Maybe stop demonising stay at home moms.

So many women feel it is "beneath them" to be a SAHM because of what's been pumped into the culture. Somehow we brainwashed women to kill themselves working some crap corporate job where you can be easily replaced with a stroke of a pen than nurturing a household and taking care of a family.

And maybe an even more controversial take: stop glorifying obesity in young women.

I know this isnt going to be well received, and I'm saying this as a woman myself, but who the HELL would want to start a family with most the young American women today? They indulge in their obesity, claim it is "liberating" and they've all got complex health issues by the time they're 35, but they're "liberated" from the "colonialist beauty standards" or whatever the latest crap is being put out there.

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When children are indoctrinated that humans are destroying the world and, per AOC, there are only 5 years left and everything is hopeless, they are more easily controlled and manipulated. That’s the left’s goal.

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This is just going to get worse with 30% or so of younger people claiming they are not heterosexual and the Left pushing abortions and tricking women into thinking abortion is a women's issue when it is really playing into the hands of promiscuous men.

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Liberal women not having children is a very good sign for the future. It means thinning the liberal genepool, and a smaller population of liberals.

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well, I'm joking (sort of) since I'm a woman who thinks we have gotten the shaft since time began, but we are in this mess because we gave them (us) the vote. I'm mostly kidding but women are not logical. And they think life should be one peaceful noncompetitive metaphor -- a song, kum ba ya. (sp). They also think there is nothing worth standing up to--and that if we just love everybody, we'll have this utopia ever after. And they think to be fair we should pay for the sins of our fathers when we had nothing to with it I'm sure it's liberal women who swayed that statistic and not conservative ones (read married), but man it's frustrating.

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This is a course that will not be reversed any time soon, unfortunately. The "girl boss" focused on career as a point of personal fulfilment, during their peak period of fertility and ability to deal with the demands of raising children, is the default standard in the West.

But the social media dopamine feeds give them kudos for those choices.

We're in a feedback social feedback loop that is clearly set up to lower the number of people and promoting tendencies away from self-reliance.

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Brad Wilcox informs us that liberal women are significantly less happy with life than their conservative counterparts. Indeed, according to Pew, the majority of young liberal women are mentally ill (!). And as one of my heroes, Nancy Pearcey, explains in her latest book, the highest rate of happiness among any group of American women is found in those married to regularly churchgoing men (more Pearcey: “Compared to secular men, devout Christian family men who attend church regularly are more loving husbands and more engaged fathers. They have the lowest rate of divorce. And astonishingly, they have the lowest rate of domestic violence of any major group in America”).

So, if climbing the greasy pole makes you anxious, depressed, unfulfilled, and outright miserable, you’re gonna warn the next generation to stay out of the Godless rat race and find one of those awesome devout Christian men to settle down with, right? Right? Well, about that…. Wilcox again:

“The problem facing liberals, then, is that too many of them have embraced the false narrative that the path to happiness runs counter to marriage and family life, not towards it. They think independence, freedom and work will make them happy, which is why significant portions of the popular media are filled these days with stories celebrating divorce and singleness. […] The secret to happiness, for most men and women, involves marriage and a life based around the family.”

More here:


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A good place for governments to start might be to *stop* scaring the crap out of young people with climate change nonsense. I bet that's partly why Democrats think declining population is a good thing.

That is, until they become old and realize there's nobody around to produce anything or care for them. Oops.

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...South Korean women’s movement called the “four nos” - “no to dating, no to sex with men, no to marriage, and no to childbirth.” -OUCH!!

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When I was growing up and had to make decisions about family and career, in the 1970s I chose first to be able to support myself and then, when I married, a family. But now I wish I had emphasized family more. I have a two sons and a grandson who I see being denigrated by the media and the government all the time - I live in Canada. I find Western culture becoming anti male, despite continuing to depend on males for many of the hard jobs - the military, police, even garbage men. Men and women need each other. We need to get back to traditional families and values, but one of the challenges for large families is how to afford them.

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When straight men are demonized by a huge segment of society, and women taught it's "noble" to do so, this is the result. I just shared these statistics with my 17- and 20-year-old children. The 20-year-olds college student's first response was, "this is just sad," and "what's supposed to be the most tolerant generation is actually the most intolerant." While my kids are different genders, they are both conservative thinking.... interestingly they BOTH regularly comment on a certain issue that they see as a big part of the problem as well....one that relates to so much of your writing, Alex....drug use by young men. So many are in the vaping/pot culture and not worthy or capable of being in healthy, fulfilling relationships.

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Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year to churn out liberal, materialistic secular humanists, so the fact we reproduce as much as we do surprises me.

As we enter decade 5 of the junk science climate hoax, we’re seeing a third generation taught to hate the species. Kids are contributing to cLimaTe chANgE so can’t have kids, must consoom!

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Doesn't bother me. This happened to Rome and ancient Greece. It happened to the Monguls and other great empires. Man/Women in these cultures have chosen to worship the self, put God second. And they will therefore in 50 years no longer exist as a generation. The world population will be much smaller but those that are left will most likely come from bigger families with traditional values, who ultimately put God before self. Because that is what children do, for the first time in most people adult lives they realize there is something way way more important to live for, their children. Usually that brings them closer to God.

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A generation Left Out.

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Good god, people, the answer is plain as day. If young women detest young men, we need BETTER MEN. Or, as the old joke has it, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

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I don’t have to guess. I know exactly what the problem is. We have diminished and ridiculed men for the last 30 years. The women today of childbearing age are the daughters of the generation who embraced feminism and passed the anger and arrogance along to their daughters. Now they are confused, spiritually lost and clueless as to how it all happened. I am college educated and married to a wonderful man who has encouraged me to pursue my talents and dreams. I left nursing and became a real estate entrepreneur. We are blessed with five wonderful children and our two daughters have seven children combined. To these young women: go to church. Even if you are faithless, observe the young families you see there. Talk to the parents and ask questions. If the church is God-centered, they will welcome you. If you have a modicum of intelligence and are willing to be open-minded, you will figure it out.

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