Last year, shortly after receiving Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine, a 64-year-old Florida woman named Cheryl Cohen suffered a sudden and devastating case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease - a progressive brain disorder.
Cohen’s symptoms began on May 5, 2021, when she suffered a panic attack while driving. By June, she was unable to care for herself and was hospitalized. She died on July 22, 11 weeks after her symptoms began - and only 13 weeks after she received her second Pfizer shot.
This March, several physicians who treated Cohen posted a report about her case to the Scholarly Commons page of HCA Healthcare., devoted to academic work by HCA physicians and other employees. The report on Cohen’s case - highlighting the close timing between her mRNA shots and her illness - quickly became among the page’s most downloaded.
Until June, when HCA, the largest for-profit hospital system in the United States, pulled the report. Its link now returns only a generic error message.
Cohen had received Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine in April. Her second dose came April 25, 10 days before her panic attack. The physicians who treated her at HCA Florida Aventura Hospital, a South Florida medical center, feared her illness might have been related to the vaccine, though they had no proof.
CJD belongs to a nasty class of illnesses known as prion diseases, which occur when proteins in the brain misfold and become useless, destroying brain function. It affects only one out of one million people every year.
But because the Covid vaccines were distributed so widely, some some people with CJD would be expected to present with the illness only days or weeks after being jabbed, simply by chance.
Still, Cohen’s case concerned her physicians, in part because her illness had moved so fast. Screening had also revealed Cohen had an extraordinarily high level of T-tau protein, a marker of neurodegeneration. They decided to write up a case report and submit it to HCA’s Website, as well as to prepare a longer paper for peer review.
Led by Dr. Andrea Folds, an internal medicine resident at the hospital, Cohen’s physicians wrote a one-page poster summarizing the case: “Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease After Receiving the Second Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine."
In late March, HCA published the poster on its Scholarly Commons Website. HCA Healthcare is the largest for-profit hospital company in the United States, with 283,000 employees in 20 states. It calls Scholarly Commons “a collaborative, open access resource developed to discover and showcase our contributions to medical knowledge.”
Even before Cohen’s case, in early 2021, some fringe scientists had conjectured the mRNA vaccines might risk causing or accelerating CJD or other brain diseases by triggering brain proteins to misfold. But their claims were theoretical and speculative and almost universally dismissed.
“Fact check: COVID-19 vaccine not associated with neurodegenerative disease,” USA Today wrote on March 31, 2021.” Thus even discussing the possibility - however unlikely - of a potential association between the mRNA shots and prion or brain diseases became yet another topic off-limits to mainstream scientists and the media.
“There is no proof of causation, I have to definitely say that,” Dr. Folds said in an interview. “My position is that I had an actual case that was temporally related to sporadic CJD and I wanted to see if there was any plausible mechanism.”
Folds said she did not know why HCA had pulled the poster and had been surprised when it did. She did not press the issue because she remains focused on publishing a longer report to a peer-reviewed journal, she said.
In response to a question about why HCA had pulled the poster without notifying Folds, Meghan Stanford, an HCA spokesperson, said via email the company was concerned about its apparent popularity.
“When we noticed an abnormally high number of downloads, we temporarily removed it to ensure there was not a technological issue with the website,” Stanford wrote. “We have confirmed there are no technology concerns and therefore plan to repost the poster back on the website soon.”
Meanwhile, for those who are interested, here is the full report:
They are doing their best to cover up the damage they did, because they realize the immense responsibility that they have for their Covid crimes. (it likely includes that specific hospital's management also, enthusiastically mandating its staff to be vaccinated)
We need to archive everything to present evidence for Nuremberg 2.0.
Meanwhile, what are they busy with? Silencing victims and developing automated AI tools to detect and erase ideas from ALL social networks based on a centralized WEF AI:
I value your opinion and I would like to know if you think there will be accountability? I feel sick with worry every day on behalf of those injected and those yet to be subjected. I studied Toxic Spongiform Encephalitis and vCJD as part of my first degree and this is exactly why I passed on this genetic vaccine. If one misfolded protein (scrapie) can cause so much damage, I found myself wondering what potential harm could result from genetic vaccines. It is a niggle I have found hard to shake. I also studied WW2 in depth. I feel sick every day because I see a future that will rival any dictatorship ever seen before if things progress as they are. It keeps me awake at night. How did we arrive at this point? And where are we heading? Does the future seem hopeless?
Everything will be paid for. God is in absolute control... He allows evil only for a greater good. He has markers on what He will allow, for how long, to whom....
I get scared and people will be incensed at this. But if you survive, we could be in for a great period.
I get horribly depressed, angry... But hope also.😎
I hope you are right for all of our sakes. Try to tackle the anger and depression because this mental state will suppress your immunity. Easier said than done, I know. God bless.
God gave you a brain for a reason - to not rely on upon him. Otherwise you'd be nothing but cattle to him. Dearly loved cattle, but cattle nevertheless.
Lee. Like you, I said no way to these clot shots due to my biochem/immunology/ microbio background.
But if you want your MIND BLOWN regarding these mRNA shots, CG enrichment of the mRNA in these shots and other amazing things... try this article out. To be honest, I have had to read it a couple times. The most amazing part is trying to understand that it's not just the order of the amino acids that matters (when making spike); but the previous and subsequent codons that matter too - and may influence the rate of protein folding - making the difference between a protein folding correctly vs. the same exact protein sequence folding differently... and perhaps leading to prion and prion-like issues.
They severely underappreciate how many of us are watching and archiving EVERYTHING.
They can NEVER say 'we didn't know' and 'we were just doing our job'. Or whatever lame-ass excuse they come up with like 'I didn't say that'. Could you imagine Politifact defending Birx? What a bunch of cockwomble wankers.
That's the beauty of this.
If the world can mobilize and organize culling all our archives they're done. Just my group alone have not only put together clips and kept receipts. My focus was researching masks. They haven't got a leg to stand on before a Nuremberg jury. Of course, we've put our focus on the criminals up here in Canada (as well as the good old USA because, you know, well...) and the TV dinner academic experts who are too arrogant and stupid to read the damn room.
That is a deeply satisfying post to me; God Bless the brilliant Canadians to my North!
I could think that those tough people would allow this Wickedness to stand unchallenged. The Truckers brought us all joy and hope. If you are the ones to bring the Cabal in your country to Justice, first, I could not be Happier.
"cockwomble wankers"! I thought I'd heard everything, now I won't be able to get that out of my mind. Scrotie McBoogerballs! as my youngest son would say
That we do. To that end, Document preservation with email metadata is the order of the day. With thumb drives and physical saves to unlikely repositories both on and offline. “They” will be relentless in pursuit of the truth….in order to delete or corrupt it.
We are living in a time far removed from Nuremberg, is it even possible, in today's technological world, to convince anyone in the future that a copy of anything any of us preserver, even in a safe, is indeed "legitimate". We are definitely living on Orwell's world, something I never dreamed of when I read, and enjoyed, his "fantastical" futuristic novels. Never been one to be so wary, suspicious, of the "government" (WHO/WHAT that actually is right at this time is very difficult to discern, but I certainly have been thrown into more research and analysis than I have done since I worked full time in such a position. This is, I might add, a terrible way for Americans to have to live. A people, traditionally, while being both right and wrong about things at various times throughout history, on the final scales of "justice" have done more for more people in the world than any other country on this planet.
It's all going to be alright, because Rachel is setting about to overhaul the CDC. She’s really gonna straighten things out, for if there is one lesson to learn from those unfortunate “CDC Missteps” it’s that making Equity & Global Health key priorities will solve everything. Right, Klaus?
She did say that cleaning house constitutes vigorous exercise, from a, you know, The Science (TM) perspective, so....she's probably stoked to burn a few calories, too. Win-win!
So Will there be a group of unvaccinated people who will reject anyone vaccinated with the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines as a potential mate because they are Genetically Modified Organisms?
Actually, there was already a similar problem even before COVID. Women/girls vaccinated with milk protein contaminated vaccines (Tdap/DTap/ActHiB/Prevnar 13) can be positive for folate receptor alpha antibodies (FRAA). Their kids are at high risk for autism.
We as a society have kicked over the 1st domino now other domino's are now falling we have no idea where this is going to end but your comment is comment is very timely. We just don't know where this all ends ends but it is pretty apparent that taking organs from a vaccine from a vaxed person is probably a horrifically bad idea Until science shows us any different. Aren't. I do not think that is going to happen for quite a while. Again just my opinion.
I advise against it in an over abundance of caution. Donate blood to yourself. Creation of a PureBlood blood bank and organ donor network will almost certainly be forthcoming. But the question is how will the Branch Covidians react to it?
If there is lead pipe lock science that shows a high probability of viral shedding by the vaxxed when there is close physical contact the answer is clear. Oddly, if the vaxxed (by vaxxed I mean those who recieved at least 1 booster) continue the current trend of illness and death then the role reversal from 1 year ago, when it literally was open season on the unvaxxed and we pure bloods were mocked and ridiculed.....especially by this empty suit tired old fool who was put into the oval office, will be complete.
The vaxxed will be the pariahs. I take no great joy in saying this as it means that the vax has not only failed but in fact are rather efficient killing machines. The next year or 2 will be very telling.
The trend is not the vaxxed friend...but we shall see.....jd
So are you going to have to eliminate vaccinated healthcare providers, massage therapists, etc.? If there is a shedding issue, one would hope it would be of short duration, at least not more than a few weeks or months. I think more concerning would be the genetic changes, if one is concerned about those things, that could be passed on to offspring, or as mentioned, blood transfusions or organ transplants. But the same holds true regarding transfusions and transplants for all other vaccines which may affect the immunological characteristics of the blood or organ.
Ask them. As the world becomes stratified between the vaxed and the vaccine unvexed finding out someone's vacs status no someone's vaccine statusis going to be one of the 1st priorities in any potential relationship. Unfortunately I believe The vaxed will be clueless and unvaxed will be looking for other unvaxed people to date or have a relationship with. I am not sure any of us unvaxed can risk our health to potential spike protein exposure. JMO.....
I don't know about lying about being purebloods, but as evidenced by the Maury Povich show, some women will go through a half a dozen or more prospective baby daddies, in order of perceived best providers first, test after test it until they finally find the actual father, usually way down the preference list. These women's behavior based on evolutionary instinct to claim the best provider as the father of their children has not adapted to the reality of paternity testing.
None of us is "pureblood". Most of us take some kind of medicine; the stuff can affect our genes (for example, some ADHD meds, some SSRIs). We eat food that affects our chemistry. It's kind of silly to think that just because you didn't take THIS shot, your body is intact and "clean". It's a fantasy.
Will there? The question is, Are there? And the answer is yes, simply by reading the posts. I see “It’s Just Lunch” and “Tinder” like offerings. Adult PureBlood Finder and “It’s Just Life”
And unfortunately they also could spread their afflictions to a person who does not have that affliction through intimate contact. Clearly there is an attack upon the Western Europe and North America in particular in our reproductive ability. Now who would ever want that reality to come to fruition? I think we all know the answer to that all we need to do is read virtually any newspaper over the last 2 or 3 years and understand who the real enemy is. Prepare friends. Prepare.....
This is exactly what Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier was researching with Jean-Claude Pérez when he died in February.
I'm not on my computer so I can't easily link to it, but Pérez's Research Gate has the pre-print, which can be easily found.
It looks at ~26 rapid onset CJD fatalities in France since the rollout.
Jean-Claude is still investigating it; he emailed me copies of all of their COVID-19 works. He's a true gentleman and scholar - amongst the last of a dying breed.
This strikes me because I KNOW a guy who got CJD, I guarantee he was vaccinated, and I never had drawn the conclusion that the vaccine may have had something to do with it. The other thing that I keep seeing is how this vaccine form of CJD moves very quickly, as was the case with Andy. Less than 6 months and he was gone... Not exactly a slow progression in the disease.
I have zero proof this was a vaccine injury, but there is a LOT of commonalities here.
Same here. A local doctor, my mother’s PCP, recently died of CJD. It was also very sudden. He wasn’t seeing patients for a short while, out on “personal leave,” then suddenly I was reading his obituary.
A good friend of mine - his younger brother - age 52- died pretty quickly a few months ago from CJD. When I suggested to my friend that it was a vax injury, he replied, "No, it's very very rare." I replied: "It's not rare any more."
I too know of a 60 yr old woman, dental hygienist, not vaxxed but most likely swab tested, diagnosed with CJD and died 3 weeks later. Was it shedding and continually being in others months for extended periods? Weekly swab tests?
Same goes for Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). I personally know 3 jabbed people who had adult onset within 8 months of their first jab. Moderna and Pfizer. What are the odds of that? What are they prepping the Western World for? The ferocity behind the Feeble One’s Misadministration push for vaccination while China refuses mRNA is keeping me up at night.
HCA has quite the history. Previously owned by private equity behemoths Bain Capital and KKR. Engaged in illegal accounting and other crimes in the 1990s that resulted in the payment of more than $2B in fines and the firing of CEO Rick Scott, who is now one of Florida's senators. The best way to maintain good health is to stay far away from the healthcare system:
Yes, our "senator" (Scott) has quite the history, and yet, say that name here in Florida and it's automatically elected. Have family in Chicago, down town right on the Chicago River front, same thing. Dirty, dangerous, corrupt but say the name Lightfoot and the sky's the limit for public office. Seems in a Democratic Republic, we, the people, get who we VOTE FOR ! In this unfortunate situation (pandemic), it has all bleed over into our medical system. Most people (my guess only) is they put FAR MORE research, analysis, person to person questioning, into purchasing an automobile that they "might" keep 10 years, than they do thinking about the people they are going to put in charge of their entire lives and futures... and who will touch every aspect of their existence from finances to their ability to get medical care. Let's face it, very very few people actually care...just ask at the coffee counter, at the car wash, at the super market, no one actually cares, they "just vote", they really don't care about the history, background, philosophy (not talking about political party, but basic philosophy of an individual), or the moral code the individual adheres to ! Once a population reaches that point, the future is locked in, and it's not a comfortable one !
It is amazing how deep/vast the swamp really is. The creatures are either so jam packed into some small real estate or the tentacles are so tiny we cannot see all of them. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on America!!
Columbia-HCA. I remember when the FBI came in armed and made everyone in the Hospital Administration step up from their workstations and they downloaded all “billing” records and carried out hundreds of boxes of paper not limited strictly to HCFA claims data. They were after more than billing fraud, In hindsight.
In college I remember my roommate telling me he scored with a cheerleader for the football team. He was so proud and wore this self appointed accomplishment with joy & great pride. He was “better” than…..until he discovered she was carrying a communicable disease that passed from person to person via the exchange of fluids. A disease that was to become luggage he would have to carry with him for life whether he wanted to or not. At which point he stopped celebrating what was, up to that point, a significant contributor to his self esteem. What was once a source of pride, became something he longer wanted to discuss. I imagine those, who now have Pfizer tattooed on their arm or posted their vax cards on social media, might be undergoing a similar experience.
Many in this neighborhood who went so far as to back away, actually walk BACKWARD, away from any other neighbor who was at the community mailbox stations, and others who loudly announced in a supermarket that a person was "trying to spread this thing to everyone" (by not being the FULL 6ft. back in line), and others who were not publicly loud or obnoxious. but who wore "vaxed, caring, and PROUD" T-shirts, wore actual jewelry (mostly necklaces) of "Proud to be Vaxed" (Yes...absolutely true !), and other similar displays, have completely abandoned wearing and talking about these things. Often I am out at an activity in our community (golf, tennis, biking, etc.) and I wonder ?? What have they done with all those (possibly expensive ?) things they bought and were everywhere ? ? If anyone has pictures of people wearing these things everywhere, in stores, etc., also makes we wonder if people in the future will believe it ? Even if we have pictures ?
I'm still seeing families on my street wearing masks in their cars as they drive by. I wonder if they wear them inside their house. Makes me feel bad for the kids.
No! They're not!! I don't know any who are jabbed who regret it. Even the ones who had complications like leg clots or shingles don't see any correlation.
Equally, those who remained celibate during the great vax orgy of 2021 were initially made to feel shame for not participating. But our shame has now become a source of pride. Funny how those two emotions can flip over time.
my friend's mother in the UK developed a sudden onset motor neuron disease, deteriorated quickly, had an inoperable tangled mass in her brain and was dead within 2 months. her son, who lives in the US and is double vaxxed and boosted now believes that his mother's death was caused by the vaccine.
Brings up even more questions; was she (the mother) vaxed or multi vaxed ? If she was vaxed, I suppose he decided to also get it before his mother's condition/reaction became known ? So many in our community have had sudden onset of some serious conditions, but all the doctors, no matter who people see as their primary, say the same thing, "coincidence". As once pointed out to a neighbor of ours who came up with a very puzzling neurological condition, still NOT sure what it is, but two weeks after second shot had some major problems. Four weeks later, could not longer play golf, can barely walk ! But no answers except, "coincidence". As one doctor told her, "think of it this way, was this brought on by eating oatmeal this morning ? Or could it have been triggered by drinking too much coffee ? " In other words, he said, chances of it resulting from the vaccination are about the same as contracting it from eating oatmeal ! We will be seeing ramifications for years to come, and there will never be a definitely was to quantify it !
my friend got vaccinated twice and boosted for his job. i gave up my job of 40 years working for the same organization. he had some bad reactions, stayed home for a few days and suffered spasms, like electrical shocks throughout his body, said he had never experienced anything like it.
he certainly had faith in the shots as he later got his 6 year old son 2 shots, although he may have been influenced by his ex, the boy's mother.
when his mum took ill (she would probably have had the astra zeneca or pfizer) and he had to go to the UK suddenly, i mentioned that i had my theories of what had caused her out of nowhere decline and he asked me what i meant. i sent him a few articles about prion diseases and the vaccines.
recently he was over to our house, back from the funeral in the UK, and i was expressing my condolences. i again said "well, you know what i think..." and this time he answered "i agree with you!"
i said "don't take any more of those shots" and he replied "i won't; no way."
so i think he started out as a lot of others, sure take the shots to make life easier, and now is having some buyer's remorse.
i have to say, even for myself- and i never intended to take the shots, having seen my cousin's wife spend a year in a wheelchair with GBS in 1976 (the swine flu vaccine that was withdrawn from the market), my feeling was i'll wait and see but i probably won't take it because i tend to steer clear of conventional medical things. but then the pressure mounted- first with carrots: free donuts, lottery tickets, bonuses and bribes- and then with sticks: the erosion of liberties, threats to employment, denial of medical services, increased costs for insurance, etc and finally the censorship of any dissenting views and that made me certain that something was REALLY wrong.
at this point, i sort of think that you would have to kill me to get me to take it. i've become really set in my opposition to it and would love to see some people hung for violating the nuremberg code. i would also love to sue my former employer.
i've lost a lot of friends, having seen how poorly they behaved when tested. i was talking to a guy yesterday and he said "i feel like they've rubbed my nose in a pile of dog shit for 2 years and now they realize that they were wrong and they want me to forget and we can all pretend that it never happened. i can't forget."
Loved to read your words! I feel exactly the same as you -I always said I won’t take this”over my dead body “ from day one ..also cost me my job of 10 years
Yes but think of where you are NOW: your immune system stands head and shoulders above the masses, your resolve is indisputable, your mind is sharp as Hell. Me personally I did a lot of job hopping; I do not have a "career," I have a series of "Jobs" [thanks Jordan Peterson for that insight....], so it made zero sense to provide "loyalty" to any employer. Now, I feel like a giant among men.
It is the most likely culprit, for sure. And, if so, my opinion is that his mother, like so many who "tested positive, " or "came down with Covid," and were given Midazolam, and "palliative" care, (when a bit of food and water and perhaps Ivermectin, would have fixed them right up,) was intentionally killed by her government.
The crime is so heinous that many will be unable to perceive it...
They are doing their best to cover up the damage they did, because they realize the immense responsibility that they have for their Covid crimes. (it likely includes that specific hospital's management also, enthusiastically mandating its staff to be vaccinated)
We need to archive everything to present evidence for Nuremberg 2.0.
Meanwhile, what are they busy with? Silencing victims and developing automated AI tools to detect and erase ideas from ALL social networks based on a centralized WEF AI:
Not only archive online, but print out. Thank you Igor!!
Flying Cristina
You are right! Just like our bank statements.
They are going to zap out a lot with their " Cyber attack " outage aw probably from the....let me guess...the...Russians...
Destroy the evidence like the US did/facilitated in Ukraine.
Yes, print EVERYTHING!
Besides printouts, for large amounts of data, consider storing on M-Discs. (See
Great point. While the revolution maybe screenshotted. Paper requires physical confiscation.
Put all printouts in folders named “Screenshots of Hunter’s laptop “ or “Jeffrey Epstein’s Client List “ so 3 letter agencies will ignore
And by an expensive safe.
Then keep nothing in it.
I value your opinion and I would like to know if you think there will be accountability? I feel sick with worry every day on behalf of those injected and those yet to be subjected. I studied Toxic Spongiform Encephalitis and vCJD as part of my first degree and this is exactly why I passed on this genetic vaccine. If one misfolded protein (scrapie) can cause so much damage, I found myself wondering what potential harm could result from genetic vaccines. It is a niggle I have found hard to shake. I also studied WW2 in depth. I feel sick every day because I see a future that will rival any dictatorship ever seen before if things progress as they are. It keeps me awake at night. How did we arrive at this point? And where are we heading? Does the future seem hopeless?
Everything will be paid for. God is in absolute control... He allows evil only for a greater good. He has markers on what He will allow, for how long, to whom....
I get scared and people will be incensed at this. But if you survive, we could be in for a great period.
I get horribly depressed, angry... But hope also.😎
I hope you are right for all of our sakes. Try to tackle the anger and depression because this mental state will suppress your immunity. Easier said than done, I know. God bless.
In God we trust. Everything else we check.
God gave you a brain for a reason - to not rely on upon him. Otherwise you'd be nothing but cattle to him. Dearly loved cattle, but cattle nevertheless.
Lee. Like you, I said no way to these clot shots due to my biochem/immunology/ microbio background.
But if you want your MIND BLOWN regarding these mRNA shots, CG enrichment of the mRNA in these shots and other amazing things... try this article out. To be honest, I have had to read it a couple times. The most amazing part is trying to understand that it's not just the order of the amino acids that matters (when making spike); but the previous and subsequent codons that matter too - and may influence the rate of protein folding - making the difference between a protein folding correctly vs. the same exact protein sequence folding differently... and perhaps leading to prion and prion-like issues. I would say "enjoy", but it's a tough read AND a depressing one.
They severely underappreciate how many of us are watching and archiving EVERYTHING.
They can NEVER say 'we didn't know' and 'we were just doing our job'. Or whatever lame-ass excuse they come up with like 'I didn't say that'. Could you imagine Politifact defending Birx? What a bunch of cockwomble wankers.
That's the beauty of this.
If the world can mobilize and organize culling all our archives they're done. Just my group alone have not only put together clips and kept receipts. My focus was researching masks. They haven't got a leg to stand on before a Nuremberg jury. Of course, we've put our focus on the criminals up here in Canada (as well as the good old USA because, you know, well...) and the TV dinner academic experts who are too arrogant and stupid to read the damn room.
We want accountability.
a bunch of cockwomble wankers… there is a fitting blend of poetry and derision to appreciate in that turn of phrase, my Canadian friend
That is a deeply satisfying post to me; God Bless the brilliant Canadians to my North!
I could think that those tough people would allow this Wickedness to stand unchallenged. The Truckers brought us all joy and hope. If you are the ones to bring the Cabal in your country to Justice, first, I could not be Happier.
"cockwomble wankers"! I thought I'd heard everything, now I won't be able to get that out of my mind. Scrotie McBoogerballs! as my youngest son would say
Ist paragraph alone gets you POST OF THE MONTH, J Dollar
That we do. To that end, Document preservation with email metadata is the order of the day. With thumb drives and physical saves to unlikely repositories both on and offline. “They” will be relentless in pursuit of the truth….in order to delete or corrupt it.
We demand it!
We are living in a time far removed from Nuremberg, is it even possible, in today's technological world, to convince anyone in the future that a copy of anything any of us preserver, even in a safe, is indeed "legitimate". We are definitely living on Orwell's world, something I never dreamed of when I read, and enjoyed, his "fantastical" futuristic novels. Never been one to be so wary, suspicious, of the "government" (WHO/WHAT that actually is right at this time is very difficult to discern, but I certainly have been thrown into more research and analysis than I have done since I worked full time in such a position. This is, I might add, a terrible way for Americans to have to live. A people, traditionally, while being both right and wrong about things at various times throughout history, on the final scales of "justice" have done more for more people in the world than any other country on this planet.
Lack of a paper trail will unlikely be a big obstacle
Orwell's AND B.F. Skinner's world.
Tied up neatly by the spooks in government and Google.
On target and well said as always Ann Marie.
Don't even mention all the innocent Americans, isolated in fear, and then killed off all alone with Remdesivir and a Ventilator!
And all the other people on Earth who's foolish governments listened to ours and died as a result.
Our government wasn't giving the orders. We don't have a gvt.
This is on global scale
Totally correct John R… I just wonder how long we haven’t had a government?
Nov 1963, Steve?
Even then, not fully?
So many ins, so many outs as the Dude said
True dat(a)!
It's all going to be alright, because Rachel is setting about to overhaul the CDC. She’s really gonna straighten things out, for if there is one lesson to learn from those unfortunate “CDC Missteps” it’s that making Equity & Global Health key priorities will solve everything. Right, Klaus?
She did say that cleaning house constitutes vigorous exercise, from a, you know, The Science (TM) perspective, so....she's probably stoked to burn a few calories, too. Win-win!
For those of you who want a better understanding of Nuremberg 1.0:
So Will there be a group of unvaccinated people who will reject anyone vaccinated with the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines as a potential mate because they are Genetically Modified Organisms?
Actually, there was already a similar problem even before COVID. Women/girls vaccinated with milk protein contaminated vaccines (Tdap/DTap/ActHiB/Prevnar 13) can be positive for folate receptor alpha antibodies (FRAA). Their kids are at high risk for autism.
How to prevent or reduce risk of food allergies, autism, asthma and type 1 diabetes: From a parent who has been burned
Vaccine modified organisms (VMO) may be as dangerous as GMO.
What about taking a blood transfusion or an organ from someone vaccinated.
We as a society have kicked over the 1st domino now other domino's are now falling we have no idea where this is going to end but your comment is comment is very timely. We just don't know where this all ends ends but it is pretty apparent that taking organs from a vaccine from a vaxed person is probably a horrifically bad idea Until science shows us any different. Aren't. I do not think that is going to happen for quite a while. Again just my opinion.
I advise against it in an over abundance of caution. Donate blood to yourself. Creation of a PureBlood blood bank and organ donor network will almost certainly be forthcoming. But the question is how will the Branch Covidians react to it?
They wanted us jobless, no grocery stores
If there is lead pipe lock science that shows a high probability of viral shedding by the vaxxed when there is close physical contact the answer is clear. Oddly, if the vaxxed (by vaxxed I mean those who recieved at least 1 booster) continue the current trend of illness and death then the role reversal from 1 year ago, when it literally was open season on the unvaxxed and we pure bloods were mocked and ridiculed.....especially by this empty suit tired old fool who was put into the oval office, will be complete.
The vaxxed will be the pariahs. I take no great joy in saying this as it means that the vax has not only failed but in fact are rather efficient killing machines. The next year or 2 will be very telling.
The trend is not the vaxxed friend...but we shall see.....jd
So are you going to have to eliminate vaccinated healthcare providers, massage therapists, etc.? If there is a shedding issue, one would hope it would be of short duration, at least not more than a few weeks or months. I think more concerning would be the genetic changes, if one is concerned about those things, that could be passed on to offspring, or as mentioned, blood transfusions or organ transplants. But the same holds true regarding transfusions and transplants for all other vaccines which may affect the immunological characteristics of the blood or organ.
Tell me how you'd verify someone hadn't been vaxxed. In a dating context.
Ask them. As the world becomes stratified between the vaxed and the vaccine unvexed finding out someone's vacs status no someone's vaccine statusis going to be one of the 1st priorities in any potential relationship. Unfortunately I believe The vaxed will be clueless and unvaxed will be looking for other unvaxed people to date or have a relationship with. I am not sure any of us unvaxed can risk our health to potential spike protein exposure. JMO.....
How would you know if the person were telling the truth?
Women have been lying, saying they're pure bloods when they aint
That can be verified
I don't know about lying about being purebloods, but as evidenced by the Maury Povich show, some women will go through a half a dozen or more prospective baby daddies, in order of perceived best providers first, test after test it until they finally find the actual father, usually way down the preference list. These women's behavior based on evolutionary instinct to claim the best provider as the father of their children has not adapted to the reality of paternity testing.
None of us is "pureblood". Most of us take some kind of medicine; the stuff can affect our genes (for example, some ADHD meds, some SSRIs). We eat food that affects our chemistry. It's kind of silly to think that just because you didn't take THIS shot, your body is intact and "clean". It's a fantasy.
Will there? The question is, Are there? And the answer is yes, simply by reading the posts. I see “It’s Just Lunch” and “Tinder” like offerings. Adult PureBlood Finder and “It’s Just Life”
If I was single, I'd reject them because they maimed themselves, and might have miscarriage after miscarriage
And unfortunately they also could spread their afflictions to a person who does not have that affliction through intimate contact. Clearly there is an attack upon the Western Europe and North America in particular in our reproductive ability. Now who would ever want that reality to come to fruition? I think we all know the answer to that all we need to do is read virtually any newspaper over the last 2 or 3 years and understand who the real enemy is. Prepare friends. Prepare.....
This is attack , esp on USA. We fall, it's over. But.... We are heavily armed, and many would rather die than be bitches of Gates, harrari...
Americans are special
Clark, That is quite an interesting and possible conclusion; perhaps with even scarier results.
Reading your article now, loving it so far
The Nurenberg code is dead according to Rabbi Green:
Bullshit. We don't have politicians, A judge, A prosecutor, military, police brave enough... But that could change very quickly.
Universal jurisdiction, A brave national leader...
It is in a coma now....
Is anyone working on an archive project? Alex posted about an idea like that a while ago.
As a founding member of this substack, and a doner to Alex's lawsuit, an archive project is something that I would also support financially
Slightly modify the headers to avoid data scans. Save pdf into other formats, etc. compress and encrypt.
This is exactly what Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier was researching with Jean-Claude Pérez when he died in February.
I'm not on my computer so I can't easily link to it, but Pérez's Research Gate has the pre-print, which can be easily found.
It looks at ~26 rapid onset CJD fatalities in France since the rollout.
Jean-Claude is still investigating it; he emailed me copies of all of their COVID-19 works. He's a true gentleman and scholar - amongst the last of a dying breed.
This actually could be a gift to prosecution. It shows malice, covering up guilt. These are nasty folks
Shortly before his death, Luc Montagnier co-authored a paper on a cluster of post covid-vaccine cases of aggressive CJD:
Last month, the substack, The Forgotten Side of Medicine pointed out that CJD is literally a one-in-a-million phenomenon that occurs more than a thousand times more frequently among the covid vaccine injured.
You knew CDJ was going to happen as soon as you saw the spike with prion attached in the mRNA "instruction" manual.
Add NLPs that cross all body membranes and voila, we're off to races....
Intentionality. No other possibility.
This was no accident. Anyone with Critical Thinking Skills knew it would happen once you saw the mechanisms of action.
People are gullible, easily conditioned, and susceptible to psy-ops.
Everything was done like clockwork. This is an attack on all of us, by our Government. They need to go.
All unelected power brokers. And, we need to be on top of the elected ones continuously.
Hopefully the 1/3rd unvaxxed with the assistance of the deprogramned vaxxed, will be sufficient for the task.
Well stated.
This strikes me because I KNOW a guy who got CJD, I guarantee he was vaccinated, and I never had drawn the conclusion that the vaccine may have had something to do with it. The other thing that I keep seeing is how this vaccine form of CJD moves very quickly, as was the case with Andy. Less than 6 months and he was gone... Not exactly a slow progression in the disease.
I have zero proof this was a vaccine injury, but there is a LOT of commonalities here.
Same here. A local doctor, my mother’s PCP, recently died of CJD. It was also very sudden. He wasn’t seeing patients for a short while, out on “personal leave,” then suddenly I was reading his obituary.
A good friend of mine - his younger brother - age 52- died pretty quickly a few months ago from CJD. When I suggested to my friend that it was a vax injury, he replied, "No, it's very very rare." I replied: "It's not rare any more."
I too know of a 60 yr old woman, dental hygienist, not vaxxed but most likely swab tested, diagnosed with CJD and died 3 weeks later. Was it shedding and continually being in others months for extended periods? Weekly swab tests?
I would bet the constant exposure to the shedding.
Same goes for Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). I personally know 3 jabbed people who had adult onset within 8 months of their first jab. Moderna and Pfizer. What are the odds of that? What are they prepping the Western World for? The ferocity behind the Feeble One’s Misadministration push for vaccination while China refuses mRNA is keeping me up at night.
I was thinking about MWD's piece on CJD when I read this - great Substack.
Yes, MWD does great stuff.
What is the MWD substack?
Midwestern Doctor - author of The Forgotten Side of Medicine substack referred to in the OP post.
I’ve seen the name Luc Montagnier often. Do you know when and how he died?
It seems to me he has gotten famed status in dissenting circles because nearing the end of his career he cast doubt on the HIV-causes-AIDS dogma
He was the virologist who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV. He died in February 2022. I never heard the cause of death. I think he was 89.
He was very opposed to the vaxx so I think that can be ruled out.
Not sure when he died but he was in his 90s
HCA has quite the history. Previously owned by private equity behemoths Bain Capital and KKR. Engaged in illegal accounting and other crimes in the 1990s that resulted in the payment of more than $2B in fines and the firing of CEO Rick Scott, who is now one of Florida's senators. The best way to maintain good health is to stay far away from the healthcare system:
I believe Romney worked for Bain too. Small (Senator) world...
He did, and spun Bain Capital off from there.
Yes, our "senator" (Scott) has quite the history, and yet, say that name here in Florida and it's automatically elected. Have family in Chicago, down town right on the Chicago River front, same thing. Dirty, dangerous, corrupt but say the name Lightfoot and the sky's the limit for public office. Seems in a Democratic Republic, we, the people, get who we VOTE FOR ! In this unfortunate situation (pandemic), it has all bleed over into our medical system. Most people (my guess only) is they put FAR MORE research, analysis, person to person questioning, into purchasing an automobile that they "might" keep 10 years, than they do thinking about the people they are going to put in charge of their entire lives and futures... and who will touch every aspect of their existence from finances to their ability to get medical care. Let's face it, very very few people actually care...just ask at the coffee counter, at the car wash, at the super market, no one actually cares, they "just vote", they really don't care about the history, background, philosophy (not talking about political party, but basic philosophy of an individual), or the moral code the individual adheres to ! Once a population reaches that point, the future is locked in, and it's not a comfortable one !
We sometimes get who the Cult decides we get. I kinda think a trump won. MSM cut off analysis... Like they did with vaccines....
Well, I surely wouldn’t have wanted to vote for his democratic opponent though.
the amish agree!
I have always admired the Amish!
It is amazing how deep/vast the swamp really is. The creatures are either so jam packed into some small real estate or the tentacles are so tiny we cannot see all of them. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on America!!
Columbia-HCA. I remember when the FBI came in armed and made everyone in the Hospital Administration step up from their workstations and they downloaded all “billing” records and carried out hundreds of boxes of paper not limited strictly to HCFA claims data. They were after more than billing fraud, In hindsight.
In college I remember my roommate telling me he scored with a cheerleader for the football team. He was so proud and wore this self appointed accomplishment with joy & great pride. He was “better” than…..until he discovered she was carrying a communicable disease that passed from person to person via the exchange of fluids. A disease that was to become luggage he would have to carry with him for life whether he wanted to or not. At which point he stopped celebrating what was, up to that point, a significant contributor to his self esteem. What was once a source of pride, became something he longer wanted to discuss. I imagine those, who now have Pfizer tattooed on their arm or posted their vax cards on social media, might be undergoing a similar experience.
Outstanding comparison💯
Many in this neighborhood who went so far as to back away, actually walk BACKWARD, away from any other neighbor who was at the community mailbox stations, and others who loudly announced in a supermarket that a person was "trying to spread this thing to everyone" (by not being the FULL 6ft. back in line), and others who were not publicly loud or obnoxious. but who wore "vaxed, caring, and PROUD" T-shirts, wore actual jewelry (mostly necklaces) of "Proud to be Vaxed" (Yes...absolutely true !), and other similar displays, have completely abandoned wearing and talking about these things. Often I am out at an activity in our community (golf, tennis, biking, etc.) and I wonder ?? What have they done with all those (possibly expensive ?) things they bought and were everywhere ? ? If anyone has pictures of people wearing these things everywhere, in stores, etc., also makes we wonder if people in the future will believe it ? Even if we have pictures ?
I'm still seeing families on my street wearing masks in their cars as they drive by. I wonder if they wear them inside their house. Makes me feel bad for the kids.
I'm seeing young adults in the supermarket with masks now and I don't remember seeing them last November. This is eastern TN. It's so weird.
No! They're not!! I don't know any who are jabbed who regret it. Even the ones who had complications like leg clots or shingles don't see any correlation.
Equally, those who remained celibate during the great vax orgy of 2021 were initially made to feel shame for not participating. But our shame has now become a source of pride. Funny how those two emotions can flip over time.
For some reason, I do not feel any of that emotion. I only feel targeted.
my friend's mother in the UK developed a sudden onset motor neuron disease, deteriorated quickly, had an inoperable tangled mass in her brain and was dead within 2 months. her son, who lives in the US and is double vaxxed and boosted now believes that his mother's death was caused by the vaccine.
How sad. What a horrible way to die.
Brings up even more questions; was she (the mother) vaxed or multi vaxed ? If she was vaxed, I suppose he decided to also get it before his mother's condition/reaction became known ? So many in our community have had sudden onset of some serious conditions, but all the doctors, no matter who people see as their primary, say the same thing, "coincidence". As once pointed out to a neighbor of ours who came up with a very puzzling neurological condition, still NOT sure what it is, but two weeks after second shot had some major problems. Four weeks later, could not longer play golf, can barely walk ! But no answers except, "coincidence". As one doctor told her, "think of it this way, was this brought on by eating oatmeal this morning ? Or could it have been triggered by drinking too much coffee ? " In other words, he said, chances of it resulting from the vaccination are about the same as contracting it from eating oatmeal ! We will be seeing ramifications for years to come, and there will never be a definitely was to quantify it !
my friend got vaccinated twice and boosted for his job. i gave up my job of 40 years working for the same organization. he had some bad reactions, stayed home for a few days and suffered spasms, like electrical shocks throughout his body, said he had never experienced anything like it.
he certainly had faith in the shots as he later got his 6 year old son 2 shots, although he may have been influenced by his ex, the boy's mother.
when his mum took ill (she would probably have had the astra zeneca or pfizer) and he had to go to the UK suddenly, i mentioned that i had my theories of what had caused her out of nowhere decline and he asked me what i meant. i sent him a few articles about prion diseases and the vaccines.
recently he was over to our house, back from the funeral in the UK, and i was expressing my condolences. i again said "well, you know what i think..." and this time he answered "i agree with you!"
i said "don't take any more of those shots" and he replied "i won't; no way."
so i think he started out as a lot of others, sure take the shots to make life easier, and now is having some buyer's remorse.
i have to say, even for myself- and i never intended to take the shots, having seen my cousin's wife spend a year in a wheelchair with GBS in 1976 (the swine flu vaccine that was withdrawn from the market), my feeling was i'll wait and see but i probably won't take it because i tend to steer clear of conventional medical things. but then the pressure mounted- first with carrots: free donuts, lottery tickets, bonuses and bribes- and then with sticks: the erosion of liberties, threats to employment, denial of medical services, increased costs for insurance, etc and finally the censorship of any dissenting views and that made me certain that something was REALLY wrong.
at this point, i sort of think that you would have to kill me to get me to take it. i've become really set in my opposition to it and would love to see some people hung for violating the nuremberg code. i would also love to sue my former employer.
i've lost a lot of friends, having seen how poorly they behaved when tested. i was talking to a guy yesterday and he said "i feel like they've rubbed my nose in a pile of dog shit for 2 years and now they realize that they were wrong and they want me to forget and we can all pretend that it never happened. i can't forget."
Loved to read your words! I feel exactly the same as you -I always said I won’t take this”over my dead body “ from day one ..also cost me my job of 10 years
Thanks for writing it so well
Yes but think of where you are NOW: your immune system stands head and shoulders above the masses, your resolve is indisputable, your mind is sharp as Hell. Me personally I did a lot of job hopping; I do not have a "career," I have a series of "Jobs" [thanks Jordan Peterson for that insight....], so it made zero sense to provide "loyalty" to any employer. Now, I feel like a giant among men.
Yea, there are so many horror stories about the perils of emergency use experimental oatmeal. What say you, Wilford Brimley?
It is the most likely culprit, for sure. And, if so, my opinion is that his mother, like so many who "tested positive, " or "came down with Covid," and were given Midazolam, and "palliative" care, (when a bit of food and water and perhaps Ivermectin, would have fixed them right up,) was intentionally killed by her government.
The crime is so heinous that many will be unable to perceive it...
this is certainly consistent with CJD.
Memory hole strategy.