Given how unbelievably badly the “Omicron specific” boosters are performing, and the ongoing, umm, issue with all-cause mortality in the mRNA countries…
Is it possible that Pfizer plans to price their mRNA shots at $110 or more a jab going forward to DISCOURAGE widespread use?
Insurers might suck up paying $20 a shot for a zero-efficacy vaccine for 150 million people. In the American medical system, $3 billion is barely a rounding error.
But at $120, the cost would be $18 billion, more than insurers spent on any other drug in 2021. At that spending level, insurers will start to fight; they may well balk at paying without (currently non-existent) evidence that the boosters are useful.
In other words, is the pricing a backdoor way to withdraw the shots?
Scratching my head on why any insurance company will pay any amount for this experimental gene therapy, which causes so much mayhem. My 21 year old daughter was forced to get the Pfizer shot by her university. She’d been to a doctor twice in her life for illness prior. Within 4 weeks of getting the fake vaccine, she became ill and has since sought medical care at least ten times. UHC has lost a fortune on her over the past 2 years ... and she's had Covid twice. Who is running these businesses? When will the bankruptcies begin?
My daughter was an impressionable 19 year old who went against our wishes, so she could stay in school. Coercion is indeed illegal under the Nuremberg Code, but it's been done on a massive level and is still being done at the moment. While those guilty of criminal coercion will eventually be brought to justice, it doesn't change reality.
My husband and I have informed our alma mater that they will not get another dime. I hope students who were coerced and/or harmed sue these colleges and universities into oblivion.
Ditto. I abruptly ended annual contributions (including rescinding a promised one) and also removed from my will a non profit youth group who last year determined that the kids needed the jab in order to attend sleepovers.
Good for you. I ended contributions years ago to both of my alma maters and to my children's university due to their incipient wokiness at the time. Now I give to a university which I did not attend and other organizations whose concepts of freedom, America, and morality align with mine.
now thats how 'go woke, go broke' works! vote with your $. That's what the woke corps just did to us... used greed and money and lawlessness to try to coerce the masses. You can thank obama for getting all of this lawlessness, cop hating, burning the cities and for obamacare that has gutted, socialized and corrupted both insurance and medical to where they are more dangerous than helpful! The poor foolsl who fell for the 'we'll take care of you and your healthcare'' to killing them intentionally and corrupting doc's to do it for the remdesivir/ventilator murderous cash grab.
Same here. I also stopped contributing to my local hospital when they required clot shots for all staff including work @ home! Interestingly requirements kicked in after a meeting with our local Democrat Congressman.
We were extremely lucky that our son’s University never implemented a mandate. I honestly don’t know what we would have done if they had -- he struggled during the lockdowns and it was a blessing when things returned to normal. I do not agree with people who judge college kids who would have been left in the cold by vax mandates.
My daughter is a singer/songwriter and was also not allowed to perform in Nashville area venues unless she was vaccinated. The pressure she was under was indeed enormous for someone so young.
I feel so much for all people who have been put under this kind a duress - but especially young people -- their entire lives have been taken from them by these mandates -- they have been put under so much pressure you can really understand why they feel they have no choice but to comply - just to continue doing pretty much anything. The people who have done this are criminals.
Do the traditional stuff but I would consider finding her a naturopath who uses homeopathy. Traditional medicine will not get her better. Look into Flccc protocol. I’m so sorry this is happening to your daughter.
Social and financial predators target the young, encouraging them to bury themselves in student loans, poison themselves with jabs, and disfigure themselves with hormones and genital surgeries. The same predators put up administrative roadblocks to their more sophisticated parents who could protect them: FERPA and HIPPA for example.
I get how much pressure she was under and in cases of serious coercion, I always blame the perpetrators who put the pressure, not the victims who succumbed to it.
I am so sorry. Hopefully, she will be ok in the long run. There’s a writer here called John Paul (that’s it, no last name haha) and his post titles always begin with « Hidden Secrets... » or something like that. He has some fantastic information about clearing damage from these vaccines. If you can’t find it, reply here that you cannot find it and I’ll respond with a link. Xx
Similar situation with our youngest. He’s a screenwriter in LA and the film production union (nationwide) voted to require boosters for all film productions. He is unable to work in the industry now.
No one can work in the film industry without at least two shots and a current booster. Screen Actors Guild is still mandating like crazy. I don't understand it. My significant other is an actor. It's horrible.
With everything that's coming out about these vaccines and the damage, I would think that the screen Actors guild would be liable now for any damage or deaths since they're still mandating?
a friend was fired by CVS one year ago for not getting the vaxx. THEY LOST THEIR BONUS, RETIREMENT, 15+ YEARS TENURE! Can you believe that? I had no idea woke corps would be so corrupt to use this as a heartless power grab over honest and good employees essentially stealing their earnings.. It's exactly what happened years ago when companies bankrupted themselves to get out of paying pensions (or something similar to that, I'm not savvy to those intricacies), I do have a friend who used to buy companies simply to tear them apart and screw the poor employees...high finance ppl do this regularly for heartless profit. There'll be a reckoning, Karma is real
Yes, she does. And no student loans. I must be living in the wrong area ... where can I relocate to surround myself with perfect people? Everyone I know is a sinner.
I think people like you are as blind and selfish as the hardcore vaccine supporters because both groups of people have no appreciation for different opinions or modes of action. It is only now that we have the benefit of hindsight to know that not getting the mRNA vaccines was the right decision. That was not the case in 2021.
I'm to blame, huh? I will simply reply that life is not always as easily maneuvered as your short-sighted comment would suggest. Empathy and politeness, EVEN & ESPECIALLY toward those with whom you may strongly disagree, go a long way in life.
And, in case this changes your perspective about me, my wife and I are blessed with six kiddos. I care for patients 80 hours a week, and none of the eight of us has been or will be vaccinated.
Seems like you a " health care worker " and all your school aged kids out maneuvered it, so unless you live in a far away third world country which may be the case, you did a pretty good job out maneuvering the Obiden and other First world Totalitarian regimes. Hope you saved many lives as I did discouraging the fake vaccine and helping people to educate themselves and avoid Medical Apartheid with the Bill Hates Bioweapon Depop injection.
Adult children make their own choices, often against parental wishes. They were more influenced by media and peers than by me. I blame Fauci, Walenski and the goverment in bed with Pfizer .
Good for you me and my family did not get the vaccine that doesn't stop transmission hospitalization or death and we have all had COVID some of us multiple time and we are all fine. We have almost 30 peope in our family and only two chose vacination because they would be kicked out of nursing school had they not done it. Both have gotten COVID.
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of the lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine gene editing injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that way only, that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experimental gene editing injection. Heck they will stop if you tell them it is all an experiment and the ferrets all died from Antibody Dependent Enhancement. ADE. Just say they all died! They can look up how.
Spent the time watching the entire interview. Have read about morticians discovering the long clots. Read about the myocarditis and see the news reporting young, seemingly healthy men and women suddenly dying. Usually there is no mention of covid shot status but the question comes to mind whenever I read or hear of these deaths. Dr. Ryan Cole is courageous and has paid a price for it. I can imagine that he will educate a lot of people and hopefully help save lives in doing so. I also hope he and we will see more physicians start to publicly share what they are also seeing. God bless him.
Same. I stated my case to all of my kids and the adults made their choices. I think the ones who took the shots enthusiastically are now a bit more skeptical and have not taken any boosters. The only real say I have over any of them is my youngest. He's still in high school and I will not consent to him receiving these shots.
What will you do when the CDC requires it in 2023 ? They will try their best to Enforce the mandate for all school age kids as a required vaccine to be in public school
The CDC can't mandate, only the states. There are 12 states that follow the CDC guidelines blindly. Six governors (that I know of) have come out to say they will not permit the schools to mandate these shots. I think as more and more info comes out about the awful sfx, most states wouldn't dare mandate them.
Use this lesson to teach your daughter to have a back bone. To stand strong for what she knows to be good for her and always explore all her options. More often then not, the difficult road is the best choice.
I think you underestimate the collusion that went on (and is still going on) between big government, big media, big pharma & big medicine to convince people that the shots were safe. This is the issue. My daughter's backbone is not only strong as steel, but she's humble.
I have very intelligent friends who continue to be completely snowed by media & "public health" talking heads. I have no idea when common sense will kick in. Worse still? Some of my friends have complicated health conditions and there is zero clue how they are going to be affected by mRNA biotech.
The Dr from Front line said sadly early on a lot would happen about yr 2 of these. Have seen many friends w/tragic health issues from these. Maybe more but have been "banned/dismissed" from many socials friends/gatherings because I am not I hurt for our children
Oh the ads! They are EVERYWHERE! “They keep you safe”, they make you strong” yes this one was on a bus stop in Southern California. A teenager, no less. I’m so over it! My grandkids will NEVER take those shots. It will be over my dead body!
Joseph - it was the biggest psy-op in the history of mankind. The victims should not feel any shame. However, I've said this many times before - I can't understand why most of the victims are still blind, and those that have seen the truth are not raging mad? I was lucky enough to see through the BS in the beginning, but even I questioned my decision many, many times. Stay strong for your daughter and look into the spike detox protocols.
Thanks for the kind words. She told us she didn’t want it and was only doing it to stay in school - right up the minute she walked into the room to get it. She was convinced it was safe. In reality, everyone from Pfizer to the FDA to big medicine is a lying sack of criminal crap. I have other children in the medical field and none are vaccinated.
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experiment injection.
Oh I am so sorry, it has been so hard for children even when parents say no (CA) some can get anyway. We have been deceived & lied to & people truly need to be accountable. But how I hurt for those who've ill effects from this, lost friends & hurting. Blessings to you & your daughter too!
And it seems like there is a concerted effort to get kids away from their parents' influence/needing parental permission. Some states passed laws allowing kids to get vaccinated without parental consent, and there are some places that allow kids to start puberty blockers w/o parental knowledge or consent. Right now in my state there is a bill on the Nov ballot which will do this. Most who vote for it think it is only going to enshrine Roe v Wade; it's buried in the fine print.
Your daughter does indeed have a backbone and is obviously a very strong and self confident young woman. Were that not so she wouldn't be in Nashville pursuing the line of work she has chosen. I hope that all of us, on this platform, and within these discusions can appriciate the level of fear ginned up by every evil voice that has sown the lies of discord amongst us. And it was all for wealth and power. If I could talk with your daughter my words would be, "Trust your instincts and your own common sense . Your making your own way in a tough business so be confident in whatever descions you make." I can only hope these liars will pay the steepest of prices in the end, but this cancer is deep rooted. It will be very hard to eradicate.
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks by you or other adults , will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experiment injection.
I think she’ll unfortunately learn these lessons the hard way, but I doubt that any of us had the fortitude, backbone or knowledge as teenagers to stand up to coercion that we have now. And in my life, I’ve never witnesses coercion on the societal level that was fished out with these shots.
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks by you or other adults , will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experiment injection.
Children should be exposed to the Correct things at home.
If parents watch CNN at home, your kids are a lost cause likely. Sorry, I know the truth stings but the sooner you embrace the better off.
I have a daughter who was raised in a conservative household, whose whole family was conservative. The education system, HS and college turned her into a liberal. I’m heartbroken. Thank God she’s not “woke”.
Those colleges are dead colleges walking in my opinion. The liability if it's proven these shots were dangerous/deadly and ineffective could erase the endowments of many colleges. Plus, the price inflation of tuition is going to start to make many more parents wonder if the price tag and debt is worth the "education" these students are receiving - an education being presented by professors who couldn't have been more wrong on every Covid policy. History will not be kind to these colleges - if the history professors teach honest history, which they won't.
My daughters weren’t sent to any schools. They picked the schools they wanted to go to and had scholarships and by the time they got to nursing school they were married and paid for it themselves. There’s no CHOICE when it comes to nursing schools right now.
Same - daughter could have said no but it would've put a quick end to the nursing program she had fought so hard to get into bc you can't get into the hospitals to do clinicals without the shot, so you are effectively out. I tried - but she's an adult. and has been sick on and off ever since (and got uveitis from it, so could lose her eyesight if boosters)
My daughters a nurse and got it against my preaching to her. I keep my grandkids while her and her husband work for free. I told them if a needle went anywhere near these kids I quit . That solved that issue. I save them 15,000 a year
Thank you so much . I needed to hear that. I drive 2 hours each way and I start at 5:00 AM and don’t get home I until 9 pm the following day. I keep them for 49 hours and then drive back home. Sometimes I just don’t feel appreciated for what I do.
I told my daughter if she dared to even think of having my two grandkids injected with this poison, I would literally remove her from my will and trust. She would receive nothing from me. Both my daughters, their significant others made the decision to get the shots themselves. My daughter with the kids woke up to the lies and never got boosted. The other took one booster just so they could see a show in SF. This still makes me sick to my stomach. I worry about the “shedding” regarding my grandkids. They have no choice but to be around fully vaxed people. There were CHOICES to be made. The coercion was and is still strong. My husband and I are the only two in our entire extended family that didn’t get coerced. We have paid a price. I have been literally yelled at by my cardiologist to the point of being told the deaths were my fault. Lost friends, was left off invite lists for baby showers, weddings, family get togethers. I made a choice, we all had a choice. Some consequences were greater than others, but I am relieved I never buckled under. My brother now has myocarditis, my brother in law almost died because his blood pressure skyrocketed, my sis in law has a brain tumor, heart issue and dementia. All seemed to rear their ugly heads AFTER the shots. They all still think the shots were safe. I’m grateful my husband and I said no. Fauci is to blame along with big Pharma.
Our 19 year old daughter wasn’t mandated, but her university put tremendous pressure on the kids to vaxx. Lotteries, tuition reimbursement, prizes, etc. It’s disgusting what they have done. I’m so very sorry to hear your daughter is having issues. You’re right. These kids are so impressionable and legally they’re adults. I wish more people would stop criticizing people who were coerced into it. Many did not have a choice, especially if your job was on the line.
Yup. Very easy and judgemental to say you always have a choice. I was forced because of federal mandate..had nothing to do with job. It was immigration and I got caught in middle after mandate issued.
Umm guess I could have left everything. Again. I'm tired. Tired of it all.
To be fair, they did have a choice. It was an awful choice to have to make and many took the shots to keep a job they needed whether to support themselves or themselves and their families. There NEVER should have been mandates for medical interventions. I can only hope one day there will be accountability for those responsible for this travesty.
If a silver lining can be found in this horrible crime against humanity, it’s that lies, corruption, evil intent, etc. etc. has been exposed. But at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives, both those who died and those who will live with injuries. I hope everyone who can, will stand together and fight for justice for them, and the revealing of the full extent of the crimes the perpetrators have committed with punishments that fits the crimes.
Well they’ve been getting vaccines all their lives and this was just one more . It probably felt like polio or small pox - on the front wave of ending a life changing disease . Everyone around them was singing the same song and dance.
And don’t forgot , most of us are adults and we didn’t reach adulthood a year ago . A lot of these college students don’t even have fully formed frontal lobes ! The vast majority of my friends and family are ‘vaccinated ‘ - including doctors , lawyers , military generals and their families , pilots , blue collar people who live pretty simply and teachers . Against all those it’s astounding when a young person says NO , the science is not behind this .
My kids are very conservative but they are a small minority on campus. Also my daughter convinced herself that it must not be as big of a deal as I made it out to be bc all of her classmates were getting it and not having any problems. yet, I told her.....
Exactly. What's the point? Just say what you want to say, missesj. IF Joseph were paying the college bill should he have cut her off? Threatened to withdraw support? These are our kids we're talking about. Would you do that in any other situation? I'd like to have a relationship that lasts beyond this mass hysteria moment.
NotABrain, You Libs need to go back under the rocks at your crying, whiny safe space web sites. You are wasting our precious text and time here.
You just don't get it and you never will.
It comes down to your ignorance and arrogance. If you had some humility your ignorance would be more tolerable.
Stop with the excuses, you sound like young children. It is time to grow up now. Your Government IS TRYING TO KILL YOU, whether you like it or not. And no claiming Victim either. We got here first.
The Children’s Health Defender has an article on filing claims for vaccine injury through Workman’s Compensation--
This is specific to employment, but colleges, schools, etc should be next, if they aren’t already.
They should be brought to justice, but they almost certainly will not face any kind of real justice ... because there's never going to be any tribunals that try to prove crimes against anyone, much less "crimes against humanity." I just wrote a piece giving the reasons this is (sadly) the case.
Yes, some sympathy is in order especially for impressionable late teens/20-somethings who believe(d) they could trust the medical system and who wanted to help get things "back to normal."
I have lost so much faith in the mainstream media, the medical establishment, Big Pharma, the CDC and other government agencies, and Big Tech social media companies. This idea that if we just comply without question, we can get "back to normal" was a big carrot and denying people jobs, airline flights, even meals at restaurants and the ability to go to the gym was a big stick. We've been conned. First time, shame on them... Second time, shame on us.
Some still want to hear these lies because it makes them feel good. Makes me want to throw up. Too very different visceral responses. The Citizens must choose their sides and then get out of the way. It is far worse then people realize. Math exponents and genetic editing explain some of what is in store and it is horrifying. Now the Evils are aerosolizing it from planes almost every day because much of the country wised up to the injections. Heavy nano metals graphine oxide with lipid nanoparticle coatings for pulmonary and apparently dermal ( not sure I believe unless an open sore ) absorption. The evils even admitted it surprisingly but my young son tells me the Devil does announce his evil intentions ( Good Schooling ). John Brennan will tell the ignorant populous it is for other reasons they are spraying us like cockroaches everyday and the half of the population ? Will nod their below ave intelligence heads and nod and continue on their death spiral.
Because again they cannot pick up their phones and use them intelligently. Epoch , Childrens Health Defense .com, search engine No Google people. You are Filter Bubbled, IT term for Fed shit.
Good luck. The Evil Billionaires are always many steps ahead. That is why they are billionaires.
The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab announces what they are doing.
Give this to your kids so they are prepared. The Christian schools do, so they are prepared for the Devils visit which you will learn is upon us. Even for those who do not believe in Satan, do your research and keep researching and you will likely change your mind, in the least you will be more prepared for what is hitting us. Look at DARPA AND HAARP, don't use a tracking search engine.
Go read “The Real Dr Fauci “ you will really be shocked. I’m listening to it on tape. It’s 20 hours long. That’s how much this guy has done that’s been illegal since 1984. He’s responsible for most of the people that died during AIDS . AZT could kill someone in 2 weeks and he knew it from day one. It was tested as a chemo drug and immediately take off the market because it was so deadly . He made it a AIDS drug before HIV turned into AIDS . It gives you a lot to think about. Was there really AIDS before Fauci got involved ? Or just a virus called HIV ?
One theory which is greatly supported before the plane full of HIV Scientists " accidently " crashed into the mountains outside of Vienna on the way to an Immunology /Virology Conference, was that Fraudci injected ( just like he did with the spike protein Bioweapon shot again, an immunosuppressive gene sequencing code ( HIV code ) into say the Hep B or another vaccine to give people - gay men AIDS so he could come in and be his Megalomaniac self and " treat " or pursue the " cure " for hundreds of billions of dollars and decades of rule by him. Remember those orphan kids he infected and killed in Baltimore I think, decades ago. Yes, it was the Ron Brown technique to get rid of the dissenters in the academic circles. Dr. Kary Mullis was one of the dissenters who invented the PCR test ( Nobel Prize ) who just before he died, just before the Plandemic, of respiratory distress ...stated in videos that the PCR Test he invented of. Ourse does not test for specific Corona flu viruses. Then he died.
Yes to that (we've been conned and have lost faith in these institutions.) Now we need the majority to understand that and for consequences to be executed (no pun intended . . . maybe.) After being convicted in a court of law that is.
That's right. Standing up for the right not to be injected with something you don't believe in is very difficult. Doing the right thing, more often than not, comes with hardships. I do have sympathy for those who were coerced because I often want to take the easy road out and just "go along to get along." But I won't be masked, vaxxed, tested, or quarantined. I just refuse. I may lose friends, jobs, money, opportunities, and business contacts but I refuse to cave into pressure to get irrevocably injected with mRNA poison.
Not to mention the fact that 20 year old figure themselves to be invincible. Even if something might be potentially dangerous, they think surely it won't happen to them.
I really appreciate your posting the Epoch Times interview with Dr. Cole and giving people a tool they can use to awaken/inform others. I also really get the fury(?) you have because if enough people do not wake up, we are at real risk here of terrifying medical tyranny. The rulemakers may as well be programmed robots set to enslave humanity. Part of their effort is to divide people.
Not long ago the unvaccinated were vilified by the vaccinated. Now the tables are turning, and the vaccinated are having to face that they were had, that they made a terrible, life-altering (and possibly shortening) mistake. HURRAY! Their light went off. Now they can join our army. I think it's important that we do not play into the same divide/conquer game-- because it's the tyrants' game. They have already declared war on us, and they want us to declare war on one another. Don't let them.
While "changing schools" sounds good, in reality, it is very difficult to find schools NOT mandating the poison. One of my kids is at Hillsdale and was able to avoid the shot, but my other son was a senior at a SUNY with only one semester left when they mandated the injections for attendance. He rolled the dice and took the shot (and got quite sick afterwards). He's had Covid 3 times now. Short of withdrawing our financial support (and risking a lifelong rift), we can only advise our adult children and then be there to help them pick up the pieces afterwards. I hate it, but that's the way it is. I have a 15 year old and if NY does go ahead with a mandate for school attendance, I'll pull him and homeschool him.
As difficult as it would have been, transferring credits for one last semester can be done. I transferred high schools in my last year of high school. Not ideal but neither is getting vaccinated. Its funny how many people think that making the choice not to get vaccinated should somehow be cost-free and without difficulty. For as many schools that require the vax, there are many others that do not. Changing schools for one last semester would be expensive and tedious but worth it. And if NY keeps up with their mandates, you can always vote with your feet. I'm in NYC and I'm voting with my feet really soon. I'm taking all of my local and state income tax with me too. That's the ultimate middle finger to the state of NY for their role in all of this covid fiasco.
It will be the states choice to enforce the mandate… I. Pennsylvania the democrats push the jabs and the masks since 2020….public schools in city unions are the boss!!
I live in suburbs… masks in schools went away over a year ago
They will take away school funding from federal government from the states that do not follow their stupid rules to poison our kids with a jab!!!
There are groups and lawyers are going to sue
Eventually if this happens I seen it online for parents to sign up
Adult children are coerced by the universities, misled by media and friends and just wanted to live their life. Changing schools , fine idea if you can find ones that did not also have mandates.
The people paying the bribes are not the same people who are shelling out for medical costs. Ask the University (and you might have to ask around) what kind of deal they made with the federal government - forcing kids to be masked, isolated and vaccinated in exchange for lots and lots of grant money. The thing is, they are tied to this deal by having to give the money back if they violate the agreement. It may be legal, but it's definitely unethical to force someone to undergo a medical procedure and the force them to take all the risk while you get paid a bounty.
My 25-year-old daughter got the first two shots in August 2021, after having COVID in February 2021 and spending a weekend in the hospital (she's quite overweight). The shots weren't even required by her work, a large medical clinic, but employees who got the shots could wear a surgical mask instead of an N95. She claimed to have no adverse effects at that time. When she got omicron in January 2022, it was little more than a cold...but she developed heart palpitations a few weeks later, and they haven't completely gone.
I had tried to explain why the shots weren't a good idea, but of course Mom isn't a doctor, what does she know. Her cardiologist said he was seeing a lot of this, though. So daughter claims she hasn't taken a booster, and won't get one. We'll see what happens when work starts pushing the boosters.
Back when I could still post on FB I put up a fill in the blank Vax card. It didn’t last long but it reminded me of the fake ID days of my youth. The mandates said to take a picture of your v-card and keep it on your phone. Seemed an easy way to beat the system.
Remember those days. Hub like the 20 years Retired Naval SCPO got a J/J at least I got him talked down that far, I scanned his and put my first name in. LOL, never got asked about it. Never had to use it.
Someone gave a tip to beat the news pay walls works.
I don’t think you should be attacking his daughter. She’s 19, everyone is telling her to get it or she’s a bad person. I wouldn’t have had the where with all at 19 to stand up to perceived authority. All these college kids need a little grace and a lot of support going forward. Now she knows! I really hope her health improves…
They need parents who have done their homework for the last 2 1/2 years like approx half the population has and have educated their adult children and non adult children similarly.
Or parents who just have good common sense like the Haitians and Africans for example. Save money and send your kids there. Haiti now has a lower mortality rate then US.
Hope you all got that for which you voted. Or in American speak -
For sure, there are options ... like switch schools. I'm sure you were never coerced into anything at the age of 19. There's no such thing as peer pressure and we are all supremely wise at that age.
You are being too kind to some of these commenters. I too have 5 kids. 2 were in college in the fall of 2021. We live in a metropolitan city where the vaxx was not required in the schools, but the peer and political pressure was enormous. Kids couldn't go on overnight field trips or mix with vaxxed kids in hotel rooms/ cars. My kids started to lie to their friends and coaches because of the stigma attached (and the contact tracing reqts for unvaxxed +10 day quarantine). My college kids suffered the most. My oldest did not have to be vaccinated, but her college would not allow the unvaxxed to live in the dorms or join the greek system. Her school had contests to coerce students and the chancellor bragged about his programs to increase the "uptake". My oldest is the only person she knows who did not get the vax at her school. My 2nd child was a rising freshman in 2021 with a merit and athletic scholarship. The school she committed to mandated the vax 3 days after she accepted their offer and declined other schools and scholarships. This was June 2021. Her school denied her religious exemption in July 2021. She pulled out and chased down her 2nd choice. They accepted her religious exemption but would not allow her to live in the dorms, visit the dorms, join a social club, join the team in the locker room, share a room while traveling for games, eat in restaurants in Chicago, travel to NY or Boston for games, and she had to wear a mask while playing. It was not easy for an 18 year old her first year of school 4 states away from her family. She is strong and I am proud of her, but she is forever changed for better or for worse. What they did to these kids is criminal.
My hope was to eventually get back to the main point, which is why I was trying not to get into it with the judgmental types on the thread. Everyone has their perspective & opinion -- they are entitled to theirs. What has gotten lost is what you have pointed out so well above -- which is the sheer level of coercion that was applied to these kids. They were lied to by every federal authority, by big pharma, by big medicine, by social media, by their colleges and were manipulated in the largest propaganda campaign ever waged by our government. What these criminals did was implement what they trained for at Event 201, which was well attended by both US military & intelligence agency representatives. In effect, they waged war. And they have lost. They have destroyed public trust in a wide variety of institutions .... trust that will be gone for decades. As a Ron Paul supporter since the mid 1980's, I've always been on the fringe politically, eternally skeptical of government and big business, who manipulates government to steal. But this is next level stuff -- Orwellian & yes, Luciferian. And, as awful as it's been to live through, it would seem that tens of millions have woken up to realize that their perception of reality was off by a few degrees. The government is not your friend -- which is why our Founders sought to minimize it. Big pharma is not your friend -- they don't care if you die from your products, as they have proven over & over since the mid 1980's. Big medicine is not your friend -- the US has the most expensive health care in the world -- and the quality of that care is abysmal. The moment we allowed the government to get into health care, we doomed it to become the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Line up here for your Remdesivir! The powers that be (and will shortly not be) have stirred up a hornets nest and they can't put the fire -- this is why they no longer talk about it. Buy when you come for peoples children and their livelihoods, you've made enemies for life. Game on.
It seems this is a situation in which grace should be liberally applied - we all assumed risks during the pandemic. I can really relate to your situation, Joseph. I have five kids too ranging in age from 27 - 15 and as I've said, I had one take it obediently, one enthusiastically ("doing my part") and one reluctantly. The youngest, two, thank goodness, are unjabbed. All we can do is love our kids because this will hardly be the only disappointment we experience. My best to you, Joseph.
Freedomisnotfree, Your presentation of yourself as the perfect parent with the perfect children is part of the problem. Get back to us when you have at least an ounce of humility. Hopefully for the sake of your children you will develop at least a modicum of it (humility.)
Of course not ("No perfection exists.") You missed the point. You are presenting as though perfection exists in yourself and your children. and your comments are dripping with condescension. Not conducive for productive discussion . . . but perhaps that is not your goal here?
Keep watching/reading LSM and that is where you and your family will end up unfortunately. That shows the LSM Psych Ops is working. The fact you just pushed the propaganda. They are also using Fentanyl ODs to cover for all the clot shot deaths. They are going to need to account for all the dead bodies somehow! The Russians did it, is getting old.
Turn off LSM. Look for real news sources. Hint: Anything that is banned and " they " don't want you to see.
Sir you are woefully mistaken. I and my entire family have refused this vaccination from the start. However you must not judge those who faced either losing their job, homes, families, etc., if they did not take the jab. I suspect perhaps you either a) did not face such demands or b) did not have a job or home to lose. I personally KNOW at least 2 former addicts who succumbed during the lockdowns, before the jabs were either available.
No, this is one mild version covering what it does best. This is main stream truthful media. Now. Compliment to Alex. Tiny tip of iceberg since Alex cannot do and write about everything. Check out the gene sequencing genetic engineering and see what is spliced into the injection Bioweapon. You will throw up.
Then go to Chemtrails and see what they are spraying on us everyday and why. Research the graphene oxide with lipid nano particle coatings when enhaled. GeoEngineering etc etc. Wake up the lemmings.
Read up on Shedding vaccines and self propagating.
Johns Hopkins Study 2015 or 2014
Then read up on Immunology of how and where viral variants are made and disseminated.
It is always the lowest common denominator that drags the rest down. You might not like to hear this but in Biology it is true.
Do you jump in the water to save a drowning victim? Go for it if you do. While I am not sure if it is the Christian thing to do, it is the unintelligent thing to do.
Take lifeguard training and get educated.
See above for Lifeguard training for the human population.
Hello from the UK. Sorry to hear about your daughter, I am sadly not surprised.
However, there is no such thing as fake vaccine as such as they all are useless at best and always have been since they were invented based on flawed science. I explain why here if you are interested.
Because they were approved as “ experimental use” from FDA, the liability is limited for Big Pharma. They, of course, knew full well of this extra bonus. All the profit, less litigation expense. Maybe FDA should be held responsible to pay for injuries from vaccines?
Many left the FDA, ( upper management) after vaccines were initially authorized & began. Their actions speak Loud! If schools include this in their K-12 vaccine program, Big Pharma is also less liable for damages caused. That falls on the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. It’s a “ no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system.” Interestingly, it’s funded by a .75cent tax on vaccines recommended by the CDC, “ for routine administration to children.” Department of Treasury collects this tax & manages “ the fund’s investments”
( you can search the treasury to find monthly reports, I tried and it wasn’t easy. Of course.)
I don’t want to discourage your daughter from seeking compensation. Just letting you know they don’t make it easy. 😅 I would volunteer to help find info. & many others would too. We are a motivated bunch.
So sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter. In Victoria Australia shots were mandated for all workers & tertiary (university) students. If you did not get the shot you were banned until end July 22 from working, studying, restaurants, cafes, sports, public spaces such as libraries etc. even retail shops for the first 7 weeks. After one of the longest lockdowns in the world most succumbed to the blackmail & coercion. My 19 year old daughter did too. She was so affected by the lockdowns she told me that she knew she was being coerced but could not continue to be locked out from society or loose her place at uni. She had been ill in one form or another ever since even though I had her on detox program. Racing heart, headaches & nausea to start with followed by months of awful menstrual issues & week immune system.
As a parent I will not only hold those who mandated the shots to account but also the regulators who didn’t do their job & the companies selling this sub-standard, faulty & harmful product.
Heartbreaking to hear how these kids were coerced into taking this awful shot. I've been hearing that there's a detox protocol--one of many--that a group called with Dr. Christine Rahm. It's worth a try. I'd also look into ivermectin since it kills parasites--which is what these creeps truly are. Good luck and God bless.
Thanks for the kind words. She's been under the care of one of the amazing doctors affiliated with FLCCC since January of this year and is improving slowly. She's also holding down a job and still on the Dean's List. God is good!
Yes, seems like a lot of famous and not so famous people are dropping dead suddenly who are making the news crawl of my Bling page lately. Then we see Dr. Rochelle Wolensky (CDC head) touts the new booster and proceeds to get COVID a few days earlier. Not to worry though, the soon to be mandatory kids' version is different. As in, it's weaker with less resistant to the Omicron but with all the known and unknow negative side effects.
How soon are House hearings scheduled to start after November 8th.?
Technically Hunter helped fund the groups that brought you Covid. Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners invested $500,000 in the San Francisco pathogen research company Metabiota and raised millions more through firms that included Goldman Sachs
To add to his long list of illegal or unscrupulous business dealings. I’m just saying that Vaccines Hearings should immediately halt the further promotion or administration of the shots to anyone. Bourla, Fauci should just come clean.
Luke Wilson, TE Seattle Seahawks, medically retired last year with pericardial effusion -- basically pericarditis. A little birdie -- not a blue one -- told me he and other players blame the vaccine -- so, I agree with you that many fake shots are going around in the NFL. HOWEVER, we have Luke's obvious vaccine injury to deal with.
Vinny Curry -- blood clots blamed on ABTV (Anything But The Vaccine).
Donald Parham's brain injury last year that broke up the game-winning touchdown pass is highly suspicious. There was nothing about the play that indicated an injury of any kind -- he caught the pass in mid-air and landed perfectly without contact, and then seized up with severe brain injury in the fencing posture.
Arizona Cardinals DE JJ Watt -- heart stopped earlier this month.
The list goes on -- there's another incident at the tip of my tongue I can't remember right now, but while looking for it I came across the kicker -- ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit skipped the NFL draft earlier this year. Blood clots.
If you want to see some SERIOUS vaccine injury just look at all the FIFA sudden collapses and deaths in the past two years. It is sickening. And obvious.
No, it's not small. There aren't but, what? 3 or 4,000 NFL players, max, I'm guessing. I think it's much lower than that. 3 or 4 injuries out of that many is 1 in 1,000. There's no drug on Earth that could stay on the market that's that dangerous.
Really? A lot of concussions in NASCAR, huh? Find the organization, and you've found the vaccine injured. So, if they're not public-facing, then they're being hidden.
Meh. I'm going to hell 100% I give so little a turd about these people at this point. That being said, I hope his death is totally in vain -- it's the children's deaths I'm surprised aren't waking people up already.
350,000 American deaths above baseline from April 2021- August 2022, not including covid deaths, according to the ethical skeptic. Life insurance companies around the world are reporting a 40% rise in all cause mortality, mostly not covid. That hasn't woken most people up yet.
Someone I know of who works for an agency for special needs adults got the covid booster and within weeks he had a heart attack. This is someone that's in his late 60s that isn't overweight and was in good health. I fail to believe that his heart attack isn't related to this booster. Even if it wasn't related to his booster shot, the shot didn't provide him any protection against covid. And even if it did provide protection (it doesn't), covid is a minor threat to the vast majority of people.
I'm well into my 80th year and healthy, taking no medications. If I were to die suddenly and unexpectedly, I would expect family and friends to ask questions. Not that it's likely to happen though, as I have not succumbed to the insane pressure to allow myself to be injected with an inadequately tested novel mRNA gene treatment for an illness less severe than the seasonal flu.
I remember when I thought 40 was old, lol! And some people are old and debilitated in their 40s and 50s, while others are active and healthy into their 10th decade. A woman in my building will be 104 this summer. She's out and about, swimming in the mornings, and engaged every day in an active social life. Old really is a relative thing. I started running marathons in my 70s. So yeah, maybe at 68 he was old and in ill health, but if that were the case, why is the cause of death a "sudden and unexpected heart attack"? That suggests his health was good.
My point was that I am far less likely to connect the jab with a heart attack death at 68 and more likely to connect it at 38 or 28 or 18. And it's great that you are 80 and well - I'm 70 and in pretty good shape - but regardless how we feel, 68 is old. In the 6th+ decades, a heart attack is not unexpected. The victim may not expect it but it is a frequent cause of death in those age groups. And a heart attack is always sudden. The obituary BS ("sudden and unexpected heart attack") is irrelevant.
Speaking of "conspiracy", Ashton Carter was a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and a member of the Trilateral Commission, a CFR affiliate.
CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, UN ambassador, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.
I read this, too. If I remember correctly, the "boom" was said to be early 2021....BEFORE THE VACCINES. That said, if I weren't retired, and was a "headline reader" like most young, busy people, I would perhaps draw the conclusion that there are no reproductive side effect from the COVID vaccines, furthering the constant "safe and effective" mantra we get.
I saw that too and totally making it up, I think it’s because the US did not vax at as high a rate as other countries. So the more red/open/unvaxxed counties are driving the statistic. Totally a guess. My triple vaxxed friend has been trying for months to get pregnant and I don’t have the heart to tell her about these trends. Maybe she’ll be one of the lucky ones
My friend and his wife just had baby - got pregnant after 3 jabs each (after a decade of not being able to get pregnant). My dad's gf's daughter had 3 jabs during pregnancy - first just around the time she conceived. Both babies doing ok so far thankfully - hope no long term problems.
I totally agree that the evidence of reproductive harms and damage to babies is overwhelming and this poison should be banned (and the medicalauthorities jailed). However these two cases are interesting data points that at least the reproductive damage does not seem to be total or universal.
Not to pry, but race/ethnicity and blood types? (You may not know the latter)... Its been shown that both play a factor with COVID e.g. East Asians have been more exposed to SARS, flu et al as that tends to be the part of the world respiratory viruses come from.... Blood types result from early plagues etc in human history....
Also, some parts of the country seemed to have gotten worst batches OR perhaps their public health people etc were too competent (red states) in handling these delicate vaccines that require special handling...
Both cases are Caucasian UK middle income (school teachers). What is extra strange is that my friend was trying for many years, with many unsuccessful IVF treatments and couple of nasty (late) miscarriages etc - then got pregnant naturally both parents in late forties, following 3 jabs each (and my friend said the vaccines "made me ill" but didn't share details. I'm almost inclined to speculate if some kind of inflammatory process might have somehow stimulated or triggered something that somehiw overcame whatever was previously preventing pregnancy. As an analogy, tendinitis in athletes is rarely solved by rest - those in the know understand it is sometimes better to actually over train the affected area extra - deliberately inflaming the hell out of it can trigger granulation and healing.
Sadly, a very appropriate term. As I have had to have dealing with doctors, the worst offenders in pointless mask wearing are the medics. It is bad enough going to surgery or hospital without have to deal with the stupidity of such folk.
Anyway, I find lots of words for such people. One would be "Ahh, you poor souls!".
Or 'R' souls for short.
I did this piece on the stupidity which might amuse you and your husband if you are at a loose end.
Good word. I call it Stupid 20, Moronic variant. Stupid 20 started in 2020 of course. I write about it. I can be quite funny as this helps lift the mood in the insanity.
I consider myself extremely lucky that both me husband and I could remain unvaxxed and work from home (despite every effort by NYC to make us unemployed). My heart goes out to those who felt they had no choice. Our anger should not be directed toward those who were coerced into being vaccinated but toward those who did the coercing. Anything else is a distraction.
I assume you live at home 24 hours a day, because how do you survive in that city regardless of your shot status?
You obviously don’t ride the subways or any other public transportation as well, because at this point, the risk of death is much greater being on or under the streets of New York then getting Covid…
NYC has become a bit of a hell hole. It is true that on weekdays I rarely leave a 20 block radius of the apartment. On weekends we flee to greener pastures.
The risk of death is equivalent to a bad flu. One reason so many died was as you know the "dump people in the nursing homes in NY" but because if you went to the hospital, you did not get any treatment unless you survived to day 12. You may have gotten fluids/IV but nothing else.
I do know this. There's a reason that they wanted to release the trial data over 75 YEARS! And it wasn't because they wanted people to see it. It's because the trial data can prove fraud in court. There's no other reason to hide it. This also plays into the fact that the death statistics during the entire vaccine rollout period are total garbage. This was also done to muddy the waters, making it nearly impossible to rule a death by vaccine a "vaccine related death." That was on purpose. It was a two-part scam.
1. To scare people with unreasonably high death statistics.
2. To make sure that the data is so inaccurate, that it's not admissible in court.
That being the case, I think going forward, everything they do is going to be geared at backing off from this. Because they want the heat pulled away from them, and placed on government, or the medical system as a whole.
They don't want to be held liable, and in most cases they were promised that they wouldn't. Did anyone really believe that they were not already going to add the covid vaccines to the childhood CDC schedule? They [Pfizer and Moderna] got away with it. Nobody's going to jail, and this will go down as the largest unpunished attempt at HUMAN genocide the world has known to date. Why to date? Well, there's more to come.
Haha! Remember what they said about that. The Kennedy assassination report is subject to "Temporary continued postponement." As Russel Brand put it, that's, "bureaucratic poetry."
Why bother? They have immunity and big tech + media censoring everything... And if you think the GOP branch of the Uniparty is going to change any of that IF they overcome the voting fraud and when control of Congress, I got news for you...............................
They (those involved in the vaccine lies) only have immunity so long as fraud isn't proven. As for the media and Big Tech, they only stop people -- who aren't looking, from finding out the truth. For anyone who's looking, the truth is all right there.
No, I don't think that the Uni-Party is going to do anything as it relates to correcting this and holding people accountable. They went along with this. Our government is 100% working for their own interests, not the interests of the American people. It's been that way for a long time now, it's just never been so "in your face" as it is now.
The insurance companies are owned by same oligarchy that owns big pharma. Its a gigantic grift based on the old company store scam. Think about it. They own their " competition"
You're right. I believe the major insurance companies "own" the pharma companies (as big as they are, they are under the control of big insurance), the hospitals, the majority of doctors, the US Government and anything else they want to "own". The big 5 control it all. Pharma and doctors do what they say. While they may not actually own these other entities, they certainly "own" them.
Put another way- the vertical organization of the biz of medicine has been underway for a long time. Remember when tthe conversation around hospital "charge masters" began ? Collective outrage over what appeared to be capricious billing menus, untethered to any real analysis of actual costs for service, but existing only as a starting point to the varied contract negotiations between providers and insurance companies, gave rise to the idea that a more efficient system might just come from insurance companies owning hospitals and/or the reverse. Trial thought balloons went up, selling this as an improvement in cost management AND health outcomes. Now we might ask -how's that working out?
Decentralized power always comes with certian inefficiencies, but these are no where nearly as terrible as the loss of
Biden's getting his booster today at 2:05 PM today + giving a little speech on the virus and importance of getting the new boosters, that ought to drive up the demand!
And… do you all know that the WH will not release the visitor log to their weekly weekend getaways to Delaware? I’m convinced there is a cadre of doctors “ rejuvenating” him with various mental and physical stimulants. I howl when Biden breaks into a short jog to show off how fit he is…. Like that is going to convince us that he’s up to the job…🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Biden is like my 15-year-old chihuahua: sometimes wanders around, lost and peeing on the floor, other times she is leaping in the air and jumping into leaf piles like a naive puppy. We have nicknamed her Joe.
I’m convinced he has Parkinson’s/dementia. His gait is typical of someone with neuro disorder, shuffling etc. I don’t know what they are giving him but definitely something going on.
Biden has had brain surgery for two aneurysm. Any brain surgery has residual damage. The synapses never heal to their original state and with age, they “ fray’, causing disconnects. If Biden took the same Montreal Cognitive Test that Trump willingly took, he would fail it miserably. Again, media????
To be honest, I suspect they are there for a game of "hunt the brain". Joe Biden's keeps falling out of his ears and they have to search everywhere to find it.
no high profile politician got the juice. It was all saline. No way would Pharma risk a serious vaxx injury on a high profile politicians.
(However, I will contradict myself and say that maybe Gavin Newsom did get the real deal because it looks like he was vax injured, developed Bell's Palsy and went to Mexico for stem cell treatment. However, almost all national politicians in France faked the jab according to one who didn't and is now dealing with heart injury.)
And probably among Democrat voters as they seem to love the vaccines whereas Republican voters are not nearly so keen. I am in the UK by the way. Democrat voters seem rather dim to me nowadays, perhaps it's all the vaxes.
Thats an insult to the Delorean - which actually was a pretty good car - designed by Lotus, built by Ulstermen (don't mention the Titanic) until John Z screwed the British government.
They managed to trick half the American population to get the original shot with no viable research or long term studies to illustrate its effectiveness. My guess is they are banking on at least some percentage of them are still as ignorant of the efficacy ( I have some family members who would still get it). Insurance might balk at some point but some will pay it all for awhile or will pay a portion of it. The remainder will either get written off or the patient will pay. Pfizer still makes money. At the end of the day that is still their goal.
Good question. And which toxxine was recommended for child schedule- the outdated Wuhan strain jab or the Octomouse jab? They are two different formulations.
Liability protection from schedule only works with vaccines sold under license (“FDA approved”). Boosters are not approved and neither are shots for under 5 years old.
“There are no requirements that the petitioner show that the vaccine was used pursuant to Food and Drug Administration labeling or specific Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention administration recommendations, or otherwise was administered pursuant to any standard of care.“
At least I think that’s the implication of the requirement that the vaccine be subject to an excise tax. It needs to be sold, not distributed for free under an “emergency” program and that requires a license.
But if “Comirnaty” ends up being sold under a license in the US, would the liability shield work for the FDA-unapproved (unlicensed) uses? That would be a pretty big loophole.
Correct @Baga. The liability has been waived. As it has been for all vaccines since the late 1980s.
Does it make you wonder or is there no wonder that pharma companies are so focused on vaccines as their revenue stream? May the game for these pharma companies now "be ever in their favor" to pull from The Hunger Games. I hope the pendulum swings back in their faces for what they have pulled off here.
Or maybe they recognise legally they're screwed because Constitutional Due Process requires a US Citizen have to the right to trial by judge or jury in a *civil lawsuit*, and thus the Immunity to Liability, if challenged under the appropriate amendments (Sixth, Seventh and Fourteenth), it would come undone and what they're doing in is pricing in the lawsuit risk into the shots? (See:
Great info! Thanks for sharing! Wish I had this when my uncle insisted I get the clot shot before attending a family event. This is the same guy who almost died after his first Moderna shot. He landed in ICU and is now on blood thinners, and he is STILL a vaxtard. Oh well, I guess I'll never see that side of the family again!
Joseph, I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope that everyone with college age children read your post and think twice before before allowing their children to get this shot. There is no education worth life long health issues or God forbid, death.
Thank you, Alex for having our back and revealing theses things to us. You really are a rare breed....a professional reporter, like in the olden days when journalist reported the actual news!!!!
It is a continual shock to my system, as a retired (educator and administrator) to see all the crooks in government, big pharma, etc., but a blessing that CRT was actually discovered during COVID, when the students were at home on tablets or computers. Due to parents working from home, we all found out about the horrible tactics they were using to brain wash our children and try to rewrite our nation's history. Thank you again for being on the front lines for Americans. I still can't believe that we actually allow random people to tear down statues (often over a hundred years old) from Universities, court houses, etc. This has become a sick society and need President Trump or Ron DeSantis ( although, he would be crazy to ever leave FL) back to right the ship. After two more years of Biden or whomever takes his place, we won't be a country anymore. Everyone get out and vote to save our Constitutional Republic from ruin!!
Covid 19 came for many reasons (it is essentially the 'flu re-branded of course) but did wake up the sensible who had not realized how bad it was leaving your children to the state Marxist school teachers.
Marxists in the education sector, Nazis in the medical sector . And both originally from Germany. Mmm...
I wish it were all 50. Children absolutely don't deserve this.
But Pharma has done the math, and wants to milk the fearful and the compliant for as much as possible - for as long as possible. That's my assessment as to the business case for a $110 shot, following the approval. This isn't about a stealth withdrawal. It is about profit maximization from a captive audience. Just my guess of course.
They won't fight, because they're counting on being bailed out covering the excess death of working age people. They'll do what they're told. This is a military operation. It is all about the 'emergency'.
Pricing the boosters out of reach is perhaps too kind to apply to Phizer. More likely they see the end coming and want to squeeze as much money of it as possible before that.
No, the pricing is a backdoor way to entice the Xiden administration to make Clot Shots mandatory so as to get huge kickbacks! Bigger bribes makes things happen.
Guy down the hall in my building who brags every time he gets "jab" including boosters (4 at last count) has sign on door - "Closed til October 31 - Covid." Friend of ours forced to get 4 shots has now been sick as the proverbial dog (isn't that phrase insulting to dogs?) for a week.
They kept pressuring my pregnant daughter with all sorts of scare stories about stillborns etc and, despite wavering, she held firm. She delivered 4 weeks ago via emergency c-section - it was a very complicated pregnancy by the end, and she developed blood clots etc. My wife and I thank God every day she didn't succumb - God knows what would have happened.
No time today to read all the comments, so my apologies if someone else has already pointed this out.
Alex, I'm scratching my head at your post today. You do know that insurance companies are not paying for the Covid-19 vaccines, don't you? The federal government is paying for them. That's why Pfizer can charge whatever it wants. The company knows this is nothing more than a money-laundering operation at this point. The Biden Administration continues to order millions of doses of each booster, knowing full well that demand for these shots has plummeted and that most of the new vials are going to end up in the garbage. This is Biden's way of continuing to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to Pfizer and Moderna. A portion of those billions then ends up in the campaign accounts of each and every politician who supports the clot shots. Large amounts will also go to the media, in the form of "ad dollars" (wink wink). This guarantees positive coverage for the Covid shots and all other vaccines, regardless of how many people they kill and maim.
"And the seasons they go round and round. And the painted ponies go upside down..."
Good point. When is the exact moment the government starts paying the higher price? We need to watch and see how many shots, at $hundreds each, the government will print money to buy. Or says "oops we can't afford that," per Berenson's suggestion.
At the very least, raising the price will make a lot of low-information voters think the shots are desirable because they cost more.
Vaccines are normally not this expensive, but there are many "normal" new meds that go through the usual regulatory process that end up being much more expensive than a once-a-year cost of $100. There are a couple of really good psychiatric meds that prevent schizophrenics from hallucinating that cost more than one thousand dollars a month, that people take every single month, possibly for a lifetime, and insurance will pay, but with prior authorization, if other meds were tried and didn't work. A couple of meds for an otherwise incurable neurological condition costs several thousand every month. With the meds I am thinking of, I honestly do not believe it is gouging by those pharma companies but rather, it is because the way the FDA works, there are tons of regulatory fees to be paid, and it costs about one billion dollars to bring a drug to market these days. Usually companies get a patent while the drug is still in development and then by the time it does get approved, they do not have a lot of time left on the patent to be able to sell it exclusively before it goes generic. If it is a relatively small percentage of the population that has the condition, there are natural limits to what can be made during the short patent life. The way things work, Congress has currently set up that the FDA gets a very substantial portion of its budget from these regulatory fees for new drugs - but the red tape is very extensive, and the fees are very high so that only wealthy established companies can play this game. However, I know that the manufactures sometimes cut deals with various insurance companies so that there are discounts. Sometimes for some meds, they make the co-payments very high but at the same time, provide co-pay cards so that, if your co-pay would have been $400 for a particular med, you can show the card from the manufacturer and your co-pay is reduced to much less, maybe as little as $15. So, I would say that $100 sticker price does work out to a lot of money when you think of school children being mandated to have the shot, millions of kids, and maybe still health care workers and military being mandadted - there will be money to be made, they'll have to have it. If you have a decent income and it's only a once a year thing that is mandated for your job or for your child's school - if the insurance said, okay, we'll pay $50 and your copay is $50 - the same people who have been getting shots might continue at that price, or if demand is low, the insurance company can do co-pay cards, or give discounts to some of the insurance companies, then cut deals with state governments for a reduced price for health departments that are purchasing for low income and Medicaid recipients. $100 is the sticker price, but that is not what everyone will pay. But if individuals did have to pay $100 - if you need it for your employment in healthcare some people may pay it - those physicians and nurses who didn't want the shot in the first place either got an exemption or got out already, so true believers in the vax can keep on beliening and just pay the cost if insurance didn't. But insurance will, most likely, cover at least part of it if not all. On the other hand, licensed health care professionals already are paying a substantial licensing fee annually, pay for continuing education annually - and if the shot is required, it is just one more cost associated with having this job. So, I don't know how this is going to play out, but Pfizer made 36 billion dollars on the vax the first year, they are set to achieve 29 billion this year. After that, if they make 18 billion the following year, it's not as much as they wish, but however many millions or billions they can continue to rake in, they will not walk away from the money. They knew getting into this that there would be serious adverse effects, and they had no scruples about falsifying data at the front end, now with all that money to be made they will not suddenly grow a conscience and stop selling it. An ethical company would have pulled the product after the first few deaths rather than just continue to steamroll along, continue to lie and cover up etc. In fact, Pfizer has done this before - sold dangerous products and lied about it. They had a veterinary product that was killing calves, horribly, and they kept lying about it and selling it. Pfizer has paid the largest fines of any pharma company in the US for harming people with meds. But the fines are just part of the cost of doing business, a small percentage of all the money they are making. So - $100 per shot makes each dose less profitable than it was when government was buying everything, but it's not just peanuts, it is still very substantial money for each of the vax companies actually, and it is a sticker price and not the final sale price. They will negotiate and get what they can get for it. But they will not voluntarily quit selling it, and unless we defund the FDA, which I doubt (though it would be a good thing) the FDA will approve it. At least as long as the current administration remains in place.
In Ontario physicians are ordered to consider medicating an antivaccer or sending them to psychotherapy. Lisa analyzes the decision of the Honorable Justice Porzio in that context.
I will admit to not checking the link but I’m in Ontario and my doctor is in Toronto, like every major city went all in on masks/lockdowns/vaccine coercion and not once in 2.5 years has he brought up the vaccine. Not when I was pregnant, not for any of my kids, so I think this could be a thing in small circles, it’s not a province-wide dictum.
Your point confirms that your doctor was silent on the jab. Given those on record with concerns lose the right to practice medicine your physician is maneuvering the minefield in the manner he or she sees fit. My view is silencing speech n exchange for keeping one's licence is social credit. Your point however does not refute the policies found in the FAQ covid 19 that the College of physique and Surgeons in Ontario publish.
My first though was that it was to scare more people into doing it, ie you can just get it for free now, or have to pay a lot more later. Maybe it's both to increase uptake now, then cut off use?
As I read through all the posts on what Alex has documented, I'm encouraged by the fact that we are being made aware of these crimes. But do you wonder how deep this really goes. And, no matter what your feelings about Trump are, would we really have developed the state of awareness we're in now had it not been for his courage in pointing out the "fake news". When people of power, who are entrusted with our lives and our childrens lives, continually and with impunity, feed us lie after lie without consequences, this is when tyranical regimes take hold. At that point we are all finished. And I fear we are very close.
Any idea what the distribution of Vax injury / death by state? My hypothesis is the coastal states (typically "blue") are more likely to receive the placebo vax vs. "fly over states" (typically "red"). Comments?
From here in the UK I see that the blue states are not so bright and the vaxxes are to cull the terminally dim from our midst. I have tried pointing out to blue voters that vaccines are at best pointless, but they seem to enjoy being ill for some reason.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" Napoleon said I gather. Still sad though, even if necessary.
Also maybe certain states had a much greater use of J&J than others? The "gold standard" clinical trials showed that J&J actually substantially reduces all-cause mortality, believe it or not, while mRNA vaccines INCREASE all-cause mortality
I read that Connecticut and Massachusetts were at the bottom of the list in terms of excess deaths. Maybe the depops didn’t plan to kill off their own families?
Don't you think it's quite likely that those data were very professionally doctored? I'm not doubting the possibility of the "conspiracy" you allude to, but I have a very hard time trusting the CDC's mortality data, because they just aren't consistent with everything else, including the mortality data from the "gold standard" clinical trials of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
Certainly true that they lie about everything, so they might be lying about that.
I believed it because my sister is a Boston democrat and she loves the Clot Shot. I thought there must not be many side effects there or she would have figured it out.
I can’t disregard the option that she’s stupid either because she still defends President Potato.
Yes, I have witnessed a lot of denial among the pro-vaxxers, even when they develop life-threatening or debilitating conditions after the vaccine. And while it's true that deaths (fortunately) are relatively rare at least so far, the clinical trials showed that being killed by the vaccine was more common than being saved from COVID death by the vaccine (even during the big bad Alpha variant). Now, the risk-benefit analysis is much, much worse.
This is all so crazy to me. Half of the vials could be saline - pharma refuses to publish the exact ingredients. The bivalent shots could be complete saline in order to slow down the adverse event numbers. We plebes have absolutely zero knowledge as to what the overall psycho plan is.
My insurance deductible and premium went up, as they have every year since the Unaffordable Careless Act. I think the FPHI (Fed, pharma, "healthcare" complex, insurance companies) are one big fat corrupt organism. It lives to feed itself and actual reality is meaningless-certainly not a motivator.
Yes, I have been thinking the exact same thing for a while. I think this is also why the MSN news popup (and some others) now prominently publish a sudden unexpected premature death almost every day, WITHOUT censoring the comments when the vast majority of commenters link it to the vaccine. I think SOME, but certainly not all, of TPTB are slowly developing a guilty conscience. But the entities that seem the least likely to have any sort of guilty conscience at all are our "trusted" agencies and organizations and our "noble" scientists and doctors, our "leaders" and our "experts". Anyone know why?
Its all a cunning plan working to schedule to expose the Nazis/Marxists and other groups.
For example did you know that 'Vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'?
And as we follow a timeline similar to WW2, only 80 years ago, it must generally fit the pattern. We are in WW3, only a war of words this time, albeit that propaganda has always been a thing in war.
As long as insurance companies can increase premiums at will, and no competition across state lines, they will just charge companies more. Companies will just pay increase premiums. It will be more revenue to insurance companies. Individuals won't care as they never see the increase. No I do not think this is a backdoor way to withdraw the shots. No way.
Or are they simply trying to test the ceiling? Trying to determine at what point the insurance industry is inflexible. If you set the price too low, you will never know.
Why add it to the recommended vaccine schedule then last week? Was there something about insurance coverage for things on the list? Or was there another thing about liability once removed from emergency status? Would like some clarity. Thanks Alex, you the man.
The primary reason to add it to the schedule is to provide durable legal immunity for the manufacturers. That may have been the ONLY reason they wanted it on the schedule.
I think you are right, Pfizer and Moderna must know by now that mandates just aren't going to fly. Some states will try and implement them but there will be a huge backlash (i.e. half empty schools as parents refuse) and they will be forced to withdraw them with their tails between their legs. It would be a huge PR blunder and a black eye for Pharma as it will be obvious parents do not trust them. Liability protection is the only solid rationale.
Alex's conspiracy makes sense if the goal is to take them off the market without actually "taking them off the market" (and tacitly admitting product harm). Seems to me there are better ways of doing this, but I wouldn't put anything beyond these jackals.
right. the other theory is that evidence is piling up on the horrific "side effects" of the injections, so by adding these experimental injections to the child vaccine schedule, it insures a continuation of liability immunity for the purveyors of suffering and death who manufacture these poisons. In other words, Pf and Moderna are getting nervous, so the CDC just gave them liability immunity forever. (Well, unless fraud can be proven and that's looking more and more likely.)
As I commented above, Pfizer charges in the $200 range for Prevnar, which was the only blockbuster vaccine product on the market before 2021. So the same business model when you get it on the school vaccine schedule. I believe that they have a monopoly for children with this product.
Our entire country will never recover from the abuse and coercion foisted upon us by the government. Bloomberg this morning states that 3 million people refuse to go back to work for fear of catching COVID19. The education system has been destroyed and our rights have been denied. As I write, the Emergency Powers for Biden remains in place as it does in many cities with uneducated tyrants trying to hold their control over their citizens. The pharmaceutical companies in conjunction with government and media continue to lie and for millions of people it still resonates that they are in danger and will again fall for another shot of a drug with unknown side effects that may well be worse than the virus itself. The fear is now engrained and the truth and facts regarding China's role in the creation and release of this horror show, with Dr Fauci and politicians continuing to increase their fortunes while participating with the Wuhan lab in China, and Emergency Powers that never end and companies engaging willy nilly into manipulating and delivering more and more vaccinations that are dangerous is looked upon today as a template for the future to capture enormous power and money has now become their ultimate dream. After all, it is the gift that keeps on giving as the media still drives the narrative and the people's fear lies beneath the surface to be used at will.
BREAKING NEWS: A New York judge just ordered the reinstatement of fired unvaxxed New York City workers, with "back pay in salary from the date of termination.”
Yes, see Dr. David Martin all his videos on
And his Law suits successfully suing Joe Biden and Head of HHS which is over the CDC . Also Thomas Wentz suing DOD and Sec of Defense.
Show this to all your kids. Educate them. You and nobody else are in charge of their education! You can't trust strangers especially without your foundation.
Always verify.
Dr. David Martin is the reason we don't have to wear masks in airports anymore. Brillant man.
Published the US Patents for the experimental gene editing injections in early 2020. Thé Patent dates were years prior to 2020. I think 2014? Can't recall which date exactly. Get it? That is all you needed to know. U Don't need a day of science learning. Explain this to your kids John, Jay etc. They had the fake " vaccine " before the Plandemic.
It was all theatre! Planned!
Not hard to figure with the Patent Law suits in Courts right now. Look them up. NIH suing Moderna! Moderna suing Pfizer! They are all fighting over the Billions earned by the slow and fast Kill shot.
And they had to make Public again the Injection Patent dates!
Ask your College kids and High School kids how something can be invented before the disease was even known about! ? They will be able to figure it out before many of the adults!
All Public Information for those who know how to use a phone or any keyboard.
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine gene editing injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that way only, that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks by you or other adults , will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experiment injection.
In California our Governor plans to require the Covid vaccine to start school grades k-12 once the fda approves them. How asinine? Why, why, why? So many people will do it because they still trust the medical establishment.
Cute. High pricing could end up disproportionately harming the better educated and more affluent populations who cling to their tribal belief in their own superiority. So, on the other side of the coin, blue collar workers people will experience a proportionate increase in population figures. The lowest SES may "benefit" from programs like Medicaid that might insist on their compliance... which could further cull that population.
Sounds like a plan to focus money and power at the apex and maximize the worker bees. Sounds like the Nazi sorting system at Auschwitz.
It’s an interesting theory. But it would assume that the worthless, souless douchebags at Pfizer are humans who actually care about keeping other humans alive. Seems like a stretch.
Flu vax can cost $20 to $60 per dose, and it's meant to be a lifetime cash cow with annual administration. OTOH, HPV vax can cost $400+ for a course of vaccination.
At that price, I'm guessing that they're banking on the Gullible 25% of adults to keep at it for at least a few more years and insurance to suck that expense up.
What is to withdraw? SARS-CoV-2 "Vaccine" booster resistance is nearly universal now for anyone who is not forced to get a shot or afraid of their own shadow.
I thought the government already bought a shit ton of this stuff? I thought they were gonna hand it out free like Halloween Candy. The dollars are already in Pfizeres pocket.
Scratching my head on why any insurance company will pay any amount for this experimental gene therapy, which causes so much mayhem. My 21 year old daughter was forced to get the Pfizer shot by her university. She’d been to a doctor twice in her life for illness prior. Within 4 weeks of getting the fake vaccine, she became ill and has since sought medical care at least ten times. UHC has lost a fortune on her over the past 2 years ... and she's had Covid twice. Who is running these businesses? When will the bankruptcies begin?
My daughter was an impressionable 19 year old who went against our wishes, so she could stay in school. Coercion is indeed illegal under the Nuremberg Code, but it's been done on a massive level and is still being done at the moment. While those guilty of criminal coercion will eventually be brought to justice, it doesn't change reality.
My husband and I have informed our alma mater that they will not get another dime. I hope students who were coerced and/or harmed sue these colleges and universities into oblivion.
Ditto. I abruptly ended annual contributions (including rescinding a promised one) and also removed from my will a non profit youth group who last year determined that the kids needed the jab in order to attend sleepovers.
Good for you. I ended contributions years ago to both of my alma maters and to my children's university due to their incipient wokiness at the time. Now I give to a university which I did not attend and other organizations whose concepts of freedom, America, and morality align with mine.
now thats how 'go woke, go broke' works! vote with your $. That's what the woke corps just did to us... used greed and money and lawlessness to try to coerce the masses. You can thank obama for getting all of this lawlessness, cop hating, burning the cities and for obamacare that has gutted, socialized and corrupted both insurance and medical to where they are more dangerous than helpful! The poor foolsl who fell for the 'we'll take care of you and your healthcare'' to killing them intentionally and corrupting doc's to do it for the remdesivir/ventilator murderous cash grab.
Same here. I also stopped contributing to my local hospital when they required clot shots for all staff including work @ home! Interestingly requirements kicked in after a meeting with our local Democrat Congressman.
We were extremely lucky that our son’s University never implemented a mandate. I honestly don’t know what we would have done if they had -- he struggled during the lockdowns and it was a blessing when things returned to normal. I do not agree with people who judge college kids who would have been left in the cold by vax mandates.
My daughter is a singer/songwriter and was also not allowed to perform in Nashville area venues unless she was vaccinated. The pressure she was under was indeed enormous for someone so young.
I feel so much for all people who have been put under this kind a duress - but especially young people -- their entire lives have been taken from them by these mandates -- they have been put under so much pressure you can really understand why they feel they have no choice but to comply - just to continue doing pretty much anything. The people who have done this are criminals.
Think about what it was like to be a business owner. Many of them had the additional pressure of having children at the same time.
I hope the average citizen stops and thinks about that.
I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy.
Do the traditional stuff but I would consider finding her a naturopath who uses homeopathy. Traditional medicine will not get her better. Look into Flccc protocol. I’m so sorry this is happening to your daughter.
Social and financial predators target the young, encouraging them to bury themselves in student loans, poison themselves with jabs, and disfigure themselves with hormones and genital surgeries. The same predators put up administrative roadblocks to their more sophisticated parents who could protect them: FERPA and HIPPA for example.
I get how much pressure she was under and in cases of serious coercion, I always blame the perpetrators who put the pressure, not the victims who succumbed to it.
I am so sorry. Hopefully, she will be ok in the long run. There’s a writer here called John Paul (that’s it, no last name haha) and his post titles always begin with « Hidden Secrets... » or something like that. He has some fantastic information about clearing damage from these vaccines. If you can’t find it, reply here that you cannot find it and I’ll respond with a link. Xx
Similar situation with our youngest. He’s a screenwriter in LA and the film production union (nationwide) voted to require boosters for all film productions. He is unable to work in the industry now.
No one can work in the film industry without at least two shots and a current booster. Screen Actors Guild is still mandating like crazy. I don't understand it. My significant other is an actor. It's horrible.
With everything that's coming out about these vaccines and the damage, I would think that the screen Actors guild would be liable now for any damage or deaths since they're still mandating?
a friend was fired by CVS one year ago for not getting the vaxx. THEY LOST THEIR BONUS, RETIREMENT, 15+ YEARS TENURE! Can you believe that? I had no idea woke corps would be so corrupt to use this as a heartless power grab over honest and good employees essentially stealing their earnings.. It's exactly what happened years ago when companies bankrupted themselves to get out of paying pensions (or something similar to that, I'm not savvy to those intricacies), I do have a friend who used to buy companies simply to tear them apart and screw the poor employees...high finance ppl do this regularly for heartless profit. There'll be a reckoning, Karma is real
That’s despicable. There need to be class action suits against all of these corporations!
does she pay for her own schooling?
Yes, she does. And no student loans. I must be living in the wrong area ... where can I relocate to surround myself with perfect people? Everyone I know is a sinner.
Wow, sounds like she was missing out on millions. What pressure. Almost like the imprisoned Chinese Uyghurs.
She did have time to do some research though likely and she as you do, likely, have a cell phone or computer.
Isn’t it time for you to scurry along?
I think people like you are as blind and selfish as the hardcore vaccine supporters because both groups of people have no appreciation for different opinions or modes of action. It is only now that we have the benefit of hindsight to know that not getting the mRNA vaccines was the right decision. That was not the case in 2021.
judge? you mean dead kids who thought a stupid piece of paper was worth their life?
good god.
i blame their parents.
I'm to blame, huh? I will simply reply that life is not always as easily maneuvered as your short-sighted comment would suggest. Empathy and politeness, EVEN & ESPECIALLY toward those with whom you may strongly disagree, go a long way in life.
And, in case this changes your perspective about me, my wife and I are blessed with six kiddos. I care for patients 80 hours a week, and none of the eight of us has been or will be vaccinated.
Seems like you a " health care worker " and all your school aged kids out maneuvered it, so unless you live in a far away third world country which may be the case, you did a pretty good job out maneuvering the Obiden and other First world Totalitarian regimes. Hope you saved many lives as I did discouraging the fake vaccine and helping people to educate themselves and avoid Medical Apartheid with the Bill Hates Bioweapon Depop injection.
Pilgrim, you all did not have " empathy and politeness " for the " anti vaxers " as I recall. Who were not anti vaxers but critical thinkers BTW.
You had foam at the mouth.
We just picked up our phones and used our God given brains to research. ( Yes, we believe in God and our God given immunity )
They aren’t kids
Adult children make their own choices, often against parental wishes. They were more influenced by media and peers than by me. I blame Fauci, Walenski and the goverment in bed with Pfizer .
Good for you me and my family did not get the vaccine that doesn't stop transmission hospitalization or death and we have all had COVID some of us multiple time and we are all fine. We have almost 30 peope in our family and only two chose vacination because they would be kicked out of nursing school had they not done it. Both have gotten COVID.
Vomit 🤮
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of the lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine gene editing injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that way only, that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experimental gene editing injection. Heck they will stop if you tell them it is all an experiment and the ferrets all died from Antibody Dependent Enhancement. ADE. Just say they all died! They can look up how.
Spent the time watching the entire interview. Have read about morticians discovering the long clots. Read about the myocarditis and see the news reporting young, seemingly healthy men and women suddenly dying. Usually there is no mention of covid shot status but the question comes to mind whenever I read or hear of these deaths. Dr. Ryan Cole is courageous and has paid a price for it. I can imagine that he will educate a lot of people and hopefully help save lives in doing so. I also hope he and we will see more physicians start to publicly share what they are also seeing. God bless him.
Same. I stated my case to all of my kids and the adults made their choices. I think the ones who took the shots enthusiastically are now a bit more skeptical and have not taken any boosters. The only real say I have over any of them is my youngest. He's still in high school and I will not consent to him receiving these shots.
What will you do when the CDC requires it in 2023 ? They will try their best to Enforce the mandate for all school age kids as a required vaccine to be in public school
Homeschool -- we did for all of our kids. Never had to deal with any proof of shot records like other (public school) parents told me they had to do.
The CDC can't mandate, only the states. There are 12 states that follow the CDC guidelines blindly. Six governors (that I know of) have come out to say they will not permit the schools to mandate these shots. I think as more and more info comes out about the awful sfx, most states wouldn't dare mandate them.
Use this lesson to teach your daughter to have a back bone. To stand strong for what she knows to be good for her and always explore all her options. More often then not, the difficult road is the best choice.
The shots are poison.
I think you underestimate the collusion that went on (and is still going on) between big government, big media, big pharma & big medicine to convince people that the shots were safe. This is the issue. My daughter's backbone is not only strong as steel, but she's humble.
I understand.
I have very intelligent friends who continue to be completely snowed by media & "public health" talking heads. I have no idea when common sense will kick in. Worse still? Some of my friends have complicated health conditions and there is zero clue how they are going to be affected by mRNA biotech.
I think it's going to get ugly. 😔
The Dr from Front line said sadly early on a lot would happen about yr 2 of these. Have seen many friends w/tragic health issues from these. Maybe more but have been "banned/dismissed" from many socials friends/gatherings because I am not I hurt for our children
Oh the ads! They are EVERYWHERE! “They keep you safe”, they make you strong” yes this one was on a bus stop in Southern California. A teenager, no less. I’m so over it! My grandkids will NEVER take those shots. It will be over my dead body!
...and don't forget: "get vaccinated to help stop the spread"
Joseph - it was the biggest psy-op in the history of mankind. The victims should not feel any shame. However, I've said this many times before - I can't understand why most of the victims are still blind, and those that have seen the truth are not raging mad? I was lucky enough to see through the BS in the beginning, but even I questioned my decision many, many times. Stay strong for your daughter and look into the spike detox protocols.
Thanks for the kind words. She told us she didn’t want it and was only doing it to stay in school - right up the minute she walked into the room to get it. She was convinced it was safe. In reality, everyone from Pfizer to the FDA to big medicine is a lying sack of criminal crap. I have other children in the medical field and none are vaccinated.
I am raging mad...angry & So disappointed at our once wonderful health system. Absolutely despicable...
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experiment injection.
Oh I am so sorry, it has been so hard for children even when parents say no (CA) some can get anyway. We have been deceived & lied to & people truly need to be accountable. But how I hurt for those who've ill effects from this, lost friends & hurting. Blessings to you & your daughter too!
And it seems like there is a concerted effort to get kids away from their parents' influence/needing parental permission. Some states passed laws allowing kids to get vaccinated without parental consent, and there are some places that allow kids to start puberty blockers w/o parental knowledge or consent. Right now in my state there is a bill on the Nov ballot which will do this. Most who vote for it think it is only going to enshrine Roe v Wade; it's buried in the fine print.
Do not forget that most academia was in this collusion as well !
For sure, although I believe they are more on the useful idiot side of the ledger.
Your daughter does indeed have a backbone and is obviously a very strong and self confident young woman. Were that not so she wouldn't be in Nashville pursuing the line of work she has chosen. I hope that all of us, on this platform, and within these discusions can appriciate the level of fear ginned up by every evil voice that has sown the lies of discord amongst us. And it was all for wealth and power. If I could talk with your daughter my words would be, "Trust your instincts and your own common sense . Your making your own way in a tough business so be confident in whatever descions you make." I can only hope these liars will pay the steepest of prices in the end, but this cancer is deep rooted. It will be very hard to eradicate.
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks by you or other adults , will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experiment injection.
I think she’ll unfortunately learn these lessons the hard way, but I doubt that any of us had the fortitude, backbone or knowledge as teenagers to stand up to coercion that we have now. And in my life, I’ve never witnesses coercion on the societal level that was fished out with these shots.
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks by you or other adults , will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experiment injection.
Children should be exposed to the Correct things at home.
If parents watch CNN at home, your kids are a lost cause likely. Sorry, I know the truth stings but the sooner you embrace the better off.
Do you have a 19-30 yr old that’s been pounded on by liberals in public school and colleges for years?
I have a daughter who was raised in a conservative household, whose whole family was conservative. The education system, HS and college turned her into a liberal. I’m heartbroken. Thank God she’s not “woke”.
Those colleges are dead colleges walking in my opinion. The liability if it's proven these shots were dangerous/deadly and ineffective could erase the endowments of many colleges. Plus, the price inflation of tuition is going to start to make many more parents wonder if the price tag and debt is worth the "education" these students are receiving - an education being presented by professors who couldn't have been more wrong on every Covid policy. History will not be kind to these colleges - if the history professors teach honest history, which they won't.
Who sent them to those schools?
Lots of other choices.
My daughters weren’t sent to any schools. They picked the schools they wanted to go to and had scholarships and by the time they got to nursing school they were married and paid for it themselves. There’s no CHOICE when it comes to nursing schools right now.
Same - daughter could have said no but it would've put a quick end to the nursing program she had fought so hard to get into bc you can't get into the hospitals to do clinicals without the shot, so you are effectively out. I tried - but she's an adult. and has been sick on and off ever since (and got uveitis from it, so could lose her eyesight if boosters)
My daughters a nurse and got it against my preaching to her. I keep my grandkids while her and her husband work for free. I told them if a needle went anywhere near these kids I quit . That solved that issue. I save them 15,000 a year
God bless you - what a wonderful grandma (and mom).
Thank you so much . I needed to hear that. I drive 2 hours each way and I start at 5:00 AM and don’t get home I until 9 pm the following day. I keep them for 49 hours and then drive back home. Sometimes I just don’t feel appreciated for what I do.
I told my daughter if she dared to even think of having my two grandkids injected with this poison, I would literally remove her from my will and trust. She would receive nothing from me. Both my daughters, their significant others made the decision to get the shots themselves. My daughter with the kids woke up to the lies and never got boosted. The other took one booster just so they could see a show in SF. This still makes me sick to my stomach. I worry about the “shedding” regarding my grandkids. They have no choice but to be around fully vaxed people. There were CHOICES to be made. The coercion was and is still strong. My husband and I are the only two in our entire extended family that didn’t get coerced. We have paid a price. I have been literally yelled at by my cardiologist to the point of being told the deaths were my fault. Lost friends, was left off invite lists for baby showers, weddings, family get togethers. I made a choice, we all had a choice. Some consequences were greater than others, but I am relieved I never buckled under. My brother now has myocarditis, my brother in law almost died because his blood pressure skyrocketed, my sis in law has a brain tumor, heart issue and dementia. All seemed to rear their ugly heads AFTER the shots. They all still think the shots were safe. I’m grateful my husband and I said no. Fauci is to blame along with big Pharma.
Holy cow, that they still don't's literally Biblical - the scales over their eyes...
Our 19 year old daughter wasn’t mandated, but her university put tremendous pressure on the kids to vaxx. Lotteries, tuition reimbursement, prizes, etc. It’s disgusting what they have done. I’m so very sorry to hear your daughter is having issues. You’re right. These kids are so impressionable and legally they’re adults. I wish more people would stop criticizing people who were coerced into it. Many did not have a choice, especially if your job was on the line.
Yes, the keyboard warriors are filled with courage ... providing they don't have to get out of their chairs.
Yup. Very easy and judgemental to say you always have a choice. I was forced because of federal mandate..had nothing to do with job. It was immigration and I got caught in middle after mandate issued.
Umm guess I could have left everything. Again. I'm tired. Tired of it all.
If your daughter goes to a research university, they are required to abide by the Belmont Report, which forbids coercion and enticement in clinical trials. And yet there they go, in Phase 3 of the clinical trials for these shots, with the threats and rewards.
I really do wonder if there's grounds for a suit here.
To be fair, they did have a choice. It was an awful choice to have to make and many took the shots to keep a job they needed whether to support themselves or themselves and their families. There NEVER should have been mandates for medical interventions. I can only hope one day there will be accountability for those responsible for this travesty.
Start a Class Action Law Suit.
Write the President of School and copy others on Federal Coercion Informed Consent Laws etc.
Many more things you can do to save some of next years Naive Freshman!
Hand out flyers.
My job was on the line and is still on the line. I'm not getting jabbed.
Good thinking Carrie.
Wow! This angers me so much becuase we all have family and friends who took the poison.
If a silver lining can be found in this horrible crime against humanity, it’s that lies, corruption, evil intent, etc. etc. has been exposed. But at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives, both those who died and those who will live with injuries. I hope everyone who can, will stand together and fight for justice for them, and the revealing of the full extent of the crimes the perpetrators have committed with punishments that fits the crimes.
What I don't understand is why the kids at college didn't rebel?
Most of the students at college were advocating for more restrictions.
Don't you think we would've tore down the walls and made the university pay for it all when we were in school?
Perhaps it's because schools are teaching kids what to think, instead of how to think?
Makes me wonder if college is a good idea for my children.
Well they’ve been getting vaccines all their lives and this was just one more . It probably felt like polio or small pox - on the front wave of ending a life changing disease . Everyone around them was singing the same song and dance.
And don’t forgot , most of us are adults and we didn’t reach adulthood a year ago . A lot of these college students don’t even have fully formed frontal lobes ! The vast majority of my friends and family are ‘vaccinated ‘ - including doctors , lawyers , military generals and their families , pilots , blue collar people who live pretty simply and teachers . Against all those it’s astounding when a young person says NO , the science is not behind this .
My kids are very conservative but they are a small minority on campus. Also my daughter convinced herself that it must not be as big of a deal as I made it out to be bc all of her classmates were getting it and not having any problems. yet, I told her.....
Yeah, I imagine the peer pressure was difficult as well.
What would you expect when 70% of adults were acting like perpetual junior high school students during the covid panic.
Blessings to you and your family.
do you pay her college bill?
Scholarships and hard cash. What's the point?
Exactly. What's the point? Just say what you want to say, missesj. IF Joseph were paying the college bill should he have cut her off? Threatened to withdraw support? These are our kids we're talking about. Would you do that in any other situation? I'd like to have a relationship that lasts beyond this mass hysteria moment.
NotABrain, You Libs need to go back under the rocks at your crying, whiny safe space web sites. You are wasting our precious text and time here.
You just don't get it and you never will.
It comes down to your ignorance and arrogance. If you had some humility your ignorance would be more tolerable.
Stop with the excuses, you sound like young children. It is time to grow up now. Your Government IS TRYING TO KILL YOU, whether you like it or not. And no claiming Victim either. We got here first.
The Children’s Health Defender has an article on filing claims for vaccine injury through Workman’s Compensation--
This is specific to employment, but colleges, schools, etc should be next, if they aren’t already.
They should be brought to justice, but they almost certainly will not face any kind of real justice ... because there's never going to be any tribunals that try to prove crimes against anyone, much less "crimes against humanity." I just wrote a piece giving the reasons this is (sadly) the case.
Changing schools is a lot easier said than done. So is changing jobs. Some sympathy for those whose arms were twisted is in order.
Yes, some sympathy is in order especially for impressionable late teens/20-somethings who believe(d) they could trust the medical system and who wanted to help get things "back to normal."
I have lost so much faith in the mainstream media, the medical establishment, Big Pharma, the CDC and other government agencies, and Big Tech social media companies. This idea that if we just comply without question, we can get "back to normal" was a big carrot and denying people jobs, airline flights, even meals at restaurants and the ability to go to the gym was a big stick. We've been conned. First time, shame on them... Second time, shame on us.
The country has been lied to over and over again.
Some still want to hear these lies because it makes them feel good. Makes me want to throw up. Too very different visceral responses. The Citizens must choose their sides and then get out of the way. It is far worse then people realize. Math exponents and genetic editing explain some of what is in store and it is horrifying. Now the Evils are aerosolizing it from planes almost every day because much of the country wised up to the injections. Heavy nano metals graphine oxide with lipid nanoparticle coatings for pulmonary and apparently dermal ( not sure I believe unless an open sore ) absorption. The evils even admitted it surprisingly but my young son tells me the Devil does announce his evil intentions ( Good Schooling ). John Brennan will tell the ignorant populous it is for other reasons they are spraying us like cockroaches everyday and the half of the population ? Will nod their below ave intelligence heads and nod and continue on their death spiral.
Because again they cannot pick up their phones and use them intelligently. Epoch , Childrens Health Defense .com, search engine No Google people. You are Filter Bubbled, IT term for Fed shit.
Good luck. The Evil Billionaires are always many steps ahead. That is why they are billionaires.
The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab announces what they are doing.
Give this to your kids so they are prepared. The Christian schools do, so they are prepared for the Devils visit which you will learn is upon us. Even for those who do not believe in Satan, do your research and keep researching and you will likely change your mind, in the least you will be more prepared for what is hitting us. Look at DARPA AND HAARP, don't use a tracking search engine.
Go read “The Real Dr Fauci “ you will really be shocked. I’m listening to it on tape. It’s 20 hours long. That’s how much this guy has done that’s been illegal since 1984. He’s responsible for most of the people that died during AIDS . AZT could kill someone in 2 weeks and he knew it from day one. It was tested as a chemo drug and immediately take off the market because it was so deadly . He made it a AIDS drug before HIV turned into AIDS . It gives you a lot to think about. Was there really AIDS before Fauci got involved ? Or just a virus called HIV ?
One theory which is greatly supported before the plane full of HIV Scientists " accidently " crashed into the mountains outside of Vienna on the way to an Immunology /Virology Conference, was that Fraudci injected ( just like he did with the spike protein Bioweapon shot again, an immunosuppressive gene sequencing code ( HIV code ) into say the Hep B or another vaccine to give people - gay men AIDS so he could come in and be his Megalomaniac self and " treat " or pursue the " cure " for hundreds of billions of dollars and decades of rule by him. Remember those orphan kids he infected and killed in Baltimore I think, decades ago. Yes, it was the Ron Brown technique to get rid of the dissenters in the academic circles. Dr. Kary Mullis was one of the dissenters who invented the PCR test ( Nobel Prize ) who just before he died, just before the Plandemic, of respiratory distress ...stated in videos that the PCR Test he invented of. Ourse does not test for specific Corona flu viruses. Then he died.
Yes to that (we've been conned and have lost faith in these institutions.) Now we need the majority to understand that and for consequences to be executed (no pun intended . . . maybe.) After being convicted in a court of law that is.
Conns have been around as long as mankind.
Fraudci is a Snake Oil Salesman in a suit.
Why do you want pity from people?
Are you a chronic victim?
That's right. Standing up for the right not to be injected with something you don't believe in is very difficult. Doing the right thing, more often than not, comes with hardships. I do have sympathy for those who were coerced because I often want to take the easy road out and just "go along to get along." But I won't be masked, vaxxed, tested, or quarantined. I just refuse. I may lose friends, jobs, money, opportunities, and business contacts but I refuse to cave into pressure to get irrevocably injected with mRNA poison.
Not to mention the fact that 20 year old figure themselves to be invincible. Even if something might be potentially dangerous, they think surely it won't happen to them.
Wha, wha, wha. If we can do it you can do it.
No sympathy to the compilers. Look what happened in China due to them. Read your history books. Particularly note the Cowards.
I really appreciate your posting the Epoch Times interview with Dr. Cole and giving people a tool they can use to awaken/inform others. I also really get the fury(?) you have because if enough people do not wake up, we are at real risk here of terrifying medical tyranny. The rulemakers may as well be programmed robots set to enslave humanity. Part of their effort is to divide people.
Not long ago the unvaccinated were vilified by the vaccinated. Now the tables are turning, and the vaccinated are having to face that they were had, that they made a terrible, life-altering (and possibly shortening) mistake. HURRAY! Their light went off. Now they can join our army. I think it's important that we do not play into the same divide/conquer game-- because it's the tyrants' game. They have already declared war on us, and they want us to declare war on one another. Don't let them.
All nursing schools require it
What is going to happen to nurses? At what point are they so debilitated that there are no more nurses? Robots? I wonder what the game plan is....
That is unfortunate... to say the least.
While "changing schools" sounds good, in reality, it is very difficult to find schools NOT mandating the poison. One of my kids is at Hillsdale and was able to avoid the shot, but my other son was a senior at a SUNY with only one semester left when they mandated the injections for attendance. He rolled the dice and took the shot (and got quite sick afterwards). He's had Covid 3 times now. Short of withdrawing our financial support (and risking a lifelong rift), we can only advise our adult children and then be there to help them pick up the pieces afterwards. I hate it, but that's the way it is. I have a 15 year old and if NY does go ahead with a mandate for school attendance, I'll pull him and homeschool him.
As difficult as it would have been, transferring credits for one last semester can be done. I transferred high schools in my last year of high school. Not ideal but neither is getting vaccinated. Its funny how many people think that making the choice not to get vaccinated should somehow be cost-free and without difficulty. For as many schools that require the vax, there are many others that do not. Changing schools for one last semester would be expensive and tedious but worth it. And if NY keeps up with their mandates, you can always vote with your feet. I'm in NYC and I'm voting with my feet really soon. I'm taking all of my local and state income tax with me too. That's the ultimate middle finger to the state of NY for their role in all of this covid fiasco.
Unlikely now with the Supreme Court decision today 👍
Which decision?
It will be the states choice to enforce the mandate… I. Pennsylvania the democrats push the jabs and the masks since 2020….public schools in city unions are the boss!!
I live in suburbs… masks in schools went away over a year ago
They will take away school funding from federal government from the states that do not follow their stupid rules to poison our kids with a jab!!!
There are groups and lawyers are going to sue
Eventually if this happens I seen it online for parents to sign up
These schools have no right to force anything!
Wake up and transfer out! Power in numbers!
Define FORCE?
If you don’t agree to get the shot then you can’t enroll, that sounds like force to me?…
You know, sometimes that muzzle print on your forehead is figurative, it’s not always literal…
And it’s amazing that 300 million + Americans haven’t acknowledged they have muzzle prints on their foreheads these last 2+ years…
There are worse things than death…Bram Stoker
DefiniteLy force, coercive extortion chicken Shit tactics they played or playing
there are no laws anymore. wake up.
Adult children are coerced by the universities, misled by media and friends and just wanted to live their life. Changing schools , fine idea if you can find ones that did not also have mandates.
Very sad but true!!
What she said
Yes they can as it's now on the childhood schedule. You will need to change state.
well that strategy worked swimmingly the last few years. they got what, 2 out of 3 to take the death shot.
The people paying the bribes are not the same people who are shelling out for medical costs. Ask the University (and you might have to ask around) what kind of deal they made with the federal government - forcing kids to be masked, isolated and vaccinated in exchange for lots and lots of grant money. The thing is, they are tied to this deal by having to give the money back if they violate the agreement. It may be legal, but it's definitely unethical to force someone to undergo a medical procedure and the force them to take all the risk while you get paid a bounty.
The only schools that reported this deal were public school districts, probably because they had to. But private schools and universities (and businesses and even churches that made this deal) don't seem to have any disclosure requirements. Someone needs to keep asking until they get an answer.
I'm sorry this happened. Shoulda/coulda/woulda.... Her health was still robbed from her. Take a look at the flccc website for post vaxx treatment protocols.
My 25-year-old daughter got the first two shots in August 2021, after having COVID in February 2021 and spending a weekend in the hospital (she's quite overweight). The shots weren't even required by her work, a large medical clinic, but employees who got the shots could wear a surgical mask instead of an N95. She claimed to have no adverse effects at that time. When she got omicron in January 2022, it was little more than a cold...but she developed heart palpitations a few weeks later, and they haven't completely gone.
I had tried to explain why the shots weren't a good idea, but of course Mom isn't a doctor, what does she know. Her cardiologist said he was seeing a lot of this, though. So daughter claims she hasn't taken a booster, and won't get one. We'll see what happens when work starts pushing the boosters.
My daughter, an LPN, modified her N95 to make it easier to breathe. In other words, it became a non-functional N95. No one at work noticed.
Back when I could still post on FB I put up a fill in the blank Vax card. It didn’t last long but it reminded me of the fake ID days of my youth. The mandates said to take a picture of your v-card and keep it on your phone. Seemed an easy way to beat the system.
Remember those days. Hub like the 20 years Retired Naval SCPO got a J/J at least I got him talked down that far, I scanned his and put my first name in. LOL, never got asked about it. Never had to use it.
Someone gave a tip to beat the news pay walls works.
Sweet tip, thanks!
The USGov’t
Pretty sure you have it backwards
Physocpaths are running these companies
And our country...
Forced? Really? At gun point? Essentially, No body is forced in the country of USA. Lots of other options. Use a different word. Words have meanings.
I don’t think you should be attacking his daughter. She’s 19, everyone is telling her to get it or she’s a bad person. I wouldn’t have had the where with all at 19 to stand up to perceived authority. All these college kids need a little grace and a lot of support going forward. Now she knows! I really hope her health improves…
YES 1000%!
They need parents who have done their homework for the last 2 1/2 years like approx half the population has and have educated their adult children and non adult children similarly.
Or parents who just have good common sense like the Haitians and Africans for example. Save money and send your kids there. Haiti now has a lower mortality rate then US.
Hope you all got that for which you voted. Or in American speak -
what you voted for.
For sure, there are options ... like switch schools. I'm sure you were never coerced into anything at the age of 19. There's no such thing as peer pressure and we are all supremely wise at that age.
I have a 19 year old at college and a 16 year old. No problem here.
You making excuses is the root of the problem.
Seriously? I have 5 children - they are all different. One common thread they all share is that none are an obnoxious moron.
You are being too kind to some of these commenters. I too have 5 kids. 2 were in college in the fall of 2021. We live in a metropolitan city where the vaxx was not required in the schools, but the peer and political pressure was enormous. Kids couldn't go on overnight field trips or mix with vaxxed kids in hotel rooms/ cars. My kids started to lie to their friends and coaches because of the stigma attached (and the contact tracing reqts for unvaxxed +10 day quarantine). My college kids suffered the most. My oldest did not have to be vaccinated, but her college would not allow the unvaxxed to live in the dorms or join the greek system. Her school had contests to coerce students and the chancellor bragged about his programs to increase the "uptake". My oldest is the only person she knows who did not get the vax at her school. My 2nd child was a rising freshman in 2021 with a merit and athletic scholarship. The school she committed to mandated the vax 3 days after she accepted their offer and declined other schools and scholarships. This was June 2021. Her school denied her religious exemption in July 2021. She pulled out and chased down her 2nd choice. They accepted her religious exemption but would not allow her to live in the dorms, visit the dorms, join a social club, join the team in the locker room, share a room while traveling for games, eat in restaurants in Chicago, travel to NY or Boston for games, and she had to wear a mask while playing. It was not easy for an 18 year old her first year of school 4 states away from her family. She is strong and I am proud of her, but she is forever changed for better or for worse. What they did to these kids is criminal.
My hope was to eventually get back to the main point, which is why I was trying not to get into it with the judgmental types on the thread. Everyone has their perspective & opinion -- they are entitled to theirs. What has gotten lost is what you have pointed out so well above -- which is the sheer level of coercion that was applied to these kids. They were lied to by every federal authority, by big pharma, by big medicine, by social media, by their colleges and were manipulated in the largest propaganda campaign ever waged by our government. What these criminals did was implement what they trained for at Event 201, which was well attended by both US military & intelligence agency representatives. In effect, they waged war. And they have lost. They have destroyed public trust in a wide variety of institutions .... trust that will be gone for decades. As a Ron Paul supporter since the mid 1980's, I've always been on the fringe politically, eternally skeptical of government and big business, who manipulates government to steal. But this is next level stuff -- Orwellian & yes, Luciferian. And, as awful as it's been to live through, it would seem that tens of millions have woken up to realize that their perception of reality was off by a few degrees. The government is not your friend -- which is why our Founders sought to minimize it. Big pharma is not your friend -- they don't care if you die from your products, as they have proven over & over since the mid 1980's. Big medicine is not your friend -- the US has the most expensive health care in the world -- and the quality of that care is abysmal. The moment we allowed the government to get into health care, we doomed it to become the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Line up here for your Remdesivir! The powers that be (and will shortly not be) have stirred up a hornets nest and they can't put the fire -- this is why they no longer talk about it. Buy when you come for peoples children and their livelihoods, you've made enemies for life. Game on.
It seems this is a situation in which grace should be liberally applied - we all assumed risks during the pandemic. I can really relate to your situation, Joseph. I have five kids too ranging in age from 27 - 15 and as I've said, I had one take it obediently, one enthusiastically ("doing my part") and one reluctantly. The youngest, two, thank goodness, are unjabbed. All we can do is love our kids because this will hardly be the only disappointment we experience. My best to you, Joseph.
When they can't argue with facts, they respond by name calling.
Or, more likely, call a spade a spade. It's far past time to move on .....
Freedomisnotfree, Your presentation of yourself as the perfect parent with the perfect children is part of the problem. Get back to us when you have at least an ounce of humility. Hopefully for the sake of your children you will develop at least a modicum of it (humility.)
Truth101, No perfection exists, certainly not.
Sorry to state the obvious, this link is getting really basic.
Of course not ("No perfection exists.") You missed the point. You are presenting as though perfection exists in yourself and your children. and your comments are dripping with condescension. Not conducive for productive discussion . . . but perhaps that is not your goal here?
College is a waste of time in any case, so quitting is the best option, shots or not.
Good point.
But these are lemmings that can't think outside of the box.
5 kids, he better.
Data suggests that options for many were unemployment, substance abuse and suicide.
Keep watching/reading LSM and that is where you and your family will end up unfortunately. That shows the LSM Psych Ops is working. The fact you just pushed the propaganda. They are also using Fentanyl ODs to cover for all the clot shot deaths. They are going to need to account for all the dead bodies somehow! The Russians did it, is getting old.
Turn off LSM. Look for real news sources. Hint: Anything that is banned and " they " don't want you to see.
Sir you are woefully mistaken. I and my entire family have refused this vaccination from the start. However you must not judge those who faced either losing their job, homes, families, etc., if they did not take the jab. I suspect perhaps you either a) did not face such demands or b) did not have a job or home to lose. I personally KNOW at least 2 former addicts who succumbed during the lockdowns, before the jabs were either available.
Since Jay is reading this particular Substack, I imagine he is pretty well-versed in alternative media.
No, this is one mild version covering what it does best. This is main stream truthful media. Now. Compliment to Alex. Tiny tip of iceberg since Alex cannot do and write about everything. Check out the gene sequencing genetic engineering and see what is spliced into the injection Bioweapon. You will throw up.
Then go to Chemtrails and see what they are spraying on us everyday and why. Research the graphene oxide with lipid nano particle coatings when enhaled. GeoEngineering etc etc. Wake up the lemmings.
Welcoming lost sheep instead of ridiculing them seems a more effective, Christian strategy.
Read up on Shedding vaccines and self propagating.
Johns Hopkins Study 2015 or 2014
Then read up on Immunology of how and where viral variants are made and disseminated.
It is always the lowest common denominator that drags the rest down. You might not like to hear this but in Biology it is true.
Do you jump in the water to save a drowning victim? Go for it if you do. While I am not sure if it is the Christian thing to do, it is the unintelligent thing to do.
Take lifeguard training and get educated.
See above for Lifeguard training for the human population.
The other option is quit school. My 5 kids did that.
"Except for God's grace, there go I." Humility is less painfully learned through example instead of experience.
Coercion is a (slightly) softer kind of force.
How do you think laws enforced, if not at gunpoint?
Hello from the UK. Sorry to hear about your daughter, I am sadly not surprised.
However, there is no such thing as fake vaccine as such as they all are useless at best and always have been since they were invented based on flawed science. I explain why here if you are interested.
As to whose running these businesses what I might say is unrepeatable in polite circles.
But medical Nazis will do for now, and I do mean Nazis as they never went away after WW2. Many went to the USA hence the problems today.
Very true. Also ill-educated. They don't know what is in the drugs they prescribe.
One reason is they're not actually insurance companies.
They don't insure against risk, they just move money around.
Because they were approved as “ experimental use” from FDA, the liability is limited for Big Pharma. They, of course, knew full well of this extra bonus. All the profit, less litigation expense. Maybe FDA should be held responsible to pay for injuries from vaccines?
Many left the FDA, ( upper management) after vaccines were initially authorized & began. Their actions speak Loud! If schools include this in their K-12 vaccine program, Big Pharma is also less liable for damages caused. That falls on the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. It’s a “ no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system.” Interestingly, it’s funded by a .75cent tax on vaccines recommended by the CDC, “ for routine administration to children.” Department of Treasury collects this tax & manages “ the fund’s investments”
( you can search the treasury to find monthly reports, I tried and it wasn’t easy. Of course.)
I don’t want to discourage your daughter from seeking compensation. Just letting you know they don’t make it easy. 😅 I would volunteer to help find info. & many others would too. We are a motivated bunch.
The FDA is our money. Gov money is our money. It was given to big Pharma . The fda are gov employees.
Big Pharma is to blame. BioNTech and Pfizer.
So sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter. In Victoria Australia shots were mandated for all workers & tertiary (university) students. If you did not get the shot you were banned until end July 22 from working, studying, restaurants, cafes, sports, public spaces such as libraries etc. even retail shops for the first 7 weeks. After one of the longest lockdowns in the world most succumbed to the blackmail & coercion. My 19 year old daughter did too. She was so affected by the lockdowns she told me that she knew she was being coerced but could not continue to be locked out from society or loose her place at uni. She had been ill in one form or another ever since even though I had her on detox program. Racing heart, headaches & nausea to start with followed by months of awful menstrual issues & week immune system.
As a parent I will not only hold those who mandated the shots to account but also the regulators who didn’t do their job & the companies selling this sub-standard, faulty & harmful product.
Heartbreaking to hear how these kids were coerced into taking this awful shot. I've been hearing that there's a detox protocol--one of many--that a group called with Dr. Christine Rahm. It's worth a try. I'd also look into ivermectin since it kills parasites--which is what these creeps truly are. Good luck and God bless.
I'm sorry for what your family and so many families are dealing with. This may help:
She should've taken a religious or medical exemption. So sorry for her
Insurance companies will pay for the shots rather than facing the wrath of the woke mob.
And it will still not be the woke's fault that many unwilling people got them.
Thanks for the kind words. She's been under the care of one of the amazing doctors affiliated with FLCCC since January of this year and is improving slowly. She's also holding down a job and still on the Dean's List. God is good!
Neither you or your daughter did anything wrong Joseph. God sees the heart.
Impressive and she will have a great testimony about what she’s endured! Praying for her complete healing!
Diane, what a lovely and perfect response.
Yes! A thousand times.
Ash Carter former Obama defense secretary just died. Cause of death sudden and unexpected heart attack
Brought to you by Pfizer...
Death for Dollars
Brought to you by Pfizer...
Sudden and unexpected coincidence.
Yes, seems like a lot of famous and not so famous people are dropping dead suddenly who are making the news crawl of my Bling page lately. Then we see Dr. Rochelle Wolensky (CDC head) touts the new booster and proceeds to get COVID a few days earlier. Not to worry though, the soon to be mandatory kids' version is different. As in, it's weaker with less resistant to the Omicron but with all the known and unknow negative side effects.
How soon are House hearings scheduled to start after November 8th.?
For me, this must be addressed immediately. Yes, Hunter is an all out thief, etc etc etc,,,but, Americans are dying and being injured by the vaccines.
Technically Hunter helped fund the groups that brought you Covid. Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners invested $500,000 in the San Francisco pathogen research company Metabiota and raised millions more through firms that included Goldman Sachs
To add to his long list of illegal or unscrupulous business dealings. I’m just saying that Vaccines Hearings should immediately halt the further promotion or administration of the shots to anyone. Bourla, Fauci should just come clean.
Oh I hear ya. 100%
So many sudden and unexpected deaths every SINGLE day now
And how many more? Teenagers all over the place dying on football fields. How long before people wake up!!!
I’m sorry he died. But maybe people will start to pay attention now? May his death not be in vain!
They haven't paid attention to over 700 athletes who died "suddenly". Why would Ash Carter make any difference?
It's up to 975 now, 1,429 cardiac arrests, and climbing ( These are just the ones that make the news.
No NBA players! Why
When does a NBA or NFL player die not happening. Saline fir them or nothing
Are you sure about that?
Luke Wilson, TE Seattle Seahawks, medically retired last year with pericardial effusion -- basically pericarditis. A little birdie -- not a blue one -- told me he and other players blame the vaccine -- so, I agree with you that many fake shots are going around in the NFL. HOWEVER, we have Luke's obvious vaccine injury to deal with.
Vinny Curry -- blood clots blamed on ABTV (Anything But The Vaccine).
Donald Parham's brain injury last year that broke up the game-winning touchdown pass is highly suspicious. There was nothing about the play that indicated an injury of any kind -- he caught the pass in mid-air and landed perfectly without contact, and then seized up with severe brain injury in the fencing posture.
Arizona Cardinals DE JJ Watt -- heart stopped earlier this month.
The list goes on -- there's another incident at the tip of my tongue I can't remember right now, but while looking for it I came across the kicker -- ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit skipped the NFL draft earlier this year. Blood clots.
If you want to see some SERIOUS vaccine injury just look at all the FIFA sudden collapses and deaths in the past two years. It is sickening. And obvious.
Very small number still. Bills TE brother in college died suddenly
No, it's not small. There aren't but, what? 3 or 4,000 NFL players, max, I'm guessing. I think it's much lower than that. 3 or 4 injuries out of that many is 1 in 1,000. There's no drug on Earth that could stay on the market that's that dangerous.
I think its happening in Nascar also and being hidden as concussions.
I'm tired of the subversion and lies. This all needs to come out.
Really? A lot of concussions in NASCAR, huh? Find the organization, and you've found the vaccine injured. So, if they're not public-facing, then they're being hidden.
That's crazy, what I just wrote.
It's true.
Meh. I'm going to hell 100% I give so little a turd about these people at this point. That being said, I hope his death is totally in vain -- it's the children's deaths I'm surprised aren't waking people up already.
And if that doesn't work, then nothing will.
And perhaps nothing will.
There was no mention of his vax status in any of the press releases I saw. They will blame it on long covid and recommend more shots.
They will blame it on anything; the weather and climate change (ahem), Trump, the GOP, bananas =- well ok, maybe not the last.
But never the shots or other neuro-toxic big harma (sic) drugs.
The deaths are too scattered, most won't figure out they need a list to follow up which is usually released weeks later.
350,000 American deaths above baseline from April 2021- August 2022, not including covid deaths, according to the ethical skeptic. Life insurance companies around the world are reporting a 40% rise in all cause mortality, mostly not covid. That hasn't woken most people up yet.
Also Leslie Jordan (heat attack while driving, crashed and died) and British radio dj Tim Gough, who died live on air if a heart attack yesterday.
Someone I know of who works for an agency for special needs adults got the covid booster and within weeks he had a heart attack. This is someone that's in his late 60s that isn't overweight and was in good health. I fail to believe that his heart attack isn't related to this booster. Even if it wasn't related to his booster shot, the shot didn't provide him any protection against covid. And even if it did provide protection (it doesn't), covid is a minor threat to the vast majority of people.
Well said.
But he was 68 years old and the connection (jab and death from a cardiac event), to me at least, is less clear when the deceased is old.
68 is NOT old if there are not significant co-morbidities.
I'm well into my 80th year and healthy, taking no medications. If I were to die suddenly and unexpectedly, I would expect family and friends to ask questions. Not that it's likely to happen though, as I have not succumbed to the insane pressure to allow myself to be injected with an inadequately tested novel mRNA gene treatment for an illness less severe than the seasonal flu.
Covid 19 is the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma. Clever little ******* aren't they? They have been at it for decades.
We don't know his medical history so maybe there were C-M's but even if not, a heart attack at 68 is not unusual because 68 IS old.
I remember when I thought 40 was old, lol! And some people are old and debilitated in their 40s and 50s, while others are active and healthy into their 10th decade. A woman in my building will be 104 this summer. She's out and about, swimming in the mornings, and engaged every day in an active social life. Old really is a relative thing. I started running marathons in my 70s. So yeah, maybe at 68 he was old and in ill health, but if that were the case, why is the cause of death a "sudden and unexpected heart attack"? That suggests his health was good.
My point was that I am far less likely to connect the jab with a heart attack death at 68 and more likely to connect it at 38 or 28 or 18. And it's great that you are 80 and well - I'm 70 and in pretty good shape - but regardless how we feel, 68 is old. In the 6th+ decades, a heart attack is not unexpected. The victim may not expect it but it is a frequent cause of death in those age groups. And a heart attack is always sudden. The obituary BS ("sudden and unexpected heart attack") is irrelevant.
You are a spit fire - I love this! I'm in my mid-60s and I aspire to be like you as I continue aging.
That is very true, but doesn't stop the vax being utterly pointless at best as it could be saline as this makes big pharma more profit.
The guy who turned our military woke.
Speaking of "conspiracy", Ashton Carter was a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and a member of the Trilateral Commission, a CFR affiliate.
CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, UN ambassador, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.
Very sad. I saw that breaking this morning I hope he did not take that mRNA garbage.
Too late now.
In other "conspiracy" questions, are birthrates still down, or did they start to recover to baseline?
Still down
Hah, another "mild and temporary" side effect. Thanks for keeping track!
birthrates down but STD's up!
I just read a mainstream article on the COVID baby boom...I know there must be some statistical voodoo.
I read this, too. If I remember correctly, the "boom" was said to be early 2021....BEFORE THE VACCINES. That said, if I weren't retired, and was a "headline reader" like most young, busy people, I would perhaps draw the conclusion that there are no reproductive side effect from the COVID vaccines, furthering the constant "safe and effective" mantra we get.
I saw that too and totally making it up, I think it’s because the US did not vax at as high a rate as other countries. So the more red/open/unvaxxed counties are driving the statistic. Totally a guess. My triple vaxxed friend has been trying for months to get pregnant and I don’t have the heart to tell her about these trends. Maybe she’ll be one of the lucky ones
What about gender mutilation surgeries? They seem to be WAY UP......
My friend and his wife just had baby - got pregnant after 3 jabs each (after a decade of not being able to get pregnant). My dad's gf's daughter had 3 jabs during pregnancy - first just around the time she conceived. Both babies doing ok so far thankfully - hope no long term problems.
I totally agree that the evidence of reproductive harms and damage to babies is overwhelming and this poison should be banned (and the medicalauthorities jailed). However these two cases are interesting data points that at least the reproductive damage does not seem to be total or universal.
Not to pry, but race/ethnicity and blood types? (You may not know the latter)... Its been shown that both play a factor with COVID e.g. East Asians have been more exposed to SARS, flu et al as that tends to be the part of the world respiratory viruses come from.... Blood types result from early plagues etc in human history....
Also, some parts of the country seemed to have gotten worst batches OR perhaps their public health people etc were too competent (red states) in handling these delicate vaccines that require special handling...
Both cases are Caucasian UK middle income (school teachers). What is extra strange is that my friend was trying for many years, with many unsuccessful IVF treatments and couple of nasty (late) miscarriages etc - then got pregnant naturally both parents in late forties, following 3 jabs each (and my friend said the vaccines "made me ill" but didn't share details. I'm almost inclined to speculate if some kind of inflammatory process might have somehow stimulated or triggered something that somehiw overcame whatever was previously preventing pregnancy. As an analogy, tendinitis in athletes is rarely solved by rest - those in the know understand it is sometimes better to actually over train the affected area extra - deliberately inflaming the hell out of it can trigger granulation and healing.
There's a substantial social component that's a contributing factor there
Curious, how?
You underestimate the vaxtardation
I'm gonna steal that word.
Love it. There’s a variant that is still active, too: Masktardation
Or as my husband says, “maskholes.”
Sadly, a very appropriate term. As I have had to have dealing with doctors, the worst offenders in pointless mask wearing are the medics. It is bad enough going to surgery or hospital without have to deal with the stupidity of such folk.
Anyway, I find lots of words for such people. One would be "Ahh, you poor souls!".
Or 'R' souls for short.
I did this piece on the stupidity which might amuse you and your husband if you are at a loose end.
Mask-n-raid American independence autonomy and freedom…
You win the internet today with that one. I nearly pissed myself. I will be using that one.
The covert agenda is vax-termination… “x” has various precursors, depending on perspective and interpretation…
Good word. I call it Stupid 20, Moronic variant. Stupid 20 started in 2020 of course. I write about it. I can be quite funny as this helps lift the mood in the insanity.
I consider myself extremely lucky that both me husband and I could remain unvaxxed and work from home (despite every effort by NYC to make us unemployed). My heart goes out to those who felt they had no choice. Our anger should not be directed toward those who were coerced into being vaccinated but toward those who did the coercing. Anything else is a distraction.
I assume you live at home 24 hours a day, because how do you survive in that city regardless of your shot status?
You obviously don’t ride the subways or any other public transportation as well, because at this point, the risk of death is much greater being on or under the streets of New York then getting Covid…
NYC has become a bit of a hell hole. It is true that on weekdays I rarely leave a 20 block radius of the apartment. On weekends we flee to greener pastures.
Love your avatar. Judith 2024.
Don't hit the porcupine
The risk of death is equivalent to a bad flu. One reason so many died was as you know the "dump people in the nursing homes in NY" but because if you went to the hospital, you did not get any treatment unless you survived to day 12. You may have gotten fluids/IV but nothing else.
Then came remdisivir (so?) and ventilation. Both death sentences.
"The risk of death is equivalent to a bad 'flu." True. This is because it is the 'flu, but re-branded as this helps make more money for big pharma.
You might be on to something here!
I do know this. There's a reason that they wanted to release the trial data over 75 YEARS! And it wasn't because they wanted people to see it. It's because the trial data can prove fraud in court. There's no other reason to hide it. This also plays into the fact that the death statistics during the entire vaccine rollout period are total garbage. This was also done to muddy the waters, making it nearly impossible to rule a death by vaccine a "vaccine related death." That was on purpose. It was a two-part scam.
1. To scare people with unreasonably high death statistics.
2. To make sure that the data is so inaccurate, that it's not admissible in court.
That being the case, I think going forward, everything they do is going to be geared at backing off from this. Because they want the heat pulled away from them, and placed on government, or the medical system as a whole.
They don't want to be held liable, and in most cases they were promised that they wouldn't. Did anyone really believe that they were not already going to add the covid vaccines to the childhood CDC schedule? They [Pfizer and Moderna] got away with it. Nobody's going to jail, and this will go down as the largest unpunished attempt at HUMAN genocide the world has known to date. Why to date? Well, there's more to come.
I think they wanted to time it with the release of the Kennedy assassination report.
Haha! Remember what they said about that. The Kennedy assassination report is subject to "Temporary continued postponement." As Russel Brand put it, that's, "bureaucratic poetry."
Why bother? They have immunity and big tech + media censoring everything... And if you think the GOP branch of the Uniparty is going to change any of that IF they overcome the voting fraud and when control of Congress, I got news for you...............................
They (those involved in the vaccine lies) only have immunity so long as fraud isn't proven. As for the media and Big Tech, they only stop people -- who aren't looking, from finding out the truth. For anyone who's looking, the truth is all right there.
No, I don't think that the Uni-Party is going to do anything as it relates to correcting this and holding people accountable. They went along with this. Our government is 100% working for their own interests, not the interests of the American people. It's been that way for a long time now, it's just never been so "in your face" as it is now.
The insurance companies are owned by same oligarchy that owns big pharma. Its a gigantic grift based on the old company store scam. Think about it. They own their " competition"
You're right. I believe the major insurance companies "own" the pharma companies (as big as they are, they are under the control of big insurance), the hospitals, the majority of doctors, the US Government and anything else they want to "own". The big 5 control it all. Pharma and doctors do what they say. While they may not actually own these other entities, they certainly "own" them.
Hmmm, maybe they are using it as an excuse to raise insurance costs a lot. Which they need because of all the ill people draining their funds.
There certainly is precedent for your suggestion. After all, insurance companies are about staying solvent- not really about allowing users' health.
Put another way- the vertical organization of the biz of medicine has been underway for a long time. Remember when tthe conversation around hospital "charge masters" began ? Collective outrage over what appeared to be capricious billing menus, untethered to any real analysis of actual costs for service, but existing only as a starting point to the varied contract negotiations between providers and insurance companies, gave rise to the idea that a more efficient system might just come from insurance companies owning hospitals and/or the reverse. Trial thought balloons went up, selling this as an improvement in cost management AND health outcomes. Now we might ask -how's that working out?
Decentralized power always comes with certian inefficiencies, but these are no where nearly as terrible as the loss of
True. A win-win for them and a lose-lose for us. They may toss us a few crumbs every now and then of course. Keep the peasants happy.
Biden's getting his booster today at 2:05 PM today + giving a little speech on the virus and importance of getting the new boosters, that ought to drive up the demand!
I’m betting it’s liquid Adderal.
He is juiced up on something...that is why his eyes are so dilated.
Always squinting.
And… do you all know that the WH will not release the visitor log to their weekly weekend getaways to Delaware? I’m convinced there is a cadre of doctors “ rejuvenating” him with various mental and physical stimulants. I howl when Biden breaks into a short jog to show off how fit he is…. Like that is going to convince us that he’s up to the job…🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Biden is like my 15-year-old chihuahua: sometimes wanders around, lost and peeing on the floor, other times she is leaping in the air and jumping into leaf piles like a naive puppy. We have nicknamed her Joe.
Too funny
Maybe that tall black guy that used to follow Hillary around is in permanent residence at the Delaware home for the "treatments."
Wonder if the Scooby van is parked there too?
Hate to bring up old news, but that “tall black guy” who accompanied Hillary.... died. Yup, maybe four years or five years ago. Odd, isn’t it?
Vince Foster was unavailable for comment.
Please drop over biden
I’m convinced he has Parkinson’s/dementia. His gait is typical of someone with neuro disorder, shuffling etc. I don’t know what they are giving him but definitely something going on.
Biden has had brain surgery for two aneurysm. Any brain surgery has residual damage. The synapses never heal to their original state and with age, they “ fray’, causing disconnects. If Biden took the same Montreal Cognitive Test that Trump willingly took, he would fail it miserably. Again, media????
Did Biden pass the "Pedo sniffing" part of the test?
He would totally fail!
Bound to be problems with his gait. There are always problems with gaits.
Bill and Melinda spring to mind, the Ahab and Jezebel for today.
To be honest, I suspect they are there for a game of "hunt the brain". Joe Biden's keeps falling out of his ears and they have to search everywhere to find it.
They must have forgotten the Adderall. In the past few days he's fallen asleep during interviews.
I read that it is in short supply.
LOL! Lets check his medicine pantry!
You're right. I heard that too.
I think they keep the Adderall next to his Talky Pills that help him read the teleprompter.
"Dr." Jill is taking good care of him.
Haha I was thinking it’s probs some drug cocktail they give him regularly to temporarily jack him up.
That’s on the days he gets testy with reporters. No cocktail, he falls asleep.
no high profile politician got the juice. It was all saline. No way would Pharma risk a serious vaxx injury on a high profile politicians.
(However, I will contradict myself and say that maybe Gavin Newsom did get the real deal because it looks like he was vax injured, developed Bell's Palsy and went to Mexico for stem cell treatment. However, almost all national politicians in France faked the jab according to one who didn't and is now dealing with heart injury.)
They don't want a repeat of "Tiffany Dover."
he'll have 2 strokes on stage & even the secret service won't notice
Come on man, we're changing lives!
...or at least more prions in his brain from the jabs.
I bet Corn Pop will notice and he’ll rap about it.
It will be saline, as all in the hierarchy of hate and lust for power know better, and are laughing at the serfs!
But manage to deceive their Democrat support base who don't think properly. "vaxxes didn't harm our dear leaders, so they must be good. " Yeah, right.
Like the dozens of other times he lied about it being safe and effective.
Saline shot or nothing in the vial
And probably among Democrat voters as they seem to love the vaccines whereas Republican voters are not nearly so keen. I am in the UK by the way. Democrat voters seem rather dim to me nowadays, perhaps it's all the vaxes.
Blue states lockdown red states freedom
The Delorean of boosters?
Thats an insult to the Delorean - which actually was a pretty good car - designed by Lotus, built by Ulstermen (don't mention the Titanic) until John Z screwed the British government.
Yes it was. And the Volvo was powerful and reliable.
The Edsel?
The Yugo?
The Trabant?
What about the Reliant 3 wheeler? - see Mr Bean.
No one steals a Saab.
or the Polski Fiat. Either one.
8 track tape?
They managed to trick half the American population to get the original shot with no viable research or long term studies to illustrate its effectiveness. My guess is they are banking on at least some percentage of them are still as ignorant of the efficacy ( I have some family members who would still get it). Insurance might balk at some point but some will pay it all for awhile or will pay a portion of it. The remainder will either get written off or the patient will pay. Pfizer still makes money. At the end of the day that is still their goal.
Yes, and it's an intelligence test. See how dumb people are. Test results will be posted up, like exam results.
At some point the EUA will go away and then what? They have to submit real studies to show vaccine efficacy? Not 8 mouse studies for the bivalent.
Didn't the ACIP approval to add to the childhood schedule essentially wipe away the need for the EUA?
Good question. And which toxxine was recommended for child schedule- the outdated Wuhan strain jab or the Octomouse jab? They are two different formulations.
Liability protection from schedule only works with vaccines sold under license (“FDA approved”). Boosters are not approved and neither are shots for under 5 years old.
It sure looks like the US govt will be taking the liability if it is scheduled.
... which means the US taxpayer of course. I am in the UK but I think it should be pointed out.
Mind you suppose people fake the injuries? Another money making scam #@?!*&
Isn't that the program where it's almost impossible to receive compensation?
Wow. Unbelievably broad protection! Doesn’t even have to be used according to the schedule as long as it’s on the schedule somewhere.
“There are no requirements that the petitioner show that the vaccine was used pursuant to Food and Drug Administration labeling or specific Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention administration recommendations, or otherwise was administered pursuant to any standard of care.“
Money making scam for the fraudulent like much else going on.
At least I think that’s the implication of the requirement that the vaccine be subject to an excise tax. It needs to be sold, not distributed for free under an “emergency” program and that requires a license.
But if “Comirnaty” ends up being sold under a license in the US, would the liability shield work for the FDA-unapproved (unlicensed) uses? That would be a pretty big loophole.
Not sure but that is even scarier if so. Gotta love “capitalism”
Correct @Baga. The liability has been waived. As it has been for all vaccines since the late 1980s.
Does it make you wonder or is there no wonder that pharma companies are so focused on vaccines as their revenue stream? May the game for these pharma companies now "be ever in their favor" to pull from The Hunger Games. I hope the pendulum swings back in their faces for what they have pulled off here.
Don't you think it will be pretty easy to prove fraud at this point?
I'm not holding my breath.
And for that you need to get the initial studies they and the NIH are fighting to hide forever.
There have been no real studies in years!!
...but I don't suppose we'll hear a squeak out of them.
Maybe Pfizer caught wind of this list of 700+ peer reviewed studies showing harms:
Or maybe they recognise legally they're screwed because Constitutional Due Process requires a US Citizen have to the right to trial by judge or jury in a *civil lawsuit*, and thus the Immunity to Liability, if challenged under the appropriate amendments (Sixth, Seventh and Fourteenth), it would come undone and what they're doing in is pricing in the lawsuit risk into the shots? (See:
Also Alex, if you get time, you may wish to read my COVID-19 Shots Questions document, which has 160 citations. You can either view it online here (see: or you can download the PDF ( or the ODT (
Either way, I'd say the panic is real.
Great info! Thanks for sharing! Wish I had this when my uncle insisted I get the clot shot before attending a family event. This is the same guy who almost died after his first Moderna shot. He landed in ICU and is now on blood thinners, and he is STILL a vaxtard. Oh well, I guess I'll never see that side of the family again!
I had a quick look at the Covid -19 shot questions. That's quite a list, thanks!
If you are interested this might help if you need it.
Joseph, I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope that everyone with college age children read your post and think twice before before allowing their children to get this shot. There is no education worth life long health issues or God forbid, death.
Thank you, Alex for having our back and revealing theses things to us. You really are a rare breed....a professional reporter, like in the olden days when journalist reported the actual news!!!!
It is a continual shock to my system, as a retired (educator and administrator) to see all the crooks in government, big pharma, etc., but a blessing that CRT was actually discovered during COVID, when the students were at home on tablets or computers. Due to parents working from home, we all found out about the horrible tactics they were using to brain wash our children and try to rewrite our nation's history. Thank you again for being on the front lines for Americans. I still can't believe that we actually allow random people to tear down statues (often over a hundred years old) from Universities, court houses, etc. This has become a sick society and need President Trump or Ron DeSantis ( although, he would be crazy to ever leave FL) back to right the ship. After two more years of Biden or whomever takes his place, we won't be a country anymore. Everyone get out and vote to save our Constitutional Republic from ruin!!
With much gratitude,
Shana S. from Dallas, TX and Charlotte, NC
Covid 19 came for many reasons (it is essentially the 'flu re-branded of course) but did wake up the sensible who had not realized how bad it was leaving your children to the state Marxist school teachers.
Marxists in the education sector, Nazis in the medical sector . And both originally from Germany. Mmm...
Its about children. All those state vaccine mandates for children. No $110 shot = No School For You!
at least 20 states have just said NO to this BS:
thank God my state is on the list. TEXAS!!
Hopefully not in the Peoples Republic of Austin.
I wish it were all 50. Children absolutely don't deserve this.
But Pharma has done the math, and wants to milk the fearful and the compliant for as much as possible - for as long as possible. That's my assessment as to the business case for a $110 shot, following the approval. This isn't about a stealth withdrawal. It is about profit maximization from a captive audience. Just my guess of course.
Blue counties won't comply with the State. Tennessee has 4 of them.
.gov subsidized glorified daycare
They won't fight, because they're counting on being bailed out covering the excess death of working age people. They'll do what they're told. This is a military operation. It is all about the 'emergency'.
Pricing the boosters out of reach is perhaps too kind to apply to Phizer. More likely they see the end coming and want to squeeze as much money of it as possible before that.
My thoughts exactly.
until the next already planned plandemic
Seriously? The worldwide movement towards totalitarianism is something you won't seriously consider, but THIS is?!?
No, the pricing is a backdoor way to entice the Xiden administration to make Clot Shots mandatory so as to get huge kickbacks! Bigger bribes makes things happen.
Xiden, I like that as much as my go to these last two yrs: Joe Thanos Biden.
My favorites, Demo☭rat and Quid Pro Joe
They've found out they can take the piss so now they're testing how much.
Guy down the hall in my building who brags every time he gets "jab" including boosters (4 at last count) has sign on door - "Closed til October 31 - Covid." Friend of ours forced to get 4 shots has now been sick as the proverbial dog (isn't that phrase insulting to dogs?) for a week.
They kept pressuring my pregnant daughter with all sorts of scare stories about stillborns etc and, despite wavering, she held firm. She delivered 4 weeks ago via emergency c-section - it was a very complicated pregnancy by the end, and she developed blood clots etc. My wife and I thank God every day she didn't succumb - God knows what would have happened.
Congratulations, and many happy returns of the day!
No time today to read all the comments, so my apologies if someone else has already pointed this out.
Alex, I'm scratching my head at your post today. You do know that insurance companies are not paying for the Covid-19 vaccines, don't you? The federal government is paying for them. That's why Pfizer can charge whatever it wants. The company knows this is nothing more than a money-laundering operation at this point. The Biden Administration continues to order millions of doses of each booster, knowing full well that demand for these shots has plummeted and that most of the new vials are going to end up in the garbage. This is Biden's way of continuing to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to Pfizer and Moderna. A portion of those billions then ends up in the campaign accounts of each and every politician who supports the clot shots. Large amounts will also go to the media, in the form of "ad dollars" (wink wink). This guarantees positive coverage for the Covid shots and all other vaccines, regardless of how many people they kill and maim.
"And the seasons they go round and round. And the painted ponies go upside down..."
Good point. When is the exact moment the government starts paying the higher price? We need to watch and see how many shots, at $hundreds each, the government will print money to buy. Or says "oops we can't afford that," per Berenson's suggestion.
At the very least, raising the price will make a lot of low-information voters think the shots are desirable because they cost more.
The humanoids that rule us do it with resentment, NOT representation.
All there embrace that attitude, regardless of party affiliation.
Your choice Nov 8 is either cretins and leeches, or cowards and whores.
Makes you want to pick up your 1 month old early ballot or rush to your precinct in 2 weeks, eh?!
The insurance companies are just as corrupt as the Pharma companies- somehow someway they are ALL in bed together
Vaccines are normally not this expensive, but there are many "normal" new meds that go through the usual regulatory process that end up being much more expensive than a once-a-year cost of $100. There are a couple of really good psychiatric meds that prevent schizophrenics from hallucinating that cost more than one thousand dollars a month, that people take every single month, possibly for a lifetime, and insurance will pay, but with prior authorization, if other meds were tried and didn't work. A couple of meds for an otherwise incurable neurological condition costs several thousand every month. With the meds I am thinking of, I honestly do not believe it is gouging by those pharma companies but rather, it is because the way the FDA works, there are tons of regulatory fees to be paid, and it costs about one billion dollars to bring a drug to market these days. Usually companies get a patent while the drug is still in development and then by the time it does get approved, they do not have a lot of time left on the patent to be able to sell it exclusively before it goes generic. If it is a relatively small percentage of the population that has the condition, there are natural limits to what can be made during the short patent life. The way things work, Congress has currently set up that the FDA gets a very substantial portion of its budget from these regulatory fees for new drugs - but the red tape is very extensive, and the fees are very high so that only wealthy established companies can play this game. However, I know that the manufactures sometimes cut deals with various insurance companies so that there are discounts. Sometimes for some meds, they make the co-payments very high but at the same time, provide co-pay cards so that, if your co-pay would have been $400 for a particular med, you can show the card from the manufacturer and your co-pay is reduced to much less, maybe as little as $15. So, I would say that $100 sticker price does work out to a lot of money when you think of school children being mandated to have the shot, millions of kids, and maybe still health care workers and military being mandadted - there will be money to be made, they'll have to have it. If you have a decent income and it's only a once a year thing that is mandated for your job or for your child's school - if the insurance said, okay, we'll pay $50 and your copay is $50 - the same people who have been getting shots might continue at that price, or if demand is low, the insurance company can do co-pay cards, or give discounts to some of the insurance companies, then cut deals with state governments for a reduced price for health departments that are purchasing for low income and Medicaid recipients. $100 is the sticker price, but that is not what everyone will pay. But if individuals did have to pay $100 - if you need it for your employment in healthcare some people may pay it - those physicians and nurses who didn't want the shot in the first place either got an exemption or got out already, so true believers in the vax can keep on beliening and just pay the cost if insurance didn't. But insurance will, most likely, cover at least part of it if not all. On the other hand, licensed health care professionals already are paying a substantial licensing fee annually, pay for continuing education annually - and if the shot is required, it is just one more cost associated with having this job. So, I don't know how this is going to play out, but Pfizer made 36 billion dollars on the vax the first year, they are set to achieve 29 billion this year. After that, if they make 18 billion the following year, it's not as much as they wish, but however many millions or billions they can continue to rake in, they will not walk away from the money. They knew getting into this that there would be serious adverse effects, and they had no scruples about falsifying data at the front end, now with all that money to be made they will not suddenly grow a conscience and stop selling it. An ethical company would have pulled the product after the first few deaths rather than just continue to steamroll along, continue to lie and cover up etc. In fact, Pfizer has done this before - sold dangerous products and lied about it. They had a veterinary product that was killing calves, horribly, and they kept lying about it and selling it. Pfizer has paid the largest fines of any pharma company in the US for harming people with meds. But the fines are just part of the cost of doing business, a small percentage of all the money they are making. So - $100 per shot makes each dose less profitable than it was when government was buying everything, but it's not just peanuts, it is still very substantial money for each of the vax companies actually, and it is a sticker price and not the final sale price. They will negotiate and get what they can get for it. But they will not voluntarily quit selling it, and unless we defund the FDA, which I doubt (though it would be a good thing) the FDA will approve it. At least as long as the current administration remains in place.
Massive paragraphs without line breaks are very difficult to read, so I didn't.
Thank you for this information.
Very sensible. Thanks for this. I doubt there’s any end to this perfidy until human nature changes and that’s not likely.
i was hoping for a second place to plan our defense against inter-dimensional energy vampires
i can't talk long, but we need to start with all the high-ranking lizard people entrenched in corporate america & the world's governments
i'll be monitoring from a distance and once that is done i will do my part
Good thing I got my MaxxedVaxxed Pass(™) when prices were more reasonable.
Renewal rates are going up 33,741% by the end of 2022.
In Ontario physicians are ordered to consider medicating an antivaccer or sending them to psychotherapy. Lisa analyzes the decision of the Honorable Justice Porzio in that context.
I will admit to not checking the link but I’m in Ontario and my doctor is in Toronto, like every major city went all in on masks/lockdowns/vaccine coercion and not once in 2.5 years has he brought up the vaccine. Not when I was pregnant, not for any of my kids, so I think this could be a thing in small circles, it’s not a province-wide dictum.
Your point confirms that your doctor was silent on the jab. Given those on record with concerns lose the right to practice medicine your physician is maneuvering the minefield in the manner he or she sees fit. My view is silencing speech n exchange for keeping one's licence is social credit. Your point however does not refute the policies found in the FAQ covid 19 that the College of physique and Surgeons in Ontario publish.
In. Massachusetts they are Paying you $75,00 per mNRA shot. Even though they have zero proof they are safe and effective!?
When they pay YOU, that’s extra bad sign.
The Governor should be held accountable for paying People to kill themselves in Massachusetts.
government assist suicide...
My first though was that it was to scare more people into doing it, ie you can just get it for free now, or have to pay a lot more later. Maybe it's both to increase uptake now, then cut off use?
As I read through all the posts on what Alex has documented, I'm encouraged by the fact that we are being made aware of these crimes. But do you wonder how deep this really goes. And, no matter what your feelings about Trump are, would we really have developed the state of awareness we're in now had it not been for his courage in pointing out the "fake news". When people of power, who are entrusted with our lives and our childrens lives, continually and with impunity, feed us lie after lie without consequences, this is when tyranical regimes take hold. At that point we are all finished. And I fear we are very close.
Nicely worded. Me, I call it simply “We are doomed”…
LOL No, it's simply the 'bonus' of having government be your only real customer. Government doesn't care how much something costs.
Including the lives of citizens.
Exactly, raising the price is a way to reduce the number of shots, and the potential liability, without admitting it.
Most people are done…. With their game…. Went to a theater for concert I seen like4 masks….
Most have had Covid I did twice
I’m ok I’m 68….
They are trying to squeeze the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube…
Perfect analogy!!!
Any idea what the distribution of Vax injury / death by state? My hypothesis is the coastal states (typically "blue") are more likely to receive the placebo vax vs. "fly over states" (typically "red"). Comments?
From here in the UK I see that the blue states are not so bright and the vaxxes are to cull the terminally dim from our midst. I have tried pointing out to blue voters that vaccines are at best pointless, but they seem to enjoy being ill for some reason.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" Napoleon said I gather. Still sad though, even if necessary.
Also maybe certain states had a much greater use of J&J than others? The "gold standard" clinical trials showed that J&J actually substantially reduces all-cause mortality, believe it or not, while mRNA vaccines INCREASE all-cause mortality
All vaccines are pointless and there are "Lies, damn lies and statistics."
Then there's Joe Biden...
I read that Connecticut and Massachusetts were at the bottom of the list in terms of excess deaths. Maybe the depops didn’t plan to kill off their own families?
Don't you think it's quite likely that those data were very professionally doctored? I'm not doubting the possibility of the "conspiracy" you allude to, but I have a very hard time trusting the CDC's mortality data, because they just aren't consistent with everything else, including the mortality data from the "gold standard" clinical trials of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
Certainly true that they lie about everything, so they might be lying about that.
I believed it because my sister is a Boston democrat and she loves the Clot Shot. I thought there must not be many side effects there or she would have figured it out.
I can’t disregard the option that she’s stupid either because she still defends President Potato.
Yes, I have witnessed a lot of denial among the pro-vaxxers, even when they develop life-threatening or debilitating conditions after the vaccine. And while it's true that deaths (fortunately) are relatively rare at least so far, the clinical trials showed that being killed by the vaccine was more common than being saved from COVID death by the vaccine (even during the big bad Alpha variant). Now, the risk-benefit analysis is much, much worse.
pro-vaxxers are truly dim. I have tried pointing out as gently as I can, but they insist that being shot is the best way to stay alive.
I believe in d-evolutionary theory, that they are reverting to apes.
But that is insulting the apes.
I'm sorry to say your sister has a very severe case of Stupid 20. I send my commiserations. This is my definition if you have nothing better to do.
By the way, current variant is the Moronic one. I have also forecast the likely name if those to come. See
You may find it rather mad, but sensible by comparison to those who love being shot.
I hope your sister gets better soon.
This is all so crazy to me. Half of the vials could be saline - pharma refuses to publish the exact ingredients. The bivalent shots could be complete saline in order to slow down the adverse event numbers. We plebes have absolutely zero knowledge as to what the overall psycho plan is.
That is spot on. my take on the planscamdemonicmedicpanic is here.
My insurance deductible and premium went up, as they have every year since the Unaffordable Careless Act. I think the FPHI (Fed, pharma, "healthcare" complex, insurance companies) are one big fat corrupt organism. It lives to feed itself and actual reality is meaningless-certainly not a motivator.
Yes, I have been thinking the exact same thing for a while. I think this is also why the MSN news popup (and some others) now prominently publish a sudden unexpected premature death almost every day, WITHOUT censoring the comments when the vast majority of commenters link it to the vaccine. I think SOME, but certainly not all, of TPTB are slowly developing a guilty conscience. But the entities that seem the least likely to have any sort of guilty conscience at all are our "trusted" agencies and organizations and our "noble" scientists and doctors, our "leaders" and our "experts". Anyone know why?
Its all a cunning plan working to schedule to expose the Nazis/Marxists and other groups.
For example did you know that 'Vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'?
And as we follow a timeline similar to WW2, only 80 years ago, it must generally fit the pattern. We are in WW3, only a war of words this time, albeit that propaganda has always been a thing in war.
The good news, more and more states are saying no to pediatric COVID being added...
yep! 20 so far.
As long as insurance companies can increase premiums at will, and no competition across state lines, they will just charge companies more. Companies will just pay increase premiums. It will be more revenue to insurance companies. Individuals won't care as they never see the increase. No I do not think this is a backdoor way to withdraw the shots. No way.
Or are they simply trying to test the ceiling? Trying to determine at what point the insurance industry is inflexible. If you set the price too low, you will never know.
Why add it to the recommended vaccine schedule then last week? Was there something about insurance coverage for things on the list? Or was there another thing about liability once removed from emergency status? Would like some clarity. Thanks Alex, you the man.
The primary reason to add it to the schedule is to provide durable legal immunity for the manufacturers. That may have been the ONLY reason they wanted it on the schedule.
I think you are right, Pfizer and Moderna must know by now that mandates just aren't going to fly. Some states will try and implement them but there will be a huge backlash (i.e. half empty schools as parents refuse) and they will be forced to withdraw them with their tails between their legs. It would be a huge PR blunder and a black eye for Pharma as it will be obvious parents do not trust them. Liability protection is the only solid rationale.
Alex's conspiracy makes sense if the goal is to take them off the market without actually "taking them off the market" (and tacitly admitting product harm). Seems to me there are better ways of doing this, but I wouldn't put anything beyond these jackals.
I think that is the only reason.
They've got to protect the cash cow.
right. the other theory is that evidence is piling up on the horrific "side effects" of the injections, so by adding these experimental injections to the child vaccine schedule, it insures a continuation of liability immunity for the purveyors of suffering and death who manufacture these poisons. In other words, Pf and Moderna are getting nervous, so the CDC just gave them liability immunity forever. (Well, unless fraud can be proven and that's looking more and more likely.)
As I commented above, Pfizer charges in the $200 range for Prevnar, which was the only blockbuster vaccine product on the market before 2021. So the same business model when you get it on the school vaccine schedule. I believe that they have a monopoly for children with this product.
Our entire country will never recover from the abuse and coercion foisted upon us by the government. Bloomberg this morning states that 3 million people refuse to go back to work for fear of catching COVID19. The education system has been destroyed and our rights have been denied. As I write, the Emergency Powers for Biden remains in place as it does in many cities with uneducated tyrants trying to hold their control over their citizens. The pharmaceutical companies in conjunction with government and media continue to lie and for millions of people it still resonates that they are in danger and will again fall for another shot of a drug with unknown side effects that may well be worse than the virus itself. The fear is now engrained and the truth and facts regarding China's role in the creation and release of this horror show, with Dr Fauci and politicians continuing to increase their fortunes while participating with the Wuhan lab in China, and Emergency Powers that never end and companies engaging willy nilly into manipulating and delivering more and more vaccinations that are dangerous is looked upon today as a template for the future to capture enormous power and money has now become their ultimate dream. After all, it is the gift that keeps on giving as the media still drives the narrative and the people's fear lies beneath the surface to be used at will.
Yep, we are ruled by Selfish Incompetent Corrupt Knaves…
SICK scumbags.
Nicely written comment you offer by the way.
BREAKING NEWS: A New York judge just ordered the reinstatement of fired unvaxxed New York City workers, with "back pay in salary from the date of termination.”
Supporting Truth and Strength!
Do Not Comply
Will go to the court of appeals for that region and the leftist court will strike down the ruling.
Keep negotiating and appeasing leftist evil, they bank on the relentless cowardice and apathy of America…
Yes, see Dr. David Martin all his videos on
And his Law suits successfully suing Joe Biden and Head of HHS which is over the CDC . Also Thomas Wentz suing DOD and Sec of Defense.
Show this to all your kids. Educate them. You and nobody else are in charge of their education! You can't trust strangers especially without your foundation.
Always verify.
Dr. David Martin is the reason we don't have to wear masks in airports anymore. Brillant man.
Published the US Patents for the experimental gene editing injections in early 2020. Thé Patent dates were years prior to 2020. I think 2014? Can't recall which date exactly. Get it? That is all you needed to know. U Don't need a day of science learning. Explain this to your kids John, Jay etc. They had the fake " vaccine " before the Plandemic.
It was all theatre! Planned!
Not hard to figure with the Patent Law suits in Courts right now. Look them up. NIH suing Moderna! Moderna suing Pfizer! They are all fighting over the Billions earned by the slow and fast Kill shot.
And they had to make Public again the Injection Patent dates!
Ask your College kids and High School kids how something can be invented before the disease was even known about! ? They will be able to figure it out before many of the adults!
All Public Information for those who know how to use a phone or any keyboard.
Send this to all, including youth, Spread the truth instead of lies and coercion.
It is dose dependent. That means the more you take of the experimental non vaccine gene editing injection, the more poisonous it is. Tell the youth it is similar to alcohol in that way only, that it is also dose dependent, you can die from it if you have too much.
After watching this 90 % of your youth that were not educated on the risks by you or other adults , will not take the shot.
Real education is important.
Tell them NOT to listen to anyone at their School who pushes this experiment injection.,%2C%20mumps%2C%20rubella%20and%20more.
In California our Governor plans to require the Covid vaccine to start school grades k-12 once the fda approves them. How asinine? Why, why, why? So many people will do it because they still trust the medical establishment.
Cute. High pricing could end up disproportionately harming the better educated and more affluent populations who cling to their tribal belief in their own superiority. So, on the other side of the coin, blue collar workers people will experience a proportionate increase in population figures. The lowest SES may "benefit" from programs like Medicaid that might insist on their compliance... which could further cull that population.
Sounds like a plan to focus money and power at the apex and maximize the worker bees. Sounds like the Nazi sorting system at Auschwitz.
I think we are also going to see life insurance companies not wanting to pay beneficiary's who have taken this mRNA trash and died.
It’s an interesting theory. But it would assume that the worthless, souless douchebags at Pfizer are humans who actually care about keeping other humans alive. Seems like a stretch.
Eh, not super convinced.
Flu vax can cost $20 to $60 per dose, and it's meant to be a lifetime cash cow with annual administration. OTOH, HPV vax can cost $400+ for a course of vaccination.
At that price, I'm guessing that they're banking on the Gullible 25% of adults to keep at it for at least a few more years and insurance to suck that expense up.
What is to withdraw? SARS-CoV-2 "Vaccine" booster resistance is nearly universal now for anyone who is not forced to get a shot or afraid of their own shadow.
I thought the government already bought a shit ton of this stuff? I thought they were gonna hand it out free like Halloween Candy. The dollars are already in Pfizeres pocket.