrong. So many millions and millions of people didn’t use it properly and they have become so much more dumb. Stupid. BY—FAR.

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I am waiting for the punchline...

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I suspect the punchline is that the digital revolution has caused much if not most of our species to become less intelligent, less thoughtful, less intellectually capable and creative, less aware of what is truly important: spiritual awareness, emotional awareness, cosmic awareness, even physical awareness, than we were in the pre-digital era.

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Hate to break it to you Alex….but there’s an enormous amount of humans still buying into this ridiculous narrative that vaccines are fantastic!! Thats their story and theyre sticking to it as they step up for their 4th jab that’s the same ingredients as the first one. Why not use the leftover ones considering so many brainwashed people exit. They’re laughing all the way to the bank…. The elitist shit show continues…..

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TAS, All I have is anecdotal evidence from some of the people I know who are healthy with no co-morbidities’ who were jabbed and boosted, and all of them—every single one—are either oblivious to what’s transpiring or refuse to even think about it. Many have either had Covid multiple times or a jabbed family member who has, and one even had a death in the family four days after the jab. Just coincidence, the family was told. Many have stopped getting boosters, so their actions speak louder than words.

I can’t imagine what it must feel like to know that, at worst, you have voluntarily injected a time bomb that is ticking away in your vital organs or, at best, that you succumbed to bullies to take the jab and are now hoping there are no unintended consequences from that decision.

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It's a sickening feeling. I got one jab, but thought better and didn't get the second. My wife has two jabs. I am really down about this, but moreso the hiding of data. If we had data we could address this but they'd rather people die in secret rather than say we made a mistake and start developing antivirals for everyone.

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I know. And it’s absolutely disgusting. Is it not???

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This isn't a difficult question to answer. It's actually quite simple: the purveyors and pushers of the greatest public health disaster now need to hide the evidence. Virus gonna virus and liars gonna lie. These criminals need to be brought to justice.

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The first thing that must happen is we have to have our experts tell us what data needs to be tracked, then political pressure must be put on the politicians so they require the data be published. Then and only then can we begin to fix this. Otherwise we die in darkeness.

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Talk to paramedics best place to get info. My daughter had a seizure and they asked if she had been vaccinated in the last 2 weeks. She had not. He said the amount of 30 and under they’d been bringing to the hospital with seizures and other problems was off the charts. He said they far far out weighed the Covid patients they brought

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And yet as of April 7, 2022 over two years into this not ONE perp has been held to account. Not ONE! That alone is beyond understanding. These are literally crimes against humanity and Fauci on the stump just this morning talking still as if he is unfazed by what he alone has done...ZERO accountability!

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Not good news.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

Don't forget how the COVID cabal started using the term 'asymptomatic' and 'asymptomatic testing'. These terms were not chosen lightly IMHO. Simply by using these terms, as opposed to describing what they're really doing, which is the random testing of HEALTHY people (with a meaningless result anyway), they've already begun their psyops campaign! But by focusing on asymptomatic the cabal is ever so subtly putting a mind-virus into everyone who thinks we're all infected, but we're just asymptomatic.

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Yes. I’m one of the few parents here that won’t let their kids routine tested at school. I’d say 80% opted in. 5% are now maskless (my unvaccinated kids are naskless). Asymptomatic testing ain’t gonna happen under my watch. It’s insane.

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Exactly. From the beginning I called this the biggest ruse of my lifetime. They actually convinced healthy people that they were actually sick, and could kill someone if they came in contact with them. It was actually amazing, and it was when I lost what little faith I still had in humanity.

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You are sick until proven healthy. Apparently.

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Exactly right. They now admit that there were millions of false positives in the testing. The psy-op to try to get us to see everyone as a disease carrier was/is really frightening.

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Psyops campaign 🎯

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Yes, they like to hide the inconvenient truths. Early on in the pandemic the Massachusetts covid dashboard had a daily pie chart that showed covid deaths and broke it down by comorbidity - those with zero comorbidities, and then a slice for all the numbers of comorbidities. The slice with zero was approx. 1.4%, meaning, 98.6% of covid deaths were not in regular healthy people - they took that down after a couple of months, when they realized that was going against the everyone's gonna die, therefore we need to keep the schools closed/businesses closed/gyms closed/restaurants closed/etc. narrative.

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Doctors in the Bay Area tell me everyone has the same risk. Kids young healthy people obese or old. They actually believe this bullshit the cdc tells them. They do. I didn’t detect them lying. They’re that fricking gullible.

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My SIL is a doctor *in the UK* and was just telling us that everyone hospitalized over there is unvaccinated. I’m sure she believes it too, even though it’s contrary to their own government data. The narrative is that strong.

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I know people who are now trying to pressure me to jab my daughter (hell NO) telling me "thousands of kids" have died. Of course they can't tell me where or when.

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⚠️ ⛔️ ⚠️

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At least when they lie, they do so in that fancy accent.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

The buy-in that the vaccines work is incredible. And the buy-in that they are "safe and effective" is even more unbelievable. But the biggest, most incredible buy-in to this falsehood is by DOCTORS! Many companies are still REQUIRING vaccine mandates and during Webinars, the company doctors and health services section, sit there on zoom and say they are safe and effective. They tow the same line as Fauci & Co. in early 2021. If you push back and say, in a professional manner, that that data that was just discussed is old and new information needs to be looked at, you become the threat to the company, as you don't go along. Even though these doctors are supposed to be trained to look at health data, and care about not harming a person, better than someone in the IT, AR or other sections of the company, they are brainwashed - or completely afraid of losing their license. Not sure which - but neither is good for the employees nor the company. My daughter is in med school - and no critical thinking is happening there. Again, tow the line. When I mention all the side effects to the vaccines, her response is always: correlation vs causation, no proof vaccines caused anything.

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They do this everywhere the numbers become too inconvenient. Even tiny little counties nobody cares about.


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My many previous comments on the failure of these shots are validated with increasing accuracy. Not only do the shots fail to prevent infection and transmission, but they make you highly susceptible to increased illness and death. I believe this is by design as the lab produced virus is ultimately to be used in a weaponized manner. We just have the level 1 or 2 variants floating around at this time. Wait until the WEF types decide to release the level 8 or 9 variants. The people having had the shots will be targeted and suffer greatly as immune systems are crashing as a result of the mRNA process. The only people that will withstand the ultimate waves will (hopefully) be the unvaccinated with natural immunity and a robust, working level of adaptability. The UK holding back the truth from the plebes is an early indicator of what is coming. Why anyone still believes elected officials actually care about doing what is in the best interest of the general public is delusional. These power hungry monsters are part of a massive conspiracy to reduce global populations and re-distribute wealth across the elites. The Great Reset is real and coming. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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I've been saying that for two years now. There will be a variant they release that kills people in much, much greater numbers. People aren't wising up trying to live healthier

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I'll go along with your take, but think it goes deeper. Where? No clue and hopefully I'm brave enough to face my demise.

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And I think they will release a much more virulent strain soon; how can they go on much longer without addressing our concerns? It's almost pitchfork time, and the powers that be are just mum and hum.

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I heard Michael Sharman say on the most recent High Wire Podcast that a video of a member of parliament making a speech on the floor regarding vaccine injuries was removed from YouTube!!!!

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Too bad the speeches from todays session about mandatory vaccines for 60+ in Germany aren’t subtitled. It was voted out. The speeches of the folks against the mandates were brilliant.

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The only people not SCAMMED were stockholders of Pfizer/Moderna

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Keep in mind Pfizer stock has nothing to do with Pfizer company. Separate products, separate markets. Stock prices are rough proxies for company financials but not closely related. Armchair CEOs like to imagine their shares represent ownership of the company and a portion of their profits. They don't. I've made money on MRNA (not Moderna) going up and going down. I'm currently out. Josh Brown announced this afternoon he's sold his stake too. Probably indicates declining interest in the vax market.

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I made money on it going down. Just after the Israelis reported bad booster results and I was tipped on the hastily scheduled White House meeting with Bourla, Pfizer's general counsel and one other person, I shorted mRNA for a good return and then closed my shorts.

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I'm not ambitious enough for shorts, but rolling puts down worked pretty well. It reversed up in March, but might be ready for the next leg down, like the pops in Nov and Dec. If it stays below the 50 day I'll go back in.

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If I get some additional information like I did of the scheduling of the emergency Pfizer/WH meeting, I may do some more gunslinging.

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I rode it down but here is the bottom line, you're going against The Machine buying PFE puts, they're never ever going to release the data that tells the truth without massive political power brought to bear. It's not like one day they'll be a blockbuster report or memo. This is a catastrophe for the elites/technocrat ideology. Not to mention the horrible news to those who believed them.

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A pub sweep in Nov will probably send mrna back where it started, and big damage to pfe. If polls get strong before Nov, the declines will start earlier. A class action lawsuit would be interesting.

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Biontech cashed in big time.

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Yes, I believe most people with a brain stem, realize you cannot trust ANYTHING the government says. What a farce our republic has become.

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