In a relic (one of the few I have left) of my time as a card-carrying member of the media elite, I am on a mailing list for an occasional New York City get-together called “Drinks With Journalists.”
I don’t think I’ve ever gone - we moved to the sticks a while back - but I still get the emails. Sorta nice, recherche du temps perdu and all that. We were reporters once and young....
I digress. (Unbelievable but true, I used to be proud I worked for The New York Times.)
Anyway. As you might imagine, the parties stopped a while back, because Covid.
But last month, an email popped up in my box, Drinks With Journalists was back. Dec. 16. 6 p.m. A bar in Brooklyn (naturally).
“A march to a re-opened world… we thought everyone could use a drink.” Amen to that.
Now, the organizers weren’t taking any chances. They had chosen a place that had lots of seating “outside and well-ventilated.” And they wanted everyone vaccinated, which meant my perfect record of non-attendance would continue. (I admit, I did wonder what kind of reception I’d get if I showed. Probably best not to find out.)
Still, I was glad to see the invite. For two years, Brooklyn has been filled with scared people stuck in little apartments. Good on them to break the spell.
Yesterday, they confirmed the party was a go: “the festivities tomorrow evening are very much on.”
Or not. About two hours ago this popped up in my mailbox:
Just to be clear.
These are vaccinated people. Almost all under 50, certainly 60. Meeting outside.
Except they’re not, because of the theoretical spread of a variant that is almost surely less dangerous to them than whatever they’re drinking. On the advice of an epidemiologist who I will just about bet wanted the schools closed for all of last year and believes the only thing better than two masks is three.
Hella way to live.
Tell you what, any journo who wants a drink tonight can take the train up to our house. No vaccine card required.
We are entering a world run by spoiled, unskilled, trans, queer, gay, nose-ringed, tatted, hair dyed perpetual children with zero self-awareness, zero understanding or curiosity for how things work, a work ethic you’d need an electron microscope to find, who think the world owes them everything…
And who consider themselves the all-wise all-knowing arbiters of what you are allowed to say, think, feel, and do…
I recall hearing an audio of how since 1945 there are mountains of evidence in white papers that show such masks as you point out, do not work at all.. but of course.. they have a Great Reset mass world formation deception to achieve.
Hello masked man my name is FOOT. In the real world I am a Constuction worker who specializes in commercial HVAC. My specialty is clean rooms, over pressurized operating theaters and there laminar flow air systems with a minor in building Nuclear, Biological and Chemical protected buildings and bunkers. Have worked at the Chyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, Northern Command at Peterson Field and the new Stratcom facility in Omaha. I have 35 plus years in filtering air for stuff so small you damn near need 2 microscopes to even begin to see the stuff. Trust me when i tell you this. The mask does absolutely NOTHING to protect you from a virus-period the end.
"spoiled, unskilled, trans, queer, gay, nose-ringed, tatted, hair dyed perpetual children with zero self-awareness, zero understanding or curiosity for how things work, zero work ethic, who think the world owes them everything" add to this - Highly Educated in Social Justice and "Studies" Degrees with insurmountable college debt
You forgot lumbersexuals (hipsters in flannel and skinny jeans with beards that wouldn't know what to do with an axe if it hit them upside the head) and collar wearing furries. Welcome to Portland, OR.
Yea that works in slang. I'm a linguist so like George Orwell, i seek to be a custodian and purist of accurate, correct, precise and sound intelligent language which novels like Nineteen Eighty-Four are a diamond in teaching how the left (Socialists, Communists etc) takes language, and by the inherent nature of the their choice to have a demonic inverted devil dominated spirit and mindset, they as part of the left's ideological subversion, they ALWAYS by deliberate desire (and also by mind-jarring linguistic ineptitude as part of Dunning-Kruger effect if you have people mind-controlled by political satanism), hijack and then bulldoze, corrode, corrupt, debauch, degenerate, dilapidate, destroy, mangle and mutilate, pervert, truncate, and vandalise language for the purpose to totally invert what is order (God) and to bring confusion, delusion, illusion and chaos so no one knows what they are communicating anymore while being totally deluded they do know what they are communicating, hence, double-minded thus unstable in all one's ways (Scripturally) and Orwell used that knowledge from the Scriptures (since he was taught the KJV in school) and called in "Double Think" in NE-F. So i ask you to consider this;
When you use Socialist/Communist lexicon words that have utterly corrupted and perverted false definitions (catachresis) and have word constructions that are idiotic incompetent barbarous hybrids linguistically that break all rules of intelligent and sound language and word construction (solecism), you actually help the leftists/Socialists/Communist etc spread the sheer intellectual and linguistic confusion, degradation, stultification and destruction of accurate, precise, sound, proper/correct intelligent English even more which Orwell fought against which is one of the main reasons he wrote NE-F. Those on the right who ignorantly ("ignorance" is not a derogatory word contrary to ahem, ignorance, since it simply means we are not knowing of the fact of a thing) capitulate to using the hijacked and then seriously broken, corroded, corrupted etc ruined and poisoned language of the left, well they are actually legitimising what the left does and thus they also help spread this leftist/Socialist/Communist poison to them also which make others more linguistically intellectually stultified by them being a useful tool in assisting the leftist/Socialist/Communist w/o even realising it, into intellectually degenerating others into a form of “Newspeak” especially if one is uninformed on this very important matter. In his important essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, George Orwell foresaw the corrosive impact of Socialist and Communist “verbal purification” _(read: hijacking and destruction of sound, precise, accurate intelligent language) of the life of mankind. He warned that:
*“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better.” *
Cultural Marxism a.k.a. political correctness is indisputably intellectual colonialism and mental fascism for the gendering of “thought-crime.”
I kindly ask you read this link i authored, as an example of the above, so you can hopefully some insight (in a related way) to call these people what they actually are and stop helping the left/Socialist/Communist destroy proper/correct English;
heh. Don't you know you're wrong because math is "racist" (actually
"ethnicist") to these generation "me" silver spoon and platter raised, so privileged and pampered, sheltered, self-entitled, instant-gratification seeking, self-idolising, simpering, ultra-craven, allergic to real work and reality perma-juveniles?
Darlin', haven't ya heard?! Math is the new magic! Five times eight can equal [cue drum-roll]...TOMATO! Now it's easy peasy to ketchup in arithmetic! Ta da!
Yes, I think every generation after the great depression became a little more 'me me' because parents didn't want their children to suffer the way they did and after the 2008 housing bubble crash that same mentality ratcheted up to eleventy. "The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy - What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny" is an interesting read regarding some of this generational hopscotch.
Being a Gen X'r (the 'invisible' generation lol)...I'm just glad I still know how to fix computers and chew bubble gum...!
Let's take Gay back to what it meant in the 1970s... it's true meaning. Skip queer also, this is all leftist hijacked and mutilated English = Leftspeak.
People are wearing masks when not mandated, and some have told me they "don't want to offend anyone". So it looks like they're all just plain stupid and have no regard for our society and what this is doing to children who have no idea what normal is anymore. Masks - used by criminals, sick people, crazy people........
That muffled mask speech offends me. I have gotten to where I have an internal visceral reaction to hearing people talking all garbled behind their masks. I keep thinking of what gross bacteria etc. their mouths are bathing in. Ugh, just... ugh.
And you can't understand a thing they say! Even if I catch some of it, I intentionally act as if I didn't hear what was said and make them repeat it. Surely the frustration alone would make people ditch the masks.
I've seen a video of a Deaf woman who lip reads. She had an issue at a restaurant and they ended up refusing to serve her because she couldn't hear them. She talked very well, but if you know what to listen for, you could tell she was Deaf. It was heartbreaking.
That context of facial expression significance makes that point perfectly with the deaf. The nuances of facial expression humans innately have is in essence turned off by masking. Terribly abusive if not criminal especially for children. Breaks my heart every time I see a child masked. Anyone for that matter, but especially children where its so very important to be able to express facially in formative years. So very communist like and something the CCP know about the emotional and psychological long term effects masking has. This S@%T has to END! Not to mention the effects it has physiologically as in breathing normally with 02 and CO2 exchange...
I’m deaf with cochlears and it’s been hell! I still need to lipread. I’ve suffered severe depression as a result since Covid due to this issue. I get anxiety every day before leaving to work because I know I’m in for a struggle in the hours to come.
Yes! I'm not deaf but do have significant hearing loss, even with hearing aids. I supplement heavily with lip reading - millions do. It takes so much energy to strain to hear.
1% ALS. They lip read. Programs are geared for child hearing loss not adults. You just can't use hearing aids to give you back damaged hearing. We stopped at IHOP after the ENDO as I have to fast, LOUD music blaring, I had to take my Aids out it was so painful. LOUD NOISE DAMAGES HEARING, WHY DO PEOPLE THINK NAVY PERSONNEL ON FLIGHT DECK, ENGINE ROOMS HAVE HEARING LOSS. Even at the shooting range you wear both eye and ear protection.
We had several family members join us for lunch on Thanksgiving. A couple of them were quite elderly (80+). I know that elderly couple had been vaxxed, and fairly certain many (or most) of the others were too. One of the kids (20 years old) put on a mask when he entered our home.
Later on, following the meal, we were having a conversation when the 'masked one' said something I couldn't understand. His mother told him that we couldn't understand what he was saying 'with that thing on'. He removed it and the conversation continued. He never put it back on.
That convinced me that him wearing a mask was simply 'virtue signaling'. Otherwise, he would have wanted that thing on the entire time.
I cannot visit certain relatives (all triple vaxxed) until I (covid recovered) have been vaxxed. They obviously don't think the jabs work but I must have one???? Head swimming trying to make sense.
My kids got conditioned at school last year. I had to keep telling them to take the masks off, they resisted and wanted me to mask up until they realized I wasn't getting yelled at or tossed out of stores, and now my kids laugh at others masked outside.
Surreal how so many fell into the virtue signaling abyss. At some level it probably makes them feel like they belong to a cause even though its a false premise. Mass psychosis at the very least!
Think what it does to Hearing Aid wearers. My ENDO is back in a mask, fully jabbed, I had to remind him 1) LOOK AT ME, not your computer. 2) I can't hear what you are mumbling. This is my 2nd Meniere's attack and it left me nearly deaf, I need increased clear speech just normal speed. Vince Gill type no, Trace Atkins yes, Soft spoken I can't hear you! 1 level of hearing. He pulled his mask down thankfully, BS was up. Duh it's Thanksgiving-Christmas time eating and I'm going to taste what I cook. Even the cookies and candy. Just smaller amounts.
Right there with you Gail! Also lost one of my hearing aids early in the scamdemic because of a mask... 🤬My state "allows" an exception for people who are hard of hearing...
The BTE type flip off, don't sit well with glasses. Tricare Life doesn't cover hearing aids, glasses for Spouses. I've been scouring the net for a magnifying floor lamp that is more than 10 x so I can see to do my needle work. 3-5 x only. Can't see to thread a sewing needle. Getting old is not for the faint of heart.
I was in a jewelry store recently, and mentioned to the fellow helping me that I haven't worn earrings in two years because they kept coming off with the masks. (This is Seattle. No mask, no service for ANYTHING.) He said he certainly understood that, as they were doing a huge business in replacing single earrings.
I had to look around to find a cloth one with a replaceable inner carbon filter that tied over my head and behind my neck. The paper ones rip the aides out of my ears just by me talking. The cloth one fits great, can't breathe through it. Rats. Haven't worn any of them in months. Yay!!
Look them in the eye and tell them you can’t understand them with their mouth covered up. I do and about half the time, they will lower their masks and repeat what they said. It is entertaining and showing that they don’t really believe masks work. They are just doing as they are told…
Yes! Anyone who even thinks about 'mask logic' for 2 minutes will realize they don't do anything. I've been asking for nearly 2 years, where are the hazmat bins for masks if there is actually a scary pandemic? *Crickets*
Not only hazmat bins but the pollution created by masks and disinfectant wipes is insane, especially since most of the Covid creeps are all for the Green New Deal. Most masks and wipes are made from petroleum based materials and anything ‘petroleum’ is evil in their eyes. I consistently find at least a dozen discarded petroleum based, hazmat masks per mile when I take my dog for a walk. Litter used to be a problem in cities but my small town is so full of trash it is starting to look urban…
Best part of that rationale is--since when did you become so polite? You never were worried about being offensive before. Oh right--but it's a PANDEMIC. All bets off and such. SMH.
I’m in NY for Christmas and tonight I went to my grandsons “WINTER” concert (notice not “Christmas concert”.) Vax was not mandatory, but masks were - the minute you hit the door. When the show started I was shocked - EVERY child in the band/orchestra had a mask on! How in the hell do kids play wind instruments with a mask on?? The school makes them - the damn mask has a slit in the middle. The kids had them on every minute. But wait, it gets better. Every single wind instrument, tuba, sax, trumpet, trombone, even the baby piccolo, EVERY SINGLE INSTRUMENT HAD A MASK ON!! No shit. They attached a piece of black fabric over the opening where the sound comes out.🤦🏼♀️.
I love how they think a mask works even with a slit on it. That's about as effective as a condom with a pinpoint hole in it.. They are all a special kind of stupid.
I hope the music teachers that are helping to enforce this quit due to their overwhelming fear!! I guess the admin. at the school should go too before om-my....gets them. There must be some educators out there who are sane and unemployed due to the Lord F. hysteria/ mandates......
When a neighbor told me this (while she was wearing a mask outside on our tree-lined street), I told her this is BS and we shouldn't go along with it. She remains oblivious, though now she doesn't wear it outside, she is ready to mask-up when "commanded" because "it does help somewhat". Sad how many people go along with this!
That's another element of the evil of the government response to covid: dissolution of communities--whatever kind of community, but often faith communities.
My 91-year-old father, after the initial lock-down madness, was too frightened to attend Mass. While grieving for my mother--dad's wife of 64 years--he was deprived of the comfort of his faith.
More proof there is no pandemic because if there were, these "higher-ups-pretending-to-be-important-people would be wearing hazmat suits while traveling.
I had to steal that paragraph, change a few words and post it on FB..thank you... REV1 "We are entering a world run by spoiled, unskilled, sexually dysfunctional, body pierced & tatted, hair dyed perpetual children with zero self-awareness, zero curiosity for how things work, no work ethic, the world owes them everything, history starts and ends with them…these are the all-wise all-knowing arbiters of what you are allowed to say, think, feel, and do…
Well, if you will consider, if you check again how Orwell in NE-F describes what Newspeak is, it was a constant reduction of words in the vocabulary/a constant shrinking of the language so one's capacious of thought is intentionally limited so to not even be able to commit "thought crime." This is not that, but i can see what you mean since i'm a linguist/lover of such things, if you mean that words are being so intentionally intensely hijacked and so seriously corrupted and destroyed by the left by ripping the word apart from it's true definition/usage (etymology) and now more than ever being given a meaning that relates not one bit so ever to its true etymology, which the left does by design to cause destruction to the natural order of accurate, correct, proper and precise sound intelligent English (rightist English), well it's because of reasons like this;
In his important essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, George Orwell foresaw the corrosive impact of Socialist and Communist “verbal purification” (read: hijacking and destruction of sound, precise, accurate intelligent language) of the life of mankind. He warned that:
*“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better.” *
Cultural Marxism a.k.a. political correctness is indisputably intellectual colonialism and mental fascism for the gendering of “thought-crime.”
*"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."* - Philip K Dick.
*"As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: You liberate a city by destroying it. Words are used to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests."* - Gore Vidal, Imperial America, 2004
*"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'"* - George Orwell, "Nineteen Eighty-Four" pg. 32
*"Political language.... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give a appearance of solidity to pure wind."* - George Orwell
*"It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words."* - "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell.
"The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning." - British author Terry Pratchett (1992)
*How strangely will the tools of a tyrant pervert the plain meaning of words."* - Samuel Adams
lack of curiosity! that right there is the biggest problem. I see it in my own children--they don't ask questions. They are afraid of questions and they think anybody who wants to look under the hood of anything ever is a conspiracy theorist.
Weirdly enough, the majority of college graduates were taught by professors that were part of the "question authority" bent in colleges and universities in the 60's and 70's who, once they were in authority, changed to believe only authority/expert.
yes...they are all sell outs. TBH i have no issue with a basic respect for authority. It's good for kids. But they should not respect the level of abuse and insanity that's happening now. It's just way too much.
Sell outs indeed. Yes to honour honourable authorities, but if the authorities tell me to do something that our Creator says is against Him, i will go the Creator of course like He commands.
Respect for authorities is one thing, but not questioning authority leads to authoritarianism. We need to realize that "experts" are often not expert at much. I am amazed at how few people question and feel that they can't because they aren't "expert."
If one is an expert then they should be able to easily, cogently and with data back up their position, less than that, they are simply pontificators and wanna-be tyrants.
It's so very obviously from the collectivist playbook, they need you to worship the state so any social structures other than that must go. The nuclear family is first, that's especially a target because its also a mechanism for wealth to pass between generations. Noooo, you must only get anything you have straight from the state, witness the O'Biden regime flinging untold trillions at people, then deer in the headlights when nobody wants to work and inflation rips their faces off, faces obscured by the badge of the Covid Cult. That Cult of course is OK with them because they can use it to oppress their political enemies, the horrible ones that know that *every* bit of the prosperity we enjoy comes from the free flow of people, information, and capital, in other words everything the collectivists seek to prevent. On the capital front we are about to witness a Covid-scale misallocation as, again absent data or evidence or even the scientific method, we will be instructed that we must urgently reduce a trace gas that composes 0.04% of the atmosphere, of which human activity represents 3%. The scientific method of course would have us look at the data from the Warming Vatican, the IPCC. Oopsie, their magnum opus just came out, where they had to admit quote "all of our 73 models are running way too hot", super inconvenient that the warmest year in the last 25 was 1998. Why, you ask? Why detonate the whole society in the Great Reset? It's the same reason Hilary had to urgently kill Gaddafi just one year after Tony Blair gave him the UN Humanitarian award: because the banks did not feel like paying back the billions he had loaned them. In this case they owe Boomers $200T in unfunded entitlements and they do not have the means or the desire to make good. You will own nothing, indeed, because they will own everything.
I think you might appreciate this piece about "Conspiracy Theorist" by Dr. Collum, a libertarian chemist from Cornell, when someone calls me a conspiracy theorist, i know they are parrots parroting their so successful social engineering mind-control and i answer it different ways, but never deny it since to do so is basically admitting lunacy;
👍🏼 You should see the ineptness in Oregon. Oodles of money to keep rent moratoriums going and the housing agency couldn’t even print the checks correctly
NO ONE should be GIVEN ANYTHING in the form of EBT or CASH, Checks. When someone on the street asks me for something (NYC) I ask them WHAT FOR? If they say they're hungry I will take them to a restaurant and buy them takeout (I am a veteran, and served so no one would go hungry in this country). I will not give any CASH. When you make payouts expect LOTS of Criminals to take advantage and sully the system. Handouts equal corruption especially when the government is involved. I watched people drive up in BMW's and MERCEDES at a school district during the lock down to pick up boxes of food for their children (each child 2 meals a day for 5 days) - This was in a wealthy neighborhood where median income was about $250k a year. They really needed meals for their kids?
I did some volunteer work in my 20s, and this was the pattern. Every now then, we'd help a truly needy person, but most of it was just folks taking advantage, working the system, and corrupt agencies looking for cash cows.
That's my neighbor's! The husband works hard at...NOT working. They use food stamps (excuse me, cannot remember the PC phrase at the moment) and then the husband pays cash for his massive smoking habit (think chimney stack). Anything breaks, he tries his hardest with many lies and reasons why the person/company should give him a huge break on the bill. The last time he did that he pointed out all his broke down vehicles littering the drive for years. Then he sells them for junk and he miraculously gets three new or gentle used used vehicles. And he brags about the cash.bonuses he gets when he does have to work. I am sure they just lived all the free handouts this year and last and don't forget the $$$ handed out for having children now. Totally disgusting and I can no longer even glance in their direction.
Not good. At all. But compared to the Pentagon? The FDA, etc? The spy agencies with all of their 'black' funding, including moving the drugs into this country? It's a wicked world out there and I'm just betting that your neighbor is an an exception to the many who can't make it under this rigged system. But that said, your neighbor seems indeed 'exceptional.' An exceptional assh**e.
In the article itself it uses the word "may," nevertheless, for the herd, words such as could and may translate to will and shall. The elite tyrants will hang their hat on any study that alludes to their desire to push mandates, it makes no difference to them whether it is flawed, empirically wrong, statistically impossible or a flat lie, if it supports their desires it is, by default, "their truth."
They've been trained, propagandized since birth; their parents and schools having been influenced, that is, psychologically coerced by The Owners to influence them to turn out such an innocuous, insipid and whiney generation of pliable meatsacks/consumers in order to factionalize and disrupt both democracy and society.
And not to forget: this took place as wages and salaries remained mired in 1970s levels and all of the fantastic wealth gains were reserved for the top percentages; even as individual workers' productivity soared.
Clarification: to be against hijacking and destruction of rightist language by the left aka their leftist language which reflects who they are as laid out in the link.
It’s a cult of cowardice for sure ,but is there some weird need to keep this going as long as possible now?The Kingdom of Liberals Heaven didn’t return,in fact quite a Hell has.So avoiding reality and prayers that somehow if lockdown continues,it will all work out has to be buried in the subconscious.
Interesting way to put it.. but this is all about The Great Reset = NWO = rise of the Antichrist kingdom which politically is the full blown political diabolism which was foretold a long time ago by our Creator.
Thank you. I sent this to our county executive who still has mandatory indoors masks. While I doubt this will be used in setting policy, the polls in my blue state show people have had it with covid. I am hoping it will at least moderate the policy, if not for adults, at least for children who are so harmed by delusional politicians.
If things continue to head south, the ultimate fate of such "useful idiots" may be that they'll be a few layers above our bodies in the mass graves. 🙁 Know it or not, most of these enablers are latter-day Marxists, little different in ideology from their spiritual brethren in the Soviet Union a century ago, or Revolutionary France a century earlier.
These people are permanently damaged. They were likely damaged before but we didn't see it. COVID has just made it easier to see who the truly broken are in society.
Arguably the only good thing to come out of this entire mess was ripping the mask off the establishment, the medical industry and upper middle class progressives.
What do you think we can do. You can lead a dumbass to water but you can't make them drink. Seems like we are permanently stuck living the rest of our lives surrounded by terrified people making bad decisions who have no desire to change. Just a crazy world and I sure am lonely to be around others who actually get what is going on here.
People followed Jim Jones to their graves people will do the same following fraud fauci doctor science himself. These useful idiots are beyond brainwashed. They think they’re on the virtuous side of history. Ugh
Meanwhile here in Alabama, we had 30 people inside my house last weekend for a 40th birthday party. And another 40 of us got together yesterday for a work Christmas party at my boss's house (with a large portion of us unvaxxed even!!!) The horror!
Here in the free state of SC we have been largely mask free for a year now. About 50% vaxed. But yesterday I went to a store & all these people were masked up! I asked a couple why... and they said Omicron. It's supposed to be so dangerous! And so much more contagious! Thank you CNN.
WE ARE TALKING CASES!!! Not DEATHS Not even Hospitalizations . NOW everyone is afraid of CASES. WTF. I used to get mad about people wearing masks in their car or WALKING on the STREET by themselves, not a single person within 100 yards, now this really ticks me off (CASES).
I am in a Zoom work call right now. Yeah, I'm here because my coworkers are nuts and a I need a dose of reality. One of them is wearing a mask, alone! On Zoom!
Another added to the chat: "can't talk, waiting for my booster, but the presentation looks great"
100%! How did you know? hahah. We're supposed to introduce ourselves to new clients with our pronouns, but I always "forget" ... new client last week laughed in our faces. "I am french, I do not understand your pronouns."
They deliberately used the word "case" because it sounded like someone was sick and being treated for it. What they called a case really has been is a PCR test that came up positive, with or without any symptoms. If covid had never existed and people got PCR tests to the extent they have been in the last 2 years, there would probably be the same number of positive "cases" (ha ha) because we are continually acquiring viruses in the environment.
Alex devotes an entire chapter to testing (primarily the PCR) issues. I'll not delve into it here, but suffice to say the test can be abused so as to get "positive" tests when there is very little, if any, virus in a sample. In other words, if they want to find "cases," they intentionally use an unreasonably sensitive setting to produce what might fairly be called false positives.
Aside: Alex doesn't cover this, but it's worth saying that Kary Mullis, the inventor of the test, which earned him a Nobel Prize, apparently was on record for saying his invention should NOT be used for diagnostics. Of course, some "factcheck" places dispute that, but I don't put much credence in them. I found this video which, if authentic, seems to be Mullis saying the test is not good for detecting a virus.
Yes! His reasoning and evidence is so clear and really helps to make sense of the last 20+ months. It's hard to believe anyone could listen to this calm, reasonable man and think he's untruthful or anti-science. Unfortunately, the conclusions that must be drawn from listening to him mean that our country and world are led by sociopaths.
Yep. My experience on Wall Street opened my eyes as a young man to the fact that many of the folks at the top are not burdened with a conscience. If you have no empathy you are much more efficient at gaining wealth and power.
Lynn, I traveled to CA an back in October, just have to wear the mask on the plane (I use an "unmask" mesh version which is very breathable). I don't think there are airport vax passports in effect yet but I could be wrong. Anyway, hope you get to visit your grandaughter in FL!
There was a Gallup Poll in September that found the work-from-home crowd were more in favor of mandatory vaccines for work, compared to those who work at their work locations.
That is SO GROSS. Totally classicist and psychotically controlling. I work from home and this attitude disgusts me. My coworkers disgust me.
I have NEVER understood wanting to control what other people do, but the desire is rampant in our culture right now. 'Live and let live' seems like a lot healthier and more fun philosophy.
I agree, it disgusts me because when I encounter it, the arrogance of those and the accompanying ignorance of those fortunate to have a job which allows them to work from home is overwhelming. Ignorance of facts but strong on judgements.
These people are all coward cultists.
We are entering a world run by spoiled, unskilled, trans, queer, gay, nose-ringed, tatted, hair dyed perpetual children with zero self-awareness, zero understanding or curiosity for how things work, a work ethic you’d need an electron microscope to find, who think the world owes them everything…
And who consider themselves the all-wise all-knowing arbiters of what you are allowed to say, think, feel, and do…
What could go wrong?
The masks do not work at all:
From the linked article in the OP, even the CDC's own study showed that masks down work over a year ago...
I recall hearing an audio of how since 1945 there are mountains of evidence in white papers that show such masks as you point out, do not work at all.. but of course.. they have a Great Reset mass world formation deception to achieve.
Hello masked man my name is FOOT. In the real world I am a Constuction worker who specializes in commercial HVAC. My specialty is clean rooms, over pressurized operating theaters and there laminar flow air systems with a minor in building Nuclear, Biological and Chemical protected buildings and bunkers. Have worked at the Chyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, Northern Command at Peterson Field and the new Stratcom facility in Omaha. I have 35 plus years in filtering air for stuff so small you damn near need 2 microscopes to even begin to see the stuff. Trust me when i tell you this. The mask does absolutely NOTHING to protect you from a virus-period the end.
100 Percent correct
No one has ever seen the covid virus. It’s too small for electron microscopes. The “picture” we see is a computer animation
💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰, it’s so obvious it .
"spoiled, unskilled, trans, queer, gay, nose-ringed, tatted, hair dyed perpetual children with zero self-awareness, zero understanding or curiosity for how things work, zero work ethic, who think the world owes them everything" add to this - Highly Educated in Social Justice and "Studies" Degrees with insurmountable college debt
You forgot lumbersexuals (hipsters in flannel and skinny jeans with beards that wouldn't know what to do with an axe if it hit them upside the head) and collar wearing furries. Welcome to Portland, OR.
OH LOL, hadn't heard that term yet! Thanks!
Tucker Carlson had a good one the other night:trustifarians which I believe is pot head trust fund social justice warriors…
SNL needs to add a lumbersexual skit
Monty Python did a few decades ago.
But I'm ok 👍
OMG! That was my reaction the instant I read "lumbersexuals!"
I did in fact laugh out load at that! Thanks.
Ohh Portland.. yikes. Why not just call them effeminates?
SNL would get canceled because lumber sexual has to much testosterone in its pronoun
Quite the sarcasm it seems.
Yea that works in slang. I'm a linguist so like George Orwell, i seek to be a custodian and purist of accurate, correct, precise and sound intelligent language which novels like Nineteen Eighty-Four are a diamond in teaching how the left (Socialists, Communists etc) takes language, and by the inherent nature of the their choice to have a demonic inverted devil dominated spirit and mindset, they as part of the left's ideological subversion, they ALWAYS by deliberate desire (and also by mind-jarring linguistic ineptitude as part of Dunning-Kruger effect if you have people mind-controlled by political satanism), hijack and then bulldoze, corrode, corrupt, debauch, degenerate, dilapidate, destroy, mangle and mutilate, pervert, truncate, and vandalise language for the purpose to totally invert what is order (God) and to bring confusion, delusion, illusion and chaos so no one knows what they are communicating anymore while being totally deluded they do know what they are communicating, hence, double-minded thus unstable in all one's ways (Scripturally) and Orwell used that knowledge from the Scriptures (since he was taught the KJV in school) and called in "Double Think" in NE-F. So i ask you to consider this;
When you use Socialist/Communist lexicon words that have utterly corrupted and perverted false definitions (catachresis) and have word constructions that are idiotic incompetent barbarous hybrids linguistically that break all rules of intelligent and sound language and word construction (solecism), you actually help the leftists/Socialists/Communist etc spread the sheer intellectual and linguistic confusion, degradation, stultification and destruction of accurate, precise, sound, proper/correct intelligent English even more which Orwell fought against which is one of the main reasons he wrote NE-F. Those on the right who ignorantly ("ignorance" is not a derogatory word contrary to ahem, ignorance, since it simply means we are not knowing of the fact of a thing) capitulate to using the hijacked and then seriously broken, corroded, corrupted etc ruined and poisoned language of the left, well they are actually legitimising what the left does and thus they also help spread this leftist/Socialist/Communist poison to them also which make others more linguistically intellectually stultified by them being a useful tool in assisting the leftist/Socialist/Communist w/o even realising it, into intellectually degenerating others into a form of “Newspeak” especially if one is uninformed on this very important matter. In his important essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, George Orwell foresaw the corrosive impact of Socialist and Communist “verbal purification” _(read: hijacking and destruction of sound, precise, accurate intelligent language) of the life of mankind. He warned that:
*“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better.” *
Cultural Marxism a.k.a. political correctness is indisputably intellectual colonialism and mental fascism for the gendering of “thought-crime.”
I kindly ask you read this link i authored, as an example of the above, so you can hopefully some insight (in a related way) to call these people what they actually are and stop helping the left/Socialist/Communist destroy proper/correct English; – why not to use “Trans” or “trans-gender” etc..
For a master of the English language, you are a great example of the run-on sentence.
Hahah, I’m from Portland and you described those hip wokesters to a T! Now what’s with all the rolled up jeans and no socks look that’s going around?!
Girly men
I cut fabric for a living, and wear scissors in a leather holster. I know to to remove a manbun in seconds flat.
With Zero (0) life skills.
Zero is probably one of their pronouns.
heh. Don't you know you're wrong because math is "racist" (actually
"ethnicist") to these generation "me" silver spoon and platter raised, so privileged and pampered, sheltered, self-entitled, instant-gratification seeking, self-idolising, simpering, ultra-craven, allergic to real work and reality perma-juveniles?
Darlin', haven't ya heard?! Math is the new magic! Five times eight can equal [cue drum-roll]...TOMATO! Now it's easy peasy to ketchup in arithmetic! Ta da!
Yes, I think every generation after the great depression became a little more 'me me' because parents didn't want their children to suffer the way they did and after the 2008 housing bubble crash that same mentality ratcheted up to eleventy. "The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy - What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny" is an interesting read regarding some of this generational hopscotch.
Being a Gen X'r (the 'invisible' generation lol)...I'm just glad I still know how to fix computers and chew bubble gum...!
Add to this..."and people who will never get a real job".
Look at Kamala, Biden, AOC and other squad losers...The Peter Pan Principle is the merit system today.
You mean confu-sexual, not trans;
Let's take Gay back to what it meant in the 1970s... it's true meaning. Skip queer also, this is all leftist hijacked and mutilated English = Leftspeak.
Plus highly stupid
Any more name calling you want to do? This is awful
More stupid policies from politicians.
Just because your supposedly educated doesn’t mean you are educated in all matters . Arrogance.
Or posses wisdom in any of them
All by design critical thinking skills cannot be allowed.
People are wearing masks when not mandated, and some have told me they "don't want to offend anyone". So it looks like they're all just plain stupid and have no regard for our society and what this is doing to children who have no idea what normal is anymore. Masks - used by criminals, sick people, crazy people........
Their cowardice offends me.
That muffled mask speech offends me. I have gotten to where I have an internal visceral reaction to hearing people talking all garbled behind their masks. I keep thinking of what gross bacteria etc. their mouths are bathing in. Ugh, just... ugh.
And you can't understand a thing they say! Even if I catch some of it, I intentionally act as if I didn't hear what was said and make them repeat it. Surely the frustration alone would make people ditch the masks.
Think about the deaf, who rely almost solely on lipreading. We all actually do to some extent. Yes, just maddening.
I've seen a video of a Deaf woman who lip reads. She had an issue at a restaurant and they ended up refusing to serve her because she couldn't hear them. She talked very well, but if you know what to listen for, you could tell she was Deaf. It was heartbreaking.
I was amazed how much I need lip movements to understand as well. English is not my mother language and I rely very much on it.
Yes. This has been hell on my spouse who has hearing loss.
That context of facial expression significance makes that point perfectly with the deaf. The nuances of facial expression humans innately have is in essence turned off by masking. Terribly abusive if not criminal especially for children. Breaks my heart every time I see a child masked. Anyone for that matter, but especially children where its so very important to be able to express facially in formative years. So very communist like and something the CCP know about the emotional and psychological long term effects masking has. This S@%T has to END! Not to mention the effects it has physiologically as in breathing normally with 02 and CO2 exchange...
Yes, I've thought about that often throughout this mania.
I’m deaf with cochlears and it’s been hell! I still need to lipread. I’ve suffered severe depression as a result since Covid due to this issue. I get anxiety every day before leaving to work because I know I’m in for a struggle in the hours to come.
Yes! I'm not deaf but do have significant hearing loss, even with hearing aids. I supplement heavily with lip reading - millions do. It takes so much energy to strain to hear.
What happened to the American disabilities Act?
1% ALS. They lip read. Programs are geared for child hearing loss not adults. You just can't use hearing aids to give you back damaged hearing. We stopped at IHOP after the ENDO as I have to fast, LOUD music blaring, I had to take my Aids out it was so painful. LOUD NOISE DAMAGES HEARING, WHY DO PEOPLE THINK NAVY PERSONNEL ON FLIGHT DECK, ENGINE ROOMS HAVE HEARING LOSS. Even at the shooting range you wear both eye and ear protection.
We had several family members join us for lunch on Thanksgiving. A couple of them were quite elderly (80+). I know that elderly couple had been vaxxed, and fairly certain many (or most) of the others were too. One of the kids (20 years old) put on a mask when he entered our home.
Later on, following the meal, we were having a conversation when the 'masked one' said something I couldn't understand. His mother told him that we couldn't understand what he was saying 'with that thing on'. He removed it and the conversation continued. He never put it back on.
That convinced me that him wearing a mask was simply 'virtue signaling'. Otherwise, he would have wanted that thing on the entire time.
I cannot visit certain relatives (all triple vaxxed) until I (covid recovered) have been vaxxed. They obviously don't think the jabs work but I must have one???? Head swimming trying to make sense.
Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.
My kids got conditioned at school last year. I had to keep telling them to take the masks off, they resisted and wanted me to mask up until they realized I wasn't getting yelled at or tossed out of stores, and now my kids laugh at others masked outside.
Surreal how so many fell into the virtue signaling abyss. At some level it probably makes them feel like they belong to a cause even though its a false premise. Mass psychosis at the very least!
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad - just wow.
I watch virtually all my TV after it is recorded. EVERY TIME I see someone start to talk with a mask on I fast forward through it.
Now if I could just figure out how to fact forward through a live conversation!
Oh, that's wonderful. Keep it up!
That's better than what I do, pretend to hear them and respond to what I think they are saying... which may or may not make any sense to them. LOL.
Think what it does to Hearing Aid wearers. My ENDO is back in a mask, fully jabbed, I had to remind him 1) LOOK AT ME, not your computer. 2) I can't hear what you are mumbling. This is my 2nd Meniere's attack and it left me nearly deaf, I need increased clear speech just normal speed. Vince Gill type no, Trace Atkins yes, Soft spoken I can't hear you! 1 level of hearing. He pulled his mask down thankfully, BS was up. Duh it's Thanksgiving-Christmas time eating and I'm going to taste what I cook. Even the cookies and candy. Just smaller amounts.
Right there with you Gail! Also lost one of my hearing aids early in the scamdemic because of a mask... 🤬My state "allows" an exception for people who are hard of hearing...
The BTE type flip off, don't sit well with glasses. Tricare Life doesn't cover hearing aids, glasses for Spouses. I've been scouring the net for a magnifying floor lamp that is more than 10 x so I can see to do my needle work. 3-5 x only. Can't see to thread a sewing needle. Getting old is not for the faint of heart.
I was in a jewelry store recently, and mentioned to the fellow helping me that I haven't worn earrings in two years because they kept coming off with the masks. (This is Seattle. No mask, no service for ANYTHING.) He said he certainly understood that, as they were doing a huge business in replacing single earrings.
I had to look around to find a cloth one with a replaceable inner carbon filter that tied over my head and behind my neck. The paper ones rip the aides out of my ears just by me talking. The cloth one fits great, can't breathe through it. Rats. Haven't worn any of them in months. Yay!!
Look them in the eye and tell them you can’t understand them with their mouth covered up. I do and about half the time, they will lower their masks and repeat what they said. It is entertaining and showing that they don’t really believe masks work. They are just doing as they are told…
Yes! Anyone who even thinks about 'mask logic' for 2 minutes will realize they don't do anything. I've been asking for nearly 2 years, where are the hazmat bins for masks if there is actually a scary pandemic? *Crickets*
Not only hazmat bins but the pollution created by masks and disinfectant wipes is insane, especially since most of the Covid creeps are all for the Green New Deal. Most masks and wipes are made from petroleum based materials and anything ‘petroleum’ is evil in their eyes. I consistently find at least a dozen discarded petroleum based, hazmat masks per mile when I take my dog for a walk. Litter used to be a problem in cities but my small town is so full of trash it is starting to look urban…
They are super poltroons and this really grinds me gears these namby-pamby nancy-boys.
At some point in the future there will be a DSM-IV diagnosis for this!
Look at 297.1, Delusional Disorder, it’s a dead ringer for these crazies wearing masks while driving.🤣
Thank You for the link.
Why do you feel such a strong urge that such a disorder exist? 🙂
Best part of that rationale is--since when did you become so polite? You never were worried about being offensive before. Oh right--but it's a PANDEMIC. All bets off and such. SMH.
I’m in NY for Christmas and tonight I went to my grandsons “WINTER” concert (notice not “Christmas concert”.) Vax was not mandatory, but masks were - the minute you hit the door. When the show started I was shocked - EVERY child in the band/orchestra had a mask on! How in the hell do kids play wind instruments with a mask on?? The school makes them - the damn mask has a slit in the middle. The kids had them on every minute. But wait, it gets better. Every single wind instrument, tuba, sax, trumpet, trombone, even the baby piccolo, EVERY SINGLE INSTRUMENT HAD A MASK ON!! No shit. They attached a piece of black fabric over the opening where the sound comes out.🤦🏼♀️.
I love how they think a mask works even with a slit on it. That's about as effective as a condom with a pinpoint hole in it.. They are all a special kind of stupid.
I hope the music teachers that are helping to enforce this quit due to their overwhelming fear!! I guess the admin. at the school should go too before om-my....gets them. There must be some educators out there who are sane and unemployed due to the Lord F. hysteria/ mandates......
You can’t fix stupid yankee NY people.
The decision to be offended or not is entirely your choice. No one can offend you unless you allow them to.
Perhaps you should say that their masks offend YOU.
When a neighbor told me this (while she was wearing a mask outside on our tree-lined street), I told her this is BS and we shouldn't go along with it. She remains oblivious, though now she doesn't wear it outside, she is ready to mask-up when "commanded" because "it does help somewhat". Sad how many people go along with this!
I am going to have to leave a church that I love because of this mask madness.
Dr. Peter McCullough tells Rogan how all of the major religions are completely taken in by this "mass psychosis". Very sad to say the least.
That is so sad.
That's another element of the evil of the government response to covid: dissolution of communities--whatever kind of community, but often faith communities.
My 91-year-old father, after the initial lock-down madness, was too frightened to attend Mass. While grieving for my mother--dad's wife of 64 years--he was deprived of the comfort of his faith.
That alone infuriates me.
The list is growing. Both of intrusive injustices and infuriated recipients of that intrusion.
Yup. Since when is supporting a BIG lie in front of everyone you come across a non offensive thing?
Check out the Daily Wire. Maxine Waters UNmasked on transcontinental United flight.
More proof there is no pandemic because if there were, these "higher-ups-pretending-to-be-important-people would be wearing hazmat suits while traveling.
Moi aussi
Don't forget to add ..."of all ages".
I had to steal that paragraph, change a few words and post it on FB..thank you... REV1 "We are entering a world run by spoiled, unskilled, sexually dysfunctional, body pierced & tatted, hair dyed perpetual children with zero self-awareness, zero curiosity for how things work, no work ethic, the world owes them everything, history starts and ends with them…these are the all-wise all-knowing arbiters of what you are allowed to say, think, feel, and do…
What could go wrong?
Tis brilliant, aye. And brevity remains the soul of wit.
Wole mantra: Everything before yesterday is wrong. (And that's why we get to make the new rules!)
Leftism is Peace, Freedom is "Victim-hood", Diversity is Strength ... [double-think].
Well, if you will consider, if you check again how Orwell in NE-F describes what Newspeak is, it was a constant reduction of words in the vocabulary/a constant shrinking of the language so one's capacious of thought is intentionally limited so to not even be able to commit "thought crime." This is not that, but i can see what you mean since i'm a linguist/lover of such things, if you mean that words are being so intentionally intensely hijacked and so seriously corrupted and destroyed by the left by ripping the word apart from it's true definition/usage (etymology) and now more than ever being given a meaning that relates not one bit so ever to its true etymology, which the left does by design to cause destruction to the natural order of accurate, correct, proper and precise sound intelligent English (rightist English), well it's because of reasons like this;
In his important essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, George Orwell foresaw the corrosive impact of Socialist and Communist “verbal purification” (read: hijacking and destruction of sound, precise, accurate intelligent language) of the life of mankind. He warned that:
*“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better.” *
Cultural Marxism a.k.a. political correctness is indisputably intellectual colonialism and mental fascism for the gendering of “thought-crime.”
*"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."* - Philip K Dick.
*"As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: You liberate a city by destroying it. Words are used to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests."* - Gore Vidal, Imperial America, 2004
*"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'"* - George Orwell, "Nineteen Eighty-Four" pg. 32
*"Political language.... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give a appearance of solidity to pure wind."* - George Orwell
*"It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words."* - "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell.
"The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning." - British author Terry Pratchett (1992)
*How strangely will the tools of a tyrant pervert the plain meaning of words."* - Samuel Adams
Nice improvements!
Ok- Imma steal yours!
I can agree with that... 2Timothy3:1-9 will bring quite the next dimension to it.
lack of curiosity! that right there is the biggest problem. I see it in my own children--they don't ask questions. They are afraid of questions and they think anybody who wants to look under the hood of anything ever is a conspiracy theorist.
Weirdly enough, the majority of college graduates were taught by professors that were part of the "question authority" bent in colleges and universities in the 60's and 70's who, once they were in authority, changed to believe only authority/expert.
yes...they are all sell outs. TBH i have no issue with a basic respect for authority. It's good for kids. But they should not respect the level of abuse and insanity that's happening now. It's just way too much.
Sell outs indeed. Yes to honour honourable authorities, but if the authorities tell me to do something that our Creator says is against Him, i will go the Creator of course like He commands.
Respect for authorities is one thing, but not questioning authority leads to authoritarianism. We need to realize that "experts" are often not expert at much. I am amazed at how few people question and feel that they can't because they aren't "expert."
If one is an expert then they should be able to easily, cogently and with data back up their position, less than that, they are simply pontificators and wanna-be tyrants.
It's so very obviously from the collectivist playbook, they need you to worship the state so any social structures other than that must go. The nuclear family is first, that's especially a target because its also a mechanism for wealth to pass between generations. Noooo, you must only get anything you have straight from the state, witness the O'Biden regime flinging untold trillions at people, then deer in the headlights when nobody wants to work and inflation rips their faces off, faces obscured by the badge of the Covid Cult. That Cult of course is OK with them because they can use it to oppress their political enemies, the horrible ones that know that *every* bit of the prosperity we enjoy comes from the free flow of people, information, and capital, in other words everything the collectivists seek to prevent. On the capital front we are about to witness a Covid-scale misallocation as, again absent data or evidence or even the scientific method, we will be instructed that we must urgently reduce a trace gas that composes 0.04% of the atmosphere, of which human activity represents 3%. The scientific method of course would have us look at the data from the Warming Vatican, the IPCC. Oopsie, their magnum opus just came out, where they had to admit quote "all of our 73 models are running way too hot", super inconvenient that the warmest year in the last 25 was 1998. Why, you ask? Why detonate the whole society in the Great Reset? It's the same reason Hilary had to urgently kill Gaddafi just one year after Tony Blair gave him the UN Humanitarian award: because the banks did not feel like paying back the billions he had loaned them. In this case they owe Boomers $200T in unfunded entitlements and they do not have the means or the desire to make good. You will own nothing, indeed, because they will own everything.
I think you might appreciate this piece about "Conspiracy Theorist" by Dr. Collum, a libertarian chemist from Cornell, when someone calls me a conspiracy theorist, i know they are parrots parroting their so successful social engineering mind-control and i answer it different ways, but never deny it since to do so is basically admitting lunacy;
👍🏼 You should see the ineptness in Oregon. Oodles of money to keep rent moratoriums going and the housing agency couldn’t even print the checks correctly
NO ONE should be GIVEN ANYTHING in the form of EBT or CASH, Checks. When someone on the street asks me for something (NYC) I ask them WHAT FOR? If they say they're hungry I will take them to a restaurant and buy them takeout (I am a veteran, and served so no one would go hungry in this country). I will not give any CASH. When you make payouts expect LOTS of Criminals to take advantage and sully the system. Handouts equal corruption especially when the government is involved. I watched people drive up in BMW's and MERCEDES at a school district during the lock down to pick up boxes of food for their children (each child 2 meals a day for 5 days) - This was in a wealthy neighborhood where median income was about $250k a year. They really needed meals for their kids?
I did some volunteer work in my 20s, and this was the pattern. Every now then, we'd help a truly needy person, but most of it was just folks taking advantage, working the system, and corrupt agencies looking for cash cows.
That's my neighbor's! The husband works hard at...NOT working. They use food stamps (excuse me, cannot remember the PC phrase at the moment) and then the husband pays cash for his massive smoking habit (think chimney stack). Anything breaks, he tries his hardest with many lies and reasons why the person/company should give him a huge break on the bill. The last time he did that he pointed out all his broke down vehicles littering the drive for years. Then he sells them for junk and he miraculously gets three new or gentle used used vehicles. And he brags about the cash.bonuses he gets when he does have to work. I am sure they just lived all the free handouts this year and last and don't forget the $$$ handed out for having children now. Totally disgusting and I can no longer even glance in their direction.
Not good. At all. But compared to the Pentagon? The FDA, etc? The spy agencies with all of their 'black' funding, including moving the drugs into this country? It's a wicked world out there and I'm just betting that your neighbor is an an exception to the many who can't make it under this rigged system. But that said, your neighbor seems indeed 'exceptional.' An exceptional assh**e.
Oh, he knows how to work anyone and every "thing" to his advantage.
That’s my ex. still not working. Everything is working the system to get free stuff so he doesn’t have to work. Sick. It needs a diagnosis.
Stimulus 4 if you have KIDS is fixing to go out.
Sadly the mask fascists will push their mandates with pseudo studies like this:
Key word in the title (as well as the article) is 'could'. Not WILL. There are absolutely NO studies that prove efficacy of masks.
In the article itself it uses the word "may," nevertheless, for the herd, words such as could and may translate to will and shall. The elite tyrants will hang their hat on any study that alludes to their desire to push mandates, it makes no difference to them whether it is flawed, empirically wrong, statistically impossible or a flat lie, if it supports their desires it is, by default, "their truth."
They've been trained, propagandized since birth; their parents and schools having been influenced, that is, psychologically coerced by The Owners to influence them to turn out such an innocuous, insipid and whiney generation of pliable meatsacks/consumers in order to factionalize and disrupt both democracy and society.
And not to forget: this took place as wages and salaries remained mired in 1970s levels and all of the fantastic wealth gains were reserved for the top percentages; even as individual workers' productivity soared.
^This exactly
I agree with you, minus one thing, due to the rightist linguist in me, which Orwell warned us to be against; - Why not to use "trans."
Clarification: to be against hijacking and destruction of rightist language by the left aka their leftist language which reflects who they are as laid out in the link.
It’s a cult of cowardice for sure ,but is there some weird need to keep this going as long as possible now?The Kingdom of Liberals Heaven didn’t return,in fact quite a Hell has.So avoiding reality and prayers that somehow if lockdown continues,it will all work out has to be buried in the subconscious.
Interesting way to put it.. but this is all about The Great Reset = NWO = rise of the Antichrist kingdom which politically is the full blown political diabolism which was foretold a long time ago by our Creator.
It’s going to keep going to mid terms to keep MAIL IN voting and make it permanent. So much easier to steal elections with mail in ballots.
The masks DO work. When they instituted flu vaccine or mask up policies some years ago, they increased vaccine uptake by 90%! They worked perfectly...
This is everything about masks
Crazy 😝
Here is another science-based mask report with over 100 studies to back it up:
Thank you. I sent this to our county executive who still has mandatory indoors masks. While I doubt this will be used in setting policy, the polls in my blue state show people have had it with covid. I am hoping it will at least moderate the policy, if not for adults, at least for children who are so harmed by delusional politicians.
Puleeze! If you leave the mask on and the drink alcohol through it, it works just fine.
If things continue to head south, the ultimate fate of such "useful idiots" may be that they'll be a few layers above our bodies in the mass graves. 🙁 Know it or not, most of these enablers are latter-day Marxists, little different in ideology from their spiritual brethren in the Soviet Union a century ago, or Revolutionary France a century earlier.
These people are permanently damaged. They were likely damaged before but we didn't see it. COVID has just made it easier to see who the truly broken are in society.
COVID and the disastrous response have revealed all sorts of fault lines in people and society.
Arguably the only good thing to come out of this entire mess was ripping the mask off the establishment, the medical industry and upper middle class progressives.
The emperor truly has no clothes.
If only more people could see
COVID-19 and Trump lured all the authoritarian monsters on stage so everyone could see the evil happening behind the curtain.
Now with terminal cases of OCD tacked onto their list of other disorders. I suppose we can add Stockholm Syndrome to that as well.
What do you think we can do. You can lead a dumbass to water but you can't make them drink. Seems like we are permanently stuck living the rest of our lives surrounded by terrified people making bad decisions who have no desire to change. Just a crazy world and I sure am lonely to be around others who actually get what is going on here.
People followed Jim Jones to their graves people will do the same following fraud fauci doctor science himself. These useful idiots are beyond brainwashed. They think they’re on the virtuous side of history. Ugh
Think we can give New York back to the indians? They can just give us back the smallpox. Fair trade.
They all got Drain Bamage drinking the Koo-Layed !
We will be leaving the private school we've been at for years because of this. Some people are trapped in the COVID matrix and they can't get out.
Desmet's mass formation thesis.
It's a problem that the absurdity cannot wake them up on their own.
Reading about it now. Thanks.
It's a complete scam
SCAM-There are those in and outside the medical industry making millions keeping this thing going.
Billions, not millions. Tens of billions. Hundreds of billions.
Need Vouchers now more than ever.
Meanwhile here in Alabama, we had 30 people inside my house last weekend for a 40th birthday party. And another 40 of us got together yesterday for a work Christmas party at my boss's house (with a large portion of us unvaxxed even!!!) The horror!
Yep, we've been living life normally here in Florida pretty much the whole time, my elderly mother included.
Same here, unmasked, unvaxxed, even my 78 year old Mom.
Lucky. I want to move there but no idea where. Like minded of course.
I’m on Southwest Coast, conservative, free!🇺🇸🌴🦩
I live in the panhandle (Pensacola area) which is more conservative. Love it here. Nice people, great climate!
Sounds awesome! Lucky lady.
White sand!
Ditto in Houston.
Same in Georgia-we believe this thing just needs to work itself out. Do away with all masks and use common sense.
Hear that...that's the covid cult dying of heart failure over your post 🤣😉😂
Or maybe that's just the vaxxed dying of myocarditis! Bahahaha
Here in the free state of SC we have been largely mask free for a year now. About 50% vaxed. But yesterday I went to a store & all these people were masked up! I asked a couple why... and they said Omicron. It's supposed to be so dangerous! And so much more contagious! Thank you CNN.
WE ARE TALKING CASES!!! Not DEATHS Not even Hospitalizations . NOW everyone is afraid of CASES. WTF. I used to get mad about people wearing masks in their car or WALKING on the STREET by themselves, not a single person within 100 yards, now this really ticks me off (CASES).
I am in a Zoom work call right now. Yeah, I'm here because my coworkers are nuts and a I need a dose of reality. One of them is wearing a mask, alone! On Zoom!
Another added to the chat: "can't talk, waiting for my booster, but the presentation looks great"
Well, at least that one is not pleasuring his/her body while on Zoom like the idiot with CNN. Err, I hope not...
I think #clownworld might trend
just for fun - how many of those co-workers have their pronouns displayed?
100%! How did you know? hahah. We're supposed to introduce ourselves to new clients with our pronouns, but I always "forget" ... new client last week laughed in our faces. "I am french, I do not understand your pronouns."
I was like, I like this client!
Omg! I’m sorry. 🤡 🤡🤡
They deliberately used the word "case" because it sounded like someone was sick and being treated for it. What they called a case really has been is a PCR test that came up positive, with or without any symptoms. If covid had never existed and people got PCR tests to the extent they have been in the last 2 years, there would probably be the same number of positive "cases" (ha ha) because we are continually acquiring viruses in the environment.
Alex devotes an entire chapter to testing (primarily the PCR) issues. I'll not delve into it here, but suffice to say the test can be abused so as to get "positive" tests when there is very little, if any, virus in a sample. In other words, if they want to find "cases," they intentionally use an unreasonably sensitive setting to produce what might fairly be called false positives.
Aside: Alex doesn't cover this, but it's worth saying that Kary Mullis, the inventor of the test, which earned him a Nobel Prize, apparently was on record for saying his invention should NOT be used for diagnostics. Of course, some "factcheck" places dispute that, but I don't put much credence in them. I found this video which, if authentic, seems to be Mullis saying the test is not good for detecting a virus.
Yep me too
yep, more yeps
Has everyone listened to the Joe Rogan, Dr. Peter McCullough podcast on Spotify yet? Incredible. You will never be the same again.
make sure you allocate 3 hours! it was worth it!
I wished it was longer! It was incredible!
Yes! His reasoning and evidence is so clear and really helps to make sense of the last 20+ months. It's hard to believe anyone could listen to this calm, reasonable man and think he's untruthful or anti-science. Unfortunately, the conclusions that must be drawn from listening to him mean that our country and world are led by sociopaths.
Yep. My experience on Wall Street opened my eyes as a young man to the fact that many of the folks at the top are not burdened with a conscience. If you have no empathy you are much more efficient at gaining wealth and power.
That's probably a pretty accurate summation. Yikes.
Absolutely. Watch in short segments if you must but be sure to catch it.
Dr McC is a wellspring of knowledge and Rogan is a thoughful interviewer.
Rogan is always good, but I thought he was particularly thoughtful in this episode. He really let the doctor have the stage.
Will it make me fell less stressed out? Part of the control group here but all this control b.s. is starting to get to me.
Started to listen but just had to get away from all of it for awhile.
Watching the wonderful world here in the US I grew up in disappear makes my heart sick for my kids and grandkids.
You may like Dr Malone’s presentation on “mass formation.” Some say it helps with stress levels.
Thanks will have to check it out. Was ok until just recently with all this ramping things up.
Have a granddaughter moved to Jupiter FL in Jan. Wonder if I will ever be able to visit or just be stuck in Commifornia as part of the control group.
Lynn, I traveled to CA an back in October, just have to wear the mask on the plane (I use an "unmask" mesh version which is very breathable). I don't think there are airport vax passports in effect yet but I could be wrong. Anyway, hope you get to visit your grandaughter in FL!
Link? Thank you. If u can.
Hey Nobody, Barney Rubble posted a link below. Looks good ☺️
Not finding it. Thank u. I did catch part of it somewhere. I will search. Much appreciated.
Agree! That was incredible!
OMG 3 hours?
I really want to listen to it but will have to figure out how, when, and where. Did Rogan post a video?
Spotify May have to search for it.
Got it, thank you!
Here is a Rumble link, just in case you don't have a Spotify account:
None of the fearful lost a paycheck during lockdowns. Think about that.
The work-from-home social class is trapped in several intersecting virtue signaling spirals.
Unfortunately, because they control tech/social media and MSM outlets, we all are being forced to live inside their neuroses and phobias.
There was a Gallup Poll in September that found the work-from-home crowd were more in favor of mandatory vaccines for work, compared to those who work at their work locations.
That is SO GROSS. Totally classicist and psychotically controlling. I work from home and this attitude disgusts me. My coworkers disgust me.
I have NEVER understood wanting to control what other people do, but the desire is rampant in our culture right now. 'Live and let live' seems like a lot healthier and more fun philosophy.
I agree, it disgusts me because when I encounter it, the arrogance of those and the accompanying ignorance of those fortunate to have a job which allows them to work from home is overwhelming. Ignorance of facts but strong on judgements.