I am a retired Army officer trained in NBC so I know what I am talking about. I knew in Oct-Nov 2019 it was coming here despite what the Govt and Media said. Why because the Chinese were using human vectors to spread covid. I am not part of there is no evidence crowd that Covid was not man made. It is believe me. Had it not for the Govts attempt to panic the population it would have come and gone. China is a bad actor and should not be trusted period. The other tidbit is that the disease didn't kill anywhere near what Grandpa Biden claimed. As Alex stated the flu was worse. If the pendulum doesn't swing back to moderates in the Govt we are in for trouble and if you think not ask yourself why they are pushing for pre-teens to get gender surgery. If you aren't signed up for Alex's Unreported Truths I encourage you to do so

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May be so; however, unless you are partnering with someone who will take this to a legal judgement, it is not holding them to account, as you put it.

Information alone is not holding them accountable; only prosecution is feet-to-the-fire accountability.

WHO IS DOING THAT? How many lawsuits? Who is being prosecuted?

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True, which is why we must share this on any and all social media platforms that we all use. Trust me, I don't have the faith that they will be prosecuted. They have too much power and money. BUT we can change who is in command with the power of our vote. So we must educate the sheep

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Man. That triple negative. ‘I am not part of there is no evidence that Covid was not man made’

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I am so grateful you are bringing this to the attention of your audience. I live in the heart of where this happened. I have a patient that is wide awake to the atrocities of COVID and when her children were in high school they participated on the same swim team as Baric’s. The adults continued to have dinner once per month and in Feb of 2020, Baric told the group he would not be available for dinners again until at least 2021. Little did she know that her dinner guest was the one who manipulated these viruses utilizing humanized mice.

Keep up the great work! BTW, Baric has not been seen since Feb2020. There was recently a protest outside his lab on campus. We need more to know what happened here in the Tar Heel State!

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Apr 15·edited Apr 16

And 4 years post release of said Baric bioweapon he nor anyone complicit have REMOTELY been held to account. Gain of function research continues unabated. Its ALL simply...allowed. Not ONE person on the entire planet earth has remotely been held to account. The PERFECT crime, but hey its wonderful to read about what we KNOW over and over and over. Just saying. The crazy thing is there are STILL people asking why it all continues. WTF!

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What's the penalty for murder in the state where Ralph Baric resides?

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For the crimes these men have committed against humanity they would have faced a firing squad in former times, but no fear, they will face the Creator of the universe in short order

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Thank you Mary Anne, I agree completely. This whole shit show reduces me to tears. The only way I cope is by knowing in my heart that when these villains die and meet their maker, justice will prevail.

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“Baric would enable the development of better vaccines and antivirals. He would create an arms race, in order to win it.” BINGO.🏆 Oct 12 2021: Ralph Baric receives O. Max Gardner Award for coronavirus research, UofNC’s highest honor.

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Universities and “science” teaming up to take advantage of the masses. This has been happening since the Industrial Revolution: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/donating-to-a-good-cause-how-billionaires

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Chasing “approved” government grants. These are the definition of hive creatures.

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Ugh. You just gave me a mini video in my brain. Hive creatures, indeed.

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Not sure if this posted previous - know Baric has been awol - not a mystery as to why - has he been requested to answer questions before congress? If not, why not? And that Fauci cannot recall who one of the leading US coronavirus researchers is laughable for someone who was supposed to be leading our infectious disease response for the last 40 years.

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It is still wrong what they did. They messed with viruses they should have left alone. They wanted praise and accolades for their research and especially money from the government. A lot of people paid a high price for their actions and many loss their lives. I don't think anyone will ever be held accountable for their actions. This is one of life greatest tragedy .

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Definitely. McCollough and Leake proved that Baric, Eco Health, Zenghli, DARPA, Fauci, et al had SARS-CoV-2 in possession in at least 2018, maybe 2017. Bancel/Moderna were working on a vaccine to recognize the S-1 protein or probably a close version of the 2020 S-1 protein in 2018, maybe 2017. I believe 100% that it was surely a Plandemic.

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Alex, nice article. I hope everybody reads Peter McCollough & John Leake's excellent timeline that compliments Alex's pieces. Please do not forget that Bancel and Moderna were at the forefront of this crime against humanity as well and quite likely the UK and French governments knew about this activity and probably funded it too.

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Well planned in advance of 2020

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WAY in advance.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

Alex, you do realize that any respiratory RNA virus ( which is more a signal than anything) CANNOT PANDEMIC. They mutate way too quickly. Period. I’m a big fan of yours. But please, catch up! It would take you no more than 1 Hour to see this. We are talking Virology 101. Armed with this knowledge, you would be something!

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So you're saying whatever is the "pandemic" - it is not a respiratory RNA virus, but something else that's happening?

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It’s everything BUT an RNA virus: hospital protocols, oxygen administration, midozalam, remdesivir, reward$ for each “Covid” death….. besides… where are all the bodies? 20,000 dead in NYC? Show me a news shot of the stacked bodies … and yes, they’d be stacked alright… That’s a crowded baseball game. It mostly never happened. Sickening.

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And y'all thought lawyers were evil. Evidently, they've got nothing on scientists. Clearly, we've got to watch the madmen in lab coats a lot more closely from now on.

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Hold UNC accountable - sue the university as an accessory to murder, destroying economies , interruption of education, etc. Go after not just Fauci, Baric, Collins, Daszak but any entity that assisted them in their Frankenstein experiment gone so wrong. If UNC is sued this will all be stopped.

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You sound like a Dukie!

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When they tell you that they want to do something, believe them. They will try. And with Gates money, NAIAD/NIH money, etc., they will have the resources to try even if it kills you.

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Unbelievable, but of course it’s not.

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Where is Mr Baric practicing his craft these days? Does anyone know? Playing gin rummy with Lon Horiuchi in a safe house somewhere? Inquiring minds would like to know.

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Read RFK Jr's "Wuhan CoverUp." Says it all. Baric was doing bioweapons research; Tony was the grand master.

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