With the exception of a few doctors and those who are putting their reputations on the line for speaking out, I have lost all faith in the medical establishment including many local physicians in my area. They are the first to line up for endless boosters, dragging a sleeping flock with them.

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Saw my doctor last week for my yearly checkup. He stated that the medical community only has itself to blame for the lack of faith people now have in them. He said that while the CDC and it's poor handling of the pandemic has added to the mistrust, the decline has been happening for at least a decade. He cited the FDA as an example. His quote "How many drugs have been approved over the last decade or so that later had to be pulled because they either didn't work or were found to cause major issues, including cancer."

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Which is why medicine has gone all-in on destroying the ability of the human race to see how much they are being harmed (by removing the unvaccinated control group).

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Too much centralized control in medicine. But, the bed has been made......

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Your doc probably understands the sheer complexity of human biology, and the enormous interactions with any therapeutic molecule. We don't want to have effective meds withheld because of imperfect understanding or injury to a few special cases. We do way more harm withholding effective meds from the vast majority who would benefit from them to protect a few special cases. Medicine is an imperfect practice. Always has been. The important failure by FDA isn't that they sometimes change their approvals, but that they are too cautious and cavalier about the greater harm they do by withholding effective meds. But your doc and the population at large are hypnotized by the false expectation of risk free existence, and overlook the greater risks of inaction.

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"The important failure by FDA isn't that they sometimes change their approvals, but that they are too cautious and cavalier about the greater harm they do by withholding effective meds."

You mean like...idk...Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine?

The human body...the human immune system...is amazing. The human body is designed to work and to heal. Are medical interventions needed at times? Yes, absolutely. Do we need half the crap they keep pushing on tv? No.

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Some need specialized treatments more than others. Used to be we hired doctors to tell us what we need, now we have to ask politicians and bureaucrats for permission.

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Every time I see an advert for some drug on the tv I want to throw something.

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Modern Medicine? Little left for doctors to prescribe after politicians, bureaucrats, financial engineers, and lawyers have weighed in. Serious lack of transparency as well. Who put Dr. Mengele in charge?

That said, hospital staff from top to bottom was professional and proficient. Just doing the Wrong Damn Thing, that's all. Too many frontrunners gumming up the system.

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There's always some that screw things up, in every society, throughout history. Nobody knows why we always have them. Just the way it is. We deal with them and move on.

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I agree with our biological complexity, and the complexity of humanity (some humans are more vulnerable some more resilient). The FDA experiences a self inflicted credibility-wound. Dipping into political scenes further muddies their credibility. Let alone the symbiotic relation with Pharma.

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The complexity is irrelevant to their practice. They do as they're told, not what you need. Their main risk is punishment for heresy.

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So true about the FDA's approval of drugs only to have them pulled years later. Not deserving of trust.

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I'm glad we are all starting to include rank-and-file doctors when calling out The Complicit. It's sad and it's true.

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My husband recently announced he would no longer see his internist, quite renowned in our area. He tried talking to this doctor about covid a year ago & received the same old CDC-speak routine. It disturbs me that he also quit taking prescription meds for his chronic conditions, because he's lost trust in the FDA too...the entire establishment really. What happens when people throughout the WORLD begin to mistrust the entirety of practical Medicine? I believe "Medicine" only has itself to blame.

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The education system is running a close second.

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The failed education system makes us ignorant of the risks of blind faith in the medical industry, and unable to do anything about it.

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Check out Dr. Mark Hyman. Claims 60% of medical issues can be improved by change in diet. Dr. Wahls, wheelchair bound, is now able to walk by designing a self tailored diet.

Dr. Hyman has recently been talking with the Cleveland clinic.

Videos on YouTube can be your introduction.

Hope this helps

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I went to a neurologist because of back pain, he asked at least three times why I'm not vaccinated. I thold him I already had covid, he says, So what? I'll be looking for a new neurologist. Also, I haven't had it, as far as I know, I just don't want to end up on some anti-vax list.

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I would have lost confidence in that doctor too. You may want to get an antibody test to show you have antibodies to the virus.

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I don't think we have to prove anything to anyone. We need to stop with that mindset. They are trampling on our rights, and committing war crimes. They need to be called out and we need to walk off jobs and refuse to mask. Or this will just get worse and worse.

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You said it, that's right. We don't have to answer to these tyrants!

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Sep 9, 2021
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We know they're NOT accurate, but they're the best we have, so you use them accordingly. Those who hope for perfect information are always disappointed.

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A lot of doctors have high student loan debt and low net worth from being in school so long. They are slaves to their high income jobs - they can't take a brave stand because all their debt is non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.

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Isn’t it funny how student loan debt and mortgage debt have made us cowards afraid to speak up or protest?? Unanticipated consequences.

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We have a cowardly generation my friend, I'm ashamed to say I am apart of it. This generation wouldn't have survived one minute in WWII, or anytime time in human history before that.

Weak, cowardly, pathetic fools. All because we had it a little too good. Too much luxury!

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Just wait until government says they want to cancel ALL our personal debts (mortgages, loans, etc), then leave us owning nothing.

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But you’ll be happy. Or else.

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Yep, that's what santa Klaus promised

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Hotly anticipated by some.

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Right - by the time they see the great iatrogenic curtain pulled back, they are already financially dependent on perpetuating it.

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Medical students are being taught in med school to rely on medicine to fix everything. How many medical schools have big Pharma donors. Almost all of them.

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Docs have a lot of other expenses too. Their hospitals rip them off, and their expensive malpractice insurance has the downside of making them feel immune to mistreating their patients.

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Until proven otherwise, people are cowards, concubines, complicit bastards, and just sociopathic criminals.

“This is the best we’ve got, garbage in, garbage out” – George Carlin

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As the Marines say, "Be polite and diplomatic, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

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Advocating violence or fedposting is pointless and will get you arrested. Please don’t do it.

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Planning is always non violent. Not familiar with "fedposting." Don't expect there are statutes for it. Thanks for looking out for me.

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Always glad to see someone bring up the wisdom of our dear friend George Carlin. I bring him up all the time in my political conversations.

It was merciful that he died before he could see any of this. I would have loved to hear him today, but I think humanity is at it's lowest, stupidest, point in history. It might have been too much for good old Georgy...

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Nah, in his old age, he’d call it exactly for what it is, nasty selfish scum in groups…

You know, just what he loved…

And call Biden exactly what he is, an old F**K!!!

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Your the man, I think George is speaking through you from the after life bro.

Thanks for the good laughs, and yes!



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Everyone is afraid of being sued. If they follow CDC guidelines they can point to that as a legal protection. I discovered FLCCC.net. It is an association of doctors who have taken an independent approach to the virus. They have a pre-infection protocol and a post-infection protocol. I have been following their pre-infection protocol. I also found a practitioner who prescribed Ivermectin. I now have a prescription of it in case I get the virus.

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If it weren't for the FLCCC and Alex, I would feel like I was losing my mind. There is such a dearth of rational thought about this virus and a lot of friends (some doctors even) have bought the party line hook line and sinker. It took me forever to find a doctor that would prescribe Ivermectin and another two weeks after that to find a pharmacy that had it in stock and would fill it, but I have it in my desk drawer now. It really should not be this difficult for individuals to make their own medical decisions.

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I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing. I am a subscriber now.

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Thanks, Taco. Please share it with others who might appreciate it. I'm not trying to sell anything. I just want sensible people to feel accompanied.

I have posted some other recent essays on the Stack but don't plan on posting at a regular interval. Just when I have something to add.

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I definitely will.

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Looks like soon we will all be able to get Ivermectin from Pfizer, of course re-patented so they can charge the big bucks.


One day Ivermectin is “dangerous and deadly and useless against Covid”. The next it is being re-packaged as a miraculous, safe drug.

Twilight Zone meet 2021.

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Seriously? I missed that! So the new Pfizer daily pill will be Ivermectin? It's really ironic and too funny.

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I thought that was a BabylonBee joke? Pfizermectin?

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But neither FLCCC or anybody else tells you how to prevent illness in the first place. Most serious covid is people with known "comorbid" conditions, most of which are reversible. Covid is nature's way of punishing us for all those cheeseburgers and fries.

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FLCCC does have a prevention protocol. I follow it. But I agree that being active and at a healthy bodyweight is very important.

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Their prevention protocol seems to focus on early treatment for early symptoms, which is good but doesn't address the known comorbidities that seem to accompany most serious cases and take longer to address than clinical practice is interested in. Among their recommendations is 5000 iu D3, which would elevate most people about 50 points. A level above about 40 seems to be fairly protective, and people who don't live in the dark probably have at least 20s or 30s, so that's probably overkill -- often a symptom of one-size-fits-all. For routine preventative maintenance, it's useful to know your baseline level with a routine blood test and work from there. High doses of D3 are recommended upon early presentation of symptoms, but probably unnecessary for most of us. I take 2000, get sunshine walking to and from my car, and my annual checkup reads about 60. And of course darker people might need more, but we get in trouble for saying so. And it probably won't help fat people, but we're not allowed to mention that either.

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Sorry, I have to disagree. This virus was specifically designed to be highly contagious and to be life threatening. It was formulated in the Wuhan laboratory, seemingly approved by Dr. Fauci, and paid for by the US taxpayer. Not all lifestyle changes would prevent contracting the virus or prevent long term harm or even death from it. Vaccination for all is not the answer either. The vaccines don't seem to offer long term prevention, although they may prevent the vaccinated from spending time in the ICU. There are healthy young men with no co-morbidities who have gotten myocarditis from the vaccines.

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SARS2 is only life threatening to a tiny portion of the population. We know who they are. The vax causes injuries to a small portion of the population. They haven't figured out why, yet. I don't worry about vax risk because I don't need it. I don't worry about covid risk because I cured my comorbidities, and proved it with one very mild case and one very very mild case. And I don't care where it came from because that wouldn't change anything. Maybe if we can figure out how it started we can prevent the next one, but probably not. If criminals know how, they'll do it, despite our best efforts. Greater risk is dangerous animal farming methods, which has been the source of all pandemics.

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I agree to a point, but that isn't really their focus. They are ER ICU docs treating patients who are already very ill. Their focus is on treating the virus early before it progresses to the inflammatory/thrombotic stage of the disease. In their defense, they do recommend quite a few nutritional supplements as part of their prevention protocol. You are correct, though. A healthy lifestyle goes a long way towards mitigating a lot of the risk factors for hospitalization and mortality.

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Ivermectin has also been shown to work in preventing COVID in health care workers in multiple studies cited by the FLCCC.

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FLCCC does have prevention and treatment protocols in addition to critical care protocols. Here is FLCCC stalwart Dr. Joe Varon talking about his work: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rvccR4Tg6fRS/

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Docs are human, subject to peer pressure and business interests like the rest of us. If my business is selling Pepsi, I'm likely to recommend Pepsi, and discourage coke. Docs shouldn't be considered wizards, or perfect, or particularly interested in our case. They have skills that can benefit us, but good consumers need to understand the capabilities and limitations of their providers. We wouldn't expect an auto mechanic to understand telephone repair, and we shouldn't expect Judy's neurologist to understand immunology. Just say, "Thanks, I'll consider it. Now, about that neurology issue..."

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Yes and I have my Dr and my Best Friend who is an NP, both have skipped the vaccine and now in Oregon, they are requiring it for medical staff. So one way or another, the few good ones left are being pushed out. I really hate where we are at as a country. I voted for Biden and really regret it.

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It's the price of living in civilization. We don't always get what we want. We could move to a remote forest and live off the grid, but then we have to deal with bears and snakes and rain and eating leaves and rabbits. So if people don't jerk us around, nature will. Just the way it is. We just make the best of it and move on. Maybe we'll survive, maybe not. If we're smart we make things better as we go.

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Money..always follow the money. at each and every level...

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Sep 9, 2021
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I too am in despair. Because the government and the CDC only recognizes natural immunity for 90 days after infection we are all being forced to get the jab or lose our jobs. Every time I argue at school or work about natural immunity status, they just tell me they are only following CDC guidelines. Pressure must be put on the government and the CDC to validate natural immunity.

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Everyone in your position must remind those following CDC guidelines that they are not laws, and do not have the force of law. They are called "guidelines" for a reason. Search Allan Stevo and his recommendations to those being threatened with an employer mandate.

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Thanks for mentioning Stevo. He's very good and offers common-sense advice on how to push back--which is what people are going to have to do, or they are going to be steamrolled.

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Today one of my doctors rejected that I had Covid because I didn't get tested, despite what two other doctors said based on my symptoms. He is good, but very conservative and demands definitive tests and studies. Fine, but clinical experience is also valid. My other doctor recommended him but warned me about that.

He was so adamant that I did not tell him I am taking Ivermectin for long haul as I did not want my other doctor to possibly get in trouble in this blue state. I don't like withholding from my doctor, but in this case, nuts to it.

I was going to get antibody testing and ran into the FDA site when searching. FDA does not recommend antibody testing: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/antibody-testing-not-currently-recommended-assess-immunity-after-covid-19-vaccination-fda-safety

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Here the FDA is actually correct - real-time antibody testing is a flawed way to evaluate protection. A previously infected individual could score low; they would still be unlikely to experience reinfection based on all current observations.

A pseudo-vaccinated, not-previously infected individual could score high. Well, give them a month...

Contextual antibody testing - a test was positive in the past at some point, sans pseudo-vaccination - on the other hand, can provide reliable predictions (so, false negatives are possible when testing in absence of current clinical symptoms, but false positives unlikely - and again this does not apply after receipt of the fake vaccines).

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In fact, I recently had my immune system tested extensively. It showed I was still fighting virus, but it was not a "Covid" test. Other than long haul malaise for which I am being treated with Ivermectin (a miracle drug IMO), I have no other symptoms. Recent thought is that Covid might be reactivating mono or possible other viruses that cause long haul. It makes some sense, but we will find out as science progresses.

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Any exhaustion of cellular immune resources could plausibly lead to reemergence of dormant viruses under a model in which they are usually being constantly suppressed, just like cancer. Who knows; we don't do enough studying of normal "mild" viruses and thus we ascribe "bad" viruses agency where they do not deserve it. Steve Kirsch, for all his wobbly calls, is pretty convincing in his enthusiasm over Fluvoxamine for his own recovery.

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A significant percentage of the population is immune for various reasons including cross immunity from other coranaviruses but no test will show this.

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That's what terrifies me. Without absolute proof, they way things are going with this Fascist government and Xiden's announcement today, the naturally immune could be forced to take two jabs. I read that studies this would actually mess up the immune system. While it says one jab for the immune increases protection, I wonder if that is really medically necessary or even wise. It seems some studies alter their language so they can get published. I have been starting to clear out the house to be ready to move out of this blue state, if it comes to that.

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Ninety days for immunity to take, for vaccines that will protect for only five months, And yet, it's Full Speed Ahead on vaccine passports.


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First, I’m sorry to read about your sons. I hope they are recovering. As a person who was already subjected to one Fauci induced experiment, I’m not all that excited about partaking in a second. I’m not sure what happened to natural immunity. We seem to be ignoring one hundred years of virology. I feel we are about to plummet into a second dark ages. I’m not looking forward to today’s press conference as it’ll be all about mandates.

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Now Los Angeles is mandating that all 12-18 year olds either get jabbed or they cannot attend school!

Never mind the dangers of long term infertility or myocarditis.

I would jerk my kids out of school and leave the state or home school.

Parents need to ban together and take their kids out of LA Unified and file class action lawsuits to protect their kids from this tyranny.

I also find it hard to believe all the teachers will be forced to get these jabs.

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I left the state a year ago because I saw this coming. I don't have kids, but i knew they'd go all police state fascist. And so they have.

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I wonder if they are prepared to deal with issues that may arrive years from now. While the vaccine makers may be protected, those mandating the jab may face liability issues. I suppose the trial lawyers will be looking for a payday.

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Wrongful death suits are going to be everywhere.

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Well, certainly vote to recall Newsom. You have to do that.

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Connie, I am SO sorry about your sons. I hope and pray they improve. This just makes you SO angry that our fascist, evil medical dictators and government is willfully and blissfully experimenting on its citizens en masse. And the blood on their hands is the size of oceans. There are no words.

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Thank you! But it was ejsmith’s sons. Mine are fine, thankfully. Other than that, I concur with your comment.

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The future does look dark. But at least we can see it now. I think before we were walking blind, drugged up on Netflix, entertainment, selfies, material possessions, and "important" social activities. This is all pre 2020 of course. Now we can see it all, and it's not pretty, but maybe *maybe* not hopeless.

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Welcome to my world.

Evil thrives when good men and women lie silent.

I don’t care how annoying and repetitive this is to readers, it’s a good thing many Americans today were not alive in the 1940s, we’d all be speaking German and Japanese now; but, give it a year, it’ll be Chinese and Farsi then…

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You're not kidding. Can't everyone see how outrageously history is set to repeat? And repeat it will. It's Nazi Germany redux...except worse because it involves technology no 1930's fascist could ever imagine. And instruments of propaganda that no one could fathom even 15 years ago. You can't even log on to a weather app without a death vax reminder. This will be another Holocaust die off. Too many have already gotten the jab and it will take years to see what the effects are.

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Funny thing about China: they won't take our vaccines, they are endorsing more "manly men" and George Soros hates their country now. Kinda weird....

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They have the term wrong, it’s not “woke”, it’s “choke”…

The left is choking humanity out of our souls…

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SEALS train to be "drownproof." Everyone needs to train to be "wokeproof." They only win if we lose. If they beat us, we deserved it.

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My thoughts exactly David.

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"I wonder what it will take for sanity to return"

Either regional internet/TV firewalls or armed takeover of the coastal media, unfortunately. They are pure propaganda machines in the service of Medical Fascism and the Federal government derives its grip on "reality" from them. But even in blue states, like here in California, the coup of the elite is driving the suburban and rural sentiment toward opposition; and they have more guns than our anemic police forces.

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Probably the biggest reason Biden/Harris and the DNC are cringing at the idea Newsom could be recalled in a few days and Larry Elder elected governor. Elder has said his first executive order would be to stop the vax mandates and mask mandates.

I hope the voters in California have the brains and the courage to dump Newsom and to send a shockwave of democracy across the country and right to The White House steps.

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Well, let's hope all the "already-submitted mail in votes" are equally sick of him...

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Not sure if you saw it, but today a University of California medical ethics professor filed a lawsuit against the University because they are not allowing natural immunity as an exemption from the vaccine.

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Refuse to comply.

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I am an internal medicine subspecialist,NIH trained,practicing everyday during this dysphoric pandemia,and,as I’ve said before here,I’ve known Dr Fauci for

more than 40 years.He is a political hack,and has been for decades.We are going to have to recognize and accept,that everything has been politicized,and will continue to be so until one side or the other prevails in what is a war.That’s right,we are at war.Face it.Be strong and courageous.Get up,put on your boots,and get out there and give battle in your sphere until the battle is won…

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We live in a culture where the public thinks there are super heroes who will fly/ jump/ run in and save the day.

Americans today, we would’ve lost World War II in about a week…

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Perfectly said, Dr. Lee Merrit said the same kind of thing too. This is a war!

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Every story I see about a young "Delta Variant Victim" on a ventilator conveniently omits the fact the young person is morbidly obese. I feel bad for fat people who get sick - but that is no reason to compel healthy children with normal BMI and vitamin D levels to take experimental gene therapy.

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It really doesn't matter because their strategy is obvious and pretty consistent across almost all of the mainstream media. When there is any threat to the mission, the media gets laser focused on finding any crumb of data and anecdotal "evidence" to support the mission. They simply aren't looking for any evidence or anecdotal data for anything that doesn't align with the mission. Truth, balance, objectivity, or doing the right thing have nothing to do with the mission. Well, maybe the more accurate statement is that the "right thing" is pre-determined, dictated to them and cannot be questioned.

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There have been some (I think I've seen two) apparently health children in these news stories. But this also has to be interpreted through the lens of a possible vaccine enhancement signal (I don't think there is one, at present) and a possible "vaccinated individuals expressing spike protein somehow" signal (which is anecdotally strongly supported, but who knows), as well as tempered by a recognition that children have been psychologically tortured for a year straight, so of course their immune system is waning in general.

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Sep 9, 2021
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Haha, yeah, that's me - I only joined for the Great Books podcast backlog, but it's got a good tension of viewpoints in the comments section. Helps to sharpen my own viewpoints. I'm often a few drinks in when I'm there, though.

Right, there will be no rolling back. We got lucky in the War on Terror because the surveillance model was backed by algorithms and those are useless. This will be a binary system for designation of patriot/outsider verifiable by blood-draw.

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The dependence culture naturally grows, until it can't. I think it was Franklin who predicted the republic will last until people learn they can vote themselves money. And others have noted eventually they run out of other people's money. That point will probably arise soon, which will cause chaotic adjustments in self reliance. The roll back is inevitable.

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“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” --- William Faulkner

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Thank you for this quote!

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Stand strong this is the hill we have to die on to save our freedoms.

Never in a million years would I have thought liberal Western democracies would slide down the slippery slope toward tyranny. It is certainly fitting that 9/11 is this weekend. I believe this critical point in history is where we allowed our freedom to slide in the name of safety. Civil libertarians warned us. Like many I thought well, I am not doing anything wrong so I'm ok with having the government do a little spying on people. Edward Snowden warned us the government was no longer spying on people outside the country, but inside the country. The NSA was collecting data on EVERYONE.

Now we are experiencing medical tyranny and straight up lies/omissions. In the public sphere we have social media companies with accounts that are clearly bots, meant to attack opinions/facts that don't fit a "narrative" (God how I just HATE that word), whilst truth seekers, like Alex B. get banned the fake bots remain.

I repeat stand strong, we have to turn the tide back toward freedom

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Alex, if you're looking for an explanation of the current situation, Geert Vanden Bossche has it. He's been correct in his predictions from the beginning and desperately needs a good science journalist to make his ideas and arguments more well-known and digestible by the general public.


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At the hospital where I work some of the high fear people are beginning to realize that vaccines aren't going to end this. Too many vaccinated people they know are getting covid. Too many vaccinated patients being admitted with covid (this week our first patient who had the 3rd booster). But they will still line up for that booster because at least it will "reduce their odds of serious illness and death". At least that's what they hope.

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Mans ongoing hubris over nature (even if nature came from a lab). Everyone wants a magic wand and that’s not how viruses operate.

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A recent interview with Mattias Desmet talks about how totalitarians need to make increasingly absurd pronouncements and demands, to see how far they can push people before encountering resistance and to program the masses for instinctive, automatic obedience. https://jermwarfare.com/blog/mattias-desmet#

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We are getting our six points from genius Joe in an hour. I Guarantee your post describes his plan!

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A healthy responsible accountable American reads this stuff, and wonders, when do these sociopaths just start coming to your door and either holding you down to inject you against your will, or they shoot you?

This is hideous evil, and I don’t know why everyone’s just standing around going, “uhh, I don’t know what else to do…“

If I were China in Russia, I would invade this country, there would be no resistance…

And the fact there is a quantifiable amount of physicians going along with this just tells me, as a doctor, the profession is beyond dead, it should be declared a hazard to the American people…

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Am actually considering running ad on craigslist for a doctor supportive of our stance, crazy times. Our family is prepping to do everything we can to stay out of hospital.

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Better yet, start looking for independent physicians or clinics. May or may not take your insurance but sometimes that works out better anyway. Insurance companies are not your friend, and should probably be reserved for hospitalization or other major expense. Customer service tends to be better but then again there are always outliers.

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Watch out for cancel culture, we live in vicious times where “no good deed goes on punished!“

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iPhone dictation-🤬🤬🤬

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Don't feel sorry for her. She gets paid very well to be incoherent. A figure I would like to know, as for now I just hear anecdotal evidence from colleagues, is what percentage of talking head Public health (sic) "Drs", politicians, regulatory apparatchiks/enablers and billionaire funders have been vaccinated.

I can tell you for certainty not Bill Gates, not Prime Minister Trudeau nor most public health officials in Canada. Yet they push mandatory vaccinations. Isn't it time to out these people for their hypocrisy?

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"I don’t know why. Truly. Do the health authorities? Because it would be nice if they’d tell us. Or at least acknowledge the reality and investigate it."

They do know why and they will never tell us. Based on what we've seen over the last 18 months or so, it seems to be possible to narrow that down to the following two options. Either the "authorities" are astonishingly, unbelievably, insanely incompetent, or the "authorities" are part of a worldwide conspiracy. Whether that is a power-grabbing conspiracy, or a money-grubbing conspiracy, or a depopulation conspiracy doesn't really matter because the governmental actions taken so far work for all three. Take your pic, or choose the "incompetent" option. Either way, the "authorities" are entirely to blame for the chaos we are experiencing.

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If from-all-causes deaths are 10% higher, couldn't we plausibly attribute that to the LACK of care for anything other than covid over the past 19 months, as well as the rise in suicide, substance abuse, etc? We knew (ok, apparently we can't use the universal "we" anymore - how about "anyone paying attention knew") that all the missed treatments and appointments and screenings were going to cause a jump in mortality down the road. Anyone paying attention also knew that the use of drugs and alcohol had skyrocketed, as well as suicides esp in young people.

Denying (and changing the definition of) what vaccines are supposed to do and what herd immunity is, and how our immune systems work, AND treatments/lifestyle choices (how many people just this past week were cancelled for "fat shaming" when merely stating the fact the CDC has on its website that obesity is the #1 comorbidity?!) has been literally criminal. But who is going to pay the piper? How many women (and men) have we made infertile? (And I am absolutely not a conspiracy theorist, but isn't one of the progressive tenants that there are too many people on the planet?)

Now we're going to have a "6 point plan" that will, according to Psaki yesterday, only affect you if you're unjabbed. What could go wrong? Fortunately, we're self-employed and live in a county with a great sheriff. I'm not getting any of the jabs on the market. (I don't want/need ANY for this stupid virus anyway, but since my work is in Uganda, it would be nice if a normal jab got on the market so I could travel.)

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6 "Prongs," not points. Points are too dangerous. We've got a anti-point vaccine mandate coming out very shortly.

Yes, a dancing plague-like death count from despair and alienation was clearly foreseeable from the moment we gave into the media Pandemic narrative - one that would, of course, be used to affirm the narrative into infinity.

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Good point about why all cause mortality is higher! Its truly scary if it weee vaccine related. Would be nice if they’d give details on this so we can know why it’s higher.

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Please investigate "high zone tolerance." I watched a video and the doctor mentioned high zone tolerance. This happens when the immune system becomes overstimulated by repeated doses of a vaccine. The immune system then stops protecting against that pathogen. He was concerned about vaccinations and the booster shots after the person has had the virus.

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The immune system is a pattern recognition machine. Viral antigens are meant to come and go, and be associated with cellular destruction (DAMP pathways). So, yes, both the mRNA platform in general (possible IgE sensitization) and a mRNA booster regime (eventual tolerance) are would you would go with if you were *trying* to disable the pattern recognition machine altogether. But, hey, "stimulating" is "stimulating," amirite.

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Some seek certainty, but that's always unlikely in complex systems. Most of us are okay going with good probability.

Also, there are more parts of immune response than single target antibodies. Intriguing new research indicates elderly risk might be due to insufficient B cell production, which they might correct with hormone treatment, which would technically be yet another form of vax.

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Yes. ResearchI have been reading also talks about nutritional supplements and monitoring B (B1 and 3 in particular) and D vit levels as in indicator of lower immune function. Unfortunately it is cheaper to do this and augment though food and supplements-- ah too bad Pharma 🤔

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Pharma isn’t terribly worried as they have the big health organizations pushing for restricting supplements.

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I appreciate Alex Berenson's research and reporting on COVID. I trust him. I wish he would investigate high zone tolerance and report on it.

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No your not unless you can see into the future and provide certainty of the result of an experimental "stimulating" device that contains trillions of "stimulating" parts which then EACH "stimulate" trillions of additional "stimulations" (protein spikes) . Thats right no one can because its brand new and not tested. Yes not tested. Code was done in 2 days, no trials VS. real vaccines which have a 5-10 year testing period.

What could go wrong?

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Carol consistently misunderstands what Brian writes.

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Confused What am I "not"? I was satirizing the flawed design of the mRNA platform.

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Supposed to be a "-" in there

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That sort of sounds like how allergy shots work to desensitize people to allergens.

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Allergies are autoimmune malfunction, so yes, similar, but different processes.

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ah no

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Excellent idea

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Now is the time to stop with the fatalism, doomerism, and "it's already too late" thinking. Turn that energy into resistance. WA State is starting to see a resurgence of resistance, protests in quite a few cities are flowing into the streets and at our capitol.

When the boat of life rocks one way, it will rock the other, even if that isn't fast enough for the digital age. Get prepared for the worst, but hope for the best, and resist at every turn.

These neurotic narcissists hate it when their worst is in the spotlight, or people like Alex wouldn't have been censored.

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Washington state would not exist without Seattle, so, your point is fairly empty to me.

Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA, that’s why it’s called the Left coast, and these cities hopefully will burn to the ground sooner than later.

Sorry to those who are stuck in these places who know better, but if you really know better, get the F out now!

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Biden mandated vaccines thru private businesses…

Once again sorry to Mr Berenson, I hope to see Washington DC burn…

The Democrats really think they are rulers, not representatives…

Wow, not in office 8 months and he is beyond redemption.

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Mandating treatment interventions without accountability will lead to violence… I have been saying since Dementor took office he will be the last President of the United States…

Be it Civil War or outside invasion, he will not survive to see the endpoint.

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Remember when Alex Jones was kicked out of polite society for saying mandatory vaccines were coming?

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Oh, forgot to end with, neither will this country as is.

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They are so wrong that they have to keep doubling-down on their lies.

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But, hearing lies relentlessly leads to accepting them as truths.

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