Several of you have written me about it, since it was written by David Leonhardt, whom as I mention in PANDEMIA I know.
I emailed David about it this morning.
That piece was... well, problematic.
As I'm guessing you know, the Trump county data [NOTE: these are figures David has repeatedly published showing more Covid deaths in counties that voted for Trump, which also tend to have lower vaccination rates] is completely confounded by age - Trump voters are older - and obesity - the Southern states that have the most Trump voters are more obese (and in the Southern counties that went hard for Trump, the DEMOCRATIC voters are more obese too, as they are likely African-Americans, and African-Americans unfortunately have notably higher rates of severe obesity).
Meanwhile, in South Africa, which is all of 26% vaccinated, not only has there been no surge in Covid deaths, they are the lowest they've been in 18 months. And we are now more than three weeks into Omicron in SA - if a surge was coming, it would have started by now. Not to mention the fact that the SA doctors say the Omicron cases are far less severe. Not "30 percent less" (talk about a made-up number that is intended to sound scientific), but far less.
Not to mention the fact that the UK as of now has reported 1 (1!) Omicron death, and it was "with" the virus. Have any other Omicron deaths been reported anywhere? I haven't seen any.
Not to mention the fact that the Danish data and tons of anecdotal evidence (all those vaccinated and boosted outbreaks) suggests the vaccines have essentially NO protective effect against Omicron.
Meanwhile, non-Covid all-cause mortality continues to increase all over Western Europe (and probably in the United States too, though our data are too lousy to tell for a month-plus). That's the most basic marker of population health, and no one has offered any coherent explanation why this is happening NOW when it wasn't nine months ago.
I will gladly debate/discuss in an open forum anytime.
So far I haven’t heard back from David. I‘ll let you know if I do.
It occurs to me that this whole game of characterizing people who are against mandatory vaccinations - and the vast erosion of personal liberty that entails - as, "anti-American" or unpatriotic, is really something that should be met head on.
I completely reject the notion that my being against getting injected with something against my will makes me a bad citizen.
I am pro-American. Those who wish to violate my bodily sovereignty are anti-American, because they are against the core principles that the country is supposed to stand for - a democratic republic, an open society with due process and the rule of law, a humble inward looking government constrained by checks and balances, a bulwark justice system more than strong enough to keep the tireless wolves of government and corporate tyranny at bay...
But those who would force this upon us... They corrupt all of that by defending the indefensible all the while hiding behind a cloak of faux patriotism and safety. Those guys nauseate me. Really.
they’re actively trying to change the definition of what being american means. it used to mean rugged individualism, now it’s trending more and more in the direction of collectivism. seems the younger generations are too used to being handed everything on a platter and don’t feel the need to work to make something of themselves.
Well they've changed the definition of vaccine and vaccinated and immunity so why not change the definitions of American or patriot or freedom. You're 110 percent on point
gaslight! sad thing is, they feel the isolation and lonliness laying in bed at night because you'll never feel peace and connectedness if you're a damn liar and dishonest. Wake the hell up if you are miserable and turn to God. Or perish a miserable liar, Karma is for real.
Haven't you noticed? The "rules" are for us, not them. They write 'em, we follow 'em. It's always been that way. The only difference is that, previously, in the US at least, the rule-makers were not so blatant about it. They used to try to keep up the appearance that they were subject to the same rules as the rest of us. Not anymore.
Thank you Alex ( I’m on a first name basis he’s my best friend) and to those that post. I have like minded friends everywhere. This land was made for you and me.
I have a cousin who used to work for Intel. He quit to follow his passion of being a leftist folk/protest singer, I guess in the tradition of Woody Guthrie.
The young 20s that I know are sadly willing to exchange freedom, sign up for boosters and vax passes, rather than miss a chance to socialize in their fave places. Clearly their history lessons were too focused on how horrible the US founders were to learn why and how we actually got here in history.
Smiles from Hell? Take heed of how Jesus described Hell: “In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”. Zinn, was just pawn in Satan’s game… Jesus saves. Ask him today for the faith that surpasses all understanding. (I know you meant it as a metaphor this is for anyone who doesn’t know the truth about Hell)
With all the talk about seccession, I think it's time we turn this around. The states that are talking about secession right now are red states filled with citizens who want to continue with the current United States Constitution. The blue states on the other hand want to amend the constitution to remove much of the bill of rights. In other words, they are the ones who want to secede from America as it is. I say we just let them. Sarah Silverman actually suggested something like this a couple of months ago. She said we could even keep the original name of the country because we love it so much.
Rather than secession, is it possible to eject those states which are actively trampling on the Constitution? I would think that those who work to maintain the Constitution should remain as a matter of course, while the states that cannot accept the Constitution should secede, or "be seceded". Or maybe put them in a limited-access limbo status until they wake up and accept the laws that define the land.
You should try employing many of them. I will tell you this. Sysco, a food supplier, got so many bad reviews about young hospitality workers, they literally wrote a pamphlet of how to get along with the younger generation. So basically how to make them decent employees. I can tell you that 1 out of 10 is a self starter, honest, and a hard worker. They steal like crazy believing they have a right to do so because they need it and their employer does not. During 2009 recession, progressives wrote daily on HuffPost to keep all employees, no laying off, even if business running in red. So they were fine that owner run up debt while keeping employees not working. Basically democrats hate business owners. See them as rich pigs.
A summer intern at big box retailer HQ making $35/hr for a SUMMER JOB got fired for filling his water bottle up with coke at the employee cafeteria! So happy the first lesson of non-entitlement was thrust upon him! What a moron!
Many people are so to speak, handed everything on a platter. It probably never even occurs to them that all the goods and services have to come from somewhere. They don't even teach these things in public schools anymore, probably. It's not fair to blame it on just one political worldview; to a large degree it's a side effect of the unprecedented ease and luxury most of us have lived in our entire lives. When one lives in a cocoon of social media and video pablum entertainment occasionally masquerading as educational information, it's very easy to fall into all manner of delusions or more likely, simple naivete about how the world works. This is why people believe that electric cars are the solution to environmental problems, since they don't produce any emissions, or that wind and solar electric production is a good idea, for like reasons. They "know" that government cautiously oversees corporations and would never allow them to put profit ahead of public safety, etc. Ah, well. Cherished illusions die hard, and they have the nasty habit of making their adherents die too, or at least, take major damage.
"seems the younger generations are too used to being handed everything on a platter and don’t feel the need to work to make something of themselves."
It seems to me that 2020 happened because almost everyone spends their first two decades of life under the arbitrary, authoritarian rule of adults. How could it not produce another generation of adults who resign themselves to arbitrary authority? The future of freedom depends on youth rights.
Did you see Ted Cruz rip United Airlines CEO for its vaccine mandates. All the snarky CEO would say is, "we are doing it b/c of safety". Well hell, why not lower the speed limit to 10 mph and take away all violators bank accounts and ability to make a living with that logic.
Listening to Dr McCullough on Rogan right now (aired earlier this week or last) and at the point I’m at he just made an excellent point. You are mandating a vax to keep my job, what is the other side of that contract? I take this risk to keep my paycheck only to be RIF’d in 6 months (Reduction In Force/layoff) I did what you asked, with no protection on my end.
Surely, there are intelligent and hungry attorneys figuring out an angle for a lawsuit right?
I listened to that podcast. Agree, that was a really good point. I would add, that once someone takes the jab and if they encounter any negative health consequences, they will be on their own. So people should choose wisely from a ST and LT perspective.
Healthy people at low risk of a virus that has a very low incidence of morbidity/fatality for most people, who voluntarily take a near-experimental product that at best gives partial protection for six months, with the finite chance of severe side effects or death, probably are not capable of choosing anything "wisely."
The above with the assumption the person was apprised of the risks and benefits beforehand. I completely understand that many people either took the jabs on faith or trust in the system. I've not done a survey, but I truly wonder how many patients are counseled by a live human and sign a waiver. This may not be legally required, but I would say ethically it is.
That’s the beauty of it. Unless you have an immediate reaction, anything else will be explained away as normal or your poor life choices, except of course your choice to get the vax.
It’s very possible the LT effects are like a ticking time bomb.
Yes. And they have brought more lawsuits against companies that have instituted the "No jab, no job" policy than you can shake a stick at. But the MSM will never report on them.
I wish Ted would say something about vaccine efficacy (or lack thereof). Anybody noticed that our Republican allies in the Senate are against mandates but as far as I can tell, they are lockstep with the pharmaceutical companies about the efficacy of the vaccine. Good article on Lou Rockwell yesterday with quotes from all of our favorite libertarian leaning senators like Cruz and Paul where they all make a point of saying how great the vaccines are.
Good point. DeSantis wasn't mentioned in the Rockwell article that I am referring to, but I have heard him make his pro vaccination comments on many occasions. I imagine there's a limit to how far you can go on this issue before you would get cut off from all future campaign funding. The pharmaceutical companies, like every other major industry in America, are largely controlled by a few small investment groups, such as Blackrock and Vanguard. So, it's not just pharmaceutical company donations that would dry up, it would be donations from every other major industry group. it is interesting that the self proclaimed masters of the universe are allowing their minions to oppose mandates publicly as long as they strongly support getting everyone vaccinated. Is arguably the equivalent of the type of A/B tests done by marketing agencies. The ultimate goal is to get everybody on a vaccine program for the rest of their lives. It is unclear at this point if you will be more successful achieving that goal using honey or vinegar. So, they are using states as the laboratories to test the two options.
If you live in a state with Republican senators who are playing this game, call their offices and bug them about this. Unfortunately, I live in California, where one of our senators is older than Nancy Pelosi (Feinstein) and the other one was appointed to replace Kamala Harris. For the first time in my adult life, I have no idea who the other senator in my state is because it really doesn't matter. I am sure he's far to the left of Kammy, so knowing who he is makes no difference in predicting how he will behave or vote.
Interestingly, this is exactly the position of Jeremy Corbyn and his group of breakaway labor left members of parliament who are now openly opposing mandates. They have qualified their opposition to the mandates with the sentiment that they will achieve the goal of full vaccination more quickly if they use education rather than force.
I would be more receptive to education. Lotteries are insulting and force is infuriating. But of course the education would communicate the ST efficacy, poor adverse event profile and unknown LT effects, so not so compelling after all. lol
It's a no win. Half won't believe the jabbed that believe will be angry and the unjabbed will not be impressed. At least DeSantis is pushing the alternatives. The whole world is in thrall to the Medical Industrial Complex. began with ACA.
Maryland is held hostage by the Federal govt. So many workers here sucking at the Federal tit there's no serious opposition to the vax or starve mandates for federal contractors and workers. My husband and eldest son applied for ethical exemptions and obtained them but too many people think you need to write a legal document so they're intimidated.
Seems that everyone is afraid that if they question the efficacy duration, they will be called anti-vax. Much less asking questions about the adverse events in VAERS.
Great thing about being an older unemployed fart: I can say whatever I want. I'm quite loud about the murderous shots and the benefits of ivm and hcq. If people want to think I'm a kook that's ok. I tried to warn them.
100% agree I am very disappointed with Ted Cruz. I was a huge supporter of his in the 2016 presidential primary. Not only did I campaign for him in multiple states, I donated the maximum to his campaign which for little old me is a significant chunk of change. He articulated the beliefs of Constitutional Conservatives so beautifully. And, although he still waxes on about his opposition to mandates, he still claims the jabs are safe and effective. I’ve met him and his wife a few times. He is a very, very smart guy - and there is no way that he doesn’t see what’s happening but he must just be as controlled by big pharma as the Commies across the aisle. At this point, the only politician I would support is Senator Ron Johnson who actually has the balls to say what we all know to be true. These experimental vaccines are deadly and dangerous.
Also not sure how that is fair or even legal. Based on what I’ve read, mostly on substack, it appears far more likely that vaxed have side effects AND can still get sick. So 🤡 world continues because it makes sense to charge more for people less likely to get sick and have side effects. Because we know breakthrough infections are rare 🙄
Say goodbye to your inbox my friend it’s gotta be blowing up. You are spot on. Not to mention the fact that if you want to inject me show me the data, well, good news the FDA will get that to you in about 75 years. It took them 108 days to approve, but they want 75 years to release the data they based that approval on.
As the kids like to say, that’s sus.
I am saying this as someone who hesitantly took the jab because I thought it would help protect an at risk spouse, and I think I exposed us to more risk.
Coronavirus is a threat to "RED" America, it's the RED Commies that are threatened and are tripping all over each other to VAX and MASK. The FEAR PORN has been ratcheted up to extremes for what amounts now to a Common Cold. Don't tell the commies that, it's useless. Just RESIST the BS....We Are Slowly Winning,and they are dying off.
Yes, there is definitely the perception among the urban elite that all "good" citizens support the mandates, whereas only "deplorables" are unvaccinated. The immense disrespect and ignorance inherent in this distinction aside (this would require a whole separate thread), this prejudice does give us a point of attack in our attempt to change the vaccine narrative: Those of us who have all the outward markers of "good" people (urban/suburban, degreed, white collar occupations, etc.) need to make our position known as much as possible. I understand that this may be too risky for some of you if you cannot risk losing income or health care, but those of us who are retired or in a strong position at work need to stop hiding and speak out. I personally have changed the mind of a few people at work by my "coming out" about the mandates, and I have sown the seeds of doubt in yet more people. Ironically, if these individuals would have known my parents or my husband's family, they would probably call us "deplorables", but I guess we have done such a good job "passing", that our colleagues' heads spin at the thought that we would be some of "those" people, and it undermines their belief in an absolute truth.
PS: I really loved your phrase "humble, inward looking government", tritorch. YES!!!
I work for Woke America. I have a high profile professional engagement next year, with prominence in my niche industry. My status got outed. I didn't lose the engagement (get to do the work) but I don't get to be present to see the fruits of my labor. I own my non-vax but immune status, even knowing my deadline for employment is March 1. I plan for the training of my replacement at work. I am not deplorable, I am not ashamed, I am immune and have taken the advice of my doctor and my God and decided there is not a benefit and possibly a risk. Losing a large income. Think God is showing the path forward already and know He will show the path. Thankful that I have always lived below my means. But I am not a sheep. My kids can survive any discrimination but thank goodness I live in the south.
Agree with your comments but here is the rub ,,,,,,,,,there two sites to listen to .1 It’s on YouTube FDA official channel on Covid 19. Sept. 17 2021 Dr Steven kirsch states and I quote “ the vaccine as killed more people than than the virus “ may want to hurry bet they censor that to. 2 epock tv dec.16 2021 crossroads with Josh Phillips or you tube channel crossroads highlites. Part of his show is about the money paid to hospitals by way of cares act , which again no one read, they pay more money to hospitals if they don’t use other therapeutics other than the drug that doesn’t even bother Covid but causes extreme problems with liver and kidney failure showing up first early days and after 10 plus days 80% you will die. Plus a few more payoffs they get who h are evil. Even coroner’s get a bonus if someone dies from other reasons but Covid is present it’s recorded as death by Covid. All for all mighty dollar ,the fauci killers.!
Yes, it kills better than the other 3 drugs it was up against for Fauxchi to choose from. It has a 53% mortality rate. The other 3 weren't off by much, with the lowest mortality rate being, I think, ~43%, but Fauxchi demanded nothing but the best for Americans!
Could not agree more! When did liberals start to operate from the principal that the people with the deepest pockets are the ones that we should trust? Does any buddy on that side of the fence ever start to think about what would actually motivate somebody like Robert F Kennedy Junior to do what he does? Some might argue that he collects a lot of money in legal fees for the cases that his organization takes on. I have no doubt that they make money. I also think it's likely that the vast majority of that money is used to further the mission of the organization. However, regardless, he's a friggin Kennedy. He did not need to get himself ostracized from his family and destroy his own mainstream career to take up the causes that he did just to make a buck. He could've chosen to do anything he wanted and make a fortune at it or live like a king doing nothing because his family has more money than God. It seems far more likely that he is earnestly trying to reveal the truth and use the power that comes with his name to challenge the corrupt powers around him. What does his famous uncle once say? I think it was something like, "ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." And, I write all of this as someone who does not necessarily agree with all of the causes that RFK, Jr. advocates on behalf of.
Agreed. What is anti-American and anti-free press is the Trusted News Initiative, pushing a narrative rather than reporting the truth. I do not trust any information coming out of any organization that is a party to it. WSJ, AP, Google of course, etc. etc.
What is anti-American and anti-freedom is companies threatening to fire workers or not pay workers that refuse vaccination with a shot that has very short-term efficacy against symptomatic Covid, not against infection or transmission. A shot that has significant short-term adverse events including death and unknown long-term adverse events. Just one example, United Airlines putting airline pilots with religious exemptions on unpaid leave, with no health insurance, preventing access to their retirement savings and enforcing non-compete clauses so they cannot be employed by other airlines.
What is anti-American and against humanity is treating a group of people as "the other." It didn't make much news but until recently California required only the unvaccinated to wear masks indoors. Cities banning the unvaccinated from restaurants, etc. Bank of America separating its employees by vaccination status. Kroger only providing paid Covid sick leave to the vaccinated, charging the unvaccinated a health insurance surcharge.
So many news organizations and companies have revealed themselves as anti-American, making a statement with one's dollars, practically means not participating in public life anymore.
really disappointed in Kroger! I hope these woke'd companies will pay as time goes on and more sensibly pro-employee managed ones outshine and takes their marketshare
Me too. Frankly, we need a web site listing these anti-American corporations and their anti-American policies, so we know what businesses to not patronize.
Speaking of potential long-term adverse effects, check out Jessica Rose's recent article on how the Covid shots alter the functioning of the innate immune system. She devotes about half the article to a very clear and accessible explanation of the various components of the immune system followed by a very detailed and accessible analysis of a complex medical journal article.
My DIL works for an assisted living facility. Deaths so far this year have been 33 - NOT from Covid. Previous "normal" years they've had around 9 deaths per year. Anyone else seeing this trend?
Well, they already hate you if you’re white, heterosexual, Judeo Christian, believe in boundaries and the law, own a legitimate gun, do not accept abortion as a birth control, are male but also female if XX chromosomes participate in sports or are in a locker room, so, they just add to the list further.
Today its vaccines tomorrow, well, it’s just not being a Democrat…
They are going to try to kill us all, most will continue to cower and kneel, then agreeably hold a gun barrel to your forehead so they don’t miss…
Tri the mention of completely rejecting the relationship between choosing no injection = bad person reminds me of how many of us feel about being labeled "vaccine hesitant" To think God has given us all the ability to use critical thought and ability to seek out information to make our own individual choice makes this Marxist verbiage exposed for what it is!
Come on Russia and China iran what you waiting for and invitation too invade our country.
Wait a minute they already have they own or invested in the media infiltrated our education institutions from top to bottom and let’s not forget democrats and some republicans are supporting what these three represent and our medical and scientific institutions to the point that our country funded the bio- weapon from China.
Whoo boy was I out of bounds thank God no one as been killed,,,,oops wrong again the jab as killed more than the bio- weapon ,,,,,,oh well it doesn’t matter.
Agreed. However, please understand that this tactic has been used on thousands of families of vax injured kids since 1986 through the term "anti-vaxxer". It is exactly the same kind of attack to discredit anyone who questions the narrative. The USA suffers from a vaccine CULT that most people never questioned because the number of "antivaxxers" was small compared to now. ;-) you may wanna read How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley to look into the history of censorship and CDC/FDA/Big Pharma (revolving doors, etc.). None of this is new.
I've asked my reluctant 19 y.o. to get it for me for Xmas... he he he Hopefully, she'll open it out of curiosity and read a few pages before wrapping it for me. ;-)
It's true. Have seen this coming for 15+ years. It's been an effective model for the pharmaceutical industry for a long time. Now they're just moving it to everyone. Covid vaccines are the beginning, not the end of this.
I concur totally! Would add the same thing happened during the AIDS propaganda with Fauci leading the assault. Anti-Vaxxer no diff than the wording of say Vaccine Hesitant. Clever wording used for a purpose. Marxism and Communism 101. Other example include "we are all in this together", " be a good citizen", new normal" build back better" etc
All spelled out in rules for radicals simplifies how to implement marxist ideology in all our institutions media education and so forth you get the picture. As I state earlier Russia China don’t need to land troops on our showers they have been infiltrated are country since WW11.
As Russia said in the 60,s we will bury with liberalism.
Biden's always used "be patriotic" as a crutch (or a club). I remember him using the exact same phrasing 20+ years ago about taxes and other ordinary political issues. Doesn't make the tactic any less despicable, but shows how mindless it is.
The perfect 50 year swamp creature. It's why he was placed in the WH by the puppeteers. He will do and say whatever he is told. He also says "here's the deal","folks", "period" redundantly decade after decade
The plan by the globalist big banks gates and fauci doing their part like event 201 along with John Hopkins to give it credibility. Once to get the people divided and hysterical some will and are excepting anything so called authorities say in hopes of looking for stability of course it won’t happen. All our institutions are on board with this money and power are there driving force they want to be part of the club. AKA useful idiots as explained in the book rules for radicals along with companion strategies for rules for radicals
The wonderful ideals you espouse existed how long in America? Don’t fucking kid yourself. You can wrap yourself up in the U.S. Constitution and hang an Old Glory out your ass. There has never (at any point in history) been ANY honest representation of freedom. Never. Does that offend your sensibilities? DO something about it.
I'm so tired of all of the fear mongering. All over the news they are claiming that Omicron is hitting the previously infected. Yet no one is posting any actual data to support this. They are also stating that the fully vaccinated are getting infected with Omicron, which is true. Their answer? Just get your damn vaccine! And if you're vaccinated, get your booster! They are claiming the booster is highly effective against Omicron. They know this after 3 weeks???? C'mon man! I think Marc Siegel from Fox news pisses me off the most. They tout him as being a voice of reason, yet he is spewing this same BS. And he always concludes with, "Wear your mask and get vaccinated."
It occurs to me that this whole game of characterizing people who are against mandatory vaccinations - and the vast erosion of personal liberty that entails - as, "anti-American" or unpatriotic, is really something that should be met head on.
I completely reject the notion that my being against getting injected with something against my will makes me a bad citizen.
I am pro-American. Those who wish to violate my bodily sovereignty are anti-American, because they are against the core principles that the country is supposed to stand for - a democratic republic, an open society with due process and the rule of law, a humble inward looking government constrained by checks and balances, a bulwark justice system more than strong enough to keep the tireless wolves of government and corporate tyranny at bay...
But those who would force this upon us... They corrupt all of that by defending the indefensible all the while hiding behind a cloak of faux patriotism and safety. Those guys nauseate me. Really.
they’re actively trying to change the definition of what being american means. it used to mean rugged individualism, now it’s trending more and more in the direction of collectivism. seems the younger generations are too used to being handed everything on a platter and don’t feel the need to work to make something of themselves.
Well they've changed the definition of vaccine and vaccinated and immunity so why not change the definitions of American or patriot or freedom. You're 110 percent on point
You got it, look here:
Destroying language and moving goal posts is these traitor’s MO. They cannot win by playing by the rules so they change or break them.
Not to mention the "they" will always accuse you of what "they" are doing. Deny and project. Marxist 101
Like a true narcissist will do
gaslight! sad thing is, they feel the isolation and lonliness laying in bed at night because you'll never feel peace and connectedness if you're a damn liar and dishonest. Wake the hell up if you are miserable and turn to God. Or perish a miserable liar, Karma is for real.
This, and the intentional destruction of language, need to be more widely understood.
Haven't you noticed? The "rules" are for us, not them. They write 'em, we follow 'em. It's always been that way. The only difference is that, previously, in the US at least, the rule-makers were not so blatant about it. They used to try to keep up the appearance that they were subject to the same rules as the rest of us. Not anymore.
I will not comply.
Thank you Alex ( I’m on a first name basis he’s my best friend) and to those that post. I have like minded friends everywhere. This land was made for you and me.
I have a cousin who used to work for Intel. He quit to follow his passion of being a leftist folk/protest singer, I guess in the tradition of Woody Guthrie.
Well then it looks like we will be able to complain in these forums until we die then if no one is held to account...
Despair not Brogan. More and more lions are waking up everyday.
In the past 5 years too many words have lost there meaning to keep track.
The young 20s that I know are sadly willing to exchange freedom, sign up for boosters and vax passes, rather than miss a chance to socialize in their fave places. Clearly their history lessons were too focused on how horrible the US founders were to learn why and how we actually got here in history.
Skulls Full of Mush courtesy of PUBLIC ED.
When I was a child and I did something stupid, my mother would look me straight in the eyes and then ask, "Do you have shit for brains?"
We must be related
“Why, yes, and I think I inherited from an X chromosome” would be my response.
My answer was very similar. It was, "Yes, and I inherited my brains from you!"
It was tough love, for sure. But it is the reason I possess an indomitable will.
Howard Zinn smiles from Hell.
Smiles from Hell? Take heed of how Jesus described Hell: “In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”. Zinn, was just pawn in Satan’s game… Jesus saves. Ask him today for the faith that surpasses all understanding. (I know you meant it as a metaphor this is for anyone who doesn’t know the truth about Hell)
Nothing like the Oneness that faith in Jesus provides
the pandemic of "the immediate gratification crowd" No character and no tenacity because those only come from hardship.
A nation of Soy Boys and Karens is their goal.
And achieved.
With all the talk about seccession, I think it's time we turn this around. The states that are talking about secession right now are red states filled with citizens who want to continue with the current United States Constitution. The blue states on the other hand want to amend the constitution to remove much of the bill of rights. In other words, they are the ones who want to secede from America as it is. I say we just let them. Sarah Silverman actually suggested something like this a couple of months ago. She said we could even keep the original name of the country because we love it so much.
Rather than secession, is it possible to eject those states which are actively trampling on the Constitution? I would think that those who work to maintain the Constitution should remain as a matter of course, while the states that cannot accept the Constitution should secede, or "be seceded". Or maybe put them in a limited-access limbo status until they wake up and accept the laws that define the land.
Until they wake 10 years. Then we can let them back in. 😉
You should try employing many of them. I will tell you this. Sysco, a food supplier, got so many bad reviews about young hospitality workers, they literally wrote a pamphlet of how to get along with the younger generation. So basically how to make them decent employees. I can tell you that 1 out of 10 is a self starter, honest, and a hard worker. They steal like crazy believing they have a right to do so because they need it and their employer does not. During 2009 recession, progressives wrote daily on HuffPost to keep all employees, no laying off, even if business running in red. So they were fine that owner run up debt while keeping employees not working. Basically democrats hate business owners. See them as rich pigs.
It's Marxism 3.0: hatred and scapegoating of "the bourgeoisie". How you destroy an industrial economy.
A summer intern at big box retailer HQ making $35/hr for a SUMMER JOB got fired for filling his water bottle up with coke at the employee cafeteria! So happy the first lesson of non-entitlement was thrust upon him! What a moron!
Rugged individualism has given way to smooth mass compliance with a (global) regime that clearly wishes to reduce us all to a faceless mob.
“Wishes to reduce us to a faceless mob”? Seems like mission accomplished in many parts of the world.
Many people are so to speak, handed everything on a platter. It probably never even occurs to them that all the goods and services have to come from somewhere. They don't even teach these things in public schools anymore, probably. It's not fair to blame it on just one political worldview; to a large degree it's a side effect of the unprecedented ease and luxury most of us have lived in our entire lives. When one lives in a cocoon of social media and video pablum entertainment occasionally masquerading as educational information, it's very easy to fall into all manner of delusions or more likely, simple naivete about how the world works. This is why people believe that electric cars are the solution to environmental problems, since they don't produce any emissions, or that wind and solar electric production is a good idea, for like reasons. They "know" that government cautiously oversees corporations and would never allow them to put profit ahead of public safety, etc. Ah, well. Cherished illusions die hard, and they have the nasty habit of making their adherents die too, or at least, take major damage.
they get away with defining non persons..... like the communists and nazi did.
The commies were the actual pioneers. Hitler was a mere understudy.
He understudied Il Duce
They were the radical counterparts of the commies
"seems the younger generations are too used to being handed everything on a platter and don’t feel the need to work to make something of themselves."
It seems to me that 2020 happened because almost everyone spends their first two decades of life under the arbitrary, authoritarian rule of adults. How could it not produce another generation of adults who resign themselves to arbitrary authority? The future of freedom depends on youth rights.
Did you see Ted Cruz rip United Airlines CEO for its vaccine mandates. All the snarky CEO would say is, "we are doing it b/c of safety". Well hell, why not lower the speed limit to 10 mph and take away all violators bank accounts and ability to make a living with that logic.
Listening to Dr McCullough on Rogan right now (aired earlier this week or last) and at the point I’m at he just made an excellent point. You are mandating a vax to keep my job, what is the other side of that contract? I take this risk to keep my paycheck only to be RIF’d in 6 months (Reduction In Force/layoff) I did what you asked, with no protection on my end.
Surely, there are intelligent and hungry attorneys figuring out an angle for a lawsuit right?
I listened to that podcast. Agree, that was a really good point. I would add, that once someone takes the jab and if they encounter any negative health consequences, they will be on their own. So people should choose wisely from a ST and LT perspective.
Healthy people at low risk of a virus that has a very low incidence of morbidity/fatality for most people, who voluntarily take a near-experimental product that at best gives partial protection for six months, with the finite chance of severe side effects or death, probably are not capable of choosing anything "wisely."
The above with the assumption the person was apprised of the risks and benefits beforehand. I completely understand that many people either took the jabs on faith or trust in the system. I've not done a survey, but I truly wonder how many patients are counseled by a live human and sign a waiver. This may not be legally required, but I would say ethically it is.
Informed consent, to my understanding, has NOT been part of this vaxx campaign.
I can’t be as information is withheld. However, from what I have read and experienced, those getting the shots sign an informed consent form.
That’s the beauty of it. Unless you have an immediate reaction, anything else will be explained away as normal or your poor life choices, except of course your choice to get the vax.
It’s very possible the LT effects are like a ticking time bomb.
Yes. And they have brought more lawsuits against companies that have instituted the "No jab, no job" policy than you can shake a stick at. But the MSM will never report on them.
Great point!
They were fools to think two and done. One cannot comply their way out of tyranny.
I wish Ted would say something about vaccine efficacy (or lack thereof). Anybody noticed that our Republican allies in the Senate are against mandates but as far as I can tell, they are lockstep with the pharmaceutical companies about the efficacy of the vaccine. Good article on Lou Rockwell yesterday with quotes from all of our favorite libertarian leaning senators like Cruz and Paul where they all make a point of saying how great the vaccines are.
So does DeSantis. It's like they're robots or under duress. Guaranteed they'd get more press if they questioned vax safety.
Good point. DeSantis wasn't mentioned in the Rockwell article that I am referring to, but I have heard him make his pro vaccination comments on many occasions. I imagine there's a limit to how far you can go on this issue before you would get cut off from all future campaign funding. The pharmaceutical companies, like every other major industry in America, are largely controlled by a few small investment groups, such as Blackrock and Vanguard. So, it's not just pharmaceutical company donations that would dry up, it would be donations from every other major industry group. it is interesting that the self proclaimed masters of the universe are allowing their minions to oppose mandates publicly as long as they strongly support getting everyone vaccinated. Is arguably the equivalent of the type of A/B tests done by marketing agencies. The ultimate goal is to get everybody on a vaccine program for the rest of their lives. It is unclear at this point if you will be more successful achieving that goal using honey or vinegar. So, they are using states as the laboratories to test the two options.
If you live in a state with Republican senators who are playing this game, call their offices and bug them about this. Unfortunately, I live in California, where one of our senators is older than Nancy Pelosi (Feinstein) and the other one was appointed to replace Kamala Harris. For the first time in my adult life, I have no idea who the other senator in my state is because it really doesn't matter. I am sure he's far to the left of Kammy, so knowing who he is makes no difference in predicting how he will behave or vote.
Interestingly, this is exactly the position of Jeremy Corbyn and his group of breakaway labor left members of parliament who are now openly opposing mandates. They have qualified their opposition to the mandates with the sentiment that they will achieve the goal of full vaccination more quickly if they use education rather than force.
I would be more receptive to education. Lotteries are insulting and force is infuriating. But of course the education would communicate the ST efficacy, poor adverse event profile and unknown LT effects, so not so compelling after all. lol
There's real people OLDER than Nancy Pelosi?! I thought that she was the model for Ann Rice's, "Queen of the Damned." Older than the 1st Pharoah.
hahahaha has been acting like her for a long time too. Now she appears to have cracked a bit
It's a no win. Half won't believe the jabbed that believe will be angry and the unjabbed will not be impressed. At least DeSantis is pushing the alternatives. The whole world is in thrall to the Medical Industrial Complex. began with ACA.
Maybe not began with ACA but that sure opened some doors to govt oversight on medical decisions
I'd guess duress.
Maryland is held hostage by the Federal govt. So many workers here sucking at the Federal tit there's no serious opposition to the vax or starve mandates for federal contractors and workers. My husband and eldest son applied for ethical exemptions and obtained them but too many people think you need to write a legal document so they're intimidated.
Seems that everyone is afraid that if they question the efficacy duration, they will be called anti-vax. Much less asking questions about the adverse events in VAERS.
Great thing about being an older unemployed fart: I can say whatever I want. I'm quite loud about the murderous shots and the benefits of ivm and hcq. If people want to think I'm a kook that's ok. I tried to warn them.
100% agree I am very disappointed with Ted Cruz. I was a huge supporter of his in the 2016 presidential primary. Not only did I campaign for him in multiple states, I donated the maximum to his campaign which for little old me is a significant chunk of change. He articulated the beliefs of Constitutional Conservatives so beautifully. And, although he still waxes on about his opposition to mandates, he still claims the jabs are safe and effective. I’ve met him and his wife a few times. He is a very, very smart guy - and there is no way that he doesn’t see what’s happening but he must just be as controlled by big pharma as the Commies across the aisle. At this point, the only politician I would support is Senator Ron Johnson who actually has the balls to say what we all know to be true. These experimental vaccines are deadly and dangerous.
Glad he did, but I also think Delta charges a $200 health insurance surcharge for the unvaccinated.
Also not sure how that is fair or even legal. Based on what I’ve read, mostly on substack, it appears far more likely that vaxed have side effects AND can still get sick. So 🤡 world continues because it makes sense to charge more for people less likely to get sick and have side effects. Because we know breakthrough infections are rare 🙄
Delta will find that decision a money loser.
Let's hope so.
Say goodbye to your inbox my friend it’s gotta be blowing up. You are spot on. Not to mention the fact that if you want to inject me show me the data, well, good news the FDA will get that to you in about 75 years. It took them 108 days to approve, but they want 75 years to release the data they based that approval on.
As the kids like to say, that’s sus.
I am saying this as someone who hesitantly took the jab because I thought it would help protect an at risk spouse, and I think I exposed us to more risk.
Coronavirus is a threat to "RED" America, it's the RED Commies that are threatened and are tripping all over each other to VAX and MASK. The FEAR PORN has been ratcheted up to extremes for what amounts now to a Common Cold. Don't tell the commies that, it's useless. Just RESIST the BS....We Are Slowly Winning,and they are dying off.
my new bumper sticker "HELL NO! NO MORE DRAMA" with a hand raised (talk to the hand)
Exactly Twister! Mama Bear is AWAKE!
"...they are dying off." 🤗
Yes, there is definitely the perception among the urban elite that all "good" citizens support the mandates, whereas only "deplorables" are unvaccinated. The immense disrespect and ignorance inherent in this distinction aside (this would require a whole separate thread), this prejudice does give us a point of attack in our attempt to change the vaccine narrative: Those of us who have all the outward markers of "good" people (urban/suburban, degreed, white collar occupations, etc.) need to make our position known as much as possible. I understand that this may be too risky for some of you if you cannot risk losing income or health care, but those of us who are retired or in a strong position at work need to stop hiding and speak out. I personally have changed the mind of a few people at work by my "coming out" about the mandates, and I have sown the seeds of doubt in yet more people. Ironically, if these individuals would have known my parents or my husband's family, they would probably call us "deplorables", but I guess we have done such a good job "passing", that our colleagues' heads spin at the thought that we would be some of "those" people, and it undermines their belief in an absolute truth.
PS: I really loved your phrase "humble, inward looking government", tritorch. YES!!!
I work for Woke America. I have a high profile professional engagement next year, with prominence in my niche industry. My status got outed. I didn't lose the engagement (get to do the work) but I don't get to be present to see the fruits of my labor. I own my non-vax but immune status, even knowing my deadline for employment is March 1. I plan for the training of my replacement at work. I am not deplorable, I am not ashamed, I am immune and have taken the advice of my doctor and my God and decided there is not a benefit and possibly a risk. Losing a large income. Think God is showing the path forward already and know He will show the path. Thankful that I have always lived below my means. But I am not a sheep. My kids can survive any discrimination but thank goodness I live in the south.
What does that mean, passing for deplorables? "'Those' people?"
Agree with your comments but here is the rub ,,,,,,,,,there two sites to listen to .1 It’s on YouTube FDA official channel on Covid 19. Sept. 17 2021 Dr Steven kirsch states and I quote “ the vaccine as killed more people than than the virus “ may want to hurry bet they censor that to. 2 epock tv dec.16 2021 crossroads with Josh Phillips or you tube channel crossroads highlites. Part of his show is about the money paid to hospitals by way of cares act , which again no one read, they pay more money to hospitals if they don’t use other therapeutics other than the drug that doesn’t even bother Covid but causes extreme problems with liver and kidney failure showing up first early days and after 10 plus days 80% you will die. Plus a few more payoffs they get who h are evil. Even coroner’s get a bonus if someone dies from other reasons but Covid is present it’s recorded as death by Covid. All for all mighty dollar ,the fauci killers.!
That drug that destroys the kidneys and the liver is Remdesivir...never let them give it to you! It does kill COVID but you're dead too.
Yes, it kills better than the other 3 drugs it was up against for Fauxchi to choose from. It has a 53% mortality rate. The other 3 weren't off by much, with the lowest mortality rate being, I think, ~43%, but Fauxchi demanded nothing but the best for Americans!
In other words....FOLLOW THE $$$
Could not agree more! When did liberals start to operate from the principal that the people with the deepest pockets are the ones that we should trust? Does any buddy on that side of the fence ever start to think about what would actually motivate somebody like Robert F Kennedy Junior to do what he does? Some might argue that he collects a lot of money in legal fees for the cases that his organization takes on. I have no doubt that they make money. I also think it's likely that the vast majority of that money is used to further the mission of the organization. However, regardless, he's a friggin Kennedy. He did not need to get himself ostracized from his family and destroy his own mainstream career to take up the causes that he did just to make a buck. He could've chosen to do anything he wanted and make a fortune at it or live like a king doing nothing because his family has more money than God. It seems far more likely that he is earnestly trying to reveal the truth and use the power that comes with his name to challenge the corrupt powers around him. What does his famous uncle once say? I think it was something like, "ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." And, I write all of this as someone who does not necessarily agree with all of the causes that RFK, Jr. advocates on behalf of.
Agreed. What is anti-American and anti-free press is the Trusted News Initiative, pushing a narrative rather than reporting the truth. I do not trust any information coming out of any organization that is a party to it. WSJ, AP, Google of course, etc. etc.
What is anti-American and anti-freedom is companies threatening to fire workers or not pay workers that refuse vaccination with a shot that has very short-term efficacy against symptomatic Covid, not against infection or transmission. A shot that has significant short-term adverse events including death and unknown long-term adverse events. Just one example, United Airlines putting airline pilots with religious exemptions on unpaid leave, with no health insurance, preventing access to their retirement savings and enforcing non-compete clauses so they cannot be employed by other airlines.
What is anti-American and against humanity is treating a group of people as "the other." It didn't make much news but until recently California required only the unvaccinated to wear masks indoors. Cities banning the unvaccinated from restaurants, etc. Bank of America separating its employees by vaccination status. Kroger only providing paid Covid sick leave to the vaccinated, charging the unvaccinated a health insurance surcharge.
So many news organizations and companies have revealed themselves as anti-American, making a statement with one's dollars, practically means not participating in public life anymore.
really disappointed in Kroger! I hope these woke'd companies will pay as time goes on and more sensibly pro-employee managed ones outshine and takes their marketshare
Me too. Frankly, we need a web site listing these anti-American corporations and their anti-American policies, so we know what businesses to not patronize.
Speaking of potential long-term adverse effects, check out Jessica Rose's recent article on how the Covid shots alter the functioning of the innate immune system. She devotes about half the article to a very clear and accessible explanation of the various components of the immune system followed by a very detailed and accessible analysis of a complex medical journal article.
My DIL works for an assisted living facility. Deaths so far this year have been 33 - NOT from Covid. Previous "normal" years they've had around 9 deaths per year. Anyone else seeing this trend?
All cause deaths are up here and there. No one seems to know why.
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Well, they already hate you if you’re white, heterosexual, Judeo Christian, believe in boundaries and the law, own a legitimate gun, do not accept abortion as a birth control, are male but also female if XX chromosomes participate in sports or are in a locker room, so, they just add to the list further.
Today its vaccines tomorrow, well, it’s just not being a Democrat…
They are going to try to kill us all, most will continue to cower and kneel, then agreeably hold a gun barrel to your forehead so they don’t miss…
Tri the mention of completely rejecting the relationship between choosing no injection = bad person reminds me of how many of us feel about being labeled "vaccine hesitant" To think God has given us all the ability to use critical thought and ability to seek out information to make our own individual choice makes this Marxist verbiage exposed for what it is!
Well stated!
They always call you the disparaging names that they actually are
Yep, projection, an immature pathological pathetic psychological defense mechanism mastered by entrenched personality disordered losers.
Come on Russia and China iran what you waiting for and invitation too invade our country.
Wait a minute they already have they own or invested in the media infiltrated our education institutions from top to bottom and let’s not forget democrats and some republicans are supporting what these three represent and our medical and scientific institutions to the point that our country funded the bio- weapon from China.
Whoo boy was I out of bounds thank God no one as been killed,,,,oops wrong again the jab as killed more than the bio- weapon ,,,,,,oh well it doesn’t matter.
More demonic justification CDC mush mouths their decision concerning J&J jab it’s rare what happens another lie but the other jabs are ok . The truth like war the last come out. The mass murderer trial in human history is still getting a pass .This so called vaccine as killed more people and ruin Ed livelihoods must importantly many died whose time came not by God but evil people who still wa lo the streets.
It's demonic.
Translate the devil's name "ho satanas" and it comes close to "the Accuser"
We need patience, kindness, and a lot of forbearance
Agreed. However, please understand that this tactic has been used on thousands of families of vax injured kids since 1986 through the term "anti-vaxxer". It is exactly the same kind of attack to discredit anyone who questions the narrative. The USA suffers from a vaccine CULT that most people never questioned because the number of "antivaxxers" was small compared to now. ;-) you may wanna read How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley to look into the history of censorship and CDC/FDA/Big Pharma (revolving doors, etc.). None of this is new.
Read the Truth about Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr. he goes into a great deal
I've asked my reluctant 19 y.o. to get it for me for Xmas... he he he Hopefully, she'll open it out of curiosity and read a few pages before wrapping it for me. ;-)
It's true. Have seen this coming for 15+ years. It's been an effective model for the pharmaceutical industry for a long time. Now they're just moving it to everyone. Covid vaccines are the beginning, not the end of this.
I concur totally! Would add the same thing happened during the AIDS propaganda with Fauci leading the assault. Anti-Vaxxer no diff than the wording of say Vaccine Hesitant. Clever wording used for a purpose. Marxism and Communism 101. Other example include "we are all in this together", " be a good citizen", new normal" build back better" etc
All spelled out in rules for radicals simplifies how to implement marxist ideology in all our institutions media education and so forth you get the picture. As I state earlier Russia China don’t need to land troops on our showers they have been infiltrated are country since WW11.
As Russia said in the 60,s we will bury with liberalism.
Biden's always used "be patriotic" as a crutch (or a club). I remember him using the exact same phrasing 20+ years ago about taxes and other ordinary political issues. Doesn't make the tactic any less despicable, but shows how mindless it is.
The perfect 50 year swamp creature. It's why he was placed in the WH by the puppeteers. He will do and say whatever he is told. He also says "here's the deal","folks", "period" redundantly decade after decade
Truth is always the first casualty in war.
Commies always redefine words
see Mass Formation & Mattias Desmet. Biden's 'a Winter of Severe Illness and Death’ for the unvaccinated means we are now at the 4th Condition
The plan by the globalist big banks gates and fauci doing their part like event 201 along with John Hopkins to give it credibility. Once to get the people divided and hysterical some will and are excepting anything so called authorities say in hopes of looking for stability of course it won’t happen. All our institutions are on board with this money and power are there driving force they want to be part of the club. AKA useful idiots as explained in the book rules for radicals along with companion strategies for rules for radicals
So true, thanks Stephen
The wonderful ideals you espouse existed how long in America? Don’t fucking kid yourself. You can wrap yourself up in the U.S. Constitution and hang an Old Glory out your ass. There has never (at any point in history) been ANY honest representation of freedom. Never. Does that offend your sensibilities? DO something about it.
So what’s the alternative if this country doesn’t meet your sensibilities then. Move to place does. Question to you what are going do about it!!
I'm so tired of all of the fear mongering. All over the news they are claiming that Omicron is hitting the previously infected. Yet no one is posting any actual data to support this. They are also stating that the fully vaccinated are getting infected with Omicron, which is true. Their answer? Just get your damn vaccine! And if you're vaccinated, get your booster! They are claiming the booster is highly effective against Omicron. They know this after 3 weeks???? C'mon man! I think Marc Siegel from Fox news pisses me off the most. They tout him as being a voice of reason, yet he is spewing this same BS. And he always concludes with, "Wear your mask and get vaccinated."
SO true!!!!!! Can they get Marc off the air??? Move him to CNN